HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-07-11 Minutes, City Commissionf A February 7, 2011 The Commission of the City of Bozemaninet in the Commission Room, City Hall at 121 North Rouse on Monday, February 7, 2011. Present were Mayor Jeff Krauss, Commissioner Cyndy Andrus, Commissioner Chris Mehl, Commissioner Carson Taylor, City Manager Chris Kukulski, Assistant City Manager Chuck Winn, City Attorney Greg Sullivan ai, City Clerk Stacy Ulmen. Please /-(, ,/er to 1he audio recordbkg Uftlds ineetingfin. additional detail. 0:02:25 A. Call to order- 6:00 P.M.-Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse Mayor Krauss called the meeting to order at 6:01 pm. 0:02:29 B. Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence 0:03:08 Welcome Mayor Krauss welcomed everybody to the meeting. 0,03:28 C. Changes to the Agenda Mr. Kukulski stated that Cr. Becker will not be able to attend tonight's meeting. Also the Applicant's for the Mitchell Development (item listed as Action Item 2) have requested that it be opened and continued to a further date, Mayor Krauss stated that he will be arranging the agenda differently this evening. 0 :04:471D. Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Claims (LaMeres) 2. Authorize City Manager to sign Public Street and Utility Easements for West Babcock Street (Heaston) 3. Approve renewal of Liquor or Beer and Wine Licenses for 2011 (Neibauer) 4, Appoint Commissioner Taylor and Commissioner Andrus to review Depository Bonds & Pledged Securities as of December 31, 2010 (Clark) Page 1 of 1 5 Alinilles of the Bozeman On Commission Afeeiin- Februarr 7. 2011 5, Finally Adopt Ordinance No. 1800 Implementing the NorthWestern Energy, East Gallatin Substation Zone Mal) Amendment No. Z -10157 (Riley) 0:04:52 Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment on the Consent Agenda. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 0.05:24 Motion and Vote to approve Consent Items D. 1-5. It was moved by Cr. Mehl, seconded by Cr. Tayfor to approve Consent Items D. 1-5. Those voting Aye being Crs. Mehl, Taylor, Andrus and Mayor_Krauss. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 4-0. 0.05:44 E. Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened general Public Comment. 0:06.32 Jeff Lerononto, Public Comment Mr. Leronomo of 429 North Black spoke regarding the federal debt in the United States. He urged the Commission to not keep the Story Mansion. 0:10:1 Cr aim Spannrhm Public., Comment Mr. Spannring of 322 Hunters Way spoke regarding the Story Mansion. He wondered what level of support the Mansion has among the Bozeman Citizenry. He urged the City to transfer the Mansion to the Friends of the Story. 0:13:27 Public Comment closed Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 0:13:37 F. Action Items 0:13,39 1. Consideration of reclaiming jurisdiction of the Resurrection Catholic Church Addition Conditional Use Permit Application with Variance requests No. Z-10356, and setting a tentative public hearing date of February 28, 2011 (Thorpe) 0:13:54 Keri Thorpe, Assistant Planner Ms. Thorpe gave the staff presentation regarding the consideration of reclaiming jurisdiction of the Resurrection Catholic Church Addition Conditional Use Permit Application with Variance Page 2 of 15 MillItIL's of flic 807omm 01 Commission Alceliag. F'ehruoi�v 7, 01 requests No. Z - 356, and setting a tentative public hearing date of February 28, 201 The application is in regards to a bell tower, 0:18:06 Bob Mechels, Associate Principal-Dowling Sandholm Architects Mr. Mechels stated that there is too inuch grey area in the Bozeman Municipal Code and that they want to go to the decision making body. He spoke regarding the existing Church and the height limitations. 0.22:32 Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened Public Corru 0:22:44 Father Val Zdilla, Pastor ofthe Resurection Church, Public Comment Father Val Zdilla stated that the building has been there for 35 years. He spoke regarding the trees and the fact that the building is hidden. The tower would help identify the Church. 0:23:5' ) Public Comment closed Mayor Krauss closed public comment, 0:23:55 Motion to reclaim jurisdiction of the Resurrection Catholic Church Addition Conditional Use Permit Application with variance requests No. Z-10356. It was moved by Cr. Taylor seconded by Cr. Andrus to reclaim jurisdiction of the Resurrection Catholic Church Addition Conditional Use Permit Application with variance requests No. Z-10356. 