HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-07-15 MinutesMINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA July 15, 1991 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, July 15, 1991, at 3:30 p.m. Present were Mayor Pro Tempore Swanson, Commissioner Goehrung, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Knapp, City Manager Wysocki, City Attorney Becker and Clerk of the Commission Sullivan. Mayor Hawks was absent in compliance with Section 7- 3- 4322(2), M.C.A. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. Minutes Mayor Pro Tempore Swanson deferred action on the minutes of the regular meetings of July 1 and July 8, 1991 for a period of one week. Continued discussion - delay of proposed alteration to historic landmark site - Michael Tor S02 - northeast corner of intersection of West Peach Street and North 4th Avenue; per DRB recommendation It was moved by Commissioner Goehrung, seconded by Commissioner Frost, that this item be removed from the table for further discussion. The motion carried by the follow- ing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Goehrung, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Knapp and Mayor Pro Tempore Swanson; those voting No, none. City Manager Wysocki submitted to the Commission a memo from Assistant Planner Jesse Aber, dated July 11, 1991, along with a copy of a letter from the State Historic Preservation Office to Mr. Mike Torgerson, dated June 20, 1991. He noted that the letter from the State Historic Preservation Office indicates that the North Edge Dairy was re- moved from listing in the National Register of Historic Places on June 8, due to a proce- dural error in the nominating process. The City Manager further noted that the subject site is not located within any designated historic district or neighborhood conservation district under the City's interim zoning ordinance. He then recommended that the Commis- sion acknowledge receipt of this letter, and allow the applicant to proceed with his pro- posal, following the appropriate applicable procedures. It was moved by Commissioner Frost, seconded by Commissioner Knapp, that the Commission acknowledge receipt of the letter indicating that the North Edge Dairy has been delisted from the National Register of Historic Places. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Knapp, Com- missioner Goehrung and Mayor Pro Tempore Swanson; those voting No, none. 07 -15 -91 l6 -S -Lo •waicloid Aue InoLAI!m auo ;e4; 6u sajecliz)ijue a4 pup , 4 u@wa@j F )2 s1q; uo p p u njeubts I jo a aa S@j . aq auo ;nq Ile pauip4clo seq a4 1-44 Pams ' PJILIJ LjjnoS hZqj 'umo-fig fined - AN sa.injeu6ts a41 Ino4 j!m juawaajBe aq, jo Adoo e sem S;a)l:)ed SjauolsslwwoZ) aq; ui papnl:)ui jeqj pajou 1>1:)OsAM ja6euevv AI!Z) jeaJIS 10 ap!s Isam 6UOje >flemapls jo UOIIL'llLIsu ;JaAlun awis eu eluovy pue @nU@AV PJlq_L 41noS jo ap!s ;sea aq; buole S;Uep!s4gj uaamlaq juawaaibe - uoissn:)si(] 9 UOU 'ON 6uIjOA 9SOLqj 'uOsupmS 9 JOdwal 0 . 4 d joAeVq pup ddpu>l jauoissjwwo ;sox j 0 '6unjLlqoq . jquO , ssjwwO .J@uO[sSlwwoo 6uloq @AV 6U[40A 9SO41 :@;OA ON pup arty 6uimollo, a41 Aq paiiie:) uoij -ow a4_L *SZ Alnr joj PalnpaqDs ales uoiione ;qLp jo uoriedioijue ui UOISIAIpqnS i!un A01 I EA ui sjol paijl:);ads uo saxes juanbuilap .4o; saiuoui jo sajnllpuadxe a44 azijoqjne uoissiwwoo OL14 IeLli 'isoij jauoissiwwoo Aq papumas '6LjnjLlaoD A@uoyssiwwoD Aq P SeM 11 * I pAoid -de papuamwma,4 pue 'jaAnq aq; ol p9;j!wsuejj aq ueD ;911!1 je@j:) e os ales at44 ol joiid ;u@j.inz) IL46nojq aq ;snw saxel juanbuilap Ile je4; POIOu OH - SZ Alnr joj palnpatq:)s ales uoilDne iw AalleA ;DqI JO uoijpdi:)i4ue ui saxel juanbuilap joj s@iuow jo ainl!puadx@ azr -joLl4ne ol bujisil swiel:) leiDads e uoissjwwo-D aLlI ol pajjjwqns p�lz)osAm ja6pupw Aj!3 Ilun A - s4ol jo ales jo uoj4Pd!:)!jue ui saxes ju;)nF)ujl5p joj 12AO-iaae imnj!puadx� - auOu 'ON bUIjOA 0SO141 :UOSU2MS RJOdw old joA2W pup ;sold jauoissiwwo:) 'buniq;aoo -jauoissjwwo:) 'ddeuN jauoissjwwo:) bui9cl aAV bUIjOA RSOLIJ :aJOA ON Pup DAV 5 ulm 0 11OJ aLil Aq paiijeo uoijow @4_L *P.JPOO MalAaN u5isa(j a44 Aq papuawwoD;).j se 'jaEmis awwe ;sad, [Zi7 le 'sju@wajinb;),j )loeqlas prey( jaujo:) IOOJ-SL a4; WO.Jj 10al S' Z4 JO UOIjelAop e DAoid -de j@i44jnj ol pue l aouaj A02AIld ippao q614-jooj-9 e jo uoij:)nj;suoo molle ol 0:)ueuipio 6UIUOZ WIjaJUI a4j JO OLO UOI43aS 01 UOI;eIAOP palsanbaj G4; GAoidde uoissiwwoo OtAl je4i '6unjqgoD jauoissiwwo:) Aq popuo:)as 'ddeu>l iouoissiwwo:) Aq PDAOW SPM 11 - sju@wajinb9j No2clias pjpA xawoD eqj wo.41 joal S*Zj JO UQ1jelA@P e JO leAoidde puawwo:)aj ol Ajsnowiueun p@ -;OA ONC] @t4l 'was! s144 uo uoissnosip Buimollo; Ijet4j pajou E)Idd3 .4ojD0,jI(J 6 uluueld •6ullaaw UOISSIWWO:) S 4spl wojj s;a;nuiw 341 jo Ado:) c pue was! siLli ol 6uiuiej.4ad z Alnr jo 5uilaaw 921(] aq; wojj se;nutw aq; jo Ado:) e '0[ Alnr palep Ijels 6uluu2ld @Llj wOjj owaw e exam s4aNDed sjauoissiwwo:) aqj ui papnIDui jeL4; po;ou la6eueVy A;!:) at4j_ uoil2puawwo:)aj 19Z,1(3 lad 'j;i9j4S awwe ;sad, LZt, 'ssiu2qu-j u - N32qlas pjeX ap!s uiql!m az)uej ADEAIjd jepaz) - t4 - U! - Ll-;ooj-9 jo uoi;:)n-tjsuo5 molle ol aoueuipjo buiuoz wijaluj aLli jo OLO*OS UOI;:)@S O; UOI;eIA9P - uoissn:)sip penuiluo:) - z - - s - The City Manager recommended that the Commission acknowledge receipt of this agreement as a port of the record, noting he anticipates receiving u copy of the fully ex- ecuted agreement. It was moved by Commissioner Frost, seconded by Commissioner Knapp' that the Commission acknowledge receipt of the agreement between the residents along the east side of South Third A"pnmm and Montana State University regarding installation of sidewalks along the west side of the street only hemvoon its intersections with South Grand Avenue and Kagy Boulevard under the 1991 sidewalk program. The motion carried by the follow- ing Aye and No vote: those voting Ayr being Commissioner Frost Commissioner Knapp' Commissioner Goehrung and Mayor Pro T*mpwr" Swanson; those voting Nn none. Appointment of sub-committee to review pledged securities as of June 30, 1991 The City Manager reminded the Commission that the pledged securities must be re- viewed quarterly according to State statute. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Goehrung, that Commissioner Frost and Commissioner Swanson be appointed to review the pledged secu- rities as of June sn 1991. The motion carried by the following Ay* and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Knapp' Commissioner Ooehrvmg Commissioner Frost and Mayor Pro Tempore Swanson; those voting No, none. Building Inspection Division report for June 1991 City Manager Wysocki stated this would have been the only item listed under Con- sent Items. He then recommended that the Commission acknowledge receipt of this report. Commissioner Frost stated appreciation for the additional information which has been added to the bottom of the report at Commissioner Swanson's request, noting that it pro- vides good comparative information. He stated that the amount of commercial development in Bozeman is very good, particularly when compared to trends in the rest of the state. Commissioner Swanson noted that the additional comparative information has been helpful, providing a much clearer picture of how the current month's building permits com- pare to prior yeas. It was moved by Commissioner Goehrung, seconded by Commissioner Frost, that the Commission acknowledge receipt of the Building Inspection Division report for June 1991, The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commission- er Gvphroog Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Knapp and Mayor Pro Tempvnv Swanson; those voting Nn' none. L6-SL-LO qnjo @IDADig AaI12A u'1 O41 Pup s-mup(j Pulm AXIS 6i8 @41 AepunS pup Aepin4pS UO (9) • sAep ual 4sed a4l -jol pasn Ua@q SeIA JIOA-JaSgZj ai!IeAH wO-JJ Jalem 'suojje6 UOIII!W L JaAO Isn 6UI62JaAP asn pua�qaam 