HomeMy WebLinkAboutSanta Fe Red's Sign Certificate of Appropriateness with Deviation.pdf Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Allyson Bristor, Associate Planner Tim McHarg, Planning Director SUBJECT: Santa Fe Red’s Sign Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) with a Deviation (DEV) application for the property located at 211 East Main Street (commonly known as the F&H Building) requesting the installation of three new exterior signs, including a projecting sign that is 19 square feet in area. MEETING DATE: July 18, 2011 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Action Item RECOMMENDATION: That the City Commission approve the Santa Fe Red’s Sign Certificate of Appropriateness with a Deviation application (#Z-11130) with staff’s recommended conditions of approval. RECOMMENDED MOTION: “Having reviewed the application materials, considered public comment, and considered all of the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for Z-11130 and move to approve Certificate of Appropriateness with a Deviation application Z-11130 to install three new signs at 211 East Main Street, hereby incorporating by reference the findings included in the staff report with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions.” BACKGROUND: Property owner Mike Hope and business owner Jared Bratsky, represented by Locati Architects, submitted a sign permit and COA application for the establishment of three new signs at 211 East Main Street (commonly known as the F&H Building), two which are wall signs and one which is projecting. The new projecting sign is proposed as 19 square feet in area and will read as “Santa Fe Red’s Restaurante Cantina.” One deviation from the Bozeman Municipal Code is requested with the application, specifically from Section 18.52.060, to allow the projecting sign to exceed 12 square feet in area. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: None at this time. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Approval of the COA/DEV application with no conditions. 2) Approval of the COA/DEV with the recommended conditions as amended by staff. 3) Denial of the COA/DEV application. 4) As determined by the Commission. 25 FISCAL EFFECTS: The standard application fee was received for the COA/DEV application and sign permit and was added to the Department of Planning’s application fee revenue. Attachments: Staff Report, Applicant’s Materials, DRB Staff Memo, DRB Minutes Report compiled on: July 11, 2011 26 City Commission Staff Report for Santa Fe Red’s Sign Certificate of Appropriateness  with a Deviation Application #Z‐11130    Item: Sketch Plan Certificate of Appropriateness with a Deviation application for the installation of three new signs at 211 East Main Street. One deviation is required for the proposed projecting sign, from Section 18.52.060 of the UDO, “Signs Permitted Upon the Issuance of a Sign Permit,” to allow the projecting sign to exceed 12 square feet in area. As currently proposed the Santa Fe Red’s projecting sign is 19 square feet in area and reads as “Santa Fe Reds Restaurante Cantina.” Property Owner: Mike Hope, 2215 Arrow Leaf Hills Dr., Bozeman, MT 59715 Business Owners: Jared Bratsky, 3011 Trail Creek Rd., Bozeman, MT 59715 and Mike Clark, 1425 Monad Rd., Billings, MT 59101 Applicant: Locati Architects, 1007 E. Main St., Ste. 2, Bozeman, MT 59715 Date submitted to the City Commission: July 11, 2011 City Commission public hearing date: July 18, 2011 Report By: Allyson Bristor, Associate Planner Recommendation: Conditional Approval ______________________________________________________________________________ Project Location The proposed signage will be located on the front façade of the F&H Building at 211 East Main Street, which is currently under construction. Santa Fe Red’s restaurant and Sideline Grill restaurant are two of the three proposed ground floor tenants in the building. The property is zoned as B-3 (Central Business District) and is located within the Main Street Historic District and the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District. Please refer to the zoning map below. #Z-11130 Santa Fe Red’s Sign COA/DEV Staff Report 127 Proposal Property owner Mike Hope, and business owners Jared Bratsky and Mike Clark, are represented by Locati Architects in this Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) with Deviations (DEV) application. The COA/DEV application for the Santa Fe Reds business is requesting one deviation for the proposed projecting sign, from Section 18.52.060 of the UDO, “Signs Permitted