HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 3493 Authorize CIty Manager to sign Change orders 1-5, Solvent site COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3493 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONT ANA, APPROVING Al TERA TION/MODIFICA TION OF CONTRACT WITH COP CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, BilLINGS, MONTANA. WHEREAS, the City Commission did, on the 11th day of June 2001, authorize award of the bid for the Bozeman Solvent Site water main extension project to COP Construction Co., Billings, Montana; and WHEREAS, Section 7-5-4308, Montana Code Annotated, provides that any such alterations or modifications of the specifications and/or plans of the contract be made by resolution; and WHEREAS, it has become necessary in the prosecution of the work to make alterations or modifications to the specifications and/or plans of the contract. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, that the proposed modifications and/or alterations to the contract between the City of Bozeman, a municipal corporation, and COP Construction Co., as contained in Change Order Nos. 1 through 5, attached hereto, be and the same are hereby approved; and the City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract change orders for and on behalf of the City; and the Clerk of the Commission is authorized and directed to attest such signature. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 13th day of November 2001. ATTEST: MAm,.~O!~YOr ~~~~~ N L. ULLlV AN Clerk of the Commission ...---..-- --...-- '~ CHANGE ORDER " No_ ~_____".U"_ ---- :..c....:_..,~ - ~~_::,:c~~... "_ n., ...:....:...,.....,.,..:"':"':""'T...,,,....._ . .. _">..:._,,",=,._ DATE OF ISSUANCE 42/i?_L -.., . '~...,., ~'> ~, OWNER_~"'l+) of "!?€~_~~ _____ CONTRACTOR___C-o"P (--Pi<1_jjyp_~ io V\ ________ Contract: Project: __L,D B WA-+~V _JI~5~ ~E~--q;. '5oI~-M~__~-i+e I OWNER's Contract No_ ________ ENGINEER's Project No_ _I2.cL~_{?_1LL ==----==""":- "-:::===----==-- -.. "--=,"",n,,-..I'>:"".L'__.'~'.~:L.- _..__.u '-,.,-c.::=-='""'I'........,~""". ---.=.>0.',""",,_.____ You are directed to make the following changes in the.{:ontract Documents: Description: y'lf"e..?-+,Ollt""( A.....i 1\ It> :'Jt:Y'"vT ce..5 a.~V""D7:5> ft\vJ Y"OA.cf AT"e.AS Reason for Changc Order: L- \\N.. "l'+- -P~vuk V""o~ d 15 fl/r barlc--€-- Attachments: (List documents supporting change) C-Cit> Cordt-yvAiov\ L€-it~Yhe~~a-f~ 7 /"1-1/~ / 1..__ C"i~iANGE IN ~'Q~IR~(:T PRICE: =:J [~-----~CHANGE IN CONTRACTILrvIES: ~ - .."~ Original Contract Price: I Original Contract Times: II c> 0 Substantial CompletIOn: __ : S ----4-'Z::.3-'1-{_2_~ '7 . I Ready for final payment: ____________ ___"___ I. -'" ______,".._ _ (days or dates) __.____,.___ Net Increase (Decrease) from previous Change Orders r Net change from previous Change Orders 1\0_ ___ to No_ . No. to 'I Substantial Completion: _____u -------.... i Ready for final payment: .------ '1' S__._. I' (days) . Contract PI;-;~-P~I~rto thiS...(..~'.h..a..n..~.".e... Order:-~"--"-- Ii'-..ontract Time~: prior to this Change'O~(I.