HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-07-01 MinutesJuly 1 1991 Page 28 - Line 17 - change "new" to "updated" - Line 20 - change "prepare" to "refine" - Line 24 - change "1985" to "1988" - Line 25 - after "future" insert "and thereafter" - Lii 6 - iisert. "fiwal" before "docirnetnt" - Line 26-27 - strike from "remaining" to end of sentence and insert "dealing with two codes in differing areas of the juris- diction as mandated by State law regarding interim ordi- nances .ti MINUTES DF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COWm/350N uOZBwxm MONTANA July 1 1991 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, July l. 1991' at J:JO p.m. Present were Mayor Hawks, Commis- sioner Goehrung Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Swansnn, Commissioner Knapp' City Manager Wysocki, City Attorney Becker and Clerk of the Commission Sullivan. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. None of the Commissioners requested that any of the Consent Items be removed for Minutes May 20 May 28 and June 24 199 Mayor Hawks deferred action on the minutes of the regular meeting of June 17 1991 for a period of one week. It was moved by Commissioner Goehrung, seconded by Commissioner Frost, that the minutes of the regular meetings of May zo and May 28. 1991 be approved as amended, and that the minutes of the regular meeting of June 24 1991 be approved as submitted. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Goehrung, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Knapp and Mayor Hawks; those voting No, none. Discussion - draft tree ordinance City Manager Wysocki reminded the Commission that this item was requested by Commissioner Frost. Commissioner Frost suggested that several revisions to the draft tree ordinance should be considered. The Commission then concurred in reviewing this ordinance on a page-by-page basis, setting forth their recommendations for revision. Those discussions and revisions include the following. Page I. Expand the definition of "Staff Forester or City Forester" to include the background or training needed for that position. Expand definition of "Forestry Division" to include, under protection, "pruning, fertilization, bracing and spraying" in the list of responsibilities. Include the qualifications required for contractors who might work for the City, possibly including licensing provisions. Mr. Dick Pohl stated he has received four packets of information from other commu- nities as well as the National Arbor Society which Could provide some helpful information in nr-n1_»1 L6-10-LO - ;o - ;g6la :)!lgnd aq; uo o6ula3ul golgM Aliadoid a;enlad uo saaa; o; Aluo sure ;aad slq; ;eq; ;oej aq; ;oajjaa o; „aoueslnN 30 ;uawa ;eqV,, aapun •6 uol;oaS aslnaa pue a6ueaaeaU •aauMo A;aadoad ;uaoefpe aq; 3o uol;eorjl;ou aoi ;uawa,a!nbaj e apnlaul o; ,aoueslnN Jo ;uawa ;eqy„ aapun •y uol ;oaS aslnad •£ a6ed •apoo auoz aq; ul q;ao3 ;as s! saaa; ;aaa ;s aoj saloads ag; }o 6ul;sll a;aldwoo e ;eq; uolsslwwo:) ag; Papu!waa IgOd 'aW saloads Mau ;o 6ul;sa; alq!ssod pue bul;s!l e jo aoueua ;ulew aq; apnlou! pinogs ;! 'pappe si paeoq aaa; aq; o; 6ulule;aad uol;aas aq; uagM ;eq; pa ;sa66ns ;soa,d jauolssrwwoo a;eladoadde ao Aaessaaau pautwaa; --ap se ;sll aq; a ;epdn PUP Malnaa o; A;!llge aq; aneq paeoq aaa; ag; ;eq; ;ue;.aodwr s! ;! paa.rnouoa uaq; aH ' pa;aldwoo Al ;uaoa.r Senn golgM 6u!;sll AJO;UanUI aq; 6ulpnloul 'saoanos ;uaJOJJ!p leaanas woaj padolanap uaaq seq ;sll leu!6!ao aq; ;eq; Pa ;e ;s lgod NOM aW ;sll aq; uo uolsnlaul aoi a;eladoadde aq ;g6lw pa ;sll ;ou saloads hue aaq aqM amwaa;ap o; s;uawlaadxa 6ul;ueld aaa; awos op o; paeoq eaa; aq; else o; gslM Am uo!sslwwoo ag; pa;sa66ns !).{3osAM aa6eueW Al!o •s!et.ia;.ae 6uole Alaelnol;aed 'sar,aads panoadde jo ;srl ay; 6ulaedaad uagM uol;eaap!suoo o;ul ua�je1 Alln;aaeo aq pinogs ;les aol aoueaalo; ataq; pup saaa; jo 6ul;s!l aq; ;eq; pa;sa66ns ;so.a j aauolsslwwo:) 'aoueulpao Slq; o; uolslr<aa 6ulalnbaa ;no -q;lM 'a;eladoaddeui ao a;eladoadde pou!waa;ap pup pa;sa; aae saloads se pa;epdn aq o; ;sll aq; Molle pinoM slq; ;eq; pa ;e ;s aH •paeoq aaa; aq; Aq Panoadde ;sll e o; aouaaajaa a�.lew o; a ;eladoadde aaow aq Aew ;! 'a:)ueulpao slq; u! soaa; ;aaa ;s se 6ul4ueld aoj a ;epadoadde saloads aq; ;o 6ul;stl alj,!aads e 6urpnlaul ueq; aaq ;ea ';eq; pa;sab6ns sNMeH aoAeW saaa; jo 6utAn6 aq; ao; Molle o; „sgnagS pup saaal o; slelaa;eW 6urua ;se -j„ aapun ;wawa ;e ;s e ppy „•aoueulpao slq; 30 ;uaw9oaoJu3 sa ;e ;s golgM '(} oN e PPP 'osly •(1) 'ON aapun sal;np jo ;sll aq; o; ,6uiAeads pup 6ul3eaq 'uol;ezllr; -aal '6ulunad„ ppe „'aa ;saao� A;!o„ aoj „sal ;no PUP saaMOd„ aq; aapun - � a6ed padolan -ap st n(ao;uanul aaa; e aao;aq uOlsslwwoo aaa; e q;rM sul6aq wea6oad aaa; aq; 'sal;!unwwoo ;sow u! ;eq; pa ;au uaq; aH • uo!sslwwoo h;!3 aq; pup aa;saaod A;10 aq; o; suol;epuewwo -oaa ap!noad o; paeoq A.AOSInpe ue a;eaao 0; ;ue;aodw! s! ;! slaaJ aq Pa ;e ;s lgo,d •aW •papnloui aq pino(4s paeoq aq; jo uot;e:)g!;uap! leuol;!ppe ;eq; pa4sa66ns aH •paeoq aaa; Al!:) e o; aoueulpao ;,;eap slq; ut saouaaajaa aaq ;o ou aae aJay; 'aanaMOq ,,.PaeoH„ ao} uOl;!UIJap e sapnloul aoueu!paO slq; Pa;ou "mPH JOAPVV „'uorslnlq eta ;saaod„ aoj uol;!uljap ay; aapun pa;sll A!leo!j!o -ads aq pinogs ,6ul;uejd aaa; Mau jo 6uluuel6„ ag; ;eq; pa4sa66ns aaq;anj aH •eaae slq; - - - 3 - way earlier in the paragraph. Mayor Hawks noted that the period for filing of an appeal is eight days; and no action may be taken during that time. Mr. Dick Pohl suggested that "nuisance tree" be included in the definition section of the ordinance. The City Manager suggested that the ordinance should possibly include a statement which reflects that it is intended to allow the City to control insects and disease in trees within the city limits, whether those trees are located on public or private property. The Mayor suggested that such a statement be carefully considered, and included only if determined appropriate. Mr. Pohl suggested that the issues of insects and diseases are ones which the tree board should carefully watch and address as necessary. Commissioner Swanson stated he feels that if a tree is creating an imminent danger to pedestrians, the City Forester should have the authority to immediately address the is- sue, rather than being required to wait eight days for the appeals process. Commissioner Frost concurred, noting that if the tree poses a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare, it should be possible for the City Forester to respond immedi- ately. Mayor Hawks suggested that, except for obvious situations where immediate action is mandatory, it may be possible to cordon off the area, allowing a shortened appeal period prior to taking action. Responding to Commissioner Goehrung, the Director of Public Service stated that the time frames for addressing, nuisance shrubs and trees is determined by whether it is located on private or public property, noting that the time frame for those located on public property is much shorter than for those located on private property. Responding to a recommendation from the City Manager, Commissioner Swanson sug- gested that the tree board serve to hear appeals. Page 4. Revise Section A.(2) under "Arboricultural Specifications and Standards" to establish a minimum spacing of 25 feet rather than the proposed 30 feet. Following dis- cussion, it was determined that it might be more appropriate to develop a chart which in- cludes two or three different categories of trees, based on their mature size and spread, with the proper recommended spacings for each of those categories. Commissioner Frost noted that the zone code is much more restrictive than this pro- posed ordinance, requiring that a 21 -inch diameter tree be planted as opposed to the 1 -inch tree proposed in this document. Mr. Dick Pohl stated he prefers the requirement for a 1 -inch diameter tree, or pos- sibly even a J -inch diameter for ornamental trees. He noted this translates to a 6-- to 07 -01 -91 16 -10 -LO •olqlssod se Appinb se paL]siIdmo:)De aq pino4s pue 'iueliodwf sr pjeoq P jo uoije@.A:) 4L-LAI slaaj aq pel2ls ;SOJA JauOISSIWWO3 'puels.japun of iln:)ijj!p pue pJem)jme s! 41 Dou 'lU@4Ul leql ID0110.1 0; PaSlAOJ aq OZ)U@;U@S aq; leLp pa;sanbo-i ugq4 uoissiwwoZ) aLjl -Aem-jo_jLA6ij :)ilqnd at4l ul4l!m 4ueld Aa41 4Di4m sqnj4s pue saga; 6ululejulew pue 6ullueld ui in:)ui Aa41 STSOO aLp joj @lq!suods;aj 9.je siaumo Aliadoid aq; ipql supow ,SqnJ4s,, Japun @DU9JU9S IS21 D41 Je41 paleDipUl JOJDajICj aLIJ 's JoAeW of 6uipuodsoN - Sa 5 uP4D ON '9 96 cd - saij!j!q!ssod ad2:)spuel aLAI aouequo AjjeDpewejp pino:) AnD:)o of 6upueld e Bans 6uimol -12 l jol Jowoz) e 6uidez)spuel si jenp!AIPUl U UaLlm 4e4l PalOu GH - Al!l!q!SIA 6ulpadwi ino -L41!M J@aj UaA@s do powwiil pue palueld aq pino:) @aj4 e ajo4m albuei.11 1461s 2 ulqllm sea -je Aupw a-fe afaqj ;eLIj polsaHns ua41 aH 'aPOD auOz aql ui paqIJ:)sap se al6ueijl J461s 944 UI P Sr DaJI Ou '(9) 'ON 11 Jopun jetp pa4ou S�IM joAeVV L4 - 9JeijdoJdde aq p1nom s)llemap!s a41 JOAO 4L46IOL4 1001-U@AOS e ; eq I POIOU Osle OH • 4 2 jo asneDaq Jamol powwij4 aq Alq!ssod pinoD soLiDuejq at4l 1e41 6uijsa66ns 'auel 6UIAIjp aqJ pue qjn:) a41 u;aamJaq Duel 6ui�qjed e Allensn sr aJoLAj 1241 polou jo6eueVq A4!:) aqL - 6ut.j , gjjnq P@JISOP 12141 OAOWOJ Illm 4614 jr?Lql do sqwif a41 6uiwwijl pue 'jajjnq 6uivapeap punos 2 9p!AoJd SO 4 e4; POlOu s>fmeH -joAPVV - z)ijjeJ4 >1:)njl 41!m sleiJaije jol 4d@:) -x@ '4614 ool aq Aew le41 slool o4 pue @:)uejeaj0 45114-4003 -91 P joj sile:) wej6o.)d 6uiunid aa.j; lao-lis 1661 aqJ. Joj slesodOJd aol IsanboN @41 ;eLAq pajou 4soij _l@uoissIwwo:) - juawairnbai 46f4-1ooj-uaj juaiino a44 ueqj J@4jej '4@@j U@J 04 UaA9S le Jos aq pIno4s S�11LIM9p!S JOAO J46IaL4 GDULJeop aLIJ 'OSIV 'Joal UGOIXIS jo 1461a4 az)UE -JeOlD 2 JOI apjAwd of ':>ijjejl N:)njl 41!m slepolie Joj ld@Dxa '49@1 @Aj 04 Joel ua;q;Jn0j wojj ;qbiaq 9:)uejeap @Ll; a6ue4o of .6uiwwij SfA@N _L,, japun Cl (1) 'ON * 9 aFDPd - pazil!;n aq pjnOD 4241 qwnqj jo alni e pa4s@66ns RLA 'J,?AoMO4 oOJj 10 SDI:) -ads aLp uodn buipuedap 'AJ2A Alqeqojd ll!m 2ou24sip aq; jeq4 pa;ou "meH JoAevv - sauil Aj!pjn ja41 JO camas 'jalem waij palueld aq Isnw saaal @Duelsip 4eqm A(l:)ads of (h)•V UOIJODS aSIA9�j - uOIlRJap!suO:) .col suoliepuawwojaj s4l llwqns pue 'anssi SILIJ MaIA@J Alq!ssod pjno4s pjeoq a@jl O4j IPLIT palsi)65ns 4soj Jauoissiwwo .5-jeaA maj e Joije aR.Al Mau 2 01 poleDol -a.j Allsea aq p1nom 4OI4M aDIA@p 6upuaj jo adAl awos qjIm polzm1oid @q pinoD sea.14 llews asoq; jeq; pa;sa66ns aH - a:)uajajj!p @41 11al of olq!ssod jou si j! 'SJ2@A OAIJ Uiql!M Uaijo pue '6uijupjdsuejj ui N:)o4s ssal Alleiluelsqns s.AnDui ualjo Dail Jallews e jeLp pajou JOLIJ. -an} @H - saaij pallod umAl jqoD Jamol q:)nw P le 'anal low @Jeq e se p@spLjojnd aq ua;jo ue:) 43it4m laoj; jallews e ;ueld of ;)jqeja4ajd sawp@tuos s! 1! Pal OH ' 4 - h - - 5 - Commissioner Swanson noted that an outline of the powers and duties of the board should be established, along with a set of by -laws, prior to the creation of such a board. Mr. Dick Pohl noted there are many contradictions between this proposed tree ordi- nance and the zone code requirements. He then suggested that they should be revised to set the same standards and requirements. Commissioner Frost asked if there is any way to revise the clearance height in this year's tree trimming contract, rather than having the trees all trimmed at 16 feet. The City Manager indicated that the Director of Public Service would be requested to work with the contractor on that issue. Commissioner Swanson stated an interest in establishing the clearance heights at 10 feet above sidewalks, 12 feet above standard streets and 16 feet above arterials. Director of Public Service Forbes cautioned that a lower clearance could be a prob- lem during street maintenance activities. Commissioner Frost stated an interest in having a licensing procedure for tree trimmers in place prior to next year's season. The Mayor requested that this item be brought back for further discussion after the appropriate revisions have been made. Decision - request from Library Board of Trustees - budget amendment for Fiscal Year 1990 -91 The City Manager noted that a memo from Mrs. Karen Vinton, Chairman of the Li- brary Board of Trustees, dated .Dune 27, 1991, was included in the Commissioners' pack- ets. Mrs. Edna Berg, member of the Library Board of Trustees, noted that the Board has forwarded its request for a budget amendment to fund a raise for the Library Direc- tor; and that has been well presented by the Chairman. She noted that the Board has made the decision to seek this additional increase, based on Mr. Cottrell's outstanding per- formance, longevity, comparisons to other salaries in Montana, and data from the regional salary surveys. She noted that statistics reveal that his salary is below the norm for a director with his years of experience and character. Mrs. Berg emphasized that the Bozeman Public Library is not an average library for its size; and it is extremely well operated. She noted that she has been a member of the American Library Association and the Montana Library Association for over thirty years. She also noted that she taught library science; and the Bozeman Public Library is a text- book example of excellence in a small public library. She noted that circulation is expand- ing rapidly, the number of users is increasing rapidly, the facility is heavily used by children, and the reference services are heavily used. 07 -01 -91 1.6-10-LO at4i seq pjeo-a Ajejqj at4i JeL41 pajou joAeA aql 'ddpu)q j,3uoissjwwo:) o; 6ujpuodso�j -suoij2.iop!suoD Aiela5pnq jaqjo Ile Ljj!m 6uole aseaj:)w kieles paisanbai @L41 j@plsuo3 of oleiidoidde si 1! '.j2aA je:)sij mau e jo 6ujuui6aq aqj si s1 1e jDe; aLlj of anp 'ILL41 PPIOu aH 'SaS2aJDU1 9Atj:)POJj@_J 5UIAOjd -de -ioj juapaDa.Acl e jas pino:) Isanbai sit4l 10 IPAO.Iddp jeL41 uoissiwwoD @L44 jo jsaj aqj LIj!m s.inouoD @LI jeLIj 'J@A@MOL4 'P@jUjS RH '@WODUI ULIIP;)W DL4; 9Aoq2 SaAJ;)Sap a'4 'sisPq ley; uO jeqj 6uiziu6o:)aj 'a.3u2wjojjad siq pue @Duoijadxa s,I[ajjjo3 - jA pajou s)lmpH joAevq - s;u@wLuo:) s,6unjLIaoD jauoissiwwoo L41!m @ouajjn:)uo3 p@jejs Isoj_q jauoissiwwoD •ssaDo.jd Ajeja6pnq jeln6ai @Ljj 6uijnp 1! I@P!Suo:) 01 6uilllm si oL4 'aseax)ui Ajeles palsanbei sitp inoclL AI6uojjs A.AaA SlaOj p.AeoS al4q J! ILIL41 pa -1saI55ns 9 H - awp siLp le 6ujpunj AjplLs leuoil!ppe sit4l ;)7ijoL4lnL' of ;InDijj!p Alawaijxg aq pinom 1! slaaj aq 'suoij:)e ised uo paseq 'ieq; p;);e;s 9H -sap!l!q!suods@j IL16IS-10AO q! OSID -jaxa Isnw uoissiwwoD at4i pajou aq 'JOADMOt4 :A.4eles s,.joj:)ejj(j aL41 joj spun; 6upsanbei ui Aj!joL4jne sjl uiql!m l5up3p si p-ieoa @L41 slaaj aq paipis 6unjLj000 jauoissiwwo:) '.10;3a.A1(] aL41 -joj uoilpsu@dLuoD aq; 6uipunj Aoj is;)nb -aj s,pjeoa aL41 ui Aldwon pInoLIs Al!:) at4l spa; aL4s pue '6uipunj jeLAj ui snojoUD15 uaaq S2t4 PU2 'SaillAilDe Ajejq!l at4i joj 6utpunj at4i jo Alpolew P aplAOid saop Aj!3 @t4i 1eqj pajou at4S -isonbai siqj L46nojt4j Isainjels aq; ui t4ljoj ;as se 'sqi;!j!q!suoc(s@.1 si! pioqdn ol I5uiAjj si sioloaji(I jo pipoo Ajp_iq! sp4j jeL41 paje;s at4S -Aieles aL41 19s IIeL4s pJeoS aq; ;eLIj 9je;s Allpaipoads A.J9A sainjels ojejS )L41 6upou 'Ajpiq!