Upon the Issuance of a Sign Permit” to allow the projecting sign to exceed 12 square feet in area. As currently proposed the Santa Fe Red’s projecting sign is 19 square feet in area and reads as “Santa Fe Reds Restaurante Cantina.” Please see enclosed drawings of the building elevation and sign design. A part of the same COA/DEV application and sign permit is the proposed Santa Fe Reds wall sign and the Sideline Grill business wall sign. Please see enclosed drawings. Both proposed wall signs meet all wall sign requirements and therefore, do not require a deviation. The Santa Fe Reds wall sign is composed of individually flush mounted letters and reads as “Santa Fe Reds.” The Sideline Grill wall sign is proposed to hang parallel to the building front inside a building entrance alcove and reads as “Sideline Grill.” The Design Review Board reviewed the application at their scheduled June 23, 2011 public meeting. The board’s minutes are attached with this staff report. The City Commission will be the final decision making body for this COA/DEV application. They reclaimed jurisdiction of the project by a vote at their public hearing on June 13, 2011. Recommended Conditions of Approval ADR Staff recommends the following condition of approval and code provisions for the City Commission’s consideration. During preparation of the staff report on said certificate of appropriateness application, additional conditions of approval may be recommended in the staff report based on comments and recommendations provided by the Design Review Board or by further Planning Staff discussion and review of the application. Conditions of Approval 1. A detailed lighting schematic for the proposed Santa Fe Reds projecting sign shall be submitted to the Department of Planning, which includes details on the proposed light wattage. Recommended Code Provisions • Section 18.38.050.F requires all mechanical equipment to be screened. Rooftop equipment should be incorporated into the roof form and ground mounted equipment shall be screened with walls, fencing or plant materials. • Sections 18.42.150 requires all lighting fixtures mounted on the building be directed downward. • Per Section 18.02.080 & 18.64.110, the proposed project shall be completed as approved and conditioned in the Certificate of Appropriateness application. Any modifications to the submitted and approved application materials shall invalidate the project's legitimacy, unless the applicant submits the proposed modifications for review and approval by the Department of Planning prior to undertaking said modifications. The only exception to this law is repair. #Z-11130 Santa Fe Red’s Sign COA/DEV Staff Report 228 • Per Section 18.64.100.F, the applicant shall obtain a building permit within one year of Certificate of Appropriateness approval, or said approval shall become null and void. Please call the Building Department at 406-582-2375 for more information on the building permit process.Based on the subsequent analysis, Staff finds that the application, with the recommended conditions and the mandated code provisions, is in general compliance with the adopted Growth Policy and the City of Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. The conditions of approval listed below are recommended. Please note that these conditions are in addition to the required code provisions beginning on page eight of this report. Zoning Designation & Land Uses The property is zoned as B-3 (Central Business District) and is located within the Main Street Historic District and the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District. The intent of the B-3 commercial zoning district is to provide a central area for the community’s business, government service and cultural activities. Uses within this district should be appropriate to such a focal center with inappropriate uses being excluded. It is the intent of this district to encourage high volume, pedestrian-oriented uses in the ground floor space in the “core area” of Bozeman’s central business district, i.e., along Main Street from Grand Avenue to Rouse Avenue and to the alleys one-half block north and south from Main Street. The property is surrounded by B-3 zoned property and commercial uses (business offices, financial bank, restaurants, bars, retail businesses, etc.). Adopted Growth Policy Designation The “Community Commercial” land use designation provides areas typified by basic employment and services necessary for a vibrant community. Establishments located within these categories draw from the community as a whole for their