HomeMy WebLinkAboutNeed Hearing to Determine whether city-owned property at 200 S. Wallace is no longer needed Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Brit Fontenot, Director of Economic Development And Community Relations SUBJECT: Determine that 700 square feet of city-owned property is no longer needed for public use. MEETING DATE: September 19, 2011 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Action Item RECOMMENDATION: 1) Make a motion declaring 700 square feet of city-owned property depicted on the attached Exhibit to Certificate of Survey 460 is not needed for public use and that an appropriate associated maintenance agreement on City property for building maintenance be executed. PROPOSED MOTION: Having considered the information presented by Staff, I move that the Commission finds that 700 square feet of city-owned property depicted on the attached Exhibit to Certificate of Survey 460 is not needed for public use and that an appropriate associated maintenance agreement on City property for building maintenance be executed. NOTE: Per Section 2.050.040, Bozeman Municipal Code, a two-thirds vote of all members of the Commission is necessary. AND 2) Make a motion authorizing city staff to complete steps necessary to transfer 700 square foot portion of the city-owned property depicted on the attached Exhibit to Certificate of Survey 460 heretofore declared not needed for public use to Harrington’s Inc. and to execute an appropriate associated maintenance agreement on City property for building maintenance. PROPOSED MOTION: Having found that 700 square feet of city-owned property depicted on Exhibit Certificate of Survey 460 is not needed for public use, I move to direct staff to complete the steps necessary to transfer 700 square feet of property to Harrington’s Inc. and to execute an appropriate maintenance agreement on City property for building maintenance. 568 BACKGROUND: In June, 2011, staff was contacted by the real estate broker/representative of Harrington’s Inc. property located at 200 South Wallace Avenue, hereinafter referred to as the “agent”. The agent described the current circumstances of the property boundary as follows: Between four and five feet (slightly tapered from south to north) of the existing Harrington’s building encroaches on city-owned land for 135 feet. (Attachments 1 & 2) The agent claims that the building has encroached on what is now city-owned property for at least 39 years and prefers to utilize the boundary line adjustment process to appropriately realign the boundaries. The agent further claimed that the property is less desirable for purchase and the property less marketable for redevelopment with the current building encroachment. Finally, the agent requested to have the item placed on the Library Board of Trustees (Trustees) monthly meeting agenda for discussion, however, the agenda had already been approved for the June meeting and distributed. Thus, the issue was informally discussed by the agent, staff and the Library Board of Trustees but no action was taken. The Trustees suggested the item be placed on the July 20 agenda for further discussion and action. On July 15, 2011 the agent presented the Trustees with a formal proposal letter. (Attachment 3) The Trustees met at their regularly scheduled meeting of July 20, 2011 and discussed the proposed boundary line adjustment in detail with the agent and staff. Staff recommended that the Trustees approve the boundary line adjustment and proceed to the City Commission as required. The boundary line adjustment and the execution of a building maintenance agreement was approved by the Library Board of Trustees by a vote of 3 – 0. (Attachment 4) Staff based its recommendation to the Trustees for support of the boundary line adjustment on the following rationale: The Harrington property, located at 200 South Wallace Avenue and owned by Harrington’s Inc. represents a keystone property for the eventual redevelopment of the South Wallace corridor. Currently, a reuse project is underway to the west, across South Wallace Avenue from the Harrington Building. Additionally, numerous inquiries are being made into the potential development of the vacant lot to the