0:26:13 Vote on the Motion to reclaim jurisdiction of the Resurrection Catholic Church Addition Conditional Use Permit Application with variance requests No. Z-10356. Those voting Ave being Crs. Taylor, Andrus, Mehl and Mayor Krauss. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 4-0. 0:27 Motion and Vote to set a tentative public hearing date of February 28, 2011. It was moved by Cr. Andrus, seconded by Cr. Mehl to set a tentativLpublic hearing date of February 28, 201 Those voting Ave being Crs. Andrus, Mehl, Taylor and Mayor Krauss. Those voting No being none. Page 3 of 15 Mhltae,s of the B07enwn Cio Connni,vioa Alectiag, Fcbruary 7, 2011 The motion passed 4-0. 0:28:28 2. Mitchell Development IFCR-0601 Hearing of Impact Fee Credit Request and Associated Appeal Regarding Credit Eligibility (Saunders) *This Item was continued to Februaiy 14, 2011 0:28:30 Authorize the Absence of Cr. Becker 0:28:34 ' Motion and Vote to excuse the absence of Cr. Becker. It was moved by Cr. Mehl, seconded by CrJavlor to excuse the absence of Cr. Becker. Those voting Ave being Crs. Mehl, Taylor, Andrus and Mayor Krauss, Those voting No being none. The motion passed 4-0. 0:29.07 4. Story Mansion (Kukulski) 0:29:13 Chris Kukulski, City Manager Mr. Kukulski gave the staff presentation regarding the Story Mansion. He spoke regarding the December 8, 2008 approved motion to Awhorize the City iWanager to sign the A iturd of Bid to R ci R TaYlor Construction (is the General Contractor/Construction Manager in the aniount of' $1,071,242 (is authorized by the 2008-2009 budgets and directstaff to brhq back the necessary budget ai-nendmentfi•oni the General Fund not to exceed $391,222 to be paid back w4thin 24 months either through,ffindraising or by selling the InanSi011StUl-ting 077 Janllal-y 1 qj`2011 (origin ally stated 2010 but he clarified later on in discussion), Mr. Kukulski spoke regarding Chapter 2.05 of the Bozeman Municipal Code - ACQUISITION AND TRANSFER OF CITY PROPERTY, the Condition of the Story Mansion and Carriage House, Utilization, Capital Investments and the Memorandum of Understanding with Friends of the Story. 0:36:30 Cr. Taylor Cr. Taylor disclosed that his wife is a prior board member of the Friends of the Story. She does help organize events for the Mansion. He spoke to the City Attorney about a possible conflict of interest and the Attorney stated that there is not one. 0:38:52 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss asked Cr. Taylor if he has a personal interest. Page 4 of 15 Alimaes of the Bozeman 01v Comlnis. ion Akelin,z Februarr 7, 2011 0:39:05 Cr. Taylor Cr. Taylor stated no. 1:07:57 Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. 1:11:01 Andy Epple, President of Board of Directors Mr. Epple introduced the Board and the Advisory Board. He spoke regarding the group's recommendations including the following: 1. Extend the January 2011 deadline for the recovery of $392,000 to 2018. 2. Renew December 14, 2009 "Memorandum of Agreement on the Story Mansion" between the Friends of the Story Mansion and the City of Bozeman for an additional year at least, 3. Work with FOS to successfully complete the renovation of the second and third floors. 4. Commit to securing a long-term lease agreement for the second and third floors with an "anchor tenant: such as the MSU Humanities Institute. 5. Retain introductory rental rates through 2011. 1:44:33 Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. 1:44:53 Mike Mile.v, Public Comment Mr. Miles stated that he is a Charter member of the Story Mansion Task Force. He spoke regarding the Mansion being a significant land mark in the City. He spoke regarding the Save Americas Treasures grant that the Mansion received. He spoke regarding Bozeman being one of the most livable places to live, 1:48:27 Bob Chase, Public Comment Mr. Chase of 433 South Black Avenue urged the Commission to transfer ownership of the Mansion. The fundraising by the Friends has failed. He spoke regarding petitioners. 1:52:04 Jim lfahveth, Public Comment Mr, Walseth of 603 West Babcock urged the Commission to keep the Story Mansion in public hands. I :54:03 Rob Kaufmann, Public Comment Mr. Kaufmann of 218 West Garfield urged the City to disassociate themselves from the property. This is not a job of government. Page 5 of 15 .Blotto O . f 1h e 80: eman Cit Commission Heeling, 7, 011 1:57:29 Mandy Drysdale, Public Co71 anent Ms. Drysdale of 701 North Rouse stated that she is T.B and Nelson Story's granddaughter. The Friends have been hamstrung because of the uncertainty of the future ownership of the Mansion. 