~-~~' ,'-- t:>6 I Substantial CompletIOn: ------,__ S I 'Z...? 1 3 "l-::'J '___ . Ready for final payment: i . i_._....__"__ _ (days or dates) .-_"",_----.! Net increase (decrease) of this Change Order: Net increase (decrease this Change Order: S --~-f-Q..~~)----- ~~~~~~~lra~~'~I~~~~~~t: -------- ".-,--.,--- (days) ~ Contract Price with all approved Change Orders:--'- i I Contract Time: with all approved Change Orders: '! CoO I Substantial Completion: 'I S I, '- ? !r> . .3 0 _~,_ I Ready for final payment: .: .~_~~<_"__~,,~ __ '_'~'.._""= 1__ (days or dates) ~~._.__~~J RECOMMENDED: APPROVED: o ;/f '; J::.dI. ~ \ By~!::_c:::.~.w____~ .' R) . __-:.. EMjli\'EER (Authoriz Signature) O\VNER (Authorized Signature) orized Signature) Date: e /3 / c; J Date: _J~\ \S \C)\ Date: ~__.!-- 0 I EJCDC No 1910-8-8 (1996 Edition) Prepared by the Fngineers joint Contr~ct Documents Committee and cr,durs~d bv Th~ .-\s>oci~ted Genera' Contra,.tors of America and the Construction Specifications Institute, .. -.--- - ---.- __._.._."" _.__.n. ~ COP CONSTRUCTION CO. P.O. BOX 20913 BILLINGS, MONTANA 59104 406-656.4632 FAX 406-656-4808 " ~qc!? Dale ~:d .~b~,:"__ August 9, 2001 ft,pproved ~ Y-. --'1 ~....r__I~~ __~_~~.....~,~ App-~\"'<' .. J " _-.:~:':,;~.~~::_:~,:~~~.~.~:!2: '_----. ' . '.---.j . Revise & Resubmit ~ ~ ~' Scott Smith Rejected _,. _ .-'-'-'~'M"'i Allied Engineering Services, Inc. e --~._-,-.~..,~~,~--, 32 Discovery Drive I ~ 0 I ~~.s Bozeman, MT 59718 ... ~"IIII!~ atp R----~"~...' . "v RE: COB Water Main Extension, Solvent Site 2" Directional Drill Project #01115 Dear Scott: COP Construction directional drilled the 2" service that crosses Moss Bridge Road to the Wastewater Treatment Plant on August 8. The cost of directional drilling this service, using the same materials as planned for the 2" service along Red Wing Drive, is $3100.00. The original cost of the service, using unit prices, would have been $3310.00. If there are further questions, please feel free to call (406)-656-4632. Sincerely, C~tr~ Craig Olson Project Engineer Cc: Correspondence File #01115 e ~ I ~ HEAVY, HIGHWAY, MUNICIPAL-UTILITIES SINCE 1947:1. ~.- , CHANGE ORDER . No, __k___ =-"'""'""-<,-"" ,-"".~,... ::"'";'..~,",,",,'_ . ~.u-.."'.",=,_. ~ _-=-..... DATE OF ISSlJANCE_?/~_ .~:,~.. .~',"'-' _._-_.,,:.~,>-~.......,~. -.......-- ~-==,. - ."'''''==':--.- g~~~~~c;roRCdJ_~~-_ Z:...~~~~(:; y\ _ ___.'n__~_____ Contract: - .------------f....- m...:+,. iY.:1~- Project: ___ d1P ~ _ _ J1}a..~ y f...lA i ~_~x-. 5..:2. -~~Ln__5_L~-. OWNER's Contract No_ ENGINEER's Project No_ C-'<? ~_~q l . I ----::."='.,-.- -.--------::.-::..=.::..:::--'==::-~,.-=. _.-=>.='--_......~.".~....."~~_ __ ----<:0:....-: "-""...~ -""':'~",..o::r:-:::..==-= You are directed to make the [ollowing changes in the-Z:ontract Documents: Description: C--h&\--~ t....- I V\ WA +~ VV'-OI,I Y'. A. \ j V\ ~ ~ -t Q.. va tl vJ '!$ e.-we...Y VV'A-Vl- k" ( '€- (/ V\. (,.{)A.. +'t':--y vY\.C\.! ""- L I \t\ '€- l'L. Reason for Change Order: ( ( + {POl" P'A"'^'t!L-\t!