HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertified Local Government Grant Application.pdfCommission Memorandum Report compiled on February 2, 2011 REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor & City Commission FROM: Courtney Kramer, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: Bozeman Certified Local Government Grant Application for 2011-2012 MEETING DATE: February 14, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: That the City Commission approves the Mayor to sign the Bozeman Certified Local Government Grant Application for 2011-2012. BACKGROUND: This is a consent item for the Mayor’s signature on the Bozeman Certified Local Government Grant Application for 2011-2012. The grant award will be in the amount of $5,500. The National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 established the Certified Local Government (CLG) Program. A local government that meets established criteria, as created by the National Park Service, may apply for CLG certification. The Montana State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) administers the program for the National Park Service. Therefore, application is made through the Montana SHPO. Bozeman’s Certified Local Government Program allows the Historic Preservation Officer and Historic Preservation Advisory Board to continue community education and advocacy programs about Bozeman’s significant historic and cultural resources. The grant award was predominately used in the past to fund a portion of the Preservation Officer’s salary, as well as for Bozeman’s “Preservation 365”: a yearlong series of events which strive to bring awareness to Bozeman’s historic and cultural resources. Events planned for 2009 include seminars for property owners, walking tours, lectures and the Sixteenth Annual Excellence in Historic Preservation Awards. Planned events for 2011 include “Preservation Days” in May, a Seminar for Homeowners in March, and a walking tour in the fall. FISCAL EFFECTS: The Department of Planning, which administers the Bozeman Historic Preservation Officer, is not aware of any unresolved issues for the proposed development at this time. ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. CONTACT: Please feel free to email Courtney Kramer at ckramer@bozeman.net if you have any questions. APPROVED BY: Tim McHarg, Planning Director Chris Kukulski, City Manager Attachments: CLG Grant Application & Submittal Materials Memorandum To: Historic Preservation Officers From: Kate Hampton, CLG Coordinator Sonia Powell, Preservation Grants Administrator Date: January 12, 2011 Re: CLG Grant Application for 2011-2012 For this grant cycle, we will testing a new reporting/reimbursement cycle to help reduce some of the reporting requirements and to provide a better system for summarizing CLG activities for the National Park Service. Reports will be due semi-annually, instead of quarterly. A six-month interim progress report and a final report format will be forwarded to you with your contract. Please note the corresponding change in the schedule below. Note: Quarterly requests for reimbursement, not to exceed $1,375, can continue to be submitted, as long there is sufficient cash and in-kind match for the amount requested (40% of the total federal and non-federal share). Please remember to also provide sufficient documentation to determine the allowability of the charges reimbursed, including pay stubs, invoices, or other supporting documents. Requests to reimburse the full amount of funding ($5,500) can be submitted after the six-month progress report has been approved, as long as sufficient cash and in-kind match has been documented. 2011-2012 Schedule – Dates to Remember 11 Jan 2011 Announcement of Funds 28 Feb 2011 CLG Proposals Due 4 Mar 2011 SHPO Mails CLG Agreements for Signatures 31 Mar 2011 Both Signed Agreements to SHPO 01 Apr 2011 12-Month Funding Cycle Begins 30 Sep 2011 Six-Month Progress Report & Request for Reimbursement due w/n 30 days 31 Mar 2012 Funding Cycle Ends, Final Progress Report & Request for Reimbursement due w/n 30 days Grant for 2011-2012: As of today, the US Congress has not appropriated this federal fiscal year’s budget. We anticipate amounts of $5,500 for CLGs with half-time staff and $1,500 for CLGs with less than half-time staff. However, until the US Congress has finalized the appropriation, the CLG grants are subject to increase or decrease. Enclosed you will find the annual grant application that MT SHPO offers for certified CLGs. CLG Program Grant Application Due: Monday, February 28, 2011 CLG Application Notes and CLG Reminders: 1. Remember annual CLG training is required. At least one person from the CLG must attend. 2. Effective January 1, 2011, the mileage rate has increased slightly to .51 cents per mile. Lodging continues to be reimbursed at the rate of $70.00 per night plus taxes. 