1:59:16 JeffLeronomo, Public Comment Mr. Leronorno of 429 North Black urged the Commission to get rid of the Mansion. 2:01:52 Amanda Krohn, Public Continent Ms. Krohn of 418 South 11 th Avenue stated that her mother owns a similar borne in Washington. She has written a Iot of grants for roofs and such for these types of projects. 2:03:17 Mark Hufstetler, Public Comment Mr. Hufstetler stated that lie is speaking as an individual instead of his capacity on the Historic Preservation Board. He spoke regarding the transferring of the property and the opposition of public involvement. 2:08:00 KaE Lansverk Public Comment Ms. Lansverk of 619 West Dickerson Street stated that she is a neighbor- to the Mansion and encouraged the City to keep it. 2:09:11 .Douglas Fisher, Public Continent Mr. Fisher of 1410 South Montana Avenue stated that he just moved to Montana. He cherishes the richness that Bozeman offers. It is about our future and our City. He encouraged the City to keep the Mansion. 2:12:14 Susan Hinkins Public Comment Ms. Dinkins of 1122 South 5th stated that the Mansion is a valuable asset to our Community. The City has a role in providing a public space. It should be tax supported. 2:13:27 Mark Hoffman, Public Comment Mr. Hoffman stated that he feels the City should not be in the business of competing. Sell the property. Consider being a friend of the taxpayers. 2 :15:10 Jerry Coffee, Public Comment .ferry Coffee of 1641 South Black stated that the Story Mansion has a potential of being a great small conference area. Keep in public domain. Page 6 of 15 Ahmaus ofthe Bozeman Cii)- Commissioji -Ale cling. Fehami-v 7, 2011 2:18:31 Bob RNell, Public Comment Mr. Rydell of 622 South Grand Avenue stated that yes, the Humanities Institute does exist. They have had events at the Mansion. He would like to work with the Friends and the City regarding the Mansion. 2:20:55 Ahnee Stjx Public COHIHIC'Ilt Ms. Stix of 510 West Story Street encouraged the City to support the Friends of the Story. 2:23:16 Jane Klockwan, Publi Comment Ms. Klockman of 713 South Willson read a letter written by a 9 year old supporting the Story Mansion. 2:26:24 Ron Gum eats, Public Comment Mr. Gumpers of 810 South Willson stated that he is in favor of keeping Mansion. He spoke regarding his involvement with the movie under the stars series that occurs during the summer at the Mansion. 2:27:27 Steve Gardnei° Pithlic Comment Mr. Gardner of 1215 South Grand supports the Friends of the Story. He spoke regarding events that he took part in at the Mansion. This is a generative facility. 2:29:02 Public Comment closed Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 3:04:56 Motion to instruct the City Manager to enter into negotiations with the Friends of the Story with the following guidelines for a potential Memo of Understanding: 1. That any out of pocket loss will be covered by the Friends or other group (that's the direct operating costs) in accordance with the current accounting which does not include labor costs, capital expenditures, or alleged lost tax revenues. 2. The $392,000 must be raised within an agreed upon range of 5-8 years (figure it out). 3. That measurable benchmarks be agreed upon regarding the $392,000 so that it is clear that the money is being raised in a regular and consistent way so that whatever the end that is decided on the money will be available to the City. 4. The rental rates be discussed and recalibrated in accordance with what makes sense and the market. 5. That the City continue to collaborate with the Friends on finding appropriate funds for renovation of the 2nd and 3rd floors. 6. That the new negotiated MOU contain within it, the general terms and conditions in the prior one, which expressly relate to the development of the Story Mansion as an Page 7 of 15 Alimites of the Boyowm Ciii Commboion Mccong, Fchrifar�- 7, 2011 Educational, cultural and social center with the goal of enhancing Community and Economic vitality in Bozeman Montana. 7. That from this time on, we except reservations for use of the Story Mansion by anybody in accord with whatever the rates are through December of 2011so that anyone who wants to rent it knows that whatever happens in the immediate future they will not be deprived of their opportunity to rent it for a wedding or whatever, so we get rid of the ambiguity. 