HomeMy WebLinkAbout11- Tetra Tech Task Order for Assessment monitoring at Sanitary Landfill ' TASK ORDER DECEMBER 2011 AND JUNE 2D12 ASSESSMENT MONITORING AND OTHER MONITORING SERVICES BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL November 8, 2011 CLIENT: CONSULTANT: The City of Bozeman Tetra Tech, Inc. P.Q. 13ax 1230 851, Bridger Drive, Ste 6 Bozeman, Montana 59711-1230 Helena, MT 59715 Attention: Mr. Dustin Johnson Attention: Mr. Mark F. Pearson SCOPE OF SERVICES: Groundwater MonLtqring: Two groundwater monitoring events will be scheduled. These will bwin December 2011 and June 2012. Tetra Tech will perform groundwater monitoring in accordance with the Tetra Tenh`s Groundwater Monitoring Sampling Analysis Plan (September 17. 2010) for U the landfill, ' December 2Q11 Assessment Monitoring During December 2011, Tetra Tech will conduct an assessment groundwater monitoring event. A dedicated pump will be purchased for monitoring well MW-5. Water samples will be collected a total of 17 locations. This includes 15 monitoring vve||s (&8W-4, MW-5, k4VV-8. MVV-7A. M\&-8/4. 01VV'94. yNW-10, MVV-11, MVV-12. MW-13, MW-14, MN-15, M\N-18 (proposed). � LF-2. and LF-3) and two private water sources (Ko||hattan Seep and Ko|Xhattom Veterinary Clinic well). / new monitoring well MW-16 which is scheduled to be drilled and completed approximately 2O0feet north of well KV -6, has been included in the sampling list. In addition, well LF-2has been included, VVohar levels will be measured in all monitoring vve||s at the landfill prior to purging the wells for sampling. In addition. water |swm|s will also be measured in vve||m M\&-78, MW-813, and MW-913. Other field parameter meaaUnameots, including temperature, pH, and specific conductivity /GC), vvi|| be collected at each vveU during purging to insure that formation water is being collected.^ ` '|| well samples collected during December 2011 will be analyzed for constituents listed in Appendix l. 40 CFR Part 258 (July 1, 200EU in 8RN1 17.50.1306 plus ch|ohde, sulfate, mitrete/mit[ite, pH, conductivity, iron, vanadium, zinc, and dich[orodiOuOnmnmethane. Therefore, every sample will be submitted for the "Full Analysis" that could |mu|Ude up to 16 metals (Table 3 in Tetra Tech's Groundwater Monitoring Sampling and Analysis Plan). Well LF-8 will be sampled for volatile organic compounds (VOCs` Method 524.20r828C) and nitrate/niƒhha. Pago1of4 Two quality osouramoa/ouoUb/ control will be collected/prepared for the December 2011 assessment monitoring event: 1) A duplicate sample will be collected and submitted for analysis of all constituents included in Table 3 of Tetra Tech`8 Groundwater Monitoring Sampling and Analysis Plan and 2) A trip blank will be prepared by the analytical |oborotory, shipped with the sample bnttleo, accompany sample bottles in the field, and returned to the laboratory for analysis of volatile organic compounds (V{}Cs) listed Tetra Teoh'sTable 3. June 2012 Assessment Monitoring During June 2012, Tetra Tech will conduct an assessment groundwater monitoring event where water samples will be collected from 15 monitoring vve|ha (MW-4, K4VV-5. W1W-0, MW-7A, KQVV-8A, MW-9A, K8VV-10, WYW-11, K4VV-12, MW-113, MW-14, MW-15, yWVV-10 (proposed). LF-3, and LF-3) and two private water S8U[0es /Mc||haftan Seep and W1c||hattan Veterinary Clinic well). A new monitoring well MW-16 which is scheduled to be drilled and completed approximately 2Q0feet north of well MW-6, has been included in the sampling list. In addition, well LF-2 has been included. Water levels will be measured in all monitoring vmeDo at the |omdfi|| prior to purging the wells for sampling, In addition, water levels will also be measured in vve||8 K0VV-7B. M\8-813, and MW-9B. Field parameter measurements including temperature, pH. and SC will be collected at each well during and at the conclusion of purging. This will be done to insure that formation water is being collected when sampling is conducted. Dissolved