HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-04-11 North Seventh Urban Renewal Board Minutes 10 APPROVED minutes from August 4, 2011 board meeting
SO"A r000" Voted on during October 6, 2011 rneeting
URBAN UNFWAL BOARD held at the Stiff Building, upper confierence rosin
TO DO List: Everyone attend August 22 city commission meeting and
Attend September 1. board meeting
Scott get bus shelter completed
Keri FY 12 work and budget plan presentation to cmmsn;
work with T.McHarg on UHaul request
Attendance: Scott Hedglin, Susan Fraser, Dustin Johnson, Keri Thorpe
Call to Order - Scott called to order at 4:44pm.
Public Comment - none.
Meeting Minutes
Open and continued as no quorum present.
N7Rehab applications and presentations
Brett Potter presented updates on UHaul project. He received the response to the
Board's letter, summarizing the owners want a comprehensive plan, i.e. paint on
building, battery stations and landscaping, before they will continue with upgrades.
Brett showed the latest update to the painting plan; Keri said Tim McHarg would have
to answer their questions. Brett went onto say they want the work done by the end of
this September.
For the previously discussed cost share of the sidewalk/boulevard improvements the
board would have to vote at the September 1 meeting. If Tim approves the franchise
paint plan next week, Brett continued, he would be ready to request a work permit. He
said a letter of intent is needed from the board, concurrent with sketch plan review
and bids in place by September 1.
Keri said participation agreement would be needed for board to contribute these
monies. Discussion. Scott proposed that if Tim allows the franchise paint request
Brett should then put a l--page bullet sheet together for the board. Discussion
continued. Special board meeting might be required with this timeline to vote on
percentage of or do not exceed amount text for the participation agreement as well as
where in the budget to pull dollars. Keri said a board meeting isn't needed until the
sketch plan review is done. She also noted that a revised work and budget plan would
then have to go before the commission as a consent item.
Frontier Pies site - Scott asked that if a buyer decides to demolish and make into all
parking is there anything to trigger required improvements on that site? Discussion.
Lighting project update
(Attachment A) Dustin handed out the project status report from Kevin, noting this
will be a monthly document given to the board by Morrison Maierle. Scott pointed to
section 11 of the report asking if the new lighting will be short of meeting the MDT
standards. Discussion.
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- a
Alowpol rw'
Top 3 priorities - monthly rehash of goals
1. Sidewalk
2. Lighting
3. Landscaping
Focus on Oak to Tamarack section for now
Bus shelter
Frame is up. Scott said glass is being cut now, and that front enclosure panel
paperwork was lost so as soon as those streetside sections are done....
PY12 budget and work plan
(Attachment B) Keri noted she did included updated statute language in the
descriptive part of the document. It is due to the city clerk on August 11 and the
public hearing will be August 22. She will be taking photos to add. to her presentation.
TIF description on tax bills
Keri reported on Anna's chat with the County's Kim Buchanan, The decision was to
leave the TIF as a separate line item, adding a description.
Keri asked if board still wanted to do an outreach event about the lighting district. The
discussion included an affirmative but with the realization will probably have to be an
indoor event this Fall/Winter.
Scott adjourned the meeting at 5:3l.pm.
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Attachment A
MAIERLE,INC, 2aH1FCM6tDGY8LVD WEST - B0?MN,W 970 � 406-'V-W�� W 4%�97-114
An bvpkyee-Owned Company
PERIOD FROM 7/11/2011 TO 7/31/2011
To: North 70',Urban Renewal Board
From: Kevin Jacobsen,P.R.,Project Manager;Morrison-Maiefle,Inc.
MMI#: 0417-063
Date; August 4,2011
The City of Bozeman Commission approved the Professional Services Agreement with Morrison-Maierle,
Inc.on July 11,2011. We began the preliminary design phase immediately and to date have completed the
majority of the topographic survey for the entire corridor,from 1-90 to Main St.(TBC to R.O.W,both
sides), A few survey items still remain;including utility locates(phone,elec.,gas,cable,fiber,etc.)as
well as boundary survey work on the west side of N.7th where additional R-0,W,is necessary.
With the mapping created from the topographic survey,we will begin with layout of the light pole
locations based on the conceptual layout from Allied./CTA. The conceptual lighting layout,in combination
with an existing light level analysis,will allow us to modify the layout as necessary to meet City of
Bozeman ant]MDT requirements. Based on previous conversations with MDT,they have stated that they
would require that current lighting levels be maintained with the new lighting. This would mean that the
new lighting would not be required to meet current MDT lighting standards. This will be verified over the
next month.
