November lR, 1991
The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission
Room, Municipal Building, November 18, 1991, at 3:30 p.m. Present were Mayor Hawks,
Commissioner Goehrung, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Knapp,
City Manager Wysocki, City Attorney Luwe and Clerk of the Commission Sullivan.
The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence.
None of the Commissioners requested that any of the Consent Items be removed for
Mayor Hawks deferred action on the minutes of the regular meetings of August 26,
October 15 and October 21, 1991 for a period of one week.
It was moved by Commissioner Goehrung, seconded by Commissioner Frost, that the
Commission approve the minutes of the regular meeting of November 12 1991, as amended.
The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commission-
er Gvohrung Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Knapp and Mayor
Hawks; those voting Nn none.
Decision - re t for permission to add Montana Community Shares to payroll deduction
optio s for City, employees
Mayor Hawks noted the Commission has received the requested background informa-
tion on this item,
Commissioner Frost stated he does not feel the Commission should act on the re-
quest to add Montana Community Shares to the payroll deduction options for City employ-
ees; rather he feels that criteria should be established, and those non-profit organizations
meeting those criteria should be included on the list of options. He stated that the infor-
mation submitted by Montana Community Shares reflects that the State of Montana has quite
strict objective standards for determining those who qualify for optional payroll de-
ductions. He noted that Montana Community Shares meets those criteria; so does United
Way; and probably other organizations would as well. He then stated he is not comfortable
making a decision on the options available to the City employees on such a specific basis,
suggesting that to develop a set of standards similar to those of the State would be more
City Manager Wysocki requested a copy of the criteria established by the State,
noting he did not receive one.
16 -31 -1
'GJO aJaLll 'PaIPIs @H -saillunwwo:) jallews jo asuodxa @L14 le moj6 ll!m sajl!unwwoz) Jabjel
lall SiDa.foid ajujS aq; ioj ;jodai :)iwouo:)@ aL41 leg; pajels u0suems -l@uolsslwwoo
•p@iS!Ienb aq pinoqs
11 '"' s l a@ J @14 'P -la(4 941 S Uollezlue ue S 6 UOI S leql PO4els Ugt4; aH
- uewazog Bono; osle aseq oplAA-elels e OA2LI qDiqm sdnoj6 jeLp PaMs S�JML'H joAeVI
buiAj!jenb paiop!suo:) @q pinoqs E)121S a144 jo saqDeaj jej oqi ui p942ool sdnoj6 I!Joid-uou
1241 Pal lou swop GLI p@;Pls uaLli aH - Indui le:)ol awos tAllm 'sauilap!nB alpiS @Ljj
uo paseq A112jau@6 aq pino:) s@ujj@p!n6 s,A4!:) oqi ieLl; pols;abF:)ns Iso.Aj muoissimoo
- alq2ldaoop aq p1nom sdnoj6 uopoe lez)i4llod jj jo 'sdno-if:) dlaq leDol o; uoile4pil
e aq 0 1 sl OJOLP 4! pa OsIP aH - suoileziue6jo ap!m-alels Iioddns pinom Aaqj AoqjR14m
jo slenplAIPUl JeDOj bui;ljauaq asoqj of sdnoj6 6utAjllenb atAl 11wil of saqsim uoissiwwoo aL41
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e uiqllm podOjDA@p sauilap!nb ;leap aLil @Ae14 pino:) aq papuodsoi jabeueVV Ai!D 91 41
- epu@6e aq; uo �Joeq
Wa4l SILIJ aAeq of ;:)adxg p1noo uoissiwwo:) at44 u9t4m 6upise 'uolleiap!suoo uoissiww joj
epallij jo las 2 doIDA;Dp jobeueIN All:) GL41 ;Pt4l P@�{se u@t4l @H - ;sanbai stL41 uo uotsloap
e 5upiew uall i@Ljj2j 's;)uij@p!n6 Buildope joj lioddns palels uosupmS J;)uoissiwwoo
- sj2@A ILIJOADS Ised DLIJ JaAO W2j6ojd uoijonp
-op Ilo.AAed aq; uo u;aaq seq jetA4 adAl SIL4; ;0 U0142ZIue6.jo Aluo aq; ueaq s AeAA Pallun
42L44 P@Wu OH - wei5oid uoilz)npap IlojAed @q; uo paz)eld bupq -1c) s;sonbai Aum POAIG:)
-9j iou se4 aq 4eqj P@121S ja6euejN AIIZ) aip 'uosuemS jauoissiwwoD of ftipuodsa�j
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- ef)jo lenplAIPUl Lpea iol Ajessaoau aq p1nom 11 loaf jou saop aq 'padol@Aap aje sauilap!n6
914I -iolle jeqj pa4e4s ;sojj jauoissiwwoD luosu2mS iauoissiwwo:) ol 6uipuods@�j
-we,j5o.id uoilDnpop IloiAed @L41 of ssez):)e ui26 ol Aj!lenb AllenlUOA;D Am
sdno,jFD 1P.AOADS 4e14J ;Diq!ssod sl 41 'padOlDAOP am souilopinb @All:)9[qO J! JeLil palsaMns 9 H
•sinot4 juawAoidwa aplslno ;)je q:)iL4m SUOISIAoid ssa:)op t4lio; las pinoqs sauippinB Ot4l 1
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sa@Aoldwo A4!Z) ol ssa:):)e ioj Ajdd2 of aldoad molle IeLp spiepuels jo las r? 5up4sijqpjsa 42L41
slaaj aq Builou 'uoij!sod s,jsoj.4 j@uoissiwwo:) t44!m aDuaiinDuoo PaMs S) joAeVy
IsaaAoldwa nSVV pue ajejS at44 L41oq ol
alqe:)ildd2 @-12 PIJ;4j!-f3 @S@t4l l2qj PalOu aH 'GlelS @LIT JOJ SGDIAJaS upwnL4 pue qlle@Ll 5ui
-ssaippe suoileziue6jo illoid-uou Idwaxa Xel DAIJ ISeal le apnioui of suoijelap;q BuiAjllenb
se.Ainba.A 94e;S at4l jeqj 5upou 'eije;ltD eqj pelL46ilt46iLl Allopq Isoij jauolsslwwo:)
- z -
- 3 -
he feels it would be appropriate to include state-wide organizations, thus allowing City em-
ployees to help other areas in the State if they so desire.
Mr. Bob Nichol, Executive Director of Montana Community Shares noted that at last
week's meeting, he distributed a fo/dur containing information no their organization and
program; and a copy of the State guidelines was included in that information.
Mr. Nichol then stated that when he first mot with City Manager Wysocki in Septem-
ber, he was concerned that they be given an opportunity to meet with the amp|oyaes' su-
pervisors at the same time as United Way/ however they were not afforded that oppor-
tunity. He noted that the deadline is rapidly approaching for pledges for the upcoming
year; and no decision has yet been made. He then stated the organization has met rigor-
ous guidelines in the State; and he sees no reason why they cannot be given the oppor-
tunity to conduct their program in the City while the guidelines are being developed. He
stated there are now four federations which meet the State guidelines; therefore, the City
will not be overrun by countless federations attempting to access the City's payroll de-
duction program.
Mayor Hawks recognized the position stated by a majority of the Commissioners,
which is to adopt a sot of objective guidelines which federations wishing access to the
City's payroll deduction program must meet. He then stated that he has not heard any
objection to allowing Montana Community Shares to participate in the payroll deduction pro-
Aram' if it meets those guidelines and criteria established; however, he noted the Commis-
sion dons wish to address this request in a rational manner. He suggested that if the
guidelines can be established quickly, then Montana Community Shares may yet gain access
to the payroll deduction program for the upcoming year.
The City Manager stated that duo to his upcoming absence from the office, he will
be unable to prepare the guidelines for Commission consideration until their December 9
The City Manager then indicated that Mr. Nichol first approached him just a fa*
days before the United Way representative was scheduled to meet with the department
heads at a regularly scheduled weekly gaff meeting. He noted that Mr. Nichol *icd to
force his way into that meeting; however, he felt that would be inappropriate. The City
Manager then stated that while ho is opposed to e||mwiog these typos of organizations to
approach the groups of employees at their work places, he feels it is acceptable to address
the department heads at a staff meeting so that they can respond to questions.
Mayor Hawks requested that the guidelines be placed on the agenda as soon as pvs-
sib7e for Commission consideration.
16-8 L- L L
jeLjj pa4e:)ipui A@ujojjV A;I:) aL41 'Isoj JauOlsslwwoo Luoij uoi4s@nb e ol Sulpuoclso�j
•s.ie;aA @ld
-no:) Ised @L41 ui POF:)ULILID GAeq S5UILI; 10 401 12 PDJOU GL4 'X)AaMOLJ 'OpOD @Ljj jo al!JMOJ OL41
ui jq6n2o aq ol pawaas lesodoAd siLl asne:)aq weDildde aq; L];Im sazit4ledwAs aq 4e'41 paj2js
U SH 'az)ueulpjo 6uiuoz witalui @Ljj japun ajq2jda:)De pauimialOp 9 JOm ;e'4; saw9-I;x;9 N4
PIOA2 01 'pamolle aq IffM lPql UOIIeIA@p JO 4unowe @Ljj uo uotlel!mil e ui2luoz) 111m 1 p@puawe
6uiaq jo ss@ooid @L41 ui si t4:)iqm 'apoD auoz leuij aLil jeq; p;a;ou Isoij iguoisslwwoz)
-@pew 6uiaq U0112011cide jew.Aol ;aL41 ol joijd 12Aoidde ioj U01j2PUGWWOZ)O.A 2 GAIODO.4 ptnoz)
;eq; ueld e ajeax) ol Idwa;;e ue ui P.1208 M@IAO�j u 9 41 pue Ilels 6u]uuefd aLlI qj!m
ssa:)o,Ad MOIADJ jewjojui aLl; ui ;uads sem awi; let4l jo jol e ;eL41 pajou aq 'JOAaMOLI 'SLIIUOW
auiu joj ssamid ui uaaq seq uoileDildde siL14 4eqi z);ejn:)z)e si sq>jojS •.iVV icq; palels uatAl
@H -spjepuels apoz) 6uilsixa ol joijadns si L4:)iL4m Al!lenb @deDspuej e aDnpoid jsnw jueD
-Ildde at44 'ss000id UO]12]Aap aq; japun leql P@1 aH -pajjnz)uoD uojj@�IS JaUU21d
- jabuol
Alqe.jap!suo:) si ssa:)ojd 42LI1 pue . o; uesot4:) seq 4ue:)ildde aq; q:)iL4m 'ss UOURIA
-ap a(41 sem apoz) jeLjj ui ajqejjPAe uoi;do puoz)os at4i jPqj paiou 9H 'IE)AGI @A14ejjSIUIWp2
9L4; le jeAojdd2 a;ejpawwj U2 01 POI 9A2L] p1nom sauilapIn5 asoqj L41!m aDuewjojuoo pue
196eu6is Aol sauilapIn6 zqjjDads peq apoz) wya;ui aLii p@iou uosu2 S a oisslwwoD
m A u . .
-wis 4ol e sem ssa:)oid jawjoj aL41 leLli 6uilou lo6 Isnw auoAjaAO 4 t4 aJnpaooJd
pue ss@Doid OLIJ MGlAaj Allnjaj2D ol uoissiwwoo @L41 paBeino:)ua uat4l sa)iolS alryi
•PJ2MJOJ aAOW UeD SS@DOJd aq; os pall!wqns se suoij!puoo aLli jdax)e o4 6uill!m si 9L4
@mil siql 12 Inq 'IPAoidde joj suotl!puoo pasodoid aq; o; joafqo lt46iw lue:)tldde aL41 'julod
siLli ol buol sq4uow autu uaaq jou peL4 ssaDoid siL41 ji le(41 palels u;Dt4l @H ,•JJO @.I@M
s4eq lie,, uoissiwwoD @q4 paLiDeaj uoijeoildde @L14 uat4m pue 'asuodsai alqeJOA21 POAla:)aj
pue Jje4S 6UIUU21d @Ljj PULI '@@4;!WWOD Ma]A@�j juawdOlaA9(] aLil 'pJeOg Ma[Ae�j Uf W41
ajojaq uaaq seq jue:)ildde at4l 4pql uoijejjsnjj passajdx@ 9H -ssa:)oid 9LI4 JO SSaU;qA14D;Dj
-ja pue Al!p!12A Oq4 suoilsarib @L4 pue Iss000id 6uol e uaaq seLl 41 ;eq; Pa4els OH -A-12ni
-qa.l ul paleq!ul uaaq 6ulAPL4 'Buol os u;)Nel seq ss000id siLl; ;eLp uj;Dz>uoz) passaidxg uGLI4
@H 'owaw s,Aaujo4lV AI!Z) aL14 jo Ado:) 2 p9Ali)D9J ;snf seq aLl pajels sErqoIS aa
-ssaz)ojd A&9[AOJ jeln6ai aLlI ol pajDafqns aq p1nom
U014PIAOP siqi japun P@Aoidd2 a6eu6is aq; woad sa6uet4:) u6is Aue ;eL4i O.Jinbe'l p1nom t4DiL]m
'pappe aq p1noo uoi4lpuoD t4jj!j e jet4j palsa6bns UaL4; 9 H •U011e[Agp p@;s;Dnb;),i aq; jo
1PAo-idde uo pasodwi aq Alq!ssod p1noo j2t4j suoi4lpuo:) inoj 6uip-iemjoj 't mqW@AON PD1
'amn A@ujojjV AI!D wo.Aj owaw P uoissiwwoZ) aq; o4 pe;llwqns iNoosAM jaftuRvq AIID
peon @6elUOJJ 4S2E] 0161E
IsjojoVV jo;IeM >iDj(] - aftu6is jol sa6elool ajenbs 12101 01 UO[le]Aap aoj Isanbai - uOISIOGG
- t -
- 5 -
the Commission will make a decision on possible amortization of the sign based on the sign
code in effect at that time. He noted that the code at that time may not provide for
automatic amortization.
City Manager Wysocki reviewed the reasons contained in City Attorney Luwe's memo
for possible approval of this application, as follows:
1. That the Design Objective Plan is not fully in place, which would
provide for established review criteria; and
2. That the request primarily involves the re-- installation of moving of
existing signs as opposed to establishing a completely new sign.
Commissioner Goehrung stated he does not support approval of this requested vari-
ance. He noted there are three main car dealerships in the community; and all of them
have been before the Commission on a number of issues, which has taken staff time as well
as Commission time. He stated that seems to be the character of the industry, particularly
when a dealer represents multiple manufacturers. He then noted that he will not be on
the Commission in five years; and he does not feel it is appropriate to defer a sign review
and decision to a different Commission.
Commissioner Swanson stated the DRB has reviewed this application twice, with dif-
ferent members reviewing it each time. He noted that they have reviewed it from an ar-
chitectural and design view; and they have unanimously recommended approval. He then
stated the sign is larger than he would like; and that is why he requested a second re-
view after five years.
Commissioner Goehrung noted his continued opposition to approval of deviations in
the entryway corridors, suggesting that such deviations will only lead to even more prob-
lems in the future.
Commissioner Knapp indicated she cannot support approval of the deviation because
she does not feel it is appropriate to approve a sign which is larger than a billboard. She
noted that this deviation will be approved; however, in deference to those who have spok-
en against billboards and large signs, she must vote against it.
