HomeMy WebLinkAbout11- Montana Ready Mix Contract for Demolition of house at 214 E. Lamme ` CONTRACT AGREEMENT THIS CONTRACT AGREEMENT is dated asofthe dayof 1'�VV in the year 2011 by and between CITY 0FBOZEX4/04 hereinafter called OWNER and b�einuft�umDedC(�4TRACTOIl. `J / �� OWNER AND CONTRACTOR, io consideration uf the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree aofollows: Article 1. WORK CONTRACTOR shall complete all Work as opeoiOo6 or indicated io the Contract. The Project Work is generally described aofollows: (provide u description of the work under this contract) ].l &d 'r-opo5,5k-8 dak& 0 3o Iwo cw a d U a^ Article 2. CONTRACT TIME 11 The Work will be completed vvit66o cnlendm�days after the d�ethe wc�en]�otico10 Proceed is issued. Final payment vvd]bow/ithhmlduoii\final completion and acceptance of the work us stipulated bothis Agreement, Article 3. CONTRACT PRICE 3.1 OWNER shall pay CONTRACTOR for performance of the Work bu accordance with the Contract Documents the sum (subject io adjustment msprovided iu the Contract Documents)of Dollars. Article 4. PAYMENT PROCEDURES CONTRACTOR shall submit applications for payment in accordance with the Montana Public Works Standard Specification, Third Edition General Conditions, Applications for payment will be processed uu provided iuthe General Conditions, 4.1 Payment, Upon satisfactory fimuJcompletion and acceptance of the Work io accordance with the General Conditions,OWNER shall pay the full contract price, 4.l.l Measurement and Payment. Payment for the work satisfactorily completed in accordance with this contract shall be made pursuant to the applicable measurement and payment sections of the most current edition of the Montana Public Works Specification based on the unit prices established in Exhibit A. Nv item that io required hy Contract for the proper and successful completion of the Work will 6c paid for outside of or in addition to the prices submitted in the contract. All work not specifically set forth as a pay item herein shall be considered u subsidiary obligation uf the CONTRACTOR and all costs io connection therewith shall ho included iu the contract price. 1 Article 5. CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIONS In order to induce OWNER to enter into this Agreement,CONTRACTOR makes the following representations. 5.1 CONTRACTOR has familiarized himself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, Work, locality, and with all local conditions and federal,state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations that in any manner may affect cost,progress or performance of the Work.. 5.2 CONTRACTOR has studied carefully all reports of investigations and tests of subsurface and latent physical conditions at the site or otherwise affecting cost, progress or performance of the Work. 5.3 CONTRACTOR has made or caused to be made examinations, and investigations as he deems necessary for the performance of the Work at the contract price,within the contract time and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, and no additional examinations, investigations,tests,reports or similar data are or will be required by CONTRACTOR for such purposes. 5.4 CONTRACTOR has correlated the results of all such observations,examinations, investigations,tests,reports and data with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, Article 6. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents which comprise the entire agreement between OWNER and CONTRACTOR as attached to or referenced in this Agreement, are made a part hereof and consist of the following in order of precedence; 6.1 This Agreement, 6.2 Certificates of Insurance and Performance and Payment Bonds. 6.3 Montana Public Works Standard Specifications(MPWSS), Third Edition,dated October, 1988 as amended by the August 1, 1991,MPW Addendum No. 1, and as further amended by the City of Bozeman Modifications to MPWSS (by reference). 6.4 Notice to Proceed. There are no Contract Documents other than those listed above in this Article 6. The Contract Documents may only be altered,amended or repealed by a modification(as defined in the Montana Public Works Standard Specifications, Third Edition,October 1988, General Conditions). Article 7, GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 7.1 Contractor Use of Premises. The CONTRACTOR shall confine his operations at site of the proposed work to within the right-of-way or construction easements provided. It shall be understood that the responsibility for protection and safekeeping of equipment and materials on or near the site will be entirely that of the CONTRACTOR and that no claim shall be made against the OWNER by reason of any act of an employee or trespasser. It shall be further understood that should any occasion arise necessitating access by the OWNER to the sites occupied by these stored materials and equipment,the CONTRACTOR owning or responsible for the stored materials or equipment shall immediately remove same. No materials or equipment may be placed upon any private property until the property OWNER has agreed in writing to the location contemplated by the CONTRACTOR to be used for storage. 