HomeMy WebLinkAboutMitchell appeal materials from applicant.pdf GARY W.WELLAND JARI)INE, STEPHENSON, BLEN'�ETT RETIRED: JOSHUA I.CAMPBELL JAMES E.AIKEN J ON T.HOLDEN D_ WEAVER, J�j R P.C. JACK LEWIS JOSEPH D.HOUSTON (�(, � L 1 DANIEL T.JONES ATTORNEYS AT LAW ARTHUR G.MATTEUCCI ]ON1.KUDRNA 300 CENTRAL AVENUE JOHN D.STEPHENSON BRION C.L24DSETH SEVENTH FLOOR,U.S.BANK BU"fNG SUE ANN LOVE P.O.Box 2269 GEORGE N.McCABE GAT FAL s,MoNTANA$9403-2269 ROBERT B.PFENNIGS TEL:(406)727-3000 BRIAN L TAYLOR -5419 PATRICK R.WATT FAX: s& 72 rdincl WARRENC.WENZ E-MAIL: lindsaht?ajardinelaw.com July 29, 2010 Chris Saunders City of Bozeman 20 East Olive Street �1 JUG 2 9 2010 J P.O. Box 1230 !J Bozeman MT 59771 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNINGANDCOMh"UNiTYDEWLCP RENT Re: Mitchell Development Group, LLC/The Bozeman Gateway Impact Fee Credit Appeal of Administrative Decision Ladies and Gentlemen: The purpose of this letter is to appeal from an adverse administrative decision regarding Mitchell Development Group, LLC's ("Applicant") and The Bozeman Gateway Development's ("Project") request for impact fee credits or other types of reimbursement for certain capital improvements and dedications made and installed by the Applicant. Factual Background The Applicant negotiated to purchase approximately 72 acres of real property near the intersection of Huffine Lane and College Street("Property"). An initial map of the overall Project is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference. In conjunction with Applicant's acquisition of the Property, the Applicant also negotiated with Montana State University to acquire an easement necessary to extend Garfield Street from 19t1i to the proposed location of Fowler Avenue ("Garfield Easement"). The City of Bozeman ("City") had been working to acquire the Garfield Easement for years with no success, thus, the City was overjoyed when Applicant succeeded in acquiring the Garfield Easement for the City. The Garfield Easement was dedicated to the City by Montana State University directly as a part of the Applicant's acquisition of the Property. In one of the initial phases of the Project, the City, Applicant and the Montana Department of Transportation ("DOT") entered into a Memorandum of Understanding, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by this Appeal from adverse administrative decision Page 1 of 1$ Chris Saunders City of Bozeman July 29, 2010 Page 2 reference ("MOU"). The MOU dealt with the installation and/or improvement of certain streets and intersections, specifically including but not limited to the intersections of Huffine Lane and Fowler Avenue, Huffine Lane and College Street, and Garfield and South 19th. The MOU included the following provision: "... The City acknowledges and agrees that the improvements to be constructed by the Developer hereunder will benefit other property owners and the City agrees that they will cooperate with and reasonably assist the Developer in obtaining contributions or reimbursements from such benefited property owners for the costs incurred by the Developer in designing and constructing such improvements." Based on the MOU and in conjunction with the City and DOT, the Applicant, at its own cost and expense,proceeded to: 1. Install the intersection at Huffine Lane and Fowler Avenue; 2. Install all required signals associated with the intersection of Huffine Land and Fowler Avenue; 3. Modify the intersection of Huffine Lane and College Street; 4. Install the intersection of College Street and South 29`h; 5. Install Fowler Avenue, a five lane minor arterial spanning a distance of approximately 1,250 feet; 6. Install, extend and widen Garfield Street from South 19`h to Fowler Avenue; and 7. Modify the intersection of Garfield Street and South 19`h. As described in the MOU, the Applicant completed, installed and paid for the improvements to the intersection of Huffine Lane and Fowler Avenue, which are specifically acknowledged by the terms of the MOU to benefit more than just the Project. It is also important to note that with respect to at least some of the improvements described above, the City has already received contributions from other adjacent land owners designated specifically to pay for the installation of the improvements made and funded by Applicant. Specifically, pursuant to an Improvements Agreement for Parkway Plaza Unit Development ("Parkway Plaza Agreement"), the City and Robert R. Nelson agreed that Mr. Nelson would either install signals and associated lighting in the intersection of Fowler and Huffine Lane (US Highway 191) or deposit with the City a total of$76,050.00 for the purpose of paying to have the improvements installed. The improvements were not installed by Robert R. Nelson, and instead I believe the City collected the payment referenced above to be used to pay for the improvements described in the Parkway Plaza Agreement. The City, however, required the Applicant to install the signals and intersection improvements described in the Parkway Plaza Agreement which Applicant completed Appeal from adverse administrative decision Page 2 of 15 Chris Saunders City of Bozeman July 29, 2010 Page 3 without the City offering or providing any assistance despite the specific language set forth above which was included in the MOU. In fact, as of the date of this letter, the City has neither offered nor paid to Applicant any of the funds the City has already collected for the installation of the intersection improvements made by Applicant. In addition to the street and roadway improvements described above, the Applicant also installed, at its own cost and expense, a 21 inch sanitary sewer line running from the north of West Main to the southern edge of the Property to allow developments to the south to tie into the City's sewer. The 21 inch line installed by the Applicant dramatically exceeded the capacity required by the Project. In addition, the City was so anxious to have the sewer line installed, that they hooked on to the south end of the 21 inch main and extended it southward for the benefit of another development even prior to the Applicant's dedication of the line to the City. During the permitting process for Rosauers, the Applicant was advised for the first time by the City that, despite the terms of the MOU and the specific language whereby the City promised to assist the Applicant in being reimbursed, if the Applicant desired to receive reimbursement for its various investments in capital improvements, the Applicant must file a formal request for reimbursement_ Therefore, by letter dated October 20, 2006, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit C and incorporated herein by this reference, the Applicant specifically requested reimbursement for the investments it had made in capital improvements, infrastructure and dedications. The plat for phase 1 of the Project, including the dedication of the land under Fowler Avenue, was thereafter accepted by the City and recorded on or about November 9, 2006. Thereafter the Applicant provided the City with information regarding the specific costs associated with many of the capital improvements and dedications described above with a letter dated January 25,2007, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit D and incorporated herein by this reference. Applicant's subsequent discussions with the City resulted in certain areas of agreement. The items on which the City and Applicant were able to agree are described in a letter from the Applicant to the City dated November 25, 2009, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit E and incorporated herein by this reference. Unfortunately, as is evidenced by the adverse administrative decision from which Applicant now appeals, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit F and incorporated herein by this reference, the parties were unable to come to an overall agreement regarding reimbursement or credits against future impact fees. The remainder of this letter will address the specific issues addressed in the attached adverse administrative decision. Appeal from adverse administrative decision Page 3 of 15 Chris Saunders City of Bozeman July 29, 2010 Page 4 Impact Fees: Although the Applicant is aware of the City's familiarity with the legal basis for, and limits of, the fees that can be exacted by way of impact fees as well as the expenses and inconveniences associated with resulting litigation, we believe it may be appropriate to review the underlying principles behind impact fees and the statutes authorizing their usage. The underlying premise for virtually all regulation concerning impact fees is that the fee or improvements required are valid when they bear a reasonable relationship to the benefits received by the developer or the proposed project. See Home Builders Assn. ofDayton & the Miami Valley v. Beavercreek 729 N.E.2d 349 (2000). Consistently, Mont. Code Ann. § 76-3-510, concerning the requirements that can be assessed to a specific project for capital facilities, requires in part "... The costs [of extending capital facilities] must reasonably reflect the expected impacts directly attributable to the subdivision." If the application of any particular local rules, regulations, ordinances or requirements result in a particular developer or project bearing more than its proportional share of the cost of capital improvements, then such application may give rise to a claim. Consistently, Bozeman Municipal Code ("BMC") § 3.24.030 requires in pertinent part: "(B) The intent of this chapter is to ensure that new development bears a proportionate share of the cost of improvements to the city transportation, fire protection, water and wastewater systems; to ensure that such proportionate share does not exceed the cost of the transportation fire protection, water and wastewater facilities and equipment required to serve such new developments; ... (emphasis added) (D) It is not the intent of this chapter to collect any money from any new development in excess of the actual amount necessary to offset new demands for transportation, fire protection, water or wastewater improvements generated by that new development." When a development contributes substantially more to the City's infrastructure than the burden the particular development causes, then the development should be entitled to credits against future assessments for such infrastructure in order to maintain the proportionality embodied in the BMC and required by Montana statutes. The BMC Appeal from adverse administrative decision Page 4 of 15 Chris Saunders City of Bozeman July 29, 2010 Page 5 grants such credits by and through BMC § 3,24.100 which sets forth certain specific criteria, however all such specific criteria must be weighed against the overarching principal of proportionality and should be disregarded to the extent that they would violate that requirement. It is also important to note that the version of the BMC that was in effect at the time of the Applicant's application differs in some respects from the current BMC. One of those differences is important in this case. At the time of Applicant's initial application, BMC § 3.24.100 concerning credits against development impact fees was as follows: "After the effective date of this chapter, all mandatory or voluntary land or easement dedications for street, fire protection, water or wastewater improvements, and all mandatory or voluntary acquisition or construction of improvements to the major street system or the city fire protection, water or wastewater systems by an applicant in connection with a proposed development shall result in a pro rats credit against the development impact fee for the same type of service or facility..." (emphasis added) After the Applicant filed its request for credits, BMC § 3.24.100 was amended as follows: "After the effective date of this chapter, ail mandatory or voluntary land or easement dedications for sheet transportation, fire protection, water or wastewater improvements, and aU mandatory or voluntary acquisition or construction of capital improvements to the met transportation system or the city fire protection, water or wastewater systems by an applicant in connection with a proposed development aha44 may result in a pro rata credit against the development impact fee for the same type of service or facility..." (redline added) The key changes made to § 3.24.100 include the deletion of"all" and the change from "shall" to "may". Since all applications are to be evaluated under the regulations in the time they are made, the previous version of the BMC must be used when evaluating the Applicant's claims and appeal. Discussion of Issues: The specific issues associated with the Applicant's request appear to be set forth in a table included in the City's denial letter attached hereto as Exhibit F ("Table"). These issues will be addressed by the Requested Credit Component as described in the Table. Appeal from adverse administrative decision Page 5 of 15 Chris Saunders City of Bozeman July 29, 2010 Page 6 1. Fowler/Main Signal: This Fowler/Main Signal as described in the Table concerns the costs associated with the signalization and related modifications to the intersection of Huffine Lane and Fowler Avenue ("Fowler Signal"). The Fowler Signal is one of the items dealt with in the MOU referred to above. As described in the MOU, the City was actually the applicant with the DOT for the construction of the Fowler Signal. As described in the letter attached hereto as Exhibit E, the cost of installation for the Fowler Signal was $384,579.40. A. Project Related: The Table indicates that the Fowler Signal would not be considered capacity expanding. The definition for "Project Related Improvements" as set forth in the BMC provides in pertinent part that: "Project related improvements" means ... all traffic control devises for streets and driveways within the development..." (this provision is currently located at BMC § 3.24.040(M), however at the time of Applicant's application, it was located at § 3.24.040(K)). As you can see from the map included at Exhibit A, the Fowler Signal is NOT located within the development as described in the above referenced definition and should therefore NOT be considered a project related improvement. Furthermore, as discussed above, the Fowler Signal was included in the 1996 Parkway Plaza Agreement described above which resulted in the City receiving approximately $76,050.00 from the developer under the Parkway Plaza Agreement toward the construction of the Fowler Signal. Therefore, the Fowler Signal should NOT be considered a project related improvement of the Project. B. Capacity Expanding: The Table also indicates that the Fowler Signal is capacity expanding which is consistent with the City's position as described in the letter attached hereto as Exhibit E. The Applicant and the City agree that the Fowler Signal was 100% capacity expanding. C. CIP Listed: The Table indicates that the project was not CIP listed. As described in BMC § 3.24.040(F), which at the time of Applicant's application was § 3.24.040(E), describes the CIP or Impact Fee Capital Improvement Program as the manner in which the City disburses or dispenses the money accumulated in each respective impact fee fund. We understand the Capital Improvements Program to be a listing of the projects that the City believes to be beneficial for the expansion of the City as it may from time to time be amended. Appeal from adverse administrative decision Page 6 of 15 Chris Saunders City of Bozeman July 29, 2010 Page 7 The City certainly considered the Fowler Signal to be an important project as the City required the Fowler Signal in the 1996 Parkway Plaza Agreement referred to above and was included in the City's 20I20 plan. In addition, the City was the applicant with the DOT for the installation of the Fowler Signal as described in the MOU. Obviously if the City applied for the approval for the Fowler Signal, they were considered important improvements. Furthermore, as the applicant on the Fowler Signal project, the project was really the City's own project,but was performed and paid for by Applicant. It seems that using the City's means of dispensing money from the impact fee funds as a limitation on the credits that may be granted for capacity expanding acquisition or construction of capital improvements may, in certain circumstances, lead to the improper requirement that a developer bear more than its proportional share of the costs of such capital improvements. Such a limitation may violate the underlying proportionality requirement of the statutes authorizing the use of impact fees. Finally, we are aware that in other instances the City has added certain projects to the CIP listing based on developers' applications because the projects fit within the criteria for the capital improvements program whether or not they were currently represented on the list. Failing to treat the Applicant in a similar manner would be arbitrary and capricious in nature. D. CIP Funded: The Table indicates that the Fowler Signal was not CIP funded. As described above, the City had already received funds pursuant to the Parkway Plaza Agreement for the Fowler Signal. Additionally, the Applicant refers the Committee to the Applicant's response set forth in the CIP Listed section above. Finally, the Applicant believes that the requirement that in order for a project to be eligible for impact fee credits, the City must have already allocated funds for the project does not fit within the statutorily authorized basis for the assessment of impact fees set forth in Mont. Code Ann. § 7-6-1601 et. sec. and may violate the proportionality requirement embodied in Mont. Code Ann. § 76-3-510. E. Timely Request: The Applicant's request for reimbursement and credits for various capital improvements Applicant was required to install goes all the way back to the MOU dated August 25, 2004, which specifically stated: Appeal from adverse administrative decision Page 7 of 15 Chris Saunders City of Bozeman July 29, 2010 Page 8 "... The City acknowledges and agrees that the improvements to be constructed by the Developer hereunder will benefit other property owners and the City agrees that they will cooperate with and reasonably assist the Developer in obtaining contributions or reimbursements from such benefited property owners for the costs incurred by the Developer in designing and constructing such improvements." The City and Applicant had been in close contact and discussion about all of the improvements required of and made by the Applicant and the City was involved each step of the way. Not only was the City the actual party applying for the permission to install the Fowler Signal, but the city also designated, monitored and approved all plans and specifications for the Fowler Signal. The City was contractually obligated as described in the MOU to `cooperate with and reasonably assist' the Applicant in obtaining reimbursements. If the City believed that the Applicant should have taken additional steps necessary to be eligible for reimbursement, the City was obligated to inform the Applicant thereof. As soon as the Applicant learned that the City expected additional steps for eligibility for impact fee credits or other reimbursements, the Applicant filed its formal application as described above on or about September 27,2006. 2. Fowler Trunk Sewer: The Fowler Trunk Sewer as described in the Table refers to a 21 inch sanitary sewer line which the Applicant installed from north of West Main to the southern boundary of the Project ("Sewer Line"). The Sewer Line extends beyond the southern boundary of the Project and was hooked on to in order to service other developments to the south of the Project even before the Sewer Line was dedicated to the City. A. Project Related: The Table indicates that the Sewer Line may be considered partially project related. The definition for project related improvements referenced above states in pertinent part: "`Project-related improvements' means ... all wastewater lines or facilities adjacent to, leading to or located within the development and serving only the development..." The Sewer Line is certainly not installed to serve only the development in this case and should therefore not be considered project related. B. Capacity Expanding: Again the City and Applicant agree that the Sewer Line is capacity expanding. As is detailed in the letter attached hereto as Exhibit E which documents the Applicant's discussions with the City in this Appeal from adverse administrative decision Page 8 of 15 Chris Saunders City of Bozeman July 29, 2010 Page 9 regard, the Applicant and City agree that, based on the Project's projected use of the Sewer Line, 92% of the Sewer Line exceeds the reasonably expected usage of the development. C. CIP Listed: Once again the Table indicates that the Sewer Line was not `CIP Listed'. The Applicant refers the Committee to the discussion concerning the CIP list set forth above. Not only did the City approve of the expansion, the City was so eager to hook up to the Sewer Line expansion that the connection was made to the Sewer Line expansion even before it had actually been dedicated by the Applicant to the City. Just as other desirable capacity expanding projects have in the past, the Sewer Line extension should be considered to have met the CIP criteria for purposes of granting impact fee credits to Applicant. D. CIP Funded: Please see the Applicant's discussion above concerning CIP listing and CIP funding. E. Timely Request: The City was aware of, approved of and involved with the installation of the Sewer Line each step of the way. The Sewer line demanded by the City exceeded the capacity necessary for the Project by a mutually agreed 92%. Applicant reiterates the discussion above concerning the provisions of the MOU and the City's duty to inform Applicant if the City believed there were any additional steps that the Applicant would be required to take to obtain credit or reimbursement for the portion of the Sewer Line that exceeded the Project's reasonable capacity. 3. Fowler Construction: Fowler Construction as described on the Table refers to the Applicant's construction of a five lane minor arterial running in a slight S- shape from the intersection of Fowler Avenue and Huffine Lane on the north border of the Project to the intersection of Garfield Street and Fowler Avenue on the south border of the Project ("Fowler Avenue"). The costs associated with the installation of Fowler Avenue were $289,435.75 and were detailed in the attachments to the letter included herewith as Exhibit E. Fowler Avenue was designated on the City's 20/20 plan as a minor arterial and the Applicant was required to construct Fowler Avenue in compliance therewith. A. Project Related: The Table indicates the construction of Fowler Avenue may be project related, however the definition of project related provides in pertinent part: "Project-related improvements means ... all access streets adjacent to the proposed development or leading only to the proposed development; all Appeai from adverse administrative decision Page 9 of 15 Chris Saunders City of Bozeman July 29,2010 Page 10 streets and driveways within the development; all acceleration and deceleration, right or left turn lands leading to any streets and driveways within the development..." In this case, Fowler Avenue does not lead only to the development and is in no way internal to the development as can be seen from the map included herewith as Exhibit A. Certain portions of Fowler Avenue may be considered acceleration and deceleration lanes, but a five lane arterial is certainly not fully project related. B. Capacity Expanding: The City and Applicant agreed that certain portions of Fowler Avenue were capacity expanding which is accurately reflected on the Table. As described in the letter attached as Exhibit E, the City previously indicated that it believed Fowler Avenue was 25% capacity expanding. The Applicant, however, believes that, as installed, Fowler Avenue exceeds the requirements of the Project by more than 25%. C. CIP Listed: Fowler Avenue was included in the City's 20/20 plan as a five lane minor arterial. Thus, the City required the Applicant to install Fowler Avenue to such specifications. Applicant again refers the Committee to the previous discussions concerning the CIP list. D. CIP Funded: Fowler Avenue was included in the City's 20/20 plan as a five lane minor arterial. Thus, the City required the Applicant to install Fowler Avenue to such specifications. Applicant again refers the Committee to the previous discussions concerning the CIP funding. E. Timely Request: As described above, the MOU acknowledged that certain improvements the Applicant was required to make exceeded the burden caused by the Project and benefitted other properties. Furthermore, the City agreed to assist the Applicant in obtaining credits or reimbursements for such types of expenditures. Applicant refers the Committee to the previous discussions regarding this issue as set forth above. 