employed and customer base and are sized accordingly. A broad range of functions including retail, education, professional and personal services, offices, residences and general service activities typify this designation. The density of development is expected to be higher than currently seen in most commercial areas in Bozeman and should include multi-story buildings. Review Criteria & Staff Findings Section 18.28.050 “Standards for Certificates of Appropriateness” Section 18.28.050 specifies the required standards for granting Certificate of Appropriateness approval. In the discussion below, Administrative Design Review (ADR) Staff evaluated the applicant's request in light of these standards. A. All work performed in completion of an approved Certificate of Appropriateness shall be in conformance with the most recent edition of the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties with Guidelines for Preserving, Rehabilitating, Restoring and Reconstructing Historic Buildings (Published 1995), published by U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Cultural Resource Stewardship and Partnerships, Heritage Preservation Services, Washington, D.C. (available for review at the Department of Planning). The Secretary of Interior Standards and guidelines are considered with the standards and design guidelines listed below. B. Architectural appearance design guidelines used to consider the appropriateness and compatibility of proposed alterations with original design features of subject structures or #Z-11130 Santa Fe Red’s Sign COA/DEV Staff Report 329 properties, and with neighboring structures and properties, shall focus upon the following: 1. Height; The proposed height of the new Santa Fe Red’s projecting sign is proposed at the same height as the proposed height for the historically designated Rocking R Bar sign. Staff finds this as appropriate as they will both appear at the same horizontal plane on the building. 2. Proportions of doors and windows; Not applicable. 3. Relationship of building masses and spaces; Upon completion, the F&H Building will be one of the largest buildings in the Main Street Historic District in regards to building massing (combination of building height and width). A larger projecting sign on the three-story building will seem appropriate in scale while providing visual interest to the pedestrian level of the building. Additionally, the oversized and historically designated “Rocking R Bar” sign is located on the F&H Building and together the two signs create a uniformed projecting sign design for the building. 4. Roof shape; Not applicable. 5. Scale; Please see comments under the design guideline “Relationship of building masses and spaces.” 6. Directional expression; The proposed projecting sign will not extend beyond the allowable six foot maximum projection length from the building front façade. 7. Architectural details;   As shown on the enclosed drawings, the proposed wall signs on the F&H Building (with exception to the Sideline Grill wall sign) are flush mounted individual metal letters and engraved letters. Staff finds this design to be appropriate for the building as the wall signs are scaled to fit within the existing features of the façade and are relatively subordinate in design. Staff supports the deviation for the projecting sign square footage in part because of the simple design of the building’s wall signs. The projecting signs will be the primary visual interest of the building’s sign package. 8. Concealment of non-period appurtenances, such as mechanical equipment; No mechanical equipment is proposed with this application. If new mechanical equipment is proposed, including air conditioner units, they must be screened and not installed in any required front or side yard setbacks. 9. Materials and color scheme; #Z-11130 Santa Fe Red’s Sign COA/DEV Staff Report 430 The proposed Santa Fe Reds projecting sign has a unique shape and the offset script in the sign also adds visual symbols to the design. The proposed color and use of neon on the proposed Santa Fe Red’s projecting sign will coordinate with the historically designated Rocking R Bar projecting sign. C. Contemporary, nonperiod and innovative design of new structures and additions to existing structures shall be encouraged when such new construction or additions do not destroy significant historical, cultural or architectural structures, or their components, and when such design is compatible with the foregoing elements of the structure and the surrounding structures. Staff finds the proposed projecting