December zs lynl
The Commission of the City of Bozeman mot in regular session in the Commission
Room, Municipal Building, December 23 1991 at 1/30 p.m. Present were Mayor Hawks
Commissioner Coehrong Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Swanson Commissioner Knapp
and City Manager Wysocki, City Attorney Luw* and Clerk of the Commission Sullivan.
The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of ,/|nnco.
Mayor Hawks requested that the letter of support for the cogeneration plant pro-
posal he removed from the Consent Items for discussion.
Mayor Hawks deferred action on the minutes of the regular meetings of August 26
October 31 November /o. and December 10 and the special meeting of December 78 1901
for o period of one weak.
Exit Conference Audit for Fiscal Year 1991 by KPMG Peat Marwick
City Manager Wysocki stated that Dave Hill and Monica Stahl, auditors from KPMC
Peat Marwick are present to submit the audit of the City's financial records for Fiscal Year
Mr. Dave Hill, Senior Audit Manager for this audit, briefly highlighted some of the
contents in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) noting that it includes an
unqualified audit opinion. He stated this moans that no instances of material
non-compliance with generally accepted accounting principles were detected.
Mr. Ri|| reminded the Commission that City management is responsible for maintain-
ing on internal control structure which ensures that City assets are protected from loss.
He stated it is the auditors' responsibility to undertake tests to ensure that those internal
controls are functioning properly.
Mr. H||| stated that Page 73 of the CAFR presents a copy of the City's most cur-
rent Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting, which is issued by the Government
Finance Officers' Association, He stated that the City has received this award for seven
straight years; and this report is being submitted along with an application for a Certifi-
cate as well. He stated that this award reflects the excellence of the City's financial re-
porting system, noting that only four cities in Montana currently receive such certificates.
Mr. Dave Hi// than drew Commission attention to the footnote entitled "Contin-
gencies" on Page 49 of the document. He noted the City is currently involved in a lawsuit
aq; ;eqj 'UOSUemS JGuofssILuwo:) Aq popuo:)as 'TsOj.1 jauOissimmoz) Aq P9AOW SeM 11
*[Z Ajenuef Aoj suopp:)ijdd2
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9L44 ioj wjij 11pne ue joj slesodoid jol 4sanbaj e LpIm paaooid ol poj:)ajip pue paziJoLp
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5UIjOA OSOL4; :@jOA ON pue oAV F:)ujmollol aL4l Aq POIJJ20 UOIJOW DL4
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J9UULIW OA14!sod aq; pue j!pne q6nojoql qaq; Aoj sjol!pne aq; p;31ueql S�IMPH joAeVy
-ainsial Jla44 JP SJUGLUMD aSOLIJ MalAaJ
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-@j 4ou op sluawalels lepueuij @L14 'awl; siLp le patAsilqelsa aq un Al!llqeil 1:)@.Jtp :)ljpQds
ou jeL41 uoileutwialop mll pue lInsmel aq; jo Ajo4siq aLil uo paseq 'Ieql POlels 9 H 'uIew
J9jeM 2 JO U01jelleISUI aLIJ SaAJOAUI L1014M 'jInsmel 4eq4 jo Ajo4siq 9(14 P@M@]Aaj Aljaijq aH
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Alto at44 4suiebe 000'OSS$ jo 4uew6pnf E PDPJeM2 /unf ;anon ;:)pjsi(] 4uaxm e t4:)1t4m jol
- 3 -
Commission authorize and direct the staff to proceed with the request for proposals pr
cess, in preparation for selection of firm to conduct the audit of the City's financial rec-
ords for upcoming fiscal years, with the revised dates noted above. The motion carried
by the rvUmw|ng Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Frost, Commi
sioner Swanson, Commissioner Knapp, Commissioner Gorhrung and Mayor Hawks; those
voting No none,
Decision - Conditional Use Permit Josep and Susan oN)i on - allow devel opment
-related commercial_�_Ian_ned unit - development on 20-acre tract locateq��,nthe S��JSE��
Section 9, T2S, R5L, MPM (northwest corner of Highway � anci Cottonwood Road)
This was the time and place set for the decision on the Conditional Use Permit -
Joseph and Susan Billion, under Application No. 2-91131 on allow development of auto-
related commercial planned unit development on 20-acre tract located in the east one-half O f
the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter. Section 9 Township z South, Range 5
East, Montana Principal Meridian. This site is more commonly located at the northwest
quadrant of the intersection of U.S. Highway 191 and Cottonwood Road.
The City Manager submitted to the Commission a memo from Planner Skelton, dated
December 19, as well as a memo from Planner Skelton, dated December 20. He noted that
a copy of the Development Manual for this planned unit development was also included in
the packets.
missioners during the public hearing.
Planner Skelton stated that staff has met with Mr. Joe Billion as well as Mr. Dan
Kamp and Mr, Jerry Gaston in an effort to resolve the substantial number of issues raised
as a romo|t of the public hearing. He stated, however, that a number O f the issues remain
umroso|vmd; and he has attempted to address each of those in his December 20 memo. He
then reviewed each of those specific items, which include. Development Guidelines -- the
list of permitted commercial uses within the development, the dmofram* for installation of
quirement that no single building form will comprise more than 40 percent of the total
gross footprint of the building; sign guidelines; and lighting guidelines; and Design
Sketchbook — signs; and exterior lighting.
The Planner stated that staff is generally comfortable with the proposed permitted
commercial uses, with the stipulation that they be limited to retail uses which generate a
16-£Z -Z t
juawdolaA;Dp 4!un pauueld P joj 11wiad asn leuoi;!puo:) palsanba,4 siLA4 uo uoipe Aelap cols
- SIWWOO aqj IPLIJ SPUDMWO:)DJ jJejS 'UO1jD2 .10; UolssiwwoD aqj ajojaq Allua-i-in:) @je q:)iqm
saujjap!n6 4uawdojaA@P asn PULI Dql 10 MaIA0.1 bUIMOIIOJ ' P UOII@NS - e Id
- and OL41 - P-JePuels @t4l ;Gs pue 'sauitapin6 aqj laaw pInom
dtLlsj;)Ieap aL41 jeqj uoijeIndils @L41 qi1m j@L4;jnj pue '4u@wdolaA@p 1jun pauueld OL41 uiL4j!m
uoilonjisuo:) leuoi;!ppe Rue of 4oi-id P@AOidde pue padol@AOP aq pinom sauijapjn6 asoLlI jeq;
buipuelsiapun aq; qjIm ll:)afojd @L41 jo uoiliod jpLjj Ljj!m paaz)ojd of iueoildde ;aql pamo[le
UOtSSIWWO:) OL41 42L41 P 9 H -11wiad asn jeuoij!puo:) e t46nojt4j je@A SILJ4 -AGII-129 POAwdde
sets t4oiqm 'diqsj@Ipap builsixe aq; Inoqe U@SJJ2 Seq uoi4s@nb e pajels jauu2id aq
'100j Aluoml pa@Dx@ o; ;ou si @jnlxij @Ljj jo jLIbi;aLl aLij pue 'GjqjS1A
aq of jou aae saijeuiml aL41 :Rem-jo-sjq6ij ojjqnd oluo L4:)eo.4:)ua }ou Aew jLj6jj aLjj 4eLl;
9;elndi;s L4:)jt4m 'suoqeIn6aj 6uiuoz aqj L411m Aldwoo jou op sajnlxjj jt4611 osoLli 4et,11 p@;Ou
.jaLiljnj qH 'p9jeGJ:) GA2q diLlsjaieap j2:) aLli jol sainixil jq6if 6uilsjx@ aL41 LPIL4m uolini
-Iod pue ajeI6 aL41 jo asne UGSI.Je @A2L4 JeLIJ SUJ@:)UO'3 i)ql P@JOU U0419>IS JaUUeld
-4uawdOIGADP @LIj jnoq6no awaqj e uiejuieui
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ujLlllm pamolle aq of si 12ql sainixil 6uijL46jl jo adA; at4i Rhoads Alleoij!oads pup AlInjejeo
Isnw souilap!n6 6uijq6il aqj jell pajeoipui jai4linj GH -juawdol@Aap W41 jnoL46nojt4j awaql
wjojjun e sjuaso-id a6eu6is @Ljj jeLA4 os 'sauilap!nB asaLij uiL4;!m pal toads aq Ile pinoLls u6is
jo alAls aL]i pue 's-1O1OD pue sle'Jalew INT PalOu GH - te1 aq; . PGqsllqelsa
Allnjajeo aq pjnoL4s a6e�joed aqj pue Iluawdol@Aap 4jun pauueld aji4u@ @L44 Ioj passaippe aq
p1not4s a6pu5is Dt-14 1 PO4e4s 8 H '
f pue abeuBis o4 uie;.iad possaippe Allnj,9-i2z> aq
ol peau Alleaj t4:)iqm sauilapin5 aq; jo suoi4D;Ds omi aLli leL41 pajels uojjwqS Aauueld
, wnw
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e ;apnl:)ui 01 U01SIAOid sit-Ij paBueLAD SL 4ue:)jldde aq; ;ei-I4 P@le;s 9 H
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ll!m ainionj;s LIDea jet4j sainsua 11wil JU@DJad-oj7 aq; ;eL41 P@;Ou GH - ea-le 5uipunoiins ;aLli
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-:)e IOU SI UOISIAOJ sIL11 IeLll P OH - juaDjad OS of jeL41 pa6ueLqD seq 4ue:)ilddL- OL44
'-I@A9MOLI , 6utpl!nq aq; jo jui.Ad;ool ssoj5 le4ol @L41 jo juaojad oil u2LI1 ajow asijdwo:) wjoj
6uipjjnq Q ou jeL]4 paiinbai Aljawjoj s9uij@pjn6 aLli jeq4 pajou jauueld aqj
•IuawdolaA@p j!un pauueld aL41 uj
sasn lediDuijd aqj jo Rue joj pamoI12 aq jou pinom swalsAs - i@Neads leui@4x@ 4eqj uoijeuiw
-j@4@p jaw-ioj s,uoissiwwo:) GL14 al!dsap 'AI!D aLp qj!m alcleilo6au aq Aew swalsAs ia%eads
leuja�xa jeL41 ajeoipui sauilop!n6 aqj ;ell PO4Ou u@q; . GLI1 sasn j2ia.Aaw=3 hews
;z)aljaj saop uofjejndi4s sjLjj jeL44 pajou @H -ajop jad sdiij Aj!ep G6e.A@Ae OOL jo wnwixew
- 11 -
- s -
unti/ the following have been addressed; (1) the land use development guidelines have
been placed in final draft form, addressing all of the issues raised by staff and the Com-
mission; (l) the guidelines specifically sot ford` a logical and explicit theme for signs ex-
terior lighting, architectural controls and sidewalk linkage; (3) the existing exterior light
fixtures for the auto dealership complies with the zone code; and (4) an acceptable finan-
cial guarantee for installation of the on-site improvements has been provided.
