HomeMy WebLinkAbout03- Lyman Creek Reservoir Improvements, Change order 3 with Edsall ConstructionHKM ENGINEERING INC. (_ 177 — L- 01, y TO: Eds@Il Construction Company P.O. Box 1147 Bozeman, IVIT 59771 Change Order No: Date Project No.: Contract For: 04M229.135 Lyman Creek Reservoir Improvements It has been determined necessary and in the best interest of the Owner to modify certain portions of the Project above and the Contract dated July 30, 2003 and in accordance with the General Provisions. The following changes are hereby agreed to: 1126-141 CO#3-1 Work Directive #9. Add additional electrical distribution panel in inlet control building, CO#3-2 Work Directive #10. Add expansion joint in reservoir roofing system, CO#3-3 Work Directive #11. Additional circuit breakers to existing unit heaters in Pear Street Booster Station. CO#3-4 Work Directive #12. Replace windows in outside vestibule doors with screened louvers. CO#3-5 Work Directive #13. Add door stops on all doors and add treshhold & sweeps on vestibule doors. CO#3-6 Work Directive #14. Add channel "stop log" & safety rail in reservoir CO#3-7 Work Directive #15. Lower catch basin rims at vestibules and provide steeper regrade away from vestibules, CO#3-8 Work Directive #15. Repair rip -rap and eroded bank below res. drains. Expand rip -rap channel to contain flows. CO#3-9 Work Directive #15. Provide concrete equipment leveling pad below fluoride tank. CO#3-10 Additional taps provided in process piping for sampling points. CO#3-1 1 Work Directive #16 Thresholds added to exterior doors in inlet control building CO#3-12 Work Directive #17 Install grounding taps for flow meter ATTACHMENT: I ESTIMATE AND COST Note: The quantities shown are not guaranteed. Payment will be based on actual quantities used. ITEM I QUANTITY UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT CO#3-1 I LS Electrical Mods To Split Service at Inlet Cntrl, Bldg. $ 6,977.70 $ 6,977-70. CO#3-2 1 LS Expansion joint in reservoir roofing system $ 580.70 $ 580.70 CO#3-3 I I LS Additional Circuit Breakers for unit heaters - Pear St. $ 1,178.73 $ 1,178,73 CO#3-4 I LS Replace windows in vestibules with screened louvers $ 1,591.30 $ 1,591.30 CO#3-5 1 LS Add door stops on all doors and sweeps to vest. doors $ 1,816.83 $ 1,816.83 CO#3-6 1 LS Add channel and safety rails inside reservoir vestibules $ 1,277.08 $ 1,277.08 CO#3-7 I LS Lower Catch Basin Rim Elevations $ 1,898.06 $ 1,898.06 CO#3-8 I LS Repair & extend rip rap below reservoir drains $ 1,885.34 $ 1,885.34 CO#3-9 1 LS Provide concrete equipment pad under FI tank $ 592.25 $ 592.25 CO#3-1 0 2 EA Install taps in process piping $ 162.60 $ 325.20 CO#3-11 I LS Install thresholds - Inlet control building $ 778.82 $ 778.82 CO#3-12 1 LS Install grounding taps for flow meter $ 226.12 $ 226.12 Time (extension) days Total Cost (increase) $ 19,128.1 H:\091Master\CO#31Page1 Not valid until signed by both the Owner and Engineer, Signature of the Contractor indicates his agreement herewith, including any adjustment in the Contract Sum or Contract Time. By signing below each party agrees that this Change Order is a complete and equitable adjustment for all proposals or claims whatsoever arising out of, resulting from, and/or directly related to the above occurrences, revisions to the Contract, and/or this Change Order and hereby releases the others from all liability under this contract for further adjustments in Contract Price or Contract Time for said occurrences, revisions, and/or this supplemental agreement. The original Contract Sum was Net change by previously authorized Change Orders The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was The Contract Sum will be (increased) by this Change Order The new Contract sum including this Change Order will be The Contract Time will be (increased) by The Date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is Contractor: Engineer: 5"Ap Name By: Represents e Title City of Bozeman. Montana MUTH, By: zt�z k�� Acting City Manager Representative —/ Title NOTE: Fill all spaces. In not applicable, write N/A $ $ 2,175,700.00 $ $ 85,680.60 $ $ 2,261,380.60 $ $ 19,128.13' $ $ 2,280,508.73 0 days 29-Apr-03 HKM Engineering Inc. Name By: fRepreser4tive Title H:\091Master\CO#31Page2 1 L."r . .--- - 11./27/2002 12:07 14085861730 wM e4sil�RMG VqC PAGE 02/86 H&M -Ruglueering Inc, PROJI?CT; :L�ir, 0 VINER.- ty (IF -, wn. In" II---. - - -po. av 1210 BOX 1147 B-raqepw�59771 You are dircctcrd to promd tiro fi)IJujiing Work Directive jNo,, 9 DATE op IS87jkNCE:11 ✓ 0'"2W pwilicT NO.'— ENGD= PROJECT ENGWEER, Ffl v T7n CONTP,A(T FOP-, 1. Add an addJda=1 ditLnbudon paml to 5eparau- the cimuhs waked by N. , bmiorrat(n venSUS ffiaSe thn do not niad to I>,- Smtd bY tic geMram. Fruvidt CIPMiting to the septic wik dose pump. Compkte acZ60gaj changes as in-ChWvd an the raised rtei-,Iical drawing3 issued an lTovombcc 7, 2MI, Attaclunents: (IMdw=en[s5uppordiigchanges) 1. Summary of changes by Cm Fet ]24=rj0& If a claim is MMa rta( the about cbange(s) haviD affoctcd Cetkact 1' flcc or C*ntr= jln3,- ;10a° claim fox zz Ch—Se Order based rrnq uitl invcAvet nn& Of rhe NIA-wi MZ MethOC11 Of d'��Xmlnin6 ChC cff—Ci a the .4=LSjj(,T), Mcttod of drwnilniEg ckingr in Cennct Mee- Madiod afdemroj'aing chanL,,p Time and whwWs Tira Prkt ac=s r,v=Nrd1s,1, Cost Plus fixed fee 01bef CD n'" .0 If thie chang� invohres au (tvc days, If The Change Involve's au t 1� the c-vlm=d amount Is not increa5l, ft tvimatt LVAe lswt to be exceeded v�lthout hrthpr o be-cm.