It was moved by Commissioner Frost, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the
Commission approve the requested deviation from the sign ordinance, to allow a total of 560
square feet of signage on the property located at 31910 East Frontage Road, per DRB rec-
ommendation, subject to the following conditions:
1. That the sign and the requested deviation will be fully reviewed again
before and by November 25, 1996;
2, That this review will be conducted under the sign code in place at
the time of review;
3. That if the sign is required to be removed after a full review, sign
amortization, if any, can be addressed at that time in accordance with
the sign code provisions in effect;
11 -1891
L6 - 8 1 - LL
GleAtad aq; pue ;0oals aq; joj Aem-lo-446ia a;21S ;A41 ueomlaq A;Jadojd paumo-Allo jo
duzs e sl a-Aa44 paleolpul jo4D@ji(j 6 uiuueld e44 ';SOJA JauOlsslWWOZ) 01 buipuodsa
padOlOAap uagq seq 42L[I ;ol iq;Dj4S u,L js@M 01AI WOjj ajejedDs sr q:)iLlm 4ol
leI3!jjT.w ue pDjep!suo:) aq pinoo a6eluoij anUOAV 4 461 LWON aq; leql PlIou OH •anU9AV
LIM[ qIJON 6uole palleisui ;)q 01 SjUGW9Aojdwi ails aLli 01 pe;219.i Allei6alui sem jaajjS uievv
IsoM uo u6is ejoAo_L mau aq; jo IPAoidde jaq4o4m jo uopsanb o41 ol puodsa.] uoissjwLuoo
at4i JeLp p@isonbej aq '.AaAaMOL] :Al@AIjeJjSlUlWp2 pm4sildwoDDe Allsea aq pinoD 'a6eluoij
anL]@AV L1461 L14-ION aq; -JOJ auO pue 96eluoij IaOJIS uIeVI Is OL44 JOJ - 'suO'Pas Om;
OJUI [PAoidde U21d Oils [eUOIIIpUo:) aq; BUIPIAIP le(44 Paje4s @Idd2 jo;:)@Jl(] 5uluueld
uojj2Dol ;uesajd s4l ui ujewo.A ol si U61S 12UQ14DD.41P POZIS
-JaAO OLP PaIOU 9 H 'U ,�Ioinq 1GlOJA0L4:), oqj jo 6ui-iamol pue ubjs ,oao,. buipuelsaaal
6uIjsIX0 GL44 jo leAOWOA sapnlDuj aBeNoed @6eu6is siq; 4eq; UOISSPLUO OL11 P;DPUIWOJ 9 H
'PaAwdcle se ' PU2 a62U6IS BUIISIXG OLIJ GSlAaJ PU2 U61S 21OAO
_L,, Mau aqj [leis
-ui 01 SjUeM jl!jS OLJ 'JaA@MOL4 anUGAV 416L LRJON uO 6 u1IuOJJ Pa-le 6UINJ2d pue 6uipl[nq
sales je:) pasn 2 jDnjjsuo:) o4 ueld siq uopueq2 o; 6ujsodojd si IfauuoD ,JVV owij stLij
;e leq4 PO;Ou uG41 0 1-1 'uoissiwLuo:) otAl Aq jeAOjdde leuoillpuo:) ol joijd passed ueld siLli
4:)it4m q6nojqj ssaooid M@IAOJ BL4; JO UQISSIWWO:) aq; p;)pUjWqj -10;:)Ojl(] 6 u'uueld DL41
u6is ,eloAoj_,, e 10 UOIT!Ppe ;)LIJ
pue 915eU6IS 6UPSIX0 aL41 JO @WOS JO UMOP 6UIIE3S PU2 12AOWOJ aq; qbno pojjlpow aq o;
sem 062 luOJJ ;a"IS UIRW Is a41 1 P@IOU ;DH '6U[Aed pue 6uid2:)SpUej GAISU@IX@ LIJIM
a6cluo,ij onU;DAV t4461 44.AON at4l dOIGA@p pue 6uipl!nq sales ieo pasn jooj-a.Ienbs-000'L e
1:)njlsuo:) o4 posodoid juez)ildde w4l 'ueld ails jofew siLli jopun jeLp uoissiwwoZ) o4j papuiw
-9 J aH -OZ AM UO 12A0jdde ueld ails leuoi4lpuoo jDafqns o41 jo 6uiju2j6 q@q4 ui pazillin
ueaq peq 4:)14m dew a44 UOISSIWWOZ) a4l pamoqs alddA ApuV jo4z)9,4i(] 5 uluueld
• 4sanba.i siq; 6uipjemioj 'tIL JDqW;)AON pa4ep 'aldd3
- 5 uluueld woij owaw e uoissiwwoD 9L41 o4 pel4lwqns pj:)osAM tabeuevy All:)
IsaM SELL 'JalOJA@IA:) Ilauuoo - leAoidde ueld ails leuoi4!puoD jo uol;eDlj!pow JOI ;sanU
•6un.jLjaoq jouoissimmaj pue ddeu>j
.jauoissiwwo:) 6uiaq ON BUIJOA ;DS0141 's�"H -ioAeVy pue uosuemS iauoissiwwo:) 'Iso.4j as
-uoissimoo Buiaq eAV 6UIjOA @SOLIJ 'aIOA ON pue @AV 6uimollo; aLI4 Aq poijma uopow Ot4j
-awil 4eq4 4e ID@jja ui
@6eu6is ui ;D6uet4z) joj ssa:)oAd MOIADJ jeln6ai oL41 of p;glz)a.fqns aq Him
uOjjDe slqj j@pun P@Aoidde u6is aq; ol s@6ueqD p@sodoid Aue jeq.L q
aq ol pajinbaj 9q pinom u6is aq; uat44 '4s@nb@j Alawil e a)jew
01 SlIPJ @Ll 11 '966L 'SZ J@qwaAON — D'I 's.AeaA OAIJ OLIJ JO uoilejidx@
aq; ajojaq sAep (06) Ajauiu ;seal le juawliedo(i 6UMueld Alunoo/Al!o
9L44 04 MGIAaJ joj jsanboj uojj!jm e 11wqns isnw jueoildde aL41 4eq
_L , f7
- 9 -
- 7 -
property. He then indicated that the State does not allow planting of any vegetation
which will reach a mature height of SV inches in its right-of-way, noting that the front
yard trees which have been proposed are not located within the right-of-way.
Commissioner Frost suggested that the street landscaping along North 19th Avenue
is integral with the installation of sigmagr' noting that the original conditions for approval
require the installation of that landscaping in accordance with the design objective plans,
after those plans have been adopted. He also suggested that change in the lighting of the
parking area is also integral to the signagc issue. He noted, therefore that Condition
Nos. 14 /S and 17 should remain in force. The Commissioner suggested that the
on-premises landscaping along North 19th Avenue should he construed as being in coo/unc-
tion with the used car lot; therefore, it should be considered as a separate issue.
Commissioner Swanson stated it is his impression that the improvements along North
79th Avenue are not integrally related to those along West Main Street. He then stated
support for retaining Condition No. 14 as port of the approval for the West Main Street
portion of the site. He then stated the applicant has indicated his intent to change the
lighting, as set forth in Condition No. 77. He stated that he feels the Commission should
allow this requested modification of the conditional site plan approval, allowing him to pro-
cued with improvements along the West Main Street side of the parcel at this time.
Responding to Commissioner Goehrung the Planning Director stated that the sign-
age proposed for the used car lot includes a single freestanding 34-square-foot sign'
which conforms with the zone code. He then stated that under the code provisions, a
business which is entitled to signaya on two street frontages may not borrow from one
h'unmgo allowance for the other street frontage. He stated, therefore, the applicant must
seek o deviation if be wishes to exceed the s|gnagc allowed for one of the street front-
Commissioner Frost noted that the directional sign was the focal point of discussion
when this item was originally discussed; and it was quickly determined that the size and
location of the current sign are appropriate given the site and the movement of traffic.
He then expressed concern that the sign has essentially been covered by cars being dis-
played in front of it. He also questioned whether cars are being parked too close to the
roadway to meet the zone code requirements.
Responding to the City Manager, Planning Director Eppi* suggested that if the
Commission finds in favor of Mr. Cnnnu||'s request to modify the conditional site plan
approval, the Planning staff can administratively revise the conditions as necessary. He
then quickly reviewed those conditions noting that Nos. 3 7 8 9, 13, 16 and 10 would
no longer be relevant.
Responding to mayor Hawks, Planning Director Epp|e indicated that a site plan is
-Ing, aq4 puiqaq uiew camas aLil of s4:)auuo:) camas bullsixe at4l gjaqm
pajinba.i aq jilm Ispiepue4s Allo of palon.AisuoD lqjoLjU2w 2 jeq I h
lueld 941s leuil
atp uo A14z)ajjo:) pa;Ljlsnlll aq jjpqs anUeAV 1 4161 qlJON uo ul as
-jPM aqj JO DZIS Ot4j PUP anUGAV L116L LIIJON wojj qnjs _ia4em aq; 42L].L z
f weld
-aj mous aq4 6uiuil;no ;IAEPIJJP UP GP!Ao.Ad 11eqs 4ue:)ijdde otp ILLI.L I
:qljoj jos AjsnOlAajd se 'suollipum) 5ulmolloi ai4i oi 4Dafqns aq llet4s pefo-Ad aL41 jo uoil
- cod ui2Vy ;s@M aq; jet4j pue '112Aoidde jo awejjawi; aLp uiL441m pajoldwoz) aq ol sl ueld a4ls
1 @L14 JO JDPUJeWDJ OL11 J! 9AI;09119 awo:)aq of 9L PUP 9L 'EL '6 'R 'L 'E 'SON UOIJIP
-UOD L44!m 'awl; sit44 4e 4:)afojd @t4; jo Uolijod ;aaijS uievq ;saM GL41 aAo-Adwi o4 ;ueDildde @LR
6uimolle Aq 'IG@ uleVl ;sOM SM 'JajOlA@Ljo ll;)UUOZ) WOJJ '6616-Z *ON uOI;L Japun
'[eAOjdde ueld a;!s JeUOIIIPUOD aqj JO U0142DIJIPOW jol Isanbaj 01A; RAoidde uoissjwwoo
eqj jeq; 'ddeu>l jeuolssiwwo:) Aq papu000s 'UOSu2ms jauoissiwwo:) Aq PDAOLU SeM 11
'@Aoqe pajou se 'col
.Aeo pasn @q4 o4 ;qjqejnq!jjje S4U0WRAojdwi anUGAV LJ;6L L4;.JON aLll EMm PalepOSS2 SUOIJIPUOD
@soql apnjoxo ol POSIA@J aq pinoqs 4uaw9aj6e SjU@WeAojdwi aLp p9jou s�jmejq ioAeVj
'JeAo.idde jo al2p aqj wojj jeaA auo uiql!m [eAOjdde jeuj6ijo aq; jo UOISUOIX;D UP >leas
Isnw jueoildde ai4l leql pajeoiput @Ljj 'ddeuM jauoissiwwo:) o4 buipuods@�j
'Ijajja PUP aoioj llnj ui aq 1pm suoil!puoD
at4l jo eDueleq aqj laweijawil paLisilqelsa @L41 uit4TIm jol Apo pasn aLp dOlaAap 01 ueld lu@nb
-asqns e t4;lm ui sawoo ;ueoildde aqj 11 jell 6ujpuelsiapun all L41!m 'aAoqe passnosip Se
SUOl;jPUO:) JeUlbl.10 aLIT 01 SUOISlAa.1 @tAl t4llm 'uoijeoij!pow palsanbai W41 aAwdde pinoD uois
-siwwoD aq; jeq4 pa4s@65ns elddE] ioj:)a.Ai(] 6UlUURld 'uoissiwwo:) aq; o; buipuodso'd
PJeOq MaIAG�j U6jS0(] @14; PUP
. 6 uluueld 9 L4; Aq JeAoidde PUP MOIA9_4 o4 ;:)afqns aq lleqs PUP Aem-jo-s ;L461j Dllqnd
aqj woij elqlSIA IOU ace sapeuiwnj 4eLll os buipooq a4epdojdde Bons apnlz)ui Isnw 6u1;Ll611
aqj JEL41 ;31201PUI 01 PaS]AaA aq a6en5uej aq4 Imp pa;sabbns ioj:>aJiG buluuefd OL11
-jaoj�.s aLp woad uoos aq jouue:>
sai.jeuiwni @L41 leL41 ainsue o4 u@>je; aq ;snw ajeD ;eL4; PDJOU OS12 GH '12AOjdd2 SILIJ WOJJ
pajejedus 6uiaq si 4ol tea pasn aq} aDuis 'PDSIAD.1 aq pinoqs o5en6uel aq; je4j pa;so66ns
@H jol je:) pasn mou at4l uo palle;sui 12L44 Se awes @Lll aq of pafteLp aq ll!m
6utlq6il 6uilsixa aqj jell sa;elndils LL 'ON uOWPuO3 1 PalOu IsOJ=l JauOlsslwwOo
*alqlssod ji uoildo
IeLp uip4aj ok znjq p1nom aq 'JaAaMOLI :sjeaA oml Ixau all uit4l!m joafoid GLII jo uop.4od jol
j23 pasn oLp aMP4_iapun 1pm aq jeLp AI@Nllun si 41 panels 'jueDildde 'llauuO:) led -JVV
- S$@:)O.Jd MOIAO -I@qloue ol pal:)@fqns 6uiaq uvqj -t@LlleA pasodwi Alleui6ijo suoijpuoo aL41 ol
p@lz)ofqns aq ueo 11 'awil leql uiLlllm u;D)Ieqjapun si 4D@foid alp jo uoiliod col je:) pasn @L4;
11 IeL44 P;4els all uojsuajxa u2aA-auo e Aol uoj;do UP t4ilm IjeaA auo jo poped e _jOj P112A
- 8 -
- y -
S. That all sewer easements, including those immediately off-site, shall
be illustrated on the final site plan;
s. That the City shall not take ownership of the sewer line from the
westernmost manhole to the city main due to unknown environmental
liabilities. The City shall consider providing routine maintenance on
the portion of the line acting as a main if a maintenance access ease-
ment in provided by the owner;
10. That the plan symbols on the final site plan shall clearly distinguish
the Colorado spruce and green ash from one another. The final
landscape plan shall be certified by e licensed landscape architect or
Montana nurseryman. The final landscape plan shall be sent to the
Montana Department of Highways and City Park Superintendent for
zl. That the applicant must supply at least one hydrant supplying n mini-
mum of Z gallons per minute on an 8-inch minimum distribution
line. Water may be supplied from the 8-inch main behind or west of
the Buttpey shopping center. This hydrant is to be located in the
contra/ rvro area of the site. The applicant must maintain a minimum
20-hmt_wido firm apparatus access around the fire hydrant;
lz. That any additions or alterations to the remainder of the site/facility
outside of the artificial |pty created for this application shall require
another ma/or site plan application;
74. That the required landscaping in the rights-of-way adjacent to the
applicant's property shall be installed in accordance with the design
objective plans after said plans have been adopted;
15. That sign permits shall be obtained from the City Building Department
prior to the erection of the proposed signs/
17. That existing lighting on the subject parcel be changed, and must
include such appropriate hooding so that luminaries are not visible
from the public rights-of-way subject to review and approval by the
Planning Director and the Design Review Board, over a period not to
exceed five (5) years from the dote of approval;
19. That if improvements are not Installed prior to final site plan ap-
proval, the applicant shall enter into an Improvements Agreement with
the City. Detailed cost estimates, construction plans, and methods of
security shall be made a part of that agreement; and
zo. That if occupancy of the structure or improvements or commencement
of use is to occur prior to the installation of improvements, the Im-
provements Agreement must be secured by a method of security equal
to one and one-half (l 1/2) times the amount of the estimated cost of
the scheduled improvements not yo, insta||ed. Said method of securi-
ty shall be valid for n period of not less than twelve (12) months;
however, all on-site improvements shall be completed by the applicant
within nine (9) months of occupancy to avoid default on the method of
The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commission-
er Swanson, Commissioner Knapp, Commissioner Goehrung, Commissioner Frost and Mayor
Hawks; those voting No. none.
Continued di i d zone code amendments contained in 90-da review process
City Manager Wysocki stated that a memo from Planning Director Epple, dated No-
vember 14, was included in the Commissioners' packets.
Commissioner Swanson suggested that the Commission begin its discussion by ad-
L14oq u@Llm Aj.Aelnoi;jed 'uoisex)o uo uasiae seq 4oilluoD oj@Lim e up s, st ;e 4
@JC . q 1 4 PO;OU
OH -saipoq q;oq -jol sje; aull L44joi slas AllpoijlDads 4! asnpDaq 'Suoi4eDlIdde awes
ot4i 6u[MOIARJ saipoq AJOSIAP2 t44oq wojj 6uislje sjoiljuoD a-in;nj leliva;od ajeuiwjja ol ;dw@l
-;e ue ui pajeciaid uaaq aA2q ZZ Pup LZ 'SON ;e141 pajels @jdd3 aolDaii(] 5uluueld
•sajis;)P s E)qi ;Daljai Ala;ejn:)oL ajow of P@SIA@J Pup
POMRIAgJ eq pjnoL4s SUOISIAoid apo:) @L41 uaq; 'siseq ielnboi e uo 9;eijdo.Addeui pauiwjalap
0.1e S@D[A;Dp ;DA1i:)ajojd ad2:)spuel jalawijad aq; se Ll:)ns 1s;z)adse lez)juLIDD; 19 (4;o A 4e(41
P@1 u 9 H - siseq UOIj2IA@P Gise3-Aq-@s2D 2 UO ueqj anssi ai4i L411m leap ol sAem jaj;aq
O.Je 0.10q; 'bUlAed t4:)nw oo; saiinbaj apoo aLij jt jeL41 pajels aoloaalQ 6 u'uu e Id aql
';oafo 112.JOAO at4i jo aouea2adde @L41 ol 6ujlnq!.j4uo3 sjuawala ;uel-iod
-wi aL-Jj--6uide:)spupj put? 96eu6is lubisap buiplinq aL.Ij sapnlz)ui AlleoidAl L4DI 'luawdOlOA
-ap alts jo sloadse oiiatl4s@e aq4 punoAe bUlAlOA0.1 'ado:)s iamo.Ajeu e uo pasnz)oj j! pqzlJI;n
.milaq aq ueD 9 1(] aLij uo asil.Aadx@ pue luolej aLij IeLp p@4s@66ns @H - os op of alq
-issod sr 11 pa;sabbns aq 'JOAOMOL4 'sq4p!m APMAIJP 6U15JJ2d -to u6isap 6ujNjed woij sluaw
-OAoidwi buideDspuej aDJOAlp o4 aiqlssodwi Isowle st ;! jeqj 4:)ej ay; 4noqe sluawwo:) jeaq
]JIM UOISSIWWOD BLIJ 4eq4 PO4OU OH -00;j!WWO3 MGIAO�j ;u9wdoj0A9(] @Ljj Pup PjeOq M;)[Aa�l
uF)is;DU @L4; t44oq .to; saloi pa;eauijap oi;joads 6UIPjAojd 'sanssi ay; ss;ajppe ol ;dwal4e ploq
2 GJ2 SUOISIAaJ jnoj aseLli jeLlj Pgle;s 9 H •spjeoq AioslApe OM; ;Dt44 Pup 1124S JO S9JOA @Lp
jo buipue;sjapunsiw Ll5nojLjj uasiie seLl welqojd 2 1eqj paie;s Aoi:)aji(j 6uluu2ld ;at4
11 • 00111WWOD MOIADZl 4u;)wdolGA9(] s,AIIZ) ;DLII Aq pauiwja4ap se sonssi Ajajes
;aj!l jo ;)SlwojdmoD /due uj jinsoj jo ioj molie suoilepuawwo3ai S
ublsa(j aq4 lieLls soDue;swmiiD ou j9pun 'J@AgmOH •sa-inpaDoid Ma]A@J @IqeZ)
-Ildde L46nojqj p@ssz)jppe pup pajop!suo:) @.Ae s�qDeqjas 5utpl!nq pup 6uideDs
-pue j 'F)uj4Lj6tj 'aftubis 'u61sap 12,4njaaj!Llo.Ap se sanssi qons ol 6uiuit?ljad
sanleA 31 �OLI-Lii
. 19E41S02 42LI4 ainsui ol aq 11als uoissiw s,p-mos MaIAD�q U61S@(]
ppV (sa-inpa:)ojd aa(]) UOIjDqs *zz
11•o4 poieLlpe pup passaippe ale 'a62uiejp - iaj2m wjo4s pup 'lesodsip alsem
P!JOS 'SODIA.405 -IDIPM PUP JaMGS 'UOIIDD;o-td alt; 'uoijelnomo oijjLjl ueij;sap
-ad pup jeln:)iqDA Isapoz) 6uipllnq of 6uiuieljad asoL41 se Bons sanssi A;ajes
aj!j jeqj ainsul 0; @q 112LIS UOISSIM S MDIAaZl 4u@wdolaA@(] aq g
ppV (sainpa:)ojd Z)N(j) uOnDas LZ
,, Jo
'salts 'sainjonils jo uoijejalle at4j jol a6eu5is pue lubisap adeDspuel 'az)ue
-.jeadde jejnjD@jIqo.A2 of pajelai sauijapIn6 :)Ij!:)eds Ajdde pue dOJ9A@P 0L1[
:pea.j ol puawV (sl:)ijlsjp Aelf@A0
jop!,j.ioo ApmAjju@ ui saiinp pup sjDmod q�ICI) :)-040•Eh*gJ. uoijDes .6
il lseeie Jo
'salts 's@jnjDnj4s jo U0112Jalle ;Dqj JOJ G5eU61S Pup 'u6isap adeospuej 'aDue
-jeadd2 leinjoalp-loje of pajelai sauijapinI5 :)iji:)ads Aldde pup dol@ADP 01
:peal 01 pUGWV (;Z)[J;Slp UOI;eA
-.jasuoD pooLljoqq6tau ui saiinp pup siamod 9 •o'oco'zt'qL uOI;:)GS G
•SMO110j S2 Sluawwoo aSOLIJ PaMgIAGJ aldd3 jol:)ajiCl F:)uiuueld
-s-qijIj!qIsuodsaj pup salon 82,14
pup :)uCl aq; of buiuie;.iad 'sjuawwoD jje;s 6u[uueld @L4; do zz pue tz '6 'S 'SON 6 U!SS 9 JP
-- 0 L
- ll -
bodies forward conflicting recommendations no the same item. He Cited as an example the
DRB's earlier repeated insistence that the storm water detention and treatment of storm
water run-off be included on all site designs. He noted that item has now been encoded,
so the conflict has been eliminated.
