HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 Bozeman Aerial Photography RFPTHE CITY OF BOZEMAN 20 E. OLIVE ~ P.O. BOX 1230 BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59771-1230 GIS DEPARTMENT PHONE: (406) 582-2250 ~ FAX: (406) 582-2263 E-MAIL: jhenderson@bozeman.net City of Bozeman, Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery Notice is hereby given that proposals are invited and will be received for Digital Orthoimagery of the City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana. This request for proposals is to provide: • Digital Ortho Imagery: 1”=100’ map scale (i.e., 1”=600’ photo scale), 6” pixel, true color, ortho-rectified digital imagery • FGDC compliant metadata for the imagery Proposal documents and related data files are available on ftp://ftp.bozeman.net/GIS/ and may be examined or obtained for no charge at the City of Bozeman GIS Department, Attention: Jon Henderson, P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, Montana 59771, (406) 582-2250 or fax (406) 582-2263. Proposals must be delivered to the GIS Department on or before 5:00 p.m., January 18th, 2012. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals: to add or delete items and/or quantities; to waive any irregularities and/or informalities in any proposal; to postpone the acceptance of the proposal and the award of contract for a period not to exceed ten (10) working days from the date of the proposal opening and to further advertise the RFP; and to make the award that is in the best interests of the City of Bozeman. The City of Bozeman may reject any proposal that is not within the City’s budget resources for this project, or not in compliance with all prescribed proposal procedures and requirements and may reject for good cause any and all proposals upon a finding of the City that is in the public’s interest to do so. Each entity submitting under this notice shall include a provision requiring the submitting entity to affirm in writing it will not discriminate on the basis of color, religion, creek, sex, age, marital status, national origin, or because of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or disability and recognizing the eventual contract will contain a provision prohibiting discrimination as described above and this prohibition on discrimination shall apply to the hiring and treatment of the Contract’s employees and to all subcontracts. Failure to comply with the above shall be cause for the City to deem the submittal non-responsive. This project is subject to the availability of funds. For additional information, contact Jon Henderson, GIS Manager (406) 582-2250, or fax (406) 582-2263. DATED THIS Sunday, December 4th, 2011 City of Bozeman, Montana By: Jon Henderson GIS Manager Publish Date: Sunday, December 4th, 2011 2 Introduction The City regularly uses aerial information to support regulatory, land management, planning and engineering projects. This document defines the technical, cost and time scope for developing a portion of the City’s GIS database. All final data will be stored in the City’s ArcSDE database and will be made available to internal and external customers through various client applications and downloadable data files. This project is to update all aerial imagery for the entire 74 square mile planning boundary. The desired flight dates are between April 1st and April 30th 2012. The desired project completion date is 90 days from photo acquisition. I. Proposal Submission Requirements 1) General Requirements: All information required of the bidder/consultant must be completed in full, in ink, or typewritten. If any information required on the proposal form/proposal is to be modified, it shall be crossed out in ink. The amended information must be entered above or below and initialed in ink by the bidder/consultant. The proposal must be signed by a person authorized to commit the consultant to provide the goods or service. Submission of a signed proposal will constitute an incontrovertible representation by proponent that proponent has complied with every requirement of the RFP, that without exception the proposal is premised upon performing and furnishing the Work required by the proposal documents and applying any specific means, methods, techniques, sequences, and/or procedures of performance that may be shown or indicated or expressly required by the proposal documents, that proponent has given the City written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities, and discrepancies that proponent has discovered in the proposal documents and the written resolutions thereof by the City are acceptable to Proponent, and that the proposal documents and any written resolutions are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performing and furnishing the Work. 2) The proposal must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m., January 18th, 2012. Proposals received after 5:00 p.m. will be returned unopened. 