411m >IjLw uojje6-uojjl!w-Oj g43 4!L4 jupid luawleaj; jalem aql Aepsint4_L ;se (S) 'sijoija 5upoo4s moq siq aqj sa5p@ld 6updaz) -:)e Alpe16 si -JgUUO J 00 11 0 d luelsfssV Pup 'pajDnpuoo 6uiaq si jaslej punj „ANN(] JO I 100 V 'IIpJ sI4; aPeJ 4l1!3 @44 ui Luejbo.Ad 1L 6ujluowajdwi -ioj uoiip.JLdajd ul ' I 6u 'l@gw D�JVO leu 2 Papua4le iu@w4.ieda(] 901 @ WOJJ s-ia:)Ijjo om (ti) uorlejado ui mOu S! 11 N.Mcl Aalpui a4l (p) pue ZZ Alnr uo ul of pajnpaq:)s si Luej6ojd Buiwwijl aajl pal:)2.iluoz) aql (:)) '@nU@AV 446 L14noS 6uole umop malq 4384m aaJl p P@AOWE)-f smax) All:) 6uiujow s144 (q) f eaJ 2 la@JIS uosiapfV ls@M pup anUGAV 41S LjjnoS a41 ur s@@a4 Bulww,.jj aje sma _4:) (L 'UOISIAICI M-led @LIl ul (E) • Aemiapun sl 'saa.41 10 6ulwwfjl @41 6uipnl:)ui 'dn-ueol:) Aalle (o) pup :6uinujjuo3 sr wej6oid do -Nord Isodwoo a44 (q) , Aj!unwwoo @4l jnoq6noj44 s�jjemssojD jo Guiluied uo 6upJJOM sl JJ21S (P) 'UOISIAI(] laa.';S O41 ul (z) 'apejed e 1 a41 JOj leoll e uo Bui>fjom Apuesaid Oje AaL41 (a) pup :uoilepunol P qsllqelsa of sliolle sil pup AjLjq!l aql 6urpie6ai qnl:) s,uawoM uoAueo UllelleD a41 PgSSOJPPe JIDJIIOO aAajS (p) possnz)sip sem slenp!Alpul punoqasnoq Joj Uj2j6 -o.id A.IaAlj9P j2ioads a44 (o) 'jeaA Buimoz)dn aql joj 5uipun3 6uipje6aj uoissiwwoD Aluno:) aLjj paLl:)eoidde sjaqwaw PJ208 Pup 119JIlOZ) DAZ);S (q) 'sse:):)ns e sem Aepm4eS uo uolipiq -alao AepLlljiq LjjOOL a44 (e) :Naam ised s141 Buiinp Ajeiq!l a41 ui paj-mDoo S@ij!Ajj3e but -moijoi aq (t) "smollol se '4jodai Aplaam siq pali!wqns -iaftueW Allo aLI_L (Z) L66L ' 6 Alnr uo plaq 6uilaaw uoissiwwo:) Alunoo aLlI joj solnujw liLjp ;)qi jo Ado:) (9) '166L % Alnr jo >loom aLli Jo} sjauoissiwwoo A4unoo a4i jol sa4nuiw Apep ;aql jo Ado:) jsjLui;doioS 10 4UaWOAojdwj a44 of suotlnq!jluo:) Aia4l joj aajj!wwoD uot4pDiPjnp@O sl! pup All:) at44 but -)Iuet4l %661 'Z[ Alnr pa;ep 'uO'IL uewgzO umOlumOG 9 44 wOJJ Ja4la (f?) *91 Alnr 'Aepsoni uo -w-e 00:01 -joj palnpaqDs F:)Ui;agW @D;;!WWOD MGIAa�l juawdolaAa(] OLIJ JOJ 2PU96V (F) '91 Alnr 'Aepsani uo •w•d 00:iT joj palnpat4:)s Bupaaw pjeoq M@IA@�l U61Sa4 aql -101 PpUa6V (Z) - a.ininj jeau aql ul satpoq 6UIU-JOA06 4loq gjojaq jeadd2 111M 14DI4M ';oa.foid sajelsD a6p!�j 46nopinoS a4l Jot sainpa:)Ojd MalAa.A a4; 6 uIPJe6G-J '6 Alnrr pa4ep 'punj6j@8 qa(I jauoissjwwoD Alunoo wojj jalla Swall ,uotl - 2w,jojUj jnok Jod,, 6uimolloj w44 uoissjwu,ioZ) @41 of p@luasaid iNDosAM ia6eueIN A4!:) swall lkj - uoissnosi(] - 4 - - 5 - worked on the Sourdough Trail. (8) The City Manager asked for two Commissioners to serve on a sub committee to meet with staff to discuss the issues that have arisen regarding the volume -based gar- bage rate system which has recently been implemented. Commissioner Knapp and Mayor Pro Tempore Swanson volunteered to serve. (9) Commissioner Knapp submitted the following. (1) Attended, and worked at, the 100th birthday party for the Library on Saturday afternoon. (2) Attended the Inter- agency Breakfast on Wednesday. (3) Attended the economic development seminar spon- sored by the Ambassadors on Thursday afternoon. She briefly highlighted the seminar, noting that it was quite enlightening. She noted the importance of encouraging existing businesses to remain in the community and expand if possible, rather than allowing them to be attracted to another location. (10) Commissioner Knapp reminded the Commissioners of the ASEAN Ambassadors meeting scheduled for next Monday, and asked if anyone will be attending, The City Manager noted that the Mayor will attend the noon luncheon and give a brief welcome. (11) Commissioner Goehrung submitted the following. (1) Attended the 100th birthday party for the Library on Saturday. (2) Indicated he has received an invitation to attend the noon lunch meeting of the DBA tomorrow and asked if another Commissioner could attend in his place. Commissioner Frost indicated he would attempt to do so; Com- missioner Knapp indicated her willingness to serve as back -up. (12) Commissioner Frost submitted the following. (1) Attended the City - County Planning Board meeting on Tuesday evening, where topics of discussion included (a) mem- bership of the DRB, with strong support for seven members being noted; and (b) the need for complete review of the subdivision regulations was discussed. (2) Attended a meeting sponsored by the Department of Health and Environmental Sciences on groundwater problems, along with Commissioner Knapp. He noted that three main points were dis- cussed: (a) the best way to protect a groundwater aquifer is through an overlay district; (b) the Focal government can adopt almost any rules and regulations it desires to protect groundwater as they are not contrary to State statute; and (c) State approvals necessary for a subdivision should be sought and obtained before local level approval is sought. (3) Met with County Commissioner Deb Berglund, who has suggested that the next joint City/ County Commission meeting be held on August 5, with review of subdivision regulations being one of the topics of discussion. Commissioner Goehrung requested that discussion of the Damschen report on solid wastes also be placed on the agenda if the report has been received by that date. 07 -15 -91 16-S I-LO •s6ul,jeaq :)ilqnd paInpai4as OLAI 6uilz)npuoz) jo asodind aLp joj 'W'd 00:L JP gUaAUO30i of '*W*d 91:t le ssa:)aj P P;4JPIZ)DP UOSULIMS @,jodwa_L Ojd JoAevv *w*d 9L:t - ssqz)a�j •AI!JO144ne uoilelnbai pue MalAaJ UOISIAipqns uo A;uno:) upeffeg pue jeiauao Aou.Aol4V @L41 4sur03e I!nsmej s,AI!3 at4j uj �popaLIS a6pnr @jOjaq sluawn6 -Je 12JO ap!Aoid 0 1 2 uaIGH 04 JOAP.11 IJIM OL4 'uOOUJalje moijowoi ipi4i paDunouuV (Z) seep IL161D 04 DAIJ 4SLIJ ipm 11 sajedppue aq pue Ez Ajnr 'AepuoVV uo su!6qq legal AjojS OLIJ TeLp UOISsIwwOZ) OL44 PaPuRua�j (1) '6ulmollo3 atp p;Dll!wqns jamoag AaujoziV Aj!3 (9 t) jalop Jaixeg 3L41 le Aeldsip UO aq HIM JOIU— umolumop pasodoid Ot4l JO J@POLU 2 42L44 P@JOU JSOjj JqUOISSIWWOO @nURAV ql6f LjjnoS uo 6uipl!nq Njewpue-1 V�3 aqj le 'bZ Afnr 'AepsoupaM uo - w*d 00:L JOJ las u@aq seL4 6uilaaw 0 @ 11 !wwOZ) s4- 6 ulwJOJJad 91 41 IMP paz)unouu2 uosuemS @.)odwa .1 JoAevv _L 0 d (S 'UaddeL4 01 POM01le S2M 11 MO14 PUP �fJPW sit4j pasnez) seq ILqm uo 1.4odai eels e pa4sanbaj u OH - �Ijew m@u siLjj se siDedwl 9AI; -e6au q:)ns jsuie6e 6uil:);)Iojd pue PaL4SMOIA 1uaj,4no aLp 6muiplai jo ozouelAodwi @LJj pajou seL4 meLIsuIH 'J4 INI POlels aH 'PaLISM91A @L4; uo pedwi jenSIA .10feW MOU e p@jROj:) Seq tPILIm 'sll!LIIOOJ Ja aql uo jj z j , 96je1 aq; pa;ou uat4i ajodwoj_ OJd joAeVI @L4_L s xis of jnoj ;xau aq; ui uoisspwoo aL41 01 suoilepuawwooa.A sl! 6ui>iew aq 11!m aa4j!wwo:) aq; jeq4 Pale: UaLP aH - .Ano4 ;eq; 6uijnp passn:)sip @jam siDedwi jensIA 9(4; 5UIUDIJOS JO SPOL449W let4l Pa;Ou aH - tiM - ER6L UI POlSaAJeL4 sem L4Dt14m eaje @L41 jo ino; P papnioui tpiqm 'A ps n e J 1 4_L uo 5ui4@aw ,aall!w --woo ouil jadeip, e papuailL aq ;e141 p@:)unouuL) uosuemS ajodwa _L oad JoAevy ( L) -A2pjnjeS uo Aj2jq!-1 ay; joj Alied Aep -qljiq L41oot ay; papualIV (9) 'asno14 jjnj 2 sem 1! 6upou 'IL46iu Aepsan_L uo 4.ia:)uo:) pueq 941 popua;IV (S) s;jojja jp941 joj alou not >jue44 2 uoil!jeoo aq; puas Allo a(4; 4M4; palsa66ns u@LJI OH awii ieq; 6uianp weails Apee;s e u!, jjo paddoip 6utaq ajam sal;loq pue waded 'suPD ; Pa;Ou aH -AepinleS uo uojjjjeo:) 6u?pAoq� at4l Aq paiosuods 2aJ2 ,;;o -dojp a14l le se4nuiw St Inoqe ;uadS (1 *A;!o aq; Aq su6is ponds pa:)npai jo 6uilsod 9LI4 LjjjM 4,39J;S jeqj 6UOje POMOIS eAe4 04 sweas :)i;jeij Imp pajou osle 9H - pojjs 12L41 uo p!p Allua:)aj All:) 914; t4:)fqm Ael.IGAO W41 t4j!m paijsilps Allej@uaf) aq of wa@s a:)e1d suiNjad buole s;uap!saj je4l, PBION (C) *) PIO GL44 JOAO ;UaWOAojdwi jepue4sqns e si J! 6uj;e:)jpuj 'joluo:) wimS at4i le >Ilemap!s mau 9 141 P@ION (Z) *J! U@aS J9Aa M4 W4 jsRq at41 6uplool sem 11 p9iou aq pue 'aja4; sem aq all4m {Jed aq; le a1doad OOZ ajam 9 Ja'41 palMil -sa aH - AepjnjeS uo eajV uoi;eama� Ullelleo lSe3 Ot44 42 @.iam o14m a1doad jo Aaqwnu at4l aes o; paseald sL-M (I) • 6uimojjoj aq; pa;;Iwqns uosuemS ajodwaj_ OJd joAeIN - 9 - - 7 - Reconvene - 7:00 p.m. Mayor Pro Tempore Swanson reconvened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of conducting the scheduled public hearings. Continued public hearin2 - Conditional Use Permit - Douglas Stewart, Montana ReSXS11* Inc. - allow construction of garbage transfer station and recycling center on Tract 1, Cos No. 113bi (northwest corner ot intersection - o - f - C - .'