south of the Harrington Building, known as the Story property. The City’s Growth Policy was recently amended to designate the South Wallace Corridor, particularly the buildings and properties on the east side of South Wallace, as part of the “Community Core”. The growth policy is generally supportive of the concept of some South Wallace corridor properties being rezoned to B-3 (Central Business District), as appropriate. (Attachment 5) Currently many of these properties, like the Harrington Building, are zoned R-4 (High Density Residential District) which, as currently zoned, may make property redevelopment or improvement more challenging. Therefore, this proposal is an initial procedural step which may allow for the eventual expansion of the B-3 zoning district and the Business Improvement District to include the South Wallace corridor. Currently South Wallace is within the boundaries of the Downtown Tax Increment Finance District (TIF). (Attachment 6) As part of the CMC Asbestos Voluntary Cleanup Plan and Stipulated Agreement entered into between the City and other parties – including Harrington’s – Harrington’s recorded institutional controls on the subject property imposing certain restrictions on that property and further, imposing requirements to mitigate any risk posed to public health, safety or the environment relative to currently inaccessible areas suspected to contain asbestos. The proposed boundary line adjustment is strongly recommended to include a requirement that all of the property transferred be added to, and subject to, the covenants. (Attachment 7) As 569 part of the CMC Asbestos Voluntary Cleanup Plan and Stipulated Agreement entered into between the City and other parties – including Harrington’s – Harrington’s recorded institutional controls on the subject property imposing certain restrictions on that property and further, imposing requirements to mitigate any risk posed to public health, safety or the environment relative to currently inaccessible areas suspected to contain asbestos. The proposed boundary line adjustment is strongly recommended to include a requirement that all of the property transferred be added to and subject to the covenants. The Bozeman Public Library has no proposed use for the encroaching property lying under the Harrington Building and supports the boundary line adjustment for the purpose of increasing the sale-ability of the Harrington building and property to encourage redevelopment on the site without the burden, real or perceived, of the existing encroachment. Staff has had numerous meetings and discussions regarding this proposal. If this proposal is supported by the City Commission, Planning Staff will continue working with the property owners to finalize the boundary line adjustment documents and the submittal of a rezoning application to B-3. It should also be noted that staff will be encouraging the other properties designated as Community Core in this area to rezone their properties to B-3 in one coordinated application. We believe the transfer of 700 square feet of city-owned property and the execution of an appropriate associated building maintenance agreement is consistent with furthering the public interest and suggest that the property proposed for the boundary line adjustment is not necessary for the conduct of city business. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: None ALTERNATIVES: As recommended by the Commission. FISCAL EFFECTS: None have been identified at this stage for this action item. Attachments: 1) Aerial photograph of the Harrington’s Inc. Property and City Property depicting the encroachment on the east side of the Harrington’s building; 2) Exhibit to Certificate of Survey 460 depicting the proposed boundary line adjustment area. 3) July 15, 2011 letter from Harrington’s agent to the Library Board of Trustees requesting a boundary line adjustment and building maintenance easement; 4) July 20, 2011 Bozeman Public Library Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Minutes; 5) Bozeman’s Zoning Map; 6) Bozeman’s Downtown District Map; and 7) Aerial photo depiction of potential asbestos ore in the South Wallace corridor. Report compiled on: September 7, 2011 570 