HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-07-29 Minutes.� k MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA July 29, 1991 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, July 29, 1991, at 3:30 p.m. Present were Mayor Hawks, Commis- signer Goehrung, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Knapp, City Manager Wysocki and Clerk of the Commission Sullivan. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. None of the Commissioners requested that any of the Consent Items be removed for discussion. Minutes - July 1, 15 and 22, 1991 It was moved by Commissioner Goehrung, seconded by Commissioner Frost, that the minutes of the regular meetings of July 15 and July 22, 1991 be approved as amended. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Goehrung, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Knapp and Mayor Hawks; those voting No, none. Mayor Hawks deferred action on the minutes of the regular meeting of July 1, 1991 for a period of one week. Presentation of retirement plaque to Phil Townsend, Waste Water Treatment Plant City Manager Wysocki presented Mr. Phil Townsend to the Commission, noting that he had worked for the City's Waste Water Treatment Plant for five years, retiring on Feb- ruary 24, 1991. He noted that Mr. Townsend was unable to attend the annual City picnic, at which this type of award is made; and he has asked him to attend this meeting for the presentation. Mayor Hawks presented to Mr. Townsend his retirement plaque for his service to the City. Decision - Commission Resolution No. 2837 - intent to vacate that portion of South 7th Ave- nue lying between Weit '"Cleveland Street and West Grant Street The City Manager presented Commission Resolution No. 2837, as reviewed by the City Attorney, entitled': COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2837 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF SAID COMMISSION TO VACATE AND ABANDON THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH 7TH AVENUE RIGHT -OF -WAY LYING BETWEEN THE SOUTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF WEST CLEVELAND STREET AND THE NORTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF WEST GRANT STREET. 07 -29 -91 16 - 6Z -LO -a-id Ala;enbape a.ae Aaq; os ueld s14; }o sea.ae asoq; w.aoJul o; asoN •.ayy pa6e inooua uaq; aH • ;l jo a.aenne a,ae sndweo aq; jo sapls ;sam pue 4 ;nos a4; 6uole s;uaplsa.a a4; Iaglaqm pauol;sanb a4 'Janamio4 'ueld ;uallaaxa ue si ;e4; pa ;e ;s aH • uo!!!lw 3 JO ;soo e ;e 'snd -weo a4; 3o sapls ;saM pue 4 1nos a4; 6uole s;ol 6uiMjed jo ;uawaouequa pue uoisuedxa aoj weibo.ad .aeaA i4; a 6ul ;uawaldwi aol ueld s,ns1N pa;ou ua4; uosueMs ,aauolsslwwoD •ainsolo pa;sonbaa aq; jo lenoidde 46no.aq; awl; sly; ;e anuany 4 1L 41noS uo s;olljuoo ol;jea; /uela;sapad a;e6r;lw o; sda ;s a){e; o; AIID aq; .ao} ;ueliodwl si ;r slam, a4 pa ;e ;s ua4; aH •anuany 4 ;L q ;nos uo s6ulsso.ao }o ,aagwnu .ael -lwis a a.ae aiay; pue 'sAepijaom uo -w oo :s pue •w•e 00:9 uaam4eq anuany 4 ;11 4 ;noS uo s6ulsso,Ao uel,a;sapad oos'LL Ala;ewlxo.adde a,a2 aia4; ;e4; pa ;sa66ns 'nsvv ;e .ao;oa.alq sallm:) - ed 'asod ll!El •.aVj 'Auowl;sa; ollgnd 6ul.anp ;eq; pa;ou .aaq;,anj uosuemS aauolssiwwoC) s ;oedwl aansolo a4; a;e6l;lw o; uolsnlouoo s ;l ;e a;epdn veld aq; ul papnlaul ',Sue j! 'ueld uol;e;.aodsue.i; ay; jo suopepuawwooa.a 94; Aq aplge lle4s A;ls.aan!un aw,, sa ;e ;s 4:)l4M 'pappe aq ,'4 wa;!„ ue 1e4j po ;sa6bns i94;.rnj aH „•suol;elle;sul leu6ls al}je.a; .ao u6ls do ;s leuol ;lppe„ p2aa o; paslna.a oq „ e„ ;eq; pa4sa66ns uay; aH •.aa4;oue pappe seq ;soij .aauolsslwwo:) pue 'anuany q ;L 4 ;noS jo ainsolo a4; jo ;lnsa.a a se Allelou2uld a;edtol;.xed o; aaa6e Allew,ao; p1no4s nsw 4314nn ul swa ;l le.aanas pa;s!l s24 saq,ao aoln,aaS otlgnd }o Jo;oaJI(l 'owaw sly ul ;eq; pa;ou uosu2mS Jauolsstwwo:) •uol;eoen slq; 30 leno.adde aol „•6 wa ;r„ ue se passaippe aq s141 ;e4; pa;so66ns ua4; aH ssaapp2 o; saauolsslwwoo jo uol ;e.aaua6 aan ;n} a ao4 anssl aq; 6ulAeal ue4; .aaq;e,a 'uolsstwwo:) slq; jo Aj!!!q!suodsaa a4; si ;! ;e4; sleal aq pa ;eolpul Ja4 ;,an; aH •ea.ae ;e4; ul paule;ulew si wa;sAs uor ;e ;jodsue.a; 4 1nos /4;aou a;enbape ue ;e4; ainsuo o; ;ue;.aodwl s! ;1 slaaj a4 '.aanaM04 :uol;sa66ns jell o; uol;lsoddo pa ;e ;s ane4 sanl;e;uasaadai A;lsaanlun aq; pa;ou aH 'uol;eoen ;aa,a ;s ao; uol;2olldde s14; ;o leno,adde ,ao3 uol ;lpuoo e SE paen0lno8 A wo.aj piennq ;nos anuany 4 ;LL 4 ;nos jo uolsue ;xa a.an ;nj 94; Ao� h;.aadoad s ;l sso.aoe AeM- lo -; e aoJ apinoid Al!saaalun ay; ;e4; ;u2;aodwl si ;! slaa; a4 6ul ;ou 's6ul ;aaw ;sed ul papaemjo} seq a4 yolgm uaaouoo a4; pa ;e.aa ;la,a ;so.a j .aauolsslwwOD •6ul,aeaq ollgnd a4; 6uljnp pasodo,ad se 'olljea; ;aanlp o; (s)uoi;on.a;suooa,a uol ;aas.aa;ul alq!ssod pue 'uosl.aa2H JO puelanalZ) uo aoejans Aemp2o,a aq; jo 6uluaplen •a :anuany 4 19 4;noS uo aoe}ans Aempeoa a4; jo 6uluap!m p .Al!.iol,ad lew.aou s ;l ;o peage anuany 4 ;g q ;nos jo 6ulnnold a :suol;elle ;sul /sabue4o 6ulu6ls uol;ola ;sa.a 6u! •q suol;elle ;su! u6ls do ;s leuol;lppe e :smolloj se 'uol;ealldde s14; jo lenoadde lel;ua;od ul papnloul aq o; swa ;l xls pa ;sll seq .ao ;oa.ala a4; ley; 6ul;ou 'owaw a4l pa ;g6114614 aH •nnalnaJ .ala4; Aoj s;a�loed ,siauolsslwwoo ay; ul papnlaul seen 1 9Z AInf pa;ep 'saq.aoq aoln.aaS o!lgnd jo ao;oa.ala wojl owaw a pue :pa;uasa.ad uaaq pe4 4:)igm Auowl;sa; a4; }o lt46il ul 'ule6e aouo anssl s14; Malna.a o; jje ;s pa;oa.alp peq Aay; ;e4; pa ;ou ua4; aH •bul ;aaw s,sjaann ;sel ;e uol;nlosaa sly; uo 6ul.aeaq allgnd ay; pa;anpuoo pe4 /gay; ;e4; saauolssiwwoZ) aq; papulwai AaGeu2W a(110 ay„l, - Z - - 3 - pared for the additional traffic which it is sure to create. Commissioner Goehrung noted that in the past, request for street vacations have in- volved streets which do not exist or which have outlived their usefulness. He then stated that, while he feels the engineering building will be a good addition to the campus, he is not sure that the proposed location, across the existing South 7th Avenue, is the best al- ternative. He further stated that he feels closure of the street is premature at this time, particularly since the City is in the process of having the transportation plan updated. He expressed concern that the University has not provided a plan