� - treet and Pear Street) This was the time and place set for the continued public hearing on the Conditional Use Permit requested by Douglas Stewart, Montana Recycling, Inc., to allow construction of a garbage transfer station and recycling center on Tract 1. Certificate of Survey Nn, 1363. The subject location is more commonly known as the northwest corner of the inter- section of L Street and Pear Street. Mayor Pro Tompnre Swanson opened the continued public hearing. City Manager Wysocki noted that included in the Commissioners' packets were a supplemental staff report, dated July 11, 1991; a memo from City Attorney Becker, dated July 12 1991; a letter from S.V. Davis. 701 East Oak Street dated July 10 transmitting a two-page petition signed by all of the resident owners of Paradise Vista Subdivision; and a two-page petition of protest signed by residents along North Wallace Avenue. The City Manager then distributed to the Commission a memo from Associate Planner Kevin Wall, dated July 15 along with a copy of the letter to Three Rivers Disposal, dated March zn 1988 listing the twenty conditions for approval of their application. He also distributed a copy of the minutes from the Commission meetings of February l March 7 and March 14, 1988 at which the conditional use permit requested by Three Rivers Dis- posal for construction of a transfer site on this subject location was discussed and ap- proved, Associate Planner Kevin Wall presented the staff report. He reminded the Commis- sion that this public hearing was opened at the June 17 meeting and was continued to this time to allow the applicant an opportunity to address how he proposes to meet the con- ditions recommended for approval as well as allow the Design Review Board and the Devel- opment Review Committee to review the application. The Planner stated that on Tuesday, July n both the Development Review Commit- tee and the Design Review Board met; and a listing of their concerns has been forwarded in his memo of July 11. He stated that the applicant has submitted additional and revised plans and materials; and the revised plan generally conforms to the zone code reqoire- momts, He stated that following its review, the DBC expressed concern that the applicant has not yet formally applied for a solid waste license through the State; has not submitted plans and specifications on water and sewer facilities; has not submitted a proposed alter- native to the dry clean-up process proposed; has not provided for suzrmwater and site O7-1S-S1 1 -5 L -LO -lool-inol aLIj JaAO 11 dwnp pue jol P,9Aed atA4 wojj mous at44 do doo:)s ol Asea aq illm 11 'ej!S UO JOPeOl PU0-jUO.1j P @ApLI Ipm AjjI!z)PJ aq; 0 :)uls IRLAI PO4 @H •@1e1sJ OtAl wOJJ 6uivaa.j:)s @PjAojd ol ;31!s aq; jo -ioujo:) jsamqjjou pue ap!s tAjjou aq; ol paje:)oIa-1 aq ol aje uoileDol jeLjj joj pasodo.Ad saaij @L41 jo awos 'ajoja.Aai4j :Ijels Aj!o Aoj wazwoD palpaiD seq 9;js at4l jo ap!s t4;nos aL41 uo ea -1e abejols mous aq; jeLIj paje;s u9LP - Aj!I!Dej aL41 jo do -ueaID 6uipie6aj smel ajels pue jejapaj aIqez)iIdde lie mollol 11!m Ludij 0 le'41 p0wis 's6uill!q jo juapIsai pue 6uiIDADa�j PueluOIN 4 1u@P!sa-Jd-a )iJ '-ILN salqel:)A:)aj o4 Aluo 6uii.#ajaj 'SO4SeM PIJOS 01 0:)UafDJ0J ;34al0p 04 PDSIAaJ aq 6 *ON 4eqj pa;sa65ns UOU14 @H -;daij aje (salqel:)A:)oj 6uipnl:)ui) so;sem p!los @j@t4m sea -1e @6ejo;s ap!slno ol siaj - aJ 6 'ON uOi;!PuOD 'JaAamoq 6uipllnq aL41 utql!m Aluo jq61ujaAO PaJ04S aq 11PL4s a6eqjp6 jeqj saiipads 8 'ON uO 'jjodaj jje;s aq; ui jeq; pajou ;so -1_q jauoissiwwoZ) s;)Iqel:)A:)@-i awos jo a6ejojs ap!s;no alq!ssod at44 6uisodoid si aq q6noq;le '@6eqje6 jo a6e.4ojs jLj51U.;oAO opis4no Aug asodo-ld jou saop jueoildde aq; 1eqj PO4 J@uueld aq; 'ddeu)i i@uoissiwwoZ) ol 15wpuodsa}l •GwIj SILIJ 4e auo loolas ol alq!ssod aq jou Apw 11 pue '@IqL-I!eAP suoi4do juajajj!p aip @.iaql 'sasez) awos ui 1eqj pajou aH -w;RLII jo Ile jou L16noLI112 'suoij!puoz) pasodoid @q4 jo Auew ol papuods -9j seL4 jueoildde aq; jeLl; PaIOU JRuuefd 01 4; ' ;so -1j -jauoissiwwoo ol 6uipuodsa� -Ajunoo U14elleg UJqj!M Pa42JDU@6 12LIJ 04 possaDoid a6eq.Ae6 jo uoijellwil alqlssod P pue 'Al!l!:)ej aLIj jo 6uiueaID jam aIq!ssod Jol ueld juaw - ;ea -1 ;a -1d camas t? 'S@J4jAtj3e Rj!S-UO JO BUIISII e jaajjS -1 joj juawalecle isnp alq!ssod o4 ut2liod pasiej uaaq aAeL4 LA:)IL4M ujaxioz) jo sonssi IeuOI1IPPe leL44 P@4E;s Jauueld 04 - alelsialui at4l wog} 2;).je z)Bejo;s opIs4no 9q; jo 15uivaoiDs aplAold ol l eaje a6e.Ao4s aL41 jo sop!s Isam pup t4;.iou at4l buole saaj; ua9j6j9Aa @5-121 1121SUI jUeDildde @ IMP puaw -wo:)a.i p!p Aat4j Pale;s OH •aDuaj )Iuil uiLi4D aLp ui p@molle aq jou s@sodind 6uivaa.Aos ioff slefs M41 P;DPuaww 9NG DL IM-11 P@1 aH -alqe;daz):)e A112:)[seq aq oi 11 punol pup lucp2otldde siL4; POMOIARJ OSIP P.420E3 Mg[A@N uF:)isa(] at4j jeLIj paje;s Ilem Jauueld •alqe;d@D:)eun si 91!s at4i jo ap!s t4inos aq; 6uole eaie a5eiols mous pasodo.Ad aL41 IMP Pgle:)'Pul U@L41 9 H -UOIje:)IIdde 5up-jew a.4ojaq pa;ue16 uaoq S2t4 IeAoidde juawujo -AO15 Ie:)OI jpun ;!em ol asoot4z) Aew aq -io 'p@jisap os aq jj owil siql je uoijpoijdde aL41 al!j pIno:) junildde aq; jeL41 pa;ou a[4 '12Aoidde leuij P@IUP.J6 SeLl IUGWU-I@Ao6 le:)ol aq; plun asuaoil aqsem p!los e anssi ;ou II!m Ineo.Ane alseM snopiezeH pue PHOS 's@DuaioS jejuaw -UOJIAU3 Pup MlPaH JO lu@wljedaC] eue4uOVV JO 9 ; 2 4S 9 L41 1 P JOuueld 9 L4-L -passaippe tjoaq jou seq al!s uo sj;)uipluo Ajdwa jo a6pjols aq; 12L41 WOO -uoo passajdxa osle seq aDJAJOS Dilqnd jo ioj:)aq(j aL41 4eql Pa;Ou aH •Apnjs :>1JJ2.jj alclej -dao:)e UP PGP!Aoid jou s2L4 pue 'seaje aBL mous ajqe4claDDe PRPIAo-4d 4ou seq fabeuieip - 8 - - 9 - high chain link fence and into the landscaped area. Responding to Commissioner Swanson, Mr. Richlen briefly reviewed the process of operating a dry shop, noting that baling of garbage does not create a substantial amount of moisture. He stated that process will include blowing off of equipment and sweeping of garbage on the floor into the baler. He stated that if the State determines this clean -up process is unacceptable; they will require a wet process; and they must meet the waste water pretreatment guidelines of the State for that process. Responding to the City Manager, Mr. Richlen stated that they intend to store baled recyclables in the outside storage area. Commissioner Goehrung asked what the hours of operation are to be, particularly because of the noise which could be generated from this facility and loading of materials onto rail cars. Mr. Richlen noted that landscaping will be installed in a manner to allow the use of the spur line and railroad cars. He then stated that the hours of operation are to be standard business hours, except for the possibility of working one or two hours overtime if there is a substantial amount that needs to be loaded. He then stated that with this operation, the noise level will not be appreciable, and should not be heard off site. Responding further to Commissioner Goehrung, Mr. Richlen stated that the doors of the facility will be open, so that vehicles can drive in, unload and exit. Responding to Commissioner Frost, Mr. Richlen stated that auto batteries will be stacked on pallets, wrapped in plastic and stored indoors. He noted this process mini- mizes the potential for acid spillage, minimizes the potential for theft, and ensures appro- priate handling. Mr. Jack