Planner Dave Skelton stated he strongly feels that the (and use development guide-
lines need to be revised to specifically address each of the |aaumn which have been raised
by staff and the Commission prior to approval of this arp|icahnm. He noted that this will
ensure that the applicant has the flexibility he desires in developing this project while
ensuring that the project complies with the City's expectations.
Mr, Joe Billion, applicant, characterized this planned unit development process as a
bog, drawn-out process that began when he purchased the Chrysler Mazda dealership in
December 1989, He stated that he had hoped to have a decision made at this meeting,
since a new Commission will be seated prior to the next regularly-scheduled meeting. He
suggested that this will save time for both the Commission and staff, since a new Commis-
sion will need to be educated about the process to date. ^
Mr. Billion stated that the issues yet to be resolved are not big; and he feels that
he and his representatives can work with staff to address then in a manner which is ac-
ceptable to both parties. He noted that last w*rh he met with the staff on Tuesday,
since neither Commissioner Frost nor Commissioner Swanson could attend the meeting; and
on Thursday, he met with Commissioner Frost and the Planning staff to address the issues
which have been raised. He stated that in those meetings, many of the issues raised in
the above discussion were addressed; and be agreed to the changes, even though they
have not been reflected in the document currently before the Commission.
Mr. Bi(Uuo suggested that the signage issue has been adequately addressed, noting
that aignagu along the entryway corridor is a major concern to staff. He stated that the
uignaQe is to serve as a theme throughout the planned unit development; and it is to be in
compliance with entryway corridor requirements.
Mr. Billion then addressed the issue of lighting. He stated that, as o result of
Thursday's meeting, he indicated that he would research the type of lighting fixtures
used on the MSV campus' as suggested by Commissioner Frost.
Mr, Billion stated that he has spent a considerable amount of money on the state-
of-the-art lighting for his dealership, noting that statistics reveal it is the lowest in g|are.
He further noted that the lighting is already in place; and the fixture is included in the
land use development guidelines and the architectural sketchbook. He further noted that
the lighting fixtures have already been conceptually approved in these guidelines; and
I6 -£Z -Z1
*sajnlxjj 4L]6f[ do sadA; jDqjO wojj aq p1nom 11 ueIAj
P@IDB,AIP GJOW SI PU2 walled jallews e uj si saanixt asat4l woAj IL,5 eq , p ou
U IPLIJ a4 9041
- JnJ DH - aseq ;ooj-ZIL I e t4jIm alod ilej-food -ZZ e uo pallesul ua@q DAUJ
sitq pue '@jnlxij
BP!le lelauJ e JOJ I;aal SZ ;e 4as SI 1L451aq @[od Lunwiuiw aqj 4eqj pajou @H - Aiisnpui a[41
JOI PAepuels 0144 si clod 400j-0g 2 uo qlnq JJUA&-o()o'j 2 12L41 PajejS UaLp U01111 %ivy
- bullLftj eaje Aeldsip ajinbaj 111m luawdoj@Aap
I!un pauueld alp u11441m ssauisnq AJGAD IOU TeLp paiou jaL4;-jnj aH - joar 0 A otp of ssela
ppe pinom tAz)it4m 'sam;xij IqI5l1 do Aj!wej euilojeo 9141 9sn of papualui p ay 'juawdo
-laA@p 11un pauueld otp and s9ujl9pjn6 u6isap aL41 japun 42LAl Pi)JejS UDL4; E)[4 'palleISUI SeL4
94 L4:)IL4M GUO OL44 SJ pue :@Aisuodxa 4sow aqj si sal- u all Iso-in;xij asaqj lie do JELIJ
Pe;e;s aH - samixil to saIA4s ;UOW)120 PUR UOIJe4!D 'zmssejo 'jsn6nV 'weaq.AeIS 'uOII!H
9144 6uipnl:)ui 'uolssfwwoo aq4 of p941!wqns U01leLUJOJUI OLI; P9M9lA9J UDE41 U0111!8 'JVV
- A.qsnpui aL41 ui p@jinbaj
4t,i6rl do junowe aqj BUIPlAoid aj!Ljm ;Djqlssod ajelB do junowe Is2al aqj builegiD pa;:)ajlp
AJOA si ain;xjj s114; wojj jqbij all ;m4l pa4ou jat4lAnj @H punoj6 aLp 6ujj41q p@4L',Jau@6
4LI13tj aqj do 4uaxiad ()g t4;lm Isain;xlj Builsixa aqj do A:)uai:)tjja aqj pajOu Osle aH -Glq!SIA
si qlnq aLp do 4ua3,jad oB 'aqn4 jeiuozpo14 2 qjIm ain4xil 114511 2 UI 1211 PalOu 9H -@jqjSIA
si qfnq aqj do juaDjad ()Z Aluo @jojajat4j Ioqnl ]eDIIJ;DA e seq p91124sul seq aq Lpiqm ainj
- xIJ 8 qI IMP P@IOu aH - ssauisnq siq jol paiinbai s! amixg aplIeLl je4aw agdns 44em-000
e pue :sj4em 004 of do sozis ui paseLp-ind aq U2:) sndweo uo p@4eDol si Ll:)iqm amixij
6upq6il 0 44 4 P@Iels aH -puno-iB aqj UO SGIPU20 JO0J Z/[ L of zji. si s4ol 6ujNAed ut bui
-4q6ij AllinDas joj piepue4s aq; pue punoj6 oqi uo salpuez) food OL si scliqs.1aleop o4ne aoj
6u11q611 Aeldsip joj PJL-PU21S JeUOIjeU W44 let-11 PO4 OH -s@jn4xj1 6upLl6i1 snoij2A Inocie
pa.qnbDe seq aq uoijewjojui to saidoo uoissiwwoD all of pa4nq!jjsip uoiII18 aor %ivy
•palaldwoo aq 11!m �IAom aL11 IPLII '.AaA@MOLI
IuoissjLuwo:) all poinsse @H -paqnbai si 4eLqm si IPLII j! Isaw2u s,Ajj3 @tAj pue siL4 Lljoci
ui Illsoclop to o4eDiAliao e aseLpind of ssau6millm e palempui u@Ll; aH - Aj!o aqj of alcie
-;deo:)e jou sem sit44 jell aieme iou sem aq 'sJUDWWOZ) S OL14 POM91AG-A Ot4 11jun jap pa
-4 @H -j:)eijuoD japun si aq LuotAm t41!m iadeDspuel all snld oweu sILI ui si ;! pue :s6ui
-11!8 uj Mueq P qj!m jun000e mojosa Ue @Aeq SGOP GL4 1211 PalOu aH - SjU@WDAojdwi alts -uo
JO U01jelleISUI JOJ G9jUeJ2n6 j2pueu1j aq; do anssi all pass@.lppe ua'-Il uoilljO, -.JW
'I! JO awcs u as ssal Lpnw si pue '2a.Ae @;LIIPGWWI JeLIJ UI 6U1114611 J@qjO U2LIJ @AIsnjj
-qo ajow ou si diLisialeap siq and 6uptA511 aL41 jeqj pelsabbns u@Ll; aH - seanixil 48511 @Iqe
- I!L-Ae GLIJ MGIA Alleuosjad p[no:) aq os smogs 6uijL46j1 pualle of '216JOGO 'e4Uel;V Se aej Se
PaJOA2JI 8 LI INI PGIOu aH - a.1216 alcie.Aisapun al2JDU96 jou pinom 1281 auo pull o; jjojja ue
ui sajnlxij IL16i1 jUaJajj!p 6UILAO.12GSGJ stAluow aajLll ju@ds aq 1eL41 Pa121S UOIII!e - JW
- papnl:)ui ain;xij sill q;Im diLlsialeap siLq U9Al6 S2M JeAo-idde jeuop!p
- 9 -
- 7 -
Mr. Joe Billion then stated frustration with the process, noting that he has been
willing to meet with staff and compromise to reach a position that is acceptable to both
parties. He noted this project has been in process for two years, and encouraged the
Commission to make a decision on the development guidelines for the planned unit develop-
Mayor Hawks reminded Mr. Billion that the City has "bent over backwards in a con-
voluted position" to accommodate his demands. He noted that the conditional use permit
for the auto dealership was approved without the guidelines for the entire planned unit
development being developed first. He further noted that, while the applicant may meet
with staff in an effort to address issues, the Commission makes the final decision.
Mr. Billion acknowledged that the Commission does make the final decisions. He
noted, however, it is very frustrating to receive recommendations for approval from the
Design Review Board and the City-County Planning Board, only to have the City Commis-
sion refer the project back to those boards to review some specific issue. He then sug-
gested that to have Commission representation at the meetings of its advisory boards could
help to streamline the process considerably.
Commissioner Frost noted that after last week's meeting, he was under the im-
pression that the Commission would have a final document before it for consideration at to-
day's meeting. He noted, however that has not happened. He cited the fact that on
Page C-S the phrase "including but not limited to" under listed permitted commercial uses
has not been removed; and on Page C-lo the Umoframu for installation of on-site improve-
ments has not been changed from twelve to nine months.
Commissioner Frost than noted that on Page C-30 the applicant has included the
language "No external speaker system shall be used until such time as an agreement with
the City of Bozeman can be reached addressing design requirements that mitigate concerns
on noise levels at adjacent future residential areas." He stated this language does not ac-
curately reflect the Commission's previous direction, and suggested that it be changed to
road '/No external speaker systems shall he used," He than noted that when reviewing the
site, he noticed there were external speakers in the canopy of the dealership, stating his
hope that they are not being used.
