HomeMy WebLinkAboutRequest to Amend Fiscal Year 2012 Water Impact Fee CIP Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Chris Saunders, Assistant Planning Director Tim McHarg, Planning Director Anna Rosenberry, Finance Director SUBJECT: Consider amendment to the FY2012 Water Impact Fee Capital Improvement Program to add a water main underlying West Babcock Street from approximately North Cottonwood Road to the west 1,520 feet. MEETING DATE: September 19, 2011 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Action. RECOMMENDATION: Consider an amendment to include on the FY12 Wastewater impact fee capital improvement listing a water main underlying West Babcock Street to the west of North Cottonwood Road in the amount of $20,065 and make a determination to amend or not amend the capital improvement program. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Option 1- (Staff suggested motion) * Having heard and considered the evidence and public testimony, I find that amending the capital improvement program to include the oversizing of the water line underlying West Babcock Street at this time is detrimental to the proper operation of the water impact fee program and negatively affects other priority projects on the CIP and therefore, I move to retain the Water Impact Fee capital improvement program as currently established. Option 2 – (Should the Commission wish to add the item to the CIP) * Having heard and considered the evidence and public testimony, I find that the oversizing of the water main from 8 inch to 12 inch diameter underlying W. Babcock Street for approximately 1,520 feet west of North Cottonwood Road is both capacity expanding and not project related as defined pursuant to Chapter 3.24 of the Bozeman Municipal Code and therefore, I move to add this improvement to the FY12 Water Capital Improvements Program list and provide for its funding in the amount of $20,065. BACKGROUND: On March 7, 2011 an impact fee credit request was submitted by Norton Properties and the J&D Family Partnership to the Planning Department. Staff determined that the request did not comply with three of the five required criteria. The applicants appealed this determination. After necessary processing the City Commission undertook consideration of the appeal. Two of the items of non-compliance are listing and funding on the impact fee capital improvement program. 417 On August 8, 2011 the City Commission directed Staff to prepare and notice a public hearing to consider this request to amend the CIP. The notice has been correctly published and the Commission may consider the matter at the September 19, 2011 City Commission meeting. Supporting material for the costs for this item was provided to the Commission earlier and are not duplicated here. Materials may be found through the City website with the packet for this meeting. Materials are located under the heading of IFA-1102 Norton/J&D Impact Fee appeal on the agenda. The City Engineer’s staff has reviewed the provided costs and has found them reasonable and appropriate to the work performed for the project. The City has adopted water impact fees to help provide for additional capacity in the water distribution system to provide service to new development within the community. The fees are spent to expand the Water Treatment Facility, install distribution piping, and take related actions to increase capacity. For further information please see Chapter 3.24, Impact Fees, in the Bozeman Municipal Code. The main underlying the alignment of West Babcock Street is a major water main and provides service to a large area on the west of the City. The diameter of the pipe is 12 inch, the minimum size water main for installation in Bozeman is 8 inch diameter. The pipe diameter of 12 inches in that portion of the West Babcock Street alignment is specified in the Water Facility Plan. The adjacent development, does not require larger than an 8 inch diameter water main to meet their project related needs. The pipe installed is a segment of main extension P-568 on the 2025 Future System Map from the Water Facility Plan. With these characteristics it appears that the oversizing of the water main will provide substantial benefit beyond the adjacent development. The City has established five criteria which must be satisfied before expending impact fees. See 3.24.100, BMC. These are: • Capacity expansion • Not project related • Timely request • CIP listed • CIP funded. Included in these criteria is that a project must be included on the City’s impact fee capital improvement list and funded on that list. However, the request was received by the City after the work to which it applies was begun. Normally, this would disqualify the work from consideration. On August 8, 2011, the City Commission acted to waive the timing limitation on this specific work to allow consideration of the work on its individual merits. As noted above, the size called for through the Water Facility Plan is larger than the minimum size water main. The exact cost of the work to complete the pipe installation beyond the local service portion is known at $20,065. Listing and funding on the CIP indicates that a particular project is a community priority. The projects funded through impact fees tend to be expensive and complex. The timeline is typically extended as the engineering design, bidding, and construction process is lengthy. Projects are also regularly coordinated across multiple other funding sources and types of infrastructure to obtain the most benefit for the expenditure. These long lead times and need for coordination make consistency in the CIP quite important. Private land owners may also make significant financial commitments on the basis of the expectation that the City will construct infrastructure 418 listed on the CIP. For these and other related reasons the City has established the five criteria shown above to enable the orderly management of the impact fee program. The amount of funds requested for water infrastructure is currently available in the Water Impact Fee Fund. However, this fund is fully committed to the construction of the Water Treatment Plant which has just begun construction. Funding of the water line oversizing under West Babcock Street will reduce the funds available to the plant construction. This would be an action to prioritize construction of the water main over the plant as currently listed on the CIP. The dollar magnitude of this credit request is very small compared to the Water Treatment Plant facility; paying this request will not have a significant effect on funding the Water Plant project. It will result in a slightly longer time period to pay-off the impact fee eligible debt of the Water Treatment Plant. A copy of the revised CIP schedule showing the consequences of the listing of the water main oversizing is attached to this memo. