HomeMy WebLinkAbout04- Fire Station addition and remodel, Change order 2 with IngramContract Administration 0,AIA G701 Change Order PROJECT (Name and address): Bozeman Fire Station Addition & Remodel 34 North Rouse, Bozeman, MT 69715 TO CONTRACTOR (Name and address): Ingram- Clevenger, Inc. P.O. Box 6387, Helena, MT 59604 Distribution List: Owner Architect Contractor Field Other CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 2 DATE: 09114104 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER: 13FS CONTRACT DATE:08106104 CONTRACT FOR: General Construction THE CONTRACT IS CHANGED AS FOLLOWS: (Include, where applicable, any undisputed amount attributable to previously executed Con5truction Change Directives) Add and Delete the Following: 1) Prywell revision. $1,117.00 2) Landscape revisions. .($204.00) 3) Owner's electrical change request. 142.00 4) Sidewalkreplacement., 390.00 The original (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximym PFi - rNas $ 125,271.00 The net change by previously authorized change orders $ ( 5.68) The (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Pri prior to this change order was $ 125,265.32 The (Contract Sum) (GUaFanteed Maximum PFi will be (increased) WeEFeased) (unchanged) $ . 1,445.00 by this Change order in the amount of The new (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum PFi including this Change order will be The Contract Time will be (increased) (derzFeased) (unchanged) by zero ( 0 ) working days, The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this change order therefore is August 20, 2004. NOTE: This Change Order does not include changes in the Contract Sum, Contract Time or Guaranteed Maximum Price which have been authorized by Construction Directive until the cost and time have been agreed upon by both the owner and Contractor, in which case a Change order is executed to supersede the construction Change Directive. NOT VALID UNTIL SIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT, CONTRACTOR AND OWNER. Pru & Lenon Architects Ingram-Glevengerjnc, City of Bozeman ARCHITECT (Firm name) CONTRACTOR (Firm name) OWNER (Firm name) 27 East Main Street P.O. Box 087 P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 69716 Helena, MT. .596 04 Bozeman, MT 69771-1230 ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS BY (5i8nat6re) BY (Signature) BY (Signature) Corey Johnson Chris A. Kukul ski , City Manager (Typed name) (Typed name) (Typed name) I / , Lo `1 ✓4 - d y . October 11. 2004., DATE BATE DATE (D AIA Document G701 Change Order Electronic Format 0 2001 The American Institute ot Architects 0 www,aia.org • WARNING: Un7censed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and will subject the violator to legal prosecution. To report copyright violations of AIA Contract Documents, e-mail The American Institute of Architects' legal counsel. copyright@aia.org. This document was electronically produced with permission of the AIA and can be reproduced without violation until the date of expiration as noted below. expiration as noted below, User Document: bfsco2.aia -- 9114/2004. AIA License Number 1212466, which expires on 12/3112004. Electronic Format G701 - 2001 1 INGRAM-CLEVENGER, INC, 000 Green Meadow Drive Phone: (406) 442-5102 P. Q. Box 5387 FAX: (405) 442-5105 Helena, MT 59604 Project Name: Bozeman Fire Station Addition Revised Project Number: Date: 8/6/1904 PROPOSAL PROPOS . PRbP6§AL Proposal Request# 2 Delete specified 4' Diameter dry well, cast in place a Tx Tx 4'drywell, work around existing Williams Plumbing $2,050.00 Less compromise ($1,025.00) Less Original Drywell ($500.00) ICI - cast structure $1,183.00 Less compromise ($591,00) ICI OH & P $0.00 Total this item $1,117.00 P. 1 * � � COMMUNICATION RESULT REPORT ( AUG. 9.2004 8:12AM ) * * * FAX HEADER: PRUGH&LEMON ARCHS. FILE MODE OPTION ADDRESS (GROUP) RESULT PAGE C' MEMORY TX GQEHRUHG,JAMBB 0K P. 3/3 REASON FOR ERROR E-1) HANG UP OR LINE FAIL E-B} NO ANSWER E-2) BUSY E-4) NO FACSIMILE CONNECTION P6num 07-1155 Fax: 466 2 .7 TA&t M4im street Bmxe«um 5971$ Z-AX NO. N .' TO: J A 4 GO M PA Y: C-t r FROM DATE: ?- 7 - 01 FAX NO. NO. OF PAGES: (lnd;fding this cover page) RE , 1!5e,sz 9 P�wec, L-L- P12-1 C- 6 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE The information contained in this fax is con fidentiaf and intended for the use of the recipient named above. 