sign as incorporating some contemporary elements, but is also reflective of some historic signs downtown that are larger than 12 square feet. With recommended conditions, Staff finds the application as historically appropriate and compatible with the Main Street Historic District. D. When applying the standards of subsections A-C, the review authority shall be guided by the Design Guidelines for the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District which are hereby incorporated by this reference. When reviewing a contemporary, non-period, or innovative design of new structures, or addition to existing structure, the review authority shall be guided by the Design Guidelines for the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District to determine whether the proposal is compatible with any existing or surrounding structures. The applicable sections of the Design Guidelines document were all considered during ADR Staff’s architectural review and reflected in staff’s findings. E. Conformance with other applicable development standards of this title. The required criteria for granting deviations are examined in the following section. Section 18.28.070 “Deviations from Underlying Zoning Requirements” Section 18.28.070 specifies the required criteria for granting deviations from the underlying zoning requirements. In the discussion below, ADR Staff evaluated the applicant's request in light of these criteria. A. Modifications shall be more historically appropriate for the building and site in question, and the adjacent properties, as determined by the standards in § 18.28.050 of this chapter, than would be achieved under a literal enforcement of this title; As shown in the applicant’s written narrative, the proposed oversized Santa Fe Reds projecting sign falls into the range of projecting sign sizes along Main Street. Staff doesn’t find the proposed sign to be inappropriate for the building and site in question and additionally, finds it appropriate for the Main Street Historic District. B. Modifications will have minimal adverse effect on abutting properties or the permitted uses thereof; Staff finds the proposed placement of the Santa Fe Reds projecting sign on the F&H Building to be appropriate and to have no adverse effect on abutting properties. The proposed placement is at the same height of the historically designated Rocking R Bar projecting sign. C. Modifications shall assure the protection of the public health, safety and general welfare. #Z-11130 Santa Fe Red’s Sign COA/DEV Staff Report 531 #Z-11130 Santa Fe Red’s Sign COA/DEV Staff Report 6 The Santa Fe Reds projecting sign meets the minimum eight foot clearance above the sidewalk and does not exceed the allowable six feet in projected distance from the building. Staff finds this to assure the protection of public health and safety. PUBLIC COMMENT The Department of Planning & Community Development did not receive any public comment prior to submitting this staff report to the Board of Adjustment. Any comment received after this report submittal will be forwarded to the Board prior to the public hearing. CONCLUSION Administrative Design Review Staff recommends conditional approval of said Certificate of Appropriateness application with a Deviation. The new signage proposed is found to be in keeping with the Unified Development Ordinance and the Bozeman Design Guidelines for Historic Preservation and the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, do not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. THE BOZEMAN CITY COMMISSION RECLAIMED JURISDICTION OF THIS APPLICATION, AND THEREFORE SHALL MAKE THE FINAL DECISION ON THIS APPLICATION. THE DECISION OF THE CITY COMMISSION MAY BE APPEALED BY AN AGGRIEVED PERSON AS SET FORTH IN CHAPTER 18.66 OF THE BOZEMAN UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE. Attachments: Applicant’s Submittal Materials Design Review Board Memo Design Review Board Minutes – Meeting on June 23, 2011 Report Sent to: Mike Hope, 2215 Arrow Leaf Hills Dr., Bozeman, MT 59715 Jared Bratsky, 3011 Trail Creek Rd., Bozeman, MT 59715 Mike Clark, 1425 Monad Rd., Billings, MT 59101 Locati Architects, 1007 E. Main St., Ste. 2, Bozeman, MT 59715 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 HAJ JAVAD LLC PO BOX 186 BOZEMAN, MT 59771-0186 FERRARO RALPH A 7422 BRIDGER CANYON RD BOZEMAN, MT 59715-8716 F & H LLC 2215 ARROWLEAF HILLS DR BOZEMAN, MT 59715-9207 PROVENANCE PLACE, LLC PO BOX 44 BOZEMAN, MT 59771-0044 GALLATIN POST 14 PO BOX 936 BOZEMAN, MT 59771-0936 CHINOOK PROPERTIES LLC 1508 S WILLSON