During the upcoming period we will also begin work on the visual renderings of the luminaries along the
corridor. If"renderings are complete by next month,they will be presented to the board.
We will continue to keep you infouned throughout this project or)a monthly basis,or more frequently as
necessary. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to call me at 406,9216823,
cc: Dustin Johnson,City of 13ozeman Engineering
Keri Thorpe,City of Bozeman Planning
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"Providing resources in partnership with clients to achieve their goals"
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awl ro", Attachment B
AmmalWw,&Plan and Midget—Fiscal Year 20l2
N.7th A,eiu UrImm Rvuiewall Itoap&
In November 2OO6,the City vfDvzeunau designated the N. 7~'Ave fax lnmmerxFinance
District(TIFD), nador which incremental irtmascs in taxes due to redevelopment are
aCCUMUlated in a TIFD fund,The stated goals and obJectivos. of the District Plan were as follows:
MISSI(JN and VfSU()0
This ]']an is the city's response to remedy the conditions ofblight found in(lie August 2005,
report Uonog&thoughtful redevelopment o[the Corridor.The Following Corridor Goals are takeo
bon the Dmigiimud Connectivity Plan(0Cy). Auespumd"d description vf the intent u[each
goal im found im the DCy Chapter 2,
Corridor Goals
4 basic goal imto have xu active aid Qzridog C0r64*rikMIi^attractive widha distinct character.
A strategy for achieving Udngoal ioto improve the experience i'Or the User by creating safe
attractive walkways and streets and hy providing buildings and landscaping that are wf interest to
users and passersby, Several key strategies should bcfollowed:
1. Provide ndistimr identity for the corridor
2. Develop the corridor mou locus for commercial and eu*wuuiom*m activities that serve
rcuidumo arid visitors alike
3, Struogbuu the uorri8oru*u neighborhood service mutmr
4. Provide mixed Use development
5. Clearly define gateways oa key|o,ati*u^oloog the corridor
6. Improve vehicular,bicycle ou8podomtriou circulation along the corridor
7. Provide ped*otriaizco`neuk*u^mudJucengneighborhoods
8. Establish a way-finding system
9. Guide now development along the cnoidu,*wdxdimit improves the aesthetic exyndo,»oo
M Cnozdhuntepohbcwo4 private imgn*,eueois
l]. Str*oA1kminnuuwodoumhetweeri complementary uses
12,Provide flexible public mpmovwkmg the C°oidm
bnmdJdioum/be my*uiGoo|b stated goals for the District the bl|*ximg GuiJiu&friuoiplco have
been adopted'v provide u basis for dcuioiaumm&iug over the li{e,o/Uhe District.Those,principles,
should be applied to any developitent program or offier activity that will affect the District:
I F"*utoz the health safety and security o[dboDistrict
%. l3alarice commerce and livability hi the District withiri the rnixod use framework
3. Public open sluawui*e*^ou6u|wu healthy and oppouUm8urhuuenvironment
4. Ibe costs ol"prqjects and programs shall be weighed against dicir benefits to the District
5, Private property shall not he acquired for other p6vmeuoc through the o/nimmd*muuio
pmoessin the implcmeutatimmnf any aspect o[/hi*plan
6, 'llie City shall not limit its vision for the District improvements to monies available solely
UhmLI�),b the 13Ybmd6ug
7. ynqjm:taubo|l consider ix*mo(oonx(tjmowmtneighborhoods
F,. 11-ie city shall consider the impact°u the District ofn|| pro.Quv undertaken outside of1&e
m.7*Urban Renewal Board noa Annual Work Plan and Budget �
Page 4nfIl
In August,the landscaping and signage was completed f'or rhase I sidewalk improvements.
In September,the NSU1113 launched N7Rehab,'fho Technical Assistance Orant(TAG)program
was added to N7RQhab in November. A total of'sixTechnical Assistance Grants were awarded,
and one additional N7Rehab p7-ant was awarded For demolition. A total of 55:3,500 was awarded
to applicants. A report o6'N7Rehah activities is attached.
Oil September 23'-d,the NMJRI3 invited property owners in the District for a ribbon cutting
ceremony celebrating the Completion or Phase I sideNvalk improvements,.
With assistance from Media Works and staff',the NSURB launched their wcbsitc May 2...1. Visit
wwwmstrrbt,to review the site.
Ingram-Clevenger was hired to Complete construction orthe bus shelter.Installation is expected
in August.