Schunke, Morrison- Maierle, engineering consultants, representing the ap- plicant, briefly reviewed the results of the traffic studies that have been conducted. He stated that the studies are based on actual data gathered from the existing recycling cen- ter, noting that this type of information provides a much better basis than a traffic gen- eration manual. He then projected that this proposed facility would increase traffic on East Tamarack Street by 3.3 percent, by .9 percent on L Street and 3.9 percent on North Wallace Avenue. He indicated that those projections are for the immediate future; and he has not made any projections for the year 2000. Mr. Schunke noted that concern has been raised about additional traffic generated on L Street from this project, suggesting that it will be very negligible because there is a low amount of residential development to the north and east of this site which will utilize the facility. Responding to Mayor Pro Tempore Swanson, Mr. Richlen stated that the existing recycling center on East Cottonwood Street would be closed immediately upon opening of 07 -15 -91 f6 -S I-LO 01 lagJ;S i'PeJPWP I 4s a4j asn 01 sjawo4snD 6ui5ejnoDua jajua:) D41 ;e palsOd aq pinoD su61s jetAj pajou osle D4S 'JaluaD 6uil:)AD9.A aq; woij pue of 6uio6 Di jejj mols o4 j anUaAV az 41JON 6 uole Polle4sul aq su6is do;s Aem-inoj omi ie4j pa;saHns Ileaq - sjw - S121J94M alq2joAoa.i jo A4aijeA J9;e9.j6 P @P!Ao.Ad pinoD 1! asneoaq wea6oid Ilo-do-ip pO.Aosuods-Aj!3 e aouequa pinoD AIII!Dej pasodo.4d siLjj Ie44 pajou a4S - suoildo PU2 SaIj!AI4:)e 5uil:)A:) aq; ;noqp pauj@Duoz) ;sow si @4s Bulle;S 'jaiva:) 6uilDA:)aj/uoijPjs JaIsue-14 a6eqje6 pasodoad aLli jo jioddns ui allods 'anUgAV A3Pj _L 41noS 17lol I lleag jaj!uuar salty - awil jo poijad papua4xa ue joj umop jou si Aj@uj4:)ew aq; jeLjj ainsse o; sijed jo AAOIUaAUI Ue GAeq ll!m AeLp ;eq; 'J9AaMO4 'PG @H a41 4e a;PjnwnooP jou ll!m J! os Illj -Puel e of sialleii padje; 'uado ui palneq aq U2Z) 962qje5 a41 'umop ua�qojq st A.JauiLq:)ew 6ullpq aull j! 1e41 pajejs uaqj aH - Aep jad suol 001 ssa:)oid Aliadoad pino:) Aj!l!3ej a44 pa -1:);)fOJCI aq OS '-IGADMO4 'S>jsej (enuew iDnpuoD of ivawdinba at4i umop In4s of paiinbai aq ll!m saaAoldtija 1e41 pajou al{ 'S leap! japun inoq _iad sleija;ew jo suol $Z Ssao -oid ueD Ajauiqz)ew @41 1e41 pajels uolqz)IU - jVV 'ddeuN j@uoissiwwoZ) of 6utpuodsa�j sr41 le paledmijue jou si j! 'Aj!ljqjssod e si ;eLjj al!Lim I1e43 pajpjs ualqoIN -jvv , Al! 1!a -el a41 olut a6eqji?6 5uijq of pasn aq of osle aje sjeD peoi1jej jj 6up1se Ija;ua:) aq; wo-Ij sajqPjoA:)a.j Ajjeo of pasn aq of @,je sae:) peojl!pj ieqi p@iou ddeuy iauoissiwwo:) - Juqjqjj!p os si 4:)ea asne:)aq sialuaD 6uijoADaj joj sdiij jo sjoqwnu ajonb jou swop jenuew uoil2igueb oijje,ij a41 1e41 pajels a�qunqoS *jVq 'Bunjq@oD jauoissiLumo:) of 6uipuodsai jaqj.In - Iewjuiw aq pinotAs sl:)2dwi :)i;jejl leuotl!ppe a41 'ajojaj@44 fai!s pasodoid siqj woij a:)uelsip 1jo4s 2 Aluo paje:)oj si aajuao 6uil:)Aoaj 5uj1sixa a41 1P41 uoissiwwoo a41 papuiw -O.J u@44 9 H •sl:)edwi djjj punoi jDaljoj of p@lqnop aq 4snw PU2 A2M-OUO aJ2 paj:)a,(o_Id seq aq sdiAj a41 1e41 paje:)ipuj @ajunq:)S - jyy '5un_i4@oD jauoissiwwo:) of 6uipuoclsa� -Ile,j Aq paliodsueil si 4Di4m 1e4; of uoi;!pp2 ui ja;ueo aq; wo.q sleiiajew 6uilne4 41uow jad s)iDnjl-!w;gs 9AIJ of inol aq pinom aiaL41 pa4:)afojd ua44 9H '111UPuel OLP uELII JO4leJ JDIuD:) m@u 014; of speol jia41 5ui6ujjq Al!unwwoz) @41 1no46noj44 UAO,Jj SIRIIPIAIPUI Aq UOAIAp oq pinom sNDnij pue sdn->I:)id m44 1e41 p@jejs uO41 aH * Aep jed sdij4 OlDi49A ftft JO IeJOJ e AO; '/,ep jad sNDnjj j@jua:) 6uifz)ADaj Z pue 'Aep jad sdij; aaAoldwa Of 'sdi-ij -,Iona; 6 'sdiq do -NDid FZ pajDaloid A@Ljj 'siseq j2Lqj uo ieL]i pams OH peaisui _i9juaz) 6uilz)A:)@.t/uoi1e1s _ialsueji z)6Pqie5 @qi of speol iia41 aNej pinom ll!jpuel a44 6uijajua s>iz)njl aqj jo 4uaDjad OE ;PLI; 6ui4oafoicl 'AeVv AIjea ui ll!jpuel @Ll; je AOA - ins e p9jDnpuo:) Aaqj 1e41 pajels aNun4:)S *jW IjsojA jauoissiwwoo of 6uipuodlsq�j - Ajgl!:)ej pasodoid siqi - 01. - - 11 - gain access to the facility. She suggested that L Street be graded but not paved, since that would only encourage additional traffic on that roadway. Mrs. Beall then asked Mr. Richlen if the new facility will recycle magazines and tires; he responded that they will not accept tires and will accept magazines only as the market demands. Ms. Shannon Walden, 2124 North Rouse Avenue, stated support for this proposed facility, noting it will provide greater access and flexibility in recycling of various prod- ucts. She then asked what will be accepted at the new facility that is not accepted at the existing recycling center. Mr. Rick Meis, 718 South 12th Avenue, asked if Montana Recycling has adequately addressed all of the questions and issues which were raised near the end of the June 17 portion of this public hearing. He then asked how many garbage trucks will use this fa- cility on a daily basis. He further noted that the Commission should include a condition to address waste water pretreatment in the event the State determines that the proposed dry clean -up process is unacceptable. Mr. Mels then suggested that placing roll -off boxes at strategic points around the community for recyclables could dramatically decrease the amount of community traffic to the proposed facility. Ms. Tutti Meeks, 418 North Wallace Avenue, stated she is in favor of the garbage transfer station/ recycling center concept; however, she does not feel the proposed location is appropriate. She noted that the Idaho Pole Superfund site is located in that immediate area. She also noted that the problems that exist with that situation could be dramatically compounded by the potential problems which could result from this proposed use. She then encouraged the Commission to protect this fragile area, and ensure that it is fully aware of the impacts this use may have on that area prior to approval. Ms. Meeks then stated concern about the negative impacts that additional traffic and truck traffic may have on the residential development along North Wallace Avenue. She noted that the residents along the street represent a mix of young, families with small chil- dren and elderly people; and increased traffic could present a safety problem as well as a disruption to residential life. She further noted that approval of this application will in- troduce a new element when the existing problem has not yet been addressed. Ms. Meeks then indicated support for finding a different location for the proposed garbage transfer station/ recycling center, where the variables are known and a residential neighborhood is not further jeopardized. Mr. Robert Pavlic, 720 Front Street, noted the wind in that immediate area, which blows in an east /west direction along the tracks. He then expressed concern that this wind will carry undesirable odors from the proposed facility to his place of business. 07 -15 -91 l6 -SL -LO INI P Osle OH •oq u27 @6eqje6 asool a�pj puim Aq Umajis IOU aje saleq jpqj pajou OsI ; - pollo.AluoD Allsea aq ueD 1! aiaLlm p@ILq ua4j pue sjoopui padwnp si @6pqje6 @IAI IP41 6ullou 'j! alpuL4 o; Aem poo6 e si a6eqje6 jo 6uileq IeLp pa;els ual4:)iN -jIN IU;RIUE)AUOD OJOW tA:)nw uoijejado a41 pull 111m alcload 'suoildo Buij:)ADaj papu2dx;) a44 ol uOIJ!ppe ul jpqj P DH 'suez) ull pue siauiewoo Di;seld 'saxoq pale6najo3 'sjL-.f plo apnjoui ol paideoDe sjDnpo,id aq; puedxa 11!m Aaqj IAI!1!3Lj mau 941 LWAA ILLil PaIOU Ua4l nH -sie@A uaojjtqj JO aAfaM4 joj ajels aqj punoje suoijp:)oj Jai4lo Jlatp ie pajdoDDe uaaq se4 4! 