HomeMy WebLinkAboutAmendment to Professional Services Agreement with Tetra Tech for Landfill Gas Extraction System and Monitoring.pdf1 Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Dustin Johnson, Project Engineer Debbie Arkell, Director of Public Services SUBJECT: Amendment to Professional Services Agreement with Tetra Tech Inc. for Landfill Gas Extraction System Optimization and Environmental Monitoring Activities MEETING DATE: June 6, 2011 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Consent RECOMMENDATION: Authorize City Manager to sign BACKGROUND: The City of Bozeman has been required by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to sample and monitor the environmental effects of the Story Mill Landfill since 1994. Tetra Tech (previously Maxim Technologies) has been contracted with the City to assist in the work from the beginning. The nature of the contract has been to assist the City of Bozeman in sampling, maintaining, and monitoring post closure parameters at the Story Mill Landfill to keep the landfill in compliance with State and Federal regulations. This proposed task order can be broken down into the following sub-tasks and costs: · Task 1A – Upgrade and conduct maintenance of Landfill Gas Extraction (LGE) Wellheads - $7,500. The unlined closed cell at the Story Mill Landfill has a gas extraction system to help mitigate methane and other toxins from leaching into the ground. There are various extraction wells that pull the toxins out of the landfill cell before they are flared off. This task order is to repair and recalibrate wells that are in need of maintenance. · Task 2 – Preliminary Vapor Intrusion Evaluation - $6,457. The DEQ has recently published the Montana Vapor Intrusion Guide. The DEQ has put an emphasis on protecting overlying structures from vapors that may be emitted from contaminants in the soils or groundwater. This task order is for Tetra Tech to draft a plan on how the Story Mill Landfill complies with DEQ’s regulations regarding vapor intrusion. The task order also includes a gas analysis of some existing gas probes that are located on the landfill property. · Task 3 – Monitoring Well Installation and Additional Monitoring - $4,325. The DEQ has requested a new monitoring well be installed on the landfill property. The City of Bozeman samples ground water in and around the landfill twice a year. The DEQ has requested an additional well be installed because of the detection of contaminants in some of the up-gradient 47 2 wells at the landfill. The new well will help better understand the extent of on any potential contaminants contained within the landfill property. The task order is for the drilling of the new well. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: None. ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. FISCAL EFFECTS: With the project management, reporting, and data analysis, the total cost of this task order is $22,334. The entire project will be funded through the Solid Waste Landfill Closure/Post-Closure Fund. This fund is required by the DEQ to be maintained to ensure there are adequate funds for closure/post-closure activities required at landfills. There is currently $ 1,663,151.72 in this fund. Attachments: Tetra Tech Task Order/Proposal Report compiled on: May 26, 2011 48 TASK ORDER / PROPOSAL LANDFILL GAS EXTRACTION SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING ACTIVITIES BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL May 23, 2011 CLIENT: CONSULTANT: The City of Bozeman Tetra Tech, Inc. P.O. Box 1230 851 Bridger Drive, Ste 6 Bozeman, Montana 59711-1230 Helena, MT 59715 Attention: Mr. Dustin Johnson Attention: Mr. Mark F. Pearson This task order/proposal, Landfill Gas Extraction (LGE) System Optimization and Environmental Monitoring Activities is presented to the City of Bozeman in response to a meeting between Tetra Tech and City of Bozeman Landfill representatives on April 25, 2011. In this meeting, City of Bozeman Landfill representatives requested that a task order/proposal for maintenance and optimization of the LGE system and other monitoring activities be provided. This task order/proposal is comprised of the following activities: SCOPE OF SERVICES: TASK 1A UPGRADE AND CONDUCT MAINTENANCE OF LGE WELLHEADS Task 1A consists of upgrading hard piping between LGE wellheads and valve manifolds in the remaining LGE wells listed. This will include 