HomeMy WebLinkAbout11- College and 11th Street Roundabout Change Order No. 2, Knife River CHANGE ORDER No, 02 DATE OF ISSUANCE October 13, 2011 EFFECTIVE DATE Upon Owner Authorization ........... OWNER City of Bozeman,Montana CONTRACTOR Knife River-Belgrade Contract: Dated May-17 2011 Project: College and I I" Street Roundabout OWNER's Contract No. ENGINEER Robert Peccia and Associates ENGINEER's Contract No. You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Documents- ­­- Description: The following rectifies final installed and constructed quantities as compared to plan (estimated) quantities, and provides for work directive changes. Item 1: Bid Item No. 5-Remove Trees. The final quantity of removed trees is 15 each as compared to the estimated plan quantity of 18 each. Three (3)trees in the northwest quadrant along the NorthWestern Energy substation wall were removed by forces employed by NorthWestern Energy. This change reduces the trees removed by three (3) at a unit price bid of$110.00 per each(tree) for a decrease to the contract price by Three Hundred Thirty Dollars and Zero Cents(4330.00). Item 2: Bid Item No. 6-Remove Structure. This structure was the lighted Montana State University(MSU) campus entry sign on a concrete base located in the southeast comer of the project. This item was removed by MSU forces prior to the project, thereby eliminating this bid item work. This change reduced the contract price by its bid price (each) of One Thousand Two Hundred Dollars and Zero Cents(41,200.00). Item 3: Bid Item No. 10-Plant Mix Bituminous Surfacing. The final quantity of hot plant mix bituminous ,surfacing placed amounted to 665 tons as measured by load tickets. This final quantity increases the surfacing amount by sixty(60) tons at a unit price bid of$75.00 per ton for an increase to the contract price by Four Thousand Five Hundred Dollars and Zero Cents (+$4,500.00). Item 4: Bid Item No. 18-12"PVC Storm Drain. The final quantity of 12"PVC storm drain is 115 linear feet as compared to the estimated plan quantity of 120 linear feet. The adjustment is a result of moving manhole locations to better fit constraints presented by buried utilities. This change reduces the 12"PVC storm drain by five (5)linear feet at a unit price bid of 530.00 per linear feet for a decrease to the contract price by One Hundred Fifty Dollars and Zero Cents (-$150.00). Item 5: Bid Item No. 19-15"PVC Storm Drain. The final quantity of 15"PVC storm drain is 129 linear feet as compared to the estimated plan quantity of 140 linear feet. The adjustment is a result of-moving manhole locations to better fit constraints presented by buried utilities. This change reduces the 15"PVC storm drain by eleven(11)linear feet at a unit price bid of$34.00 per linear feet for a decrease to the contract price by Three Hundred Seventy-Four Dollars and Zero Cents (-S374.00). Item 6: Bid Item No. 20-18"PVC Storm Drain. The final quantity of 18"PVC storm drain is 32 linear feet as compared to the estimated plan quantity of 3 8 linear feet. The adjustment is a result of moving manhole locations to better fit constraints presented by buried utilities. This change reduces the 18"PVC storm drain by six(6) linear feet at a unit price bid of$54.00 per linear feet for a decrease to the contract price by Three Hundred Twenty-Four Dollars and Zero Cents(-$324.00). Item 7: Bid Item No. 21 -18"RCP CI-3 Storm Drain. The final quantity of 18"RCP Cl-3 storm drain is 40 linear feet as compared to the estimated plan quantity of 62 linear feet. The adjustment is a result of moving manhole locations to better fit constraints presented by buried utilities. This change reduces the 18"RCP C1-3 storm drain by twenty-two (22) linear feet at a unit price bid of$55.00 per linear feet for a decrease to the contract price by One Thousand Two-Hundred Ten Dollars and Zero Cents(-$1,210.00). Item 8: Bid Item No. 24-Manhole 60" Special Design. This proposed manhole was to replace an existing that housed primary electrical junctions owned by NorthWestem Energy. However NorthWestem Energy abandoned the primary electrical conductors in this location which resulted in eliminating the need for the proposed manhole, The Manhole 60" Special Design was however fabricated according to plan prior to the knowledge that this electrical line was abandoned by NorthWestem Energy. Bid Item No. 24 was eliminated at a unit price bid of $3,800.00 for fabrication,removal of the existing manhole and installation of the specialty manhole. The fabricated cost of the specialty manhole was $1,395.00 which the Contractor has paid and is to be reimbursed for Page 1 of 5 F:Wghways108510_000_Bozeman College St RoundaboutkConstrucfion-Admin\Change-Orders\CO-No2\Roundabout-ChangeOrder-No2.doc this cost. This overall item change reduced the total contract price by Two Thousand Four Hundred Five Dollars and Zero Cents (-$2,405.00), i.e. -53,800.00 (bid item.)