4 6 uijPz)jp -ui 'pjeoqpjeo 6uijdaD:)e aq ll!m Al!i!:)ej S 1 1 41 IPLII P@IPIS OH -AuoLui;sa; :)iiqnd a41 6uunp p;)Illwqns uaaq peq 1431qm suoilsanb a4i jo JeJ@AOS 01 papuodsaj uap4oj21 NjeVq aye pjeoqpjeD 5ujlda:)De aq Illm A@qj j! paNse osle aLqS -A;11!:)ej s6uj1l!8 iiat4i le sauize6ew pnjd@:):)e peLf AG41 6uol moo pue sauize6ew 6uijd@:):)p paddols 6utpADaN eUe4UOA Ua4m p@�qsp sNaaW !jjn_L -sVq •@nUaAV @Delleffi LII.AON uo :>ijjeq a4i Aq PaJZ)2dwl si Aj,jadoad jaq 'anURAV 4:).jn43 LPJON uo saAll @14S al!4M 'J2141 p@ILI:)]pUl OSle 914S 6unoA jo ;ol e t4j!m leaje 1equalp1sai awu e si s141 p@jou ;)4S ssaooad 6uislew_uoispap aull 6utinp uoilejaplsuoo o;ul uaNel aq pinoLjs 1e41 6ujjou '@nUgAV ODelleM 44JON sav1pn Z)ljje.Aj jo 4unowe lei4ue4sqns p pajels 'anUaAV LpinLID L41. ty0E 'aue AjeVV - sVV •uoileoildde siLp Aap!suo:) Aljnja.4e:) Ax9A 0; UOISSIWWOD @41 p@6e_ino:)ua pue 'Aillpel mau @Ljj ssaDDL ol anUaAV aDLIJleffi 4 ;JON asn L]:)ILIM S;9lZ)I49A jo -taqwnu at44 ;no ajejeclas ol alqlssod aq ;ou ll!m 11 pajels aqS -ojjjpjj jp4j alepowwoD -ZOV 01 PDAOjdwi uaaq jou seq j! 'JGAOMO4 ':)ijlpjl )1:)njl aae paleu6isap uaaq seq @nUaA)V AempeoiS q4.AON INI P@IOu OLIS - s>lDnj; jo jol e 6uipniDui :)ijjLjl jo moll u suo I PI L 4 ;!m 'peq osle si ;)nUDAV aDelleM 1 41- 10 N buOIR :)ijjej; awi4APp jeqj pajou @qS •@AOqP apLIW SjU@W -Luo:) at4j Ljj!m ;Dz)uajjnz)uo:) pajels '@nUGAV 0:)elleM 41JON LOE 'uOslO4:)'N ePul 'sw •uocjeoijdd2 st41 jo leivap pa6einoD -Ua ua41 9 H - Ipas o; iln:)ij;!p Alawajlxa w@L41 a�jpw ll!m 1! pue :sewoq maqj do 6uIxI j sjeaA Aueui ;wads OA24 OqM 9SO4j and anleA Aliadoid ui aseajoap e ui jInsai Ipm Al!unLuwoz) aq; ui alnei )iDnj4 jofeLu e awoD;)q anUOAV 0:)elleM 41JON aAell 04 j24j P@IPIS OSIGM -JVV '41 joj4Ld ol waas jou saop juawaz)jojua M21 '1@Ai)MO4 's;!wil paads pue su6is do;s and P.4e6i)J aII4!1 9APq 01 SWaaS eaJ2 INI Ul DIJ -jeji a4i je4; pa;ejs je4 iinj aH - awl; juasaid 9t4j 12 pa:)jojua aq ol waas jou op Aa'41 '.J@ -A@MO4 :sino4 awp;46iu 6ujjnp apew aq ue:) 1e41 asiou jo junowe @141 Inoqp smej aJe @J@LIj 4 P aH - anU9AV @3eflPM 1 41JON uo Dijjejl 46noj4j se ll@m se sNDn_j4-!was olqnop jo 6uilqwn,j aq; Aq I46iu aLp jo alpp!w aLjj ui paua�jpme si Al!wej s'Ll 1 PO4els @H ,gnUaAV DDelleM 44-JON uo a;eaj3 pinom jesodoid s141 je4l IsNonij Aljpinoijjpd '31jjeij jo junowe paseax)ui a41 Inoqp uja:)uoD pa4els 'anu@AV 90e112M 41-JON LOC 'asiaM InPd • .'VY - zi - - 13 - transporting bales of garbage is easily accommodated, Mr. Richlen stated that odors in the facility are to be controlled by an ozone gen- erator, as discussed at the June 17 meeting, noting it is in best interests of their busi- ness to eliminate odors as much as possible. He then responded that any additional traffic created by this facility will occur during regular business hours. He reminded the Com- mission that the subject site is zoned M -2; and the proposed use is a permitted conditional use within that zone. He further noted that a conditional use permit is currently in effect to allow construction of a garbage transfer station only on the site; and he feels that this proposal, which includes a recycling center as well, is a much better proposal for the com- munity and will provide more options for recycling. He noted it will be a safe facility, following all federal and state regulations. Responding to Commissioner Frost, Mr. Richlen indicated it would be possible to set a roll -off box for recyclables in the community, noting it is done elsewhere in the state. Responding to Commissioner Frost, Mr. Jack Schunke stated it is projected that 27 garbage trucks will access the facility on a daily basis. Responding to Commissioner Knapp, Mr. Richlen indicated that the trees to be planted as screening from the interstate will be good sized trees, estimating they will be ten feet in height, Responding to Commissioner Goehrung, Mr. Richlen stated that Montana Recycling has not encountered any problems with smell from bales of garbage which have been stored outside. He then noted that recyclables are generally free from smell. He further in- dicated that no "picking line" is planned in this facility; therefore, any recyclables thrown into a load of garbage will be baled with the garbage rather than separated out. He stat- ed there will be no requirement that the loads on garbage trucks be separated before en- tering the facility. Mayor Pro Tempore Swanson asked how many tons of garbage must be processed daily to make this operation break even, making reference to the proposed condition that garbage brought into the facility be limited to that generated in Gallatin County only. Mr. Richlen stated it will cost over $1 million to construct the facility. He stated that, while the company will not be bringing garbage in by rail, he does not want to be limited to garbage from Gallatin County only. City Attorney Becker referred to Section 75 -10 -218, M.C,A., a copy of which he had attached to his memo. He noted that in that section, it specifies that the owner or operator of a solid waste management facility must obtain approval from the local govern- ment prior to accepting waste generated outside the region. He then indicated that the Commission may establish the area from which garbage may be accepted. 07 -15 -91 l6 - 9 L - LO 'E861, 'hL t4:)JeW jo 6ullaaw .4eln6aj "ay; le pat4silclelso ADijod UOISSIWW03 LIJ!M ;)Duepjo:> -De ul I•w•d 9E:g ol •u•d 0C:8 wo-ij >Iez)jq e PaJP[DaP uosuemS 9,jodwaj O-Ad joAPVV *W'd 9E:8 ol •w•d oca _-Neajq 10ow e palejaueI5 si 95eqje6 aiaqm jo uo,j:),.jjsq_, et4i @)Iew Anew L4:)jLlm uoilelsi6al 12.japaj 6u, -puad s! GJat4i Pa4ou Aewol;V A113 ai4i 'Uosuems aiodwa _L OJd joAPVI o4 6ulpuodsa�l • U01jeulwialop ;eLl; 9New 01 U0 jo Roaid L40LIO MZ)IA@J ol Ajessa:)au aq Ipm ;! pue fjoedwi juaJajjjp e gAe(4 ll!M Mel 14:)eg P@PUOdsG_I Aauio;lv A110 @t4_L 'IDE).roid sly; uo joedwi AUL aAeL4 fl!M E);n;e;s ;9;e4S ui SUOISIAa.J @SOL41 11 pq)jSe uat4l 9 H 'L j@qoloo 0A[j3a;3a awoDaq ll!m passed LPl4m 9 sOL4; pue 'sOlsem PHOs '41!m 6ulleep uoi;elsiB;Dl jo saDatcl @Aij_Aju@mj ;seal ;L e jam @ARLII 'UOISSaS DA1121SI6al alelS 4-301 ­41 ul ley; paiou 6un.IL4aog jauoissiwwoo - pale.j@ua6 si 95eqje5 ajaqm jo uof4z)ijls -aj Aj!3 alq!ssod (01) :;! a1pueq ol alq2 ISOLU sAempeoi asoq4 uo Dijjeji ind pue Isnp aziw -!ulw 01 3ljje.A4 jo 6uijnoj (6) 'OPO:) auoz DL41 u, passaippe aq Alaienbape Aew Ll:)tt4m I sIDed -wi asiou al!s-ijo (8) .pool jeaA 9L41 joj suoijoafoid uoijej@ua6 d!.41 (L) 'Aluno:) ui;elleg jo uewazoU ap!s4no woij SOIDII49A asot4; joj Alielnoilied 'swalled :)jjjeq (9) :sanssi alsem p!los uo suoilelnb@.A 9;e;S pue le:)ol uaamlaq sl:)IljuoD jo uoi4njosa.A (S) fAluo salqel:)A:)Bi ol jaj;gj ol liodai jjels ay; wO.JJ 6 'ON UOIJIPUOD 10 UOISIAaJ (4) :sjopo ssaippe ol 'PaPaau se '.Iolejouab auozo ue jo uoile[leisui @L41 6uijinbaj (E) :SjUaW@Aoidwi peo-A @,An4nj JOJ SIZ)I.I;Slp IUOW@Aoidwi ILi:)ads jo uopeax) aL41 .col Isajoid jo J0AIeM (Z) 'eaje @F:)ejOls aL41 jo 6uiueoj:)s Ao; ueld Dij!:)ads L (L) :passaippe aq ol sanssi pup suoilsanb jo Isil 6UIMOIIO3 aL41 P0PJeM.JOj S.J@UOISSIWWO:) OL41 '5UI40;3W S.