-j mp jo .4opaija @L41 Joj Ajejes 9L41 s;as ot4m si uoissn:)sip sit4i ui anssi Sail ;)t4j pajels ddeuN iauoissiwwo3 awl; sit44 ;e ;signbai siq; ;ue.415 oi aiepdoidde si il loo; jou saop aq '.IeA@MOLA .ie@A 12Dsij 6uiwoDdn slt44 Jol ss@:)oJd A.jeja6pnq aLp 6uijnp poj;Dp!suoD pue pajou aq Aluie4j@:) pinoLjs SjU,9W@A,91t4Z)E - .JVI 1ULP Pgle;s 9 H '912;S @t4j U1 gbUeJ-P!W @Aoqe Apuasaid si Ajefes s,joj:)ajiCj aL41 pue la;e4s aL41 ui a6uej-pp aq; o4ui wag; jt46nojq sjaqwaw 1jels aq; jo @wos ol palue,16 sjuaujjsn1p2 jeaA-p!w aL41 jet44 POIels OH -AjLIes s..joj:)ajj(] Ajejq! aL41 u'j asee.Aoui leuoil!p -pe ue 6uploas jo pot4jaw siLli Iioddins jou saop @Lj jeL41 '.I@A@MOLI 'P@IOU @H 'AMPel SIL4; jo anuallaDxa aq4 ui lu@jpaj6ui 4a>j e si jlajjjo:) - .AIN jet-1; 6ui;ou 'AjeJq!-1 :)ilqnd uewgzOg 0 jo juawssasse Slpjeo9 OL14 qj!m aauajjnouoD pajels uosuemS jz)uoissjwwoo -1sanbai .11@Lql JO [eAoidde uorssiwwo:) pa6emociva uoqj at4S - Aie.4q!j jeL410 Aue uet4i sdoLIsNiom pue SUOtjUaAUO3 ale;s ;e aouepu;);;e ui saqAoIdwq gjow seq A-i2jq! :)tlqnd u2wgzOG aq; ;et4l bu';Ou 'wsllEuOls - sajwd o; ;u@w;!wwoD aiaqj pa4ou osle at-IS -pazileaj seq Aiejql aq; L4DiL4m sass@DDns Ot o; Alasuawwi po;nq!.j;uo:) seq jjpls AJ2,jqjj at4l jo Ajjj2nb aLjj jet4j pajou WaS -Sjvq aq; -io; ;joddns :)ilqnd 6uo.A;s 6uil:)aljaj 000'oot$ PapaaDX9 DAM4 suopnqIjj -UQ3 '04LIP 01 PUL- ';DAIJP pun; e ua>Ieijopun seq Ajeiqq aL41 12LI1 pajou Wag -sjVq - 9 - - 7 - authority to grant the requested salary increase, within budget. Mrs. Karen Vinton stated that she pointed out in her memo that the Library will be under budget on operations, noting that could be the funding source for this requested salary increase. She noted, however, that the Board cannot expend those monies without Commission transfer from operations to salaries; and that is the request before the Com- mission at this time. She then stated that this request has not been forwarded until the Board was sure that there would be adequate monies within the overall budget unit to cov- er the additional salary costs of this requested raise. City Manager Wysocki stated consensus with Mrs. Vinton's comments, noting that the Commission must authorize the transfer of monies if the requested salary increase is to be granted by the Board. He reminded the Commission that they establish the total amounts budgeted for salaries, operations and capital for each budget unit; and those may not be exceeded without Commission approval. Commissioner Goehrung asked how many other departments will have excesses in op- erations, which they may request to have transferred to salaries. He then expressed con- cern that such requests may become prevalent if this request is approved, noting that sal- aries are carefully set at the beginning of each fiscal year. He further noted that this would represent the second increase since the salaries were originally set for the fiscal year. Responding to Mayor Hawks, the City Manager stated that the excess revenues re- ceived will be rolled into the General Fund as of June 30, since no monies remain in any budget unit at fiscal year end. Mayor Hawks stated an interest in holding the request for a $2,000 increase until consideration of the Fiscal Year 1992 budget, with an effective date of July 1 for that in- crease. Mrs. Karen Vinton stated that the Board will be asking for another salary increase in the Fiscal Year 1992 budget, in addition to the $2,000 increase they requested in the Fiscal Year 1991 budget. Responding to the Mayor, she indicated that request will be for- warded with the other budgetary requests for the fiscal year. Mrs. Darla Joyner, Executive Director of the Bozeman Area Chamber of Commerce, cautioned the Commission that the public perception created by approval of this request could be negative. She noted that new revenues are being raised by increased County taxes for libraries; and the Bozeman Public Library will realize some of those revenues. She then stated that the perception that government feels it must spend all it has budget- ed for the fiscal year is one which has existed for years; and approval of this request would only appear to confirm that opinion. Mayor Hawks noted this request will be reviewed as a part of the upcoming fiscal 07 -01 -91 16-- -LO Alnr Aq asuodsoj e sisenbai Ilauuoo jVq siLA uj jpqZ poiou ja6eueW Aj!:) a41 aq; jo Ajjed auo Aq uoissiwwoo otAl ol poleadde aq pinom pieog 6 u'uUEld a4i Aq uoist:>ap Aue asneDaq ss@:)o_id a[qej!AaUI Up SLIM 4e4M P;DUajjOt4S J! aDUIS 'jue3ildde 9LA; Aq pa-ijojajd pup ulqe;da:):)e sem Sit4i JeLjj ssz):)old @L44 6uijnp uoissoldwi sly sem 1! pa4e;s aH - uoissiwwoo at4j o4 ILIffiejIs guano Inq 'Is-iij pieog 6uluuelA @LAI ol o6 IOU p!p leadde aq; jeq; si sJuiod s,11auuoD -jW jo auo je44 pajou uosuemS jauojssjwwoZ) •paidope Alsno[Aejd uaaq SeLl a:)ueU1pjO 6UIuOz Ou uaLlm Aluo pasi:)jax@ @q ue:) uoiido jeLij spua;uo:) Ilauuoz) .jW 'JaA@MOt4 @:)U2UI ,p,jO 6UIUOz wpalut up jo uoildope jol SUOISIAoid uieluo:) saInle4s 9 4p;S 9 t4l 1 POIOU aH •aaUeUIPJO 6UIUOZ WIJ;)jUI Up JO uoildop2 o; 6uiuiej•ad PU21UOVV ul Mel aseD Ou Si aiaL41 pajels Az)ujollV Aj!D @L11 '_I0Aevj aq; o; 6uipuodsaj ia4 jinj "ssa:)o.Ad jo @suajap jewjou e jou sr je41 'uoiq:)e juaw6pn Ajojejejoap e qj!m je41 '_IaA;3MO4 'PaJOU aH sassoDoid aso41 45noj4j -l:)eq popuewai @q pinoLls onssi aq; '@_jojajz)qj 'ILlbnos JaA IOU SalpaW@.i aAIj2JjSlUIWpe 9je aia41 4e44 pajou aH - apoD auoz s,Al!:) atAl a6U@jl24Z) 01 aq 1pm uoiiDe @4j jo jInsai a4j pajou Aoujo;IV Aj13 a4l 's joApvv ol 6uipuodsam - Mel ajejS japun aleiidoidde sr 4e44 j! 1.4no3 a4i ) ol spuejui aq pup :umop pauinj sem J! inq 'apoz) auoz ;)41 jo suotjeDij!lenb @L]i jo lie low j:)a.(ojd sauiE(I 'JVV 12141 uoij!sod s14 sr 41 PG[2@A9J IIOUUOD - JW 41!M UOIjPSJaAUO3 auot4dalal p 4eql Pa; 9 H - juaw6pnf A.AoiejelDap e Naas ll!m aq sa;e:)ipui llauuoD -jA '.jaijal stL41 ui IL41 pajels Aoujoj4V AI!D - owil s144 4e a4eiicloiddeui si j! '.JaAOMO4 foleiidoidde aq jqBiw I!ns s141 ua4i 'ajqelda:):)eun punoj pup pojoldxa uaaq aAe4 juawdolaAap JOJ sanU@Ae 112 J! ;PI41 p@jsa66ns uD44 aH ' ;)L41 jo juawdolOA@p joj suoildo a41 s;)soi:) hem ou ur ;P41 'JaAaMO4 :Ioa.fojd pasoclojd jej -noil.jed siq UO JPIUap PaAf90;DJ SjUaSGJda,4 ay jupoildde aL41 IpW P@1 G�lmPH joA2VV •sja>jor?d s.4@uoissiwwoD aLlj ui papnloui sem 'L66L 'gt aunr palep 'llauuOo Jailem '� wojj jalial ;)L41 jo Adoo L je41 pajou i)lDosAM ja6eupvv Aj10 1661 'qZ aun• palep IllauuoD AalleM -N wo-ij jaijal jo Id!aoaj a6p@lmouN:)V - ddeu>i jauoissiwwo:) 6uiaq ON 6ujjOA DSOqj 'SNML'H JOAeVY pup 6unjqaog j@uojssIwwO:) 'uosupmS jauoissiwwo3 '4soij jauoissjwwoD 6ujaq aAV 6UIJOA aSOqj :aJOA ON pup aAV 6UIM011Oj at4i Aq paijj2o uoijow a41 • 16-0661 JpaA 12:)Sl JOI juawpuawe ja6pnq e jol sa@lsnj_L jo pjeoE3 A.A2jq!-1 at4i wojj Isanb@j a41 Auap uoisslwwoD aLij IPLI1 'uosuemS jauoissiwwoZ) Aq papuo:)as 'Isoij jauorssiwwoo Aq P@AOW SeM 11 'SS@Dojd 6ujja6pnq @t4j 5uijnp fnldlaq aq 1pm uoi4pwjojui ILL41 slao; gL4 pup :aS20 6uojjs P paluasaid seL4 saalsnj_L jo pjeoS Ajpjq! aL41 PaMs aH -ssa:)ojd Ajeja5pnq s,,jeaA - 8 - - 9 - 5. He noted that is physically impossible, since the issue cannot be reconsidered without a re- hearing on the application; and that cannot be accomplished without a resubmittal of the application. He stated, therefore, the next step must be taken by the applicant, ei- ther to file this into District Court or to resubmit the application. Mayor Hawks noted the issue being challenged is performance zoning versus static zoning. He stated that performance zoning is a well -- established concept throughout the country, although it is not so common in this area. He stated that under this new con- cept, the question to be answered is whether performance can be required for development of a parcel. Commissioner Swanson noted that Mr. Connell suggests that new evidence was con- sidered during the decision - making process. He noted that the Commission went through a rather detailed review of the findings of fact drafted by the City Attorney as a result of the public hearing, making several revisions prior to adoption of those findings and mak- ing a decision on the application. City Attorney Becker stated that those issues have no relevance in a declaratory judgment action; and that action is to determine what the law is. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Knapp, that the Commission acknowledge receipt of the letter from R. Walter Connell dated June 26, 1991. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commission- er Swanson, Commissioner Knapp, Commissioner Goehrung, Commissioner Frost and Mayor Hawks; those voting No, none. The City Attorney was then instructed to forward to Mr. Connell the Commission's action on his letter. Discussion - FYI Items The City Manager presented to the Commission the following "For Your Information" items. (1) Invitation to attend the Pitchfork Barbecue being sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce on July 3 at Gallatin Field. (2) Copy of an article entitled "Reason Foundation recommends weight -based gar- bage collection," which was published in the June 24, 1991 edition of the County News as forwarded by the Gallatin County Commissioners. (3) Petition signed by 26 of the residents along Secor Avenue requesting that sidewalks not be installed along their street. Responding to Commissioner Swanson, the City Manager noted that this sidewalk is included in the proposed 1992 sidewalk program. He then suggested it is appropriate to consider this petition at the time that program is discussed; and he will so notify the lead- 07 -01 -91 L6-LO-LO Isel sj@;!nbe uo uoi;ejuosajd LIDunj ) ai,44 popuo44V (Z) *bUrUaAa Aepsanj uo 6u1jeaq P-IeOS 6 uluuPId OLI; PGPu (1) - 61-11MO1101 aLIJ p@44!wqns s>lmeH .4oAeVV (£L) •ouop Ijam qo e uo juawjiedaCj ;aajlS aLp pejeInleibuciD pue 'paDejjnsai uaeq seq anUaAV q16 qjnoS pue anUaAV L(ILI qjnoS uaamlaq laoijS ujoDui-j 1eqj pajou uosuemS jauOjssjwwOD (Z L) '@PPW ?J2 SUOlje3IjlpOW a.Aoj -oq >f-iom of A41unlioddo ue UaA15 aq ssaDoid aLjj jeq4 pajsa65ns _4a6eueyV A;lo a41 S621 atAl 01 @Al4etA.Iajj2 ue se pajaprsuoo aq s6eq jet44 p@lsa66ns osle jauojssjwwoZ) aL4_L 'su.Aaouo3 L4Dns @onpoi pue ssgDoid at-14 AJ!Idwis 04 S6eI @LjI 411M PaP!Aojd aq p1notAs all Isim4 ,io ajim jo adAj awns jell pa4sab6ns uaqj aH - paLADP14P aq of @.A2 Aaq; moLl pa),Ise osle pue 'AepjnjeS uo s6ej pasMADind aj!m sIL4 M44 Pa;Ou 9 H 'PalloalfoD aq 11!m ir os a6eqie6 .4oL4 of bel aLAI mile of si aLls m oti 6 uFjs2 Apel Aliapla ue wojj lipo auot4dalal e PaAf@o@J aq P@121S JSOJJ JaUOISSlwwo:) (L l) 'seq ;)4 1 PaTRIS @L4 :60140,3w Buiwoodn aLjj 4noqe s-lopes -s2qwV eueltiovV aLjj of popucidsaj S2L] aq J! J96eU2VV Alto @LAI PO->ISV (S) 'WOON UOISSIWWO:) at,ij o4ui ;a6 ox alqeun sem Inq '6UIUOAa Acpsan _L uo 5upaaw pieog 6uluueld A;unoD-AI!D @LAI P;DPUOIIV (tT) "S4U@WUJaAO5 jeDOj S;Dgjje ;f MOL4 PULI UOISS@S ;)AIIPIS]6@1 Ised alp passnD -sip AalpejEj AqloAo(] pue >IDE] ALjjojoCj ajaqm 'AepsjnLj_L uo uoaLlounj MdS aLII PqPua4jV (E) -ouo6 je@A aqj jo jjeLl-auo L41!m 'leoF) _iiaq; o; ;uiod A2mjleq aL41 PaL4:)P@i aA2LI AaL41 pue 'law aall!Luwo:) leluualuaZ) Ajejqi atq-L (z) •owp sit4i ie pjeog at4j 6uioej sanssi a(41 jo lie uo pawjojul aq of SW@@S PUIR ivas@-id sum joqwow mou atij pajou aL4S -6urlaaw paeog Aje.iq! Isel jaq papualIV (L) '6uimolfo3 @t4j pajj!wqns ddeu>f Jauoissiwwo:) (o L) 'Suilaaw s,Aepol joj pajpdajd jjod@.A ou seq aq polou ja6eueW All:) ;Dt4_L (6) 6 Ajnr uo 15upaaw jeiaads e palsanbai seq Iu@P!s Dt-11 'J@AGM04 'swab epua6p jo NDej of anp palloDueD uaaq @A2LA 9t AInr pue Z Ajnr Joj s6uljoaw PJ208 6uIuu2ld jeln6@j ot,11 IPLI; 6uj:)unouue J 6 uluueld @ 1 ­11 wOJJ Owavy (9) - @POD auOz jeuij aq} uo 15uijeaq Dllqnd S,BUIU@A@ Sfqj JOJ P.JODR_I OLJI 0jUl Pajaj -ua aq pinot4s ja;jaj stL41 jo uoijjod alqeoildde @L41 IPLI1 pasodoid J@6eupw Aj!o OLI_L •aDueujpjo u6ts pz)sodoid aL41 pue sojej a6eqje6 mau aL41 bui -p,je6;)_i I @nU,3AV qjL t41noS 419 I je_inVV ejo.Ae3 pue IeuL4aPOA Ajeo wog; J9110-1 (L) - P-JeOg 6uJuu2Id Alunoo-All:) pue uoissiwwoo AjOSIAPV UOtj2AJaSajd 'DI -JOISIH 'aajj!WWO:) MglAaj UeO 98(]o aLij UO SaIDUPD2A JO aDI40U aq; jo AdoD (9) *uosuamS Ljj!o5j Aq p@jj!wqns se 'I AInr Paiep 'P. buluueld Ajuno:)-Aj!:) OLIJ WO.Jj U01j2LJ61S0.I JO J0110 (S) 6uilaaw q[ aunr aLp wog} sainutw t4i!m 6uole 'uois _sltjjwO:) AjunoZ) uiI211eq aq; jo s6upaaw Z Alnr pue sZ ounr aqi aoj sLPua (4) -dnoj6 at4j jo ja - OL - -- 11 - week. He noted he will be unable to attend the next meeting and encouraged one of the other Commissioners to attend. (3) Met at Riverside with members of the Board to honor their staff for the recent renovation activities this past week, along with Commissioner Swanson. Consent Items City Manager Wysocki presented to the Commission the following Consent Items. Authorize absence of Mayor Hawks from the meeting of July 15 1991 in compliance with Section 7 -3- 4322(2), M.C.A. . Ratif y cit Manager's si nature - reement between the City, Plannin Board and Robert Peccia 6 Associates - 1991 update ot the ranspor- tation Plan for the Bozeman transportation planning area Authorize City Manager to sign - Jnint unding greement or Water Resources Investi ations for the U.S. Department g p of Interior - re-- establishing gauging station on the East Gallatin River at the Waste Water Treatment Plant -- It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Goehrung, that the Commission approve the Consent Items as listed, and authorize and direct the appro- priate persons to complete the necessary actions. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Knapp, Commissioner Goehrung, Com- missioner Frost, Commissioner Swanson and Mayor Hawks; those voting No, none, Recess - 5 :10 p.m. Mayor Hawks recessed the meeting at 5:10 p.m., to reconvene at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of conducting the scheduled public hearings. Reconvene - 7:00 p.m. Mayor Hawks reconvened the meeting at 7:00 p.m., whereupon he recessed the meeting so it could be relocated to the Community Room of the Gallatin County Courthouse, due to the number of persons anticipated for the scheduled public hearings. Mayor Hawks then reconvened the meeting at the Gallatin County Courthouse at 7:00 p.m. He requested that, due to the length of the agenda and the number of people in attendance, testimony be limited to three minutes. He noted that people will be allowed to speak more than once after everyone has had an opportunity to speak. Public hearing - Conditional Use Permit - James Marshall - allow a lodgino houselhostel on ract 5, Block 1, Rouse's Third Addition 405 West Olive Street) This was the time and place set for the public hearing on the Conditional Use Per- mit requested by James Marshall to allow a lodging house /hostel on Tract 5, Block 1, Rouse's Third Addition. The subject site is more commonly known as 405 West Olive Street. 07 -01 -91 16-0-LCi passajdxa aH * SJ@JaA2.4l 4Lj6IUJaA0 J O J UeL14 J@L41ej ue wazOe ul F @soLjl -joj I!un IPluej JE)L41oue ewooaq Aldwis 111m j@jsoj4 pasodo-id siLlI jet4l paujaDuOD S, ay Uew;qzOS ul s;)snoL4 6uiwoo.1 oml 6ul6puem ul 0:)U@Ijadxa jo s-ieaA GAIaMl 6UIAet4 -1;)41P JeLp pa4elS U L44 9 H - pooLjjoqt46iau jpqj u! asnot4 6uiwooj P. A14uasaid sl ajat4 ; P1940U aH '409,14S aAllo ISOM qth le Aliadoid sumo aq pale4s ';DnU9AV 2U21UOVV t4l-'ON 609 'AqoDLr @ADIS -.jW - suopsanb of P uOdsa-A 0 ; ss9 u 6 u'lHm 2 POWD'Pul Pup ;uasaid sem 'weDildde IIILLlsleVy saver JV 'Aa[le aiAl Wojj aiq!ssaz):)2 aje 4 aL41 JO -APOJ OL14 le P9P!Aojd saoecls 6u1iijed Iz)ajls-jjo eajtA, 9L44 IPL4; Os p@:ieDojaj aq Isnui L4:)Iqm clod jamod p sl a-laL41 P 9421 s -I@uueld Gt4l 's�ImPH -joAeVV of 6uipuodsa2l - aouaj Poom Pllos L]61L]-Iooj-xls 2 ueyl jaq4ej U9aJ:)S 0AIlPj96;)A L1611.4-1001-XIS P ajinboj 04 PGSIA9J aq uoil!puoz) ;eLil 'jalla, sit4l uo paseq 'jet44 papuawwoDaj uqLj; aH •dij4s aAl;ej@F)aA e ajinbaj 04 PaSfAaj aq @Dual 2 10 uotjDnjjsuo:) a44 sajinbaj (4:)iLm '6 • ON u le(41 6uilsanbaj '4ue:)11dde aqj pup Is 9 L41 0 1 JOqL46'au eqj WO-Al lUaWWOD PaAI039.J aLA S a `6u1 4241 -JR1 let4l PaIPI H '@a; -IILUWOZ) MalAaN 4uaLudOj9A9(j 9L4; pup pjeog M@IAD�j Uf)IS atj Aq p puewwoDa suoll!puoD OC 4 a j at4l LII!M 1PAoidde pi?puawwoDaj Pup wa;! 4u@suo:) e s2 uoj4eDtldde sik4l palaplsuo3 p-IPOEI buluueld aql 'j, aunt uo l2qj P @H ' 6 u'u 07 wlia;ul Dip 1441m a3upildwoo [eJ ul aq 04 1r punoj pup 'suoijeoildde ipjad asn IPUOII!PUOD JO MOIA0i )Oj LjjjOj I@s elaa lrao x's aL41 yo jq6il ul uoilpDildde siL41 POMOIA;3-1 JJRJS IPLI.1 palels AaqV Jaul-leld - suoilepow -wo:)De jsan6 aoj swOOJL442q oml aP!Aojd o; sasodoid OS12 iueDifdde aq spaq ual jo felo; e JOj 'spaq >Iunq oml L44!m auo pup spaq Nunq aajL44 q;!m auo 'swoojpaq oml asn of s@sod -oid 4ue:)jldde @L41 'uoileDildde siL41 japun leL41 p@jou aH - asnoq 5uipjeoq jo 4sPjNpajq pup paq se ol pajjajai osIV - uoi4esuadwoo joj PGP!Aoid sl sl2aw 4noqllm Jo LIJ!m 6ul6pol 9jaL4m swoon isanS ual ueL41 ajow ou pup om, u eLjj ssgl Ou ql!m 6ujpl!nq e, se p@uijap sr I P -@uOz 4 Rt4l ul asn jel-1014!PU0D 2 se p@lsil aje sasnot.4 6ul6PO[ ley; PO4els 9 H - Allsua(] L461H--jptjuap!sa2j 'ft P sl al!s lD@.Fqns aq; jetp pq;qs Jauueld ay - sApp!IoL4 6upped ->Ioeq jo sino; aN!q uo aje oqm Allunwwo:) aLjj of SJ041SIA -jOj suOl;ePOwwoDDP 1;)6pnq 9P!A -o.id o; pauffisap sl '6uljeaq :)ilqnd siLql jo oidol aL44 sl Llz)lqm '1aIsoH s-la>JDpdNDp8 12uoi; -euj;) eawfene aLij. 'soipis Paiiun WAI ul w@;sAs I@IsoLl @IA s-ueadojng P 'JaIJO 0 1 tIC61 ul PaLlsllqelsa uol4eziue6jo jqoid-uou e —oul 's1 iAlno,& ue:)i-i;)wV at4l tjjjm pajejpjje s, 191SOL4 aL4.L 'SJ0jRAeJj jt46lUJaA0 @12POWWQ:):)e 04 jalsoLl qjnoA leuoil2ujalui up of @JnjDn'jjs 1e14uap!saj Allwej-!Ilnw e jo asn aL41 aGueqo of 6uisodo-id sl IlIeLlsieIN sawer •jVV jueD -Ildde aLlI jap POlels OH - liodai jjels aL41 paluos@jd j@qV assay jauueld luelsissV - 15uppaq :)ilqnd @qi pauado sMmeH toAeVq - Zl - - 13 - concern that over the past four or five years, people have purchased the older homes and converted them from the existing multi- family units into the original single - family struc- tures, thus decreasing the amount of available affordable housing in the community. Mayor Hawks closed the public hearing. Responding to Commissioner Frost, Planning Director Fpple stated the application before the Commission is for a hostel; and assurances have been made that overnight guests will be out of the facility by 10 :00 a.m. He noted that any conversion of this use to a rental unit will require another review. Assistant Planner Aber stated that the proposed set -up, which includes multiple bunk beds in a large room, is not conducive to a rental type situation. He indicated that some cooking facilities are to be provided for guests who wish to use them; however, no meals are to be provided. He then stated the national organization has strict guidelines to which the applicant must adhere. He further noted that if any problems are incurred or complaints filed about this facility, the conditional use permit would be jeopardized. He suggested that with the affiliation which this hostel has, there seems to be no room for the type of abuse which has been suggested during this public hearing. It was moved by Commissioner Goehrung, seconded by Commissioner Frost, that the Commission waive the customary one -week waiting period for land use decisions. The mo- tion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Goehrung, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Knapp and Mayor Hawks; those voting No, none. Responding to Commissioner Goehrung, the Assistant Planner suggested that the Commission approve the revision in Condition No. 9 to provide for vegetative screening, planted and maintained by the applicant, rather than a wood fence. It was moved by Commissioner Frost, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the Commission approve the Conditional Use Permit requested by James Marshall, under Appli- cation No. Z -9147, to allow a lodging house /hostel on Tract 5, Block 1, Rouse's Third Ad- dition, subject to the following conditions: 1. That the applicant provide the required number of off- street parking spaces through any combination of 1) on -site spaces, 2) leased pri- vate spaces, or 3) as provided under 18,50.120.b(3k) of the City Code regarding exceptions; 2. That the parking access will comply with Section 18.50.110 which re- quires a one -way drive access for commercial sites to have a 16 -foot- wide access drive. (The Design Review Board has recommended a deviation from this requirement to the City Commission); 3. That parking in the side yard and off the alley be arranged to be free of all obstructions to access the designated parking spaces. The power pole may have to be moved if the parking area cannot be ad- justed to avoid the pole and support cable (i.e. power pole and sup- port cable in rear, bike rack in side yard); 4. That parking lot surfacing and curbing comply with Section 18.50.120 07 -01 -91 16-10-LO • au0u 'ON 6ut 40n asoy; : S�Im2 l aoAPW pue 6unagaoo aauotssiwwoo 'ddeu>l aauotssiwwoo 'uosuemS aauoissiwwoo ';sOad as - uotsstwwoo 6uiaq aAV 6utlOn asoy; : a ;on ON pue @AV 6uiMollo} ay; Aq p2iaaea uoilow ag I 'A;tanoas }o poglaw ayl uo llne}ap pione of ADuednaao }o sy;uow (6) auiu uigliM ;ueaildde ay; Aq palaldwoa aq Ilegs s ;uaw - anoadwt ails-uo Ile 'aanaMOy 'sgluQw Z1 uey; ssal lou }o poiaad e ao} pilen aq pegs Altanaas }o poylaw pieS •palle;sui lay( lou sluawanoad - palnpayas ag; }o ;soa pa;ewilsa aq; }o ;unowe ag; saw }leg -auo PUP auo of lenba Alianaas }o poglaw e Aq paanaas aq ;snw luawaaa6y s;uawanoadwl ay; 's;uawanoadwt aql }o uoilelle ;sut ay; o; aolad anoao o; sI asn ayl }o luawaauawwoa ao aanlanals aql }o :)uednaa0 }I ;ey,L •gl pue : panoadde sI ueld alts leut} at-Ii Il;un panssi aq ;ou litM sllwaad 6uiplln8 •lenoadde veld alts leaf} }o aeaA auo ulgliM pautelgo aq ;snw ;iwaad 6uiplinq e ;egj •Zl ;ueoildde agl Aq pauie;aa aq lleys Adoa pau6is auo pue ';uawlaedaa 6uipltng aql Aq pauie;aa aq Ilegs Ado:) pau6ts auo 'luaw;aedaq 6uiuueld ay; �(q pauielaa aq lleys MOD pau6ts auo lenoadde uoissiwwoo Allo }o a;ep aql }o sgluow x uIg ;IM aoloaa -ta 6utuueld agl Aq panoadde pue Mainaa ao} pal;twgns aq pegs uo - stwwoo Ai!:) aq; Aq panoadde suoileat }ipow pue suot;aaaaoa 'suo!l!p -uo:) agl }o Ile 6utute ;uoa ueld ails leul; ay; }o saidoa (F) aaaq; ;eql 91 :lueoildde aql Aq 6uiltaM ut o; paluasuoa aq pegs suotltpuoa lelaads aql }o lle 4et4 Sl :su6lsse ao saossaaans 'puel ayl }o aaumo aq; Aq of paaaype aq pue Aldde pegs aoueuipao sty; ul palsil asn leuoilipuoo Aue aapun pa;els Alleoi}taads suotllpuoa lle ley} t,l 'su6lsse ao saossaanns sty 'puei aql }o aauMo aql uodn 6uipuiq aq ilegs pue asn puel ay; y;tM 6utuuna suol laialsaa alnlilsuoo llegs suotlipuoa letaad's ayl }o Ile leyl E1 :aanpaaoad ;iwaad asn leuolllpuoo ay; Aq pasodwi suoilipuoa lelaads pue leaaua6 Ile }o luawili}ln} ay; uo -dn lua6utluoo aq ilegs ;iwaad Az)uednaao pue asn e o; ;gI5u aql let4 Z1 'Agsaassed }o Main agl woa} paeA aeaa aql o; pae.( ;uoa} ay; woa} panow aq - >loea apADiq ag; ;eg1 - apoo ayl Aq paatnbaa aniap 9ptM- looJ -L'9l ay; uegl Aay1ea utewaa of ssaoae anlap aplM --loo} -O L ay; AA 0 4 O L L• OS' g l u011aaS woa} pa ;uea6 aq not ;etnap e leq,L L l "Ianea6 uI peoe}ans aq o; eaae 6ui�laed aeaa agl M011e o; D NI - DvjEf1s •4 •8 'OZL•OS•gl u0tlaas woa} pa ;uea6 aq uotleinap e ;eq_L •Ol :ao;aaaia 6uluueld ayl }o lenoadde PUP Malnaa of laafgns 'auil Alaadoad aeaa ay; o; �,Iaeglas pae.( ;uoa; ayi }o a6pa aeaa aql woa} auil Alaadoad ;sea aq; 6uole lueaildde ag; Aq paute;utew pue palueld aq uaaaos 9ndlela6an y61q loo} -xis e ;eql '6 :apoo aql Aq paainbaa saoeds aq; puttaaq eaae do -i{aeq loo} -9Z aql aptnoad of q ;nos aq l of laa} (g) ly619 panow aq ;ol aql }o aeaa aql ui eaae 6ui�.Aed pasodoad agl ;ey,L 'g :6uined 6uipnlaui sluaw - anoadwt Aalle aan ;n} of uewazog }o All:) aql gIIM lsaload }o aanieM e u6ls pue anuany y;ano3 o; ;sea Alaadoad laafgns aql }o auil lsaM aql woa,; Aalle palanea6 aql }0 6ulpea6 apinoad lueatldde ayl leq_L •C ueld ails lent} ayl uo uMOys aq eaae 06eaols Mous e legl • g 'Halle ayl of palaaaip aq lou pegs a6euieaa -ueld ails leut} ayl uo uMogs aq 96euieap pue 6uipea6 lol 6upped legl •S (paae}ans aq eaae 6uI�{aed ay; ley; ;uaw - aainbaa apoo aq; woa}, suolleinap papuawwOaaa seq gala ay1) 'sail peoaltea }o wao} aq; ui eaae 6upfjed aql punoae not ;aaload adeaspuel snonui ;uoa aptnoad pinogs luealldde aq y aaueutpao 6uiu0z ay; }o - -nl - - 15 - P h unit of an existing four-unit apartment building - Lot 5, Block 9, Thompson's Fo__u_rt_h__Kd_- clition (1813B South Rouse Avenue) This was the time and place sot for the public hearing on the Conditional Use Per- mit requested by Renee C. Thorp to allow a private school in one unit of an existing four- unit apartment building on Lot 5 Block 9 Thvm»son/s Fourth Addition, The subject property is more commonly known as 1813B South Rouse Avenue. Mayor Hawks opened the public hearing. Assistant Planner DebbieArkeU presented the staff report. She stated that this application is to allow a private school for u maximum of twenty students ages four through six with the possible addition of seven- and eight-year-olds. She noted that the curriculum would be structured; and the school would operate on basically the same sched- ule as the public schools. The subject apartment is a 972-square-foot ground-level apart- ment in an existing four-p|ex structure, with the only basic structural change being the addition of a second exit as recommended by the Fire and Building Divisions. Mrs. Thorp, who will be one of the teachers, will live in the one of the remaining units with the other two unity being rented out. The Assistant Planner stated that the City-County Planning Board conducted its public hearing on this application at its June 18 mecting. She stated that at that me,dng, the Board considered deleting Condition No. l which requires immediate in, of a sidewalk; and amending Condition No. * to allow continued use of garbage cans unless more garbage is generated. The Planner noted that both motions to amend the conditions ' failed due to the requirement for six affirmative votes. She further noted that this appli- cation is being forwarded to the Commission with no formal recommendation from the Board because of failure to meet the requirement of six affirmative votes for passage of the mo- tion to recommend approval. Planner Arko{| stated that, after [urdhar review of the site, staff has recommended that the Commission allow the existing use of garbage cans to continue, with the amount of garbage generated to be monitored- She stated that if the amount of garbage increases, staff requests the ability to require the installation of a dumpster with enclosure, recog- nizing that it will be in the front yard because there are no alleys in this area. The Assistant Planner then reviewed the staff report highlighting the staff find- ings for each of the six criteria used for consideration of conditional use permit applica- tions, since there is no formal recommendation from the Planning Board. She noted that the application gommre||y complies with those crit*ria, She noted, however, that several concerns were raised/ and conditions have been recommended to address those concerns. She then reviewed each of the conditions recommended for approval of the application. Assistant Planner Arku|| noted that staff has received several letters pertaining to 07-m-91 L6-10-LO Mlemap!s ;Dql 1121sul oi oei5e Illm aLls 'sluapnis aqq jo Ajajes joj jeLJj pappap setA jueD -lidde aq; ' PJeO'a 6 uluueld AjunoD-Aj!D 93 uls ILR44 PU4 DH sqluow oml Ised aL41 JOAO 13a(oid S144 UO Pg)1.40M SeL4 9t4 ;eq; PaJ21S 'sj:)aj!LjDjV jolAej. 