+ $1,395.00 (manhole fabrication only). Item 9: Bid Item No. 29—Concrete Sidewalk 4". The final quantity of 4"thick concrete sidewalk constructed was 1,298.3 square yards as compared to the estimated plan quantity of 1,228.5 square yards. The increase quantity was a result of Modifying a bike ramp to fit power pole guy wire restraints; modifying curb ramp landings to fit for future pedestrian rectangular rapid flashing beacons; adjusting a sidewalk layout to fit with a buried utility vault, and miscellaneous adjustments to ties to existing features. These final quantities increases the 4"thick concrete sidewalk amount by sixty-nine point eight(69.8) square yards at a unit price bid of$38.00 per square yard for an increase to the contract price by Two Thousand Six Hundred Fifty-Two Dollars and Forty Cents (+°$2,652.40). Item 10: Bid Item No.30—Concrete Sidewalk 6".The final quantity of 6"thick concrete sidewalk constructed was 109.0 square yards as compared to the estimated plan quantity of 89.0 square yards. The increase quantity was a result of constructing a tie to an existing approach with concrete instead of using hot plant mix bituminous surfacing. These final quantities increase the 6"thick concrete sidewalk amount by twenty(20.0) square yards at a unit price bid of$45.00 per square yard for an increase to the contract price by Nine Hundred Dollars and Zero Cents(+$900.00). Item 11: Bid Item No.34— Concrete Curb & Gutter. The final quantity of concrete curb and gutter constructed was 1,2.35.0 linear feet as compared to the estimated plan quantity of 1,210.7 linear feet. The increase quantity was primarily a result of field fitting terminus locations at all ties to existing curb and gutter along Nest College St. and South 1Vn Avenue. These final quantities increase the concrete curb and gutter amount by twenty- four point three (24.3) linear feet at a unit price bid of$9.50 per linear feet for an increase to the contract price by Two Hundred Thirty Dollars and Eighty-Five Cents (+$230.85). Item 12: Bid Item No. 35--Sodding. The final quantity of lawn sod placed was 990 square yards as compared to the estimated plan quantity of 965 square yards. The increase quantity was primarily a result of actual construction limits slightly differing from plan due to cut and fill slope plan/actual variations. These final quantities increase the lawn sod amount by twenty-five(25.0)square yards at a unit price bid of$11.00 per square yard for an increase to the contract price by Two Hundred Seventy-Five Dollars and Zero Cents (+$275.00). Item 13: Bid Item No.37—Riprap. The riprap rock was planned to line an existing detention basin in the northeast quadrant of the intersection. The detention basin is privately owned,yet within the project's temporary construction permit limits. In coordinating with the detention basin owner, it was determined that riprap was not in his or the project's interest and it was eliminated. Instead the detention basin was excavated to improve capacity, reshaped and finished with lawn sod. This change eliminated the planned eight(8)cubic yards of riprap at a unit price bid of$95.00 per cubic yard for a decrease to the contract price by Seven Hundred-Sixty Dollars and Zero Cents(-$760.00). The excavation,reshaping and finishing of the detention basin increased the contract price by a lump sum cost of One Thousand Two-Hundred Fifty Dollars and Zero Cents (+$1,250.00). Item 14: Bid Item No. 38—Retaining Wall. The final quantity of retaining wall installed was 138 square feet as compared to the estimated plan quantity of 96 square feet. The increase quantity was primarily a result of the wall blocks approved for use had different dimensions than estimated, aligning the steps in the wall to fit field conditions, and adding cap stones. This final quantity increases the retaining wall amount by forty-two (42.0) square feet at a unit price bid of$26.00 per square foot for an increase to the contract price by One Thousand Ninety-Two Dollars and Zero Cents (+$1,092.00). Item 15: Bid Item No. 40—Remove& Salvage Luminaires. The final quantity of luminaires removed& salvaged was 5 each as compared to the estimated plan quantity of 6 each at a unit price bid of$600.00 per each for a decrease to the contract price by Six Hundred Dollars and Zero Cents (4600.00). Item 16: Bid Item No. 42—Sign Removal. The final quantity of existing signs removed was 21 each as compared to the estimated plan quantity