11 LGE wells: GW-1 through -6, -8, -9, -11, -14, and - 15). In addition, Williams will also shorten the flexible piping at LGE wells GW-7, -10, -12, and -13. The LGE system is 13 years old and has been operating continuously, for the most part. In addition to controlling migration of landfill gas and methane, the system is an effective groundwater remediation technology for the landfill. It is Tetra Tech’s recommendation that various monitoring and maintenance activities are conducted to optimize system performance and allow for long term operation. In late 2010, ground settling of the unlined closed cell had resulted in the breakage of piping between several LGE wellheads and valve manifold/collector piping. Examination of the settling indicated that 12 LGE wells on the top of the Unlined Closed Cell were most vulnerable to piping breaks due to the greatest amount of vertical ground movement from settling. In January 2011, Williams Plumbing (subcontractor to Tetra Tech) repaired the broken piping with flexible piping on four of the LGE wells (LGE wells GW-7, -10, -12, and -13). Four wells were upgraded due to only four having broken piping and a desire to test the operational capability of the flexible piping. Observations since installation indicate the feasibility of using flexible piping but that it needs to be shortened to prevent sagging. 49 Task Order/Proposal Page 2 of 5 Landfill Gas Extraction System Optimization and Environmental Monitoring Activities Bozeman Landfill TASK 2 PRELIMINARY VAPOR INTRUSION EVALUATION Task 2 – Preliminary Vapor Intrusion (VI) Evaluation consists of assessing the potential for soil gas to contain volatile organic compounds near the south boundary of the landfill and potential for migration of soil gas into nearby subgrade spaces. The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) recently published Montana Vapor Intrusion Guide and this can be found on DEQ’s website. As quoted in the guide, “Vapor intrusion refers to the process by which volatile chemicals migrate from subsurface contaminant sources such as contaminated soils or groundwater, to the soil vapor phase, and into the indoor air of existing or future nearby or overlying structures. In the case of the Bozeman Landfill and adjacent residential area, investigation and monitoring activities conducted to date have not indicated VI into nearby subgrade spaces. However, the City of Bozeman wishes to conduct a preliminary evaluation of the potential for VI at the site. Therefore, monitoring of soil gas in existing soil gas monitoring probes along the south boundary of the landfill will be conducted. Specifically, Task 2 – Preliminary Vapor Intrusion Evaluation is comprised of the following activities (Subtasks): SUBTASK 2A DEVELOP APPROACH TO EVALUATION OF VAPOR INTRUSION POTENTIAL Tetra Tech personnel have reviewed site data to develop an approach to evaluating VI potential at the site in a preliminary yet effective manner. This approach was further complemented by cursory review of VI studies undertaken at the Bozeman Solvent Site and Burlington Northern Livingston Site and discussions with DEQ case managers of these projects. The recently published DEQ Montana Vapor Intrusion Guide was also reviewed. SUBTASK 2B COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS OF GAS SAMPLES FROM PROBES BLG-3, - 4, -5, AND -10 Soil gas will be collected from existing soil gas monitoring probes BLG-3, -4, -5, and -10 along the south boundary of the landfill. Gas samples will be collected using an air sampling pump filling Tedlar® bags at each probe. The samples will be shipped Fed Ex overnight to AtmAA, Inc., in Calabasas, California for analysis of VOCs in accordance with EPA Method TO-15 Selective Ion Mode (SIM). The analytical method will be modified for analysis of gas from a Tedlar bag with an effort made to attain analytical detection limits corresponding with EPA Regional Screening Levels for individual VOC parameters detected in ‘Indoor Air’. The analytical results will provide information as to the number of VOC constituents and their concentration range occurring in soil gas and the east-west extent of these VOCs adjacent to the landfill. The existing probes are screened generally between 5 and 25 feet bgs, so these locations will provide average VOC concentrations across the screened interval rather than depth specific data. 50 Task Order/Proposal