HomeMy WebLinkAbout11- Change Order No. 9, Water Reclamation Facility, Phase 1, Williams Brothers MOWSON CHANGE ORDER No. 9 ........... DATE OF ISSUANCE EFFECTIVE DATE OWNER City of Bozeman CONTRACTOR Williams Brother Construction, LLC Contract: Bozeman WRF Phase I Improvements Project: Bozeman Water Reclamation Facility OWNER's Contract No. SRF C303105-01 ENGINEER— HDR/MMI ENGTNEER!s Contract No. 00..60746 You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Documents: Description: Implement CPR 144A and 164 as identified in attached letter dated October 19, 2011. Reason for Change Order: See attached letter dated October 19, 2011. Attachments: Letter from Dan Harmon dated October 19, 2011 and CPR 144a and 164. CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIMES: Original Contract Price Original Contract Times: Substantial Completion: October 5, 2011 36 362 233.00 Ready for final payment: JanuaKy 8, 2012 (daXs or dates Net Increase(Decrease)from previous Change Net change from previous Change Orders No. 0 to Orders No. 0 to 8 No. 8 : Substantial Completion: 28 $ 322,043.90 Ready for filial payment: 28 (days) Contract Price prior to this Change Order: Contract Times prior to this Change Order: Substantial Completion: November 2, 2011 $ 36 684 276.90 Ready for filial payment: February 5, 2012 (days or dates Net increase(decrease)of this Change Order: Net increase(decrease)this Change Order: Substantial Completion: 150 $ 114,429,00 Ready for final payment: 150 (days) Contract Price with all approved Change Orders: Contract Times with all approved Change Orders: Substantial Completion: March 31. 2012 $ 36,798,705 90 Ready for final payment: July 4,2012 (days or dates) __Jl Contractor certifies and agrees that there are no additional costs or claims for extra work, additional time, delays or omitted items, of any nature whatsoever, associated with the subject change order items,except as identified and set forth herein and unless expressly stated otherwise in the Change Order. And further,that the price agreed-upon herein represents the ost and value for the subject work performed and the materials supplied under the terms of the P contract a eWork quantities and value were properly determined and are correct. le- 6Q�WPACTOR(Authorized Signature) Date CO EN APPROVED BY"- (ENGINEER Date OWNER(Authorized Signature) Date EJCDC 1910-8-B (1996 Edition Prepared by the Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee and endorsed by The Associated General Contractors of America and the Construction Specifications Institute. October 19, 2011 Ms. Debbie Arkell/ Mr, Bob Murray City of Bozeman P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 Subject: Bozeman WRF Phase I Improvements Project Potential Project Change Orders Dear Debbie and Bob: This letter is written in response to our meeting at the wastewater treatment plant site on October 12, 2011. As you are aware, we are approaching the completion date for the Phase I Construction project and are preparing for final project commissioning and closeout. At this time, a large portion of the new treatment facilities have been completed, successfully started and are providing excellent treatment performance for the City. The Contractor is now working on retrofit of the existing treatment plant into the new facility treatment process arrangement. During our on-site meeting with you, the project.design team and City plant personnel have identified two key project change items (Pipeline at the Existing Chlorine Contact Basin and Installation of Launder Covers for Secondary Clarifiers No. 5 and No. 6) that we are requesting strong consideration from the City management staff and City Commission at this time. We believe the change items identified offer the City operation and environmental benefits and should be completed as part of the Phase I construction project. The nature of each proposed change item, background status on why they were not included in the original construction Contract, why the change is deemed needed now and the full cost of each proposed change item are presented below: Proposed Chanize Item - (CPR No. 144A) Pipeline at the Existing Chlorine Contact Basin: Nature of proposed change - The existing Chlorine Contact Basin has been planned for removal from service as a part of the original project design. The City has installed and commissioned a new ultraviolet light(UV) Disinfection Facility which enables the City to cease the use of chlorine for regular effluent disinfection, which will reduce any potential toxicity, impact from chlorine discharge to the East Gallatin River. The original project design had planned for leaving a portion of the Chlorine Contact Basin structure in service for transmission of secondary clarifier effluent flows to the new UV Disinfection Facility. The existing open S 715 SoVi RvserNv Rh{,e suo C 541'FI';l I HOR Ennincerion.Inc. UT 1'qRM Vol rr-.' Ms. Debbie Arkell/Mr. Bob Murray October 19. 