of 20 each. The increase quantity was due to removing a speed limit sign not included in the plan quantity(reinstalled to fit site adjustments under Item 17). This final quantity increases the signs removed by one(1)each at a unit price bid of$80.00 each for an increase to the contract price by Eighty Dollars and Zero Cents (+$80.00). Item 17: Bid Item No. 43—Sign Installations.The final quantity of signs installed was 49 each as compared to the estimated plan quantity of 48 each. The increase quantity was due to installing a speed limit sign that was first removed(Item 16 above) from the construction limits, and reinstalled to final position under this item. This final quantity increases the signs installed by one (1)each at a unit price bid of$400.00 each for an increase to the contract price by Four Hundred Dollars and Zero Cents(+$400.00). Page 2 of 5 F.thighwayst08510 000 Bozeman College St RoundabouttConstrucfon_Admin\Change_OrderstCO_No2!Roundabout—ChangeOrder_No2.doc Item 1$: Bid Item No. 51 —Adjust Curb Box. The final quantity of curb box adjustments was 0 each as compared to the estimated plan quantity of 1 each. The curb box did not require adjustment. The final quantity decreases the curb boxes adjusted by one (1) each at a unit price bid of$75 each for a decrease to the contract price by Seventy-Five Dollars and Zero Cents (-$75.00). Item 19: Bid Item No. 52—Adjust Gas Valve. The final quantity of gas valves to be adjusted was 0 each as compared to the estimated plan quantity of 1 each. The gas service associated with the valve was abandoned by NorthWestern Energy thereby not requiring this plan adjustment. This final quantity decreases the gas valves adjusted by one (1) each at a unit price bid of$110,00 each for a decrease to the contract price by One Hundred- Ten Dollars and Zero Cents(-$110.00). Item 20: Bid Item No. 56—Asphalt Prime. Due the project area(intersection of S. 11`h Ave. and W, College St.)being closed from vehicular traffic, it was anticipated that the gravel base course to which the asphalt prime was to be applied to bind the top surface,would not experience raveling. This was the case and the work was eliminated. This change eliminated the planned 2,732 square yards of MC-70 prime coat, at a unit price bid of $4.2.5 per square yard for a decrease to the contract price by Eleven Thousand Six Hundred-Eleven Dollars and Zero Cents (-$11,611.00). Item 21: New Work RRFB Installation. Within Change Order No. 1, work completed was to install additional electrical conduit and pull boxes in preparation for the Owner to install future Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB) at each cross walk. Under this Change Order No. 2,the preparation work for future RRFB's includes modifying planned telespar sign installations at cross walk locations to an electrical base foundation complete with a 4"RMC pole suitable for future RRFBs and current crosswalk sign panels. At these cross-walks the work therefore eliminates sign foundations and posts(except panels), and instead installs new 4"RMC poles with Pelco bases to set on reinforced electrical base foundations with anchors. The work includes modifying the plan underground electrical service connection to overhead, supplying and pulling cabling for the future RRFB electrical supply,pedestrian push buttons and RRFB flashers. Two Contractor quotes of August 8, 2011 are attached as reference. One quote is for the RRFB foundation and post components including modification to electrical service from underground to overhead, The change increases the contract price by Twenty Thousand One Hundred-Two Dollars and Twenty-Five Cents(+$20,102.25). The second quote is to supply and install electrical cabling for future RRFB's. The change increases the contract price by Six Thousand Three Hundred Thirty-One Dollars and Fifty Cents(+$6,331.50). One additional Type II pull box was also installed for an increase to the contract price of Four Hundred—Thirty Dollars and Zero Cents (+$430,00). This overall item change increased the total contract price by Twenty Six Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty-Three Dollars and Seventy-Five Cents(+S26,863.75), i.e. +$20,102.25 (foundation&posts) +$6,331.50 (supply& install cabling)+ $430.00 (additional Type 11 pull box). Item 22; New Work—Deduction for 7 Planned Sign Poles &Bases Resulting From Item 21 Above. The work eliminates seven (7)telspar posts,telspar foundation posts, and concrete sign foundations from plan. This is a result of installing 4"RMC poles and electrical base foundations (Item 21 above) as a substitute since future RRFB flashers are to be installed on the same post as the signs,yet require