Planner Dave Skelton stated that while the applicant states a willingness to meet
the City's requirements, those issues have not been addressed or revised within the /and
use development guidelines. He noted that this has resulted in frustration to both
portion. He then noted the importance of having the land use development Boidm|imos ac-
curately reflect the governing body's desires prior to approval, to ensure that this project
will develop as a masterpiece in the entryway corridor along U.S. Highway 191.
Commissioner Frost noted that from the very beginning of the process, both the ap-
16-€Z -ZI
UOlsslwwOo of jojjd PGAJOSaJ aq of Paau pue lueliodwi Alowailxa aje @62u6is pue 6ujjLj6[j
jo sonssi ENI ; PalOu Osle aH 'awil SiLli ;e ivawnDop e gins GAK4 IOU op A;4ql pue
luoij:)e leuil 15uplel o; joijd MaIADJ 01 sauilap!n6 juawdolGA@p esn puel aq; jo }leap leujj
e sP@@u uOlsslwwOO aL41 P aH - uO4laNS JGuueld wOJJ oz jaqwaD@(] polep owaw aq; ul
papnloui sluiod inoj @q; jo qz)ee oi sasuodsaj siL4 pal;lwqns uosuems j@uojssiwwo3
l000'OE$ Ao 'junOW2 ;eL4; SOLUll jjeL4-DUO pue auo si juawaiinbai a@;upipn6 121DUeUlj
P-lepuels @LJI pue :000'OZ$ le palaupso Alleui6po seen 4:)afojd SiLli joj 6uideDspuel aL41 JeL]l
pajels uaqj aH 'Paujl3a ISO-lalul ;a(4; pue Saluow OSOL41 suielai jadol@A@p OL11 'AjuSSo3aU IOU
si I! j! pue 'Miom ;Dq4 jo slsoD aq; .1;)AO:) o; I!sodep jo ale:)i iliaD jell qseo u2:) AI!Z) aqj
'Aiessaoau j! jell pajou OH 's,A;io @L14 pue awcu siq ui ino ap2w 1 41sodep jo OIL-31jiliaD
e E)PIAoid Illm jadoIDAE)p L Alle:)jdAl Imp P @H 'SIU@WaAOjdwi wA4 5uille;sul jo sjso3
aqj JDAOD 01 'Aiess;aDau jj 'saiuow asull of ssaooe uiP6 Aew Allo all 4eLp si aa4U2jpn6
lepueuij e Ions jo asodind 0 44 PDIOu aH -jun000e 4eL44 uo papnlz)ui IOU si aweu s,Ajjo
aqj 'J@AaMOq :sasodind 6uidez)spuel joj iunoz)De moiz)so ue seq aadolanap @LjJ 'aW14 4ugsaid
all 42 M14 P01201pul Jauueld all 'uosuems jauoissiwwoo of Buipuodsoj jaLjljnj
- sluawaiinbai DPOCI allOZ Sjj MalAai Alq!ssod pinoqs Al!:) aq; uaql 'pi2pue4s Aj4snput aq;
si alod loo} -SZ e J! IP P@1 Jguueld 9 41 'uosu2mS jauoissiwwo:) ol bujpuodsa�j
-ajnlxij @LjI jo sap!s all mopq umop
spunoa t4Djt4m aqol6 e seq ;I builou 'diL4sj9jeap all le s4sixa t4:)FtAm DJnlxij 91 41 jo wed
e pue apo @Ljj japun pamolle oin4xij jo adAl all jo weiFDe]P E Me-AP UGL44 9H - alq!SIA aq
louuen sapi?uiwnl aqj 'apoD auoz s,AI!Z) all japun leg; polels uolla>jS GA2(] aauueld
•s@Aa I SJOAIJp MAI 04UI pooij oi iL46;1 aq; smolle sain4xij 4t45il @L4; 10 UOl4eAE)jG GIAJ IPL41
polou jE)Llljnj OH -buipunojins Njep e ui Apejnopied luoileuiwnlil t46iq e si punoJ6 all
uo s@lPu 4 OL ;N4 s4se6bns punoa6)i:)eq 6 uIP4 61 1 slq leg} PGIels s�lmeH joAPW
- iopljjco A2mAjjua aql
ui pa;e:)oi aq Aew juawdOlaAOP J9L]40 IaAB;eL]M -10 l4uawd0j9AGP leiluap1sej q.Anjnj 5ulpunoj
—ins t4ilm A;jjjqpedLuo:) ainsua of ain4:)nj4s auo uiLlllm sLujoj buipllnq aoiLli ;o wnwiuiw
e 6uijinbaA joj Ajpssazou aqj aziubo:)@.j sauilapin5 aq; jell pajou uaql aH - jupdlool eqj
jo ju@ojad OS uieluoo saop wjoj 6uipl!nq auo uqLjI 6uipl!nq @L[I jo jupd400j aLp jo 1
e p@jap!suoo si auiljooi al; japun eaje Aeldsip @Lp j! 4eqj pa4e4s u -lauueld
-aininj aqj ui ieLp i:)edmi Aew I!wij jua:)
- .iad - ot all moLl F:)uiuoilsanb 'wool buiplinq auo ui jupd;oo4 ssoj6 le;ol aqj jo jua:).lad OS
seq ainlDnils 4uojjnD aq; ieq; p@4e:)ipui uO11119 'JVV IeLD PO4 DH - w.4ol 6uipllnq albuis
e uo 1!wil lu@Djad-OS snS.AZ)A quaDjad-017 @L44 4noqe pa�qse 6unjqaog aauojssiwwoD
-aoueildwoo ojuj lq6nojq aq 6uilq6tl 041 IMAJ OAllejadwi
St 41 Slaal aLl pue 'pa6UeL40 IOU aAPIA sP OsOL41 Pa;Ou OH sju@w@jinb@j GpoD AI!D
all laaw pue ails-uo pauieluoci aq p1nom 6Uljq5lj all leql P0121S @AetA Al!o all pue jueolld
- 8 -
- 9 -
action. He then suggested that the issue of the financial guarantee can be easily
Commissioner Frost stated concurrence with Commissioner Swanson's comments.
Mayor Hawks stated the lighting issue seems to be hanging in the balance;
staff does not really know how the Commission wishes to resolve it. He then asked
Commission input to assist the staff.
Commissioner Swanson stated he feels that the lighting for the project should
within the code provisions. He indicated that until staff submits a response that
lighting cannot be brought into compliance, he feels that position should hold.
Commissioner Frost stated the guidelines need to include the specifications of
lighting fixture and how the light is to be directed.
Planner Skelton reminded the Commission that there is no time limit on making a
cision on a conditional use permit. He then requested that the Commission allow staff thir-
ty days to research and address the status of the existing conditional use permit for
auto dealership and the light fixtures on that site. He also asked if the Commission wish-
es to establish a time limit within which the developer must bring back the final draft of
the land use development guidelines.
The Commissioners concurred they would prefer not to set a time limit.
Mr. Joe Billion stated a willingness to work with staff to finalize the land use
velopment guidelines. He then requested that a Commissioner be appointed to meet with
them as well, so that the Commission is more aware of the process to which the document
has been subjected.
Mayor Hawks responded it is staffs responsibility to meet with developers in an at-
tempt to develop a proposal that is acceptable to the Commission. He further noted that
staff is good about providing in -depth reports that provide the information needed for the
Commission to make a decision. He then stated there is a great level of discomfort among
the Commissioners when one is requested to sit in negotiation sessions because they feel it
is inappropriate. He stated, therefore, he will not ask any Commissioner to participate in
this process.
