HomeMy WebLinkAboutSystem Func Descr, dir 27038, rev 00 PP AA LL LL CC OO RR PP OO RR AA TT II OO NN MMII CC RR OO FF II LLTT RR AA TT II OO NN SSYY SS TTEE MM FF UU NN CC TT II OO NN AA LL DD EE SS CC RR II PPTT II OO NN BB OO ZZ EE MM AA NN ((MM TT )) WW TT PP Pall SAP Number: 01.00163 Pall DIR Number: 10000027038 Document Revision Level: 00 Document Issue Date: Oct-05-2010 PALL MEMBRANE MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC I MPORTANT – R EAD T HIS F IRST Before attempting to operate or install this equipment, Pall Corporation requires all operators to read and understand this Operation and Maintenance manual. Attempting to operate any Pall Corporation equipment without first reading the Operation and Maintenance manual may result in personal injury and/or product damage and may void any and/or all warranties. Direct all questions and/or inquiries to Pall Technology Services: Telephone: 1-866-475-0115* or 1-607-753-6041 Fax: 1-607-753-8525 Email: pall_technology_csc@pall.com * The above telephone number (1-866-475-0115) is toll free from 9 A.M. – 4 P.M. U.S. Eastern Time. After 4 P.M., a service charge applies unless the customer has an existing Pall service contract. Throughout this manual: - The word “customer” refers to Bozeman (MT) WTP. PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 4 T ABLE OF C ONTENTS REVISIONS 7 TABLE A – PALL CORPORATION REVISION HISTORY 7 1 MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM OPERATION 8 1.1 INTRODUCTION 8 1.2 THE MICROFILTRATION (MF) SYSTEM PROCESSES 9 1.3 PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER (PLC) MODES 10 1.3.1 DEFINITION 10 1.3.2 GROUPING 10 1.3.3 MODES 11 AUTO 11 MANUAL 11 DISABLE 12 1.3.4 MODE SELECTION 12 1.4 FILTER RACK UNIT 12 1.4.1 FILTER RACK AUTOMATIC MODE OPERATION 12 FILL SEQUENCE 13 INITIAL STARTUP 13 FILL CYCLE 14 FORWARD FLOW 15 FLUX MAINTENANCE 15 AIR SCRUB (AS) 16 FLUSH (FL) CYCLE 17 REVERSE FILTRATION (RF) CYCLE 17 INTEGRITY TEST (IT) 19 ARBITRATION 21 INDIVIDUAL FILTER RACK SHUTDOWN 23 1.4.2 ENHANCED FLUX MAINTENANCE (EFM) AND CLEAN-IN-PLACE (CIP) 24 ENHANCED FLUX MAINTENANCE (EFM) 25 CLEAN-IN-PLACE (CIP) 26 Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 5 EFM AND CIP RECIPE STEPS 27 RECIPE STEP – PUMPED DRAIN TO NEUTRALIZATION 28 RECIPE STEP – ACID WASH 28 RECIPE STEP – CAUSTIC WASH 29 RECIPE STEP – RACK RINSE 29 RECIPE STEP – ACID RECOVERY 30 RECIPE STEP – CAUSTIC RECOVERY 30 RECIPE STEP – TIMED SOAK 31 RECIPE STEP – CONFIRMED PAUSE 31 RECIPE STEP – TRIGGER ACID REFRESH 31 RECIPE STEP – TRIGGER CAUSTIC REFRESH 32 RECIPE STEP – SKID STEP 32 CIP SYSTEM NON-RECIPE OPERATION 32 ACID MAKE CYCLE 32 CAUSTIC MAKE CYCLE 33 ACID TANK FLUSH 34 CAUSTIC TANK FLUSH 35 SOLUTION VALIDITY FUNCTIONALITY AND FORCE VALIDITY 36 SEMI-AUTOMATIC TRANSFERS 36 1.4.3 NEUTRALIZATION SYSTEM 37 AUTOMATIC NEUTRALIZATION 37 SODIUM BISULFITE INJECTION 38 ACID INJECTION 38 CAUSTIC INJECTION 38 NEUTRALIZATION TANK DRAIN 39 1.4.4 SUPPORTING EQUIPMENT IN AUTOMATIC MODE 39 PLANT CONTROL OVERVIEW 40 PLANT FLOW REFERENCE 40 CLEARWELL LEVEL 40 HMI FLOW SETPOINT 40 PLANT FLOW REFERENCE DISTRIBUTION 40 RACK FLOW REFERENCE 41 Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 6 FEED PUMP FLOW REFERENCE 41 FEED PUMP CONTROL 41 FLOW CONTROL 41 PRESSURE CONTROL 42 AUTO PRESSURE ADJUST FOR TMP 42 RF FLOW CONTROL 43 RF TANK FILL 43 AUTOMATIC FEED STRAINERS 44 AIR COMPRESSORS AND RELATED EQUIPMENT 47 PLC/COMPRESSOR SIGNALS 47 CONTROL 48 1.4.5 BLOWER SYSTEM 49 1.4.6 MANUAL MODE OPERATION 49 2 GLOSSARY 51 APPENDIX A: FILTER RACK VALVE AND DEVICE FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS 54 APPENDIX A: FILTER RACK VALVE TRUTH TABLES 56 APPENDIX B: MF SYSTEM OPERATIONAL PROTOCOL 58 APPENDIX A FILTER RACK VALVE AND DEVICE FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS AND VALVE TRUTH TABLES APPENDIX B OPERATIONAL PROTOCOL APPENDIX C SETPOINT LIST Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 7 RRREEEVVVIIISSSIIIOOONNNSSS TABLE A – PALL CORPORATION REVISION HISTORY Revision Date Originator Description 00 Oct 05 2010 M.Montag Initial Release. 111 MMMIIICCCRRROOOFFFIIILLLTTTRRRAAATTTIIIOOONNN SSSYYYSSSTTTEEEMMM OOOPPPEEERRRAAATTTIIIOOONNN 1.1 INTRODUCTION (For additional information on valves, devices, and equipment identified by tag number in the text of this document, please refer to Pall P&ID Drawing 1000026162.) This Pall Corporation Microfiltration (MF) System is designed to filter up to 22.0 million gallons of water daily. Additional modules can be purchased and installed for increased capacity. Pall Corporation is supplying a system comprised of 9 filter racks, 5 (1 future) feed pumps, 2 reverse filtration pumps, CIP equipment, compressed air equipment, valves, instruments, and control equipment required for system operation. Raw water is delivered to the MF system by the 5 feed pumps. Variable frequency drives (VFD’s) on the pumps control the feed manifold pressure or flow by varying pump speed. The feed water passes through 4 pairs of automatic backwashing strainers in series (2 pairs future), then through the microfiltration system filter racks. Each rack has a number of automatic Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 9 sequences that are described below. During operation, regeneration of the membranes is accomplished by four methods: Air Scrubbing (AS), Feed Flush (FL), Enhanced Flux Maintenance (EFM), and Clean in Place (CIP) chemical cleaning. Filtrate from the module racks flows to the finished water clearwell (T-4007). Throughout this document, Bold Italic Text indicates operator adjustable setpoints. Modes and processes appear as Bold Text. Graphic buttons on HMI screens are Framed, while the screens appear in Bold, Underlined Text. For additional information on valves, devices, and equipment identified by tag number in the text of this document, refer to the supplied Pall Process and Instrument Diagram (P&ID) drawing. CAUTION All Pall Corporation Microfiltration System operators must be properly trained by Pall Corporation or someone authorized by Pall Corporation. Any damage to any part of the Pall Corporation Microfiltration System caused by an untrained operator voids all warranties. Additionally, any damage to any part of the Pall Corporation Microfiltration System caused by modifying or loading computer software onto the Pall Corporation Microfiltration System computers unauthorized by Pall Corporation voids all warranties. 1.2 THE MICROFILTRATION (MF) SYSTEM PROCESSES Automatic or Auto mode operation is the normal system operating mode. In Auto mode, the system PLC controls setpoints and functions for each rack. Auto mode includes the following processes: NOTE Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 10 • Fill • Auto Filter or Forward Flow (FF) (production of filtrate) • Air Scrub (AS) • Feed Flush (FL) • Drain • Enhanced Flux Maintenance (EFM) • Integrity Test (IT) • Clean in Place (CIP) CIP process is a special sequence used to chemically clean the modules. The use of this sequence is infrequent; typically the design CIP interval is between 14 and 30 days. Descriptions of these processes are included in the functional description portion of this manual. 1.3 PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER (PLC) MODES 1.3.1 DEFINITION Throughout the process, mode control is used to enable/disable pieces or groups of equipment in order to provide operational flexibility. Mode control occurs at the lowest defined unit level. Mode control is strictly a software function and cannot bypass or replace hardwired controls and interlocks. 1.3.2 GROUPING If the smallest defined unit is the whole unit, the whole unit has one common mode control. If the smallest defined unit is a sub- unit, each sub-unit has its own mode control. NOTE Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 11 1.3.3 MODES AUTO In Auto mode, all equipment in the unit/sub-unit is controlled according to the state of the logic sequencing software. In most cases, changing the mode to Auto enables the equipment to start through a process sequence that usually requires the operator to select a process start pushbutton. In some cases, however, the equipment may start immediately on entering Auto mode if the logic so requires. MANUAL In Manual mode, the operator may cycle valves or turn on or off the equipment as desired from the control room HMI. Note that all actuated rack valves (including block and bleed valves) are furnished with proximity-type limit switches to indicate confirm open/closed position. The off-rack valves do not have limit switches. These would include Feed, CIP and Filtrate area valves. The filter racks each have I/O modules, which communicate with, and are controlled by, the system PLC. CAUTION Manual mode is not recommended as it overrides all automatic equipment functions and can adversely affect the microfiltration equipment, process, and results. The system operator is solely responsible for the outcome of system functioning while in Manual mode. Operators should NOT use Manual mode unless trained to operate the microfiltration system in Manual mode by Pall Corporation or someone authorized by Pall Corporation. Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 12 DISABLE Selecting Disable mode results in all valves being closed and disabled. No further manipulation of the equipment can be made from the HMI – automated processes are not available and individual devices cannot be operated manually. 1.3.4 MODE SELECTION Mode Select Operator Selection Auto Manual Disable Enable Process Selection and Cycle Start Allow Individual Device Control Via HMI Set All Devices To OFF 1.4 FILTER RACK UNIT 1.4.1 FILTER RACK AUTOMATIC MODE OPERATION During normal operation, all racks are on line, i.e. in Auto Mode and processing water in Forward Flow (FF). However, the operator may take one or more of the filter racks off line in order to perform a CIP or a maintenance function. All enabled racks in Auto mode operate with identical parameters, including process and alarm setpoints, timer and volume presets, etc. However, a test mode is available to allow rack to operate with certain parameters independently, for performance testing purposes. To place a rack in Auto mode, the rack graphic is selected and the AUTO pushbutton is selected. To start the filtration process, the AUTO FILTER pushbutton is selected. Note that “Auto Filter” Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 13 is only enabled if the system is capable of processing water, and the plant itself is enabled to run. The Auto Filter process first sequences through a Fill cycle, then enters Forward Flow (FF). During FF, a volume totalizer keeps track of the filtrate flow through the rack and, after reaching a preset value, requests permission from the system PLC to perform a Flux Maintenance (FM). Upon receiving permission and performing these cycles, the rack again enters FF. Occasionally, based on time of day or operator intervention, the rack also performs an Integrity Test, which assures that the membranes are still performing reliably. Details of each step follow. FILL SEQUENCE The Fill sub-cycle purges the piping and modules of air before the rack enters Forward Flow. To effectively purge air from all of the enabled module racks, the racks are placed on-line, one at a time (manually selected by the operator), according to the sequence described below. The rack will perform a Fill sequence automatically before entering production under the following conditions: • The last cycle performed was a Drain or IT • The rack was taken out of Auto mode Or • A CIP drain or chemical recovery step was performed without a follow up rinse. An adjustable Fill Cycle Watchdog timer checks to make sure the Fill cycle sequence takes place in a reasonable amount of time (approximately two minutes or less). If the timer times out, the rack shuts down, and the operator is alerted to the problem by an alarm message on the HMI. INITIAL STARTUP If the feed manifold is empty, the system should be started up with the Feed pumps in Manual mode. Once the feed manifold is full Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 14 of water, the Feed Pump system may be left in Auto Mode, and the pumps start on demand from the racks. FILL CYCLE 1. At the start of the Fill cycle, all on-rack automated valves are closed. The normal position for off-rack automated “block and bleed” valves is to allow forward flow and provide air gaps in the CIP piping. 2. Feed Block valve (V-1030), and Filtrate Block valve (V-1025) are open, as are the CIP Supply Bleed valve (V-1022) and the CIP Return Bleed valve (V-1014). This is changed only when the CIP piping used during a CIP or EFM. 3. At the filter rack, Upper Drain valve (V-1010) is opened, venting the feed side of the modules to drain; Feed Flow Control valve (FCV-1001) is opened to a present FCV Fill Position to introduce feed water to the module rack. 4. The flow through the Feed Flow Transmitter (FIT-1005) is totalized. 5. After the Feed Fill Volume is processed, the Filtrate valve (V-1018) opens and after it proves open the Upper Drain valve (V-1010) closes. Filtrate Vent valve (V-1017) can be used instead of the Filtrate valve if plant configuration dictates. 6. After an additional Filtrate Fill Volume is processed, a short stabilization hold is performed for Min Time for Flow Stabilization. 7. At this time the rack transitions to Forward Flow. The Fill Volume setpoints allow site-specific customization. Once an effective Fill Volume is established during start-up (rack filled and minimized vent drainage), these parameters do not normally require adjustment. Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 15 FORWARD FLOW After each rack completes the Fill cycle, it is then operating in Forward Flow. This is the filtration process, and is the primary operating cycle for the racks. 1. The Filtrate Outlet Valve (V-1018) opens to begin Forward Flow (it may have been opened in a previous cycle, such as the Fill cycle). 