HomeMy WebLinkAboutJoint City and School District 7 meeting agenda Joint City Commission School District 7 Meeting November 28, 2011 6:00 — 7:30 PM Bozeman City Commission Meeting Room Agenda 1) Tax Increment Finance Districts(15 minutes) a. Downtown TIF: Joint programs,benefits—Steve Johnson,Chris Nauman b. Process for establishing future TIF districts 2) Public Safety(20 minutes) a. Safe Routes to Schools: Pedestrian/Traffic Safety&Bike Board • Description of Program—Taylor Lonsdale,Rich McLane, John Vandeliner b. School Resource Officers • Description of Program—Rich McLane, Marilyn King 3) Location and Infrastructure Planning for future elementary,middle and high schools (45 minutes) a. Need—Steve Johnson,Brian Krueger b. Infrastructure planning around future schools—transportation,utilities c. Land use issues—park land dedication,residential and commercial growth d. 2nd high school—location at the corner of Cottonwood and Stucky 4) Projected Dates for Vote on Future Bond Issue Schedules (10 minutes) a. Police station/municipal courts (2013) b. Parks facilities (Unknown) c. Parks/Open Space/Trails (Unknown) d. 81h elementary school (2012) e. 3rd middle school(2015) f. 2nd high school (2018) Future Items • BSD7/City Park and Recreation Cooperation on Facility and Field Use