AVE BOZEMAN, MT 59715-5563 SHARBERT ENTERPRISES INC PO BOX 1860 BOZEMAN, MT 59771-1860 ARTCRAFT PRINTERS INC 6673 S 3RD RD BOZEMAN, MT 59715-8924 GRAFF ROBERT F & HELORI M 6673 S 3RD RD BOZEMAN, MT 59715-8924 FAIRVIEW COMMERCIAL LENDING 1932 N DRUID HILLS RD NE STE 250 ATLANTA, GA 30319-4226 CALLENDER STREET LTD LIABIL PA 140 E MAIN ST STE A BOZEMAN, MT 59715-4760 41 FIRST SECURITY BANK MAIN OFFICE PO BOX 910 BOZEMAN, MT 59771-0910 TACHE MARK 232 E MAIN ST BOZEMAN, MT 59715-4748 DECOSSE WESTGATE PARTNERSHIP 2120 CHAMBERS DR BOZEMAN, MT 59715 AKM 238 LLC 117 MYERS LN BOZEMAN, MT 59715-7818 AKM 310 LLC 117 MYERS LN BOZEMAN, MT 59715-7818 ZIMBRIC LIMITED LIABILITY COMP 135 E MAIN ST BOZEMAN, MT 59715-4761 GALLATIN LODGE #6 A F & A M PO BOX 35 BOZEMAN, MT 59771-0035 CWP INVESTMENTS PO BOX 1105 BOZEMAN, MT 59771-1105 HAJ JAVAD LLC PO BOX 186 BOZEMAN, MT 59771-0186 SHARBERT ENTERPRISES INC PO BOX 1860 BOZEMAN, MT 59771-1860 42 COMMUNITY HEALTH PARTNERS 126 S MAIN ST LIVINGSTON, MT 59047-2624 LOWE BRAD W & ELLIE L & JAMES 232 E MENDENHALL ST BOZEMAN, MT 59715-3638 SABOL RENEE T 844 BRIDGER CANYON SPUR RD BOZEMAN, MT 59715-8678 GRAFF ROBERT F & HELORI M 6673 S 3RD RD BOZEMAN, MT 59715-8924 43 SIGNAGE NARRATIVE Santa Fe Reds proposed signage: Projecting Sign Santa Fe Reds is requesting a deviation on the proposed projecting sign located on the south Façade of the F&H Building. The sign was developed to complement the overall context and scale of the three story building as well as maintain the consistency and scale of adjacent historical signs. The sign’s form, features and detailing replicate existing historic signs in close proximity and create a cohesive integration in its historic downtown location. Nearby signs include the following: Careful consideration was given to the placement of the projecting sign on the façade of the building establishing a harmonious relationship and scale with the Rocking R Bar sign, the building canopies, façade materials and fenestrate ion pattern. The sign will be mounted thru the façade of the building and securely anchored to the block wall. The signage objective was to create a visual pattern of the building elements and signage for the driver or pedestrian to easily interpret and utilize. The Santa Fe Reds projecting sign is 19 square feet and extends 5 feet from the building façade. However, the UDO only allows a projecting sign in the B-3 district not to exceed 12 square feet in area or extend more than 6 feet from the building. The sign proposed is relatively small compared to the large scale three story F&H Building. The scale and design of the sign is intended to complement the scale of the building, as well as, not allow the sign to be unnoticed and lost within the elements on the façade, including the historic 19 square foot Rocking R Bar sign which is located in close proximity. The proposed sign meets all other projecting sign requirements. 44 Projecting Sign Cont. Sign & Lighting Specifications: Double Face Projecting Display Fabricated Pittsburgh Edge, Cabinet with (2) 4” Sq. Tube Supports & Guy Wire Primed & Painted with Matthews Acrylic Polyurethane Finish - Gloss Black “SANTA FE” and “Drink Glass” to be Exposed Skeleton, Neon Glass - Clear Gold “REDS” to be Open Pan Channel Letter Shape, MAP Finish - Black and Red MP 15195 Illuminated with 60 M.A. Clear Red Neon Glass “Drink” & “Red’s”to have 3M Vinyl Graphics - Tomato Red 13, Bright Orange 14 “RESTAURANTE CANTINA” Internally Illuminated with SLOAN White LEDs Border & Collar to be F.C.O. SINTRA/SIGNFOAM MAP Finish Yellow, Green, White - Illuminated with Skeleton Neon - Ruby Red Glass Wall Sign In the F&H Building design we incorporated Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete coping, base and corbels which creates an indentation for the placement of a wall sign. We intend on using push thru lettering to create the SANTA FE REDS sign on the façade of the building. The 10” letters will be Book Antiqua font and bronze colored. Sign & Lighting Specifications: Building Letter Display One Set of Flat Cut-Out “SANTA FE REDS” Letters to be ¾” white PVC SINTRA, Primed and Painted Matthews Acrylic Polyurethane Finish – Black Flush Mount, Hidden Mechanical Stud Into Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete Façade. No lighting proposed for this sign. 45 46 10”x3/4” FLUSH MOUNT BLACK INDIVIDUAL LETTERS F & H B U I L D I N G west elevation EAST elevation NORTH elevation SOUTH ELEVATION 47 48 49 planning • zoning • subdivision review • annexation • historic preservation • housing • grant administration • neighborhood coordination CITY OF BOZEMAN DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building 20 East Olive Street P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 phone 406-582-2260 fax 406-582-2263 planning@bozeman.net www.bozeman.net MEMORANDUM TO: Design Review Board FROM: Allyson C. Bristor, Associate Planner RE: Santa Fe Red’s Sign Certificate of Appropriateness/Deviation Application #Z-11130 DATE: June 22, 2011 PROJECT LOCATION The proposed signage will be located on the front façade of the F&H Building at 211 East Main Street, which is currently under construction. Santa Fe Red’s restaurant and Sideline Grill restaurant are two of the three proposed ground floor tenants in the building. The property is zoned as B-3 (Central Business District) and is located within the Main Street Historic District and the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District. Please refer to the zoning map below. 50 Page 2 PROJECT PROPOSAL Property owner Mike Hope, and business owners Jared Bratsky and Mike Clark, are represented by Locati Architects in this Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) with Deviations (DEV) application. The COA/DEV application for the Santa Fe Reds business is requesting one deviation for the proposed projecting sign, from Section 18.52.060 of the UDO, “Signs Permitted Upon the Issuance of a Sign Permit” to allow the projecting sign to exceed 12 square feet in area. As currently proposed the Santa Fe Red’s projecting sign is 19 square feet in area and reads as “Santa Fe Reds Restaurante Cantina.” Please see enclosed drawings of the building elevation and sign design. A part of the same COA/DEV application and sign permit is the proposed Santa Fe Reds wall sign and the Sideline Grill business wall sign. Please see enclosed drawings. Both proposed wall signs meet all wall sign requirements and therefore, do not require a deviation. The Santa Fe Reds wall sign is composed of individually flush mounted letters and reads as “Santa Fe Reds.” The Sideline Grill wall sign is proposed to hang parallel to the building front inside a building entrance alcove and reads as “Sideline Grill.” The City Commission will be the final decision making body for this COA/DEV application. They reclaimed jurisdiction of the project by a vote at their public hearing on June 13, 2011. STAFF FINDINGS Planning Staff is offering support for the deviation request to allow the projecting sign exceed the allowable maximum projecting sign square footage. Upon completion, the F&H Building will be one of the largest buildings in the Main Street Historic District in regards to building massing (combination of building height and width). A larger projecting sign on the three-story building will seem appropriate in scale while providing visual interest to the pedestrian level of the building. Additionally, the oversized and historically designated “Rocking R Bar” sign is located on the F&H Building and together the two signs create a uniformed projecting sign design for the building. Chapter 4, “Guidelines for the Commercial Character Area,” of the Design Guidelines for Historic Preservation & the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District contains a section about signage on historic commercial buildings. Said section is included below, with ADR Staff’s related comments. I. Signs Policy: All signs should be developed with the overall context of the building and the area in mind. The placement or location of a sign is perhaps the most critical factor in maintaining the order and integrity of a commercial building. Consistent placement of signs according to building type, size, location, and even building materials creates a visual pattern that the driver, or pedestrian, can easily interpret and utilize to the mutual benefit of merchants, tourists, and customers. Guideline: 1. A flush-mounted or letter sign should be subordinate ƒ As shown on the enclosed drawings, the proposed wall signs on the F&H Building (with exception to the Sideline Grill wall sign) are flush mounted individual metal letters and engraved letters. Staff finds this design to be appropriate for the building as the wall signs are scaled to fit within the existing features of the façade and are relatively subordinate in design. Staff supports the deviation for the projecting sign square footage in part because of the simple design of the building’s 51 Page 3 wall signs. The projecting signs will be the primary visual interest of the building’s sign package. 