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: ALTERNATIVES: 1. If the Commission does include the items on the CIP this is evidence the Commission intends to award the requested credits. Inclusion and funding would remove a bar on credit eligibility due to criteria 3 and 4. The Commission would then need to take separate action to decide on the requested credit. o Part of the amendment to the CIP to include an additional item would also include the funding for that item. This would address Criterion 4. 2. If the Commission does not amend the CIP then the credit process is terminated as the credit request fails two of the required criteria. FISCAL EFFECTS: The request is for funding of $20,065 from the Water Impact Fee fund. There are sufficient monies within that fund to cover this commitment. Because nearly all collections of Water Impact Fees in the five years of the CIP are dedicated to paying for the Water Treatment Facility expansion, award of the proposed impact fee credit request will decrease the amount of Impact Fees available for the plant (construction and/or debt repayment.) The result would be to extend the period of time it takes for the Water Utility to re-coup the capacity expanding costs from the Impact Fee Fund. Attachments: Amended CIP listing sheet and summary sheets Applicant cost sheet information Report compiled on: September 8, 2011 419 Water Impact Fee*** PROPOSED AMENDMENT***Capital Improvement PlanFinancial SummaryCurrent YearFY11FY12FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16Projected Beginning Reserve Balance Dedicated to CIP7,791,000$     7,513,250$        2,647,185$     (20,065)$        (0)$                 (0)$                    Plus:  Impact Fee Revenues Dedicated to CIP475,000$        404,000$            408,040$        416,201$       424,525$      433,015$         Less:  Impact Fee Credits ‐ Norton/J&D Appeal(20,065)$              Less:  Scheduled CIP Project Costs(752,750)$       (5,250,000)$       (3,075,290)$    (396,136)$     (424,525)$     (433,015)$      Projected Year‐End Cash Dedicated to CIP7,513,250$     2,647,185$        (20,065)$         (0)$                  (0)$                 (0)$                  Assumptions Made for Revenue Estimates:Current YearFY11FY12FY13FY14 FY15 FY16Estimated Annual Water Impact Fee Revenues400,000$           400,000$               404,000$          408,040$          416,201$         424,525$            Estimated Annual Increase0.0%1%1%2%2%2%Total Estimated Revenues400,000$           404,000$               408,040$          416,201$          424,525$         433,015$          Current Revenues Dedicated to CIP %100.0%100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%  Plus:  Increase Dedicated to Water Capacity Expansion CIP0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0% 0.0%0.0%  Total % Dedicated to CIP100.0%100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%ProjectedProjectedTotal Estimated Revenues Dedicated to CIP400,000$           404,000$               408,040$          416,201$          424,525$         433,015$          50,000,00045,000,00040,000,00035,000,00030,000,00025,000,00020,000,00015,000,00010,000,0005,000,0000FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 UnscheduledWater Impact Fee Projects 420 CIP PROJECT FUNDPROJ.DEPARTMENPROJECT NAMEFY12FY13FY14FY16UnscheduledFY15FY11Impact Fees WaterW07WATER IFWATER TREATMENT PLANT 22MG MEMBRANE PLANT$5,000,000$3,075,290WIF01WATER IFSOURDOUGH CREEK DAM$19,750,000WIF03WATER IF5.3MG CONCRETE WATER STORAGE RESERVOIR$5,300,000WIF05WATER IFREDUNDANT TRANMISSION MAIN FROM WTP$21,680,000WIF07WATER IFGRAF STREET EXTENSION$150,000WIF08WATER IFWATER TREATMENT PLAN DEBT SERVICE PAYMENT$396,136$424,525$433,015WIF09WATER IFIntegrated Water Resources Plan$250,000WIF10WATER IFWEST BABCOCK STREET WATER MAIN (Under Babcock to the West of North Cottonwood Road)$20,065Summary for  Impact Fees Water (8 items)Totals by year:$5,270,065 $3,075,290 $396,136 $424,525$433,015$46,880,000FY12FY13FY14FY15FY16UnscheduledFY11421 CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Water PROJECT NUMBER WIF08 DEPARTMENT WATER IF PROJECT NAME WATER TREATMENT PLAN DEBT SERVICE PAYMENT FY12 FY13 FY14 $396,136 FY15 $424,525 FY16 $433,015 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Total adjusted project price for the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) construction of phase one is estimated at $40.7 Million. Of that amount, $13.3 Million is for capacity expanding costs of construction. The impact fee account will not have enough cash on hand to pay the costs of construction when the facility is built. As such, impact fee revenues will be dedicated to pay the outstanding debt in future years, as fee revenues are collected. At this point, approximately $5 Million of impact fee eligible costs will be paid with a long-term loan (20 years, 4%) through the State’s Revolving Loan Fund. A debt schedule will be updated semi-annually with the amount of impact fee dollars that have been dedicated to debt payments until the full amount owed is paid. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Major capital expansion of the Bozeman Water Treatment Plant (WTP) will enable the City to meet its ever growing demand for water services. Expansion of the Bozeman WTP is consistent with the City’s long-term need to accommodate growth and economic development in the Gallatin Valley. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES FY08 Pilot Testing: $200,000. FY09,FY10, FY11 Design and Membrane equipment deposit, construction $7,267,000. FY12 $16,460,000. FY13 $16,460,000. Of this total, approximately 33% is eligible for payment via impact fees. New Replacement Equipment Project 422 CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Water PROJECT NUMBER WIF10 DEPARTMENT WATER IF PROJECT NAME WEST BABCOCK STREET WATER MAIN (Under Babcock to the West of North Cottonwood Road) FY12 $20,065 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Upsizing of the Babcock Street Water Main, under Babcock Street to the West of North Cottonwood Road, as described in the Norton/J&D Family Impact Fee Appeal. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increased water distribution system capacity. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Water Impact Fees. New Replacement Equipment Project 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447