Page 3 of 5 Landfill Gas Extraction System Optimization and Environmental Monitoring Activities Bozeman Landfill TASK 3 MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION AND ADDITIONAL MONITORING Task 3 – Monitoring Well Installation and Additional Monitoring is in response to a written request by the Montana Dept. of Environmental Quality (DEQ) dated April 25, 2011. DEQ requested that additional plume characterization and delineation be conducted in response to detection of contaminants above the groundwater protection standard (GPS) in wells MW-6, MW-7A, and MW- 8A. Furthermore, DEQ requested that a minimum of one monitoring well be installed downgradient (with regard to groundwater flow) of well MW-6. Wells MW-6 and MW-8A are point of compliance (POC) locations for the Bozeman Landfill. Contaminants exceeding the GPS in the vicinity of these three wells are vinyl chloride (in well MW-6), tetrachloroethene (in MW-7A), and nitrate+nitrite (in well MW-8A). With regard to vinyl chloride (in well MW-6) and tetrachloroethene (in MW-7A), the installation of one monitoring well is proposed and would be located west of well MW-6 as shown in Figure 1. This well would be sampled for volatile organic compounds (VOCs). With regard to nitrate+nitrite (in well MW-8A), sampling downgradient well LF-2 for nitrate on a semi-annual basis, is proposed. Specifically, Task 3 – Monitoring Well Installation and Additional Monitoring is comprised of the following activities (Subtasks): SUBTASK 3A MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION This subtask pertains to the installation of one monitoring well west of well MW-6 as shown in Figure 1. This well is anticipated to be drilled a maximum of 50 feet below ground surface (bgs) and groundwater is anticipated to be intersected at 40 bgs at the proposed well location. A custom utility locate may be needed to clear the drill site of any underground utilities. The well will be drilled and installed using air rotary methods by a local drilling services company. Tetra Tech personnel have communicated with Red Tiger Drilling in Logan, Montana with regard to estimating the drilling and well completion costs in this work plan. Their bid is contained in the Estimated Budget Breakdown (Attachment A). The well will be constructed of 2-inch diameter, schedule 40 PVC with 0.020-inch slots in a 15-foot screened section. In addition to the PVC pipe, the driller will provide and install: 1) 10-20 silica sand to two feet above top of the screened casing, 2) a bentonite seal from top of sand pack to within two feet of ground surface, and 3) a locking, steel, stick-up well protector set in concrete grout. It is assumed that this well will be placed off of vehicle/equipment driveways and as such, this proposal does not include the installation of traffic barriers around the new well. Depending on the alluvial material encountered and initial recovery in the well, well development may consist of Tetra Tech personnel using a bailer or the driller using compressed air. Development water will be allowed to infiltrate into soil at the drill site. Tetra Tech personnel will conduct non-professional surveying between the new well and well MW-6 to determine elevation above mean sea level of the top of the PVC well casing. This will be accomplished using level and rod surveying equipment. 51 Task Order/Proposal Page 4 of 5 Landfill Gas Extraction System Optimization and Environmental Monitoring Activities Bozeman Landfill SUBTASK 3B GROUNDWATER MONITORING Monitoring of the new monitoring well and well LF-2 will be conducted once and coincide with the June 2011 monitoring event. Monitoring will be conducted in accordance with Tetra Tech’s current groundwater monitoring sampling and analysis plan. Subsequent monitoring of these wells is expected to be included in future task order/proposals for continued monitoring. New Monitoring Well After the completion of the drilling and well installation (Task 3A), A sample will be collected and submitted to Pace Analytical Laboratories in Billings, Montana for analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in accordance with EPA Method 8260. Well LF-2 (Downgradient of Well MW-8A) A sample will be collected and submitted to Pace Analytical Laboratories in Billings, Montana for analysis of nitrate (or nitrate+nitrite). PROJECT MANAGEMENT Task 1 project management will consist of task order