-1" C-pV\c---y-e-'TL- ~h.o(.e_ V\P -S~01-VYL C'V\. ptAY\'So . Attachments: (List documents(supporting change) ....L CO,? COy\-b)-Y"Ut:--+; o V\. E )Cf...o.. W"v ~ ~fOY L . [-~~-EI-IA~G~E_~ CONTRACT PRICE: J l~-'-' CHANGE IN CONTRi\CT TIMES~i Onglnal Contr:ict PI Ice II I Or!gmal Contract Times, i Of> I I Substantial Completion: __ _""~__ j S -.12-7 f] /-__? 7- rz . I Ready for final p:iyment: ____....._..____....__.____ ! I (days or dates) 1 "I Net change from previous Change Ord-~;;-No~ _____ to No, _: i No I to _1... II Substamial Completion: ____._.. ... j ( & I II "'7) : Ready for final payment: ________ .__ : S ,vL.--:_,-::--_, I (days) ! - -- II . ... j Contract-P"I~ice prior to this Change Order~~ -- d - ! Contract Time;prio;:-i;this CI~-;~ge Order: i P6 ' Substan.tial Completion: -----,.-,,,,- I S ---nJoI- 7:-3 b> , 36 t;i_,--- II Ready tor final paYlllent n_,___ __ i . ii (days or dates) i Net increase (decrease) o-i:thi--;-CI~-;nge Order: I N-~t increase (decrease this Ch. a.nge Order: -'-'~i (0 '1 s- i Subst:intial Completion: .,-~- 1 s ___,l._j~~___ t. Ready for final payment: ______nn__n_______ i : (davs) Contract Price with;ii-;pp;ove(i-C'hange Orders: j .'.' -C:'O!ltract Times with all ~pp. roved Change Orders: '---l '1 7 s: 'I SubstantIC_d Completion -- I I s ~_?::_31 /-j__~ :1 Ready for final payment: _______ I I ... '_"~'.'.'.____ __.....~___ , (days or dates) _""~,_~,~.~; RECOMMENDED: APPROVED: B~Jf.AZ~ B~L-\ - E1\GI:>.;EER (AuthorlZcd Signature) OWNER (Authori/ed Signature) ign~turc) Date ~iZL__ Dote, II \ \'" \ 0\ _ Date, __.Jj:- 7 - 0 I ___ EJCDC No, 1910-8-13 (J ()'}6 Edition) Prepareu by the Lngineers jOIlH Contract Doeumenh Commiuee and endorsed by The Associated Genera' ContraclOrs or America and the ConstrL~lion Specificalions Institute. ~ COP CONSTRUCTION CO. P.O. BOX 20913 BilLINGS, MONTANA 59104 406-656-4632 FAX 406-656-4808 .. ~el;? July 27, 200 I Scott Smith Allied Engineering Services, Inc. 32 Discovery Drive Bozeman, MT 59718 RE: COB Water Main Extension, Solvent Site Project #01 US Dear Scott: COP Construction recommends directional drilling the 1" services that cross the roadways of the Solvent Site Project. There are 1 0 services which cross in the Campbell Road and Reeves Road East and West areas. The cost of placing those 10 services, based on the original bid items, is $32,022. This amount includes the costs involved with asphalt restoration and placing non- shrink backfill. The cost of directional drilling these same services, using the copper pipe and fittings on site, is $31,000 producing a cost savings of $1 022. The directional drilling procedure will reduce the amount of asphalt disturbance, resulting in a better product for Gallatin County Road Department and area residents. The procedure also reduces traffic closures causing less disruption to the traveling public Ifthere are further questions, please feel free to call (406)-656-4632. Sincerely, COP Construction Co. Date Rec'd ilk! ~ Uf-- _..,..,.,.....~, >j'IUMlr.:....,."...,.= ["-~'-"'---'-;---"- .- 'r..-".--.-..----.'..i f:, "".,,"nv'"'''''' . X I I ::!::"'~~-----+--1 ? d'" ij I Craig Olson ! ~')I"~r;..