HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-07-22 MinutesMINUTES OF THE MEETING 0F THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA July 24 1991 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Com- missioner Gwehrumg Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Knapp' City Manager Wysocki and Clerk of the Commission Sullivan. discussion. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. None of the Commissioners requested that any of the Consent Items be removed for Minutes July 8 1991 ^ It was moved by Commissioner Goehrung s=concled by Commissioner Frost, that the minutes of the regular meeting of July 8, 1991 be approved as amended. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Ayr being Commissioner Co*hrung, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Knapp and Mayor Hawks; those voting Nn none. Mayor Hawks deferred action on the minute-- of the regular meetings of July 1 and July 15, 1991 for a period of one week. Award of the GFOA Certificate for Excellence in Financial Reporting to staff Qty Manager Wysocki stated that for the seventh year in a row, the City has re- ceived the Certificate for Excellence in Financial Reporting, as issued by the Government Finance Officers' Association. He noted that the City of Bozeman has received this award as a result of the work of City staff, particularly Controller Peg Biekert, in conjunction with the auditors. He noted that four cities in Montana have received this award; and he is proud of the fact that Bozeman has received one for seven consecutive years. The City Manager then gave the plaque to Controller Biekert; and the Commission forwarded their congratulations. ment staff. Controller Peg Biekert accepted - the plaque on behalf of the City's Finance Depart- Decision - Conditional Use Permit - Douglas Stewart, Montana Recycling, Inc. - allow con- struct cle transfer station and recycling center on Tract 1, CUS No. 1363 T - n - 6r — thwest corner of L Street and Pear Street) This was the time and place set for the decision on the Conditional Use Permit re- quested by Douglas Stewart, Montana Recycling, Inc., to allow construction of a garbage L6-ZZ-Z0 IePSJeVV E at-1; WO-Aj @SUOdSa-A P P@Al939.J pA jou seq aq lek4l Pa JauuPld aLA-L • 11?Aoidde ueld al!s teuij oi joijd dn-upap j@jSuejj @62qje6 -jo/pue a6pnls jo juawleoij aq; p "ainjon-ils s @dA_L t? jol walsAs -AalNupds Dijewolne 'jupipAq a4!s-uo ue 6ujp leqsjLyy ailj A110 aLli jo swao uOD aL41 ssaippe Alejenbapp !legs iueDildde at41 t7 ,, ueld ails leull ol joud az)jjjo 6ujjaauj5u A,!:) DL41 0 1 luas saidoo pue paulelclo aq !legs paiinbaj sasuaDII pue sjpjad -4aLq1O 11V 'smollol se 'POPPe a q Pl r1Ot4s s f aa J aL ? L40IL- ' s"4; ul @DU; IeuOlI!PpP ue SI @,IaLlj 'Iiodaj jjejs aLjj ul jpLj; pa;ou jSojj .1auOISSIWWOO A;aapua sj! ui pajap!suoD s, zz Alnr jo iallat s ) D 2 u V l J;D 'JW awl; aL44 le pajapisuo:) aq Alq!ssod pinoqs wjq! sit4i papuodsai HeM -A;DUUPld 'UOMPUOD mou u Alq!ssod -to uo!; -!Puo:) si4i jopun passaippe aq pfnoLis 4! j! 15ui>fse 'pa4d;):):)e aq 11!m sa[q2pA:)@.4 pue a6eq -.je6 tADIL4m wo-ji eaje pasodoid ai4l Inoqp uja:)uoz) p@ssi)jdx@ UOSU2MS J@UOISSIWWOO pa4ue.j6 uoaq Set4 leAoidde 12ool ja;je 1pun iam @q IOUU2:) UOII!puoD siL44 42 L4 1 P; JauuRld 9 41 '12Aoidde ueld ails jeuij ol -ioud neoing 94seM snopJ2zPH pue WJOS 'saz)ual:)S le4UaWUOJIAUD PUL- 44lLOH JO ju 'LaupluoVV jo @je4S ?Ljj moij qsuamll WaIsAS juawa6eueA alseM plfoS E 2 aAl03aJ legs jueDildde aq 'PO12POMWOZ)De aq ue:) uoll!puo:) siLp pajsa66ns Jauueld OLII •P@jUeJ6 Sl leAOjdde jeuij aiojgq ueld ails IPUIJ @qj aAoidde pue MgIA;)J JILIL4S P-1209 Ma]Aa�j U6[S@(] 014.1, 'Z 6uluoz w1je;ul eqj t4j!m saildwoD 'POSIAO.A Se 'ueld ails aq; jeLp pajels jauueld @L41 6UTUOZ w1jolul aq; qj!m AldLuoD Ilet4s ueld ;ails leuij at4_L - L 'smollol se 'uotl!puo:) PapUaWWOoaJ L4DPG PaMOIAaJ IleM UIA@N JEWULIld ;);2100SSV 81 Ainr palep ow,9w aq; ui possn:)sjp ajam tpiqm sanssi snotj2A @Ljj SLI JIDM Se 'JeAoiddL' Aoj suoll!p - UOD PgPUaWWO:)9J OL41 JO t4DLI;) Ma]Aaj AlinjajeD jjels jeull palsonbai S>lmeH joAeVV pRje.iaua6 sr a6eqje6 oL41 aiaLim ajeln6aj ol A;poLljne A4!:) 6uipit?6@j uoij!sod Aqu-loj4V All:) o; 9suods - ui 'ZZ Alnr polep 'iue:)rjdde eqj J01 @AljPJUaSajd0.j 12601 'J@)I:)PUV UJO WOjj JGj;qj 2 UOISSIwWoo @Ljj oi pall!wqns uat4i @H 'uoissjwwoZ) at4i Aq p@jsanbaj U014PWJOJUI BUIP!Ao-ld '6L Alnr Pue at Alnr palep 'IlPM JeuuEld a4 w SOLUGW @JaM Sjwp2d s-iauois -S'wwO3 at ul P@Pnl:)Ul IeL44 PD40U @H - 6upgow s,�Iaam Isel le uoiltnildde siL41 uo 5uljp0t4 :)ilqnd aL41 pajz)npuoD pet4 AGt4j 4K44 UOISSIWWOO @k4j PaPLJIW;)i pposAM jzffieuevy Al!:) -IGGils Je Pue ;a;DJIS - 1 ;0 J@ujO:) Isz)mt4Ij0u ;)LlI le pawool AluowLuoz) a,4ow si Aliado.1d jDarqns AOAjnS jo aje:)ij!;-ie3 'L 1:)ej_L uo -ioluaz) 6ui1oA:)@j pue uoijels -(@jsuei; - z - _3- on this issue. He stated that while this item is not addressed on the revised site plan, he feels it can be adequately accommodated. 5. Water and Sewer Facilities A. Plans and specifications prepared by a professional engineer (P.E.) for the water and sewer extensions and fire lines must be approved by the City of Bozeman and Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences. Construction inspection and certification that the project was completed in accordance with the approved piano and specifications shall be provided by a P. E. The applicant may enter into a 5-year payback agreement with the City of Bozeman for these improvements; B. Alignment and size of the water and sewer lines shall be ap- proved by the City Engineer. The documented cost differential for any ovmrsizing of lines beyond the minimum size shall be borne by the City of Bozeman. The City anticipates that o 10-inch main will be required; C. The water main shall be extended to or through the intersection or pear and L Streets; D. The existing 3/4-inch water service line is to remain in service until the main extension is installed, acoeptwd, and put into ser- vice with a new line to the Mayflower Bus Company,- E. The one-inch domestic service line is to be extended only to the property line by the contractor. The City will extend the ser- vice line into the building and set the meter; and F. Required public easements for the water and sewer extensions shall he secured and provided by the applicant, with adequate access to manholes. The Planner stated that the Development Review Committee does not feel these issues have been adequately addressed on the revised site plan. He noted however, that these conditions are very specific, and the DRC feels that meeting the conditions will adequately address the concerns and issues involved. o. Wastewater Pretreatment A. An oiV8rit separator shall be provided for all floor drains. !')o_ sign details shall be provided to and approved by the City Eqgi n,or; B. A wastewater survey shall be completed. In addihon, an engi- neering design report for pretreatment facilities prepared by a qua P.E. shall also be provided to and approved by the City Engineer. The pretreatment discharge system shall be re- viewed and approved in writing by the Department of Health and Environmental Sdenccs, Environmental Protection Agency, City of Bozeman, and any other appropriate agency. The engineering report shall fully evaluate and assess the pretreatment needs of the proposed facility and sha||, at a m|rdmom address the fol- lowing: i' The typcal wastewater characoerlst/cs and constituents found in wastes from similar facilities; ii. The anticipated waste |nud f,r thrs: constituents from the proposed facility; iii- Pretreatment needs evaluation- iv. Pretreatment unit process p�rformance (removal and discharge) capabilities; V. Operation and maintenance rc1uirement, (including process control, level of operator skin' and certifica- tion requirement); vi. Pretreatment facility s/u*streom by-oroducts (i.e. sludge, discharged air etc.) "nd traauno^t ozaz-o1 l6 -ZZ -LO Jelnorgan ay; woJJ a;piedas auel aloAorq padrJ ;s e se 'Japinogs ;oo; -jno3 o; -aaJ14; paned e apnruur pegs ;aaJ ;S - 1 jo uor;iod panoidwr ag; 10 6urned Jol u6rsap 6uriaaur6ua ay; „ 1214; airnbaJ o; •tr o; pappe aq a6en6uel ;eq; pa;sa66ns uosuemS tauolsslwwoo •aoueridwoo s,;ueorldde aq; ainsua o; aoueprn6 alenb -ape saprnoid uol;rpuoo a14; slaal aq 'JanaMOg :passaippe uaaq ;ou seq •F3 ;eq; pa ;e ;s aH •ueld 011s pasrnaJ ag; uo passa.appe uaaq aneq •::) pue 'y ;214; Pa ;e ;s Jauueld 0141 •6urned jo s;urod leurwJa; ag; ;e paprnoJd aq Ilegs Jaau16u3 A;!3 ag; Aq panoJdde sJapeaq or;Iegdse Jo a;aJ3uo3 •3 pue "3•d e Aq paprnoJd aq begs suor;earjroads pue suerd panoJdde ag; g ;rm aouepi000e ur pa;aldwoo sem 1:)afoid aq; ;e14; uopeordl ;Jao pue uor;aadsu uor ;onJ ;suo3 •speol of ;jeJ; pa;edlo aq; �(JJeo o; pauFalsap aq Ile14s uor;oas ; legdse aLl iaaur6u3 A4! ag; Aq panoJdde pue o; paprnoJd aq Begs 3 d e Aq paJedaid 'loJ; -uoa leOr ;Jan pue Ie;uOZriog 6urpnlour 'suolleordroads pue suerd •S 'spiepue ;s A ;la Jag ;o Ile 14;rm aouepi000e ur g;prm 1001 -gZ wnwrurw e o; ;n? gino ;sowuia141Jou s,a ;rs aq; o; ;aaJ ;S g wOJJ ;aaJ ;S Jead aped Ilegs ;ueorldde agy •y s;uawanoJ wl ;aaJ ;S L •uor;rpuoo srq; o; s14deJ6eJed asa141 JO uor;rppe ag1 ul paiJnouoa siauorssrwwo:) aql •a;enbapeur paulwJa;ap sl uor;eiado buruealo hip ag; 3r asrie ;g61w ;eq; swalgoid ssaippe o; Aipssaoau suor;neoaid aq; a ;n ;r;sur pinom uor;rpuoo papuawwooaJ srg; ;eq; p04e1s Jauueld ag; '"MeH Jo(eW o} 6urpuodsaN Mau e se Jo •y jo sgdeJ6eied -qns se pappe aq pinoo Aay1 6ur;sa66ns 'alglssod aq pinom ;eg; pa;ou IleM Jauueld • uop p -uoo srq; o; pappe aq sgdeJ6eied om; asaq; ;eq; pa;sa66ns ua141 Jauorssrwwoo agl •aolnJas JaMas 014; o; uorloauuoo ain;n� ioj gels 6urplrnq aq; ul pallelsur aq pinoo sa!;!I!oe3 ;uaw;eaJ;aJd Jamas Jaq ;o Jo Jo ;eiedas Ja ;em /lro ue JO3 suOrsrnoid pue suleJp J oolj Joj 6urgwnid 'osly •6uluealo ;am aJn ;n3 alglssod pue Aip q;oq a ;e ;Il!oe{ o; Japeq ag; punoJe paprn -oid aq sainleaj luawure ;uoo pue adols Joo13 a;enbape puawwooaJ I •ain;nj aq; ur ;uaiedde awooaq paau aq; pinogs sa umopgsem Joj paau ean;nj algrssoc aq; se Ilam se uor;pJado 6uruealo ,.Ajp„ e g;oq ur pre pue „96elilds„ ssaooid Aue ure ;uoo o; uor;on gsuoa pue u6rsap A11Iraej aq; ur suors -rnoid algeuoseai a�jew ;ueorldde aq; ;s066ns 'JanaMOq 'pinom I smo11 Se '6l AInt pa;ep 'owaw s,JaumeJa Jaaur6u3 ;ue;srssd }o uor;Jod e peal uosuemS Jauorssrwwo3 •Ienoidde ueld ails leul; o} iorid suop puoo asa14; g6noJq; passaip -pe Ala ;enbape aq ueo swa 6ulurewaJ ag; pa ;e ;s aH •ueld ails pasrnaJ 0141 ul passaip -pe uaaq aneg 'waq; jo Ile ;ou ;nq 'swa ;l osag; jo awos ;eq; pa ;e ;s Jauueld a14,L •06eureip a ;rs pue 'Ja ;em -wJO ;s 'Ja ;eMa ;seM Joj wa ;sAs 6urio;ruow ;uauewiad y !!In PUP :lesod'slp o; Jorid spiepue ;s }uaw ;paJ ;aid leiapa3 pue 'a;e1S 'A ;ID ;aaw pue pa;eaJ; aq Ilegs ;uawdrnba umop gsem Jo Jaleq aq; woJj pa ;eiaua6 sa;sem prnb!I IIb !ln .s ;uawaJrnbaJ lesodsrp pue '6urlpue14 - t,- - 5 - lane, per AASHTO standard's." Commissioner Frost noted this condition does not include paving of L Street, sug- gesting that paving of L Street from the end of the pavement on North Wallace Avenue to its intersection with Pear Street be added also. Commissioner Frost then suggested that the language in the City Attorney's memo, dated July 12, pertaining to dust abatement, be added, as follows: If there is an impact on L Street caused by the garbage transfer station/ recycling center, or those using the center, dust abatement may be appropriate to protect the public health, safety and welfare. Mayor Hawks noted that the traffic studies indicate that L Street won't receive a significant amount of traffic from this facility. He noted, however, that this condition would allow the City to require the applicant to mitigate those problems which might arise from more vehicles using this roadway than originally anticipated. 8. Stormwater and Site Drai A. A stormwater drainage and treatment plan demonstrating ade- quate site drainage (including sufficient spot elevations), storm water detention or retention area(s) (including basin sizing and basin construction details, inlet /outlet details, and discharge or retention calculations) and the stormwater discharge destination must be provided to and approved by the City Engineer's office prior to final site plan approval; B. In accordance with 40 CFR Part 122, the applicant shall secure an EPA Stormwater Discharge Permit for any discharge of stormwater from the proposed project site. The Planner stated that neither of these items have been accommodated in the revised site plan. He noted, however, that they are concrete enough items that this condition will require they be met. 9. Garbage (loose or baled) shall be stored overnight only within the building or other satisfactorily contained area approved by the City of Bozeman. The Planner suggested this remain as proposed. 10. All outside storage areas where solid wastes (including recyclables) are kept shall be properly screened in accordance with the zoning or- dinance. The Planner suggested this be reworded to state "All outside storage areas where recyclables are kept shall be properly screened in accordance with the zoning ordinance." Commissioner Frost rioted only one storage area is shown on the site plan, suggest- ing the condition be revised to reflect singular status. Mayor Hawks asked about overnight storage of empty trucks on the site. Mr. Mark Richlen, Montana Recycling, stated it is not anticipated that any trucks will be stored on -site on an overnight basis. He indicated that Montana Recycling will not have any trucks; and he anticipates that all trucks using the facility will be stored at their "homes" at night. Commissioner Swanson suggested expansion ;)f this condition to stipulate that no 07 -22 -91 L6-ZZ-LO 'awil siql ;e asnjaj paleq aippowwooz)e jou ue:) uoileja :) -do sli asneaq ll!jpue All:) uewazog aqj ueL44 j@LjlO Aj!jl:)ej pas-ua:)Il e ;e jo pasodsip Alj@doid @q 11 gl!s @Lll le pa-i-Aalsueji a5eqje6 llv •pajdaz)De aq ue:) a5eqje6 t4otLIm woad e0je pal:)lj4suoo e qs!jqejsa Aew All:) at4j 'aiallam pup Ala;ps 't4ile@L4 :)ilqnd aLql jDaloid o; I241 Polels DH . U0115a.t lesodsip ujaisamt4inos aLlj ui p;);sll sailunoD asoL44 woij a6eqjeb jclax)e of pajinb _aj si Aj!D OL41 RA911aq jou s;; ay leqi uoii!sod siLA p@;ei;q;!aj ja6euevq Al!3 ;DL4 - uoi6a.j fesodsip ujaisemk4inos @L41 ui paisil saijunoo ay; JO 9A19M; Ile WOJJ SalSeM p!IOS molle Allo 9L41 jeqj Aiolepuew si ;! jj pe)ise uaL4; OH -Aluo saj;unoD aAlj UO PaG2q si Apnis :)ijje.Al aL41 j! Alaelnoilied 'sailunO:) @AI;DMI WOJJ a6eqjL 6ujlda:):>e jo Al!l!q!ssod aqj inoqe ujaz)uo:) passgjdxa lsoi _q j@uoi Sjqj le p@;daD:)e st L4:)it4m pa;ejau@6 aq Aew 96eqie5 041 0-104m UO suoile;!wil qsilqelsa of A;!joLjjne @Lll seq All:) aq; I241 ajojaiaql p@js@5 -6ns @H 'a6eqje6 jo uoileliodsupil ueLlj j@qlej suoiBa-i lesodsip @Isem p!los,, ol uieljad PGJJaJaJ SeL4 RL4 LIDIL4m 0 4 SUQllD@s OL41 ILIL41 Bullou 'aPOD aq; jo uoiiPj@.Adja4ui S -.iVq o; uoi;d;):)xa )fool u@ aH - uoiI5@_i ujaisam4 ;nos aq; ue41 jaqlej uoi .6ai j?sodsip lejlua:) 4 4nos aL41 japun palsil si Alunoj ssej!) loomS 1e41 pa;ou JabeueVV A1!0 a4 - V'D'Vq a41 Ul Pa;Sll aAlaMj @141 Ue41 Ja44ei 's@ilunoD palSll-@Aoqe aA[j aLIJ jo U01124!W11 OLIJ GAP4 01 5uiil!m si jummIdde @qj leql 'JOA;DmOL4 'PalOu aH - jacloidwi sem Aluno:) uiielleg of p@i:)ij4s@j aq p1noo a6eqJ26 1e41 uoileDildwi S Aj!D aLl; llaj aq palels ja),:)euV - jVV 'j@6euejv Al!z) @Lll of Buipuodsa - ssedo laamS Pue )lied 'uoslpevq 'uflelleo 'jaiempeo-ig Bui@q asoql 'suoilDofoid :)l3j2,jj asaL41 ut papnIDui a-tam s@ilunoD ?Aij Ajuo jeqj papuodsou ja�joeuV wo JW •PDlL @POD Rueluovv 'OLL-OL-SL uotjoaS u!i L41.joj las se luoi6ai lesodsip eueiuovV walsomt4inos @141 ui p SE)Iluno:) ZL a41 uo paseq aje suoilDafoid s,jueDildde aLp j! p@Nse i>l:)osAM aa5euew A;IZ) '.iaLi;o qDea alejoqojjo:) Aa41 slual aq 's,jue:)ijdde at4i ueL4; jamol AlI46ils ?.je siLA al!qm 'pup 'jueaijcicle @qj wojj juapuadapui suoi;Dafojd :)ijlej4 padOIGAgp Pe4 ay ;PL4; PaWls OH •jue:)iIdde aL41 Aq paiedaid Apnis aij3e_14 juaDa-1 lsow aLp pajdaDoe Alle:)iseq SeL4 09111WWOO MaIADN ;u@wdol;)AOC] ; 1 Pal Jauueld a y ,l • @all! w -WO:) M91AGN juawdol@AO(j ay; Aq PaAoidde pue pall!wqns aq IleLls .1al - u@D 6uijDA:)a_i aqz to a:)uasaid aLIj 5uijo@Ijaj Apnjs nijjejl palepdn uV L L PaAOW aq of Apegi a,je Aaq; uaLlm Aluo pappol aq IHM SJez PeO-JI! a'44 IN; P@le: UaLlj aH -eqje @ ap!sTno at41 ui paDeld aq Illm salqel:)ADoi pajecl Aluo jet4j papuods;)j uaIt4:)i-d -jVV - swa4! paleq Aluo jo swall asool PUe palpq apniz)ui ll!m s@jqt?IDA:)a_i jo a6ejols aplslno aLli j! passe i>lDosAM ia5eueVy All:) •auil ands @41 uo p@)jjecl sjeo peojl!ej uo p@mollp @q ll!m s@lqelDAD@j jo a5e.4ols lt4 - 9 - - 7 - Commissioner Knapp suggested that this condition be stopped after "Landfill," de- leting the remainder of the sentence. 13. Refuse trailers leaving the site shall be covered to prevent any litter- ing during transport. The Planner suggested this condition be revised to stipulate that "Refuse trailers traveling to or from the site shall be covered ...'" 14. The Conditional Use Permit shall not include the repair and /or storage of trucks, dumpsters, trailers and equipment on the subject site, The Planner stated this condition limits the activities to occur on the site to those proposed by the applicant. He suggested it could be expanded to stipulate that any ex- pansion of activities will be construed as a modification to the conditional use permit, re- quiring a review of the existing permit. 15. Snow storage area(s) of the appropriate size shall be shown on the final site plan. The Planner stated that two snow storage areas have been shown on the revised site plan; and one is acceptable to the Director of Public Service while the other is not. He stated that this is a tangible improvement; therefore, the revision of the second snow storage area can be accommodated under this condition. Commissioner Frost suggested a phrase be added at the end of this condition to stipulate "... and approved by the Director of Public Service." 16. The Conditional Use Permit shall be limited to a garbage transfer sta- tion and recycling center and any additional structure shall be re- viewed and approved by the appropriate parties within the City of Bozeman prior to any implementation. The Planner stated this condition is acceptable as written. 17. The final site plan shall identify the location of any empty storage containers. The Planner stated that the applicant has not proposed to store any empty storage containers on site at this time. He then stated that storage of empty containers in the fu- ture would be considered a modification to the conditional use permit, and treated as such. He suggested, therefore, that this condition be revised to so reflect, 18. Vehicles used for hauling garbage and recyclables, either in route to or from the facility, either loaded or unloaded, shall be limited to the routes illustrated in the truck route diagram submitted by the appli- cant. Mayor Hawks expressed concern that acceptance of the truck route diagram submit- ted by the applicant will in effect recognize North Wallace Avenue as a truck route. He suggested that acceptable alternatives be designated, to keep truck traffic from using North Wallace Avenue, which primarily travels through a residential area. He suggested, therefore, that East Tamarack Street, North Rouse Avenue and North Broadway Avenue be designated as the acceptable routes for accessing the subject site. Commissioner Frost stated concurrence. He also suggested adding a stipulation that ©7 -22 -91 LG-ZZ-LO - Aluo lo;).jlS jse3/anUOAV asnoZj L44-ION aq iltm Al!l!:)Lj siL41 joj alnoi Nonil pajeuffisap OLIJ 12q4 uorj -elndils e t44!m lue:)ildde atAl Aq pall!wqns we.A6erp alno.; - >I:)nj4 aq; a:)eldaa ol paplo aq uollipuo:) sit4i pels@56ns IIPM -J; suj;):)UOD l siauolsslwwoo ;)qi ol asuodsaj ul 'Aj!jj:)Pj sjql Jo} @4noi �1:)njj aq; jo Ijed e awo:)aq ol Aempeoi ;eLI4 molle ol a4ewdoidde @q pinom 1i 'luiod 4et4l le IPL41 palsG66ns 014 , "onil a6.jLl 6uilpueLl jo alq2dez) si ;I os anUOAV Aempeoig ( 41JON JO jUaW@Aojdwi aLlI do p@ads Aew ease jejau;)6 jall ui juawdol@A@p AE)LIJO ley; pqjOU 5unjt4aoq jauoissiwwoZ) 41!1!Dej slql Aq pajejaua5 aq pinom 4eq; :)i;jejl 9y; 6uilpueLl jo ajqedez) Aempeoj t4inos/L41jou Aluo aLIJ St anU@AV asnoN L41joN 'awl; juasaid @L44 le Im4l aou@jjnDuoD palels slmeH ioAeVV 9;!s joafqns @L41 ol ss@Dz)e 6uiuie6 joj alnoj :,I:)njl aq; se anUaAV aSno�j LIIJON JO uolieu6isap @L44 lioddns pinom aq 12L41 palels u H I 9 L41 ;D swab -gold jeuoil!ppe Buijeax) ui linsaj pinoD 1! @sn ol :)ijjejl >1:)njl AA2@t4 6UIjOallp '@sn >ion-il AAeOLI JOJ P@U6lSap 4OU PU2 PaAedun si Aempeoi 4et4l jo uoiliod wal4jJou at4l a:)uis ;e g; t4 PalOu aH 'awl; siql le alnoi >joni; aL41 jo lied e se anUGAV Aemppojo MJON bulleu Inoqe ujaz)UOD S,Uosuems jauoissiwwoo t4l!m aouajjn3uo:) p@le;s Isoij jouolsslwwoo - saino.i A:)nj4 pa4eu6isap ot4l azipjn ol pajinba-i aq Ipm A@t4j LPIL4m jaije 'pazileuij u;aaq seL4 u2ld uoi;e;JodsuPJI @t44 11jun pamolloj aq ll!m Ljoit4m @jnoj >jDn.Aj aLli a4eindils 01 POSIAaJ aq pino:) uoll!puoo at4l let4l pajsaMns je6LueVq Al!:) aL41 'uoissiwwoD @t4i wo-ij suoilsanb ol 5uipuodsa�j •s�q:)n_ij a6jel @t4j jo j@qwnu leiluelsqns e lz)ajje Ipm jeL41 pup lq4joj ;;Ds Alleoi ioads aq ue:) Al!f!:)el ;DLII qDeaj ol @jnoj @L14 'PaAjOAUJ OJV Sl JUOD M .J. Z OJOLI 1 JeA9MOLI 'P@IOU aH -Aj!j!oPj SIL4 ILI SaAIJJ2 AI!4u@ ap!slno ue motA loj4uoz) o4 alqeun aq 111m ;ueoildde aq; jeq; pauopneo aH salno-i pajeu5isap asoLli 6uisn swalqoid ,Cue aas@.Ioj jou saop aq la:)Pld ui st walsAs alnoj )Innil e anuo leq; p@puods@,i jaajz)euV wo_L jyq - ;ue:)ijdde @L41 ol swalqojd jelnoil-ied hue ;uas -aid Illm anUaAV ALmpeoig L41-ION pue anUaAV asnoN L14JON buisn diomjau uoileliodsueil 2 Buijeu5isap j! paNse uaLjj aH - ssajppe jsnw uolsslwwoo ;)141 sloaj @Ll t4:)iqm 'pooq.Aoqi46iau eqj woij Aj3 4no ;ue:>ijlu5is e uaaq sN a.Jak4l PalOu Osle aH - alnoi )'inon.14 2 Se Pal2U6lS@p uoaq jou seq j! 'anU9AV ODL-112M L41-ION asn s�jonjj @t!L4m 'IPL41 PalOu s�llmeH joAeVV 'P@Aedun si 4aaj4s jeL41 jo pua ujaqljou aq; aouis AlieInDi4jed 'awl; siql ;e @qnoj e se anU@AV Aempeo.10 qlJON 4 UOtIPU aLlI pauoilsonb U@L41 aH - @nUZ)AV osno�j qlJON 0 1 11 6UIAOW pue anu -DAV aaeJJPM y ;-JON JJO DIIJeJ4 �qjnjj Bullpi -joi ljoddns p@jels uosuems Jauoissiwwo:) Aempeo.qj pue asno�j '�j:)e-ime.L ueq; .jaL41e.j dool 4eL41 oluo pal:)ajip aq Ipm :)ijjejl L46no-t(41 'pajojdwoa si dool leiia4je ue uaLlm - 8 - - 9 - 19. Load limits will be evaluated and enforced in conjunction with the County Road Supervisor. The Planner stated that this condition has been requested by the County Road Su- pervisor and applies to L Street, particularly the load limit on the bridge. 20. The exterior storage area shall be enclosed as to screen the view from 1 -90. The Planner noted this condition is addressed in his memo, and suggested that it be addressed in the discussion below. 