Commissioner Frost stated he agrees philosophically that the roles should be better
dmfned. He then forwarded the following comments. He noted that the DRC has been
suggesting that alleys be paved as part of the parking requirements. He suggested that
while this may be appropriate in the B-a zvow he does not feel such a requirement should
be included in neighborhoods.
Commissioner Frost then stated the DRC has suggested a safety problem exists with
the ingress and *grass from many of the existing service stations in the community; xww-
rver the DRB suggests that the existing configuration allows for movement through the
facilities. He then suggested that the DRC sets forth many recommended conditions for
approval, citing life safety; however, he feels that many of those items are not rae||y life
safety issues.
Commissioner Frost then stated that he supports defining of the DRC and DRB roles
more clearly. He noted, however, that he does not feel that everything the oKC does
pertains strictly to life safety. He suggested that if that were slightly revised, he could
support the strong language included in the proposed revisions.
Mayor Hawks noted the proposed revision forwarded by Mr. Joe 3aho| which would
delete the provision of veto power on the DRC' He then stated that he does not feet life
safety issues are absolute, even though that is the manner in which they are often dis-
cussed. He suggested, rather that it is a matter of judgment on how much risk is accept-
The Mayor then expressed concern that veto power could result in one individual
sitting on the DRC vetoing an action because of strong concern about one item. He sug-
gested that this section should be revised to allow for a minority report to be filed by a
member who has an extreme rnnoarn which could make applicants much more comfortable
with the process.
Commissioner Swanson asked what mechanism exists through which the DRC and the
DRB can communicate. He noted that there have been previous discussions about commu-
nication between the DRB and the City-County Planning Boerd, but not between these two
advisory bodies.
Planning Director Epp|e stated that the only way communication occurs at this time
is through the Planning staff' He stated that the project planner attempts to explain to
each advisory body the other body's axTk/no and interests. He expressed concern about
trying to create a cross-over member position or joint meetings, particularly because of the
LG-R L- I. L
021(] e ;onpuoo of moq jad DOE$ slso:) 11 4piAl polou ua@q seq 11 po;els uosuamS jVy
apew aq safteulo ou jeLp popu@wLuo:)aj PU2 '110M 5UI)JJOM S1 WqjS/,S OL41
Palels u@L41 @H - Dldwexa ue se anUBAV UOSII!M tAjnoS uo 6uijLj6ij aqj builp ssoj:) sanssi
oflat4isae pue s@nssi Ajajes ajI1 ajai4m passnosip sanssi aip ajaqj P u@'Al UH - sanssi
Ajajes ajll jo aipme A.AOA aie Aaq4 pue A;!Ilq2il jeuoissajoad q4im leap oLim sieuoissajold
GJP PJeOq MaIAG�q u6is@(] otp uo sj;aqwaLu ;DLI; ;o Isow ;eql pajels uosuamS L4;!@), -jVV
ssaz)ojd aqj ui sa6upp jof
- ew 6ui>iew Aq 11 qjnlsip 01 TUeM IOU SOOP 914 pue 'PgAlosai Alleiluelsqns u;Daq 6UJAeq sans
-s OLP to 4sow t4l!m 'awl} S]Lql 4e 11am 6u13ijom aq of SW W91SAS at4j 42L4; PZ);21S uGL41 OH
u•(:)�JG 9 t4l 0 ; U le:)IUIAD@I) (0'd(] aqj 01 U6JS9p 0119LIIS@2) 6ulpje6aj sujaauo:) ssaid
-xa pue ajeDiunwwoo of aq 11!m uoissiw Aiepuooas ;)Lll,, 12L4T @lPlndps pinom q:)jqm ZE pue
LZ •sON q4oq of pappe aq aben6uel lallejed jet4j pajs@66ns ;Dldd3 io;:)ajiC] buluueld
'pasi2i uaaq DARLI qDiLlm sujg:)uoD aLp jo Ile sassaippe pue AlInj
-ss@D:)ns 6ui)ljom si saipoq oml mp ua@mj;Dq suiaouo:) Ajj2D ;:)afo-id aqj joj uosiad jjejs OLIJ
5UIAeL4 10 WSJUeq:)9W 6U1jSIX@ GL41 12L41 pals@65ns jai4jinj aLIS •posodoid sauo n
;NP se Bons
'ivawaie;s alo.4 2 qbno-iLl; 9A2LI AeW DU(] 914; pue 021(] at-11 jeL41 su-'@DuoD F)uiddLIJDAO S2
[I@AA se a4ejedas aLIj ssaippe of jue;.jodwi si ;I sl;aaj at4s pa4e;s dd2u)i jauoissiwwoo
•Apoq iet44 ajolaq uoijejop!suoz) anp Aoj Z)2](] OLIJ 04 OAM4 ;Llbiw Aaq4 sujoDuoD
le:)iuL4D@4 Aue @4u of aq pinom uQ'ss'W A.'ePuODOs MOLP INI P;D;Ou OH uOlsslw
A.iewpd s,qZy] @L41 Sj3aIjaJ IUOW0121S UOJSS1W @qj PO4215 ajddEj jopaji(] 6uiuue[d
-indui JeL14 joj leilualod 9L]; apnlDx;a of sisaialm jsaq s,Al!:)
aqj ui ;)q pinom 11 joL4j@qm pauoilsonb u@L14 OH - dnoj5 jeL41 ap!slno siaL410 woij @sij2
lq6iw suiaouoo Alaps ajll jet4j palsaMns aq 'JaAaMOL4 :ODIApe P006 GA16 01 P@Ulr->.Al Alleuols
-s si 0�a 9L41 pue 'JjeTS UO S12UOissajoid a-te @j@qj jet4j PR4 s>ImRH joAeVq
-uaddet4 o4 leg; 4uem IOU seop
aq pue 'slsixa Alluajim qojqm uoil2wjojui jo uoijeupassip u4ado aql do;s ;t4 s;u
uoissiw pasodoid @Ljj ui a6en5uej aL,11 1PL11 ujaouoo possajdxa uosuemS jauoisstwwoD
saipoq AjOS[Ape OMI Gt4j uaamlaq uoilewjojuj 6uiAjjeo Alaleinx)e jo
qof pooh e 5uiop jje4s qjIm 'awl; juasaid aq; le llam 5uppom si ssa:)ojd at4i slaej aq jeql
P@Iels ua44 RH - sainup jo uopejecla.Ad iol awil ou si ;aiaLlj os 'uoouiaj;e aqj ui 11 sia
-p!suo:) 9N(] aLp pue FDuiujow @qj ui uopeDildde ue sj@plsuoo Z)21() @41 INI P@4 u@ql DH
- 6uij2.iado Alluaiin:) si 11 tptt4m ui jauu2w Gip si jap palpis isoi-A jouoissjwwo:)
-uoijLniIdd2 aqj t4j!m buole piemiol paiiiez) si uoijisod s,Apoq jeq;o aq4 ;Lt4; 9.1ns 9�few
of j@qwaw jj24s 6uiuuel @Ljj jo Aj!I!q!suodsaj aLp si 1! j! pay se ddeuN jauoissiwwoo
6uiop si Aai4jo ai4l jet4m jo aaeme a-tow si Apoq tpea 4eqj os 'sj.Aod9j
_4jels aLp uj papnjoui aq suoipas jeuopewiojui jeLp palsa66ns uosuemS jauoissiwwoz)
-uoije3ildde ue j;ap!suo:) AaLp L401LIM WO.Aj MaIA JO sjuiod juaia;jlp
- ZI -
- B-
moetog. He then noted that the purpose of the DRC from the outset was to provide a
fast track process where all involved staff members could meet collectively to review e pro-
posal. He suggested that this process should actually save money rather than ousting
Mr. Swenson stated he feels the relationship between the DRC and the DRB is
working well at the present time. He noted, in fact, that in the past couple of weeks, the
DRC has actually recommended to the DRB that deviations should be considered,
Mr. Swenson stated that the continuity between the DRC and the DRB has not al-
ways been as strong as it should be, often because of the different personalities and
knowledge bases of the various staff members. He then suggested that to have one mem-
ber of the Planning staff responsible for monitoring of all projects through the DRC and
DRB process would be beneficial because then the personality and knowledge base would
always be the same.
Mayor Hawks stated an interest in seeing the harsh language in the mission state-
ments removed, having them reflect intent only in place of absolute guidelines.
Planning Director Epp|o suggested it may not be necessary to include the two
proposed mission statements in the code; however, he felt it was important that this item
be discussed by the Commission and the problems recognized.
Commissioner Swanson stated he feels it is important for the applicant to have a
reasonable expectation about what will transpire before these bodies, rather than receiving
confusing and contradictory responses. He then suggested that information should be
provided to the applicant which clearly wets forth what is required of the applicant and
what typo of review will be conducted by each body.
The Commission then continued through its routine review of the comments submit-
ted as follows.
Planningstaff comments
4. Definition of "Alteration."
The Planning Director suggested that the definition of "alteration" on Page 73 be
expanded to exclude landscaping, paving of established driving and parking areas, patios
not greater than 120 square feet in size, and sidewalks not wider than three feet. He also
suggested clarification of the intent of an interior architectural review.
Commissioner Swanson noted the minutes from the October z) 1991. meeting specif-
ically provide discussion on the intent of the interior architectural review. He stated
those minutes specifically indicate that such review is for interiors of historic buildings
which are open to the public, not private homes or private areas of public buildings. He
then noted he finds it difficult for someone to misinterpret that discussion.
16-9 L-1. L
JK4; 'JDAOMO(4 'P@IOu aH sAemAijua aq; 6uolp juowdoj@A0p Aillenb 49insuO o; den 0144 pa
-I,joddns Afbuoi4s seq j;els pue 'A19AISUOIX0 possnDsip uaoq seq slDpIsip A21.IaAo A2mAt;ua
@Ll; Ul SUOIIRIAOP uo deo jua:macl-OZ @Ljj jell PD4 u@41 oldd3 (Olz)E)il(] buluueld
*4uawpuawe pasocloid
siL41 jol lioddns PD1 s ioA2VN pue uosuemS i@uotssjwwoD jsoj� jauojssjLuwQ
*ju,qw9ijnbai 4eL41 wojj pajda:)xa aq p1noo SM01ADJ ueld q:)ja>js
all jeq; 6uilou luoi4s966ns j2qj jo Al!jeopoeid @Lp pajou @jciclq JOInadl(l 6 u'uueld
•juawaainboa jo @dA; sill of po4:)o(qns
aq IOU JolnoLls s4z)efojd jenp!AJPUl JJULUS 9LJj leg; slag; GL4 'J@AaMOL4 'sueld al!s joulw pue
su2jd ails jofew lsljwjad asn jeuop!puoD se qDns sassawid ol pappe aq pino:) 4uawaiinb
-;D.j sl'44 'saiisap os uoissiwwoZ) aq; jl ;ell p@lsa66ns uaL41 aH -uBis@p J@14@q e ajeox)
o4 4LI6nos aq SUOIJEJAOP 4eLJj PUE)WWO:)Rl ]JIM 021(] aq; pue :;uawaiinbai apoD all laaw t4n"4m
waqj of p@pjpmjoj suopeDildde sawpawos oje @joL41 jell pa;e;s uosuamS ql!a>l ivy
*621(1 aqj pue 321(] all @jojaq SM@]AaJ 6upnp Ajessoz),qu aq jq6tw LJZ)IL4M SU011elAap jeUOl;
-1ppe 6uiziu6o:)aj jol leilualod aqj apnlD@.id IOU s@OP slql ; Palels off uopeDildcle jeu
-ibijo all ui papnpui aq pinot4s SUO[12IAap asot4l palsaGBns @q PU2 'slu@w@jinb@,A opoD OLI;
jo awos laaw IOU op slesodoid iiat4l asnpDaq A.Aessa:)au aq JJ!M SUOljelA@P 4eiAl ajeme Allensn
aip slueoildde all Imp polels aol:)aaj(] 6uiuueld aqj 'S)imL'H joALIN of 6uipuodsa2j
-slz)ijlsjp APIJ@Ao AemAjlua
9Ljj Ul Sl 4! S2 OWeS GLIJ SJOIJISIP UOI;PAJGSUO:) pooqjoqLj6jau ui ssa:)oid U011elAap aq; a)jew
pfnom SUOISIABJ Gs9 ;P41 PD;Ou DH ,*A;Iunwwo:) aqj jo jal:)ejeLl:) :)pojslq 112-19A0 aqj
o; e;nq!jiuo:),, spiom aL44 ppe pue uoi;e:mjdde leiijui 9LI; jo ;jed s2 poisgnbgj aq SUOl;elA
-ap ;ell minbei p1nom UOISIA49.1 pasodoid siq; ;2q; pa;e;s @jdd3 AGIDail(l 6 u!uueid
'S4Z)IJISIP UO1jeAA9SUOD pooLjjoqL46iau ui SUOlj2iA@(] .8
-Ul E]2](] PGA1 seq aq jalle lelep j,3;el 12 le uopepuawwoz)@.j e NZ)Pq 6uiJq 11!M 9 L4 p@iL
uaqI @H auop ;@A IOU seq aq Lpiqm '4ndu1 iiaq4 ioj PJ208 M@IA@N U61SG(j aq4 04 Wa;!
siql @Np; o; uoisstmwoj aq; woij suoipnilsui sN OL4 P@;e;s JO;DaJ'(l 6 u'uu 2 ld at4l
-s4Djijsip Dpo4siq ui sabuetp alqeiisopun ;ueDijiubjs ui ;Insaj pinoD 6upsil stq;
ui saLlojod pue s>lDep jo uoipnj4suoz) oL44 pue s@jnjDnjjs pa4pp!d2Jjp 10 lt?AOWaa OLI; opnput
o; jeq; ujaDuon possojdxa @H •Didol at4l uo suoissnDsip sno[A@Jd ;O ;1611 of Apelnopied
l 6upslj sjLp ui pouie;uoo swall @Ljj jo awos inoqe uia:)uo3 p@ssajdxa s)lmeH joAeVy
'M@IAOJ WOJJ Pa;d@:)X9 9SIMJ@1440 IOU
6ulAed pue 'saqDjod pue s�pap jo uoijnnijsuoo 'sainlDnils ajesun pue polepidel!p 10 12AOW
-;)j l6upu;)j se t4ons suopejolle apnioui pJnom sloaroid pua),pam se pazijajoejap sl:)afojd
jo 6upsil aql 'juawpuawe pasodoid sill japun jell pal2js jol:)@ 6 u'uueld aq-L
'SIDIJISIP UOljL-AJaSUO3 POOLiJOql46l@U Ul ssoualeiicloidde jo saleoi lljoo •L
- tlL -
the 20-pnroent cap on deviations in the neighborhood conservation districts could hamper
approval of desirable deviatkms. He cited as an example, a requested deviation to allow
construction of a garage only one or two feet from a rear or side lot line; and a 20-per-
cent deviation would only allow the structure to be set back to the six feet from the prop-
erty line.
17. Parking requirements.
Commissioner Frost stated support for allowing for a reduction in the number of
parking spaces required, particularly in the downtown core area.
ed to just the downtown corm area but exist in other built-up areas of the community as
Commissioner Frost expressed concern about expanding the allowance for reducing
the number of parking spaces required in other portions of the community, particularly in
residential zoning districts.
Commissioner Swanson stated support for this amendment as proposed,, noting that
areas outside the downtown core area could be studied and addressed later if deemed ap-
The Planning Director noted that one item which must be taken into careful
consideration when revising this section is the special improvement district which was
created and upon which property owners in the downtown area are sh|| paying' for the
purpose of installing off-street parking spaces.