the electrical type pole and foundation. In summary, crosswalk sign panels were installed on the 4"RMC poles, Eliminating the seven(7) sign posts,post foundations, and sign concrete foundations decreased the contract price by One Thousand Four Hundred Dollars and Zero Cents(41,400.00). Item 23. New Work—Relocate 3 Installed Signs(2 w/Bases, 1 w/o Base). The project required relocating three(3) signs installed. This was addressed under the final walkthrough"punch list"and cleanup work. The W2- 6/W13-1P installation at Sta. 14+72 left on S. 11"'Ave, was relocated to be in front of a power pole to provide better visibility for approaching traffic. Similarly, a DI I-I/M6-2 installation at Sta. 10+39 right on S. 11`h Ave. was reset on to a light pole fixture to provide better visibility. The R3-17/R3-17bp installation at Sta. 10+19 right on S. 11`h Ave.was relocated at the request of MSU. These sign relocations increased the total contract price by a lump sum cost of Four Hundred Ninety Dollars and Zero Cents(+$490.00). Item 24. New Work—Remove&Replace Curb at ADA Ramps. Final walkthrough"punch list"work required an amount of full-height curb be removed and replaced as laydown curb at the ADA curb ramp cross walk locations. This work better fit the conditions created by the installation of the new RRFB layouts(see Item 21 above). This change amounted to an increase to the contract price by One Thousand Two Hundred Dollars and Zero Cents(+S 1,200,00), Attachments: (List documents supporting change): Page 3 of 5 F.lhighwaysl0 8510000 Bozeman College St RoundabouAConst_uctlon_Admin\Change_Orders\C(}_No2tRoundabout ChangeOrder_No2,doc Item 8: invoice for structure fabrication cost($1,395,00) Item 13: Email correspondence dated August 5,2011. Item 20: Knife River correspondence of July 7, 2011 &Robert Peccia and Associates correspondence of July 14, 2011. Item 21: Two quotes from Knife River-Belgrade of August 8, 2011. One quote for RRFB preparation and the second quote for cabling installation. Change In Contract Time: Luminaire pole delivery dates with long lead time between order/shipment that is exceeding current contract time. No attachments for remainder items. The changes reflect quantities installed. CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIMES: Original Contract Price Original Contract Times: Substantial Completion: 60 calendar days $ 652,747.35 Ready for final payment: (days or dates) ........................... Net Increase(Decrease r f om previous Change Net change from previous Change Orders No. I to I Orders No. 1 to 2 No. 2 Substantial Completion: No Change S (-1,200,00) Ready for final payment: (days) Contract Price prior to this Change Order: Contract Times prior to this Change Order: Substantial Completion: 60 calendar days S651,547.35 Ready for final payment: (days or dates) Net increase (decrease) of this Change Order: Net increase(decrease)this Change Order: 20 days Substantial Completion: August 23, 2011 $ +19,385.00 increase Ready for final payment: (days) Contract Price with all approved Change Orders: Contract Times with all approved Change Orders: Substantial Completion: 80 calendar days S670,931 5 Ready for final payment: (days or dates) Contractor certifies and agrees that there are no additional costs or claims for extra work, additional time, delays or omitted items, of any nature whatsoever, associated with the subject change order items, except as identified and set forth herein and unless expressly stated otherwise in the Change Order. And further,that the price agreed-upon herein represe is the full cost and value for the subject work performed and the materials supplied under the terms of the con c and that t quantities and value were properly determined and are correct. /? CiLINTRACTOR(Authorizpfl Signature) Date RE M� ED BY: APPROVED BY: Sign 46re) Date OWNER Authorized Signature) Date EJCDC 1910-8-B (1996 Edition Prepared by the Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee and endorsed by The Associated General Contractors of America and the Construction Specifications Institute. Page 4 of 5 FAhlghways\08510- -000 Bozeman College St Roundabout\Consiucbon-Admin\Change_Orders\CO-No2\Roundabout-ChangeOrder-No2.doc CHANGE ORDER INSTRUCTIONS A. GENERAL INFORMATION This document was developed to provide a uniform format for handling contract changes that affect Contract Price or Contract Times. Changes that have been initiated by a Work Change Directive must be incorporated into a subsequent Change Order if they affect Price or Times. Changes that affect Contract Price or Contract Times should be promptly covered by a Change Order. The practice of accumulating Change Orders to reduce