-ceeded witho r=thorimaaz, aultwdzRaolL 7k III 1 iql JJ IN mu 4r 2 tn ix 93 — �M N 4 0 rn t, To /zoo *d O2!T98G9@t7T:C1 22)-TS8S N0113FrdiSNOD 11tJSO9;WOdJ ST:60 2002-OT-3a8 ---- - I "-, '. u.I- I $ �Ul-tea L I I U. 1.140t:Ddti [,1VJ Ppt55 FROM:TQWN5ENU TOWNSEND ELECTRIC"Yo INC. P,O.BOX 401 7819HWY287 TOWNSEND.MT 59644 PHONE; (406) 266-5279 FAX: (40,6) 2664520 TO, 5X>$AW- CL-J-s-�- .-PAGE—Lof—L ATTN A AA F L I A.& 9 DATE-. �/Jj 9 A ;L- a- P--)Q 0 r" Ca E'd � s 4 a r;, 4, 4 v a. CA nr i 5,n _Dc �V,nA,r FW 14 C os -r z AS A e -rvs:� r�oe I Aft 0jr. wllopjejL, �D&s� IV PO "�,P 14W 6,9 IE :E7 Z eq vjf 1(1 LUUJ 14..Dj 1"iC.6C3:JClC'3...1 d.'�U r1-ur_ UG/ UO 03/17/26e3 11:15 14065QS1730 k M ENGINEERING 14C P4GE 82/05 IEKNI Eng entering Inc. 'Wot Dbeft&e No, 10 TL - r r, r M'X-NU 6 L' LI' is fN` lrILL yL' r Ym ate' tISIt7CW so pwmd pmmoy with the facmfsg # 1. tsi mil an bqvmskmjcfct lithe mcfmg tutCm1Ll fn cyst -wed &=tfoa. At elisi="l (Gilt 4040=0 WppWtWg cham' F r �, �.A."iiG°[ cQ: �t�adshwc Cd Ca$ti �'4A1 �i1 �.-AI�LiYCtjbfl. 1�t7�i11 �dg�Q.�1w+.t, If a cWm L9 iaW* That OW aim t ) btn aka Catbact ptice or Cftft= llc%f, Any claim ki a Ounto OT&t bix thcreaa will iW'o%c 6W of*4 h1lovrtw oa O(dtUrmbWt464 affixt of Lbb chgaso(s). MAhad OldOAM121na QhQn&JQ cF 4=nal niag c wri,6v G# £lm Uintb inEs [� i7>sii ?Tice Cato pw focid foa c m=da {Yit}lLiaw bxtft Si! in i.o1HW Slim. 7CkL(p IoLY (dectei :) iA C&trict 5_ . 15 Tim I da)% It WC ehA&p Jnmr.)IM kn 6-OAJ4, tiro OURUta 8=6 is wX to he suca6664 without &rthcc ... If thO Chat p bMDI Ks Q* i>k-.T* 4h tho CXt-aW =WU31t iJ UA to be ttcet&d witha d Auikr adharizatioAL iv, 121.2-4 DAft;' s. _-• 4��T �{�qQ�. t �SflGnmu'z�In6-C1Zl►A'iaM� Rd+nc IN ! � | 1 : a sl} 1 f ƒ� Al\\\k77/)\k)k I ri M g . m Lq u I E Im t7TO/40o'd o2-,T98533f7T;o1 M-TSSS NOIiDndiSNOD 71PJSG3-WOd-d 9T'60 COOE-OT-DE(l DEC-10-2003 39:17 FROM:EDSRLL CONSTRUCTION 5851733 TO.'1-1065661730 P.008/014 2104 INDUSTRIAL FIH ONE 588-5444 KA ­ienta BOZEMAN, MONTANA S715 FAX W�"090,.up*ei shop, A �,/ CASH IN ADVANCr;, eiTOMHED OPEN AMOUNITS"ARE DJ, Aq P, YPZLE 4E.T �� OF -PAST DUE ACC001TS 6 EAAt-ATRPAY�ENTPENAL�IgS AT 11)4% p5R MO& NORSE Nor. i I ON qup. p1mm LY MAN CREEK Pesill, Csin 1 1301 J, F t Nni_ folk" f1f I N Da -Wit 77717, —,— F! Wt. nark —at 1502—OOOC SAW, '14" CUT OFF 22. 03 48, 00 192,00 4SC4. IN 43.Z0 nz 14HrN OPOATTWTHIS EQU I PrI$,'N'r Lk.iF1YS j.jFrp �AF17TY (NG f.VJTH11V,,, sro,.