2. At the start of Forward Flow, the Feed Flow Control Valve (FCV-1001) PID loop is put in Manual and the valve is automatically opened to the same position it was in when last operating in Forward Flow. 3. When flow through the rack has time to stabilize (15 seconds fixed), at a predetermined flow rate for a fixed amount of time, the feed flow PID control is put in Auto mode. Feed Flow Control Valve (FCV-1001) controls the filtrate flow through each rack. During Forward Flow operation, the Filtrate Valve (V-1018) is open, and Feed Flow Control Valve (FCV-1001) modulates as required by the PID loop to maintain the Rack Flow setpoint. See Section – Rack Flow Reference - for information on how the rack PID reference is generated. FLUX MAINTENANCE Each filter rack periodically executes Flux Maintenance procedures. A Flux Maintenance cycle is an AS (Air Scrub with Filtrate) followed by a Feed Flush (FL). The Flux Maintenance frequency is based on the totalized filtrate flow volume through each rack compared to the Flux Maintenance Interval Volume setpoint. The program for each individual rack will compute filtrate flow volume between cycles by measuring the filtrate flow through the rack, determined from the Feed Flow Transmitter (FIT-1005), and converting to volume at one-second intervals. Ideally, the volume of water processed between each regeneration cycle should remain the same. For example, if the running average flow rate decreases, the interval between regeneration cycles will increase. At design conditions, the interval will range from 15 to 30 minutes. During low flow conditions, this period may be as Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 16 long as 3 hours. Operators will have the ability to set the Flux Maintenance Interval Time (in minutes), which will override the treated volume setpoint described above. The Flux Maintenance cycle sequencing follows: AIR SCRUB (AS) The Air Scrub process is used to physically remove particulate buildup on the feed side of the module fibers. The AS process is then followed by a Flush cycle. When a particular rack requests an Air Scrub, the sequence progresses as follows: 1. The system checks the air pressure in the receiver to ensure that the AS Minimum Air Pressure is at or above the proper air pressure. This is accomplished by reading the PIT-6011 before the AS process can begin. 2. The PLC stores the position of Feed Flow Control Valve (FCV-1001) for use when going back to Forward Flow. 3. The Feed Flow Control Valve (FCV-1001) and the Filtrate Valve (V-1018) close, isolating the rack from the system. 4. Upper Drain Valve (V-1010) and RF Supply valve (V-1013) opens open. 5. Blower M-6039 A or B is started and the Blower Vent Valve (V-6091) is closed. The Blower is ramped up to speed to obtain 4 PSI of pressure on the Blower Outlet (PIT-6096), then the rack Air Supply Valve (V-1006) opens. 6. Water will now be introduced, in addition to airflow, to enhance the cleaning of the module fibers, and to flush away dislodged particles. The rate during the AS cycle is determined by the AS Water Flow Rate setpoint. 7. When the blower air flow reaches 50 SCFM as read by FIT- 6035, the RF flow pump P-4302A or P4302B starts. The system PLC uses a PID loop to adjust the pump speeds for pumps P-4302A or B to maintain the AS Flow Rate through FIT-4305. Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 17 8. A PID loop will modulate either Blower M-6039 A or B to control air flow rate at the AS Air Flow Rate. 9. This step continues for AS Cycle Time (a typical duration of 60 seconds). 10. When the AS Cycle Timer times out, the RF pump and blower motor is stopped and the Air Supply valve (V-1006) closes. 11. The Blower Vent Valve (V-6091) is opened, venting the blower air supply line. 12. When the RF flow is zero, the RF Supply Valve (V-1013) is closed to end the AS cycle. FLUSH (FL) CYCLE A Flush cycle follows each AS cycle. 1. The Upper Drain Valve (V-1010) remains open from the AS step, and Feed Flow Control Valve (FCV-1001) modulates to maintain the flow via the Feed Flow Transmitter (FIT-1005) at the Flush Flow Rate. The Flush Flow Totalizer begins totalizing the flow through FIT-1005. The Feed Flow Control Valve position when last in Forward Flow is still retained by the PLC for later use when the filter rack returns to Forward Flow. 2. When the Flush Flow Totalizer reaches the Flush Volume, the Filtrate Valve (V-1018) opens. Then Upper Drain Valve (V-1010) closes and the FCV-1001 PID loop is put in Manual mode. 3. When Upper Drain Valve (V-1010) proves closed, the rack proceeds to Forward Flow (refer to Section “Forward Flow (FF)”). REVERSE FILTRATION (RF) CYCLE A Reverse Filtration (RF) cycle is performed when selected by the operator. During the RF cycle, filtrate is forced through the membranes in the reverse direction. The objective during this Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 18 cycle is to flow in the reverse direction,. A typical duration is 20 to 30 seconds. RF Supply Flow Transmitter monitors the RF (reverse direction) flow rate. When a RF cycle for a particular filter rack is initiated, the filter rack is isolated from the feed manifold and the RF cycle proceeds according to the following sequence: 1. The flow rate during the RF cycle is determined by the RF Flow Rate setpoint, as input by the operator. The PLC maintains the RF flow rate by controlling the speed of RF Pumps P-4302 (A-B). A PID loop controls the pump speed to maintain the RF flow. The loop starts in Manual at the previous speed of the last RF sequence. If this is the first sequence the speed initializes to 10%. The loop remains in Manual for a fixed amount of time (approximately 5 seconds) to allow the flow to stabilize before being placed into Auto. The PLC must maintain the setpoints individually for each rack, since the pressure requirements vary from rack to rack. 2. At the start of the RF cycle the Feed Flow Control Valve (FCV-1001) and the Filtrate Outlet Valve (V-1018) close. 3. After these valves prove closed, the Lower Drain Valve (V- 1002), the Upper Drain Valve (V-1010), and the RF Supply Valve (V-1013) on the rack open, and the RF Pump P-4302 (A or B) starts ramping up to the previous speed of the last RF sequence. The PLC alternates which pump starts for each RF cycle based on runtime hours (lowest runtime pump is used). The VFD controlling the pump is set to ramp up to speed in about 6 seconds (ramp speed is adjustable). After about 5 or 6 seconds the RF PID loop will be put in Auto to control the pump speed for the duration of the RF cycle. 4. Flow is totalized through RF Flow Transmitter (FIT-4305). Once the RF Cycle Volume is reached, the RF Pump (P- 4302 A-B) ramps to a stop and the Lower Drain Valve (V- 1002), the Upper Drain Valve (V-1010), and the RF Supply Valve (V-1013) close. 5. The rack flow totalizer resets to zero volume. Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 19 6. When the rack valves prove closed, the rack returns to Forward Flow by opening the Filtrate Outlet Valve (V-1018) and setting FCV-1001 to the position it held during the last RF cycle. 7. The rack is now processing in Forward Flow (Section INTEGRITY TEST (IT) On a regular basis, the integrity of the filters must be tested to ensure that there are no leaks in the membrane fibers. This Integrity Test can be performed on a regular basis automatically, or at the operator’s discretion. If performed automatically the test is performed on either Hours Between Integrity Tests or Days Between Integrity Tests basis. “Hours Between” is used if “Days Between” is zero; otherwise “Days Between” takes precedence. If “Days Between” is used, the rack will be marked as needing an IT after the number of days has elapsed, and the Integrity Test Auto Start Hours and Integrity Test Auto Start Minute has passed. If “Hours Between” is the active setpoint, the rack will totalize the number of hours since the last IT, even if not running, and once the time elapsed has exceeded the setpoint, the rack will be marked as needing an IT. Racks will perform ITs automatically after the next naturally occurring FM cycle, if they are marked as needing one and all other permissive conditions are satisfied. However they are enabled, each enabled rack will perform an IT, one at a time, until all racks have completed the process. During IT pressurization and stabilization, Flux Maintenance procedures are not allowed on the racks. While the first filter rack is in the later pressure hold step of its IT, the other racks are allowed to perform Flux Maintenance procedures. Eventually, all filter racks in the system receiver their scheduled IT. If performed at operator request, the operator may select any active rack. The test is performed immediately, unless the rack Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 20 selected is in a FL or AS cycle, in which case the test is performed immediately after the completion of the cycle. Only one rack may be placed in Manual IT at a time. The IT is a pressure decay test. The extremely small pores in the module fibers do not allow free passage of undissolved air through the membrane. Therefore, if one side of the module is pressurized with compressed air, and then isolated, the pressurized side should maintain nearly constant pressure if the membrane has no flaws. However, if one or more of the modules being tested has broken fibers, the air is allowed to pass through to the other side of the membrane, and the pressure on the high- pressure side decreases. 1. To start the test manually, the operator selects the rack graphic and selects Integrity Test from the rack control pop- up. The first step of the sequence is the closing of the Feed Flow Control and Filtrate Valves (FCV-1001 and V-1018) and the opening of the Upper Drain Valve (V-1010). 2. The IT Air Valve (V-1096) opens, admitting compressed air to the filtrate side of the modules. 3. As the air enters the modules, it displaces the water from the upper filtrate manifolds, as well as from the inside of the fibers through the module to the feed side, and then out the Upper Drain. When all the water is displaced, the pressure reading on Filtrate Pressure Transmitter (PIT-1021) increases above the Minimum IT Pressure (25 PSI), and then stabilizes. 4. The system waits for pressure at the Filtrate Pressure Transmitter (PIT-1021) to stabilize, as determined as less than 0.04 PSI change within 60 seconds, thought the stabilization setpoints are adjustable. 5. IT Air Valve (V-1096) and Upper Drain (V-1010) close, and the CIP Return Valve (V-1015) opens to disconnect from the pressurized drain, and the rack goes through pressure stabilization. The system waits for pressure at Filtrate Pressure Transmitter (PIT-1021) to stabilize, determined as less than 0.04 PSI change within 60 seconds, though again the stabilization parameters are adjustable. Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 21 6. At this time, a timer starts and runs for the IT Pressure Decay Test Time. (typically 5 minutes). The pressure at Filtrate Pressure Transmitter (PIT-1021) is recorded. For the remaining test time, the current pressure is compared to this benchmark. If, during this time, the pressure at Filtrate Pressure Transmitter (PIT-1021) does not decrease by more than the IT Maximum Pressure Decay (about 0.20 -0.30 PSI), the rack passes. The actual decay value is recorded by the HMI. 7. The CIP Return Valve (V-1015) closes, and Filtrate Vent Valve (V-1017) opens, venting the rack pressure. To prevent rapid (and noisy) release of air, the Filtrate Vent Valve (V-1017) cycles open and closed at no more than 1- second intervals, until the rack pressure is reduced below the IT Vent Maximum Pressure. 8. When Filtrate Pressure Transmitter (PIT-1021) reads less than the IT Vent Maximum Pressure, the rack performs a Fill cycle, and then goes back to Forward Flow. 9. If, however, the pressure decreases by more than the target before the timer times out, and the operator has selected Shutdown on IT Failure, an alarm message is displayed to this effect, and the rack is taken off line (after the pressure relief and Fill cycles) for further operator action. Typically, a second Integrity Test should be performed manually to confirm the results. If Shutdown on IT Failure is not selected, the system issues a Warning to the operator, and the rack goes back on-line as normal. ARBITRATION The PLC contains a “ticketing” system to coordinate the execution of the Flux Maintenance (AS & FL) and EFM and IT cycles. The PLC rack program totals the flow through the rack between FM cycles. It determines when an FM is due by comparing the total to the Flux Maintenance Interval Volume. When a rack is ready to perform an FM, an internal flag is set which triggers the FM Arbitration to assign the next available FM ticket. When a rack completes an FM, its ticket is released, and the arbitration routine decrements all remaining tickets, allowing the next rack to Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 22 proceed. The rack requesting the cycle first will take precedence. It is possible that all racks might hold a ticket for Flux Maintenance, and the program must accommodate this circumstance. Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 23 The FM arbitration is “blocked” when another rack finishes up with an EFM or a CIP, and that rack is required to perform an immediate FM cycle. The rack presently in an FM sequence is allowed to finish, but the arbitration does not advance until the EFM/CIP rack has finished its required FM. When the arbitration selects the next rack to perform an FM, the rack must wait for specific permissive to be met, depending on the sequence to be performed. For an AS to be performed, the following permissive must be met: 1. The air receiver must be at or above the Minimum Pressure for Air Scrub 2. Any IT sequence running must be finished with its use of the air system. INDIVIDUAL FILTER RACK SHUTDOWN If, while the membrane system is in operation, a specific rack must be shut down for troubleshooting or maintenance, the operator has a variety of options available at the HMI: • Process Stop in Auto Mode – Keeping the rack in Auto Mode but selecting Stop simply closes the on-rack feed and filtrate, valves. No rack draining occurs. The operator keeps the option to perform other automated processes such as an AS, RF (Reverse Filtration), IT, etc assuming the permissives for those sequences are true. Pressing Stop will cause the rack to enter a Stop sequence, which will shut the rack down in a controlled manner, to prevent water hammer. • Disable – Selecting this Mode results in the closure of all valves, and no further manipulation of the rack equipment can be made from the HMI – other automated processes are not available and individual valves cannot be operated NOTE Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 24 manually. The rack must be stopped (idle) for disable to be available. • Manual – Selecting this Mode results in the closure of all valves, but individual valves can be selected and operated. The automated processes are not available. The rack must be stopped (idle) for manual to be available. C AUTION A chlorine residual must be maintained in the water held in any disabled rack if it is shut down for one day or longer. Failure to perform correct shutdown, lay-up, and restart procedures voids the Pall Corporation MF System warranty. 