the administrative burden may lead to unnecessary disputes. If Milestones have been listed in the Agreement, any effect of a Change Order thereon should be addressed. For supplemental instructions and minor changes not involving a change in the Contract Price or Contract Times, a Field Order should be used. B. COMPLETING THE CHANGE ORDER FORM Engineer normally initiates the form, including a description of the changes involved and attachments based upon documents and proposals submitted by Contractor, or requests from Owner, or both. Once Engineer has completed and signed the form, all copies should be sent to Owner or Contractor for approval, depending on whether the Change Order is a true order to the Contractor or the formalization of a negotiated agreement for a previously performed change. After approval by one contracting party, all copies should be sent to the other party for approval. Engineer should make distribution of executed copies after approval by both parties. If a change only applies to price or to times, cross out the part of the tabulation that does not apply. Wage 5 of 5 FAhighwaysl08510v000_Bozeman College 5t Round about\Construction_Admin\Change_OrderslCO_Not tRoundabout_ChangeOrder_No2.doc INVOICE 1871 BAXTER LANE (jT6M J; OZEMAN, MT 59715 INVOICE NUMBER. 0060958-IN PHN: 4065865087 INVOICE DATE: 06/1612011 A FAX: 4065866015 SALES ORDER NUMBER: KM53101 ORDER DATE: 5/3112011 SALESPERSON: KN AST&&SUPPLE', INC. CUSTOMER NUMBER: KNIFE SOLD TO, SHIP TO: KNIFE RIVER COLLEGE AND 11TH STREET IMP, PO BOX 9 BOZEMAN,MONTANA BELGRADE, MT 59714 CUSTOMER P.O. SHIP VIA F.O,B. TERMS 11 &COLLEGE ANDERSON JOBSITE TRUCK 2% 10TH, NET 25TH CONFIRM TO: STEVE B-2 KNIFE RIVER COMMENT: PRECAST STRUCTURES ITEM DESCRIPTION DIS UNIT ORDERED SHIPPED B/O PRICE AMOUNT 60" ELEC MANHOLE @ 11+44.5 EACH 1.00 1.00 0.00 1,395.00 1,395.00 ✓� IWTMBLOCKOUTS FOR EXISTING PIPE 60"SDMH#i @ 23+13.50 EACH 1.00 1.00 0.00 I„,I,d / VW12-18"&,2-12"BLOCKOUTS D&L 24"COB 7"RING EACH 5.00 2.00 100 0.00 0.00 D&L COB STORM SEWER LOGO CVR EACH 4.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 D&L 24"COB SLOTTED CVR EACH 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 D&L CURB INLET#515 VANED DRAT EACH 4.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 D&L CURB INLET#515 FRAME EACH 4.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 D&L HD W/FISH LOGO 9515 HOOD EACH 4.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 D&L 24"HEAVY 7"RING W/O-RING EACH 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 D&L 24"HEAVY CVR EACH 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 "ELECTRIC"COVER W10 HOLES-3 PEN TA BOLTS PENTA HEAD BOLT EXPENCE EACH 3.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6C a i A � lqo SIGNATURE TOTAL INVOICE: 44sum A FINANCE CHARGE OF 1,2%PER MONTH WILL BE CHARGED ON INVOICES UNPAID 30 DAYS FROM BILLING DATE, IN THE EVENT OF DEFAULT OF PAYMENT,BUYER AGREES TO PAY COLLECTION COSTS,COURT COSTS AND REASONABLE ATTORNEY PEES. NO RETURNS AFTER 60 DAYS, NO RETURNS ON SPECIAL ORDERED ITEMS. THERE IS A 20%RESTOCKING FEE ON ALL RETURNS AND MUST HAVE ORIGINAL INVOICE. BUYER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL APPLICABLE SALES TAXES.THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ARE ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO BY BUYERS UPON PURCHASE,STATEMENTS WILL BE SENT ON THE LAST BUSINESS DAY OF THE MONTH, WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS! Page 1 of 1 (10/14/2011)Tom Cavanaugh - Re� Roundabout- Riprap Page 1 From: Brian Heosbzn <bheosbzn@BDZEMAN.NET> Tm� "hom@rpo-hn.onm~«tom@rpo-h|n.oum> Date: 8/5/2011 5:12 P&4 Subject: Re. Roundabout- F{|pnap Works forme. BH Sent from myVarizon Wireless Phone — '— Rep|yrmessage--- From: "Tom Cavanaugh" <tom@RPA'HLN.CDN4> Date: Fri, Aug 5, 20112:55 pm Subject: Rnundmbout- FOpnap To: "Brian Heasb)n^ <bhoaehon@BOZEK8AN.NET> Cc: "Dave Zlnnmer' <Dmve@RPA-HLN.C[)K8>. '^ShaciVenner" <etani@RPA-HLN.COyW>, '7omn Cavanaugh" <tom@F(PA-HLN.COM> Brian- Steve B and myself discussed the planned 8 CY of riprap rock to be placed. The planned location isimthe Colombo's detention basin which is just south of the new retaining wall, between the new sidewalk toe of fill and existing Fed Ex parking in the NEquadrant. Steve and |would like tn eliminate the r|pnap. |tima stand alone bid item at$95 per CY. or$760 cost that could be eliminated. \ said U vvnu|d see if you onnoor and then get back tohim, | don't think the runoff from the parking lot into the basin is erosive enough to warrant additional r[pnsp. Plan iato sod from back of sidewalk to edge of construction limits. See attached drawing which shows the ripnapin the NE quadrant behind