7.2 Protection of Existing Structures. The CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for locating all existing underground installations, including service connections, in advance of excavating or trenching, by contacting the OWNERS thereof and prospecting. The CONTRACTOR shall use his own information and shall not rely solely 2 upon information shown on the drawings concerning existing underground installations. The CONTRACTOR shall repair all damage tu existing utilities mrproperty at his own expense, The CONTRACTOR shall, ma minimum,call the"Qo»-CaJl" utility locate system(9buoo: l'800~424-5555)at least 72 hours io advance of starting construction. Where excavation will be required adjacent to existing structures,the CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible to maintain the structural integrity of the existing structures. The CONTRACTOR shall take whatever means necessary tn insure that the existing structure is not damaged and if necessary shall install sheet piling. The CONTRACTOR shall repair all damage to the existing structures at his own expense, Any fences destroyed during construction shall be repaired tn the satisfaction of the property owner. Any delay, additional work,or extra cost to the CONTRACTOR caused by existing underground installations shall not constitute a claim for extra work, additional payment ordamages. 7.3 Protection nf Existing Mailboxes, Curbs and Gutters and Driveways, The CONTRACTOR shall take whatever means necessary toinsure that the existing mailboxes, curbs and gutters, and driveways are not damaged during construction. Ifitlu necessary tm remove ox disturb mailboxes during construction,the CONTRACTOR shall repair and restore the mailboxes ut his own expense tm the satisfaction of the property owner. Any curb, gutter,or driveways damaged during construction,not noted to be replaced on the drawings, shall be replaced by the CONTRACTOR at his own expense. 7.4 Surface Drainage. Water from such sources as surface runoff, devvateriug and flushing o[water lines during project construction shall not be allowed to enter into drainage ways or open areas that will cause flooding of existing structures, street intersections,o,lawn areas. 7.5 Work Sequence. The CONTRACTOR shall schedule the work to minimize inconvenience$o the OWNER and tn adjacent property owners and to minimize interruptions to utility service. This shall include minimizing obstruction to local traffic especially mz dead end streets. Work shall bo scheduled uumx1v minimize disruptions zo local mail delivery. Close coordination will he required between the CONTRACTOR,OWNER, and COUNTY, The utility service companies such as power,gas,telephone, and cable shall be contacted at least 72 hours in advance of when locating af services will hcrequired. Article 8. Warranty and Guarantee 8.I CONTRACTOR warrants and guarantees to OWNER that all Work will be in accordance with the Cmu1ruot Documents and will not 6edefective. Prompt notice of all defects shall he given tuCONTRACTOR. All defective Work,whether or not in place,may be rejected,corrected or accepted as provided in Article 13 of the Montana Public Works Standard Specification,Third Edition (MPWSS),published October, 1988.uaxnuemded/kuguoi1. 1991 and ao further amended hy the City of Bozeman Modifications toMPW&S. Article 9. Site Safety and Traffic Control 9.1 The CONTRACTOR shall conduct his work so as to interfere as little as possible with public travel,whether vehicular vzpedestrian. Whenever it is necessary to cross,obstruct, or close roads and walks,the CONTRACTOR shall obtain approval of such actions from the County*r Montana Department ot Transportation and shall provide and maintain suitable and safe lighted detours or other temporary expedients for the accommodation of public and private travel in accordance with the current edition of the Manual on Uniform Control Devices for Streets and Blgbnayp(K8UTCI)). The CONTRACTOR shall not occupy the work site ox initiate construction until all tra8fic control provisions are im place and the OWNER has been annotified. p2 Safety Provisions. Safety provisions must be entirely adequate and meet with City,County, State and Federal rrQulubouo \m protect the public oo these streets and roads. V.3 Barricades and Lights. Prior to the start of construction across roads or walks,all construction pen-nits shall be obtained,utility companies uotlfiud, and tndfficpatterns, signing, location of flagmen,barricades and other safety measures arranged, Providing and maintaining safety barricades, and other work site oufetymmmurma shall huthe responsibility of the CONTRACTOR and shall be included im the contract price, The CONTRACTOR shall 3 cooperate and coordinate his methods with the OWNER'S