571 572 573 Bozeman Public Library Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Library Board/Staff Conference Room Bozeman Public Library Wednesday, July 20, 2011 4:00 P.M. ATTENDANCE CALL TO ORDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES Present: Trustees: Ron Farmer, Chair; George Cole; Judy Mathre; Jacki McGuire; Holly Brown; Chris Kukulski, City Manager; Paula Beswick, Foundation; Lois Dissly and Terri Dood, Acting Co- Directors. Guests: Collin Letts and Terry Karson, Bozeman Sculpture Park; Tom Clark; Tim McHarg and Doug Riley, City Planning; Brit Fontenot, City Director of Economic Development; James Goehrung, City Superintendent of Facilities The meeting was called to order at 4:02 p.m. by Chair Farmer. Cole moved to accept the July 7, 2011 Special Library Board minutes and the June 15, 2011 Library Board Minutes, Mathre seconded, and they were approved unanimously. ITEM FOR DISCUSSION/ACTION: CONSIDER A FORMAL RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOZEMAN CITY COMMISSION TO APPROVE, CONDITIONALLY APPROVE, OR DENY THE PROPOSED CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY INTENDED TO ALLOW A CHANGE IN THE BOUNDARY LINE BETWEEN THE LIBRARY PARCEL AND THE ADJACENT HARRINGTON PARCEL AND ALLOW A ONE-TIME TRANSFER OF A TRACT TO EFFECT THAT CHANGE Action ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION/ACTION: BOZEMAN SCULPTURE PARK UPDATE AND TOURISM INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT PROGRAM GRANT Chair Farmer changed the agenda to allow Tom Clark, realtor for the Harrington property, to ask that the Library Board approve realigning the property so the section of the Harrington building footprint which encroaches the Library property be included in the Harrington property and that a maintenance easement of 725 feet also be allowed. Brit Fontenot spoke in support of the proposal stating that it would allow the building to be sold and development of the South Wallace area to begin. Tim McHarg said that if the Board agreed, the next step would be to get City Commission approval of a subdivision exemption request and to draw up a separate document detailing the easement agreement. Cole moved that the easement and realignment be approved by the Board, Mathre seconded, and the motion was approved 3-0. Farmer also changed the agenda to allow Collin Letts and Terry Karson of the Bozeman Sculpture Park to update the Board on the group’s progress. Karson, curator for the 2011 Invitational, explained how the artists for the first show were selected; he also spoke briefly about each artist and displayed a picture of his/her work including some images of the sculptures which will be featured in the first show. Letts informed the Board that Rotherham Construction had donated all of the concrete and steel for the signs and pads while Sime Construction has donated the excavating and gravel for the nine sites which will be under construction next week. The catalog for the Invitational is being donated by Artcraft Printers. The sculptures will be on exhibit for one year. The group plans to have three invitationals over the next 3 years adding three new pads each year. Each artist will receive $2500 to cover the expense of installation and de-installation as well 574 CORRESPONDENCE as one lecture. The lecture series will begin September 2011 and run through June 2012 at the Library. Artists will be asked to contribute 25% of any sales to BSP. McGuire asked how complaints about the art would be dealt with and Dissly said they would be referred to the Art Committee which would make a recommendation to the Board. Fontenot spoke about a Tourism Infrastructure Investment Program (TIIP) grant that the City’s grant writer, Kenneth Stocks, is helping BSP submit which could provide money for the next show and possibly the purchase of pieces from the shows. Kukulski said that if BSP does not wish to include permanent pieces in the Sculpture Park, they could be displayed on other City property. Dood said a packet of support documents for the grant was being submitted including a MOA (memorandum of agreement) between the City of Bozeman and the Bozeman Sculpture Park. She asked if the Board wanted to be mentioned