21. Any off -hour drop off area shall be enclosed and /or screened. The Planner stated that the applicant is not proposing any after -hours drop -off area at this time. He then recommended that this condition be reworded to stipulate that the addition of an after -hours drop -off area at some time in the future will be construed as a major modification to the conditional use permit, and processed as such. 22. The applicant shall provide a landscaped detention/ retention area. The Planner stated that this item has been addressed on the revised site plan. He stated that as of this date, no one on the Development Review Committee has reviewed the proposed detention/ retention area or done any calculations to determine its appropriate- ness. He then characterized this as a tangible improvement, noting it can be adequately accommodated through DRC review of the final site plan. Associate Planner Wall indicated that the remaining conditions are standard; he then reviewed the following issues for the Commission's consideration. 1. Screening for the Exterior Storage Area The Planner stated that it has been determined that Douglas firs are too large for the area in which they are proposed. He suggested, therefore, that quaking aspens be used in place of the Douglas fir. He noted they can be clustered, with centers varying from three to six feet on center; and those clusters will provide a natural look. He in- dicated that, while the quaking aspens are not evergreens, they will grow tall quickly; and they will be dense enough to provide an effective screening from 1 -90. The Commission concurred in this proposed revision. 2. SID Waivers for Road Improvements Commissioner Knapp noted that in his memo, Assistant City Engineer Brawner sug- gested that a waiver of right to protest creation of an SID for street improvements would assist the City in addressing future street improvement needs in that immediate area. She then stated support for that recommendation, indicating she feels it should be incorporated into the conditions. Responding to the City Manager, Assistant City Engineer 'Brawner indicated that he was considering the truck route streets when he prepared his memo, noting Front Street and East Tamarack Street in particular. 07 -22 -91 L6-ZZ-LO jo uoljjpUo:) 9L[j pue o6pliq a41 uo I!wil p2ol a44 jo @snez)aq mol aq j461w joa-11S - 1 46no,1144 Alll!oel mau all of ss@D:)e 6uiuie6 oijjejl 4o ;unowe W41 424I p@4sa66ns aH - uL-f5.ioVV J@9UI6U3 JeJUE)WUOJIAU3 PU2 z:)jS juapuajupadnS loojIS 'o:)sjouejju2Iq JOSlAjadnS peoN AjunoD qj!m peoZi 111VI Aio;S pue laoilS -1 uo Dijjeji p@seajDui lepualod ,lo Rnssl O44 pGssnD - SIP SeL4 @L4 I PaWls HeM J@uu alL>I:)OSSV ';Soj iauolsslwwoo of 6ujpuods@U SU- D110-1d s suoljlpuoo j2nPjAlPUl uo uoissnDsip 9Aoqe aq; ui PassaJPPe sPm W slLil P@;Ou HEM Jguuuld JJeIS PJeO9 6 u!uu 2 ld gql Ul PO4cls se 6 'ON u Jo bu!pjom@m '17 - pasn aq sjojejaua6 auozo je41 6upejndi;s ueLlI jaL4jej 'elialijz) p@L4silqelsa laaw of anssi siq; ssaippe of apn;!;el UOA16 aq pinoqs ;ue:)iidde all 1241 pa;saHns u aH - anssi jopo 944 ssaippe Alalenbape ueD sjo4ej@u@6 auozo le I sls@66ns iue:)ildde L44 Aq L4 9 PaPJ2MJOj uaaq 5214 14:)]qM UOIjeWJOJUI aLlI 1L-4; Pa42;S 112M UIAD>i JRuueld 9 1EIDOssV • law 6uiaq l bje s;u@w@jinba.A apoD auoz all 1e41 a_jnSS2 pinoD awil jo poijad E! iol aopo jo 6uiAo;!uow 6uijinbaj jeq; pa4s,466ns oslp aH - anssr jopo aq; ssaip -pe Ala;enbape p1nom apoo ouoz aqj 411m a:)ueildwoo 11 Pa)lSe UOSU2MS JaUOISSIWWOO p.jepuels alq2lda:):)2 ue puoAaq siopo a.iam lial aq leqm pall!wa 4:)14m sia;ua:) 6uil:)A:)aj oml passed aq IsAep ual Ised aLlI ui let4l P;);OU 9H -piepue;s glqeuoseaj e uit4l!m Ijopo jo s4:)edwi ails-jjo joiluoD of luez)ildde 944 ajinbei p1nom k4:)iL4m uoil!puo:) e jo uoil!pp2 aL41 palse65ns uaL4; S)imeH joAeVV jue:)ildde aLli Aq P9SSOJPP2 ia4;;)q @q 4461w leql anssi ue sr sFL4; pqjsi66ns uaLll 9H - Maws a41 5utNsew upLil taLjjej siopo buipej5 -@P '11;DM Aj@AljI?jRJ )i,)om sjo4i?.Aaua6 auozo 1e41 sipadde I! P aH •sasuodsaj OAII!Uljgp Aue ja6 jou p!p Inq 'VdA 3 41 JO sa:)IJJO 12J@A@s pue SaIDUa5e alels OM4 PaJjLn Uesjow a .4001,116U3 jejU@WUOJJAUEj PUP 014 IPt4l PZ)IeIS JOUUL>ld 3 41 's>lmeH -ioAPW of 6urpuods@N sjoiejauaD auozo jo asn ielivaiod f -49ailS -- I uo juawaleqe Isnp ssaippe of uoij!puoo pasodoid @41 6uiaq -Cl-L 411m •A•L ILI Pal-Jasul aq Ataleiidoidde p1noo IPLII palsaMns uosuemS Jauoissiwwoo - uoileofldde s141 jo jPAojdde ioj suoil!puoD jo isil @t4l olui uoil!puoo pasodoid jell aleiodionui uoissiwwoD a41 1241 palsaMns u@t4j jso.A Iauojssiwwo:D -lesodsi(j SJOAI'd @@-Iq Aq pain:)oxa sem LjoiLlAA S4aOAS - 1 pue .read 0 4 sTuGw -OAOjdwi PLIOJ JOJ ,SIDIJISI(] JUaW@AOjdwj leio@dS jo uO!I aLA ISaTOJd 0 4 I4 j JaAlL'Mn all Ul t44.joj 4@S SUOtSlAojd @Lp of 1:)afqns sr 1 -:)ul 1 6uil:)A:) -ON eueluow jell sa6pi)jMOwjDe pue jo a-mme ap2w uaaq seLf 4ue:)ijdde @L]_L sajeoipui 4D14m pappe aq pino:) uojl!puoz) u? jell palsaMns iaLlI _jnj SPL4 Jauut?ld aL41 P ua44 aH -Alj;)doid aqj 441M ;U2U9AO:) I- se unj S.J@AleM 9 SO 1 44 pue 'IaaJIS JL'gd put? laajlS - 1 joj isaloid jo SJ;)AieM pa;n:)axa s2t4 lesodsiCl SJ , 9AI2l GGJLI Ie41 salE:)'Pul 11 J 9 uuT?id Glel:)OssV 'Ow sILA ul 141 PalOu IsO.JJ JouOlsslwWOZ) - of - - 11 - the roadway. He then cautioned it is not possible to add a condition to approval of this application which will control how "John Q. Public" accesses the subject site, Commissioner Frost stated he feels the applicant should be required to provide dust abatement on L Street if traffic counts reflect an appreciable increase on that roadway; the Mayor noted this item has been covered under the addition of 7.17. 6. Forecasted Vehicle Trips to the Year 2000 This item was discussed above. 7. Minimizing Traffic Impacts on L Street This item was discussed in the conditions above. 8. Potential Conflicts Between Conditions Imposed by the City and State Requirements Planner Wall stated that a conversation with the State revealed that they are fairly open to municipal operations; however, he cautioned that does not mean conflicts will not occur. He noted that, as a general rule, the stricter regulations will apply. He then stated that if conflicting requirements are found and cannot be met, the applicant must re- quest a modification to the conditional use permit. Commissioner Frost suggested that a separate condition be added which stipulates that the most restrictive regulations by the State and the City shall apply. Commissioner Swanson asked if it is the Commission's preference to take solid was- tes from Gallatin County only, or from adjoining counties as well. Commissioner Goehrung cautioned that such issues become legal questions, as well as getting into the realm of Public Service Commission control. He then cited recent leg- islative changes, which will become effective on October 1, which pertain to the handling of solid wastes. The Commissioner then stated that ne feels as long as the Commission makes its decision based on the community's health, safety and welfare, it is an appropri- ate decision. Mayor Hawks suggested it would be appropriate to limit the garbage allowed at this facility to that generated in the five counties in the applica� transportation study, with the stipulation that if this limitation is in conflict with state or federal regulations, it will be altered accordingly. Commissioner Goehrung noted that limitations of the site and the facility will also limit from where garbage can be accepted. Commissioner Frost rioted that the applicant may not add any storage areas without seeking a modification to the conditional use