oxygen (D{}) and oxidation-reduction potential ({JRP) data will also be collected in the same manner using field multi-meter. []ovvnho|e or flow- through (dU[ingpmnmpimg) nmeasunamnentGvviObeon|[eotedfrunneaohm*sMvvhenapVoeibye. In accordance with the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) approval letter dated May 31, 1996, water samples collected in June monitoring events will be analyzed for the '^Fu|| /\m8|y8is" (Table 3 in Tetra Tech'a Groundwater Monitoring Sampling and Analysis Plan) and "Partial Analysis" (Table 4 in Tetra Teoh`s Groundwater Monitoring Sampling and Analysis Plan). Samples collected from seven monitoring wells: WYVV-4' K4VV-5, K8VV'8, KHV\­7A, M\8-8A, [WVV-04, and LF-3 will undergo the "Partial Analysis". Samples collected from the remaining vvmUs/siteow@U be submitted for the "Full Analysis" that could include up to 16 metals. Both Partial and Full Analysis are inclusive of the constituent list in Appendix 1, 40 CFR Part 258 (July 1, 2008) in ARM 17.50.1300 plus chloride, sulfate, nitrG1e/nitrihe, pH, conductivity, anddich/0rndiOuonornethane. Two QA/QC samples will be collected/prepared for the June 2012 assessment monitoring event: 1> A duplicate sample will be collected from a dovVnQnadieAt monitoring well and submitted for analysis of volatile organic constituents listed in Tetra Tenh'e Table 3 and 2) A trip blank will be prepared in the laboratory, shipped to the sampling crew with the sample bott|es, and returned to the laboratory for analysis of volatile organic constituents listed in Tetra Tech'sTable 3. Page 2of4 Landfill Gas Sample Collection and Analysis Two landfill gas sample oO|k*otion and analysis events will be conducted at the landfill gas extraction system (UGES) flare during the groundwater monitoring events (in December 2O11 and June 2012). This will be for the purpose of demonstrating compliance with the air quality permit. In each monitoring event, o Tetra Tech scientist will fill two Ted|ero sammpKe bags with landfill gas from an access port located between the blower and flare, Each sample will be submitted for laboratory analysis of parameters listed in Table | of Air Quality Permit#28b1-DO. Upon receiving the landfill gas analytical results, Tetra Tech will forward a copy of the lab report to the City and DEQ Air and Waste Management Bureau. Groundwater Monitoring Reporting and Project Management There will be two |ave|u of reporting following the December 2011 and Juno 2012 groundwater monitoring events. The first level of reporting will be one page reports, summarizing the results of the monitoring, sent to DECJ departments fo||mvviD0 receipt of laboratory reports from landfill gas and groundwater sample collection events. The one page, letter reports will be sent to [}EQ Air Resources Management—Air Compliance Section and [}EQ Solid Waste Regulatory Program, The second level of reporting will be the preparation of groundwater monitoring report following each of the two groundwater monitoring events. The report will summarize the results of the monitoring including activities undertaken, monitoring methods, results, limited data an@k/�|o, and statistical analysis. Data and statistical analysis will also beconducted in acoordanco-with TetrgTeoh's Groundwater Monitoring Sampling and Analysis Plan. The report will besubmitted as draft version to the City of Bozeman for review and comment. Tetra Tech will incorporate any changes mr comments requested by the City and finalize the report. Upon receiving approval from the City, the final report will then be forwarded to [}E(3 Solid VVaeb8 Regulatory Program as a partial paper copy and an electronic copy. The partial paper copy to the []EC> will include report text, figUpne, summary tables, time series p|otG, and plots of statistical results. Project management will consist of scheduling of field events; review of invoicing and budget; and communication with the City of BozemnaD. DEO, analytical