18. Residential parking spaces required.
The Planning Director stated that at the present time' z'z parking spaces are
required for a one-bedroom apartment. He stated that since there is no separate provision
for efficiency apartments, the same number ofparking spaces are required; and that ap-
pears to be high. He noted that under this revision, a separate category would he estab-
lished and a requirement for possibly 1'5 parking spaces for efficiency apartments contain-
ing VOV square feet or less established.
The Commissioners indicated support for this proposed revision,
19. Residential parking spaces required for a bed and breakfast.
The Planning Director stated that at the present time, there is no specific category
for bed and breakfasts, yo the apartment requirement of 2.2 parking spaces per unit is
being used. He noted that under this revision, a line item would be added to the parking
requirements, with one additional parking space being required for each guest unit.
The Planning Director noted that bed and breakfasts are generally located in an
historic area, where minimal space is available for creating parking spaces.
16- 8 1 -1.1
jx@u uo paDeld aq wa4l sitAl jeqj palsonbai s>jmPH -ioAeVq 'uoissnz)sip buimollo-I
'uolssiwwoo mau e ejoj;)q
'J2@A atAl to lsjjj aLli jo4je palnpeLl:)s aq Ilim s6uiejaq oilcind @LIj 1eL41 1u.Aojaj@L41 'P ;OU a H
•.jeaA jepualeo siLij jaA s6uijeoLi :)ilqnd aLIj 1:)npuoo u9qj pue 'ssaDojd 6ui.4e@q :)ilqnd aLij
L46no.tLj; papiemiol aq pinoLls Aa41 j@L4;aqm 6ujulw-iolop 's4u;)wpuE)we pasodoid atAl to Ile
ssn:)sip AI;9Aisuaqajdwoo of aml alenbape ;ou si Djaq; pa;ou jo;:)aji(] 6 u'uueld @L41
-AIODOJ si uo14ewjojui 4eq1 jalle j!jun pajjajap aq 4uewpuawe pasodoid sit4; uo uoijoe jaLlj
6u11sa66ns 'jueliodu sj 1uejjnsuoo aL41 woij indui 12q1 sloal oq POlels s ioAeVy
'apoz) luajjriD oq4 ui
PauleluoD SaDuelsip at41 t4;im walqojd e gAeq IOU SaOp ay p@jPjS JSOJJ A;)UOISSIWWOD
spaepuels ubisap jopiijo:) A2mAtju;9
at4j o; pal:)afqns si joafo.Ad aj14ua a41 l ezeld o4nV uoill!e se q:)ns 'juawdOIGAgp ;lun pauueld
e, L411m jeqj P u ;)H 'MOIAOJ AL AemAjlu@ oi ioafqns @q 4ou pue soi.Aepunoq
.Aop!jjoo aq; apisino dOlaAap 01 jaumo Alaadoid e ioj aIq!ssod si 41 1 4ol jejoijIl-le ue to u0i;
-e@jD LI6nojLjj 1eq1 pa;ejs JOI: 6 u'uueld aL44 'Isoi.1 jauoissiwwoo ol 5uipuodsa�j
•sueld GAljo@fqo u6isap @L44 13uijedaid st oL4m
;uelinsuo:) uq4 woij uoiuido u2 Maas o4 jejoijauaq aq pinom 11 jl 1 sMmPH joAeVq
•Aempew oqj to @pis LIDea uo �jDolq jlet4 JSJIJ at41 J;DAOD pinom ;ool Sgi, pue '>IDolq Allo
auo Alleiluassa st 4@@j OEE 4eq1 P9121S u@L41 E 'I I ssel:) JOJ 3. 991 pue 1 SS . 1
oEE 04 11 sselo .col iaaj otE pue I sselo jol jaaj ogg wojj p@onp@.i aq pinom sLi4p!m jopli
-JOD AeMAAIU@ OLIJ 'UOISIAgJ pasodoid siLIj iapun jeLjj pa124s aldd3 jol:)ajlc] 6 u'uueld
*sL41p!m -ioplijoD AemAijua @:)npaZl Z].
sjuawwoo s,loqLS aor
-pojjnouo:) uoissiwwoo @L]l
os op of uoilDajip aLIj @31!1 pinom Inci 'UOpjDaS SILIJ GSlAaJ of poldwalle jaA jou
S DL4 1eg4 Pa4e4s - UaLP aH - ei.Aaj!.jo juawdOIGAap j!un pauuejd jeiju@pisaj GLIj ui Aj!jelo
to ijoel pue sai:)ua;sisuooui awos aje ajaLij sjeadde 11 pal2is joloaji(l 6 uluueld aL4J-
eljaiix u and 6z
-papnIDuj aq pinoqs ;! sleal aq pue fopoo 9LI4 ui papnl:)
- 4ou Apua si U01ID9S U01jeDOA9.1 at41 jeL.Ij pajou j9LIjm4 OH - j!wJad asn j2uoi3jpuo:)
A.A@Aa JOJ suoi;!puo:) ojeld.Aalloq 1211uasso z)jp Alluas@.Ad uoijDas siLli ui pauieluo:) suoilipmo
inol aq; Pal IOU s@OP @q P JOI: 6 uluuEld GLI; 'joAeVq oq; of buipuodsuZl
•s;lw asn 12UOIIIPUO:) JO U014e:)OA9-1 JOJ SUOlSlAotd apoz) plo
;DLII L411m paDeldaa aq Al!sea uL ji pue pajalop aq p1noqs suot4lpuoD 6uilsil UOljDas 6upsl
- x@ OL44 4L'41 P@le4s OH 'waj! Buid@aN@snoq e si siLij p9jels olddg ao4oajiG 6uiuu2ld
- 91 -
week's agenda for further discussion. He also suggested that the December 2 meeting be
scheduled to begin at 2:30 p.m., allowing additional time for discussion at that mooting.
Mayor Hawks declared a recess at 5:50 p.m.' to reconvene at r'oo p.m. for the
purpose of conducting the scheduled public hearings and completing the routine business
Reconvene 7:00
Mayor Hawks reconvened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of conducting
the scheduled public hearings and completing the routine business items.
Public hearing Conditional Use Permit allow conversion of an existing i in a
casino and restaurant/bar - 1801 West Main Street
This was the time and place set for the public hearing on the conditional use permit
requested by Jack McKee (Jackpot Casino), under Application No. Z-91137 to aUn= con-
version of an existing gas station into a casino and restaurant/bar on Lot 2, Block l
Amended Plat of Kirk's Second Subdivision. The subject location is more commonly known
as 1801 West Main Street.
Mayor He*hy opened the public hearing.
Planner Kevin We|l presented the staff report. He stated that this application is to
allow the conversion of the existing 1,960-square-foot gas station located in the northeast
corner of the intersection of North loth Avenue and West Main Street into a casino and
restaurant/bar, He stated that the applicants have proposed a number of building ai-
tcradnns, which include replacing the existing windows and garage doors with multi-paned
*nnd windows, replacing the existing strip of brick veneer and vertical wnpu siding in the
gables with a material such as dry-vit- A canvas awning is to be added to the south fa-
cade; and an exterior serving area at the southwest corner of the building is to be added,
surrounded by a cedar privacy fence.
The Planner stated that the applicant proposes to remove the existing curb out at
the southwest corner of the site on Main Street, and remove some of the paving for land-
scaped areas. The applicant also proposes to install a stormwater detention area at the
northwest corner of the sit*.
Planner Wall stated that the applicant has also requested deviations from the o|yn
code to allow the installation of 96 square feet of signage' rather than the 87 square feet
allowed under the interim zone code. He stated that the applicant proposes to erect two
identical freestanding signs, one on each street frontage.
16 -8 1 -11
@LIj IPL41 'ddeu>i IauoissiwLuoo Aq papuo:)us 'Uosuems aauozssjwwo3 Aq POAOW Sem 41
-6un.j14aog iauoissiwwo:) FDupaq ON 15UIJOA GSOqj '
s joAeVV
pue ddeuN j@uojssiwwoD 'uosuemS - ' ;so ad j9uojssjwwoZ) 6uiaq OAV 6upOA
@SOq; :a4OA ON pue a)AV 6umollol ;DL14 Aq Pa[JJ2Z) U01JOW Oq_L '@:)UeUlpjo 6UIUOZ WjjajUj
@L41 japun pamolle ueLp ajow juaj ajenbs 6 sl 1401qm 'a6eu6is jo 49aj 9.ienbs 96 JO lelO4 e
sluez)jldde aqj molle o4 's4uawajinbaj apoD u51S @L44 WOAj U01121AOP @L11 GAoAde uoissiLuwo:)
044 4eqi 'uosuemS Aauoissiwwoo Aq papu000s 'Isoj jauoissiwwoD Aq PGAOW SeM 41
'DUOU 'ON 6u1joA as0qj 's>ImeH
joAeVV pue uosuemS AauoissiwLuoD '4soij jauoissiwwoo '6unjqeoo tauoiss1wwo3 'ddeu>l
•auoissiwwo3 6ui@q @AV 6UIJOA DSOLIJ :@jOA ON pue oAV 6uimoliol aqj Aq p;gijie:) uoijow
@LI_L - suoisio@p asn puel Aoj poi.Aad 5uil!em )-jaam-auo kiewolsnD GLJ} 9AIL)M UOISSIWWOZ) at4l
jeLjj '6unjLA000 jDuoissiwwoo Aq papuooas IddeuA jauojssjwwoZ) Aq P@AOW S2M 11
- pololdwoo uaaq @Aet4
anuaAV q461 q4JON ioj sueld u6isop aqj jo4je jj�.un paijapp u@aq @AeL4 anUGAV 8461 L4;JON
6uole SjUaWaAojdwj Aup jeL41 liat4jej pajou off 'awil siL41 le anUaAV 14161 L14-ION F)U()Ie
6uidez)spuel jo s�qlemop!s jo uoilelle1sui joj juawaiinbai P apnjoui jou p!p 'Aj@m;)JEJ slead
LisiuedS aqj PU2 J@IOJAat4Z) IlauuoZ) ioj u2fd @4!s Aofew aqj Buipnloui 'suoije:)ijdde JuDDO.1
JOL140 JO JeAwdde 4eLIj PO4els HeM 'Duu '6un.ALI;Dog jauoissiw=3 o4 6uipuodsaN
-6upeaq :)ilqnd @144 P@sOI s: AoAeVV
-p@LjsiIqejsa ;)q u2:) u6isap AjaqqnjLls jo @Dual Ajoloejsiles 2 LpiLlm le 6U1jaGW 2 PaUU21d
aAeLl A@Ljl pue 'Ilauuoo -jVV L111m uoijeojewap auil Aliadoid 2 passnosip OA2L] 6utplinq
qL41 JO SJ@UBIS@p @ql 12LJI PGjejS UOjSeq jVy 'uosuemS jauoissiwwo:) o; 6uipuods@U
-uoi;e:)jldde siLp jo 12AOidde joj papuaww000j
suojllpuo:) @L44 Lillm aaj5e seop jueollcide 9LAI palels u9L41 9H - uo;je;uqsa.1d s,112M Aauu2jd
t4j!m @:)uajjn:)uoD paTou jupoildde aL41 6uiluasajd;)j jaaui6ue 'uo4seq A.A.Aor -jvv
-ujaDuoD jeq4 ol uoilnjos ajqejdaDDe up u6is@p ox Ilauuo:) - jVV Lll!m 6 upi-fom uaOq M-I OA14
-e4uasaadaj s,;ue:)j[dde atp 4etp PO4e4s @H al!s at4l o; uopeInDjp jeInD 41W11 04 s
-oid lueoildde aq; ;Pqj bujuaax)s jo 6uj:)ua3 jo adA; aq4 ;noqe waDuoD p9ss9.1dxq Ilauuoz)
led '.Ayq 'UO112:)Ildde S114; 10 MGIAU.J siq buimp leL41 paip4s 1p2m UlAay Jauueld
-suoi4!puoz) SZ asoqj of jaafqns 12Ao-idde puawwo:)aj
01 pg;OA pjeog F)uiuueld gt4; 1 ojojaj9LIj IS iaqWgAON uO PIOLI 6 U'1 9 @w P.JeOU 6u]uueld OLIJ
4e uoillsoddo ui Meads of juasaid sem auo ou pue suopIpuoD asoqi of po;)-i6e ju2Dijdd2 @L41
4 PGIe4s 9 H - uoi;eDildde S1t4j JO 12Aoidde jo4 popuawwoDoi ajam suoii!puoz) sz jo jeloi
B '41 [5 u[uueld at-1; pue PJeOG MOIAOU Ub]Sa(] UL41 '@E)jJjLUWO:) MOIAOU IU@MdOIOA@(j aqj Aq
SMDIA@J uodn poseq ';e14l P@4e4s OH szjw.Az)d asn leuoi4lpuoD .4oj paLlsilcIelso eIj04Ij0 MGIA
-a.j xis aqj jo jLj6iI ui pajap!suoz) ua@q seq uoj;eDildde siql jeLp p@424s IleM Jauupld
- lepjawwoo Ile aj2 Lpiqm Isasn PU21 6utpunojjns @L41 PaMa[Aaj AIjapq . 91 41
- 81 -
Commission approve the Conditional Use Permit requested by Jack McKee, under Applica-
tion No. Z-91137, to allow conversion of an existing gas station into a casino and restau-
rant/bar on Lot I Block l Amended Plat of Kirk's Subdivision, subject to the following
1. The landscape schedule shall be revised to reflect the minimum plant
sizes dictated in the zoning ordinance, and the appropriate materials
installed accordingly;
2. In relation to on-site circulation:
A. The driveway widths between the northwest and south-
west corners of the building shall be a minimum of 24
feet wide;
B. The trash enclosure shall be relocated as to allow a mini-
mum 26-foot-wide dr/vinQ.aiu|u at the rear of the build-
ing; and
C. The driveway at the east end of the site shall be appro-
priately signed as a one-=ay drive (i.e-. "one-way" or
n. The necessary permit for the abandonment of the curb cot obaU be
obtained from the Montana Department of Transportation, and in oun-
rvrvencp with the City Engineering 0thcc standards/
4. Curbing and paving details shall be provided an the final site plan,
and shall identify areas requiring repaving, and explicitly delineate
5. A manhole, constructed to City standards, will be required where the
existing sewer onnnoc1a to the sower main behind the Buttroy's shop-
ping renter;
V. The Qty shall not take ownership of the sewer line from the west-
ern-most manhole to the City main located behind the uvttrry/s shop-
ping center due to unknown environmental |ixb//uxes. The City shall
consider providing routine maintenance on the portion of the line act-
ing as a main if a maintenance access easement is provided by the
property owner (i.e., Connell);
7. In relation to amrm*ater treatment:
A. The applicant's professional engineer shall certify the
design, the construction in accordance with the design,
and the maintenance plan for a system designed to re-
move solids, oils, greases and other pollutants from the
surface/storm waters draining from the applicant's
property into the Farmers' Cana] so as to enable the
City to comply with all federal laws and regulations and
especially, but not limited to the Clean Water Act and
Port lo of 40 C.F.R. regulating the discharge of sur-
face storm waters, The applicant t maintain the
quality of water at the applicant's point or discharge
into the Farmer's Canal as the quality of water exists at
the upstream monitoring point established by the City
at the (voauoo where the Farmer's Canal enters the City
of Bozeman. When federal requirements regulating the
discharge of surface waters become effective the appli-
cant must meet either the federal standards or maintain
the quality of water at its discharge point as that water
quality exists at the upstream monitoring point, which-
ever provides the best water quality;
B. The applicant shall not allow the flow rate of the sur-
face water discharging from his property to exceed the
historic rate of flow for a ten (10) year storm; and
L6 -8L -LL
aq; ;o jaumo aqj Aq 01 poiaLlpe @q pue Aldde 11PL4s aoueuipjo sit4i uj
palsil asn jeuoijjpuo:) Aue japun pajels suoj;!p o:) Ile ;eq
u I I Z
'su6isse jo sjossoDons siL4
'Puel at4j jo jaumo at-Ij uodn 6uipuiq aq Ilek4s pup asn puel Gt4l Ll;!m
5uiuun.i suoijDjjjsqj ajnj!jsuo:) (legs suoji!puoz) leioecls at-Ij jo Ile 12q
'ainpoDoid IIMJOd @sfl 1 2 UOII
-!puo:) aq; Aq pasodwi suoi4!puo:) lei:)ads pup leAaua6 Ile jo lu;awll!jln
aL41 uodn jua6ujjuoD aq 112L4s 11mad ADuedn33o pup asn e ol Iq6p aq
_L 6 1.