permit. He suggested, therefore, it would be appropriate to allow garbage from the five counties proposed by the applicant, noting that the addition of any other counties would likely trigger a review of an application for modi- fication. G7 -22 -91 L6-ZZ-10 1:)a.rqns 'BEL 'ON AaAjnS to ajeDi ilAaD '[ 1:)P.A.L uo j@lua3 6ujlDA:)ai pup uoije4s P jRjSuRjj a6eq,je6 e jo uoij:)njjsuoJ mollp of ' ZtL6 - Z 'ON uoji2:)jjddV ui LAI-toj las se •:)ui 'buijDAz) - Rueluovq 'ijema4S sej6noCj Aq palsanbaJ I!wJad asn IVUOfl!PUO:) GL41 @AOjddL uoissiwwoo O LP let4l ' uOsuemS JauOIssIwwO:) Aq PaPuoDas 'IsojA jauotssiwwoo Aq P@AOW S2M 11 •iuPDqdde at4l of alcie4clao-De aq p1nom j! pup 'uop2:)ijdde jesodsi(] SJaAl�j 9@.Jt4_L at4l 10 1PAoidde of paqz)e4le sem uojj!puo:) awes je Pajou J@:q:)eUv WO Jvv -anssi aql ssaippe Aj@jenbap2 11!m ss@:)Ojd 12t44 slaal aq pue 'aj2jS aq; q6nojq; pasuooif sr Alll!:)ej aLjj ;eq; palels Ilem Jauueld alpI:)OssV - slel—lew E ssej� pue z ss2lo 6uissaz)ojd pup 6uijda:):)e o,l Al!l!:)ej S1 S4!wil L4ojLjm papp2 aq p1not4s uOIl!puO0 e jr p@Ns2 uaqi s) joAeVV Al!l!:)Pj aql 4p pamolle slepa;ew jo @d A; aq; uo uoil2l!wi-1 L -6utmolloj aL41 papnjoui uoissiwwo:) aq; Aq uoissnDsip jo swal! leuoi4!ppV -sinoLl osoLp 6uijnp uado aic soij!jj:)23 6uij:)A:),?�j eueluoyV at4l jo Isow IPL41 Guilou 'sAepinles UO -w-d ()O�S I!jun uado ui2wai oi pomolle aq Al!l!:)ej aLjj jet4l paisanboj u;)ILIDiN Mj2VV - jVV sAepinjeS uo •m•d 00:h of 'w'e 00:6 PU2 lainpat4os s,uosjad 6uiNjom jp:)idAj @q; L41!m op!Duioz) Ol 'SA2pN@@M UO -w-d oo:g oi - w - e oo:L s2 p;9Lisijqejs;) aq uorjejado jo sinoL; jeLjj posodo.1d JauuRld a4l uoijejacio jo sjnOH * I L - 0Aoqe suoil!puoz) jenp!AIPUI aL41 jo uoissnDsip japun passojppe sem w94! siqj_ .jajem@;spM , 0 L -aq ue:) ;r sloal aq papuodsaj JOuueld alRID 01 44 fuoissnosip gAocie aq; ui possojppe @.jam siopo se Jauuew awes aql ui passaippe aq ue:) asiou jo wolqoid leilualod aL41 j! pa)1se uosuemS jauoissiwwoo 9SION .6 -a6eq.iP6 jeuop!ppe Aue jo a:)ue;daD:)e oL41 of joijd ssoz)ojd ;eLp of paj:)afqns pue ;!wjad asn jeuof4!puo:) aq; ol uoile:) -!jlpow -io e se panilsuoD aq ol 6UIISII SIL14 01 UOISIAaj Aue L14!m 'sailunoD ss2jq looms Pup {Jed 'uosipeW 'upellpq 'jolempeoig ui pajeaoua6 ;a5eqje6 Ida:)De ol. AI!I!Dej OLIJ MOIle o; aleiidoidde aq p1nom 1r pap!Dap uoissiwwoD aq; 'uoissn:)sip GAISUOIX 6UIMOjjOj 'UO169.1 PO42U6IS9p @L44 ap!slno woij salsem 4d@D:)e o; s;uew -U.)gAO6 le:)ol molle osle saInjels aq; asne:)eq 'uoi6ai jesodsip uia;samL4jnos aqj ui palsil asoq; jo auo jou si j! L45not4l UaAa 'Aluno:) sseig looms woij @bL-qje5 6ujlda:)De gAoidde ueo uoissiwwoo aL41 leL4; palsaftns jE)>[:)euV -.jVy ja5eueVV Al!3 aql of 6uipuodso�j -sa1n1e4s ale4S aq; ui uoi6aj jesodsip ujajsomLj;nos aL41 uj p aje jnoj asoqj aouis 'sail -uno:) >Ped pup uosipeW 'uilelleD 'ja4empeoig ui pa4ejauab IeL44 of AI!I!Dej siL4; le pa4d;9:) -:)e a5eqje5 aq; ;Iwil of qsim Aew uoissiwwo:) aql jet4l palsoHns -ia6puLVV A113 aLlj_ - ZI - - 13 - to the following conditions: 1. The final site plan shall comply with the interim zoning ordinance; 2. The Design Review Board shall review and approve the final site plan before final approval is granted; 3. The applicant shall receive a Solid Waste Management System license from the State of Montana, Department of Health and Environmental Sciences, Solid and Hazardous Waste Bureau prior to final site plan approval. All other permits and licenses required shall be obtained and copies sent to the City Engineering Office prior to final site plan approval; 4. The applicant shall adequately address the concerns of the City Fire Marshal regarding an on-site hydrant, automatic sprinkler system for a Type 5 structure, and the treatment of sludge and /or garbage transfer clean -up prior to final site plan approval; 5. Water and Sewer Facilities A. Plans and specifications prepared by a professional engineer (P.E.) for the water and sewer extensions and fire lines must be approved by the City of Bozeman and Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences. Construction inspection and certification that the project was completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications shall be provided by a P.E. The applicant may enter into a 5 -year payback agreement with the City of Bozeman for these improvements; B. Alignment and size of the water and sewer lines shall be ap- proved by the City Engineer. The documented cost differential for any oversizing of lines beyond the minimum size shall be borne by the City of Bozeman. The City anticipates that a 10- inch main will be required; C. The water main shall be extended to or through the intersection of Pear and L Streets; D. The existing 3/4 -inch water service line is to remain in service until the main extension is installed, accepted, and put into ser- vice with a new line to the Mayflower Bus Company; E. The one -inch domestic service line is to be extended only to the property line by the contractor. The City will extend the ser- vice line into the building and set the meter; and F. Required public easements for the water and sewer extensions shall be secured and provided by the applicant, with adequate access to manholes; 6. Wastewater Pretreatment A. An oil /grit separator shall be provided for all floor drains. De- sign details shall be provided to and approved by the City Engi- neer; B. A wastewater survey shall be completed. In addition, an engi- neering design report for pretreatment facilities prepared by a qualified P.E. shall also be provided to and approved by the City Engineer. The pretreatment discharge system shall be re- viewed and approved in writing by the Department of Health and Environmental Sciences, Environmental Protection Agency, City of Bozeman, and any other appropriate agency. The engineering report shall fully evaluate and assess the pretreatment needs of the proposed facility and shall, at a minimum, address the fol- lowing: i. The typical wastewater characteristics and constituents found in wastes from similar facilities; ii. The anticipated waste load for these constituents from the proposed facility; iii. Pretreatment needs evaluation; 07 -22 -91 t6 -zz -Lo PUP 'IpAoidde ueld airs 1eu13 of JoIJd aol3jo s,Jaaul6u3 RIIZ @L41 Aq panoJdde pup of papinoJd oq lsnw Uolleullsap a6Jegoslp JalemwJols agl pup (suorlelnoleo uorlualaJ Jo a6Jegoslp pup 'sirelap lallno /lalul 'sllelap uo ulseq pup 6ulzls uiseq 6urpnloui) (S)2;)j2 UollualaJ Jo uorlualap Jalem wJOls (sU011enala rods luarolddns 6ulpnIDul) a6euleJp airs alenbape 6ulleJ4suowap ueld luawleaJl pue a6euleJp Ja4emwj0ls y y a euleJQ ails pue Jalemwjojs •g 'airs loafgns slgl Joj lesodsra sJanlN aaJg Aq palnOaxa sem gOrgm slaaJIS q pue Je,9d o} sluawanoJdwr peoJ Jol ,sloijjsla luawanoJdwl IetaadS ,lo uolleaJ:) agl lsaload o} 1g6I2r JO JanleM, aql ul LIIJOJ las sUOrsrnoJd agl of loafgns si ' •oul '6ullo.