preparation for the LGE optimization, activity scheduling and logistics, progress reporting, and preparation of as-built diagram for the O & M Manual. Task 2 project management will consist of task order preparation for the VI evaluation, review of analytical results upon their receipt. A progress report will be submitted to City of Bozeman will contain the gas analytical results, Tetra Tech’s evaluation of analytical results, recommendations on modifying the TO-15 analyte list for future VI monitoring, and any other pertinent recommendations. Task 3 project management will consist of task order preparation, regulatory liaison, activity scheduling and logistics, and incorporation of well installation information and monitoring analytical results into the June 2011 monitoring report. The new well’s information and analytical data will be added to the project database. The June 2011 report will also contain a groundwater contour map that will incorporate the new well’s groundwater information. Additional detail of the above Tasks and Subtasks are contained in the Estimated Budget in Attachment A. 52 Task Order/Proposal Page 5 of 5 Landfill Gas Extraction System Optimization and Environmental Monitoring Activities Bozeman Landfill PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: Activities covered in this task order will begin upon approval of this task order. The subtasks and anticipated completion times are as follows: Task or Subtask Anticipated Time of Completion  Task 1A Upgrade LGE Well Heads and conduct maintenance July 15, 2011  Subtask 2A Develop Approach to Evaluation of Vapor Intrusion Potential May 23, 2011  Subtask 2B Collection and Analysis of Gas Samples from Probes BLG-3, -4, -5, and -10 July 15, 2011  Subtask 3A Monitoring Well Installation July 15, 2011  Subtask 3B Groundwater Monitoring July 22, 2011  Completion of Reporting no later than August 26, 2011 COMPENSATION: Estimated costs to complete the foregoing scope of services are $22,334. Attachment A details these costs. All services in this task order will be conducted on a time and materials basis. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Execution of this Task Order constitutes acceptance of all terms and conditions contained in Tetra Tech’s Professional Services Agreement with the City of Bozeman, dated January 3, 1994 and Amendment Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the Professional Services Agreement dated July 31, 1995; January 1, 1996; March 17, 1997; and December 10, 2001, respectively. CLIENT: CONSULTANT: City of Bozeman Tetra Tech By: By: Its: Its: Date: Date: NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY This Task Order (including attachments) contains information confidential to Tetra Tech, Inc., its subsidiaries, and subcontractors. It is intended only for City of Bozeman to consider Tetra Tech providing professional services at the Bozeman Landfill. Any other use is prohibited, without the prior written consent of Tetra Tech. 53 ChurnCreek Shop WellStory Mill RoadShedScaleHouseMW-7BMW-12MW-13MW-8AMW-8BMW-9AMW-9BLF-3LF-2MW-10MW-4MW-6McIlhattan VeterinaryClinic/WellLandfill Property BoundaryLandfill Property BoundaryApproximately 675 feet NorthMW-3McIlhattanSeepMW-14MW-15ShopMW-11McIlhattan RoadE a s t G a l l a t i nR i v e r479047804770476047504740473047204710470046904680MW-5MW-7ANORTHTask 3 - Monitoring Well InstallationBozeman Sanitary LandfillBozmena, MontanaFIGURE 1114-710303.40054 ATTACHMENT A ESTIMATED BUDGET BREAKDOWN 55 Task 1A UPGRADE AND CONDUCT MAINTENANCE OF LGE WELLHEADS FIELD WORK Units Unit Cost Amount Williams Plumbing plumber, per hour 60 $75 $4,500 Materials and Equipment, estimate per well 15 $100 $1,500 Tetra Tech Project Manager / Hydrogeologist, per hour 10 $90 $900 Tetra Tech markup of 10% (of subcontractor time and materials) $600 TASK 1A TOTAL $7,500 TASK 2 PRELIMINARY VAPOR INTRUSION EVALUATION UBTASK 2A DEVELOP APPROACH TO EVALUATION OF VAPOR INTRUSION POTENTIAL Units Unit Cost Amount Sr. Scientist, Engineer, or Specialist, per hour 10 $150 $1,500 Tetra Tech Project Manager / Hydrogeologist, per hour 24 $90 $2,160 CAD Specialist, per hour 1 $75 $75 SUBTASK 2A SUBTOTAL $3,735 UBTASK 2B COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS OF GAS SAMPLES FROM PROBES BLG-3, -4, -5, AND -10 Field Activities Units Unit Cost Amount Sampling pump, per day rental 2 $60 $120 Tedlar bag, each (two per