8. That it be 60 days when the City Manager comes back to the Commission at a regular meeting with a recommendation that the Friends of the Story can agree upon, but during that 60 day period, if there are any other groups that fit within the above guidelines and want to negotiate along those terms, that we would consider doing that so that we are not just negotiating with one group. It was moved by Cr. Taylor, seconded by Cr. Andrus to instruct the City Manager to enter into negotiations with the Friends of the Story with the following guidelines fora potential Memo of Understanding: 1. That any out of pocket loss will be covered by the Friends or other group (that's the direct operating costs) in accordance with the current accounting which does not include labor costs, capital expenditures, or alleged lost tax revenues. 2. The $392,000 must be raised within an agreed upon ranj4e of 5-8 years (figure it out). 3. That measurable benchmarks be agreed upon regarding the $392,000 so that it is clear that the monev is being raised in a regular and consistent way so that whatever the end that is decided on the money will be available to the City. 4. The rental rates be discussed and recalibrated in accordance with what makes sense and the market. 5. That the Citv continue to collaborate with the Friends on finding appropriate funds for renovation of the 2nd and 3rd floors, 6. That the new negotiated MOU contain within it the general terms and conditions in the prior one,, which expressly relate to the development of the Story Mansion as an Educational, cultural and social center with the eoal of enhancinj4 Community and Economic vitality in Bozeman Montana. 7. That from this time on weexcept reservations for use of the Story Mansion by anybody in accord with whatever the rates are through December of 201 Iso that anyone who wants to rent it knows that whatever happens in the immediate future they will not be deprived of their opportunity to rent it for a wedding or whatever, so we get rid of the ambiguity. 8. That it be 60 days when the City Manager comes back to the Commission at a re2ula meeting with a recommendation that the Friends of the Story can agree upon, but during that 60 dal period, if there are any other groe that fit within the above guidelines and want to negotiate along those terms, that we would consider doing that so that we are not ,just negotiating with one -group. Page 8 of 15 Vimiles oNkc Bo--cm(m Cit• Commissio)i Afeeiinl�;, Fchneoi'v T 2011 3:09:45 Amendment to the Main Motion and Vote that the Taylor motion be modified to include that the City Manager work with the Friends to have some cash from their reserves given up front as part of the agreement. It was moved by Cr. Mehl, seconded by Cr. Taylor that the Tavlor motion be modified to include that the Citv Manner work with the Friends to have some cash from their reserves given up front as part of the agreement. Those votiniz Aye being Crs._Mehl, Taylor, Andrus and Mavor Krauss. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 4-0. 3:10:30 Amendment to the Main Motion and Vote that the Carriage House as public property, that either the City Manager secures an agreement that the City can explore options either alone or in cooperation with the Friends, but that it be spelled out in whatever agreement we have. It was moved by Cr. Mehl, seconded by Cr. Taylor that the Carriage House as public property, that either the City Manager secures an agreement that the City can ex lor options either alone or in cooperation with the Friends; but that it be spelled out in whatever agreement we have. Those voting Aye being, Crs. Mehl, Taylor, Andrus and Mayor M Those voting No being none. The motion massed 4 -0. 3:17:10 Amendment to the Main Motion that part of the negotiation be that in appropriate period of time, the contract be reopened for discussion of who should manage, who should own, as long as the spirit and letter of community center, as indicated in the MOU is part of that discussion (and when I (Cr. Taylor) say Xyou can decide if it is now or 3 jlearsfiroin now when things are a little bit clearer) It was moved by Cr. Taylor, seconded by Cr. Mehl that part of the negotiation be that in appropriate period of time the contract be reopened for discussion of who should manap who should own, as lonLy as the spirit and letter of community center, as indicated in the MOU is part of that discussion and when I Cr: TaVlor) s(a Xyou call decide 1j'it is now or 3 years from now when things are a little bit clein:tLi:2 Page 9 of 15 Atimacy ol"Ille Bo--eman 01Y Commission Afeeiing. Februco-r 7, 2011 The intent i.v to entertain a pro posal to receive or purchase the pi:Merty from a non - pro fi oi:ganization or group that ygrees to restore and preserve the pLMerty and also make it available to the public in the irit of the intent ex ressed in the original motion and if that is not Lortheoming to enter into the ne gotiation that Cr. TaElor Eroposed. 