3. Please attach a list of the historic preservation board members, professional discipline or citizen membership, term (year ending) and contact information (include email addresses if available). 4. Please continue submitting your meeting minutes with your progress reports. They have been very helpful. No agendas are necessary. 5. In the Scope of Work, please tie your tasks to your local government’s and/or historic preservation commission’s Preservation Plan. If not, please explain why. 6. Consider applying for Preserve America Community designation as well as state and federal Preserve America funding to supplement your CLG program. It’s your best hope for additional preservation funding. Annual CLG Program Funding We have 15 Montana communities enrolled in the CLG program. Each year, we are required by the National Park Service to pass-through at least 10% of our annual funding to CLGs. This coming year, we anticipate allocating $78,500 to the CLGs. Investment in the CLG program is not only a wise use of our funds but crucial to preservation efforts in our state, and we will continue to look for opportunities to increase CLG funding. We stress public outreach in the CLG program. Please continue your outreach programs and develop new ones to involve all ages in your community. Consider hosting a community roundtable to announce progress, events, and awards for your local historical and cultural groups, local government officials, and the public. Please provide a copy of this correspondence to your CLG Board or Commission for their review and assistance. The application form requires a copy of your meeting minutes that confirm your application was discussed and approved by the Board/Commission. Guidelines for 2011-2012 CLG Grant Eligibility CLG guidelines include the following: 1. CLG program grants must be matched on at least a 60/40 basis, cash and/or in-kind. 2. To qualify for the maximum 12-month funding level – $5,500 – CLGs must have a Historic Preservation Officer working at least 80 hours per month, and the local historic preservation program must have an established address, telephone number, and message retrieval system. (Hours may not be carried forward or back into another month.) 3. Maximum grant amount of $5,500 can be used towards salaries or operating costs. Minimum match is $3,667, and match above minimum is always appreciated. CLGs without a part-time Preservation Officer are eligible to apply for up to $1,500 for travel, training, and general operational costs. Minimum match is $1,000. 4. CLGs must submit a Six-Month Progress Report and a Final Report, including meeting minutes, and Request for Reimbursement that meet reporting requirements and are delivered on-time. 5. Unspent CLG funds revert to SHPO. Reverting funds may jeopardize the CLG’s future funding. For more guidance on administering CLG funds in Montana, please refer to the Montana Certified Local Government Manual, http://www.montanahistoricalsociety.org/shpo/clgmanual.asp, as well as the NPS Historic Preservation Fund Grants Manual, http://www.nps.gov/history/HPS/hpg/HPF/HPF_Manual.htm If you have any questions regarding this application, please contact us: CLG Financial Inquiries: CLG Program Inquiries: Sonia Powell Kate Hampton 406-444-7768 406-444-7742 spowell2@mt.gov khampton@mt.gov Certified Local Government Grant Application April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012 Application Deadline February 28, 2011 Montana State Historic Preservation Office PO Box 201202 Helena, MT 59620-1202 (406) 444-7715 2011-2012 GRANT APPLICATION CERTIFIED LOCAL GOVERNMENT PROGRAM Certified Local Government: City of Bozeman Address: PO Box 1230, Bozeman, MT 59772 Contact Person: Courtney Kramer, Historic Preservation Officer Period of Grant Request: April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012 Scope of Work: The National Park Service asks we grant funds to CLGs for kinds and levels of work that reflect increasing sophistication, skills, and roles by the Preservation Officers, in other words, tasks that reflect improvement in community thinking. For this section, please itemize regular work duties (not including special projects) – products or projects starting or completing, meetings to be attended, etc., and more specifically, ways in which the local program will grow and develop. Please tie your tasks to your community’s Preservation Plan. If not, please explain. (X Check if Scope of Work is continued on additional pages.) Please note that the City of Bozeman does not have a specific community Preservation Plan. Some of our goals and objectives are included in the City of Bozeman’s Growth Policy, chapter five, a copy of which is included in this application packet. The City of Bozeman employs one full time Planning Staff member with an undergraduate and graduate degree in Historic Preservation. Currently, one volunteer intern spends 10 hours a week working for the Historic Preservation program. Courtney Kramer is a full time Historic Preservation Officer working 40+ hours per week to address historic preservation issues within the City of Bozeman. The work agenda for HPO Kramer in the upcoming year includes: • Serve as Administrative Design Review Staff for all proposed exterior alterations/rehabilitations at properties located within the Bozeman Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District, an overlay zoning district recognized by the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), which encompasses the City’s nine National Register Historic Districts. Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) is issued upon Staff review and approval. Preservation Planning Staff reviewed approximately 350 different applicants for COA approval in 2010. Projects under review ranged from egress window installations, window and door alterations, additions, accessory structures, demolitions of non-contributing buildings and demolition of contributing buildings. • Serve as Administrative Design Review Staff for all proposed interior alterations/rehabilitations for publicly accessible properties recognized by the National Register of Historic Places. • Present COA and/or other project proposals, which ask for a deviation(s) from the UDO, to the Bozeman City Commission for final decision. • Present COA and/or other project proposals to the Bozeman Development Review Committee (DRC) and Design Review Board (DRB) for recommendations on final approval. • Consult and inform Bozeman property owners on the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation guidelines for exterior and interior alterations to historic properties. • Implement zoning and subdivision provisions through the Bozeman UDO. • Update and revise the Montana Historical & Architectural Inventory files, when alterations occur, for the properties within the Bozeman Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District. • Regularly attend monthly meetings of the Bozeman Historic Preservation Advisory Board (BHPAB). Also attend BHPAB Subcommittee (Planning and Policy as well as Education and Outreach) meetings monthly. • Regularly attend monthly meetings and is a member of the Community Transportation Enhancement Program (CTEP) Steering Committee. • Regularly attend monthly meetings of the Friends of the Story Mansion and act as a staff liaison to the group. • Monitor any grants for historic preservation within the City of Bozeman. • Compose grant proposals and requests for historic preservation and/or planning project funding (including the CLG program). • Advises Montana State University (MSU) students through a variety of historic preservation and/or planning internships and/or independent study projects. • Conduct historic walking tours throughout Bozeman Historic Districts. • Work with elected officials and appointed BHPAB members to evaluate municipal policy towards cultural resources and recommend policy changes as necessary. • Work with appointed BHPAB members to create and run education and outreach programs for the community. • Regularly attend monthly meetings of the University Facilities Planning Board to advise MSU staff on the evolution of the Montana State University- Bozeman campus. Products/Projects for the upcoming 2010-2011 CLG grant cycle: • Reconsider the City of Bozeman’s approach to historic preservation. Evaluate the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District for effectiveness and make recommendations for modification of design review program. Work with the BHPAB and community to reinvigorate historic preservation in Bozeman. • Continue to build historic preservation education and outreach events with the BHPAB. Events planned for 2011-2012 include Preservation Days, a weeklong series of events in March, a Halloween-related tour in October, and the Preservation Awards for Excellence in November. • Work with the Bozeman School District to determine the redevelopment opportunities and financial incentives for East Willson School. • Work with the Downtown Business District to introduce property owners to innovative financing options for redevelopment, including the Tax Credits for Historic Preservation and grant programs. • Administer the Save America’s Treasures grant for the Main Street Historic District. • Work with the BHPAB to begin updating the City of Bozeman’s Inventory of Historic Architecture, including incorporating Geographic Information Systems uses. • Consider and develop incentives for historic preservation and rehabilitation within the City of Bozeman, for adoption as Municipal Policy by the City Commission. Ideas include reduced parking and parkland dedication requirements. • Continue to work with the Bozeman Chamber of Commerce and the Gallatin County Historical Society to promote Historic Preservation and Heritage Tourism events. • Signs on the top of street posts identifying historic districts, a la Portland • Audio tour of Main Street district? • Start the Christmas ornaments program • Starting