3) Two (2) copies of the proposal shall be sealed and submitted to: Jon Henderson GIS Manager P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 4) Proposals must be plainly marked in the lower left-hand corner of the envelope as follows: “Digital Orthoimagery Project 2012” 5) The City’s staff contact for this RFP is: Jon Henderson GIS Manager Phone #: (406) 582-2250 FAX #: (406) 582-2263 E-mail address: jhenderson@bozeman.net 6) Proposal Format: a) Section I - Statement of Understanding An overall introduction, including a statement of the consultant’s understanding of each item proposed in the Scope of Work, and a general description of the consultant’s approach. 3 b) Section II - Proposed Technology and Equipment Detailed explanation of type of technology and equipment proposed to be utilized to obtain the products necessary to comply with each item in the Scope of Work. c) Section III - Personnel Qualifications Names, relevant experience, professional registrations of consultant’s personnel with background information on previous experience, qualifications, and skills relevant to each item proposed upon in the Scope of Work section. d) Section IV – References A list of at least three clients for whom the consultant has provided similar services. This list shall include the agency/company name, address, phone number and name of contact person and, description of the similar project. e) Section V – Subcontractors A list and description of names, office locations, tasks, qualifications, and responsibilities of any subcontractors that may be utilized for this project. f) Section VI - Change in Scope A proposed procedure to accommodate changes in scope of the contract, and addition or deletion of task activities. The consultant will include a current fee schedule and a cost of services proposal for any work that is to be provided or that the City may request after the contract is awarded. g) Section VII - Consultant’s Expectations of City Staff Clearly define any expectations for information or support to be provided by City staff during the project. h) Section VIII - Delivery Schedule A proposed schedule for delivering the products and services as described in the RFP. i) Section IX - Price Proposal The price proposal shall clearly state the costs to the City of Bozeman for the project. The contract for services shall be between the City of Bozeman and the consultant. The price information shall include staff-hours of effort planned for each task by the categories (i.e., level of experience) of personnel who will perform the services, materials, travel costs, equipment usage charges (rate and total cost), and any other direct charges. 7) Delivery to be FOB: Physical address: 20 East Olive Street, Bozeman, Montana 59715 Mail stop address: P.O. Box 1230, Bozeman, Montana 59771. 8) All prospective consultants may submit written questions about, or request written clarifications of the RFP, including written protests of the RFP’s terms and conditions or technical specifications no later than 1/4/12. All questions must be in writing (includes email) and addressed to the City’s staff contact. No other staff member will answer questions about this Request for Proposals. 9) Each entity submitting under this notice shall include a provision requiring the submitting entity to affirm in writing it will not discriminate on the basis of color, religion, creek, sex, age, marital status, 4 national origin, or because of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or disability and recognizing the eventual contract will contain a provision prohibiting discrimination as described above and this prohibition on discrimination shall apply to the hiring and treatment of the Contract’s employees and to all subcontracts. Failure to comply with the above shall be cause for the City to deem the submittal non-responsive. II. Selection Criteria and Process The proposals will be judged on the completeness and quality of content. Only those consultants who supply complete information as required by the material contained herein will be considered for evaluation. The City of Bozeman is seeking to contract with a firm that has the appropriate qualifications using appropriate technology and methodology to ensure delivery of high quality products and who has demonstrated extensive experience with, and an understanding of, similar projects. The criteria for evaluating proposals are as follows, with the weight each item carries shown in parentheses: Criteria Weight 1. A demonstrated understanding of each item proposed 20% 2. The level of quality provided by the technology and methodology proposed 30% 3. The necessary qualifications, experience, organization, technical and managerial staff, and equipment and facilities to carry out the work 20% 4. Prior experience on related or similar projects, and the accessibility/availability of the individuals working on this project 10% 5. Ability to complete the work within a proposed time schedule 5% 6. Cost of acquiring the RFP deliverables 15% The City may invite three or more prospective consultants to respond to the selection committee in person or writing during the proposal evaluation. Failure to provide additional information, if requested, may disqualify