in the MOA. Brown said there should be a paragraph in it that mentioned the original agreement between the Library Board and BSP. The Board agreed to have Farmer sign a letter of support for the grant. Dissly and Dood received public comments which included a thank you letter from the Montana Historical Society for a book donation. There were three suggestions from authors for the Library to purchase their books. Two individuals asked about the Library’s ebook collection wondering why it was so small and if it would work with Kindles. An individual wanted to know if materials could be dropped off when the Library was closed. There was a complaint about the Library using taxpayer dollars to promote the gay lesbian lifestyle. A man, who spoke with Dissly, asked if the Library would consider providing a place for display of three dimensional artwork perhaps on the stairwell; he sent along copies of the wooden bowls he makes. A patron suggested a section for dvd/vhs of Montana actors and actresses. There were two comments about Playaways including a complaint that they do not work well and a request for instructions on how to use them. An individual who had recently had knee surgery asked if the handicapped spaces could be moved closer to the Library. Someone requested a stool for the self-check stations on the first floor. Another person recommended the Library purchase the dvd Cedar Rapids. A person asked that the no smoking rules be enforced. A man thanked staff for help in taking an online test. There were three incident reports. The first involved a woman who used paper to plug a toilet in the upstairs women’s restroom. She was escorted out of the Library for the day by a police officer. Another involved an unidentified man making derogatory comments to an AWARE staff member and client. The last incident concerned a complaint from a patron about a man who he said smelled so bad that the patron couldn’t be in the Computer Lab with him. The individual was told to leave and not return until he had cleaned up. 575 FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT FOUNDATION REPORT DIRECTOR’S REPORT Dissly reported the Friends had 335 boxes of books for the July used booksale, the most ever. Attendance was low but they still grossed $9620. The Friends Board has hired a new accountant. Many bookkeeping duties will be handled by Jamie Johnston, Board Assistant, allowing for oversight review by the accountant. New board member, Sharyn Anhalt, was instrumental in getting the revised procedures in place. Paula and Cindy have participated in the Summer Free Lunch program sponsored by the Gallatin Valley Food Bank which provides federally funded free lunch to all kids, everyday, at Centennial Park and MSU’s SOB Barn. The Library conducts a story time each Wednesday at one or the other site. Jeanne organized and will manage the August Creative Workshops; signup began July 5 and most of them are already full. The next Day on the Green, July 31, will feature Pinky and the Floyds. The Jazz & More series continues to be popular. The Cuba presentation by Steve Hample and Loren Acton drew a crowd. The Library Foundation’s sponsorship of Patricia Nell Warren as part of the Montana Pride Celebration was mentioned in an article in the Los Angeles Times. Members of the Montana Institute of Art have their work on display in the Lobby for the month and a few pieces have sold. The Art Committee met and selected five new displays for the upcoming year. Heeb’s will be hosting a barbeque fundraising for the Library August 17. Marsha Karle will be displaying her art at Sola Café and 20% of proceeds from sales will go to the Library Foundation. Paula has been working with an Eagle Scout on the installation of a flagpole in the Atkins Memorial Grove, to be installed at the end of the summer. Plans for One Book – One Bozeman and Children’s Festival of the Book are underway. Library Montana Project at Aspen Pointe will feature photographer Thomas Lee’s “Faces of Wisdom” display. Beswick will be speaking to the Optimists Club on Thursday, July 28 and to the Bozeman Business and Professional Women group August 10. She will be attending the Pacific Northwest Library Association conference