1.4.2 ENHANCED FLUX MAINTENANCE (EFM) AND CLEAN-IN-PLACE (CIP) The EFM and CIP processes both use the same equipment and are recipe driven. EFM is an automatically scheduled and unattended cleaning process, typically of shorter duration than a CIP, which is operator initiated and operator managed. The mode that the system is operating in (EFM or CIP) is contained within the loaded system recipe. If an EFM recipe is loaded, the system is set to operate in EFM mode, and vice versa. Additionally, the loaded recipe determines the chemical makeup parameters for acid and caustic solutions. The chemical makeup parameters in the recipe are compared with those used to actually make up the contents of the tanks, and this comparison is used to actually make up the contents of the tank, and this comparison is used to determine chemical validity – i.e., is the solution proper for use by the currently loaded recipe. The operator can force the chemical validity from the acid and caustic popups. In addition to chemical validity, the tank solutions are checked for temperature range, minimum volume, and number of washed performed before being valid for use. If the acid and caustic solution is not chemically valid, the operator can force validity (indicating that they are willing to use the existing solution no matter what its chemical makeup), or a Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 25 chemical makeup using the recipe parameters can be triggered. This will automatically drain the existing solution at the operator’s option. Additionally, a full chemical make will reset the number of washes used. Both the EFM and CIP processes can use any recipe stop described in the following sections. Multiple recipes can be defined for each type, and the recipe that is desired is loaded prior to starting EFM or CIP procedures. In the case of EFM, normal procedure is to load the desired EFM recipe, prepare the EFM solutions, and leave the system prepared for automatic EFM execution. ENHANCED FLUX MAINTENANCE (EFM) In addition to membrane regeneration by periodic application of AS, FL, and RF cycles, another effective technique for maintaining low Transmembrane Pressure (TMP) and high flux is Enhanced Flux Maintenance (EFM). The EFM cycle is an automatic process, programmed to occur after an operator- defined volume of treated water has been processed. A typical EFM duration is 45 – 90 minutes per filter rack. The EFM process is a recipe driven sequence defined by a set of operator-input parameters that are maintained in the recipe and downloaded to the PLC for use. The EFM sequence typically includes warm water and chlorine. However, since the EFM is recipe driven, different recipes can be created to perform caustic/chlorine only EFM, or acid only EFM, or even a 2-part EFM with caustic/chlorine followed by acid. All of the steps available for CIP operations can be used by an EFM recipe, keeping in mind that no operator prompts are issued in EFM mode. Some additional points regarding the EFM process: • The EFM process uses the same system equipment as the Clean-In-Place (CIP) process. • An EFM procedure on one rack requires an interruption of Forward Flow of approximately 45 – 90 minutes. During that time, the remaining racks continue in Forward Flow and perform other Flux Maintenance routines. Only one rack may perform an EFM at a time. Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 26 C AUTION When working with any chemicals, always follow appropriate safety procedures. • When the system is in EFM mode, the EFM Interval Volume setpoint determines when an EFM is triggered on a particular rack. When the volume through the rack, as totalized by FIT-1005, is greater then the EFM Interval Volume setpoint, a flag will be set indicating the rack needs to schedule an EFM. After the next regularly scheduled FM, if this flag is set, the system will check that the CIP systems are ready to start an EFM. If the system is ready to perform an EFM, the rack will start an EFM following the next naturally occurring FM, and the EFM recipe will be initiated as described below. • EFM will not start unless the solution used in the loaded recipe are valid, and not spent (too many washes), are within the defined temperature range, and there is enough volume in each to fill the rack. All four CIP areas must be in auto, along with the CIP circulation and drain pumps. EFM must also be enabled on the rack. • The remake of EFM solution is not entirely automatic, but is triggered via a recipe steps. The steps listed below will be performed based on the sequences in the recipe. When an EFM recipe is completed, the rack is put in the FM queue and will perform an AS/FL combination as soon as possible. At that time, it will return to FF (production filtering). CLEAN-IN-PLACE (CIP) The CIP cycle is a semi-automatic process initiated by an operator when desired. This operation may be performed on one rack, or sequentially on all the racks. Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 27 The CIP process is defined by operator-programmed sequences, or “recipes”, which are maintained in the HMI computer. Prior to initiating a CIP, the operator will select which recipe is to be used. All of the steps within the CIP process will be defined within the recipe; including event durations, flow rates, etc. An operator will be able to create or modify recipes as required. Some miscellaneous points regarding the CIP process: • A CIP procedure on one rack requires approximately 3-4 hours in total. • Based on previous experience, typically up to 4 rack cleanings can be performed with one batch of CIP solution (both caustic/chlorine and acid). This is dependent on the feed water condition. This can only be determined through experimentation once the system is on line. • Only one rack can execute a CIP or EFM at one time. The steps listed below will be performed based on the sequences in the recipe. When a CIP recipe is completed, the rack is put in the FM queue and will perform an AS/FL combination as soon as possible. At that time, it will return to an idle state. EFM AND CIP RECIPE STEPS The following steps are available to be used in both EFM and CIP type recipes. In EFM operation, no operator prompts are displayed except the deliberate operator confirmed prompt step. In all other places where prompts would appear, the prompt is skipped, and if it is a decision, the default choice is automatically made. No pre-configured rack drain is done prior to recipe start. The rack must be drained of water, so the first step in any recipe should be a drain of some kind. As soon as the recipe sequence begins, the rack block and bleed valves are switched to the CIP positions and confirmed, opening air gaps between lines filled with chemical and the headers. If not in EFM mode, the operator is notified via a prompt if the Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 28 Neutralization tank is not empty (just for information), and then prompts to confirm step process start. Following confirmation, the system processes the recipe steps in order. Any undefined step will end the recipe processing. RECIPE STEP – PUMPED DRAIN TO NEUTRALIZATION The system reserves the Neutralization area for sequence use, ensuring other sequences cannot simultaneously use the equipment. The rack CIP Supply (V-1003), Filtrate Vent (V-1017), CIP Return valves (V-1015 and V-1012), CIP Return Bleed (V-1014) valves are opened, and the CIP Return Block valve (V-1029) are closed. This arrangement allows drainage out the bottom of the rack and air relief on the top. Off-rack valve V-5217 is opened to provide a path to the Neutralization tank T-5601. The Drain Pump P-5214 (A or B) is run for the recipe-driven drain time, and may be stopped and restarted multiple times if this is required to drain the rack. Once it is determined that the rack is drained, the pump is stopped, and all previously opened valves are closed. A completed pumped drain will reset the flag indicating that there is chemical in the rack. RECIPE STEP – ACID WASH The system reserves the Acid area for use, and checks that the solution temperature and volume are within setpoint limits (acid setpoints MINIMUM TEMP FOR CIRCULATION, MAXIMUM TEMP FOR CIRCULATION, and MINIMUM VOLUME FOR CIRCULATION). The CIP Supply (V-1003) and CIP Feed Return (V-1015), and depending on step chosen CIP Filtrate Return (V- 1012) valves are opened on the rack and confirmed. Acid Tank Outlet (V-5132), Acid Tank Return (V-5212), and Circ Pump Block (V-5282 A or B) valves are opened to create a path to circulate acid solution. Inappropriate off-rack valves are closed. Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 29 CIP Circulation Pump P-5204 A or B is started and run for the recipe-driven wash duration (in minutes). If, during the wash, the temperature as measured by TT-5107 rises above the maximum temperature setpoint, the pump is stopped and the process is paused until the temperature returns below the maximum. At the end of the recipe wash time, the pump is stopped, the off- rack valves are closed, and the acid area reservation is released. The on-rack valves are left open, as that configuration is default for all recipe steps. RECIPE STEP – CAUSTIC WASH The system reserves the Caustic area for use, and checks that the solution temperature and volume are within setpoint limits (caustic setpoints MINIMUM FOR CIRCULATION, MAXIMUM TEMP FOR CIRCULATION, and MINIMUM VOLUME FOR CIRCULATION). The CIP Supply (V-1003) and CIP Return (V-1015), and depending on step chosen CIP Filtrate Return (V-1012) valves are opened on the rack and confirmed. Caustic Tank Outlet (V-5025), Caustic Tank Return (V-5213), and Circ Pump Block (V-5282 A or B) valves are opened to create a path to circulate caustic solution. Inappropriate off-rack valves are closed. CIP Circulation Pump P-5204 A or B is started and runs for the recipe-driven wash duration (in minutes). If, during the wash, the temperature is measured by TT-5007 rises above the maximum temperature setpoint, the pump is stopped and the process is paused until the temperature returns below the maximum. At the end of the recipe wash time, the pump is stopped, the off- rack valves are closed, and the caustic area reservation is released. The on-rack valves are left open, as that configuration is default for all recipe steps. RECIPE STEP – RACK RINSE The system reserves the Neutralization area for sequence use, ensuring other sequences cannot simultaneously use the equipment. Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 30 The CIP Supply (V-1003) and CIP Return (V-1015), and depending on step chosen CIP Filtrate Return (V-1012) valves are opened on the rack and confirmed. Circulation Block (V-5282 A or B), Return Header to Neut (V-5242) and Potable Rinse (V-5227) valves are opened to allow rinse water to flow through the non- operational circulation pump, through the rack, and into the Neutralization Tank. The flow through the rack flowmeter FIT-1005 is totalized until the recipe-driven rinse volume is counted. A completed rinse will reset the flag indicating that there are chemicals in the rack. The off-rack valves are then shut. RECIPE STEP – ACID RECOVERY This step recovers the fluid in the rack to the Acid Tank. The system reserves the Acid area for sequence use, ensuring other sequences cannot simultaneously use the equipment. Rack valves remain in or are moved to CIP positions, with V-1003, V-1015, and V-1012 open, and the block and bleed valve sets configured for CIP use. Inappropriate off-rack valves are closed and Drain Pump to CIP Supply Header (V-5289 A or B), Acid Tank Outlet (V-5132), and Acid Tank Return (V-5212) valves are opened, allowing fluid pumped from the rack by the drain pump to be returned to the tank via the outlet valve. CIP Drain Pump P-5214 A or B is run for the recipe-driven drain time. The drain pump may stop and restart multiple times in order to fully drain the rack. When it is determined that the rack is properly drained, the drain pump is turned off, and the off-rack and rack valves are closed. A completed recovery will reset the flag indicating that there are chemicals in the rack. RECIPE STEP – CAUSTIC RECOVERY This step recovers the fluid in the rack to the Caustic Tank. Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 31 The system reserves the Caustic area for sequence use, ensuring other sequences cannot simultaneously use the equipment. Rack valves remain in or are moved to CIP positions, with V-1003, V-1015, and V-1012 open, and the block and bleed valve sets configured for CIP use. Inappropriate valves are closed, and Drain Pump to CIP Supply Header (V-5289 A or B), Caustic Tank Outlet (V-5025), and Caustic Tank Return (V-5213) valves are opened, allowing fluid pumped from the rack by the drain pump to be returned to the tank via the outlet valve. CIP Drain Pump P-5214 A or B is run for the recipe-driven drain time. The drain pump may stop and restart multiple times in order to fully drain the rack. When it is determined that the rack is properly drained, the drain pump is turned off, and the off-rack and rack valves are closed. A completed recovery will restart the flag indicating that there are chemicals in the rack. RECIPE STEP – TIMED SOAK The process holds for the recipe-driven pause time (in minutes). RECIPE STEP – CONFIRMED PAUSE In this step, the prompt system requests simply that the operator confirm continuation of the process. RECIPE STEP – TRIGGER ACID REFRESH This step starts the refresh process on the Acid Tank, and ensures that it starts, then moves on to the next step. It does not wait for the refresh to complete. The Refresh process adds water up to the recipe-driven Acid Make Water Volume, and adds the recipe-driven Acid Refresh Acid Volume to the tank. If, however, the Acid solution has been used for more wash procedures than the recipe Acid Solution Washes Allowed setpoint, the refresh will instead jump to a full make procedure, which includes a drain. A full make procedure Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 32 will reset the solution wash counter and thus allows the solution to return to validity. RECIPE STEP – TRIGGER CAUSTIC REFRESH This step starts the refresh process on the Caustic Tank, and ensures that it starts, then moves on to the next step. It does not wait for the refresh to complete. The Refresh process adds water up to the recipe-driven Caus Make Water Volume, and adds the recipe-driven Caus Refresh Caus Volume and Caus Refresh NaOCI Volume to the tank. If, however, the Caustic Solution has been used for more wash procedures than the recipe Caus Solution Washes Allowed setpoint, the refresh will instead jump to a full make procedure, which includes a drain. A full make procedure will reset the solution wash counter and thus allows the solution to return to validity. RECIPE STEP – SKID STEP This step does nothing but skip to the next step. It can be used to put gaps in the recipe without causing a shutdown (an undefined step will end the recipe). CIP SYSTEM NON-RECIPE OPERATION ACID MAKE CYCLE The operator initiates the automatic preparation of CIP or EFM solutions at the HMI by selecting the tank graphic and selecting the ACID MAKE button. After the first batch has been made by a manual initiation by the operator, the remake of the tank solutions can occur automatically if a recipe REFESH step is run. If a REFRESH is triggered and the solution is already spent (too many washes), a full MAKE process is triggered instead of the limited REFRESH. The ACID MAKE sequence is as follows: Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 33 The Acid CIP Tank Water Supply Valve (V-5109) opens to fill the Acid CIP Tank with potable water. The PLC will close the valve when the tank level reaches the recipe Acid Make Water Volume, as measured by Acid CIP Tank Level Transmitter (LIT- 5106). While the tank is filling, the Acid CIP Tank Heater (H-5104) will be disabled until the tank level is above the Heater Enable Level setpoint. The heater will turn on when the tank temperature is below the Temperature setpoint by more than the Temperature Deadband as measured by the Acid CIP Tank Temperature Transmitter (TT-5107). The heater will turn off when the tank temperature is above the Temperature setpoint. If should be noted that the heater control is always active as long as the heater is in automatic mode – if the level is high enough, the heater will always be trying to maintain the requested temperature, if in auto. While the Acid Tank is still filling but almost full of potable water, the PLC instructs the Acid Supply Pump P-5115 to deliver the recipe Acid Make Acid Volume into the tank via the acid supply valve (V-5124). The Make sequence completes when all of the required water and acid have been added. After the solution is made and at the appropriate temperature, and minimum volume; the chemical solution is ready for use by either the EFM or CIP recipes. CAUSTIC MAKE CYCLE This operator-started procedure makes up a batch of solution in the tank. The chemical makeup parameters are obtained from the currently loaded recipe. The Make Cycle is not a recipe step and is first manually initiated by the operators’ selection of the Tank graphic and then selecting CAUSTIC MAKE from the tank selection pop-up. After the first batch has been made by a manual initiation by the operator, the remake of the tank solutions can occur automatically if a recipe REFRESH step is run. If a REFRESH is triggered and the solution is already spent (too many washes), a full MAKE process is triggered instead of the limited REFRESH. Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 34 The CAUSTIC MAKE sequence is as follows: The Caustic CIP/EFM Tank Water Supply Valve (V-5009) opens to fill the Caustic CIP/EFM Tank with potable water. The PLC will close the valve when the tank level reaches the recipe Caus Make Water Volume, as measured by Tank Level Transmitter (LIT-5006). While the tank is filling, the Tank Heater (H-5004) will be disabled until the tank level is above the Heater Enable Level setpoint. The heater will turn on when the tank temperature is below the H-5004 Temperature setpoint by more than the Temperature Deadband. The heater will turn off when the tank temperature is above the Temperature setpoint. While the Caustic CIP/EFM Tank (T-5001) is still filling but almost full of potable water, the PLC instructs the chlorine supply pump (P- 5402) to deliver the recipe Caus Make Dis Volume into the Caustic CIP Tank. Likewise, if the loaded recipe includes caustic solution, the recipe setpoint Caus Make Caus Volume is added via the caustic supply valve (V-5018) and the caustic supply pump (P-5015). It should be noted that the heater control is always active as long as the heater is in automatic mode – if the level is high enough, the heater will always be trying to maintain the requested temperature, if in Auto. The Make sequence completes when all of the required water and caustic/chlorine have been added. After the solution is made and at the appropriate temperature and minimum volume, the chemical solution is ready for use by either the EFM or CIP recipes. ACID TANK FLUSH The tank flush procedure is used to drain the tank and refill it with potable water. It is started by the operator pressing the FLUSH TANK button on the tank pop-up. The system reserves the Circulation and Neutralization areas for use, ensuring that other processes cannot control equipment in those areas simultaneously. Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 35 Acid Tank Outlet (V-5132), Circulation Pump Block (V-5282 A or B) and Drain Pump to Neut Tank (V-5217) valves are opened to create a path from the Acid tank to the Neutralization tank via the circulation and drain pumps. Inappropriate valves are closed. Drain Pump P-5214 A or B is run until Acid LL level switch (LSLL- 5103) alarm or acid tank level (LIT-5106) drops below acid setpoint Tank Empty Level. The drain pump may stop and start multiple times in order to accomplish complete drain-out. The valve path closes and the Circulation and Neutralization areas are released from reservation. The tank then fills with potable water via V-5109. The water fill stops when the water line rises to the programmed limit (LIT-5106 rises above the acid setpoint Acid Shutdown Level or LSHH- 5102 alarms). The flush volume is added as measured by LIT- 5106. The Flush process can do more than one flush (setpoint Number of Flush Cycles); if this is the final Fill cycle, the volume target is setpoint Final Flush Fill Volume; otherwise it is Tank Flush Fill Volume. If there is more than one flush cycle selected, the system counts flushes and loops back to repeat until they are all completed. CAUSTIC TANK FLUSH The tank Flush procedure is used to drain the tank and refill it with potable water. If is started by the operator pressing the FLUSH TANK button on the tank pop-up. The system reserves the Circulation and Neutralization areas for use, ensuring that other processes cannot control equipment in those areas simultaneously. Caustic Tank Outlet (V-5025), Circulation Pump Block (V-5282 A or B) and Drain Pump to Neut Tank (V-5217) valves are opened to create a path from the Caustic tank to the Neutralization basin via the circulation and drain pumps. Inappropriate valves are closed. Drain Pump (P-5214 A or B) is run until Caustic LL Level Switch (LSLL-5003) alarm or Caustic Tank Level (LIT-5006) drops below caustic setpoint Tank Empty Level. The drain pump may stop and start multiple times in order to accomplish complete drain-out. Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 36 The valve path closes and the Circulation area is released from reservation. The tank fills with potable water via (V-5009). The water fill stops when the water line rises to the programmed limit (LIT-5006 rises above caustic setpoint Caustic Shutdown Level or LSHH-5002 alarms), or the flush volume is added as measured by (LIT-5006). The flush process can do more than one flush (setpoint Number of Flush Cycles); if this is the final Fill cycle, the volume target is setpoint Final Flush Fill Volume; otherwise it is Tank Flush Fill Volume. If there is more than one Flush cycle selected, the system counts flushes and loops back to repeat until they are all completed. SOLUTION VALIDITY FUNCTIONALITY AND FORCE VALIDITY The control system monitors “validity” of solutions in the Acid and Caustic tanks and reports the status via the prompt displays. Validity is only checked if the chemical is actually used in the currently loaded recipe. Validity checking includes: • Solution temperature within area setpoint • Volume adequate to circulate (area setpoint) • Chemical not spent (used for too many washes) • Chemically valid (quantities used for makeup match quantities in currently loaded recipe) Volume violation may need to be corrected by manual addition of water, or by remaking the solution. Chemically spent can only be corrected by remaking the solution. Chemically invalid can be corrected by remaking the solution, or, if the operator wishes to use the solution current in the tank no matter what its chemical composition, he or she may press the FORCE VALIDITY button on the tank pop-up. This will match the chemical validity parameters. SEMI-AUTOMATIC TRANSFERS Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 37 For each chemical, there is a semi-automatic transfer process available. This allows the operator to request a certain amount of the chemical to be transferred to the solution tank. The amount to be transferred is entered by the operator. Once the transfer has been completed, the amount setpoint is cleared to prevent accidental re-triggering of a transfer of the same amount. These transfers are available for Acid into the Acid Tank and for Caustic into the Caustic Tank. 1.4.3 NEUTRALIZATION SYSTEM When desired, the operator can trigger a process to neutralize the waste contained in the Neutralization Tank. AUTOMATIC NEUTRALIZATION The automatic neutralization routine is used to neutralize both chlorine (as measured by ORP analyzer AIT-5619) and pH (as measured by pH analyzer AIT-5605). The routine first mixes the contents using the drain/mix pump P-5609 and recirculation valve V-5650 After the mixing loop has run for the Neut Tank Mix Time duration, the mixing is left on and the solution ORP and pH are sampled. The sequence adjusts the pH first then ORP (chlorine). Under certain circumstances pH adjustment may be necessary after chlorine adjustments have been made therefore the sequence checks the pH after adjustments to chlorine have been made. If the ORP is below the Maximum ORP to Drain setpoint, and the pH is below the Neut Tank Drain Max pH setpoint and above the Neut Tank Drain Min pH setpoint, then the routine is ended by turning off the mixing pump. If the pH level is above the Neut Tank Drain Max pH setpoint, then the control is transferred to the Acid Injection routine (section If the pH level is below the Neut Tank Drain Min pH setpoint, then the control is transferred to the Caustic Injection routine (section Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 38 Once the pH has been corrected, the ORP will be checked. If the chlorine level is above the Maximum ORP to Drain setpoint, then the control is transferred to the Sodium Bisulfite Injection routine (Section SODIUM BISULFITE INJECTION First, the amount of chemical to deliver is calculated: Transmitter (AIT-5619) determines the Oxidation/Reduction Potential (ORP). If the ORP is above the Max ORP to Drain setpoint then the sequence determines the amount of sodium bisulfite to add based on the ORP reading multiplied by the Neut Tank SBS Adjustment Amount setpoint. The adjustment amount is gallons of sodium bisulfite per milivolt. Sodium Bisulfite is then added to the Neutralization tank by starting the SBS injection pumps, P-5502, and running it until the desired amount of SBS is transferred as measured by FIT-5505. ACID INJECTION First, the amount of chemical to deliver is calculated: If the pH level is above the Neut Tank Drain Max pH setpoint then the neutralization sequence determines the amount of acid to add based on the pH reading from (AIT-5605) less 7 multiplied by the Neut Tank Neut Acid Adjustment Amount. The adjustment amount is based on gallons of Acid per pH unit. Acid is then added to the Neutralization tank by starting the Acid injection pump, P-5115, and opening the Acid to Neut Tank Valve (V-5120). The pump runs until the desired amount of Acid is transferred as measured by FIT-5121. After the desired amount of acid is transferred, the pump stops and the valve will close. CAUSTIC INJECTION First, the amount of chemical to deliver is calculated: If the pH level is below the Neut Tank Drain Min pH setpoint then the neutralization sequence determines the amount of caustic to Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 39 add based on 7 less the ph reading from (AIT-5605) multiplied by the Neut Tank Neut Caustic Adjustment Amount. The adjustment amount is based on gallons of Caustic per pH unit. Caustic is then added to the Neutralization tank by starting the Caustic injection pump, P-5015, and opening the Acid to Neut Tank Valve (V-5019). The pump runs until the desired amount of Caustic is transferred as measured by FIT-5017. After the desired amount of caustic is transferred, the pump stops and the valve will close. NEUTRALIZATION TANK DRAIN When the Neutralization Tank ORP is below the Maximum ORP to Drain setpoint, and the pH is below the Maximum pH to Drain setpoint and above the Minimum pH to Drain setpoint, then the tank is ready to be drained. The operator initiates the automatic draining of the Neutralization Tank at the HMI by selecting the tank graphic and selecting the Tank Drain PB from the tank control pop-up. The Drain Pump (P-5609) first runs for Neut Tank Mix Time, via the Neut Tank Recirculation Valve (V-5650), then the ph and ORP are sampled and compared against the limits. If both are within the limits, the process will proceed as below; if not, the process notifies the operator and ends. The Neutralization Tank Drain Valve (V-5657) is opened and the Neutralization Drain Pump (P-5609) is turned on in order to start the sequence. The pump runs until the Neutralization Tank reaches the Drain Empty Level setpoint. At this time the pump remains on and the Drain Time timer is initiated. When the timer expires, the pump is turned off and the valve is closed, and the sequence ends. 1.4.4 SUPPORTING EQUIPMENT IN AUTOMATIC MODE The following sections describe support equipment functions required to operate the MF system. Some of this equipment is not in Pall’s scope of supply, so additional interface may be required with other suppliers. Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 40 PLANT CONTROL OVERVIEW PLANT FLOW REFERENCE The plant flow reference used by the microfiltration system can be generated based on clearwell tank level, or an operator-selected flow setpoint (HMI entry). Each method is described below. CLEARWELL LEVEL The operator enters a clearwell level setpoint at the HMI. A PID level control loop modulates to regulate this threshold. The PID output (0-100%) is linearly scaled to the Plant Minimum and Maximum Flow setpoints (HMI entry). The resulting plant flow reference is used by the racks and/or the feed pumps (see description below). If the level in the clearwell rises to the Clearwell Pause Level setpoint or the high-high level switch alarm is activated, all online racks in Forward Flow pause. Online racks active in any other process complete the sequence, return to Forward Flow, and then pause. Offline racks stay offline. When the level falls below the Clearwell Resume Level setpoint (HMI entry), the paused racks resume filtration. Note: Regardless of the generation method of the plant flow reference, this pause/resume functionality is always active. HMI FLOW SETPOINT The operator enters a Total Plant Flow setpoint at the HMI. The PLC checks, and limits, this entry with the Plant Minimum and Plant Maximum Flow setpoints (HMI entry). The result is used by the racks and/or the feed pumps (see description below). Regardless of the method used to generate the plant flow reference, the pause and resume functionality, for both the Feed Tank and the Clearwell are active. PLANT FLOW REFERENCE DISTRIBUTION NOTE Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 41 RACK FLOW REFERENCE The plant flow reference is determined and is sent to the racks. If the Feed System is in Flow Control Mode (see Feed Pump Control below), the racks attempt to control to the rack maximum flow rate setpoint, essentially resulting in the rack flow control valve being fully open. If the Feed System is in Pressure Control Mode (see Feed Pump Control below), the plant reference is divided by the number of racks online in Forward Flow (FF). The result is limit checked with the rack minimum and maximum flow setpoints (HMI entry). The resulting rack flow reference is used by the rack flow control PIDs. When a rack goes offline for an EFM, IT, CIP etc., the rack flow reference is recalculated (as described above). This is done in order to minimize the flow rate fluctuations through the rack during FMs, but still maintain water productions during longer offline periods. FEED PUMP FLOW REFERENCE If the Feed System is in Flow Control Mode, then the plant flow reference is used as setpoints to a flow PID that controls the speed of the operating feed pumps. FEED PUMP CONTROL The feed system pumps can be operated in either pressure control mode or flow control mode. The operator sets the mode at the HMI. Each mode is described below. FLOW CONTROL The standard operating mode for the feed system/pumps is flow control. In this mode, the feed pump flow reference, generated as described above, is used as the reference by the feed pump flow Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 42 PID control loop. The PID output (0-100%) is sent to the feed pump drives as speed reference. When the feed system calls for a strainer backwash (see Automatic Feed Strainers below) the feed system mode is temporarily switched to Pressure Control Mode for the duration of the backwash cycle. See Pressure Control section next for more detail. PRESSURE CONTROL In this mode, the operator enters a Feed Manifold Pressure setpoint at the HMI. This setpoint is used as the reference by the feed pump pressure PID control loop. The PID output (0-100%) is sent to the feed pump drives as speed reference. When a strainer backwash is initiated, the pressure setpoint may be changed for the duration of that cycle. If the Strainer BW Min Feed Pressure setpoint exceeds the Pressure PID setpoint, then the Pressure PID setpoint is temporarily changed to the Strainer BW Min Feed Pressure for the backwash cycle. If the Strainer BW Min Feed Pressure setpoint is smaller than the Pressure PID setpoint, then the Pressure PID is unchanged during the backwash cycle. AUTO PRESSURE ADJUST FOR TMP To minimize the operating pressure, and therefore the feed pump power consumption, an auto pressure adjust algorithm is implemented. This is only effective when the feed pumps are in Pressure Control mode. If desired, the operator can enable or disable this algorithm from the HMI Auto Adjust Select PB on the Feed setpoint screen. Whenever a rack is in Forward Filtration, the FCV position is continuously monitored and compared to the other online racks. If the Auto Adjust algorithm is enabled, and the rack with the largest FCV opening is presently in Forward Flow, the Feed Pressure setpoint may be adjusted. If the largest open FCV position exceeds the Feed Pressure Auto Adjust Increase – FCV % Open setpoint, then the Feed Header Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 43 Pressure setpoint is increased by the Feed Pressure Auto Adjust Inc. / Dec. setpoint. If the largest open FCV position is smaller than the Feed Pressure Auto Adjust Decrease – FCV % Open setpoint, then the Feed Header Pressure – PID setpoint is decreased by the Feed Pressure Auto Adjust Inc./Dec. setpoint. If the largest open FCV position falls between the Feed Pressure Auto Adjust Increase – FCV % Open setpoint and the Feed Pressure Auto Adjust Decrease – FCV % Open setpoint, then no action is taken. In order to limit the control range of the algorithm, the pressure setpoint can only be modified within the operator adjustable range of the two setpoints: Feed Header Pressure – Auto Adjust Maximum and Feed Header Pressure - Auto Adjust Minimum. RF FLOW CONTROL To perform an Air Scrub with Filtrate Flow (AS) cycle, the system includes pumps for delivering water from the RF Tank T-4360 to the racks. Each of the redundant pumps is designed to handle the full flow. After each rack’s AS cycle, the pump speed is stored and used as the initial setting for that rack’s next AS cycle. Each rack stores its own initial AS pump start speed. Racks cannot proceed with AS cycles unless the RF tank (T-4360) contains enough water to execute the AS. This minimum level is available as a setpoint on the HMI system. RF TANK FILL To allow AS cycles to proceed; the RF tank T-4360 must be filled to a minimum level (adjustable via setpoint). The tank is filled by opening the RF Tank Water Supply valve (V-4323), diverting MF filtrate from the filtrate header into the RF tank. The valve will remain open until the stop fill level is reached, at which time it will close until the tank has drained to the start fill level. Both levels are adjustable setpoints. Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 44 AUTOMATIC FEED STRAINERS The automatic strainers S-3201A thru D (Primary) and S-3197A thru D (Secondary) operate online when the system is running, although one may be taken off-line for maintenance. The operator should disable the strainer to be taken off-line to avoid backwashing the strainer during maintenance. The primary and secondary sets of strainers operate in series. The primary strainers can be bypassed via hand valve HV-3195 if required by operating conditions. The secondary strainers are only backwashed once per day unless the operator has selected, on the HMI, the secondary strainer to be the primary and has opened the bypass valve HV-3195 manually. The description of the strainer operation is described below. • Each strainer has its own mode: Auto, Manual, and Disable. • A strainer is placed online by selecting it for Auto mode. • Manual mode is for testing and maintenance. • Disable mode is for maintenance. • When a strainer is taken out of Auto mode while an automatic sequence is in progress that sequence terminates. • A Stop PB located on the HMI also terminates an automatic sequence in progress. • A Quick Stop also terminates an automatic sequence in progress. • The mode assignment of the strainer includes the control of the associated drain valve. • Only one strainer can be active in a backwash cycle at any given time. • At least one pump must be on, in order to activate a backwash cycle. Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 45 • The strainer must be in the Auto mode in order to activate a backwash cycle. • A watchdog alarm monitors the duration of the backwash cycle (typically 60 seconds), and will alarm if the cycle takes too long. • When the strainer is placed in Auto mode and the feed pumps are turned on to supply water to the racks, the Strainer Cycle Timer runs, with a preset of Strainer Cycle Time (in minutes). Each strainer has its own timer. • The differential pressure across the strainers is calculated and displayed by subtracting PIT-3009 from PIT-3005. • An automated backwash cycle is activated when: o The Strainer Cycle Timer times out o The differential pressure reading across the strainers is greater than the Maximum Strainer DP o The strainer is in continuous mode (HMI setpoint) o The operator manually initiates a backwash (HMI PB) • Once initiated the feed system switches from flow control mode to pressure control mode (unless already in pressure control mode). When in pressure control mode, the feed pressure setpoint for filtering is checked with the BW pressure setpoint. Whichever is larger is used as the pressure setpoint during the backwash cycle. • When the feed system pressure reaches the Minimum Strainer BW Pressure (typically 30-45 PSIG), the backwash valve opens and the strainer motor traverses one direction. If the strainer is not initially in the reverse position, it will traverse to the reverse position with the valve closed. If the strainer is in the reverse position, it will traverse to the forward position with the valve open. • Once the appropriate limit switch is activated indicating the end of travel, the strainer motion completes and the backwash valve closes, and the strainer will return to the Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 46 reverse position to wait for the next backwash. The Strainer Cycle Timer is reset. • The feed system reverts back to the operation mode prior to the backwash cycle. • A strainer alarm activates and latches (after an HMI settable time delay) if: o A forward command is activated and there is no forward aux. FB o A reverse command is activated and there is no reverse aux. FB. o A forward command is not activated and there is a forward aux. FB o A reverse command is not activated and there is a reverse aux. FB o There is an overload at the starter • Typical inputs: o Strainer forward LS o Strainer reverse LS o Strainer forward aux. FB o Strainer reverse aux. FB o Strainer O.L. • Typical outputs: o Strainer forward CMD o Strainer reverse CMD o Strainer backwash valve CMD • In Manual mode the operator can select a button that traverses the strainer motor in the forward direction. This Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 47 signal remains high until it is reset when the strainer reaches the forward L.S. • In Manual mode the operator can select a button that traverses the strainer motor in the reverse direction. This signal remains high until it is reset when the strainer reaches the reverse L.S. AIR COMPRESSORS AND RELATED EQUIPMENT Pall Corporation system designs use compressed air in a manner unlike most industrial applications; as a result special programming is required to ensure the correct and efficient operation of the system. This section provides a description of how the compressed air systems operate. PLC/COMPRESSOR SIGNALS • Load/unload permissive (remote pressure sensing). This is an output from the PLC/Control Relay to the remote pressure sensing input for each compressor. The intent of this signal is to give the compressor a permissive to self-load and unload. For example, if the compressor does not have this remote sensing input and the air pressure, as sensed by the compressor, is below the compressor’s load setpoint, the compressor loads provided the compressor is started. Note: The PLC output is wired to a relay which has its NC contacts wired to the remote pressure sensing input of the compressor control. When the PLC output is on, the compressor has the load enable, when the PLC output is off, the compressor does not have the load enable. • Fault feedback from each compressor to the PLC. This informs the PLC of the compressor availability (i.e. is the compressor turned on, started and not faulted). This may need to be multiple signals. A fault feedback may be able to indicate whether or not the compressor is powered as well as a fault, but may not be able to indicate if the compressor has been started. Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 48 CONTROL • All available compressors are started by plant personnel using the local compressor controller. The setup for all compressors is for “Auto Restart After Power Loss”. • The operator has the ability to put each compressor into lead, lag or offline from the HMI for the PLC control system. Only one compressor can be selected to lead. • The lead compressor(s) always has the remote pressure sensing disabled (PLC output on - meaning the compressor has the permission to load when required). • The lag compressor’s remote pressure sensing is always enabled (PLC output off - meaning the compressor does not have permission to load) unless there is a low air pressure condition (latched low air pressure alarm as sensed by PIT- 6011) and it is needed. If this is the case the remote pressure sensing is disabled allowing the compressor to load and unload based on its internal settings. • The lag compressor loads when the remote pressure sensing is disabled and when the air pressure, as sensed by the compressor, is below the local compressor load setpoint. The intent of the design is that the lag compressors should not be required to operate under normal conditions. Once the lag compressor, is enabled that compressor operates in the same manner as a lead compressor until the alarm is acknowledged. This allows the plant to continue normal operations until the problem is rectified. • If a lead compressor becomes unavailable for any reason as indicated by the compressor fault output, a lag compressor automatically switches to lead. • An auto-rotation routine is employed to automatically rotate the lead and lag compressors on a daily basis at midnight. Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 49 1.4.5 BLOWER SYSTEM The blower air system provides 15 psig air on demand for filter rack air scrubs. The enabled blower will go through a ramp-up to speed when an air scrub is called for. The filter rack’s Air Scrub Supply Valve (V-1006) opens and the required air flow is supplied to the filter rack. Upon completion of the air scrub, the blower ramps down to minimum speed and the filter rack’s Air Scrub Supply Valve closes. Pressure build-up in the air scrub common piping is vented through a by-pass valve integral to the blower system. Note that the local control of both compressors and blowers is maintained in the PLC. If the lead compressor or blower faults, the PLC will send a Warning to the operator and switch the lag unit to the lead position. 1.4.6 MANUAL MODE OPERATION Provisions for Manual mode operation of the filter system must be made to allow operation of all process valves, pumps, strainers, and other equipment. In Manual mode, all automated valves can be cycled by clicking on the valve symbol from the process overview screen at the main HMI in the control room. This opens a popup window that allows the operator to cycle the valve. Any other equipment controlled by the PLC can similarly be accessed for Manual mode operation. Toggling the state of the pump and entering a setpoint in percentage of the maximum pump speed can control pumps in Manual mode. CAUTION Manual mode is inherently risky. Manual mode overrides all automatic equipment functions and can adversely alter the process and the results of the process. Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 50 Only qualified Pall Corporation personnel or those trained and authorized by Pall Corporation should operate the system in Manual mode. The operator assumes full responsibility for the results of all actions taken while operating in this mode. Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 51 222 GGGLLLOOOSSSSSSAAARRRYYY Microfiltration Term Description Air Scrub (AS) A membrane module cleaning technique, programmed to occur on a regular interval many times per day, in which air bubbles are blown around the exterior of the membrane fibers to shake contaminants loose from the filter surfaces and remove them from the modules. Backwash In Pall’s Microza® systems, backwash is used as a generic term for waste flow generated by the AS and RF cycles, as well as any prefilter or strainer waste. Backwash Recovery System A filtration subsystem designed to re-filter backwash from the main plant so that it is not wasted. Clean-In-Place (CIP) A chemical cleaning process performed while part or all of the microfiltration system is off-line, in which a rinse of caustic and acid solutions flow through the membrane modules to attack and dissolve stubborn contaminants from the filter surfaces and remove them from the modules. Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 52 Microfiltration Term Description Excess Recirculation (XR) A fraction of the feed flow, typically equal to roughly 10% of filtrate flow, that enters the membrane modules but by- passes the fibers. XR leaves the modules, unfiltered, through a separate port. Feed The unfiltered influent source water that is intended for microfiltration. FIFO First In, First Out. Filtrate Also called “permeate”; this is the filtered effluent water that has passed through the membrane modules. Flux Refers to the filtered water flow through a “unit area” of membrane, typically expressed as either “gallons per square foot per day (GFD)” or “gallons per minute (gpm) per module.” Forward Flow (FF) The normal mode of microfiltration system operation that produces filtered water. Human Machine Interface (HMI) Generically, any control interface between operators and a process. In the case of Pall Microza systems, this term typically refers to a PC-based graphical control program used to interact with the filtration plant. Integrity Test (IT) A membrane module testing technique in which compressed air is introduced to the feed side of the modules and the modules are then isolated or “valved off” from the rest of the system piping. If the modules maintain pressure during the test period, then all membrane fibers in the modules have been confirmed to be intact. Gpm Gallon per minute MF Module A group of MF fibers encased in a housing. MGD Millions of Gallons per Day. Microza® The brand name of hollow fiber micro and ultrafiltration modules manufactured by Asahi Chemical Company for exclusive license by Pall Corporation. Microfiltration The process of physical removal of suspended solids from a fluid, with a solids removal rating usually considered to be in the range of .01 – 20 microns. Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 53 Microfiltration Term Description Micron One one-millionth (1 x 10-6) of a meter; usually represented by the Greek letterμ. A typical human hair is about 50μ in diameter. PID Loop A type of control algorithm used to maintain control of a process variable such as flow or pressure at a particular value. P&ID Process and Instrumentation Diagram. A drawing used to represent the devices, piping, and instrumentation used in a process. PLC Programmable Logic Controller Prefiltration In order to protect the microfiltration system from large chunks of solids suspended in the feed flow, prefiltration is often used. Regeneration Any of several methods of cleaning membranes. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) An HMI system that specifically includes Data Acquisition and control of lower level devices such as PLC’s. Transmembrane Pressure (TMP) A measure of differential pressure across a membrane module or group of modules. Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) An electrical device that allows motors to operate at variable speeds. Typically, in filtration plants, VFD’s control flow through pumps. Also known as AFD’s (adjustable frequency drives) or VSD’s (variable speed drives). Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 54 APPENDIX A: FILTER RACK VALVE AND DEVICE FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS The following table lists the tag number and function description of each valve and device in the Pall Filter Racks. Pall Dwg Tag No. Description S-1009 On-Rack Air Scrub Air Strainer AIT-1019 On-Rack Filtrate Turbidity Transmitter FIT-1005 Near-Rack Feed Flow Transmitter FCV-1001 On-Rack Feed Flow Control Valve PI-1007 On-Rack Air Scrub Air Pressure Indicator PI-1099 On-Rack IT Air Pressure Indicator PIT-1004 On-Rack Feed Pressure Transmitter PIT-1021 On-Rack Filtrate Pressure Transmitter V-1002 On-Rack Lower Drain Valve V-1003 On-Rack CIP Supply Valve V-1006 On-Rack Air Scrub Air Supply Valve PHC-1098 On-Rack IT Air Pressure Regulator V-1010 On-Rack Upper Drain Valve V-1012 On-Rack Filtrate Side CIP Return Valve V-1013 On-Rack RF Supply Valve V-1015 On-Rack Feed Side CIP Return Valve V-1096 On-Rack IT Air Supply Valve V-1017 On-Rack Filtrate Vent Valve V-1018 On-Rack Filtrate Outlet Valve HV-1054 On-Rack Filtrate Turbidimeter Isolation Valve HV-1070 On-Rack Filtrate Sample Hand Valve HV-1097 On-Rack Air Supply Valve for Rack Control Solenoid Bank HV-1081 On-Rack Incoming Air Supply Isolation Valve CV-1080 On-Rack IT Air Supply Check Valve HV-1094 On-Rack Air Scrub Pressure Indicator Isolation Valve HV-1095 On-Rack Integrity Test Pressure Indicator Isolation Valve V-1052 On-Rack Filtrate Turbidimeter Isolation Valve V-1014 Near-Rack CIP Return Manifold Drain Valve V-1030 Near-Rack Feed Block Valve V-1029 Near-Rack CIP Return Block Valve Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 55 V-1025 Near-Rack Filtrate Block Valve V-1024 Near-Rack Filtrate Bleed Valve V-1023 Near-Rack CIP Supply Block Valve V-1022 Near-Rack CIP Supply Bleed Valve V-1031 Near-Rack Feed Bleed Valve Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 56 APPENDIX A: FILTER RACK VALVE TRUTH TABLES The following tables should be used in conjunction with the descriptions in the text to aid in developing programming. Legend: X Closed Tag Description FILL FF AS RF FL IT CIP DRAI N CIP/EFM Rack DRAIN On-Rack FCV-1001 Feed Flow Control M M X X M X X X X V-1002 Lower Drain X X X O X X X X O V-1003 CIP Supply X X X X X X O O X V-1006 AS Air Supply X X O X X X X X X V-1010 Upper Drain O/X X O O O X X X O V-1012 Filt CIP Return X X X X X X O X/O O V-1013 RF Supply X X X/O O X X X X X V-1015 Feed CIP Return X X X X X X O O O V-1017 Filtrate Vent X/O X X X X X/O O X/O O V-1018 Filtrate X O X X X X X X X V-1096 IT Air Supply X X X X X O/X X X X V-1052 Filtrate Turbidimeter Isolation X O X X X X X X X Near-Rack V-1014 CIP Return Bleed O O O O O O O X O V-1030 Feed Block O O O O O O X X O V-1029 CIP Return Block X X X X X X X O X V-1025 Filtrate Block O O O O O O X X O V-1024 Filtrate Bleed X X X X X X O O X V-1023 CIP Supply Block X X X X X X O O X V-1022 CIP Supply Bleed O O O O O O X X O V-1031 Feed Bleed X X X X X X O O X Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 57 O Open X/O OPENS DURING CYCLE O/X CLOSES DURING CYCLE M MODULATING Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 58 APPENDIX B: MF SYSTEM OPERATIONAL PROTOCOL (Date – 10/4/2010) Revision 0 Below is a recommended protocol for operating the Pall Micro-filtration (MF) System at the Oxford Bozeman MT Water Treatment Plant. This protocol may need to be revised if the incoming water changes significantly. Please contact a Pall Process Engineer if changes in the plant performance are noticed. System Design: Filtration rate: 22 MGD for the system; Flux = 76 GFD; 6 racks with 124 modules each; Total Number of Modules = 744. Spaces per rack = 124. OPERATION PROTOCOL SUMMARY TABLE: The following table summarizes the initial set points for the system. This may need to be modified if the incoming water quality or upstream processes change. Setpoint Units 10/4/2010 Protocol Plant Feed Flow MGD 22.59 Expected Net Filtrate MGD 22 Maximum Rack flowrate gpm/rack 3,531 Based on Flux @ 20°C (includes Feed Flush) Average Rack Flow gpm/rack 3,102 Based on Flux @ 20°C FM vol. Interval gallons 66,712 ~21 minutes Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 59 FM interval Max min 30 Max setpoint AS flow rate gpm/rack 992 (8 gpm/mod.) Air Flow scfm/rack 372 (3 scfm/mod.) AS Time sec 60 Sequence after AS selection on HMI Feed Flush (20 sec) Feed Flush Rate gpm/rack 2,232 (18 gpm/mod.) Feed Flush Volume Gal./rack 744 (6 gal./mod.) EFM Interval Gallons 31,272,852 Per rack EFM Interval Days 7 EFM Batch Usage Racks/Batch 4 Caustic/Chlorine Tank EFM Circulation Time Minutes 30 30 min. Chlorine only EFM Caustic Make Chlorine (ppm) 500 9.12 gal. EFM Caustic Refresh Chlorine (ppm) 500 6.38 gal. CIP Interval Days 30 CIP Batch Usage Racks/Batch 4 Caustic & Acid Tank IT Interval Days 1 Regulatory Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 60 FLUX MAINTENANCE (FM) PROTOCOL: Flux maintenance is used on a regular interval and consists of an Air Scrub followed by Feed Flush. Volume Interval: 66,712 gallons (approximately 21 munutes per rack); Max. = 30 min. Air Scrub with RF: 60-second duration; 3 scfm of air per module (372 scfm per rack); 8 gpm of RF water per module (992 gpm per rack); Feed Flush after Air Scrub: Flush volume = 744 gallons per rack; flow rate = 2,232 gpm per rack; EXCESS RECIRCULATION (XR): Provision for Excess Recirculation is not included. INTEGRITY TEST (IT) PROTOCOL: An IT must be performed on each rack as dictated by the presiding regulatory authority. An IT can be implemented up to daily. Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 61 CLEAN IN PLACE (CIP) PROTOCOL: Interval: Every 30 days regardless of Plant Flow or a TMP of 35 psid; whichever comes first. The CIP Interval should not exceed 60 days. NOTE: For use as a guideline the Specific Flux (Permeability) should return to approximately 7.0 gfd/psid or greater after a CIP. There may be a gradual change over time, however if a dramatic decline in the Permeability is noticed, please contact a Pall Process Engineer. STEP 1 – Caustic/Chlorine Wash: Wash Rack with the caustic/chlorine solution listed below for 2 hours at 95° F. The rack must be rinsed after the caustic wash step. Each Caustic CIP solution must be dumped after being used a maximum of four (4) times. The solution must be refreshed with chemical between each cleaning. Caustic/Chlorine Solution for CIP: 2,737-Gallon Batch – (2,614 gallons of water plus chemicals) 1% Caustic – 86 gallons per batch of 25% caustic 2000 ppm NaOCl – 37 gallons of 12.5% Sodium Hypochlorite per batch Solution Temperature = 35 °C (95°F) Rinse volume following Caustic CIP step = 5,474 gallons Refresh Chlorine between each Batch – 25.9 gallons of NaOCl per refresh Refresh Caustic between each Batch – 17.2 gallons of NaOH per refresh STEP 2 - Acid Wash: Wash Rack with the acid solution listed below for 2 hours at 95°F. The rack must be rinsed thoroughly after the acid cleaning step. Each CIP solution must be dumped after being used a maximum of four (4) times. The solution must be refreshed with chemical between each cleaning. Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 62 Citric Acid Solution for CIP: 2,737-Gallon Batch – (2,649 gallons of water plus chemicals) 2% Citric Acid –88 gallons per batch of 50% citric acid Solution Temperature = 35 °C (95°F) Rinse volume following acid CIP step = 5,474 gallons Refresh Citric Acid between each Batch – 26.4 gallons of Citric Acid per refresh Recipe for Standard CIP Protocol: 1. CIP Rack Drain – 5 minutes 2. Caustic Wash on feed side for 2 hours 3. Caustic Reclaim – 5 minutes 4. CIP Rack Rinse: Feed Side - Rinse volume following caustic CIP step 5. CIP Rack Drain – 5 minutes 6. Acid Wash on feed side for 1 hour 7. Acid Reclaim – 5 minutes 8. CIP Rack Rinse: Feed Side - Rinse volume following acid CIP step 9. CIP Rack Drain – 5 minutes 10. Recipe End Sequence Directly after CIP: 1. Fill Rack 2. Perform Air Scrub with Filtrate 3. Perform Reverse Filtration 4. Perform Reverse Filtration 5. Put rack back on line 6. Record Flow, TMP, and Water Temperature Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 63 ENHANCED FLUX MAINTENANCE (EFM) PROTOCOL: Volume Interval: 31,272,852 gallons Time Interval: Every week at design flow; EFM Type: Chlorine EFM Circulation Time: 30-minute chlorine circulation. Each EFM solution must be dumped after being used a maximum of four (4) times. The solution must be refreshed with chemical between each cleaning. Chlorine Solution for EFM: 2,737-Gallon Batch Size 500 ppm Chlorine – 9.12 gallons of 12.5% Sodium Hypochlorite per batch Solution Temperature = 35 °C (95°F) Circulation Time = 30 minutes Rinse with 5,474 gallons of water Refresh Chlorine between each Batch – 500 ppm Chlorine; 6.38 gallons of NaOCl per refresh Recipe for EFM: 1. EFM Rack Drain – 5 minutes 2. Chlorine Wash on feed side for 30 minutes 3. Chlorine Reclaim – 5 minutes 4. EFM Rack Rinse - 1024 gallons 5. Recipe End Sequence Directly after EFM: 1. Fill Rack 2. Perform Air Scrub with Filtrate 3. Perform Reverse Filtration 4. Perform Reverse Filtration 5. Put rack back on line Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 64 6. Record Flow, TMP, and Water Temperature Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 65 Appendix C. Setpoint List    TAGNAME  current  value DESCRIPTION      FEED AREA SETPOINTS        FEED.PIT3009.ZERO 0 FEED POST STRAINER PRESSURE SCALING ZERO  FEED.PIT3009.SPAN 150 FEED POST STRAINER PRESSURE SCALING SPAN  FEED.PIT3009.ALMDELAY 5 FEED POST STRAINER PRESSURE COMMON ALM DELAY  FEED.PIT3009.HALMSP 40 FEED POST STRAINER PRESSURE HIGH ALARM LIMIT  FEED.PIT3009.HHALMSP 45 FEED POST STRAINER PRESSURE HI‐HI ALARM LIMIT  FEED.PIT3005.ZERO 0 FEED PRESSURE SCALING ZERO  FEED.PIT3005.SPAN 150 FEED PRESSURE SCALING SPAN  FEED.PIT3005.ALMDELAY 15 FEED PRESSURE COMMON ALM DELAY  FEED.PIT3005.HALMSP 40 FEED PRESSURE HIGH ALARM LIMIT  FEED.PIT3005.HHALMSP 45 FEED PRESSURE HI‐HI ALARM LIMIT  FEED.TT3008.ZERO 32 FEED TEMPERATURE SCALING ZERO  FEED.TT3008.SPAN 212 FEED TEMPERATURE SCALING SPAN  FEED.TT3008.ALMDELAY 20 FEED TEMPERATURE COMMON ALM DELAY  FEED.TT3008.HALMSP 90 FEED TEMPERATURE HIGH ALARM LIMIT  FEED.TT3008.LALMSP 35 FEED TEMPERATURE LOW ALARM LIMIT  FEED.AIT3006.ZERO 0 FEED TURBIDITY SCALING ZERO  FEED.AIT3006.SPAN 100 FEED TURBIDITY SCALING SPAN  FEED.AIT3006.ALMDELAY 15 FEED TURBIDITY COMMON ALM DELAY  FEED.AIT3006.HALMSP 75 FEED TURBIDITY HIGH ALARM LIMIT  FEED.AIT3006.HHALMSP 80 FEED TURBIDITY HI‐HI ALARM LIMIT  FEED.P3102A.ALMDELAY 30 FEED PUMP 1 ALM DELAY  FEED.P3102B.ALMDELAY 30 FEED PUMP 2 ALM DELAY  FEED.P3102C.ALMDELAY 30 FEED PUMP 3 ALM DELAY  FEED.P3102D.ALMDELAY 30 FEED PUMP 4 ALM DELAY  FEED.P3102E.ALMDELAY 30 FEED PUMP 5 ALM DELAY  FEED.FSL3114A.ALMDELAY 30 FEED PUMP 1 FLOW SWITCH ALM DELAY  FEED.FSL3114B.ALMDELAY 30 FEED PUMP 2 FLOW SWITCH ALM DELAY  FEED.FSL3114C.ALMDELAY 30 FEED PUMP 3 FLOW SWITCH ALM DELAY  FEED.FSL3114D.ALMDELAY 30 FEED PUMP 4 FLOW SWITCH ALM DELAY  FEED.FSL3114E.ALMDELAY 30 FEED PUMP 5 FLOW SWITCH ALM DELAY  FEED.STAGER.LOADDELAY 300 FEED PUMP STAGER LOAD DELAY TIME  FEED.STAGER.UNLOADDELAY 300 FEED PUMP STAGER UNLOAD DELAY TIME  Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 66 FEED.PRESSPID.PGAIN 0.1 FEED PID LOOP PROPORTIONAL GAIN  FEED.PRESSPID.DGAIN 0 FEED PID LOOP DERIVATIVE GAIN  FEED.PRESSPID.ITIME 1 FEED PID LOOP INTEGRAL TIME  FEED.PRESSPID.DTIME 0 FEED PID LOOP DERIVATIVE TIME  FEED.PRESSPID.HDEVALMSP 20 FEED PID LOOP HIGH DEVIATION ALM LIMIT  FEED.PRESSPID.LDEVALMSP 20 FEED PID LOOP LOW DEVIATION ALM LIMIT  FEED.PRESSPID.ALMDELAY 30 FEED PID LOOP DEVIATION ALM DELAY  FEED.LEVELPID.PGAIN 1 FEED PID LOOP PROPORTIONAL GAIN  FEED.LEVELPID.DGAIN 0 FEED PID LOOP DERIVATIVE GAIN  FEED.LEVELPID.ITIME 0.001 FEED PID LOOP INTEGRAL TIME  FEED.LEVELPID.DTIME 0 FEED PID LOOP DERIVATIVE TIME  FEED.LEVELPID.HDEVALMSP 12 FEED PID LOOP HIGH DEVIATION ALM LIMIT  FEED.LEVELPID.LDEVALMSP 6 FEED PID LOOP LOW DEVIATION ALM LIMIT  FEED.LEVELPID.ALMDELAY 15 FEED PID LOOP DEVIATION ALM DELAY  FEED.FLOWPID.PGAIN 0.3 FEED PID LOOP PROPORTIONAL GAIN  FEED.FLOWPID.DGAIN 0 FEED PID LOOP DERIVATIVE GAIN  FEED.FLOWPID.ITIME 4 FEED PID LOOP INTEGRAL TIME  FEED.FLOWPID.DTIME 0 FEED PID LOOP DERIVATIVE TIME  FEED.FLOWPID.HDEVALMSP 200 FEED PID LOOP HIGH DEVIATION ALM LIMIT  FEED.FLOWPID.LDEVALMSP 1000 FEED PID LOOP LOW DEVIATION ALM LIMIT  FEED.FLOWPID.ALMDELAY 30 FEED PID LOOP DEVIATION ALM DELAY  FEED.AUTOTMP.ENABLE 0 FEED AUTOTMP ENABLE  FEED.AUTOTMP.INTERVAL 0 FEED AUTOTMP INTERVAL TIME SP  FEED.AUTOTMP.ADJUSTMENT 0 FEED AUTOTMP ADJUSTMENT AMOUNT  FEED.AUTOTMP.FCVTARGET 0 FEED AUTOTMP FCV POSITION TARGET  FEED.PAUSE.PAUSESP 12 FEED WETWELL LOW LEVEL PAUSE PAUSE LIMIT  FEED.PAUSE.RESUMESP 13.5 FEED WETWELL LOW LEVEL PAUSE RESUME LIMIT  FEED.S3201ADP.ALMDELAY 15 FEED STRAINER 1 DP COMMON ALM DELAY  FEED.S3201ADP.HALMSP 4.5 FEED STRAINER 1 DP HIGH ALARM LIMIT  FEED.S3201ADP.HHALMSP 5 FEED STRAINER 1 DP HI‐HI ALARM LIMIT  FEED.S3201BDP.ALMDELAY 15 FEED STRAINER 2 DP COMMON ALM DELAY  FEED.S3201BDP.HALMSP 4.5 FEED STRAINER 2 DP HIGH ALARM LIMIT  FEED.S3201BDP.HHALMSP 5 FEED STRAINER 2 DP HI‐HI ALARM LIMIT  FEED.S3201CDP.ALMDELAY 15 FEED STRAINER 3 DP COMMON ALM DELAY  FEED.S3201CDP.HALMSP 4.5 FEED STRAINER 3 DP HIGH ALARM LIMIT  FEED.S3201CDP.HHALMSP 5 FEED STRAINER 3 DP HI‐HI ALARM LIMIT  FEED.S3201DDP.ALMDELAY 15 FEED STRAINER 4 DP COMMON ALM DELAY  FEED.S3201DDP.HALMSP 4.5 FEED STRAINER 4 DP HIGH ALARM LIMIT  FEED.S3201DDP.HHALMSP 5 FEED STRAINER 4 DP HI‐HI ALARM LIMIT  Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 67 FEED.NOTREADY.ALMDELAY 15 FEED AREA NOT READY ALM DELAY       PLANT AREA SETPOINTS           PLANT.QUICKSTOP.ALMDELAY 1 PLANT QUICK STOP ALM DELAY  PLANT.GLOBAL.DESIGNTEMP 68 PLANT GLOBAL DESIGN TEMPERATURE  PLANT.GLOBAL.MODULECOUNT 57 PLANT GLOBAL MODULES PER RACK  PLANT.GLOBAL.MODULETYPE 1 PLANT GLOBAL MODULE TYPE  PLANT.FLOWCONTROL.FIXEDFLOWSP 2500 PLANT FLOW CONTROL FIXED FLOW SETPOINT  PLANT.FLOWCONTROL.PLANTFLOWMAX 3000 PLANT FLOW CONTROL MAXIMUM FLOW SETPOINT  PLANT.FLOWCONTROL.PLANTFLOWMIN 200 PLANT FLOW CONTROL MINIMUM FLOW SETPOINT       FILT AREA SETPOINTS           FILT.AIT4001.ZERO 0 FILT HEADER TURBIDITY SCALING ZERO  FILT.AIT4001.SPAN 1 FILT HEADER TURBIDITY SCALING SPAN  FILT.AIT4001.ALMDELAY 15 FILT HEADER TURBIDITY COMMON ALM DELAY  FILT.AIT4001.HALMSP 0.1 FILT HEADER TURBIDITY HIGH ALARM LIMIT  FILT.AIT4001.HHALMSP 0.2 FILT HEADER TURBIDITY HI‐HI ALARM LIMIT  FILT.PIT4003.ZERO 0 FILT HEADER PRESSURE SCALING ZERO  FILT.PIT4003.SPAN 100 FILT HEADER PRESSURE SCALING SPAN  FILT.PIT4003.ALMDELAY 15 FILT HEADER PRESSURE COMMON ALM DELAY  FILT.PIT4003.HALMSP 40 FILT HEADER PRESSURE HIGH ALARM LIMIT  FILT.PIT4003.HHALMSP 45 FILT HEADER PRESSURE HI‐HI ALARM LIMIT  FILT.AIT4006A.ZERO 0 FILT HEADER PARTICLE COUNT CH1 SCALING ZERO  FILT.AIT4006A.SPAN 1000 FILT HEADER PARTICLE COUNT CH1 SCALING SPAN  FILT.AIT4006A.ALMDELAY 15 FILT HEADER PARTICLE COUNT CH1 COMMON ALM DELAY  FILT.AIT4006A.HALMSP 50 FILT HEADER PARTICLE COUNT CH1 HIGH ALARM LIMIT  FILT.AIT4006A.HHALMSP 100 FILT HEADER PARTICLE COUNT CH1 HI‐HI ALARM LIMIT  FILT.AIT4006B.ZERO 0 FILT HEADER PARTICLE COUNT CH2 SCALING ZERO  FILT.AIT4006B.SPAN 500 FILT HEADER PARTICLE COUNT CH2 SCALING SPAN  FILT.AIT4006B.ALMDELAY 15 FILT HEADER PARTICLE COUNT CH2 COMMON ALM DELAY  FILT.AIT4006B.HALMSP 50 FILT HEADER PARTICLE COUNT CH2 HIGH ALARM LIMIT  FILT.AIT4006B.HHALMSP 100 FILT HEADER PARTICLE COUNT CH2 HI‐HI ALARM LIMIT  FILT.AIT4006C.ZERO 0 FILT HEADER PARTICLE COUNT CH3 SCALING ZERO  FILT.AIT4006C.SPAN 500 FILT HEADER PARTICLE COUNT CH3 SCALING SPAN  FILT.AIT4006C.ALMDELAY 15 FILT HEADER PARTICLE COUNT CH3 COMMON ALM DELAY  FILT.AIT4006C.HALMSP 50 FILT HEADER PARTICLE COUNT CH3 HIGH ALARM LIMIT  FILT.AIT4006C.HHALMSP 100 FILT HEADER PARTICLE COUNT CH3 HI‐HI ALARM LIMIT  Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 68 FILT.AIT4006D.ZERO 0 FILT HEADER PARTICLE COUNT CH4 SCALING ZERO  FILT.AIT4006D.SPAN 500 FILT HEADER PARTICLE COUNT CH4 SCALING SPAN  FILT.AIT4006D.ALMDELAY 15 FILT HEADER PARTICLE COUNT CH4 COMMON ALM DELAY  FILT.AIT4006D.HALMSP 50 FILT HEADER PARTICLE COUNT CH4 HIGH ALARM LIMIT  FILT.AIT4006D.HHALMSP 100 FILT HEADER PARTICLE COUNT CH4 HI‐HI ALARM LIMIT  FILT.LIT4020.ZERO 0 FILT CLEARWELL LEVEL SCALING ZERO  FILT.LIT4020.SPAN 15 FILT CLEARWELL LEVEL SCALING SPAN  FILT.LIT4020.ALMDELAY 20 FILT CLEARWELL LEVEL COMMON ALM DELAY  FILT.LIT4020.HALMSP 13 FILT CLEARWELL LEVEL HIGH ALARM LIMIT  FILT.LIT4020.LALMSP 0 FILT CLEARWELL LEVEL LOW ALARM LIMIT  FILT.AIT4030.ZERO 0 FILT HEADER CHLORINE SCALING ZERO  FILT.AIT4030.SPAN 100 FILT HEADER CHLORINE SCALING SPAN  FILT.AIT4030.ALMDELAY 15 FILT HEADER CHLORINE COMMON ALM DELAY  FILT.AIT4030.LALMSP 0.45 FILT HEADER CHLORINE LOW ALARM LIMIT  FILT.AIT4030.LLALMSP 0.35 FILT HEADER CHLORINE LOW‐LOW ALARM LIMIT  FILT.AIT4030.HALMSP 1 FILT HEADER CHLORINE HIGH ALARM LIMIT  FILT.AIT4030.HHALMSP 1.5 FILT HEADER CHLORINE HI‐HI ALARM LIMIT  FILT.AIT4032.ZERO 0 FILT HEADER pH SCALING ZERO  FILT.AIT4032.SPAN 14 FILT HEADER pH SCALING SPAN  FILT.AIT4032.ALMDELAY 15 FILT HEADER pH COMMON ALM DELAY  FILT.AIT4032.LALMSP 6 FILT HEADER pH LOW ALARM LIMIT  FILT.AIT4032.LLALMSP 5.5 FILT HEADER pH LOW‐LOW ALARM LIMIT  FILT.AIT4032.HALMSP 8 FILT HEADER pH HIGH ALARM LIMIT  FILT.AIT4032.HHALMSP 8.5 FILT HEADER pH HI‐HI ALARM LIMIT  FILT.P4302A.ALMDELAY 60 FILT RF PUMP 1 ALM DELAY  FILT.P4302B.ALMDELAY 60 FILT RF PUMP 2 ALM DELAY  FILT.FIT4305.ZERO 0 FILT RF FLOW SCALING ZERO  FILT.FIT4305.SPAN 2000 FILT RF FLOW SCALING SPAN  FILT.LIT4312.ZERO 0 FILT RF LEVEL SCALING ZERO  FILT.LIT4312.SPAN 3000 FILT RF LEVEL SCALING SPAN  FILT.LIT4312.ALMDELAY 20 FILT RF LEVEL COMMON ALM DELAY  FILT.LIT4312.HALMSP 13 FILT RF LEVEL HIGH ALARM LIMIT  FILT.LIT4312.LALMSP 0 FILT RF LEVEL LOW ALARM LIMIT  FILT.PAUSE.PAUSESP 23 FILT PAUSE PAUSE LIMIT  FILT.PAUSE.RESUMESP 20 FILT PAUSE RESUME LIMIT  FILT.LEVELPID.PGAIN 0.1 FILT PID LOOP PROPORTIONAL GAIN  FILT.LEVELPID.DGAIN 0 FILT PID LOOP DERIVATIVE GAIN  FILT.LEVELPID.ITIME 1 FILT PID LOOP INTEGRAL TIME  FILT.LEVELPID.DTIME 0 FILT PID LOOP DERIVATIVE TIME  Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 69 FILT.LEVELPID.HDEVALMSP 0 FILT PID LOOP HIGH DEVIATION ALM LIMIT  FILT.LEVELPID.LDEVALMSP 0 FILT PID LOOP LOW DEVIATION ALM LIMIT  FILT.LEVELPID.ALMDELAY 0 FILT PID LOOP DEVIATION ALM DELAY  FILT.RFFLOWPID.PGAIN 0.1 FILT PID LOOP PROPORTIONAL GAIN  FILT.RFFLOWPID.DGAIN 0 FILT PID LOOP DERIVATIVE GAIN  FILT.RFFLOWPID.ITIME 1.5 FILT PID LOOP INTEGRAL TIME  FILT.RFFLOWPID.DTIME 0 FILT PID LOOP DERIVATIVE TIME  FILT.RFFLOWPID.HDEVALMSP 0 FILT PID LOOP HIGH DEVIATION ALM LIMIT  FILT.RFFLOWPID.LDEVALMSP 0 FILT PID LOOP LOW DEVIATION ALM LIMIT  FILT.RFFLOWPID.ALMDELAY 0 FILT PID LOOP DEVIATION ALM DELAY  FILT.NOTREADY.ALMDELAY 5 FILT AREA NOT READY ALM DELAY  FILT.RFNOTREADY.ALMDELAY 5 FILT RF NOT READY ALM DELAY       ACID AREA SETPOINTS           ACID.FIT5121A.ZERO 0 CITRIC ACID FLOW SCALING ZERO  ACID.FIT5121A.SPAN 15 CITRIC ACID FLOW SCALING SPAN       CAUS AREA SETPOINTS           CAUS.FIT5017.ZERO 0 CAUSTIC FLOW SCALING ZERO  CAUS.FIT5017.SPAN 15 CAUSTIC FLOW SCALING SPAN       DIS AREA SETPOINTS           DIS.FIT5405.ZERO 0 DISINFECTANT FLOW SCALING ZERO  DIS.FIT5405.SPAN 15 DISINFECTANT FLOW SCALING SPAN       ACID AREA SETPOINTS           ACID.LIT5106.ZERO 0 CIP ACID TANK LEVEL SCALING ZERO  ACID.LIT5106.SPAN 100 CIP ACID TANK LEVEL SCALING SPAN  ACID.LIT5106.ALMDELAY 15 CIP ACID TANK LEVEL COMMON ALM DELAY  ACID.LIT5106.HALMSP 90 CIP ACID TANK LEVEL HIGH ALARM LIMIT  ACID.LIT5106.LALMSP 0 CIP ACID TANK LEVEL LOW ALARM LIMIT  ACID.TT5107.ZERO 32 CIP ACID TANK TEMPERATURE SCALING ZERO  ACID.TT5107.SPAN 212 CIP ACID TANK TEMPERATURE SCALING SPAN  ACID.TT5107.ALMDELAY 15 CIP ACID TANK TEMPERATURE COMMON ALM DELAY  ACID.TT5107.HALMSP 105 CIP ACID TANK TEMPERATURE HIGH ALARM LIMIT  Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 70 ACID.TT5107.LALMSP 32 CIP ACID TANK TEMPERATURE LOW ALARM LIMIT  ACID.LSLL5103.ALMDELAY 10 CIP ACID TANK LEVEL LO‐LO ALM DELAY  ACID.LSHH5102.ALMDELAY 10 CIP ACID TANK LEVEL HI‐HI ALM DELAY  ACID.H5104.SETPOINT 90 CIP ACID TANK HEATER TANK TEMP SETPOINT  ACID.H5104.DEADBAND 5 CIP ACID TANK HEATER TANK TEMP DEADBAND  ACID.H5104.HTRENLEVEL 32 CIP ACID TANK HEATER MINIMUM LEVEL  ACID.H5104.ALMDELAY 20 CIP ACID TANK HEATER ALM DELAY  ACID.GLOBAL.SHUTDOWNLEVEL 98 CIP ACID GLOBAL TANK SHUTDOWN LEVEL  ACID.MAKESEQ.WDTPRE 45 CIP ACID MAKE SEQ WATCHDOG TIME  ACID.MAKESEQ.EMPTYLEVEL 20 CIP ACID MAKE SEQ TANK EMPTY LEVEL SP  ACID.MAKESEQ.CHEMLEVEL 35 CIP ACID MAKE SEQ START ACID ADD LEVEL  ACID.MAKESEQ.MAXPH 5 CIP ACID MAKE SEQ MAXIMUM PH SP  ACID.REFRESHSEQ.WDTPRE 30 CIP ACID REFRESH SEQ WATCHDOG TIME  ACID.FLUSHSEQ.WDTPRE 30 CIP ACID FLUSH SEQ WATCHDOG TIME  ACID.FLUSHSEQ.FLUSHVOL 40 CIP ACID FLUSH SEQ NON‐FINAL FLUSH VOL SP  ACID.FLUSHSEQ.FINALFLUSHVOL 30 CIP ACID FLUSH SEQ FINAL FLUSH VOL SP  ACID.FLUSHSEQ.NUMFLUSHES 2 CIP ACID FLUSH SEQ NUM FLUSHES SP  ACID.VALIDITY.MINTEMP 60 CIP ACID SOLUTION VALIDITY MIN TEMP FOR WASH  ACID.VALIDITY.MAXTEMP 100 CIP ACID SOLUTION VALIDITY MAX TEMP FOR WASH  ACID.VALIDITY.MINVOLCIRC 35 CIP ACID SOLUTION VALIDITY MIN VOLUME FOR CIRC  ACID.CITRICXFER.WDTPRE 15 CIP ACID XFER SEQ WATCHDOG TIME  ACID.CITRICXFER.ACIDQTY 0 CIP ACID XFER SEQ ACID XFER QTY SP       