traffic control plans prior to the disruption of the normal flow of any traffic. All open trenches and other excavations shall be provided with suitable barriers, signs,and lights to the extent that adequate protection is provided to the public. Obstructions, such as material piles and equipment, shall be provided with similar warning signs and lights. All barricades and obstructions shall be illuminated by means of warning lights from sunset to sunrise. Materials stored upon or alongside public streets and highways shall be provided with similar warning signs and lights. All barricades, signs, lights and other protective devices shall be installed and maintained in conformity with applicable statutory requirements and,where within railroad and highway right-of-way,as required by the authority having jurisdiction thereover. Work performed within property under the OWNER'S jurisdiction shall have all barricades,signs, lights and protective devices installed and maintained. Article 10. STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS 10.1 All applicable laws, ordinances and the rules and regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction over construction of the project shall apply to the contract throughout. 10.1.1 The CONTRACTOR'S attention is directed to Title 34,Chapter 3,Part 7,MCA, 1981,which requires the CONTRACTOR to post a surety bond or other form of security insuring worker's wages and fringe benefits with the Commission of Labor and Industry, State of Montana. The bond or other security shall be filed with the Commissioner and evidence of the bond shall be provided to the OWNER prior to commencement of work. 10.1.2 The CONTRACTOR'S attention is also directed to Title 15, Chapter 50,Part 2,MCA, 1981. Under the provisions of this law,public contractors shall pay to the State,in addition to license application fees,a sum equal to one percent(I%)of the gross receipts from all public contracts in excess of five thousand dollars($5,000). Prime CONTRACTORS shall be responsible for withholding one percent(I%)of all monies due to subcontractors for work performed under contracts for public work,and shall transmit such monies to the State Department of Revenue. Additional information pertaining to Iicense requirements and license fees may be obtained from the Montana State Department of Revenue, State Capital Building, Helena,Montana. 10.13 The CONTRACTOR'S attention is called to the Industrial Accident Insurance laws in force in Montana and to the responsibility of the OWNER for the collection of premiums thereunder. The CONTRACTOR'S compliance with said laws is required and shall relieve the OWNER of any responsibility for payment of premiums thereunder and shall furnish the OWNER with satisfactory evidence showing that all premiums arising from this contract have been paid before payment is made on the final estimate. 10.1.4 In accordance with Montana Law(Title 18, Chapter 2,Part 4,MCA, 198 1)on contracts for State, County, school construction,heavy highway or municipal construction,repair or maintenance work under any of the laws of the State,the CONTRACTOR shall give preference to the employment of bona fide Montana residents in the performance of said contract, and shall further pay the standard prevailing rate of wages including fringe benefits and travel allowance in effect as paid in the county or locality in which the Work is being performed. The minimum wages,if included as part of the contract documents,are not controlling except as to the minimum for the purpose of the Davis-Bacon Act.. Therefore, it is incumbent upon each employer to pay the standard prevailing rate of wages including fringe benefits for health and welfare and pension contributions, and travel allowance provisions in effect and applicable to the county or locality in which the Work is being performed. Article 11. PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BONDS, The CONTRACTOR shall furnish a Performance Bond and a Payment Bonds in favor of the OWNER each in an amount equal to one-hundred percent(100%)of the Agreement amount. 4 Article 12. INSURANCE Without limiting any of the other obligations or liabilities ofthe CONTRACTOR, CONTRACTOR shall secure and maintain xuc6insurmncefmouaobuuorumuocoozpmmy (oroompuuiem)uudzo6zmdbu write insurance im the State of Montana,with minimum "A.M.Best Rating"ofB+` V<, am will protect himself,his subcontractors,the Owner and their respective agents and employees from claims for bodily injury,death or property damage which may arise from operations and completed operations under this Agreement. Such coverage shall be written for claims arising out of all premises/operations,sub-contracted operations,products/completed operations, and all liability assumed by the CONTRACTOR under any contract or agreement. CONTRACTOR shall not commence work under this Agreement until such certified copies of the insurance policy shall have been filed with the OWNER. All insurance