plaques for Preservation-award winning properties • Roundtable discussion between stakeholders: Pioneer Museum, Museum of the Rockies, Friends of the Story Mansion, Gallatin County Historical Society, Gallatin County, etc. • Development of a Preservation Plan • Development of a historic accessory structure/ ADU plan • Disply HABS/ original drawings in the vestibule of City Hall or in the Library entry. Partner with Special Collections to do so. • Newsletters to community members and stakeholder organizations • CK send letter to professors, teachers in the school district: I’m available, and would be happy to discuss local history/ historic preservation with your classes • Creation of an ad hoc committee of advisors to the Preservation Board, including professionals in the community with expertise in structural engineering, finance, law etc. The BHPAB is fully recognized by the Bozeman Municipal Code (Chapter 2.80) and operates as one of several city appointed advisory boards. Bozeman is highly successful in establishing a vibrant and effective partnership between local preservation activities and the local government planning process. The future growth and develop of the Bozeman Historic Preservation Office will be closely interrelated to the growth of Bozeman as a whole. As the number of proposed alterations to Bozeman’s historic built environment drastically increase, it will be even more necessary for the HPO to educate the public on the appropriate methods and procedures for historic rehabilitation and to avoid demolitions of significant structures for pure economic gains. BUDGET 4-1-2011 to 3-31-2012 Budget Cash Amount Cash Source In-kind Amount In-kind Source Total A. Salaries, Wages, Benefits $30,728 $5,500 CI F $36,228 B. Office Rental $0 CI $0 C. Equipment $0 CI $0 D. Supplies & Materials Itemize major categories $500 CI $500 E. Postage $0 CI $0 F. Telephone & Internet $25 CI $0 G. Photocopies $0 CI $0 H. Preservation Commission Number of hours X * rate X number of members X number of meetings 2 hours a meeting x $17.55 x 13 members x 22 meetings= $10,039 NP $10,039 I. Volunteers Hours X * rate X number of volunteers. 1 Intern X 10 hours/ wk X 10 wks X $17.55= $1,755 NP $1,755 J. Travel Mileage Number of miles X 0.51 cents. Include funds for HPO and/or Commissioners to attend CLG annual training 200 miles X 0.51=’s $102 CI $102 K. Travel Meals # of Meals X rate: Breakfast - $5.00 Lunch - $6.00 Dinner - $12.00 B:3X$5= $15 L:3X$6=$24 D: 3X$12=$36 CI $75 L. Lodging $70.00 plus tax X number of nights $70 X 3 nights= $210 CI $210 M. Project (s) Expenses – fully itemized N. Other Expenses – fully itemized. - Montana History Conference, CK Registration $175 CI $175 M. Total Expenses $5,500 $31,815 F CI $11,794 NP $49,109 SOURCE KEY: F-Federal CI-City CO-County NP- Private/Non-Profit * Federally approved minimum rate for volunteers is $17.55 per hour. SOURCES OF REVENUE AMOUNT Itemized Cash Match Source Salaries, Wages and Benefits $30,728 Telephone $25 Office Supplies $500 Travel Expenses (to MT History Conf, Missoula, MT Sept. 2011) $387 Continuing Education (registration for MT Hist. Conf.) $175 Itemized In-Kind Match Source 2 hours a meeting x $17.55 x 13 members x 22 meetings $10,039 1 Intern X 10 hours/ wk X 10 wks X $17.55 $1,755 Federal HPF Grant Request from SHPO HPO Wages, salary and benefits $5,500 TOTAL REVENUE $49,109 Certified Local Government Historic Preservation Commission Chairperson or President Signature ________________________________________ Date _________________________ Name (typed) ___________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________ Telephone _____________________________________________________________________ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Certified Local Government Chief Elected Official Signature ________________________________________ Date _________________________ Name (typed) ___________________________________________________________________ Title __________________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________ Telephone _____________________________________________________________________ (The local government administrator may sign in addition to the Chief Elected Official.) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Certified Local Government Historic Preservation Officer Signature _________________________________________ Date ________________________ Name (typed) ___________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________ Telephone _____________________________________________________________________ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Please attach the meeting minutes (or an alternate way in writing) at which your application was discussed and approved by the Preservation Board/Commission. Please attach a list of the historic preservation board members’ names, professional discipline or citizen membership, terms (year ending), and contact information.