4. College/Main Reconstruction: I believe the College/Main Reconstruction refers to certain off site modifications that the Applicant made to the intersections at: i. Huffine Lane and College; ii. Huffine Lane and Harmon Stream; and iii. Garfield Street and South 19`h. Appeal from adverse administrative decision Page 10 of 15 Chris Saunders City of Bozeman July 29, 2010 Page 11 For the purposes of this response, all of the above intersection modifications will be referred to together ("Intersection Modifications"). As described in the letter attached as Exhibit E, the costs of these Intersection Modifications totaled $459,005.42. Each of the Intersection Modifications were off site modifications made to correct certain dangerous conditions that existed with regard to the respective intersections. A. Project Related: The Table indicates that the Intersection Modifications were all project related. However, the modifications made to the intersection of Huffine Lane and College were neither located within the bounds of the Project nor did they directly lead to the Project and were certainly not serving "...only the development..." as is referenced in the definition of project related improvements set forth above. With regard to the intersection of Garfield and South 19`h, the modifications made were several blocks from the Project. These modifications should clearly not be considered project related. The modifications made to the intersection of Huffine Lane and Harmon Stream do lead to the Project,but are not exclusive to the Project. In this regard, Applicant would bring the Committee's attention to a recent decision concerning this issue. The decision was issued in Montana First Judicial District Court in and for Lewis and Clark County in a case called Christison v. Board of County Commissioners of Lewis and Clark County, Cause No. BDV-2006-348. There are currently at least six other similar cases pending which address the same issue. The issue concerns the ability of a city or county to require a developer to construct improvements outside the bounds of their proposed development. B. Capacity Expanding: The Table indicates that whether the Intersection Modifications were capacity expanding or not is uncertain. Applicant certainly contends that improvements to intersections NOT within the bounds of the Project, and some of which were several blocks from the nearest point of the Project, are certainly capacity expanding. Please see additional commentary concerning this issue included above. C. CIP Listed: The City specifically requested that the Intersection Improvements be made at significant cost to the Applicant to improve the traffic flow and safety of the affected intersections. The Applicant worked hand in hand with the City concerning all of the Intersection Modifications. The Applicant refers the Committee to the discussion set forth above Appeal from adverse administrative decision Page I I of 15 Chris Saunders City of Bozeman July 29, 2010 Page 12 concerning this issue, including but not limited to the City's obligations as described in the MOU. D. CIP Funded: The Applicant refers the Committee to the discussions concerning this issue as set forth above. E. Timely Request: The Applicant refers the Committee to the discussions concerning this issue as set forth above. 5. Garfield Construction: The Garfield Construction described in the Table refers to the Applicant's installation of the roadway along Garfield Street extending from South 19th to Fowler Avenue ("Garfield Construction"). The Garfield Construction was completed at a cost of approximately $1,951,560.16. Only a relatively small portion of the Garfield Construction was adjacent to the Project with the majority of the Garfield Construction neither located within nor adjacent to the Project. A. Project Related: The Table indicates the Garfield Construction may be project related, however the definition of project related provides in pertinent part: "Project-related improvements means ... all access streets adjacent to the proposed development or leading only to the proposed development; all streets and driveways within the development; all acceleration and deceleration, right or left turn lanes leading to any streets and driveways within the development..." In this case, the Garfield Construction does not lead only to the development and is in no way internal to the development as can be seen from the map included herewith as Exhibit A and the description above. Thus,the Garfield Construction should not be considered Project Related. B. Capacity Expanding: The Table indicates that the Garfield Construction may not be capacity expanding. Applicant contends that the Garfield Construction was not located within the Project, and in fact, the majority of the Garfield Construction was not even adjacent to the Project. The Garfield Construction certainly expanded the City's infrastructure and traffic capacity. Please see additional commentary concerning this issue included above. C. CIP Listed: The Applicant refers the Committee to the discussions concerning this issue as set forth above. Appeal from adverse administrative decision Page 12 of 15 Chris Saunders City of Bozeman July 29, 2010 Page 13 D. CIP Funded: The Applicant refers the Committee to the discussions concerning this issue as set forth above. E. Timely Request: The Applicant refers the Committee to the discussions concerning this issue as set forth above. 6. Land for Fowler Avenue: The Land for Fowler Avenue as referenced in the Table refers to the land dedicated by the Applicant to the City on which Fowler Avenue was constructed. Originally Fowler Avenue was to run directly from the northern border of the Project almost straight south to the southern border of the project. However, when the final plan for the location of Fowler Avenue was reached, Fowler Avenue ended up bending to the east slightly. Thus, Fowler ended up being located entirely on land held by the Project and required the dedication of additional property at the filing and acceptance of the plat for phase 1 of the Project. The plat for phase 1 of the Project which included the dedication of the land under Fowler Avenue, was accepted by the City and recorded on or about November 9, 2006. A. Project Related: The Table indicates that the land under Fowler Avenue may be project related and indicates that it was `...mostly provided with MSU Foundation Annexation". As discussed above, the land dedication for Fowler Avenue was not made for the exclusive benefit of the Project and the benefits certainly extend beyond the requirements of the Project. While certain portions of the land on which Fowler is located may have been dedicated as a part of the MSU Foundation Annexation, the location of Fowler Avenue was changed and required that the Project dedicate additional land on which Fowler would be constructed. As indicated above, the additional dedication of the land on which Fowler now sits was accepted by the City and recorded on or about November 9, 2006. B. Capacity Expanding: The Table included in Mr. Saunders' current letter indicates that the dedication of the land for Fowler Avenue may not have been capacity expanding. However, a prior version of the Table provided to Applicant on or about October 9, 2006 indicates that the dedication of land for Fowler is capacity expanding. The dedication of land for Fowler Avenue certainly exceeds any reasonable requirements of the Project. Otherwise, the Applicant would have retained ownership of the land under Fowler as it did with other roads which were internal to the Project. For the reasons and on the basis referred to herein and above, the Applicant agrees with the position of the City as set forth in the 2006 version of the Table which agrees that the land dedicated for Fowler Avenue was indeed capacity expanding. Appeal from adverse administrative decision Page 13 of 15 Chris Saunders City of Bozeman July 29, 2010 Page 14 C. CIP Listed: The Applicant refers the Committee to the discussions concerning this issue as set forth above. D. CIP Funded: The Applicant refers the Committee to the discussions concerning this issue as set forth above. E. Timely Request: The Applicant refers the Committee to the discussions concerning this issue as set forth above. Furthermore, the Applicant points out that the Applicant's formal application was filed with the City on October 20, 2006 and the dedication of the land under Fowler was not accepted by the City and recorded until November 9, 2006. Applicant has, at times in the past, communicated to the City that Applicant would be willing to bear more than its proportional share, and up to all, of the costs associated with installation of Fowler and Garfield. As set forth below, Applicant remains willing to bear those costs so long as Applicant and the City can reach an agreement concerning the remaining issues addressed in this Appeal. However, the extent to which the cost burden placed on the Applicant has exceeded the Project's proportional share of the capital improvements that Applicant has made to the City's infrastructure is far greater than Applicant anticipated or intended to bear. Specifically, the 21" Fowler Sewer installed by the Applicant dramatically exceeds any reasonably anticipated capacity requirements of the Project. Furthermore, as specifically set forth in the language of the MOU, the Applicant was relying on the City to provide the assistance it promised for reimbursement of the costs associated with the installation of the Fowler Signal. As evidenced by the City's failure to even disclose to Applicant the existence of the Parkway Plaza Agreement discussed above, the Applicant cannot be assured of the City's future cooperation concerning promised reimbursements. Therefore, if the Commission and the City agree to reimburse Applicant for the Fowler Signal and intersection alterations (cost of$843,584.82 as described in detail in Exhibit D) and Fowler Sewer Line (cost of $224,615.61 as described in detail in Exhibit E), then Applicant would be willing to forego the remainder of its claims for reimbursement or credits which are the subject of this appeal. In addition, even though the City has apparently already collected funds toward the construction of at least the Fowler Signal, the Applicant would be willing to accept reimbursement for the Fowler Signal and Sewer Line by way of impact fee credits to be applied toward the satisfaction of future assessments. While the Applicant believes that the information set forth herein and attached hereto sets forth Applicant's position regarding the various issues addressed, the Applicant reserves the right to supplement and add to this information from time to time. Furthermore, the Applicant remains willing and available to discuss any of the issues referred to herein, provide any additional information that the Committee may Appeal from adverse administrative decision Page 14 of 15 Chris Saunders City of Bozeman July 29, 2010 Page 15 reasonably request and remains committed to working toward a mutually agreeable compromise and resolution to each of the issues addressed above. Thank you in advance for your time and attention to this matter. Very truly yours, JARDINE, STEPHENSON, BLEWETT &WEAVER, P.C. By: Brion C. Lindseth Enclosures Appeal from adverse administrative decision Page 15 of 15 CITY OF BOZEMAN DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE Appeal of Adminstrative Decision Date Received by City `Day 'Month Year Applicant Mitchell Development Group, LLC Street/P.O. Box PO Box 738 City/State/Zip Great Falls MT 59403 Property Owner Mitchell Development Group, LLC Street/P.O. Box PO Box 738 City/State/Zip Great Falls. MT 59403 Legal Desc. See attached Exhibit A Site Address Project Title The Bozeman Gateway Project Desc. A 72 acre mixed use commercial and residential phased development. Reason for Appeal- additional sheets may be attached if necessary. See attached letter and all referenced and associated exhibits and attachments. Applicant Mitchell Development Group, LLC 6-28-10 NAME DATE Property Owner Mitchell Development Group, LLC 6-28-10 NAME Appeal fee of$500 shall be submitted with this form. Should the appeal be granted the fee will be refunded. all 1 . 3 VI IOINOHH - jm CD VI [� CT a. ■. 'L I i { rt � ��555 ' •. 4 1 C I O cb CS a y - �nN 3AVY---- Qi37Mo9- l MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, .,F THE CITY OF BOZEMAN " AND THE MITCHELL�DEVELOPMENT GROUP, LLC d rw dr August 25, 2004 2 This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) by and among the MONTANA !^'~ DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, 2701 Prospect Avenue, P.O. Box 201001, 1 Helena, MT 59620-1001 (STATE or MDT), THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, 411 East Main, Bozeman, MT 59771-0640 (CITY) and MITCHELL DEVELOPMENT GROUP, LLC, P.O. Box 738, Great Falls, MT 59403 (DEVELOPERS) sets forth the coordination of the planning, design, and costs of necessary future access to and construction of roadway accesses under state jurisdiction, specifically Huffine Lane, to accommodate the safety of the traveling public and increased traffic flow on such roadways due to the DEVELOPERS proposed actions. WHEREAS, the MDT is responsible for planning, designing, constructing, and maintaining State Highways and roadways and associated transportation facilities, including associated pull-offs, parking areas, and rest areas for the use and benefit of the traveling public, in a safe and efficient manner in accordance with Title 23 United States Codes (U.S.C.) and Title 60, Montana Code Annotated (MCA); and WHEREAS, the CITY is responsible for planning, designing;constructing, and maintaining Bozeman City roadways and associated tran6port6tion facilities in a safe and efficient manner and has overall approval authority for development of the Bozeman Gateway Mixed-Use Development; and frj WHEREAS, the DEVELOPERS have or will Individually proposed and submitted a pre- application design for a major subdivision sdiath;of Huffirfe Lane which will affect roadways and streets under the jurisdictan'of th6,MDT and the CITY; and A. WHEREAS, the parties mutually ag ee that a cooperative delineation and identification of the statutory, regulatory and agreduties and responsibilities of the parties is essential to the overall development Rime ss; NOW, THEREFORE, the pat,�'s'o s brth the fundamental duties and responsibilities necessary to accomrtto`ate sgf6ty of the traveling public due to increased traffic flow on the affected M tand CITY roadways resulting from the DEVELOPERS proposed actions: y Xy 1. Design -The DEVELOPERS shall, in consultation with MDT, be responsible for developing and completing the design of the necessary state roadway improvements for access to Huffine Lane (P-50) US 191 and College Street(U- 1210). Final design approval will be subject to the reasonable review and approval of the MDT for all aspects affecting state roadways. DEVELOPERS will: Pay for costs associated with the development, design and construction of the necessary improvements on state roadways related to the proposed actions of the DEVELOPERS, including any costs related to utility relocations, environmental mitigation or traffic control. The City acknowledges and agrees that the improvements to be constructed by the Developer hereunder will benefit other property owners and the City 3 agrees that they will cooperate with and reasonably assist the Developer in obtaining contributions or reimbursements from such benefited property owners for the costs incurred by the Developer in designing and constructing such improvements. Develop project geometrics and detailed design in accordance with MDT Geometric Standards, MDT Traffic Engineering Manual, The Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices and the MDT Road Design Manual. Comply with MDT application processes for requests for new access or alteration to existing access. This includes preparing any documents necessary for compliance with the Montana Environmental Policy Act. Support and be responsible for the development drainage. Storm water drainage cannot be discharged upon Huffine Lane. Provide a set of final plans that have been approved by MDT for the access and improvements on state roadways;pp br�,to MDT issuance of any permits. Improvements to the roadways are as,follows: o A traffic signal at the intersection,c0owler Avenue and Huffine Lane to include geometric improvernents``and strip ng associated with a new signalized intersection. '`, o A 3/ movement (No left turn out) priv4te access (Harmon Stream Blvd.) intersecting Huffine Lan`e`from tl ePuth between Fowler Avenue and College Street. Thi W11.; so tnclude geometric improvements and striping. `fir t-'1 o Intersection improvgTpnts, Huffine Lane and College Street. o Intersection,inmproverner}ts at South 19th Avenue and Garfield Street. o A restrictpt°movettmenf ccess (Right-in, Right-out only) on College Street. hat includegaassociated geometric improvements and striping. Y MDT will: � � - Rrove MDT data and technical requirements and assistance necessary for.the development, completion and approval of the geometric and/or traffie'signal design for necessary roadway improvements. - As soon as reasonably practicable, review plans, designs and data submitted by the DEVELOPERS and if found acceptable, approve individual submissions, insuring all MDT design standards are met. - Coordinate with the Developer and the CITY in the overall review of the plans. CITY will: Agree to make approvals for the Bozeman Gateway development contingent on agreed upon design features related to city and state roadways. 4 Coordinate and consult with the Developer and MDT on review of plans. - Be the applicant and responsible party for the Fowler Avenue/Huffine Lane intersection with the traffic signal and associated geometric improvements and striping. 2. Construction DEVELOPERS will: Be responsible for acquiring all permits and authorizations including all environmental clearances, such as compliance with the Montana Environmental Policy Act, necessary for the associated roadway improvements and for developing a plan acceptable to the MDT for those aspects of the development affecting state roadways. Submit for MDT approval a traffic control pjatt that is sufficient to protect the traveling public and maintain traffic flow thrt udKthe construction sites on state roadways. Insure inspection services are pr, �jdad'under the supervision of a licensed professional engineer`Z ing c�struction of the roadway improvements. To the extent applicable to its`respofisibilities hereunder, comply with the Americans With Di al ities`Act(ADA),the Montana Governmental Code of Fair Practices9 3- U7, MCA, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and ali.'her relevant nondiscrimination and labor statutes, regtji` ti ris°fir prcocedures. l < Y Providd MDT a s4bf revised construction plans depicting the as-built co r ittion fi Mtjc ostation format, `Instare t raffic signal at Huffine Lane and Fowler Avenue is turned on and, tional 45 days after the installation of the first signal pole. This is sutJect to MDT and the City performing their respective obligations hereunder and subject to events and circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Developer (excluding financial). MDT will: As soon as reasonably practicable review and approve if adequate the DEVELOPERS submittals related to the required traffic control plan and traffic signal control equipment. At the required time conduct signal turn- on and coordination with other signals. Request additional approvals or concurrence from the Transportation Commission as needed, throughout the course of the activities 5 contemplated by this agreement. - Conduct final inspection of work requiring MDT approval. Issue approach permits for access to Huffine Lane once all MDT requirements for the approaches have been met. 3. Modifications and Amendment This MOU may be modified or amended, in writing, by the mutual agreement of the parties involved. This MOU is assignable by the DEVELOPERS only upon the written acceptance of the assignee by MDT. 4. Termination All parties agree to act reasonably, exercise good faith and due diligence and move in an efficient and expeditious manner towards development of these proposals under the conditions specified within this"document. Any party may terminate this agreement, and all obligations of all parties hereunder, with 30-day notice in writing to the other parties of the intention to do so. The MOU may not a, be terminated once the contract or contracts,.have been,awarded for construction of the associated highway projects. 6. Governing Law This agreement shall be goverped b� tthq Ifinis of the State of Montana. Venue for any litigation will be in Lewis am Clark County, State of Montana. In case of conflict between the obli fio mpt Jett by this MOU and Montana law then Montana law will cont 1� 7. Su lementation ° ree The parties pigte ,thatN4ay be desirable to provide individual or more specific provisions,-':Whic1i'may6be accomplished through the execution of supplements to this ag�ree"e'm nt as',rjeeded. Approved for Legal Sufficiency Date: 0 By; M tana Departme of Transportation (; (�2 C Dater By: . Montana Department of Transportation Date: September 20, 2004 By: City of Bozeman 6 SIGNATURE PAGE —Mitchell Development Group LLC By: Mitchell Development Group, LLC-) Manager Date: State of Montana County of Gallatin This instrument was acknowledged before me on 5� - n- Q4 by Theodore J. Mitchell as Manager of the Mitchell Development Group LLC. Notary Public-of Montana My commission expires' {_ f� s� mllt' hill C Develop up cornmercial real estate development October 20, 2006 Chris Saunders VIA: OVERNIGHT MAIL 20 Ea>K6hve Street 1?9��Box 1230 meman, MT 59771 r .Re: Supplemental information to the Development Impact Fee Credit equest filed with the City of Bozeman by Mitchell Development Group, LLC Dear Mr. Saunders: This letter accompanies a Development Impact e redit Request ("Credit Request") that Mitchell Development Group, LLC ("MDG") has file w th City of Bozeman ("City") requesting credits that may be applied against development im act s (" its"). This letter sets forth both the location of certain credit items and descriptions e s and facts that create a qualification for Credits sought through the Credit Request an 11 co titutes a part of the accompanying Credit Request submitted in compliance with Boze 'cip Code section 3.24.100(B). MDG's Credit Request oribi a ith relates back to the Memorandum of Understanding between the City, MDG and the M to p ent of Transportation ("MDT"), a copy of which is attached hereto and incorpo d x th redit Request by this reference ("Memorandum of Understanding"). The Mem um derstanding was signed and dated August 25, 2004. The Memorandum of Unders in the following provision: The ty ckn ledges and agrees that the improvements to be constructe the veloper hereunder will benefit other property owners and the City s that they will Cooperate with and reasonably assist the Developer in taining contributions or reimbursements from such benefited property owners for the costs incurred by the Developer in designing and constructing such improvements..." Location of Credit Items.- The location of the credit items for which the Credit Request is filed are as follows: 1. The land MDG purchased that will be dedicated to the City for Garfield Street and Fowler Avenue("Dedicated Land"); 2. The easement MDG provided to the City in order to allow the installation of Garfield Street all the way to South 190'Avenue("Garfield Easement")- P.O.Box 73B,Great Falls,MT 69403 Ph.406 76.4400 Fax 406 761-t401 Saunders * City of Bozeman l Page 2. 3. The extension of a 21 inch City trunk-line sanitary sewer by burrowing a distance of approximately 140 feet north to south under West Main and extending the line an additional 1250 feet along Fowler Avenue to Garfield Street which the City has alydady authorized further extensions to provide city services to users and other developments in southwest Bozeman; 4. The planning and construction of Fowler Avenue,a five-lane minor arterial, extending south from West Main to Garfield Street a distance of 1250 feet; 5. The planning and construction of Garfield Street from Fowler Avenue east to South 19`h Avenue, a distance of approximately 1 mile, all of which was expanded to a collector status in anticipation of the transportation system growth in West ti man; 6. The reconfiguration of the West Main/College Street ' cti that has resulted in the elimination of a dangerous right lane sling sh veme West Main onto College Street;and 7. The revamping of the West Main/Fowler '`' a int ction that included the installation of a new traffic signal, the widening of er P of West Main and the construction of a right turn/deceleration lane for to '§Es on West Main turning south on Fowler Avenue. Description of the Basis and b is and facts upon which MDG requests Credits are as follows: Mont. Code Ann. § 7 - 03( vides for a governmental entity or the City to"... accept the dedication of land or the con on of tic facilities in lieu of impact fees if a. n for dedication or construction is clearly documented pursuant to 7-6- 16 b. The roposed for dedication for the public facilities to be constructed is determ "ed to be appropriate for the proposed use by the governmental entity; c. Formulas and procedures for determining the work of proposed dedications or constructions are established as part of the impact fee ordinance or resolution;and d. A means to establish credits against future impact fee revenue has been created as part of the adopting ordinance or resolution if the dedication of land or construction of public facilities is of worth in excess of the impact fee due from an individual development." Mont. Code Ann. § 7-6-1601(7) defines a "public facility" as including "... a transportation facility,including roads,streets,bridges,rights-of-way,traffic signals and landscaping...". Mont. Code Ann. § 7-6-1603(6)(b) also provides for a governmental entity such as the City granting credits "... in accordance with a voluntary agreement ... between the governmental entity and the individual or entity..."such as the Memorandum of Understanding. Saunders *, City of Bozeman l Page 3. The Bozeman municipal code, section 3.24.100(A)provides that, subject to certain exceptions,all mandatory or voluntary land or easement dedications for street or wastewater improvements, and all mandatory or voluntary acquisition or construction of improvements to the major street systems, shall result in credit against the payment of impact fees. Land Dedication and Easement Procurement: MDG has, from the planning stages of the Bozeman Gateway Project, solicited and received the City's continued approval and support for the dedication of certain land and easements necessary for the construction of Garfield Street and Fowler Avenue. Prior to MDG's involvement, the City had attempted to obtain the Garfield Easement from Montana State University which the City believed was needed for improved traffic flow and development of the area. MDG, by and through negotiations with Montana State University, provided the City with the Garfield Easement running from Fowler Avenue all the way to South 19`h Avenue. In addition to the Garfield Easement, MDG has made available to the City the Dedicated Land on which portions of Garfield Street and Fowler Avenue are located. Both the icated Lan) as well as the Garfield Easement fall within the definition of a Public Facility. The t at both-MbG and the City see the need for these dedications is documented by and through the Me to dum of Understanding and the course of dealings between MDG, the City and others. The C" „MD I d MDT all agreed that the land and easements MDG proposed to dedicate are appropnatc fot�use by the City, and the City is preparing to accept these dedications. The fair market value,tif tfe Dedicted Land and Garfield Easement will be subsequently established by a mutually agreea le'pT. fe praiser. City Sewer Extension and Constructn of arlield Street and Fowler Avenue: MDG has extended a 21 inch City trunk-Iine sanitary, sewer burrowing a distance of approximately 140 feet under West Main and installing aaiAer�1;Z5O feet of 21 inch trunk-line sanitary sewer along Fowler Avenue to Garfield Street Ogcg agatti, both'MDG and the City agreed that these extensions of the sanitary sewer lines were needed'ffor the.