coverages shall remain in effect throughout the life of the Agreement. Each insurance policy shall contain a clause providing that it will not bc cancelled bv the insurance company without 30 days written notice to the OWNER and Engineer of intention to cancel. The minimum amounts ofsuch insurance coverages being as follows: Commercial General Liability A. Bodily Injury& Property Damage Each Occurrence Aggregate: $1'000`000 52,000,000 Coverage to include: I. prcmiucw Operations 1 Products and Completed Operations Products and Completed Operations 3. Contractual 4, Operations of Independent Contractors 5. Personal Injury 6. Property Damage applicable to Blasting, Collapse and Underground Hazards shall be included in coverage, May be satisfied by primary insurance or a combination of primary and excess of umbrella insurance. However,primary occurrence limit cannot hc less than $l,U08`0O8. Deductible not tuexceed$5,0Q0 per occurrence wo property damage. B. Automobile Liability Bodily Injury mzdPropc¢yI}mon&o: Coverage to include: l. All Owned J. Hired 3. Non-Owned Cmobbucd Single Limit_$L1XX}.00{�Each Accident C Worker's Compensation Occupational Disease Statutory Employees Liability _$500,00 Each Accident Sections B and C above may be satisfied by primary insurance or a combination of primary and excess or umbrella insurance. D Owners and Contractors Protective LiabiLity Bodily Injury and Property Damage Each Occurrence Aggregate$1,000,000 $1,000,000 Satisfactory protection for Owner may be accomplished by either an endorsement of Contractor's Comprehensive General Liability policy or by Contractor's carrier issuing a separate protective liability policy. E. Additional Insureds The Contractor's insurance coverage shall name the Owner as an Additional Insured under Commercial General Liability, Automobile Liability,Excess or Umbrella policies. F. Builder's Risk Contractor shall purchase Builder's Risk on the "Broadform"form of coverage inclusive of Fire, Extended Coverages,and Vandalism. Insurance shall include the interests of the Contractor,Engineer, and subcontractors,as their insurable interest may appear. Article 13. MISCELLANEOUS 13.1 Terms used in this Agreement which are defined in the General Conditions shall have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions of the Montana Public Works Standard Specifications, 3rd Edition,October 1988. 13.2 This Agreement and all of the covenants hereof shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR respectively and his partners, successors, assigns, and legal representatives. Neither the OWNER nor the CONTRACTOR shall have the right to assign,transfer or sublet his interest or obligations hereunder without written consent of the other party, The Owner reserves the right to withdraw at any time from any subcontractor whose work has proven unsatisfactory the right to be engaged in or employed upon any part of the Work. 13.3 In the event it becomes necessary for either party to this Agreement to retain an attorney to enforce any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement or to give any notice required herein, then the prevailing party or the party given notice shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs, including fees, salary, and costs of in-house counsel. 13,4 Any amendment of modifications of this Agreement or any provisions herein shall be made in writing and executed in the same manner as this original document and shall after execution become a part of the Agreement, 13.5 The CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to indemnify and hold the OWNER harmless from all claims and liability for bodily injury(including death)and damage to property due to the negligence of CONTRACTOR,their agents, employees,or both, in performing the work required under this Agreement, 13.6 The CONTRACTOR agrees to fallow the City's antidiscrimination policy as defined in Commission Resolution No, 4250. A full copy of the Resolution 4250 is available upon request. Failure to comply with the discrimination provision is a breach of the material term in the contract—the same as not performing the other requirements of the contract. City Commission Resolution 4250 establishes numerous new policies prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race,color,religion, creed,sex,age,marital status, national origin, or because of actual or perceived sexual orientation,gender identity or disability in the development, execution,and implementation of city contracts and other agreements. In order to comply with the requirements of this Resolution,the contractor,with their signature on this contract, agrees to the adoption of the Addendum to the contract for services should they be awarded the contract. With their signature,the contractor also agrees to follow the conditions specified in this anti-discrimination policy. The Contractor agrees this requirement shall apply to the hiring and treatment of the Contractor's employees and