It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Knapp, that the
Commission delay action on the conditional use permit for an auto - related commercial
planned unit development, as set forth in Application No. Z- 91131, until the four issues in
the December 20, 1991, memo from Planning staff, including preparation of the land use
development guidelines in final draft form; development of a logical and explicit theme for
signs, exterior lighting, architectural controls, and sidewalk linkage has been addressed in
the guidelines; compliance of the existing exterior lighting fixtures for Billion Chrysler
Mazda with the zone code; and filing of a financial guarantee for the remaining on -site
12 -23 -91
oi dl;at4 pinoLls ueld uojj2jjodsu2jj pal2pdn aLli IPL14 pals@56ns isoij Aauoissiwwo:)
•u011oasialul up le Papaqu si
paen6 6uisso.Ao P jaL44@qm 6ujumtalap ul molloj o; ssa:)oLid oi .1. joads e aAeq A@Ljj P OIL-4 s aH
'101-Alsia jooqos aqj ol pajDajip oq IsnLu Isonboa e 1 pienb 6uissojo e uielqo ol jpqj pajels
aH 'Iaajls awwe ise3 pup @nU;3AV @DelleM qlJON 1 uOl;:) aq4 le pien6 buisson ou
si Alluaiinzi @.iaLp jeL]l poje:)ipui jol:)@jiCl qqj luosuemS iquoisslwwoz) ol buipuodsaZj
-anu@AV 8 : ) elleM q;JON buole su6is dots
JO U01jelleISUI ail S2 ll@M S2 100JIS OLUWe-1 }set pue ;anUDAV @DelleM Lj;.AON ; u
-uj aq; le smlemssoiD to anssi ail Buissaippe uaL4m pazil!4n aq u2o uoilewjojui ;eq4 pajou
@H sso:)o-id siLli jnoLjbnojqj papeau se s;uno:) :)ijjejl jonpuoa of lauuosiad juawliedacl
5ui,jaaul6uE] s,Allo aq} j!wwo:) of ssauBuililm e P0je;S GDIAJOS Dilqnd JO -IOIDa- 91 41
-joijjsi(] looqDS D144 WO.Jj OAiaDai AaLl; elep aq; uo paseq 'suoj;epuawwo:)ai
@mew of oa4l!wwoo aq; joj papaou uoiiewjojui je:)iuLjDoii aqi to LIDnw OP!Aold uope:)rjqnd
4uawliedaCl AEmL] @4e;S e wojj sldjaoxa aLp JeLIJ POIL-45 UqL4; UL4 - U014ewi0jul
GLIJ GpjAojd Allsea ol alqe aq pinoqs aalllwwoo ;)ql UO SaApejuasaadaj joijIst(] IoOLJOS OLIJ
',JOAOMOq 'Al!unmwo:) aq} uj slooLlos snoijeA aL4; PUD44e 01 WO I aWO: s4u9pnjs aq; a
J G-A m t4
to sDiLjdpj6ow@p @L14 o; ss@:)z)e Apeaj DAeLl 4OU soop Alin OLP 1eql POIOu OH - eleP PaPaRu
aqj joq4e6 Al!sea uez) AaL]j 'L 'ON IDU4sICI looqoS pue AjunoD ui;elle!) luewazog to A4!0
OLIJ 6uj4uasajdaj sjaqwow to p;Dsijdwoz) si aaiijwwo:) aqj aouis 12q4 P@Ie4s 9H -sDnssi E)q4
sso,jppe Ajo4enbape of A41jua jejU0WUJDAO6 ouo ,due ui osiljE)dxa to >iz)el @L14 pue ujaz)uo:) to
ads l sjql to asneDoq pai4sijqejsa seen oall!wwoo aq; jeqj POIeGADJ D@;4!WWO:) A;@JES :)Ijjei
/ue[Jls@PE)d Gql paLjsijqejsa 4DIL4M 4UDWE)@J6L- Dt4j JO AADIAE)J e JeLIJ PE)JUIS UaL14 DH - UuO
-AjUA0 JOJ walqojd e aq ol smas @tjui4 jeq4 pajou saqjoj GOIA-I@S :)ilqnd JO -
•anssi otAl SSaJppe 01 awl} aLIT aAeL4 AOL41 JaLjjaL4M Pup 'yjsej sjql LisildwoDoe
01 aAeLl DS_Ld ail JO SJaqLUZ)LU G141 Sjj!�JS Pup 06palMOUN 'SIO04 12L4M Pg-jS2 U@LAI aH - SlOOL4DS
OLIJ 04 S@jnOJ U21jls@pad @Ljj }no dew of pasn aq aoll!wwoo AjajeS
GLIJ ja4l SpuqwwODaj JOIDGJI(] aLil owaW aqj Ul Jail Pajou Uosuems Jquolsslwwoo
- SjUaWLj0ejje JeJOAOS L41!M
6uole Isanssi anol ail to q3pa 6uissajppp 'L66t '91 Aaqwaoa(] palep 'saqio-j 11!Lld a3lAjas
:)jlqnd 1 JOI:)gJ'(] wOJJ Ow@w e uOlsslwwOO atAl of pelllwqns im:)osAM j@6eueVq AI!D
peads (p) pue 'oillea4 mm (:)) 'su5is
dots (q) 'sNl2mssojo (e) sanssi anu;)AV a:)el[eM t4;JON buip-iebaj 4.joda-I jje;s - uoissn:)sl(l
9 sOt4l '"m JOAeW pue 4sOJd JOuOlsslwwO:) 'bunaj000 iauoissiwwoo Iddeum iguoisslwwoo
luosu2mS jauoissiwwoo 6uiaq aAV BUITOA aSOLIJ :040A ON pup @AV Buimol[ol aqj Aq paiijea
UOIJOW qt4,L -passajppe A194enbape U90q 9AM4 'diL4siaje@p olne @41 .101 S4UaWaAojdwi
- ol -
- 11 -
answer many of the questions which have been raised. He then noted that in the memo
o|rcotnr Forbes has indicated that collector streets, as well as arterial streets are accept-
able as truck routes. He noted that on the north side of town only North Rouse Avenue
is a designated artoria[. He also noted that North Broadway Avenue serves as a truck
route because of the industrial properties located along that street; however, he suggested
that North Wallace Avenue, between East Lamme Street and East Peach Street, is a res-
idential strcut. He then asked about the possibility of routing truck traffic off North
Wallace Avenue and onto North Rouse Avenu*, citing one of the conditions attached to the
new recycling center as on example.
Director of Public Service Forbes reminded the Commission that there are no des-
ignated truck routes in the community. He noted that collectors and arterials are not to
be construed as designated truck routes; however, their purpose is to collect traffic. The
Director noted that North Rouse Avenue is designated as an arterial, and North Wallace
4vonoo and North Broadway Avenue are designated as collectors; however, all three
streets are residential in character. The Director then noted that all of these streets are
public rights-of-way; and since the City does not have a designated truck route, trucks
may legally use any of these streets. He stated that hopefully the updated transportation
plan will designate a truck route, which should address many of the current proWems.
Responding to Commissioner Frost the Director stated that the recycling center was
asked to develop a traffic plan as a part of the conditional use process. He noted that as
a part of the approval process, the City imposed the requirement that truck traffic use
North Rouse Avenue and East Tamarack Street to gain access to the subject sit*. The Di-
rector then stated that a list of the businesses whose vehicles utilize North Wallace Ave-
nue, as developed by residents along the roadway, has been included in the packet of in-
formation attached to his memo; and most of those businesses have not been subjected to
conditional use review.
City Attorney Lu** suggested it may be possible to prohibit trucks to travel
through certain areas of the community, based on safety with certain routes to be des-
ignated for truck traffic. He stated that caution must be used in such a designation, tak-
ing into consideration traffic patterns and the issues involved,
Mayor Hawks noted it will be quite some time before the transportation plan is com-
plete, asking if there is any interim relief possible for this roadway. He then asked if it
would be possible to insta{| temporary ,ignage to assist children in crossing the street.
Commissioner Gochrung stated he understands the concerns of the neighborhood,
noting that he became actively involved in traffic concerns in his neighborhood just prior
to being elected to the Commission. He then encouraged efforts to secure the safety of
the neighborhood, noting it is very apparent that the Commission cannot address the issue
Ul U;9�121 sem ;unoo :)iJJ2Jj OUO P9421S ';DnUaAV ODeI1 L44- 6U 'J@;SOJ 2jpnelo -sW
I uew
- J'eLlo atil si aq Imp 6upeoipuj 'ueld uopel-iodsupil aqj AaplsuoD of ADuar:)e ;slij otp aq
HIM L4:)IL4m 'Oolliwwoo 6u14euip-tooD uopejjodsuejj all jo djLlsjaqwaw DLIJ PaMOIADJ saqloj
ODIAJOS oilqnd JO - ' IGJP>f JO JDumO 'sullJ@d Aija• -jW o; 6uipuodsoN
GWODIBM a-AP slu@wwoo ualipm jpq4 paleoipui uoLp @H -pazil2ull sl j! @joj
-aq juawn:)op Imp uo plaq aq lf!m s6upeaLl :)ilqnd pue 'A.Aenjqaj ut pejedoid aq ll!m ueld
;jejp ay; pa4edpijue sr 11 paje;s uaL41 @H •ueld uopeljadsupil pe;epdn @L44 uo pl@Lf uaaq
sec{ uoisses Indui :)ilqnd e 4eql pele;s joAeVV aq4 'asOGN elnsin •sW of buipuodsa�j
•.jeaA aL44 jo isiij aqj jolp Al;.ioqs Faugaaw uoissiwwoD jejn6aj e 6uijnp auop aq pinoD
leql pajsa66ns @H - possaippe aq of sanssi aLp ssnDsip of 9@4;lwwoo AlejeS :)ijje. e
I_L/u i 14
-sBP@d 91 4; L4;lm uoiss@s Njom e jonpuoo uoissiwwoD aq; ieqj p@;sa56ns s�lm joAL>VV
'Uolje.lapjsuoD uolssiwmoD ain4nj joj uoijew
e i a a
-.lOJUl POJISOP GLqj ;DP[Aoid AaLp ;el; a.4nsue of aaj;jLuwoZ) A;ojeS oijjej /u I Is P d @Lj 4 0 4
U@A16 @q Isnw @:)uepin5 4Du4s leql spaj al p@jels uaq; jauoissiwwo:) aql •Ilwll p W41
ueLp aals2j si Lpiqm ',jnoq Aad sollw CE pue of uaamlaq 6UIAOW Sl oijjej; ay; jo ;u;):)Jad Sa
JeLjj SleaAOJ laaals 4eq; 6uole junoo otijejl @LJI 1 P@1 GH •anuDAV OOPI12M LWON 6uOje
juawao.jojua ;aojlod lopIs lioddns A16uo.4is p1nom ay p@IL-4s uosuemS jauoissiwwoo
WlJ9jUl Ue UO UO14DaSJ94UF jeqj 4e N12MSSOJO 2 6ujA.Aj jo Al!l!q!ssod aLli pals@66ns osle
OH •jeaA loot4os aLli jo j@puiew@j aq4 jol awwe-1 pue a:)PlleM le pj2n6 Buissoaci e 6upeld
4joddns o4 Luatp 6uiNse '1:)tj4s14 looq:)S all of ja4lal e puas uoissiwwoO ay ; ley; p Is 6
Ll 1 4 a G
-6ns OW @H -Alaui;noi anUaAV 90e[12M LAJON asn qDiqm sainlU@A fel:)JGWWOD @Ljj 01 1014@1
a puas uoissiwwoo aql jet4j uoilsaMns at4l joj Iioddns pal2ls uosuemS jouoissimwoD
-su.j94;ed 6UIAIJP awos a6uetp Allsea p1noo I99i4s srL4; Buole s4qN:)p buipeads snojawnu jo
9:)uenssi ;et44 pazsabF)ns @H - anU@AV a3ejj2M qIJON buole .4epej pue jailed Alwopuej waLl;
OAeq 01 InIdlaq aq Aew 11 lsauoz looLps jo builloqed 6ujpnl:)uj 'Sal;jA14:)p Jqq;o L441m Asnq
aje sjaDijjo aDilod ay; sazilezu aq 911LIm l4eq; palsaUns buniLlaog -lauoissimuoo
anssi SIL4; 6UISSO.IPP2 ui A410 aq; dlaq
pinoz) sbupaaw ;sqj�qeaao ADua6eia4ul 42 S@A142;U9s@.id9-i 4Dij4sicj looqos Lp!m suoissnosip
A.muiLuilaid pue 'eaje aqj ui swalied ueij;sapad ago 4:)edwi Ajje:)i;ewejp Aew slooqos Aj
-eluowal@ aLp joj sapepunoq aqj 6uimL-jpa-4 jo ssa:)wd MR 4 M GH lePljquDq @Aojd
4q6itu j:)p4si(] looqoS aqj 6uFppjuoD 4eqj po;s;a66ns osle 6unlLjaOD JOUOISSIWWO:)
•a4aldwo:) si ueld uope4jodsU2J4 @Lp 11jun sa.Anseaw Aje4unjOA
azi114n o4 wag; 6ui6einooua 'Aempeoi aqj 6uisn sassouisnq aqj of iollal 2 puas of uoissiui
-moZ), aqj joj jeppuaq aq Aew 11 'Idwalle sill of Ajjpqjpax) pual of jell pajOu OH - swol
-goad GLJI JO @MOS OjelA011e of dIaLl pino:) paods pue z)ijj2j; jnoqe sujaDuoD poot4joqqbi@u
@Ljj JO WDL14 6UIWJOJUI pue S@ljjAJ;3e le'DJOwwOD 0 44 6 u'PeIuOO IeLjj palsaMns OH 'DuOle
- zi -
- 13 -
August and another was taken six months earlier. She then stated that traffic has in-
creased substantially since those counts were taken, requesting that another one be taken
now, during the school year. She then noted that not only school children cross the
street, but children attending gymnastics toward the north end of the street as well.
