HomeMy WebLinkAbout89- Montana Arts Council Agreement to provide funding001L�00000d? MONTANA ARTS COUNCIL June 13, 1989 MEMORANDUM To: James E. wyaocK1^ SPONSOR/PAYEE CULTURAL & AESTHETIC PROJECTS GRANT 00275 PROJECT TITLE: Operational Support AMOUNT GRANTED: $8500 From: Carleem Laamiso Accountin�` Y` You have been identified as the sponsor/payee for the project identified above. Congratulations on its funding, The following person is identified as project director. Ann Bates Montana Ballet Company Box 6021 Bozeman, MT 69771 Attached please find a copy of the "Agreement to Provide Funding" (AJPF) for your information. The original has been sent to the project director, who must also sign and then submit the agreement to you for your signature. The agreement specifies the grant conditions, including any contingencies and signing it indicates your acceptance of these conditions. The project director has also been asked to provide um with specific 1nfmnnation before the grant can proceed, such as a revised budget and a written modification of the proposal, if the funding level was below that requested, and an estimate of cash pinm needs throu8hout the two year Srmot per1nd. We require you to sign the revised budget to assure that you have reviewed it. Funds for these grant projects are projections of interest earned on the Coal Tax Trust Fund and not all projected income may be available. However, our past experience with the Fund and our best estimates of the revenue at this time indicate the funds will be available to pay all allocations. In addition, current legislation provides that any shortfall from the current biennium will be covered from the first funds available next biennium. 48 NORTH LAST CHANCE GULCH NEWYOnmBLOCK HELENA, MONTANA 59620 (406)443-4338 Thank you for your assistance in providing sponsorship and participating in o worthwhile pro3aot. I am enolooiwg a time frame of what happens when during the two year grant period. UnIaaa You inform us in writing to the contrary, checks will be issued as follows: City of Bozeman James E. Wysocki Box 640 Bozeman, NT 49771 Enclosure: contract (ATPF) MONTANA ARTS COUNCIL CULTURAL & AESTHETIC PROJECT 48 N. LAST CHANCE GULCH FUNDED THROUGH INTEREST EARNED HELENA' *T 59620 BY THE COAL TAX TRUST Fumo GRANT #0275 AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE FUNDING This agreement is entered into on the First day of July' 1e89. by and between the Montana Arts Council hereinafter oolIod the ^Cnunxil" and City of Bozeman, as sponsor of the Montana Ballet Company prpJect, hereinafter called the "Grantee". The Council hereby agrees to provide funding to the Grantee not to exceed $8500 as appropriated by the 51st Legislature for use solely for the purposes outlined in Ule grant application submitted by the Grantee. The Grantee understands that the full amount appropriated bytha 51st Legislature may not be available, due to shortfall in projected revenue and/or subsequent action by the Legislature or the Executive Brannh. In such o case, the Grantee will be notified as soon as possible and u revised budget and narrative of the effect of the reduction in funding will be submitted to the council, The Grantee hereby accepts the funding for the purposes listed in its grant proposal. Both the Council and the Grantee recognize that each is bound by all terms and conditions listed in this ASreomeot. The Grantee specifically acknowledges it has read and understood the following terms and conditions and agrees to be bound by them. ASSURANCES BY THE GRANTEE The Grantee eorams it is the official and sole aaenuy for administration of the project described in this contract. No person will, on the grounds of race, color, national orioin, sex, or age, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits ofur be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity that results from the expenditure of grant funds. The Grantee agrees to include in all promotion, publicity, advertising ana printed programs, posters, catalogs and title panels, the following credit line: "Partial funding for this project was provided by o legislative grant from Montana's Cultural Trust." when no printed mutor1uI is produced, verbal credit will be giver). LzuzTATIowx ON THE USE OF GRANT Fuwoo The Grantee uarmeu that funds granted shall be expended solely for the activities described in the approved proposal. All funds granted must be spent or encumbered during the grant period. Projects funded below the requested level require submission of a revised budget and corresponding modification to the proposal indicating how the amount approved will be expended before the grant award will be made. After submission and approval of the revised budget abu*a' the Grantee may modify Iioa items in the approved budget in an amount out to exceed 10% of the total grant award. The Grantee may, with permission of the oouno1I, modify line items in the approved budget in an amount not to exceed 20t of the total grant award. A modification may not increase the grant award or change the scope or purpose of the award. GRANT ACCOUNTING AND RECORDS The Grantee must maintain accounts, records, and other pertinent material pertaining to the costs incurred and expenditures made under the grant' The system of accounting employed by the Grantee must be in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and will be applied in a consistent manner so that the project costs and expenditures can be clearly identified. Accounts, records, and other pertinent material must be maintained for three years from the official termination date of tile grant period or until an audit, approved by the Council, has been completed and any questions arising from the audit have been resolved to the satisfaction of the Council. The original or revised budget is hereby incorporated and made part of this agreement. REPORTS Grantees must submit semi-annual reports of expenditures during the course of the project, and other financial reports and descriptive reports that the Council may require. The Grantee must submit, within 30 days after completion of the project, u final financial report and a narrative report stating what was acoo^pl1oxau with the oront- Five percent of the total grant award must be held pending receipt of [mal reports by the Council. With roua/u to yrwnt*oo who in the voat have ou»mzttaa lat. reports' 00% of the grant award may be uozn pending receipt of final reports by the Council. The Council may, at the principal place of business of the Grantee mnd during regular- business hourx, examine any directly pertinent records, accounts, and uocuwouts u` the Grantee involving transactions related to the grant. oowTIwoEwcIco o19n1ou below indicates acceptance of the ten" Of cx1u uyruamaut and receipt Of a true and exact copy. /A_ Date Grantee'� Date Project Director-, Beneritting Or'�� RtLl' (if different from Grantee) Date *onzuna Arts uvuvrd