to all subcontractors, 6 CONTRACTOR will not take title to,nor sign any manifest or shipment documents for, nor act as one who arranges for the shipments and disposal of,nor make the actual selection of disposal site(s)for any Hazardous,Regulated or Special Waste. CONTRACTOR will not be liable for any preexisting environmental contamination of the project site. CONTRACTOR's liability for environmental contamination of the project site shall be limited to the extent CONTRACTOR's negligence has caused, contributed to or exacerbated the contamination of the project site. The CONTRACTOR is and shall perform this agreement as an independent contractor,and as such, is responsible to the OWNER only as to the results to be obtained in the work herein specified, and to the extent that the work shall be done in accordance with the terms,plans and specifications, The CONTRACTOR shall have and maintain complete control over all of its employees,subcontractors,agents and operations,being responsible for any required payroll deductions and providing required benefits, such as,but not limited to,workman's compensation and unemployment insurance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. (Contractor) By I Title F' ACCEPTED: " CITE' OF BO MAN By its f A T: City Clerk STATE OF MONTANA ,. County of Gallatin On this day of " ,.,2_,before me, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared CHRIS KUKULSKI and STAC7 ULMEN, known to me to be the City Manager and City Clerk for the City of Bozeman and the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on Behalf of the City of Bozeman, IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand W affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. (SEAL) Notary Public for State of Montana (Printed Name) Residing at Bozeman,Montana My Commission Expires: / f24 7 Greg Poncelet, President 209 East Cedar �- Bozeman, MT 59715 M "na Phone: (406) 586-1234 9 &-F;V aeao Fax: (406) 586-3836 October 31, 2011 Via Email Lqoehrunq@bozeman.net and Regular Mail Delivery James Goehrung Director of Facility Services PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 RE: REVISED Demolition Quote: 214 E Lamme-Bradley House Dear James, We appreciate the opportunity to re-quote the above referenced demolition project. The tasks quoted below must be sequenced to follow typical demolition procedures. Ingraham Environmental quoted the asbestos abatement to us. We have included a copy for your review. We furnished Ingraham Environmental with a full copy of Environmental Solutions, 5/12/2008 NESHAP inspection report and several representative photos, and their quote is based on this information. It is important to note that this job is quoted as a controlled demolition and that most of Environmental Solutions recommendations are based upon uncontrolled demolition conditions. I have spoken with Mark Ingraham about this and they will abate this structure per Environmental Solutions recommendations listed on page nine in their 5-12-08 report. Ingraham's quote includes the cost to transport and dispose of the abated asbestos to a qualified landfill. We have quoted to finish grade the house foot print area with a twelve inch (12") layer of good topsoil so the city can use the lot as a community garden. We will seed the top soiled areas with oats or winter wheat to control dust, weeds and erosion (time of year dependent). Please note, as stipulated during the walk through, any and all items the city wishes to salvage need to be removed before we begin the demolition process. We have also assumed the city will take care of all the utility locates and disconnects prior to the beginning of the demolition process. READY MIX CONCRETE CRANE SERVICE *EXCAVATION ®SITE DEVELOPMENT -TRACKLOADER -BACK HOE *SAND AND GRAVEL ®DEMOLITION -WHEELLOADER -EXCAVATOR *ROADS AND PARKING FORMING MATERIALS -GRADER -COMPACTOR *SEWER AND WATER �TILT-UP CONCRETE DUMP TRUCK -SCRAPER *BIO-REMEDIATION -US'P 7MOVAL& INSTALLATION CONCRETE BREAKER -DOZER ITEM 1. All Utility Locates and Disconnects by City ofBOZemoan........................... ........................N|C ITEM 2. Asbestos Abatement: Ingraham Environmental ................. ...................................$3995lXl Note: Includes 1596 subcontractor markup Includes NESHAPSnotification ' Includes-Asbestos disposal by Ingraham Environmental...........................$ 517.50 ITEM 3. Equipment Mobilization......................... ..................................................................$1L476,9D Note: Includes equipment mobilization and daily employee travel for all phases ofwork quoted ITEM 4. Hard Site Fencing, Signing and Traffic Control..........................................................$ 300.00 ITEM S^ Dust Control and Fire Protection.........................................................................._$ 440.00 Note: Includes small water truck equipped with high pressure fire pump on site during the demolition process ITEM 6. Demolition, Haul off, and Disposal A. Equipment and labor t8 demolish wooden structure, load out debris, demolish, process, and load out foundation, interior and exterior slabs...............