HomeMy WebLinkAboutrcvd 1-7-10 Letter re: Bozeman Brewery January 6, 2011 Goff Architecture 201 S. Wallace Street, Suite A3 Bozeman, MT 59715 Attn: Graham Goff RE: Proposal for Engineering Services – Final Demolition of Ancillary Structures and Permanent Bracing of Existing Masonry Wall at Bozeman Brewery, Wallace Avenue, Bozeman, MT. Dear Graham, This letter is in response to your request for an updated proposal for structural engineering design & construction support services on your Bozeman Brewery Project located on Wallace Avenue in Bozeman, MT. These services include demolition support for the removal of the remaining ancillary structures behind the existing historic masonry wall along Wallace Street and the design of permanent bracing for this wall to meet current Code requirements. Prior to construction of the permanent bracing for the existing masonry wall along Wallace Avenue (See Photo #1), the remaining structures to the west of this wall will need to be removed down to and including their foundations (see Photos 2-4). We propose to offer demolition support for the removal of these structures to include the design and/or review of demolition plans including staged temporary access and support of the structure; design of the anticipated stages of temporary bracing; and intermittent field inspection throughout the demolition process. Photo #1 - Existing Masonry Wall along Wallace St. Photo #2 – Xstg. Structures behind Masonry Wall. Once the demolition has been completed for the portions of the building behind and to the west of the existing historic masonry wall along Wallace Street, then a geotechnical investigation will be completed in the vicinity of the proposed new foundations for supporting the final structure. Due to the proximity to the existing wall and the expected high point loads for the proposed support frame behind this wall, it is anticipated that these foundations will be supported by either helical or auger cast piling. Letter to Goff Architecture Page 2 of 3 RE: Proposal SR4 - Demolition Support & Permanent Bracing Design for Masonry Wall Photo #1 – North End of Xstg. Ancillary Structures. Photo #2 – South End of Xstg. Ancillary Structures The structural design for the final bracing support and anchorage to the existing masonry wall will depend upon numerous variables including the anticipated future use of this property; prevailing Code selection (IBC vs. IEBC); input for the City of Bozeman Building Department and Conservation Office; budgetary constraints; etc. Figure #1 to the right illustrates a potential bracing configuration for this wall which was assumed for the purposes of this proposal. The existing rubble stone foundation and masonry wall are to remain in place with new support frames to the west. An estimated seven to 10 frames supported by new auger cast or helical foundations are located behind the wall. The geometry of these frames will be influenced by the planned final use of this property, either exposed or hidden inside of the future framing for any structure designed behind the wall. These frames support four struts running horizontally at the top and bottom of the wall and between the existing window locations (see Figure #2). The horizontal struts anchor a new structural frame which is anchored to the existing masonry wall. The anchor spacing will be designed at a 4 foot maximum spacing in each direction in accordance with Section of the 2006 IBC. This spacing may be increased if anchor capacity allows and if the anchorage is designed in accordance with the International Existing Building Code (IEBC) was approved by the City Building Officials. The new structural frame will be finished with new exterior cladding, roofing, and flashing to reasonably protect the existing wall from wind and weather loads on the west (formerly interior) side. Figure #1 - Conceptual Support Letter to Goff Architecture Page 3 of 3 RE: Proposal SR4 - Demolition Support & Permanent Bracing Design for Masonry Wall We propose to complete the above mentioned work on a time and materials basis with a budget estimate of $29,500 We will begin this work within 2 weeks of our notice to proceed and complete this work on a timely basis. A breakdown of the budget estimate is as follows: • Demolition Support: Estimated 16 hours of design for temporary bracing and support for staged demolition plus estimated 4 hours per week times 12 weeks of field inspection, for a total of $5,500 • Geotechnical Investigation: See attached estimate from Castle Rock Geotechnical Engineering for a total of $7,000 • Structural Design of Steel Support System and Anchorage to Existing Wall: Estimated 120 hours of structural design services, drafting, and correspondence plus estimated 40 hours of special inspections for field installed anchors and structural steel erection for a total of $13,000 • Project Management and Miscellaneous Reimbursable Expenses: 15% Est. $4,000 Figure #2 - Conceptual Support Locations The terms and conditions under which our services are offered are in accordance with our 2007 Agreement for Professional Services as previously agreed upon for this project. Please sign below and return to our office as this will serve as our notice to proceed. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Respectfully Submitted, David M. Sigler, PE Principal Enclosures: (As Noted) Cc: File – 07003 Owner/Representative Date: CASTLE ROCK GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING INC. PROPOSAL FOR GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES C:\Users\Andy\Documents\GEO Information\Proposals\P-75 Spanish Peaks Eng.doc Spanish Peaks Engineering & Consulting LLC. January 6th, 2011 2123 Durston Road No. 17C Bozeman, Montana 59718 RE: 801, 803 North Wallace - Geotechnical Engineering Services Proposal Castle Rock Geotechnical Engineering is pleased to submit this proposal for geotechnical engineering services for the Brewery project. This proposal is for continued subsurface investigation to be completed with auger drill rig. Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation/Report Perform a Summary Report of subsurface conditions along with recommendations for the existing brick façade remaining of the historic structure. The evaluation/recommendations will determine stability of the existing grounds and if additional improvements are necessary to the existing brick walls foundation. The feasibility and practicality of incorporating the existing structure into the architectural design of the proposed new structure is of consideration. The recommendations will be based on subsurface bore investigation with no less than 2-bores exploring the existing foundation affects upon the supporting soils next to the building. The work will also include detail photographic log recording existing structure condition, foundation condition, and soil profile. Prepare Geotechnical Engineering Report will provide the following: Discussion of bore hole investigation & logs on existing structure; Discussion of bores, general geology, subsurface soil and groundwater conditions; A brief review of field and laboratory procedures, and testing results; Soil Tests; Consolidation, Atterberg, Moisture, Proctor, Hydrometer, Specific Gravity; Assessment of existing building with bore log & photo log; Recommendations for proposed construction; Allowable bearing capacities of existing foundation & soil pressures; Estimated total and differential settlements of the new & existing foundation elements; Conclusion & subsurface improvements; PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS*………………………………….……….…...$ 7,000.00 * Laboratory Testing and arrangement and scheduling the bores are included in this fee. The assumed cost for laboratory testing of soils is estimated to be $1,500 and bore cost (mobilization of equipment etc.) $3500. The subsurface investigation can be completed with backhoe for $1,000 however; this type of investigation introduces increased potential for undesirable disturbance of ground conditions. Disturbance of ground conditions can skewing results of the “in situ” soil conditions and test results. Additional risk is associated with this type of investigation which is not assumed by Castle Rock Geotechnical Engineering Inc. Please mark on the Notice to Proceed at the end of this proposal if Bores or Excavator is to be used to perform the investigation. Note(s): The geotechnical recommendations for this project are considered preliminary until they are CASTLE ROCK GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING INC. PROPOSAL FOR GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES C:\Users\Andy\Documents\GEO Information\Proposals\P-75 Spanish Peaks Eng.doc verified to be appropriate for soil conditions at the time of construction by the Geotechnical Engineer who prepared them. This agreement includes Exhibit A, Castle Rock Geotechnical Engineering’s - General Condition terms of the proposal. The near surface investigation is limited to the reach of the equipment whereas drilling is limited to auger refusal. Advantages of auger drilling are depth of investigation, shallow tube sampling to obtain intact soil specimens for laboratory testing and split spoon sampling, and SPT testing. Auger drilling quotes can be obtained upon request. Exhibit A Castle Rock Geotechnical Engineering General Conditions to this Agreement Accepting the recommendations and other information within this written report results in the acceptance of the following General Conditions listed below. Only applicable responsibilities & conditions apply. Section A CASTLE ROCKS RESPONSIBILITY A.1 Castle Rock Geotechnical will provide the professional services specifically described in our written agreement with you. You agree that we are not responsible for professional services that are not included in our specific undertaking. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all of our record findings, opinions, and recommendations will be provided to you in writing. You agree not to rely on oral findings, opinions, or recommendations without our written approval. A.2 Castle Rock’s services shall be performed in a manner consistent with that degree of skill and care exercised by practicing design professionals performing similar services under the same or similar circumstances and conditions. Castle Rock makes no other representations or any warranties, whether expressed or implied, with respect to the services rendered hereunder. If you direct us to deviate from our recommended procedures, we cannot, you agree to hold us harmless from all claims, damages, and expenses arising out of how you proceed. A.3 There is an inherent risk that samples or observations may not be representative of things not sampled or seen and, further, that conditions may change over time and across sites. You will hold us harmless from all claims, damages, and expenses that arise from performing engineering consultation in areas or locations known as and or mapped by Others as instable and/or landslide area(s). We will reference our field observations and sampling to available reference points. We will not survey, set, or check the accuracy of those points unless we accept that duty in writing. A.4 Our duties do not include supervising your contractors or commenting on, overseeing, or providing the means and methods of their work, unless we accept such duties in writing. We will not be responsible for the failure of your contractors to perform in accordance with their undertakings, and the providing of our services will not relieve others of their responsibilities to you or to others. A.5 We will provide a health and safety program for our employees, but we will not be responsible for contractor, job, or site health or safety. CASTLE ROCK GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING INC. PROPOSAL FOR GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES C:\Users\Andy\Documents\GEO Information\Proposals\P-75 Spanish Peaks Eng.doc Section B OWNERS (RESPONSIBLE PARTIES) RESPONSIBILITY B.1 OWNER will provide access to the site. We will use reasonable care to minimize damage to the site. In the course of our work, some site damage is normal even when due care is exercised. We have not included the cost of restoration of normal damage in the estimated charges. At your option and expense, we will correct normal damage. We agree to be responsible for damage that is caused by our negligence B.2 OWNER agrees to provide us, in a timely manner, with the information that you have regarding buried objects located at the site, and we have the right to rely on such information. Until we have completed our fieldwork, you agree to provide us with all your plans, changes in plans, and new information that refer to site conditions. You agree to hold us harmless from all claims, damages, losses, and related expenses involving buried objects of which you had knowledge, but did not timely call to our attention or correctly show on the plans furnished to us. B.3 OWNER will be responsible for the cooperation of your employees and your contractors in observing all radiation safety standards after we notify you that nuclear density testing or measuring devices are to be employed by us. B.4 OWNER will notify us of any knowledge or suspicion of the presence of hazardous materials in samples provided for testing. OWNER will provide us with information in your possession or control relating to contamination at the site. If we observe or suspect the presence of contaminants not anticipated in our agreement, we may terminate our work without liability to you or others, and we will be paid for the services we have provided. B.5 Neither this agreement nor the providing of services will operate to make us an OWNER, operator, generator, transporter, treater, storer, or a disposal facility within the meaning of the Resource Conservation Recovery Act, as amended, or within the meaning of any other law governing the handling, treatment, storage, or disposal of hazardous materials. You agree to hold us harmless and indemnify us from any such claims, damages, or loss. B.6 Drilling, well installation, and remediation services may involve risk of cross-contamination of previously uncontaminated air, soil, and water. If you are requesting that we provide services that include this risk, you agree to hold us harmless and indemnify us from cross contamination claims and damages, unless the loss is caused by our negligence. B.7 OWNER agrees to make disclosures required by law. In the event you do not own the site, you acknowledge that it is your duty to inform the owner of the discovery or release of contaminants at the site. You agree to hold us harmless and indemnify us from all claims related to disclosures made by us that are required by law and from all claims related to the informing or failure to inform the site owner of the discovery of contaminants. Section C REPORTS & RECORDS C.1 Castle Rock Geotechnical will furnish reports to you as described in our scope of work or proposal. We will retain analytical detail(s) for THREE years and financial data for TWO years. C.2 All samples remaining after tests are conducted and field and laboratory equipment that cannot be adequately cleansed of contaminants are your property. They will be discarded or returned to you, at our discretion, unless within 15 days of the report date you give written direction to store or transfer the materials, at your expense. C.3 Castle Rock Geotechnical shall retain ownership of our reports, notes, calculations, and other documents, which are instruments of our service to you. Our reports are for your use only for the purposes disclosed to us. You may not CASTLE ROCK GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING INC. PROPOSAL FOR GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES C:\Users\Andy\Documents\GEO Information\Proposals\P-75 Spanish Peaks Eng.doc transfer our reports to others or use them for a purpose for which they were not prepared without our written approval, which will not be unreasonably withheld. At your request, we will provide endorsements of our reports or letters of reliance, but only if the recipients agree to be bound by the terms of our agreement and only if we are paid the administrative fee stated in our then current Schedule of Charges. C.4 If you do not pay for our services as agreed, we may retain all reports and work not yet delivered to you and all reports and other work in your possession must be returned to us. Reports and other work may not be used by you for any purpose whatsoever until they are paid for in full. Section D COMPENSATION D.1 You will pay for services as agreed upon or according to our then current Schedule of charges if there is no other written agreement as to price. An estimated cost is not a firm figure unless stated as such. D.2 You will notify us of billing disputes within 15 days. You will pay all undisputed portions of invoices on receipt. You agree to pay interest on unpaid balances beginning 30 days after invoice dates at the rate of 2½% per month, but not to exceed the maximum rate allowed by law. D.3 If you direct us to invoice another, we will do so, but you agree to be responsible for our compensation unless you provide us with that person's written acceptance of all terms of our agreement and we extend credit to the third party. D.4 You agree to compensate us for our reasonable fees and expenses if we are required to respond to legal process arising out of a proceeding as to which we are not a party. D.5 If we are delayed by factors beyond our control, or if project conditions or the scope or amount of work change, or if changed labor union conditions result in increased costs, decreased efficiency, or delays, or if the standards or methods change, we will give you timely