laboratory personnel, and other pertinent parties. Project management will also include preparation of the smocendingrnonitoring task order anticipated in November 2012. Additional Services Additional field and reporting services include monthly monitoring of landfill gas probes on the margins of the site for methane and other Umo concentnati0ns, monthly monitoring of flare operation and gas concentrations, inspection 0f the landfill gas extraction /L{SE1vveN heads, and any light maintenance needed with the flare nrLGEsystem. This also includes m "miscellaneous field, liaison, and reporting services that would be conducted un an, as-requested basis bythe City of Bozeman, Further dehs|| of Tetra Tech`s services is contained in the Estimated Budget | Attachment/\. Page 3of4 PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: Activities covered in this task order will begin on December 1, 2011 and continue through November 30, 2012. Groundwater monitoring activities will be performed during December 2011 and June 2012. Data analysis and report preparation will follow the conclusion of each of the monitoring events and receipt of laboratory results. Each groundwater monitoring report will be submitted to the City within eight weeks of receiving the final laboratory report. Following review and approval of the draft report by the City, each report will be finalized and submitted to DECD within two weeks of receipt of comments from the City and no later than 90 days from completion of groundwater sampling. COMPENSATION: Estimated costs to complete the foregoing scope of services are not to exceed $52,192. AttachmentA details these costs. The services will be conducted on a time and materials basis. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Execution of this Task Order constitutes acceptance of all terms and conditions contained in Tetra Tech's Professional Services Agreement with the City of Bozeman, dated January 3, 1994 and Amendment Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the Professional Services Agreement dated July 31, 1995; January 1, 1996; March 17, 1997; and December 10, 2001, respectively. CLIENT., CONSULTANT: Cily of Bozeman Tetra Tech By: By: XA Its: Cibs.A Hrat4wt�ef-- Its: f��W Date: Date: NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY 77Ws Task Order(Including cofitains mlorfnaticn ifial to Tc-,,tra Tech. Inc, its subsi(Vaticsl and subcoatroctors. /f is intended only for City of Bozeman W considc-n, Totra 7'ech providing professional servJ(.,(.-,)s at the Bozeman Landffll. Any o1het ase, is pohibited, vorm,,n( of TWra lbuh, Page 4 of 4 ATTACHMENT A ATTACHMENT A ESTIMATED BUDGET DECEMBER 2011 AND JUNE 2012 ASSESSMENT MONITORING AND OTHER MONITORING SERVICES BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL Date Submitted:November 8,2011 GROUNDWATER MONITORING DECEMBER 2011 UNITS RATE COST LABOR Sr.Hydrogeologist, per hour 2 $150,00 $300,00 Project Manager!Hydrogeologist,per hour 37 $88,00 $3,256.00 Staff Scientist,per hour 17 $75.00 1,275.00 Total Labor. $4,831.00 DIRECT COSTS Company Truck Mileage,per mile 30 $0.75 $22.50 Water Level Meter,per day 3 $25.00 $75.00 T-pH-SC Meter,per day 3 $25.00 $75,00 Replacement dedicated pump(Tempest(D up to 40 feet depth),eac 1 $194.35 $194.35 NoW Dedicated pump purchase is included in the event that a pump breaks down Well MW-5 dedicated pump(Hurricane@ up to 150 feet depth), eac 1 $1,240.85 $11,240.85 Note:includes low-flow controller,tubing,and storage poly box Sampling Disposables,(bailer,low-flow tip,filter),each 15 $30.00 $450.00 Lab Sample Shipping(by Fed Ex overnight to lab),estimate 1 $150.00 $150.00 Lab Analysis(VOCs),each 18 $111.44 $2,005.83 Lab Analysis(inorganics-full list),each 16 $241.64 $3,866.21 Lab Analysis Vet Well,each 1 $353.07 $353.07 Total Direct Costs: $8,432.81 SUBTOTAL DECEMBER 2011 GROUNDWATER MONITORING: $13,263.81 Tetra Tech Page 1 of 4 ATTACHMENT A ESTIMATED BUDGET DECEMBER 2011 AND JUNE 2012 ASSESSMENT MONITORING AND OTHER MONITORING SERVICES BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL Date Submitted:November 8,2011 GROUNDWATER MONITORING(Continued) JUNE 2012 UNITS RATE COST LABOR Sr. Hydrogeologist,per hour 2 $150.00 $300.00 Project Manager I Hydrogeologist,per hour 28 $88.00 $2,464.00 Staff Scientist, per hour 15 $75.00 1 1.25.00 Total Labor.