Assisted by City staff engineer Dustin Johnson,the NSURB selected MOITiS,011-Maierle to
provide engineering services for street light improvements in the District
In 2008,the Board began implementing the North Seventh Urban Renewal District Plan by
establishing their top three P,rioritics for the District: improving sidewalks, lighting and
landsaping along the K -�'AMILIC Corridor. During the next fiscal year,the NS13RB proposes
continuation of the redevelopment incentive program(N7Rohab)and l'oeusing Fun&towards file
installation of new street lights in a portion,of the corridor.Ilic NSUR.11 rcooniniends allocating
their available fluids as follows:
Engineeflng Semices S i --),S()2
Engineering services are needed to assist the Board with three of the District goals:
• Provide a distinct identify for the corridor
• Clearly delitic gateways at key locations along the Corridor, and
• Improve vehictilar,bicycle arid pedestrian circulation along the corridor.
Morrison-Maierle, Inc, has been hired to provide Lighting Design and Construction
Administration for N. 7a1'Avenue from Interstate 90 to Tamarack Street. 'file installation of
new light fiXtUrCS for tile corridor was identified as one of their top three priorities for
District Plan Implementation in 200$. 'the NSURB recognizes that new light fixtures will
help establish a distinct identify for the,corridor,define key intersections,improve vehicular
and pedestrian safety and iniprove file aesthetic experience orthe Corridor.
It is an allowable expense under Section 7-15-4288,NICA which states,"Costs that 111,a),be
paid by tax increment financing"a[IONNIS the Municipality to use tax increments to pay the
N.7"'Urban Renewal Board FY12 Annual Work Plan and Budget 2
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KJ\vn6mg costs eC,v incurred iu connection with mn urban renewal project: (1)land
acquisition;(2)demolition and removal oKstmctmes',(3)relocation u[uucuyumo;A0the
acquisition,construction,and improvement ofinf'rastructure..�;and 5)costs incurred in
c*auuutiomNvdb the redevelopment activities allowed under 7-l5-423]...
'Ille*o services will he paid for ow*[/bQ remaining balance w[tb* N8BOX J'undaUncmiwn
»o the 08UDB
N7Re1iwb *265,000
Y^qaVk and Site Rehab S64,000
Technical Assistance $36,000
Demolition $90000
Pwblic*ie$`wf\-VayImprovements $75'000
'11iis Funding proposal is for the N7Relmb redovelopment incentive prograni to enCOUrage
developers tn build wm parcels along the N. 7u Avenue uojyiJoco recognizes the
complexities nC redeveloping parcels which have existhngoohmmndard Wilding/and
im&vmocmx,e and was created to oil set tile Costs of,those complexities with g/mm*for those
proposing work-which eliminates blight and advances,the implementation of the District
Plan.Thwpnograin Nvwp approved hyRoeolm1ion43V7 and ix administered hythe N8D&Q.
Vdn6uh,um*ls the mission and gaul**f,&e[H,�;triut Plan by
e guiding ouv development along the corridor mucb that 6 improves(lie aesthetic
experience and hyassisting in
* coordinating public and private bmpmvpmervw
T&muc proposed expenditures are allowable uodo'Section 7'l5-4231 subsection(1)(4
MCA,which grm/`*the City the power wlonu^1ate and coordinate w workable pmgrmuam
specified iu Section 7-15-4209,MCA,which states : (l)4 municipality may fvuoo\mlex
workable program for utilizing appropriate private and PUblicresources:
(u)m eliminate and prevent the development nr spread vf blighted urcu»�
(b),*encourage needed Urban rmbnhi0/vai^m,
(c)to provide For the zoduvo1opuemo[such areas;*r
(d)to Undertake such orthe aforesaid activities or other feasible foUnicipal activities as
may be suitably employed to achieve file Ob�eCtiVOS OfsUCh workable prograin.
(2)Stich workabYo program may include,v,idboo/limitation,provision for:
(6)the rehabilitation nfbligbte6 areas mnpmtioouxbmool'byn:-y!uuniug,removing
congestion,providing parks,playgrounds,and wxcr public impmvemoxs-,6yencouraging
vo|umarym6u6ilitmiwn;and 6y compelling the repair and rehabilitation o[Jexcrioratedor
deteriorating amodu/un�and
(c)the:clearance and redevelopment or blighted areas or portions/hmzu[
AdWiti*um)ly,Section 7-l5'428*'MCA states,"Costs/bat may bc paid by tax incomcm
financing"allows the municipality to use tax increments,to pay the following costs ofor
incurred in connection with an Urban retiewal pi-qject: (1)land acqkdsition;(2)demolition
and removal o[Stmcmr��(3)rwDncmi*n*fnncupou1n,(4)the acquisition,construction,and
improvement of i nfrastru ct tire;... and 5)costs incurred in connection-wilb the
redevelopment activities allowed under 7~15-4238
&oommunryofYTl] N7Rrhah grants isattached.