>IaeM JX9U JOJ UO]12JLdajd ul •6ullaaw S.sjaam Ixau Te 6ulwo:)qljoj aq 11!m uoisjz)ap V -6uijeaq oilqnd panuiluo:) @L41 pasol:) uosupmS a.)odwa_L OJd joAPW -pamolle jaaj ajenbs DZL @t4l uiq4!m Ilam si qoiqm 'u6is jooj-ajenbs-8L e 6ui -sodo.id si jue:)!Icicle at4i jeLp pajels IleM J@uuPid 'isoj _q j@uoissiwwoD oi 6ujpuods@N asot4; jo Auew UO SUOISl:)GP Bt4j RNeW 11!M aje;S at4j 12L41 UOISSIWWOO at4j BUIPUlWai 'PGSSGJP - uaaq aAeL4 aiejjam pue Aje;es 'L41leaq ziiiqnd jo sonssi at44 ;Pt4j paje;s aH - SUO112.ja -do s,AIID at4j jo auo ol jellwis Aj9A Sl t4:)jt4m uoi;e:)ildd2 ue 6uilap!suoz) si uoissiwwoo aq; 9:)uis Aljejn:)ijied 'Alijej pajeaj4 aq 4ue:)ildde sit4; jet4j palsonbat U aH ' ay; Aq PGAoidde aq Alqeqojd p1nom Ajunoo -iaL410 auo Alq!ssod pue saijunoo uosipeIN pue >yed luilelle[) wojj abeqjeb 'aouelsui siL41 ui ;Pt4j pals@66ns @H - Pa_ip Ajunon anon jo aajL41 e Allensn sr ;! bui;ou 'pal:);)Ilo:) aq dew a5eqje6 @t4j aiat4m Aoj sialowejed aq; saLlsilclej -SR 0424S G144 12L41 POIL14S ';upoildcle at4j JOJ aA;4e;u@sajda_i le6al jalloPuV wo_L -JW - hl - - 15 - Public hearing - Commission Resolution No. 2837 - intent to vacate that portion of South 7th Avenue lying between West Cleveland Street and West Grant Street This was the time and place set for the public hearing on Commission Resolution No. 2837, as reviewed by the City Attorney, entitled: COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2837 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF SAID COMMISSION TO VACATE AND ABANDON THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH 7TH AVENUE RIGHT -OF -WAY LYING BETWEEN THE SOUTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF WEST CLEVELAND STREET AND THE NORTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF WEST GRANT STREET. Mayor Pro Tempore Swanson opened the public hearing. City Manager Wysocki noted that included in the Commissioners" packets were a let- ter expressing several concerns about this proposal from Torlief Aasheim, 517 West Koch Street, dated July 1; and a memo from Assistant City Engineer Craig Brawner, dated July 11, along with attachments. The City Manager then distributed to the Commission a memo from the Cooper Park neighborhood, dated July 15, raising several issues of concern; a letter from Chris Sperry, 316 South 5th Avenue, dated July 14, expressing concern about the proposed clo- sure; and a letter from Joy Schroeder, 408 South 6th Avenue, dated July 11, stating op- position to the requested street closure. Mayor Pro Tempore Swanson entered into the record a letter of concern from Jane B. Hawks, 703 West Koch Street, dated July 8, 1991. Mr. Bill Rose, Director of Facilities Services at Montana State University, provided a brief history of the process to date for the benefit of the general public in attendance at this meeting. He noted that during the past several months, MSU has responded to City concerns; and he is now requesting that the City address MSU concerns through approv- ing the proposed street closure. He stated that discussions on the closure of South 7th Avenue began approximately two years ago; and this is the culmination of those dis- cussions. Mr. Bob Lashaway, Assistant Director of Facilities Services at Montana State Uni- versity, stated there are several reasons for pursuing closure of South 7th Avenue be- tween West Cleveland Street and West Grant Street. He noted that a new engineering/ physical sciences complex has been in the mill for many years, being conceived in the 70 planned in the 80 "s and funded by the Legislature in the 90 1 s. He stated that the master plan for the campus is for a pedestrian campus with a perimeter campus circulation system; and this street closure will enable implementation of that plan. He noted that this closure would also eliminate the pedestrian/ vehicular conflicts which occur along the east side of campus at the present time. He then stated that over $1 million is to be spent over the next three years enhancing parking lots in various areas of the campus, with a 07 -15 -91 L6-St-LO -en pa;sanba,a ay; ;e4; pa;ou asoZl *jVq 'uosuemS a.aodwa I o.ad JoAeyv o; bulpuodsa-8 •;aa.a ;S >1000ge8 ;saM pue ;aa,a1S ;uejD ;saM le spua peap pue 1e1.aa1,ae ue ;ou s! anuany 4 19 4 ;noS ;e4; pa;ou .aa4;.anj aH °alq!ssod se Al)lolnb se anuany 4 19 44noS o; arrow illm aldoad ;sow ;e4; sanarlaq a4 'aao}aia4; 'sA.empeoj pallo.a;uoo 6uole 6ulnlap alge;,aojwoa a.aow a,ae aldoad ;e4; pa;ou aH •anuany 419 43noS 6uole paem44.aou .ae} A.aan Iane,a; IIlm olJIe.a; 1244 ana!laq ;ou saop a4 'su.aa;;ed JO!ne4aq uewn4 uo paseq ' 4e4; pa;sa66ns asoU - jVV s ;oedw! aso4; 6ul ;e6l ;!w o; Uan16 uaaq se4 uol;e.aap!suoa }! BUINse ';aa,als >{000gee ;saM o; Aempeoi ;e4; 6uole anu! ;uoa ll!m all3ea; ;e41 pauaaauoo a.ae snd -weo 94; ;o 4 ;,aou anuany 419 4;noS buole s;uap!sa.a ;e4; pa;ou ;so.ad iquolss!wwoz) •aJa4; 6ui>ijed 3je 4s pue Allnoej 's;uapn ;s a4; }o lie 4 ;!m AemAue ;aa,a ;s a4; 6uole Need o; algeun a,ae s;uap!saJ aau!s ' ;oedw! as.aanpe Iewru!w aneq pinom anuany 419 4;noS }o ap!s ;sea a4; 6uole 6upi aed 6u!;eulw!la ;e4; pa;sa66ns aso�j Il!H 'jVV •slseq 6u!ae4s -;soo alge; -!nba pue algeuosea,a e uo 6u!uep!m ;e4; }o s;soo a4; ui a;ed!ollaed o; bulll!m aq pinom nsw 4e4; 6w;eo!pu! 'pauaplm aq p1no3 Aempeoj anuany 4 ;9 41noS a4; 'Aiessaoau j! ;e4; pa;ou OH •sais!e 6u!nl.ap .aap!m apinoid o; ;aa.a ;S ;ueJD ;saM pue ;aa.a1S puelanal:) ;saM uaam; -aq anuany 4 49 41noS 10 ap!s ;sea a4; woa,} penowa.a aq pinoo 6ul>{.aed 'A,aessaaau paulw.aa; -ap j! ' ;e4; po ;sa66ns aH •awll 1241 le pau!w.aa;ap 6u!aq uo!;ae bul 4e6! ;!w a ;e!,adoJdde a41 4 41m 'passesse aq ua4; pinoa s ;oedwi aso4; pa;ou aH z661 Iled 46noa41 1661 Iled 6u!.anp s;unoa Dgjea; bui� e; Aq anuany 41L 4;noS 6u!solo 3o ;Insai e se anuany 4 49 4;noS 6uole in000 4,a!4m s ;aedwi a4; jo;!uow nsYV pue A1!:) a41 1e41 pasodoad u94; aso�q •.a1N anuany 4 ;g 4;noS asn Il!m anuany 4 ;L 4;noS sasn Allue.a.ano 4a!4m o!j ;ea; a4; jo ;unowe Ie!lue;sgns e 1e4; a;ed!3!;ue ;ou soop a4 'sa6ue4:) aso4; 4 ;!m ;e4; pa ;e ;s aH •;sam pue 4 ;nos a41 of pald!4s aq II!m su,aa;;ed 6u!>ljed pue o!;}ea1 a4; 3o 4onw 'anu --any 41L y;noS jo aansolo pa;sanbaa a4; pue sndwea a4; jo sap!s ;sea pue 41.aou a4; 6uole ;al.a;s!p 6u!i{jed poo4rog46!au e jo uo! ;eeao pasodoad a41 41!m '1e4; pa ;e ;s aso�l - ivy ';! 6uole suo!;oasia ;ul palloiluoo se4 4o!4m ;aa.a ;s a asn o; ';aa.a ;S 06@1100 ;saM JO ;aaa ;S puelanalD ;saM ;e anuany 4 ;g 4;noS o; Jano bof A!leo!dAl Aempeo.a ;e4; 6u!sn :)ij4Pa; ;e4; pa ;ou aH 'Ved .aadooD pue p.4enalno8 A6e>{ ;e spua peap 11 aouls AlielnDilied '.ao;oalloo 4 ;nos /y;aou e ;ou s! anuany 4 ;L 4;nos ;e4; pa;ou aH °sndweo a4; o; leuia ;ui s! anuany 4 ;L 4;noS 6uole oljjea; a4; jo A;!,aofew e 'suol;enaasgo s!4 wojj ;e4; pa ;e ;s aH 'pa;ed!o!;ue s! 4e4; su.ra ; ;ed 3ijje.a; u! ;}!4s a4; S1 suaaouoo aso4; }o quo 6u14ou 'su.aaauoa leaanas passa.adxa ane4 s ;uap!saJ ea.ae pue JJ21S h;!D 'Aien.agad ui ;senbaa lew.ao; s;! pa;;!wgns nsw aouls ;e4; pa ;e ;s aso�l 11!8 'ifN °sndweo 94; ,;o sap!s 4 ;nos pue ;sam a4,; 6uole pa;eool aq o; s;ol panoidwu oso4; jo aagwnu ab tel - 91 - - 17 - cation of South 7th Avenue extends from West Cleveland Street to West Grant Street; and he proposes that traffic counts extend for that same distance on South 6th Avenue. He suggested that if the City wishes, it could conduct traffic studies further north; however, he indicated that MSU is only interested in participating on improvements to that portion between Cleveland and Grant. Commissioner Frost noted that, even though it does not extend south past Kagy Boulevard, South 7th Avenue /South 8th Avenue is a major north /south roadway in that ar- ea. He noted that closure of a portion of South 7th Avenue will likely move traffic to South 11th Avenue; and it will then be beneficial to extend South 11th Avenue southward from Kagy. He then suggested it may be in the City's best interests to require dedication of the right -of -way for that extension at the time it vacates South 7th Avenue, if it is vacated. Mr. Rose stated that a number of traffic patterns in that area will change with the extension of Kagy Boulevard from South 11th Avenue to South 19th Avenue and construc- tion of the 1 -90 interchange. He further noted that the transportation study which is cur- rently being prepared will provide some additional information on what roadways are needed. Mr. Rose then stated that this request is a stand -alone request; and he does not feel that discussion of South 11th Avenue should enter into this item, noting he is willing to enter into discussions about that roadway extension at the appropriate time. Responding to Commissioner Goehrung, Mr. Rose noted that with all of the trans- portation structure changes anticipated in the next couple of years, he feels that behavior patterns will change substantially. He suggested that, rather than using the South 8th Avenue /South 6th Avenue corridor to enter campus, many people will use the South 19th Avenue /Kagy Boulevard entrance. He then reiterated that approval of this application will allow MSU to