�southerly expansion of Bozeman and their benefits extend well beyond the Bozeman Gateway-Prbjcct.,.�Iri fact, the sanitary sewer extensions paid for by MDG, and the excess capacity thereof''fi'ave already' been used, relied on and expanded by others for the further development of West'Bozgman, ven prior to their dedication to the City. MDG's extensions of the sanitary sewer have likel'�;alredy, or will in the future, provide the basis for the City's collection of m-. additional fees from others' °'MDG discussed these extensions with the City and received the City's approval before beginning construction. MDG has also constructed both Garfield Street and Fowler Avenue with the full approval, input and knowledge of the City prior to the initiation of their construction. The construction of Garfield Street and Fowler Avenue was in accord with the City's pre-existing transportation plans. Fowler Avenue is a 5 lane minor arterial running south from West Main to Garfield Street and exceeds the capacity required by the Bozeman Gateway Project. Prior to the construction of Garfield Street and Fowler Avenue, MDG completed traffic studies of the area surrounding the Bozeman Gateway Project and presented these traffic studies to the City for review. The City reviewed and concurred with the findings and conclusions set forth in these traffic studies in approving Garfield Street and Fowler Avenue_ Although the 5 lane capacity of Fowler Avenue exceeds the needs of the Bozeman Gateway Project, MDG's traffic studies indicate that the installation of Fowler Avenue and Garfield Street was necessary to relieve already �'"� congested traffic flow at the intersections of South 19`s and College Avenue as well as Huffine Lane and Saunders City of Bozeman Page 4. College Avenue. In fact, the City has already acquired the land necessary to continue the extension of Fowler Avenue south to serve additional area and developments and likely either has already, or will in the future, collect fees from other developers and landowners for the improvements and expansions made by MDG. Garfield Street runs a distance of approximately one mile extending along the southern border of the Bozeman Gateway Project, connecting Fowler Avenue to South 19`h Avenue. MDG, with the assistance and approval of the City, planned and expanded Garfield Street to collector status in anticipation and accommodation of the increasing traffic volumes, development and expansion of West Bozeman. The Capacity of Garfield Street again exceeds the needs of the Bozeman Gateway Project and serves to alleviate the traffic congestion apparent from MDG's traffic study. These Public Facilities will lead to and connect with other future developments and their benefits-,,again extend well beyond the bounds of the Bozeman Gateway Project. , d,, The costs of the installation of the City sanitary sewer mai is ands e construction of Garfield Street and Fowler Avenue total approximately$2,350,000.00'/' ° Traffic Signal and Intersection Upgrades: ,MDG also reconfigured the intersection to West Main and College Street, revamped the intersection of West Maui and Fowler Avenue including the installation of a new traffic signal,and the expansi6n of Fovi+ler Avenue north of West Main. All of these upgrades were done with the approval of aridjri '6.qjOiicWrn with the City. In fact,the City actually filed application for the approach permit with for'the iiistallation of Fowler Avenue south of Huffine Lane and for which MDG now seeks �edtts:. Fu�hermore, many, if not all, of these upgrades and expansions were done on property,but$tde the ,boundary of the Bozeman Gateway Project. The Memorandum of Understanding confirms-NE and the City's agreement that the benefits of each of these projects extended well beyond' e'Boze ran Gateway Project. MDG's efforts eliminated potentially dangerous traffic conditions„relived cc p�estion at these intersections and, as intended by MDG as well as the City,accornmodate& -ex ion of West Bozeman. The costs of th%in7nd§' fI' tions, alterations and installations were approximately$900,000.00. MDG has and to continue to invest in many other improvements such as streets, sewer extensions, roads, trails andother necessary upgrades that benefit the Bozeman Gateway Project as well as the City. MDG is not currently seeking credits for those items of more limited benefit. However,each of the projects and expansions described above were, from their inception, planned and constructed to accommodate and facilitate future expansion of the City of Bozeman. Without receiving the Credits MDG has applied for, MDG, by payment of separately assessed impact fees, would be bearing a disproportionately high share of the costs incurred by the City in accommodating the development of Bozeman. Each of the projects and dedications referred to above fit squarely within the definition of Public Facilities set forth in Mont.Code Ann. § 7-6-1601. The need for each of these projects and dedications is clear and from the inception,the City and MDG agreed that these proposed projects and dedications were appropriate for the proposed use. The projects and dedications provided by MDG and described herein Saunders City of Bozeman Page S. are exactly the types of projects and dedications for which the State of Montana impact fee statutes contemplate granting credits and allowing offsets to the payment of impact fees. These projects and dedications were made with the approval and encouragement of the City and provide for the continued growth and expansion of West Bozeman in accordance with the City's growth plan. If the projects and dedications provided by MDG do not warrant the grant of the requested Credits, what possible types of projects and dedications could qualify? MDG now seeks the City's assistance as discussed and promised in the Memorandum of Understanding to obtain credit, contribution and reimbursement for the costs MDG has fronted for the benefit of and to facilitate the expansion of West Bozeman. Yours very truly, Mitchell Devel ent Group LC eT d J. Mitchel erat Manager cc: John Davison Curl Word ., rion Lindseth ti CITY OF BOZEMAN DEVELOPMENT E"ACT FEE CREDIT REQUEST Date Received Day Month Year ®Streets ❑Fire ❑Water ®Wastewater Applicant Mitchell Development Group,LLC Street/P.O.Box P.O.Box 738 City/State/Zip Great Falls,MT 59403 Owner Mitchell Development Group,LLC Street/P.O.Box P.O.Box 738 City/State/Zip Great Falls,MT 59403 Legal Desc. Tract 2A of the Amended Plat of West College Minor Subdivision No. 195A Situated in the NW'/. Section 14 and the NE'h Section 15,T2S,R5E,P.M.M.City of Bozeman,Gallatin County,Montana Site Address Southeast Huffine Lane and Fowler Avenue Project Title Bozeman Gateway Project Project Desc. Mixed-use Development Reason For Credit Request �Exc ity On-Site Improvements ®Dedications ®Pro' ;A nre OEUSite Improvements Location of Credit Items Please see the.statementattaefiRLhe ` and tincgrporated herein by this reference. Description of the basis and facts which create a qujil at r dit Please see the statement attached here o d' e herein by this reference. Prepared by: Mitchell Develoriffient Woup.WC Address O.Box 73 G a F Its 59 - ore J.Mitchell be first duly sworn upon oath, states that all information contained in this reque is e,c and complete to the best of my knowledge and all attached materials and docum " ' and complete. Subscribed an wo to me this.Cn day of n�O R P, }9,lt" Notary Publi the State of rnac�\o coo residing at My Commission Expires Reviewed by: Department Value of Credits Requested Value.&Credits Approved: Comments: Date'Credits Activated APPROVED: NAIL FRE DAn APPROVED: NA1� ME DATE The Cily will retain 21/6 of the fees collected for Administrative Costs. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, e THE CITY OF BOZOiN,''� `- w, AND THE MITCHELL DEVELOPMENT GROUP, LLC August 25, 2004 2 This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) by and among the MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, 2701 Prospect Avenue, P.O. Box 201001, Helena, MT 59620-1001 (STATE or MDT),THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, 411 East Main, Bozeman, MT 59771-0640 (CITY) and MITCHELL DEVELOPMENT GROUP, LLC, P.O. Box 738, Great Falls, MT 59403 (DEVELOPERS)sets forth the coordination of the planning, design, and costs of necessary future access to and construction of roadway accesses under state jurisdiction, specifically Huffine Lane, to accommodate the safety of the traveling public and increased traffic flow on such roadways due to the DEVELOPERS proposed actions. WHEREAS, the MDT is responsible for planning, designing, constructing, and maintaining State Highways and roadways and associated transportation facilities, including associated pull-offs, parking areas, and rest areas for the use and benefit of the traveling public, in a safe and efficient manner in accordance with Title 23 United States Codes (U.S.C.) and Title 60, Montana Code Annotated (MCA); and WHEREAS, the CITY is responsible for planning, designing;constructing, and maintaining Bozeman City roadways and associated transportation facilities in a safe and efficient manner and has overall approval authority for{development of the Bozeman Gateway Mixed-Use Development; and. ``,, WHEREAS, the DEVELOPERS have or will individually proposed and submitted a pre- application design for a major subdivision south"of,Huffine Lane which will affect roadways and streets under the jurisdiction of the'°IV#DT and the CITY; and WHEREAS, the parties mutually agree that,a,cgoperative delineation and identification of the statutory, regulatory and 4gceed dutie and responsibilities of the parties is essential to the overall developmentproc gs; NOW, THEREFORE, the,parti' S setfdrth the fundamental duties and responsibilities necessary to accommodate the safety of the traveling public due to increased traffic flow on the affected,MDT aiid QTY roadways resulting from the DEVELOPERS proposed actions,/,�" \ 1. Design -The QE4LOPERS shall, in consultation with MDT, be responsible for developing and completing the design of the necessary state roadway improvements for access to Huffine Lane (P-50) US 191 and College Street(U- 1210). Final design approval will be subject to the reasonable review and approval of the MDT for all aspects affecting state roadways. DEVELOPERS will: Pay for costs associated with the development, design and construction of the necessary improvements on state roadways related to the proposed actions of the DEVELOPERS, including any costs related to utility relocations, environmental mitigation or traffic control. The City acknowledges and agrees that the improvements to be constructed by the Developer hereunder will benefit other property owners and the City 3 agrees that they will cooperate with and reasonably assist the Developer In obtaining contributions or reimbursements from such benefited property r� owners for the costs incurred by the Developer In designing and constructing such improvements. Develop project geometrics and detailed design in accordance with MDT Geometric Standards, MDT Traffic Engineering Manual, The Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices and the MDT Road Design Manual. Comply with MDT application processes for requests for new access or alteration to existing access. This includes preparing any documents necessary for compliance with the Montana Environmental Policy Act. Support and be responsible for the development drainage. Storm water drainage cannot be discharged upon Huffine Lane. Provide a set of final plans that have been approved by MDT for the access and improvements on state roadways'prior to,MDT issuance of any permits. Improvements to the roadways a e.asrfollows: o A traffic signal at the intersection ofgFowler`Avenue and Huffine Lane to include geometric improvemets-.and striping associated with a new signalized Intersection. o A 34 movement (No left tum out)pnva i"access (Harmon Stream Blvd.) intersecting Huffine Lane-fro' the,s uth between Fowler Avenue and College Street. This will"al nflude geometric improvements and striping. ` o Intersection irn verrlents uffine Lane and College Street. o Intersection irpp o ement�at South 19'h Avenue and Garfield Street. o A restricted novement access (Right-in, Right-out only) on College Street thpq�''includes`pssociated geometric improvements and striping. 9 MDT will: Pro�wde,MDT�' ata and technical requirements and assistance necessary for#4,deve%lopment, completion and approval of the geometric and/or traffic seal design for necessary roadway improvements. As soon as reasonably practicable, review plans, designs and data submitted by the DEVELOPERS and if found acceptable, approve individual submissions, insuring all MDT design standards are met. Coordinate with the Developer and the CITY in the overall review of the plans. CITY will: Agree to make approvals for the Bozeman Gateway development contingent on agreed upon design features related to city and state roadways. 4 - Coordinate and consult with the Developer and MDT on review of plans. - Be the applicant and responsible party for the Fowler Avenue/Huffine Lane intersection with the traffic signal and associated geometric improvements and striping. 2. Construction DEVELOPERS will: Be responsible for acquiring all permits and authorizations including all environmental clearances, such as compliance with the Montana Environmental Policy Act, necessary for the associated roadway improvements and for developing a plan acceptable to the MDT for those aspects of the development affecting state roadways. f� Submit for MDT approval a traffic control plan;that is sufficient to protect the traveling public and maintain traffic flow through the construction sites an state roadways. Insure inspection services are prpvlded Under the supervision of a licensed professional engineer-during construction of the roadway improvements. To the extent applicable4o itslbsponslbilities hereunder, comply with the Americans With DisabiIhi",AcQADA), the Montana Governmental Code of Fair Practices,49-3-2.07;4Me& Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act of 1 ° g `r aril=alhother relevant nondiscrimination and labor statutes, regulation$or procedures. Provide MDT, DT asset o revised construction plans depicting the as-built condition"in Microstation format. Insure°Ter2onal Jiffic signal at Huffine Lane and Fowler Avenue is turned on and op 45 days after the installation of the first signal pole. This is subject to MDT and the City performing their respective obligations hereunder and subject to events and circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Developer(excluding financial). MDT wilt: As soon as reasonably practicable review and approve if adequate the DEVELOPERS submittals related to the required traffic control plan and traffic signal control equipment. At the required time conduct signal turn- on and coordination with other signals. Request additional approvals or concurrence from the Transportation Commission as needed, throughout the course of the activities 5 contemplated by this agreement. -� - Conduct final inspection of work requiring MDT approval. Issue approach permits for access to Huffine Lane once all MDT requirements for the approaches have been met. 3. Modifications and Amendment This MOU may be modified or amended, in writing, by the mutual agreement of the parties involved. This MOU is assignable by the DEVELOPERS only upon the written acceptance of the assignee by MDT. 4. Termination All parties agree to act reasonably, exercise good faith and,due diligence and move in an efficient and expeditious manner towards development of these proposals under the conditions specified within this document.,, Any party may terminate this agreement, and all obligations of all,parties hereunder, with 30-day notice in writing to the other parties of the intention to do`so.-'The MOU may not be terminated once the contract or contracts. av8.been awarded for construction of the associated highway projects. � f 6. Governina Law This agreement shall be govemfd by thb la 's of the State of Montana. Venue for any litigation will be in Lewis and Clam' ounty, State of Montana. in case of conflict between the obliga 'rrl jr�iposed y this MOU and Montana law then Montana law will control./.r A 7. Supplementation ofhgreemerit., The parties agw' that may be desirable to provide individual or more specific provisions, wh c"a� Ise accomplished through the execution of supplements to this agreementas needed. Approved for Legal Sufficiency Date: By: M �tana Departure of Transportation Date: l b By: Montana Department of Transportation Date: September 20, 2004 By: City of Bozeman r 0 6 1 SIGNATURE PAGE — Mitchell Development Group LLC By: O Mitchell 4Development Group, LLC Manager Date: g - 3 d - Oy State of Montana County of Gallatin This instrument was acknowledged before me on by Theodore J. Mitchell as Manager of the Mitchell Development Group LLC. Notary Public of,Montana ., My commission expires:"'.. t � � I EXHIBITD 1 IAMESE AIKEN JA"WE, STEPHENSON, BLEWETT JOHND.SrEPHENSON GARY W.WELLAND BRIAN L TAYLOR DONALD J.HAMILTON QWEAVER, P.C. PATRICK R.WATT LON T.HOLDEN AT MRNEYS AT LAW WARREN C.WENZ ION J.KUDRNA 300 CENTRAL AvENuE BRION C.LINDSETH SEvem FLOOR U.S.BANKBUILOQiG RETIRED: SUE ANN LOVE P.O.BOX2269 ' JACK L LEWIS GEORGE N.McCABE GREAT FALLS,MONTANA 59403-2269 ARTHUR G.MATTEUCCI TYLER G.MOSS TEL:(406)727-5000 K.DALE SCHWANKE ROBERT B.PFENNIGS FAX:(406)727-5419 E-Mmu lindsethgjardine(aw.com January 25, 2007 City of Bozeman Chris Saunders 20 East Olive Street P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59771 Re: Mitchell Development Group, LLC Impact Fee Credit Request Dear Mr. Saunders: e Thank you for taking the time to meet with Mr. Davison and I last month. I am glad to see that we are able to move in a positive direction. During our meeting, you requested that Mitchell Development Group, LLC C MDG') provide you with additional information regarding the costs incurred by MDG in the construction of certain public facilities and making certain dedications. The detailed information you requested accompanies this letter. Construction of Garfield and Fowler: A detailed itemization of the costs MDG incurred to construct Garfield Street and Fowler Avenue is attached hereto as Exhibit A. The costs described in detail in Exhibit A total $2,240,995.91. MDG is therefore seeking impact fee credits or reimbursement in that amount for the constriction of Garfield Street and Fowler Avenue. Please be aware that the total set forth above does not include the cost of the installation of street lights for which MDG will also be seeking credits or reimbursement. Construction of Intersections: A detailed itemization of the costs MDG incurred to construct and improve the intersections along Huffine Lane between and including College and Fowler Avenues as well as Garfield Street and South 19ffi Avenue and to install a left turn restrictive device at the intersection of Garfield Street and Fowler Avenue is attached hereto as Exhibit B. The costs described in detail in Exhibit B total $843,584.82. MDG is therefore seeking impact fee credits or reimbursement in that amount for the improvement and construction of the intersections along Huffine Lane and the installation of the traffic flow improvements at the intersection of Garfield Street and Fowler Avenue. Dedication of Land: MDG has attached as Exhibit C a detailed summary of the value MDG is currently willing to accept for MDG's dedication of land for the construction of Garfield Street and Fowler Avenue. As MDG set forth in its application for impact fee credits as well as other previous correspondence, MDG requests that the land dedicated by MDG, which has been accepted by the City of Bozeman for the construction of Garfield Street and Fowler Avenue, be valued at fair market value. Unless MDG and the City arrive at a mutually EXHIBIT agreeable estimate of the fair market value of the land MDG dedicated, then the Bozeman Municipal Code provides that the fair niarket value may be established by a private appraiser. Although MDG believes the value of the dedicated land is much higher, for purposes of this letter and for purposes of this offer only, MDG would be willing to accept a valuation of the dedicated land based on $8.00 per square foot. NfDG feels confident that the fair market value of the land as determined by a private appraiser would be far higher than the $8.00 per square foot MDG is currently willing to accept and MDG reserves the right to seek and rely on a fair market valise set by a private appraiser in the future. As is more particularly described in Exhibit C, the value of the dedicated land at 58.00 per square foot is $1,643,016.00. IvIDG is therefore seeking impact fee credits or reimbursements in that amount for the dedication of the land on which Garfield Street and Fowler Avenue are constructed. !Procurement of Easement: In addition to the dedication of the land referred to above, MDG also procured an easement for the benefit of the City that allowed the construction and extension of Garfield Street from Fowler Avemie all the way to South 19"' Avenue. MDG estimates that the value of the easement procured by MDG to be at least 5500,000.00. MDG is therefore seeking ixlpaet fee orcdits or reimbursements in that amount for the procurement of the easement allowing the extension of Garfield Street to South I9`h Avenue. Thus, the total amount for which MDG is currently seeking reimbursement by impact fee credits or otherwise is as follows: Construction of Garfield and Fowler.................................................S 2,240,995.91 Construction of intersection at Huffine and Fowler..........................S 843,5 84.82 Dedication of land for Garfield and Fowler ......................................S 1,643,020.00 Procurement of easement for Garfield...............................................S 500,000.00 Total 5—5-227,600.73 I also want to point out that the costs set forth in this letter do not include any reimbursement for the time, administrative expenses, interest or other costs related to the availability of capital incurred by MDG in the planning and completing of the projects, procurements and dedications described above. MDG is currently wilhng_to bear the burden of these and other costs associated with the public facilities described above, however, if we are unable to come to a mutually agreeable solution, MDG reserves the right to add those and other costs and expenses to the amount that MDG seeks to recover. I will contact you after you have had an opportunity to review-the information provided with, and attached to, this letter. Thank you in advance for your continued assistance and cooperation in this matter, and please contact me with any questions or comments you may have. Very truly yours, JARDINE, STEPHENSON,BLEWETT &WEAVER, P.C. By Brion C. Lundseth .: ` �,t,_tcti ` F; 1' .j " & !' ss f•� . �• F/�:,.•,:j.• pi..'.'_�; �.•,i. .. a' a 2 0 3 3 0 6 a 'l 3 YblGa � P. ;� rya a< ;.... t 67562 .84 2•�.063'� 63.1 62 o 1- r�N� ` SiEvcr �F4C �il� 11Q]� IY e ' 1 Statement of Account EXHIBITD 14500 MITCHEL GROUP '' " '` '��'•" Sime Construction,Inc. i P.O.BOX 738 MAILING:7720A Shedhorn Dr, PMB140 GREAT FALLS, MT 59403 STREET: 190 Ramshorn Drive Bozeman, MT 59718 406-582-9841 !Statement of Account as of 12/22/2006 Finance `Invoice Description Date Charges Credits Charge i on-Contract Cash receipt 10/14/2005 0.48 Cash receipt 07/13/2006 0.01 Non-Contract Totals: 0.00 0.49 0.00 �05007-LS BOZEMAN GATEWAY DEVLOPEMENT i101216 Invoice ell Fo�� /Go w� 08/25/2006 64,064.94 -101434 Invoice 11/30/2006 66,874.75 0; 05007-LS BOZEMAN GATEWAY DEVLOPEMENT Totals: 130,939.", rig 0.00 0.00 '06017-LS HUFFINE SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS M101220 Invoice 08/31/2006 7,664,92 1101371 Invoice 10/31/2006 22,001.46 06017-LS HUFFINE SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS Totals: ' r2 666,40 — 0.00 0.00 Statement T.dls,,; ;; ..•;r 6 9 0.49 0.00 sk. >j rdia .SAY[ • G' Outstanding Current Over 30 Over 60 Over 90 Over 120 Amount 66,874.75 22,001.48 0.00 71,729.86 -0.49 160,605.60 Sime Construction.Inc. 12/22/2006 Page 1 of 1 EXHIBI 1 f _ y ♦� �{T A a a+n A A J -W w V�W yy W W y WW++N N N n u N■ O tD m V pi U A W N+ O b m 01 U m N N pS ON Q ppw N0 0+�p Qpp8�8ppm 8ppm y�gA pp01 ppN ooQ1 pp01 ppm QY� i ppOI-g pp6 6�8 -Egos t�<O tND t�Bo��OSa Su+ 8pp?8p8 S 8N 8§ oo0 888 Sw b� b'i n n D>>D A MT.0 D TT�Tm5c C,T-i V1yvv n w U �w 00000 DD D D D nnDDD -1-a"Rm a y 8 «<<<<GTG<z?--r�Zm�^'Oamm 00 x4�l�Qia"'NpAm000rnO0in��rc tz'f fziCC Cp m(n--m Morn[n�Or l ym0[n C� R x U'RRXXR< TTTnn Oz'_Rm m NN U nn NnG�-_.__y n mSr _ �R 33 T3im33>(A RzO D i p� y W mmm R1 r y mm V y m m mm m Zm m R{ m m(�]r N mtn m'V1?7 v 9 m m vnrm-Ni.�.�.Zl m Zz-iz of SA 4-1 <T_D Z" zz- z Z{N n CAN ^�U mNtnOOO n%z mmfDn y 2 -1 y-1 -1-1 CC mm�yn.yyN y y� O D D D (A OQ G7y 3 O y en m m b C)O O D O O O to to to'<<<C m-1 R O bye W=m m�«�D (DjG G9 tlt tl9nNm;u R�:;Qm -mmmmm mn�c" j OEM;A { R 7G n+N S r m y D n R b N N p i 3 i m m T N V T'O C X C G D 3 R`{-�O D 7C TJ.7C�.7C 2�_ccc 7C�Aaj O �CC7 2zs-lyROxOR�yOOpmmmVi z 22 mD=r>C)rrsysl� D D m X n z z ZO Z Z O z Z 0 0 2 x i i-�-t f0 m 0 m O c S nr 9m O0y 00yOODNOO yy �R ;ozzz va Z rt11 Jc VI U. 