$3,704.4O B. Transport demolition debris b» Logan Landfill .......................................................$ 950/40 C. Demolition debris disposal fees at Logan Landfill...................................................$ .0} D. Transport urethane foundation rock to Logan Landfill...........................................$ 334'80 E Urethane rock disposal fees at Logan Landfill.........................................................$1,324.00 F 'Transport recyclable concrete to process facility....................................................$ 480.00 G. Process concrete 8,dispose ofas recycled aggregate material ......................................$ 504.00 ITEM I Site Reclamation A. Fummish- place, GDdcocnpact fill dirt tobackfU basement ......................................$ 915'20 B. Furnish, place, and compact 12 inches good topsoil................................................4l/4l5.23 C. Seed disturbed area with oats................ ................................................................$ 75.00 D. Substitute screened topsoil for good top soil (Item 7B) .........................,.-AD0 $ 33I,20 TOTAL. $18,030.03 TOTAL with ADD............................$l8.3G1-23 -1 Bradley House Demo ' � October 3%,2O11 SITE SPECIFIC NOTES: (Read carefully before signing) 1. Topsoil and fill dirt as quoted: Fill dirt quoted will be landscape grade topsoil (berm) dirt. It will be placed and compacted into the basement and crawl space areas to within twelve inches (12") of finished surface grade. Topsoil will be placed to make sidewalk area level with existing ground elevation. A higher grade topsoil will be placed to create a compacted section depth not less than twelve inches (12") in depth per the footprint of the existing house, including the over dig required to remove the foundation. 2. The City of Bozeman has stipulated the demolition contractor is not responsible for location and disconnect of any utilities. 3. The quote includes the cost to abate the transite siding, wood stove backing, listed floor tile/treads and window putty by a licensed asbestos abatement contractor. 4. Due to the presence of asbestos related building products, we will use a small water truck and high pressure pump to keep the structure damp.This will reduce the risk of accidental and/or incidental contamination of the site. This is company policy. 5. All loads of demolition debris will be wetted and tarped to prevent incidental loss during transport to the listed landfills. 6. Salvaged metal will be recycled per company policy. SPECIAL NOTES:(Read carefully before signing) • Scheduling is based upon the return of a signed quote. Start date and time line for completion of listed task will be developed at that time. • All utility disconnects by owner, unless otherwise stipulated. • All permits to be acquired by owner unless otherwise stipulated. • Salvage items must be removed three days prior to the scheduled start of demolition excluding items which are previously arranged to be savaged by Montana Ready Mix. No salvage by anyone other than Montana Ready Mix will be allowed once we have mobilized equipment to the project. Montana Ready Mix reserves the right to salvage anything after demolition begins and all proceeds from anything salvaged by Montana Ready Mix belongs to Montana Ready Mix. Bradley House Demo October 31,2011 ^ • Montana Ready Mix has included the cost to legally dispose of all non-hazardous materials as required b« law, proof will be provided with billing. • All concrete foundation, building floor, exte[|0rflatvvmrk. curbing, COnCySte block and brick will be broken up and removed from the site, unless otherwise stipulated then processed and recycled as graded aggregate. • |n the event hazardous materials are encountered during the demolition of the building all work will stop_until repmedi8Mon plan iJ_developed and agreed upon under the guidance nfan environmental engineering firm. Any and all associated costs will be billed asanEXTRA. • The demolition site will be hard fenced with portable steel panels and signed in order tolimit liability exposure. • Structural back fill not included at owners' request SPECIAL CONDITIONS: (Read carefully before signing) 4--Topsoil to be placed for final grade and/or site work bonly for topsoil sthpped'from the building and paved areas. No imported topsoil[s included [mthis quote unless specifically listed. 4-The owner or general contractor is required to furnish surveyed corner stakes and finished grade elevations for all structures tobe excavated,including driveways and parking. 4-0pping,excavating,and replacement of frozen materials are not included and will he charged for eta . hourly mute' See our standard price list for rates `�Montana Ready Mix, Ltd. assumes liability for legibly marked utilities. Montana Ready Mix, Ltd.will not pay fornon'|oceted, mniss~rmarkmd,or illegibly marked utilities. 