~-.;~~~, ..:.l.III'!~\f\'~TI'.!n~ .- f".... ~ 1.); ....1' " '<.", l Vlt i ~ l.; , i '''.': ! ..... c!~) R t Project Engineer ~~;;~~~~C1=-~~ , Cc: Correspondence File #01115 l ~pj~~t"1r.>d J . ( ~..,t \~ tV> ','" ~J' . ~,.,.,_~~"_' ___.__0.'__"._."._...... 6 01 .5 rz-S "'.....>H.I.. . -._.bI~.;v.'~.o.~~..<.._~\'!~_-,.~...., f)~j:'(.} By e ' I J; :'t ~ HEAVY, HIGHWAY, MUNICIPAL-UTILITIES SINCE 1947 '" . -------------...---- ~ . Job ::R;~::~:AllYFORC:a::I::~t::/~;:::;:E::~:A ~EP:~ ~~ i? ... _ Describe Work __ . _ __ .~ ~ Date 0.). 01 Done and Location m~l,.I!: C /~ L ICHfYt /;;vl O.~tf!~m.@J!E_/l_ EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER The Foreman will be held responsible for the filling in of this date and gettin~ it signed by the party (in the field) 5 5 5 6 for which It was done. To (/1/5$ '0' St'r..11( pH TfJA r WII51)( Oft! fj.llfv~ LABOR USED '" What Equipment DJd~e Operate Classification _-0:!J ;; G- ~_s...l./ I ~L____ _.J - al__ _ !'t c 1'_1/ F of!{ ~I! 1// l::O Or Vf(lES fc 00 i/C'(1lf!'!.Z(,I!3Ac.1( o~E H_""'_____________... H___'" '.1-k>1f /(Ie. fr Ci:.fiE_w'E.?L "=_'- J(?t:o> /)//C/( !lo/ffJ,ill ({PI! !f11_~LH ~E~ i- (/ Pelf _____ If _1~_Q..CJ I/.5/( IJ'L___ _. ________ /.-11101 flf.......__ __':f_ uc' j H c- fl_RY b_rV___ L A tJ4f..1----- 'i _ _{!..!l~_2.l1.fJIV ______ _;2,:j').o.___ ~__H )jIlt ?~.'l~ ------ ---- -----..".. -----.--- --,----.-..---". ---..---- -----..-..-........- -.-----.--..---.- ----.---- -------------- - -.. .... - .--- n___... -- _'M_'" "'-'-'-'- . "'.-.-.--- -.-....--~-85-- .----- ----- -..--........- ....... --.-....-- . ----------"... _____ .'__'0."_'.. .._____.._.. .--.----.--.--- .-..-.--...--...- ---..---.-..-. ~-~-=-~~~;~~~L- -==~----_~--- I i ::---:--1=~~~!,:~~::",~~"l::s I;' :~_:~~~l.,.~-,~~~~~-."._" t------ ______.. . ..___ _____________ ! . -----m--i~::(4~~:::~, '"'=~ _~~"'___. -1''''' --- =~~-:~- -....-~l-yp - ... --Z~"Ft;-~ _-='c-'--". :-.------------ -==~:~- ..- -- - ---------- . .... _.~ . ---'- ---------- .----.-..---- ---.---".. .--..-.---- ----- --..---.- .-..-.- Equip, # ""_."_ -------..- ..------....---.-.. --. .... -'-'---.' .._~.~..~_.. ..--.-.-- --..--..--.--.. -..--.--- ---.---... -- .__...__.__~~.__._.. '.~W_'.._ -.-..---- .-.-.-.... ..-------..-...-......-. ....-.-....----- ----.-- -..-.----....-...--..---..- -..--.-. _n_____.. . __..______ ._. . ..-.---.-.....---.- .-..-- ._..._---_....._.~.~.- MAreBIAL5USED _._ ftemjz~C?mpletely Number Used _~!I__.___~__._ . Rate Tolal Amount For ~aymenl --.----------.. ..-.-.--......--..- -.---..---.---.-. ..- ....--..-....- .... -.-...--...-- -.--- .--..---.--.--.- -.------. _._-',,"'._'.".'~-"'~- ______ ________ --- - 1_--- --- sJ~J!2~L_ Signature For Whom War as Done -. .----- , CHANGE ORDER . No. .3 _...----------.....~ -~ DATE OF ISSUANCE __.fl~?_~ .-.", ,:000::\0,... ---.:"2f111'7 ~~ OWNER _ L; +) c> -f _. ~l/ :Ct!--~ VI- ---..._._~ ~~~~- CONTRACTOR ___."'~_?--G':>(\~~1.;.P V\ w,~~.~~~ Contract: Project: - C.o..~--t:0cC~'C ----KA.i V\ ____t;-.;..=t=~ $;~V1 ;----5~ f v-e,t-t-- . +._-_._~_._- , S. e. OWNER's Contract No. ENGINEER's Project No. e>c> -CJqJl.. ~-_..