HomeMy WebLinkAboutRFP Lamme House Aug 12 2011.docCity of Bozeman Request for Proposals for Removal or Deconstruction of House at 214 East Lamme The City of Bozeman is accepting project specific detailed Submittals from individuals or firms interested in removal of a city owned residential structure at 214 East Lamme. The residence was purchased by the city for future expansion of City Hall. The City Commission has approved the relocation or removal of the house under the priorities outlined below. All hand-delivered Submittals must be received no later than 5:00 PM local time, Friday, September 2, 2011. Hand delivered copies must be submitted to the City Clerk, 121 North Rouse, Bozeman, Montana. Mailed Submittals must be received on or before Friday, September 2, 2011, and sent to the attention of City Clerk, City of Bozeman, P.O. Box 1230, Bozeman, Montana 59771. Please state “Lamme House Bid” on the outside of the response package. No faxed or electronic submissions will be accepted. PROJECT WALK THROUGH: A walk through of the building will take place on Thursday, August 25, at 9:00a.m.. Meet at the front of the house on East Lamme. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The lot to the west of the current City Hall was purchased for the future expansion of City Hall. The property is now being used a community garden site. The need for the actual residence on the property was reviewed by the City Commission and they determined that the structure was no longer needed for city purposes. The City Commission expressed a preference for the reuse of the building and established a priority for how they would like to see the building removed. Priority 1 is for someone to relocate the house to another lot. Priority 2 is for someone to dismantle the house and reuse and recycle as many of the building materials as possible. Option 3 is to demolish the house and dispose of the materials in an acceptable Class IV landfill. The City has conducted an Environmental Assessment of the building. The siding material is a hard board transit siding that has an asbestos content. There is a section of flooring on the second floor landing that also has an asbestos content. The successful bidder will be responsible for the mitigation of these materials prior to any major work on the structure. Please direct all question on the request to the City of Bozeman, Attention: James Goehrung, Superintendent of Facilities Services, P.O. Box 1230, Bozeman, MT 59771. Telephone number is: (406) 582-3232. E-mail address is: jgoehrung@bozeman.net. RFP Lamme House pg. 1 INTENT OF RFP: Once a list of interested parties has been identified, the City of Bozeman will evaluate the Submittals based on an established ranking system. The City will then interview the applicants with the identified best proposal for the removal of the building and reclamation of the site. Final terms and conditions of the sale or lease will then be negotiated with the successful applicant. Separate bid forms are included for Options 1, 2, and 3. An individual can fill out more than one option and submit as a single bid package. Fill out all the information for each option depending on which one or ones are chosen. CRITERIA USED TO EVALUATE THE RFPs RECEIVED: How much of the building will be reused or recycled. Amount of money to be paid to the city for the building or materials. Cost to the city for the removal of the building. How any of the materials not reused or recycled will be disposed of by the successful applicant. How the reclamation of the old foundation and site will be handled. Experience of the bidder in working with old properties, building moving, or building recycling. Realistic timeline that describes the various steps and stages of the proposal in terms of both action and time frames. A detailed description of any expectations, responsibilities, or actions of the City of Bozeman will need to take in order for the proposed plan to work. List the experience and capabilities of key personnel that will be associated with the project. Include resumes. RFP Lamme House pg. 2 Submittals should be clear and concise and will be evaluated per the attached criteria. If the Submittal is anything other than a sale to a private individual, emphasis should be placed on the specific qualifications of the people who will perform the tasks outlined in the proposal; the financial feasibility of the applicant to complete the project as outlined; and the sensitivity of the applicant toward the property and the surrounding neighbors. The selection of the finalists to be interviewed will be made by a selection committee representing the City of Bozeman. The selection will be based on an evaluation of the written responses to the Request For Proposals. The award will be made following contract negotiations to the most qualified respondent whose proposal is deemed most advantageous to the City of Bozeman. All Submittals must be submitted complete and contain the information required as stated in the Request for Proposals. The City of Bozeman reserves the right to reject any and all Submittals deemed unqualified, unsatisfactory, or inappropriate; issue modifications to the RFP without notice; or republish the RFP. The City of Bozeman does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, or because of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or disability, political ideas, or disability in employment or the provision of services. Use additional pages as necessary. A complete bid package includes the contact page and whichever option, or options pages, you plan to propose for city consideration. CONTRACT: A sample contract is included with this bid package which outlines the requirements that will need to be