3:20:57 Vote on the Amendment to the Main Motion that part of the negotiation be that in appropriate period of time, the contract be reopened for discussion of who should manage, who should own, as long as the spirit and letter of community center, as indicated in the MOU is part of that discussion (and when I (Cr. Taylor) say Xyou can decide ffit is now or 3 yearsftom now when things are a little bit clearer) Those voting Aye being Crs. Taylor, Mehl, Andrus and Mayor Krauss. Those voting No being none The motion passed 4-0. 3:21:23 Vote on the Main Motion as Amended to instruct the City Manager to enter into negotiations with the Friends of the Story with the following guidelines for a potential Memo of Understanding: 1. That any out of pocket loss will be covered by the Friends or other group (that's the direct operating costs) in accordance with the current accounting which does not include labor costs, capital expenditures, or alleged lost tax revenues, 2. The $392,000 must be raised within an agreed upon range of 5-8 years (figure it out). 3. That measurable benchmarks be agreed upon regarding the $392,000 so that it is clear that the money is being raised in a regular and consistent way so that whatever the end that :5 is decided on the money will be available to the City. 4. The rental rates be discussed and recalibrated in accordance with what makes sense and the market. 5. That the City continue to collaborate with the Friends on finding appropriate funds for renovation of the 2nd and 3rd floors. 6. That the new negotiated MOU contain within it, the general terms and conditions in the prior one, which expressly relate to the development of the Story Mansion as an Educational, cultural and social center with the goal of enhancing Community and Economic vitality in Bozeman Montana. 7. That from this time on, we except reservations for use of the Story Mansion by anybody in accord with whatever the rates are through December of 2011 so that anyone who wants to rent it knows that whatever happens in the immediate future they will not be deprived of their opportunity to rent it for a wedding or whatever, so we get rid of the ambiguity. 8. That it be 60 days when the City Manager comes back to the Commission at a regular meeting with a recommendation that the Friends of the Story can agree upon, but during Page 10 of 15 Alimaes offhe Co Comnti."i"n Aleefi)jg, February 7. 2011 that 60 day period, if there are any other groups that fit within the above guidelines and want to negotiate along those terms, that we would consider doing that so that we are not just negotiating with one group. Those votinjZ Aye bein2 Crs. Taylor, Andrus, Mehl and Mayor Krauss. Those voting No being none. The inotion passed 4-0. 3:21:53 Break 3:41,15 3. Western Montana Mental Health Center's Affordable Housing Funds Request for the HOMEstead (Riley) 3:41 Doug Riley, Planning Associate Mr. Riley gave the staff presentation regarding the Western Montana Mental Health Center's Affordable Housing Funds Request for the HOMEstead. The Western Montana Mental Health Center (WMMH) has submitted the attached request to the City for affordable housing funds in support of a new six (6) unit apartment building for mentally ill members of the community. WMMH will leverage the funds received fi the City as a match for an application to the Montana Department of Commerce's HOME program to further reduce the debt of the building to keep the rents as low as possible (projected at $225 /month or 12 of Area Median Income), 3:51:06 Patty Kent, Director of Housing Development for the Western Montana Mental Health Center Ms. Kent stated that those with mental illness are part of the workforce. 3:52:38 Ms. Kent Ms. Kent gave the applicant presentation. 3:57:09 Rules suspended Mayor Krauss suspended the rules a half an hour. 4:10:46 Public Comment. Mayor Krauss recognized that there were no public members present to make public comment. 4:22:01 Rules suspended 15 minutes. Mayor Krauss suspended the Rules 15 minutes. Page 11 of 15 Mimics of Ilic Bozeman CitY Commissiou Aleeloi Fdvuai-v 7. _0/1 4:30:09 Motion to provide $121,890 total payments as described in the (Staff} Memo to the Western Montana Mental Health Center's (WMMH) for promotion of Mental Health Affordable Housing in Bozeman ($75,090 grant,for reimbursement qfinipact the Dorothy Eck House and HOMEstead building and a loan C& 2%fior $46,800). It was moved by Cr. Mehl, seconded by Cr. Taylor to provide $121,890 total payments as described in the (Staff Memo to the Western Montana Mental Health Center's (WMMH) for promotion of Mental Health Affordable HousinI4 in Bozeman ($ 090 grant & reimbursement ofimpact Lees or the Dorothy Eck House and HOMEstead building and a loan L& 2 for $46,800). 