~'._'_...'-~....._----- -=--=..;::..,...=--- .",,,,_,,,-,,,,,,~'~.h',,._ .n ~... -.'.:T':= - You are oIrected to make the follo\ving changes in the-Contract Documents: Description: -, AM; t-i Dr\A ( Iraffi t:.- Lov1.+ro J " 10':5 rhvj )0 ~ N. I q-Ih. t\-ve- Reason for Change Order: + MVT g~\Ji ve..~'Ul- Attachments: (List documents supporting change) ~+iV\^-A.+~ . C-{)f> Cc> 1\ ~ -fr-UL-{ i 01'\. 6-e..v\ '€YA.. \ ......... - _. -"--~l ~~-IANGE IN CONTRACT TIMES:~-~ CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: ..."..... .- -- . ~ Original Contract Price: Original Contract Times: {.~) S ~..2_2f- J> Z-- '7 . DD Substantial CompJction: _. ~._-- \......j Ready for final payment: - -_.,~~ . f--------- (days or dates) Net Increase (Decrease) from previous Change Orders Net change from previous Change Orders No. ___ to No. _: No. L._ to :b:_.: Substantial Completion: (0 /p f:: . '1 ::> Ready for final payment: ~..- S ( days) ~.~..~,~_ r_ Contract Price prior to this Change Order: Contract Times prior to this Change Order: \,7..-;''1 qgq.15"' Substantial Completion: "- S Ready for final payment: . I -,.,~~~ (days or dates) n.__"._ .n_._.._ _...__nn. ._ . COP CONSTRUCTION CO. P.O. BOX 20913 BilLINGS, MONTANA 59104 406-656-4632 FAX 406-656-4808 "' (5ece D';!'''' t\",~lr! ~~I ~JO I oJ '..- i :;.~ ~ '~< '\...'i" U .. ~~~"'I<I'O.+i",", . <'(,'<o.iIIII~""""~ . '. ."""";..o.1"""J,....,-,\".~,..t.,,,,,,'''''iT~;'4.'''.~ August 9, 2001 r~:':~~-;,'~~~';;--'- .,,~._-,. -r-"'.w" .' ; 1 r". r-' j \., \ -. d i r ,"'" ,~"..,~"~.,."w,,,,' ~"~"",,,,~~,~~.,':~a<,""'~__J""~"'.IC'''''''''~I'''TC1''~''''''''''''''''"~_'I''fO'oIll.'.''''' .;........."."....._Jk.'o"",""""'iI:<",- .... ~ t , ,', ,- J I .,' ." ,. \.J... ' Scott Smith r~x~~~j=-="~~l Allied Engineering Services, Inc, 32 Discovery Drive t ' 'I,. Jr.. '"" ~" ,.1 j .~,~,,",.~,.., "'~"f:.7:M2~~'L~ >OtI!UDO~"'~:KK:W ,,_~"T"""'fIEVC=~-rr>f"II"loD"" . Bozeman, MT 59718 6}:>~ 5?-S___"_ 0,'):': ; .~~----_. Cv RE: COB Water Main Extension, Solvent Site Extra Traffic Controf Project #01115 Dear Scott: As previously discussed, MDT required extra signage to reduce the work zone speeds along Highway 10 and North 19th A venue. The cost for labor, materials, and equipment to place the extra signage was $5665.85. A breakdown of these costs is attached. Traffic control for Valley Center Road, Mandeville Lane, and Bogart Lane was not addressed in the plans. The signs purchased for Highway 10 and North 19th should also fulfill any signage needs for these locations. If there are further questions, please feel free to call (406)-656-4632. Sincerely, COP Construction Co. c6son ~. Project Engineer Cc: Correspondence File #01115 e tit: - HEAVY. HIGHWAY. MUNICIPAL-UTILITIES SINCE 1947;-: . . · Ceze GENERAL ESTIMATE ESTIMATE NO. ~__~____. u.__________ r>nOJECT 01\\5 - c.Q!!. \NA-\~t.t tv'\A\t-1 t4T SHEET NO. _---' c>> LOCATION N. 7-r+' ~ - 11:1...1 't' \0 E:. ESllMATOR .__.....~._._.__.~____.__.___.."~~_______ ITEM NO. CHECKEli __,,_. _um __."..._.