:cull A;jadoid aq; SSOJ:)? ;UOWOAOW jpInDiLj@A JU@A@.id ll!m t4:)tqm
null AI.Aodoid @t4j jo uoi;e;ouap lenstA 2 GpjAOjd o; 'jaumo Aliado'id
TuaDefpe aL44 o; eIqejd9DDe A9UUeW U2 u @L41 10 ap!S ;sea
oqi 6uole AiaqqnjL4s 10 6ulz)u;aj Ileisui pue'u6isop ju2oildde aq; ;eLl
_L 8L
'(o;!s jDafqns aLAj 4o q;nos Aloje
-Ipawwi dijjs apim ;ooh 0b) lu@wos2a 1,Aed s,A;lo ;qLjj uiqjIm p9j2:)oj aq
!legs Aem-JO-ILIBIJ 10ails ulevv Isom @L41 Aoj pasocloid saaj; laoils atl.L 'Ll,
:pajinbai Ajlei4!ui aq fl2qS P-1eA
-olnoq @nUGAV L4461 t-14- 9 41 ul 5uide:)spuel ON 'Paidope AlleLujoj
@,je A;qLIj uoqm Isueld LI:)ns j@L4;o Aue jo 'su GAIlDa * fqo u6tsa(] aqI
tAj!m oDuepjo:):)e ul Aem-lo-4L45p anuaAV L446L LRJON @L44 ul ButdPospuel
lle4sui o4 A41D 9q; q;lm lu;DW;D;)J52 Ue OJUI JR4U9 Ilet4S mnlldcle aq
4 _L *9L
'upid @4!s leuij aL41 UO PDP!Aoid aq 11eqs '(ails
at4l JO JaUJOZ) IS@MI41JOU aL.Ij WOJJ P aq pino:) S2) 6uipj!nq aq;
ol ARM@AIJp @Ljj sassox) AlaA]I!Uljap LIDI14M 'ails a(41 o4ui A2M)jleM V 'SL
'slsi.jolow 6uissed
ol posodxo A14D@jtp soijeuiml @Aet4 ;OU Op t4:)it4m sam4xij a;ejod
- - 40 z ) ui Pup 'weld 0 4IS leull OL44 UO PGSIAGJ aq jIeL4s sainixi 4LI6il aqj
.pajou sluawala ueld
uaam;@q soDue4sip L411m 'Alo4eamme umeip aq IleL.Is ueld aj!s leuij GI-11 'CL
:Ilene 5uipllnq
oIqjjsnqwo:) Aue isuie6e pa;eDoj aq jou lIeLls jaisdLunp a6eqje6 aq
JajUaD bUjddOt4S Aajllng aq; ui pajonpuoD
Dupq UO1;e0IjSDAU1 0U0IALjjDOJoloqDiaa 9Ljj ol uoijelai ul juawljeao(]
IL-Lij Aq p@zijoLA;ne Alleoij!Dads aq Nicm aq; 'j@q4jnj S@Duams [2ju@w
-UOJIAUg pue Lilleal-I 4 ;u@wjjed@(] Pu2juoVV @t4j Aq p@;j!wj@d Aliadoid
oq IletIs s@ij!l!oPj qons jai4jo .10 S]Uej a6eJOIS 6UljSlX@ 10 J2AOWo,4 AuV I.
'n2aing Al
-aj2S jawnsuoo pup poo eue;uoVq aLli pup Iquawliedo(j L1112@H Ajunoo
uilelleo @L41 Aq paAoidde pup ol p@jj!wqns aq lleqs sueld 6uipl!nEl '01
'jueoildcle aq; Aq pled aq pinom
Aj!D aL41 Aq uoijelleisui jo sjw> IIV -A4jado-id s,jue:)
-!Idde ai4i uo 41d ja4aw v ol unj pue '4@aijS uiplN ;s@M
JO ap!s tAIJOU aL44 UO ulew J@;pm qDul p @qj uo pacldel
aq fleLAs 4! Aiess@:)au si auil uoije6ijAj a4p.Aeclas P j[ a
pue . 1 sasodind uoile6iiii pup oilsawop Ll;oq col ajenb@
-pp jou si 6ujpilnq at4i saAjas Alluasaid jeL41 auil L4:)uj L
6utisixe aq; jI papeau aq Aew auji @:)IAJ;DS JeU01 uv v
wa;sAs uoj4e6ij.4i @Ljj ol uOrjej@.A ul - 6
'Alaadoid lz)afqns aLjj jo Isom
49jui aq; o; 6uidjd ;D;ajip pasodoid aq; o; pasoddo se 'Aijodwd VUS
aq; jo Isom AIG421pawwi jolui bui;sjxe at44 ol a6.jeLj:)sip uiseq uoijual
-gp i9;2mwjojs eut4noj jo uoj;enjeAO Ue ;DPIAo.Ad Ilet4s :lue:)ildde @L41 •8
!-Aa; /,11:) at4i Aq p9Aoidde pup ueld
ails leuil aq; L41!m polllwqns aq 112L4S SUO112AGIa jods
6uipe-i6 aj!s al2nbape pue 'sl!ejap uoij:)@uuo:) camas
Lujois pup 6uidid 'oinjonils objeqDsip IsIlejap uoilDnils
-uo:) Pup 6ulzis uiseq uoijualap 6Uipnlz)ui ueld a6e
-U[P.Ap JalemwiOls pup suol
12lnDle:) a5euie-ip j@jPmw.AojS ID
- 0z -
- 21 -
land, successors or assigns;
22. That all of the special conditions shall be consented to in writing by
the applicant;
23. Seven copies of the final site plan, containing all of the conditions
and modifications approved by the City Commission, shall be
submitted for review and approved by the Planning Director within
six months of the date of City Commission approval. Signed copies
shall be retained by the City Departments represented on the
Development Review Committee, and one signed copy shall be retained
by the applicant;
24. The applicant shall enter into an improvements agreement with the
City to guarantee the installation of required on -site improvements at
the time of final site plan submittal. Detailed cost estimates,
construction plans and methods of security shall be made a part of
that agreement;
25. A building permit must be obtained within one year of final site plan
approval. Building permits will not be issued until the final site plan
is approved. No site work, including excavation, may occur until a
building permit is issued; and
26. If occupancy of the structure or commencement of the use is to occur
prior to the installation of all improvements, the improvements
agreement must be secured by a method of security equal to one and
one -half times the amount of the estimated cost of the scheduled
improvements not yet installed. Said method of security shall be
valid for a period of not less than twelve months; however, all
on -site improvements shall be completed by the applicant within nine
(9) months of occupancy to avoid default on the method of security.
The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commission-
er Swanson, Commissioner Knapp, Commissioner Goehrung, Commissioner Frost and Mayor
Hawks; those voting No, none.
Public hearina - Conditional Use Permit - allow conversion of an existing warehouse and
distribution facility to a micro - brewery and restaurant /bar - 109 East Mendenhall Street
This was the time and place set for the public hearing on the conditional use permit
requested by Delaney and Company ( Brew Pub) , under Application No. Z-91121, to allow
conversion of an existing warehouse and distribution facility to a micro- brewery and res-
taurant/bar on Lots 4, 5 and 6 of Block H, Original Townsite. The subject location is
more commonly known as 109 East Mendenhall Street.
Mayor Hawks opened the public hearing.
Planner Kevin Wall presented the staff report. He stated that this application is to
allow conversion of an existing 7,350 - square -foot warehouse into a micro- brewery and res-
taurant/bar. He stated the existing building is a one -story brick structure located across
the street from the Carnegie Building. He stated the applicant proposes to replace a por-
tion of the glass block windows with storefront type windows, with the salvaged glass
brick to be used elsewhere in the store front area. Also, the existing garage doors are to
be removed and replaced with standard doors. The Planner stated that the applicant pro-
poses to use the existing driveway adjacent to East Mendenhall Street as a seasonal exter-
ior serving area.
11 -18 -91
l6- 9 -I
IPLII '6unj4aog jauoissiwwo:) Aq p@puoz)es 'ddeuN AouolssiwwoD Aq POAOM SeM 11
-bui.ieaq :)ilqnd a4l
'L4Dns S2 pGje@,jj aq Illm PU2 U0112101A GPO:) allOZ P alea.AD Ipm Aj-rodoAd
R44 jo SIP11 aLlI Poa3xo LA:)ILim siopo Aue 124J POW-10jul sem jueoijdd2 G44 'UoIje:)Ildde sitAl
JO MGIAOJ 321(] a4i 6uijnp jeq; pa4els 9H - Iewiuiw aq 111m asn siq; wojj sjopo G4j 1eqj
wiq painsse seq lueDildde 944 pajou @H -i:)cdwi jupuaiod ;e4; sseippe ol 'walsAs .camas
Ajellues a4j o4 S4:)2dwf jofew Aue aq Ilim @.j;)qi j! oup-4oiap ol pa;aldwo:> aq ;snW AaAjns
juaw;ea.i4a.zcl e ;e4; po4ejs uO41 GH -wajsAs ,camas A-iel!ues O44 01 PRPP2 Sl IaA@42qM pue
siopo a44 @j2 saijamajq qi1m pewposse s;Dedwi ;sa56iq atAl 4eq; Pa421S 112M JaUUeld
'waLp ssaippe oi uaije4 aq 11!m sdals 42LIM pue 'Ajam9.iq-oi:)iw SI4; WO.Ij suolsslwa
Aue aq ilim aiaLli j! pa�jse 'anU@AV 4eMpeO.40 41JON 60L 'ueLuLlDeE] uOG aW
suopsanb Aue ol puodsoj o; ssou5uillim
e bupeoipui 'jjodai jjejs aqj 4 11m a:)uajjnDuoD pajels ';ue:)ilclde 16.joqaaS PON •,Avq
-uoD papuawwoDai uaaixis asoq4 ui anzwoo ol P@JOA ;[ qz)iLlm ja4je uopeDildde s14; uo 6u1
-.waq :)ilqnd sji palDnpuoo pjeo-a 6u[uuEld AjunoZ)-Aj!D otAl 'Buil@ow s jaqm@AON s1l le INI
P;4 ua4l ;DH pGpi2mjoj u;gaq DA214 uoije:)ildd2 Stqj JO jeAOjdde -toj suoi;lpuoz) uoqjxjs
'82JCJ W41 PUP 3�(j aLl; Aq SMaIAOJ aLjj SP ljaM S2 MatAaJ jeLp jo jins@-i 2 se Imp pa424s
uaLII 9 H •@:)umldwo:) jejoua5 ui si 11 je4j paupialap pue apoD @uoz aq; ui LAjjoj ;as eu
-al!j:) xis @qj jo j45i1 ui uoileoildde SI41 POMalACU SM4 JJPJS JetAl POIPIS JaUUeld a41
'SO6U2L]D JOIJ04X@ 12WIUIW qj!m ainl3nals poijad pejui ue jo asn-ai @Aildepe
sllqua 11 asneoaq joijist(] A21.JaA() U01jeAJaSUOD a41 jo jualui a41 slljjjnj osle 41 INI palou
jaLljjn; 9H -ppisip buiuoz C-S aq; jo 4u9jui aq; 441m saildwo:) A112.ieu95 asn pasodoid
O44 4e4P M RH -41.jou qLlj o4 >iDolq 2 inoqe ease lepuapisDi o44 jo; id@z)xa '@jnleu uj
lep-tawwoo Alleiluass@ aje qDjLjm 's@sn peel 4U@D2fpe @qj POMOIA@.i uB41 J@uuP[d 9 4-L
-�qj2map!s :)ilqnd @Ll; uo sialueld flews om; pu2 sa4:)uaq ;9@j4j
pue '>Ilemgpls :)ilqnd oqj uo s�jDej ;9�jlq inoj 'saai; ;aai;s ino; lle4sui o4 sasodoid 4uez)
-Ildcle a41 'SUOlj2lAap @SaI41 JOJ ;)6Ue4:)Xa Ul jP4j PDjejS J@uu G4I 'luawaaift @seal 2
46noj41 tj pue , C]IS 6uiNied umo;umop aip 45noj41 9 'ails uo E :SMOIJOI Se WO4; aplAOid
o4 sosodwd imoildde eqj pue 'pajinbei ace seoeds 6uplied SE jo le;oj e juji pDicz)lpui
uG41 9H 'SO32ds 6uiN.Aed pajinbai aqj jo ual @Al2M 01 SJ U014L-IA@p pa4s@nb@,4 puooas O44
I)MIS @H 'IDIJISI(I : 1 UIeVV OL11 ui Aluo pomolle si 4:)i4m 'Apm-jo-j461u :)ilqnd
9q; JOAO 6Ueq 04 u5is 916uiqs pasodoid aq; molle ol si IsAij @141 P9121S ;)H '@ DLIOZ
94J WO.11 SUOIJeJA9P OM4 po;sanboj osle seq 4ueoildde oyj IPLII P HeM ] Ouueld
'2@J2 6UIA-IaS JO]JaIXa G41 pue JU2J
-nelsoi aLp ol ioop juojj a4i uo;Dmloq siolueld se Ilam se 'spjeA ie@J pue luo-41 @L44 4joq
ui 6uidpospuej jo uoilelleisui aLp posodoid seq jupoildde aq; 12L41 pajels AauuLld a41
- zz -
the Commission waive the customary one-week waiting period for land use decisions. The
motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner
Knapp' Commissioner Oochrvng Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Swanson and Mayor
Hawks; those voting No, none.
It was moved by Commissioner Goehrung, seconded by Commissioner Frost, that the
Commission approve the request for deviations to (7) allow the applicant to hang a shingle
sign over the public right-of-way and (2) waive ten of the required off-street parking
spaces, leaving twenty-five parking spaces to be provided, in exchange for the addition of
four street trees, four bike rocks on the public sidewalk, and three benches and two small
planters on the public sidewalk. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote:
those voting Aye being Commissioner 0nehrung Commissioner Frost, Commissioner
Swanson, Commissioner Knepp and Mayor Hawks; those voting mv none.
It was moved by Commissioner Frost, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the
Commission approve the Conditional Use Permit requested by Delaney and Company under
Application No. Z-91121, to allow conversion of an existing warehouse and distribution fa-
cility on Lots 4, 5 and 6 of Block H, Original Townsite subject to the following conditions:
l. The applicant shall provide the required number nfoff-street parking
spaces through any combination of l,) on-site spaces; z.) [eased pri-
vate spaces within , feet of the business; ],) as provided under
10.50,120.130) of the City code regarding exceptions.
If off-street parking at another site is provided (i.e., private |eomn)
the availability and location of the parking must be identified at the
business. The applicant shall submit a copy of any /ease agreement
for off-site parking to the City;
z. The applicant shall submit a letter addressed to the Street/Sanitation
Superintendent agreeing to remove snow to an off-site location;
3- The applicant whn|| sign a waiver of right to protest the creation of
SppniaY Improvement Districts for alley improvements consisting of one
half of a local alley right-of-way standard;
4. Alley parking spaces egress site vision must not be obscured by
landscaping or the garbage dumpstcr (height of 30 inches or less);
S. Given the large number of proposed bicycle racks at one location,
long-term maintenance of the bicycle racks shall be the responsibility
of the applicant;
6. In relation to the proposed boulevard trees'
A. Root harrier protection oba|[ be provided; and
B. The tree grate openings should be appropriate for the
size of the street trees and planting, and designed to
be expandable as the trees grow/
7. Any domestic or fire svmioo lines required for the facility which are
larger than 2 inches in diameter must be designed by a Professional
Engineer; plans and specifications shaf[ be approved by the City En-
gineer; construction inspection, post-construction certification, and
record drawings must be provided by a P.E.' and the fines must be
pressure tested and disinfected in accordance with the approved plans
and specifications.
Domestic service and fire service lines must be separated. Fire ser-
L6 L-1 I
-- , atj asn JeU0111puOo 9q; uo 6utjeaq :)ilqnd @L41 -ioj ;as @Deld pup awi4 at4j sem siql
'TAS fA @L44 U! pgl[?DOI Jz)ej; ex)e-oz UO jUawdolaAap j!un pauueld Iei:)j5 pal2jai-olne
JO juawdOlOADID MOIJl? - U011Ijq uesnS put? LAdasor - ;twjgd asn lPuOji!puo:) - l5ul.Ap9q allqn-
• auOu 'ON BUIJOA aSOqj -'S>IMEH
joAeVV pup 6unjqaoo jauojssjwwo:) 'ddeu)q jouOISSIWWOO uOsuemS lauOlsslWWO:) jsOjj J9
-uOtsSlwwOo 6ulaq @AV 6ujjOA 9SOqj :010A
ON pue @AV 5ulmoliol ;)Ljj Aq peiiieD uoijow aLlI
'AI!,jn:)@s jo po44aw at4i uo jInejap PIOAP ol Anuedn000
JO sLlluOw (6) uiLlllm jueDildde aq; Aq p@4ajdwcD ;)q IleLIS S;UGWaAOjd
-1111 @41S-UO Ile 'JaAaMOLI I SLITUOW )AfGM4 ueql ssal jou jo poijad e Ao;
P!1 oq IIeLjs Aj!jn:);qs jo pot44ow pleS -p@jlp4sui I@A 4ou sjU0W0Ao-id
-wi p@lnpaL4Ds 3LI4 jo ;soz) pajewl;sg 9Llj jo ;unowe aL41 sawil jleLi-auo
pue auo ol jenb9 Al!jn:)os jo poLliew 2 Aq pajnDas aq 4snw juaw
-a@,IBP SjUaW@AoAdwj @44 'S4U9WaAojdLui 11L jo uoijelleisui 9LI4 ol Aoijd
jn:)Do o4 si asn @L41 jo juawaDuawwoz) .10 ajn;Dnj4s aq; jo A:)uednz):)o ji gI
pup p;Dnssi si 11wiad bujpl!nq P Ill
-un jnDDo Apw 'UOl12AUZ)X0 F)uipnl:)ui >I.Aom oils ON 'PE)AOJjde si ueld
91!S 1pul.-I aLli piun ponssi aq jou lilm s;lwiad 6uipl!ng 'IL'Aoidde
ueld 4 4!S teuij jo -teaA auo uiLjjlm pauielqo aq ;snw 1!wj;?d Buipllnq V 'SL
4eLI4 jo lied e apew aq IletAs A4!jnDas jo spoLlIew Pup SU21d uojj:)nj4s
-uo:) 'solewl4sa ;soy pall2ja(] IP41!wqns ueld arts ILuij jo awil @LIj
42 SjU@W;3AOjdLui @;!s-uo pojinbai jo uoijelle;sut aLIj aajuejen6 ol AI]o
OL44 L411M jU@Wa@J62 S4UaWeAojdwi up o;U1 AD4u;) 112L4s ;ue:)ildde aq
-de at44 Aq pouielai eq Ilet4s AdoD pau6js auo pup '@@jj!WWO:) MDIAGy
4uawdoI@A9(j qLIj uo p9ju@sE)jdaj sjuawljedoCI A11D oLli Aq pouiela.A aq
IleLls saidoD p@u6jS •12Ao.Adde uoissimuloo A ID jo alep oq; jo sLIluow
xis UILI;!m JOIDO- , 6 uluuPld aq; Rq PeAOjdde Pup MOIADJ JOJ P@j
-j!wqns aq Ijet4s ; uOlssl * wwoD A;!Z) aq; Aq PgAoidde suoile:)iPpow pup
suoij!puoD at.I4 jo Ile 6uiuie;uo:) 'ueld ails jeuij aL41 jo saidoo UGA9S 'EL
flueoildcle eLIj
Aq 6ui4!.im ui o; pa4uasuoz) oq lieLls suoilipuoz) leiz)ads oq; jo Ile ieq ZL
'suGisse jo sjoss@DDns 'puel
atAl jo joumo ai4i Aq o; pajoi4pe aq pue Aldde IIeL4s @Dueu!PJO sit-11 u!
p@lsil asn leuoij1puoo Aue japun polels Aflpoij!oads suoij!puoo Ile jet4i L L
.su6isse Ao siossa:):)ns siLl
'puel aL41 jo j@umo al.41 uodn 6uipuiq aq Ilet4s pup asn puel aq; Llilm
6uiuun.i suoi4ai.AjsaA ajnj!jsuoo (IeL4s suojj!puoo lemads aq; jo Ile jet4_L 01.