planned sod (sod hatched goaen). Tom m. Tom Cavanaugh, P.E. | Assistant Division Manager, Streets & Highways Robert Peooia &Associates Inc. | PO Box 5G53 | Helena, MIT 59604 406,447.5000 1406.447.5036 (fax) | emai|: tom@rpa-h|n.com<mai|to:emai|@rpa_h|n.00m> http:/Nvvmw.rpa-h|n.00nu<h#pƒ/wxwvv.rpa-h/n.00m/> The materials transmitted by this electronic mail are confidential, are only for the use of the intended recipient, and may be subject tV applicable privileges. Any unauthorized dissemination, distribution, nr copying of this communication im strictly prohibited. |f you have received this communication imerror, please immediately notify the sender and destroy all copies of the communication and any atbaohmenta.<httpyYvmxmw.rpm-h|n.00m/> AJ[ City ofBozeman nnmai|s are subject tothe Right to Know provisions of Montana's Constitution (Art. ||. Sect. 9)and may be considered a"public record" per Sect. 2-6-282 and Sect. 2-8-4O1. Montana Code Annotated./\s such, this email, its sender and, receiver, and the contents may be available for public disclosure and will be retained pursuant tuthe City's record retention policies. Ema0n that contain confidential information related to individual privacy may be protected from disclosure under law. PI�`� 1d� Y'A"�4.h' ui 4�.» r AN MOU RESOURCES COMPANY � www.kniferlver.coni Mountain Stags-Belgrade Division PO Box 9 Belgrade,MT 59714 (406)388-6832 a VEll (406)388-8347 fax A; July 7, 2011 JUL , 2011 Tom Cavanaugh, P.E. oba Peccia&Associates Robert Peccia &Associates Inc. PO Box 5553 825 Custer Avenue Helena, MT 59504 RE: College & 11"'Street Roundabout-Bozeman Optional Pricing-I Toni, I would like to offer the following items for your consideration on the above referenced project. First, I would like to suggest a 1l2-inch chip seal for the project to replace the 318-inch chip seal. I believe MDOT is going to this chip design for their intersection seal coat work. I think it would held up better to the rough treatment this intersection is going to get with the traffic turning as it goes through the intersection. There would be no cost increase for this change. Second, I would like to see the MC-70 Prime Coat item deleted from the project. At this time with the MDOT Chip Seal season.finally in full swing after the weather delays earlier this spring distributors are at a premium and would be nearly impossible to line up for as small a quantity as there is on this project. Since the intersection is closed there is no traffic going through the project to ravel the gravel and so the MC-70 should not be necessary. If you would like some kind of asphalt product applied to the gravel before we pave we could replace the MC-70 with an application of SS-1 Tack on the gravel before we pave. That could be done for$0.75 per square yard compared to the $4.25 per square yard bid price for the MC-70. Your consideration of these items is appreciated. If you have any questions please call nic at 388-6832. Sincerely, Steven R. Baeth Project Manager/Estimator Knife River--Belgrade EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ROBERT PECCIA & ASSOCIATES A , ;,,, Y1,a July 14,2011 8 C .. Steven R. Bactli Knife River--Belgrade P.O.Box 9 Belgrade, MT 59714 Subject. College & I I1:h Street Roundabout—Bozeman Optional Pricing- 1 Dear Steve: In response to your letter dated July 7,2011,we find your proposal acceptable to substitute 1/2- inch chip seal aggregate to replace the specified 3/8-inch aggregate, and deleting the MC-70 Prime Coat based on the following understanding. Your proposal is based on the knowledge that the Montana Department of Transportation(-MDT) has within the last few years been using a 112-inch chip aggregate on high traffic volume routes, particularly with turning vehicles; finding that the route experiences less aggregate chip loss as compared to a 3/8-inch cover. Allow me to note that the MDT 1/2-inch cover aggregate gradation (i.e. MDT Type II, cover material specification Grade 2 A) is a true 112-inch minus material. However, the Montana Public Works (MPW) 1/2-inch chip aggregate specification is a 518-inch minus aggregate that actually meets MDT specifications for a Grade IA cover material. In keeping with the apparent benefits that the MDT is finding by using a 112-inch cover aggregate meeting their specifications,we approve your request to use the same based on the MDT Grade 2A(Type II cover) specification; and not use the MP W 112-inch aggregate gradation. Please correct me if I misunderstood in any way. With the MDT aggregate, I understand the average estimated application rates are: CRS-2P seal oil 0.42 Gal1SY, aggregate cover 25 1.bs1SY. I propose that the determination whether