(oa8 euelUOl,N legl 'sa6palmou)loe pup '3o aJeme si lueOrldde age pue faornJaS allgnd 40 JoloaJrd agl Aq lenOJdde pue malnaJ of luafgns weJ6oJd Bons glrm 'aJe }lam pup Alajes 'glieag allgnd agl loaloJd of luawalege lsnp aprnoJd (legs lueorldde agl 'aolnJaS ollgnd }o JolaaJlp agl Aq paurw -Jalap se 'Jaluao agl 6uisn asogl Jo 'Jaluaa 6ulloRoaJ /uollels Ja;sueJl a6egae6 agl Aq pasneo si laaJlS 7 uo lOedwl up jI •0 .6Ulned JO slurod leulWJal agl le papinoJd aq pegs Jaaui6uB Allo aql Aq panoJdde sJapeag orllegdse Jo alaJOUOD •0 .. e Aq papinoJd aq 11egs suolleoldloads pup sueld panoJdde aq; gl!m aouepaooae ul palaldwoa sem loafoJd aq; leyl uollealdrlJaa pup ualloadsur uorlonJlsuoZ) •speol aI3eJl paledlallue @L41 +SJJea of pau6rsap aq Ilegs uorloas llegdse aq l Jaaur6u Al!:) agl Aq panoJdde pup of papinoJd aq pegs •A'd e Aq paaedaJd 'roil -UOa leallJan pue IelUOZIJOg 6ulpnloul 'suolleOljroads pue sueld 'S spJepuels O -LHSVV Jad 'auel Jeinargan agl woJJ aleJedas auel ajDAf oiq padlJls e se 'Japinogs loo} -Jnol of -aaJgl paned e apnlaur (legs laaJlS -1 jo uollJod panoJdwr aq; ,lo 6Ulned Joj u6lsap 6urJaaur6ua aql •spJepuels AIM Jaglo Ile glrm aauepJOa3e ui glplm loot -8Z wnwlulw e of anuany aoe11LM g4JON UO luawaned agl to pua agl of laaJIS Jead gl!m uorloasJalur sll woJj laaJlS q pup lno gJnn lsowuJaglJou s,alrs agl of laaJlS -1 wOJJ l0a4S Jead aped pegs luporiddp og1 •V sluawanoJdwl laaJlS L. :a,InJeS allgnd JO JoloaJld agl }o lenoadde agl of loafgns 'aalnJas Jamas agl of uorloauuoo aJninj Jol gels 6 ulpl!nq agl ur pallelsul aq of aJe sarlllroej luawleealaJd Jamas Jaglo Jo JoleJedas Jalem /llo up Jol suorslnoJd pup suieJp Joolj Joj 6ulgwnld 'osIV •6uluealo „lam„ aJnlnl aiglssod pup ,Ajp,, gloq ale111!oe1 of Jaleq agl punoJe papinoJd aq of aJe saJnleal luawureluoo pup adois Joorj alenbapy •aJnlnl agl ul luaJedde awoaaq paau agl pinogs sall!Iroej umopgsem Jo} paau aJninj olgrssod oql se Ilam se uorleJado 6ulue313 „A-4p„ e gloq ui pre pup ,@6elllds,, ssaaoJd Aup ureluoa of uorlonJlsuoo pup u6lsap AIIIIoed agl Ul suorslnoJd algeuoseaJ a>lew pegs lueolldde agl :96euleJp airs pup 'JalemwJols 'Jalpmalsem Jo} walshs bulJolluow luauewJad y I!!n pup :lesodsrp of JoIJd spJepuels luawleaJlaJd leJapaj pue 'alels ',clro laaw pup paleaJl aq ilegs luawdinbe umop gsem Jo Jaleq agl woij paleJaua6 salsem pinb!l Ilb •!!n 'sluawaJrnbaJ lesodsrp pup 'Buripueg 'luawleaJl pup `(•ola 'ire pa6Je143slp '96pnis ' a r) slonpo.rd -Aq weaJlsapis Alll!oe3 luawlpaJlaJd 'rn (luowaJrnbaa uorl - eo!d!lJao pup 'll!Ns Jole.aado jo Ianai 'IOJIUOO ssaaaJd 6urpnlour) sluawaJrnbaJ aoueualurew pup uorleJadp n :sarlrrrgedeo (a6Jegosip PUP (enOwaJ) aouewJo4Jad ssaoOJd llun luawleaJlaid 'Al -trl - - 15 - B. In accordance with 40 CFR Part 122, the applicant shall secure an EPA Stormwater Discharge Permit for any discharge of stormwater from the proposed project site; 9. Garbage (loose or baled) shall be stored overnight only within the building or other satisfactorily contained area approved by the City of Bozeman; 10. The outside storage area where baled recyclables are kept shall be properly screened in accordance with the zoning ordinance. No storage of any materials will be allowed in railroad cars parked on the spur line adjacent to the subject site; 11. An updated traffic study reflecting the presence of the recycling center shall be submitted and approved by the Development Review Committee; 12. All garbage transferred at the site shall be properly disposed of at a licensed facility other than the Bozeman city landfill; 13. Refuse trailers traveling to or from the site shall be covered to prevent any littering during transport; 14. The conditional use permit shall not include the repair and /or storage of trucks, dumpsters, trailers and equipment on the subject site. Any expansion of the activities allowed on the site shall be construed as a major modification of this conditional use permit and subject to that review and approval process; 15. Snow storage area(s) of the appropriate size shall be shown on the final site plan, and approved by the Director of Public Service; 16. The conditional use permit shall be limited to a garbage transfer station and recycling center and any additional structure shall be reviewed and approved by the appropriate parties within the City of Bozeman prior to any implementation; 17. No storage of empty storage containers shall be allowed on site. Any future storage of empty storage containers on site shall be considered a major modification to this conditional use permit and subject to that review and approval process; 18. Vehicles used for hauling garbage and recyclables, either in route to or from the facility, either loaded or unloaded, shall be limited to use of North Rouse Avenue /East Tamarack Street; and the applicant shall include these requirements in Its contracts with various haulers to the site. At such time as an arterial loop or truck route is completed, a revised routing for access to this facility shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director and the Director of Public Service; 19. Load limits will be evaluated and enforced in conjunction with the County Road Supervisor; 20. The exterior storage area shall be enclosed so as to screen the view from 1 -90. Said screening shall be comprised of quaking aspens installed along the north and west boundaries of the storage area. The spacings shall vary (as to appear more natural rather than regularized) from 3 to 6 feet on center, and vary from 3 to 7 feet outward from the perimeter of the storage area; 21. No after -hours drop off area shall be provided under this conditional use permit. Future addition of such a facility shall be construed as a major modification to this conditional use permit and subject to that review and approval process; 22. The applicant shall provide a landscaped detention/ retention area; 23. The applicant shall take appropriate up -front measures to ensure that noise levels comply with zone code regulations, subject to review and approval of the Planning Director; 24. The applicant shall take appropriate up -front measures to ensure that odor levels comply with zone code regulations, subject to review and 07- -22 -91 16 -ZZ -LO MI. 'tiL 4aaeVV }o 6ur;aaw aeln6aJ Jra4; ;e pa4srige ;sa Aoilod uoissiwwoo 4;rM aauepaoaae ut '•w•d oZ:S o; •w'd SL:S woaU i{eaaq e paaelaap s>IMeH JoAeyp 'w'd oZ :s of SL *S - �Ieojg •auou 'ON bur ;on aso4; :s>IMeH JoAM pue 6una4aog Jauoissiwwoo 'ddeu>i AauoissiwwoD 'uosuemS aauopsstwwo: jsoa Jauoissrwwo:) 6uiaq @AV 6ul 4 0n asoq; :aJon oN pue @AV 6utmollo} aq; Aq pap jea uor ;ow a41 •;uealldde a4; Aq 6uppm up o; pa;uasuoa aq suoi;rpuoa leraads a4; jo pry 9F pue 'su6isse Jo sjossaaans 'puel ag; jo aauMO a4; Aq o; paaagpe aq pue Aidde 11e4s aaueuipao s14; ui pa;sil asn leuor;rpuoa Aue .spun pa ;e ;s AIlea13iaads suor;ipuoa fiv "Sc :su6rsse Jo s rossaaons siq 'pue' ag; jo aauMO ag; uodn buipuiq aq Ilegs pue asn puel aq; q;aM 6uluunJ suoi;otJ;saa a ;n ;r;suoo pegs suoi ;lpuoo lelaads a4; jo Ily "hE :aJnpaooad ;rwJad asn peuoi;ipuoo a4; Aq pasodwl suoi;rpuoa leraads pue le.aaua6 Ile 3o Juawll!3lnd a4; uodn ;ua6ur;uoo aq Ile4s ;rwaad ADuednaao pue asn e 10 ;4 aql EE . pa;ueJ6 Al;uauewJad aq II!m ;!waad a4a 'poijsi ;es uaaq ane4 suol ;ipuoa paainbaa lie jI 'uoi;ae aia4; .aoj uoissiwwo:) A;!3 aq; o; apew ;.aodai e pue apew aq 1pm uoi;aadsui a;rs -uo uy ;pwaad aq; jo 6ul ;ueJ6 aq; ui suoi;ipuoa a4; Ile A;sr ;es ;snw ;ueoildde aq; 'poiJad ;e4; jo pua ag; ;e ;rwJad a41 jo IeMauaJ ;uauewaad 94; o; JO'Jd ' ueld asps leuid a4; JO lenoadde 6uiM011o3 sq ;uow 81 o poiaad e Jo,J Arlen aq Ilegs ;rwaad asn leuoi;lpuoa aq I • ueld a ;rs leUlj aq; 3o Ienoadde jo sg;uow s L uiq;rM pa;aldwoa aq Ile4s s;uawanoadwi 9;!s-uo Ily ZE :s;uawanoadwt palnpa4as ag; jo ;soa pa ;ewr;sa aq; ;o ;unowe a4; sawi; jle4 -auo pue auo o; lenba Allanaas ;o po4;aw e Aq paanaas aq Ism ;uaw0aJ6e aq; 's;uaruanoadwi jo uolJelle;sur aq; o; aoiad Jn000 o; si asn a4J 3o Juawaauawwoa ao aanJana ;s a4; jo A:)uednaao 3r lE :;uawaaa6e ;eq; jo ;aed e apew aq llegs ,(;l.anaas ;o spo4;aw pue sueld uoi;ana;suoa 'sa;ewi;sa ;soo pane ;a4 "A;13 aq; 4 11M JuawaaJ6y s;uawanoadwi ue o;ul a a;ua pegs ;ueaildde aq; 'Ienoadde ueld a;rs leur� o; Joiad polle ;sui ;ou aJe s;uawanoadwi 1I OE :a0;;iwwo3 MaIA91d ;uawdolanaQ aq; uo pa;uasaadaJ s;uaru;Jedaa RJ1:) a4; Aq pauie;aJ aq pegs xis 6uiuiewaJ aq; pue ;uealidde a4; Aq pouie;aa aq Ilegs MOD