the first week in August. The Foundation Board will be meeting July 26 at 2:30 pm. Beswick and SharlaRae Stuber will be attending a seminar “Do We Need An Audit?” on July 27. The June Statistical Report shows a total of 747,259 for circulation for FY11, the highest ever. Door traffic continued to be down but might be the result of the traffic counter not working properly. The yearend operating and maintenance budget was $2, 573.54 in the red due to the expenses incurred by the Director’s Search Committee. The Library roofing project has not been scheduled yet. Currently the plan is to replace the metal roof with a membrane roof and replace all of the skylights damaged by hail. If the Library needs to be closed for several days, we are tentatively planning for staff to work on special 576 ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION/ACTION: ANNUAL ELECTION OF OFFICERS; LIBRARY DIRECTOR SEARCH COMMITTEE UPDATE; NON-MPEA STAFF SALARY ADJUSTMENTS projects and participate in training. We also hope that the meeting rooms will be available for meetings and programs that have already been scheduled. The sprinkler system has not been working properly but it has now been repaired. Dood and Katie Biehl worked with Jon Henderson, City GIS Manager, to create maps that show where our registered patrons live. This information can be used in a variety of ways including marketing and targeting services to geographical areas. Dood and Dissly have been meeting with members of the Bozeman Sculpture Park, Brit Fontenot, and Kenneth Stocks to prepare an application for Tourism Infrastructure Investment Program (TIIP) grant. Dood, Dissly, and Pam Henley have attended webinars about grants program information for a learning lab. The grant is sponsored through the Institute of Museum and Library and Library Services (IMLS) and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Dood, Dissly, Henley and Stocks are working to have the grant ready for submission by August 15. Dissly attended a webinar at the City about writing a social media policy. The Harry Potter Party on July 14 drew over 150 Hogwarts students who made homemade wands, played quidditch (until it rained), and attended their first potions class with Professor Snape (Bill McLaughlin from MSU Chemistry Dept.). It was a wild and fun time in the Children’s Room. During the month of August, the Children’s staff will not be doing the regular weekly programs, thanks to the Creative Workshops sponsored by the Library Foundation. This year we have 26 workshops and about two-thirds of them are full already. The Children’s Festival of the Book will be held November 5 with author/illustrator David Shannon, author Liz Scanlon, and illustrator Marla Frazee visiting Bozeman this year. Sally Gerlach, a substitute library assistant hired primarily to help with children’s programming, resigned her position effective August 31, 2011. The MPEA contract has been approved by their membership. A final draft of the contract is being reviewed and should be signed soon. Ron Farmer has been re-appointed to the Library Board of Trustees. His final term expiration date will be June 30, 2016. Dissly and Dood explained that the new MPEA contract includes implementation of a salary survey resulting in a number of Library staff not receiving pay increases this FY. Previously, Non-MPEA staff members were given a cost of living increase similar to what MPEA members received. After discussion, the Board directed Dissly and Dood to provide further information at the next board meeting. Mathre reported that three candidates had been invited to Bozeman to interview August 19, and she has heard back from two of the three that travel arrangements have been made. She will prepare a sign-up sheet for people interested in attending meals with each candidate. Candidates will be given tours of the building, meet with staff, and be interviewed by the Board. A public forum will be held from 4:30-6:00 pm. Ron Farmer and Jacki McGuire were nominated as chair and vice-chair 577 Action BOARD MEMBERS’ AND CITY REPORTS ADJOURNMENT respectively. Mathre made a motion to elect the slate and Cole seconded. Approved 3-0. James Goehrung, reported that the insurance