addressed by the successful bidder. The contract will need to be completed upon the award of the RFP and the insurance requirements as outline in the contract will need to be met. A commercial vendor will need to show proof of a city business license, workman’s compensation insurance and agree to the city’s non-discrimination policy. FULL BID PACKAGE: A full bid package will include the Contact Page and the Option or Options you propose to secure the building. RFP Lamme House pg. 3 Contact Page Please complete all the contact information and include it in your bid package Principle Contact Person: __________________________________________________ Individual proposal: Yes: _____________ No: List Business Name Business Name: __________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________. Phone Number: ___________________________________ E-mail Address: ______________________________________________________ The Proposal Option I have submitted is: Option #1: ______________ Option #2: ______________ Option #2: ______________ A Combination of Options #: _______________________ Please sign to acknowledge that you agree to follow the city’s non-discrimination policy: If awarded this project in the process of conducting the work, I/we agree not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, or because of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or disability, political ideas, or disability in employment or the provision of services. Signature: ____________________________________________________ Proposal for Option 1 Lamme House Removal This option is to physically move the house from its existing location to another lot. The house would be shored and beams and wheels installed to then move the house to a new location. How much of the building will be reused or recycled. Once the building is moved it is our intention to renovate and remodel the building for use as a residence or for commercial purposes: Briefly explain the new location and proposed use: _________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________. Amount of money to be paid to the city for the building or materials. Dollar amount to be paid to the city for the house in the current as is condition: $___________________________. Written Dollar Amount: _______________________________________ _______________________________________________________ . Cost to the city for the removal of the building. Because of the costs associated to move the building, I/we propose the city pay the following amount once the building has been relocated and the site reclaimed: $_______________________________. Written Dollar Amount: _______________________________________ _________________________________________________________. Option #1 RFP pg. 1 How any of the materials not reused or recycled will be disposed of by the successful applicant. Explain briefly how any materials that need to be changed out, or replaced, when the building is rehabilitated at the new location will be disposed of. How the reclamation of the old foundation and site will be handled. Once the house is moved from the current site, any disturbance of the lot due to the move activities will need to reclaimed. This includes both turf areas, garden plots, landscaping, sidewalks, and curbs. The foundation walls will need to be removed and the old crawl spaces areas will be filled in and properly compacted. Approximately 12 inches of topsoil will be imported and prepared for sod or seed. Explain briefly how this portion of the project will be handled and what impact if any there might be on the existing community garden spaces: Option #1 RFP pg.2 Experience of the bidder in working with old properties, building moving, or building recycling. Describe any experience you have in relocating residential buildings or list the company and their experience in transporting houses: Realistic timeline that describes the various steps and stages of the proposal in terms of both action and time frames. Provide a proposed schedule for the all components of the work according to the scope of work outlined in your proposal: A detailed description of any expectations, responsibilities, or actions of the City of Bozeman will need to take in order for the proposed plan to work. What if anything will the city need to do in order to make your proposal work: Option #1 RFP pg.3 List the experience and capabilities of key personnel that will be associated with the project. Include resumes. Any other details of your proposal you would like to elaborate on that we should be aware of when deciding who to interview? Option #1 RFP pg. 4 Proposal for Option 2 Lamme House Deconstruction and Reuse of Materials This option is to deconstruct the house and recycle and reuse as many of the building components as possible. The proposal will need to be for the entire house and contents. The city is not able to coordinate multiple proposals for person A to take the wood components, and person B to take all the plumbing fixtures. In your proposal emphasize the materials that for sure will be reused and the materials that will need to be landfilled. How much of the building will be reused or recycled. Which components or materials are you confident will be reused and which will need to be landfilled. Briefly explain the reuse of materials by category: _________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________. Amount of money to be paid to the city for the building or materials. Dollar amount to be paid to the city for the house in the current as is condition: $___________________________. Written Dollar Amount: _______________________________________ _______________________________________________________ . Option #2 RFP pg. 1 Cost to the city for the