for mitigating the impacts which this street closure may create. He also stated that, rather than solving the pecles- trian /traffic problem, he feels it will be shifted from South 7th Avenue to South 6th Ave- nue. The Commissioner then stated that he cannot support closure of South 7th Avenue at this time; therefore, he will vote against it. Commissioner Frost stated that he is supportive of the University's attempts to pro- tect its neighborhood, and he feels that closure of South 7th Avenue will assist in that en- deavor. He then suggested that the possible widening of South 6th Avenue, West Cleveland Street and West Harrison Street not be undertaken until after all of the parking lots have been completed, the neighborhood parking district has been implemented, and the impacts of this closure have been adequately assessed. Commissioner Swanson stated concurrence with Commissioner Frost's comments. He then responded to Commissioner Goehrung's comments, stating that while he shares some of those concerns, he feels that requiring the University to "abide by recommendations con- tained in the updated transportation plan" will address the issue adequately. City Manager Wysocki stated that conversations with Director of Public Service Forbes have revealed that he does not propose that the widening of the specified streets be accomplished unless determined absolutely necessary, and after all other options have been attempted. He further noted that the City has received some very positive suggestions from those who testified during the public hearing on this application; however, he feels those should be dealt with as an issue separate from this requested vacation. Commissioner Frost stated concurrence with the City Manager's suggestion that the proposal forwarded by the Cooper Park neighborhood district be considered as a separate issue to mitigate traffic in their area. Commissioner Swanson asked Mr. Rose if the University has given any thought to changing the entrance to the Physical Plant from South 6th Avenue to South 7th Avenue. Mr. Bill Rose responded to the memo from Director of Public Service Forbes, noting a willingness to accept some of the issues while requesting an opportunity to address oth- ers. He stated that he has no problem with attempting to mitigate any potential impacts which may occur as a result of closing South 6th Avenue; however, he noted there are 07 -29 -91 [6-6z-to OH 'U011e:)Ildd2 SIL14 JO 12Aoidde joj uoil!puo:) e se '@nU@AV L14LI t4inoS jol uoile:)Ipap Aem -jo-ILABij L 6uijinbai —6 6uipnIDui to ssaualeijdoidde aLAI pauoilsanb sMmeH ioAevy •Aaess,q:)au se uoi;do up L4:)ns iap!suo:) of anuiluo:) Ipm AIISJaA,un at4l 12L44 Pale;s U; aH 'UO112DeA l99JJS palsenbai ;DLJl Of PalPla.1 aje L40lt4M jo auOu 'Suosea-i jo Aaqwnu e ioj @nU@AV 144L L]InoS of @nU@AV Ll;g LjjnoS WO-IJ lueld 12:) -!sAL4d @ql 0 1 @z aL41 6uijP:)ojaA paj,?p!suoD peLl A4!SJ;)Alun aL4i wL4i Pam PeLl aq 6 u , -.Aeaq :)ilqnd at4l 6ui-inp jeLjj pale;s asoN -jW '6uniLj;DoD jauoissimwoo of 6uipuodsG'd sndwez) aLli uo az)eld aNel 111m uotlz)njlsuoz) jo junowe oleuipioui up uaqm ',jauauns jxau jalje in:):)o Illm sj3edwi @qj jo ;sow jeqj paleDipul UaLli aH 'SUOS --iad 4DejuoD 6uipje6aj uotlewjojui t4l!m wlt4 ap!Aoid Al!o aLli jet4l 'JaAaMO14 'p@lsanbai @H •ueld 6uiNjed mau @Ljj ssn:)sip of sndweo @q; punoie spooLj-ioqt46i@u @L41 WOJJ SaAllejuasaidai L41!m loaw of ssau6u111!m e palp;s asoN ,jA 'uosupmS jauoissiwwoo of 5uipuodsa-d •ajeijdo,jddL swaap 1! s2 anssi Buimold aq; ssaippe of Ajjj!q!suodsqj s,Ajj:) aLli si ;I slaal aq pup , l:)iajsip 9:)ueualuiew laoils aqj joj sluawssasse lenuue ul OOS'Lt$ SApd AIISJ;DA,un at4i m4i uoisslwwo:) ago populwai @sozj 'JW 's�qm joA2w of BuipuodsEqj p,)ij!IuL sl:)Pdwi ILnl:)e 9L41 pup posol:) uaaq seq hails oqi 11jun p@ssajppe Alalenbape aq louuP:> sGinissi aso'41 1 POJOU aq '.AGAOMOq 'o.AnsolD laajls palsonbai stLI1 Aq pajeaio aq Aew t4:)it4m sjoedwl 6uIJ261 -jjW J01 SOAlleUJOIle JO jaqmnu 2 paMGIA@J s2LI AI!SJ@Alun aL4i ia4i Paipis aso-a JW - A2miapun AlluaiinD s4:)a asoqj jo saldwexa sL ;D6ueqDjajui anUaAV 8161 L41JON aq; Pup anu@AV ql6l t4jnoS of PJPAGinog A6L to uoisuaixe l sl:)jj;sip 6uiNjed pooqjoq -q6iau aqj 'upid BuiNjed AIISJ@Alun m 9 LI1 PO;!: 0H - Al!unwwoz> aL41 puno.Ae pup Ll6no-1141 SRAOW D1jj2JI M014 uo sloedwi leiluelsqns aq ll!m a.)ot4l I sseowd ui AlluoiinD sanssi Aormu aLil jo lie L41!m let4l p@lels uat4l aH - sainspaw 6uile5il!w ui ajediz)iijed of 6uill!m aq pinom A@t4j slaaj aq uat4l 'ueld ja4s2w uoijeliodsue-ij qql jo luawdojaAUP ui aledpil.AUd AI@All:)e of Allunlioddo up UaA16 si AI!SJRA,un aLn j! ' TRL41 PaWls aH - a.Ansol:) DnUgAV q;L t4jnoS at4l jo sl:)Ldwi at4l ale6j4!w of upid uoij2jjodsuejj p@ILpdn at4l ui pauiquoD suoilepuawwo:)aj at4i 6uiluaLuaidwi up uoilediDilied Al!gJaAun SaAJOAUI L401t4M "14 PaSSaJppe UOL4; 9SO�j 'Jvq -Ajpssaoou pauiwial;)p si gill qlnoS jo� Aem-lo-ILIF:)jj awil aqj le Al!o aL41 L41!m Llq!ej pooh ui alpilo6au of ssauBuill!m siLl p9;ejqj!qj IOLIljnj aH - anUaAV qjj qlnoS jo @.jnsolo jol uoileoildde s,AI!SJOAlun aie;s eu2zuovv of paiz 6 ulaq se Allunwwo:) aq; wo.4; oq1eji jejDjawwoo pup jpijuap!s;aj alepoww000e of anU9AV 14ILL qlnoS jo uoisualxa pjemt4lnos aL41 joj Aem-to -IL16ij jo uoil!sinbDe aL M@IA IOU swop AJIS.JaAlun at4l 1pt4l s6uilaaw Ised ui uoil!sod siL4 6uijejaj!@j I AIOAISUOIXG - 6 POSSaJppe aSON 'JW '14 jop!suoD of ssau6uill!m e palels aq pup . of uoillsoddo paiels @Li 'Aj!j!q!suodsaj A113 e si -:) leL41 slaaj aq . pup *a I I*q — e jda:)3e of 6uill!m si OL4 :smollol s2 'AIIL'np!A -!pUl OWqW 4et4l Ul polSil SWOI! XIS Gqj jo L43ea POMaIAOJ ugt4l aH 'P;)AIOAUI SU01121!Wll awns - t, - - 5 - suggested that c., pertaining to snow removal, might be more applicable to this application; however, he noted it appears that might be a City responsibility. City Manager Wysocki suggested that since the University currently maintains South 7th Avenue and the City maintains South 6th Avenue, there might be some bargaining room in the event that South 7th Avenue is closed. Mr. Rose responded by indicating a willingness to work with the City on that issue. Responding to Commissioner Swanson, Director of Public Service Forbes stated that, while Assistant City Engineer Brawner had indicated an interest in the