m.r^Urban Renewal Board rvz2 Annual Work Plan and ma6ne/ 3
Page 6mfI1
Vw*mbolter $ 11000
Jotal flumdiug for th is puj cot iaSl7,l00, $16.100ufUkimexDoudbmzin[ho4�46ytlie
8ouqgy Conservation Coumuonby Block Grant(BCCD( )and was accounted for iutile FYI
hudgeL The bids cattle ln slightly higher than anticipated*oumu6ditionml Sl,000iwbeing
requested. The shelter is being installed following Phase I Sidewalk litiprovemonts near tile
intersection u[N. 7"Ave, n/xJTmmnrwok Street. Public transit ima component ufre-
developing N. 7u/Aveouum
w ensure the b*w||b safety and oocmitymftbm District and
• balance commerce and livability bn tile District within the mixed uue fl-umwWodc,
Dismu allowable expense under Section 7-l5-{J&#,MCA Nvbivb states,"Costs that may hm
paid by tax increment rinumciug"allows the municipality u*mu tax increments to pay tile
follvwiog costs vfur incurred iu connection with"u urban renewal pu�e�! (1)land
uoquimbiou�(J)demolition and,rmvrolof�omx�eo�(3)rdncmiono�*oCuymum;(4)tile
acquisition,construction,and imprnrwmuontmfialr/w,rmcuru;... and 5)costs iuuu"od ill
connection with tile redevelopment activities a]lowed under 7'l9'4233...
11art-time staffmn0mffierProfessional Setwices $ 1D,00()
The Board needs xmffuu with Dis;*iu Plan i,mpym*onatioil.
nioney is a perniissible use under state statute 7-15-4288,(5),-costs incurred in
connection with die redevelopment activities allowed under 7'l5'4%33 and 7'l5'4288(7)
.'administrative costs associated with the nianagements of the urban renewal area..
000-C*kC* $ 1,900
The Board bn,x-Cywmwedmonmy for public noticing and outreach cv*u� in tile Dimriv/,The,
purpose of these outreach events i*W inform property owners and 8`Q pvNicoCUe District
Plan and the N7Dobwhprogrmn.
This moncy is a permissable use under state statute 7-15-423.3,"Powers Which may be
exercised b7 urban renewal agency or authorized department- (f)tn disseminate blight
cUoxrmu" and urban renewal bdomomtiwc"
Liglimng,Gateway and related Sidewalk Improvements $316"173
The,NGUBB plans vx implement ivwuUmi*oofnew street lights, gaxmuyi ill pmr*mauts,
and related sidewalk improvements before tile end^f fiscal year 20l2.Cost estimating io
being completed as pail ol'Morrison-Maierle's engincering services.The project scope will
likely hmuownniondbylate whiter wr spring vf%0l2.
See^^I'ugiucedog'Swrvicos~above for District Plan goals and applicable sections o{/he
Oak Street Shared Use Path{C"]Ell Match) $ 15,800
IBe Oak Street Shared 0sw Path ynqjcc|was recommended by|be,Bozeman CIEy
committee and iow joint pro oct between tile City and County. Completion mfthoproject
will rixin missing sections uf pedestrian faci86c*oil the south side,nfOak Street between
N.7«'and N. Rouse Avenues. AlU foot wide mmhuU path i"planned. Ihu NS( DBhas
m.7*Urban nem*wa�Board p/1z Annual Work Plan and Budget 4
Page 7mf 11
pledged this money in partial Fulfillment Offlic CTIT cost share requireniont for the City's
portion within the District.
TIF Cori-oulon $100,850
This money is being set aside for potential tax increment paybacks that may be due as a
result orpending applications before the County tax appeal board for reductions ill VaklatiOn
01,properfies. 'file NSIJR13 recommends this amount based on 2011,,0 of two years of tax
See Table I summarizing actual FY201 I revenues/expenditures and the proposed FY2012
fund expenditure. Iliese are the numbers available at the time of the updated report and
iFICILIde data fi-orn the City Controller through June 30,2011.'ne North Seventh urban
Renewal District has on-going projects and funding sources allocated in previous fiscal
Year',Which have not yet been expended. As such,these funds are included in Table, I as
`Irollovcrs"and deducted from"rernaining revenue"for the preparation of thi's budget.
factual Tax Increment Financing Funding fluctuates Nvilli on-going building and re-assessing
of'proporty values, 'Ibe FY2012 miticipatedTIF amount may be different than estimated in
the attached report. Appeals to property valuations are currently under review may result in
a reduction in available funds,'n,NSURB'Xill update their budget on an as-needed basis
and with approval 1:,roln the City Commission.