08/ 02:50 14064425105 INGRAM CLEVENGER PAGE 01 INGRAM-CLEVENGER INC 'k GENERAL CONTR'ACTOR PO BOX 5387 7000 Green Meadow Drive HELENA, MT 59604 10 Phone 442-5102 Fax 442-5105 Email ici@in-tch,com August 06, 2004 Corey Johnson Prugh & Lenon Architects RE: Bozeman Fire Station Addition & Remodel WE ARE SENDING YOU TM FOLLOWING MMS: Plans/Specs Proposal Submittals Change Order I X1 Other — COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 08/06/04 Revised pricing for drywell Will the attached revised pricing comply with the owner's request? [X For Your Approval For Your Quotation [ I As Requested ( ) For Your Records For Your Signature 1XI other — Copy To. Signed: .. M 08/0G/2004 02:50 14064425105 INGRAM CLEVENGER PAGE 02 NGRAM-CLEVENGER, INC. 000 Green Meadow Drive Phone; (406) 442-5102 R O. Box 5387 PAX: (406) 442-5105 Helena, MT 59504 Project Name Bozeman Fire Station Addition Revised Project Number: Date 8/6/1904 P k 6 P rii Proposal Request # 2 Delete specified 4' Diameter dry wal I, cast in place a 3'x Tx 4'drywell, work around existing Williams Plumbing $2,050.00 Less compromise ($1,025.00) Less Original Drywell ($600.00) ICI - cast structure $1,183.00 Less compromise ($591.00) ICI OH & P $0.00 Total this Rem $1,117.60 Total pages, including cover sheet Bozeman Fire Station Addition CONFIDENDTIALITY NOTE: The information contained in this facsimile transmittal sheet and the document(s) that follows are for the exclusive use of the addressee and may contain information protected by the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. 522a, or otherwise ccnfidenfiality, privileged, ornon- clist4esabie information. If the recipient for the facsimile is not the addressee or is not the person responsible for delivering this facsimile to the addressee, the recipient may violate the law by reading, photocopying, distributing or otherwise using this facsimile transmission or its contents in anyway, ffthe recipient has received this facsimile transmission in error, call the sending office immediately. INGRAM-CLEVENGER, INC, 7000 Green Meadow Drive Phone: (406) 442-5102 P. 0. Box 5387 FAX: (406) 442-5105 Helena, NIT 59604 Project Name: Bozeman Fire Station Addition Project Number: Date: 8/18/1904 PROPOSAL PROPOSAL PRb.POSAL Proposal Request # 3 Revise landscaping per aftched worksheet. Cashman Nursery ($204.00) ICI OH & P $0.00 Total this item ($204.00) AUG 10:38 PM Platiting Deduct 3 Maple & Labor Fall Gold Black Ash - planted Ivory Halo Dogwood 2 Green Mound Currant I Little Princess Spirea 25- Black ,Knight Vinyl Edging installed 1.5 Cedar Mulch, Fabric, Labor 3 Planting Mix � E P„01 CASUMN N • Box 10242 Bozeman, MT 59719 (406)587-3406 0 "a7k 7 Um 0 2 5g 2g 2g Lc1 • �1171 Page I INGRAM-CL EVENGER, INC. 7000 Green Meadow Drive P.O. Box 5387 Helena, MT 59604 (406) 442-5102 FAX (406) 442 -51 E-MAIL ici@fn-tch, corn [—] Urgent [ Reply ASAP [—] P 19 0 30 Comment [D PI&UG ROVIDW [],ForyoU.-infonnaVion Total pages, Including cover sheet C0NRDr=NDTXrTY NOTE The information contained in this facsimile tranernIMM Sheel and the documem(s) 1W follows are for the 0clusive use of the addressee and may contain information protected by the PrIvety Act 5 U.S.C. 522a, or otherwise confidentiality, privileged, of non-disclo6abre information. If the recipient for the facOmIle Is rwMe adtlmzzoo or it not the Person responsible for delivering this facsimile to the addressee, rho recipient may YWate the law by reading, photocopying, distribOng or otherwise using thL- factimile transrmim;ion at its o*ntentz in anyway. It the raclPiant haz received this fausirrille Traromluioft Iro error, cad the rending office immadi2tely, TO 39Vd �RDN3ATD WVJSINI 50ISEVV90PT TO:ZZ V00VEZ/80 JINGRAM-CLEVENGER, INC 7000 Green Meadow Drive Phone: (406) 442-6102 P. 0. BoX 5387 FAX (405) 442-5105 Helena, MT 59604 Project Name; Bozeman Fire Station Addition Project Number: Date'. 812411904 Proposal Request# 4 Per the owner's request remove ham and strobe and install in new location above fire hose connection stand pipe. Townsend Electric $123.60 lCi OH & P $18.40 Total this item $142.00 Sidewalk replacement! Remove approximately 12' x 5' of existing sidewalk 60 sf 6,50 1 sf MOM 2,'0 39Vd N39N3A310 WVN9NI S0T97,tV90tT TO:ZFI bOOVCZ/80