2. A window sign may be considered. ƒ No window signs are proposed to exceed 25% of the window area, which is permitted by zoning code to not necessitate a sign permit. 3. A directory sign may be considered. ƒ Directory signs are proposed within the building entry alcoves. 4. A pole-mounted or monument sign may be considered. ƒ No monument or freestanding signs are proposed for the F&H Buiding. 5. Using a symbol for a sign is encouraged. ƒ The proposed Santa Fe Reds projecting sign has a unique shape and the offset script in the sign also adds visual symbols to the design. Section 18.28.070 of the BMC, “Deviations from Underlying Zoning Requirements” specifies the required criteria for granting deviations from the underlying zoning requirements. In the discussion below, Planning Staff evaluated the applicant's request in light of these criteria. A. Modifications shall be more historically appropriate for the building and site in question, and the adjacent properties, as determined by the standards in § 18.28.050 of this chapter, than would be achieved under a literal enforcement of this title; As shown in the applicant’s written narrative, the proposed oversized Santa Fe Reds projecting sign falls into the range of projecting sign sizes along Main Street. Staff doesn’t find the proposed sign to be inappropriate for the building and site in question and additionally, finds it appropriate for the Main Street Historic District. B. Modifications will have minimal adverse effect on abutting properties or the permitted uses thereof; Staff finds the proposed placement of the Santa Fe Reds projecting sign on the F&H Building to be appropriate and to have no adverse effect on abutting properties. The proposed placement is at the same height of the historically designated Rocking R Bar projecting sign. C. Modifications shall assure the protection of the public health, safety and general welfare. The Santa Fe Reds projecting sign meets the minimum eight foot clearance above the sidewalk and does not exceed the allowable 6 feet in projected distance from the building. Staff finds this to assure the protection of public health and safety. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ADR Staff recommends the following condition of approval and code provisions for the City Commission’s consideration. During preparation of the staff report on said certificate of appropriateness application, additional conditions of approval may be recommended in the staff report based on comments and recommendations provided by the Design Review Board or by further Planning Staff discussion and review of the application. Conditions of Approval 52 Page 4 1. A detailed lighting schematic for the proposed Santa Fe Reds projecting sign shall be submitted to the Department of Planning, which includes details on the proposed light wattage. Code Provisions • Section 18.38.050.F requires all mechanical equipment to be screened. Rooftop equipment should be incorporated into the roof form and ground mounted equipment shall be screened with walls, fencing or plant materials. • Sections 18.42.150 requires all lighting fixtures mounted on the building be directed downward. • Per Section 18.02.080 & 18.64.110, the proposed project shall be completed as approved and conditioned in the Certificate of Appropriateness application. Any modifications to the submitted and approved application materials shall invalidate the project's legitimacy, unless the applicant submits the proposed modifications for review and approval by the Department of Planning prior to undertaking said modifications. The only exception to this law is repair. • Per Section 18.64.100.F, the applicant shall obtain a building permit within one year of Certificate of Appropriateness approval, or said approval shall become null and void. Please call the Building Department at 406-582-2375 for more information on the building permit process. Encl: Applicant’s submittal materials CC: Mike Hope, 2215 Arrow Leaf Hills Dr., Bozeman, MT 59715 Jared Bratsky, 3011 Trail Creek Rd., Bozeman, MT 59715 Mike Clark, 1425 Monad Rd., Billings, MT 59101 Locati Architects, 1007 E. Main St., Ste. 2, Bozeman, MT 59715 53 Page 1 of 9 Design Review Board Minutes – June 22, 2011 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2011 MINUTES ITEM 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ATTENDANCE Chairperson Pentecost called the meeting of the Design Review Board to order at 5:35 p.m. in the upstairs conference room of the Alfred Stiff Professional Building, 20 East Olive Street, Bozeman, Montana and directed the secretary to record the attendance. Members