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O ��m mov om � cmmF—mro -0z`6 zz mDo O en _ OX mpmrDOm < x vm m .Z1TC v DmmD*L t'f ,yy a my 9v z tip cn m � O Z,mZ yO n rtm1 m m(mn m cm r- A 39 r0 D z m0 y m m m m 3z m m0 �y� O m 00 0 m O n �1 m $88888 888888888899888888888888888888888888$8888SS88 rnym o f y r r r r r r TT T T T�1T TT T r rr { r r r r rr r r r r r rU rVI rN y rT rTI zk k kTT ry lyN in - nnnn yC } ~ C ow N N U V+U m N O Q�S� N .'• V ' �..• 3D NG�1 (A yp�1 N S fJO�yN11 mADm�N11(QN(Q��W pi (((pNQ(JJJJ�ttt�f6JJf1 N((p(p.A�.111l {+pp +N(�J��tppN.�V W fNji{Nji W{lQjpY� QQU Qrp�(�0J1(p1 O W O QI pO SN 8N QNp.tmND pQN oQN(�N�] O(O�N O ONmt{p/A� QI O v 0 0 0 0 N O S O'W m W V O O G CS m S8�5S888 �88888�SS88S888 $��88888�5588888888o888S88a8SS s; NV •., O al N + t('O +CO m W m mW O1 N O a _ _ _ 0 8 1ND Pm tb0 ON L o O m N N m m 0 W A V N N+ N++++ N Wp v N J+N U O r O N N N 0 N N N V O O m A m$o8888 588888 888�888$8888888S88gSS88 8888�8 �m 6 n N N N M N N N N N N N N M M N M N N M M M N N N N N N N M N M UI N N N N N M M N N N M N N N M N N M N O N 4 O y e o � R ms"�mNs s sasg+sm s gs�saMiN g K # g a�%Y�aR X ye X Xr�aex� x xY�xx ae X�R at e xEXHIBIT (pJ 3 O O p Eo O Ap JJ-� 14�^W JIU-Jill U S B N� O Npp O N OOO+ W O�N S = O O m++ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 s o W m m m m Sim z w�K361 bidomoo:..... ..+...�y:._. I bm_ma++_ u �•Do m �8UNN. cm N m 0m n0Tm�T GDtn m P r.» z x D �o;Z z O p>>�C C r �- o m w cq O Q m o p m m N O C) AZvn 9pm5 mm--I�CS<p n rnn p to o A C m m m m o x m- m z g 2 N c C p_ ynnrr Z p D m^��Zm2m n m D Z mm QAD �S T m D7c�+07<2 An O n <y�y T y OcamTiy y(pjrC rD-'Cmm 00 ZO ntx N�m�mmO ,yDy�`"-x Zx m D n0 Z 3. -�-, 1r Oypnn rD-°J v+mnmxm� ;u y 5m v A yr" O 0 mmm-Im m < D r�_ 'yA �m �OSmyUI>O Z p -lz0mm. O 0�c-) a .,� i x bAC P -i= O 00mmxtnm a�T O <a cn z �`- <m D-j3Z-Cr -c0- - mcm7Xx zm Zrn g O-D Z y00 D- m vf7� A rP+ -. -n-i-Ira-rOnE LpNm mc7 XZZ mmoz ZAm= < pp y y� A 4 m x x 55 y a�am z Zzm pDmp m O -4i m �a r D0r'cr7i y 00 0ma y/r A ti osm rn]OY O<� ..p y ��m G7 O m �Gr aiO r7i a m ZDm 2Z pn0pto w r'rG- z-a55 D n 3 nm y {...th DAdOp� Z m m o m y q Z Z A p N 0 O O 3 m n X Z N z i ]'- O Apy ? 0 b m n�yy �T��'^ yNmc m �ri a 0 S N O yOpmm CZinpm To m m 0 o 0 0 _ o o zZ0000 r r r r r r D r �8 .-885 D o8$$88$S o8880$$888go8o$ $$08880 [7N rry r rrr=mmr fnmrnmmmmmmttnnmmmr-rr mr-Grrr .c.c ll In rn tnm Cn yommx ADm AAA»D DDA➢D>ra T pm nwT c m c N N u m N N w w N fn ONInONwNUNNN'N.'p.^� N N w ppnn88rppr��88N�nnEU��jj��N �N-r'SS NN N ppp[ppn N NN ppOo pN ppO pNp �U�Unn�� p 0 0 0 0 0 all 0 S O O o O O. O O O O lwi v L O v$0 0 6 0 N� A o 88$$8888 8g8888880088o80 8a8oS88 0 N cl M N 3y ,, W a g d N8 88 Wo WA I soog$g { m�8 r,8 8 g$o8 S8o 8838 ' '8888S8S8SS000888 Ao So88888 �s - ..,.. +u N m J�T A+E O+P A N+W 10+W N W V•10 m O L+O�V O L� Q E V tV O S O pq Upq qp Nqp 8 O 1O�Uf V+ _ NOQo V SS V r+{Nnn p N V N Au�N V N((mOO 88 Np ip ty8nn a 0 8 oSom o$$888083 $8$ 8 s .8ba o 8888 " a o888$�0 ss n N N N N N M N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N D n C N B o �D x 0 4 0 N + O N m N+ + x a xiexxxxxxx x�n xx x Sxgnxx TL H . � ! ) Z) # a (n ( ! : @ \ . m§ � \ / § Cl) ( ( ~ , G } ) . `\ t § § a o G h ` » J ; ) j § ` 2 g q ` ¥ fn ; a ! . \ § (\mmRnmpim ` �f)�•2�) §l6;6666! r09 0�2 (>[0« !l5gk�42§ . !$§»C: | � . & \§ ,e \ - ( +r . w Et � � » o J| � \7 ! 7 ;� EXHIBITD 6 t E i i i `s 1 EXHIBIT D n� ENGINEERS l lYl� S�N INVOICE SURVEYORS[ PLANERS �'+ NIAIERLE t STS I C. I ENGINEERING PLACE P.O.BOX 6147-HELENA,MT•596N 406.442.305D,FAX:06-442.7862 An Employee-Owned Company TIN 81.0217149 Mitchell Development&Investments Invoice Date: 12/31/2004 P.p. Box 738 Great Falls, MT 59403 Date Written: 1/1 312 0 0 5 Invoice M: 50010 Grp," Project M: 3638.002 ATTN. Ted Mitchell f Mitchell Dev -The Bozeman Gateway For professional services rendered through: 1213112404 i Professional engineering services provided for The Bozeman Gateway-Ga Mai, esign. Project Ceilirt3;900.00 .A ;x. Earned invoiced Current tgl<Da* '�,Prevlously Charges Labor 53#f03i`fQ 37,400.82 15,602.18 Expenses ; fi 155 2,891.18 1,870.37 Total Cost ;$7,764.55 40,292.00 1.7,472.55 Maximum Fee Exceeded (13,864.55) Amount Due This Invoice 3,608.00 1 Stratton,Gregory J Amounts Are nua nnei AavaWa I Innn Aapaiinf ni Inuniro r y ,9` n EXHIBITD NVO f C E ENGINEERS MORMSoN _ M MAIERLE, INC. 1 ENGINEERING PLACE-P.O.BOX 6147-HELENA,MT S%C0 -406-442a050-FAX:406.444PLANNERS SCIENTISTS AM An Employee-Owned Company TIN 81-0217148 Mitchell Development & Investments Invoice Date: 2/17/2006 P.O. Box 738 Great Falls,MT 59403 Date Written : 2/24/2006 Invoice#: 6024E Grp' Project #: 3638.002.01 Mitchell Dev-Fowler/Garfield Const >.. For professional services rendered through: 2/17/2006 y Pmfessional engineering sedvices provided for Fowler/Garfield Consfrslcton< jvrces. Al Earnd+`' ' . iced Current to D2r; jY`„ Previously Charges •:i., of :+�. ' Labor 78*lO G '..;, 69,097A3 9,OD6.63 Expenses Q,495 fib 8,600.31 1,895.37 i Total Cost r` ;88,599.74 77,697.74 10.902.00 y. 3 - 3p - oG f Stratton, Gregory J AMMLirlf.'ATP.nija nnrl Pnwn6la I Y.nn Rt Inl of lnvniro EXHIBIT Change Order No. ONE (1) Date of Issuance: April 11,2005 Effective Date: Project:Fowler Ave.and West Garfield Infrastructure Owner.Mitchell Development Group,LLC Owners Contract No.: improvements Contract:Fowler Ave.and West Garfield Infrastructure Improvements Date of Contract February 7,2005 Contractor.Sime Construction Engineers Project No..3538. The Contract Documents are modified as follows upon execution of this Change Order: Description: Addition of 120lineal feel of 48-inch concrete culvert north of Hufrine Lane for extension of existing siphon culvert. Including an 8'x8'SD vault and connection to existing siphon culvert. Attachments: (List documents supporting change): See Exhibit.A* CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE;it QNTRACTTIMES' Original Contract Price: Original Contract Times: ❑f'NVorki)ig days ❑ Calendar days Substantial completion(days or date): $ 2,033,068.78 Ready for'fihal payment(days or date): Increase from previously approved Change Orders (IncrWe].JU.Bcrea'se)f from previously approved Change Orders No. 0 to No. 1 N'C "'`•:.:f =,tit No. Subst2iujal.i ompletion(days); S 0 ; Rd ally tcrfnal payment•(days): Contract Price prior to this Change Order: f' ;C6� act Times prior to this Change Order. Substantial-completion(days or date): S 2,033,066,78 't: < Ready for final payment(days or date): Increase of this Change.Order. (Increase][Decrease]of this Change Order. a ->' Substantjal completion(days or date): S 23,500.00 Ready forflnal payment(days ordets): Contract Price incorporaBng this Change Order. Contract Times with all approved Change Orders: Substantial completion(days or date): S_ 2,056 568.78 Ready for final payment(days or date): RECOMMENDED: ACCEPTE ACCEPTED- / J li Engineer(AuftTizedSignature) ner(AuthorizsdSignature) Gonlrarc�lor�( 4 frfzedSignature) Date: 0�5- Date: — �� V Date: Approved by Funding Agency(If app)icable): Date: Change Order—Page 1 of 2-• •H:13638\002-01100CS1ConstructionlPayEsiimateslChange Order-1.doe All i/05 HIBIT Change Order Instructions A, GENERAL INFORMATION This document was developed to provide a uniform format for handling contract changes that affect Contract Price or Contract Times. Changes that have been initiated by a Work Change Directive must be incorporated into a subsequent Change Order if they affect Price or Times. Changes that affect Contract Price or. Contract Times should be promptly covered by a Change Order. The practice of accumulating Change Orders to reduce the administrative burden may lead to unnecessary disputes. If Milestones have been listed in the Agreement, any effect of a Change Order thereon should be addressed. For supplemental instructions and minor changes not involving a change in the Contract Price or Contract Times, a Field Order should be used. S. COMPLETING THE CHANGE ORDER FORM Engineer normally initiates the form, including a description of the dhanges involved and attachments c w1 •. based upon documents and proposals submitted by Contractor, or regtaests;from Owner,or both. Once.Engineer has completed and signed the.form, all copiesshould be sent to Owner or Contractor for approval, depending on whether the Change Order is a.tr'6. oiler to the Contractor or the,formalization of a-negotiated agreement for a previously performed changes: Af br-approval by one contracting party, all copies should be sent to the other party for appro"iaL Er g�ne0 should make distribution of executed copies after approval by both parties. If a change only applies to rice or to limes crosscut tl :art of the tabulation that does not apply. 9 Y PP P .. ,P i Change Order—Page 2 of 2 K:=8\002-01\D0CS1ConstructionlPayEstimates\Change Order-Mac 011105 EXHIBITD AMAIERLE,iNr. MORRISON "°�" a aylq..•w..+c".y..7 PAGE ONE[1) FOWLER AVENUE AND WEST GARFIELD INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS Bozeman,Montana EXHIBIT A•CHANGE ORDER No.1 OWNER"S NAME AND ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR"S NAME AND ADDRESS: MITCHELL DEVELOPMENT GROUP,LLC SIME CONSTRUCTION PO BOX 738 7720A SHEDHORN PMB 140 GREAT FALLS,MT 59403 BOZEMAN,MT 59718 ME .: •r - E3TUMTED M DESCRIPTION."- '!'' OUANTAY.: UNIT UNITPRICE AMOUNT 1 48-Inch RCP culvert 120 LF $78.00 $9,360.00 2 Precast SD Vault B'xB' 1 EA $8,000.00 S8,0D0.00 3 Pipe BeddmG Material 50 CY $14.80 $740.D0 4 Labor(Large Crow and EgWpmerd) 12 FIR $450.00 $SADb.00 CHANGE ORDER TOTAL. $23,500.00 its• { Al.. .. •4��35 r _ ssY 'Al' h�rt• i i•� . i EXHIBIT Notice of Award Dated 01/10/05 p,j,ct Fowler Ave. &Garfield St. Wner: Mitchell Development Group,4� ?"nerscontract No.: Infrastructure Improvements N/A can"CL Fowler Ave. &W. Garfield St. Infrastructure Improvements Enginee.sProjeo No.: 3638.002.040.03110 Bidder:Sime Construction Bidder's Address:(send Certified Mail,Return Receipt Requested) 7.720A Shedhom PMB 140 Bozeman, MT 59718 You are notified that your Bid dated January 7, 2005 for the above Contract has been considered. You are the Successful Bidder and are awarded. a Contract for Fowler Avenue & West Garfield Street'infrastructure improvements schedules 1,11, III& IV. (indicate total Work,alternates or secilons or Work awarded.) The Contract Price of your Contract is Two Million, thirty three thousand sixty eight and 78/100 Dollars ( 033,068.78). Four copies of each of the proposed Contract Documents except Drawings accomp4hy this Notice of Award. Four sets of the Drawings will be delivered separately or otherwise m de...available to you immediately. You must complywith the-following conditions precedent+nhthtn..fifteen days of the date you receive this Notice of Award. 1. Deliverlo the Ownerfourfully executed counteT.arts vf:ah Contract Documents. "r• 2. Deliver with -the execoferd Contract 'Ddcuf nts ttfe Contract security Bonds as specified in the Instructions to Bidders (Article 20), arid. G;erieral Conditions (Paragraph 2.01 and 5.01) and Supplementary Conditions (Paragraph'SC=2fl1T<:' 3. Other conditions precedent;> !J Failure to comply with these conditions within the time specified will entitle Owner to consider you in default, annul this Notice of Award and declare your Bid security forfeited. Within fifteen days after you comply with the above conditions, Owner will return to you two fully executed counterparts of the Contract Documents. Mitchell Develo ment Grou C Owner 0'PlIzet i ig ature omt,a�l� )' e Copy to•Engineer Notice of Award='Page 1 of 1 7ist3638%002-ENGldocftpecs\Nobes of Award-5ime.doc 1131/0.5 EXHIBIT SECTION 00500 AGREEMENT FORM 11 THIS AGREEMENT is dated as of theq day of zr_ in the year 2005 (effective date), by and between Mitchell Development Group, L.L.C. (hereinafter called OWNER) and Sime Construction (hereinafter called CONTRACTOR). OWNER and CONTRACTOR, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 -WORK 1.01 CONTRACTOR shall complete all Work as.specified or indicated in the Contract Documents. The Work is generally described in the Invitation to Bid and is described in detail in' the Contract Documents and the technical construction drawings. The work covered under this Contract includes the Fowler Avenge and West Garfield Street Infrastructure Improvements. ARTICLE 2 -THE PROJECT 2.01 The Project for which the Work under the or ;tact Documents maybe the whole fi or only a. part is generally- described as iike Favuer`lvenue and West Garfield Street {fop, ue Infrastructure Improvements. �� ARTICLE 3 -ENGINEER a:: 3.01 The Project has been designe&fiy 060 :fr 'r,. Morrison-Maierle, Irgt'. 901.Technology Bozeman; Montana INC.' who is hereinafter called EN.GINEE-R and w o is to act as OWNER's representative, assume all duties and responsibilities, and have the rights and authority assigned to ENGINEER.in the-Contract Documents in connection with the completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. ARTICLE 4 - CONTRACT TIMES 4.01 Time of the Essence H:136381002-011DOCS1ConsU uction1o05oo.rtf Page 1 of 9 EXHIBITD A. All time limits for milestones, if any, Substantial Completion, and completion and readiness for final payment as stated in the Contract Documents are of the essence of the Contract. B. The CONTRACTOR agrees to complete the work within the time(s) specified herein. 4.02 Days to:Achieve Substantial Completion and Final Payment A. The work will be substantially complete within 150 calendar days after the date when*the Contract Time commences to run, as provided in paragraph 2.03 of the General Conditions, and will be complete and ready for final payment in accordance with paragraph 14.07 of the General Conditions within 180 calendar days after the date when the Contract Time commences to run. 4.03 Liquidated Damages. A, CONTRACTOR and OWNER recognize that ' a is of the essence of this Agreement and that OWNER will suffer financial loss if tFjerk is not completed within the times specified in paragraph 4.02 above, plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with Article 12 of the General Cpndipbris. `!•he parties also recognize the delays;;expense, and difficulties involved in-ptq�itia� in a�legal or arbitration proceeding the actual`loss suffe-red by OWNER if the>:Ullp�rkz;ts;Adt completed on time.' Accordingly, �.'•.yk>..f 4. . instead of requiring, any such proof, C �.: 1 ; ROtind CONTRACTOR agree that- as liquidated damages for delay (but not a-s.,a• er;alty), CONTRACTOR shall pay OWNER ;.. $500.00 "(Five Hundred and noM.-M�ddal a. for each day that expires after the time specified in paragraph 4.02 .for �- by 091 Completion until the Work is substantially fidifi', if CONTRACTOR shall neglect; refuse, or fail complete. After Substantial COia�p to complete the remaipAg ,l C, .Within the Contract Time or any .proper extension thereof granted by 00 ER, CONTRACTOR shall pay OWNER $500.00 (Five Hundred and no/100 dollars) f :: ch Y that expires after the time specified in paragraph 4.02 o .. Off P P P 9 P for completion and r6adlffi ps_for final payment until the Work is completed and ready for do r.n final payment'. B. Liquidated damages for unscheduled employment of the ENGINEER shall be -paid by the CONTRACTOR to the OWNER as specked in the Bid Form. ARTICLES -CONTRACT PRICE 5.01 OWNER shall pay CONTRACTOR for completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents an amount in current funds equal to the sum of Two million, thirty three thousand, sixty eight and 78/100 dollars ($2.033,068.78), based on the H:136361002-OIZOCS1Construc5on10050D.rtf Page 2 of 9 EXHIBIT D prices stipulated in the Bid Form and subject to adjustment as provided in the Contract pocuments. A. As provided in paragraph 11.01 of the General Conditions, CONTRACTOR agrees that lump sum amount(s) constitute full payment for the work and that these lump sum amount(s) represent a true measure of the labor and materials required to perform the work, including all allowances for overhead, profit, taxes, bonds, insurance, and all other costs for each type and unit of work called for in these Contract Documents. B. As provided in paragraph 11 .03 of the General Conditions, estimated unit price quantities used for bidding purposes are not guaranteed, and determinations of actual quantities and classifications are to be made by ENGINEER as provided in paragraph 9:08.of the General Conditions. Unit prices have been computed as provided in paragraph 11.03 of the General Conditions. f 'ARTICLE 6 - PAYMENT PROCEDURES 6.01 Submittal and Processing of Payments A. CONTRACTOR shall submit Applications.: Payment in accordance with Article 14 of,"the General Conditions. Applications-,for>Payment,.will be processed by ENGINEER as provided in the General Gondi'tdoR" 'i fi< other portions of the Contract l Documents_ 1 ' 6.02 Progress Payments; Retainage: A. OWNER shall make:;progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of CONTRACTOR'S Applrcations for Payment once each month during jperformance of the Work 'a's provided in paragraphs 6.02.A.1 and 6.02.A.2 below. All such payments will be measured :-by the schedule of values established in paragraph 2.07.A of the General Conditi*or in the case of Unit Price Work based on the number of units completed or, in the event there is no schedule of values, as provided in the General Conditions: 1. Prior to Substantial Completion, progress payments will be made in an amount equal to the percentage indicated below but, in each case, less the aggregate of payments previously made and less such amounts as ENGINEER may dete.rmine•or OWNER may withhold, in accordance with paragraph 14.02 of the General Conditions: H_Us38%oo2-oiooc.slconstrurUon100500.r f Page 3 of 9 EXHIBIT D a. The OWNER shall -retain 5% of the amount of each payment until final completion and acceptance of all work covered by the Contract Documents. At any time, however, after the Work has been 50% completed, as determined by ENGINEER, and if the character and progress of the Work have been satisfactory to OWNER and ENGINEER, OWNER, on recommendation of ENGINEER, may determine that as long as the character and progress of the Work remain satisfactory to them, there will be no retainage on account of Work subsequently completed, in which case the remaining progress payments prior to Substantial Completion will be in an amount equal to 100% of the Work completed less the aggregate of payments previously made. Reduction of retainage is at sole discretion of OWNER. OWNER is-notobligated1c, reduce retainage. b.' Retainage will be 5% of materials and equipment not incorporated . in the Work (but . delivered, suitably stored and accompanied 'by documentation satisfactory to OWNER as provided in paragraph 14.02 of the General Conditions). 2.- Upon Substantial Completion, OWNER 0:64;.pay an amount sufficient to increase total payments to CONTRACTOR to 9A),, of"the Work completed, less such amounts as ENGINEER shall d-et&ft1ine ifn accordance with paragraph of the -General Conditions and-;.less 100% of ENGINEER's estimate of the value of Work to be completed.>.or,:pooeete'd as shown on the 'tentative list of items to be completed or correct'" a> C ed to the certificate of Substantial Completion. B. CONTRACTOR shall submit.:apoications for payment on the 20t' day of each month. The OWNER shall ma-ke"Orogress payments on or before the 10u' day of the month following the CONT,RACTORts application for payment. 5.03 Final Payment A. Upon final corletion and acceptance of the Work in accordance with paragraph-14.07 of the General Conditions, OWNER shall pay the remainder of the Contract Price as recommended by ENGINEER as provided in said paragraph 1-4.07. ARTICLE 7 � INTEREST 7.01 All moneys not paid when due as provided in Article 14 of the General Conditions shall bear interest at the maximum rate allowed by law at the place of the Project. I 1 H:\3638\002.01\DOcs\canstruaon\amoo.df Page I 4 of 9 i r EXHIBIT ARTICLE 8 - CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIONS 8.01 In order to induce OWNER to enter into this Agreement, CONTRACTOR makes the following representations: A. CONTRACTOR has examined and carefully studied the Contract Documents (including all Addenda listed in Article 9) and the other related data identified in the Bidding Documents. B. CONTRACTOR has visited the Site and become familiar with and is satisfied as to the general, local, and site conditions that may affect cost, progress, and performance or furnishing of the Work. C, CONTRACTOR is familiar with and is satisfied as to all federal, state, and local-L:aws,and Regulations that may affect cost, progress, performance, and furnishing of the Work. :.. x D. CONTRACTOR has carefully studied.all: (1) repirf explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the, Site aid,all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subs face ctures at or contiguous to the :Site (except Underground Facilities) vwhjcffi�;,have been identified in the Supplementary Conditions as provided in.praa132 of the General Conditions and (2) reports and drawings of a Hazardc(,us ' vit nn`tental Condition, if any, at the Site iii fi which has been identified in the Supple pn to Conditions as provided in paragraph 4.06 of the General Conditions. C0NRTC7R acknowledges that such reports and drawings are not Contract Docume';s't Ad'bay not be complete for CONTRACTOR's purposes. CONTRACTOR acknorledg69'that OWNER and ENGINEER do not assume responsibility .for the accuracy,�ar�cd, pleteness of information and data shown or indicated in 'the Contrast pocurpen s with respect to Underground Facilities at or 3,.• contiguous to the site. ' = f E. CONTRACTOR ( is obtained and carefully studied .(or assumes responsibility for having done so) all additional or supplementary examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, and data concerning conditions (surface, subsurface, and Underground Facilities) at or contiguous to the Site which may affect cost, progress; performance, or furnishing of the Work or which relate to any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction to be employed by CONTRACTOR, including applying the specific means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction, if any, expressly required by the Contract Documents to be employed by the CONTRACTOR, and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. H:13638\DD2-OIZOCSConstrucbon100500.rtf Page 5 of 9 EXHIBIT F. CONTRACTOR does not consider that any additional examiriations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, or data are necessary for the performance and furnishing of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times, and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. G. CONTRACTOR is aware of the general nature of work to be performed by OWNER and others at the Site that relates to the Work as indicated in the Contract Documents. H. CONTRACTOR has correlated the information known to CONTRACTOR, information and observations obtained from visits to the Site, reports and drawings identified in the Contract Documents, and all additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, and data with the Contract Documents. I. CONTRACTOR has given ENGINEER written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities, or discrepancies. that CONTRACTOR, has discovered in the Contract Documents, and the written resolution thereof by ENGINEER is acceptable to CONTRACTOR. ``` J. The Contract Documents are genera(jy sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for piirn`cirnance and furnishing of the Work. ARTICLE 9 - CONTRACT DOCUMENTx:R. 9.01 Contents ,, ilvff., 4r.�t A. The Contract Document ` ofsist of the following: a 1. This Agreemen .ages 1 to 10, inclusive); 2. Performp� ce < ortd' (pages 1 to 2, inclusive);. 3. Payment Bond (pages 1 to 2, inclusive); 4. Other Bonds (pages to , inclusive); 1 I a. (pages to , inclusive); I b. -(pages to , inclusive); I H-.M3MO02-01\DO=Constru cUon�00500.rtf Page 6 of 9 - l i` C. . (pages to , inclusive); 5. General Conditions (pages 1 to 44, inclusive); 6. Supplementary Conditions (pages 1 to 12, inclusive); 7. Specifications as listed in the table of contents of the Project Manual; 8. Drawings consisting of a cover sheet and sheets numbered inclusive, with each sheet bearing the following general title: Fowler Avenue and West Garfield Street Infrastructure Improvements; (Note: Drawings are not attached hereto). 9. Addenda (numbers _ to_, inclusive); 10. Exhibits to this Agreement (enumerated afollows): a. Notice to Proceed (page 1, inclusiveA'' �k A b. CONTRACTOR's.Bid For l`ri (p es 1`to inclusive); c. Documentation su;kirrttd =:fr<sr CONTRACTOR prior to Notice of Award (pages 1 to 2 .iric#udlive); d. ~ ,.' ; 11. The following wb1ch :ftiby be delivered or issued on or after the Effective Date of the Agreement and''"1 not attached hereto: a. W ntt n Afne+nd meets; b. Work`Change Directives; C. Change Order{s). B. The documents listed in paragraph 9.01.A are attached to this Agreement (except as expressly noted otherwise above). C. There are no Contract Documents other than those listed above in this Article ttl36381002-011DOCslConstru cBon100500.rtf Page.7 of 9 . I f 1 D. The Contract Documents may only be amended, modified, or supplemented as provided in paragraph 3.04 of the General Conditions. ARTICLE 10 - MISCELLANEOUS 10.01 Terms f A. Terms used in this Agreement which are defined in Article 1 of the General Conditions will have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions. 10.02 Assignment of Contract A. No assignment b a .party hereto of an rights under or interests in the 9 Y Y Contract will be binding on another party hereto without the written consent of the party sought to be bound; and, specifically,-but without limitation, moneys that may come due and moneys that are due may not be assigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by;aaw), and unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an ass ent, no assignment will release or discharge the assignor from any duty or resp' risikiiity under the Contract Documents. '4 10..03 Successors and Assigns ° A. OWNER and CONTRACTOf '^e`aCh.