I@jnp@Doid I!w asn IPuOl1
-!puoo aL41 Aq p@sodwi suoij!puoo jpiaads pue jejaua6 Ile jo juawll!jlnj
aq; uodn juaBui;uoo a Ile s ;!wjad
q LI A:)uedn:):)o pup asn P ol jt461j at4_L - 6
'walsAs Ajp
jo ;am e si waqsAs uoissaiddns aiij aq; jat4jat4m AjloadS •0
'pue '6uipllnq aq; ojuj Aaj
-UID JO U0142DOI aLA4 PUIR allll GDIAJ@S aJl
j aq; JO ezis aqj_
'6uipl!nq aq; ui jaj@w OLIJ JO U014eD
-01 OLIJ Pup OUJI 9:)IAJ@S J@412M DllS al-41 JO OZIS OtA-L •8
. . somas GLIJ JO qZ15 OLI-L IV
ueld @41s jeuij ;DL14 uo po;ou aq IIet4s 6uimolloj at4j_ 'R
.SUOl;2ljejSUj OUI - 1 9-13
puno.45.Aapun JOJ AD11 umazoo jo A41D 9q; -jad p9l1p4sui aq 112L4s
aLAII ODIAJGS GJIJ 9Lj_L 'aAILIA NDGt4D J04D@;@p P apnIDui JSIAW allll ;401A
- tz -
- as -
mit requested by Joseph and Susan 8UDon under Application Nn. Z-97131 to a||mw devel-
opment of an auto-related commercial Planned Unit Development on o 20-ncro parcel located
in the east one-half of the southeast ono-quarter of the southeast one-quarter of Section
9. Township z South, Range s East Montana Principal Meridian. The subject parcel is
more commonly located in the northwest quadrant of the intersection of U.S. Highway 197
and Cottonwood Road.
Mayor Hawks opened the public h=aring'
Senior Planner Dave Skelton presented the staff report. He indicated that in this
presentation, he mmuW concentrate on the land use development guidelines, as proposed by
the app|icant, since those are the parameters under which this proposed 20-acro au-
to-related commercial planned unit development will occur. He stated that under this ap-
plication the 20-ucre site is to be divided into ten lots for auto-related commercial develop-
The Planner reminded the Commission that earlier this year, they conceptually re-
viewed this item and approved a Conditional Use Permit for construction of the Billion
Chrysler building, which is located on the first lot to be developed within this planned
unit development. He further reminded the Commission that in October, the Gallatin Coun-
ty Commission approved the preliminary subdivision plat for the proposed planned unit de-
velopment, with sixteen conditions attached.
Planner Skelton stated the planned unit developments are subject to review in light
of several different objectives and or|tnr|o' noting that this application generally complies
with all of those objectives and criteria, except for Criteria F which applies specifically to
auto-related and independent commercial uses, and requires that direct vehicular and pe-
destrian access between on-site parking areas and adjacent off-site parking areas which
contain more than tan spaces.
Responding to the Planning Director, Planner Skelton stated that this is one of the
variable criteria contained in the code; and it in not necessarily mandatory that it be met.
He stated that the Planning Board, after its review of these guidelines, determined that it
was not necessary, and stuff is comfortable with that decision.
Planner Skelton then stated that the Development Review Committee reviewed this
application; and their concerns have been addressed through the conditions set forth in
the Planning Board's resolution. He stated that the Design Review Board spent a consid-
erable amount of time during the conceptual review process, forwarding numerous rec-
ommendations for inclusion in the final document. He noted that the DRB has reviewed the
final guidelines, and their formal recommendation is that the guidelines he accepted as
Planner Dave Skelton then reviewed the revisions which staff has recommended to
16 -0L - LL
'sjoopui inzoo A;!AIjD2 Ile IPL41 JU9WOJinbai @qj 'sauif9p!n6 ie.An4z)a;!Ljz)je aql jo lu@wE):).joj
- u a LMM 1 pLI 1 P; Uaq1 9 H - pajalap aq ,ol pa4!Luil 4ou jnq 5uIP111DUI asejqd aL41 jeLjj
pals@66ns 9LI pue I snonbiqwe si 6U[ISII 9LI4 12L41 ujazluoz) pass@,Adxa aL4 'sasn leloaqwwoo
-japun sio4eiau;D15 ogleil mol a-te AaL]j j! amwia4ap of sasn Dijpads @L44 jo spew aq pinoqs
MalAaJ InjaieD leql po4ou aq 'JOA9MOL4 'Ojeijdoidde si a6en6uel aL s l a aJ @Ll Paluls JOuu
eqj 'Alqwasse PU2 6uijnloejnuew lq6il japun - isli am wojj papnl:)xa @q fl opoo u2wazo8
9t4i jo hs•SL jaldeq:) jo SUOIS[Aoid @L41 of lo@fqns 4u@wdOlgA;Dp llun pauueld e jo lied 2 se
PgAoidde asn jaLljo .due pup IslooL4os apeil 'suojjn;l4suj leiDueuij pue s>iu2 'sl2l!dsoL4 I sDi
-UlID leoipaw,, jet41 pols;)66ns pup 'a4midoidde aq jou Am sasn pasodoJd @L-Il jo Auew le'44
palsoHns ;)q 'sasn � ssauisnq -japun - uo
.4:)as sa41 woad paialap aq ,o; pe;lwil iou jnq
6uipnl:)ui,, spiom aLg 4et44 puaww000i pinom jjels pal2ls uGLIl OH - L46iL4 aq /yew uoijejouG5
Dilleil 9L]l L16noqllp l alei.Adoidde Isow aLIj Alqeqojd aie sasn pajejoi-o4ne let4l 6ul4ou 'saull
-ap!nG aqj ui pasodoid saijo6ol2z) inol oL14 jo LlDea pojL6!lq5iLI Aljoijq A ; DL4]
•sjoedwi :)ijjej4 mol @jowoid p@mollu- sasn asoLI4 jet44 ls@65ns
pInom q:)iL4m 'sasn 6uipuno.A.Ans lDedwi jou 111m lei-Il AIIAIJOP IPI0JGWWO:) PGJIWII MOIIP 01 Sl
4u9jui aq4 punol pup 'WD41 S1141 JO M@lAa.1 Sj! Ul ueld aalsew at4l pup auoz O-N aL41 jo jualul
of Nopq pajjajai 1jels IPLII PalOu aH - juawdOlaA@p Ilun pauupld siLql uj Butmolle qjjm alqe
-liolwoo si j! jpL4m auiwjol;)p jsnw uoissiwwoo 9L41 pals@66ns @H -11am se sasn 12l:)'jqWWOD
pup Alqwasse pup Bujjnl:)ejnuew IL46il 'sasn �jipd ssauisnq osI2 Inq 'sasn pal2fai-olne Al
-uo jou sapnlz)ui mou 1! pue fpaM@IAOJ ;slij sem and siLp jo ld@DuoD aL41 aDuis Ajqe.IapIsuo:)
pa5ueq:) spq sasn pall!wjed jo lsil OL44 IRLP POlels Jauueld aq_L • ['Z L uoi4:)as
- Alojejedas 6uipe@L] siLI4 japun suoipasqns aq; jo L40ea p@ssnDsip uaq4 aH • P@ssOJPPP
@,j;)AA swat! osoqj jo Ile jou aDuis 'uoissn:)sjp siql joj uoilew-iojui jo jolned @ql ul papnID
-uj s2m owow l2q; jo AdoD e 4eqj pa;e;s aH -uoilezileuij of joijd AjessocIou BJOM SUOISIAaJ
ajot4m suopzms aq; builejawnua 'joefoid aLI4 Aoj joal!qDie 'dwe>l u2(l - -IVy of palllwqns
aq LIDILAIM Owaw 9 (P-MIN aq; PG;Ou @H -awij jo popad papuo4xa up joj uomas s1t44 uo
6upliom uaaq GAet4 9A[jejuasoidej s,;ueDjjdde aLll pue oL4 4eq1 p@iels uoija)js Jauueld
-seutlopjnD ;UDWdOI@A@C[ - I ,:),, uoijDaS - lenueVV juawdolaA@(]
-Aem-jo-iqbji :)jlqnd aqj UIL4;fM SjUaWGAojdwi Ile jo iieclai pue aoueua;uiew
jo AjjjIqjsuodsa.A OLIJ SSO.Appe qD114M paplAoid aq pinotAs suoi;Das leuog!ppe om; 42L44 pa;ou
jaL41-inj aH -sju@Luajinb@j apo:) @uoz aq; q4lm aauewjojuoo o;ui waqj 6uijq 01 PaSIA@J aq
01 P09U l.•G PULI 'Z*t 'L'b 'VE SUMPOS 4et4l POIOU J@uuuld GqI souijqpjn6 aqj uj papnl:)
-Ul 4OU SI 41 Pup :JeAOidde PUE M0lA9J joj ;gz)ijjo s,iaaui6ujj All:) aql o; p;Dl;!wqns uaaq
40u sea LP't4m n8u 7!q!L4x3 ;eLIj up o; sjaj;).i c-E uoi43aS ;eLp pa;e4s uolla�jS Jauueld
'SlUeU@AO:) E)Al;D;DjOJd - I S,, U01jDas - lenueVy juawdoIDAa(]
pals!! 'liodai JJ215 aL41 jo sa6ed @All ui pauieluoD se IsauilapIn6 juawdol;3A@p asn pue! aL41
- 9z -
- 27 -
and the requirement for |m* traffic generation, it is possible that appropriate commercial
uses could be ucoommodnted. Be further noted that individual applications for facilities
under 15.000 square feet will be subjected to review by the DRC and the DRB through the
minor site plan process; and applications for facilities over 15 square Feet will be sub-
jected to the major site plan process, which includes Planning Board review.
Section 3.7.1. The Planner suggested that this section, pertaining to site plan re-
view should be revised to specifically reference Section 18.52 of the zoning ordinance.
Section 3.9.2. The Planner suggested that sidewalk linkages between on-site and
perimeter pedestrian circulation should be included in a ybv,t narrative and sketches with-
in this dvcumcnt,
ymcUoo 3.17.2. Planner Ghw|mn suggested that a list of potential nuisances should
be provided to the Planning Office and the Engineering Office.
Section 4.2.2. The Planner stated that during initial review of the guidelines the
developer was cautioned about 4m,img the language under "architectural guidelines" too
open; and he was encouraged to expand the written narrative and the sketchbook portion
of this document to more adequately define "contemporary" forms and mntrria/y. He then
briefly highlighted some of the areas which staff feels should he addressed in making this
section less subjective and more specific.
Section 5,1.5. The Planner stated that Exhibit "Do has not been included in the
Section 5.2.2. The Planner stated that a weed control plan for all common areas
should be included in this section as well as in the covenants.
Section 5'2.4. Planner Skelton stated this section should specifically state the
street frontage landscape requirements. He further noted that this section also refers to
Exhibit °D which has not been included in the guidelines.
Section 5.2.7. He suggested these guidelines should specifically establish landscape
requirements for the interior property lines and the north extreme of the property.
Development M | - "Section D o - Review and Approval Process.
The Planner suggested this section be updated and that it provide a boilerplate im-
provements agreement.
Development Manual - "Section E " - Design Sketchbook.
The Planner stated that several portions of this section need to be revised, includ-
ing siynage' |ight}vg, and architectural theme. He stated that the signagr portrayed in
this document would require dwviaUons, since it does not meet the zone code requirements.
He noted that the lighting portion also needs to be addressed particularly since concerns
have been raised about the lighting which currently exists within the first phase of the
planned unit dev*lupmont. He noted that a can type lighting is proposed within the docu-
16 -8 -I I
@seLld isaij aLli jeL41 @jinboj ue:) AIIZ) @Llj ;eq; P@lOU Osle GH 'Pazijeui; u@aq OA2LJ AOL];
jaile 'juawdolGA@p ;gun pauueld @Ljj .4oj sauil@pin6 aq; laaw I!wj;)d asn leuojllpuoo 6uilslxg
aq; jol sainixij IL46il aq; iet4i axnbaj ueD All:) aq; ;eL41 pal2ls uaL41 Jauueld aq-L
•,gjnlxij adAl UeD e UJ2 Aaq; jl aumialap o4 sawn;
-xi p@sodojd aq; M@lAO.1 ol jje4s joj Aj!unjjoddo up ainsse
U ll!m sIL14 iet44 paiou aH , paledt
-z)pue sr ;eLlm 4noqe uopsonb ou si ajaL11 os 'OdAl pup lopow Aq p jj!luopl 'a n;xij 4 6jj oi
0 . J . L4
-j!)ads e apniz)ui and 9 41 JOJ sauijap!n6 at4l jet4l papuawwo:)aj UOjjO>jS RAe(] Jauueld
sauijap!n6 asaLll jo uollezileuij oi joijd possaippe @q sai:)ua4sisuo:)ui
asaLll leyl pz);sa66ns uOL11 aH -4uawdolaA@p JO aseLld lsjij aq; uiqllm pass asoqj 14:)IeLu
4ou op sauil@p!n6 iu@wdol@Aap asn puel aq; jo uoi;.iod >jooqt4:);aijs aL41 ui papnioui sajnlxij
at44 ;eq; pajou _Aat4jjnj @H -@uij@p!n6 ;eq; laow jou soop Oils leplut aq; "o 6up 6il a
L-1 . 1 4; pue
:a.jnlxij adAl plaiqs jjo-in:) jjnj 2 alejodJO:)Ul .10 JD9.JJPUl aq lleL4S 6UIIL1611 JPLJJ P9421S SOU11
-opInF) @L41 ' • L•Z•L .spun ;eq; pa;ou iaqljnl aH -ails leplui @Ljj uo asoL41 Ljojew llet4s sawn;
-Xfj lq ; saleDIPut 11 'hS-Z) 952 uo Z•Z•L A@pun ;eq; pa;ou ;sojj jouoissiwwoo
-so.m4xi3 4L6lj pauueo 4ou aje asaq; pue Aji9dojd at4l
Ol pa4opisai ivaojad ool iou sr diqsjoleap o4ne aq; le 6utjLf6il 6uilsixa aLlj jeL4; ' . 1 OAGmOt4
POlels OH •@j!s ;:)afqns aq; o4 pa4:)ij4s@j sr pup pauuez) sr qDi(4m 5urlq5il azipin ol spualul
4oafoid sjLjj jo iodolaAGP 9t4l 12LI; SW@aS J! 42LIJ Pa4ejS U@t44 OH s@pj@dojd lua:)2fp2 OJUO
auiqs jou 11 ;eq; sr 6uijt46il airs -uo jaL44o ol suie4jod t4Dit4m suoijeaijpads aq; jo auo ;eq;
1 JGAaMOq 'p9jOU @H -6uilt46ij Aj!.mDas jol aip aDupuipjo 6ujuoz wl-la4uj @L4T ui p@uieiuoD
suoijeoij!oads at4l P@lels uOIIG�IS Jauueld ';soak jauoissiwwoo ol 5ulpuodsa�j
'SU.Ja:)UO:) S,UOISSIWWOO 044 10 lie SS@JpPP 01 P@SIAG.1 aje sauilap!nB juawdOIGAGP
asn peel aL41 jpqj ainsua ol jjels uo uapjnq aLil Sind 'P.J 6 u'uueld aL41 Aq p@puawwo:)Oi
s 'It 'ON u TeW Palels Jauueld aq; luosuemS Aauoissiwwoo ol buipuoclsa�j
'PJ200 buluueld OL41 Aq papuawwo
-oaj se ujewaj pinom E 'ON PUP :pauiqwoD aq pinom t pup I 'SON ;eq; 6UPOU 'SUOISIAgA
asot4; pa4q6ilLj6iL4 Aljaijq 9H •SUOISIA9.A JOj SuollepuawwoDoi SIL4 POP.IL'MJOJ SeLl aaoulbuq
AID 4uElsIssV aq; Pup -hL Pup C 'I 'SON uoi;!puoD 4noqe ujazwoz) passaaclXe DA1124UOSO-1
-claj s,jueoildcle qL44 '6upaaw 4et44 buimollol 4eL44 pa4e;s aH •suoj;!puoo uoe4LA619 ol 4D@f q ns
'uoi;e:)ildde aq; jo leAoidde papuawwo:)a.A pjeog buluu OL11 'S j@qWaAON uo ;lwjqd asn
leuoillpuo:) siL11 uo buij :>jlqnd s4l 6uimolloj ';eq; P91elS U011a)IS One(] .1auue1d'
•jjodaj jjels aq; jo Z abed uo PeuleluOz suORePuOwvJO:
@L41 ;99W 0; GAI.I;S ;ue:)jIdde aq; ;eq; p;a;sab6ns uOLP 9 H -0�jCj Aq ow@Lll lL-jnj:)@jjLj:me aq;
JO MOIAOJ len4da:)uo:) aq; jo @Ai;.joddns si jje;s ;eq; pajeDipui uO?44 uolj@>]S J@uueld
• s;!wil uiq4lm '12uoildo aq p1noLls 6ujlt46il A;Ijn:)as at44 '.1aAOMOLj S>112MOPIS Pup PJpA
-a[noq aLp joj paLlsilclelse aq p1not4s atn;xij IL16il oi4j:)ads AjGA e JeLp palsaMns uDql OH
• sa,jn4x13 5UljSiX@ 04; Ul 51 J! 'JOAOMOq E)IqjslA aq jou p1not4s eqnj ieL14 suE!@Lu tPiLlm '4u@w
- 8z -
comply with all of the finalized guidelines for the entire planned unit development prior to
approval of any project on the remainder of the twenty-acre parcel.