-E-ly HEARIN3 A11':0 HEAD DO N*T "ILL.0141 0ThI':1,' FIERQNG TD BE NEAR 7HE ORCHINE WtiEN L,TARTfrjG Op, ruri­T,i�n, I-,'FYCP STARr n CUT IJW11.1 YOU HAVE Pr, r _11— 'r]-L WDRV Af?FA. 4 7," F, P, 1 33' DtJ40VE MET(4L tit" �7t % `:,*,V1F Mf LVWOfxlgt39 LOSSOO, h#r*hJ?,Ackn0wffi#9cT fV00600fAboyo McmlknddkAw_ f-w WE d" ftm)w0mpsGAtq RWAL SHOP of thd foluattald lowwoA toblooftoAll rdtffld And th&mowsv old& o4jo tnd 7,rTjo ouo" Print Name ri Sign Here Ot 11 e r Mpg 'Waiver oleo P.AQ Sal es Ta,)t p. o. t$ j't DEC-10-200Z 09:17 FPOM.*EDSALL CONSTRUCTION 595173:3 QUALITY FtOOFINO &IHEET METAL, INC- 3720 51$ckwOOd Road SOZEMAN, MONTANA 59715 (406) S87-4871 I n TO r--dapIl CDTIS(Tur-tio pa Box 1147 tozem,m, MT 59771 moo(%, Of dd4ttla A� work!;pWfiad Wicm; Wo herany O�F#4 to the 4h4;r10*(%1 Of ddOtla WoTk T) ir=t�ve � 10 �11 rhel* "Y 4"" OTk _i -cut in cxpftnmcljl joint io roof ins Nation 2 $ 24.00 2- saw bl4des ...... ......... $240,00 6 Hours $40,00/K04r- .... _.S264,00 Total_ ... 111--.1 E! .14 _�V g "vear - OJLIS 01 LgmtrAml: ---------- iiRACTOM Per TO:14065e51730 Nov W ci CH4s E (DRI, NUMBF-P-1 ADD170NAL VA3RX W5614 .Joei NoAd i LOCAT4N Lyman Craek AeiservoiT B07.eman, MT CONTAAWr I 406 NO 0 P. 009/014 93/W28@3 M 25 P43E 02/04 `` Ili1GeC'fn'I1C. WtDim�a PROJECT:_ Lmun_f e�i? s�rfr DATP- OF, ISSIIANCE; 3 OWNER! (lwNasFROJECTM P.O. Lox '-3n C�2fiIf�,CI'i?Qft; Resetyoirtmprovensntu CONIZtAC'T"OR: - ZLsi2T 5MI You m dfrccted to pzweeA px6mptty with tit,- faltosvirg chaup(s). I, FaavIdO additiataal keaet(s) In titePear Stzeet ar Stwtion to xrye tho hyo 480M, 3ThAm unit f3eetct-s. Attaclmanfs: I Msail Iettor dated Ian 21, 2Qt13 2. E.rrsafl zatimaVo ixmm Cow Engrza�g reprding opfinns:rnr prpv ung add tiortal breaLer(s), If a 4aitrt U m2tfc that tfte aWvt chanp(s) have affkmed Contrt3ct Prig or Contract Timc, ,any claim inr a Cftxn Ord�x ba: cci tfasrtorr �ti7tE utyoltre flna ac the fo tL]vrng rnet6ecis of dctcrmtning [Ixo 2t7ed oitttc ��), Method of det&miining change in Carrtract Frgrx; Method nfd,*rrrdr Ag change in Contraa iimc: [� -anc ,and matcciafs Q Corstracxoes roc*, 4 p Chit Price ® s rowrds Cast Pltta fixed fee Other C7 c H,stintsPead incr�sc It Cm&act i taco: F-Abmtbd sncreze (demrssc) is CDn1r3Ct S i .00 J i7X `� Time: ® d*sy If the chwc involves an if the ctiango invalyc� an imix=, the cstirrtated a=ont is nut ftwressa, she tsilrnatb tune fa not to be exuded withma f w her to be cxc dcd wv tbom nether autho izafioat, amhorizatian. l'Srrvx�p�irtalcr.�,f7ered�4pA229,iB�tkOtnKi 1,ckus IN ----- ----- tu W7 — — — 7tu 5" tv tq c ra E6 ra X 2 u M 6 M. H tTEr/OTO'd OaTSSS9Ot7T :01 22) TS8S NOIlDn6iSNOCf -I-ItJS(J3:WMJJ IT:60 2002-OT-330 &7 E D SALL C *S"T-"REU1 C. T 1 0 N CO MPAN Y GENERAL CONTRACTOR P.O. BOX 1147 April '). 