HomeMy WebLinkAboutAward of bid to Walker Construction for City Shops Complex, 814 North Bozeman Ave..pdf Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: James Goehrung, Facility Services Superintendent Chuck Winn, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Award of bid to Walker Construction Inc., for the remodel and renovation of the City Shop Complex at 814 North Bozeman Ave. MEETING DATE: June 6, 2011 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Consent RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the City Manager to sign the award of bid to Walker Construction Inc., for remodel and renovation of the City Shop Complex at 814 North Bozeman Ave. The base bid, which includes Alternate #1, is $254,950.00. BACKGROUND: A pre-bid walk through for this project was conducted on May 13. Four contractors attended. Bids were opened on this project on May 24. Two bids were received on the project. The proposals were reviewed by the architect and a recommendation for award was received. This project follows on the heels of the construction of the new Vehicle Maintenance Facility. Money was identified in that budget for renovations and repairs at the Shop Complex once Vehicle Maintenance moved to their new building. The work will address a number of deficiencies with the current shop configuration. There are no Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible restrooms on-site. The amenities for our female employees do not meet our current or anticipated future needs. The project will add women’s accessible restrooms and a locker room sized for the number of current and some future female staff members. Addition restroom fixtures will be added to the men’s restroom and ADA improvements will be made. A uni-sex accessible shower will be installed. The Information Technology equipment is not secured and will now be housed in a secured facility closet. 59 The work also includes some reallocation of space to address the over-crowded conditions resulting from the multiple departments housed at the shops. The Parks Division took over the old mechanics space which opened up some areas that will be remodeled for priorities identified by the departments on site. The old inventory room will be converted into a break room and training room. A centrally located plans and plat room will be designated which will make the information more accessible to staff and the public and will free up some office space. Also scheduled are some energy improvements for both comfort, and long term energy savings. There are multiple ceiling hung heaters throughout the building that will be replaced with forced air high efficiency natural gas furnaces. FISCAL EFFECTS: The original budget for the Vehicle Maintenance Building and HRDC Bus Barn included $340,000.00 for the renovation of the existing Shop Complex once Vehicle Maintenance moved into their new facility. This money was set aside from the project budget for the Vehicle Maintenance work so the full amount will now be used for this project. The sources and use of funds chart that was developed for the Vehicle Maintenance Shop is listed here to provide an overview of the funding sources for the shops remodel. These are now general numbers because there will be no HB 645 funds used for the shops remodel. Under the “Use” category the $340,000.00 for the remodel is listed as the Remodel of the Current Site. City Vehicle Maintenance Shop Source: Water Fund - Fill Station $ 330,000 Water Fund - From $1.5M CIP Approved Project $ 350,000 Wastewater Fund - From $1.5M CIP Approved Project $ 350,000 Stimulus Dollars - HB645 $ 277,672 Insurance Proceeds Fund 186 - FEMA Tree Event $ 249,000 Water & Sewer Funds - 2 Vacant Water/Sewer Positions, 2 Years $ 202,764 Forestry Fund $ 100,000 Total: $ 1,859,436 Use: Project Construction $ 1,036,200 Remodel of Current Site $ 340,000 Site Work $ 268,500 Arch, Eng, Building Permits, Impact Fees $ 147,361 Water Fill Station Equipment $ 50,000 IT Equipment $ 15,000 Site Plan COA without Deviations $ 2,375 Total: $ 1,859,436 60 Shops Complex Remodel Project Budget Walker Contract $254,950.00 Plan Review Fee $599.30 Permit Fee $927.50 Water Inspection $100.00 Sewer Inspection $20.00 Architectural Fees $19,999.00 Advertising and Printing $5,000.00 Contingency Fund $34,986.00 Furniture, Fixtures, Equipment and Owner Provided Items $23,418.20 TOTAL $340,000.00 The Walker bid shows Alternate #2, in the amount of $36,600.00, which is to replace 6 overhead garage doors with newer more energy efficient units. The contractor has been asked to hold this price and should all the money not be spent in the dollar figures shown, or another source of funds identified this work will be added through a change order. ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. Attachments: Notice of Award Letter Report compiled on: May, 25, 2011 61 NOTICE OF AWARD PROJECT: ARCHITECT: City of Bozeman Shops Remodel Dowling Sandholm Architects 814 North Bozeman Ave. 2042 Stadium Drive, Suite 2 Bozeman, MT 59715 Bozeman, MT 59715 OWNER: CONTRACTOR: City of Bozeman Walker Construction Inc P.O. Box 1230 270 Floss Flat Rd. Ste A Bozeman, MT 59771 Belgrade, MT 59714 DATE: May 25th, 2011 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 11-384 You are notified that your Bid dated May 24, 2011 for the above Project has been considered. You are the Successful Bidder and are awarded a Contract for the work included in the base bid. Alternate #2 will be kept as priced, as the Owner may award it at a later date as a change order. The Contract Price is Two Hundred Fifty-Four, Nine Hundred Fifty Dollars and zero cents ($254,950.00). Please deliver to the Architect, with copies to the Owner, an executed Agreement and required Bonds and Proof of Insurance within thirty (30) days of receipt of this Notice of Award. Failure to comply with these conditions will entitle Owner to consider you in default, annul this Notice of Award, and declare your Bid security forfeited. Additional sets of Contract Documents will be made available upon request to the Architect. City of Bozeman OWNER BY DATE 62 63