HomeMy WebLinkAboutDiscussion of Development of the Budget.pdf Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Anna Rosenberry, Finance Director Chris Kukulski, City Manager SUBJECT: Discussion of Development of the Budget for Fiscal Year 2012 (FY12). MEETING DATE: February 22, 2011 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Action RECOMMENDATION: Discuss and provide direction to staff regarding the Commission’s preferred policy, meeting times, and agenda items for development of the City’s annual budget for the coming fiscal year (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012.) BACKGROUND: During a previous meeting, it was suggested that the Commission discuss development of the FY12 budget. We normally look to the Commission’s adopted Goals and the Capital Improvement Plan for the basis of budget development. Any other direction or focus from the Commission at this early point in the process would be helpful. The City Manager, Assistant City Manager, and Finance Director are conducting meetings in January/February with each city department. We are discussing general “big picture” budget concerns, specific department budget issues, and asking departments to identify opportunities and challenges they see currently, or on the horizon. Departments will be presenting their initial budget requests to the City Manager in late March. The schedule is attached. Also attached is the tentative Budget Calendar, following our traditional approach. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: The Commission’s Goals have not been adopted yet. Sometimes, budget-development related goals have appeared on the list. ALTERNATIVES: If the Commission wishes to see a different process for budget development, whatever the form, it could be proposed tonight. If the Commission would like to provide policy direction for the City Manager to consider in preparation of the City Manager’s Recommended Budget, that could also occur tonight. There are many different alternatives that could be considered. FISCAL EFFECTS: This discussion will have no immediate effect. Attachments: Department Budget Presentation Schedule Budget Calendar Report compiled on: February 14, 2011 44 FY12 Department Budget Presentation Schedule Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Requests will be presented on the dates listed below. Departments will be addressing the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, and Finance Director. These are open discussions, so members of the public, other departments/staff, and Commissioners may also be in attendance. Emphasis this Year: In your presentation and handouts, please specifically address: The Workload Indicators and Performance Measures submitted each year for your Department. If you see the need to change the specific measures, please discuss your recommended changes. All presentations will be in the City Hall Commission Room. Times below are intended for both presentations and questions/answer with each division. Please have handout material s and/or a visual presentation. Monday – Mar. 21, 2011 (10:00a – 5:00p) · Parks: 10:00a – 11:00a · Cemetery: 11:00a – 11:30a · Recreation: 11:30p –12:30p ---Lunch--- · Library: 2:00p – 2:30p · CM Office: 2:30p – 3:00p · Fire Department: 3:00p – 4:00p · Building Inspection 4:00p - 5:00p Tuesday – Mar 22, 2011 (2:00p – 5:00p) · Legal: 2:00a – 3:00p · Municipal Courts: 3:00p – 4:00p · Police: 4:00p - 5:00p Wednesday – Mar. 23, 2011 (8:30a – 5:00p) · Public Services – Eng 8:30a – 9:00a · Streets/Sign & Signal 9:00a – 10:00a · Forestry 10:15a – 10:45a · Vehicle Maintenance 10:45a – 11:15a ---Lunch--- · W & S Ops 1:30p – 2:30p · Water Plant 2:30p – 3:00p · WRF 3:00p – 3:30p · Solid Waste Collection 4:00p - 4:30p · Solid Waste Recycling 4:30p – 5:00p Monday – Mar 28, 2010 (9:00a – 2:00p) · Finance: 9:00a – 9:30a · IT: 9:30a – 10:00a · Facilities: 10:00a – 11:00a · Parking: 11:00a – 12:00p ---Lunch--- · Planning 1:00p – 2:00p 45 BUDGET INPUT INSTRUCTIONS Page 2 ___________________________________________ Last updated: January 2011 BUDGET CALENDAR Fiscal Year 2011-2012 (FY12) Function/Task Responsible On or Before Department Commission Policy Direction - Goal Setting City Commission January/February Send: Program Descriptions for Editing Finance January Send: Major Objectives for Editing Finance January Send: Current Year Accomplishment Form Finance January Send: Work Load Indicators for Updating Finance January Send: Performance Measures for Updating Finance January Grant Departments Access to Budgeting System Finance January Return: Program Descriptions All Departments February 28 Return: Major Objectives All Departments February 28 Return: Current Year Anticipated Accomplishments All Departments February 28 Return: Workload Indicators All Departments February 28 Return: Performance Measurers All Departments February 28 Return: Staff Change Request Forms All Departments February 28 Complete Budget Input in Computerized Budgeting System All Departments February 28 Turn off Department Access to Budgeting System Finance February 28 Complete Preliminary Revenue Estimates Finance February 28 Department Presentations – Commission Invited All Departments Mar 21 – Mar 28 Complete Preliminary Personnel Budget Projections Finance March 31 Finalize Revenue Estimates Finance April 23 Finalize Personnel Budget Projections Finance April 23 Departments Receive Preliminary City Manager's Budget Finance May 6 Prepare Transmittal Letter Finance May 6 Prepare Goals & Budgetary Response City Manager May 6 City Manager's Budget Recommendation Printed Finance May 20 Conduct Preliminary (CM Recommended) Budget Hearings City Commission June 6 Adopt CM Recommended Budget as Preliminary Budget City Commission June 20 Conduct Utility & Fee Hearings City Commission July – August Conduct Final Budget Hearings (Open & Continue) City Commission July 18 – Aug 22 Final Appropriation Resolution Passed City Commission August 22 Adopt Final Budget City Commission August 22 Final Tax Levy Resolution Passed City Commission August 22 Submit Final Budget Document & Levies to DOA Finance October 1 46