2011 concrete channel at the west end of the Chlorine Contact Basin was planned to be used for the final installation. The proposed project change is to install a 36 IN pipeline within the open concrete channel at the west end of the basin and fully pipe and enclose all secondary effluent as it passes through the Contact Basin. A concrete cap would be installed over the pipeline to protect the pipeline, lock it in place and enable control of rainwater and snowinelt within the area where the pipeline is installed. Reason for not including in original project—The project design tearn had determined that the original installation was the most cost effective means for transmission of the clarifier effluent to the new UV Facility, while maintaining the ability to also send clarifier effluent to the existing infiltration/percolation(I/P) bed pumping station.. Need for change item —The installation as designed would leave the secondary clarifier flows exposed to sunlight that would require regular maintenance of the open channel to clean unwanted algae growth during the warmer months. In addition, depending; upon what treatment units are in service, the exposed concrete channel could be susceptible to overtopping of hydraulic flows under certain conditions. By installation of a new pipeline, the clarifier effluent flows can be delivered in an enclosed conduit that will eliminate the need for regular cleaning and will avoid potential flooding of plant flows. Full cost of change item —HDR/MMI have discussed the Contractor's cost proposal with theta and have determined that, provided the City can provide approval for proceeding with the change on or before November 15, 2011, the total cost of the change item will be $18,429, as shown on the attached CPR response received from Williams Brother Construction. The Contractor has also stated that this change item will require an addition of 14 calendar-days to the project substantial completion and final completion times, primarily associated with the procurement of needed materials. The Contractor also indicates that an extension of contract time would not include other secondary impacts or extended overhead costs. This is confirmed by the Change Proposal Request and Project Change Order where secondary and other impact charges are not allowed unless specifically presented in the approved CPR. The change item, if completed prior to the end of the year, would not result in added engineering time and inspection of the contractor's work could be performed by HDR/MMI while other needed field inspections are completed. As such, the total cost of this change item is S 18,429. Proposed Change Item - CPR No. 164 Launder Covers for Secondary Clarifiers No. 5 and No. 6: Nature of proposed change—The original project design had planned under original Bid Item. No. 5 to install fiberglass covers over the effluent launders on Secondary Clarifier No. 5 and HDH oi,E c-,1)i,- .i/ , 2 of 4 Ms. Debbie Arkell/Mr. Bob Murray October 19, 2011 Secondary Clarifier No, 6. The effluent launder covers protect the clarifier launders from sunlight and prevent unwanted algae formation on the launders that requires maintenance cleaning. Prevention of algae formation also eliminates sloughing of algae into the plant effluent which would impact future tertiary treatment processes and the East Gallatin River. Reason for not including in original project—Following the Phase 1 project bid which exceeded the original project budget, it was determined that the secondary clarifier launders for these basins could be delayed to a subsequent project when tertiary treatment (likely effluent filtration) is incorporated into the plant treatment process. Need for change item The algae formation