company and architect are working together to determine the responsibility for roof repairs. He estimates that the work will take two weeks but that the Library would only need to be closed 2-3 days and that work will begin in early September. He will give staff as much notice as possible. City Manager Chris Kukulski informed the Board that additional budget cuts might be necessary. He and Financial Director Anna Rosenberry are compiling a list of them for consideration by the City Commission. Items from the Library’s budget will include $31,000 in CIP for a public speaker system, salary savings, and $274,000 in personnel which was earmarked for the Library’s Capital Reserve Fund. All three items are in the third tier of recommendations. The meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m. The next meeting will be Wednesday, August 17, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. in the Library Board/Staff Conference Room. 578 MilliganBaxterMeadowsRegionalParkWest WindsBachRoseParkHighgateHouseSmith#3ChristtheKingHeritageChristianChurchSheaBronkenPark ValleyWestValleyWestBaxterCreekBPSpringCreekVillageR & D HoldingBozemanGatewayMeadowCreekAllisonAlderCreekBridgerCreekMSUMSUWWTPStateLandsNortonEastKraftMandevilleCreekMilliganBaxterMeadowsRegionalParkWest WindsBachRoseParkHighgateHouseSmith#3ChristtheKingHeritageChristianChurchSheaBronkenPark ValleyWestValleyWestBaxterCreekBPSpringCreekVillageR & D HoldingBozemanGatewayMeadowCreekAllisonAlderCreekBridgerCreekMSUMSUWWTPStateLandsNortonEastKraftMandevilleCreek STUCKY RD HUFFINE LN L ST FLANDERS MILL RD W LINCOLN ST PEACE PIPE DR S 23RD AVE VALLEY DR WESTRIDGE DR THOMAS DR E VALLEY CENTER RD FLATHEAD AVE S YELLOWSTONE AVE N YELLOWSTONE AVE N SWEETGRASS AVE WHEAT DR SECOR AVE E OAK ST LARAMIE DR STAUDAHER ST GRANIT 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WAY MEGHANS WAY WESTERN DR N 24TH AVE MEAGHER AVE SHERIDAN AVE FOWLER AVEJENNIFER STCHRISTOPHER WAY BEAVERHEAD ST GROUSE CT DOVE CT GREENWAY AVE N HUNTERS WAY W VILLARD ST SPRINGBROOK AVE DAWS DR DAISY DR ANNIE ST LILY DR ROSE ST SNAPDRAGON ST DAFFODIL ST N 27TH AVE N 22 N D AVE EM I L Y D R STONERIDGE DRW STEVENS ST TERRACE AVE N 23RD AVE N 22ND AVE N 21ST AVE N 20TH AVE N 19TH AVE N 18TH AVE N 17TH AVE N 16TH AVE N 19TH AVE JUNIPER ST JESSIE WAYROY ST MATHESON WAYMAE ST DURSTON RD N 15TH AVEN 15TH AVEN 14TH AVEW OAK ST N 19TH AVE MAPLEWOOD ST N 15TH AVE N 9TH AVE N 10TH AVE N 8TH AVE W VILLARD ST N 7TH AVE W MAIN ST W JUNIPER ST IVAN AVE N 5TH AVE W ASPEN ST W BEALL ST W MENDENHALL ST W MAIN ST N 4TH AVE N 5TH AVE N 6TH AVE W SHORT ST N GRAND AVE N WILLSON AVE E TAMARACK ST N MONTANA AVE E LAMME ST N TRACY AVE N BLACK AVE N BOZEMAN AVE STORY MILL RD AUGUSTA DR MCILHATTAN RD S T A N D R E W S D R TURNBERRY CT CADDIE CT BOYLAN RD HEADLANDS DRBUCKS RUN CT HILLSIDE LN PAR CT GALLATIN PARK DR MANLEY RD TURTLE WAY BOYLAN RD BIRDIE DR VALHALLA CT PUTTER CT PINNACLE STAR STWEEPING ROCK LNMAIDEN STAR LNSPIRIT CROSSING LN B OYLAN RD CREEKWOOD DR BRIDGER CANYON RD DEER PARK DRVIRGINIA CITY CTSNOW FLAKE CTPOWDERPARK CT BRIDGER DR STORY MILL RD N ROUSE AVE W GRIFFIN DR BRIDGER CENTER DR E GRIFFIN DR EDGERLEY LN INDUSTRIAL DR N ROUSE AVE COMMERCIAL DR BIG GU L C H D R BIG GULCH DR INTERST ATE 90 H WY GOLD A V E OLD BUFFALO TRL FLORA LN MANDEVILLE LN BAXTER LN CATRON ST MAUS LN LEA AVE GILKERSON DR BOHART LN BRYANT ST BOND ST E MAIN ST E SHORT ST BRADY AVE ORANGE ST FRIDLEY S T E A V O C A D O S T N BROADWAY AVE VILLAGE DOWNTOWN BLVD E LAMME ST PLUM AVE IDA AVE DAVIS ST N WALLACE AVE FRIDLEY ST E ASPEN ST E ASPEN ST E COTTONWOOD ST E JUNIPER ST W ASPEN ST W COTTONWOOD ST N MONTANA AVE N ROUSE AVEE OAK ST P E A R S T F R O N T S T E BIRCH ST C E D A R S T E PEACH ST N CHURCH AVE N ROUSE AVE PERKINS PL N 3RD AVE W TAMARACK ST SANTA ANA CTSANTA ANA CTTURBULENCE LNLEEWARD CTBRISK CTTRADE WIND LNHEDGEROW CTTSCHACHE LN BRENDEN ST BENEPE ST CASCADE ST COVER ST BRISBIN ST CASCADE ST PERRY ST BEMBRICK STENEBOE AVEROSA WAYBROOKSIDE LN ARABIAN AVEEQUESTRIAN LNDANUBE ST ANDALUSIAN AVEDRAFT HORSE DRTHOROUGHBRED LNGO L DE N GATE AVEALPHA DR GOLDEN GAT E A V E POTOSI ST ANNIE ST JARDINE AVEBREEZE LN HUNTERS WAY HUNTERS WAY N 14TH AVEPATRICK ST N 12TH AVEMANZANITA DR