future southward extension of South 11th Avenue, his main concern was for that portion north of Kagy Bou- levard. He stated that if the next step after closure of South 7th Avenue is a request for closure of South 11th Avenue, then the impacts become quite extensive. He then stated that the southward extension of South 11th Avenue would be a step toward developing that as a major north /south collector, rather than South Third Avenue, for traffic from the south end of town. Commissioner Swanson suggested that language be included in approval for the clo- sure of South 7th Avenue which requires that South 11th Avenue north of Kagy Boulevard remain open, and further asking the University to cooperate in the future southward exten- sion of that roadway. Mr. Rose responded that he has repeatedly indicated a willingness to cooperate with the City when that improvement is to be made. Director of Public Service Forbes noted there is an ordinance on the books which requires that a portion of South 11th Avenue remain open to the public. He further noted that during his five -year tenure with the City, the issue of closing South 11th Avenue has been discussed several times; however, to date the City and the University have been un- able to develop a suitable closure plan. Mayor Hawks noted that Ordinance No. 789 prohibits closure of South 11th Avenue north of Kagy Boulevard. He then suggested that the City require a "statement of coop- eration" for South 11th Avenue south of Kagy Boulevard, which would essentially be equiv- alent to signing of a waiver of right to protest the creation of a special improvement dis- trict. Mr. Rose responded that is unacceptable. He then stated that MSU has no current plans to request closure of South 11th Avenue north of Kagy Boulevard; and he does not anticipate any serious consideration of such an intent until some of the other major street projects have been completed, such as the westward extension of Kagy Boulevard and the North 19th Avenue interchange. Following an extensive discussion, a majority of. the Commission concurred that the issue of the southward extension of South 11th Avenue should not be made a part of this Ii19W31341 [6-6Z-LO )laam isel jo sja�jDed sjauoissimmo3 aLp ul papnl:)ui jeqj pajou i>jz)osAM jo6euevq A;!o L66 • LE AeVV PaIPP OpOD auOZ I;ejp leulj aLli 10 UopdopL- - uolsl:)@(] *E86L 'hl LjojeVV jo builaom jeln5ai jiaLli le po4sijqe4s@ A:)ilod uoissiwwo:) Lll!m o:)uepjo:)oe ul "w'd zE:t ol - w-d LE6 wojj �jeajq P pajelD@p s�,jmeH -ioAeVq *W'd LE:t7 0 1 LE:ty - �ieajs buniLl000 -jauoissiwwo:) pue Isoi.1 jauotssiwwoD buiaq ON 6U81OA OSOLIJ 's),ImeH joAeVj pue ddLu>l jauoisslwuioo 'uosuems jauoissjwwoZ) 5uiaq aAV BUIJOA aSO141 '.@IOA ON pue @AV Guimolloj aL41 Aq pap-jen uoilow aqj , .Aal -saw@s Z66L Ile aql ol joijd sueld uoijej.Aodsuejj pue 6uplzed sndweo aqj 4uasaid of Isam aL41 pup t4lnos aql of sjoq461au aLil L41!m 6uilaaw .1 pue 'ueld uoilelaodsueij palepdn at4l ul pauielum suoilepuawwo:)aj Aq ;)p!qe Ajjsj@Alun ;mi 1e41 6uijinbai •4 fpJ2A9jnoq A6e>l pue ;99.i1S 96911o:) IsaM uaamlaq anU9AV t44LI t4lnoS jo uoil-iod jeqj apnl:)ul 01 SUOISIAo.Ad asoL41 butpuaixa pue ' 68L 'ON ODUeUlp.Jo 10 SUOISIAOid aLli 10 uOl I i Ll n . 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U6ODGJ pue 'p eADInoa A6eN wojj p,4emLjjnos anUDAV L41LL I OS jo uoisuaixe at44 .col Aem-�o-jq6iA jo uoi; sinb:)2 @Lll uo uoijejadooD •6 '6uj.4e@4 otjqnd aLil 6uijnp pasodoid Se 'Z)Ijje.11 I.AaAlp 01 (s)uoij3njjsuo3all uoiloasialui alq!ssod j 'uQ I SI- 'H . p UejaA@jZ) uo a:)ejjns Aempeoi aqj jo 6uivap!m .9 'onU0AV 1449 41noS uo aciejAns Aempeoi aLli jo 6uivap!m T 'Al!.joi.id jewjou sll jo peaqe anUaAV 1419 qlnoS jo 6uimold I .suoiIejjejsuijsa6uPqD 6uiu6is uoijoijjsz).A 6u!MJ2d - q :Suollellelsul leu6is :)Ijjejl Jo UGIS c101s ieuoil!ppe e 6utmolloj @LAI 6uipnl:)ui 'UOI;e:)eA siql jo sloedwi 9AI12BOU Z)LjJ 0426141LU 01 '01eiidoidde ajoqm uoij2di:)ijjed lei:)ueuij Buipnl:)ui luoiledioilied A4!SJGA,un ol iDafqns 'j;DaqS JUejq IS@M pue la;DJIS PUPIGAGIO ;SOM UqaMjqq anu9AV 1 41L 41noS jo UOIJeDeA joj isonbaj S,AI!SJaAlun 01PIS 2UeIUOVV @Aojdd2 uoissiLuLuo:) 9L41 42L41 uosuemS jouoissiwwoZ) Aq papuo:)as Isoij jauoissiwwo:) Aq P SeM jj •uado uiewei pJeAalnog A6eN pue looilS a5alloo ls@M uaaml;aq uoiliod aqj 1e41 6ui -gas ul pa;saja;ui si uoissiwwoD @L41 pue papuedx,) seq sndwL aql IA4!len;:)e ul 'paIou E)qs -:)ifqnd aq; of uado uiewai iaajiS iue-ig isem pup hails uloDui-I IsaM uaamlaq E)nUaAV t41IL qjnoS jo uoi; aqj ILLAI soiinba-I 68L 'ON aoueuipjo IP41 p9jou ddeuM iguoissjwwoo ,,•PJLIA@Inog A62N jo t44jou anU9AV L]ILL L41noS jo uoi;,jod Ie41 JOI 68L •ON a 40 SUOISIAoid at4l jo uoii!uF)oDaj pue 'pJeA@Inog A6e>l wojj piemLlinos anUGAV 14ILL 41noS jo uoisuaIxa aq; jo} Aem-jo-iLi6p jo uoij!Smb32 aqj uo uoilejad000,, alels of P@SlAa,) aq pinoD le41 palse66ns jabeueVq AI!D @q_L _qnd aLil of uado pJeAalnol] Abe>l jo qijou @nU@AV 4ILL 41noS Buidawl si u-ia:)uoD uiew siq PaIPIS a:)IAJ9S :)ilqnd JO -JOIDO-JI(I OL11 uoissiwwoZ) o41 woij suoi;senb o; 6uipuodsou -Isonboi UOIJP32A - 9 - - 7 - was a memo from Planning Director Epple, dated July 16, providing a summary of the pro- posed amendments to the final zone code draft, dated May 31, 1991. He noted that the minutes from the public hearing held July 1, have not yet been completed'. He then indi- cated that after discussion of these proposed amendments, staff will revise the document as quickly as possible and bring it back for Commission action. Before beginning his presentation, Planning Director Epple introduced to the Com- mission Mr. Roy Beall, the City's new Zone Code Enforcement Officer. He noted that Mr. Beall brings with him seventeen years of zone code experience from the city of Thousand Oaks, California. The Planning Director then suggested that the Commission review the proposed amendments as listed in his memo. He suggested that the Commission determine that if no comments are made on a proposed amendment, it be construed as a consensus of the Com- mission that the amendment be included in the final zone code document as proposed; the Commission concurred. The Commission then reviewed the contents of the memo, under the leadership of the Planning Director, as follows. 