pau6is au6j lenoadde uolsstwwoo ,c;!2 jo a;ep a4; jo sq;uow xis urq J o loam(] 6uiuueld a4J Aq panoJdde pue MarnaJ JO} pa;;iwgns aq lle4s 'uorssiwwoo A;io a4; Aq panoadde suor;eoi;rpow pue suol;aaJJOa 'suoi;rpuoo aq; 3o Ile 6uiure;uoo ueld alts leur; a4; jo saidoo uanaS 6Z :a.aegs Jie3 aJeuoipJOdoad sig paaaxa o; ;ou ;unowe ue ui ';iwaad asn leuoi;ipuoa s14J Japun ;nai �Iaeaewel ;seq pue ;aaJ ;S IUOJ ©; S;uawanoJ a Jn ;n} JO; ,,S;31JjSl(] ;uawanOJdwl lepads ;o uoiJeaJa a4; ;sa;oJd o; J46IN JO Janre,rN„ e u6is Ile4s ;ueaildde a41 8Z :sleraaJew E sselo pue Z sselD o; pa ;iwrl aae A;llloej spq; ;e pa;daaae salgelaAaaa pue sa;seM prlos Aluo a4; ;eLp aansua o; sda ;s a;eradoadde a)}e; ilegs ;uearldde atA_L LZ :AepunS uo pasola pue Aepan ;eS uo •w•d oo:S o; 'w'e 00:6 lAeprad 46noa4; Aepuow '•w•d 00:9 o; ~w-e oo:L :sM011o; se aq Ile4s uoi;eaado jo sanoq wnwlxew a41 9Z llenaad Ilegs as;aia ;s a4J ' A+ ;lllae} sr4; }o uoi;eJado 6uluJan06 suoi;eln6aJ Ieaol pue a ;e ;S uaaM;aq sasue ;ailjuoo e ;e4; Juana a4; uI 'SZ :JO ;aaJl(] 6uiuueld a4} do lenoJdde -9L- -77- Commission Resolution No, 2838 levying d assessing special assessments for city-wide street maintenance district for Fiscal Year 1991-92 The City Manager presented Commission Resolution No. 2838 as reviewed by the City Attorney, entitled: COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2838 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAM, MONTANA, LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT UPON ALL REAL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, COUNTY OF GALLAT|N, STATE OF MONTANA, TO DEFRAY THE COST AND EXPENSE INCURRED IN THE CITY-WIDE STREET MAINTENANCE DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN' MAINTENANCE DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF City Manager Wysocki noted that this resolution establishes the assessment against each parcel within the city limits for the street maintenance district for Fiscal Year 1991-92' He then recommended that the Commission provisionally adopt this resolution and set the public hearing for August 5. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Knapp, that the Commission provisionally adopt Commission Resolution No. 2838 levying and assessing spe- cial assessments for city-wide street maintenance district for Fiscal Year 1091-92 and set public hearing for August 5. 1991. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Knapp, Commissioner Gochrung Commissioner Frost and Mayor Hawks; those voting No, none. assess Commission Resolution No. 2839 - levying and is| assessments for i idr tree maintenance district for Fiscal Year 1991-92 City Manager Wysocki presented Commission Resolution No. 2839, as reviewed by the City Attorney, entitled: C0MM|55|0N RESOLUTION NO. 2839 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF a0zEMAW MONTANA, LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT UPON ALL REAL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF 80ZEM8N COUNTY OF GALLATUN' STATE OF MONTANA, T0 DEFRAY THE COST AND EXPENSE INCURRED IN THE CITY-WIDE TREE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF BOZEw8N. The City Manager noted that this nowp|utum establishes the assessment against each parcel within the city limits for the tree maintenance district for Fiscal Year 1991-92. no pub- lic hearing for August 5. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Gnehruog that the Commission provisionally adopt Commission Resolution No. 2830 levying and assessing special assessments for city-wide tree maintenance district for Fiscal Year 1991-*2. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting *ye being Commissioner Knapp' Commissioner Coohrung Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Swanson and Mayor Hawks; those voting No, none. L6-ZZ-LO 00*000'61 01COM E6/ LE/tt SCS * pq *5 p18 1 — 00 sjapu2s jo 9# 'Isl(i *Ll:)s - Lw '>jaajZ) Inoj_L :silodL-auuiVV jo )jueq ;DAJOSON 12.lap@3 L4i!m paajsnj_L uoilejodioD a:)uejnsui 1!soda(] jejapaj uewazog - NNVH VNV I NOW oo uewazog - )iu2g Al!jno;3S Isit lVj A - _O 00 EZShM S6/51/C0 juawaaj5V aseq:)jnda�j leloj_-qnS oo*000'osz ZLEL99 E6/SZ/SC 06 NULS UpO 9 WOH 1 00*000 SSLI799 S6/0t/ZO 06'8 USS @ leuOlIeN 1 - .IDUI xel OD Uulw qulejE] :Ined - iS jo - oo ;snj_L pup �jueq 1 ueoijawV Lli!m paalsni 00 "000'000" L$ 685I69 z6/bz/8o alqeijeA ussV 6ulla�IjPA ueo juapn;S :.A9AUa(] JO 7jUeq PGI!Un ql!m paalsnjL :juowaa.i6V as2t4ojndEqj ol juawpuawV 65-71—Pold 00 uewazog - - >iueg Al!.jnoaS jsjlA - 121o_L-qnS 00*000 EZShM S6/51/C0 08*8 S�Jues I!Pajo WJeA jejapa 00*000 SMD7 L61LOIZO SZ'o *F)pjU 09 uuiW 'pnolo juieS 00 t508zb ZVLO/M 01 - .IDUI xel OD Uulw qulejE] 00*000 Mtbt , E6/LOIZO oL'6 ' - ulzl 'S 'UuIW :JaAUaC] JO �JU28 P@4!un 44lm paoisnj_L 00 uoi;pjod.;o:) az)ueinsul �!sod@Cj jejapaj u - )INV8 AlFm3S IS2Jld INnowv ivioi •ON ldt33324 Affil inivvv qiv i 1661 '0C DNnr sguiNnogs UNV SGNOB kH011SOd3C) :smolloj se 41.joj las aq asa41 jo 6uilsjl e pup '166L 'OE aunt jo se saillinDeS Pa6Pald pup spuog Ajol!soda(j @qj jo AjojU9AUI @LAI aAoidde uoisslwwoD aLli IPLII ljsoj-j -tauoissiwwoo Aq p@puo:)as 6uni400g -jauoissiwwoZ) Aq P@AOW SeM 11 - -i@pjo ui aq of punoj sPm s Pa pup spuog Ajol!sod@a jo AJOIU@ALJI @Ljj -s),Iueq uewazog ui pa -I!sodap spunA Aj!O .col Al!jnDas se aoupuij jo joloajtCl a41 Aq play s@i;!jn:)@S Pa Pup spuog Ajol!soda(] jo sjdieoaj aLjj poutwex@ GAM4 ISOJd J@U0ISSIWLU0Z) Pup UOSUeMS JOUOIS -slwwoz) 1. V*Z)'VV 'ZIZ-9 0 1 10Z-9 U01jDaS JO SUOISIAoid ;3L41 411m ez)ueildwoD ul 1661 'o aunr jo se saij!jnDas pa PRId - SL - - 19 - 5.30 12/31194 H30311 19,000.00 5.35 12/31/95 H30312 19,000.00 Flathead Co. SD #44 (Whitefish) 5,20 01/01196 H943 120,000.00 TOTAL -- Montana Bank - Bozeman $ 177,000.00 This is to certify that we, the Commission of the City of Bozeman, in compliance with the provisions of Section 7 -6 -207, M.C.A., have this day certified the receipts of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, the American Bank and Trust Company of St. Paul and the United Bank of Denver for the Depository Bonds held by the Director of Finance as secur- ity, for the deposit for the City of Bozeman funds as of June 30 1991, by the several banks of Bozeman and approve and accept the same. ROBERT L. HAWKS, Mayor JOE N. FROST, Commissioner JAME9 L. Commissioner 13EVERLY H. KNAPP, Commissioner TIMOTHY SWANS N, Commissioner The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Goehrung, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Knapp and Mayor Hawks; those voting No, none. Appointment to CDBG Loan Review Committee City Manager Wysocki submitted to the Commission a memo from the Clerk of the Commission, dated July 19, listing the applicants for the vacancies on these boards and commissions. Mayor Hawks noted that no applications have been received for this committee. He then directed the Clerk of the Commission to readvertise this vacancy, suggesting that such advertisements be run once a month, so that all vacancies can be grouped together in one ad. Appointment to City - County Planning Board It was moved by Commissioner Frost, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the Commission appoint Noreen Alldredge to replace Keith Swenson on the City - County Plan- ning Board, with a term to expire on December 31, 1993. The motion carried by the fol- lowing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Swanson, Commissioner Knapp, Commissioner Goehrung and Mayor Hawks; those voting No, none. 07 -22 -91 bu!aq. saldoo q l!m 'pelaldwoD uaaq seq ;uawnoop ;a6pnq agl ;o uolle.redaid (Z) •ujnla7 Aagl Illun ui il!3 o; sjaalunlon aql WOJJ pajlg uaoq seq A-iLjodwal e pue 