CRABAPPLE DR OAK PARK DRJUNIPER ST TSCHACHE LN PATRICK STTILTON ST FORBES AVES 19TH AVE APEX DR DISCOVERY DRENTERPRISE DRENTERPRISE DRAINSWORTH DR GRAF ST LANTERN DR GOLDENEYEDR S 27TH AVEBLACKWOOD RD MEAH LNS 30TH AVES 31ST AVES 29TH AVES 28TH AVES 27TH AVEPARKWAY AVEVI L L A G E CR O S S I N G W A Y E MENDENHALL ST E VILLARD ST W LAMME ST N 3RD AVE E BEALL ST W PEACH ST BUTTONWOOD AVE E BABCOCK ST H I GH LA N D B LV D GO L F WA Y AYLSWORTH AVE CYPRESS AVE E CURTISS ST MCADOW AVEE OLIVE STS WALLACE AVE S ROUSE AVE E CURTISS ST S CHURCH AVE BOGERT PL BONNER LN E STORY ST DELL PL S BLACK AVE E KOCH ST LINDLEY PL S BOZEMAN AVE S TRACY AVE E CURTISS ST E OLIVE ST E BABCOCK ST S WILLSON AVE W KOCH ST S 10TH AVE S 9TH AVE S 8TH AVE S 3RD AVE S GRAND AVE W CURTISS ST W OLIVE ST S 6TH AVE S 7TH AVE W BABCOCK ST ELLIS ST H A G G E R T Y L N DUDLEY DR HUF F M A N L N OLD YELLOWSTONE TRL SUNSET BLV D JAMES AVE H O S P I T A L I T Y W A Y ROCK Y C R E E K R D INTERS T A T E 9 0 H W Y FRONTAG E R D SHAWNEE WAY OSTERMAN DROLD YELLOWSTONE TRL VIRGINIA DR HAGGERTY LN BOZEMAN TRAIL RD E KAGY BLVD HOLLY DR N PINECREST DR S PINECREST DR N CEDARVIEW DR ASH DR CHERRY DR MAPLE DR FIR CREST CT S CEDARVIEW DR N SPRUCE DR S SPRUCE DR CHERRY DR CHAMBERS DR BERTHOT DR HIGHLAND BLVD KENYON DR OCO N N ELL DR KN AAB DR LOMA S DR S O U R D O U G H R D S CHURCH AVE E KAGY BLVD OLD HIGHLAND BLVD HIGHLAND BLVD S 7TH AVE W COLLEGE ST W ALDERSON ST W DICKERSON ST W HARRISON ST S 3RD AVE E COLLEGE ST E HARRISON ST ICE POND RD E CLEVELAND ST S ROUSE AVE S MONTANA AVE E LINCOLN ST E GARFIELD ST S TRACY A VE E MASON ST W MASON ST ARTHUR ST W GARFIELD ST W HAYES ST W GRANT ST W LINCOLN ST S 4TH AVE W CLEVELAND ST S 5TH AVE S 6TH AVE GREEK WAY S 3RD AVE HOFFMAN DR S BLACK AVE ACCOLA DR CAROL PL W KAGY BLVD FAIRWAY DR S TRACY AVE HIGHLAND CT SPRING CREEK DR S 3RD AVE ARNOLD ST LANGOHR AVE SPRING CREEK DR CIRCLE DR SPRING MEADOWS DR ARNOLD ST SPRINGCREEK DR MORROW ST CUTTING ST WESTRIDGE DR OVERBROOK DR LA NDOE AVE S 3RD AVE COLTER AVE GRAF ST BIL L I O N P L FOX HOLLOW WAY S 3RD AVE TESLOW DR RITTER DR BROOKDALE DR ALDER CREEK DR S 3RD AVE FIELDSTONE DR W LEXINGTON DR CONCORD DR FIELDSTONE DR HERITAGE DR SILVERWOOD DR GRAF S TNASH CREEK LN NOSTALGIA LN MATHEW BIRD CIR PARK PL GARDENBROOK LNHILLCREST DRSUMMERSET DRHIDDEN SPRINGS LNS 11TH AVEMADRONA LN CAMBRIDGE DR OXFORD DR CORNELL DR STANFORD DR WAGONWHEEL RD PRINCETONPL SUNDANCE DR ARCADIA LNBUNGALOW LN W FIELDVIEW CIR E FIELDVIEW CIRG R E E N M O R E C T CANDLE LNCOTTA GE LN S I L V E R C L O U D C I R GRAF ST ROCKI N G B E A R C I R RAIN ROPER DR S 3RD AVE G O O D M E D I C I N E W A Y TRAILS END CT WH ITE EAGLE C IR LITTLE HO R SE DR GOLDENSTEIN LN CENTENNIAL TRL UNIVERSITY WAYOPPORTUNITY WAY HILL ST TAI LN ALLEN DR ARIANNA WAY REMINGTON WAY S 22ND AVESTOCKMAN WAYS 19TH AVE W KAGY BLVD MAPLE LN LLOYD ST ALDER COURT LN S 11TH AVE W COLLEGE ST T E C H N O LOGY BLVD S ANALYSIS DR RESEA R CH DR W GARFIELD ST W DICKERSON ST W OLIVE ST S 18TH AVE S 17TH AVE S 16TH AVE PIONEER DR S 15TH AVE S 13TH AVE S 14TH AVE S 12TH AVE W STORY ST S 19TH AVE S 20TH AVE N 11TH AVE W BABCOCK ST PROFESSIONAL DR S 22 ND AVE YERGER DR DONNA AVE NORMANDY ST ST ESTEPHE DR EDELWEISS DR MONTREUX ST SILVER MAPLE DR WHITE OAK DR HANLEY AVEMONROE ST KIMBERWICKE ST TROUT MEADOWS RDKIMBERWICKE ST LOLO WAYLEMHI TRAIL DR CASPIAN AVE BAXTER LN E FERGUSON AVERENOVA LN JADE AVE MOONSTONE DR ANNIE S T EM E RA L D D R TANZANITE DR AMETHYST RD W OAK ST CORWIN ST PIPESTONE ST COTTAGEPARK LN HANSON STLOYAL DR VICTORY ST VINE ST TRIUMPH ST WINNOW CIRCOTTONWOOD RDADVANCE DRTECHNOLOGY BL V D W FOWLER AVE S 29TH AVEHARMON STREAM BLVDTECH N O L O G Y BLVD W MAIDEN SPIRIT ST MEDICINEWHEEL LN BOYLAN RD NORT H V IE W STLITTLECOTTAGE LN FARMHOUSE LNJOSEPHINE DR KNOLLS DR POST DRKENYON DRASPEN PO INTE D R SPRING RIDGE DRSUMMER VIEW LNBAXTER CREEK WAY PLIR-S PLI B-2 M-1 R-3 B-2 M-1 R-3 R-1 PLI B-1B-1 R-3 R-1R-OR-3R-3 R-2 R-2R-2 R-2 R-2R-1R-1 R-3R-3PLIR-3R-SR-1 B-2 BPR-4 B-2 B-2 B-1 B-1 R-O R-1 R-1 R-4 R-3 R-2 R-4 R-OR-4 PLI R-1 R-2 R-2 R-1 R-1R-3 R-4 R-3 R-3 B-1 R-4 R-2 R-2 R-2R-2 R-1 PLI R-MH R-4 R-2 R-4 B-1 R-2 R-3 R-2 R-1 R-O R-4 R-3 R-O R-3 PLI R-1 R-3 R-3R-3 R-SR-3 R-1 M-1R-SR-3R-1R-S M-1 R-1 R-1 