2. Table of Contents - Mayor Hawks questioned why "historic preservation" has been removed from the title of Chapter 18.42. The Planning Director responded that under the revised code, the historic preserva- tion overlay district and the neighborhood conservation district have been combined into one district and designated as the neighborhood conservation overlay district. He further noted this is consistent with the title of the chapter as found on page 71. The Commissioners concurred in this revision. 7. Page 8 - Planning Director Epple stated he has provided alternatives A and B to replace the definition of "Design Review Board." Commissioner Knapp stated support for alternative B, noting that under that pro- posal six of the seven members would be professionals. She stated she feels this is impor- tant given the fact that their recommendations are to be construed as professional rec- ommendations. The Commissioner then suggested that another sentence be added at the end to read, "Three professional members shall constitute a quorum." Commissioner Swanson stated support for alternative A, with Commissioner Knapp's proposed language being added at the end. He noted that it might be easier to fill five professional slots than six on this seven member board. Commissioner Frost stated concurrence with Commissioner Knapp's recommendation, including the additional language. Responding to Mayor Hawks, Commissioner Frost stated he feels the three profes- sional member quorum can be met. 07 -29 -91 L6-6Z-LO -ap AlleDijeweip p1nom ,9dOl@AUG U61Sap, pasodoid aLlI jeLjj palsa613ns sNmeH Ion L'VV -s_top!.i.jo:) AemAj4u@ aqi ui a6eubis of ujeiiad passaDoid s�sanb -aa at4l jo juaDjad 09 of OS Je4l 120A@J p1nom aDueuipio F:)uiuoz wilz 01 41 J@pun ssaz SUOIJeIAOP at4l 10 MOlAa.J e JeLIJ POJOU UOt44 OF] •aldoed ol puns p1nom ssaDo-id UOJle]A -ap pasodoid si41 leql sleu6is paxiw at4l 4noqe suja:)uo:) passa-ldx@ osle OH - Al!unwwo:) at4l uo ;:)edwi leiz)ads jjat4i jo asne:)aq Alleogloads passajppe aq o4 a-ie siop!jjoz) ApmAijua leLlI 6upou 'uop2puaLuLuoDaj }jets oiAl joj lioddns pajejs bunmloog Jauojssjwwo:) •alet-tdoidde si iet4l slaaj aq pup ssaz)ojd UQ1jelAOP 0(4; Lj6nojLjj jua:mad oZ jo aseaiz)ur wnLuixeui e pasodoid s @Ll 'OwOw ssImPFI joAeVV ui TeLAI PalOu u@L41 @H 'pajap!suoo aq pjnoD SUOIIPIAOP u6is L4:)itAm uiqllm a6eu6is joj ,odolaAUG uBisop,, e jo juawdolaAGP Ul JS3.JajUl P@IP4s u@Lll @H - Aeuow pup awi; jo jol e spiLoq iaa;un[OA Sj! pup A;!o aq; 6ui�soD 'uoi;:)npoijul sli aouls pasnqp uoeq seLl UO1jelA@P u6ts at4i let4l snoiAqo sr j! P 9 H 'sg JO Ile4s 6 uluOP -inq.jOAO Inot4;lm Al!llq!xalj uieloj of jueljodwi si ji slaaj aq '-IIA@ffiOt4 SUOIIPIAGP JOJ SaUll -apin6 jajq6ij -ioj Ijoddns PGIOu @H - poijad MOIA@.j A2p-06 @L41 ut papniaut aq of si uoijpja -PISUOD JeUOII!Ppe J! Sl Se 6UIPJOM OL41 6UIAeal ion jjoddns pajels jsojj jauoissiwwoo •ssaz)o.id ajq2i:)ipajd pup pauilweajls 9.Aow t43nw e Gp!Aojd p1nom IDijisip AeIJRAO jop!.tjo:) AemAijua aLil ui ss@Doid U01421AOP aql JO u sla JJels INI P JOID 6uFuu2ld 044 '-IoA2W aL41 ol 6uipuodsaN - POI.I@d Mg[Aaj APP-06 aLil ol pau6isse Alaleiid -o,idde aq �q6iw anssi siql paisa66ns uaL41 9H - 5uiujjwe@.4js pup Al!llq!xalj jo sjdaDuoD ueld ,jalsew aL41 t4l!m Aldwoo lou saop leL41 pup :sailiadoid anbiun ql!m 5uileDp ui Al!l!q!x@ll t4Dnw jnot4j!m opo:) p!6ij AAGA P Ul llnso.1 p1nom uojlalz)p e qz)ns jeqj palsab6ns 9H 'P1.14sip Ael -.JOAO jop!jjoD Aem✓i;ua aLli wojj uoildo jeLAI 6UIAOLJJD.A jo Aj!j!qPGIApP @Ljj 6ujuoilsanb 'apoo 9q; ;noq5noiLli sjeil!j anssi U014elAap @LAI IeLll P@1 s�lm2H ioAelN - 9 abed •8 -uoi;!ppe s,ddeu>l i@uojssiwwo:) qj!M 'S aA1j2UJ@jj2 JOJ lioddns pa;els sjeuoissjwwoo inol 'S9AljeUJ@jj2 aSOL11 UO DJOA MPJIS e JOJ PO�JS2 S�JmPH Joy pw - suOljepuOLUwODaj jjels leuoissajoid uo 6LjiAlai ueLli jaqjej Ileuoissajoid se suoijepuawwo:)af JlaL4j 6UIMaIA 51 UOISSIWWOZ) aLIJ jPt4j 1:)el aL41 JO jt4511 Ul uoijejuasaidai leuoissajoid lelluels -qns -iol lioddns palels uaL41 aH -aipueL4 of s.A@@IunfOA asaL41 lz)adxa ol swaas uoissiwwo:) aLp L4DiL4m peol AA204 aL41 mope SUOITeAJaS@,J pass@.idx@ 6una4@oq jauoisslwwoo 'IL1611 AJOA aq of ii popualut ak4s papuodsaj ddeuM jauoissiwwoo aq o; sp@au 41 ueLl; jalq6jl aq Aew 'PapUaW2 S2 'q aAljPUJajje 12L41 pals@66ns uaLll OH -6ui;aaw e le alenbape aje sleuoissajoid oml slaaj aq IPL41 Builou 'pi2oq aLli uo Indui ApI JO @52JUPApe OL14 PGJOU OF] -�Iaam jaqjo AjOAa A]uo laaw of pajinbai aie sjaqwam l2qj os I!Ids aq p1noo diLlsjaqwaw jeLjj palsa66ns a14 'P;)Ijejp Sp 'V aAljeUJ@jjP JOJ @:)uaja;ajd siq PaWls SNMeH joAeVq - 8 - - 9 - crease the number of applications while providing desired flexibility. Commissioner Swanson noted the code provisions for a 25- percent bonus for master planning of signage. He then asked if this proposed deviation process would complement that bonus and whether individual businesses would be eligible for the master planning bo- nus. Planning Director Epple responded that the 25- percent bonus for master planning of signage applies to developments with multiple businesses involved. He stated that individu- al businesses would not be eligible for that bonus; however, they would be able to apply under the deviation process. The Planning Director indicated his intent to revise the language for "deviations" throughout the code to allow for an increase of up to 20 percent for signage in the entryway corridor overlay district, to be considered as a part of the final adoption of this code. He further noted that this issue will also be considered under the 90 -day review process. The Commission concurred. 13a. Page 20 - Commissioner Frost suggested the definition of "water course " be revised. He noted that he has always considered Mill Ditch a stream bed; but it is actually a ditch. Planning Director Epple stated the proposed revised definition contained in his memo is the same as the definition contained in the old zone code. He then suggested another option might be to reference those streams which fall under the Soil Conservation Service's listing of 310 permits. Mayor Hawks stated it appears there have been problems identifying streams under the old definition since not all maps list the same streams. He then suggested another pos- sible revision, as follows: "Any natural, perennial flowing stream or river, its bed and im- mediate banks. 