4:33:07 Friendly Amendment to the Main Motion to make the Loan a 10 year term. Cr. Taylor offered a friendly amendment to the Main Motion to make the Loan a 10 jear term. Cr. Mehl accepted the friendly amendment. 4:33:29 Amendment to the Main Motion that if staff deems available and appropriate; that whatever amount possible come from the Big Box Funds and remainder come out of Work force Housing Fund. It was moved by Cr. Mehl, seconded by Cr. Taylor that if staff deems available and appropriate, that - whatever amount possible come from the Big Box Funds and remainder come out of Work force Housing Fund. 4:39:26 Vote on the Amendment to the Main Motion that if staff deems available and appropriate; that whatever amount possible come from the Big Box Funds and remainder come out of Work force Housing Fund. Those votiniz A being Crs. Mehl, Tallor, Andrus and Major Krauss. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 4-0. 4:40.06 Vote on the Main Motion as Amended to provide $121,890 total payments as described in the (Staff) Metno to the Western Montana Mental Health Center's (WMMH) for promotion of Mental Health Affordable Housing in Bozeman ($75,090grantfir reinthursement qf impact fees fare the Dorothy Eck House and HOMEstead building and a loan (?� 2% fir $46,800). Those voting Ale being Crs. Mehl, Taylor, Andrus and Mayor Krauss, Page 12 of 15 Atimeles o/ Ow Bozemon 01v Conuuissyion Aleobig, . Fehruan� 7, 0 Those votinz No being none. The motion Assed 4-0. 4:40.40 5. Reappointments to the Board of Adjustment (Kissel) 4:41:07 Motion and Vote to re-appoint Dan Curtis, JP Pomnichowski and Edward Szezypinski to the Board of Adjustment. It was moved by Cr. Mehl, seconded by Cr.Taylor to re appoint Dan Curtis, JP Pomnichowski and Edward Szczvpinski to the Board of Adjustment to the Board of Adjustment. Those voting Aye being Ctrs. Mehl, Taylor, Andrus and Mayor Krauss. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 4-0. 4:41:16 6. Appointment to the Beautification Advisory Board (Kissel) 4.41.18 Motion and Vote to appoint Ellie Staley to the Beautification Board. It was moved b y Cr. Andrus, seconded by Cr. Mehl to appoint Ellie Staley to the Beautification Board. Those voting Ave being Ctrs. Andrus, Mehl, Taylor, and Mavor Krauss. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 4-0. 4:41:37 7. Reappointment to the Wetlands Review Board (Kissel) 4:41:38 Motion and Vote to appoint Cyndi Crayton to the Wetlands Review Board. It was moved by Cr. Mehl, seconded by Cr. Taylor to appoint Cyndi Crayton to the Wetlands Review Board. Those voting,&ye being Crs. Mehl, Taylor, Andrus and Mayor Krauss. Those voting No being none. The motion -passed 4-0. 4:42:00 8. Appointment to the Planning Board (Kissel) The Commission agreed to hold off on this appointinent until they contact the applicant, Page 13 of 15 ,tihimte.c o the Bw-cown Oti C'o mai.�ion Afeetin,r, h'c1anion 7. 2011 4:42 :20 C. FYI /Discussion 4:42:24 1. Consider Cancelling the Tuesday, February 22, 2011 Commission Meeting due to the President's Day Holiday (Ulmen) The February 22, 2011 Commission Meeting is on! The Coals will cone off the 14th and Mitchell Appeal will be put on. 4:42 :57 2. Mitchell Development Action Item 2. Mitchell Development IFCR -0601 Hearing of Impact Fee Credit Request and Associated. Appeal Regarding Credit Eligibility (Saunders) has been added to the February 14, 2011 agenda. 4:44:17 3. Draft Legislative bills Cr. Andrus spoke regarding the Climate related legislative bills. The opting out of phone books bill is the one identified to move forward. This will be sent for legal review. 4:45:16 4. Legislature visit regarding Medical Marijuana, Developments Bill and Solid Waste Bill Mayor Krauss stated that he went to the Legislature and spoke regarding; the Medical Marijuana issue. He spoke regarding the formation of developments bill. The solid waste bill was also discussed. 4:51 :15 5. Attorney highlights on Bills at the Legislature 4:53 :40 H. Adjournment Mayor Krauss adjOUrncd the meeting at 10 :59 p.m. f ? C > `Yry ( { act C', City Clerk Je re iauss !Mayor Page 14 of 15 Affmiles qfdw Re) car 01 Fchrmoy 7. 2011 Stacy Ulmen, CMC, City Clerk Approved on Page 15 of 15