2003 KevinJohnson I-IKN/l En,ineerin-, hic. 601 Nikles Drive. Suite 2 Bozeman, NIT 59715 RE Kevin: PHONE (405) 587-0614 BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59771 FAX (406) 585-1733 Lyman Creek Reservoir Improvements Bozernan, MT We previously brought to your attention that the contract documents do not shoe electrical connections for the electrical unit heaters at the pear Street booster stanion, ']'lie cost to provide the necessary Ct1-CL11t breakers for (Ile unit heates is $ 1.178.731 %,VC re(ILICSL Lllclt yOLI prepare and ISSUe a change order incorporatino, the �Clditiomfl Work into the contract, increasimy the contract amount $ 1.178.73 with no adJUSLI11CUL in the contract perCormance period. 11)'OU have any cjuestlon6 please contact me. Sincerely. EC?1-,Tfl Construction Company Darrel C, Behrens -Plo�c�-ct Mana(uer/Estimator ' - CC File 0411 i/ 2du-J 1b: �i1 140bbbbJ. /JLJ HKM ENGINEERING INC IMM Engineering Inc. WORKDURECTIVE AGE .e� a •.+�1!�I�r � il� DATE QF CE.* OWNMIS 2WGIlqEElRS PROTECT NO. C4M229J35 G i'R iN` 1 .., PAGE 02/02 You art c3im� to proceed promptly with the following cb s): 1..Add (8) sc� louvtrs in rtsavoLr vembW e &xn and dekte tie wir0ows ftntn the (a) "te or do -ors. .Altaclin�Gtzts: 1. J:.ett= fr= Pd=U Coa7sttiiction if a claim is made that the abon- change(s) hxn af£D-t Cantxact price Or Contract Time, any claiza for a Chmige Or&r based there= will ii mlve+ ono of tho f owing nxftds d dcxcrxn.indng lk c6=t of the Via). Method of det=mining cI>augc iA CcmtractRnze: Method of dctcrzzuniug tie in Contract T!,x- [I Tune anal materials ❑ coast mcws r=rds ❑ Unr[ Price D .Engineer's rmords Coat pIus f xzd fm ❑ o then CTtlu,�:` Ldfimatcd increse in Contract Puce: Estimated is rtasc (dc rca.sc) in Coact S 1,591.30 Time: t] char,. If the n 11ano zuwh°es an If the change kavaam incre =, the esri=ted amount is mat ixcreasc, the estimate time is not to be =ceded-%lthoutfurthe r to bo =� wilhoutfurthcr authadzalim a s.rtlxrrization. RECOMY ENDED AU'T 0 (�By CGr C)wner Data J 1�SetvcrlAclmin-i3ha �,i 354C�2w'J:scibtraki 2c1c� s m vi u IIE q3, co 13 uw 12 cc vo trt as J2 ru to A p n� I t7TO/TTO *ci 021198S8OVT:01 2e-)-TS8S NOUondiSK-0 IIUS83:WMiJ 8T;60 20@F-OT-D30 4 wo .aO 4 u1j uxiY ur- tjuLt:.191H1'1 [Ac-E 01/ol. 26/19/2003 12:58 14eUSS173e HKM DhGINEERTMG INC IU04 Engineering Inc, WORK DIRECTIVE - CFLA.NGE MR kv HIMMUM-PW Ycu = dir=d to prDcccd pnwpdy with the fbllong chmg.,(s): 2, Add door stops as Wdic" i-a the Mning schedule: a. Wct contml buffiilng — bm=mW M04) — Floor step b, InIn mviml building — a=zcal� zoom — M02) — Flo-orr ftop* CI) v- Wet watrol b74din — mccbAniral =M — (DOI) — Floor swp d. Bathroom door — P07) — lffo stop - ? G. Outla Q=Mt Building — (DO 1) — flom stop If a claim is madt Mat the above chang,*) havc zfft�zt Czntmcf Price arConawt Time, any ckm for a Chmgt Order ba;icd tfie=n