Mr. Dan Kamp, architect representing the applicant, stated that this project has
evolved over the pest year largely by taking the applicant's desired project before the
various boards and committees in the City, and making revisions to address the concerns
and desires of those bodies. He noted that they have attempted to address the concerns
of all of the entities involved, to the best of their ability; and they have received the ap-
proval of the Development Review Committee and the Design Review Board.
Mr, Kamp stated that' as representative of the applicant, he has agreed to disagree
with the staff on some specific issues in the land use development guidelines. He stated
that, through use of o theme in landscaping and lighting, the many architectural types
found along South Willson Avenue have been blended well and make an attractive area' He
suggested that to allow this variety in architectural style and materials could lend itself
well to this proposed planned unit development, with landscaping, lighting and signage
serving as the theme.
Mr. Kamp noted that the landscaped setbacks set forth in theme guidelines exceed
the zone code requirements; and the way the structures are cited on the lots could also
help to unify the projuct, even with different architectural styles.
Mr. Kamp stated he has attempted to redefine "contemporary" and feels he has
reached a good middle ground. He noted that Mr. Billion has indicated that if a more re-
strictive palette of styles and materials is determined appropriate, he is willing to accept
that needed revision'
Mr, Dan Kamp then stated that the other issue which he wishes to address is the
list of uses to be allowed within the planned unit development. He stated that under the
commercial uses listing, he is willing to make the listing more restrictive, limiting the com-
mercial uses to those which generate o very low traffic ,vivmc.
Mr. Kamp then addressed the issue of signs noting that when the sign package for
Billion Chrysler Mazda was originally submiued, the issue of identifying the business on
the directional signs was discussed. He expressed concern that to not allow the inclusion
of the business name on a directional sign could become confusing within the planned unit
development, particularly when driveways for two different businesses are located close
together. He stated an interest in allowing the business memo to be subordinate to the
directional sign, noting that the applicant is willing to eliminate the name if the City de-
termines that having it on the sign is unacceptable.
Mr, Dan Kamp then addressed the lighting issue, stating this is the first time he
has been made onor* of the possibility that the lighting from the existing fixtures may be
extending beyond the property lines. He stated that the fixture featured in the
t 6-8 1- L I
�13ejq ut umop 4,)s,, sl S;Uem 4! BujqlAj@Aa I241 @ins mjew 4ou sDop A41:) eq; jj jall pajel
OH - ije;s oi )i:)eq ;u9s aq pinotAs 1l laaj jou soop aq 'jalomoq !Buiuni-aug awos spaou j!
;eLp slauj aq ';uawn:)op s141 6uipeaj Ala4aldwoz) Aolje jeq; pa;2;s 4soij jauoisslwwoz)
juawn:)op OLIT U1411M SUOISIA
- oid ioLljo aq; to awos of slenplAipUl 4j@le pino:) lugwnz)op aLp upplm 6uiou@jaj@,j-ssojD
4eLp palsa66ns OH •ssaDoid MOIAOJ 12ujalui aq; Aluo sl jet4j 'J@A9MOL4 'Allo aLfl GAJOAUI
lou soop 1r ieqi pue pamolloj aq o4 spaau 1e41 auo Aluo @L11 si 4eqj uoissaidwi ;)Lp SBA16
Lpiol jas ssaziojd M;)IA9J je.AnjD@;lq:)je aL41 'juawnDop ay; jo uopiod auo ui JeLp u.4a0uo:)
p@ss@jdxa osle @H 'and aqj uiqllm paj:)njjsuo:) aq o; ;Daroid e jol pajedppue si leqm
moml p1nom 11 q4lm Aeil!wej jou auoewos jet44 Aem e t4:)ns uj p@j2daid si juawnDop @qj jeqj
sl u-4aDuOD s ' L l P aH uoissiwwo:) All:) 9ql pue JJ Buluueld 'P.4200 MGIAa� u61s;D(I
@41 Aq pasiej sanssi @L44 passaippe Allejauab seq lueDildde at4l IeW sj@Oj aq ';uawn:)op
s@uilapin5 4uawd0l@A@p asn PU21 a.11JUa aqj 10 MaIAOJ JOIJP '4PE44 POIPIS S�qM2H joAeVV
•alq!ssod se uoo5 se ssaDoid 6uil!jm-oj
aLp u16@q o; 4u@lui @Lp t411m '.A;)IdL>Lj:) 4eq; MGIAO-1 o; BuiuuiF)aq aie E)Idd3 jol:)D-ll(]
6 uluu 2 ld PU @Ll '@Wll SNI W ;e'41 POIOU Uat4l aH 'uoil2luesaid siLl ui paiou se 'PGAJeM
aq epolliD asoLp jo auo F)ui;oow ;eLp uoil P-AeOg bu!UUPld ; tAllm elqe;jojwo:)
sl JJ21S 'aJOP- 'P@;e;s @H •Ugl;IJMe.A aq o4 p;D;Du 'sasn pa;ejaj-o;ne L4;lm asoLp Apeln
-:)il.ied 'sjuawdoj;DA9p 4jun pauueld joj epRip:) aLp ieLp paiou uoil@>fS OAR(] JaUUejd
•sl2ijalew pue u6isop le.4nl:)allq:)je jo sonssi @Ljj Aj-jejn:)p.Aed 'sanssi @L41 jo awos
uo saouajajj!p 1poiLldoso1lqd suie4@j Illis aq 46no41 U@A@ 1 pieog 6uiuuefd aLp Aq popum
-wooaj suoillpuoo @L41 jdaoDe ueo aLl I241 slaaj lueDildde @t4l 12141 palels dweN - .JVI
- Al!o @41 Aq PaMalA9J-aJ aq jsnw 11 uaLli 'uefd leu161jo 9L41 wojj luajajjlp Allei;ue4sqns
si LpiLlm u6isap e sajinbai ueld ails 2 jl pue I mou paubisep AlInj aq walsAs 95puie.Ap wio;s
@Ljl 4eq1 st U014ppuqwwo0aj s4lels aLP 1 Palels aH - ped0laA;)p SIRM 101 Lj:)29 Se P@U6[Sgp
Ajje:)ij!Dads 6u1oq eoje juqj L411m luoilualai wjo;s jol Paj2 len4daouoo e aplAoid of jualul
leui6ijo s,lue @qj sem 11 PaMs aH - aftuipip of Bujuiplaad suoil!puoz) ap of SUOISIA
-DJ p9pUgWWO0@J s,jaoui6u3 AIID 4u21sissV aqj Lll!m juawaaj5p linj ut si aLl pue 'Ijels 6u1
-jaaui6ug Allo atAl qjIm low aq '6uijea4 oilqnd ;)tA4 6uimollol jeLJj poleis dwe>l %ivy
•p;a;dop2 uaeq @Aeq uoiioas sl
01 SUOISIAeJ aL44 ja4le epalliD at4l ;o ssaual2ijdoidde joj POMOIADl oq Illm J! JeLp uolleoildde
SILIJ JO leAOjdde of papp2 aq uoillpuo:) e 12ql palsa66ns pue 'P9SIA9J uoaq jaA jou seq uoij
-D@s ;N; 'awil slM JO st? leql P@lOu OH •uall!jm@ aq 01 PGPGDU OPOD E)Lfl JO UOIJDDS JUDLU
-dol@Aap I!un pauu2ld @44 1e41 pauiwjalap sem 11 'apOO OUOZ 944 JO MOlAaj 1211IUI S;l ueF:)E)q
@@411wwo3 uoi;24uawaldwi :)oLl pe aq4 u9i4m let4l uoissiwwoo at4l papuiw;aj dwe>l alnl
- pa4sijdwo00e aq ueD ;24; leaje sjLjj uj :)ijjDads ajow aq of paau
souijap!nF) atp jl 4 P OH -0 4!s uO A14uojjn0 si jeql a.Anlxij I14611 aq; si )
- OE -
- n-
and white," there will he items which the City does not wamt included within the planned
unit development. He then stated that he feels this document is not tight enough; and he
feels it will take a lot of work to tighten it up to his satisfaction.
Planner Skelton stated appreciation for the Commission's desire to not send these
land use development guidelines back to staff for revision, particularly in light of the
number of hours he has already spent on it. He noted, however, that this document will
set forth an example for commercial node development; and he is willing to work with Mr.
Kamp and the Commission to get the document cleaned up.
opment at this subject location, it was with the promise that this would be an outstanding
pn4mot and a mode/ for the area. She further noted that at the present time there is es-
sentially nothing out there/ and it is imperative that all precautions be taken to ensure
that a quality project is undertaken, She noted that this project lies along an entryway to
the community; and she feels that the time spent now in ensuring that the development
guidelines are adequate will pay off in the end.
Commissioner Swanson asked if twenty-acre commercial nodes were envisioned under
the new master plan and zone code.
Planner Skelton responded that the master plan establishes a potential commercial
node at the intersection of two arterials or an arterial and a collector street; and that
would allow such nodes to develop at the intersections of U.S. Highway 191 with Gooch Hill
Road and Cottonwood Road. He stated that no size was designated for those npuos/ and
the basic philosophy was a "first come, first served." He further suggested that caution
should be taken to ensure that developments within these nodes do not compete with devm|-
vpment within the B-2 and B-z zones inside city |imits. He then indicated that a commer-
cial mvdc has begun 1n develop at the intersection of U.S Highway 191 and Gooch Hill
City Manager Wysocki reminded the Commission that when this project was discussed
previously, he pointed out that if each quadrant of the intersection of U.S. Highway 791
and Cottonwood Road were developed as an equal sized commercial nude, there would be no
acres of commercial development at that intersection.
Mayor Hawks noted that it is the intent of the master plan that development within
these commercial nodes be for the purpose of serving the immediate area, ratbmr than at-
tracting traffic from the general community.
Commissioner Swanson noted the extensive conversation previously held about loud
speaker systems within the planned unit development, as well as noise levels. He then
asked if |nod speaker systems are prohibited within these land use development guidelines.
W1r' Kemp responded there is not. He noted that one of the conditions of approval
I.G__u I- t I
'@nssl @q s@ss@JPPE? ZL - ON uoi;!puo:) ;et4j pajsa66ns uosu2mS jauoisslwwo:)
*a42ijdo.jdd2 pue aIqeuose;aj si ;I awns aNew ol slel.Aalew jo IsIl OL41
MDIAa.1 o; A4!un4ioddo ue sjuem @LI 6ul4c4s '@Duajin:)uo:) pa4els jsojj j@uojss,wwo
•alq!ssod A;Illq!xalj jo junow2 jsa4eaLj6 oqi 6uimolle iol lioddns 1 "meH joA2VV
Ailllqlxalj ajow mope ol alqeldaooeun aq pinom
4eql s[21JR12w awos o4eumila ol alpiidoidde aq jLI6iLu 11 'suopdo inoj jo aoiLp ol slepajew
aq; 6u ueq; jDLj;2j jeLp palsaMns OH 'POIJ11—Pl slepalew pue sjojo:> jo alialed 2 sem
OJOY4 '(Jnd poomqinoS 9LAI ul IeLll PalOu u@t4l 9 H '06U2L.I3 JOJ p0I3!jU0PI uaaq DAeLq S.10100
pue sieWlew 04 oDuejapi aNew LIDIL4M swaij at4i jo Auew IPLII p@4els uojjasIS j@uuelj
.sj:)aj!Lp_1e jodweLl jou soop uoij:)as siql ;eqj os Isuorlop1sai upL41 iat4jej
eJJ@4j.AD MaIA@J 12J@Ua5 aJ2 aSaL11 let4l 9;201PUI 01 pOppe 9q 4UaWaJ24S e ;eq; pe;s;)56ns
UDL4; 9H 'G@jjIWWO3 MDZA;D.A leuialui aq; Aq se Ijam se 8N(j aq; Aq P@M9IA@.1 aq pInoLIs
o.injon.ils Aue jo ssauoleudoidde Ao azis 'NInq 'Iq6pq 'ojnjDajjLp.Je jo GIA�s Isuol;.jod
- oid 'qsiuij law@Lps joloD jo ssaualepdoidde aq; 12L41 pals@66ns sNmeH joAeVV
*( "ON 'Z 06 L8
't,L'z'D uojlz)oS ozmajojaj oi aq ILIbm anssi oLp ssaippe o; Aem opsildwis e pals,36
-6ns GH - Ijam se uoij:)os sjLIj o; sojidde 4UGWWO:) OAoqe siq ; PG;Ou sNmeH joAeVV
- L - C 'ON - 9-0 062d
;uawn:)op @t4j 4noLj6nojqj possojppe si wall sit4i ;eLp ainsua JI!M JJ21S
IPLII P@IED'Pu; OH - sauilapInI5 aq; PUP SjUPU@AOD @A14:)GjOJd @Lp 6uipnIDuj 'Iuown:)op OL44
jnoq6nojq; saDeld 12JgA@S ui possa-ippe aq ;snw anssi sjql 1 uOIIDNS J@uu
-Aj!o aq; Aq P@Aoidde PU2 PaMa[A@J aq 0512 IIeL]S sautj;Dp!n6 U6[S@p aLjj 01 SUOISIAaJ
due 1eqj 1:)aljaj 01 PaSlAa.A aq 11 saul
Iap!n6,, jo uoij!uipp aq; pals@56ns ssImPH joApW
*Z* L *ON 'F abed
, sw,glqojd
pue sjoiIjuoD
P!OAe 01 SUOIj3aJIP Ile U1 @Jelf)
6UIIUaAajd jo juGlui GLO s;aaw LIJit4m
a.mixil it-Iffil
jo ;)dAl
paijoo at4l jDaIjai AlajejnD02
aJOW 01 PDSIA@.A aq uoij:)9s siL44 4e'41
polsaMns aH
- japow
at4l se saAnlxij 6ujjt46q uoillpa
@L41 ol apew si aouaialai 'juawnDop
sit4i 4o uoijAod lenueW JU0WdOI@Aa(] @LIj japun IPLII p@;ou 6uniLlaog jauoissiwwo:D
*EZ 'ON '91, abed
,, A6jau;),,
o4 p@6ueq:) aq ,uoijdwnsuoo A6j@u;a,, 'auil lsjij at4; uj ;eL41 pajsa66ns sNmeH joAew
H 'ON 't abed
, smollol se Iswal! :)ijiz)ads ol su.Aa:)uoD jiaqi butpmmaoj 'ivawn
- oop aiijua aLli q6no juam Allnja uoissiwwoD aq; luopsa65ns s�lm2ll joAeyy IV
, posn aq pinom wal
-sAs jo>leads pnol ou 12LI1 sem diqsjale;ap jeD s,uoill!s *.jw joi 1!wjad asn leuoi4!puoo aLij jo
- ZE -
- B-
P|ann=r Skelton gated that the conditions he had recommended for approval of this
cnnditivoa/ use permit were based on past experiences with planned unit developments. He
then suggested that caution should be taken in revising those conditions substantially one
way or the other. He suggested that it would be better to revise the guidelines prior to
Commission action, rather than "conditioning it to death." The Planner then stated he
feels that he and Mr. Kamp can develop a revision which is acceptable to both parties.
Responding to Mayor Hawks, Mr. Kamp stated he feels an acceptable palette of ma-
terials can be developed which will not be too restrictive while addressing the City's con-
Page B-13. No. 4.8.
Commissioner Onahrvng asked how this section compares to the zone code ruquiro-
mentn, He suggested that auto-related commercial uses, the amount of area in storage
must be carefully considered. He than asked for assurances from staff that the amount of
outside storage allowed is reasonable for the kind of quality development that the Commis-
sion wishes to ensure.
Planner Skelton stated that under this guideline, it stipulates that the area devoted
to outside storage may not exceed lS percent of the gross floor area of the principal
structure on the site. He noted that if the structure is 20.000 square «mmt, the amount of
outdoor storage would be quite substantial. He stated that under these guidelines, that
area must be screened.
Mayor Hawks asked if there is any provision regarding the storage of wrecked ve-
hicles in these guidu|ines, since this is an auto-related development.
Commissioner Ooehrung stated wrecking yards are not permitted; homever, noted
that since this does include car dealerships, cars could be stored while waiting for parts
for mechanical repairs or body work.
Mr. Dan Kamp stated that the zone code does not have limitations on the areas for
outside storage; Lhorcfore, he attempted to arrive at a reasonable percentage for this de-
velopment. He stated that most of the uses which would be located within this develop-
ment would utilize a certain amount of outdoor storage. He then stated that the screening
around the outdoor storage areas must harmonize with the architecture, design and ap-
pearance of neighboring structures and other surroundings under these guidelines.
Page C-2, No. 1.o.
Mayor Hawks suggested that the fourth line in the intent statement be revised to
road "... enhance this natural environment while creating a distinctive and creative coor-
dinated commercial atmosphere of harmonious ueou.«
Page C-2. Nu. 1.4.