'UOSUPH IHS 'JINN 'suopIpuoz) oml asoL41 �noqe suj;g:)uoo ssaippe film joa�!q:me jaq jeqj 6upou IjeAOjdde jol SUOII!PUOO PapUaWWOOOJ aL41 JO OM4 JO UOISIA@.J alq!ssod Ol 139fqns 'uopeoildde siql jo JeAoidde uoissiwwo-D pabeinoDue uaL41 diot4j_ -s.AW aslou Imp azlw - tuiw joi4iinj dl;aLl of awil 6uiAeld ap!slno s,uaiplIL4:) aq; jo 6uua65e;s 6uU@plsuoD sl aL4s leq4 p;g;ou osle aqS 'pjeA aL;l ui BuiAeld uajpl!L4o Aq palpajo asiou at4l of jajjnq 12inieu e ;DP►Ao.id ll!m jol 9L41 jo N:)eq aL41 buole Aj9qqnjt4s at4l ;eLql pa;els dJot4.L a •s.AW - Ijels looLps jo sluajed jaLpla Aq sawil lie 12 paiuedujo:):)e ;aq ll!m uajpllqz) oql pue 'Z)Ijjejl do - {old pue jlo- alepowwox)e of 6uiNjed ja@.jjs-jjo aldwe si 9,j@t4i p@iou jaLl;jnj aqS ')JJOM J01 aAeal 01 6uiAjl aje oLlm sluap!sai eaje asot4l L41!m sjDjjjuo:) .1ofew Aue @P!Aoid jou pinoL4s pue 'pooqjoqt46jau at4l uo spedwi aziwiuiw ll!m siql jeq4 pajou aqS •W•2 ()0:6 0 1 OS:L wojj uajpl!q:) jiaql jjo dojp o4 6UIAIJ.12 aq Ipm s4uaied 'f5upds @4el o4 112j Aljea woij *w•d oo:tr of -w*e og:L wojj uado aq o4 si looLps al!t4m Ilet4l palels djot4l -siVy -Buillas looLps painl3nals P 01 @WOLj WOJJ jUaWUOJoAUa UOII!SUeJl aAil!sod e SaPIAOid osle jl pa4ou aqS 'JUGWaAOW pue :)isnw pue 'saipnls lepos '9:)uaios '44ew 'alien -6uel aloqm apnl:)ui 111m pue 'pajnpnj4s aq Illm wnln:)tjjn:) aqj pa4e;s aL4S 'uDJPI!t4 JOI aAlleWalle 4uawdolaAap OAlleaj:) e aplAoid pinom looqos jaq leql p d-JoL41 • sJVV -6uisnoq jo sadly} aldi4lnw jol ap!AOjd of si i4Dit4m lf)uiuoz 4uajjn:) @L41 jo jualui ;DLII Lll!m 4u@lsisuo:) si uope:)ildde siLil pol2is aqS -juawliede aq4 woJI sda4s aL41 9 pnl:)ui SaOp 11 12141 OS aOUaj aL41 aAOW 04 SS@U6UIjj9M 2 P91elS 'jupoildde Idjoq_L aouad •sjVV •juawl.iede at4l wojj sdals aqj apnioui jou saop e9je pa:)uej aq; ;et41 palels aqS ease Aeld ;ooj e ;DP!Aoid Illm 11 jet4j 6uilou 'pall2isui aq Ipm @:)Uaj pasodoid eqj 9.j;ai4m PaM9lA;DJ 119�JJV JGUUeld 1 6unjLlaoD j;DuotssiujwoD of 6uipuodsa�j buipunouns at44 UO 9Aet4 ll!m prey pa:)uigl e q:)ns jeqj sjoedwi aqj aziwi -uiw ol ;jojja ue uj luajpflt4D aqj aoj ease Aeld e @PjAojd of pjeA >f:)eq ja4 jo uoi4jod e ui 9:)ua3 ) uieq:) t4:)ui-xis-joo3 -jnoj e Bui;Daje pasodoid seLl djoi4j_ •sjW ;eq4 pajou AaLli-inj aqS -awry jo spopad japq jol pue siseq p;ajn;onj;s e uo Aluo gpls;no aq Illm uaipl!Lfo at4l Itooq:)s pasodoid siq; L4;lm 4et4i pajou ot4S -1:)p4sip 'A4!suap-wntp;Dw--jeijuqp!s@N 'E-�j at4l ui asn pallpied e se pa;sil si U9JPI!qD ;DAIaM; 10 wnwixeLu e q;lm jawaD aje:) Cep e lapoo Builsixe at4l japun leql uoissiwwo:) @L44 PaPulw uaL4; llWPV Jauueld 6uipunojjns at4l UO @AeL4 Am asn pasodoid sjL41 pedwi GSJaAPP aq; jnoqe passaidxa 6ulaq u,Aaouo3 awos qllm 'lioddns ui uaaq aAel4 PDAIE):)@J sjuawwoz) at4l jo All-lofew 944 pajou aqS 'MaIA;)J uoissiwwo:) joj liodaj Ijels aL41 ol potpelle u;)aq aAeLl saidoo pue 'uoije:)ijddu sitp - 91 - - 17 - along South Rouse Avenue. He stated, however, that the applicant would prefer not to install a dumpster and attendant enclosure in the front yard. He noted that, since re- viewing the fact that there is no alley along the rear of this property, City staff h,as con- curred that it may not be necessary to require a dumpster at this time. He noted that a children's school serving only one meal a day should not generate any more garbage than a family of four living in that apartment. Mr. Hanson then encouraged Commission approval of this application. Mr. Bob June, owner of 1817 -1823 South Rouse Avenue, stated his apartment is ad- jacent to and faces the Thorp's apartment. He stated that he is concerned about safety, noise and the environment. He then expanded on each of those three points, noting that South Rouse Avenue is only 30 feet wide, with parking allowed on both sides. He ex- pressed concern that the narrowness of the street, along with added traffic, could create an even greater safety hazard than presently exists. He then noted that at the present time, there is a noise problem in that area with all of the existing apartments; and it will only be magnified by adding children playing in the yard during the daytime. He then stated that there is only 20 feet between his sidewalk and the Thorps' sidewalk; and he feels that this proposal would create a detrimental impact on that space. He also noted that to erect a fence will disturb the openness which currently exists. Mr. June then encouraged the Commission to deny this application. He noted that during the Planning Board meeting, one member of the Board suggested that this area is too small for a school. Mr. Dick Pohl, 422 South 6th Avenue, stated he owns property at 1802 South Rouse Avenue. He then spoke in support of this application, stating he feels it is an appro- priate use for this property. He also stated he expects the school to be a strong asset for the community. Mr. Kal Schweitzer, 504 Fieldstone, stated he owns property at 1905 South Rouse Avenue. He stated that he lived in this subject neighborhood for twelve years; and he feels the proposed use is appropriate. He noted that his children traveled to and from school on the bus, and had no problem with the traffic in the area. He stated that the Thorp property is some of the best kept property in the area; and he feels that the school would be well maintained and operated. He then encouraged Commission approval of this application. Mr. Godfrey Saunders, 1913 South Rouse Avenue, stated support for the proposed school, noting he feels it will provide an environment in which the special needs of a child can be accommodated before entering the public school system. He stated that he has been involved in education for fifteen years and recognizes that the Bozeman school system is superb; however, he noted that it cannot address all of the individual problems incurs- 07 -01 -91 L6-tO-L0 , 4et4i p;q;OU 9H •pauoijuaw Alleoill3ads Sujaq sAemjjL-Is s.4ie4sdn pue 199.jis 9L41 411m 'A4 -ales of suielied p;Dssejdxa suja:)uo:) uiew at4j to auo 4e41 pajou Isoj jauotssiwwoZ) sainpat.jos sl 6 u' -, IJOm GlePOw -W033e 01 '*W*e OS:L le 6UIAIJ.Je uiB;aq Aew uajpl!L43 'J@AaMO14 "we os:8 le ulb;gq [Jim wnlnownD jejn6ai aLlI jet4j pajels dioLl 0 _L sjVq IddeuN jauoissiwwo of 6uipuodsaN •Ajjado.jd joafqns at4l to jaaj OOZ uf41!m sjuap1saj pue sioumo A;.jadoid to s9jnj2u -15is ZE 6utuieluo:) lioddins to uoil!lad 2 Buill!wqns lsjoqq6jau pup sleuoissajo-ld 'sjoje3npa 'sju;aaed wojj ;joddns 6uojjs p9Ala39.1 seq lesodoid jaq jetij pajou aL.JS -sawil lie ;P PaSIA -jadns aq 11!m loot4os .4at4 6uipue4le uojpf!q:) aqj jetij pajejal!aj djo41 aauaN -sjvv •uoij2oildcle siq; to J2Aojdde uois -siwwoo pa6esnooua uaL41 aqS posodoid seq aqs t43it4m w2.j6ojd aqj ui loo JOq 5uipuG; -le uajpl!L43 aqj to Ajajes at4i jol pap!AOjd seL4 jueDildde aLJj 12L41 paj2js 9onj8 sVq walsAs looqz)s Dilcind at4j wol uajpllt43 aLij ajeclaid of dlaL4 ll!m wnlnDijjno pasocload ;qLJj pue 'slel; - uapejo pooh Aj9A seq djoq.L - saVV 1e41 pa;ou ;ai4S - AJaAijoajja Aj9A 100tJDS 01 9WOLI WO.Aj uoij!suej4 aql q6nojt4j sjuapnjs c1laq p1noo loot4os pasodoid sit44 jet.Jj sleaj aqs pue . loot4Ds uewazog all ui �1.iom of Aj!unjjoddo ue Joeq seq aL4s jell pajels aonjq •sw - sjnoL4 loot4os 6uijnp ueqj ja;eajb aq ll!m sjnoLJ jalje pe:leajo asiou all ;eL4; PajejS U9t4j 94S - PGAOjdde si uoijeoildde sitij jj sAep looL4os uo aq Illm q.1;qqj se egae ley; ui apls4no BuiAeld uajpllt4:) Auew se Alqeqoid aie ajaqi 'awijiawwns all 5uiinp 1eqj pajou at4S -uoi;e:)ildde sjt4j jol lioddns pajels lanUDAV uewJJOH OLE '@z)n.Ag sij>f shy •uoijeoildde sly; to leivap pa6einooua u9qj aqS -eaje 1e41 ui saouap!saj all to ssauesolD all to asneDaq uoijejaclo jetij panuiluoo IOU Set4 aqS 'JOA9MO4 'BUIAOW 9DUIS JeL41 P9;OU GL4S •swear( xis aol awoLl aay ui Aijpoej e.je:) Aep e pa;eiodo aL4s 'U0lje:)Ol SIL41 01 P;DAOW ;aL4s ajojaq 4eL41 1 sJolad •sjvv -uajpllLI3 6unoA 04 GA1j3eJjjE aJe SJ]2;S aouis Alielnop -wed IlooL4:)s all 6uipualle uajplIL43 asoqj to ,dales aqi joj pauja3uo3 si @t4s pue :daals OJe 6uipl!nq joafqns all 10 SlaAal iaddn all of sji2ls ap!slno all jeLJj pajou sjajad Sjw -loot4os pasocload all of uaipllqo 6ui5uijq aq Aew L4Z)114M S;Rl3lt49A pue dots snq all le 6ui4!em jo dols snq at4I ol 6uio6 uojpl!t43 uaamlaq asije p1no3 sl:)iljuoD jet4j 'ajojajat4j luja3uo3 passaAdxa aqS - aDuap!sa.1 s,dJo41 sJVV of jxau do wqt4j s>joid Il pue Ilooqos of snq aLli apy U JaLl 4e4I PaMs sJGIad 'saw '9AIldnisip aq ll!m 'ADeAfJd jol pasolD suielino jaq claa�j of paau all se llam se 1 pjeA all ui 5uiAeld uoApl!Ll:) woj; asiou all pue :nsvv l e wapnis pue Aa144ow e si at4s 1eqj pale;s 9L4S -;I saDej coop ssel6 f5utplis e pue eaje Aeld pasodoid at4i of @solo AJOA P8je:)0J si ;uew;,jede jaLl pale;s lanuOAV @sno2j tA4noS Z18t 'sJalad elawed . SIA -uoijeDildde S1141 JO JeAojddc uoissiwwoD pa6einooua ua'41 aH s4uapn4s Aq pa - 81. - - /e - evrn with supervision, children are quick and can slip away. He then stated he would prefer to have the stair* from this apartment leading directly into the fenced yard' rather than the proposed configuration. City Manager Wysocki read into the record the letters which were attached to the staff report, as follows: letters of support from Elizabeth Carey, ]OZ Hoffman Drive; Stuart R. Whitehair » n* Hoffman Drive; Ray *tteuerry ERA Landmark, 1805 West Dicker- son Street, No, /; Mary K. aackstrmn 1813A South Rouse Avenue; Kris Sutton Bruce, 310 Hoffman Drive; Dick and Mary Pohl, 422 South 6th Avenue/ M. pat Screnar 1405 Ma- ple Drive; Audrey and Sti||mvn Smith 1808 South Rouse Avenue; Cinder Marquis 303 East Hoffman Drive/ Renee C. G,bhordt; Jacquic Hudson. 1805 South Rouse Avenue; and Godfrey Saunders, louy South Rouse Avenue. Mayor Hawks closed the public bearing. A decision will be forthcoming at next week's meeting. Break O:lU to 8'14 Mayor Hawks declared o break from 8:10 p.m. to 0:14 p'm' in accordance with Commission policy established at their regular meeting of March 14 1983. Public hearing adoption of the final draft zone code dated _May_31, 1991 This was the time and place set for the public hearing on the adoption of the final draft zone code dated May 31 1991. Mayor Hawks opened the public hearing. Planning Director Epp|r stated that an Jun, zs, the City-County Planning Board conducted its public hearing on this item. He noted that this agenda item is best broken into seven separate iosues, as follows: six zoning reclassifications, (l) from R-3 to R-]A for o portion of the northeast sector; (2) from R_3 to R-JA on a portion of North Tracy Avenue; (3) from R-u to R-3A for a portion of the north portion of the Cooper Park His- toric District; (*) from R-o to R-3A for the north portion of the Bon Ton Historic Dis- trict; (5) from R-z and R-o to R-3A for the South Tracy/South Black/Bogert Park area; and (s) from A-S to R-S on a 60-acre tract south of Patterson Road; and (r) an overall discussion of the entire document, dated May xl 1e91 including the proposed sign code. The Director indicated that a staff report will be submitted at the beginning of each of these separate issues, followed by public testimony. He stated that the Planning Board conducted public hearings on each or these items; and copies of the resolutions which they adopted along with a copy of the minutes from that meeting have been included in the Commissioners' packets. The Planning Director stated that care must be u^hcn in duwnzoning of an area, to o7-o/-o1 L6 -LO -LO - uoo L 'saxeld -lal ule;uoo 6 'saxaldnp uleluco Z£ 'saanlonals Aflwel- al6uls ule}uoo SSZ '6ul -uozaa s1111 Aq paloa }fie sallaadoad El£ ay; 10 ley; pa ;e;s aH uorleolldde sly; }o lenoadde Aq paleaao aq pinoM sasn liulwaojuoo..uou Auew Mo14 aulwaa;ap o; awl; luasaad ay; le lol .aad s ;run 6ulllaMp ;o aagwnu ayl paaaoluanul ay 4e144 palels lleM, .aauueld aleloossy •sasn ,6ulwjo ;uoo -uou,, 6ui;slxa }o sn lels atll 1oa}je ;ou pinoM y£ -�j o; £ -�j wo q a6ueyo ay1 ti . Aq -aeau lllnq sl ;ol EulMaed 6ulAuedw000e sll pue 6uillaMp AIlwe} -rllnw e jr paloajje Alanl;e6au aq I1lM adil jo Alllenb pue sonlen Alaadoad clay; ;eyl Mou�l Aat l asneoaq os op o:t luelonlaa aae lnq 'os 6ulop 6ur - aaplsuoa aae saagjo pue Alaadoad aratll 6ulnoadwl aae sluopfsaa AuPIN £ •Ala ;es uey:,sapad pue suaa ;led ol;jea; ;oedwl Alaaanas ;run 6ul -Ilamp Allwel al6uls e aoeldaa yolyM saanlonals aabael pue 1lun aaay j Z • eaa e ayl jo sollay ;sae p..te aanlaallyoae 6ullsoxa ay1 golew Alaaea saanlona;s aa6ael pue ;lun aa.:yy •saouaplsaa AIlwej 916uls Aliaewlad si eaae ayy • 1 :Smolloj se '6uluozaa aoj uoppad alayl ui papnlour eaae ley; jo sluap!saa ay; yalyM suoseaa ano; ayl palonb IIeM aauueld 'lolals!p 0141 ulgl!m luawdolanap bullslxa aql loal}aa Alale..inooe aaow o; sl a6ueyo auoz palsanbaa s1 palels aH 'apoo auoz 1eUg aq; jo uolldope jo awll aql le uolleolldde a6uey3 dew auoz pale!1!ui_All3 e 11 aapls - UO3 o; pa ;on uolsslwwa^ ayl " It Aaenagad uo pue : A;lo ay; jo eaae leyl u!4'l1M saaumo Al - aadoad ;o uollllad Aq p�.lerllul Alleul6lao seen 6uluozaa sl14'1 leyl palels .aauueld @UJ_L •lsarn ay; uo anuany uewazo8 y4JON o; ;sea ayl uo anuany AeMpeoaH tl;aoN wo.n; pue 'y;nos ayl uo halls awwe - i lse3 of 41.aou 0141 uo ;aa.alS 14oead lse3 woa; 6trlpualxa Alleaaua6 '£ -�l pauoz Afluaaano eaae a6ael e allnb saanoa 6uluozaa loafgns ay; leyl palels ay •ao;oas ;seay;aou ay1 }o uollaod e a01 'A;lsuap - -!paw 'Allwej- oMl-- IelluaplsaN 'y£ -N of 'Allsuop- wnlpaw-- lelluaplsad '£ --I woa3 sn 6uluozaa loafgns ay; ley; palels aH •laodaa j3e;s ay; paluasaad ffeM uina>l aauuel,l 91e1DOSSV '9916-Z ' oN uor;eollddy 'aoloas ;seaylaou ayl ,;o uol;aod e iol y£ -21 of £ -21 woa3 a6ue4o dew auoz ( L) apnllu6ew slyl ;o sanssr asn puel aoj Aollod uolsslwwoD aad '1y6iuo; uolsloap e a�{ew ;ou ll!M uolsslwwoo ayl 12141 palels aH •aouepualle ui oldood jo aagwnu ayl of anp s6ulaeay aseq; Aol pasodwt uaaq seq yolyM 1!w!I awll salnurw - aaayl ay; }o ollgnd ayl papulwaa uayl aH •bulaeay :)If -qnd ay; 6ulanp pamollod aq il!M 14olyM ssaooad ay; pa;146[1y6ly Al}alaq s�]MeH aoAevv saraepunoq pasodoad ay1 uiLll!M ;uawdolanap 6ullslxa ayl jo Al! -aofew a y ;lM alglledwoo aq of paulwaalap aq Ism s6uluoz Mau 01 41 ;eyl pOlou aH •6uluoz -umop }o asn aleladoadde ue s! yolyM 'lolalslp ao pooyaogy6lau ;oafgns ayl 3o aaloeaeya 6ullslxe ay; loaload o; pasodoad uaaq aney awll s1 le uolsslwwoa ay; aaolaq s6uluoz -umop posodoad ayl leyl pales uay; aH ,*6uple;,, e se panalsuoa aq louuea 1! ley; aansua Mrm - 21 - tain four-p|exes and 10 contain over four dwc||/mg units. He noted, therefore, that under the proposed rezoning, 287 parcels, or 91.7 percent, would be conforming uyoy- He further noted that those lu lots containing more than four dwelling units representing 3,2 percent of the anuu are non-conforming under the present zoning designation of R-3. Planner Wu|| stated that Planning staff has reviewed this application in light of the twelve criteria set forth for such review and pound this application to be in general com- pliance. He further noted that at its meeting of June 25 the City-County Planning Board, following its public heariug, forwarded a recommendation for app,ova|. Mr' Bill K|cnn. 520 East Davis Street, stated he feels that four-p|axey have a place in the community; however, they belong in a high-density residential area such as the South 16th Avenue/West Koch Street/West Olive Street area. He noted that in the newer high-density residential areas, the lots are large enough to provide adequate off-street parking and all development is generally similar in nature. He stated that to construct a four-p|*x between two existing single-family structures in an older part of town however, duos cause a substantial amount of negative impact' Mr. K|ann noted there are a substantial number of unpaved streets in the northeast sector of the community; and additional traffic would create dramatic negative impacts on the area. He further expressed concern about the danger that could be encountered, par- ticularly because of the number of children in the area. He stated that some people are fixing up their homes; and others would like tu, but would first like assurance that a four-p|ex or similar structure could not be constructed next to them, Mu. Theresa Leland, szo North Bozeman Avenue, stated she is speaking for herself as well as several neighbors who were unable to he present at this meeting. She noted that homes on the north side provide entry level housing for young people starting fam- ilies. She also noted that the neighborhood contains many elderly citizens who have lived there for thirty or forty years. Ms' Leland then stated support for this proposed razvnimg, noting it will help to ensure their quality of life. She noted that four-piexes have o negative impact on this typo of neighborhood, which is primarily single-family; and those who uv construct four-p|excs generally don't live in the immediate area. She stated she does not believe that one individual s»uu|u receive an economic advantage from intense development of a lot to the economic disadvantage of the residents around that lot. She then encouraged Com- mission approval of this application. Mr. Tom vand*rvmo stated he purchased the property at ms North Ida Avenue sev- eral years ago with the intent of constructing four-p|exrs; and he has spent the past year having the property surveyed and plans prepared. He noted that the parcel which he owns is large, containing five lots; therefore, it would be extremely d/M0cn|t and not o7-m-o1 L6 -10 -LO anlaMj 941 ,}o 14611 ul uolleolidde slyl pannalnaa sey }3e ;s ;ey1 pa;els IlaM.ry Jauueld yoea s;lun 6 u!IlaMp onti; ur y; a.aow aney Alsnoingo onn; 'pa100;J2 s;ol 6Z at-1; do 1124; paleana.a ea.xe ay; So Aan,xns e ler.11 palels ayS •2a.ae 01 ,41 to A4!Aalul za.4o;si4 ay; 6ulsiwo.adwoa 'shun Aj!we; -!llnw o; pal.aa °uoa aq pinoa saouopisa.a Allwel- al6uls '6uluoz luasaad ay; japun ;e41 pasle.r uaaq sey uaaou)o leyl palou ayS •pooq.aogy6lau 041 10 .ae;oe.reya leuolllpejl a44 laalo.ad of l.aoJJa ue ul 1661 '£1 AeW palep ',aaol} ;o uorlen.aasaJd al.aolslH ay1 wo.al l.aoda.a e of asuods -a.a ul 'uolsslwwo: ay1 Aq p04e1111-11 Senn 6uluozaa SI41 leyl pa;els IlaN.AV Jauueld •uo11eolldde sly; Aq pa;aa}je ;ou a,ae pue E -g pauoz a.ae NDolq OOE ay; ul laa.als a4; SO apts ;sam ay; 6uole sarlaadoid oml leyl palou ayS •100a ;S yoead pue ;aa,a ;S lleaEl uaomlaq bur - Al AIle.aaua6 '9111.10ny A:)2.al y1.aoN ;o sapls y ;oq 6uoie salliado.ad s.aanoo 6uluozaa ;oafgns 9 '43 Pa ;ou ayS '1 - ol.aolslH Aoeaj_ 4l-roN a41 ;o uol ;,aod e aoj 'A4!suap- wnlpaw 'Al!wel - onn; -- lei ;uaplsaZ; 'yE -M of 'Allsuap- wnlpaw-- lerluapls@2l E -N woa} sl 6uluozaa loafgns a4l ley; palels a4S •;aodaa jjels a4l poluasaad 1la)Iay algga(] aauueld ;uelslssy *L9[6-Z 'ON ual ;ealiddy anuany Aoeal 41aoN 3o uol ;aod e uo yE -�l of E -�l woal a6ueyu dew auoz QZ) •a6uego pasodoad slyl woaj panowaa aq Alglssod Aempeoa slyi 6uoI2 sallaadoad leyl 6ullsa66ns 'panoadde sl a6ueyo dew auoz palsanbaa sly; 3l 6urwaojuoo -uou aq pinom anuany asno�l yl.aoN 6uole ;uawdolanap ayl 10 yanw 1241 palou aH - AlrunwwoD ay; of swop -laaoo A2mAj4ua +iq; }o auo uI Sall 11 'aao�aaayl :anuany asno�l L41-ION 6uoie sail Alaadoad loafgns ay; leyl palou aH ' pa ;ona ;suoa aq pinoo s ;run Z L ' 6uluoz posodoad a41 aapun pue :pa;onalsuoo aq pinoo shun 9Z 6uluoz ;uasaad ayl aapun :lr uo palonalsuoo uaaq aney pinoo shun 6ulllarnp OS Alalewlxoudde 'obe saeaA uaalll,l A;aadoad ay; poseyo.and a4 uaynn 1241 palels aH •.a6uego auoz posodoid ay; o; uol ;lsoddo po ;ou pue 'anuany asno�l y1JON OZb le Alaadoad all sumo ay pa;els 'anuany 4161 glnoS 08EL '4sld PJMPI2j 'aW not ;ealldde slyl }o ;aoddns uolsslwwoa po6eanoaua uagl aH Aalle ue dileolseq sl leiAm 6uole palona ;suoo uaaq aney saxaldwoo n(Ilwe;-l;lnw a6ael aouls '6uluoz luasaad a4l aapun pa;eaao walgoad e y;l,v, sanll 34 11241 pa;ou aH •6ul - -uozaa pasodoad ayl aoj laoddns palels ';eaa1S awwe - I lsed 6Lh '21yanS jlopn2l °alnl •paule;aa aq pinoys ;a slaa; ay pue :ainjeu u! AIlwel- al6uls dllealseq sl eaae ay; pa ;ou aH •6uluoz -aa pasodoad ay; ao; laoddns pa;els 'laaalS dalplad lseq 8Z9 'splenlaaj aeuunD all •ssolylaom awooaq fl!m Alaadoad' ley; 'panoadd2 sl 6uluozaa pasodoid sryl lI 1241 palealpul aH 41j@doid ay1 to amen ayl SaaMOI yolyna auoz L -1N ue woaj laaals a4l Ssoaoe pa;eool $l laoaed ;aafgns ay1 ;ey; palels uay; SOAJapuen •aw •leloi.#auaq sl eaae ue up sa;lun;aoddo bulsnoy to aanlxlw e 1e41 pa;ou aaglanj aH •lel;uaplsa.i (ilsuap -nnol se o ;ls ay; dolanap o; leolloead AIleolwouooa - ZZ - -2a- criteria set forth for such review, and determined it to be in general compliance. She then stated that, following its public hearing held on June 25 the City-County Planning Board recommended approval of this application. No one was present to speak in support of or in opposition to this proposed zone map change. (3) Zone map change from R-4 to R-38 for a portion of the north portion of the Cooper Park Historic Distriot, Application No. Z-8768. Assistant Planner Jesse Aber presented the staff report. He stated that the sub- ject rezoning is from R-4, Residential--high-density, to R-3A, Residential --two-fami|y me- mum-density for a portion of the north portion of the Cooper Park Historic District. He noted that under this app|ication, a portion of the existing R-4 a:rea generally bounded by the alley between West Babcock Street and West Main Street on the north and mid-Nock between West Olive Street and West Curtiss Street on the south and South 4th Avenue on the east and mid-block between South 7th Avenue and South nth Avenue on the west, would be rezoned to R-38. The Planner stated this application was initiated by the City Commission as a result of concerns raised in the May 13 1991 memo from the Historic Preservation Officer. The Planner stated that the existing R-4 zoning could adversely affect the southern portion of this subject area, noting the single-family development history of that area. He them stated that staff reviewed this application in light of the twelve criteria set forth in the code and determined that it is generally in cvmp|iance. He noted that a survey of the area revealed that of the 54 parcels involved, all are in compliance with R-4 zoning regu- lations; and 15 would be non-conforming under the proposed R-3A. He stated that a re- view of the area further revealed that so percent of those structures along West Babcock Street would become non-conforming under this zone change. Planner Auer stated that following further rovxvw, staff noted that west Babcock Street is an arterial, and the adjacent zone to the north is B-2. He stated therefore, staff mmw|d recommend that the properties along West Babcock Street remain in R-4 zoning, with the remainder of the proposed district being rezoned to R-3A. The Planner stated that at their June zs public hearing, the City-County Planning Board heard this applica- tion and concurred in the staff recommendation, Commissioner Frost noted that yo percent of the homes along West Babcock Street would comply with the R-» zoning district regulations, questioning why staff did not rec- ommend that as a possible zone change. Planner Aber responded that' ww/o most of the current development along West Babcock Street does comply with the R-3 zoning rvgu|ativns, he feels it is important that the option for vYhcos which is allowed in the R-4 zone remain. He reiterated the fact or-ol-y1 16 -10 -LO e PaAIa:)9J Se4 UOISSIWWOZ) aLil poloU 'joa-ijS AjolS IseEl 91b '11nH 4UPA Ajevv -sjN ' A@Ipui-I SOE '19NDaoyN o41oijnr PUP WPIII!M WO-IJ PUP '1661 'RZ AL-VN P@JPP 'JoaJIS aA110 ISR3 h1f: 4 Joumo 'sdiM4d @!IPIeN wOJJ 'L66t 'L AInr Paipp 'jaaJ;S @A110 1 61Z 'p6u@qoiS JOwOH JOJ J )M:ma auail wOjj :PJOoOJ @41 OJUI 4joddns ;o sia4lal 6ulmoijo; aqi pajawo i ja5puen Aj!3 - Uollep -Uaww0ja,j ieL41 ui pai-immoD pjeog 5 uluueld @ 'sz aunr uo play 6uijt?@Lj Dilcind sl! bulmol - 1 0 1 ' P@1 aH '@6ue43 dew auoz posodoid SI41 10 jPAojdde papuawwo:)@j seq j;els @LIl 'aJOJ ' palels 9 H weld JalseVV 0661 aqi qifm saildwo:) 6uiuozG.4 posodoid st41 jeqj pajou jot4linj OH '@Dueijdwo:) jejauaG ut aq of punoj seen PUP 'Ljl-IOj 1aS 21.1041jo aAj@m4 at4l jo 146j1 u! PajaP!Suoo sem FDuiuozai pasodoid sI44 I241 palels -i@qV -J;9uueid F:)uiwjojuo:)-uou aq p1nom '4ua3.Aad h•6 ao 'sailiadoid 6Z 12UOII!PPe UP '6UJUoz VE-�j @Lli japun 1241 palely oij -6uiuoz C_� 6uijsjxa aqj japun 6uiwjojuo:)-uou aie 'lu@oj@d L jo 'sapiado-id L 'Alluasoid ;ELI; P9jeDA@j JDijj -sip pasodoid siql ui4jIm s@iljodoid LOE @qj JO M@IA@.l P IPLII palels jaqV jauueld 'Paulelaj sl eaje aLAI jo oijqej aLjj a-insuo jaqjin} of ';z)ii;sjp AejjoAO U0112A.AGSU00 pooqioqLj6iau aLAI uiLll!m sapiodoid uo suoi4ejn6@,j aLg suo416uajls ;uewn:)op apoa @UOz jeuq siqi ietAl pa;ou ja41inj aH - Poo4joqt46i@u ;)Lll jo :)ijqel Al!wej-@16uis ?Ljj a.insuo of djaq p1nom uoi1eu6isap 6uiuoz VE_�j posodoid a41 4 PaIPIS Jauu @41 apoz) auoz jeuij @L44 jo uoildope jo @wi; aLp le paj-qpjsuoD 3q j! leg; pue uoijeoitdde @6ue4z) dew auoz pajeij!ui e SILIJ Jgp!SUOZ) 0; Pe4OA LAOISSIWWO:) A4!0 aL4; 'LL Ajenjqa_ jo 6u . I J Ilaa w iiaLp le leql palels 9H - Al!:) eqj of paluase.Ad pup s4u;)p!sai poo4joqq6iau 01Z Aq pau6is uoil!jad e Aq pal2y4!uj seen a6ue4z) dew auoz pasodoid siLql ;eqj palels Jauu a41 - L41jou a41 uo @nUaAV @:)2112M 4;noS o4 Lilnos aL]l uo @nU;DAV NDeje t4inoS wojj 6uiu - un.i auil jeuo6eip 411eioua5 e pue Isom a41 UO OtIUOAV Aoe.)j 41noS 'Lgnos a4; uo lgaJIS PUPIaAaID JSaM JO q;nos Isnf ;uiod e of '41JOU OLIJ UO Iga.14S NDODqea 1S9M PUP JG9J4S aA110 ;SaM ua@m;aq A@11v aL11 Aq popunoq Ajjpjquo6 eoje up up4jIm pale sopjado.Ad 'uoIj -ez)ildde siLp Aapun - jeLp palels 3 H 'e@Je ) IJed ;J />Iz 41noS, _L L4; noS q4j Se of poijejoi Aluowwo:) eaje up Aoj 'Aj!suop-wnipaw 'Ajjwej-omj--jei;uap!saN 'VE-�] 04 'A;!suap _4I5i4__jeijuap!sa�j 'h-�j pup 'Aj!suop-wnip@w--jPi;uapjsad '[-N wojj si buluoz;).