Ms. Foster stated that that she has personally called some of the companies whose
trucks use the street, including the cement company; and she has received rude re-
sponses. She noted that these trucks are often overweight, which damages the pavement.
She also noted the noise pollution which such vehicles create.
Ms. Linda Nicholson, 301 North Wallace Avenue, noted that this roadway is so nar-
row that parking has been eliminated from the west side so that vehicles can safely meet.
She then stated she is not opposed to the businesses located in that area; however, she
feels their vehicles should utilize industrial streets rather than traveling through the res-
idential neighborhood. She then suggested that parking be allowed on both sides of the
street, noting that would cause people to adjust their driving habits and reduce speed.
Ms. Patricia Stetson Agnew, 216 North Wallace Avenue, stated that the disruptive
traffic is not just limited to daytime, but uses the street at night as well. She noted that
parking on both sides of the street, installation of stop signs and painting of crosswalks
should help to alleviate those traffic problems and discourage some of the heavy use. She
then stated that whatever steps have been taken to date to address the problem have not
worked, and encouraged the Commission to take steps that will work.
Ms. Janice Lundgren stated it is convenient for truckers to use North Wallace Ave-
nue because it provides a straight shot to East Main Street. She noted there are no stop
signs and no speed limit signs posted. She stated that if it were made more inconvenient,
fewer truckers would use the street.
Ms. (Ursula Neese suggested the possibility of installing stop signs on North Wallace
Avenue at East Peach Street and East Lamme Street on a temporary basis to see if it
changes any traffic patterns.
At Mayor Hawks' request, Director of Public Service Forbes reviewed the require-
ments from the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, which very specifically controls
how traffic control devices are installed. He reminded the Commission that this document
has been adopted under the State statutes; therefore, the City is obligated to follow these
regulations. He noted that traffic is probably heavier on North Wallace Avenue than on
any of the streets crossing it; therefore, Wallace would be the through street and not
subject to stop signs.
Director of Public Service Forbes noted that problems on other roadways must also
be addressed to alleviate some of the problems which truck drivers currently fact. He
noted that the intersection of North Rouse Avenue and East Main Street is currently
12 -23 -91
Aep auo ui SGIDIL49A 96h aJ@m G.I@41 'anuOAV a:)211PM qj-ioN
pue 19G.A;S 4:)E?ad
l 40 uO @ ql J 6al auo uo ; P aH - siseq Ajjno4 ue uo uojj:)aslajUl aq;
t46no.jql BAOW SDIDI4aA oos 4eqi juawaiinbRi aq; apnloui do;s Aem-,jnc)j e 6uijaplsuo:) joj
el-lalPz) aq; 4et4l pams -jO;Daji(] aL41 '6unit400g -jauoissiwwoZ) o; 6uipuodso.1 jqt4jfnj
poi.iad jaijq e .404 laajls SiL44 6uole pazilfin aq ptno:) saleos asoL4;
j! aas 04 4u9pualupadnS peoU aq; o4 Mlle; of ssauBuiltIm e paleD,pul uaql @H waq4 LABiom
pue SalDlqaA dots of LIDiLlm q;lm saleos alqe;jod aqj pue 'SI!Wll PLO) @ARLI soop AjUnoD
uilelleo jeqj 'X3AGMO4 'PalOU aH 'sjaa.A4s Al!o sl! -ioj s4!wil peol AU2 aAeq ;ou soop Allo
aLI4 P@MS aDIAJaS Difqnd jo jo;:)@.iiCl at4j. '5uni4eog Aauoissiwwoo ol buipuodsa�d
- AiGA Alleai IOU sem ;jojjz) ay; put? 'panssj a-Aem sja�jDij 6ujpaads Au2w ;ou 4eLAI pajels
aqS - 4,00.Als ;aql aepea o4 w9L41 6upqse 'j451u pue Aep oLI4 jo s-moLl Ile 42 iu@w4jeda(] aoijod
aqi palle:) 4aajis eLI4 6uole sivaplsej '.j;)wwns sly; jeLjj P; uOsIOLIOIN 2 Pul - I 'svv
•jnoq jad
sal!w OZ jo j!wil paads pasodwi SI(4 POD:)X@ IOU Op SJOAIJP snq siq ;eql ainsua ol hails OLIJ
uo Aepei aoilod p@4s@nbai sawil le seq aq jeLjj 6ullou 'eaje leiivaplsaj at4i o; A;IAIJISU@s e
POWL-Tulew seq aq 1 P@Iels aH -uajpl!qo @q4 jol Alojes a.IOW ;DPIAoid pue pooqloqq61au
aqj Ioojwd of inoq j@d sal!w OZ o4 4!w11 poods aq; aamol of leiDijauaq aq view j! ;2q; 6ui
-ls@66ns lua�jej sd@js IsAij aq; jo auo aq p1notAs 11w11 p@ads aL44 jo ;uaw0z)Joju@ ay; pO}s;Db
-FDns uat4l 9H •ieaa;s aq; jo sapis L41oq uo paMied OJe S;)[aILJaA U@14M IGOW 40UU2D SOIDILI@A
pazis jeln5aj om; asneoaq tuai4i aseajoui p1nom inq 'swalqoAd atAl alLIA lie IOU pinom anu
-GAV OD21]eM LRJON 4 s L44oq uo bui>i.Aed molle o4 jeq; polels uaql supliad -.jA
SJaAnauew 6uiuinj asoqj 4dwalle ol
PGGU ay; PIOAR 01 L44JOU ;aajlS uieW wojj anUaAV G:)ellL)M LWON asn Op S@jDJ4aA 06jel aSOL41
'aJOJB-'a4; 'P @H -@nUgAV a3elleA& tAIJON OluO 4@ L4DPOd 4s -A 4;)a.J4S )Pelewel
IsP3 jjo sujn4 aL41 ;rjew 40UU20 SaIDI14;)A @6J21 atAl 12LIJ Pa421S ;)H -joloas ISPO44jou
ay; o4 pailwil ;ou a-ie swalqo.Ad asot44 6ui;ou IA41unwwoD ;DLII Ll6nojq; aAOW 0; 'S I
D 311 4a A
e6je[ Aljelnz)iljed ':)ijjejl joj lin:)ijjlp si ;I palels la6ejS js.4e>j 'supqJ9d A.A.A,3r - JW
owil Slqj
;e ;DnUDAV asnoU LRJON asn of Djej!saq SJGAI.Ap N:)nj; 'swalqojd 6UIJGAnauew asoqj 4o asn2o
-@q l2qj POJOU GLIS - 4 0 E)JIS )VeJewEl 4 pue anUOAV G:)2112M q4JON 1 uOlPasialul 9 LIT
ie ujnl e alello6ou of s>jDnjj joj iln:)ijjlp Al@wDjlxa si ;I 'p2o.A aq; ui sdip pue alod I46il
aLI4 jo asn2o@q jeLjj polels 'eaje ;sr->aL4jjou aq; jo 4uapjsaj l uolAe(] ialpueLi:) 'sIN
•@nU@AV @snO�l LR-AON 01 ssa:)oe u1e6 s�jonjj dlaq pinoqs 'jeaA lez)sij jua.'.Jnz sitAl bui.Anp
uoj;ellelsui joj paInpaps seq juawjAeda(] A2ML]61H aq; qDiqm 'Iaoj;S No2j2we 3 pu
- L Ise e
anU@AV asno�l 44JON JO uOl4DOsJ OL41 le leu51s oijjeil eLl; leg; pa;ou u@t4l aH -wolqoid
aLli jo awns ssaippe of dlaq pinoD uopz)asj@juj IeL41 JO 4U@W@AOjdwi pue :12UOI;:)unIsAp
- hL -
The Director of Public Service stated that another criteria which can be used in in-
stallation of stop signs is the accident rate at an intersection. He stated, however, that
neither the intersection of Lamme and Wallace nor the intersection of Peach and Wallace
made the list of 100 intersections incurring the most accidents in a one-year period.
Mr. Jerry Perkins noted that the GVW Division in the State has enforcement officers
who work with portable scales; however, he stated he doesn't know if they will work with-
in the city Um/ta-
Commissioner Swanson suggested that when the Commission meets with the PTSC, a
spokesperson for the northeast sector should be in attendance as well.
Ms. Tutt! Skaar, 418 North Wallace Avenue, asked that the neighborhood receive
information on patrol activities, and the results of such patrols.
It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Goehrung, that
tha Commission ask City staff to (1) draft a letter to the School District setting forth the
issues raised during this discussion; (2) draft a letter to businesses that have trucks us-
ing this *trout setting forth the neighborhood concerns; []} schedule o joint uossium
during a regular Commission meeting, with the Pedestrian /Traffic Safety Committee as soon
as possible; (4) provide enforcement of the traffic regulations on that street whenever
possible; (s) contact the County or the State in an attempt to get weight checks on the
street if possible; and (6) forward a copy of this section of the minutes with the letters
drafted per this motion' in an attempt to address the issues and concerns which have been
raised about traffic on North Wallace Avenue. The motion carried by the following Ay:
and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Knapp, Commissioner 0oebrung Com-
missioner Frost, Commissioner Swanson and Mayor Hawks; those voting No none.
proposa Letter of support for cogeneration plant
The City Manager reminded the Commission that Mayor Hawks had requested this
item he removed from the Consent Items for discussion. He then submitted to the Commis-
sion a revised copy of the draft letter included in the Commissioners' packets as well as a
draft letter as prepared by the mayor. He noted that Mr. Bill R"so, M3U Facilities Ser-
vices Director, is in attendance to respond to any questions.