proposal from further consideration. The evaluation of proposals and the determination of conformity and acceptability shall be the sole responsibility of the City and will be based on information furnished or identified in the proposal as well as on other information available to the City. The City of Bozeman reserves the right to reject the proposal of any person/firm who previously failed to perform properly to the satisfaction of the City of Bozeman, or complete on time agreements of similar nature, or to reject the proposal of any person/firm who is not in a position to perform such an agreement satisfactorily as determined by the City of Bozeman. The City of Bozeman reserves the right to determine the best qualified consultant and negotiate a final scope of service and cost, negotiate a contract with another consultant if an agreement cannot be reached with the first selected consultant, or reject all proposals. The successful consultant will be required to enter into a professional services contract with the City of Bozeman, which will incorporate the consultant's scope of service and work schedule as part of the agreement. The City assumes no liability or responsibility for costs incurred by firms in responding to this request for proposals or request for interviews, additional data, or other information with respect to the selection process, prior to the issuance of an agreement, contract or purchase order. III. Time Line These dates may be revised if any step takes longer than anticipated. The City reserves the right to postpone the award. RFP issued 12/4/11 Written questions submitted 1/4/12 Proposals due 1/18/12 Notice to award 2/6/12 5 IV. Acceptance of Proposals The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals; to add or delete items and/or quantities; to amend the RFP; to waive any minor irregularities, informalities, or failure to conform to the RFP; to extend the deadline for submitting proposals; to postpone award for up to 30 days; to award one or more contracts, by item or task, or groups of items or tasks, if so provided in the RFP and if multiple awards are determined by the City to be in the public interest; and to reject, for good cause and without liability therefore, any and all proposals and upon finding that doing so is in the public interest, to cancel the procurement at any time prior to contract execution. V. Withdrawal of Proposals Proposals submitted may be withdrawn by written request if received before the hour set for the opening. After that time, proposals may not be withdrawn for a period of fifteen (15) days and at no time after award. No responsibility shall attach to a City employee for the premature opening of a proposal not properly addressed and identified in accordance with these documents. When discrepancies occur between words and figures, the words shall govern. VI. Scope of Work The project scope, specifications and requirements that are outlined in this RFP are subject to modification and final contract negotiations. Image included on Page 9 or this RFP shows the area to be flown: All data shall be delivered in both UTM Zone 12 NAD83 (2011) meters, NAVD88 meters and Montana State Plane NAD83 (2011) meters, NAVD88 meters. 2011 control points for all monuments will be available from the NGS in February 2012. For more information on the National Adjustment of 2011, please visit the following website: http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/web/surveys/NA2011/ Prior to receiving notice to proceed and after negotiations, before any data collection the contractor must submit a project plan. The project plan will include the following: 1) A map showing the study area boundaries and flight path at a reasonable scale (approx. 1:150,000) 2) Documentation specifying altitude, air speed, scan angle, scan rate, and other flight and equipment information deemed appropriate. 3) A chart of areas of high Position Dilution of Precision (PDOP), or a list showing the time of the beginning and end of high PDOP. 4) The proposed ground control plan containing Airborne GPS support. If necessary, the contractor shall obtain all rights of entry, be responsible for all GPS control information and show all National Spatial Reference System (NSRS) monuments that will be used for the GPS base stations for airborne GPS control. 1) Digital Imagery Specifications: Digital Camera Defined For the purposes of the Request for Proposal, a digital camera is defined as a stable mechanism that collects the ground imagery without the use of film in a direct digital format. The City of Bozeman recognizes that currently the USGS does not provide a calibration report on digital camera technology; therefore, the vendors must satisfy Bozeman that the proposed camera system has been 6 calibrated, modeling all known errors, and exhibits a high degree of internal geometric accuracy, stability and repeatability. Orthoimagery shall be acquired only on clear days, leaf-off conditions, with no snow and minimal puddling of rain water or other weather-related effects obscuring the ground surface. At a