wM involve om of ac fallowing mahu6 of da=TWrdnZ the eff= of rim orangL*(g). Medw d dstem=g cb=p M CCM= Prj= 0 Tim arKi m=ri21g F1 unit PHce EJ Cat Amze fim El if the dam J=Iva an increase, the csUmted ==is not. w be Vcoeded wiftut feather ndunizgfion. jtEC4ND48] Englm= MtdM af &1=irvt�g change iu Contract Time: Q CantracWf a wwzds E-1 aj neett =cords El Other Estimated iucTonq-- (dtats-ve) iz CDn&Act Time: 0 days. If the cltnp kwolm an tbe esti� tit= is not to bt m-eenWMthnt Anther amtliodzation. A OEM m I,w .�Jg P g -9 t,TO/P-TO'd 22,LTSES NOIID-nUSNGO IIUSG3:WOdJ ST;60 2002-OT-030 I 06/19/2e63 15:51 4065822262 CITY OF BOZEMAN ",—p/19/2803 14;0G 1400GS1730 HXM ENGINERPING INC Mal Enoneexing Inc. WORK DMECTM CHANGE of u PAGE el/01 PAGE 02/03 I a 12 K ,Xll26Xlf&'E1--fflj ta 1 V,4 -so- 4 lot, '21, m j2q'{— —.I*.1 4 jlvrqN 10 'a m 0 q 'o 0 Lo 0 (0 0 0 m a) al c) t-7 LO co It C: LO 0 0 0 CS 0 0 AD c C lu ar 0 co cc LO 0 L ) Ir to 9 r- 0 C 0� 0 0 0 co ai O C. ay 0 c z o CO as 00 , E ra c (a < 0 a a. c ai rsl aj CL > E 2 0 CL as j E c .9- L) KU EO 0) E' U L) (D in r E m a ca nl ui E N -0 C c r_ m cn 0 LU ol I ILI I I I I I 00 EO 0 z 11,11 111111 � 0 id �t co t.0 T5 0 0 E -2 0 a- M 0 'R m. 00 CO 0 > 2 0 > 73 F- 0 0 U3 4(, coo U) (D 0 O 7-0 U) Zo 06 oto CL . lq is 75 0 o O 0 (Y) 0 0 m Ljld XWul 11. L I kl t I U( OU/,=111-11 F101 EMGINEERING IWO BKM Engineermg Inc.. WORK DIRECTM CHANGE = -05. -..ro oil 40014,14% tell t'A�-t ul/ul PAGE 02/02 Wark Dkec&e No,—M_ You air, dirwred tG prodeed prmnptiy vAth the fbtlowiag chmign,(s): 1. Frog do a oaxrctr, equipmV pad under th-,, 11mride aamga tank in the chemical feed mm. Equipment pd qWL be A rninlrm x of V In tWkwsr, (3-600,00 +[-) 2. PAp,* zip rap cbaot4 below mxzvoiv drain Unz. Regradt eroded bmk and add fabric, gravel, and rip M to form appropriate chmcI (91,840M +/-) 3, T4vcx mtth baaLn rim elevations fox the oMh basins at tech cad of the xe8mr. Remove irm;rAArrtCG mid cnt off six (6) inzbm or ds alypc to,6-incl= as passible and th= rcsdrx=es. Rqnde areas around dtMn to ptovid-- jQT draimge of waw away from 9-M veslilmles, (.52.0m,00 4)-) 1. No=. If a cldm j.-I made that the Wnm cbsDgu(s) bftvt k&ctcd Cou=ct PAce or Contract Tjs�, any claim, for a CkWtg* Onkr bia thereon will imohc ow of the fallowing methods of &t=ming the effwt of the dangt(s). Method of detcrminWg ch=s in ConLmd Pricc: 2 nme and MRMTWS unit Price Cost pluis food foc otho I imric"m in S 4.40Q.N If the change invDWw an Jn=aDc, tiro W11=td Wno-lt fsnat t2 bg meeded wMaut -hzthc�c authm=1011. Method cyf dctcTxni� tig oharge in Contmct Time: El conuactoeA =as Estimated fi=tm (decr=) in Cmmd Time: Q . .. - days. Jf the chmp fmQrmta imeream, tho md=te time iv not to be