HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 4313, Change Order 21 for lower yards-HRDC Bus barn.pdf Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: James Goehrung, Director of Facility Services Chuck Winn, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Approve Resolution 4313authorizing the City Manager to sign Change Order #21for the Lower Yard Vehicle Maintenance and HRDC Bus Barn. The Change Order is for an electrical item and three items to address snow melt and run-off from the roof. MEETING DATE: April 25, 2011 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Consent RECOMMENDATION: Approve Resolution 4313 authorizing the City Manger to sign Change Order #21 in the amount of $10,706.05, (City of Bozeman portion), for the Lower Yard Vehicle Maintenance Building and HRDC Bus Barn. This change includes a Change Proposal for electrical modification, and 3 Change Proposals to address snow melt from the roof and ice build up on the ground near the building entrances. BACKGROUND: The new Vehicle Maintenance facility is in use by the city. We are working with the Contractor and Architects to clear up all of the final punch list items and other issues that have been identified since the city has take over operation of the facility. Change Proposal #56 is to address a change in the designated voltage for the overhead crane. The specifications were change from 220 volts to 440 volts. The change required the addition of a transformer for the increased voltage. The higher voltage will increase the power of the crane. The change includes a concrete pad that was incorporated into the exit pad for one of the pedestrian doors. There were also some bollards installed to protect the transformer located on the northwest corner of the building. Total cost for all these components is $5,273.36. Change Proposal #71 is to add heat tape to the roof gutters. The roof lines are sloped to the center office area in order to facilitate the collection and reuse of the snow melt and storm water for the wash bay facility. Based on the winter conditions we have experienced since taking occupancy, there is excess snow and ice accumulating in the gutters. When the snow or ice melts any run-off falls down onto the entrance pads of the building. The solution was to add heat 51 tape in the gutters in order to keep them clear so that they can drain properly. The heat tape for the gutters on the four corners of the office area will cost $1,557.53. Change Proposal #75 is to modify the entrance canopy on the south side of the building to divert any storm water or snow melt off of the main sidewalk. The work includes some addition metal on the front and side of the canopy and a downspout to divert the run-off into the landscaping bed when it can drain. Cost for this work is $2,520.85. Change Proposal #76 is to install heat tape on the east end of the building. Again the winter conditions have resulted in run-off from the roof on the east side of the building. The west winds and the snow loads were producing a cornice on the east wall. The snow fence that was installed has helped control the large clumps of falling snow but when the gutters fill with snow and ice the run-off causes icing problems on the ground. The installation of the heat tape along the east wall is priced at $1,354.31. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: The Contractor has been provided with a list of items that need attention as warranty items. I have requested a schedule from the Contractor outlining when each of the items will be taken care of. No costs will be associated with these repairs. The exterior painting is a contract item that needs to be completed. This work is weather dependent and will take place once we get predictable warmer weather. Money has been held in retention until this contract work is complete. There are two proposed change orders that were denied. There has been no formal word from the Contractor as to how they might respond. We are still waiting for pricing on paving the balance of the site. Once we get a number we will assess the budget and if we have enough process a change order for site paving. ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. FISCAL EFFECTS: The costs associated with the items in this change order will be paid out of the project contingency fund. Through Change Order #21, the current balance for the Pre-Construction Change Orders is $5,465.62. The balance for the 12% Project Contingency Change Order is $19,765.25. The summary of activity for the contingency fund is shown below. Pre-Construction Change Orders $15,650.00 CO #4 Fire Alarm Design ($1,994.50) CO#4 Welding Vent Hood ($5,000.00) CO#5 Hose Bibs ($913.00) CO#5 Utility Separation ($522.50) CO#9 Electrical Panel and Heat Tape ($1,369.10) CO#15 Fire Alarm/Smoke Detector ($385.28) TOTAL Pre–Const CO Balance Remaining $5,465.62 52 Project Contingency $128,501.70 Change Order #1 HRDC $0 Change Order #2 Asbestos Remediation ($3,294.32) Asbestos Disposal ($1,545.50) ($4,839.82) Chance Order #3 Added Site Work ($2,362.30) Change Order #4 Costs above estimate for Welding Hood (revised) Included in the Pre-Const COs ($2,560.23) Change Order #5 Hose Bibs and Utility Separation costs addressed in Pre-Construction Change Order budget $0 Change Order #6 HRDC $0 Change Order #7 Modify the height of the parts counter and install a sliding glass window between the two work areas. ($1,097.80) Change Order #8 Revise foundation sub-grade preparation due to discover of unstable soils; Replace fill material in clarifiers; Add a second conduit run for phone and data. ($4,897.27) Change Order #9 Electrical panel and heat tape Addressed in the Pre-Construction Change Order budget $0 Change Order #10 Grout plug on clay pipe in storm water tank pit, $980.38; add three steel bollards for building protection $389.82 ($1,370.19) Change Order #11 Add an additional shutoff air valve for the compressed air valve, $424.60; Remove alternate No. 5 for the installation of the skylights, ($12,200.00). $11,775.40 Change Order #12 Additional footing, foundation, and reinforcement based on final building structural analysis. ($6,059.27) Change Order #13 Structural fill for footings, foundation, road and parking areas. ($12,170.40) Change Order #14 Sump and strainer valve ($1,815.55) Unit heater change ($2,167.72) 53 Revised fresh air duct ($3,758.10) Shop ceiling fan ($12,537.92) Rainwater tank slab ($670.48) Sand storage light ($4,168.68) ($25,118.45) Repay from streets for light $4,168.68 Repay from streets for electrical $1,675.00 ($19,274.77) Change Order #15 ADA Shower ($1,112.10) Lift Air Supply ($1,003.20) Recirc Pump 228.00 Impound Lot Road ($3,772.78) Washer Dryer Hook-up ($1,818.41) Revise Ceiling Height ($110.00) Remove Fire Wall $437.39 ($7,151.10) Change Order #16 HRDC $0 Change Order #17 Radiant Manifold $5,608.15 Mechanical Screens ($540.00) Compressor Relocation $804.90 ($5,873.05) Change Order #18 old WWTP Building Demo ($21,246.50) Change Order #19 HRDC Changes $0 Owner Initiated $2,647.99 Electrical Changes 3,499.14 Code Related 1,652.66 ($7,749.79) Change Order #20 HRDC $0 Change Order #21 Crane Transformer $5,273.36 Heat Tape $1,557.53 Canopy Modifications $2,520.85 Washbay Heat Tape $1,354.31 ($10,706.05) Non-budget changes Pre-bid items charged to project ($13,153.31) Expenditures to Date ($108,736.45) Contingency Balance Remaining $19,765.25 Attachments: Change Order Form #21 Change Order Resolution # 4313 Report compiled on: April 8, 2011 54 1 of 2 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 4313 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, APPROVING ALTERATION/MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT WITH BN BUILDERS, BOZEMAN, MONTANA. WHEREAS, the City Commission did, on the 5th day of October 2009, authorize award of the bid for the Construction of the Vehicle Maintenance Building and HRDC Bus Barn to BN Builders, Bozeman, Montana; and WHEREAS, Section 7-5-4308, Montana Code Annotated, provides that any such alterations or modifications of the specifications and/or plans of the contract be made by resolution; and WHEREAS, it has become necessary in the prosecution of the work to make alterations or modifications to the specifications and/or plans of the contract. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, that the proposed modifications and/or alterations to the contract between the City of Bozeman, a municipal corporation, and BN Builders, Bozeman, Montana, as contained in Change Order #21, attached hereto, be and the same are hereby approved; and the City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract change order for and on behalf of the City; and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to attest such signature. 55 Resolution No. 4313 Change order #21 Page 2 of 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 25st day of April, 2011. __________________________________________ JEFFREY K. KRAUSS Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________________ STACY ULMEN, CMC City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: __________________________________________ GREG SULLIVAN City Attorney 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75