'Natural, perennial flowing stream' means a stream which, in its natural state, historically flows continuously at all seasons of the year and during dry as well as wet years." He noted this definition is from the Natural Stream Bed and Land Preservation Act of 1975. The Planning Director noted that a definition which coordinates the City's stream designations with the 310 permitting process would have advantages. He cautioned, howev- er, that such a definition would eliminate many of the spring creeks in the community from the stream setback requirements. Following discussion, Mayor Hawks returned to the definition contained in Planning Director Epple's memo, suggesting that in the last sentence the term "used" be changed to "created" with the sentence then reading, "The term 'water course' shall not be construed to mean any facility created exclusively for the conveyance of irrigation water." The Commissioners concurred that the language contained in the Planning Director's 0729 -91 L6-6Z-LO aLil jo 6uiuui6aq atAl si SILAT ImAl uoisslwwoZ) aL44 papuiw@j aiddEl joj:)aji(] 6u)UU21d ,,•juawdoj9A9P Sjj ui uoissa fenp!AIPUI pue UOIjPAOUUl 'JO Al!l!qe.Aisap pup 'jol paau aq; 6uiztu6o:)aj @jp4m 'euie at4i pue sainiDni4s aL41 jo pailsap pue BuiAiiapun at4l jo aoueualuiew at4l o4 luensind 4:)ij4sip sit4i uiql!m juaLudoleAep M;DIA9J J!M G�J(] at44 JeLil PGpU9jUI SI 11 I . ' I N3 I NIn smOHOJ se 'OEVZVOL uOIP@S 40 6u'u -ut6aq at4l le luawa4e4s jua4uF ue jo uoil!ppe atA4 p@4s@66ns sImPH joAeW - tiZ abed pajinouoD uoisstwujoD aL14 :uoijeoijijejo alenbape S9pjAo.Ad pJEO8 . M9IAR-d u6isa(] at4l Aq PaMaIADJ ;)q Ilet4s suoII2:)Ildde clnvyH Ile 'UOwppe U11F aWI 0 1 0WOVE uojl:).aS jopun azwajuas JeUI; 9t4l 5UISIA9.1 leLl; Sj;);9j N P J 6 u [ uueld ;DLI; 'ddeu>i Aauoissiwwo:) o; 6uipuodsaN - G9 952 *oE •9se.jL4d jeuij s)lmeH joAM jo uoillppe aL41 t4j!m ddeuN -rauoissiwwo:) Aq papjemjo4 96en6uel P@SIAOJ aq; ui paiinzwoD siauoissiwwoo aq; 'aidd3 JO;DaJ'(] 6 u'uueld ol 6uipuodsau -a;ep sitA4 jo se uoiuido jeqj ojedaid ol WIL4 POMOI12 IOU S2t4 peolN.Aom s,Aaujo4jV A;I:) E)t4j 'J@AaMOLI 'anssi sit4l uo uoiuido 126@1 P p@;s@nb@j pet-1 aq ;eL41 p@4ou u@L41 joAeW @L4j_ ,,•ea.te aleipawwi aq; ui sasn jo 6uildwes 8AIjejuasaidej e apnl:)ut Isnw L4Diqm pue, : aqua; -ues at4l jo pue ay; le pappe aq aftnBuej Buimollol at4l ;et4l p;a;sabbns s)lmEH joAeVV ,,•diL4sj@umo aldilinw ui P19L4 GJIL4M GWIJ JOAO padolOADP ssalun IdiL4s -jaumo 916uis ui play IOU '(*Ij ooc x *11 00C) �jDojq All:) pjepuels ouo ;seal le JO 4U@12AInba 94ewixojdde aL41 sapnl:)ui ;Dlj;sro awry PRXIVY ZIPOISIH e se poijIsselD aq oi eaie aq I II 'pegi ol POSIADJ aq -V-OZO-ot uoijoaS ui a6en6uel aqj 4eq; pajsabbns ddeu>j jouoissimmoo •awl; juasaid aq; le diLlstaumo albuis ui sr Lj:)iLjm 4nq sdiqsjaumo @jdjjjnw .4opun DWIJ J9AO padOj@AaP SeM L4:)iL4m eaie asn paxiw :)ijolsiq ap!jeuoq e jo uoi4ju6o3aj molle pinom UOISIA9J Sit4l 42LI4 P;)lOu OH -suj@DuoD uoissiwwoD ol asuods@j ui paiedaid SLIM UOISIAaJ SILIJ PRIels JO;D F)uluueld OLII 'ddeuN Aauoissiwwoo ol 6ujpuodsaN - j abed *6Z • U011 -!ppe pasodoid sit4l ui p;gjjnDuoD uoissiwwo:) aqj_ -papnlz)ui aq UOISIAoid e Bons lueliodwi sr 11 sleaj aq pue 'juawdolaAep UMO Sj! MOIADJ 01 AI!D ;)Ljj sojinbaj t43iqm juaw@jels ou Allua -se.id sr ejet4i lapoo pasodoid aLli j@pun jek4i P @H II 'uotssiwwo2) Al!o aL41 Aq 12AOjdde ;D-Aolaq 13N(] pue :)bC] oLp Aq MOIAOJ pue sueld j@;sew OAJIoadsaj ol 13a aq jjeLjs juaw -dO[aAap I IlVi, 'luaw;)4els ;4'41 JO uOIIIPPP 041 Pa;sO GNML'H joAeVy - E9 abed -p@jjnouoo uoissiwwoD at4l :Swall aSOL41 ale[ -ap 01 PaSIAGJ @q Allsea ueD •V•oZo'tC'gL uoil:)aS leL41 pajou alddA ioj3aji(] 6 uluuuld , sasn ledi:)uijd ueqj jot4lpj sasn ILuoil!puo:) pajap!suoj aq ,day; leLp p@lsG66ns uat4l ; • ;DUOZ L-Vy aq; ui sasn leuoil!puoD pue lediouiad t4jocl se paisil aje slu;?wqsilqelsa 6uiqsem al!qowo; -ne pue SUOIJeJS aaIAJaS al!qowolne ;et4i P S>imeH ioAL-W - 95 PUe SS Sa62d *LZ -apoD leutj aq; ui papnIDui oq 'lesodoid GMMEH joALA Aq PaSIAaJ S2 'OW9W - OL - - 11 - section dealing with the powers and duties of the DRB within conservation districts, sug- gesting it might be more appropriate to insert this proposed language into a new Section 18.51.005 on Page 143, since Chapter 18.51 specifically addresses the DRB and the DRC. The Commission concurred in this proposed revision. 40. Page 76 - Commissioner Knapp questioned changing "contemporary" to "non- period" in Section 18.42.060.C., expressing concern that those terms may be too re- strictive. She then suggested that the word "innovative" be considered as well. Following a brief discussion, Commissioner Knapp suggested using both "non- period" and "innovative;" the Commission concurred. Page 79 - Mayor Hawks noted that hardship variances are addressed by the Commis- sion, many of them having design elements involved, without any DRB review. He then noted that at the last meeting, it was suggested that if the deviation process is deleted from the entryway corridors, the variance option would still remain open; and he expressed concern that the number of variance applications before the Commission could substantially increase. Planning Director Epple stated that if the deviation process is re- inserted in the entryway corridors, an individual would have the option of applying for a deviation, based on design excellence, or a variance, based on hardship. Mayor Hawks stated that if a request to not comply with the code requirements can be accommodated through a deviation, he feels the current process is appropriate. He stat- ed, however, that he does not want to address a variance which involves design issues without DRB input. Commissioner Knapp noted that such a revision puts the process back to its current status, where the volunteer boards are basically overloaded. She then expressed concern about bringing the deviation process back into the entryway corridors. She also stated preference for having all variances go before the Board of Adjustment, noting that the Board is removed from the political process. The Mayor noted that when considering variances, the Commission must follow the same criteria as the Board of Adjustment does_ Mayor Hawks then requested that this issue be referred to staff