HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-05-11 Tourism Business Improvement District Minutes Tourism Business Improvement District Minutes of Meeting July 5, 2011 Chamber of Commerce, Bozeman Montana Present: Daryl Schliem (Executive Director) Jim Robbins (Sales Development) Board Members: Andrew Ash (vice chair), Lynn Bendz (sec), Tim Kuhlman (president), Tom Stenzel(treas), Carl Solvie Advisory Board Members: Larry Lambert, Chris Mehl, Dan Rust Public: Jeremy Fatouros (C'Mon Inn), Sandra Hodge (Homewood), Matt Sease (Bozeman Super 8) Petra Gunter(BW Grantree) • Tim Kuhlman opened the meeting at 12:00pm, asking for any disclosures. Tim K. said that he, Chris Mehl and Larry Lambert had a meeting about streamlining the TBID board meeting. There were no other disclosures. • Tim K. asked for any public comment and there was none. • Approval of the last TBID meeting minutes were all voice approved. • Daryl Schliem presented a P & Land Balance Sheet for the last year. July 2010 thru June 2011 we had income of$189,694.50 and expenses of$176,158.29. • Daryl Schliem and Jim Robbins presented the proposed budget and marketing plan for fiscal year 2011/2012. Anticipated income of$405, 000.00, administrative expenses of$99,750.00 and marketing/ advertsing of$305,250.00. There was a $6000.00 item for movie and advertising film production, but Chris Mehl suggested that we leave that to other groups, and we focus more on the other markets. That was approved and the money was moved to the Joint Ventures column. Motion to approve budget by Tom Stenzel, seconded by Andrew Ash, all voice approved. • Flying Horse had a billboard design for west of Butte and north of Billings that was discussed. Suggestions for changes were to lighten the color around some words, and show how many minutes or miles the sign is from Bozeman. Then everyone agreed to proceed with the placement, and Jim will give the go ahead to the sign company tomorrow. • Jim briefly discussed a winter advertising campaign with the state. • Two open board seats are available after today. Chris Mehl stated that we must have a nominating committee to forward recommended names to the city commission for approval. He suggested and it was decided that the committee would be composed of all the Bozeman voting TBID board members. Jim Robbins will send an application to any interested person. • The tiered assessment discussion and the convention feasibility study were postponed to a later time. • Meeting to adjourn made by Andrew Ash, 2nd by Tom Stenzel, all approved at 1:30pm. • Next meeting August 2.