`s irrds itself, its partners, successors, assigns, and legal representatives.to thq,.0 arty hereto, its partners, successors, assigns, and legal representatives, : L, raspect to all covenants, 'agreements, and obligations contained in the Contract iDtments. ty 10.04 Severability r '" >f•-at . . :g" £� . ;. < ; A. Any provision';,<., paty of the Contract Documents held to be void or unenforceable under any L7v 01`Regulation shall be deemed stricken,.and all remaining provisions shall. continue tp' e valid and binding upon OWNER and CONTRACTOR, who agree that the Contract Documents shall be reformed to replace such stricken provision or part thereof with a valid and enforceable provision that comes as close as possible to expressing the intention of the stricken provision. 10.05 Other Provisions A. The CONTRACTOR agrees to remedy all defects appearing in the work or developing in the materials furnished and the workmanship performed under this Agreement during the warranty period after the date of final acceptance of the work by H:138381002-011DocslconstrucUon100500.rtr Page 8 of 9 EXHIBITD the OWNER, and further agrees to indemnify and save the OWNER harmless from any costs encountered in remedying such defects. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, OWNER and CONTRACTOR have signed 4 ' copies of this Agreement. One counterpart(s) has been delivered to OWNER, two to CONTRACTOR, and one to ENGINEER. All portions of the Contract Documents have been signed or identified by OWNER and CONTRACTOR or by ENGINEER on their behalf. This Agreement will be effective on the date shown on page 1 (which is the Effective Date of the Agreement). OWNER: CONTRACTOR: Mitchell Development Group, L.L.C. Sime Construction mBy: By:' n [CORPORATE SEAL] [ ORPORATE SEAL] Attest :-Aft�sfi_::. Address for giving notices: 40A Ai�~dr'�ss for giving notices: }> ii..4TI ^:��:•.: Mitchell'Deveiopment Group, L.L.C. >..<' `` 720A Shedhorn PMB 140 t4:yt Z,. tN,4.:• .1:tif. p.C9 3 a�liBozeman. MT 59718 f•IS�C�.. yam•, v\i..+� . Phone: hid(a Phone: 582-9841 Facsimile: L�2ty O ,s Facsimile: 582-9843 Montana Contractors' Registration No. END OF SECTION 00500 H:136381002-Oi1)OC%ConshvcUon100500.rtf Page 9 of 9 EXHIBIT D PERFORMANCE BOND Any singular reference to Contractor,Surety,Owner or otherparty shall be eonsidercd plural where applicable. CONTRACTOR(Name and Address): SURETY(Name and Address of Principal Place of Business) Sime Construction, Inc. Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland 7720AShedhom PMB 140 1400American Lane,Tower I, 191h Floor Bozeman,MT 59718 Schaumburg, 1L 60196-1056 OWNER(Name and Address): Mitchell Development Group,LLC p,O. Box 738 Great fails,NIT 59403 CONTRACT Date: February 7.2005 Amount: $2,033,-06U0.78 Descriptions(Name and Location): Fowler Avenue 8 West Garfield Street Infrastructure Improvements Schedules], Il,111&IV BOND Bond Number.PRFS707050 Date(Not earlier than Contract Date): February 7 2005 Amount:$2,033,068.78 ' Modifications to this Bond-Form: None Surety and Contractor, intending to be legally bound hereby,sub3ect.ta the:tern s printed on the reverse side hereof,do each cause this Performance Bond to be duly executed on its behalf;by its:aWhotrized,dfGcer,agent or representative. CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL Company:Sime Construction, Inc'. Fidelityand Deposit Company of Maryland (Seal)Signature: Name and Title Sure s Nam and Corporate S al Signature and Title Peter N.McGee (Attach Power of Attorney) (Space.is provided below for signatures ofadd 6onal parties,if reaui;ed.j Za� Attest: Signature and Title Donna K.Tucek; SCM CONTRACTOR AS.PRINCIPAL SURETY Company:Sime Construction,Inc. Signature:_ (Seal) _ (Seal) Name and Title: Surety's Name and Corporate Seal By. Signature and Title (Attach Power of Attorney) Attest: Signature and Title F]CDC No.C�610(2002Edition) Originillyprepared through the joint efforts orSurtty Association of America;Engineers loinuContraet Documents Committee,the Associated Genial Contractors of America,.ond 4hie American-Institute of Architects. =- EXHIBIT ADDENDUM NO. ONE(1 CONSTRUCION IMPROVEMENTS FOR FOWLER AVENUE AND WEST GARFIELD STREET INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS DATE: December 30,2004 BID OPENING'DATE: January 6, 2005 Note:.Bids will be received and office of Morrison-Maierle, Inc., 901 Technology Blvd., -Bozeman,MT 59771 until 2:00 p.m., local time on Thursday,January 6,2005. TO: ALL PLANHOLDERS ;w The Plans and Specifications for the above captioned project azeeby modified and/or superseded by this Addendum. tiyz ,: Bidders shall note the receipt of the Addendum in tie the provided below, on the Bid Form in the Pro ect Manual, and on the cov .`:of, e'1 ,o egct Manual: j q�,. �_. � fY• :F A. Plans �. 1. PIan Sheet R-2; Reviiso:�a "r;.: The Garfield Street P..;atl#1.` olume shall be revised to be 845 cf. The dimensions of.- a.pond's l be revised to 42xl4xl.5. .2. Plan-Sh.ee Addition. A 24"RCP overfT4jow culvert will be added at Station 15+01 with flared end sections both ends. 'The'culvert will parallel the 30"RCP to be installed at Station 14+99. Invert up=4856.14 Invert down=4853.71 Slope=3.24% Length=75 LF Modification At approximate Station 26+00 provide a thickened edge radius approach to the MSU farm road for traffic support and to prevent damage to the street pavement. 1 EXHI IT The 24" steel casing at Station 25+89 is to be installed as follows Invert out = 4849.38 Invert in=4850.03 Length = 65 LF Slope= 1.00% 3. Plan Sheet R-4; Addition A 59"x 36"ARCP overflow culvert will be added at Station 32-34 with flared end sections both ends. The culvert will parallel the 59"x36" ARCP to be installed at Station 32+28. Invert up =4857.61 Invert down = 4856.98 Slope=0.74% Lent-# = 85 LF 4. Plan Sheet R-5; Modification The Garfield Street Pond#2 Volume shall be revised to be 1370 cf The dimensions of the pond shall be'rEv:>sed::to.57xl6k1.5. The outlet pipe shall be 15"PVC: At approximate Station 4841.0 prGvide a-tuckened edge radius approach to the MSU farm road for traffic>supert'and to prevent damage to the street pavement. S. Plan She et•R-6 uAddition The GarfelG tree-.bond �3 and corresponding outlet structure shall'be added as shown one.:ittached exhibit. 6. -Plan Sheet SD-3; 1\'J<odifications, Pond #1 Fowler Street Outlet Structure: Modify orifice diameter to.be 2.32". Pond,2 Fowler Street Outlet Structure: Modify orifice diameter to be 2.06". Pond 43 Fowler Street Outlet Structure: Modify orifice diameter to be 2,06". Pond 41 Garfield Street Outlet Strcture: Modifv orifice diameter to be 1.64". Pond##2 Garfiefd Street Outlet Structure: 'Modify orifice diameter to be 1.77". A EXHIBIT D 7. Plan Sheet W-3; Modification Install an 8" cross at Station 15+39 instead of 8"Tee. Extend 46 LF of 8" water stub to south with end cap and typical blow off. Replace the 8"cross at Station 25+63 with an 8x10x8x10" cross also replace the 8"north and south stubs with 10"stubs. S. Plan Sheet S-1; Addition Install sanitary sewer stub at Station 13+20 o the east for 1 of LF and a slope of 1.0% p�" of VKdk -U 9. .Plan Sheet T-2; Addition ` �f j, Install stop signs on the north and south for the farm.roan crossing at ! approximate Station 26+00. Install a stop sign at the intersection of Garfield Street and Research Drive located at approximate•Station 43+.00. 10.Traffic Control Plans; Addition . . Traffic Control plans (two sheets) for,;FoAr ,venue and Garfield Street. 3. ,Vol 11. Storm Water Erosion Con':'ol '1an Storm Water Erosion Ppntxi I Fowler Avenue.and Garfield Street. } fix, < 1` }. All B. Project Manual • •s4• 1. Bid Sheet Attached is a revised Bid Sheet to replace the existing Bid.Sheet included with the Project Manual. I i :I EXHIBIT Issued by Morrison-Maierle, Inc. Greg J. S tton,P.E. Project Manager Bidder acknowledges the receipt of Addendum No. One(1) Received: ;�/'0 S (Date) lam'� � • (By) z ^v� 2C • .sir".';. z<, . >uir yAa;.4`f i r .S 1-313635\00201\DOCS\ADDENDUM NOONEdoc . 4 EXHIBITD FOWLER AVENUE AND WEST GARFIELD STREET INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS REVISED BID SHEET 2 The Bid for the following items in Schedules I-IV shall be a unit cost bid for all construction work described in the Contract Documents, unless shown otherwise. The bid price shall include all temporary or permanent equipment, materials, supplies, and labor necessary to construct the item in accordance with the Contract Documents. SCHEDULE I STREET STORM SEWER AND SITE GRADING RELATED ITEMS ITEM ; -ESTIMATED UNIT., NO. �DESCRIPTLON QUANTITY UNIT ' ` PRICE 'AMOUNT 101 Clearing and Grubbing/Topsoil .Removal and Stockpile 11,600 CYI~' $1.25 $14,500.00 102 Street Excavation/Embankment 29,700 CY $2.25 $66,825.00 (Site Grading) 103 Pit Run Gravel 44,90Q; .' `,.Y CY $8.25 $370,425.00 -1/2 Inch (1-112")Minus Crushed 104 fEOQ, .` CY $14.50 $182,700.00 Base Course Hot Plant Mix Asphalt Surface 105 Course 7,760`" TON $32.50 $250,250,00 106 Concrete Curb and Gutter 7;800 LF $9.00 $70,200.00 106A Median Curb 750 LF $12.00 $9,000.00 107 Fowler Avenue PoOd#1„ °` 1 LS $2,000.00 $2,000.00 108 Fowler Avenue Poritl2`` ' ' 1 LS $2,000.00 $2,0.00.00 109 Fowler Avenue Pond'it3'.,, 1 LS 1 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 110 Precast Diversion Structure Fowler 1 LS $9,988.10 $9,988.10 Ave STA 8+25 111 Garfield Street Pond#1 1 LS $2,000,00 $2,000.00 112 Garfield Street Pond #2 1 LS $2,000.00 $2,000.00 113 Garfield Sirdet Pond #3 1 LS $2,000.00 $2,000.00 114 12" PVC Storm Drain Pipe 340 LF $30.00 $10,200.00 115 15" RCP Storm Drain Pipe 480 LS $35.00 $16,800.00 116 24" RCP Storm Drain Pipe 260 LF $40.00 $10,400.00 117 18"x 28-1/2"ARCP Storm Drain 66 LF $60.00 .$3,960.00 Pipe-24" Equiv. N:436381002-ENG\docslspecstidform-conlmcl.t f Page 5 of 14 .. EXh I ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 118 22-112"x 36-1/4"ARCP Storm 180 LF $60.00 $10,800,00 Drain Pipe-30" Equiv. 119 36" RCP Storm Drain Pipe 90 LF • $90.00 $8,100.00 12121 0 30" RCP Storm Drain Pipe 85 LF $62.50 $5,312.50 31"x 51"ARCP Storm Drain Pipe- 90 LF $157.00 $14,130.00 42" Equiv. 122 36" x 58-1/2"ARCP Storm Drain 810 LF $150.00 $121,500.00 Pipe-48"Equiv. 123 54"x 88"ARCP Storm Drain Pipe - 130 LF $362.00 $47,060.00 72" Equiv. 124 Storm Sewer Manhole 1 EA $2,000.00 $2,000.00 125 Storm Sewer Inlet 8 EA $1,750.00 $14,000.00 Connect to Exist 48" RCP Siphon , 126 Including Removal of Existing 1 LS. !V.53 $13,052,53 Diversion Structure 127 Precast SD Vault 8'x 6' 2 ;EA $9,021.00 $18,042.00 128 Precast SD Vault 8'x 8' 2 '" $9,829.50 $19,659.00 129 Topsoil Placement 11;�O� ` CY'� $2:00 $23,200.00 130 Seeding 1' A `7>'. "LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 131 Tree Removal :; >y Signage-Stop_,No Parking, Bike %' 132 ` ' 9"` EA $350.00 $13650.00 Lane, Street,Traffic 133 Utility Conduits- 12 Inch HDPEs _« 1,265 LF $10.00 $12,650.00 134 Utility Conduits- 18 Inc Hp E "``" 1,265 LF $14.00 $17,710.00 135 Irrigation System Cross ii '-6" F.''` 220 LF $1-5.00 $3,300.00 PVC Schedule 110 -' > 136 Sanitary Sewer Casing Piper 75 LF $150.00 $11,250.00 137 Pavement Markings -4"White 11,750 LF $0.25 $2,937.50 13B Pavement Markings -4" Yellow- 4,975 LF $0.25 $1,243.75 Solid 139 Pavement Markings -4" White- 3,900 LF $0.12 $46B.00 Dashed 140 Pavement Markings -4" Double 3,540 LF $0.45 $1,593.00 Yellow Centerline 141 Pavement Markings - 24"White- 20 LF $18.00 $360.00 Stop Bar 142 Pavement Markings - 24"-White 800 'LF $3.50 $2,800.00 and Yellow H:136381002-ENGkiocs\5pecstidfonn-con Vactrtf Page 6 of 14 EXHIBIT •: 1w ITEM ESTIMATED7-�UNIT UNIT NO. . : DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 143 Pavement Markings- 8"White 1,000 LF $6.75 $6,750.00 144 Pavement Markings-Words and 375 SF $17.50 Symbols $6,562.50 145 Not Used 0 LS $0.00 $0.00. 146 Remove and Replace Fence to Easement Line 2,500 LF $2.50 $6,250.00 147 AdjusiFire Hydrant 3 EA $1,000.00 $3,000.00 148 Adjust Valve Box 10 EA $250.00 $2,500.00 149 Adjust Sanitary Sewer Manhole 3 EA $250.00 '$750.00 150 Concrete Sidewalk. 6,725 SF $3.10 $20,847.50 151 Concrete Approaches 290 SF $7.00 $2,030.00 TOTAL UNIT PRICE BID—SCHEDULE -,. $1,450,756.38 Schedule I Total Bid in Figures: SCHEDULE"l 4 „ SANITARY SEWEEi D�FITEMS •'..' ..• • .; .. l{{• ••` .•. .may.. .. ..,• - .. ITEM. UNIT NO. DESCRIPTLON �}`" "'"QtA1TITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT- a; 201 8 Inch Sanitary Sewer �� ?� -�' 170 LF $50.00 $8,500.00 zz ; V. .OF'::}:Ln 202 .21 Inch Sanitary Sewer` < 1,720 LF $40.00 $68,800.00 203 60 Inch x 5 Foot Se "F,Ie1 10 EA $3,500.00 $35,000.00 204 Modify Existing Manha i:: $' Connecting to Existing" 1 EA $5,000.00 $5,000.00 60 Inch SS'Manhole-Additional 205 Depth 92.3. VF $200.00 $18,460.00 206 Jack and Bore 36 Inch Casing 140 LF $827.91 $115-1907.40 207 6 Inch Sanitary Sewer Service 1 EA $1,500.00 $1,500.00 TOTAL UNIT PRICE BID SCHEDULE II $253,167.40 Schedule If Total Bid In Figures: H:135381002-ENGWomXspecs\bid form-cantrackrtf Page 7 of 14 } EXHIBIT D SCHEDULE III WATER RELATED ITEMS ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT' PRICE AMOUNT 301 8 Inch Water Main 5,550 LF $24.00 $133,200.00 302 6 Inch Water Main 160 LF $27.00 $4,320.00 303 10 Inch Water Main 65 EA $35.00 $2,275.00 304 Connection to Existing Main 2 EA $2,500.00 $5,000.00 305 8 Inch Valves 21 EA $1,000.00 $21,000.00 306 8 Inch Cross 4 EA $750.00 $3,000.00 307 8 x.10 x 8 x10 1 EA $1,250.00 $1,250.00 308 8 Inch Tee-All Sizes 19 EA ` ' D0.00 $7,600.00 309 8 Inch Bend 4 EA $250.00 $1,000.00 310 8 Inch End Cap 10 A $250.00 $2,500.00 311 10 Inch End Cap '< `"•<> EA $400.00 $800.00 312 2 Inch Water Service EA $1,500.00 $6,000.00 313 4 Inch Fire Service Line f "° :. : `' EA $1,000.00 $4,000.00 314 Fire Hydrant Settings >"') `Y s EA $2,500.00 $27,500.00 315 Typical'Blow Off 11 EA $1,200.00 .$13,200.00 TOTAL UNIT,PRICE BID—SCFi` UL1 411f $232,645.00 Schedulelll Total Bid In Figures* H.136381002-ENGldocsstpacslbldfbrm-<=Ira ctrtf Page 8 of 14 EXHIBITD SCHEDULE 1V MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS ITEM ESTIMATED ,UNfT NO. 'DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 401 Asphalt Trench Restoration 200 LF $50.00 $10,000.00 402 Underground Facility Crossings 5 EA $2,500.00 $12,500.00 ALTERNATE- Exploration/Extra 403 Work with Mainline Crew and 20 HR $450.00 $9;000.00 Equipment ALTERNATE- Exploration/Extra 404 Work with Small Crew and 20 HR $250.00 $5,000.00 Equipment 405 Furnish, Erect and Maintain Traffic 1 LS $10,000,00 $10,000.00 Control .. Fumish,'Erect and Maintain 406 Erosion Control (Silt Fence) 1 LS ?.: $5,000.00 $5,000.00 407 Mobilization/Demobilization 1 LS `• ,:`$ 5,.000,00 $25,000.00 408 Taxes, Bonds and Insurance 1 LS T. $20,000.00 $20,000.00 TOTAL UNIT PRICE BID— SCHEDULE 1V $96,500.00 Schedule IV Total Bid in'Figures: REVISED 13 D;SHEET SUMM.Af ? 6IF CHEDULES SUMMARY OF SCHEDULES',:,.. Total Schedule I $: 1,450,756.38 Total.Schedule .II $ 253,167.40 Total.Schedule 111 $ 232,645.00 Total Schedule IV $ 96,500.00 HA3638\002-ENGldocslspecs\bid form-contracLrtf Page 9 of 14 S� � fs i �. s7� 7 � � EXHIBIT IMORMSON INVOICE PL"4m SURVEYOBS E SCIENTISTS 1MMIUE, INCI 1 EMINEERINGPLACE•P.O.BOX 6147•HELENA,MT•59604.406-442-SM-FAX:406-442-7862 An Employee-Owned Company TIN 81-0217149 Mitchell rDeve optnent Group, LLC Invoice Date: 12/1/2006 p,p. Box�38 Great Falls, MT 9403 Date Written : 12/18/2006 Invoice#: 61959 Grp:*.* Project#: 3638.004 Mitchell - Hu me/Folder Intersect For professional services rendered through: 12/1/2006 't� .. professional engi eerfng services provided to prepare construction planning&spec ficot for Huffine/Fowlerintersecfion. Project Ceiin6 $102,956.00 A Earned `Mkolced Current to Date, `previously Charges Labor 83;Q4 . <' 58,363.30 24,681.35 6,52 8 3,011.70 3,515.18 Expenses Total Cost :1st.. ;r 8.91571.53 61,375.00 28;196.53 Ullman,James A Amounts Are Due and Payable Upon Receipt of Invoice ' motutla Rf1 flwv�Ck+wrrina Ala Gtiktiae t Tn A:Sanric a llhnma Ai Thn WlAvimu�n 1 cnal.i�ato A9ro. -Ru R1 i_tm ur,e EXHIBIT i A MORRISON Noyernt;ef 13•2006 RAII;RLC,inc. 14W 303e.004.01.050A310 .+.6V+q...m"•ic rR PAGE ONE III FOWLER AVENUE AND WEST GARFIELD INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS Bozeman,Montana FINAL PERIODIC COST ESTIMATE FOR PERIOD ENDING OCTOBER 31,2006 OWNER"S NAME AND ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR"S NAME AND ADDRESS: MITCHELL OEVELOPMENTGROUP,LLC SIME CONSTRUCTION PO BOX 738 7720A SHEOHORN PMB 140 GREAT FALLS.MT 59403 BOZEMAN,MT 59718 CONTRACTTIME: 150 DAYS WORK TO START: WORK STARTED: COMPLETION DUE: March 13 2006 March 13 2006 July 13,2006 SCHEDULE 1 .- "ORIGINAL PROPOSAL:•' PERFORMED TO DATE ESTIMATED t M11SCRiPTION OUANTIIY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT QUANTITY AMOUNT % 100 REMOVE SIDEWALK 246 -SY 515.00 $3.690.00 246.0 $3.690.0 100% 10i REMOVE CURB&GUTTER 631 LF• S6.00 S3,786-00 650.0 S3,900.0 103% 102 EXCAVATION-UNCLASSIFIED 1.121 CY $17.50 S19,517.50 1,121.0 Si9,617.5 100% 103 EMBANKMENT IN PLACE 391 CY S20.00 391.0 $7,820.0 1001% 104 TOPSOIL,SALVAGING 8 PLACING 400 CY S12.50 ``$5,000.00 400.0 S5.000.0 100% 105 CRUSHED AGGREGATE COURSE 3.243 CY $22.50q7;50 3,243,0 $72,967.5 100% 106 COVER MATERIAL GRADE 4A 337 I TN $65.00 :E f g'1.9${'00 364.0 $23,660,0 ' 108% 107 DUST PALLIATIVE 39 TN $130.00 F5,00J.00 39.1 S5,083.0 100% l08 PLANT MIX BIT SURF,GER.D.INCLUDES PG 64.28 1,750 TN... 5S5100 $96250.00 1.286.0 S70.730-0 73% 109 WA 50.00 0.0 '50.0 0% 1.10 EMULSIFIEDASPHALTSS-1 203 'GA °•;.:S7:54:,` S1,522.50 234.2 51,756.5 115% 111 EMULSIFIED ASPHALT'CRS-2P �9:a. _ �y�`;yA3D.17fY $3,784.00 0.0 $0.0 0% 112 RCP ARCH 44 INCH,CL 3 $SQb.00 $3.000.00 9.0 S4,501).0 150% 113 51DEWALK,'CONCRETE4' 1;353 $f' $57.50 $77,797.50 999,0 S57,442.5( 74%• 114 TRAFFIC CONTROL(NO BID) 0`:;5:, t)A. S0.00 SO.001 0.0 S0.0 0°.6 115 CURB-CONC ;1„321''4< IF S17.50 S23,117.50, 1,809.0 S31,657.5 137% 116 SEEDING AREA NO 2 ."AC $Z,000.00 Si,500.00 07S St. 500.0 100% 117 MOBILIZA710N ?E3ji LS $25,000.00 S25,000.00 1,0 $25,000.0 '100% .247 CURB MARKING-YELLOW EPDXY S>. 6 GAL $0.00 0.0 $0.0 0% FIBER OPTIC 1 LS I 57,600,00 $7,600.00 1.0 57,600. 100°b WATER MAIN EXTENSION 1 LS $6,5D0.00 $6.500.00 1.0 $6,500. 100% PAVEMENT MARKINGS 1 L$ 534,630Ao 534,630:00 ";1t0�'--''� 534,630. 100°,4 SCHEDULE 1 SUBTOTAL ">i%; S38S,966 5D $383;054.50 99 PROJECT TOTALS I $385,966.50 $383,054.50 99% CONTRACTOR'S Certification: The undersigned CONTRACTOR certifies that: (1)allprevious progress payments received from OWNER on account of worlik done undar•ths contract referred to above have been applled to discharge In full all obligations or CONTRACTOR Incurred in connection with Work covered by prior Applications for Paymem number 1 through 1 Inclusive;(2)litie to all Work,materials and equipment incorporated in said Work or otherwise listed in or covered by INS Application for Payment will pass to OWNER at time of payment free and dear of all liens,claims,security interest and encombrances(except such as are covered by Bond acceptable to OWNER indemnifying OWNER against any such lien,claim,security interests or encumbrance)(3)all Work covered by this Application for Payment is in accordance with the Contract Documents and not defective as that term Is derided in the Contract Documents;and(4)there are no daims for extra work,delays,omitted items or of any nature against the OWNER or ENGINEER net set forth herein unless expressly stated otherwise In this Application of Payment NAME OF CONTRACTOR Sime Construction SIGNATURE`���� DATE: ), / / CA- OWNER; Mitchell Development Group,LLC SIGNATU DATE: � qq ENGINEER; Morrison-hialerle,Inc. SIGNATURE DATE: �( V EXHIBIT FINAL PERIODIC COST ESTIMATE PAGE TWO(2) Novembet 13,2006 OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS: MITCHELL DEVELOPMENT GROUP,LLC PO BOX 738 GREAT FALLS,MT 59403 TOTAL AMOUNT EARNED TO DATE............................................ $383,0S4.50 LESS DEDUCTIONS (1)RETAINAGE-5% $0.00 (2)LIQUIDATED DAMAGES $0.00 #198' 384,223.67 (3)OVERTIME ENGINEERING f0.00 5200' $83.17250 2031 5185,991.93 TOTAL AMOUNT DEW=- D 50.00 TOTAL AMOUNT OUE$�ED.T0 DATE.....................�... ....... $383,054.50 TOTAL s..; S353.388.10 LESS PREVIOUS PA.'Y' JTS,,•.:,1•f':........__......... ........................... $353,380.10 :W* ter, AMOINTD`,,CONTRACTOR THIS PAY ESTIMATE................._ 429,666.411 (REMI7j1yG7AINAGE TO DATE) ,.�•: ' r����o. f/�� YU�•.•• o- f, EXHIBIT D CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATE AND RELEASE FROM: Sime Construction, Inc. (Name of Contractor) TO: Mitchell Development Group, LLC PO Box 738 Great Falls, MT 59403 REFERENCE CONTRACT NUMBER entered into the 17th day of April, 2006, between the Mitchell Development Group, LLC, and Sime Construction, Inc. , (Name of Contractor) of Bozeman, MT for the purpose of (City) (State) Huffine Lane Intersection Improvements (Type of Operatics ' within the limits f of the City of Bozeman. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT:$: y r VW 1, The undersigned.hereby cerh es4NhAihA is due from and payable by the Mitchell Development Group, LLC,to3efractor under the Contract and duly approved Change Orders and modific. a +xe balance of$29,666.40. 2. The undersigned: urther ies that in addition to the amount set forth in Paragraph [, them ire°op an ding and unsettled the following items which he claims are just and dt�e owing by the Mitchell Development Group, LLC: (a) None (b) (c) (d) (Itemize claims and amounts due. If none, so state) Contractor's Certificate and Release—Page 1 of 3 H-.=38W02-ENG%docs1CerUfica1e and Release.doc ��n�os EXHIBIT 3. The undersigned further certifies that all work required under this Contract including work required under Change Orders numbered: , and , has been performed in accordance with the terms thereof, and that there are no unpaid claims for materials, supplies or equipment and no claims of laborers or mechanics for unpaid wages arising out of the performance of this Contract, and that the wage .rates paid by the Contractor and all Subcontractors were in conformity with the Contract provisions relating to said wage rates. 4. Exceptforthe amounts stated under Paragraphs I and II hereof, the undersigned has received from the Mitchell Development Group, LLC, all sums of money payable to the undersigned under or pursuant to the above-mentioned Contract or any modification..or change_thereof. 5. That in consideration of the payment of the amount stated in Paragraph I hereof the undersigned does hereby release the Mitchell Development Group, LLC, from any and all claims.arising under or by virtue of this Contract, except the amountlisted in Paragraph II hereof, provided, however, that if for any reason the Mitchell Development Group, LLC, does not pay in full the:,�gmount stated in Paragraph 1 fn c hereof, said deduction shall be automatically in.clodbd...vnder Paragraph it as an amount which the Contractor has not released ii yv01' release the Mitchell Development Group, LLC, from any and all claims ofnyiature whatsoever arising out of said Contract or modification thereof, Ad will execute such further releases y... « or assurances n-<.6 as�the.Mitchell Developme 'LLC, may request. Further, in :r consideration of the payment of,th a ot]#,t %ted in Paragraph I hereof, the undersigned agrees to hold the'Ma ch .Nv' pment Group, LLC, harmless from any and all costs, liability or expepsevf any kind in any way arising out of the contract referenced herein, c san !.sii�catitracts awarded pursuant thereto. S'': -IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the und;i-arsS'ned has signed and sealed this instrument this _0 day of /mil: U. 2{ OG �' Sime Construction, Inc. Sh3' \ _ (Contractor) (Signature) (Title) being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says, first, that he is the CO 16s of the Sime Construction, Inc. (Title) (Name of Company) Contractor's Certificate and Release Page 2 of 3 HA36381002-ENG\docs\Certl1icale and Re{ease.doc 11/13/06 EXHIBITEY second, that he has read the foregoing certificate by him subscribed as (Title) of the Sime Construction, Inc. (Name of Company) Affiant further states that the matters and things stated therein are, to the best of his knowledge and belief, true. (Signature) Subscribed and sworn to.before me this T , day of -6�� ' , 20�, My commission expires - .. (P , SEA �(. OF 140 >,`rs F Contractor's Certificate and Release—Page 3 of 3 HA363810o2-ENG\docslCerlUicale and Release doc 11l13l06. _S 1 - 7f (A i j AGREEMENT FORM THIS AGREEMENT Is dated as of the 17`t'day ofApril in the year 2006 (effective date), by and between Mitchell Development Group, P-O. Pox 738, Great Falls, MT 59403 ( (Hereinafter called OWNER) and Sime Construction, Inc., 77.20A Shadhorn Drive, PM8140, Bozeman, MT 59718. (hereinafter called CONTRACTOR). OWNER and CONTRACTOR, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as follbvvs; ARTICLE 1 - 'WORK 1 .01 CONTRACTOR shall complete all Work as specifie' 'indicated in the Contract Doeurnents. The Work is generally described as folloLvs: iHuffine 4ane Irtem.actior, :mprovament <, < ARTICLE 2 - THE PROJECT }� 2.01 The Project for which the AAti�'Jrk.U'hde'Ahe Contract Documents may be the whole or only a part is generally descrfbed'as-oliows: Construct Huffine:LanaIntai' ection Impravemants as par attached propose!daiad Ssptambar 7, 2aQ N ARTICLE 3 - ENGMEER 3.01 The Project has been designed by; Morrison-Maierle, Inc. P,O, Box 1 113 Bozeman, MT 59718 who is hereinafter called ENGINEER and who is to act as OWNER's representative, assume all duties and responsibilities, and have the rights and authority assigned to ENGINEER in the Contract Documents in connection with the completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. I Page 1 0� 7 EA-HIBIT ARTICLE 4 - CONTRACT TIMES 4.01 Time of the Essence A. All time limits for milestones, if any, Substantial Completion, and completion and readiness for final payment at stated in the Contract Documents are of the essence of the Contract, Substantial Completion is October 15, 2006. -In no event shall any contract work including bur not limited to requirarnenis of the state of Montana carry over beyond the preeeeding date. ARTICLE 5 - CONTRACT PRICE 5.01 OWNER shall pay CONTRACTOR for completion oft :e111lork in accordance with t funds a ua! to the sum of the Contract Documents an amount in ¢urrap q Three Hundred Seventy One Thousand E6t ' undred Sixty Six and 50:100 dollars ($371,866:50), based on the pri, 9sa&tJputafrc3 in the Bid Form and subject to adjustment as provided in the Contrary Di'zirflmnl'1 . A. CONTRACTOR agrees t; at.Aurr %suiil"amount(s) constitute full payment for the work and that these lump sum>; M:6:.Wntfsl represent a true measure of tha labor and materials required to perform the W rk`Including all allowances for overhead, profit, taxes, bonds, insurance, apd al.' th4pFbosts for each type and unit of work called for in these Contract Doc-Lime B. Estimated unit plies cfi antities used for bidding purposes are not guaranteed, and determinations of ix ual quantities and classifications are to be made by ENGINEER, ARTICLE 6 - PAYMENT PR0051DURES 6.01 Submittal and Processing of Payments A. CONTRACTOR shall submit Applications for Payment and will be submitted on the 251 of each month and will be processed by ENGINEER. Payment by the OWNER will be made to the CONTRACTOR by the 10" of the following month. ARTICLE 7 - INTEREST Page 2 of 't EXHIBITD 7..01 All moneys not paid when due shall bear interest at the maximum rate allowed by law at the place of the Project. ARTICLE 8 - CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIONS 8.01 In order to induce OWNER to enter into this Agreement, CONTRACTOR makes the following representations: A, CONTRACTOR has examined and carefully studied the Contract Documents (including all Addenda listed in Article 9) and the other related data identified in the Bidding Documents. B. CONTRACTOR has visited the $Ito and beeet=t}e amillar with and is satisfied as to the general, local, and site conditions that ma;se ct cost, progress, and J.. performance or furnishing of the Work. jjjYYY C. CONTRACTQR•is familiar with a* Issafied as to all federal, state, and toot laws and Regulations that may;:z;af ct zcos , progress, perfcrmance, and furnishing of the Work. D, CONTRACTOR has carbluRy. all: (1) reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or c 41 �4tigvUs to'the Site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existhf. a or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the Site (except.