notice and we will receive an equitable adjustment of our compensation. If you and we do not reach agreement on such compensation within 30 days of our written application, we may terminate without liability to you or others. D.6 If you fail to pay us within 60 days following invoice date, we may consider the default a total breach of our agreement and, at our option, terminate all of our duties without liability to you or to others. D.7 In consideration of our providing insurance to cover claims made by you, you hereby waive any right of offset as to fees due us. Section E DISPUTES, DAMAGE & RISK ALLOCATION E.1 Disputes will be submitted to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) as a condition precedent to litigation. Each of us will exercise good faith efforts to resolve disputes first by a meeting between the parties' company officials. If this meeting is unsuccessful in resolving the dispute, the parties shall proceed to non-binding mediation. Collections will not be submitted to ADR. All disputes will be governed by the law of the state in which our servicing office is located. E.2 We will not be liable for special, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages, including, but not limited to, those arising from delay, loss of use, and loss of profits or revenue, loss of financing commitments or fees, or the cost of capital. CASTLE ROCK GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING INC. PROPOSAL FOR GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES C:\Users\Andy\Documents\GEO Information\Proposals\P-75 Spanish Peaks Eng.doc E.3 We will not be liable for damages unless suit is commenced within two years of the date of injury or loss or within two years of the date of the completion of our services, whichever is earlier We will not be liable unless you have notified us of the discovery of the claimed breach of contract, negligent act, or omission within 30 days of the date of discovery and unless you have given us an opportunity to investigate and to recommend ways of mitigating damages. E.4 Our fees for services are small in relation to the risk and therefore liability is shared by responsible parties involved with the project. For you to obtain the benefit of a fee which includes reasonable allowance for risks, you agree that our aggregate liability will not exceed $25,000, if claim against us is not found in our favor. E.5 If you fail to pay us within 60 days following invoice date, we may consider the default a total breach of our agreement and, at our option, terminate all of our duties without liability to you or to others. E.6 If we are involved in legal action to collect our compensation, you agree to pay our collection expenses, including reasonable attorney fees. If you make a claim against us that is resolved in our favor, you will reimburse our costs of defense, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney and expert witness fees. Section F GENERAL INDEMNIFICATION F.1 We will indemnify and hold you harmless from and against, damages and expenses to the comparative extent they are caused by our negligent acts or omissions or those negligent acts or omissions of persons for whom we are legally responsible. You will indemnify and hold us harmless from and against, damages, and expenses to the comparative extent they are caused by your negligent acts or omissions or those negligent acts or omissions of persons for whom you are legally responsible. F.2 To the extent that it may be necessary to indemnify either of us under section F.1, you and we expressly waive, in favor of the other only, any immunity or exemption from liability that exists under any worker compensation law. Section G MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS G.1 This agreement is our entire agreement. It supersedes all prior agreements. It may be modified only in writing making specific reference to the provision modified. G.2 Neither PARTY will assign or transfer any interest, any claim, any cause of action, or any right against the other under this agreement. Neither of us will assign or otherwise transfer or encumber any proceeds or expected proceeds or compensation from the project or project claims to any third person, whether directly or as collateral or otherwise. G.3 The term of this agreement shall be for a period not exceeding 12 months commencing on the date of execution, unless it is sooner terminated in accordance with its provisions. This agreement may be terminated by either party upon 30 days written notice to the other party for any reason. G.4 It is customary for the consultant that provides design recommendations to be retained to provide observation and related services during construction. If we are not retained to provide continuing services, you agree to hold us harmless from all claims, losses, and expenses arising out of any interpretations, clarifications, substitutions, or modifications of our work provided to you or others. If we are retained to provide observation and related services during construction, our services will not in any way have any right to control the work, stop the job, supervise or coordinate subcontractors, direct the contractor's means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of CASTLE ROCK GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING INC. PROPOSAL FOR GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES C:\Users\Andy\Documents\GEO Information\Proposals\P-75 Spanish Peaks Eng.doc construction, and safety precautions and programs. G.5 If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid for any reason, such invalidity shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision of this Agreement. NOTICE TO PROCEED FOR GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PROJECT: Brewery Bore Investigation BOZEMAN, MONTANA By Organization Signature Authorizing Agent Date Name Printed BORE__________________ or Excavator _____________________