location) 8 $20 $160 Laboratory analysis (TO-15), each 4 $350 $1,400 Sampling pump shipping, estimate 1 $70 $70 Fed Ex shipping to laboratory, estimate 1 $70 $70 Tetra Tech markup of 10% (on materials and shipping costs) $182 Tetra Tech Project Manager / Hydrogeologist, per hour 8 $90 $720 SUBTASK 2B SUBTOTAL $2,722 TASK 2 TOTAL $6,457 ATTACHMENT A (Install flex hose on 11 LGE wells (GW-1 through -6, -8, -9, -11, -14, -15), shorten flex piping on four existing LGE wells (GW-7, -10, -12, -13), and conduct inspection/maintenance on the remaining LGE wells) (assume 2 personnel, 2 hours per well for flex piping installation, 1 hour per well for shortening flex piping, and 4 hours for travel and miscellaneous repair items) May 23, 2011 BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL ESTIMATED BUDGET BREAKDOWN TASK 1A - LANDFILL GAS EXTRACTION SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 5/23/2011 Tetra Tech Page 1 of 356 ATTACHMENT A May 23, 2011 BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL ESTIMATED BUDGET BREAKDOWN TASK 1A - LANDFILL GAS EXTRACTION SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING Task 3 MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION AND ADDITIONAL MONITORING Subtask 3A MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION Subcontractor Services and Equipment Units Unit Cost Amount Red Tiger (Logan, Montana) Drilling and Well Installation, b 1 $2,350 $2,350 (Includes materials) Red Tiger Well Development/Stand-by, per hour 1 $250 $250 (not anticipated but if needed) Custom Utility Locate, estimate 1 $150 $150 Surveying level and rod, rental estimate per day 1 $30 $30 Drill Cutting Logging Materials 1 $15 $15 Labor and Markup Tetra Tech Project Manager / Hydrogeologist, per hour 7 $90 $630 Tetra Tech markup of 10% (of subcontractor time, equipment rental, and materials) $280 SUBTASK 3A SUBTOTAL $3,705 Subtask 3B ADDITIONAL GROUNDWATER MONITORING Subcontractor Services and Equipment Units Unit Cost Amount Sampling Disposables (bailer, gloves, chord), each 2 $6.00 $12.00 Lab Sample Shipping (UPS overnight to lab), estimate 1 $20.00 $20.00 Lab Analysis (VOCs EPA Method 8260), each 1 $95.00 $95.00 Lab Analysis (NO2+NO3 or NO3), each 1 $25.00 $25.00 Labor and Markup Tetra Tech Project Manager / Hydrogeologist, per hour 2 $90 $180 Tetra Tech markup of 10% (of subcontractor time and materials) $15 SUBTASK 3B SUBTOTAL $347 TASK 3 TOTAL $4,052 (Includes one monitoring event on the new well and well LF-2 to coincide with the June 2011 monitoring event at the Bozeman Landfill. Assumes the collection of samples from each well for lab analysis) (Supervise installation of one monitoring well to approx. 50 feet depth, use 2-inch diameter PVC, 15 feet of screened PVC pipe, and a stick-up well protector) 5/23/2011 Tetra Tech Page 2 of 357 ATTACHMENT A May 23, 2011 BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL ESTIMATED BUDGET BREAKDOWN TASK 1A - LANDFILL GAS EXTRACTION SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING TASK 1A PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND REPORTING Units Unit Cost Amount Sr. Project Manager, per hour 1 $150 $150 Tetra Tech Project Manager / Hydrogeologist, per hour 3 $90 $270 Clerical or Administrative Assistant, per hour 1 $65 $65 SUBTOTAL $485 TASK 2 PROJECT MANAGEMENT, DATA ANALYSIS, AND REPORT PREPARATION Units Unit Cost Amount Sr. Scientist, Engineer, or Specialist, per hour 6 $150 $900 Tetra Tech Project Manager / Hydrogeologist, per hour 20 $90 $1,800 CAD Specialist, per hour 3 $75 $225 Clerical or Administrative Assistant, per hour 2 $65 $130 SUBTOTAL $3,055 TASK 3 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND REPORTING Units Unit Cost Amount Tetra Tech Project Manager / Hydrogeologist, per hour 8 $90 $720 Clerical or Administrative Assistant, per hour 1 $65 $65 SUBTOTAL $785 PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOTAL $4,325 TOTAL OF ALL ACTIVITIES $22,334 (Includes task order preparation, regulatory liaison, activity scheduling and logisitics, database management, progress reporting, and final reporting of Subtasks 1A through 1D) (Includes activity scheduling and logisitics, database management, and analysis/reporting in Subtask 2B) (Includes task order preparation, activity scheduling and logisitics, progress reporting, and preparation of as-built diagram for the O & M Manual) 5/23/2011 Tetra Tech Page 3 of 358