-.U n d ergrciijn.d,�Fttcilltfs) and (2) reports and drawings of a Hazardous Environmental Condit ny, the Site which has been identified. CONTRACTOR 4: J+ acknowledges that•sU pgts and-drawings are not Contract Documents and may not .be complete for• C6 Tl 'CTOR's purposes, COITRACTOR acknowledges that OWNER and-ENGINEER tlAot assume-responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of infornnation and data shown or indicated ih the Contract Documents with respect to Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site. E. CONTRACTOR has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for having done soy -all additional or supplementary examinations, investigations, explorations;tests, studies, and date concerning conditions (surface, subsurface, and Underground Facilities) at or contiguous to the Site which may affect cost, progress, performance, or fur.nlshing of the Work or which relate to any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction to be employed by CONTRACTOR, Including applying the specific means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction,if any, expressly required by the Contract Documents to be employed by the CONTRACTOR, and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. Page 3 of 7 EXHIBIT .D s F. CONTRACTOR does not consider that any additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, or data are necessary for the performance and furnishing of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times, and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. G. CONTRACTOR is aware of the general nature of work to be performed by OWNER and others at the Site that relates to the Work as indicated in the Contract Documents. H. CONTRACTOR has correlated the information known to CONTRACTOR, information and observations obtained from visits to the.Site, reports and drawings identified in the Contract Documents, and all additional ex�tninations, in--stigations, explorations, tests, studies, and data with the Contrac `p.;acyr�ents. i, CONTRACTOR has given ENGINEER written noj ce of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities, or discrepancies that CONTRALTO. ..has c{iscovered in -the Conrrzc; €Jocum.enYs, and the written resolution...,.. thsreo'.f b"�; ERGIN ER is acceptable to CONTRACTOR. J. The Contract Documents are genrplly sufficient to indicate and convey ::.. understanding of all terms and odt'iditi;'dns'fdr performance and furnishing of the Work. ARTICLES - CONTRACT DOCUNI>;NT; " 9,01 Contents i . A. The Contract DocuMents consist of the following: 1, This Agreement (pages 1 to 8, inclusive); 2. Performance Bond (pages 1 to 1, inclusive); 3, Payment Bond (pages 1 to 1 , inclusive); 5. Specifications as listed in the table of contents of the Project Manua!; 6. Drawings oonslsting of a cover sheet and sheets numbered 1 through 17 inclusive, With each sheet bearing the following general title; Huffine Lane Page 4 of 7 R EXHIBIT Intersection Improvements Bozeman, MT; (Note; Drawings are not attached hereto). S. Addenda (numbers 0 to 0 inclusive); 9. Exhibits to this Agreement (enumerated as follows); a. Notice to Proceed (pages 1 to 1, inclusive); b. CONTRACTOR s .Bid Form (pages 1 to 1 , inclusive); (attached) Awami(pages ====4ed. I. 1 Z 10. The following which may be delltiere pr issued on or after the Effective Date of .the Agreement and'are not attache.: .ht`eto: a. Written Amendmers.; b. Work Change' airtivg . c. Change Ord (sjr>:r 13, The.documes�s I.sted 4i`peragraph 9,01.A are attached to this Agreement (except as expressly no - ise above), n C. There are no ct Documents other than those listed above in this Article ARTICLE 10 - MISCELLANEOUS I I 10.01 Assignment'of Contract A. No essignment by a party hereto of any rights under or Interests in the Contract will .be binding on another party hereto without the written consent of the party sought to be bound; and, specifically,-but without limitation, moneys that may come due and moneys that are due may not be assigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by law), and unless specifically stated-to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment, no i - i I Pages of 7 EXHIBIT D I 3 assignment will release or discharge the assignor from any duty or responsibility under I. the Contract Documents. 10.03 Successors and Asslyns A. OWNER and CONTRACTOR each binds irself, its partners, successors, assigns, and legal representatives to the other patty hereto, its partners, successors, assigns, and legal representatives in respect to all covenants, agreements, and obligations contained in the Contract Documents. 10.04 Severabllity A. Any provision or part of the Contract Doce "s held to be void or unenforceable under any Lew or Regulation shall be.deetne stricken, and all remaining .<>> provisions shall continue to be valid and bindrog 2-pon 01NNER and CONTRACTOR, who agree that the Contract Documents shail.,§q r#,caned to replace such stricken provision er part thereof with a valid and.4h,o"a'e provision that comes as close as possible td expressing the intention of 0e" r'di eff provision, 10.05 Other Pro.v►sions A. Any provlslon,�' f .p 1 w<..o. the Contract Documents held to be void or S C ^'+ unenforceable urger the Lvit`or Regulation shall be deemed stricken, and all remaining provisid shq[°_dontinue to be valid and binding upon OWNER and CONTRACTOR, wF.i< a 'ee that the Contract Documents shell be reformed to replace such stricks' 'ptavlsiort or part thereof with a valid and enforceabis provision that comes as close as possible to expressing -the- intention of the stricken provision. ! IN WITNESS WHEREOF, OWNER and CONTRACTOR have signed 3 copies of this Agreement, 1 copy has been delivered to OWNER, 1 copy to CONTRACTOR, and 1 copy to ENGINEER. All portions of the Contract Documents have been signed or identified by PWNEFt and CONTRACTOR or by ENGMER on their behalf. i Rage 6 of 7 i r - i EXHIBITD This Agreement will be effective on the date shown on page 1 (wh(ch is the Effective Data of the Agreement). [This Agreement shall not be effective unless and until concurred in by AGENCY's designated representative.] OWNS • CONTRACTOR: By: Knox Pb C ORATE SEAL] RPORATE SEAL) Attest Attest,,, n ` ... Fi•tfti Address for giving notices: yAtras for giving notices: P,O. Box 738 ``kk'_ � 20i Shadhorn Drive, PME3 140 Great Falls, MT 59403 «> `:,.$; Nieman, MT 59718 Phone: �/y ps��' Phone: 408.582.9841 Facsimile: Facsimile: 406,582,9843 ,. Montana Contractors' Registration No, 5354 i I Page 7 of 7 f l >1>> S I ME Ti CONSTRUCTION EXCAVATION AND ROAD 13UILDING y i+ WILING ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS 772CASHEDHORN PMB 140 406.582-9841 190 Ramshorn Drive BOZEMAN, MT 59718 Mobile 580.1 105 'Fax 582.9643 Bozeman,MT 597 18 2r9jeCt name. HuFr-INE LANE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS bid date: I7-Sep-05 item description est qty, unit unit prEce total price SCHEDULE 1 STREET IMPROVEMENT RELATED ITEMS 100 REMbVE.SIDEWALK 246.00 SY $15,00 $3,690.00 101 REMOVE CURB 8 GUTTER 631.00 LF $6.00 $3,788.00 1 102 EXCAVATION- UNCLASSIFIED . CY $17.50 $19,617.50 103 EMBANKMENT IN PLACE 591"00 CY $20.00 u�7,820,00 164 TOPSOIL, SALVAGING &PLACING "i: d 40Q¢p,CY $12.50 $5,000,00 105 CRUSHED AGGREGATE COURSE 3 s 3.D: CY . $2M.50 $72,967.50 106 COVER MATERIAL GRADE 4A �Me;4e TN $65,00 $21,931.00 107 DUST PALLIATIVE 39,"10 TN $130.OD $5,083,00 I08 PLANT MIX.BIT SURF, GER. D, INCLUDES PGG64-26< 1,7.50,D0 TN $55.00 586,250,oG 109 NIA 110 EMULSIFIED ASPHALT SS-7 :w '' '' 203.00 GA $7.50 $1,522,50 111 EMULSIFIED ASPHALT CRS-2Ps, _ 8-80 TN $430.00 S3,784.00 112 RCP ARCH 44INCH, CL3 <x 8.00 LF $500.00 $3,000.00 113 SIDEWALK, CONCRETE41' ; 'fir=,: 1,353.00 SY $57.50 577,707.60 114 TRAFFIC CONTROL NO BID 115 CURB-CONC ' ` J. 1,321.00 LF $17.60 $23,117.50 116 62EDING AREA NO 2 0.75 AC $2,000.00 $1,500,00 117 MOBIL12ATION q?K r:,., 1,a0 LS $26,000,00 V5,00D.00 N TOt 4 31D, SCHEDULE 1 5371.566,&0 THESE PRICES.DO NOT INCLUDE RELOCATION OP EXISTING'UTILIITES, STAKING, LAYOUT, MATERIALS TESTING FEES,SURVEYING, PERMITS, LANDSCAPING RELATED ITEMS, OR TRAFFIC CONTROL OF ANY KIND, THIS ESTIMATE IS GIVEN SUBJECT TO A MUTUALLY AGREEABLE CONTRACT AND PROJECT SCHEDULE, AND 1S BASED UPON MORRISON MAIRELE, INC.'S PROJECT DOCUMENTS DATED JULY 2005. EROSION CONTROL PERMIT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS. Bimp.ConstTuction,ba, pale; Knox W,Pilati • (JA EXHIBITD AME'RLE'll(c. RRISOl\ oareme±r tt.2C05 .4„•-�•.+c..'•-. PACE ONE(11 HUFFINE LANE & FOWLER AVE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS I Bozeman,Montana FINAL PERIODIC COST ESTIMATE-REVISED 12114106 P FOR PERIOD ENDING No+ernoer 11,2006 t OWNER"S NAME AND ADDRESS; CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS: + WTCHELL DEVELOPNIENT GROUP,LLC MONTANA LINES,INC. a PO BOX 738 26CO UPPER RIVER ROAD GREAT FALLS.MT 59403 GREAT FALLS,MT 69406 CONTRACT TUL 150 GAYS WORK TO STA RT: WORK STA RTE D: COMPLETION DUE: Mann 43 2006 March 13.2006 Seo+emoer 30,2006 'SCHEDULE 2 ORIGINAL PROPOSAL .PERFORMED-TO DATE ESIMATED • DESCRIPTION DUANTrrY UNrf UNIT PRICE AI.IOUNT OUANTTTY AMOUNT 200 FOUNOA710N-CONCR=TE 21 1-CY S905.00 519,367.00 SJD S17236.63 89% "I CONDUIT-PLASTIC 1-lR- 3,086 LF S7.75 S23,777.00 4,050.0 jq�.1340 132% 202 CONDUIT-PLASTIC7' 1,744 LF S10.00 S$7,440.00 464.0 2B%203 CONDUIT•PLASTIC 2-1(E' •763 LF S14,20 510,834.60 664.0 •67% 204 CONDUIT-PLASTIC3' 88 LF' S15.00 .SI,320.00 105o 119% 205 PULL BOX-CONCRnETYPE I 8 EA I $300.00 1 52.400.00 12.0 S3.600. 150% .206 PULL BOX•(,ONCRETE TYPE 2 T 8 EA S350AD S4W,00 7.0 S2,450,0 88% 207 PULL BOX-CONCRETE TYPE 3 1 1 EAR S470.00 b47.-b0 1.0 S470.0 100% 208 CABLE COPPER 7AW131s-60DV 631 LFJ S1.05 876.0 5919.8 .139% 209 ICABLE COPPER 12AWG14-600v 243 LF $1.50 ':5 64;G0 i265.0 M91.5045 107% 210 CABLECOPPER i6AWGt.t-600V 990 LF S1.85 sf;;93l,50 ''79t.0 S1,463.3 80„ 211 ICA.BLE COPPER 8 PAIRAWGI9 COMM, 2.42'r LF S1.35 s3,26070;'2.528.0 1 IZ8g. _104% 212 CONDUCTOR•COPPERAWG6.600v 1,120 LF SO.9G:;;-.,, $1.0067)dt 3.025D ! S2,722.5 270% i?13 CONDUCTOR•COPPERAWt58-600L 4.107 1 LF 1 S?693.0 Stv: 2,14�CONDt7CTAR. OPPER=AWG7D:800`I(; w - `;2;156 '; .•j;r ';-'56;45;.✓_- ' .S97A;20'_2381T0;,; 36,5.STANDARDSTLITYPS.iDiA:50D4'•, r f :e6 `,>=A ..'$2 j DrQD,.. 3„"121800770 ._::SA.-- . .;510500 G 03. 716 CONTROLLER-CAB PEDESTAL TYPE P 2 ` '.?(i'."t5890[R�i>.. 51.7AO.Op� 1.0 589004 SO ti 217 LUMINAIREASSEM8LY:SOW S.V 2", 53;.O,QO" sno'Dol 2.0. S720.0 100% i24B-LuMllNAIRE7ASSEMBLYL-100WS.V;-),'.' - - -.::.);•.,;�'4 'iaeA"L•S3fi5,QD =51;460.-00 ?'-5.0 ..';5'i:B25:0 ..125;: 2191SERV ASSEM9LY-20AMP 1 < '•.EAI:ZSj;805.00 S1,605.00I 1.0 S1:605. 100% 220 SERVASSEMBLY-BOAMo &Ai '"51,7G0:ODI S1,750.00 1.0 S5,760. 100% 221.PHOTO ELECTRIC CONTRtDL .:Z� `EA- S120.00 5240.D0 2.0 S240.0 100% =2 SIG-TRAF 3 CDL•1 WAY 12-i2.1? : 1E':IS.,:- EA I S900.00 I S14.400.00i 10.0 S14,400.0 100 ti 223 151G•TRAF 5 COL.1WAY 12-12.12-12 EAJ SL290OD S3,570.001 3.0 $3,570.0 100% 224 SIG-PEDESTRAN TYPE 2 _ � `ty2 'EA S755.00 59,050.00 12.0 59.080. .1001/1 225 CONTLWTRAF ACTUAT TYPE 8•A 1 EA S25,320,00 S25.320.00 1.00 S25.320 100% 226 SIG STANDARD TYPE 1-100 3 I S625.OD S1:875 00 3,0 I S1.67S. too'.' ONTRACTOR'S Certl5cation:Tne unaamigned ,TRAC rk COR certifies That: (l)ap prevrxis progress payments recelvad(rum OWNER an account o1.10 done wloar 9ne contras raferrto to 30ove nave oeen ap6�k-iptlEscharge In lud all 00hplions of CONTRACTOR Incurred in connection vAM war.coveredDy pnor App.4aamm for Payment numoer I Inrough 9 inrlusiv'j.2I ride to ad W orh,nwterals and e.wcment Incorporated In said Wors or othen ase fisted In or covered oy Mci Appllwddn Ior Paymonl will pass ID OWNER aft,me of payment Iree and,c]ear W a.Aens.Gawps.SeCulflyitlaresl and encomomrices(except sum a5 ar? eovored oy Bono acceolaole 5o'OWNER indemnll)AnB OWNER against any surn.tren,Chill,Security interests or ti renca)43)-ail worts cdvored by Ind ApphpOon for Payment IS In accordance w1d1 the Contract Donlments and rot oefcctive as that Term a da Do(xnersts:and(a)Ihere.are ro claims for ex0a walk,delays.omitted items dra(any nature against Ise OWNER or ENGINEER net hermit unless ez ss I tared other%ise irr Nl Aopli Ion of Payment NAMEOFCONTRACTOR: MontanaLlnes•Inc. OAT' o vv OWNER:Mitchell DovolopmtnL Group,LLC SIGNATURE ATE: /,�-„2 7- V ENGINEER Morrison-Malefle;Inc. SIGNATURE DATE. Z 7 EXHIBIT ` FWALESTIMATE-REVISED12/141D6 PAGE TWO(2) December 14.2008 OWNERS NAME AND ADDRESS: MITCHELL DEVELOPMENT GROUP,LLC PO BOX 73B GREAT FgLLS,MT 59403 SCHEDULE 2(cont.) ORIGINAL PROPOSAL PERFORMED TO DATE ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UN1r PRICE I AMOUNT OUANTn ,ANIOUNT % 227 SIG STANDARD TYPEI-t20 T EA S825.00 I 5825.00 1.0 S625.0 100% n8 SIG STANDARD TYPE 2-A-900-0 2 EA $10.750.00 1 -S21.500.00 2.0 S21,500.0 1DJ% 229 1 SIG STANDARD TYPE2-A•900.7 1 EA*10.000.CkD S10.000,OD I'D 510,000-0 160% 230 SIG STANDARD TYPE 2-A-900-9 1 EA 511.850.00 1.0 511.850.0 100% 231 SIGSTANOARDTYPE3-A•900-0 1 EA00 513.500.D04 1.0 S12,500. 1001A 232 DETECTORAOOP 37 EA S750,OD 527,750.00' 39,0 S29250.0 S05% 233 DETECTORA.00P SHLO CABLE 3.500 LF $1,00 S3,500.D0 I 4,194.D 54.194.0 120% 23a PUSH BUTTONIPEDESTRIAN 6 EA S265.00 S1,590.00 6.0 St•590.0 1001:3 235 PUSH BUT7CN-RETROFIT 1 EA S200.00 S2DO.00 10 S200,0 100%j 236 IEMERPREEMPTIONDE7CABLE 293 LF S1.30 -34t.90• 3G9.0 S5187 1521: 237 SIGNS-ALUM SHEET INCR(1) 20 SF S33.50 S670.00 2D.0 S;I0 0 1007. I33 SIGNS-ALUM REFLECTIVE SHEET(i) 2 SF S24.00 S45.60 1.9 S45.0 -1001> 239 SIGNS•ALUMREFLECTNE SHEET 00) 122 SF S25.50 S3.222.40 107.1 S2.83e.1 80% 240 RESET SIGNS I EA S75 00 S16O.DOE 4.0 S300. 2OU% '241 REMOVE SIGNS 1 EA I S20A3- S280.001 ISO S30U.0 107% 242 POSTiTij!Jt.itR'ST>..rJ:{SOI�ARc'.PcRFiQFL TE01,.-.:'. =`f'' i%:wi tZ=. is L'�S'% �`50A:��;. 243 1 POLES-TREATED TIMBER CLASS 4 14 LF S45.00 S630.001 t4.0 5830, 100% 244 ISOTBLR SLIPBASE BKWY 3' 5 EA S345.00 Si.725.001 4.0 SL380,0 80% 245 DELNEATOR•FLEMBL E SURFACE MOUNT WH 2 EA S53.00 SIA6',00t 2.0 5105,OOj 1O0% 246 DELNEATOR-FLEnBLE SURFACE MOUNT YLW 5 EA 353.00 ;:C`265.00 1.0 553.0 20'/. 247 CURB MARKING-YELLOW EPDXY 731 1 GAL <,y${I_;Ci<�: ;,DO S0. a% 248)WORDS75YMBOLS-WHITE=PDX1' 22 GAL '.D;DO- .,%X1,0 so OC 05; 249 S7RIPINGVilirrE EPDXY 1 GALI S13;p0 .1,D,U I SODA O•A 250 STRIPING-YELLOW EPDXY 22 GAL SO' 0.0 SQA 01A 2"JR6Sa:-l7RpFUN6L� J iA j0.00: OA G; 26-4 1 ADAIZ- 55 J E'w• .it. 50.00( 011 S •6`,: 2531FRAF.FJG:CONTROU",-- _ -_ `,�i:000�aiC1N%.;�,�3bi@�?'''>�$�t3:800(D0.^32�&'R5:5_c r"529.36?. _..:2t655 254'MOSILIZATIDN 1 '•;LS. ;'Q3y,130;IQ579.130.00 1.000 .- 519,130.0 tOD% SCHEDULE 2 SUB TOTAL S299,997.471 S306.943.05 11 CHANG E.-ORD EWMEMS 'ORIGWk?PROPOSAL PERFORMED TO DATE DESCRIPTIONDUANT6,, Ml1 UNIT PRICE AMOUNT QUANTITY AMOUNT % 3D0 fWORDS 8 SYMBOLS.PLASTIC ::;•,..443`t%'. .i SF S17 45 S7.730.35 195.1 S3AOS.100 44% 301 REMOVE WORDS/SYMBOLS PLASTK "'S;.BB ` SF S14.SO S986.00 SOD 0`» 302 STRIPING-WN PLASnC41N - "1,�;?•. LF S3.15 S483.05 141,0 $444.1 96;: 3D3 STRIPING-w8 PLASTIC W + ':IJ47 I LF S6.30 S6,045.10. 1.403.0 58.838, 110% 304 STRIPING-WH PLASTIC 24IN ,`��'235 LF S16.20 S3.807.001 1752 S2.838.24 7514 305 STRIPING-Y'cL PLASTIC 4 1N SU3 -1 LF S3.2D SI.609.60(' 1,075.0 5.3,440. .214% .306 REMOVE PLASTIC STRIPING IN 509 If 52.00 51.O18.00' 357.0 1 S714,GC 705: 3D7 REMOVE RUMBLE STRIP 18' 546 LF S6.75 S3.685.50p 550.0 S3,T12.$ 101% 366I5$RVASSEMBLY-20AMP S SS' ,91.05.00 S7,605.60•.. to S1,605.0 100% 309 1MODIFY SERV ASSEMBLY-S•2 .N 1 .EA $1,BY5.170 51,825.00 1.0 S 1,025.0 100% ADDITIONAL ITEMS REMOVc&SALVAGE(POLE A9) 1 (S SI,052,50 51.062,50 1.0 St,p62. 100% WORK CHANGE DIRECTIVE NO.'t-EPDXYSTOPBAR t 'LS S825.00 S825.00 1.0 5825.0 100% SPECLAL USE SIGN-24XIV 5 EA S31.81 S159.05 5,0 ' S159.0 100% �SPECIAL USE SIGN-2X18 6 EA 546.97 S281.02 6.0 S281.8' SODS: MOB0SZA7JON Sgopl�jEDt;Then7SOptasllc ODemOoisr7,. ;;. ,711. 'S9:309,•003 r•-.:59 30D p0 _�.T.D.;:%:y}'?Sfl;30D. z•'reccY-300% INTERIM STRIPING WA j TcMIPORAAYPAINT 1 LS S292.DD S292.00 1.0 5292. 10:: POLES-TREATED TIMBER CLASS 90 LF S35.00 S3,150.00 70.0 S2.450.0 78% U•CKANNEL SIGN POST INSTALLED 1 EA S36621 S38G31 1.0 5380,21 1DOS% ADDITIONAL MOBILIZATIONS•(CONSTRUCTIOb;, I LS 510,00D.00 $10,000.00 1.0 SMODO.0 1DD°» SEOUENCWGs IAUMONALVR?F.FJGLONTR04;xGLOSEIkLEG>AF 1FOWL R•AGEXor,Ctlango_Oitle,fA3Ar70/03706?A tchan bN S I7�Y S^w3 E7,� s t^ 36 27 SF7 3�12�L3°Zd ODS: L00s:,and,FIU:I30eSye5aLagPinral),.__. ._r '-3., t;f 2 r y�_�;'•:.. -+..y::o• �.,�,,. 1<.�.�} s t:.�1�_ SCHEDULE 3 SUB TOTAL S68,667,38 564,015.76 PROJECT TOTALS I S368,664.79 f .5370,958.79- 1o1„ EXHi B-1 } FINAL Ern MATE-REVISED 12JI4106 PAGE THREfi(3) Decunber l4,2006 OWNER"S NAME AND ADORES9: MTTCHELL DEVELOPMENT GROUP,LLC PO BOX 738 GREAT FALLS,MT 5D403 .TOTAL AMOUNT EARNED TO DATE._..........__ _ ._.._....._ S370.9M.79 LESS DEDUCTIONS (1)RETAINAGE-5% S18.547.D4 (2)LIQUIDATED DAMAGES 50.00 (3)OVERTIME ENGINEERING S0.00 TOTALAMOUNT DEDUCTED 519.5.1?.p4 TOTAL RETAINAGE RETURNED S78,547.94 TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED TO DATE ........__....__._...... 5370.958.7E Pruv.P a 514 S48,005.46 LESS PREVIOUS PAYMENTS»,..........._................................ S328.964.71 W26 SSS,002.74 - WIT nS,850.89 1 S=$153,577,13 11/3 S70,300.00 - AMOUNT DUE CONTRACTOR THIS PAY ESTIMATE___.. S41,994.08 1011 E,M.228.49 .. TOTAL PALO TO DATE S328.964.71 5?z' 1 .Y z • *` £T., per 4'.. EXHIBIT ; CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATE AND RELEASE FROM MONTANA LINES INC. (Name of Contractor) TO: itchell Development Group, LLC O Box 738 neat Falls, MT 59403 REFERENCE-CONTRACT NUMBER entered into the 15th dayofSeotemb?r, 2005 . , between the-Mitchell Development Group, LLC and Montana Lines, Inc. , (Name of Contractor) of Great Falls MT for the purpose of (City) (State) Aa;,,� �_ Huffine Lane Intersection Im roVements Schedule#2 (Type of Operatio0. within the limits of the .City of-Bozeman, MT. Akk 4 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS': 1.. he undersigned hereby certi esli .pi-h ere is due from and payable by the [insert wner's Name] to the Contract( ii erthe Contract and duly approved Change Orders and modificatigns j;h: rbal ce of$41,994.08 2. 1 he undersigned trkker;certifies that in addition to the amount set forth its aragraph f, there " outstanding and unsettled the following items which lie c aims are just and-de wing by the Mitchell Development Group, LLC: `r . O -None (Itemize claims and amounts due. If none, so state) Contractor's Certificate and Release—Page 1 of 3 H:13631)1004 011DOCSIConstrucuan%Pay EstimatesUT UNEwedi6cate and Release2.doc 12/14106 EXHIBITD J 3. -The undersigned further certifies that all work required under-this Contract including work required under Change Orders numbered: 1 , 2 , 3A , and • , has been performed in accordance with the terms thereof, and that there are no unpaid claims for materials, supplies or equipment and no claims of laborers or mechanics or unpaid wages arising out of the performance of this Contract,.and that the wage rates paid by the Contractor and all. Subcontractors were in conformity with the oritract provisions relating to said wage rates. 4. Except for the amounts stated under Paragraphs I and II hereof, the undersigned as received from the [Insert Owner's Name] all sums of money payable to the ndersigned under or pursuant to the above-mentioned Contract or any modification . r change thereof. 5. rhat in consideration of•the payment.o€the amount stated in Paragraph I hereof the ndersigned does hereby release the[insert Owner's Name]from any and all claims rising under or.by virtue of this Contract,.except the amount listed in Paragraph 11 ereof, provided, however, that if for any-reason the Mitchell Development Group, LC does not pay in full the amount stated in Paragraph I hereof, said deduction hall be automatically included under Paragrap[ ; fl"as an amount which the ontractor has not released but will release the Mitr hbff- evelopment Group, LLC r �s rom any and all claims of any nature whatsoever gping out of said Contract or odification thereof, and will execute such further releases or assurances as the nsert Owner's Narn may request. FurtFts° , c onsideration of the payment of the ` mount stated in-Paragraph I her igned agrees to hold the '[Insert Owner's Name] harmless from an liability or expense of any kind in ny way arising out of contract reerci`d herein,or any subcontracts awarded ursuant thereto. IN WIT ESS WHEREOF, the undsig�er `has signed and sealed this instrument this day -� J. Montana Lines. Inc. nature) y' P. (Title) . i v , being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says, fir t, that he is th of the Montana Lines, Inc. y/� (Title) (Name of Company) Contraotoes Certincate and Release.—Page 2 of 3 RA3638=4 o11ooC=anstrucUon\P.2y EsGmates\MT L1NEMCer0ficate'and Releaseldoc 12114M6 EXHIBIT second, that he has read the foregoing certificate.by him subscribed as V T (Title) of the _ Montana Lines, Inc.. (Name of Company) Affian further states that the matters and things stated therein are, to the best of his know) dge and belief, true. (Signature) Subsc-ibed and swom to before me this. , day of , 20.�. My commission expires. :Z Al �N. l` T xz y.63' Contractor's Certmcate and Release—Page 3.of 3 Ht136381110 .011D4CS1conmction\Pay EsUrnatesW7 LiNESICerilficale and Releaseldoc 1 14l05 j _. X HT �a d V -/-V -T f-�-� LZ tl,�a..�. �!-� r-art Notice of Award Dated August 3,2005 Prolact: Huffine Lana Intersection Improvements Owner. Mitchell Development Group, LL Owner's Contract No.: Contract Huffine Lane Irdarsection lmprovaments Engineoes Project No,: 3638.004.040.0310 Bidder. Montana Lines.Inc. Bidder's Address:(send certified Mal,Return Receipt Requasted) 2800 Upper River Road Great Falls,Mr 5A045 You are notified that your Bid dated July 26, 2005 for the above Contract has been considered. You are the Successful Bidder and are awarded a Contract for Htlffine Lane Intersection Improvements Schedule#2 (Indicate total Work,altemates orsectiorls or-Work awarded.) The Contract Price of your Contract is Three Hundred Nine Thousand Four Hyf diFed Twenty One Dollars and Fifteen Cents Dollars($309,421.15). :`..-... (Insert appropriate data if Unit Prices are used. Change language for Cost-Plus cont:cts♦ ' copies of each of the proposed Contract Documents(exceptlratnikt9s)accompany this Notice of Award. y. sets of the Drawings will be delivered separately or otherwis aiiable to you immediately. You must comply with the following conditions precedent within fffteen'clays of the date you receive this Notice of Award. 1. Deliver to the Owner`4J fully executed CRntgarts'of1tie Contract Documents. 2. Deliver with the executed Contract Docu;ieri# <ahe Contract security [Bonds) as specified in the Instructions to Bidders (Article eneraI Conditions (Paragraph 2.01 and 5.01) [and Supplementary Conditions(Parag.aiph`SG2:Ff1).] 3. Other conditions precede)lts >s< z' Failure to comply with these conditions within the time specified will entitle Owner to consider you in default, annul this Notice of Award and declare your Bid security forfeited. Within fifteen days after you comply with the above conditions, Owner will return to you two fully executed counterparts of the Contract Documents. Mitchell DeveWment Grou Owner ' By: :;�Zz th s' na n T t! Copy to Engineer Notice cif Award—Page 1 of 1 H'3638\0041DOCSlconstruction\Notice of Award.doc er3ro5 . - EXHIBIT 5 SECTION 00500 AGREEMENT FORM THIS AGREEMENT is dated as of the L!�_day of�in the year 2005 (effective date), by and between Mitchell Development Group, _.L.C. (hereinafter called OWNER) and Montana Lines, Inc. _(hereinafter called CONTRACTOR). OWNER and CONTRACTOR, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 -WORK 1.01 CONTRACTOR shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents, The Work is generally described in the Invitation to Bid and is described in detail in the Contract Documents and the technical constructir€'r,drawings. The work covered under this Contract includes the Huffine Lane Interse'coiJYprovements. ARTICLE 2 -THE PROJECT x 2.01 The Project for which the Work under the Contraef C 6cuments may be the "whole or only a part is generally described as the FQJe,,,A,.