Mayor Hawks stated that he had redrafted the letter of support; and a copy was
distributed just prior to the meeting.
The Commissioners noted that the two letters essentially say the same thing, only in
a slightly different manner.
Responding to the Mayor, Mr. Bill Rose stated that he has not reviewed the two
draft letters of support; however, he noted that a positive letter from the Commission is
what is important at this time.
aq; laaw saop uoi4eoildcle otI4 4eq; ;:)2j aq; pue s;9z)uejsLunDq:) as@qj uo poseq ;eq4 pa;els
@qS A113 atij wo-ij 000'ot$ 5uiuiew@.i @Lli Naas @Dille IeL14 uoilsa56ns 6uo-i;s at4l Lll!m
os pip ADLI; ';UeJ6 000'061$ aLP PaAoidde @121S aq; uaqm ;eq4 polels Jauueld M41
-saop 1! poapui jeqj uoissiwwoo aq; 6uijnsse
'sz)ujlop!nB s,Ai!:) aq; L14!m saildwoo uoissiwwoo aq; ajojaq uoi;e:)ildde sitij ;I auiwja4ap
01 PGPaGU UOIIPWJOIUI aq; JO 112 SU124UO:) 9DI;42 jo jleL4;aq uo amS oLp ol paplemioj uaaq
seLl Ll:)iqm uoileoildde aq; leql palels uat44 @t4S 'jeoi4jjD j@Lllej si gwll pue 'p@4uiodd2 uaaq
jaA jou seq aall!wwo:) aLlj 4P Palels IIDN.AV -lauueld 'S)ImeH joAeVq o; 6uipuociso�j
-asooLID os Aaqj ji uoi4:)e
aN21 pue s@uil@pin6 asoq4 ui L4;.ioj ;as s;).Anp;gz)ojd OLIJ GAl2AA Aew tAoissiwuloD aLIJ 'O.AOI
-aiat4l :uoijnjosaj Aq poldope a-jam s@uilap!n6 aL41 jPqj palels amn Aaujoj4V A41:)
-sauilapinB asoqj japun pa;2oj:) aaji!wwoo aq; jo pealsul uol;eD'ld
-de siql uo 6ui;:)e uoissiwwoo aLjj inoqe ujaouoo passajdxo @Ll 'JaAaMOq . A14ua:)aj
souilapIn5 aL14 s4aaw pue @jejjdo-idd2 Sl Uoi4e:)ildde sjLjj sjaaj 9L4 POle;s sNmeH .4oAeVV
pun UeO BUIAJOAa�j juawdOlaAG(] DIWOUODE go(]:)
s aq; wo.11 000 leuoi4!ppe at4l joj uoil2:)ildde Bupjew mou si 42LI4 Palels OH
-awil leql le i4olew 9jqejj2A2 @Ll; uo poseq juej5 000'06L$ 2 P@Aoidde GAMA A944 PU2 '@Z),IOW
-woD jo juawlied@(] a4e4S aq; ol uoi;eioWO3 slelj@12VV aoi;le-I jo IIPLlaq uo ;uej6 000'ooz$ e
joj uoil2oildcle ue pa4llwqns s2q A;IZ) aq; 4eLI4 P@1 GH • 166 L '6 L Jaqwa:)a(] pa4ep 'I la),I.IV
aiqqa(l J9uueld wojj owow e uoissiwwo� aLli ol palllwqns jNDosAM jo5eueyN A113
00 - uoj42jodjoD
sluijo;eVy @:)ijje-j - punj UeO 6UIAJOAO�j ;uawdOlaAaC] DIWOUO:)3 9 wOJJ u201 JOj ls@nbaN
sjeaA Buiwoodn ui onuguoD ueo ;!.aids GAIjejacl000 @L41
leql adoq siq buiiou IsjeaA oml qs2d aq; JaAO ajejadom o; sseu5utlllm jl@41 Jol 6 unJ(A@oD
JauOlss'wwOO pue sNmeH AoAeVy P9NU2L44 uaLR aH slsanba-t aiow pue uopewjojul leuoil
-!ppe qjIm uoissiwwoo @L14 ajolaq Nc)eq aq Illm Aaq; 'pq4sjj-;.cogs si lesodoid uoileiodjoo ja
-mod S OLD J! leLA 6ullOu ljjoddns iiat4l joj uoissiwwoo aq; paNueLq aso�j [1!9 'JVY
'UOSU2MS jauoissiwwoo 6uiaq ON BUIJOA 9SOLIJ
:SMM2H joA2VV pue ddeu>i jauoissjwwoZ) 4sojj jauoissiwwoo 15uniLloog iauoisslwwo:) 6ulaq
aAV BUIJOA aSOql '.e;OA ON pue aAV 6uimollo3 aLjj Aq paiajeo uopow aqj- 'sMmeH JOARVI
Aq po4jejp se Ilesodoid lueld uoijejauz)6o:) atil joj ljoddns jo -tallal e p-lemjOj uolsslwwoD
aq , let4l jsojj jauoissiwwoo Aq papuooes l6una4@oq jouoissiwwoo Aq PaAOW S2M ;I
-Allunwwoz) aq; pue nsvy o4 aq p1nom ajaq ;veld uoijej@u96o:)
e jo sl!jauaq aq; leqm Alll:>ildxa pue A14!oildwi smouN Auedwoo -AGMOd eue4uOvq M; Pole4s
GH -awil siql le lueliodwi si ;et4m si 4.joddns jo jaiial e jo ida:)uo:) jet-14 buiiou 'az
-jnDuo:) palels luoiju-jodio:) -J@mOd S JO JOIOaJ[(] @Allnoaxg luosl;Dqai aNIVV
- 9L -
- 17 -
City's guidelines, she feels it would be appropriate for the Commission to take action at
this time.
Mr. Ed Brandt, President of Gallatin Development Corporation, stated support for
approval of this appicatinn. He noted that Lattice Materials has been a successful appli-
cant with CDBG economic development momias. He also suggested that with its recent
action, the State is carefully monitoring how the City of Bozeman will respond; and he
suggested that such response should be in the affirmative.
Responding to Commissioner Swanson, the Planner estimated the balance in the
CDBC Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund is close to $60 and approximately
$5,000 in loan payments are being received monthly,
It was moved by Commissioner Frost, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the
Commission approve the request submitted by Lattice Materials Corporation for a $10,000
loan from the CDBG Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund, subject to the following
1. That the grant application be formally approved by the Department of
2. That Lattice provide of ¢10,000 match to the loan and supply
the City with a minimum of $10 in acceptable collateral; and
3. That the term and interest of the loan be the same as finally ap-
proved by the State for the $190,000 loan,
Themmioncarried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commission-
er Frost, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Knapp, Commissioner Goehrung and Mayor
Hawks; those voting No, none.
Break - 3:47 to 3'50 p.m
Mayor Hawks declared a break from 3:47 p.m. to 3:50 p.m., in accordance with
Commission policy established at their regular meeting of March 14, 1983.