minimum, National Map Accuracy Standards for the production of the Orthoimagery must be adhered to. All control work shall be completed by the consultant. The camera and magazines shall meet or exceed the most recent USGS specifications for aerial camera systems. Aerotriangulation/bundle adjustment shall be performed by the current state-of-the-art analysis software to maximize accuracy of the data. The consultant shall provide a copy of the AT report. The proposal shall include a proposed schedule of events necessary to complete the work. The schedule shall include a process and schedule for the submittal of draft products for City review prior to final submittals. Failure to comply with any of these provisions may result in the rejection of the proposal. a) Photographic Conditions • Tree Cover. Photography shall be undertaken while the leaves are off the deciduous trees. • Clouds. Clouds or cloud shadows must not appear on the imagery. High, thin overcast is permitted above the flying altitude if it does not cause ground mottling or a discernable reduction in light levels and/or ground object shadows. • Well-Defined Images. Collect imagery to obtain well-defined images. Do not attempt imagery acquisition where the ground is obscured by haze, smoke, smog, dust, or falling snow, sleet, rain, or other obscuring phenomena. Do not collect imagery when ground is covered by water (flood), snow, or ice. • Visibility. The minimum visibility at the time of exposure must be 10 miles or greater. • Sun Angle. The majority of the project area will be collected when the sun angle is not less than 40°. In mountainous areas with steep terrain and/or areas with tall trees or areas with significant urban development with buildings 3 stories or taller (such as downtown Bozeman), increase the minimum sun-to-horizon angle to acquire the photography during the times of minimal shadow. • Tilt will not exceed four degrees for any photographic frame and will average not more than two degrees for any ten consecutive frames. Relative tilt exceeding six degrees between any two successive frames may be cause for rejecting that portion of the flight lines. • Crab angle as measured from the average line of flight will not exceed five degrees. The course-heading differential between any two successive exposures will not exceed five degrees. • Forward overlap will be at least 55 percent between consecutive exposures. The average sidelap will be at least 20 percent. b) Image Quality/Radiometry • There shall be no areas of an orthophoto where the process was incomplete due to image gaps or lack of data. • All digital orthophotos shall be radiometrically adjusted as necessary so that adjacent digital orthophotos can be displayed simultaneously without an obvious visual edge seam between them. Localized adjustment of the brightness values shall be performed to minimize tonal differences between the join areas. For this adjustment, the orthophoto judged by visual inspection to have the better contrast shall be used as the reference orthophoto. Localized brightness values of the adjacent orthophoto shall be adjusted to that of the reference orthophoto. When possible and feasible, the area adjusted should be bounded by a tonal break ground feature such as a road, field line, shadow line, etc. The radiometric adjustment should not compromise the accuracy, clarity, or resolution of the orthophoto. • Prior to undertaking full digital orthophoto production, the Contractor shall furnish the City with sample digital images to evaluate and accept as examples of overall image quality. The City will select one image, which will become the standard to which all subsequent digital orthophotos will be compared for acceptance/rejection relative to image quality. 7 VII. Control All necessary horizontal and vertical control necessary to provide the deliverables requested in the proposal shall be completed by the contractor. Ground control must be adequate to support the accuracy specifications identified below. Some existing vertical control may be available for the project area. The survey reports & LiDAR data from the 2007 project are available to the consultant. The consultant shall review all horizontal and vertical control for accuracy and completeness. Any survey work performed by the consultant shall be done in conformance with Montana survey laws, regulations and administrative rules. For survey control work performed by the consultant (or sub-contractors) the following requirements will pertain: A brief survey control report in PDF and/or other digital format shall be delivered that contains: • One digital copy of the control diagram (the survey network scheme). • One copy of all field notes, horizontal and vertical computations, and control network adjustments, with the connections to the National Spatial Reference System shall be clearly shown. • A digital copy of the new control points established to control the photogrammetry with all observations and ties, a point description, digital photograph of the monument and the control point location context, and coordinate values in geographic