�n&-and West Garfield Street "I nfra, structure Improvements. ARTICLE 3 -ENGINEER ^y. 101 The Project has been designed byf Morrison-Maierle, Inc, 901 Technology Blvd. Bozeman, Montana 59718 `A < •�';v rye. who is hereinafter called ENGINEER and who is to act as OWNER's representative, assume all duties and responsibilities, and have the rights and authority assigned to ENGINEER in the Contract Documents in connection with the completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. ARTICLE 4-CONTRACT TIMES 4.01 lime of Me Essence t13M3 OD41DOCMPECS100500 MTunes:doc Pagel of 10 EXHIBIT ARTICLE 5 - CONTRACT PRICE 5.01 OWNER shall pay CONTRACTOR for completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents an amount in current funds equal to the sum of Three Hundred Nine Thousand Four Hundred Twenty One Dollars and 15/100 dollars ($ 309,421.15), based on the prices stipulated in the Bid Form and subject to .adjustment as provided in the Contract Documents. A. As provided in paragraph 11.01 of the General Conditions, CONTRACTOR agrees that lump sum amount(s) constitute full payment for the work and that these lump sum amounts) represent a true measure of the labor and materials required to perform the work, including all allowances for overhead, profit, taxes, bonds, insurance, and all other costs for each type and unit of work called for in these Contract Documents. B. As provided in paragraph 11.03 of the General Conditions, estimated unit price quantities used for bidding purposes are not guaranteed, q "'^ �eterminations of actual quantities and classifications are to be made by ENGINEE ,a � rovided in paragraph 9.08 of the General Conditions. Unit prices have been` m ted as provided in paragraph 11.03 of the General Conditions. . ARTICLE 6 -'PAYMENT PROCEDURES t; 6.01 Submittal and Processing of Payment' A. CONTRACTOR shall subra... plit #ions for Payment in accordance with Article 14 of the General Conditions' ` ions for Payment will'be processed by ,syr, ENGINEER as provided in the Genera(`` onditions or other portions of the Contract ` 5 Documents. ., „.. .., 6.02 Progress Payments;R Jna > , :%v A. OWNER shall make'i rogress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of CONTRACTOR's Applications for Payment once each month during performance of the Work as provided in paragraphs 6.02.A.1 and 6.02.A.2 below. All such payments will be measured by the schedule of values established in paragraph 2.07.A of the General Conditions or in the case of Unit Price Work based on the number of units completed or, in the event there is no schedule of values, as provided in the General Conditions: 1. Prior to Substantial Completion, progress payments will be made in an amount equal to the percentage indicated below but, 'in each case, less the aggregate of payments previously made and less such .amounts as ENGINEER H:1363810041000SISPECS100500_MTUnes.doc Page 3 of 10 4 EXHIBIT D � may determine or OWNER may withhold, in accordance with paragraph 1.4.02 of I the General Conditions: II a. The OWNER shall retain 5% of the amount of each payment until I final completion and acceptance of all work covered by the Contract Documents. At any time, however, after the Work has been 50% completed, as determined by ENGINEER, and if the character and progress of the Work have been satisfactory to OWNER and ENGINEER, OWNER, on recommendation of ENGINEER, may determine that as long as the character and progress of the Work 'remain satisfactory to them, there will be no retainage on account of Work subsequently completed, in which case the remaining progress payments prior to Substantial Completion will be in an amount equal to 100% of the Work completed less the aggregate of J payments previously made. Reduction of retainage is at sole •discretion of OWNER. OWNER is not•obligated to reduce retainae. b. Retainage will be 5% of materials ap,,,q equipment not incorporated in the Work (but delivered, suitablya F fo�d and accompanied by documentation satisfactory to OWNER as proud`ain paragraph 14.02 of the General Conditions). 2. Upon Substantial Completion, C7�IV-1R shall pay an amount sufficient to 6 •increase total payments,to. CONTRA%CT {,tor�7% of the Work completed, less ,. such amounts as ENGINEER had i #empne in accordance with paragraph 14.02.B.5 of the General Conditio is ad`Ness 100% of ENGINEER's estimate of the value of Work to be cot�pletditr.a erected as shown on the tentative list of items to be completed or '6601"t� ted`attached to the certificate of Substantial Completion. ,:<. •.4 F � :: B. CONTRACT �2 Shalf''sil�nit applications for payment on the 20t' day of each month. The OWNER'sb)a r-make progress payments on or before the 101k' day of the month following the COt# ' aRAaLTOR's application for payment. 0• Cy't•fi • 9 I c f, l H:W3B100400CSISPECS100500_MTUnes.doe Page 4 of 10 `i i y:. 1 tt` ■ f , 1 EXHIBIT 6.03 Final PayMent A. Upon final completion and acceptance of the Work in accordance with paragraph 14.07 of the General Conditions, OWNER shall pay the remainder of the Contract Price as recommended by ENGINEER as provided in said paragraph 14.07. ARTICLE 7 - INTEREST 7.01 All moneys not paid when due as provided in Article 14 of the General Conditions shall bear interest at the maximum rate allowed by law at the place of the Project. ARTICLE 8 - CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIONS 8.01 In order to Induce OWNER to enter into this Agreement, CONTRACTOR makes the-following representations: A. CONTRACTOR has examined and carefully studigg)-the Contract Documents (including all Addenda listed in Article 9) and the other"i la d%data identified in the Bidding Documents. sir. �.,.- B. CONTRACTOR has visited the Site an&rbeb" familiar with and is satisfied as to the general, ,local, and - site conditions tlY n1 affect cost, progress, and p g erformance orfumishin of the Work. C. CONTRACTOR is familiar with a1 kl. i: Akisfied as to all federal, state, and �, Kra local Laws and Regulations that may fe�t::ctW. progress, performance, and furnishing of the Work. tqi- D.. CONTRACTOR has`cahgQty,Fstudied all: (1) reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions.x' f:. qh.. contiguous to the Site and all drawings of physical jJ• conditions in or relating to a �tingi Siorface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the Site (except Undergr6;"96 Facilities) which have been identified in the Supplementary Conditions as provided in paragraph 4.02 of the General Conditions and (2) reports and drawings of a Hazardous Environmental Condition, if any, at the Site which has been identified in the Supplementary Conditions as provided in paragraph 4.06 of the General Conditions. CONTRACTOR acknowledges that such reports and drawings are not Contract Documents and may not be complete for CONTRACTOR's purposes. CONTRACTOR acknowledges that OWNER and ENGINEER do not assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of information and data shown or indicated in the Contract Documents with respect to Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site. H:13S3810041DOCSIS PECSW 0500_MTLines.doc Page 5 of 10 EXHIBIT E. CONTRACTOR has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for having done so) all additional or supplementary examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, and data concerning conditions (surface, subsurface, and Underground Facilities) at or contiguous to the Site which may' affect cost, progress, performance, r furnishing of the Work or which relate to any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction to be employed by CONTRACTOR, including applying the specific means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction, if any, expressly required by the Contract Documents to be employed by the CONTRACTOR, and safety precautions .and programs incident thereto. F. CONTRACTOR does not consider that any additional examinations, i investigations, explorations, tests, studies, or data are necessary for the performance and furnishing of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times, and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. I G. CONTRACTOR is aware of the general nature of work to be performed by I ��` J OWNER and others at the Site that relates to .the Worthe =:-as indicated in the Contract Documents, H. CONTRACTOR has correlated the informatic"i-i° `known to CONTRACTOR, information and observations obtained from w sr ,to the Site, reports and drawings identified in the Contract Documents, aid alr pddW6nal examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, and'data witFi` 6nfract Documents. 1 I. CONTRACTOR has given.EK �EER written notice of all conflicts; errors,, ambiguities, or discrepancies that-�ONRACTOR has discovered in the Contract Documents, and the written .r:�eslLth thereof by ENGINEER is acceptable to CONTRACTOR. J. The Contra ,:-b cumlants are generally sufficient to indicate and convey >x^' understanding of all terr�t ;:an�%conditions for performance and furnishing .of the Work. ARTICLE 9 - CONTRACT'DOCUMENTS 9.01 Contents A. The Contract Documents consist of the following: 1. This Agreement (pages 1 to 10, inclusive); 2. Performance Bond (pages 1 to 2, inclusive); H:13638%CD41DOCSISPECS1ouseD fvmnes.doc Page 6 of 10 EXHIBIT 3. Payment Bond (pages 1 to 2, inclusive); 4. Other Bonds (pages to , inclusive); a. (pages to , inclusive); b. (pages to , inclusive); C. (pages to , inclusive); 5. General Conditions_ (pages 1.to 44,'inclusive); 6. Supplementary Conditions (pages 1 to 12, inclusive); 7. Specifications as listed in the table of come l# :Of the Project Manual; i ?YittS;.aC. 8. Drawings consisting of a cover gheet �r�d sheets numbered E1- Z;,�; i t.. E15 , .inclusive, with each:;,Abet bearing the following general titleHuf fine Lane Intersection in'r 02—'Aents; (Note: Drawings are not, attached hereto). 9. Addenda (numbe <: .:` s. rs.L: ..:to< ;-inclusive); 10. Exhibits to this Agr;:eeienenumerated as follows): a. Not 00 to Pro `tl (page 1, inclusive); b. CON' .AOTOR's Bid Form (pages 1 to 12, inclusive); c. Documentation submitted by CONTRACTOR prior to Notice of Award (pages 1 to 2, inclusive); d. 11. The following which may be delivered or issued on or after the Effective Date of the Agreement and are not attached hereto: a. Written Amendments; b. Work Change Directives; H:1363610041DOMSPECS100500 MTUnes.doc Page 7 of 10 EXHIBIT D � C. Change Order(s). B. The documents listed in paragraph 9.01.A are attached to this Agreement (except as expressly noted otherwise above). C. There are no Contract Documents other than those listed above in this Article 9. D. The Contract Documents may only be amended, modified, or supplemented as provided in paragraph 3.04 of the General Conditions, ARTICLE IQ- MISCELLANEOUS 10.01 Terms A. Terms used in this Agreement which are defined in Article 1 of the General Conditions will have the meanings indicated in the Gen era."+conditions. 10.02 Assignment of Contract A. No assignment by .a party hereto o ai , rights under or interests in the Contract will be binding on another party hereto4iffib t. the written consent of the party sought to be bound;-and, specifically, but w.ith.Out IrCn tation, moneys that may come due r�r and moneys that are due may not be `assigned:without such consent (except to the extent that .the effect of this restriction may b,� limited by law), and .unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written,:.`gnsent to an assignment, no assignment will release or discharge the assignor ffp'.0,<; ny duty or responsibility under the Contract Documents. 10.03 Successors and A:osi i7s A. OWNER and CdWN ACTOR each binds itself, its partners, successors, = assigns, and legal represerifatives to the other party hereto, its partners, successors, assigns, and legal representatives in respect to all covenants, agreements, and i obligations-conteined in the Contract Documents. 10-04 l , , i Severabilify �. A• Any provision or part of the Contract Documents held to be void or 4nenf0rceable under any Law or Regulation shall be deemed stricken, and all remaining ':�; provisions shall continue to be valid and binding upon OWNER and CONTRACTOR, agree that the Contract Documents shall be reformed to replace such stricken C)CSISPECS100500 MT'Lines.doc Page 8 of 10 EXHLBIT provision or part thereof with a valid and enforceable provision that comes as close as possible to expressing the intention of the stricken provision. 10.05 Other Provisions A. The CONTRACTOR agrees to remedy all defects appearing in the work or developing in the materials furnished and the workmanship performed under this Agreement during the warranty period after the date of final acceptance of the work by the OWNER, and further agrees to indemnify and save the OWNER harmless from any costs encountered in remedying such defects. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, OWNER and CONTRACTOR have signed 4 copies of this Agreement. One counterparts) has been delivered to OWNER, two to CONTRACTOR, and one to ENGINEER. All portions of the Contract Documents have been signed or identified by OWNER and CONTRACTOR or by ENGINEER on their behalf. This Agreement will-be effective on the date shown on pagg; 1 (which is the Effective Date of the Agreement). . <{ OWNER: C0NTRACTb /k., .4Kh .�. Mitchell Development Group, L.L.C. Morttari'Lines. Inc. By: [CORPORATE SEA ] ;>; '' [CORPORATE S L] Attest � . Attest Address forgiving notices: 9 9 . . Address for giving notices: z : fi Mitchell Development Group, L.L.C. 2800 Upper River Road PO Box 738 Great Falls, MT 59405 Great Falls, MT '59403 Phone: CI Oio 76/-- L/ Y a 0 Phone: 406 727-1316 Facsimile:�� 76 - t-1 L 41 Facsimile: (406)727-0354 H 136MM41DOCSISPECS100500 MTunes-doc Page 9 of 10 EXHIBIT D PERFORMANCE BOND Any singular reference to Contractor,Surety,Ov-ner, or other party shall be considered plural where applicable. CRACTOR(Name and Address): SURETY(Name and Address of Principal Place of Business): Montana Lines,Inc. TRAVELERS CASIIALTY AND S(JRIIY 01TANY OF A4ERIC4 2800 Upper River Road CNE TM SWkM Great Falls,MT 59405 HAMM, Cr 06183 ER(Name and Address): COUNTERSIGNED; Mitchell Development Group,LLC FLYN INSURANC' AGEV PO Box 738 77 Great Falls,MT 59403 `' MARK S. NICHOLLS TRACT iunt: ($309,421.15) THM K= M THJlSAND FOUR hZIl=1WFNI.'y CNE AND 15/100 DOU ARS aiption(Name and Location): Huffine Lane Intersection Irnprovements . D d Number. 104569691 :(Not earlier than Contract Date): iunt: ($309,421.15) THREE HMZED NINE TfMAND Fl7[1R HIJN M 1WINIY CNE kb,y'!'W10 DaIARS Gfications to this Bond Form: NCNE y and Contractor,intending to be legally.bound hereby,subject to the teensFinteon the reverse side hereof, do each cause this tmance Bond to be duly executed on its behalf by its authorized of-ff0e .:or'presentative. VTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL S17IRT Company: LINE, INC. Signature: al) r< Ty ANY OF AMERICA (Seal) Name and e: >��ur`•ety's Name and Cc to al By: Signature and JC D. LFAF, ATIMO-FACT h€> (Attach Power of ttorney ice is provided below for signatures of additional its,if required.) Attest: �- Signature 01 Title , BID CLERICAL M.ACTOR AS PRINCIPAL SURETY Company: Signature: (Seal) (Seal) Name and Title: Surety's Name and Corporate Seal By: Signature and Title (Attach Power of.Attorney) Attest: Signature and Title: �C No.C 630(2002 Edldon) bly prepared through the joint efforts of the Surety Association of America,Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee,the Associated Genernl 4uors orAmerica,and theAmerican Institute of Architects. Performance Bond-00610-Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT PAYMENT B OND Any singular reference to Contractor,Surety,Owner,or other party shall be considered plural where applicable. CONTRACTOR(Name and Address): SURETY(Name and Address of Principal Place of Business): Montana Lines,Inc. TRAM ERS C:kSMTY AND SUREI Y C` TANY OF AMI RICA 2800 Upper River Road CIE TUER SWARE Great Falls,MT 59405 MMTEM, Cr 06183 OWNER(Name and Address): COUNTERSIGNED: Mitchell Development Group, LLc FLYNN INSURANC AGENCY PO Box 738 Great Falls,MT 59403 MARKS. NICHOLLS CONTRACT Date: Amount:($309,421.15) IM 1-iUMM NM T-ELM M hUaM TWENTY 0E AND 15/100 DOII.ARS Description(Name and Location): -Huffine Lane Intersection Improvements 1�iAN, MXVTANA BOND Bond Number: 104569691 Date(Not earlier than Contract Date): Amount: ($309,421 15) = EUNDRED N E THOLt�OM FCxIR 1NM 15/100 DCUIJ� S 1 Modifications to this Bond Form: NONE - ; F, Surety and Contractor,intending to be legally bound hereby, subject to the erii s; tinted on the reverse side hereof do each cause this Payment Bond to be duly executed on its behalf by its authorized*'kR-g-er. representative. CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL ,SlRE "Y Company: 121a, INC:— Signature: CASUALTY AND R= QI` Vff OF AME1ZICA Seal Name an tie: JAN M. LIVESAY ` Surety's Name and Corpo S By: Signature and T' D. LEAF, III=FACT Attach Power of Att (Space is provided below for signature f`additional parties,if required:) Attest: Signs and Title J1 Wy TAUS--=, gM , CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL SURETY Company. Signature: (Seal) (Seal) Name and Title: Surety's Name and Corporate Seal By: Signature and Title (Attach Power of Attorney) Attest: Signature and Title: EJCDC No.C-615(2002 Edltlon) IOriginaliy prepared through the joint efforts or the Surety Association of America,Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee,the Associated General 'Contractors of Amerim, the American Institute of Architects, the American Subcontractors Association, and the Associated Specialty Contractors. j Payment Bond—00615—Page 1 of 2 EXHIBITD HUFFINE LANE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS BID SHEET The Bid for the following items in Schedules II shall be a unit cost bid for all construction work described in the Contract Documents, unless shown otherwise. The bid price shall include all temporary or permanent equipment, materials, supplies, and labor necessary to construct the item in accordance with the Contract Documents. SCHEDULE 11 SIGNALIZATION RELATED ITEMS TOTAL TEM MDT ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EST. NO, NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY... UNIT PRICE PRICE CD 616183000 FOUNDATION-CONCRETE 21. vn.'` _ CY $905.00 $19,367.00 p1 616343914 CONDUIT-PLASTIC 1 1/2 IN 3068 "' "`- F $7.75 $23,777.00 ,D2 616343920 CONDUIT-PLASTIC 2 IN 44 t :-' LF $10.00 $17,440.00 03 616343924 CONDUIT—.PLASTIC 2 V2 IN r;. 3 LF $14.20 $10,834.60 04 616343930 CONDUIT-PLASTIC 3 IN •-r.,88 LF $15.00 $1,320.00 05 616783001 PULL BOX-CONCRETE TYPE>"I. '<''; 8 EA $300.00 $2,400.00 06 616783002 PULL BOX-CONCRETE-7fYR ,.21.', 8 EA $350.00 $2,800.00 <. .. 07 616783003 PULL BOX-CONCRETE T 'I?E"3 1 EA $470.00 $470.00 DB 617033414 CABLE-COPPER 7AV 14-600V 631 LF $1.05 $662.55 t� 99 617033614 CABLE-COPPER 1PWG14-600V 243 LF $1.50 $364.50 .'. .10 617033814 CABLE-COPPE `16AWG14-600V 990 LF $1.85 $1,831.50 !11 617086919 CABLE COPPER 6 PAIR AWG 19 2422 LF $1.35 $3,269.70 CONDUCTOR-COPPER AWG6- �!12 617123106 600V 1120 LF $0.90 $1,008.00 13 617123108 CONDUCTOR-COPPER 4107 LF $0.75 $3,080.25 AWG8-600V �14 617123110 CONDUCTOR-COPPER 2156 LF $0.45 $970.20 AWG 10-600V ?15 617183054 STANDARD-STL TYPE 10-A-500-4 6 EA $2,100.00 $12,600.00 CONTROLLER- CAB PEDESTAL ?16 617233030 TYPE P 2 EA $890.00 $1,780.00 17 617303225 LUMINAIRE ASSEMBLY- 2 EA $360.00 r $720.00 250 W S.V. HA3638TWOOC&S PECW300 bid Form—rev_trai.do0 Page 5 of 12 EXHIBIT TOTAL ITEM MDT ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EST, NO. NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE PRICE 218 617303240 LUMINAIRE ASSEMBLY- 4 EA $365.00 $1,460.00 400 W S.V. 219 617333120 SERV ASSEMB-20 AMP 1 EA $1,605.00 $1,605.00 220 617333160 SERV ASSEMB-60 AMP 1 EA $1,760,00 $1,760.00 221 617363010 PHOTO ELECTRIC CONTROL 2 EA $120.00 $240.00 222 617503130 SIG-TRAF 3 COL-1 WAY 12-12-12 16 EA $900.00 $14,400.00 223 617523127 SIG-TRAF 5 COL-1 W 12-12-12-12 3 EA $1,290.00 $3,870.00 224 617553020 SIG-PEDESTRIAN TYPE 2 12 EA $755.00 $9,060.00 CONTLR/TRAF-ACTUAT TYPE 225 617603081 8-A 1 EA $25,320.00 $25,320.00 226 617673100 SIG STANDARD TYPE 1-100 3 EA $625.00 $1,875.00 227 617673120 SIG STANDARD TYPE 1-120 mil``;; ; EA $625.00 $625.00 228 617693100 SIG STANDARD TYPE 2-A-900-0 '". y` ;;' EA $10,750.00 $21,500.00 >m 229 617695907 SIG STANDARD TYPE 2-A-900-7 s< < 1 ' EA $10,000.00 $10,000.00 230 617713099 SIG .STANDARD TYPE 2-A-900-9 ,:; 1 EA $11,850.00 $11,850.00;,: ��` 231 617713100 SIG STANDARD TYPE 3-A 9f#l D r 'y 1 EA $12,500.00 $12,500.00 232 617763101 DETECTORILOOP 37 EA $750.00 $27,750.00 f. 233 617763601 DETECTOR/LOOP S# LC) GAB)rE` ' 3500 LF $1.00 $3,500.00 234 617903250 PUSH BUTTO NIP EfJ'E 'J'RfN 6 EA $265.00 $1,590.00 235 617903270 PUSH BU.Fl`OON-�RFIT 1 EA $200.00 $200.00 236 617903502 EMER PR>=�E' 9 "MPTION DET CABLE y" ` ' 263 LF $1.30 $341.90 237 619010051 SIGNS ALUIi§'FIEET INCP. I 20 SF $33.50 $670.00 238 619010075 SIGNS-ALUM REFL SHEET 1 1.9 SF $24.00 $45.60 239 619010085 SIGNS-ALUM REEL SHEET Ill 121.6 SF $26.50 $3,222.40 240 619010200 RESET SIGNS 2 EA $75.00 $150.00 241 619010230 REMOVE SIGNS 14 EA $20.00 $280,00 242 619010340 POSTS-TUBULAR STEEL-SQ-PERF 717.1 LB $8.55 $6,131.21 E43 ]:::619010480 POLES-TREATED TIMBER-BARN 4 IN 14 LF $0.00 H:U638%041D0CSZPECS10300 bldform_rev_traf.doc Page 6 of 12 EXHIBITD TOTAL ITEM MDT ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EST. NO. NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE PRICE 144 619010770 Q TUBULAR SLIP BASE BKWY-3 5 EA $345.00 $1,725.00 A5. 619011179 DELINEATOR-FLEX SURF WH 2 EA $53.00 $106.00 ?46 619011180 DELINEATOR-FLEX SURF YLW 5 EA $53.00 $265.00 ?47 618030160 REMOVE PAVEMENT MARKINGS 780.6 LF $2.90 $2,263.74 A8 620013000F .STRIPING-WHITE PAINT(INTERIM- 22 GAL $22.00 $2,860.00 FALL STRIPING-YELLOW !49 620014000E PAINT INTERIM-FALL 1 GAL $130.00 $130.00 150 620013000S STRIPING-WHITE PAINT(INTERIM-SPRING . 22 GAL $130.00 $2,860.00 51 620014000S STRIPING-YELLOW 1 << ; GAL $130.00 $130.00 PAINT INTERIM-SPRING R&R EXISTING CONTLR/TRAF- ;52 617605120 1 =A $1,180.00 $1,180.00 ACTUAT TYPE 8-A 53 619214D00 POLES-TREATED TIMBER CLASS + 14 " LF $45.00 $630.00 4 < UNIT 53 608030080 TRAFFIC CONTROL 4.<7:: y'>1.50 S $0.90 $13,500.00 54 109200000 MOBILIZATION LS $19,130.00 $19,130.00 S'yJpp OTAL UNIT PRICE BID -SCHEDULE 11 D9 schedule 11 Total Bid in Figures: 421.15<$. 3 , H:13638100400CS\SPECS10300 bidform_rev Amf.doc Page 7of12 HITITD Change Order No. '1 Date of Issuance: June 16.2006 Effective Date: June 16,2006 Project US 191-802EMAN Owner. MITCHELL DEVELOPMENT GROUP,LLC Owners Contract No.: Contract MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING(MDT)Oar2S104 Date of Contract: September 15,2005 Contractor: Mordana Unes,Inc. Engineer's PmjoctNo.; 308.004.01.0310 The Contract Documents are modified as follows upon execution of this Change Order. Description: Additional i oms due to City direction(thermoplastic striping)and field modifications to elecuical and sigrcng.,Ind.Work Change Directive No.1 Attachments: (List documents supporting change): See attached: HUFFINE LANE& i ntnri GP o%rr INITERFECTIONI I MPROVELAENITS CHAM E rlRnFR VU CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANG ::tN'CtJNTRACT TIMES: Original Contract Price: Original Contract Times: []..Won. (ng days Q Calendar days Substantial,completion(dak '"date):75 days $ 309 421.15 _ Ready for fih�l p'i`t(days or date):75 days [[ncrease][Decrease]from previously approved Change [Inerea$lpjl- 'crea5 t] fir previously approved Change Orders Orders No. to No, tom: E;:. ';: to No. %t star l completion(days): for final payment(days): Contract Price prior to this Change Order. GonFractTimes prior to this Change Order. Substantial completion(days ordate):75 days Ready for final payment(days or date):75 daYs ncrease [Decease]of this Change OitleF.,s'h ncrease]Decrease]of this Change Order. Substantial completion(days or date):45 days $42 384.50 _ Ready for finial payment.(days or date):60 days Contract Price Incorporating this Change Order. Contract Tunes with all approved Change Orders: Substantial completion(days or date):120 days S351.805 65 Ready for final payment(days or dale):135 days RECOMMENDED, ACCEPT D' ACCEPTED: 1 i By. r T� �� By. Engineer(Authorized SIg ) r(Aulhe ized'Signa=) Cordractnr(Auttwrtrad Stgnatu e) Date: U(- /(� 0�n Dale: Z —7 Date: Approved by Funding Agency Of appttcaUtt): Date: Change Order—Page 1 of 2 H:\363B\004.011DOCS\ConstructionlPay Estimates\Change Order01.doc 611 M6 EXHIBIT Am 1OI msoN E A 70,<lII;Mom Hour 3MOOI.01.050.0310 PAGE ONE(1) HUFFINE LANE & FOWLER AVE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS Bozeman,Montana CHANGE ORDER#1 OWNER"S NAME AND ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS: MITCHELL DEVELOPMENT GROUP,LLC MONTANA LINES,INC. PO BOX 738 2800 UPPER RIVER ROAD GREAT FALLS,MT 59403 GREAT FALLS,MT 59406 CONTRACTTIM,E: 150 DAYS WORK TO START: WORK STARTED; COMPLETION DUE: March 13 2006 March 13 2DO6 iLdy 31 2008 CHANGE ORDER ITEMS , ate';EORIGINAL'PROPOSA[ =c PERFORMEO'TOUATE: DESCRIPTION OUANTRY UNIT 'UNIT PRICE ':''ANIODNT OUANTITY' AMOUNT: 30D WORDS 8 SYMBOLS-PLASTIC 443 SF $17.45 $7.723.37 0.0 $0. 0% 301 IREMOVE WOROSISYMBOLS PLASTIC 68 SF $14.50 S980,081 0.0 $0. 0% 302 STRIPING-WH PLASTIC IN 147 LF $3.15 S462.74 0.0 $0.0 0% 303 STRIPING-WH PLASTIC 8 IN 1277 LF $6.30 $8,046.99 0.0 $0.0 0% 304 STRIPING-WH PLASTIC 24 IN 235 LF $1620 .< "$3600,52 0.0 $0. 0111 305 STRIPING-YEL PLASTIC IN 503 LF S3.20 $. $08.5)8 0.0 S01 0% 308 REMOVE PLASTIC STRIPING 4 IN EOUN 509 SF $2.00 ,01d;�0 0.0 $0.0 0%307 REMOVE RUMBLE STRIP 1 B" 546 LF $6.75 308 SERV ASSEMBLY-20 AMP 1 EA $1,8I Q0 $'j 605.00 0.0 $0. 0% 309 MODIFY SERV ASSEMBLY-S-2 1 EA 1,8? 0 ;1,825.D0 1.0 51,825.0 100 ADDITIONAL ITEMS REMOVE 8 SALVAGE(POLE ii9) 1 4<:a$^_<%;S1'i*2 o St,o62-50 1.0 s1.062_ 100'Y WORK CHANGE DIRECTIVE NO.1-EPDXY STOP BAR {? ;$825.D0 $825.00 1.0 $825. 