removal of the building. Because of the costs associated to dismantle the building, I/we propose the city pay the following amount once the building has been dismantled and the site reclaimed: $_______________________________. Written Dollar Amount: _______________________________________ _________________________________________________________. Explain how any of the materials not reused or recycled will be disposed of by the successful applicant. What types of equipment will be needed on site to complete the work as outlined? Explain briefly which building materials will not lend themselves to reuse or resale. Where will the landfilled materials be taken and how will be cost be covered? Option #2 RFP pg.2 How the reclamation of the old foundation and site will be handled. Once the house is taken apart and the components moved from the current site, any disturbance of the lot due to the move activities will need to reclaimed. This includes both turf areas, garden plots, landscaping, sidewalks, and curbs. The foundation walls will need to be removed and the old crawl spaces areas will be filled in and properly compacted. Approximately 12 inches of topsoil will be imported and prepared for sod or seed. Explain briefly how this portion of the project will be handled: Experience of the bidder in working with old properties, building disassembly, building demolition, or building recycling. Describe any experience you have in this type of activity or list the company you plan on working with and their experience in material reuse: Option #2 RFP pg. 3 Realistic timeline that describes the various steps and stages of the proposal in terms of both action and time frames. Provide a proposed schedule for the all components of the work according to the scope of work outlined in your proposal: A detailed description of any expectations, responsibilities, or actions of the City of Bozeman will need to take in order for the proposed plan to work. What if anything will the city need to do in order to make your proposal work: Option #2 RFP pg.4 List the experience and capabilities of key personnel that will be associated with the project. Include resumes. Any other details of your proposal you would like to elaborate on that we should be aware of when deciding who to interview? Option #2 RFP pg. 5 Proposal for Option 3 Lamme House Demolition and Disposal of the Building Materials This option is to demolish the house and dispose of the bulk of the building materials. There may be an opportunity to reuse some materials, but the primary emphasis will be on full demolition and disposal. The proposal will need to be for the entire house and contents. In your proposal emphasize the materials that for sure will be reused and the proposed licensed Class IV landfill that will be used to dispose of the building materials that will need to be landfilled. How much of the building will be reused or recycled. Which components or materials are you confident will be reused and which will need to be landfilled. Briefly explain the reuse of materials by category: _________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________. Amount of money to be paid to the city for the building or materials. Dollar amount to be paid to the city for the house in the current as is condition: $___________________________. Written Dollar Amount: _______________________________________ _______________________________________________________ . Option #3 RFP pg. 1 Cost to the city for the removal of the building. Because of the costs associated to demolishing the building and disposing of the materials, I/we propose the city pay the following amount once the building has been removed and the site reclaimed: $_______________________________. Written Dollar Amount: _______________________________________ _________________________________________________________. Explain how any of the materials not reused or recycled will be disposed of by the successful applicant. What types of equipment will be needed on site to complete the work as outlined? Where will the landfilled materials be taken and how will be cost be covered? Option #3 RFP pg.2 How the reclamation of the old foundation and site will be handled. Once the house is taken apart and the components moved from the current site, any disturbance of the lot due to the move activities will need to reclaimed. This includes both turf areas, garden plots, landscaping, sidewalks, and curbs. The foundation walls will need to be removed and the old crawl spaces areas will be filled in and properly compacted. Approximately 12 inches of topsoil will be imported and prepared for sod or seed. Explain briefly how this portion of the project will be handled: Experience of the bidder in working with old properties, building disassembly, building demolition, or building recycling. Describe any experience you have in this type of activity or list the company you plan on working with and their experience in material reuse: Option #3 RFP pg. 3 Realistic timeline that describes the various steps and stages of the proposal in terms of both action and time frames. Provide a proposed schedule for the all components of the work according to the scope of work outlined in your proposal: A detailed description of any expectations, responsibilities, or actions of the City of Bozeman will need to take in order for the proposed plan to work. What if anything will the city need to do in order to make your proposal work: Option #3 RFP pg.4 List the experience and capabilities of key personnel that will be associated with the project. Include resumes. Any other details of your proposal you would like to elaborate on that we should be aware of when deciding who to interview? Option #3 pg. 5