creates a significant amount of maintenance for plant personnel, impacts the East Gallatin River and will also detrimentally impact any future tertiary treatment units employed on the plant discharge. Full cost of change item. —I-1 DR/ MM1 has discussed the installation of the clarifier launder covers with the Contractor and their supplier and we have determined that the cost presented at $96,000 includes the supply and installation of the launder covers for both Secondary Clarifier No. 5 and Secondary Clarifier No. 6. The original cost for Bid Item No. 5 presented at bid day was S 114,130. As shown on the attached CPR from the Contractor, the current price for the cover supply and installation is 596,000, which is less than the original Bid Amount. The Contractor confirmed the original Bid Item pricing was in error and included the supply of three covers in lieu of two as originally intended. The change item does require an extension in the contract final completion time of 150 calendar-days. The Contractor has recently installed similar covers, manufactured by the same FRP cover manufacturer, at the Billings WWTP. The fabrication and delivery of the covers, including shop drawing development and reviews, can be expected to take between 14 to 16 weeks. Allowing for an additional 4-6 weeks for installation, the 150 calendar-days is appropriate for this work. Because the remainder of the project work will be completed prior to cover delivery, the Contractor has indicated they would re-mobilize to the site to complete the installation in the spring. The Contractor has confirmed that the lump sum cost of$96,000 includes all charges for the Contractor, including any necessary re-mobilization. HDRJMMI have also confirmed that the Contractor will not request and additional secondary impact charges or extended overhead charges associated with this change. Because the installation will require extension of the engineering services contract, there are some charges associated with the time extension including added time for contract management and closeout and additional on-site inspection during the cover installation. We expect the added engineering time not to exceed $5,000 in additional costs. We believe that these charges can be accomplished within the original engineering services agreement budget allowance, and will not require an increase in the engineering services contract amount to address this work. H©R o,,, ('nmpauw I ti....r Salut...... 3 of4 Ms. Debbie Arkeli/Mr. Bob Murray October 19, 201 1 Please contact me at 4406-5a2-2207 if you wish to discuss the above proposed changes in greater detail. We have notified the Contractor that it is likely they will receive notice whether to proceed with the above change items on or before November 15, 2011. Should the City deed additional time for evaluation of the changes as presented, the costs for installation of the changes may be impacted due to differing weather conditions for completing the work. We look forward to your response on the change items presented above. Sincerely, HDR ENGINEERING, INC. Dan J. Harrison, P.E. cc. file Tom Adams, City of Bozeman James Nickelson, MMI Craig Brawner, MMI Coraf,ynn Revis, HDR HDR 4 of 4 'v- MORRISON CHANGE PROPOSAL 'T MAMU, (Not a Chwqe Order) WRF Phme 1 krpovemerft 1 CPR tkaL- 1t11 Deb 10 Ca 11__ Dab Reed fimm covAractor i TO: 'µ for aS: ltlit,7d and and fY { !i.aRs.VW*ll am%am holes. HDRAW Datw. f. 11 TO* HDR 'q*lrrc. , (nc, Cost /all L4 Z 9 Credk (A bme exkmm m not requnW for this rno and- :) Cordtrac for D /o =_I'7 Td: AcooptedNat A=epted !9DRIMM.Date Acce i Y' A 0 i j, r 1. N# B .n � s e S • Y � � r , +# y Y_ f C r t �- a f � f r #"�. �" � a• to � u l , f73 x r� I $ a x u r V � Bozeman WRF - Phase 1 COST PROPOSAL - Contact Basin Bypass By:KMG Date:09/20/2011 Materials Description Unit Quantity Cost 4000psi Concrete $85.00 CY 6 $510.00 Form Materials 3/4" BBC), 44's, 2x4's and Ties $1,000.00 LS 1 $1,000.00 #4 debar $510.00 EA 0.3 $153.00 Hilti Epoxy $25.00 EA 14 $350.00 3000psi Grout Mix $110.00 CY 35 $3,850.00 36" ADS HDPE Pipe $49.73 LF 40 $1,989.20 36" Metal Pipe Collar Form (Bolt to Concrete) $375,00 EA 1 $375.00 Labor Description Unit Quantity Cost Form, Pour& Strip Structural Decks (typ, of 2) $37,74 Carpenter 60 $2,264.40- Form, Pour& Strip Pipe Encasement (Grout) $37.74 Carpenter 50 $1,887.00 