Present Staff Present Randy Wall Tim McHarg, Planning Director Scott Bechtle David Skelton, Senior Planner Michael Pentecost Brian Krueger, Associate Planner Page Huyette Tara Hastie, Recording Secretary Mark Hufstetler Walter Banziger Carson Taylor, Commission Liaison Visitors Present Jami Morris Tony Renslow Mike Delaney Thomas Bitnar Laura Dornberger Steve Locati ITEM 2. MINUTES OF MARCH 23, 2011 INFORMAL MOTION: Mr. Wall moved, Mr. Bechtle seconded, to approve the minutes of March 23, 2011 as presented. The motion carried 3-0. ITEM 3. PROJECT REVIEW Chairperson Pentecost asked the applicant of the second project if the order of review could be reversed. Mr. Delaney responded that he did not mind. 2. Santa Fe Red's Sign COA/DEV #Z-11130 (Bristor) 211 East Main Street, Suite 101 * A Certificate of Appropriateness with a Deviation application to allow a projecting sign to exceed the allowable maximum square footage. Mr. Hufstetler and Mr. Banziger joined the DRB. Steve Locati and Laura Dornberger joined the DRB. Associate Planner Brian Krueger presented the Staff Report on behalf of Allyson Bristor noting the application was to allow a sign to exceed the maximum square footage. He stated Staff had found the request to be appropriate for the site. He stated Staff had noted the scale of the signage would not visually impact the streetscape 54 Page 2 of 9 Design Review Board Minutes – June 22, 2011 in this location as the building’s mass was large. He stated one condition of approval had been identified regarding the neon lighting proposed which would be required to have a dimmer included. Mr. Locati stated the proposal had been represented very well by Staff and he had nothing to add, but would be available to answer questions. Mr. Hufstetler asked how far apart the two neon signs would be. Mr. Locati responded they would be roughly 40 feet apart. Mr. Hufstetler asked if both neon lights would be the same brightness. Mr. Locati responded he was not certain as one existing sign was being refurbished. Mr. Bechtle stated he was supportive of the proposal as submitted and he concurred with Staff’s recommended conditions of approval. Mr. Wall stated that, in the interest of full disclosure, he had spoken with the applicant and owner for the proposal and reviewed a past Deviation request that was similar. He stated he was supportive of the proposal as submitted with Staff conditions of approval. Mr. Hufstetler stated he was supportive of the proposal as submitted and agreed with Staff conditions of approval. He stated he was glad to see the proposal and his only concern was the proximity of the other sign. MOTION: Mr. Banziger moved, Mr. Bechtle seconded, to forward a recommendation of approval to the City Commission for Santa Fe Red's Sign COA/DEV #Z-11130 with Staff conditions of approval. The motion carried 5-0. 1. Spring Creek Village Resort Lot 4 Concept PUD #Z-11109 (Skelton) West of Resort Drive, North of Huffine Lane, south of Fallon Street * A Concept Planned Unit Development Application to allow the development of 20 B-P (Business Park District) lots with 2 park/recreation/open space lots in phases. Chairperson Pentecost waived the necessity for Ms. Huyette to observe the meeting and invited her to participate in the comment portion of the review. Jami Morris, Thomas Bitnar, Michael Delaney, and Tony Renslow joined the DRB. Senior Planner David Skelton presented the Staff Report noting the goal was to provide comment and advice to assist the applicant with their formal application submittal. He stated Staff had met with the applicant to discuss the Design Objective Plan criteria. He stated the site was currently zoned Business Park District and was located within the West Main Street Entryway Corridor. He stated the formal Planned Unit Development application would be reviewed by the DRB where the advisory body would also review the applicant’s Development Manual guidelines against the Design Objective Plan Guidelines for the proposal. He stated relaxations were commonly requested as part of a Planned Unit Development Application. He stated the requested relaxations to the Bozeman Municipal Code were pretty significant but it would be a matter of trade offs for higher quality design of the project. He stated the Design Objectives Plan would set the standards for high-quality of design in this location. However, by proposing a mixed use plan unit development (PUD) that includes relaxations to the regulatory standards, the bar is raised even higher for exceptional site and building design. He stated there was no 55