cKomdad •niflimA fiathor alithmiz9hon. � a r"I O2LT9&;90K:Oi MTS9S ROIL nashioo -17USG3:WOelA 8T:60 2002-OT-0 T, CD a O C7 Q Cn h7 Q J C) � r 4 a 47 a C1 a!Y Cd e}je q c C_7 � v Y3 N a a a O a a J 0 a N N O C O L C ro o o GS a a p A o r t+l p to m ua p C) ie a � c a o x m U a m N ee� N ti N � U � l© ep a U U E v' 8 N P a G ® E2 C p C. a, .0 m :) C 7 N a � M Vb 47 }' C N r N 0 mq W rmd w v L C) Y Y x U U O U C a c w E m ra v a 0 E a .3 � C a a U a c p p cr C a U a a m r� L n a E a p m a E N a Q 1 m° a o v E i� cl O C� a aCL p wf- Latt c p d N,I 1� tti'll—F., C? a O z �I "C7 a cri a[1 m q � r VS � Co r- r d 0 0 C3 Q p m Ln rq �4 d a0 U U � CL o n ''., i6 L 03 �iC m O C � F- :5- O 41 _ R5 a.. .0 C_ C � O O d C7 Q VI O ~ O U M C 0 = U a h � o Y p F- co m � U — w ea C E n � at ra CJ et Cam' 0 in ci g h m coo w F SO o O U K. U c 0 0 - n m a a U m a c a U F- 1 c h C CF Kd 4± U'1 C+1 ., -E 0 N CJ N tl7 0 0 � m en tomes N 'Q h v � U r K O � C1 G co E c E Qj CL > .0 C'_ O E U E C m — C ,a u ° 'a u r as E a .E c a E p a.� n H c� U N .ac ca cr tl in E 'a1 O N m co N r 9 EC9 To QC7 J 2 E u.. W ¢ 0 76 L Q@ r o Q q m U a' c > 9 N O o0U) c i!}m fil to a m O e C o a o U) iv m an m m H #� F- 9 O 0 c � O y a :3 m v ci= co 0 0 N m O 4' 0 U O 4 O a y O In V U"Y V SS p N N L O 10 a 0 O O O N 2 O 0 CD C� a E N - 0 L C O O O O O ca O U Ca O m .E m a N O O 0 C7 Ca 0 O 11 rP us a U � m us m O c Q O X MA C C) u Ca LL � Y c[a IP to 1i5 9 P 0) M � o � o' U u C C, C31 ui c t° Lpt a. A LJ m N � F V} P P � J Q1 �fI C ro O O to c� E N C Q O CV D Oi N O EE N � L U Y o u �l to . o O � � E - `m m w C4 1 c a o a cx U E d 0 ® a CL c a ° 11S t� o a�i U y E, O X�. ^� AI N U tt3 o dD 0 , x FL w E o o c 0 o A m N O to J O � 0 E 0 d m — 0 I O U o as a _ o a m a` 0- "° -6 o a 0 a C n u CO U L m L pU `i c `m-a2 e a y a w o` F 0 °0 0 w c w m G7 C3 J o a a N N N N O r- O O F- i-- t— co O 0 M 0 0 C p o C) ca C) c o 0 o O 2 C� w -3 o M 71; 0 o ID o) o) co to o Cl c; a ai 12 M D E 72 N 0 C11cm w 0 E < x u �(u 2 E f:L as E p 0 cx o cL m m :3 L) w CD 3: o W E u) J.- a a) ca 0 cm u) -0 co E j E 4t 0 LLJ C) N o Fr TT -j U1 12/06/2203 11: 3o 4065822263 CITY OF BOZEMAN WN-1 ENGINEERNG I',\iC JJKA,1 Engineering Jac. WORK DMECTIVE, CHANGE P ROJE sirvoir R.- ,8.)Z,z m C(D\VMACTOR: F.O. ON 1147 PACE 01/01 p4eE V/U Work Directive, No,--j�7 DATF OF ISSUANCE: FRiDjECT N—D.' PNOWNEERS PROjECT ZNGIN EER: —UMM CO'XTRA(�T Fop,:— Ynn are &rrctad toproceedpromptly L 11 1 IMfl tre-ShOlds under the cx,eriordoors of-1,- inlet cQjw0j bi;ildin�a, Attach rrlvl,-t3: 1. SpCc sheets & quOtatiOn .rain Edsall Comtructic)n. ff a claim is trade that ti" 2bcJ%'c chall3c(S.) �ave i5bcmd ConjMCt PViCG Or C4rnn"2Ct Tin any Clain MIT 4rivolvc Tle Of the