( IZ)G,f -qns a41 le4l palely aH -liodai jjels a4l Paluaso-Id JaCIV Dssgr JDuuPId ;uejs1ssV "U16 'ON uoi;p,:)ifddV 'V@J >f-Jed lJD 4;noS/A:)ej 4;noS atAl. joj VC- of h-N pup E-N wojj a6ue4:) dew auoz (G) a5ueqD dew auoz posodoid si4l of uoil!soddo uj -io jo jjoddns ui �Ieods of ;uns;)jd sem auO ON auoz z-9 e of juaoefpe Aj@jeipowwF si siql ;eq4 - hz - - 25 - petition from more than 200 people in the area. She further noted that the Planning Board has unanimously recommended approval, and encouraged Commission approval of the re- quested rezoning. Mr. Fred Nelson, 213 Lindley Place, stated the petition speaks for itself, noting it represents overwhelming support from the residents of the area. He then encouraged Commission support. Mr. James Anderson, 212 Lindley Place, stated his support and encouraged Commis- sion support. Mr. Matt Lavin, 311 South Tracy Avenue, stated support for the proposed downzoning. Mrs. Dora Anderson, 212 Lindley Place, encouraged Commission approval. She not- ed the subject area includes historic districts; and she feels it is important to preserve those historic structures. She noted it is a beautiful neighborhood, and feels it should be protected and maintained. No one was present to speak in opposition to the proposed zone map change. (6) Zone map change from A -S to R -S on a 60 -acre tract south of Patterson Road, Application No. Z -9171. Assistant Planner Debbie Arkell presented the staff report. She stated that the subject rezoning is from A -S, Agriculture Suburban, to R -S, Residential -- Suburban Coun- try Estates, on a 60 -acre tract commonly known as Tract E of Certificate of Survey No. 1137 -A, located in the northwest one - quarter of Section 35, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Montana Principal Meridian. The subject property is more commonly located south of Patterson Road, along the west side of South 19th Avenue. She noted that this site is within the City's three -mile jurisdictional area. Planner Arkell stated that the owner of this subject site forwarded a request in March 1991 for this rezoning from A -S to R -S, since the 60 -plus acres which he owns im- mediately to the west is already zoned R--S under the interim zoning ordinance. The Plan- ner then gave a brief history of this site, noting that in 1983, the entire north half was zoned R-1, in anticipation of a proposed golf course development. She stated that since an urban zoning designation is not appropriate for this site, the property was designated as rural residential under the 1990 master plan in light of surrounding development. Assistant Planner Arkell stated that staff has reviewed this application in light of the twelve criteria set forth for such review and determined it to be in general compliance. She then stated that, following its public hearing on June 25, the City - County Planning Board concurred in the staff's recommendation for approval of the requested zone map change. No one was present to speak in support of or in opposition to the requested zone 07 -01 -91 L6-10-LD '96upt4:) auoz pasodoid aqj of uoij!soddo builels 'qZ aunr pDlep '@nU@AV uosll!m L41nos 6LZ JO aaumO 'auAt4S 'V WOJJ Jal1 P pue 'D6ueL4:) dew auoz p@sodoid OL11 01 UOII!s -oddo builels I @nUeAV P.J114J. 44noS 6LE 'swP'I[!M *-L @JOPO@L4 woij ja44OI :a6ueq:) dew auoz pasodoid oL41 of uoil!soddo 6upels 'Bz aunr Paiep lanUDAV pue.AD illnos Z0£ '@uALIS ueCl moij jolial 'E-N of e9je ;:)a.fqns aL41 Jo 6uiuozaj aoj jjoddns 6uljpjs 'L AInr Paiep 'Onu -GAV p-iit41 4lnoS Liti 'z4!meA j@eLj3iVq wojj jGi4al '@6uet4D dew auoz p; aL41 6uisoddo 't AInr palep 'onUgAV PU2J!D LlInOS 60Z JO JaumO 'ue a:)e.AOH WOjj Jallal 'ulPwq.A 6ut -uoz b-N aL4i 4et4i 6uilsanbei 'gZ aunr Paipp 'nr)U@AV PJR4 S t7 1 2 _L qjno OZ 'Jjl S U IAIA Pine IV wojl ial4aj R :Pjo:)aj aq; olul siallal 6uimolloj aLjj pOjajua i�j:)osAffi j@6euelN Al!:) •eaje ;:)a.fqns aLli joj uoijeu6isap asn paXlw :)i.Aoisi u2 jo Al!l!q!ssod aL41 pa4s@66ns s7jm2H JoAevv 'E-N 04 PDUOZOJ aq eOJI? aJJjLJa 9qj 1244 UOIIRPU@WWO:);)j S aq p1nom I! Palels UGLII aH • E-M 01 'I@a.AIS @A110 ISOM uo 6uijLAo.Aj salljadoid asot4i jdaDxg ' pasodoid ot4l Jo 112 auozai o; aq pinom aAij2UJ@4Ie Ja(41OUe IeLI; P@jejS 112M J@uueld -asn jeuoijjpuoD 2 se uoildo ue aq ja6uol o,j pInom sasn aoijjo pue '6uiwjojuoz)-uou awoD@q pInom ipea shun buillamp inoj JOAO UILIJUO) Lj:)lL4M s@iljadoid E aLAI 'lesodoid siql _iapun I PBIOU OH - Ajjsuap_wnjp@w__Ieijuap!s@Z, 'E-N of 'Aj!suap-4614_-Ieiju@p!s@2J 'h _N woJj eaje 1:)afqns at4l auozai of aq pInom uoi4do ue p;Dlsa66ns @H -6uiuoz@j pGsodo-ld Oull lJod -dns jou soop 14e4s 'OAOJ@JaL41 'P OH •21Ja4!J0 aSOL41 JO JeJOA@S LAIlm AldwoD jou s@op buiuoza.j pasodoid siql 4eL41 1:)auiwjel;Dp pue 'SMalAaJ t4:)ns joj qljoj las eljal!J3 aAlaml aLIj ;o 18611 ui uoileDildde siq; P;DMaIAGJ S2L4 J;21S 12t4l P@121S 112M J@UUeld O;LI:)OSSV 6ul -uozai pasodoid a4l japun sasn BuiwjojuoD-uou awo:)@q pInom 'Iua:)jad CZ Alalewixoidde -to 'sailiado,id Et 'i:)ijjsip pasodoid aq; jo saiiepunoq aq; ui4ilm pauipluo:) sailj@doid LS at4l ;o jeLl; puno; pue eaje 1:)afqns aq; paA@Ains j;e;s leg; pale;s aauueld a41 - 1661 '21 ALM P912P JO:)Ijjo UOI;eAJaSOJd : aL41 wojj owaw @Ljj Jo jInsaj e se uoissiwwoO Al!:) @LAI Aq paleil!ui sem a5u2t4:) dew auoz pasodojd sitAl 1e41 palels J@uuPld Olel: @L-L ISOM aqj uo ;)nUaAV tAlinoA L44noS pup Ise@ mil uo 3nUOAV UOSIIIM i41noS pue @nUOAV ADej I LIjnoS uaamlaq 6uiAl Aalle a4l pue 'qlnos @q4 uo laoilS AiojS ISOM pue 44jou @LAI uo IaOils aAllo 4s@M ua@mlaq 6uiAl sapiadoid oso41 sapnput AIIeiaua5 @6uetA:) dew auoz pasodoid SIM le41 PGIPIs aH :)lJOIslH uOl uO9 ;)LIj jo uoiliod 41.4ou DLII Joj 'Al!su;)p-wn -!paw 'Aj!wPj-omj--IPiIuap!s@21 'y£ -N of 'Aj!suap-46jq--jeiIu@p!saN 'h-H woJj Sl 6u!uoz@J lz)afqns aLlI 1 P@Iels aH Ijodaj jjels aLjj paluesaid IJPM UlAa>f J@uueld alelDOSSV '6916-2 'ON uoijeoijddV 'IDI.Als'G DI.AOI uo_L uoq aq; jo uoi4jod t4ljou @Ljj joj y£ -d of j wojj 06UeLjo dew @UOZ (h) - a6ueqo dew - 9z - - 27 - Mr. Al Stiff, 204 South Third Avenue, voiced his opposition to the proposed zone map change. He stated that his home, which he has owned for twenty -six years, is on an historic residence, surrounded by rental properties and Emerson School. He then noted that he has recently purchased the house immediately to the south of his, thus recombin- ing properties that were split over 100 years ago. He stated that a number of old homes are located in that immediate area; and the costs of maintaining those old, large homes is extremely high. He requested that the current zoning be retained, noting that it allows them to be converted to multi - family structures or possibly into office uses so that ade- quate funds are available to make necessary repairs and improvements. Mr. Stiff suggested that a future alternative might be to consider the Historic Mixed Use zoning; however, he noted that this is a new designation and no regulations have been developed to date. He then noted that, with possible conversion of the Emerson School to a different use, he feels it is important that those houses across the street be provided the option of converting to offices if that is determined appropriate. Ms. C. Jakubek, owner of 214 and 218 South Willson Avenue, stated those prop- erties are located along the east side of South Willson Avenue. She then stated that, giv- en the development which has occurred around these properties, which is commercial and multi - family, she does not feel the proposed R -3A zoning its appropriate. She stated that at the present time, some individuals are interested in acquiring one of the properties for business purposes. She then stated she does not believe these subject properties can ap- propriately be utilized as single - family residences given the surrounding uses; therefore, she requested that the R -4 zoning designation remain. Ms. Marie Gambill, 512 North Bozeman Avenue, asked several questions about a va- cant lot she owns next to her home. She questioned what the difference would be between constructing two duplexes or one four -plex on a vacant lot, since the impacts would be the same. Planning Director Epple responded that it is possible to develop a higher density residential project in the R -3A zoning designation by going through the planned unit de- velopment process, provided the subject property meets the criteria set forth in the zone code. He noted that setbacks and meeting off - street parking requirements can limit the amount of development possible on property in single ownership. He stated that under this process, steps must be taken to mitigate any negative impacts which might result from the additional density of development. Commissioner Frost stated he has received telephone calls of support for this proposed rezoning from R -4 to R -3A from Jesse Close, 311 South Third Avenue, and Ron Hess, 309 South Third Avenue. 07 -01 -91 1.6-10-ZO palclope sem oDueuipjo 6ujuoz wljalul @L41 0:)uls 4eq; pajels a1dd3 jojDajicj 15 ulUU 2 1d S.1 2aA A4xis js2d @qj JaAO SUOISI/ka.) aAJsuat4;)jduo:) jPJaA@S auo6jopun @AetA Aat4j pue :s,OE6L aLp ui poluawaidwi ;),4@m suotieln5aj 6uiuoz 4PLI; po4p4s joj3ajjC, 6u,uueld aq -ea-le j2uOIj -Dipsijn aI!Lu-oajLjj L pue sniwij Alp ai4l u,L41!m apoo auoz sIL4; U1 PDU1P.jLjO0 suotlu!InFD@i otp asodwi of Aj!joLj4ne @L41 seq Aj!:) aL41 'sainjels a4ejS japun 'IeLp p@jejs OH 0661 -1@qojDo ui uoissitawoD AjunoD aL44 pue uolsstwwoD /,4!0 at44 L41oq Aq poldope sem 'pojecload SI apoo auoz pasocload sit-Ij Lpiqm u.)dn siseq aL s ! k4D!Llm 'ueld JalseVV 2 uPwazO8 ai4i jo ;)4Lpdn 0661 OLP IeLll P0124S OH Ijodai _Ijels aq; pa4u@said aidd3 ApuV 5uluueld ...., f .... �`' .. , ✓. sl s.l.xa "• --6 A#u@-.ijn7-4eq4 7 Sul"ettta. uet4; -jaLpe-i wo.Aj -pom of juawnDor, P @A2t4 01 jaiiaq si 11 palse65ns @LI 'JaAaMOLI :;ajnlnj Jeau at4l ui paunba,j aq Illm 1ua o aq; 01 s;u@wpuguje jeLp Ala>III AjaA S1 J! ILIL41 �p. ziu 9 H 'P.J2MJQJ DAOW PUE OPOD at4l 97112L)IJ 01 aLUIJ S1 If Siaol aq pue ',G.W'f oz)urs ssa:)o.id ui uaaq spq siLlj jpqj � ��� / 'JGAOMOL4 ' pal sob6ns OH ssa:)ojd @L41 k4snJ lou pue umop ,viols of p96.in uaaq seq uoissiwwoZ) atp 's�,wi snoijPA le jeLp PaMs s JOAPW suoissas Inclui :)Ilqrd Gupnp pasiej sonssi atAl buissa.;ppp al!L4m ueld jaigew palepcin mau aLp sluawaldwi L401LIM juawn3op apoo auoz jeug e ei-ed 'd of apew uaaq @AeL4 S4jojja ;)I!L4m paidope uaaq seLl c40uewpjo 6uluoz wlial Ue PU2 pajdOP2 uaaq SeL4 veld JalSeVq eajV uPwazog atil jo alppdn 0661 ;)LJ4 ; P@;Ou DH s;uawn:)op apoo auoz pue ueld -t-q;sew--jvart aiLd@,jd of s;ue4fnsuo0 L41!m p@4:)ej;uo:) Aj!3 mp 'Indui ;et4i jo 4insai W ,?;r?70V , rj I e se pue p ;DhpuoD ajam suoicsas indui :)ilqnd mau '6861 ul M44 P91els 'oAeVy @L-11 -sonssi asn peel snopeA Buissaippe ut swalqoid jo junowe let;uelsqns e p@sneo ueld .jolsew jeLlj juawaldwi of apoo ;auoz e Idopp of @.jnii2j jeLjj PalOu aH 'E86L PU2 L86L U@@mj - poijad Je9A-OMj 2 J01 PaAI,09J sem inclui :)ilqr,d 'ueld J@Isew E861 @L41 Aoj uope.A2dajd ul let-11 Pa;els aH - s,0861 Alip) aL44 Pouis pajd0p(D uaaq aAet4 Lpit-Im sopo0 auoz pue sueld jalsew snoijeA at4i jo spunojI5�puq pue AjoisitA @Ljj PGMOIA@.l UDLIJ 9H -U1?Id -1@4Sevq eaJV uewazog at4i jo alepdn 0661 @Ljj juawaldwi pinom tptqm 'apoo auoz mau oqj uo si Fiulie.aq Dilqnd sILP 4eM 90 uePua4le ul as PaPulwa-t aH -6ujjeaL4 p-teog 6uiuupld aqj le juawn:)op sit4i Inocle uopewioluisiw pue 6ujpunjsj@punsiw sem }Iaj ay jeLlm of asuodsoi ui 15upeaq Dilqnd aqj jo uoi;jod siLp of uoij:)npojjui uajj!jm pajedaid 2 @AL-6 s�qmel-1 JoAevv '9LI.6-Z 'ON uOIIPZ)IlddV 'apoo u61s pasodo-id at4i 6uipnl3ui '1.661 '[F AeIN palep 'apoo auoz @L41 to ljejp leuij (L) L66L 'LE APW palep apoo auoz IjL jpuij aL14 jo uopdope - (panupuoa) I5ujjeaLl Dilqnd -E96L 'i7L Lpjeleq jo 6ut4aaw jeln5@j jiaLIj le p-oLqsjlqe4sa A:)ilod uoissiwwoD 1 44!m az)UePJOD:)e U - W'd 5Z:6 0 4 ' w•d 6L:6 woij >jeoicl e pajepap S�ImeH JoAeVy .W.d SZ*6 0 4 61:6 - �1 - RZ - - 29 - in February 1990, staff has processed approximately 150 development project applications. He noted that under these new documents, several procedures have been added or re- vised; and that has, indeed, created some rough spots for applicants and staff alike. He also stated that, as a result of working under the interim ordinance, several revisions have been proposed to make the system better. Planning Director Epple then highlighted the main changes between the interim zon- ing ordinance and the final zone code draft dated May 31, 1991, as set forth in his memo dated June 6. Those highlighted changes included revisions to some of the definitions; changes in the proposed historic mixed use district regulations; changes to the entryway overlay district regulations, making them consistent with those for the neighborhood con- servation district regulations; and changes to the Design Review Board and its authority, making it advisory when a project goes to boards with higher authority and making its de- cisions final when that is the final step in the process. The Planning Director stated that major revisions have also been made to the standards and procedures chapters, including a listing of the species of trees which will be allowed and requiring maintenance of landscap- ing required under the code. He noted that the new draft contains a provision for con- version of one non - conforming use to another, subject to specific criteria, similar to the provisions of the old code. He further noted that the plan review and approval section has been substantially changed, adding the provision for a sketch plan review for minor projects. He noted that the Planned Unit Development chapter has also been generally re- vised, replacing the point system with specific review criteria and an evaluation form which can be easily followed. He then stated that the sign regulations have been substan- tially revised, noting that Ralph Johnson will submit a report on those revisions. Mr. Ralph Johnson, former President of the City- County Planning Board and former President of the Zoning Commission, gave a presentation on the sign portion of the pro- posed zone code document, including a brief slide show. He gave a brief history of the sign code, noting that three years ago, the Mayor appointed an ad hoc sign committee to develop a new code. He stated that committee, which reported to the Zoning Commission, prepared a draft which was approximately 95 percent complete when it was reviewed to de- termine if the document was legally defensible. He stated that approximately one and one - half years ago, the consultant made recommendations for a modified sign code which ad- dressed several different local issues. He noted that ordinance contained a sliding height and area scale, along with exceptions which could be obtained through design excellence. Mr. Johnson stated that the sign code before the Commission as a part of the final zone code has been substantially revised, highlighting the three significant changes, as follows: (1) the format has been changed from prose to tables; (2) regulations for bill- boards; and (3) the amortization schedule. 