HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 4327 establishing rates for Water Service for BozemanCOMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 4327 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, ESTABLISHING RATES FOR WATER SERVICE FOR THE CITY OF BOZEMAN. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, following notice and public hearinp, established a new Rate Schedule for the City of Bozeman's Water Fund. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, that the new rates for water services, based on a 30-day month, shall become effective beginning with the bills due in September 2011 and September 2012 as follows, to wit- Section I - Metered Water Rates City of Bozeman Water Rates Current Effective Effective Water Sept. 1 Sept. I Rates 2011 2012 A. Meter Charge 5/8" $13.42 $ 14.02 $ 14,65 1.1 $17.78 $ 18.58 $ 19.41 11/4" $22,28 $ 23,28 $ 24.33 11/2" $27.96 $ 29.21 $ 30,53 2.1 $40.66 $ 4149 $ 44.40 3" $70.28 $ 7144 $ 76.75 4" $112.72 $ 117.79 123,10 ,6" $210.09 $ 219.54 229.42 81, $332.17 $ 347.12 362,74 B. Minimum Charges - up to 200 Cubic Feet Residential & Low income* $4.37 $ 4.56 $ 4,77 Multi-Family $3.34 $ 3.49 $ 165 Commercial & Cam Spec $2.94 $ 3.07 $ 3.21 Government & Govt Spec $3.05 $ 3.18 $ 3.33 Montana State University $3.79 $ 3.96 $ 4.14 C. Consumption Charge - $/HCF Residential & Low Income* First 0 - 7 HCF $2.18 $ 2.28 $ 2,38 8 - 15 HCF $2.34 $ 2A5 $ 2,56 Over 15 HCF $237 $ 2-89 $ 3.02 Multi-Family $1,67 $ 1.75 $ 1,83 Commercial & Com Spec $1.47 $ 1,54 $ 1,60 Government & Govt Spec $1,52 $ 1.59 1.66 Montana State University $1,90 $ 1.98 $ 2,07 * Metered, Single Fomily Only Explanatory note: Each customer shall pay a minimum monthly bill which includes applicable amount according to meter size (A) plus the minimum water charge (13). For water consumed in excess of 200 cubic feet, a customer shall pay the additional commodity charge (C). Section 2 — Flat Rate Customers City of Bozeman: Unmetered Water Rates Current Effective Water Sept. 1 Rates 2011 Single Family, Unmetered $58.63/month $61.27/month City Park Irrigation $1,641/acre/year $1,715/acre/year Fire Protection $140,620 Annually $146,948 Annually Bulk, non-potable for construction use $3.25 /1, 000 gallons $3.40/1,000 gallons Bulk, non-potable water is only available at the City Vehicle Maintenance Shop and is subject to a $5.00 minimum purchase. Section 3 — Low Income Rate Assistance Effective on the September 2011 billing Effe cti ve Sept. 1 2012 $64.03/month $1,792/acre/year $153,561 Annually $3.55/1,000 gallons Customers who apply for and qualify under the State's Low Income Property Tax Assistance Program, as set forth in Section 15-6-134 MCA, will receive a credit equal to their monthly water service charge listed above. Section 4 — Billing Procedures Charges for water services under this schedule shall be made a part of the current monthly water bill, to be shown by separate item on such bill. Separate payment of either the charge for the water or the charge for the wastewater will not be accepted with prior 4�1 approval of the Director of Finance. Both charges must be paid dt the sametime; partial payments will be applied to the wastewater charge first, with any remainder being applied to the water charge. Charges for water used and wastewater service charges become due and payable upon receipt of the bill. If any bill is not paid on or before the fifteenth day of that month, it will then become delinquent; and if not paid in full by the fifteenth day of the following month, water service to the premises involved may be discontinued (shut-off), after a ten- day written notice. A charge of twenty five dollars ($25.00) shall be made for any account requiring written shut-off notice. An additional charge of twenty-five dollars ($25,00) during regular business hours or seventy-five dollars ($75.00) during non- business hours shall be made for reinstating a water service which has been discontinued for non-payment of water and/or wastewater service charges. Section 5 — ACH Incentive For those customers who choose the automatic clearing house (ACH) payment option, a one dollar ($1.00) discount will be taken from the total utility bill (total of water, sewer, garbage). Bills will be mailed by the first working day of the month; with the automatic payment being deducted on the 15"' of the following month. Section 6 — Late Fee For those accounts that become delinquent, a 1.5 percent (1.5 %) late fee will be assessed on the next bill. The minimum late fee shall be $1.00. Section 7 —Protests In cases where water service charges under this schedule are claimed to be unfair, unreasonable, or not in proportion to charges made to other water customers, the person or persons against whom such charges are made may apply to the City Manager for an adjustment, stating the circumstances. The City Manager, or his designated representative, may make such adjustment of the water charges as is deemed necessary, fair and equitable, PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 8"' day of August, 2011; and effective beginning with that billing period which will first appear on the September 2011 water billing. Jeff K, r us - or ATTEST} Cry ' stac 'JI on;, MU City, ti r 60. APPROFV IEb'AS `TO FORM. Greg � ullivan City Attorney