__._____..,,______._. DESCRIPTION E..,..,.u IP-A-FFIC- CJ:,l'I7"l!.Dr DA TE ~_________._____________________.. -------- ~~'~.~'- -~--------- -----------.----- _)::~_~~~~ION OF WORK I ___L_I---'--=-'~r--'-I______..____C_jw_ '_'_".'. __ -~r~-:~-:_:-" 5,~~s. ...-.- I _=[-r-_=_~-.. i I . ~ .it , S co I I :e..t>"G.EJ.. =I"eF..t:. , - , .."______ -.,...E-S bo>.JR.~ j& II.$"'~ i Ii. ~~-.~ ."-.-. ;;.e~ 5G It II~~ I, i I ~~r-. ~s I .i ItS~ L~_- ! I ~_~-~~-.'--""'- )lUA 1S j lIS!..'? i, ! I i ":",,__wet.<- IS<><> " '10"" ! [-1 I: ---i-~- ~~._. . \ \ ~ ^_... I. i i ~ \)'J ....17-1L 000 ,0 - I I i -+ 1 I , I .. (>0 I" -OAj) W..Lv $"00 '" 90 - ; I I; I .- __ I: I. i I " I' I _~~- ~ B'iS~'/ ~8't5~~ :=-~-L i f-~--- , I! 1'-- I I I i ~~~U.A.. ~. "H fI 0) 10 I 3!} Ip,' 2,\ ~ o~ ........... .J. I ."~___._ ^ /. _" I ~ ,," J j 00 ./ I I i I 4.&:SP~ {+tJCJIr"",,IL_ (1"0, 3 '-'r-{~ 17..0- , : f '. ~r_.~~~~ ~..J.....-.~ ~,~_~~.~~_,__ JOOI) f'"O~TS (3\ Iz..' ,'S/r:T~.5' ~ t?\'" i i : I --- I; J 4'~ \: 11;1'i't2 '! ; ~. - . I -.-. 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'~.='=-...J."":'==--=_~-::-:-:: You are direckd to Illake the" follc)\\'ing chauge's In tlJ(,-{'ontract Documents: Dc'scription: t,lloc/T "ot.u~ ~7 (()t/rH"i~L'I t-,.;,!> OF I- 'Ie. '::,.(-5/4.)(:;. Reason for Chan~e Orckr: TtffS C-4SI,vc; tVI\-:> A I3AAJboNf6,. Attachmc'nts: (List JocllnWnts supportlllg cluug,') COP CoAl>f((/.JC T /"tv' {!'~T 1M 4 re::- ro,;~'e~~{~S*,~~~Ci5~tIZ\clJ:I-,-icr=~_. -: ::,;;~'o~,j~~:~;;"7O:~rR:\cI1T@~-=-~~.I! II . &>0 'I , ~lIbS"lI1tial Completion: -,------- .____ _.__.____ il s l-~I..32L' n_ ,I Ready for final pa)TIlcnt: --,------ -. ,------. Ii (days or d~1tCS) I -----'---_...._'-~---_..-. ------- .-~I ._--.-~-- ~~~,.~----:---..,.~-,-..____ ,_,~I l\d Increase ([)~crL'a,e) frorn p:el'ious Ch:cn;e Ord~r';i \d ch3r.::c from pre\'ious Ch:lflgc: O~dC:I':: '-.'c) __._ to \u. _n_ :1 1\0 1._ to 3_ " Sub)tJ~tl:.l!_ Compktlon --- ------ ______ 'I (;.0 R(~d', lOr tlld p;))llh:nt: ---. -----. ---- :1 S_~6~-'--_________ (cbys) ii -- ------.----. _______u.______._ ""._ _."__. ______ ._______ .__:1 Contrac:t Prl~,' prior [lJ Ih,s C}.~'l:;( ()"d,'! Contract Ti~~,) prior to thl" Ch~l~lgc Ode', '! j ," SUb)I~~liJ!_Complet!on. ______ ------.---1 . 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L~JV' ALLIED ENGINEERING SERVICES. INC. September 21,2001 Rick Hixson, PE City of Bozeman Engineering Department P.O. 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 RE: Water Main Extension, Bozeman Solvent Site Change order #4 Dear Rick, Enclosed is the fourth change order for the Water Main Extension, Solvent Site project. This change order is for a grout plug to be placed in the abandoned jacking and boring site. Also enclosed is an estimate for this work submitted by the contractor. Please give me a call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Allied Engineering Services, Inc. d~e;~ Project Engineer enc: Change order Contractor's estimate cc: File 101 E. Main, Suite A . Bozeman, MT 59715 . (406) 582^0221 . Fax (406) 582-5770 S:IProjects\2000100-09/./ COB Water - ConstlCorrespondecelRick Hixson change order #4.doc ---.