N,7"'Urban Renewal Board FY12 Annual Work Plan and Budget 5
Page 8 of 11
Overall gi
,the NSkJRB is pleased With the oulcorne o I'tile Technical Assistance Grant Prm -,all. A
total ol'six grants were awarded.
1)(h-iffill D1'iVe PI-OPCI-tieN,LJ,C—2104 N.7"',vacant lot on NF,cot•ne•of6viffin and N.7"'
Brett Potter of Focus Architects,provided architectural and site planning assistance for this
properly owner. The property is carremly ill)for sale and the renderings and site planning created
by FOCUS.Architects arc being LISed to market the property. Grant amount: S7,200
2)Stockman Bank of Billings-302 N.7th,lbrine•ly Frontier Pies,NE corner of BeaH and N.7tIr
Brett Potter of'Focus Architects assisted Stockman Bank and a potential purchaser of the
property,The owner of Audrey's Pizza has been evaluating the site.Focus Architects provided as
.site analysis,improved parking lot configuration,N. 741'frontage improvements including a
landscaped boulevard and reduction in a drive access(currently,tile parking lot has.1 accesses
offof N. 71"AVCIlUC),and architectural renderings compliant with the Bozeman Design
01*etives Plan. Grant aniount: $7,200
3)Nelson Investments--411 X 7"',Quonset but property
Kcith Redfern of Concept Seven Design partnered with Madison Engineering to provide
building and site analysis to address tile following concerns:lack oCrelationship between
building and the street,new building location,pedestrian access,bicycle parking,landscaping
deficiencies,storm water control deficiencies and ADA complilaco is'slles,- Work is in progress,
an(]a conceptual site plan has been completed. Grant amount: 'S,7,200
4)BCE,LLC—416 N.7th,little brown house
Keith Redfern of Concept Seven Design partnered with Madison Engineering to provide
building and site analysis to address the Follovving concerns:lack of relationship heMvell
building and tile street,pedestrian access,bicycle parking,landscaping deficiencies,storm water
control deficiencies and AIWA compliance issues.Work is in progress,Conceptual drawings for a
new rayade have been colrlplctcd. Grant amount: S3,600
5)Gallatin Valley Furniture—923 X 7'h
Brett Potter of Focus Ai-ellitects assisted the property Owner with analysis ol'site drainage
issues,non-compliant parking in front yard which requires customers to back onto N. 7(",and as
lack of boulevard landscaping, Focus Architects provided a site analysis,proposed as now parallel
parking configuration and N.7"'frontage improvements providing boulevard trees, integrated
wifli the new parallel parking area and sidewalk, Grant amount: 53,600
6)Amerco Ideal Estate Co. and lihaul Reat Estate Co.—815 N.7"'
Brett Potter of Focus ArQhitects,assisted the property owner with analysis of Potential
building,signage and parking lot improvernents,. Solutions to site drainage issmes were explored
and fronts g
,e improvcmerrti including boulevard and sidewalk(tile site currently lacks sidewalk
along N. 7t")were proposed. Preliminary plam,blow been drawn and the NSt TB is considering
proposals from Man]. Grant amount: $7,200
FAA 1,TAG TOTAL: $36,000
N, 7th Urban Renewal Board FY12 Annual Work Plan and Budget 6
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N7Rchab—Gi-mits foi-Demoliflor)amil Coiistmetion Eligible Activities
l)2LT,LLC:—654 N.7"'Aven Lie
NSt I1113 awarded a.gl°,lllt L11)10$17,500 Vor the doniolition of in exisilrig foundadon. 'Hic
award is contingent tipon the completion of building oonstmetion and site improvements per
Final Site])]all application#Z—l0:329) 'JI)c property owner communicated that the demolition
costs Q'Itne in lower than anticipated,so the awm-d arnomit is eslimated at $13,500. 11's payable
upon receipt of Certificate 01'C OMpletion and invoices documenting cost of demolition services.
FY 11 1)ENIO TOTAL: $17,S1111
FYI I NMehab TO)'r AL.,�$53 500
1�.eport prepared hily 28,2011 by
Keri'11101pe Assistant Planner
N.7't'Urban Renewal Board FY12 Annual Work Plan and Budget 7
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