R-3 R-1 R-1 R-1R-SR-SM-2 M-1 R-3 B-1 R-3 R-3 R-3 R-3 PLI R-2 R-3 R-3 PLI R-2 R-3 PLI R-3 M-1M-1 M-1M-1 M-2M-2 M-2M-2 M-1 R-S R-MH M-1 R-SM-2 R-S R-S HMU PLI R-4 M-1B-1 M-1 M-1 R-O R-4 R-2R-3 R-2R-3 R-4 R-4 B-2 B-2 BP R-O R-4 R-1 PLI M-1 M-1 M-1 B-2 R-O BP B-2 R-S BP R-1 R-S R-1 R-2 R-2 R-1 R-4 R-SR-O R-4 R-4 PLI R-3 R-3 B-1 R-4 R-4 R-2 R-O BP R-2 PLI R-3 R-S R-4 R-3 R-4 R-S R-2 R-4 B-1 R-O R-4 R-4 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 PLI PLI PLI R-4 B-1 R-4 R-2 R-4R-O R-4 B-3 BP R-4 PLI R-O R-3 R-O R-O R-O R-O R-O BP BP PLIR-O B-1 R-O R-4 R-1 R-MH R-2 R-1 R-2 R-3 R-3 R-3 R-2 R-3 R-3 R-2 R-O R-3 R-3 R-3 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 R-4 R-3 R-O R-2 R-1 R-2 BP R-O R-3 R-3 R-2 R-2 R-1R-4 R-OR-4 R-1 R-3 R-4 R-2 R-2R-2 R-2B-1 R-4 R-SB-2B-1R-2R-4 BP R-4 R-3R-4R-OR-O R-O R-4 R-3 PLI B-2 M-1M-1 M-1 R-2R-3 R-4 B-2 R-3 UMU BP M-1 R-O R-3 R-O R-1 City of Bozeman Zoning Districts 1 0 10.5 Mile Revised: 12/17/10 INTERSTAT E 9 0 H W Y N 7TH AVE E MAIN ST L ST W OAK ST S 11TH AVE N ROUSE AVE W MAIN ST W KOCH ST S 3RD AVE S 4TH AVE S 5TH AVE N 15TH AVE BRIDGER DR S 6TH AVE S CHURCH AVE S GRAND AVE W COLLEGE ST S WILLSON AVE W STORY ST BAXTER LN HIGHLAND BLVD N 5TH AVE BOH A R T L N ELLIS ST S 8TH AVE S 15TH AVE CE D A R S T S TRACY AVE E GRIFFIN DR W OLIVE ST DURSTON RD W DICKERSON ST W BEALL ST W CURTISS ST W ALDERSON ST FR O N T S T W GRANT ST W LAMME ST S 9TH AVE HILLSIDE LN N BLACK AVE S 10TH AVE W VILLARD ST N TRACY AVE E LAMME ST N GRAND AVE N 17TH AVE IDA AVE S BLACK AVE W HARRISON ST N WALLACE AVE HAG G E R T Y L N S ROUSE AVE PLUM AVE N 9TH AVE N BOZEMAN AVE N 3RD AVE BIG GULCH DR W MENDENHALL ST STOR Y MI LL RD N 10TH AVE N 11TH AVE N CHURCH AVE W PEACH ST N 14TH AVE S 14TH AVE W LINCOLN ST N WILLSON AVE W BABCOCK ST E TAMARACK ST E MENDENHALL ST W GRIFFIN DR E OAK ST HEADLANDS DR E STORY ST ARTHUR ST W HAYES ST N BROADWAY AVE HOLLY DR E PEACH ST W TAMARACK ST N MONTANA AVE PERKINS PL E GARFIELD ST S 7TH AVE MANLEY R D SACCO DR W GARFIELD ST KENYON DR ASH DR N 12TH AVE POST DR JUNIPER ST E BEALL ST N 18TH AVE N 16TH AVE EVERGREEN D R WHEAT DR MANDEVILLE LN DAVIS ST S BOZEMAN AVE N 4TH AVE S MONTANA AVE KNOLLS DR G OLD A V E BOND ST BUTTONWOOD AVE OLD HIGHLAND BLVD E CU RTISS ST N 8TH AVE NIKLES DR S WALLACE AVE DEER ST PE A R S T W SHORT ST MAUS LN N 6TH AVE CYPRESS AVE PATRICK ST S 12TH AVE LEA AVE INDUSTRIAL DR GALLATIN TRL WILLOW WAY LINDLEY PL V IL LAGE DOW NTOWN BLVD ICE POND RD BOOT H IL L CT BOZEMAN TRL W ASPEN ST JOSEPHINE DR FRIDLEY ST E COTTONWOOD ST HEMLOCK ST BRYANT ST DELL PL FOX CT S PINECREST D R S 16TH AVE N PINECREST DR CARSON PL E ASPEN ST TSCHACHE LN GILKERSON DR GOL F WAY ALDER COURT LN E BABCOCK ST GREEK WAY M ULLAN TRL E MASON ST S 13TH AVE RUTH THIEBAUL T WAY W COTTONWOOD ST TAI LN ASPEN POI N TE DR JESSI E WAY LLOYD ST ACCOLA DR PARADISE VISTA RD BLACKMORE PL P IO N EER DR MAE ST PATRICK ST E OLIVE ST GLACIER CT W MASON ST W BIRCH ST BRADY AVE MAPLE DR EDGERLEY LN E COLLEGE ST OLD BUFFALO TRL S 17TH AVE W JUNIPER ST E JUNIPER ST E A V O C A D O S T E HARRISON ST W CLEVELAND ST E CLEVELAND ST E LINCOLN ST E OAK ST S 8TH AVE N 7TH AVE INTERSTAT E 9 0 H W Y DEER ST S 7TH AVE S 12TH AVE S 7TH AVE E ASPEN ST W BABCOCK ST S 3RD AVE N 8TH AVE S 13TH AVE W BEALL ST N 9TH AVE N 11TH AVE E BABCOCK ST N 11TH AVE S BLACK AVE W GARFIELD ST S BOZEMAN AVE S 16TH AV E W LINCOLN ST S 5TH AVE BIG G U L C H D R E PEACH ST Story Mill Bon Ton Cooper Park Main Street South Tracy/ South Black Lindley Place North Tracy Avenue Bozeman Brewery South Tracy Avenue Historic Districts Conservation Overlay Historic Districts ¯ 1 inch equals 1,000 feet Legend Parcels City Limits Class 1 Entryway Corridor Class 2 Entryway Corridor Conservation Overlay R-S (Residential Suburban) R-1 (Residential Single-Household, Low Density) R-2 (Residential Single-Household, Medium Density) R-3 (Residential Medium Density) R-4 (Residential High Density) R-O (Residential Office) R-MH (Residential Mobile Home) B-1 (Neighborhood Service) B-2 (Community Business) B-3 (Central Business) M-1 (Light Manufacturing) M-2 (Manufacturing and Industrial) BP (Business Park) UMU (Urban Mixed Use) HMU (Historic Mixed Use) PLI (Public Lands/Institutions) 579 580 581