07 -01 -91 1.6-10-LO 4slIcIelso ol wolsAs jjno:) aL41 ui Palsal uaaq IOU aA24 1:)V OL44 10 SUOIS]Aoid Gt4j IL.41 pajou 9 H - i:)V uoi;2:)ij!jneaq AeM4 jejapa j aqi -Aapun pa;etn6aj aje salelsjolui Ile pue sAem -peon wa;sAs aieIs Ajewud Ile 6uoI2 paje�ol su5is aso41 oDuis 'PGAOW,3-1 su61s aSOLIJ aAe4 ol Auedwo:) u6is pjeoqll!q a41 Ljl!m ;uawalIjas P pajeijo6au OALq sai;!unwwo:) Auew je4l P;D;Ou 9 H 'aDUeU[PJO S14j U1 SUOISIAo-id jo uoisnIDui a4l uo satupdwoD u6js 4 j!m ;D;ejjo6@u oi aa;;Iujwo:) e bupuiodde (Z) pue aDueuipjo 6ujuoz @Ljj jo ujewop aLlj aplslno J! 6uijap!suoo (1) apnl:)ui pino:) anssi SI44 6UISSaJppe JOJ SaA14213-1,91le 4e4j palsa66ns uosut4or - .JVV -uBis pjeoqll!q jooj-a.Aenbs-LLZ leoidAj aLlI ue41 ssal Allepuelsqns si L4:)it4m 'jol AU2 UO laaj ajenbs 96 ol do 5uiuiLIuo:) u6is L jo U01jelleTsui aqj molle p1nom Llz)iLAm - 1-ja4z) ;)LII Ul eaje jOOlj jo o6qua:uad atAl aleuiwila ol i4sim Aew A;)4j Ispjeoqlllq jo jUaIPAinba ;aql mofle ol saLlsim uolsslwwoz) aq; ;I ;eqj pals@6 -6ns OH -Al!unujwo:) ay; U1 S;Ol ;UeOPA uo pajoaja aq Aew su6js ou 'a4!s oqj uo 5uipllnq ledpwid a41 jo e6elool ajenbs 9L41 ol pail si alqej siLlI a:)ujs ;eLl; PaTels aH -5uipl!nq loo; ajenbs 0001t u uo; pamolle si 'a6eubis jo ;az)j ajenbs ooft JO 12101 2 pue 'U61S 6U1pUejS@@jj lool-aienbs-96 e 'auOz Z-0 e U1 JeLjj 'JDA;DMOLI 'P ; ;I sseappe Alleoijloods jou S@op ijejp siLli ie41 6uilou 'spjeoqll!q jo @nssi ; Passaippe uot-li uosut4or 4dl" - JVV •salqej 4 1oq uo pajalap aq '!! pue ••Z•e - ON aIOuIOOj 4P44 pu;)wwoD@.A p1nom j;ejs ;eq; 6uj;ou 'o pue 8 salqel 40 slua;uoo ;Dql p@1q61I461q u@qj @H -salqel asoqj uiql!m pouieluoD suial! 9t4j jo awos 5u1 ;461I46i4 Aljaijq 'q pue (] salclej PaMaIAOJ uaq; uosut4of sauil 9 si peaj oq UeD lall Uollewjojul jo Aj!:)PdeD wnwixew ;aql jeqj pauiwialop AlleoiIspels uaaq OSIP S24 J! IP44 POJOU aH 'jaaj @Jenbs Z6 0; ol! IL pa;sll a.Ae suf)is asoqj '@po:) s141 japun pue 'Iaal ajenbs 06 ol ob aq pjnoL4s su6is 'Aempeoi @uLI-.j!noj e uo jno4-jad-saI!w Gj7 o; SC jo spaeds ;P 5UIAOW SOIDI49A qj!m 'Guoz Z P uj w4i Buqou 'solqej asoqj ui paujejuoz) sain6ij oq4 4o awos paj4I51I46j4 AIj9ijq @H - Aempeoi jo sqlp!m 4u@jajj!p uo spa;)ds snoij2A le 6uiI@A2J4 SISI-101OW 04 alq!SIA aq o; papaou sial4al jo I46ia4 ot4j se Ilam se suBis jo I46i,?4 pue azis uo; spi pu Is uo eu 2 R le 1 4 91 41 uo uopewiojui uoissiujLuo:) at4i o; poincl!jIsip u DH 'Pam ub's P 3z's pue It4I5'a'4 ay; Buiuiw.jalap ui pasn 9,je s;alqel 9L41 moo UOISSIWWOO @4I 4 j!M POMOIAOJ UOSUt4Or '-fvv •@Dueu1pjO SILII ;0 SUOISIAojd a41 4 ;!m wjojuo:) mou jsnw su61s Ile pue fpajeuiwila uaaq seLl siop!_uciz) Ael-I;DAo AemAj;ua a'41 Ul SUOPIPIA - 45nojL41 pap!AOjd Al!l!q!xalj @LIj 4e4j p u@44 OH -;Dja4mAue U615 2 Ind u2:) auoAue mou jet4j os 1 p9jj!I uaaq SeLl 6U1Slj.J;DApe aj!S-JJ0 UO uoijvj!wiI ai.41 jvq; pajels ;DH -ueld 915eu6is uoLuwoz) i? sdoIE)Agp OUO J! snuoq juaDjacl-SZ e JOJ @p!Aojd OSIe SUOISIAR.) aS;4LIJ jeqj 1 aH 'uO s,uO[; 6 u[uueld ue:)i.A@wV 944 wo-11 p9ldope uaaq se4 4eLu-Jol a41 builou Isalclej anoj uo @IqeI!PAe Alle:)iseq si pap;)au uoijewjo;ui at4i jo Ile IM41 p@IPIs aH -puLIsjapun pue mono; ol llnoijj!p Alawaj4xa sem lasojd ui Alaiijua u@jI!jm 4ewjoj plo 9 L4; ;e4l P;D;els 9 H *Allenp!AIPUI S96UP4:) DS@141 10 4312'a PaMaIAOJ Ua41 UOSU140r 'JVV - oc - - 31 - just compensation as of this date; however, if the City wants to eliminate billboard signs and if it does not want to negotiate a settlement, the option would be to test it in the Court system. Mr. Ralph Johnson then addressed the third of the issues which he had enumerated earlier, the amortization schedule. He stated that this schedule is based on the dollar val- ue of the sign, with the more costly signs being amortized over a longer period of time, to a maximum of eight years. He stated that this type of schedule creates two problems, one being that the value of the sign must be proven and documented and it is inconvenient to the business community. He stated that it is a universally accepted method, setting forth a realistic schedule for replacement of non - conforming signs. Mr. Johnson stated that an alternative to this method is to establish one date by which all signs must be brought into compliance, noting that was the option selected in Missoula. He stated that the disadvantages to this method include the potential for delays and the fact that everyone seems to wait until the last minute, creating a massive change all at once. Planning Director Andy Epple finished the staff report portion of this item. He stated that by the time this issue reached the City - County Planning Board meeting of June 25, a quorum was no longer present; therefore, no formal recommendation has been for- warded. He then reviewed additional recommended revi'sions to several sections of the code, including several changes regarding sign deviations in the entryway corridors, elimination of all deviations in the entryway corridors except for access provisions, and administrative changes involving the Development Review Committee and the Design Review Board. Mr. Mike Cok, attorney representing Myhre Signs, stated he has submitted a lengthy written statement to the City- County Planning Board and the City Commission. He emphasized the fact that the current draft eliminates billboard signs. He then stated it is difficult to substantially adjust the size of billboard signs, since the advertising produced by industry is in a standard size. Mr. Cok stated that billboards are also governed by a federal act; and under that act, just compensation must be made if a sign is ordered removed. He stated that under that provision and the zone code as currently drafted, the City would be required to pay Myhre Signs approximately $500,000 for its billboard signs within the City's jurisdictional area. He stated that the billboard signs can be locally regulated, within reason; however, he reiterated that they cannot be taken away without just compensation. Mr. Cok noted that the development of this sign ordinance has been frustrating for both the Myhre Signs and the City. He then stated that if the Commission adopts this code as written, then Myhre will be required to move forward with the compensation issue. 07 -01 -91 16 - 10 -L aaueurpao uFDis p@sodo smil of uorl!s -oddo ul uoll!�lad e uoissjwwoo at4l of pa;jpqrs uaLP aH 'a6eu61s joj pamolle aq obelooj ajenbs jaleaj5 L let4l pa4sa66ns j@L]I-inj aH 'suf:)js 6urjsjxa jol p ; uiwjl q Inp 0 2 . . 9 a a alP s U014ezl;.4owe aq; je4j pue 'unroll aq of bell s•n to azts Rue mo @poz) aqj le'41 pOlsO -Bns jaqljnj aH uoilowojd si I!elaj to amjej aL41 oz)uis .Ijlesll AI!4uepl of IL16ii at4l Se4 ssouisnq,, ;et41 e;ez)iput of papjomaj aq juawair;s jualui @Ljj IL'Ll; palsa66ns aH 'DPO:) ub's 0144 04 SUOISIAG.1 pasodoid awos seq ;DL4 palels 'peo jajew2(] Sq/ 'llauin w -i 13 _L , VV •sseooid leL41 ui isisse ol ssaufiuilllm L pajeoipui jaqljnj aH - uO!1 JOJ UOISSIWUJO�t Oql 0; SUOIIePUOWWOZ)@J OSOL41 PJ2M.JOj UDql pino:) aall!wwo:) aqj PajOu OH - UOISIAaj Joj SU0142PUBWWOZ)GJ piemiol pue juauin:)op aq; M oi pawiol aq lje;s f)uiuuL'If a4l pue PJPOS 6 u'uuefd a'41 'uO[sslwwOZ) aL41 'Aiisnpui 6utpl!nq oLql LUOJj S;aAjje;uGsajdaj 6ulpnl:)Ul 'aal;lwwoo leolutpal P 10 uoile;Djz) aq pasodoid u941 aH -alu-p of luawnz)op ;eL41 uo ind'ui ajenbape ap]AOjd jo juawnz)op leuij @Lll ql!m jLtl!wej awooaq of A;!unlioddo ue pe14 jou seq Ajlsnp ji 6uip]!nq a4l le4l ujaDuo:) pDssajdxa a4 'JaAaMDL4 SLIIUOW UaaII461a Joj ssa:)o.Ad ui uaaq seq RPOD aUOZ aqj JO UOISIABJ let4l P@zlubODDJ aH -sassauisnq 6ujpuL'dxa pue M@U 0; a:)Ut 5U[P!Aoid Aq Aluno:) urielleg ui aseq Diwouo:)a Buoils e 6ulinsue of paiipwoo si 3(]) 1244 pa;ou joqljnj RH -Aajje, upelleo aq; ui sassauisnq OOZ J;)AO SjUaS -aidej uoijeziuefijo leL41 polels luoijeiodjoo ju@wdoj9AE)(] U112112D 'IPU2.19 P3 '-IVY -siso:) le5al snld 000009$ of 000'oo4$ pa;e-upsa ue to lu@LuAed s,A;IZ) ail ui llnsaj pinoa qDiqm 'palleip AlluE)J.Jnz) se opoz) u61s aLp Aq pal:)2dwi aq p1nom v4z)14m saD21 OE Lll!m subis pjeoqlllq ZI seq ait4AVV let4l POWD'Pul W 9 H 'Sp-IL-PUE4S pjeoqlllq leuopeu jeaw o; Taal ajenbs qgZ uo paseq pe;uijd si 6UISI:J9AP2 leuotleu aouis Alieln:)iljpd laoueliodwi junowej2d to sr pieoqll!q O4l JO 9 z's 91 41 1 PG1 aH -sAep /,IjiLq; to poijad e )oj Allensn Isasod-Ind 6UISIJJDAP2 col sassauisnq of poseal si coeds pjeoqlllq s,AtjL-dwoz) siq jetp polels llauued •JW -Al!unwwoz) aqj pue A4!3 atp Ljjoq col juawn3op Ajop2jsiles R @P!AOAd of paieiio5@u @q ueD q:)iLAm anssi ,Aej6,, e se j! MOIA 04 allOAJaAa JOJ 121:)ijauaq aiow aq Aew 11 'anssi @j!qm-pue->jDejq e se sitp 6uiss@-IppL- ueql jaqjej 'IeLli pals@66ns uat4l @H *Al!unwwoD 126al S,uemazoEj col Ilejpuim P juasa-jda.4 Am 4! (b) PUt? :6UISIIJ,3Ap2 -ioopino asn of Al!l!qedeD aLp sl!wil AlajaA@S ;! (E) , Al!unwwoD ssauisnq 941 JOI RJPWI1461U aAIj2,A4SJUlLUpe ue Sf Jl (Z) 'wE?ojp siuellnsuo:) pue SIauueld e sr j! :pajjejp se ';Dpo:) u5is aL41 Inoq2 SU0142AJ;asqo jnoj palsil uOt4l 11 'JVV •Al!unwwo:) aL41 of uado eipaw to wjoj e se paleupile 6uiaq si a6eu61s to -adAl 6uilsixa ue A4m uoseaj ou saas aLl 'JBAOMOL4 , Al!o aLp col apoo u6is palepdn ue col ;.joddns palejs aH -alq2uosea-i si 124; uoileln6aj le:)ol u14 ;1m )I.Iom of buill!m si pue luopeln5ai of pasn si 6uisijJaAPV @at4AVq 4eqj P; aH xeldwo:) Alnil si apoD 49uoz s141 jo uoiliod U61S RL41 12141 PRjejS '6UIS14JGAPV ajLjAVV ' I[Duued w'r '.AW - ZE - - 33 - Mr. Gunnar Frievalds stated he has been a businessman in Bozeman for fifteen years; and he supports the proposed sign ordinance. He noted that under this ordinance, some short -term sacrifice would be made for what he feels will be long -term benefits. He noted that many communities with controlled signage have realized better property values and better business districts. He then encouraged Commission approval of this proposed ordinance. Ms. Amelia Cain, co -owner of the Bagel Works, stated support for the proposed sign ordinance. She then noted that the building in which her business is located has a very narrow frontage to Main Street, therefore, a sign based on front footage would be very small. She further noted that her new business is surrounded by businesses with extremely large signs, which do not comply with the provisions of this code; however, her business is required to do so. She then suggested that some flexibility be included in the code for unique situations in the overlay district. Mr. Roger Koopman, 811 South Tracy Avenue, spent his initial three minutes railing about the three- minute limit, the manner which this meeting was structured, and govern- ment in general. Mr. Rick Ogle, 210 East Lincoln Street, stated that at the present time, he is going through the conditional use process with two separate applications, one for the ready mix plant on North Rouse Avenue and one for expansion of the lumber yard on East Mendenhall Street. He gave a brief history on his family's ownership of those parcels and the pro- cesses which they have been required to follow. He then stated that he feels the process- es through which they are now required to go are unfair and inhibit their ability to plan for improvements. Mr. Bob Hunter, 320 South Willson Avenue, stated support for the proposed sign ordinance. He noted that costs will be involved in bringing signs into compliance with the new code, indicating a commitment to patronize those businesses whose signs comply in an effort to assist in defraying those costs. He also stated support for compensating the owners of the billboard signs, if that is necessary to have them removed. Mr. .lames Anderson, 212 Lindley Place, stated he is in favor of the proposal before the Commission. He then noted the Commissioners are to represent not only the business people, but all of the residents in Bozeman. He stated a willingness to pay additional tax- es, if necessary, to implement the proposed sign code. He noted that it has been sug- gested that tourists need signs to find their way around; however, he does not believe that is essential. He then encouraged the Commission to adopt the new sign code as proposed. Mr. Mike Burgard, Business Manager of Color World, stated he has appeared before the Commission on two previous occasions, once for a tax incentive program application and 07 -01 -91 16-LO-10 I E? -qo,jd ou Alainjosqe PPL� ay PU2 Ll Aj-iado,id S 10 U014eAOU�)J 6uijnp luawijed;g(j 6 u.uu Id OL14 144!m ;leap AlluaDej aq p@lels 'anw)AV r)URjo t4;noS EOL uewoslAA Apeig -.,V •paldope Alleuij aq U2D juawn:)op ajqe4da:):)e up let4l os '9[doad, ssauisnq pup slenp!AIPUI l e - 11nau woJJ IndUl OA214 oi 4ueljodwi s' 4! P aH •uojl!sod s,uoij2-iodjoD ju9wdojOAO(] upelleD jol 1-ioddns 6ui -jeo1pul '5u11:)e Sl UOISSIWWOD ;)L41 L4:)ILim L44!m Aotia6in aL41 Inoqe uja:)uoo passajdxa osle aH - SIOAOI Lioissiwwo:) Aj!D pup pjeog 6 uluuefd Alunoo-Al!:) aL41 1e swalqo.4d ajow ua4jo pup I PJeOE] MDIAa2j U61sacl a°44 L46noit4; 5uio6 swalqoid paiajuno:)ua @Ae(4 sluL-:)Ildde aDueuipio 5uluoz wiialui at4l japur, jeq4 P@Iels aH °apoo p;:. @Ljj Inoqp suja:)uoz) pup suoi4s;anb seq aq pa4e;s 'anuaAV �OeJJPM LIIJON [[S ' Is-leN 1 JaumO 'suINJad Azior - jvv Pazlijowe UeLjj jaql2j P 99 su5's 6ullslxa 4e41 paisoMns uGL44 aH - p9AOLU;DJ aq 1,161s sty IPL41 ajinbai p1nom 11 11 Aljelnz)i;jed 'apo:) at4l of pasoddo si aq pup f sjeaA Aluaw, JBAO joj do uaaq seq ssouisnq sly joj u5is aL41 leL41 pajou ua,41 I 9 H ';),Aojaq seen aq uet.11 mou pasnjuo:) 9-iow si aq pup 'opoD pasodoid sit4l uo s6uiIG9w IPJ@AaS PGpUajjL' SeL4 a:4 1EL41 pale;s 'anU9AV @SnO� L41noS hZSL 'SUeA� D2W 'Umol ISOL16 e 'U01jejuasaid sly ul Jalijea P@MOLIS UOSUL?or qdje�j ley; S9P!ls 944 JO auo Olil oua:)s e aie;qj:) p1nom apoz) mou siL41 juawOldwi o; IeL44 palsa 9H 'apoo u6is mau a.44 Ajjejn:)j4.Aed 'apo:) auoz pasodoid aLql of uoil!soddo palp;s @H - anU9AV t4lL t4lJON uO OLJ'sP:) GsOOD uaPloo @Lll se liam se ,uewazog umolumop lnj!InLaq ui, jee N 5u]>I:)ON aL41 sumo aq palpis 'peo-8 uoAueD j96p!jq Zzj7Z 'ojejj@j L4djeU jW •aDu2ulp-40 6uluoz WI.Jalul at4l -iapun p9peOjJ9AO Sl JJEJS 6 UIUUEld GL4; 1e[4; 6UIIO4J '� Tou ll!m apoci sit4i pals965ns uaqj OH - 1 2 L41 jo asne:)aq Al! -unwwoz) aq; ui aldoad Ajbue Auew aj2 aj@Lll 6uilou 'ss@:)ojd siL41 Ul IUOWOAIOAUI :)ilqnd ,lo )lz)el e aq o4 saeadde JeLIM jnoqe ujaouoo passajdxa Osfe DH -a:)ueuipjo ubis