Ordinance No. 1341 - amending various sections of the zone code adopted on AL19USt 19
The City Manager presented Ordinance No. 1341, as approved by the City Attor-
ney, entitled:
18.04'010; ln'oo.Ozo; 18,08.040; 78.70.030.u.; 18.28.020; 18.32.020.A.;
18.42.050; 18'43.050; 18.43.060/ 18.:0.020,C.s.b,/ 10,50.030,D,;
18,50.035.A'; 18.50-035.1.; 18.50.035.Q./ lo.sn.mo.B.; 18.50.100.D.3'd.;
18,50,100,E,; 18.50.110,a,; 18,50.120.K./ 18.50.160. B.; 18-51'010,A,;
18.51.010.C,; 18.52.020,8.; 18.52.030. D.; 18.52,060.A,; 18'52.870.C.;
10.65.030/ 18.65,050 and /x.os.luV OF SAID CODE pR0V0|NO FOR RE-
16 - €Z -ZL
ay1 ;eqJ '}soi jauolsslwwo0 Aq papuooas '6unagao0 4auolssimoo Aq panow seen 11
(Z) sleaddy jo pjeog o1 sluew;ulo dy
'ON 6uljoA asog1 :si{meH aoAe1N pue uosueMS .aauolsslwwoO ';soJd .aauolssawwoO '6unagao0
,Aauolsslwwo0 'ddeu>l j@uolsslwwo0 6ulaq aAy 6u11oA asogl :a }on ON pue aAy 6ulmollol
aql Aq palajeo uol }ow aq1 'h661 ' L£ jagwa3a0 uo aaldxa o} swjal J2@A -aaagl q }lm '4uaw
- lsn(py to paeo8 aq} of 1a6uejdS aua6n3 -3 pue AeVy •g Apor ;uloddeat uolsslwwo0 aq;
1eg1 16unagao0 jauolsslwwoo Aq papuooas 'ddeu)l jauolsslwwo0 Aq papaw Senn 11
•saall.lwwoa pue sp,teoq 6ulmollod aq1 se Ilam se 'p.aeoq
slgl iol sxueolldde jo Isll aq1 6ulpiemjoj '1661, 'E1 - +agwaoap polep 'uenllIns uolSSlw
- woo aq1 jo N tal0 wojj owaw e uolsslwwo0 aqj o} pa;llwgns lloosA1lh ja6eueVV A310
(Z) juaw }sn,pb jo p.teog o; s;uawlulo dy
•auou 'ON 6ullon asogl :S>IMeH
aoAeVV pue }so.td jauolsslwwo0 '6un.tgao0 uauolsslwwo0 'ddeuN aauolsslwwo0 'uosuems ja
- uolsslwwo0 6ulaq aAy 6UI40A asogl salon ON pue aAd 6ulmollol aqp Aq paiijeo uoI }ow aqj
•apoo auoz aq} ;o suopoas snolaeA 6ulpuawe ' OtU - ON aaueuipA0 ;dope Alleuld uolsspwwo0
aql legl. 'ddeuN a9uolsslwwo0 Aq papuooas 'uosueMS Jauolsslwwo0 Aq pa.vow seM 11
•awll slg1 le paldope AlleUld aq 41 Jegl papuawwooa.e pue
6 t@gwaoa(] ;o 6utlaaw jejn5aa AIag1 1e paldope Alleuolslnoid seM aoueulp,ao SIg1 Jeg1 wat_1l
papulwOJ .taglJnJ aH •ss000id Malnai Aep - o6 aq} aapun sluawpuawe opoa auoz ;o punou
lsjlj aq1 speua aoueulpio slgl leq} s.jauolsslwwo0 aqp populwa.a ja6euelN AItO aq1
'30NVNI0N0 SIM HIM 10113
- N00 NI d03N3H1 SINF/d (INV S30NVNI0N0 N3HIO llt/ (INV '010'h5`81
PUP '060 SNO1103S ONIId3d3N CINV 'NO[ i v - in03N WON3 1d W3
-N3d d0 31gb1 N01S Id1N3010N1 30 NOI11NId30 ( N3IdVHO 1N3WdO - I3A�
-30 IIN(1 03NNVld 30 38111 313130 -'30NVNI0NO SIH1 d0 NOIldO(IV
3HI Ol NOl2id 03dO13A30 S311S 3O IN3WdOl3A30 N3H1N(13 NO 'ilsn NI
30NVH0 '3S(1 -3N -SS3N3_LMJdONddb d0 S3IVDI=111N30 2103 S I N3W3NIf 0
-3N - w-1,- LIWd(1S -'NO11dWNO3Nl NJIS3Q ONM-111`10 -'NOI1't{WNO3N1 NVld
3115 :SIN3WEI 1AmO321 IVI -LIMnS NVld 311S 'SINIVEI 03N - w- L- L1Wgl1S
NVld H013hS f 3311[WW00 M31A3N IN3WdO13A30 (INV CINVOS M31A3N
01 ONINIVIN3d SIN3W3N1(1o3N snoQJ`dA -S3Ndl 310.1015 NO3 SIN3W
- 3NIC103N -3SION -ONIIHJI't (INV 3N]V19 (S1N3W3N1n03N W3ISAS 213
-MS AHVIINVS (INV 2131bM ( S3N1'I301f)0 - mjnI03lIH3NJV !SSEINELLV18d
-ONddV 30 S31b'013112i30 2103 SMMINVIS IN3WdOl3A3(7 (INV 'd1N311N0
N0)S30 'S21001NN00 kVMANINE1 31-11 NI SI031ONd (IN3D133M -'SI01NI
-SI0 AWMAA0 NO(1181 100 kVMAN1N3 NI SS3N]_l_V NdONddV 30 31t{01d11
-2130 :SI01N1S10 N011b'AN3SN00 QOOHNOSH013N N1 SS3N3_LVINdONddV
3O 31V3I=lUN30 !N0033 aNnO0 10 3HI NO Id33X3 S312101V IOHVI 30(110
- NI 01 3NOZ E -g 3HI NI s3isn 03111WN3d '3NOZ 1 -0 3HI NI S3l_LIAll
-0d N00(11f10 MOlIW OI S3S(1 031.LIMEld ' J01N.LS10 S -b' -- HI01M (INV
V9NfV 10I -'03IIgIH0Nd NOaon( 3N -- 5101 (iNV SaNk/A '03Nino3N
SNOI1blf103N ONINOZ H11M 30NVI'1dW00 'S331dd0 (INV 'N011b'IA30
- 8L -
Commission reappoint Pamela Bancroft and Robert V. Lashaway to the Board of Appeals,
with three-year terms to expire on December 31 7994, The motion carried by the follow-
ing Ay* and No vote' those voting Aye being Commissioner Cochrung Commissioner
Frost Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Knapp and Mayor Hawks/ those voting No,
Appointments to Band Board (2)
K was moved by Commissioner Frost, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the
Commission reappoint Charles F. McGuire to the Band Board, with a three-year term to
expire on December 31 / sy«. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote.
those voting Aye being Commissioner Frost, Commissioner S°mnavn Commissioner Knapp'
Commissioner Coehrung and Mayor Hawks; those voting Nu none,
The Commission directed the Clerk to readvertiye for the remaining vacancy on this
boa rd.
Appointments to Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board_(5)
It was moved by Commissioner Swansvn, seconded by Comm|aok,omr Knapp, that the
Commission reappoint David Baumbaucr and John Harkin' and appoint Shao L. 8undo
Scott Drv»|ow and Ray Raoker to replace William Barnes, Linda 8;onicki and Charlotte
Trvlinger on the Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board, all with one-year terms to expire
on December 31 1992. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those vot-
ing Aye being Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Knapp, Commissioner Oomhrung Com-
missioner Frost and Mayor Hawks; those voting No none.
Appointment to Cemetery_Board (1)
The City Manager noted that no applications have been received for this board.
The Commission directed the Clerk to readvertise for this vacancy.
Appointment to Design Review Board (1)
it was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Gonhrung that
the Commission appoint Ellen Kreigbuaom to replace Ken Ryder as a non-professional mem-
ber on the Design Review eoaru, with a term to expire on June Jo 1993. The motion
carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Knapp'
Commissioner Ooehrung' Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Swanson and Mayor Hawks;
those voting No mono,
jeLp 1 6unalaoD, jauoissiwwoo Aq papuo:)as Iddeu)q JDUOISSILUWOD Aq PDAOW Sem ;I
(1J qql;!WwO:) 5u!leulpi000 uoj;Eqiodsuejj_ ol 4uawluioddV
'ON 6UljOA aSOLJ� :S�MeH - ioAeA pue iso iauoissiwwoo '6uniLloog jauoisslwwoo 'ddeuN
.1auOlsslwwoo luosuems A@uojssiwwoo buioq arty BUIJOA asoqj :axon ON pue @AV 6uimollol
aqj Aq paiijeo uopow @L4_L 'E661 ILE jaqwaz)a(] uo ajidxa ol swial jpaA-omj t4jim 'pi208
AJOSIAPV .19JUaD JOIUOS OL11 04 UOSJQq •I near pue J - V jaqjsq juiodd2a.1 uolsslwwoo
aL44 1eqj 'ddeu)i jauoissiwwoo Aq papuoDas 'UOSU2MS jauoissiwwoo Aq PDAOM SeM 11
(Z) pieog AtoslAPV JDlU@o joiu@S of s�uawjuloddV
'ON 6UljOA OSOL41 's>fmeH joAeVV pue 6unAL4@og jauoissiwwOD 'ddeuN jauoissjwwoD uosuems
,j@uoisslwwo:) Ilso-ij jouoissiujwoD 6ul@q oAV 6U110A 9SOL41 :940A ON pue arty 6uimol
-loj aLli Aq papieo uOpow alA Z661 (] I LE jeqwaDa uo ajidx@ oi wj@4 -teaA-Uuo leplui ue
_L *
qjjm 'pjeoEl AjOSIAPV sNJ2d pue uolleajDa-d aq, ol uosiapuV •Vy llamo juiodde uoissiwwo:)
aq; 4vLjj uosuemS jauoissiwwoZ) Aq papuo:)E)s jsojj jauoissiwwoo Aq PqAOW Sem
'@uOu 'ON f)UljOA @SOql :s)qmeH joA2Vq pue ddeuN j;)uoissiwwoo 'uosuems
jouolss,wwoD Isoj-j j;)uoissiwwoo 6unjqaog AauoisslwwoD 6uiaq DAV BUIJOA OSOL41 :@;OA
ON pue @AV 6uimolloi G141 Aq papiez) uol4om aLqj '966L ILE jaqwa:)@(l uo ajidxa o; wial
i �q
,near( -om4 leil!ui ue qj!m 1 p.Aeog Ajos]APV s pue uOIIPG :)a ot4l ol pa;uiodd2 aq uiedS
no ieLp jsojq jauoissiwwoo Aq papuo:)as 1 5uniLloog jauoissiwwoo Aq PqAOW SeM 41
sNm2H -toAeVy pue uosuems A@uo"sslwwOD Isojq jauotssiwwoo '5uniqaoq jauolsslwwoo
Iddeu>l aauolsslwwoD 6utaq oAV 6UI40A aSOql :DJOA ON pue @AV 6uimolloj aL41 Aq paiijeo
uollow aqj- •t7661 ILE jaqwa:)@(l uo @.jidxa of swam j2aA-D9jt4; Lilim 'PJeOs AJOSIAPV
sued pue uopeajDaM 9tqj of pajuloddeaj aq j9AVy a>j!jN pue i@Llslj •�j SOLU2r luosAig uaN
Imp 6unjqaoo Aauo[ssiwwoD Aq papuooas 'ddeuy iGuoissiwwoo Aq PaAOW S2M if
(S) pJ200 AAOSIAPV sNj!ed pue uO14 01 slu@wlu!oddV
•ddeu}q jauoissp
-woo 6uiaq ON 6UljOA aSCql 'S) joAeVV pue ;so.Aj jauoisslwwoo I5unjq@oq jauoissiwwoo
luosuems JquolsslwwOo 6uioq aAV BUIJOA asoq; :@jOA ON pue @AV 6uimollol aqj Aq paiijeo
uOl;Ow OLI I "E661 ILE jaqwaoa(] uo a-iidxa o; wiai-omi e 1pim a@j4!wwo3 AlajeS :)ijjei_L/ue
-!.A4s@Pad @q4 uo a_injDoVq a6-jo@o a:)ejdaJ 04 '*Jr 'J@A20A& >i pleuoo juiodde uoissiwwoo aq;
jeqj 6uniqaog jauoisstwwoD Aq papuo:)as uosuemS jeuoEssiwwoo Aq PGAOW SeM 11
(L) a9}41WWO:) AjajeS :)!jJ2_1_L/UelJjGaPDd 01 lUaWlUlodaV
- 0z -
- 21
the Commission reappoint Pau/ Wongart to the Transportation Coordinating Committee with
a two-year term to expire on December 31 1993, The motion carried by the following Aye
and No vota, those voting Aye being Commissioner Knapp' Commissioner Goehrung Com-
missioner Frost, Commissioner Swanson and Mayor Hawke; those voting No, none.