- $3,889.00 DIRECT COSTS Mileage 30 $0.80 $24.00 Water Level Meter,per day 3 $25.00 $75.00 YSI Multimeter W/20 m cable, per week 1 $580,00 $580.00 Note:Assume rental from Geotech Environmental if Tetra Tech meter not available Dedicated pump(TempestQD up to 40 feet depth),each 1 $194,35 $194.35 Note:Dedicated pump purchase is included in the event that a pump breaks down Sampling Disposables(bailer,low-flow tip,filter),each 15 $30.00 $450.00 Lab Sample Shipping(by bus overnight to lab),estimate 1 $150.00 $150.00 Lab Analysis(VOCs),each 18 $111.44 $2,005,83 Lab Analysis(inorganics-partial list) 7 $114.95 $804.68 Lab Analysis(inorganics-full list),each 9 $241.64 $2,174.74 Lab Analysis Vet Well,each 1 $353,07 $353.07 Total Direct Costs: $6,811,67 SUBTOTAL JUNE 2012 GROUNDWATER MONITORING: $10,700.67 LANDFILL GAS SAMPLING(two events) UNITS RATE COST LABOR Project Manager/Hydrogeologist,per hour 4 $88,00 352,.,00 Total Labor $352,00 DIRECT COSTS Lab Analysis 2 $422.63 $845.25 Shipping,est. 2 $69.00 $138.00 Total Direct Costs: $983.25 SUBTOTAL LANDFILL GAS SAMPLING: $1,335,25 Tetra Tech Page 2 of 4 ATTACHMENT A ESTIMATED BUDGET DECEMBER 2011 AND JUNE 2012 ASSESSMENT MONITORING AND OTHER MONITORING SERVICES BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL Date Submitted:November 8,2011 REPORTING,STATISTICAL ANALYSIS,AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT REPORTING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS(preparation of two monitoring reports) UNITS RATE COST LABOR Senior Statistics Engineer,per hour 4 $175.00 $700.00 Sr. Hydrogeologist, per hour 4 $150.00 $600,00 GIS/Statistics Analyst, per hour 56 $95.00 $5,320.00 Project Manager I Hydrogeologist, per hour 60 $88.00 $5,280.00 Staff Scientist,per hour 10 $75,00 $750.00 CAD Operator, per hour 10 $75.00 $750,00 Clerical,per hour 6 $52,00 $312.00 Total Labor: $13,712,00 DIRECT COSTS Photocopies,estimate 1,000 $0.10 $100.00 Reprographics, estimate 2 $60.00 $100.00 Total Direct Costs., $200.00 PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNITS RATE COST LABOR Sr.Hydrogeologist,per hour 4 $150.00 $600.00 Project Manager I Hydrogeologist, per hour 24 $88r00 $2,112.00 Administrative Support,per hour 12 $60,00 $720.00 Clerical,per hour 6 $52,00 $312.00 Total Labor: $3,744.00 SUBTOTAL REPORTING,STATISTICAL ANA YSIS,AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT. $17,656.00 Tetra Tech Page 3 of 4 ATTACHMENT A ESTIMATED BUDGET DECEMBER 2011 AND JUNE 2012 ASSESSMENT MONITORING AND OTHER MONITORING SERVICES BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL Date Submitted: November 8,2011 ADDITIONAL SERVICES UNITS RATE COST MONTHLY METHANE MONITORING (Assume 3.6 hours per monitoring event per month for 12 months and use of City of Bozeman meters) LABOR Project Manager/Hydrogeologist, per hour 42 $88.00 $3,696.00 Total Labor. $3,696.00 MONTHLY FLARE AND LANDFILL GAS EXTRACTION MONITORING/INSPECTION (Assume 2 hours per monitoring event per month and use of City of Bozeman meters) LABOR Project Manager/Hydrogeologist,per hour 30 $88.00 $2,640.00 Total Labor.- $2,640.00 MISCELLANEOUS FIELD, LIAISON,AND REPORTING SERVICES (Conducted on an as-requested basis by the City of Bozeman) LABOR Sr.Hydrogeologist,per hour 2 $150.00 $300.00 Project Manager/Hydrogeologist,per hour 24 $88.00 $2,112.00 Administrative Support,per hour 4 $60.00 $240.00 Clerical,per hour 4 $52,00 1208.00 Total Labor,, $2,860.00 DIRECT COSTS Company Truck Mileage, per mole 50 $0.80 $40.00 Total Direct Costs., $40.00 SUBTOTAL ADDITIONAL SERVICES; $9,236.00 TCITAL TASK ORDER: $52,197.73 Tetra Tech gage 4 of 4