CAUS AREA SETPOINTS           CAUS.LIT5006.ZERO 0 CIP CAUSTIC TANK LEVEL SCALING ZERO  CAUS.LIT5006.SPAN 100 CIP CAUSTIC TANK LEVEL SCALING SPAN  CAUS.LIT5006.ALMDELAY 15 CIP CAUSTIC TANK LEVEL COMMON ALM DELAY  CAUS.LIT5006.HALMSP 90 CIP CAUSTIC TANK LEVEL HIGH ALARM LIMIT  CAUS.LIT5006.LALMSP 0 CIP CAUSTIC TANK LEVEL LOW ALARM LIMIT  CAUS.TT5007.ZERO 32 CIP CAUSTIC TANK TEMPERATURE SCALING ZERO  CAUS.TT5007.SPAN 212 CIP CAUSTIC TANK TEMPERATURE SCALING SPAN  CAUS.TT5007.ALMDELAY 15 CIP CAUSTIC TANK TEMPERATURE COMMON ALM DELAY  CAUS.TT5007.HALMSP 105 CIP CAUSTIC TANK TEMPERATURE HIGH ALARM LIMIT  CAUS.TT5007.LALMSP 50 CIP CAUSTIC TANK TEMPERATURE LOW ALARM LIMIT  CAUS.LSLL5003.ALMDELAY 10 CIP CAUSTIC TANK LEVEL LO‐LO ALM DELAY  CAUS.LSHH5002.ALMDELAY 10 CIP CAUSTIC TANK LEVEL HI‐HI ALM DELAY  CAUS.H5004.SETPOINT 90 CIP CAUSTIC TANK HEATER TANK TEMP SETPOINT  CAUS.H5004.DEADBAND 5 CIP CAUSTIC TANK HEATER TANK TEMP DEADBAND  Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 71 CAUS.H5004.HTRENLEVEL 32 CIP CAUSTIC TANK HEATER MINIMUM LEVEL  CAUS.H5004.ALMDELAY 20 CIP CAUSTIC TANK HEATER ALM DELAY  CAUS.MAKESEQ.WDTPRE 30 CIP CAUSTIC MAKE SEQ WATCHDOG TIME  CAUS.MAKESEQ.EMPTYLEVEL 20 CIP CAUSTIC MAKE SEQ TANK EMPTY LEVEL SP  CAUS.MAKESEQ.CHEMLEVEL 35 CIP CAUSTIC MAKE SEQ START CAUSTIC ADD LEVEL  CAUS.MAKESEQ.MINPH 10 CIP CAUSTIC MAKE SEQ MINIMUM PH SP  CAUS.REFRESHSEQ.WDTPRE 30 CIP CAUSTIC REFRESH SEQ WATCHDOG TIME  CAUS.FLUSHSEQ.WDTPRE 30 CIP CAUSTIC FLUSH SEQ WATCHDOG TIME  CAUS.FLUSHSEQ.FLUSHVOL 40 CIP CAUSTIC FLUSH SEQ NON‐FINAL FLUSH VOL SP  CAUS.FLUSHSEQ.FINALFLUSHVOL 30 CIP CAUSTIC FLUSH SEQ FINAL FLUSH VOL SP  CAUS.FLUSHSEQ.NUMFLUSHES 2 CIP CAUSTIC FLUSH SEQ NUM FLUSHES SP  CAUS.VALIDITY.MINTEMP 70 CIP CAUSTIC SOLUTION VALIDITY MIN TEMP FOR WASH  CAUS.VALIDITY.MAXTEMP 100 CIP CAUSTIC SOLUTION VALIDITY MAX TEMP FOR WASH  CAUS.VALIDITY.MINVOLCIRC 35 CIP CAUSTIC SOLUTION VALIDITY MIN VOLUME FOR CIRC  CAUS.GLOBAL.SHUTDOWNLEVEL 95 CIP CAUSTIC GLOBAL TANK SHUTDOWN LEVEL  CAUS.CAUSXFERSEQ.WDTPRE 30 CIP CAUSTIC XFER SEQ WATCHDOG TIME  CAUS.CAUSXFERSEQ.CAUSQTY 10 CIP CAUSTIC XFER SEQ CAUS XFER QUANTITY SP  CAUS.DISXFERSEQ.WDTPRE 30 CIP CAUSTIC DIS XFER SEQ WATCHDOG TIME  CAUS.DISXFERSEQ.DISQTY 0 CIP CAUSTIC DIS XFER SEQ DISINFECTANT XFER QTY SP      NEUT AREA SETPOINTS           NEUT.LIT5606.ZERO 0 CIP NEUT TANK LEVEL SCALING ZERO  NEUT.LIT5606.SPAN 100 CIP NEUT TANK LEVEL SCALING SPAN  NEUT.LIT5606.ALMDELAY 15 CIP NEUT TANK LEVEL COMMON ALM DELAY  NEUT.LIT5606.HALMSP 90 CIP NEUT TANK LEVEL HIGH ALARM LIMIT  NEUT.LIT5606.LALMSP 0 CIP NEUT TANK LEVEL LOW ALARM LIMIT  NEUT.AIT5605.ZERO 0 CIP NEUT TANK pH SCALING ZERO  NEUT.AIT5605.SPAN 14 CIP NEUT TANK pH SCALING SPAN  NEUT.AIT5605.ALMDELAY 15 CIP NEUT TANK pH COMMON ALM DELAY  NEUT.AIT5605.HALMSP 10 CIP NEUT TANK pH HIGH ALARM LIMIT  NEUT.AIT5605.LALMSP 2 CIP NEUT TANK pH LOW ALARM LIMIT  NEUT.AIT5619.ZERO ‐1500 CIP NEUT TANK ORP SCALING ZERO  NEUT.AIT5619.SPAN 1500 CIP NEUT TANK ORP SCALING SPAN  NEUT.AIT5619.ALMDELAY 15 CIP NEUT TANK ORP COMMON ALM DELAY  NEUT.AIT5619.HALMSP 100 CIP NEUT TANK ORP HIGH ALARM LIMIT  NEUT.AIT5619.LALMSP ‐100 CIP NEUT TANK ORP LOW ALARM LIMIT  NEUT.LSLL5603.ALMDELAY 10 CIP NEUT TANK LEVEL LO‐LO ALM DELAY  NEUT.LSHH5602.ALMDELAY 10 CIP NEUT TANK LEVEL HI‐HI ALM DELAY  Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 72 NEUT.GLOBAL.SHUTDOWNLEVEL 95 CIP NEUT GLOBAL TANK SHUTDOWN LEVEL  NEUT.CAUSXFERSEQ.WDTPRE 30 CIP NEUT CAUSTIC XFER SEQ WATCHDOG TIME  NEUT.CAUSXFERSEQ.CAUSQTY 0  CIP NEUT CAUSTIC XFER SEQ CAUS CAUSTIC XFER QUANTITY  SP  NEUT.ACIDXFERSEQ.WDTPRE 30 CIP NEUT ACID XFER SEQ WATCHDOG TIME  NEUT.ACIDXFERSEQ.ACIDQTY 0 CIP NEUT ACID XFER SEQ ACID XFER QTY SP  NEUT.SBXFERSEQ.WDTPRE 30 CIP NEUT BISULFITE XFER SEQ WATCHDOG TIME  NEUT.SBXFERSEQ.SBQTY 0 CIP NEUT BISULFITE XFER SEQ BISULFITE XFER QTY SP       CIRC AREA SETPOINTS           CIRC.P5204.ALMDELAY 60 CIP PUMP ALM DELAY  CIRC.P5214.ALMDELAY 60 CIP DRAIN PUMP ALM DELAY  CIRC.P5214.FLCNT 0 CIP DRAIN PUMP NUMBER OF REPEAT CYCLES  CIRC.ACIDWASHSEQ.WDTPRE 75 CIP RACK ACID WASH STEP WATCHDOG TIME  CIRC.CAUSWASHSEQ.WDTPRE 130 CIP CAUSTIC WASH STEP WATCHDOG TIME  CIRC.DRNTOSEWERSEQ.WDTPRE 10 CIP RACK DRAIN TO SEWER STEP WATCHDOG TIME  CIRC.RCVRACIDSEQ.WDTPRE 10 CIP ACID RECOVERY STEP WATCHDOG TIME  CIRC.RCVRCAUSSEQ.WDTPRE 10 CIP CAUSTIC RECOVERY STEP WATCHDOG TIME  CIRC.RINSESEQ.WDTPRE 25 CIP RACK RINSE STEP WATCHDOG TIME  CIRC.FSL5203.ALMDELAY 15 CIP PUMP FLOW SWITCH ALM DELAY  CIRC.FSL5270.ALMDELAY 15 CIP DRAIN PUMP FLOW SWITCH ALM DELAY       UTIL AREA SETPOINTS           UTIL.COMPR.C1MODE 1 UTILITY AIR COMPRESSORS COMPR 1 MODE  UTIL.COMPR.C2MODE 2 UTILITY AIR COMPRESSORS COMPR 2 MODE  UTIL.AIT6009.ZERO 0 UTILITY DEWPOINT SCALING ZERO  UTIL.AIT6009.SPAN 200 UTILITY DEWPOINT SCALING SPAN  UTIL.AIT6009.ALMDELAY 20 UTILITY DEWPOINT COMMON ALM DELAY  UTIL.AIT6009.HALMSP 45 UTILITY DEWPOINT HIGH ALARM LIMIT  UTIL.AIT6009.HHALMSP 50 UTILITY DEWPOINT HI‐HI ALARM LIMIT  UTIL.TT6009.ZERO 0 UTILITY TEMPERATURE SCALING ZERO  UTIL.TT6009.SPAN 200 UTILITY TEMPERATURE SCALING SPAN  UTIL.TT6009.ALMDELAY 20 UTILITY TEMPERATURE COMMON ALM DELAY  UTIL.TT6009.HALMSP 80 UTILITY TEMPERATURE HIGH ALARM LIMIT  UTIL.TT6009.HHALMSP 85 UTILITY TEMPERATURE HI‐HI ALARM LIMIT  UTIL.PIT6011.ZERO 0 UTILITY RECIEVER PRESSURE SCALING ZERO  UTIL.PIT6011.SPAN 200 UTILITY RECIEVER PRESSURE SCALING SPAN  UTIL.PIT6011.ALMDELAY 30 UTILITY RECIEVER PRESSURE COMMON ALM DELAY  Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 73 UTIL.PIT6011.HALMSP 160 UTILITY RECIEVER PRESSURE HIGH ALARM LIMIT  UTIL.PIT6011.HHALMSP 170 UTILITY RECIEVER PRESSURE HI‐HI ALARM LIMIT  UTIL.PIT6011.LALMSP 90 UTILITY RECIEVER PRESSURE LOW ALARM LIMIT  UTIL.PIT6011.LLALMSP 85 UTILITY RECIEVER PRESSURE LO‐LO ALARM LIMIT  UTIL.POWERLOSS.ALMDELAY 20 UTILITY LINE POWER LOSS ALM DELAY  UTIL.AIRFLOWPID.PGAIN 0.1 UTILITY AIR SCRUB PID LOOP PROPORTIONAL GAIN  UTIL.AIRFLOWPID.DGAIN 0 UTILITY AIR SCRUB PID LOOP DERIVATIVE GAIN  UTIL.AIRFLOWPID.ITIME 3 UTILITY AIR SCRUB PID LOOP INTEGRAL TIME  UTIL.AIRFLOWPID.DTIME 0 UTILITY AIR SCRUB PID LOOP DERIVATIVE TIME  UTIL.AIRFLOWPID.HDEVALMSP 0 UTILITY AIR SCRUB PID LOOP HI DEVIATION ALM LIMIT  UTIL.AIRFLOWPID.LDEVALMSP 0 UTILITY AIR SCRUB PID LOOP LO DEVIATION ALM LIMIT  UTIL.AIRFLOWPID.ALMDELAY 0 UTILITY AIR SCRUB PID LOOP DEVIATION ALM DELAY            RACK AREA SETPOINTS     RACK 1     RACK.FIT1005.ZERO 0 RACK FEED FLOW SCALING ZERO  RACK.FIT1005.SPAN 2500 RACK FEED FLOW SCALING SPAN  RACK.PIT1004.ZERO 0 RACK FEED PRESSURE SCALING ZERO  RACK.PIT1004.SPAN 100 RACK FEED PRESSURE SCALING SPAN  RACK.PIT1004.ALMDELAY 15 RACK FEED PRESSURE COMMON ALM DELAY  RACK.PIT1004.HALMSP 40 RACK FEED PRESSURE HIGH ALARM LIMIT  RACK.PIT1004.HHALMSP 45 RACK FEED PRESSURE HI‐HI ALARM LIMIT  RACK.PIT1021.ZERO 0 RACK FILT PRESSURE SCALING ZERO  RACK.PIT1021.SPAN 100 RACK FILT PRESSURE SCALING SPAN  RACK.PIT1021.ALMDELAY 20 RACK FILT PRESSURE COMMON ALM DELAY  RACK.PIT1021.HALMSP 40 RACK FILT PRESSURE HIGH ALARM LIMIT  RACK.PIT1021.HHALMSP 45 RACK FILT PRESSURE HI‐HI ALARM LIMIT  RACK.TMP.ALMDELAY 30 RACK TMP COMMON ALM DELAY  RACK.TMP.HALMSP 30 RACK TMP HIGH ALARM LIMIT  RACK.TMP.HHALMSP 35 RACK TMP HI‐HI ALARM LIMIT  RACK.AIT1019.ZERO 0 RACK FILTRATE TURBIDITY SCALING ZERO  RACK.AIT1019.SPAN 1 RACK FILTRATE TURBIDITY SCALING SPAN  RACK.AIT1019.ALMDELAY 300 RACK FILTRATE TURBIDITY COMMON ALM DELAY  RACK.AIT1019.HALMSP 0.15 RACK FILTRATE TURBIDITY HIGH ALARM LIMIT  RACK.AIT1019.HHALMSP 0.3 RACK FILTRATE TURBIDITY HI‐HI ALARM LIMIT  RACK.FCV1001.ALMDELAY 30 RACK FEED FLOW CONTROL VALVE ALM DELAY  RACK.V1002.ALMDELAY 30 RACK LOWER DRAIN VALVE ALM DELAY  RACK.V1003.ALMDELAY 30 RACK CIP SUPPLY VALVE ALM DELAY  Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 74 RACK.V1006.ALMDELAY 30 RACK AIR SCRUB AIR VALVE ALM DELAY  RACK.V1010.ALMDELAY 30 RACK UPPER DRAIN VALVE ALM DELAY  RACK.V1013.ALMDELAY 30 RACK RF SUPPLY VALVE ALM DELAY  RACK.V1014.ALMDELAY 30 RACK CIP RETURN BLEED ALM DELAY  RACK.V1015.ALMDELAY 30 RACK CIP RETURN VALVE ALM DELAY  RACK.V1017.ALMDELAY 30 RACK FILTRATE VENT VALVE ALM DELAY  RACK.V1018.ALMDELAY 30 RACK FILTRATE OUTLET VALVE ALM DELAY  RACK.V1022.ALMDELAY 30 RACK CIP SUPPLY BLEED VALVE ALM DELAY  RACK.V1023.ALMDELAY 30 RACK CIP SUPPLY BLOCK VALVE ALM DELAY  RACK.V1024.ALMDELAY 30 RACK FILTRATE BLEED VALVE ALM DELAY  RACK.V1025.ALMDELAY 30 RACK FILTRATE BLOCK VALVE ALM DELAY  RACK.V1029.ALMDELAY 30 RACK CIP RETURN BLOCK VALVE ALM DELAY  RACK.V1030.ALMDELAY 30 RACK FEED BLOCK VALVE ALM DELAY  RACK.V1031.ALMDELAY 30 RACK FEED BLEED VALVE ALM DELAY  RACK.V1096.ALMDELAY 30 RACK FILTRATE IT AIR SUPPLY VALVE ALM DELAY  RACK.FILTFLOWPID.PGAIN 0.1 RACK PID LOOP PROPORTIONAL GAIN  RACK.FILTFLOWPID.DGAIN 0 RACK PID LOOP DERIVATIVE GAIN  RACK.FILTFLOWPID.ITIME 2 RACK PID LOOP INTEGRAL TIME  RACK.FILTFLOWPID.DTIME 0 RACK PID LOOP DERIVATIVE TIME  RACK.FILTFLOWPID.HDEVALMSP 100 RACK PID LOOP HIGH DEVIATION ALM LIMIT  RACK.FILTFLOWPID.LDEVALMSP 140 RACK PID LOOP LOW DEVIATION ALM LIMIT  RACK.FILTFLOWPID.ALMDELAY 60 RACK PID LOOP DEVIATION ALM DELAY  RACK.FFSEQ.FILLPOSITION 35 RACK FF SEQ FILL FCV POSITION SP  RACK.FFSEQ.FEEDFILLVOL 700 RACK FF SEQ FEED SIDE FILL VOLUME SP  RACK.FFSEQ.FILTFILLVOL 200 RACK FF SEQ FILTRATE SIDE FILL VOLUME SP  RACK.FFSEQ.MINFLOWTIME 5 RACK FF SEQ TIME ABOVE MIN FLOW SP  RACK.FFSEQ.MINFLOW 200 RACK FF SEQ MINIMUM FLOW SP  RACK.FFSEQ.MAXFLOW 1829 RACK FF SEQ MAXIMUM FLOW SP  RACK.FFSEQ.WDTPRE 10 RACK FF SEQ FILL WATCHDOG TIME  RACK.FFSEQ.FMINTVLVOL 50000 RACK FF SEQ FM INTERVAL VOLUME SP  RACK.FFSEQ.FMINTVLTIME 120 RACK FF SEQ FM INTERVAL TIME SP  RACK.ITSEQ.ITFAILSD 1 RACK IT SEQ IT FAILURE SHUTDOWN SP  RACK.ITSEQ.ENABLE 1 RACK IT SEQ ENABLE IT  RACK.ITSEQ.TESTTIME 300 RACK IT SEQ DECAY TEST TIME  RACK.ITSEQ.ENDPRESSURE 2 RACK IT SEQ ENDING PRESS FOR VENTING  RACK.ITSEQ.MAXDECAY 0.3 RACK IT SEQ MAXIMUM DECAY SP  RACK.ITSEQ.STARTPRESS 22 RACK IT SEQ STABILIZATION START PRESSURE  RACK.ITSEQ.WDTPRE 50 RACK IT SEQ WATCHDOG TIME  RACK.ITSEQ.PURGEWDTPRE 30 RACK IT SEQ PURGE WATCHDOG TIME  Project Name Pall Microfiltration System BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 75 RACK.ITSEQ.AUTOITDAYS 0 RACK IT SEQ DAYS BETWEEN SP  RACK.ITSEQ.AUTOITHOURS 24 RACK IT SEQ HOURS BETWEEN SP  RACK.ITSEQ.AUTOITHOUR 0 RACK IT SEQ TRIGGER CLOCK HOUR SP  RACK.ITSEQ.AUTOITMIN 0 RACK IT SEQ TRIGGER CLOCK MINUTE SP  RACK.ITSEQ.PURGEDIFFPRES 0.1 RACK IT SEQ PURGE MAX CHG SP  RACK.ITSEQ.PURGESTABTIME 90 RACK IT SEQ PURGE STABILIZE TIME SP  RACK.ITSEQ.PRETESTSTABTIME 90 RACK IT SEQ PRETEST STABILIZE TIME SP  RACK.ITSEQ.STABDIFFPRES 0.1 RACK IT SEQ STABILIZE MAX CHG SP  RACK.ITSEQ.ENDSTABTIME 5 RACK IT SEQ DEPRESS STABILIZE TIME SP  RACK.RFSEQ.CYCLEVOL 500 RACK RF SEQ CYCLE VOLUME  RACK.RFSEQ.FLOWRATE 900 RACK RF SEQ CYCLE FLOWRATE  RACK.RFSEQ.MANHOLDTIME 2 RACK RF SEQ MANUAL HOLD TIME  RACK.RFSEQ.WDTPRE 5 RACK RF SEQ WATCHDOG TIME  RACK.ASSEQ.USEFLUSH 0 RACK AS SEQ USE FLUSH FOR FM  RACK.ASSEQ.AIRFLOWRATE 216 RACK AS SEQ AIR FLOW RATE  RACK.ASSEQ.WATERFLOWRATE 580 RACK AS SEQ WATER FLOW RATE  RACK.ASSEQ.MINAIRPRESS 0 RACK AS SEQ MIN AIR PRESSURE  RACK.ASSEQ.CYCLETIME 60 RACK AS SEQ CYCLE TIME  RACK.ASSEQ.WDTPRE 5 RACK AS SEQ WATCHDOG TIME  RACK.ASSEQ.MANHOLDTIME 2 RACK AS SEQ MANUAL HOLD TIME  RACK.FLUSHSEQ.CYCLEVOL 0 RACK FLUSH SEQ CYCLE VOLUME  RACK.FLUSHSEQ.FLOWRATE 0 RACK FLUSH SEQ CYCLE FLOWRATE  RACK.FLUSHSEQ.MANHOLDTIME 0 RACK FLUSH SEQ MANUAL HOLD TIME  RACK.FLUSHSEQ.WDTPRE 5 RACK FLUSH SEQ WATCHDOG TIME  RACK.DRAINSEQ.CYCLETIME 0 RACK DRAIN SEQ CYCLE TIME  RACK.DRAINSEQ.DRAINEDPRESS 0 RACK DRAIN SEQ DRAINED PRESSURE  RACK.DRAINSEQ.WDTPRE 0 RACK DRAIN SEQ WATCHDOG TIME  RACK.EFMSEQ.EFMENABLE 1 RACK EFM SEQ EFM ENABLE  RACK.EFMSEQ.STARTHOUR 0 RACK EFM SEQ START WINDOW HOUR  RACK.EFMSEQ.ENDHOUR 23 RACK EFM SEQ END WINDOW HOUR  RACK.EFMSEQ.EFMINTVLVOL 7 RACK EFM SEQ EFM INTERVAL VOLUME SP  RACK.GLOBAL.FMPAUSE 0 RACK GLOBAL FMPAUSE  RACK.GLOBAL.TESTSP 0 RACK GLOBAL USE TEST SETPOINT  RACK.GLOBAL.CHEMDRAINOK 0 RACK GLOBAL CHEM DRAIN ALLOWED  RACK.GLOBAL.INTERQUEUEDELAY 20 RACK GLOBAL TIME BETWEEN QUEUE UNLOAD EVENTS  RACK.POWERLOSS.ALMDELAY 20 RACK LINE POWER LOSS ALM DELAY          Project Name PALL MICROFILTRATION SYSTEM BOZEMAN MT SFD REV 00.DOC 76 Pall Water Processing 839 State Route 13 PO Box 5630 Cortland, New York 13045 USA Telephone: 1-607-753-6041 Fax: 1-607-753-8525 Pall Corporation 2200 Northern Boulevard East Hills, NY 11548 USA Telephone: 1-516-484-5400 Alternate Telephone: 1-800-645-6532 Fax: 1-516-484-5228 http://www.pall.com Copyright and Trademark Notice All data, specifications, and information contained in this publication are based on information we believe reliable and represent values in effect at the time of printing. Pall Corporation reserves the right to make changes without prior notice. Because of developments in technology, these data or procedures may be subject to change. Consequently, we advise users to review their continuing validity. The transmission of information in this document in any form to anyone other than the intended user(s) without prior written consent of Pall Corporation is a violation of applicable laws. The Pall Corporation name and logo and all related product and service names, design marks and slogans are the trademarks, service marks or registered trademarks of Pall Corporation. Other manufacturers' products contained in this document are trademarks of their respective companies. In this document a trademark, service mark, or other copyright indicator that appears on devices, brand, or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies and/or organizations and are copyrights of those companies and/or organizations and used with their permission. A copyright indicator displayed with a device, brand, or product name once, is equivalent to that indicator being displayed on every instance of that device, brand, or product name in this document whether it is displayed or not. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Documents, information, specifications, and/or other material, written or graphic, contained or attached to this document is the property of its owners and may not be altered, copied, or distributed without their consent. © Copyright 2010, Pall Corporation. All Rights reserved. Filtration. Separation. Solution.SM