or not to apply SS-1 Tack on the prepared crushed base course, as a prime coat substitute, can be made at the time of paving based on surface conditions. HELENA-c000aArcomcE KAL ISP L L BUTTE PO.Box 56:53 P.O.Box 51 CO Tnornaon Building 325 CwMer Avensie 102 C,00perulive Way,Susie 300 65 Eos�tl 6rc odway Heleno,MT 59604 KolNspell,MT 59903 Buit,e,u4CT 59707 ;406j 447-5009 (4061 752.5025 406)533-6770 F, ,,405)447-5036 FAX(4061 75"2.5024 FAX(406)53.3-6830 III a f I k ! ( kl4 ¢) Thank you. We appreciate bringing these considerations and suggestions to our attention. :Please contact me at 4061-447-5000, or entail: tom@lpa-hln.com should you have questions or conu-nents on this approval reply. Sincerely, ROBERT PECCIA& SOCIATES `font-Cavanaugh, P consultant Project anager c: Brian Heaston, P.E. —City of Bozeman Project Engineer Dave Zimmer—RPA Resident Inspector FAhiglhway08510_000—Bonnian College St Roundabout',C'oristructznn_Admin\Change_Ordersl CO_No2\Pnme_Coat\Prime_Deletion_Reply=Letter Q7141I.doa k r''�'&41 11 zsz: H j e d 1E scar d u z< AN MOU RESOURCES COMPANY www.kniferiver.com k Mountain States-Belgrade Dlulston PO Box 9 Belgrade,MT 59714 (406)388.6832 (406)388.8347 Fax Tom. Cavanaugh,P.E. August 8, 20111 Robert Peccia&Associates Inc. PO Box 5653 -- 825 Custer Avenue Helena, MT 59604 RE: College& 11 h Street Roundabout-Bozeman Additional Pricing-RRFB System Tom., Per your request Knife River-Belgrade offers the following pricing for the above referenced project. This pricing is for the proposed RRFB System described in your e-mail of July 21, 2011. Bid Unit Bid Base Bid Without Wire Quantity Meas Unit Price Additional Electrical Mobilization Move-In) 1 BA $ 1,500.00 S 1,500.00 RRFB Concrete Foundation 8 EA $ 720.00 $ 5,760.00 RRFB Pelco Base with 4"R.MC Pole 8 EA $ 1,100.00 S 8,800.00 Modi UIG Service to 0/I1 1 LS $ 820.00 $ 820.00 Class IV Wood Service Pole,30° 1 EA $ 1,440.00 $ 1,440.00 Superintendant Design Input and Coordination 11 HR $ 75.00 $ 825.00 SUBTOTAL,: S 19,145.00 KRC OH/Admin/MU: 5% S 957.25 ITEM TOTAL: S 20 102.25 NOTES: 1. The wire to add the RRFB System will be priced later. This pricing is for work that is already+/- 90% complete. In the interest of time I am sending the pricing on this way. 2. The notes from the quotes provided by MTL for this work are included by reference on our quote. (see attached quote) 3. We will need to address additional contract time for this work once it is determined what is to be done. 4. We reserve the right to modify our pricing if the submittal process brings about significant changes to the expected work. If you have any questions please call me at 388-6832. Sincerely, r / v Steven R. Baeth Project Manager/Estimator Knife River—Belgrade EQUAL OPPORTUN"EMPLOYER MONTANA LINES, n l3cz mmn.FJ t .7'rrsr,:= als,tJ i JOB NAME!E! College& I Ith'.Round a.lrout RRIM Pole-S and Foundations BID Iy.VI 1�,: August 5,2011 I'TtOJEC"1°: City oi'I3o;cman 1"Rf9JEC:`1 NO 1101E 1 TE.11,f t€ fill) 1; I r..°»` fS M Dz ' ' I YL 1/fit„I' !'ck 1,,l k iRf(:'”. 41-090 Mobilim itm-Additional Movc-its LA L() $ 1,500.00 i'500 Y0 0 41-091 RRTH Conerctc I oundal ion..Seer I.S1.IM 1.0 5,760.00 S 5,700.00 41-092 RRFB Pelco Base with 4°"RN C Pole.8ca 1 sum 1.0 $ 8,800.00 5 8,800.00 41-093 modiry tlAC;Scrvicc to Oil] I SUM 1'0 $ Ii OM ;S 320.00 41-094 Class IV Wood ScrvicaPole,"A0, I-SUM 1.0 1,44(4.01! S 1,440.00 41-096 Supr rhrtcndcnt Desipo input and Oxrrdination IIR 11.0 75.€40 $ � 825-00 19,14,15 Conditions:(fro 14c included in Su1)Corr(ract.Agreement.) 1. I zyoul anti'1`ral4ic Control provided l y rothcrs. 1`this is a unit price quotation:final payment w0l tac paid a c;uording to the final quantifies installed on the prnject, 3.Payment will be made in accordance with ritic 28,Cla rpwr 2.Part.21 orthe MCA.(Prompt Payment Act) 4."Birds gttotc-provirieti nor one(1)misvc-iu fttr this bcc,i�s caca6}. Aatd`�1,5{4ft roreaclY stdclilional anancrin{s)require<3. 'hioteE:(To Ire included ha Sob Contract zAgreeme rt,) 1.Quatcd prices include Pay+rnent&Pe lrrmancv 13srra&L and Cerl.ificate of Insurance. 2.Quote is based on plans and cnrail from'l"loran Cavanaugh.RTIA,datcd 07/21111 i.Quote excludes frimish and install or any°other asix cat of the RUB lights,pushbuttons,wirisag,mounting hardware,etc. 4.Quote exrclucics conduit and pull boxes of tTw RRY13sysicm, 5.I'his quote is tied and may not be split or Ole consent.ollvlowana 1-rocs,Inc. 5. Item 41-096 is lints the MTL Superintent'1em spcnt fasc.