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City of Bozeman
Community Affordable Housing Advisory Board (CAHAB)
Meeting Minutes
January 20, 2011
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Madison Room, Bozeman City Hall
Brian LaMeres (City of Bozeman Finance Department), Dave Magistrelli (Community
Representative), Mary Martin (Community Representative), Jan Bergman (Community
Representative), Daniel Simonich (Community Representative) via telephone, Carson Taylor
(City Commission) arrived at 12:45
Kris Keller (Community Representative)
Staff :
Tracy Menuez (HRDC), Tim McHarg (City Planning Department), Doug Riley (City Planning
Department), Brian Krueger (City Planning Department), Dave Skelton (City Planning
Scott Keiper, Summit Housing Group; Nathan Richmond, Summit Housing Group; Patty Kent,
Western Montana Mental Health; Jason Leep, Realtor; Chris Budeski, Meadow Creek
A.Call to Order
Chairman LaMeres called the meeting to order at 12:05 pm.
B.Changes to Agenda
- none
C.Approval of Minutes –
The minutes of the 2, 2010, December 28, 2010, and January 6,
2011 meetings were reviewed. Motion to approve the minutes as written provided by
Mary Martin, second by Dave Magistrelli. Motion approved unanimously.
D.Public Comment
There was no public comment.
E.Action Items
1.Presentation by Summit Housing Group regarding LIHTC application
Scott Keiper and Nathan Richmond from Summit Housing group presented
information to the CAHAB regarding their application to the Montana
Department of Commerce for the LIHTC program. They provided a brief
overview of the LIHTC application process, followed by a presentation on
their project.
Mary Martin questioned the rents proposed for the 60% units; she felt they
were above market-rate rents in the area. Nathan replied that they would likely
discount the 60% units; their pro-forma built in an approximate 20% discount
from market.
Nathan informed the CAHAB that the project would likely request impact fee
reimbursement at some point in the future, which would allow them to
provide lower rents as well.
Tracy explained to the board that this was their first opportunity to gather
information regarding the project and provide feedback to the developers.
Daniel asked what would happen if they did not get the LIHTC funding;
Nathan responded that they would be forced to renegotiate the option on the
property and apply in 2012. Nathan also mentioned that Summit Housing is
working on a rental rebate program with the HRDC to help solid, long-term
customers enter homeownership.
Scott informed the CAHAB that MBOH will receive comment on projects
through the end of February. Tracy added that if the board chooses, she can
draft a letter to send to MBOH.
2.Funding request from Western Montana Mental Health for Housing project
Mary Martin, Community Representative, declared a conflict of interest for
this agenda item as in her role as Housing Director for the HRDC she
provides services to WMMH.
Patty Kent, representing WMMH and the HOMEStead project, presented their
request for impact fee reimbursement and a short-term loan for their rental
housing development. She explained that WMMH is applying to the HOME
program for grant funding to construct 6 units of rental housing that rent for
approximately $225 per month. This rent is affordable to an individual earning
as little as 12% of the Area Median Income. She reviewed the funding request
that had been submitted to the board (attached).
Brian asked what the impact of debt service is to the project. Patty responded
that their goal is to complete each project without long-term debt, which
allows them to maintain very low rents without being dependant on HUD
rental subsidies.
Doug asked if the impact fee estimates were from the planning department;
Patty replied that they were.
Brian asked if there were other facilities like the proposed project in
Bozeman. Patty replied that other than Eck house (which was also developed
by WMMH) that there were not. Brian asked about the source of funding for
the request. Tracy replied that they source would ultimately be decided on by
the Commission if they decided to fund the request. Possible sources would
include mill funds for the impact fee reimbursement request; the loan fund
request could come from a variety of sources including: mill funds, Big Box,
or CAHAB RLF. Tracy asked how the funds are leveraged. Patty replied that
they are leveraged by the HOME grant ($500,000) and nearly $5 million in
development on the mental health campus. Daniel asked how much funding
would be left if this request were to be funded; Brian replied that he didn’t
have exact numbers but that it was roughly $300,000.
Dave Magistrelli made the motion to approve the request for $75,090 in
impact fee reimbursement and a low interest loan of up to $46,800, with the
sources to be determined by the commission. Jan Bergman provided a second.
The motion carried with 4 votes for, none opposed, and Mary Martin
abstaining from the vote. Tracy will send a letter to Doug Riley to outline the
CAHAB’s decision.
3.Request for waiver from Workforce Housing requirements by Meadow Creek
Planner Dave Skelton reviewed the request by Meadow Creek for a waiver of
workforce housing requirements. The original WFH requirements would
require 8 lots (3 detached and 5 attached) be placed for sale according to the
formula outlined in the ordinance. It is generally agreed that these lots would
not likely sell, creating a loss of parkland without creating affordable housing.
Chris Budeski, representative of Meadow Creek discussed with the board the
developer’s attempts to arrive at another solution, either cash in lieu or
donated land. Both have proven difficult.
Brian asked what happened with the original lot that had been proposed for
donation. Tracy clarified that the original proposal was to do an offsite lot, but
not as a donation, rather for sale under the ordinance guidelines. The offsite
lot would also not likely sell in result in housing under current pricing
Mary asked why not present an individualized plan with donated land? Chris
responded that the owners were unable to do this. Options available at this
time are the waiver, full compliance, or the offsite lot. Dave asked why they
don’t donate the offsite lot. Chris replied that this was cost prohibitive.
Carson stated that if you provide the waiver, you don’t lose the parkland. If
you require compliance, you lose the parkland and likely the deed restricted
lots as well. There is just too much lot supply at prices lower than outlined in
the ordinance. Dave replied that while there is a surplus of lots, most are still
too expensive for low-income people to purchase. Lot donation for the
purposes of developing affordable housing makes sense. Tim reminded the
group that whenever land or monetary donation to a non-profit is discussed, it
is important for those non-profits represented at the group to refrain from
advocating for their non-profit to avoid conflict of interest.
Chris asked what types, number of donated lots the CAHAB would be willing
to accept. Mary stated 4 lots or $120,000 cash in lieu.
Dave stated that the CAHAB could make a recommendation that no waiver be
required and that it be reviewed as a requirement of final plat. Tim replied that
he would prefer to settle the questions now and not put them off. Mary added
that this is a policy discussion that is not specific to this development;
however that is being brought up by this development. Jan added that she
would prefer the pursuit of an individualized plan to a waiver as well.
Tim asked if this item could be continued to the February 3 meeting. Chris
asked what the board would look for in an individualized plan. Mary
responded that it should meet the intent and provide affordability.
Mary Martin moved to table this agenda item until the February 3, 2011
meeting. Second by Jan Bergman. Vote unanimous.
4.Approval of recommendations for Workforce Housing amendment process
It was moved by Dave Magistrelli and seconded by Mary to continue the item
until the February 3, 2011 meeting. Vote unanimous.
Tracy Menuez reminded board members to complete the City Ethics training by March 1,
2011. The next CAHAB meeting will be held on February 3, 2011 from 12:30 – 2:00 pm at
City Hall (room will be announced later).
Chairman LaMeres adjourned the meeting at 1:35 pm.