for a recommenda- tion prior to Commission action on the final zone code. Page 81 - Mayor Hawks suggested that Section be revised by adding a sentence at the end of the first paragraph which reads, "These provisions, when address- ing pre - existing development in fully built -up areas, shall be interpreted in a practical manner allowing for reasonable access to property owners along such corridors." He stated that the interim zoning ordinance has created problems in this area, suggesting that this sentence would provide the flexibility necessary to appropriately address applications for 07 -29 -91 L6 -6Z -LO wnwiuiw e of abeiloj AdoueD aLjj wij4 o; poau aq; pouotls@nb iaLqjjnj joAelN at4l •paijlluenb Apsea ajow ;)q jtA5iw jallel aL44 5uijsa65ns 15ulAIJP ajeS 1D;ajje Allueoipu6is jou op of UOISIA apadwi Allepalew jou op woij pa6u2q:) aq buipiom atAl buiisab6ns 'Aiewwns s,jojDaji(] 6 UIUULId @LR Ul PGU SE — 0"080'0S * 8L uoijDaS jo a6en6uel pasodoid atA4 P; uOL14 s�lm joAeVy - EZL 062 •zs -ssaooid MZ)lAgj Aep-06 aLli ui passaip -pe aq of sanssi jo isil aq; of pappe aq stL41 jp4j polsa65ns Isoij jauoissiwLuoZ) Aalle ue 6uisn @soL41 jo Alales aqj JGAO 6uid2DspuLl 6UIJOAej lioddns jou saop aq 'JaAaMOLI 'alqeuosea.1 si jeqj 6 UIL4;awOs slu2m aq P 9 H -sA@Ile jo ;no 6UIWOD S.JeD JO SU2].Jlsapad Ioj A1912s AU2 aZ[P - j2doal p1nom qDi14M SUOISIABi ,due jo JOAEJ ui jou si aq polels uosuumS jouoissiwwoo apoo Plo aLp Uf sem ULql sal6uplil UOISIA aLIJ Ul papnpui ueaq seq ease jallevis e 4et4i palels aldda jol:)ajj(l 6UIUU21d - aPO3 aLp jo uoijDas slqj ui p;Dpnl:)ui SUOISIAoid aL41 jo Aue aleupila of juem jou saop aq lajojajaqj :uoil:)njlsuo:) mau ui passaippe aq isnw anssi sit4l PG;Ou 9 H e O;Ul Ja;Ua PULI N12Map!S 2 SSOJD ZSOW OIDILIDA e ODUIS 'A2M9Al.JP e JOJ 015UeIJ; 41461S OLIJ Ul pamolle aq pinoL4s Ai;aqqnjt4s ;eq; loal ;ou saop aq poiels uot44 @H ;,cede sAalle pue sAem -BAIJP jol sluawaiinbai at44 buiii!jds jo Al!l!q!ssod aq; polsoMns ;soi jauoissiwLuo:) 'MMS Aq papiemjoj Ileip at4l ui papnpui sem Aalle jo AeM@Al-lp aq; JO OU11-10TUOD aL41 WOJJ la;aj SL jo ainfiii aqj ;eqj pajeZs jopa-ii(] bumueld @q; 'uosu2mS jauoissiwwoZ) ol 6uipuodsaH ssaz)ojd MalAa-i Cep -06 @Ll; 6uijnp p0j,?p!SUO0 aq 01 SUOISIA@J ;)SOLJ; 0; sluawlsn[pe ql!m 'apoD leuil ay; jo uopdope of joijd olqIssod se L4onw Se PaSlAaJ aq uoijoas siq; lei4i pals@66ns uaLl; @H *umal jo lied J,9plo @t44 Ul SJOI JBU.JOD UO aAll OqM aldoad ol bulualeRJ'41 4JaA OJ2 @POD Gql JO UOIJDGS Slqj 10 SUOISIAOjd a'44 P S)ImRH joAeVy sA@112 pue sAemDAIJP ol uie4jad Aat44 se AlieInDpied lumo4 jo suoil:)@s padolaADP JOJ D14SIjeaJ aJe aPOD at4l JO UOIjD9S SIL41 10 SUOISIAOjd aqi IaOJ 4OU SOOP OLI IeLll P aH lu@wd0l@Aap Mau PUP Seaip p9d0j9AaP SS;DJppe 04 PDSIAO aq Alqlssod pinoD j! leL41 6uilsa66ns Issa:)ojd MalAaJ AeP aq; ui papnl:)ui aq oRo uoilDaS jeLp palsonbai lsoi.1 jauoissiwwoo - Ezi abed - pajjnDuoD uoissiwwoo aqj_ - uoijeztjeuij ol joud ;)po:) aL41 of 1i pp2 o; lemijeuaq aq pinom j! 'walqojd at44 ssgjppe oi sdlaL4 aDualuas @LAI j! jet4i 6ul4ou 'Isli MalAaj Aep-06 at4l uo anssi siqj uie4,gj Alqlssod pinoLls Ijels jetAl pals@66ns ajdd3 jopaji(] bujuueld j! lioddns ll!m aq ' anssi aL41 jo @JPD sa 90uglu9s sIL4; J! 4EL44 P uaLll ; •popad M@lAaJ AeP-06 aqj 6uiinp passaip -pe 6uiaq se pa pet4 aq sonssi ;at4i ;o auo s2m imp paiou lso,1.4 jauolsslwwoo -seaje pad0jaAap Alluaiinz) ui p;)Ie:)ol soi;jadoid - N - - 13 - height of ten feet, suggesting that a nine -foot limitation would still provide safe inter- sections. Planning Director Epple stated that the ten -foot figure was taken from the old code. Mayor Hawks then proposed some additional revisions to the language of Section 18.50.080.D., as follows: insert "... non- permitted trees planted prior to the code shall be trimmed and grand fathered." He then stated that "non- permitted" trees would include ever- greens or any non- canopy tree. He suggested that if existing "non - permitted" trees can be trimmed to meet safe driving requirements, he feels they should be allowed to remain. Planning Director Epple indicated he will rewrite sub - sections C. and D. He then asked whether the minimum height should be left at 10 feet or lowered to 9 feet; a majority of the Commission concurred it should remain at 10 feet. Page 133 - Mayor Hawks noted that the City Commission has received conflicting tes- timony on the size of trees that should be required for landscaping purposes. Planning Director Epple noted that the nursery people have advised him that they do not stock an adequate supply of ball and burlap trees to accommodate the landscaping needs that will arise from the requirements of this code, at least in the first years. He noted that over time, that stock will be built so it can adequately address the needs of the com- munity. Commissioner Frost noted that the Commission was advised that small trees actually grow much more quickly; and that after five years, it is not possible to tell what size tree was planted initially. He further noted that the success rate for smaller trees is typically greater than it is for larger trees. Commissioner Swanson noted that the smaller trees are substantially less expensive; and he feels that is also important to consider. Commissioner Frost noted the Commission has discussed appointment of a tree board. He then stated an interest in leaving these requirements the way they currently exist until there is concrete evidence of something better. Commissioner Swanson suggested that the Planning Director discuss this item with Dr. Dick Pohl prior to finalizing the language for this section of the code. Commissioner Frost suggested that if smaller trees are permitted, a provision might also be added to require protecting of that tree. Mayor Hawks noted that on Page 132, there is a listing of trees which are acceptable in public rights -of -way. He suggested that a statement be added prior to finalization of the code which indicates that this listing may be revised by the tree board. Commissioner Knapp suggested that the order of the listing be revised to reflect the City's priority in what it would like to see planted, rather than alphabetic order. Planning Director Epple noted that when uncertainties have arisen about future re- 07 -29 -91 L6-6Z-LO