�ilitatin,g satrti earrilying hscat`snns,routing,etc,of the lrrnlxtccd 1{RFT3 system addition in lieu of manauiu M'"I t.resourcu4 for,,yoric of the claw Contract. It occurred during the weeks of July 5 through July 15,2011, 7.Quotc is valid fear 10 clays,,than this projcci4 only,thereafter pricc(s)suhject to change without notice,' Trexor I.ivesay, General Manager dvlonlanaa lands,Inc, awg AN MOU RESOURCES COMPANY www.knKe6ver.com Mountain States-Belgrade Division Pp Box 9 Belgrade,MT 59714 (406)388.6832 (406)988-8347 Fax _ Tom. Cavanaugh,P.E. � ,,r August 8, 2011 Robert Peccia&Associates Inc. PO Box 5653 825 Custer Avenue Helena, MT 59604 RE; College& 11`h Street Roundabout-Bozeman Additional Pricing-RRFB System-Cable Tom, Per your request Knife River-Belgrade offers the following pricing for the above referenced project. This pricing is to add the below listed items to our base bid for the proposed RRFB System described in your e-mails of July 21,2011 and August 5, 2011. Bid Unit Bid Price To Add wire to RRFB System Base Bid ntit Meas Unit Price RRFB Flasher and Push Button Cable-7 AWG 12 1 LS $ 3,375.00 $ 3,375.00 RRFB Controller Power Cable-3 AWG 12 1 LS $ 2,655.00 $ 2,655.00 SUBTOTAL: S 6,030.00 KRC OH/Admin/MU: 5% $ 301.50 ITEM TOTAL: $ 6,331.50 NOTES: I. Please note that this pricing is good through Wednesday August 10, 2011. Materials will need to be ordered at that time so this work can be performed with the luminaire work. 2. The notes from the quote provided by MTL,for this work are included by reference on our quote. (see attached.quote) 3. We will need to address additional contract time for this work once it is determined what is to be done. 4. We reserve the right to modify our pricing if the submittal process brings about significant changes to the expected work. If you have any questions please call me at 388-6832. Sincerely, r 6'V'0Z1-' Steven R. Baeth Project Manager/Estimator Knife River—Belgrade EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER MT4 MONTANA LINES, INC. l.9oytirrram x.18 _.r(y.1 iit 1'00'aJr� ,tt)1t ,VOE1 College& 1 Itit Roundabout RRFB Wire ltli t 1t.A 11:: August 9,2011 r'1l(J.Jp;t:`Tl CilyorHo/cnuara 1'1tt7.11•C�..1"No : 1104 ' 1T11, (0 1:1 41-097 i SUM 1.ti :1.:47.`+.00 3.31 .00 111-095 RRFB Controller Power Cable-3 AWG 12 I-SUM 1.14 2.65S.00 `x—_ 2,655.00 S 6,0311.0._.. Conditinns„(To lie included in Sub Contract Agreetncut.) 1.l knyuul an d 1 rrallic;Control provided by tp hcrs. 2.I'aymcm will be made in accordauce witlr`kIc^25,Chapter 2.Part 79 of(lie MCA,(Prompt Payrnc^rtt Act) 3,(bate includes N1crbiliralioiI. 'Ibiti work to be ped'urnr d in conjuction with instal Iiog wirc•orthe Base contnwt. Motes:('Co be iarclnded in Sub Contraact Agres nrent) I.Quwed priecs include Payment&-Performance Bonds amt Urtiracate of Insurance;, 2,Quotc is barscd on plans and vmails rrom•1oua Cavanaugh,RP,A,darted July 21 and August 5,2011. 3. Items 41-097 and 41.098(Cabls)inclurlt-,funtish and install of wire into conduits. It will he coiled into the Telco bases ftrr (inure conncelion by Others. 4.Quota excludes condmi,pull baxc�'.lif*hts.push lxmora ,and signs ortho RRY13, System. 5.'111is ciuole is lied and tray not be split Or Wparrtcd without the Consent of montana I,inev,Inc. 6,Quote expires Wednesday,August 10,2011. Rcspcctfulky, _._...u.- 1 rcm,l.ivesay,PI:..., w C1encr;al manage-.° Montttrta Lines,'4ic. a COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 4352 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, APPROVING ALTERATION/MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT WITH KNIFE RIVER, BELGRADE, MONTANA. WHEREAS,the City Commission did, on the 2°'d day of May 2011,authorize award of the bid for the College Street and 11`" Avenue Roundabout Project, to Knife River- Belgrade, Montana; and WHEREAS, Section 7-5-4308, Montana Code Annotated, provides that any such alterations or modifications of the specifications and/or plans of the contract be made by resolution; and WHEREAS, it has become necessary in the prosecution of the work to make alterations or modifications to the specifications and/or plans of the contract. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, that the proposed modifications and/or alterations to the contract between the City of Bozeman, a municipal corporation, and Knife River- Belgrade, as contained in Change Order No. 2, attached hereto,be and the same are hereby approved; and the City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract change order for and on behalf of the City; and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to attest such signature. 1 of 2 R"ohilion No. 4352, Cho nge,Order2fior 11"/Collage Roandelbow PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 7"'day of November, 2011, JEFFREY K. KRAUSS Mayor ATTEST: STAGY ULMEN, CIVIC City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: GREG SULLIVAN City Attorney 2 of 2