Renewal of @e*r 0xno and Liquor Licenses for Calendar Year 1992
This was the time set for renewal of Beer, Wine and Liquor Licenses for the Calen-
dar Year 1992. A total of 71 applications have been received, along with the required
fees. City Manager Wysocki presented to the Commission the following list of establish-
ments which have made application and paid the required fee:
zoo South 23rd
American Drug Stores, Inc.,
dba Osco Drug
vszs West Main Street
American Legion Club
czn East Maio Street
American Pizza Partners, L.P.,
dba Pizza Hut
2300 west Main Street
Ba|dy Mountain Ski o Bike
621 8r|dBer Drive
Banana Bar and Grill
2825 west Main Street
Bingo World
237 East Main Street
Birch Oru Inc.,
dba 3uperAmerica
119 North 7th Avenue
Black nog Ale House
120 North 19th Avenue
Bozeman Bowling, Inc.,
dba The Bwv|
414 East Babcock Street
Bozeman Restaurant and Lounge, Inc.,
dba Holiday Inn
s Baxter Lane
Bozeman Town Pump, Inc.
2607 West Main Street
B.P.O. Elks #403
106 East Babcock Street
Bridger View Conoco
1417 North 7d1 Avenue
$ 200,00 $ 200.00 $ $ 400.00
200.00 200,00
zon'oo zoo`on
200.00 200.08
500.00 500.00
500.00 500.00
500.00 500.00
580.00 500.00
200.00 200,00
oo^onS no~oUs
O0^o0z .
00' 001T
VO~OOg 00`00S
00^00S OO^OOS
00^00S 00^00G
00'009 08^00S
OO'VOs 00'00g
08'00/ uo'VVZ
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Kagy Korner Store
1809 South Tracy Avenue
Kwik Way #32
401 East Peach Street
"Lewis and Clark Family Restaurant
Q%A West Main Street
Little John's Bar
515 West Aspen Street
Me and Jan's Mini Mart
919 West College Street
M* and Jan's If
621 Main Street
Mini Mart, Inc.,
dba Mini Mart Nn. 728
717 West College Street
Mini Mart, Inc.,
dba Mini kart No. 729
1910 West Main Street
Mr, T's Sinclair
1310 North 7th Avenue
Montana Pizza, Inc.,
dba Godfather's Pizza
mo South 23rd Avenue
O'ork*n's Restaurant
312 East Main Street
Payless Drug
2825 West Wain Street
Price Rite Drug Center
910 North 7th Avenue
R o N Corporation
dba Bozeman Hotel
321 East Main Street
Red Barn Wine and Cheese Shop
1534 West Main Street
Rucking R Bar
217 East Main Street
Safeway Store #289
yol West Maio Street
Scoop oar
712 West Main Street
3NB Inc.,
dba The Wine Merchant
27 East Main Street
Spectator's Sports Bar and Grill
10 Tai Lan*
Story Distributing Company'
dba Story Exxon
1221 East Main Street
Sundanco Saloon
717 North 7th Avenue
- 23 -
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- 25 -
sinners had specifically acknowledged that approval of the license did not waive the City's
position with respect to pursuing those violations. The City Attorney further noted that
the City has been in litigation regarding zoning violations with this business since January
zo 1991/ and he recommended that the Commission approve renewal or that license with
the following stipulation: "that by renewal or issuance of the Beer, Wine and Liquor Li-
censes for Calendar Year 1992. the City does not waive its position regarding violations of
the City's zone code or its right to enforce these violations, and that issuance of this li-
cense is not to be construed an authorizing a continuing violation of the City's zone code."
It was moved by Commissioner Go*hrung seconded by Commissioner Frost, that the
Commission approve the renewal of Beer Wine and Liquor Licenses for Calendar Year 1992
for the various establishments as listed above, with the stipulations for Ba|dy Mountain Ski
and Bike and the Lewis and Clark Family Restaurant as enumerated by the City Attorney
above, The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote. those voting Aye being
Commissioner Co*hrumg Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Knapp
and Mayor Hawks; those voting No, nnne,
Discussion - FYI Items
tion" items.
(1) Commissioner Knapp reminded the Commission of her recant attendance at the
National League of Cities Congress of Cities, which was held in Las Vegas. She stated
that in a discussion with the Council President in Detroit, she was asked "What is the
main effort in Bozeman?"; and her response was "Trying to protect the environment."
The Commissioner noted that the response was that in Detroit, "Wm are trying to get ours
beck." She then noted that the theme in o number of the workshops at the Congress of
Cities was protecting the mnvironmen1, or how to got it back.
Commissioner Knapp then stated her intention to prepare a written report on her
attendance at the conforencu, and requested that it be placed on the agenda in the near
future for discussion.
Commissioner Knapp left the meeting at 4-15 p.m.
(2) Agenda for the DRC meeting scheduled for }o,no a.m. on Tuesday, Decem-
ber 24'
(3) Notice that the oRB meetings for December z^ and 31 have been cancelled.
(4) Notice of the special Commission meeting scheduled for 10:80 a.m. on Mon-
day, January 6 1992 for the purpose ofreorganization.
(5) Agenda for the December 24 meeting of the Gallatin County Commission,
along with daily minutes for the weeks of December 2 and December 9, 1991.
L6-£Z -Z L
'aaJ hews e joj 'jauuew aupwnq @,iow P ui sled qaLIj 4o asodsip ol @Idoad molle ipm A111pej
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aq; l Auowa- bulw-lem- 2 P@Pu@ AIIUOZ E PDlOu sNmeH JoAevv (E
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j@qjo pue wajsAs aq; olui 6uiqs2m wo.A; sedid peal deaf o4 poubisap @je q:)iqm Isuoijel
-n5@,j mau ERR ;GGLU 0 4 Hd aq; ialle o4 ssaDoid 4uaw4eaj1 jalem sil 1sn.(pp ol 6uipaau AI!Z)
aq; uj llns,3-t pInoD suoi1eln6aj OSDLAI leql P@1 aH - passn:)sjp ajam juawleoil _sqj2m o;
6uiuj2;.Aad suopeln6a.A letapaj Buiwoodn 'Butleaw 1eq4 6ui np le I polou oA W a
J 1 4 J e q_L
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aH - �qagm Isel Bull@aw L411e@H JO PJ aq; P@Pui);Ie 91 4 PB4e;s s�q mel[ joAeW (Z l)
-buipjemaj uaaq osle seLl 1 4:)Iqm Duo--,ODUO
-ijadxa ue, se sjeaA jnoj 4sed aLll. pazpajoeieLp 6un_iL1@oq j@uoissjwwoD (W
- @,jn;nj aLlj uj alqlssod
Aem Aue ui uoissiwwo:) aq; isisse ol ssou6ujll!m siq POMG u@Lll ;)H -paiidxa seq uoissiLu
-Woo aL41 uo Wial SILI Je;Je 'qj5U91 S,WJ2 le 'P@AIOAU1 UIE?W@J 0; UOIJUGJUI SRA P@121S UOL4;
aH -suolle;lwil umo siq wiL4 ol p@4uasajd Aot4l pue . leuosiad buipnpui 'LIjmo.A6 Jo
junowe snopuawail. e PGPIAoid OAK4 sje@A inoj Ised aq; pajels s�qmel_i IoAeVV (01)
pue uoijuaidsui jioqj joj 6unitAaog jeuoissiwwo:) pue ssqmekl JOAPW Pa�IuNl (E) 'Z661
1 9 Ajenuer 'A2PUOVq UO •w•d 00:5 le Buiuuibaq .1a;xeq @LIj le pauueld Sa1J1AIjSaJ UO[Jej
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-jai n punoie Passed (Z) -4D@fojd jeLp jnoq2 jeaA 5uiwoz)dn aq; ui Aj!Z) aql Lpeoidde 111m
dnoj6 aq; palsa66ns pue Buipl!nq at41 jo uoisuedxa 9,ininj popnioui uoissn3sip JEL]; pOloU
@H -passnosip sem LpmoiB @jnlnj joj 6uiuueld aaeLlm 'ALps@upam uo alcload .1awa:) Jolu
_aS jo dno-i6 e LgIm ievv (t) •6ulmOlIOJ 9 4; P@44!wqns uOsuPMS J@UotssiWWOO
-sjeaA om4 Ised 9LA; F:)uijnp sNmeH
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(Z) -Aepsonj_ uo luowdOlaAep llun pauueld siL4 6uipje6aJ uolms @or pue 4je;s buluueld
Lilim 40M @Lf WL11 PalON ( l.) •buimollol aLp pa4llwqns jso.AA JaUOISSIWWO:)
- en 6 eJe 3 'N 'SeAl�q L411m cliqsuopelaj Alp .4alsis S,U2W@ZO8 10 11461I up Apel
-nopied 'ejewaleng pue 2 nI 52 jR 3 'N ul S@J;!A1j:)e UO POPIAoid sem alepdn U2 aj;DqM BUJIDaW
e p@pUalle 014 '6UfU@Aa A2PSOUPaM UO ;eLI4 PG;elS 6uniqaog jauoisspwoo M
A@144 JOJ s�lmel! joAeW pue Sun.ALI@o!) xamisspwoo Pa)iue'4-L (Z) ,-sewjsytA3 Ajj@VV,, e sia
_UOISSIWWOO 9141 Jo Ile PaqslM ([) •6ulmolloj at4j pajl!wqns Ao6eueVq A1!3 at4l (9)
- 9z -
He then noted that the staff at the Humane Society is a very dedicated group of volun-
Consent Items
The City Manager presented to the Commission the following Consent Items.
Authorize City Manager to sign R h Powe
Company - 20-foot-wide strip in NE4, SW4, Section 19, T2S, RGE
MPM (Spring Meadows park land)
AuthorFz Manager to sign - Agreement with Dick Pohl for preparation
of parks master
It was moved by Commissioner Frost, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the
ate persons to complete the necessary actions. The motion carried by the following Aye
and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Frost Commissioner Swanson,
Commissioner Goehrung and Mayor Hawks; those voting No none.
Adjournment - 3
There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was
moved by Commissioner Goehruny, seconded by Commissioner Frost that the meeting be
adjourned. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being
Commissioner Goehrung Commissioner Frost Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Knapp
and Mayor Hawks; those voting No, none.