a.Ae swa4! Auew os jou je4l os sse:)oid @144 ?SlAgJ of aq pinom uoildo auo palsa65ns ua4l aH -suo14eu6isaj jo jaquinu lua:)@.j a44 Aq passouj!m se 'qN(I ;Dql uo Ilol sil a>jej of 6uiuui6 -aq si peo juasaid a41 jeLli pajou jaLlianj aH - Alp!dej ool paijinq @q jouueo sso aql ' 9 J 0 J@J@41 f 0 wQ sRMRI le44 P aH 'JI24S A113 R44 JO S-iaqW;)W leJ9AOS sapnIDul 1 PU2 !MOIAaJ jje;S 46noj41 o6 Isnw suoil2Dildde lle le4l pauopneD ia6euLVq Allo aq_L •Maam Ll:)ea sj:)a.fojd ILIbla 01 XIS japlsuo:) of spjeoq joalun[OA 6ujjinbaj ueLjj ja4lej 'ssanoid a41 olui Aj!je3tjDpjd awos 5utiq 0 4 OUJII sr ;! P @H - step a4l jo Isow 4sel u@44o s6uil;3aw ONCI pup '5utUaAa a4l OJUI Ijam uni ualjo s6uilaaw EIN(1 lowil juasaid a4l Te 1 PaIOU aH ll*sApm Ile ;! @APq 1,UP:),, aU0 leql PaJOU a4 'JaAaMOLI :U.JS:)UOD P!IPA e si jpqj pajanouoz) Aol:)ai'Cl 6 uluueld 9 4J_ - Ino pa4:)Iaj;s awo:)aq of leizuelod G141 9AM4 pino4s jr laej jou swop aq 'alqeuoseei pup jeoijoeid aq pino4s 11 slaaj aq al!Llm pup 'ssacioid paui[weeils e se pau5isop sem ssawid mou sl4l 1 P@1 aH •play aq of OJ2 s6ul4aaw aqj s>laom 4:)i4m uo mouN sA2MILI lou Aew slueoildcle 1241 6U];OU ls6uilaaw jo; @Inp Apjaam-iq e ;noqe waDuoo passajdxa rile aH *SMaIA;DJ ILnlda:)uo:) Jo; Aljelnoilied Issa:)oid a4l o4 sLuolqojd SSa:)D2 @le@J:) p1non ssaooid sl4l IPM uJ@:)uO:) PalEls sNmeH ioAevy '6UrJaaW UaAJ6 e JOJ epUG62 ON(] Gqj UO SW911 GAIJ jo Jno4 Apeaj -le aje a-ieql j! 6uilaaw Ixau ;)41 I!Iun uoileoildde up ploy of apn;!Iel a4l wiL4 molle p1nom '3'oZo*LS'8t U0Ij:)aS 01 UOISIAad pasodoid o4l jeqj polels ua41 jo;oa-vc] 5 uluu 2 ld aLl •Ijodai jjels aqj jo uoijejed@jd pup ssaz)oid MOIAO.J O41 SU]bgq ;gels 'pajedaid uaaq spq aDijou aqj a3uo 1 PaIL4s aH -juawaiinbai 6U[SIIJgApe Aep-ual aLli laaw of sa3ijou alpiidoidde aq; 6ulied -aid pup ssoualaldwo3 slr auiwjalap oi lell!wqns o4; 5UIMOIAOJ sinoq 8ft lxau a4l spuads jjels pup 'A2psanj_ si suoileDsIdde joj ouilpeap aLli je4i Pulels OH -pamolloj Alluaiino ssaDoid a4i PaMOIA@J J0100JI(] 6 u!uuLId 94l Isuj;aDuo:) s,.AoAeVy a4i of buipuodsaN -U0113p leuij ,joj uorssiwwoD aq} of pall!wqns si uoileDildde siq a.Aojaq s>joom xis 4!em Am lue3ildde up , olieuaDs ase3-4siom e ui jp4j pa4s966ns aH - ssaz)oid M;RIABJ D44 6uivaql6u@l Alleiluelsqns ui ;Insai pinom DNCI @L]l pup qN(] a41 joj s6uil;3@w Al>laom ueqj _t@4jpj Aplaam-iq juawald -wi of 12q4 u-iaouoo passaifta s>JmPH joAeVV - S17[ 46noj4l EU s - 99 Pup S9 'b9 -auop uaaq s24 jeqj papuodsai -JOPOAG 6 uluueld 04l sa5ed juanbasqns pup ,,s,Zi7l o6ed, a41 jo lie uo sjaqwnu a41 6UISIA@J pals@66ns S>imeH joAeVy - s,zf,L abed -papuodsai jolDaji(] 6uiuueld aLli pup :sabed oml asoLli uo Pauleluoz) SUOISIAoid aLlI 6usujaDuoD suorlsanb IPJaAaS POSle.4 LIM41 aH • (: ) (E Pup (: suoilDaS ut sjoj.4a 1e:)14dej6odA1 paiou lsojA Jauolsslwwoo - 9CL Pup M SOBed -uo1jPjn6a.j mau aq; 41jm azweildmoD @.jinb _oj of papnIDUl uaaq seq juawalels e lapo:) 944 ui aia4masla s@nssi Dij!:)ads joj SlUaWO.Ainb - is - subjected to advisory body reviews. Responding to Commissioner Frost, the Planning Director stated that when staff pro- posed the inclusion of "or bi-weekly" in the code, they anticipated this would provide flexi- bility in scheduling of meetings during the slow season rather than having mandatory weekly meetings with little or no business. The Mayor noted that the present system provides for cooperative reviews of appli- cadons particularly before th*DRC. He then expressed edesire to retain the system cur- rently in us*. Commissioner Knapp suggested revising the subject section to refer to "regularly scheduled meetings." Planning Director Epple noted that a number of people with whom the Planning staff deals have expressed surprise that the DRB meets more often than monthly, He also ex- pressed concern that the language proposed by Commissioner Knapp could allow that to happen. He then reiterated that he had proposed additional language only to provide for some flexibility for meetings held during the slow times. Commissioner Frost stated support for the Planning Director's proposed revisions. The Mayor noted that it is always possible to cancel a meeting if there is little or no business to be conducted. The Planning Director noted that if the deviation process is re-instituted in the en- tryway corridors, there will not be the decrease in workload that was anticipated by staff. 67. Page 145 - Commissioner Knapp suggested that the language of Section 10.51.020.E' be changed to read, "Within ten working days from the date of the regularly scheduled oRC and/or DRe meeting ..." rather than "By day 14 from the date ..," She noted that holidays falling within that timwframe can dramatically impact staff's workload under the current wording. The Planning Director stated support for that proposed revision; and the Commission Page 165 - Commissioner Frost noted the recent letter from the County Commission expressing concern about some of the provisions of the Planned Unit Development process, and how they might affect a joint governmental review involving a subdivision and a plan- ned unit development. Planning Director Epp|e responded that he does not feel any code revisions are nec- essary at this timp. He further noted that staff recognizes that the conditions imposed on a preliminary plat cannot be revised through approval of a planned unit devc|vpmnnt. He then suggested this issue can probably be handled adequately on an administrative level. Page 188 - Responding to Commissioner Frost the Planning Director stated that un- der Section'. the reference should be to Section /u.s*.luo. rather than 16 -6Z -LO UOI;eIA9p e le4l P0124S JOIDO-11C] 5UIUUeld 04; 'UOSUeMS JOIJOISSIWWOZ) of 6uipuodsou SUOIj3I.jjs -GJ DZIS JO I45IDq a44 04 UOIILI[Aap Aup uo 1pil 4ua:)Jud-oZ e of suoij:)as oml aso44 6uipuRwe ut unsay p1nom UOISIAOJ posodoid s141 '-D pue -e*oSo'S9 salqel 4joq yap -un -ii pue -i-Z-e salouloo; 6uil@lap uet4j j@4l2j 'le4i pajels, ajdd3 Jopajicl 5 UIUULld - lesodoid le4l lioddns ueD aq jou jo j@qjaqm uo uoispap P 6uplew siL4 of Jolid Ajessa:)aul sl MaIAGJ je4; sleal aq jell pa;eoipui u aH •a6eu6is pauueld Jalsew ioj snuoq 4uRc)Jad-SZ a4l 411m sajRdwoo siql moq aas of @N!l p1nom aq paje4s uosuemS jauoissiwwoo ll •apoD aq; jo sluawaJinba.4 mnwiuiw pajelai 'olqejedwoz) jatpo 