'swalgojd glleaq snol.aas g ;!M areal �lo!s papualxa uo aae s.ra ;g6r;a,j)j oMl (J) pue :goueZl aloir3 Aaljeno 6 agl le lunoW al6e3 gl!m lselNea rq e pual ;e ll!m sia;g6ijaiij A;np -} }o aql 6u!uJow mo,A lowol (q) 'Isonbei gagl le '>loam slgl ooelle3 le Aeldsrp uo aq 1pm snlejedde (e) ';uaw ;.redeQ gild aql ul (L) •smollo} se 'l.lodaa Abeam s!q pal;rwgns ja6eueW AI!3 agl (LL) -CZ Ain£ 'Aepsanl uo •w•d OO:h ;e plaq aq of 6urlaaw paeog Ma!naa u6lsaQ agl JOJ epua6y (0 t) '£Z A[nf 'Aepsan I uo - w - e oo :ol le plaq aq of 6upaaw aallrwwo3 MalnaN luawdolanao aq; -101 epua6V (6) 1661 '£Z Alnf uo plaq aq of 6ur;aaw uo!ssrwwo3 A ;uno3 aq; toj epua6V (g) •6u!laaw s,) lxau le passnaslp aq li!m go!gm '1661 'LE AeW palep heap apoo auoz leur} agl o; suo!slnaJ pasodoid aq; }o A.lewwnS (L) 'Mama.! jo; jjels o; paijapi aq uoilpad sigl palsa66ns s>lmeH joAeW • ;aajls ewwe - 1 ;sea le >ilemsso.ao a se llam se aoelleM LIIJON uo su6!s dots jo uo!lellelsu! ag; 6ullsonb - anuany a glJON 6uole sluap!saa wo.a} 'f7L AInf pa ;ep 'uo!1!pad V (9) su6rs dots 6urpae6ai 'SL Alnr pa ;ep 'pino3 saweE wojj jalla (S) 'aalua3 wlMS aql 6uipJe6aj 'Sl AInf palep '.la6uilo7l a4lol.re43 wouJ uPlaeH anS luopualuijadnS uo!lea.aoaN of jallal e jo Ado3 (f,) 'elnosslW u! OZ g6noagl gL jagwaldaS aol polnpagas uor;uanuo3 agl 6u! - pie6a.a 'Ll Ainf palep 'sumol pue sall13 jo an6ea - 1 eueluoW aql wo.lj owaW (E) 'Igod )�io!Q Aq pa;l!wgns se '9L AInr polep 'pjeog Ajos!npd s)lJed pue uollea.Joad aql wo.7J u011eu6rs;)J Jo J@; ;9 (Z) L66 L '6 Aln£ uo piaq 6uilaaw p.leog Alosrnpd aloAarg easy uewazog aql ;o salnuiW (L) • swab „uo!lewjojul jnoA aod„ 6uimolloj aql uoiss!wwo3 aq; of paluasoid 7a6eueW Al!3 aql swall lkd - uolssnos14 auou 'ON 6u110n asogl 'S�iMeH joAeW pue ;sou,d rauoissiwwo3 '6uniLloo3 .rauo!sslwwo3 'ddeuN Jauolsslw - wo3 'uosuemS iauoissiwwo3 6uiaq aAV bur asogl :a ;on ON pue aAV 6ulmolloj aq; Aq pal.a.leo uol ;ow 941 •E661 'OE aun(• uo a.11dxa of weal .leapt --oml e q1!m 'uolsslwwo3 Ajosln -PV u014en.l9s9Jd or.ro;SIH aq; uo a15UIMS prAe(] aaelda.a of jazluaW glag lurodde uolssrwwo3 aql ;eg; 'ddeu)l .iauoissiwwo3 Aq popuooas 'uosuemS ,lauoiss!wwo3 Aq papaw sem 41 uoisslwwoD ,7os!npy uorlenJasa.ad ar.aolslH o; ;uaw ;uio V -OZ - - Z) - forwarded to the Commission today. (3) The Police Department is conducting night shift bar checks. (4) Reminded the Commission of the Valley Unit auction scheduled for 2'00 p.m. on Thursday. (5) Asp]uodh' the contracted tree trimmer began work today on South 7th Avenue; and City crews are trimming on wryt Alderson Street and South 5th Avenue. (o) The City has advertised for requests for qualifications for development of urban park p|ans, with the deadline sot for Ju|y 31. (7) Announced that the Parking Commission met on Wednesday to discuss the possible downtown location for the performing arts center; and another meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday morning at 7:30 a.m. (0) Noted that the Story trial in progress. (9) Noted that West College Street is being widened between South 11uh Avenue and South 19th Avenue. (10) Attended the DBA meeting on Tuesday. (11) Requested that his absence listed in the consent items below be adjusted to July 30 and 31 noting he will be present at the Commission meeting on Mon- day- (12) Attended the City picnic on Friday evening noting it was well attended. (12) Commissioner Frost submitted the following. (l) Attended the Parking Com- mission on Wednesday morning, (2) Attended the DR8 meeting on Tuesday afternoon. (]) Noted he has received several telephone ca/|s concerning the lack of an outlet for recycling of cardboard and indicating support for a City curbside recycling program. (13) Commissioner Goebrung stated the Recycling Coalition is presently working with Weisonmn's on the possibility of providing volunteer tabor to continue acceptance of cardboard. He then noted that o precyc|ing campaign' in conjunction with the grocery stores, is currently being considered in an effort to educate consumers on decreasing solid wastes at the time of purchase. (14) Commissioner Knapp submitted the following. (l) Attended a portion of the program for the ASEAN Ambassadors this morning. (2) Attended the City picnic, and thoroughly enjoyed it, (15) Commissioner Swanson submitted the following. (1) Announced he will be absent from the August 5 meeting. (z) Requested an agenda item for the purpose of re- ceiving an update from the Police Department regarding the laws on crosswalks. (3) Noted he saw the now street sweeper on South zyth Avenue this morning. (16) Mayor Hawks asked when work sessions on the City Manager's budget docu- ment are to be held. Following discussion, the following dates and times were set: 7,00 p.m. Thursuuy. August u 7:00 p.m. Monday, August 12 7:00 p.m. Thursday. August ls 7:00 p.m. Wednesday. August z/ 7:00 p.m. Thursday. August ac (17) Mayor Hawks submitted the following. (1) Noted he has been out of town the past ten days. He stated that during that time, he passed a couple recycling centers; 16-ZZ-LO •;quou 'ON 6u[IOA @SOtAl :S�lm JOAFTV pue uOsuemS jouoissiwwoo 'GunjLj@oq jauoisstwwoo 'ddeu>l jauoissiwwoo l4sojj Iauolssiwwoo 6uiaq 9AV 6UljOA aSOL44 'OIOA ON pue aAV 6uimolloj aqj Aq pauje0 uoilow aq_L pau-mof -pe aq 6uilaaw u41 IPLII IddeuN jauoissiujwo:) Aq papuoDas llsoij jauolsslwwoo Aq PaAOW Sem 4! 'awil Sup le UOISSIWWO:) aq; gioj;)q awoo of ss;)uisnq j@Liljnj ou Gulag ;),j;)LI_L gE:g - IU@wujnolpV -6ullaaw uado oq4 POWaAUODOJ PU2 UOISSOS @Al4nz)axa @Ljj PasOP s�fmPH -ioAeA ' SE:q IV 'WOO-1 a41 RAeGj N,1910 aq; pue s-iGuOlssjwwo:) atp jda:)xa suosiad lie letp pa;sanbai pue uoissiwwoo @Ljj jo �jjajo aLp Ljl!m sanssi lauuosiod uo suoissnDsrp 6ul -lz)npuoD jo asodind a41 joj UOISSDS DApnoaxa uL' PallPD sNm2H joAelN — w*d 8i7:S IV - ADE?Aijd ol jt46u JaLl PaAlCM IOU Se4 P,?AjOAUl lenplAIPUl o(4i ieLp pajou jaqljnj 9H -@,Ansol:)sip :)ilqnd jo sipaw a44 spDaDxa Al,je@l:) A:)2Aijd of 14 aq; 4eLfl Paufw-'RIOP seLl '-'aD!JlO 6 u'P!said se ' 'PajejouuV GPOO eueiuow '(F)Eoz-E-z uoizD@S of juensind 'Ieql Pale;s UaL4'1 ?H •uOlss!WWO3 al4; 40 51J@13 aLp i411m sanssi lauuosiod jo uoissn:)sip joj ;as awil aLp si sI41 P@; s�lm joAeVV IDUUOSJOCI OJ UOISSaS aAlinoax3 - @uOU 'ON BUIJOA @SO41 fS�JM2H JOA2Vy pue UOSU2MS JaUOISSIWWO:) 4sojj jauolssluA - woZ) '6unjqaog aauoissiwwoZ) 'ddeu>j jauojssiwwo:) 6uiaq 9AV 5UlIOA ;DSOt4l :RIOA ON pue 94V Buimolloj @L41 Aq pap-ip:) uoilow aq_L - suoijoe kiess@Dau @Ljj al;aldwo:) o4 suosiod a;eyd -o.idde aLp joajip pue aziioLline PUP 'PaIS11 Se SM011 jUgSUOD ?Lfl OAoidde uoissiwujo:) aL41 jap '6uni4aog iamisspwoo Aq popuoD,?s 'ddeu>l JaUOtSSlWWOo Aq POAOW SeM 11 Suelo Z6 -ieoA le3s!j -ioj ja6pnq pasodoid s,j@6euLW Alj:D jo Idia:)@.j @6palmomi3v .A@bL A4!:) buil:)V se jpeJWL>q JOI:)ajt(] SOaIAJaS GIAIIPJISIUIWPV JO juawlutodde wiijuoo :L661 'LE pue OE Ainr - pposAM joGeueW A4!D - @AP;31 lenuue jo asn azijo4lnV •sw;)Il juaSUOD F)UIMOIIOI a41 uoissiwwoo oLlI ol poluasaid njoosAM J@62ueVI Al!o '6U]U@Aa Aepsoup@M uo iajuaO sI-lV 6u'w-JOJ-Iad @41 qj!m 6uipaw aLp jo uoissiwwoo at4l poputwai aouAoF jaqwe4:) a41 10 JOIaaJIC] 0Aljn (81) -Appol 6u11aaw siopessi?qwV NVDSV a41 JO uopjod e papualiv (£) e Ljz)ns 6UOle 6UlAll Lll!m alenba Allejau@6 @1dood tpiqm sw;alqojd @Lp Jajunooua IOU op Aeq4 4241 P@ILI@ADJ peal aLp 6uole 6UIAII aSO141 �O aWOS IAI!M SI!SIA I PGIOU GH qouauGdx;) Inj.;apuom e aq of j! punoj pue apleaS t46no.Aql j!ejj 6uol-al!w-u@l e ap!j of A4!unjjoddo ue petl -4 PaION (z) 6ullaaw sly; ul jalpea uoil23ildde a4I 6uijap!suo:) ui suja3uoo jeuoil!p - P@sWJ 1244 P@1 @H -su61s Jfat4l BUI@@S J@Aa 3JO3aq way; jo Liloq ll@ws pinoD Gt4 puP. - zz -