-.--.-- . COP CONSTRUCTION CO. P.O. BOX 20913 BilLINGS, MONTANA 59104 406-656-4632 FAX 406-656-4808 . ((Gel: September 18, 2001 Scott Smith Allied Engineering Services, Inc. 32 Discovery Drive Bozeman, MT 59718 RE: COB Water Main Extension, Solvent Site Grout Plug at Abandoned Casing Project #01115 Dear Scott: As a result of our meeting on September 13, Boland Construction has submitted a price of $3554.00 to place a grout plug at the southerly end of the abandoned 1-90 casing. One condition of the price is that they begin the work this week. With a 5% markup for subcontract work, COP Construction's price for the plug is $3730. If there are further questions, please feel free to call (406)-656-4632. Sincerely, COP .1"structi:" Co. /f~~ a___ Craig ~on . Project Engineer Cc: Correspondence File #01115 HEAVY, HIGHWAY, MUNICIPAL-UTILITIES SINCE 1947 -- ------------- . CHANGE ORDER .. r;o,~ _ ::.~...,..~=::.=:_- "--:-::~-"":...J.'_. __.-----:::.:.. _.-:"'~~". ...._. ......__===:..J"..,,'___ ~'~'.",,__.,,__ DA TE OIISSU!\NCFJ~j.2_f 0 { ____ -..- ---- -===-=- C':-.=--==~_ .._-=-===", ~"-==-====-==_'..._ "_ ".":........-:-:-==__="'"<".---=:-=_"'.._.'"'" ~=,'"":.'_._-:-=.:...~ OWNER ________~.~_t> F ~p :;;o.e--I'YVtt\ CO:-\TRACTOR -~QJ:>_~f\.~_+i~ c-~~~~____=_-_~~-~==:_-~=.~___ ------- Contract: ---------- ~- -------- -----------... --n---=r .------~-~-- Project: ___Lp_B___ Nt\. _ ___ _&i !0_J;:~ t-~~-~l~-t _30 I ~i"t T._:5j.~__ .____ O\\"NLR's Contract 1\0,__________________ El\'CiI:\LER's Project 1\0_ 6D-:__e.'1.J. J ::~'::C.="" ,- :.,..,.,=-=====-"....::- . -=--=-,:..~_ . ---------.. _,~_:=_=_=_~=='.:.: _ _:,~_==.:..===__=.:...-:-.=.:.;:.: '.>.,,,,.,~.-=-=.~:-r::-_~.~,==-=::~_~,,',~-'._'_'__=_=....,.===__-=._c_. . .-===--=....:....::.. ~~.,..== You are directed to m:I\;c thc folkm-in,S changes in the--Contract Documents: Dc'scription: 304- +~+ C/f wa+ey rY\ll'/I'\ -e.-)C-..+ef\.5ioYl. 01"'1 BC\~.c:-oc..J::.. S-tve..e-t, Rm"'~; sn": 'F"'~o ~"- ?~ Veb+ ^ttachrnC'Jlts: (Li_ot clOClInK'I1lS S'IPPOrtIIlY change) , ' I fl ( ~ +. n f z- 7-0D J C--CJ'F' C-oV\..'5+,.....~+I"'Vl fVlLl~ ";iL.-lt\...edu €-- c:ta. I!?& Oc---. I rr=------::c:..,. .. "-.:....-==--===--=".-. 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L____~,,' (da\5 or (btc.'1___,__li i i\ct Inu'cu,c (Dccn:ClSC) f<ellll prC\I()U, Ch~'il"l' O~Jcrs ii i\ct chJn;:,e fro!n prcnous Chungc Ordus '\0 ___ to \0 _: [I :1 ;\0 ----!- to4=.: ;: Submn.ll~d_Compktlon: n --~--- :1 II (pc; RCJdv tor tln~d paj111Cnr -_____ II [, s IE.LO SJ? __________ (u,,>s) :, !~,-_.,.".,., ."... .._-----,." .--.-----.. ~-_.__.,,_. ~~.._- -~,,~--------_._.,:! i ContrcKt PriCl' rrlor to tf"" Ch"",,"_' ():-,jl'i ' Cuntr.Jct Tln,~) prior to this Chd1:2<: OldC'... '.. ~ ; i :'UbstJ:ltI31 C omplct!On: __--.f'J t'V_L:P O__~____ II s --1-J-?-- 4;.:..1/ "3 ~5. &;; _t.: I; RCJdy flx f~r1J! pJymcnt __,,________ 'r I: (davs or dakS) : :\It Incr~J,c id;:Ul'doCI ()(t.'I< Cn,I-;c 0;,:<:-' ,f \;:.t incr;:,JSc lu~~--;:~asc thi-;;-c:;lJ.r.l!;'-.' orW.lcr...