6uipaaoxa Joj uotiesuadwoD ul Suolplj4saj 44510(i pue azis woij Ji)llaj juaDjod-oZ 2 ULIL41 aJOW ;)Al@:)@.i 'UO112:)ildde uodn '4ou Aew Inq ', loDualuas 6uilsixa aLp jo pue alp ;e ;uawa4e;s buimolloj atp alqt? u@t4l s�lmeH NZ abed _L japun 'Z'e ajOUjOOj 01 UOISIA@J e pasodoid ioAL-Vy - *D*OSO*Sg*ol E)Iqe_L japun - 1 - e a;OU;OOJ 04 JOAO pawn aq pino4s UOISIAGJ IsNmPH joAeW jeqj pa4e�s �sOJJ JguOlsslwwO:) - EZZ @ -Al6uipjo:):)e ZZZ abed uo sajoulooj aLp isn.fpL- of Ajessaoau aq Aew 11 ILql 6upou Isiop!jio:) AemAjiva aLp LJ1141!M p@MO112 SUO]4e[AOP a6eU61S 10 6ulddeo alq -issod uo plaq uoissnosip snOlAajd aip jo uoissiwwoD a4i populwa- lJO41 sNm joAevv Ja4De,je4o jajuaLudOj9A9p S,e@Je UeWOZOE] aq; of 4uawap 5uilnql.];UO:) @AI4!sod L aq o; paugap 04 "... Aa;:)Ejeq:) DIJOISIq s,eaJe uew@zoq aqj jo juawap lei6alut ue aq of pawaop WOJJ PaSIAGJ aq ;96en5uel aqi ieq; pals@66ns u@4l @H -9-OSO-S9-91 elqe.L japun aloulooj jo 4ua4ut aq; jo uoijej;)Jdj@jui alp 411m saillnDi1pp awos punol seq A@:)Ijjo U014eA -J;)SaJd :)'.AOls[H R4; lssjaam maj 4s2d aqj 6uijnp le4l palels s)ImPH JoAew - ZZZ abed -OpOD DUOZ JeUlj @141 JO GILIP OA14:)ajja O41 ol joiid ouo ujinbz)e 11!m aq '.IaAOMOL4 :jo:)olojd a4j jo Adon 2 aAe4 Apuasaid jou saop OLI pa4eis u aH •M@lAai oilqnd JOJ a:)IJJO 5 uluueld OW ui olqepeAe apeW aq ll!m sluawn:)op asoL41 jo saidoD pue apoo a41 ul o4 paijapa uaaq E)Ae4 sluawnDop jo jaqwnu e 4eqj papuodsaj Jopaji(] buluueld aq -apoD @41 ui papnpui aq pjnoqs ;e4l joLlia4m PLJ2 IsadijjS pue sjejS aLp joi sams Pai!un aL j o ssoj6uoo a44 Aq p94sijqejs;) lo:)olojd aqj jo MOD e seq A;I:) aq; j1 pa�qse uOsuemS jauolsslwwOo - ZZZ PUP OZZ SO '6L -anssi aqj sassaippe A1912nbape apoo a4l jo uoiliod uoil!uijap a44 ;2q� slaa; aq ILql p;apuodsaj olddq jol:)ajlci 6 uluuuld - PJe011 6uluueld Aiunoo -AI!D aq} Japun uoi;Dunj 5utuuLld e upt4l j@LIILj ja6LueVq A;ID a44 Japun uopounj buiuoz e s , sit4 je 41 aztu6o3aj of . Al!:) @Ljj qjIm uoi4z)unfuo0 ul 'JojDaJl(] 6uluueld,, aLIJ ;ell ale4S 01 POSIAaJ aq Alqlssod pjnoqs o62n5uel gL41 palso66ns s3lm2H joAeVV - 90Z abed 'OLI'WaL - 9L - _1/- for up to 20 percent would be much more workable than the current system. He then stat- ed he feels that a 20-percent cap on a single business and a 25-percent cap on a master planned signago package for multiple businesses is appropriate. Responding to the Planning Director, the Mayor stated he does not Mae/ that a busi- ness should be eligible for both deviations, but should be limited to one or the other. 81. Pages 222 and 223 - Planning Director Eppx, stated that this proposed lan- guage is better than that currently contained in the code; however, he noted that it is one of the items to be addressed during the 90-day review period, Commissioner Frost asked the Planning Director if he could prepare a list of items to be addressed during the 90-day review period. Mayor Hawks requested that the ordinance adopting the final zone code be placed on the agenda in two weeks for action. The Planning Director indicated his next step will be to prepare the final code, us- ing strike-outs and underlines to denote the revisions which have been made to the May ]l lyyl draft. The Commission concurred in that process. Discussion - FYI Items The City Manager noted that the following "For Your Information" items have been submitted to the Commission. (1) Minutes for the Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board meeting of July 23. (z) Copy of a letter from the Planning staff to Dick Walter Motors dated July 24 regarding the site plan review for his current site. (z) Copy of the minutes of the Commission meetings of July 9 and August b, 1990, regarding street and tree maintenance districts and the assessment resolutions there- for, as requested by Commissioner Swanson. (4) Copy of a letter from Pam Crawford, 1104 North Spruce, to Chief of Police Boyer, dated July 23, regarding speeding on Highland Boulevard. (6) Draft minutes for the County Commission meeting held on July 23. (6) Daily minutes for the County Commissioners for the weeks of July 8 and July 15, 1991. (7) Copies of the State statutes and City code regarding pedestrians and bi- cyclists, as forwarded by Chief of Police Boyer. This is scheduled for discussion at the August 12 meeting. (8) Summary of the Valley Unit auction sale held on July 25, along with a summa- ry of all Valley Unit sales to date. (9) Agenda for the County Commission meeting scheduled for July 30 in Three Forks. 07-29-91 - 18 - (10) Agenda for the Development Review Committee meeting to be held at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, ]u|v xu. (11) Agenda for the Design Review Board meeting to be held at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 30. Due to the lateness of this meeting, the Mayor deferred all other "FYI" items and discussions to next week's meeting. City Manager Wysocki presented to the Commission the following Consent Items. Deviation from Section 18.16.050 of the Bozeman Municipal Code to allow a two-stor y 1 : 4 t 28-foot addition to encroach 3 feet 4 inches into requjrZ 25 :io ront yard setback - Jim an2 Debbie Dent, 602 SoutT Third; per DRB recommendations Acknowledge receipt of petition for creation of an SID for paving of West Beall Street between North 9th Avenue and North 10th Avenue; refer to staff Acknowledge recej�t of "Notices of Protest" to the process utilized for ador)tion of the "Bozeman Zoninct Ordinance, 05/31191 draTt to scarr AuthorFz of Commissioner Swanson from the meeting f August s 1991, in accordance with Section 7-3-4322(2), MCA It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Knapp, that the Commission approve the Consent Items as listed, and authorize and direct the appropriate persons to complete the necessary actions. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Swanson Commissioner Knapp Commissioner Gnehrun8 Commissioner Frost and Mayor Hawks; those voting Nu none. Adjournment - 6:45 p.m. There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Goehrung that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried by the fu|/mw|n8 Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Knapp' Commissioner Ooehrung Commissioner Frost Commissioner Swanson and Mayor Hawks; those voting No, none. o7-zo-o1