HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 3499 Sale of General Obligation bonds for Library COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3499 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, RELATING TO $2,315,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES 2001A; AWARDING THE SALE THEREOF AND APPROVING THE OFFICIAL STATEMENT RELATING THERETO. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana (the "City"). as follows: 1. This Commission on November 19, 2001, adopted a resolution providing for the public sale of $2,315,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2001 A (the "Bonds") to finance the costs of a Project described therein. Notice of the sale has been duly published in accordance with Montana Code Annotated, Sections 7~ 7~4252 and 17~5.1 06. Pursuant to the notice of sale, four sealed bids for the purchase of the Bonds were received at or before the time specified for receipt of bids. The bids have been opened and publicly read and considered, and the purchase price, interest rates and true interest cost under the terms of each bid have been determined. 2. The bid of RBC Dain Rauscher Corporation of Denver, Colorado (the "Purchaser"), attached as Exhibit A, to purchase the Bonds is hereby determined to comply with the notice of sale and to be the most favorable bid received for the purchase of the Bonds. The bid of the Purchaser is hereby accepted and the sale of the Bonds is hereby awarded to the Purchaser. The bid security of the Purchaser shall be retained pending payment for the Bonds and the bid security of all other bidders shall be returned forthwith. 3. The Mayor and the Clerk of the Commission are hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the City a contract for the sale of the Bonds with the Purchaser. 4. The Preliminary Official Statement relating to the Bonds. dated November 28. 2001. is hereby approved. The officers of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute such certificates as may be appropriate concerning the accuracy, completeness and sufficiency of the Official Statement and to deliver to the Purchaser within seven business days after the date of adoption of this resolution copies of the Official Statement in accordance with the Notice of Sale. supplemented so as to contain the terms of the Bonds as set forth in this resolution and the reoffering and other information provided by the Purchaser for inclusion in the Official Statement. 5. This Commission shall prescribe the form and security for the Bonds in a subsequent resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman. Montana. at a regular session thereof held on the 10th day of December 2001. MAR~~kr .~-,~~~ ATTEST: ~~~ R - ~- - b' - A - Clerk of th1,-~COrft!i1~ss.ton -- - ~ - .~ ------ - ~ - "' -...--.-.-. 12110/2001 11: 24 9209931254 SPRHIGSTED ~iE WI PAGE 03 (~'5 1- >;2.3~ 3DOr). erD FORM 5ALIii DATE: De("A'!rnb~r W, 2001 TO: Mr. Clark Johnson, City Manager City ()f eo%cman, Ml')ntana \~\)~u Bozeman City Hall 411 ~ast Main Stn!let Bnl-aman, MT 09771-0640 (406) 58,-?::\()n RE; $2.315,000 G8n8ral Obligation flr)fll.h." 31!:rio5 2001A For the Bonds of this ISAU8 Whic~shal~t~e ?!Jd bear interest at the rellip~ctivp. annu~1 mtes, as follow. we offer' a price Qf $ /2 " ()). 00 (Note: Thi$ ~ll1ount mAY nol be Ip.~:~ than $2,284.905) find accrued interest tn tlm date of dr:U....Ary. 3, -;- % 2003 L-/ 0 % 2000 L.! . L-( G " ~...% 201~ . % 201#3 '3,-) % 2004 L../ . () % 2009 ,(, '-f % 2014 L(,9 <'h, 2019 :3 7 )'~/I) 2005 J-[O %) 2010 _!:L '->_% 201~ LI. c:; ). % 2020 1__!- 0 % 2006 '-J. 1 % 2011 Lf. ~ % 2016 )/0 - % :;.>021 ~ ........---~ - Lj.J Oft, 2007 t;, '1~ % 2012 _ V. (') % 2017 ~..---...._.. ,.-..- In making this offer we ar:c;ept all of the term$ and r.onditlorl!; of the TermS of Propo$al publl!;h~d in the official Stat~I'T1t'!.1J! natad NQvember 2B, 2001, In the even~ nf failure to (lttllvt;,r t!1@86 Eklnds Ir. HGcordc"";';j with th~ N('Jtica of Band Sale as fuintflld in the .QffIr:i;tilL$t~m.enI. and made 8 Pliilrt hereof, wE! 'e$~tv~ thA right to withdraw our offer, whereupoh the deposit ~'"::t':o"l~nying It will b8immediately return~ All bllilnk spaces of tlllti urfer 8rt;! IllttfntiQl1al "nd ~rl:l n!;lt to be Qunliltrued as an omi&.ion. SutJJect !O Bny appllc<lble exemption In the "UI8, thi~ Qffer to pllllJh1illllclbid IE 1jubj~~ to the City (;ovenflnt ::1nn ~orl'!p.l'l'lent to tak.. all sters necA$sery to <:I!':sil'>t U$ In complyinQ with Sf:C RUle 15c2-12. as arnendl'!d, N....t Q'5 a pmt ('Jf ()ur off9r. thfl Ahnve quoted prires hp.lng controlling. but only as an aid for the verification of the offer, we h~"e made the following computationI'.: NET INTEREST COST: It__ I l 2]> ?___l~ 7_1. __08_ TRUE INTERES. RATE: Lj, 70 0 S-:IO A ccount>>erntw!! 'K13 ~121}16L:&tc;~~..- G~~~nagel j. -. .. BY _ ~~.,.. ._"__....i. .C~~-=---- Phone: -"_~_"2Y)-..J~~L- . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ ^ _ . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _' .. .. I .. . . . . . . . r , _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . I ~ ~ . . . . . . It. . . .. . . . . . . . - - !. " . . . , . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . ~ . . . . . .. . . . . . ~ ' - . ,;. . . j , . . I . ~ . . " . The foregoing offer Is heraby accepted by the City on ttle date 01 ttlt! Qrrer bV il5 f()lIowlng offi('pr~ duly t'I"'~hnri7{j and ",mpowprf?d to m~k", f:ur..h Vr.rtR~C'Y ~ ~~ ~--- Ma or ClArk L SURE-BID ~ Good t-:ai1h Check Suhmitted T JT ~~?nnp,p.~~TQq _"'';:f~ .., 1'1:1\1' 1\1 r vn-s1J1oI : tI.1.-J\~(~: 7: . r -I -7.1 : J ~ 11\r.J,