--.. - ii Sub,unliJi CompletiDn _.1 _2_8e:\...jLm___i S __:2~2: 00 n________ ' R,(,Juy fDr tinJI paymcnt: ______ .,________1 'I ___ ida\s): t---;-- .,..------ _n-,----___... -.--- ~--"____ ___.n___' :1 Cur:trctct Pri,<: '.Ilth .III .1[',:0\('(1 C:.,,:;,' ()~,~_':' (('ntr:l,t TII11;:> \\ith 311 .Ippm\cd (r.Ji~;(' Or(~: ,I 'I IcO Sub,untlJ' COrTipktlDn __Y~_~L 5 ~n I i s__--.l+-1:-:.~ 4-JJiU!~. RC~ldy fl)r rlr;~11 p,1ymcnt ______._______ L~,_ ____.___ _._ _~,~~~"",. . ______ .__.___ "Jdc1,~'s ()r~:~t.,~~~~~_~".... ~~~~ RECO\1.\lEI'DED ..\I'PRO\TD ACC~ B>:::l:~gg-dl. B..J,_~~.~, By_. .~... E\(d\[[RI-\".:",~_,_,.,,) O\\\~P,I--\"",')r[,dS,_~,,,.rI,rd (:\ _--\C OR D:!tc IO/-+ 1. OJ D:;tc ,,\. ~\ 0' D:ltc: __J I I 7/0 I -- ---t... .--. -. .-....LL.\J-....... ~---_....,..---- ...~ - EJCDC \0 l')10-S-8 II ')<)6 Editto:- , prr;;:iJ:)r'('J b~, ih.::: fngir-:r:t.:'.'L'S )~.. :-~: ('!'\:-'L[;-:.1.__~ [.\~..;U~-<.-:~:) ( \~~';'.;-.:::..'~ ~::~ ~~:~" ;;;.'J tJ~, Tn....' .-\'<":'!'~I....::H..:-J CJt'ne't"J. I Cnr1t;-;',l\"::,\ii 0:':\ -~~(':-:"'::J. :":"~l~ ::.-.c C(Jnslr~;(.li!,)r~ Srr.:..:..:i!;....:.1!il.lf1i I~l5t!tuk'. f' COP CONSTRUCTION CO. P.O. BOX 20913 BilLINGS, MONTANA 59104 406-656A632 FAX 406-656.4808 " ~!!c!? October 2, 2001 Mr. Scott Smith, P. E. Allied Engineering Services, Inc. 32 Discovery Drive Bozeman, MT 59718 Re: Babcock Street Water Improvements Dear Mr. Smith: COP Construction is pleased to offer you our pricing schedule for the water main improvements on the above referenced project. The cost is broken down as follows: Pipe & 8" Sub-base $ 27,320.00 Striping Restoration $ 3,750.00 4" AC Restoration $ 6,430.00 TOTAL $ 37,500.00 Our pricing is based on HKM's Plan Sheet Number 1, Montana Public Works Specifications, Fourth addition, January 1996 and City of Bozeman Modifications. Our price includes one (1) mobilization, insurances, traffic control, asphalt restoration, striping repair, testing and chlorination for quick turn around of the 6-inch water main. We have not included temporary water, survey and layout, compaction testing and inspection, permits, or imported backfill. All existing soil will be reused for trench backfill with excess being removed to an approved dumpsite. If any contaminated material or contaminated ground water is encountered, it is to be handled by the owner. Monthly progress estimates to be made and final payment due within thirty (30) days completion of our work. Work on this project would start immediately following our completion of the COB water project which is in progress with the City of Bozeman. ' e HEAVY, HIGHWAY, MUNICIPAL-UTILITIES SINCE 1947 lit. 4 . ~ --------------- . , , Mr. Scott Smith October 2, 2001 Page Two This proposal is given subject to a mutually agreeable contract. Our price reflects completion of paving restoration this season. This offer is good until Oct. 10, 2001 with notification needed by that date to permit us time to perform the work this year. We thank you for the opportunity to quote this work. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, COP Construction Co. :f:/ 41 cLU- Ed Allen Estimating Division