accomplish several of its desires, including construction of the engineering/ physical sciences in the location they have selected, decrease in vehicular/ pedestrian con- flicts, and bring the campus one step closer to becoming a closed campus. Commissioner Goehrung asked if there have been any traffic studies to reflect how the general public reaches campus for special events, such as sporting events and gradua- tion. Mr. Rose stated that the data base they have is for daily traffic. He noted that South 11th Avenue at West College Street has the most traffic, followed by the West Lin- coln Street entrance, then the West Grant Street entrance. He stated that the South 8th Avenue entrance is well down the list of major entrances to the campus. He then stated that, based on his observations, most visitors to the campus for special events use the South 11th Avenue and South 19th Avenue /West Lincoln Street entrances at the present time. 07 -15 -91 L6 -S L -LO 944 uo 6uiMjed @;eulwila ol jesodoid aq; leL41 ujj):)uo: p @ss;).A d x@ @H ,qnUaAV LlIL 44noS jo ainsolo ol pasoddo si aLl 'JaA@MOLI nsA oi sieaA pasoddo jou sl 91 4 Pale4s aH IE JOJ SSaJPPe le44 ILI PaAll Seq RLI pale;s '100JIS PU2j@A9j:) JSaM Lzs 'jin; 'M - V 'jVq 11 S 490j;s e ;o ;a.insop gAallaq jou soop aq 'J9A;)MO(4 :uoijen4!s a4l 04 GA11PUJOIfe ue aq Isnw 9ja41 palsa 6 -6ns lu 'JW 's4ad pue uajpl!4:) jol uj@DuoD o4enbape ;no4l!m eaje ler4uap!saf IM41 46no.v4j Alp!dej 001 aAOW lHm saes ; P s O4 pue ea.Ae IN; ul ua JO 401 e aje giatp PDIOu @ - 1fam se 2aie ;24; ut s;)nUaAe Ja4 4o Inq 'anUOAV 4 19 41noS IDedwi Aluo jou ll!m anuGAV 41L 44noS jo ainsop ;e4; PO;els aH 'suia:)uoD pue sluawwoo s,ddeu)l -'OuOISSIWWO:) t4l!m a:)U;Djjti2)uoz) paiels 'anU,3AV 43S 41nOS LL9 ';uaou'A I@P4:)'W - uoile3ildde si41 saivap uolsslwwoo a4i ssojun a6ue4:) 1pm I! ie41 alediailue jou S90P ;44 JGA;DM014 'UIL PaMa1A -a.A ;)q ll!m 6uills aqj WM PaWu 9 H 'Pazljeul; uaaq seq Buipl!nq sa:)uaps je:)jsAqd/buj -jaaui6ua mau a41 jo 6uil!s jeLAI palels @soN •.jVy Isoij .1quolss,wwoo ol 6wpuods@� ;)nUaAV 41L LAjnoS uo sl:)Iljuo:) OSOLIT 10 awos aleuiwila oi ;sea aLli ol M:)olq ;auo :)ijjejl GAOW 04 si isanbai SI41 INI P aH - Awouoz)o aLlI 6upelnwils 'AllunwwoD a41 ol lueliodwi ale sluapnls asaql INI PalOu aH jelpis al!nb ;).Ae anUDAV 4 ;L 41noS uo s6uissoiD pue 'sAepmeam uo •w•d oo:S pue -tive 00:9 uaamlaq apeui aje s5uissojD uepisapad OOS'LL Ajaiewixoidde 'anu -any LJILl t4lnoS jo uoilDas >ioolq-auo e ui le44 PO4els aH ' 20 - 12 clews e Olul P@4ejluaauO:) gJe S9131q@A L41!M Sl:)IIJUO'3 JtaLjj pue :Al!unwwoD a41 ui aje leiluap!sai auo Aue ueLlI as -leaj6 si sndwezi pUnOJP JUGWaAOW uLijlsapad jo junowe a4l le4l Palels aH 'u uOlsslw -WO:) 121Z)IIJO JOJ uoi;e aLp pap-iemjoj seq AI!S-J@AlUn W41 PUe :POAIJJe Seq GWIJ IPLIJ PO;Qu aH -Aj,essa:)au sem 11 plun ,jaujnq Mneq aqj uo paoejd, 5uiaq 'awl; jo poijad pa -puaixe ue joj paluldwaluo:) uaaq seq Isanbaj 1oafqns sjqj leql p@jels asoy 1119 jVy •01qej!eA2 aJe SOAlleWalle GUOS I!Iun onUaAV 4 1L 41noS jo ainsolD Inoqe SU0112AJ@SOJ Se4 a4S le4l P0121S UaLjj OLIS -uado uiewaj ue:) anUaAV 4 ;L 44noS jeq; os A1I46ils uoijejuaijo sj! 6ui5ueqo Alqlssod '6uipl!nq sa:)uai:)s je:)isA4d/6uuaaui6ua mau 041 JO 6UI;IS 01 SaAl;LlU.M;je 9WOS 9;DS ol ajisap 104 pale;s ua4l ddeuM Jouoissiwwoo - :)ijj2j; ajow qDnw a4eialol 4ouu2:) 4z)14m pue slaoils jepuap!saj Aluiew aje 4:)t4m l anUaAV UOSlf!M 41noS pue anUgAV PJI41 4 ;noS o4 4snd 1pm anUaAV 4 1L LjjnoS jo ainsop pasodoid aqj le4l uja:)uo:) pass.ajdxa ua41 aqS • ;aajlS a6alloZ) IsaM qllm uoilDasialui sj! le Ipu6is :)ijjejl P jo uoijellelsui -loj slsanba-I BUIAla:)aj si Allo a41 IpqI juiod aLp ol pasn 6uiaq si anU9AV 1 4;6L 4inoS pue 'PaIOAPJI AI!Aeaq Alan si anUaAV 41LL qlnoS jeLp pajou aLfS 'Alneaq s,/+ ;!o aLlI ulna jou pue :)ijje.Jl a4l AiJeo 01 pap!Aoid aq siop!jjo:) 4 lnos/41jou alenbape IL41 ;)Allejadwi si ;! 1241 6uilou I swalqold :)IjjeJl WJDI-6UOI 112A)AO aq; ;noqe paujaouoo si a4s palels ddeuy jauotssiwwoo - RL - - 19 - east side of South 6th Avenue will only push parking problems further out into the com- munity. Mr. Overturf stated that he has watched traffic leaving the campus after ball games; and he noted that it is bumper -to- bumper along South 7th Avenue /South 8th Ave- nue, extending from West Cleveland Street to West Grant Street. He stated that closure of South 7th Avenue will only change traffic patterns and parking patterns, and will make it more difficult to live in that residential section of the community. He then expressed dis- agreement with the perception that the students mean more than the taxpayers in that area. Mr. John Schlegelmilch, 818 South 6th Avenue, stated he is surprised at this pro- posal by MSU to change the traffic patterns by closing South 7th Avenue. He then stated opposition to the proposed closure, stating he does not feel that the impacts have been adequately considered. He noted that from Mr. Rose's comments, it appears that MSU in- tends to wait and see if any problems develop after South 7th Avenue is closed, then ad- dress those problems later. Mr. Schlegelmilch then took issue with the premise that vehicular/ pedestrian con- flicts would be mitigated with this street closure. He noted that it would solve the prob- lems on South 7th Avenue; however, those problems would only be relocated to South 6th Avenue under this proposal. Mr. Schlegelmilch noted that the 1983 master plan for the campus shows the new engineering/ physical sciences building being constructed across South 7th Avenue. He noted, however, that is a document which undergoes constant revision; and he feels that the siting of the building could be changed if necessary. He then stated that the closure of South 7th Avenue is a very important issue and should be carefully considered. Ms. Sheila Devitt, 814 South 6th Avenue, spoke on behalf of the Cooper Park his- toric neighborhood, closely following the memo which had been submitted to the Commission at the beginning of this meeting. She requested that neighborhood concerns be addressed at the same time as the proposed closure of South 7th Avenue. She noted that residents in the area of Cooper Park have conducted informal neighborhood meetings and concurred that the proposed closure of South 7th Avenue might be good for the MSU campus; and that same concept might be a good one in this residential area as well. Ms. Devitt expressed concern that the traffic rerouted to South 6th Avenue will travel along that roadway to West Babcock Street, rather than moving to South 8th Avenue as projected by Mr. Rose. She noted that the routing of additional traffic into an existing residential neighborhood is undesirable because major roadways tend to split a neighbor- hood and threaten the safety of children and pedestrians. She also expressed concern that adding traffic to this residential area could result in a decrease in property values. 07 -15 -91 L6-S L-LO PJ aL]l UI ls@JOIUI S,;SOJj JOUOISSIWwoj joj lioddns pajou juq: a 'ivy - Igai; S 4U2J9 IS@M Pup 199JIS PUe[aA;Dlo 4sam uaomlaq anUOAV q;L 4;noS uo Ajiejn:)ijied 'slz)ll;uoD Jo slu;)p!oui ueij4sapqd/z)ijjejj uo s@in6ij Aue aje ajaql jt pa>1se uaql 45nid -sjVq 'ea AIOLII loa;oid of luowjjwwo3 e 9)jew of 6uijj!m aje sjuap!s@_j a41 bullou 'uolsslwwoo aqj of 'SL AInr polep osle 'uoij!lad je4j pall!wqns aqS suOlPasialu POO4JOq46)au le s4noqe-punoi :)ijjej4 HpISUI 0 4 SlUeJ 6 UIPUIJ UI ISISSe .10/pUe 1:)IJ;Slp ;UaW9Aojdwi jpiDads E M@IA@J of FDutll!m aq p1nom ... 11 sluapIsaj aqj leg; sojeIndils qz)iqm uoi;!Iad puo3as e p@jpjnDji:) aqs pal -11wqns seq a4s 4:)i4m uofl!lad Isiij aL11 of uoll!ppp ul 'le41 pa;e;s uaL4; t46nid - siN uewazoo of a1doad 6utlopille sr LjoiLAm A;neaq @Ljj AoA;sop pInOM 2a.W JeI41JOP -isai smij 46noiLl; 9AOUJ of :)ijjejl t46nojLjj molle of pup eaje a44 o4uf 6UIAOLU aje Sal[julej mau leq4 paiou a4S *11 46noj44 ue4i ja4;2.i poot4joq46iau leiluaplsaj 6uilsixa @LJj punoje palnoi aq niijeil paDeldsip a4i 1e41 weziodwi SI ;I Sj@aj 914S PaJ21S q - sJVY UOISSIWWO:) 9 LA; 0 1 'L66L 'SL AInr paj2p luotl!lad leql pa4l!wqns ua4; at4S - 4sanbaj smsvi sjap!suoz) 11 se segie ueijlsapad oijolsiq as@4l jo Alojes pup Ajp6ajui a4l uipluiew Al!:) aLjj ... 