4JMontona Ready Mix,Ltd. will not be responsible for the settling of non-compacted materials, 4,Montana Ready Mix, Ltd. has not included any dollar amount for compacted backfill unless specifically listed. 4,Montana Ready Mix, Ltd.will not be responsible for the settling of compacted materials that are not tested for compaction rates. Montana Ready Mix has not included any dollar amount for any testing in this quote unless specifically listed. Montana Ready Mix will pay to retest,after retesting o[the initial test,for any failed compaction test at normal industry rates. Montana Ready Mix guarantees tn compact placed materials at the following average rates if so included in quote (weather permn|tting): Over-dig along foundation walls with on-site materials under sidewalks,entrances, ur paving adjacent to the building(average................................... ........................................ 9S% Over-dig along foundation grade walls under landscaping(average) ...................... .............. 90%. Sub-base below asphalt paving and curbs with on-site mateha| (avemge) --------.- 9SY4. /� ^ Bradley House Demo October 31, 2011 Imported granular fill base under paving,curbs, and walks hmerageL.................... ............. 88%� These compaction rates are standard industry accepted rates and will not vary from the above rates listed unless specifically listed |m the quote. All compaction rates are for standard proctor of materials used. -4-Montana Ready Mix is not responsible for any damage caused to any structures from placement of compacted or not compacted bockfi/L The general contractor and/or owner are responsible for any foundation bracing that may be required to properly backfill any structures. 4� If rocky or extremely hard ground conditions are encountered that can not be reasonably excavated by normal daily means,there will be an additional charge. This includes ripping, sawing,jack hammering,or shooting with explosives, unless otherwise specifically specified. See our standard price list for rates. items not specifically listed are not included. -4�Dewatering of the site because of ground or surface water is not included unless specifically listed. -4-Our mobilization price includes the cost tn transport ail of the equipment necessary to complete this project as priced. If it becomes necessary to transport additional equipment or the quoted equipment extra times because of circumstances out of our control,vve will charge extra. See enclosed general price list for rates. ,4LUnforeseen circumstances which affect cost to complete a priced item will be billed on time and material basis. 4-If hazardous materials are encountered,or if Montana Ready Mix deems it necessary to consult an environmental engineer,these expenses will be billed on a cost plus basis. '4-WernantyitenmswU| bemep|acedonaoos1p|usbas|s |eusanyooanufacLmre/svvanuotycred|tQiven. 4,Note: All items and conditions listed |n our quote supersede any specifications listed in any bid documents, unless otherwise listed by Montana Ready Mix, Ltd. [n our quote. 44�ustomer agrees to pay full attorney fees and collection costs if payment is not received on a timely basis. Customer also agrees to pay periodic service charges on past due balances.� Notice [s hereby give nfintent to�Uea lien �payment b not rnadevvhendue. Service Charge is20nmontbKy, 12Y6 annually; minimum charge is$2.88/rnmoth' *Olease review this quote for completeness. We will be glad to offer pricing on any additional items you need. ' 4: ` Bradley House Demo - October 31,2011 QUOTED BY: Greg Poncelet Date ACCEPTED BY: Signature Date Enclosures: Furnished NESHAPS Report Site Drawing P u imiCS I -Q.fv"14�ed uak Copy of Ingraham Abatement Quote r)`I3"(3 q�tok- Montana Ready Mix Hourly Price List f -�-c'I I t Bradley House Demo October 31, 2011 Greg Poncelet, President 209 East Cedar • Bozeman, MT 59715 M 'a ana Phone: (406) 586-1234 36 Fax: (406) 586-38 e"4 4 r zrd, Effective March 1,20 C-0� - f)V,-A 2011 CONSTRUCTION SEASON Noy %e DeNc io---31 - /I EQUIPMENT RATES All equipment is quoted per hour, with operator, basis. Additional charges listed below may apply. TRICKING' 2 DumpTruck 4-axle... ......... .............. .............. ........................ ..........__........._3 80.00 Dump Truck w/2-axle pup trailer........... ................................ .................... ......_...$105.00 Dump Truck w/3-axle pup trailer.................... ....................................... .............-.....$11 0.00 Dump Trucks w/3-axle equipment trailer............... ....... ............................................$100.00 Transport Tractor w/40-ton Lowboy.............. ........................ ............... ....................$105.00 Transport Tractor w/50-ton Lowboy .._........................ ........................ .....................