Pour Fillet in influent/effluent box $37.74 Carpenter 30 $1,132.20 On-Site Supervision $47,18 Foreman 15 $707.70 Remove Existing Mud Valve Riser $30,54 Laborer 6 $18124 Place 36"ADS Pipe $39.01 Operator 6 $234.06 $30.54 Laborer 12 $366,48 4" Core Drill $350.00 LS 2 $700.00 Equipment Description Unit Quantity Cost Pump Truck/3 Pours $187.50 HR 9 $1,687,50 28 Ton Crane $135.00 Hr 8 $1,080.00 Subtotal $18,469.78 Markup $3,139.86 TOTAL $21,609.64 Additional Contract Time 14days NOTES: Pricing includes pouring a 6-inch thick concrete cap over the influent box, effluent box and west channel of the chlorine contact basin. Placing 36"ADS HDPE pipe in the west channel and grouting to top of pipe.. A concrete fillet will also be poured in the influent and effluent box to top of pipe. The mud valve will be filled with concrete, Excludes: Heat and Cover/ Design Loads Etc. CREDIT: $3,180.47 for work deleted under CPR#119 w. CHANGE PROPOSAL REQUEST PI ciect: 2oze-nar VVRf - Phaso Irn[)ro,,Pmcrtt,: CPR No —1 CPR Date: ---,4)4,.1.0l.'! Date Sent to Contractor, 4,4!21 1 Date Roc'd from Contractor, 3. VViIliams Brother Please furnish your proposal for executing the following change(s): '--L err ghat 4tCe 103141 yak cu,and remove th(-,Le.,TvNng.kv- t-e--2 e s-t c t.qmft,-Qfj h unlvt;n L—L jt v to SuDwrl arating, RkW4 44 i D FZ)MI M I Date: 41412011 TO: HDR Engineering, inc Miornson Maierle, •srir. Proposzl: Credit J+ ,.rase exlensior is 'ef'f this modificat'on unless otheTwse detailed and jtj,;tifed:) c, Date To: Accepted Accented"Not Accepted Owner. 1 r Pecommend to accept J,3mes Nj(-kelson 04-29-11 --------------- MaterWs crp' tion 51,53 . �ln� P Gusto .. . y ar ' g LS ,.557 00 ,rt-T,,rftec ,•C• (art ccrros ue S,145.00 LS 5 45.00 Labor w �•p a 5—no isl- 41,2xes (2 Ea) $40.74 Crane Op 5 .. _ $203.70 $37.74 Carpenter 1U $377,40 Setwo F Q-Saw Ct t v"°- 53774 Carpen�er 12 452.35 $37.74 Carpenter 3 $3019 C orcrete Retnovalw '$40.74 Crane Op la 537.74 Carpenter --;5 �.-•,. 537.74 Carpenter 8 checker p1ete inll $75 48 p ,w- 8?on Crane $135,00 fir - $1350 Subtctat Markup $4550.30 Subcontracts :tdcrr�stisdns "� ass..""- .:�. «.... Sa-Mv Cut 10-'r cri'gat1 $30-00� t_F 73 $2,10'0.00 a YpPaI C'!G°I.«jt;!' $550.00 5..S 1 '$550,00 Demolished Cuncrete Disposal $255.00 LS 1 $255.00 Subtata( - �- "I tsta r $7070.; 4 NOTES* J!-,is quote inciudes concrete c erne, gate demD, a car stallabon "there are a few mud'valves rot included r7 the o,,cte for derno a-e 'lAq . Credit = $10,250.71 - $7070,24 = $3,180.447 ..." I.—I vlv� r jw_itUR;jlvv r-,ayv t Ul I NORTHWEST PIPE FITTINGS, INC. NOT FOR SHIPPING MATERIAL MAY NOT BE SHIPPED Ti Hrol Wotor WorkS 1"dur1r17l SUpphLs 5f.4VlCk vjlth aou:own tMCkS FR OM HIS DOCUMENT 0% T�L�4, , _0, A, 114 ."I t_O �111 5A. 7 PICK LIST/QUOTATION FORM NORTHWEST PIPE FITTINGS INC, * * Q U 0 T A T 1 0 N * * TO: WILLIAMS BROTHER CONST LLC DATE: 09/14/11 NO. 205748 BOZEMAN WRF IMPRV PHASE I TO DATE: 09/14/11 255 MOSS BRIDGE RD JOB: 3611 ads BOZEMAN , MT TERMS : NET 30 FOB: PREP. BY CHRIS SLOAN WE ARE PLEASED TO QUOTE YOU ON THE FOLLOWING MATERIAL. . . . ALI, QUOTES ARE SUBJECT TO NORTHWEST PIPE FITTINGS nTERMS OF SALE" QUOTED PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AFTER THE -TO DATE- ABOVE. PAGE, 1 Qty Part Number Description Price. . . Extended 40 4525040 36" X 201 SERIES 65 SOLID DRAINAGE 49. 73 1989.20 PIPE (WATERTITE) ------------ 1989.20 QUOTATION TOTALS 1989.20 h'v- R, �MORRM CHANGE PROPOSAL S -U ,m ( ) Project Sozemen WRF Phase 1 CPR 1 CPR Date: 10/19mil contractor. i;I ., I I Date Reed Tab: Pleme hvnish your pmp=W for emeWng the ftWwIng chaql*). Add kMnO AE VWn t g?Seggodwy Claders 6 god fa pM qdgInW oroject bid HDRAMI late: 1W 011 TO: KDR Enginewing,Inc.Morrison Wlakxie,lnc. l: Cost Credit (A time extension is not required for Ahn modftubw unfess oftmse debtiled mid" ) Time ExWrWn of Contr late J TO: AcoeptedNot Accepted HDRAAW:Date A r:Date h" R MOTOUSON CHANGE PROPOSAL REQUEST P WRF Phase 1 Improwrernants CPR 1t34 CPR l�f I9�11 Daft ftrg to Ceriftoor t7 t i Date R `d fmm contractor. TO: Ct rcc� Plefte fah your propoeW for exam0ting ): A to I Cie: 1 18/2(}11 TO: H DR En ° ,Inc,Morrison Lbieft,irr_ Proposal: Cost __ $ i.tXli3 Credit (A time eAmsm is not required for the modification uniew odwnme deWW ar ;) T me�+of Con tr Date ft •/ �� / TO: Acoeptedftt ADoepted hid :Date Aoce ter:Deb