11 4eqj 6uilsanb -aj uoll!lad e uo sajnl2u6is OGZ JaAO 6UI.4;)LI126 'pooqioqq6iau oiiolsiq �Jjed A;adoo:) at4j ui uoilgad e pa;ejnDji3 seq aqs 1244 'aioj@jaqj 'pa;ejs @LIS - poo4joqq6tqu Jaq aDuequa o4 pasn aq 446iw Isanboi smp mot4 6uwiwjqj@p of A61aua jaq p@j:);aiipaj oL4s '4sanboj sj4j of uoil!soddo leil!ui j@Ll jolje 4e4l po4ou 'anU@AV 419 4jnoS hoft 'Llbn.Ad esI 'sJVY •AjjSJOAIun ajejS eueluoW Aq Isanbei siq; uodn 6uil:)e uaqm uopejap1suoD olui w;a4l ON21 01 UOISSIWWOO GLIJ 6U15IS2 'SU.JaZ)UO:) S,pOoLjjoqq6iau a41 paleiaj!oi uaqi 44!Aa(j - SIN •ujalled p!j6 leoidAl e ui pajDnjjsuo3 uaaq aAe4 slaails a41 q6no4j UaAa '61JIlaaj 1e41 ;DP!AOjd of djaq pino:) suoilpaol :)i6alejls ui sjnoqp-puno_I,, awos jo uoriellelsul aq; 1LI44 P9;OU aqS 'SIRDJ;S PDAjn:) pup siaajis Des-ap-Ina aAl?q t4:)l4M SUOISIA]pqns mau RNII 'pasolo ajow eaje l2i4u@plsaj plo siqj Buroas ut Isaialui Up PDIP4S 14IAa(J 'sir •SlJe leajo ut pallelsul 6ulaq Apuaom) asoLp of jej!wis aq p1nom PU2 'J@AnoaueA q4JON pup @11;2aS ut suoi;elle4sui ja4je pauia4jed sr lesodoid siL41 pajou W4S -s6uilueld aL4l jo anueualuiew joj Aj!j!q!suodsoi jdaDDe of pup CIIS poot4joq46iau e L46nojql sisoz) at4l jeaq of 6uill!m aq p1nom eaje @L41 uj sluap!saj a41 6utjP:)ipui 16 ui14 6 11 DtJo4si4 pup s6ujlueld jejnjeu alejodioDut p1noo ,Inoqe-punoj,, siql IP141 pols@66ns aqs; - laoils 1214Uap!Sad 1pt4l UO DIjJeJj P;DSPOJDUI JUaAaid p1noo 4aajlS PUeIDAGIO JS9M JO OP!S 41JOU M44 6UO[e @nUOAV L419 44noS ui pallelsui ,4noqe-punoj,, io puelsi Dqjejj e le4l palsoHns aLfS -wa4l jol sjoedwi @AIje6aU aleiaua6 jou swop anUOAV 44L qjnoS asolD of jesodoid s14j je4l ainsua of suoijsa66ns OLUOS 6UIP!Aoid 'poo4joqq6iau jeijuapjsat ;qjqeIA Alluasaid iia44 jo saiiepunoq a44 uieluiew of 4ueliodwi si 1! 124l pej a41 pa;ei@4!@,j 411AG(I • Svq - oz - - 21 - extension of South 11th Avenue. Assistant City Engineer Craig Brawner stated support for determining what may happen in the future with extension of South 11th Avenue south of Kagy Boulevard. He also asked what MSU's master plan projects for South 11th Avenue between Kagy Boulevard and West College Street. He then stated that all of the roadways in and around campus should be addressed as a unit, rather than on a piecemeal basis. Mr. Marty Hamilton, 3 09 South 6th Avenue, asked to what extent MSU could assist in determining alternatives to route traffic if South 7th Avenue is closed. Mr. Bill Rose stated appreciation for the concerns which have been raised, noting that change carries with it some unknowns. He then addressed the questions and con- cerns raised by the various individuals. He stated that the shifting of traffic because of the proposed South 7th Avenue closure and the southward extension of South 11th Avenue have been raised by several individuals. He reiterated that South 7th Avenue is not a north /south arterial because it dead ends at Cooper Park; and South 6th Avenue is not an arterial because it dead ends at the Physical Plant. He then stated that South 6th Avenue is adequate to accommodate the projected additional traffic; and parking could be eliminated along the east side of the street if more traffic than projected uses the street and it was determined the roadway was not adequate as it currently exists. Mr. Rose then stated that the amount of vehicular /pedestrian conflict would be dra- matically reduced because the number of residents east of South 6th Avenue is substantial- ly less than those east of South 7th Avenue. He further noted that if the City implements a neighborhood parking district, many of those entering campus from the east will be re- located because they will no longer be able to park along those streets. Responding to Mr. Overturf's comment, Mr. Rose stated that taxpayers in the com- munity are as important as the students; however, he does not believe they are any more important. Mr. Rose noted that Ms. Devitt's proposal would create separate neighborhoods, questioning the necessity of such actions in Bozeman. He noted her proposal is detailed and well thought out; however, he does not feel it is an issue in the request before the Commission. He then reiterated his observation that people tend to use controlled streets; therefore, he feels that traffic using South 6th Avenue will move to South 8th Avenue be- fore traveling northward. Mr. Bill Rose stated that the price of stickers for parking on campus this year will rise to $42, which is just a couple dollars below the average for this area; and there will no longer be a break for more than one vehicle per family. He suggested that this in- crease in parking fees may cause some of those presently using vehicles to find alterna- tives. 07 -15 -91 i6-S L-LO seen li '; SN; 1 UofsslwwoD aLp ajojaq awoD oi ssouisnq jaLI4.jnj ou Buigq 9 J 91 41 w• d 91:41 - luawujno(pV ' 6Z AInr 9 Joi epua6e aL41 uo pa:)eld aq uO'sI:)9P ak4l leg; palsanboa aiodwal OJd joAevv aqj 'uois; -snosip japq e buimollo - 6upeati :)ilqnd ot4l Pasop uosuemS ajodw@_L OJd JoAevv - sndLueD at44 of 6UIAIJp a1doad 6ui6ejno:)sjp ui jej os Aluo o5 ue:) A;ISJaAun ' 12LI4 palels u aH - 6unijed -iajawpad abeinoo -ua of sndweD @Ljj to abpa 14 ;nos aiAl 6UO12 PDP!Aoid 6uiaq si 6uiNied a@ Jj IRL44 p;g;ou -1914; --inj aH - I! jnoqe sluawwoo pjeaL4 aAeLl Aai44 pue f9AI;Dejl;eun spew uaaq seq slob 6ui�qj2d GL44 JO uO'le 9 HI IP'44 palels ;Dso ".IVV 'uosuemS ajodwoj. OJd ioAeVI of 5uipuodso 'Jalloq 14Dnw aq Pinom ssoD:)e t4j/ 141noS aq; sloaj aLl 'suoijeiado ui so5ump pasod -oid L41!m leql PDIOu aH •anUGAV t4;L t4jnoS wojj sso:):)e smogs ueld -jaisew ay; jet4l 6ullou 'aje6 ley; 6uaeaojai 4e 6uplool Aisnopas si AIIS.AGA,un atp ;e141 papuods@j asoN -jVV •spunoj6 lueld jp3isA4d OLP Ol lixo/oDuejiva oLp ale:)olaj o; alq!ssod si 4! j! p pue anUOAV t4jq qlnos to pua @L41 le POWDOI s' lueld lez)isA14d GtAl Ol aje6 atAl jeLp paiou uaL4z bun.Jt4ao!D J;)uoissiwwoo 'L41L i4lnoS to @jnsol:) at4l t4j!m anUaAV gig 141noS oi anUOAV L44L t4inoS wojj PDAOW aq 11!m iDiljuo:) upjj;sapad/.iejn:)It49A 10 Walqojd al4l 12L41 aAO[Iaq jou swop aq p;)Ie;s asoN - jIN '6unit400g iauoissjwwo:) of buipuodsa •.jn:):)o Aew 4et4l spedwi aAf4e6au Aue ale6il!w of suotInjos juawald -wi Appinb of 6utll!m ale Aot4l pue A;!unLuwoz) aq; uo joedwi aAI126@u juL'DIJ!U5]s e qAeL[ 11!M UOIJeDeA palsanba.; SIL41 ;LILI; ;3A IOU soop aq Imp P;)j2jS OH - JeO6 ILILIJ ;DA@lt4DP o; kiessa:)au si ;eqi alqeuos2ai buit44Aue ui a;edpilied of 6uijl!m Die AgLil pue pauop -ueqe anuDAV q4L LjjnoS OAK4 04 sluem Alleaj AI!SJaA]un aLii ieLo poieis asou ,Jvq •uojje::)ijdde joefqns sit44 L141m op of 6uiq4Aue @AeLq IOU SOOP anUaAV t4;tl t4inoS m4l paiou jaLjjjnj @H •qjmoj6 Allunwwo:) aq p1nom jop!.jjozy jeL41 6Uoje pajedppue ju@wdoIDAap Aluo atp jet4l P@ aH - 441L MnOS uo :)IJJLIjl L4Dnw ooi si ajaql asne:)aq A1a5.1e1 'pJeAajnoq A6eN to L41nos anUaAV 441L L4;noS 6uole pauupld 4uawdoj@A0P sndwL lueoijiubts ou si PiaLp palels asoN -jW 'anU@AV 4i[t qlnoS uo SIDIIJuOzl LZ pue anUOAV 141L 14 ;noS to uoiliod loa.fqns @41 uo 1:)iijuoz) ueijisap@d/jejnD"4;9A JO SaDuelsul L @.J@m DJaql ',jeaA ;sed aq; 5uijnp ;eql palels ua14l asoZq jvv - )JJOMIDU 42t4l 10 lied 2 IOU si anUDA v t441 t4jnoS a3uis awil slql le uOIssIwwoD atp ajolaq anssi at4l j! lied 2 lou si ILql 'J0AamOt4 ' PalOu aH • spooLj.Aoqt461@u jeiivap!saj aLp to ;no lab of umazoa punoje pue ui >IJOM;OU 121-10IJe UP 10 IUOWdOI@AOP slioddns Aj!S.IaAIun ago ipt4i pams asoN •jw - zz - -2]- moved by Commissioner Frost, seconded by Commissioner Knapp' that the meeting he ad- journed. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Knepp, Commissioner Gwehrung and Mayor Pro Tempore Swanson; those voting No, none. o7-/s-e|