Mayor Hawks suggested that the language in this section he revised to specifically
L 6- 0 t - t I
aqi jo uoaDas siLli ui papnl:)ui aq ol sdial Al!ep @62-laALI K41 6uidoj9A9p Ul UJIL4
L44 ) V O m 01 ssGuBullHm p P uO4WiS JDuu 'dwp>l u -ivy of 6uipuodso�
.U01jejau@6 :)Ijjejl mol 4D@IJRJ ;eq; S,J paijl:);)ds laaw qzm4m sasn jep.Aawwoz) 6uimolle
t4;jm paijspes ;)q p1nom Aaqj pol2ojpui sj@uoisslwwoZ) aq} '.joA2VV at4l of 6uipuodsa�j
'sjolejau96 :)ijjejl mol aq Illm sasn POM0112 ;)t4l 12q; loallaA A16uoj;s
ajow pinoqs saujjap!n6 juawdoj9A0P asn peel oqj 12L41 palsaHns S)impH Joy 2vv
•sjOj2jqu@6 :)IjjeJl MOI 6UlIZ)2.J4;e aq pinot4s leg; apou jeiajawwoo e ui ss@uisnq ads(;
leuoilowo.Ad Alt46iLl 'alq!SIA AIL16IL4 e sapnIDui 11 jeqj 6uilou ';uawdOjaAap p sIL11 L41!m
ppq seq aL4 L4DiL4m welqojd @Ljj sjoidap Ajj2:)it4de_i6 IeL44 pajou UOSU2MS JOUOISSIMLUOD
L46zL4 pup wnipaw uaamlaq sr
I! jaqlej 'joipjaua6 ntjjt?_i4 mol P se Aj!jenb 4ou swop juqwdOj9Aqp 4!un pauueld' siLli ujL44!m
p@lez)ol asn IsAIJ @W 12L I; pa4els . D141 'uosuemS _iouojssiwwo:) of buipuodsam
- q6iq jo wnip@w 'mol sr suoije_j@ua6 di-al -iaqmnu oLli ioLjjaLjm
5Ult4SlJq2jSa Ul pasn aie ssauisnq leLil joj palo@fojd suoijejaua6 diij aqj PU2 ssouisnq
aq4 jo abe;ool ajenbs at44 ;etAl polels UOIlaNS J@uueld ' S�lmpH JOAejN of 6uipuodsa�j
• siolejaU06 oijje_q mol s2 p@ij!ssplo aq 4uaw SILIJ
olut pamoI12 sasn jerojowwon Aup IeL14 FDujjnsui) jo aoupliodwi @LjI PO;Ou smmPH JOAPVV
, IuawdolOAap aqj urqllm sasn alqlssod jo Isil @Lll wojj pajolap aq papuawwo:),?j seLl }jets
Lj:)iL4m swalr asot44 japutewai aL14 passaippe dwe)q - .jVV 's>lmeH joAeVV o; asuodsai ul
-ajaqmAue palez)ol
aq UED Sglllll:)ej UJ20 pllqD Imel 9;e;S japun jet4l pajou 6unjL4@oo JouoissiLumo:)
-s@iIjjlDi?j @-ieD pl!t4z) pajuapo-,q9Aojdwa joj aplAo-id 01 Jr RSIADA o4 @Ieijdoidd2
ajoLu aq stew Ir 'asn siLl; 6uiNj.A;s ueLjj j@L44ei ';aq; p@4s@65ns ddL-u>f iquoissimwoz)
, Iuawdol@Aap aqj uiLl;lm paAoldwe asoLlI jo asn @L41 -ioj @-ipD Aep hews P jo uoilellels
-ui zall buimolle p;ajep!suo:) peg j9doj9A9p ;Dql 'puail s.Aepol UGA16 'Zpt4l PO4 DH ' sasn
leuoi4!puoD pa4llwjed jo ;sal ;DLII woij ;I a>i!jls ol ssou6uill!m e pa4els dwe>j -jVV
4uawdOlDAGP ;!un pauueld @LA; uitAl!m asn 12uop
-Ipuoz) e se sjalu@D aj2:) Aep 6uimolle inoqe ujaouoo possajdxa 4soj.A jauoissiwwo:)
'EZ21d @LAI uiLll!m sasn pall!w.4ad jo ;sil @Lll wojj papniox-a u;)aq aAeLl L4DIqM
swaI! @L41 jdaDoe of ssau6uill!m e poleoipui dweN *.iN IjoAeVV aLli of 6uipuodsa�j
•sasn jo Isil aLij jaidialui ol pamolle aq lljm jjels 4eL41 painss2 aq ueD
aq A SPJOM DsOq4 OOPP 0 4 ssau e P@Iels GH -:)ijlDads Alleja4il 6uieq ueq4 laq;e.1
, pa4sl
. 1 sasn :)jjj:)ads asoLqj 4a.Adialut of A;!I!qe aLli OP!Aoid ol p@pnIDui ajam 11 o; Pal!wrl IOU
inq 5uipnlz)ui,, spiom aqj pa4els dwe)4 jVy 'uosuemS jauoissjwwoo of 6uipuodsaN
'l'Z*L'L 'ON *tr-D 952
apoo ;)uoz ;)Lll jo iajdPq:) juawdol9AGP Ilun pauueld at4l 4a:)u;Dj;ajaj
- t7E -
- ns -
Page C-o. Nn- Z.2.
Mayor Hawks suggested this section should reference Section 2.4,
Page C-9. No. 2.2'4.
Responding to Mayor Hawks, Mr- Dan Kamp stated the criteria are different from
those listed under Section 3.2 on Page B-7 because they involve two different processes.
Mayor Hawks then noted that the second item listed should be "overhang."
Page C-20. No.
The Mayor noted that the spelling in the fifth line should be corrected to accurately
reflect "roof overhang."
Page C-29. Nv, 3,15,
Commissioner ovehrung suggested that the prohibition of external speakers should
be included in this section of the guidelines.
Page C-34. No. 4.1,
Mayor Hawks suggested that the first line of that section be changed to read "...
high quality, compatible, contemporary architectural design ...o
Responding to Mayor Hawks, Mr, Kamp indicated the second line should read «...
to be positively differentiated ..."
Page C-35. No' 4.2'3.
Mayor Hawks noted that the issue of scale seems u, be well addressed in this sec-
Page C-40, Nn. 5.1.5.o,
Commissioner Frost asked if just the triangle at the southwest corner of the proper-
ty is considered open space for the planned unit development. He noted that the County
conditions for approval of the subdivision references the open space continuing to the
north and around all of the lots.
Mr. Dan Kamp indicated that is an error in this document that will be corrected
prior to finalization.
Page C-47, Mn. 5'2.7.2.
Responding to Commissioner Frost, Planner Skelton stated this was included in the
March V letter, as an item which needs to be addressed.
Page C-48. No,,2_
Responding to Commissioner Frost, Mr, Kamp indicated it may have been an over-
sight that the northernmost property ||vo was not addressed along with the remainder of
the western boundary. He than requested a clarification of whether the zone cod* ade-
quately addresses the issue, after which he indicated a willingness to correct that item.
Pfanner Skelton suggested that Condition No. 18 could be expanded to include o
landscape plan for the northern edge of the parcol, and possibly the western edge of the
jol 1!wjad asn JeUOIIIPUOZ) 12UI61.AO @L4; JO IPAoidde j@pun IeL14 PaJOU dweN up(] --IVV
'PaAo.jdde eje and
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;u@wdOjaAap 41un pauueld aq; jo I 9 se4d IMAI slaOJ @Lf Pa;e4s lsoAj jauoissmwoo
-siolow pnol se Lions ';uawuie;
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- LE-D abed uo sui6aq 4:)iqm 'Ll*E UOI;D@S japun Ile} p1nom
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- juqwUle;UO0 .10PO pue juaw
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* Z'L 'ON * SS - D
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-U011elAap e sajinba.A )jooqqoja�qs @L14 up pauie4uoo Lpl@Ns @qj ;eq; PalOu .pauueld OLU
uopiod jpuoijoajip aLli ol aleuipjocins 6uiaq aweu ssauisnq aLp L441m 'epz2Vy jalsAiLID uoill!S
JOJ P@Aojdd2 S2M j2tAm of jelpis si �looqqoja�js aLp up u6is @L41 jet4l pajou dwe>1 ' JINN
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. 10aAlp aLp UO
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OH asn oilpeds Ljoeo iol POME)IAGJ aq 111m abeubis aLij jeLij pa;ou uo41a�js JaLlueld
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- 1 2 JRIIaJ LIaLlI 9 H -aweu ssauisnq at4l aleupila of ssau6uill!m e paleDipui dwL'>f -,JVV
-U61S 12LIO1400,11P 2 PD.I@PISUO:) UeLJ4 .1914je.1 SSUU
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"['Z'1'9 'ON 'LS -3 abed
'llam se I@Djed
- 9E -
- 37 -
8U|km Chrysler Mazda, it was specifically stipulated that it wnvW ultimately comply with
the final land use development guidelines for the planned unit development.
The City Manager suggested that a finalized version of the land use development
guidelines be created; and that no additional development would be allowed within the PUD
until the first phase is brought into compliance. He cautioned that it is difficult to re-
quire a development to be brought into compliance with a document which technically does
not exist.
Planner Skelton once again reiterated his willingness to work with Mr. Kamp to fi-
nalize these guidelines, taking into consideration the concerns raised by the Commission in
this public hearing. He then stated that, except for public comment on the lights, he has
received no other comment during this process or the subdivision process.
No one was present to speak in opposition to the requested conditional use permit.
Mayor Hawks closed the public hearing.
It was moved by Commissioner 3*anonn, seconded by Commissioner Knapp' that the
Commission defer the decision on this Conditional Use Permit requested by Joseph and
Susan Bn|ipn, until after the applicant and staff have addressed the issues raised in the
above discussion through revisions to the proposed guidelines for the Planned Unit Devel-
opment. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being
Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Nnapp, Commissioner Ooohrumg Commissioner Frost
and Mayor Hawks; those voting No, none.
Discussion - FY( Items
City Manager Wysocki presented to the Commission the following "For Your Informa-
tion" items.
(1) Agenda for the URC meeting scheduled for lU:QO a.m. on Tuesday, Novem-
ber |y.
ber 19.
(3) Announcement of an informational meeting to he conducted by the State De-
partment of Health and Environmental Sciences at 7m0 p.m. on Thursday November z/ at
the Chief Joseph Middle School, regarding the groundwater contamination near the
@uttroy's Shopping Center,
(4) Daily minutes for the County Commissioners for the week of November u.
(S) Minutes for the County Commission meeting of November 12.
(6) Agenda for the City-County Planning Board meeting scheduled for 7/00 p.m'
on Tuesday, November 19,
(7) Copy of a newspaper article entitled "Panel hears about need for medical in-
46 -8 1 -11
aq} Inoqe asoqj Butpnjoui '15uivaow AepsoupaM uo lsepipaig / aq4 ;e suoissno
- SIP 6 uI4sOJG;uI at4l P (1) 6uimollol aLp p@41!wqns ddeu>l jauoissiwwoD (c
'31IS112aJ @JOW aq
p1nom sL]Iuow 99jLp AjOAG ieLp builsoMns Ijeopoeid jou sr salaam oml Aj;DAa JP(41 pals@66ns
jaftuejN Al!o oqj - salaam oml Aj@A@ PDP!Aoid aq Aot44 pa4sanboj peq @t4 pue '61 jsn6nV
P94ep S2M @UO 45el el.11 6U140U 'iu9wa:)aoju9 @poz) auoz uo z);2pdn ue joj pa)isV (Z) '@Ali(]
@6p!jlsaM uo @moLl sjt4 jo woij ui Aem-lo-It46p :)ilqnd aq} ui aaij 0 41 6 uipJe 6 @J zlln'4:)S
1HU MOJJ J OL44 PO;ON (1) 'bulmollol aq; pa;41wqns 4soaA aeuoissimoo
(Z L)
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et4l 6uipie6ai joluo3 joiu@S aLp le 6upeoLl oilqnd e ploLl 11!m uoissiwwoD @:)JAJOS Dilqnd
eq4 ' oo:o[ 12 6uiuui5aq Imoitowol ;eq4 pz)421s buniLpoo jouoissjwwoZ) (l 1)
'aAoqe pa4p sal
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Aluo uez) exaqj 's;9p;am9aqoa:)iw ;o uojjdo:)x9 eqj t4j!m jeLp palels (aF:)eueVV Al!o aq I
*SPLI s6uijj!8 @N!l dials ouisLn
e jolunoDua p1nom uewazog ;ekp pasiej u@aq seq uJaDuOD TP PGlOu s JoAevy
•Ajjp:)oj law sr wnwixew jet4j pue :pazillin aq uez) sasuaz)ij 9jqemo1je
otp jo jua:m9d EjjL '21nwjoj a4ejoqeja jaqjoue L46noiLp IN PG1 E)H 'SZ G- 9JOL41 pue
:snsuaD 0661 aLp ol Buipiome pamolle 9je sasuaoij 96IRJ9A@q-jj2 9L WL11 Palels UH - sasuoz )[ 1
St Oje ajaqj pue :SasuaDij auim pue jeaq S1 pamolle si eoie BuipuncIains aq4 pue uewazoH
Iejnwioj at4l japun Imp palels aH -pa;eoildwoo ;a;!nb si 'AllunwwoD 4eq4 jo sni
0j!W P Ulql!M PUIR 'Al!unwwoo e ui pamolle sasueoil jonbil pue ouim 'a@@q gsiwaad-uo
jo aaqwnu aLp 6uiuiwj@lap ioj ejnwaoj aq; ;eq; p jabeuevq Ali:) aqj- (01)
uopejap!suoz) uoissiwwo:) aoj salaam aldnoz) 4x@u @L41 ui Appai aq Alln;
- adoL4 111m qz)it4m 'weaftid >JJem;DPlS 2661 aLll JOJ liodai IJ24S 2 UO 6U]MJOM u;)aq seq soqioj
ODIAJaS ojlqnd 1 JOI: 4 P 9121 S (S) -jewjol 6uila6pnq joj pieme ue joj uopeoildd2
up t4l!m Vojq o4 pepi2miol aq o; 'aeaA sjLjj joj juawnDop 4a6pnq aLp 6uizrleuij uz)aq seq
j32jS (h) •jaL41eam aq; jo 3sne:)eq dn>iz)id jeal ;DL14 6uilaldwoz) o1qnoil 6UIA2L4 0.112 SM9.AZ)
(E) •ei@weo Pjlqj I> eleuop 11!M OL4S IPqjj;qS sr 04121SO ue UlOtitA le[.41 5UIW3IPUI '2UelUOVj
, ulooui-I wojj p9112:) Apel I? ;e'4; Pg;Ou OH -w@Ljj ;Dsn of moL4 UO P9UIeJl U@aq ;)A2t4
sja:)ijjo ex4i jo Auew pue 'sieD RDijod @Ljj jo oAAj ui pallelsul uoaq aAPLI S2-]aWe:) 0;)P!A l2t4l.
Pale;s (Z) 'aallaismau aq4 -Ioj sopilie Joj oullpeop z aaqwa:)a(] aq} 10 siguolsslwwoo 3L41
papuiwa�j ( L) smollol se '4,jod@j Apiaom sag pa4l!wqns -ia62ueVq All:) oL4 (6)
aallol aqj ol puodsoi Ipm aq palels uosuemS aquolsslWWOD
- ,gnU;DAV L44L '41JON 51 su JO lt4 OL4a.
6uipje6;aj 'q j9qW9AON P IS# L1191 L4inoS EL9 'UOUU2Z) AWV WO•J J@;;;) (8)
-ddeu>l _jauoissiwwoZ) Aq pe;llwqns se oDueans
- BE -
progress of the University parking lots and the City's proposed parking district. (z)
Noted the program at BPW which was about child abuse programs. (n) Noted that, based
on the success of the "Night of 100 Dinners" fundraiser for the Library, it will probably
become an ounuu| event, (4) Announced her participation in the Montana Library Asso-
ciation fall board meeting noting that a large portion of its funds have been dedicated to
implementing the findings and goals of the Governor's Conference on Libraries and ad-
dressing libraries at risk. She noted those are typically programs that receive substantial
assistance through State funding. (s) Requested that the portion of the minutes from the
meetings of October 15 and 21 pertaining to discussion on the proposed zone code amend-
ments be included in next week's packet, in light of the public hearing scheduled on those
items. (6) Noted that not only car dealerships, but other businesses representing multiple
sponsors, are encountering problems with the current sign code.
(14) Commissioner Swanson noted the upcoming public hearing to be held on the
Trident plant request this week' He then asked if the Commission has taken a position on
the issue, and whether any communication has been mod: to anyone regarding the issue.
The Mayor stated that he has sent a letter to the City-County Health Board stating
support for requiring an environmental impact statement.
Commissioner Swanson then asked if the Commission wants to be more aggressive on
this issue, noting that he has received suggestions from some individuals who feel the
Commission should be,
Commissioner Knapp asked if it is in the Commission's jurisdiction.
Commissioner Frost suggested the Commission should be.
Commissioner Ooehrung suggested that the Commission could forward a |e/ter to the
State after this week's public bearing has been held.
(Ts) Mayor Hawks submitted the following. (l) Attended Interagency Breakfast
on Wednesday morning. (2) Attended part of the City-County Planning Board meeting to
Tuesday evening. (3) Presented a welcome at the ribbon-cutting ceremonies for the now
alternative medicine clinic. [4] Stated he has responded to a |cucr from o Mr. Frost from
Canada, who is trying to find relatives for a possible inheritance. (a) Attended the open-
ing for the Rainbow god and Breakfast, up Gallatin Canyon, on Sunday.
(16) Commissioner Frost stated that at the public hearing before the Planning
Board on Tuesday evening, a member of the Southwest Building Industry |nhWad for hav-
ing a professional member from their organization on the DRB. He noted that Mr. Sabo|
also spoke in support of including a professional builder on the DRB noting that Mr.
Ryder is currently serving on that hoard,
Acknowledge i of petition for rezoning of Blocks 51 and 52 of th
Northern Pacitic Addition to R-3a; reter to staff
Buildino Inspection Division report for October 1991
It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Goehruog that
priate persons to onmp|ooa the necessary actions. The motion carried by the following Aye
and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Knapp, Commissioner Qoehrwng Com-
Adjournment - 1012 p.m.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, it was moved by
Commissioner Goahrung seconded by Commissioner Frost that the meeting be adjourned.
The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commission-
er Goehrung, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Knapp and Mayor
Hawks; those voting No, none.