rolf0wipq methods ofd�.tmmain.q cite effect of the ckaji�*),for Chnnec Crder b'jqcd thov�-Qrt Z 114C(zod of datcrininizzig change in Contract price; li= and m4tce0h Utir Pricc ccSt-olus rl"md ree Ocher L-S—ti—Nd f1lCrtaW in COM,-nCt Price: T' the fn"-0tVc5 an illcrlt$, the eStlmatcd anmum is tive rn —b(,,e-yc&%de., uvitltoutCiutlacrauthorization. --/ A 3 Date eq " (/ — /0/47, Method of dcicrmiriizig change in cnrj-aCt,ri3j,, COnnractor's records Diginccr, , 13 Other E5Lil'1at,-,d illcrcase occrease - i oi contract Timn: days If the chanigr ;nvc lvcs 111 inc teLu,!, the e-q1im2M HMO is not to be exCccdcd wir;intg Currher' auftrizatl". AL7HOWED: p 'y' 01,10 0 0 m o � J C7 4 N C �� O A m TJ 0 � M o � � r Y C rn oa m 'r- . M M h m C _ C� G O M o er O 0 O a :c u rr u 76 C c 9 w. C� � } 0 � C u 1 � j1`9 U 7 � yIC � J V9 NC py m m C7 r a`r �v Gv r car co W o cn E r� o f£9 U c m U7 O L � Q d C � m Q5 a> _ C OE 2 � N C O .. O U C ® O w � l7 C [ N 'O is C3 m v. CY u� E w c W m o c C7 L) w rn C) r- � Cr, N E O o 0 A U x n J o ro ti a KSUa9 N acn C) - (a U m - ami l o C3 0 o N ro U c c m> o >IS y � 0 m A c-o N ca n A H A Q (dJ cC O � PJj Do CrJ o 44 G 11/15/2003 13:35 4065022263 CITY OF BOZEMAN 11l13/2003 12,13 14065961720 INC HKA4 Engineering Inc. WORK DMEMNT CluLNGE PR0JRC'f,------ Lyn . _An.Craek Rtstmir UWN1'ER;-_Q-1of ozenrrin P.o. Bm lyio Bnzema,L MW 597-,1-123 0 CONTr,ACT6R! w E&all C.Opstriction. comnmy Box 1147 Bo man. NJT 5577 1 PAGE 01/01 PALL 02/02 Work Dlrecdve --No. 16 DATE OF JSSUANCB-Jjjj-',,o-, OWNERS PROJECT NO, V TqCr N r� R"R S PROJR-T NO. M,2LQj 14, 15 �NQNFER: TWNIR" -E'uet=-'wz TUC, ICONTR-ACTFOR, LvmanQLtcReseg 1, rravemztzts You = directcd to proceed promptly,,%itli the folTovAng cbsng(8): threaded taps in D.I. flaages cotmc t6g o 8-in-,h flow n1gler cngtxndirsT ofthe 'neter. Attarktrmnts- Af a claim is made that the above charige(s have of Contract Price or Compc,Tinre, Any c,Liim for;aChange Order faced fhmwrs %V ilivolve One of 9e fbuov'ing mcdio& 0INctemining the efTect of dais ghangqs). NTeftd of dcuro�, pg uligoge � CoRtm, rt Price; Vatl nd of deturrrmini g change in Contract T�n--: 1i Time and materhiLs Contractw's recoreis uhit pncc ❑ Engineer's records, C"ovp1m fixcd fee Lj F�ntjier Estimated increase in Contract Price- -SMM= Mcrease (decrease) ill cmtracz 761e: -L-3--Teue, If the chai)gc inv,)Ives an If tbc charip involvcs an increase, the estimated amount tv mor-rr� The f,,q1bt1AtC timc is nM to 1'.,e exceederl without ffirther be exceeded wiffinut further auttl&7ation, RECOM If EIi; AUTHO Engircrit OW*4(r o4 0 p M 0 C3 in p C7 V N �s 'D N C3 C3 1a r- C] ti Iti �4 — c) r, �� I t 0 d 02-)TSrd!S9Ot7-TDi 222.4SBS NOumaSND3 YbSG-D,1408-� 6T*60 '2002-OT-D30