pasodold at4l jnoqe ujaDuoo passajdxa 'jaluao 6ujddoLIS ale 1 JaumO-OD 'AE)AJeH weS 'JW -uoild'ope of jojjd juawn3op posodoid Rqj aSIAGJ 0; A;!:) 9L4; JO S@Al;Pjuasajdaj ql!m >fjom of alJoad ssauisnq mollp of uoissiwwo� aqi pa&-jnoz)ua 3H -ssauisnq qat44 4:)pJIIP ol lueliodwi si 11 pup :Allunwwo:) aq4 J!SIA slsijnol IeL14 pajou uaLI4 pie5,jng -jvv , A;!unw -WO:) D(41 Ul 6UIAII pup ssauisnq 6ulop jo siso:) asea-j:)ui ll!m 1! asnpD@q 'jaqija 'aiejidoidde si apoD pasodo.4d siL14 faaj jou saop atA 'JaAOMC)LI 44MO p@jjoj4uoDun IU@Aajd of ;u2jjod -wl si 41 slaaj aq polels aH - lin:)ijl!p ajow 6uiwooeq si 1! IPL44 u-ia:)uoz) passaidxa ay '.19 -AaMOq funjazoe uj Al!wej e OS12J PUe OAIJ '�Ijom o; buildwalle si aq IPLII PGIPIS aH -Al!o aqj Aq pasoduit suoil!puoo @Lll 6uijaaw ui paAJOAU] sisoo 1puoiilppe at4l jo asneoaq uoil!ppe palsonbai atp 4Dnjjsuo:) of alqeun seen aq pup uoi;e:)ildde aAI;U@:)Ul Xe; OL41 JO [eAO.JddL' uielqo of pajinbaj sum 1,jojja jo jol e 6uilou 's;Dsso:)ojd t4loq ;nogg uiaouo:) passaidxa OH -6ujpllnq all jo uoisupdxa looj-aj2nbs-000'l P molle oi i!w-iad asn jeuotj!puoD e Jol ;aDuo - fte - - 35 - lems. He stated that most people are aware of the ugliness along North 7th Avenue and West Main Street; and he appreciates the City's willingness to address the issue. He then suggested that the business community which opposes the sign ordinance should recognize that implementation of this ordinance would put them on a level playing field, with every- one having generally the same size and height signs. He then encouraged adoption of this proposed zone code. Mr. Dan Kamp, 116 Gallatin Drive, stated he recognizes the concerns which Mr. Ed Brandt raised earlier in the meeting. He noted that the new document is based on a se- ries of public input meetings involving different factions of the community; and he feels that it is generally headed in the right direction. He then stated appreciation for the re- visions which staff has proposed, noting that working with a document on a daily basis can reveal its shortcomings. He noted that he has a list of fifteen concerns that still need to be addressed in the final document, including items such as building permit require- ments, plan review and approval processes, planned unit development review processes, the amendment process, and sketch plan reviews. He suggested that the document and the processes should be more "user friendly." Ms. Mary Vant Hull, 416 East Story Street, stated she has great respect for those who have encouraged the Commission to slow down on this process; however, she noted that many workshops have been held on this document. She stated it is time to move ahead with the document, making revisions as necessary after the document has been final- ized. She stated that, contrary to what many downtown businessmen think, she feels that the type of controls which would be implemented under this ordinance would make the com- munity and businesses more successful. She then submitted a petition of support for the proposed zone ordinance, containing almost 500 signatures to the Commission. She then encouraged Commission adoption of this zone code document. Mr. Bob Davies, 1104 North Pinecrest, stated general opposition to government, and the zone code in particular. He then encouraged the Commission to not adopt the docu- ment. Mrs. Darla Joyner, Executive Director of the Bozeman Area Chamber of Commerce, noted that change is difficult. She then encouraged the Commission to slow the process, taking time to digest public comment before moving ahead. She noted that streamlining of the code and including flexibility are good; however, she suggested that the pieces that don't work should be tossed out before the document is finally adopted, Mrs. Joyner expressed concern that under this proposed code, every project above a duplex would require some type of review, questioning whether there is adequate staff time to accommodate such reviews. She then suggested that the sign portion of the code should be carefully reviewed and revised prior to adoption. She also encouraged the Com- 07 -01 -91 [6-W-LO juasa.id je41 pup p;)ziu26io Ijam sem 4jmoj5 pup 'bujuoz ou AjfeDii:)ejd sem OJW44 '096L UI OJOq PRAOW O4 U04M j24j PDJUIJS 'PJPAalnog jasunS 911 'uosiawzI Aas2:) - jW 1! 6ui - :)ueLlue ue4j je4jej ssauisnq e wojj siDeilap u6is loo3 -ot e IPLII poisa56ns PH OPO:) u aL,ll 6ujpnlDuj 'pasodoid se apoD auoz leuri a44 jol lioddns PaIpIs ua41 aH - su6iedwe:) iia4i uf papnIDui ojam apo:) auoz aiAl of sa6upqD pup 'uoi;D9ja isel a41 uj uotssiwwoo @LjJ of pappe @,jam a1doad ma agjql 4eqj pajou '@nU@AV LJJS qjnoS soh 'bul)q ijar - jw ea,je up jo A4!j6@lul OLIJ aAJesojd of dlaq ll!m si4i ;e4j pajou PH •swalqo-td leilualod 9WOS ajeFAaJJP 01 dlaq soop di4siaumo @16uis uF aq jou A1.1odoid 0141 1eqj juawojinboi aql jo uoillppe je41 6ullou 'suoijefn6aj onINH ;;Lll inoqp waDuoo possa -)( OS1 PH 'Ja4JOU2 of pa6u24:) aq of Psn 6uiwjo;uoD-uou euo 6ujmol[2 ue4l Ja412i pauiel -a.j aq az)ueuipio 6uiuoz wijalui @Ljj ui o6en6uej aqj jet4i 6uils;)66ns 'sPsn 6ulwjojuoo-uou o4 6uwie;jad uoij:)as at4l Inoqe uj;)Duo:) pasiej uOL44 PH - saijjadoid 1ptjuap!s@.I jo onfeA OL14 joalo.id pinot4s apo:) auoz a41 1eqj pa4sa66ns 'PPO�F PuOd Onl LOS 'u@P'2d M:)n4o 'jVV - @q Illm Al!unwwoo aiijua aLlI ljo jallaq aqj 'AI!Ljnwwoo aqj of sAemAjju9 i)L41 UAlj:)2Jjje 9.10W Pt4j JeLp pals@65ns PH *.Jadsold pup moj6 ll!m Al!unwwo:) ssouisnq 6UI;!AUI pup @AljDL?Jjje Up je4j SjP;)j @4 PUe aAll 01 9:)eld Isaq AjaA aLjj Sl UeWOZOO le[41 SI@Oj DL4 PUICIS PH •sje@A maj Ised aLp .nano AlleDi4ewe.1p umo.A6 set4 ssouisnq siq polou 'sjjoM loog S,OOU4DS JO AeUMO 'D@ULJDS gAaJS •JVV - Aj!-iot4jne ji@q4 paddaISJOA0 OAPL4 AaLli slaaj eq 5upels 'ssa:)ojd buiuueld aqj ui PsoL41 q;!m peLl seLl aq ja4uno:)ua a41 41!m tjtoz)uo:) passajdxa PH 'eOJe O;P[Paw -wi jiaql ui sassauisnq j@t4jo Llj!m ojedwoD of AAessa:)@u si laaj AaLij LiD14m u6js jo adA4 otAl JQJ jeAOJdde 195 of ;glqeun Uaaq aA2LI iauli2d siL4 pup aq jeLAI pqjels oloedicl ivy •6uiw,jojuoz)-uou aq pinom su5is @i4j jo lu;a:)jgd S6 'palleip Alluo.1ino se paidop2 si opo:) u61s aqj j! jetp pajels PH - unj buol aL41 ui ssauisnq az)u2t4u@ 11!m subis aso4i 6uil!wil pup '.j;a;lnlo ajeajo s@op su6is a5jel ;o @sn L46noi4l 6uiledwoD jeq; PG;Ou PH . SN-ioM ja6ee aLli umo jaulied siq pup aq pa4els 'Eqj xo8 'p'd 'oloedi(] Ajeo - .IW 'OPOO ub's OW pue apoD auoz eqi of uoi4!soddo paieis u PH 'UeLUOZOB JO SIUOP!S IOJ f)UlAll 2 OP!A -wd L4:)it4m so3.inos@.A e4l Ilwil jou of uoissiwwo:) ot4; pabeino:)uo PH 'upwazOg jo aldood aLli ssaidwi of juejjodwo ajow si 11 slaal aq inq uewazog of 6uiwo:) a1dood ssaidwi of ;uem Aaq; 6uiAes daa>l alcload jcqj pa;ou PH - s@jnlUDA 1piz)-iawwo:) sj! InoL4;lm aAlA.Ins jouueD Al!unwwo:) L asneDaq osla 6u14;AjaA9 S;lWil osle IF 'uoijeln6aj 5uiuoz pup abeubis 46no-i4l ssauisnq sl!wif All:) 9 4; J! 4 PRIOu PH - uewssouisnq @Ljj 5up!wij tMm w@lqoJd P seLl D4 pup IA;IunwwoD @L41 jo pnoid si aq palpis ;)nUaAV Is CZ 41JON SLS '@deo uo(I -uoildope sj! of jotid ;uewn:)op sij44 jo UOISIAO.J ui alediollied of Al!unwwo:) a4l molle of uoissiw - 9F - - 37 - zoning is ruining the valley. He then stated that residents in the valley want to do things right; however, this proposed document is not the way to do it. Mrs. Dm|ono Evans 1524 South Rouse Avenue, stated support for Mr. Emerson's comments. Mr. Dan Gates, *%s East Lincoln Street, stated he has lived in Bozeman for over 40 years and been in the construction business for 25 years. He stated that it is becoming increasingly difficult to get projects through the various review processes/ and he is con- cerned that under this code it will become almost impossible. Mr, Darrel Bnhrent, 208 Lindley P/ace, observed that there are polarized factions to this proposed document which creates problems. He noted that people must work together to make a community attractive and viable. He then suggested that this proposed ouda is too restrictive in many ways. He noted the community must remain dynamic, being one in which very-low-income to high-income people can live and work. Kdr, Kip &upinoa 8484 Hu[fine Lane noted it is getting very late and requested that this hearing by continued until 7,00 p.m. next Monday night. He stated the new document can be revised after its adoption to address problems. He noted, however, that the document and its contents are confusing and should be simplified so that individuals can understand it- Mr. Jim Penne{|, Myhre Signs, completed his presentation, which he had begun ear- lier in this public hearing. He stated that, after spending $10,000 in |agw| fees, he is finally able to approach someone in authority about this matter. He noted that removing of billboard signs will take away signage for forty to OhLy businesses; and that will have economic implications. He stated their company provides outdoor advertioing, which is an essential medium in the Bozeman area. He stated a willingness to meet with City represen- tatives and attempt to reach an amicable resolution to the provisions of this proposed ordi- nance, He further noted a willingness to be appropriately regulated; however, he indi- cated he cannot support the proposed elimination of billboard signs. Mr. Tom VanderVon reiterated his concern that the proposed zone map change for the northeast sector will result in several vacant |oza remaining undeveloped because it is not economically feasible to develop them as low-density residential. Mr. Chuck Paden reminded the Commission that conditional use permits are fre- quently equivalent to spot zone changrs. He expressed concern that residents do not have protest rights to conditional use permits |ihr they do for zone map changes; and he feels that the residents should be protected. He then stated he does not fee[ that one non-conforming use should be allowed to convert to another equally appropriate non- conforming use noting that if change in the use is a/|owcd, it should be to a more appro- priate non-conforming use. He also suggested a revision in the criteria for evaluation of o7-o/-9z 16-10-LO ;lo sao6 11 ajojaq jalem ;)Lll Aj!jnd of seaie paclp:)spup, pue uojju@jgp/uo,jualaj ;91!s-uo , seaje abeJOIS pue JeAOW@J mous to sanssi oqj IE!ql palsa66ns Isoj_q jauoisslwwoD - s;sijDAoiq pue SU21.ilsaped oi w2lied Aa41 se Ajj2jn:)1ji2d 'apoz) auoz mau @ ul p@pnl:)ul aq u6isop leaj;s buip.4e6qj spjepuejs O_LiqSVV ley; paisanbaj uosuemS iauoissiwujo3 •p@ssmisip AlsnOlAoid seq uoissiwwoD aLfj L4olLim pjL-oq mDrAa{ U&Sa(] @Ljj to 6uijnjonjjs9j jo uoisuedxa alq!ssod to anssi aq; pasiej uaLli ja5pueVV Al!:) GL4 , A4!Z) @41 pup Ajjsnpui iiat4l t4loq jo slsajaluj Isaq a41 Ul @J2 9AGIfaq A@q4 qoiqm SUOISIAO.1 6UIPUGWWODai ui AI!Z) ai4l L14!m >Ijom o4 dno.16 aL44 molle of uolsslwwoo aqj 6u16ejnoDu;a '6 aunt palep 'uoijPt"ssV Aj4snpul 6uipl!nE3 eue4uoVV Isam4lnoS at4l Luoil juj)wajets p pue a:)Ueulp U M@u OL41 Joj 4.joddns 6uil2;s xalln AIIOH pue 11@0 wOjj jallal o:)ueuipio u61s @141 joj lioddns 6ui4ejs '@nU@AV LJIL LjjnoS hLq 'jejnW elojeo pue leuLOPOA A.IeD WOJI . 'aPo:) @Uoz pue aDueuipio u6is pasodoid @L]l .joj lioddns 6uilels 'L Alnr Paiep 'uiIL46ne uoCl wo.Aj jallal apoo ;Duoz aq, -loj lioddns 6 U 1 4els 'LZ aunr Paiep 'laaJIS SIA2(j 1SF3 E09 'JUaj SIUU;DCI Wojj Jo;1@1 'OnU@AV Ljjq 1AInOS qoh 'japaojqDS Aor Aq pall!wqns apoz) u6is ay; .col 4joddns to ja;;aj . auozlaoueu -ipso u6is aq4 ioj lioddns 6uilels j@Ao ADuPN wOJJ . 'jolleq at4l uo paoeld aq ;)po:) auoz at4l 6uilsa65ns 'IsaAA am i(] 6u11jejS ZOES Ijema;S -S quel(I wo ja4jal a:)ueulp 0 6uiuoz mau a41 .col lioddns 6uile4s '@6911oo ;sold S06[ j JgN:)euV P3 pue ellaIS wOjJ jaiial :a:)uapuodsajioo 6ujmollol aqj pjoz)aj @41 olui paiolua i)i:)osAM -iq5eueVV AI!D '@:)ueuip.io siL41 aaplsuooaa of uoissiwwo:) aLlI p@6eino:)u;D ugLI1 OH - I,useOP uoileln6a.A le:)il!lod aiaL4m s)ljom walsAs jo DdAl 4e41 pup :AjGutpj000e suffis J ;snipe of sassauisnq a U2:) Al!unwwoD aqj ui s.4;aad pue sjuap!saj wojj s;)jnssaid lei4l palsa66ns uD44 aH alq!ssodLui uoi;elnba.r saNew 4e41 pue 'japlo4aq aq; jo aAa at4l ui sr Alneaq Ie44 P@Iels OH - pal!wil aq jou pinoqs 6UIS14JDAP2 PUP '5UISIj.JGApP JO WJOJ P aJe SU61S 12LI1 6upsa66ns 'a:)ueutpio u61s pasodoid a44 ;noq2 uja:)uo:) passajdxa osI2 upwdoo>l - .VV * pal:)olojd 6uiaq aje sanjeA AI.Aadoid 12t41 asuas lei:)ijrlje Ue @AJ6 upo ;uawnDop to adAl siLlI palsa6 -6ns j@44inj aH - sai;.jadoid awos to 6uiNel se panilsuoD aq pjnoD j! IPL41 L16noua lotj;s sr j! 6u11sa66ns 'apoD @uoz p,3sodo.Ad 9L41 Inoqu waDuo:) palels uewdooN ja6o�q alry -uoijeln6ai tAonw ool sasodwi juawnDop pasodoid sit4l JeL41 6utls@56ns 'azis siq; a1e1s e ui aldoad uoill1w I ue41 ssal Jo; papaau sr uoijejn6@,j LIDnw moL4 pauopsonb OH 'eu2luoA olul jall!j of 6uluul6aq aje Ailunoz) @Ljj to sjjed ja -L44o wojj seap! 4eqj uja:)uo:) passajdxa UaLll @H uoileln6ai to junowe jewtuiw P pue s;uap - ISG.J UOIII!W L UP41 SSal ql!M @JPJS ISPA P Sl ;! 1e lOeJ 9 L41 sl uOfPE-JIIP ls@le@JI5 S,euel -uoVy lall Palou aH 'eueluoIN ui pasiei pue ujoq s2m aq pajou @Bpall!IN uoM -iIN '@Dljjo 6 uiuuPld @41 0 1 palilLuqns ueoq AisnolAoid aA2L4 slesodoid siq 6uipie5a.A spejap u@ll!jm 1c44 p@12ls uaql @H - suoiie:)ijdde asn jeuoij!pUo:) - SE - - 39 - site be reviewed. Commissioner Knapp suggested that the Commission enter the comments contained in Attachments A, B and C, as prepared by the Planning staff, into the record. Commissioner Goehrung stated his concerns and reservations about Chapter 18.42, the Neighborhood Conservation and Historic Preservation Overlay District. Mayor Hawks closed the public hearing. The Mayor requested that this item be placed on next week's agenda, noting that at that time, the Commission will set a time cer- tain for taking action on the final zone code. Adjournment - 11:47 p.m. There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Goehrung, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Knapp, Commissioner Goehrung, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Swanson and Mayor Hawks; those voting No, none. 07 -01 -91