$110.00 Transport Tractor w155-ton Lowboy..... ........ ........... .................................................$120.00 Transport Tractor w/65-ton Lowboy(depending on components)............................$115.00 to$150.00 Tractor-Trailer Units(various sizes)(flats and vans) ..................................................$ 80.00 to$140.00 500 Gallon Water Truck............................­...................... .......................... ............$ 65-00 4000 Gallon Water Truck............................-............... ........................ ............___$ 80,00 Transport Tractor w/hydraulic roll off trailer-,................. ...........................................$110.00 EXCAVATING' 2 Skid Steer-Case 60XT...................................$ 90.00 Backhoes-Case 5903A,6.............. ................$ 95.00 Tracked Skid Steer-Bob Cat T110................$ 90.00 Excavator- Kubota KX41 w/thumb..................$ 90.00 Wheel Loader- Cat 966,4.5 cy.......................$125.00 Excavator- Kubota KX1 61 w/thumb...............$100.00 Crawler Loader-Cat 955,2.25 cy whipper....$100.00 Excavator-John Deere 120...........................$115.00 Crawler Loader-Cat 977,3.5 cy w1ripper......$125.00 Excavator-John Deere 690E LC'-...............$120.00 Compactor-Cat 168D,Vib. smooth drum ,,.$ 95.00 Dozer, 6-way-Cat D3 w/ripper.......................$100.00 Compactor- Bomag K301,4WD Sheepsfoot$110,00 Dozer, 6-way-Cat D5 high track....................$120.00 Telehandler Cat TH63.....................................$ 90.005 Grader-Cat 120, 14' blade.............................$120.00 Scraper-Cat 613C........................................$ 125.00 Tracked Dump Truck, 1/2 cy Kubota................$ 75.00 ADDITIONAL CHARGES & SERVICES A 0% to 5% Fuel Surcharge will be assessed on all equipment and vehicle time. Surcharge subject to change without notice Per Diem (per day)..........................$ 95.00 'Add for each hour overtime...............___.................$20.00 Regular Labor..................................$ 50.00 'Add for Prevailing or Davis Bacon Wage....................$ 15.00 Clerical Service. . ...................$ 35.00 'Add for OSHA 40 trained personnel...........................$20.00 Truck Driver Labor ........ ............. $ 55.00 3 Add for Concrete Breaker Attachment................. .....$40.00 Y2 T Service Truck....-............. $ 20.00 4 Add for Sheep's Foot Wheel Packer Attachments....$25.00 IT Service Truck.... ................__ $ 30.00 6 Add for vibratory plate attachment .............................$30.00 Operator Labor................................$ 65.00 'Add for demolition grapple attachment............... ......$ 30.00 Supervisor Labor.............................$ 90.00 2Add for Heavy Rock, Heavy Frost, Demolition...........$20.00 Management....................................$110.00 2Add for Working in Water....................................,.......$20.00 Mechanic........... ................ .$ 50,00 5Add for man basket or work platform.........................$ 10,00 Welder............... .............................$ 50-00 Pilot or flag cars............................................................$ 50.00 Shop Charge...................................$ 20.00 Add for MDOT Certified Flagger.............. ...................$ 5.00 Engineer...........................................$100.00 Add for sweeper attachment........................................$30.00 MORE EQUIPMENT&SERVICES ARE AVAILABLE, CALL OUR OFFICE IF YOU NEED SOMETHING NOT LISTED ON THESE TWO PAGES PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE, READY MIX CONCRETE CRANE SERVICE EXCAVATION •SITE DEVELOPMENT -TRACK LOADER n BACK HOE SAND AND GRAVEL -DEMOLITION -WHEEL LOADER -EXCAVATOR o ROADS AND PARKING -FORMING MATERIALS oGRADFR -COMPACTOR SEWER AND WATER .TILT-UP CONCRETE -DUMP TRUCK SCRAPER BIO-RFMEDIAT!ON UST REMOVAL& INSTALLATION *CONCRETE BREAKER 4 DOZER KVI tUT FWk L)" Greg Roncelet, President 209 East Cedar a Bozeman, MT 59715 M ana Phone: (406) 686-1234 1v Fax: (406) 586-3836 e e.4* ? x adi November 30, 2011 Via Regular Mail Delivery James Goehrung Director of Facility Services City of Bozeman PO Box 1230 Bozeman, NIT 59771 RE: Demolition Quote: 214 E Lamme-Bradley House Dear James, Please find enclosed the signed contract forthe Bradley house demolition which will be scheduled this coming spring. I have included insurance certificates, a copy of our contractor's registration, and a W-9. Please contact me with any questions or if you require any additional information. Thank you and have a wonderful Christmas Holiday season. Sincerely, Melinda Poncelet READY MIX CONCRETE CRANE SERVICE *EXCAVATION SITE DEVELOPMENT *TRACK LOADER BACK HOE *SAND AND GRAVEL -DEMOLITdON *''WHEEL LOADER -EXCAVATOR *ROADS AND PARKING -FORMING MATERtALS o GRADER a COMPACTOR *SEWER AND WATER -TILT-UP CONCRETE -DUMP TRUCK -SCRAPER *BIO-REMEDIATION LIST REMOVAL&INSTALLATION a CONCRETE BREAKER *DOZER