coordinates and in both UTM Zone 12 NAD83 (2011) meters, NAVD88 meters and Montana State Plane NAD83 (2011) meters, NAVD88 meters. • Survey party personnel, equipment, software, and procedures used. VIII. Project Schedule In their responses to this proposal, Respondents shall propose a detailed schedule of performance for completion of all components of the production process. General project milestones should be presented; final project milestones will be established prior to project initiation. IX. Deliverables The respondent shall submit a delivery schedule. The Consultant shall deliver to the City for acceptance the following items: • True Color Digital Ortho Imagery; 1”=100’ map scale (i.e., 1”=600’ photo scale), 6” pixel, true color, orthorectified digital imagery in GeoTIFF and entire project as mosaic in MrSID format; • All data in both UTM Zone 12 NAD83 (2011) meters, NAVD88 meters and Montana State Plane NAD83 (2011) meters, NAVD88 meters. • FGDC compliant metadata for the imagery in XML format All products delivered and developed under this proposal shall become the sole property of the City of Bozeman with no restrictions on use or dissemination. a) Digital Imagery 6-inch or 0.1524 meter pixel Ground Sample Distance (GSD) digital orthorectified color digital imagery shall be obtained for the entire project area. Imagery shall be collected with a minimum 30% side lap and 60% over lap to ensure coverage sufficient to produce stereo images. The City of Bozeman wishes to utilize a true aerial digital camera to reduce the amount of time and expense required for processing, developing and scanning of film that is normally associated with traditional aerial cameras. Digitally collected imagery ensures the highest quality imagery from the time of image acquisition because there are no external sources for contamination or degradation of image quality. 8 X. Quality Control and Acceptance Procedures Quality Control The City retains the sole right to determine contract adherence to quality control requirements. Judgment that the Contractor is in breach of the quality control requirements may require suspension of any phase of the contract until such time as the City can determine that such problem(s) have been remedied. Respondents shall indicate in their proposal a description of the internal quality control processes they will utilize throughout the various phases of the project to assure that the contract deliverables will be acceptable. The Respondent may provide forms, flow charts, or other materials to document the quality control process. Acceptance Checks An attempt will be made to complete checks of all deliverable products within 30 days of delivery. Check plots and ArcGIS data will be subjected to a series of inspections that may include the following: • Mounting, manipulation, and display of digital files on the City’s GIS system • Comparison of data and file content with digital orthophotos • Checks to verify the informational content of the data for completeness, correctness, and database integrity • Field checks to ensure compliance with ASPRS accuracy standards • Other checks against specifications as may be appropriate The City will be conducting checks of the hard copy and digital data provided. Acceptance Procedures After initial checking, work increments will be categorized by the City as follows: • ACCEPTED: Products that meet specifications and contain no errors, or so few errors as to be acceptable, will be formally indicated as accepted. The City may assume responsibility for minor corrections, after which the Contractor will be notified, so that the problems will not recur on subsequent products. • RECEIVED-EDITED: The product has a number of errors that do not permit acceptance. For the product to be accepted, the Contractor must correct all errors noted by the City. The City will verify through a recorded edit that the Contractor has made all corrections called in for the first edit. • REJECTED: The number and character of errors detected by the City are such that the product is formally returned to the Contractor without a complete edit. The City will formally notify the Contractor of the rejected status of the product. The Contractor must edit and correct the mapping for resubmittal to the City. If the City determines that there is an excessive number of rejected products, the City may require the Contractor to suspend production until the problems are resolved. Completion of any required corrective actions shall not affect the Contractor’s production schedule. Payment for work will not be authorized until the City has accepted the products. The acceptance procedure will apply to all deliverable products to be received. S 19TH AVE S 3RD AVE COTTONWOOD RD GOOCH HILL RD INT E R S T A T E 9 0 H W Y DURSTON RD FRONTAGE R D HUFFINE LN STUCKY RD E VALLEY CENTER RD SOURDOUGH RD BAXTER LN W M A IN ST W OAK ST DAVIS LN B R I D G E R CANYON RD W COLLEGE ST W BABCOCK ST E MAIN ST W KAGY BLVD N ROUSE AVE OAK ST INTERSTATE 90 HWY I N T E RSTATE 90 HWY FRONTAGE RD 1 0 10.5 Mile ¯2012 Bozeman Aerial Flight Boundary