100% SPECIAL USE S1GN•24Xt8 5 5 EtX' '$31.81 5159.05 5.0 $159.0 100% SPECIAL USE SIGN42X18 6 ^E.EQ>'`' f46.97 $281.82 6.0 $281.8 1001/6 MOBILIZATION-ADD1(For Thermoplastic Operations) ;.; '-tu $9,300.D0 $9,3W.00 0.0 $0 0% INTERIM STRIPING xRgritjp;: EPDXY STRIPING Ijle�dlri' SCHEDULE 3 SUB TOTAL `"':�' '• :> .;', $42,384.50 V.153,37 - EXHIBIT D Change Order Instructions A. GENERAL INFORMATION This document was developed to provide a uniform format for handling contract changes that affect Contract Price or Contract Times. Changes that have been initiated by a Work Change Directive must be incorporated into a subsequent Change Order if they affect Price or Times. Changes that affect Contract Price or Contract Times should be promptly covered by a Change Order. The practice, of accumulating Change Orders to reduce the administrative burden may lead• to unnecessary-disputes. If Milestones have been listed in the Agreement, any effect of a Change Order thereon should be addressed. For supplemental instructions and minor changes not involving,a change in the Contract Price or Contract Times,a Field Order should be used. B. COMPLETING THE CHANGE ORDER FORM ;, Engineer normally initiates the.form, including a description Of e GN-119es involved and attachments based upon documents and proposals submitted by Contractor,or rkiJigsiffrom Owner,or both. Once Engineer has completed and signed the form, all cppieshouid tre sent to.Owner or Contractor for approval, depending on whether the Change Order is a ffu.;ortr to the Contractor or the formalization of a negotiated agreement for-a'previously performed,.,chan'o'Aft" approval by one contractirig party, all copies should'be sent to the other party for appr -Erigideer should make distribution of executed copies after approval by both parties. % 13,E a Xrfi'i if a change only applies to price or to times;.croas oil#depart of the tabulation that does not apply. 'W . A Change Order—Page 2 of 2 H:ti36381004.01\DOGS\Construction\Pay F,sumates\Change`Order0l,doc 6116106' EXHIBIT Change Order No. 3A Date of Issuance: December 5,2006 Effective Date: December 5,2006 Prelocr. US 191-BOZEMAN Owner. MITCHELL DEVELOPMENT GROUP,LLC Owner's Contract No.: ContracL MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING(MDT)W25M4 Data of Contract September 15.2005 Contractor. Montana Llr=,Inc. Engineer's Project No.: 3638.004.01.0310 The Contract Documents are modified as follows upon execution of this Change Order: Description: Additional mobilizations due to construction sequencing beyond Contractors control. Additional traffic eorrrol due to timing of Final Plat filing and subsequant transfer of right-of-way. Attachments: (List documents supporting change) Montana Lines,Inc letter dated October 9,2006 and Mitchell Development,LLC letter dated November 3,2006 Table'HUFFINE LANE&FOWLER AVE?INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS,Change Order 03A' CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE UJ CONTRACT TIMES: Original Contract Price: Original Contract babes: ❑'ahlbrking days ❑Calendar days Subs tan[id1',corf Afion(days or dale): $ 309,421.15 Ready far f(na:Qaji# nt(days or date):. Increase [Decrease]from previously approved Change (1ficlea5 :[Dt)trease] from previously approved Change Orders z . Orders No. 1 to No. 2 Na%z •�' to No. Shgal (days): $42,384.50 ".;k a2 y for final payment(days): f Contract Price prior to this Change Ordt3T > "Contract Times prior to this Change Order. Substantial completion(days or date): $351,805.65 IAY. Ready for final payment(days or date): Increase [Decrease)of this Change Oriier: [Increase[[Decrease]of this Change Order. Substantial completion(days or date): $22,436.80 Ready for final payment(days or date): Contract Price incorporating this Change Order, Contract Times with all approved Change Orders: Substantial compietion(days or date): $374,242.45 Ready for final payment(days or date): RECOMMENDED: n ACCEjPF ACCEPTED. By N Engineer(Authortred S gnatu 1 Owner(Auftrimd Signatures) Cortra d T Date: 10 Date: fJ� / d �7 Date: O Approved by Funding Agency(If applicable): Date: Change Order—*Page 1 of 2 H:136381D04.D11DOCS1CbnstructionlPay EstimateslMT LINES1Change Order03A(MT_Lines).doc 12/5/06 EXHIBIT Change Order Instructions A. GENERAL INFORMATION This document was developed to provide a uniform format for handling contract changes that affect Contract Price or Contract Times. Changes that have been initiated by a Work Change Directive must be incorporated into a subsequent Change Order if they affect Price or Times. Changes that affect Contract Price or Contract Times should be promptly covered by a Change Order. The practice of accumulating Change Orders to reduce the administrative burden may lead to unnecessary disputes. If Milestones have been listed in the Agreement, any effect of a Change Order thereon should be addressed. For supplemental instructions and minor changes not involving a change in the Contract Price or Contract -Times,a Field Order should be used. B. COMPLETING THE CHANGE ORDER FORMV`}W.y' Engineer normally initiates the.form, including a description of thehaiges involved and attachments �nY. based upon documents and proposals submitted by Contractoror regt#8sts from Owner, or both. Once Engineer has.completed and signed the.form, all t op16"s3%should'be sent to Owner or Contractor for approval,'•depending on whether the Change Ordepjs a trti grd to the Contractor or the formalization of a negotiated agreement for a previously perform0'.'. lge N;After approval by one contracting party, all copies should be sent to the other party for apprd (. Jng%rieer should make distribution of executed copies after approval by both parties. If a change only applies to price or to time'xac!`iva otahe part of the tabulation that does not apply. vn; S1�t Change Order—Page 2 of 2 H:\3638\004.01\DOCS\Construction\Pay EstimategUT LINES\Change 6rder03A(MT_Ltnes).doc 1215106 EXHIBITD IMORRISON ,004.01.05.M10 wit aaza.00t.ol.oso.mla MAIERLE,IKc. [� PAGE ONE 01 HUFFINE LANE & FOWLER AVE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS Bozeman,Montana CHANGE ORDER#3A OWNER"S NAME AND ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR"S NAME AND ADDRESS: MITCHELL DEVELOPMENT GROUP,LLC MONTANA LINES,INC. PO BOX 738 28DO UPPER RIVER ROAD GREAT FALLS,MT 59403 GREAT FALLS,MT 59406 CONTRACTTIME: 150 DAYS WORK TO START: WORK STARTED: COMPLETION DUE: March 13.2008 March 13 2006 Ocictror 31 2008 CHANGE ORDER ITEMS ORIGINAL PROPOSAL PERFORMED TO DATE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY 1UNCf UNIT PRICE AMOUNT OUANTiTY AMOUNT 1 % ADDITIONAL ITEMS ADDITIONAL MOBILIZATIONS-(CONSTRUCTION 1 LS $10,WU.00 $:�.'0.030.00 1.0 $10,000. 100% SEQUENCING) ; ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC CONTROL-(CLOSED LEG OF �;f. 49 DAY S2 SD.-r;.5':.5 iO2;,9,20 49.0 S12,436.2 100% FOWLER AVE) {,; �•> X r. _U-14- SUB TOTAL ;EXN. S=436.20 $22,436.20_ t r:ri'a 4 t �. EXHIBITD Mitchell Development Group, LLC Value of Dedicated Land 1 Fowler Avenue Land Dedication Width of Dedication (feet) 100.00 Length of Dedication (feet) 1,265.00 Fowler Dedicated Square Footage 126,500.00 Value Per Square Foot $ 8.00 Value of Fowler Dedication $ 1,012,000.00 2 Garfield Street Land Dedication w s Width of Dedication (feet) 32.50 . Length of Dedication (feet) 2,427.00 rt< Garfield Dedicated Square Footage -7-8,877.50 Value Per Square Foot ''r; $ 8.00 Ai Value of Garfield Dedication z ,� � ' $ 631,020.00 Total Value of Dedications;: ' ;_ - $ 1,643,020.00 :4 1 `= ED _7LT- RL JARDINE, STEPHENSON, BLEWETT GARY W.BJEII-AND RETIRED: JONT. I.CA"BELHOLDEN vL�LDEN LON T. L & WEAVER, P.C. DONALDJ.HAMILTON JOSEPH D.HOUSTON ATTORNEYS AT LAW JACK L.LEWIS DANIEL T.JONES 300 cEKrRAL AV@1t1E ARTHUR G.MATTEUCCI ]ON J.KUDRNA SEVUM FLOOR,U.S.BANK BUILDING IC DALE SCHWANKE BRION C.LINDSEiH P.O.Box2269 JOHN D.STEPHENSON SUE ANN LOVE GREAT FALLS,MONTANA 59403-2269 GEORGE N.McCABE TEL:(406)727-50D0 ROBERT B.PFFNNIGS FAX:(406)727-5419 BRION L.TAYLOR E-MAtL:lindaeth@jardinelaw.com PATRICK R_WATT WARREN C.WENZ November 25,2009 Bob Murray City of Bozeman P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59771-1230 Chris Saunders City of Bozeman 20 East Olive Street P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 Re: Mitchell Development Group, LLC/The Bozeman Gateway Impact Fee Credit Request Gentlemen: First, I would like to thank you for taking the time to meet with Mr. Mitchell and me next Tuesday, December 1, at 10:30. The purpose of this letter is to provide an update on the current status of our previous discussions regarding Mitchell Development Group, LLC's ("MDG") request for impact fee credits prior to our meeting next week. During our last meeting, we discussed the areas in which the City of Bozeman ("City") and MDG were in agreement and the areas in which the City and MDG have not yet reached an agreement. I will first set out the areas on which I believe the City and MDG are in agreement and I will then identify the areas which I believe require additional discussion. When we last met, Mr. Murray provided John Davison of MDG and I with descriptions of the items which the City of Bozeman ("City") agrees are eligible for impact fee credits. I believe that MDG and the City are currently in agreement that the following items are eligible for impact fee credits: 1. Fowler Installation: MDG is entitled to impact fee credits for Twenty- Five percent (25%) of the costs associated with the installation of Fowler Avenue. Morrison Maierle specifically identified the costs MDG incurred to install Fowler Avenue and has summarized those costs in the spreadsheet attached to this letter as Exhibit A. According to Morrison Maierle, MDG has invested a total of $289,435.75 to install Fowler EXHIBIT E Letter to City of Bozeman November 25,2009 Page 2 of Avenue. Currently, the City's position is that only Twenty-Five Percent (25%) of those costs are eligible for impact fee credits. Thus, the total MDG and the City currently agree is eligible for impact fee credits is $72,358.94 ($289,435.75 x 25% = $72,358.94). As is further described below,MDG feels that percentage should be much higher 2. Sanitary Sewer Line: MDG is entitled to impact fee credits for ninety two percent (92%) of the costs associated with the installation of the 21 inch sanitary sewer line. Morrison Maierle also specifically identified the costs MDG incurred to install the 21 inch sanitary sewer line and has summarized those costs in the spreadsheet attached hereto as Exhibit A. According to Morrison Maierle, the costs MDG incurred to install said sewer line totaled $257,997.40. However, $13,850.00 of those costs were associated with 8 inch lines that MDG connected to the 21 inch line and are more specifically attributable to MDG's Gateway Development. MDG recognizes that the $13,850.00 associated with the 8 inch lines may not be eligible for reimbursement, therefore the total of the 21 inch reimbursable costs is $244,147.40. MDG and the City agree that Ninety- Two percent (92%) of the costs associated with the 21 inch sewer line are eligible for impact fee credits. Thus, the total impact fee credits MDG should receive for the sewer line installation is $224,615.61 ($244,147.40 x 92%=$224,615.61). 3. Fowler and Huffine Intersection: MDG is entitled to impact fee credits for all of the costs associated with the signalization and associated modifications of the intersection between Huffine street and Fowler Avenue. Morrison Maierle specifically identified the costs MDG incurred to install the improvements to the intersection of Fowler and Huffine and has summarized those costs in the spreadsheet attached hereto as Exhibit B. According to Morrison Maierle, the costs MDG incurred to improve the intersection of Fowler and Huffine totaled $384,579.39. MDG and the City agree that the total of said improvements is eligible for impact fee credits. As further described below, MDG continues to contend that costs related to improvements MDG made to other intersections are also reimbursable. Thus, as of our last meeting, I believe that MDG and the City are in agreement that MDG is entitled to impact fee credits in the following amounts: 1. Fowler Installation.............................................................$ 72,358.94 2. Sanitary Sewer Lines.........................................................$224,615.61 3. Fowler and Huffine Intersection.......................................$ 384,579.40 Totals EXHIBIT E Letter to City of Bozeman November 25,2009 Page 3 of Furthermore,MDG contends it is entitled to additional reimbursement for certain costs described above as well as other costs not specifically addressed above on which MDG and the City have not yet reached a mutually agreeable resolution. MDG is seeking additional reimbursement for the following items: 1. Fowler Installation: The City's 20/20 plan specifically identified Fowler Avenue as a five lane minor arterial. MDG installed Fowler Avenue as a five lane minor arterial in compliance with the City's 20/20 plan which dramatically exceeds the capacity reasonably required by MDG's Gateway Development. Thus, MDG believes it is entitled to a much higher reimbursement percentage for the costs associated. with the installation of Fowler Avenue. 2. Additional Intersections: MDG believes it is entitled to reimbursement for costs associated with improvements it has made to the following intersections: a) Huffine Lane and College; b) Huffine Lane and Harmon Stream; and c) GarfieId and South 19`h. MDG incurred costs to upgrade and improve each of the above described intersections. The cost of those improvements MDG made to the intersections along Huffine Lane (items a and b above) was $459,005.42. The costs MDG incurred as a result of the improvements made to Garfield and South 19'h are additional sums which MDG will provide under separate cover. The improvements and alterations that MDG made to each of the above intersections eliminated dangerous conditions existing prior to MDG's work and represented major improvements to the City's street system. In addition, many of these improvements were not located within the bounds of the Gateway Development. MDG believes and continues to contend that all or at least a significant portion of the improvements MDG made to the intersections described above are eligible for impact fee credits or reimbursement of another type. 3. Garfield Street Improvements: MDG believes it is entitled to reimbursement for all or a significant portion of the costs it incurred to install and improve portions of Garfield Street. MDG also invested approximately $1,951,560.16 in the installation and improvement of Garfield Street. The improvements MDG made to Garfield Street represented major improvements to the City's street system and the traffic flow patterns in the area. "The improvements MDG made to Garfield are not within the bounds of the Gateway Development and provide traffic capacity that exceeds the needs of the Gateway Development. EXHIBIT E Letter to City of Bozeman November 25,2009 Page 4 of 4 4. Dedicated Land: MDG believes it is also entitled to compensation or reimbursement for the value of the land dedicated to the City for purposes of the construction of Fowler Avenue as well as the procurement of the dedications and easements necessary for the extension of Garfield Street from Fowler Avenue all of the way to South 19''. The City accepted the dedication of each of the above described land. As MDG previously described in its application for impact fee credits as well as various other correspondence, MDG believes that it is entitled to impact fee credits equal to the fair market value of the land referred to above at the time of dedication. Unless MDG and the City arrive at a mutually agreeable estimate of the fair market value of the land referred to above, .then the Bozeman Municipal Code provides that the fair market value may be established by a private appraiser. Once again, thank you for taking the time to meet with us next week and we are looking forward to working toward a mutually agreeable resolution to these issues. Very truly yours, JARDINE, STEPBENSON,BLEWETT&WEAVER,P.C. /s/ Brion C. Lindseth By Brion C. Lindseth Enclosures cc: Theodore Mitchell EXHIBIT E 9 MORRISON My 17,2007 MA1P�RLE'IKC. MM#3638.009.040.0310 3t0 An EMpbytf- ned Company PAGE ONE(1) FOWLER AVENUE COSTS Bozeman, Montana FOWLER AVENUE ROAD COSTS INSTALLED DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT PRICE QUANTITY AMOUNT 101 Clearing and Grubbing/Topsoil Removal and Stockpile CY $1.25 3,411.0 $4,263.75 102 Street Excavation/Embankment(Site Grading) CY $2.26 6,535.0 $14,703.75 103 Pit Run Gravel CY $8.29 ,, Q,923.0 $90,114.76 104 1-112 Inch(1-1/2")Minus Crushed Base Course CY $14.50 ,. $36,569.00 105 Hot Plant Mix Asphalt Surface Course TON $32.90 1, 060.0 $66,950.00 106 Concrete Curb and Gutter LF 9.00 2,470.0 $22,230.00 106A Median Curb %$12.00 ,302.0 $27,624.00 106B Median Cap SF tl9k6,P, 1,385.0 $8,310.00 137 Pavement Markings-4"White 0.2 11,750.0 $2.937.50 139 Pavement Markings 4"White-Dashed LF 2 3,900.0 $468.00 141 Pavement Markings-24"While-Stop Bar F $18.00 20.0 $360.00 142 Pavement Markings-24"-White $3.50 455.0 $1,592.50 143 Pavement Markings-8"White , F $6,75 1,000.0 $6,750.00 144 Pavement Markings-Words and Symbols 5F $17.50 375.0 $6,562.50 FOWLER ROAD TOTAL lk $289,435.75 SEWER COSTS INSTALLED DESC ON UNIT UNIT PRICE QUANTITY AMOUNT 201 8 Inch Sanitary Sewer Stubs to Ga LF $50.00 277.0 $13,850.00 202 21 Inch Sanitary Sewer LF $40.00 1,749.0 $69,960.00 203 60 Inch x 5 Foot SS Manhole EA $3,500.00 10.0 $35,000.00 204 Modify Existing Manhole Connecting to Existing SS EA $5,000.00 1.0 $5,000.00 205 60 Inch SS Manhole-Additional Depth VF $200.00 91.4 $18,280.00 206 Jack and Bore 36 Inch Casing LF $827.91 140.0 $115,907.40 21"SEWER SUBTOTAL $257,997.40 201 8 Inch Sanitary Sewer Stubs to Gateway LF $50.00 7F -277.0 ($13,850.00) 21"SEWER TOTAL $244,147.40 EXfi • MORR[SON ff,1311 MAIERLE,[t c. PAGE ONE 11I HUFFINE LANE&FOWLER AVE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS Bozeman,Montana HUFFINE AVEJFOWLER ST. (TRAFFIC ELECTRICAL AND ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION PORTION) o-?"4�`LFf.�.•T�.r.:;i'�{I.,.`e,� _•,:.r,�$^i�iCL::1 GaY'i+ ^t., 'OO Gua.a ;sf ,F:rn .h DESCR 011:::''. I';• pu+vl� f QUANTITY UNIT :UNtTPRICE:,,i•,:AM0171�1 FOUNDATION-CONCRETE 14.6 CY SIMS= $13.213,00 CONDUIT-PLASTIC 1-17Y 1,017 LF $7.75 $7,881.75 CONDUIT-PLASTICY 311 LF 310.00 $3,110.00 CONDUIT-PLASTIC2-1/r 579 LF $14.20 $8221,90 CONDUff-PLASTIC 3- 88 LF $15.00 $1.320.00 PULL BOX-CONCRETE TYPE 1 2 EA 3300.00 5800.00 PULL BOX-CONCRETE TYPE 2 5 EA $350.00 $1.750.00 PULL BOX-CONCRETE TYPE 3 1 EA $470.00 $470.00 CABLE COPPER 7AWG14-6WV 579 LF $1.05 $607.95 CABLE COPPER 16AWG14-600V 990 LF $1.95 $1,831.50 CABLE COPPER 6 PAIR AW G19 COMM 258 LF $1.35 $348.30 CONDUCTOR-COPPERAWGB•800V 247 LF $0.90 $222.30 ,CONDUCTOR-COPPER AWGB-600V 873 LF $0.75 S654.75 CONDUCTOR-COPPER AWG70$WV 640 LF $0.45 3288.00 CONTROLLER-CAB PEDESTAL TYPE P 1 EA $890.00 LUMINAIRE ASSEMBLY-4WWS.V. 2 EA 00 S730.00 SERV ASSEMBLY�0 AMP 1 EA 1,780. $1,760.00 PHOTO ELECTRIC CONTROL 1 EA $120.00 StG-TRAF 3 COL-1 WAY 12-12-12 15 EA $ $13500.00 SKI-PEDESTRIAN TYPE_2 8 EA 5755. S6,040.00 CONTLRITRAF-ACTUAT TYPE 8•A 1 $25,320.0 S25.320.00 SIG STANDARD TYPE 1-120 $825.00 $1250.00 SIG STANDARD TYPE 2-A-900-0 St ,750.00 310.750.00 SIG STANDARD TYPE 2-A-900-7 1 146 EA ,000.00 510,000.00 SIG STANDARD TYPE 3•A-900-9 511.850.00 1 311.850.00 - SIG STANDARD TYPE3-A•900.0 512,500.00 $12,500.00 DETECTORILOOP 3010 EA S750.00 $22,5110.00 DETECTOR/LOOP SHLD CABLE 41 LF $1.00 $4.194.00 PUSH BUTTON/PEDESTRIAN EA $265.00 $1.060.00 EMER PRE-EMPTION DIET CABLE jab LF $1.30 $518.70 REMOVE RUMBLE STRIP 18' 550 LF $6.75 $3.712-50 TEMPORARY PAINT 1 LS $292.00 $292.00 SIGNS-ALUM SHEET INCR(1) 10 SF $33.50 $335.00 SIGNS-ALUM REFL SHEET III) 754 JEA $26.50 SZ000.75 RESETSIGNS 2 $75.00 $150.00 REMOVE SIGNS 2 S20.00 S40.DO POSTS-TUBU LSO-P 199.6 $8.55 S11,708.58 POLES-TREA ER 30.0 S35.00 $1.050.00 SOTUBULARSUP -3 IN 1 $345.D0 $345.00WORDS d SYMBOLS-P 183 $17.45 S32DO.33 STRIPING•W H PLASTIC 4 ttCW 485 LF $3.15 $1,527.75 STRIPING-WH PLASTIC S IN 593 LF $8.30 $3,73527 STRIPING-WH PLASTIC 241N 83 LF $16.20 $1,342-08 STRIPING•YEL PLASTIC 41N 194 LF $320 $622.08 TRAFFIC ELECTRICAL PROPORTION OF MOBILIZATION 0.49 LS $28,430.00 $14,068.07 TRAFFIC CONTROL ELECTRICAL PORTION OF MOBILIZATION 0.49 LS $41.799,15 $20,663.56 REMOVESIDEWALK 64 SY $15.00 $960.00 REMOVE CURB d GUTTER 115 LF $6.00 $690.00 EXCAVATION-UNCLASSIFIED 452 CY 517.50 S7,910.00 EMBANKMENT IN PLACE 203 CY S20.00 S4,060.00 TOPSOIL.SALVAGING d PLACING 51 CY E12.50 $637.50 CRUSHED AGGREGATE COURSE 1,079 CY $2250 $24,2T7.60 COVER MATERIAL GRADE 4A 61 TN $65,00 $3.965.00 DUSTPALLIATIVE 13.8 TN $130.00 $1,794.DO PLANT MIX BR SURF,GER D.INCLUDES PG 64-28 524 TN S55.00 S28.820.00 EMULSIFIED ASPHALT SS-1 49 GA $750 $367.50 RCP ARCH 44 INCH,CL 3 8 LF $500.00 S3,000.00 SIDEWALK(CONCRETE 4' 3B4 SY $57.50 $22,080.00 TRAFFIC CONTROL(NO 010) 0 NA $0.00 $0.00 CURB-CONC 845 LF $17.60 $14,78750 SEEDING AREA NO 2 025 AC $2,D00.00 5500.00 FIBER OPTIC RELOCATION(AT&T) 1 LS $7.600.00 57,600.00 PAVEMENT MARKINGS 1 LS S34,630.00 S34,630.00 ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION PRORATION OFMOBRQATION 0.41 LS $25.000.00 310,188A7 TOTAL TRAFFIC ELECTRICAL AND ROADWAY CONTRACT $384,579.38 LUCMH 1L DFVF1-%QNT a .LL 54WP ZDff PAOPtFN olwaNt[M m - CITY OF BOZEMAN LI1 a DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred N't.Slit', h(.>IeSS10"'101 EvIlding phon I e- 20 East Olive Sfiee! fox 406-5182-21163 P.O. Box 1230 Bozenion, Nlontonct r)?771-1'X3o wv4w.1 o7en-ic.,ri.net June 16,2010 Mitchell Development PO Box 738 Great Fal)s.'VIT 59403 RE- Impact Fee Credit Request 0601 Dear Mr. Mitclicil: The above-referenced application was received by the City on NovAr 0. 2006. As you are awarc. discussions regarding this matter have been on-point:intelinitten v sine en. As we have discussed,all impact fee credit requests must nice( the standards of chatz .T­4. It t Fees. 13MC. A proposed impact fee credit must meet the defined criteria for an 11111)aj�k I MCdit lai out in the chapter. :after further internal discussion Start has concluded t is e req .ted credit (toes not conflorin to ihe requirements of Chapter 3,24, Impact Fees. and tl ICS ere(it is beyond the ability of the. Staff lei grant. Therefore,this lettel-is to give formal no I; r, test has been denied as Of the date ofthi, letter. Reasons vary across different element f the tic and include failure to be iiniely in submittal. to be properly listed on the Capital 1�AA21 roe eill ograin, and to be other than pr(?ject related improvements'These are the same eo V%; C iscussed with you earlier. Please see [lie material j provided below. This decision may be appeal, it aced le With Section which is presented below. I have HIso included with this left , if tI -necessary appeal Joni). An appeal is the correct vehicle to be able to ultimately plac is trial v ore the City Commission vdio may then consider the Pacts and arguments of the ma Ai appe diould he submitted to my office. We will then handle scheduling of the review. -3.24.11O.I. Any d crtni nat ion made by any official of the city charged with the administration o --clopment Impact FL Ts Review Committee of part of this chapter may be appealed to die DeN by filing: 1.A written notice of appeal on a form provided by the City-, 2. A written explanation ofivhy the appellant feels that it determination was in error. and 3.). An appeal fee of live hundred dollars with the Impact Fee Coordinator within ten working clays after the determination for whicli the appeal is being filed. The Development Impact Fees Review (17t:iniinitlec shall meet to review the appeal within thins working days of the date the written appeal was presented to the Impact Fee Coordinator. If the appellant is dissatisfied with the decision (if the Development Impact Fees Review Committee. the appellant may appeal the decision to the City Commission by filing a written request with the City Clerk within Len working days of the Committee's decision. At the regular meeting community Zoning ujbdivislcori annexalion hisloric neighLiodiood uMon piannhV revi-,,q ppe,,er%rofion desion following the filing of the appeal,the City Commission shall fix a time and place for hearing the appeal; and the City Clerk shall mail notice of the hearing to the appellant at the address given in the notice of appeal. The hearing shall be conducted at the time and place stated in such notice given by the City Commission. The determination of the City Commission shall be final. If the City Commission concludes that all or part of a determination made by an official of the city charged with the administration of any part of this chapter was in error, then the appeal fee described above shall be returned to the appellant." You may find the complete text of Chapter 3.24, Impact Fees, BMC on the City's website at http://www,bozeman.net/bozeman/planning/inipactFees,aspx. Supporting Facts and Analysis Summary of conformance to required criteria by IFCR-0601. Requested Project Capacity CIP Listed CIP Timely Met All Credit Related Expanding Funded Request Credit Component _ (beyond (before, Criteria project construction related) or dedication Land for Yes(provided No No No No No Garfield St with MSU Foundation Annexation Land for Yes(mostly No 92tNovia ?No No No Fowler Ave provided with MSU Foundation Annexation Garfield Yes No No No No No Construction Fowler Yes P ly No No No No Construction College/Main Y rtain No No No No reconstruction Fowler/Main i Yes No No No No Signal Fowler Trunk Partiall Yes No No No No Sewer Applicable Definitions Section 3.24.040,BMC— Impact Fee Capital Improvement Program(CIP),Improvement,Initiation of Construction,Project Related Improvement Section 7-6-1601,MCA—Impact Fee(excludes requirements needed to meet standards,on or off- site[5iv]) Review Criteria—Must meet all criteria to be eligible for credit consideration. Section 7-6-1603 (4),MCA—Credits permitted if: (a)—Documented need (b)—Property is appropriate (c)—Procedures established to determine worth(Bozeman established in 3.24.100,BMC) (d)—Procedures established to establish credits(Bozeman established in 3.24.100, BMC) Page 2 City carries out 7-6-1603(4)MCA through Chapter 3.24,BMC, Section 3.24.1 OO.A,BMC—Credits allowed to be considered if. (1)Project is listed on the impact fee CIP (2)Project is not a project related improvement as defined in 3.24.040.K, BMC (3)Voluntary and accepted by City of Bozeman (Not Applicable in this case) (4)Approved in writing by City in timely manner Section 3,24,040.11,BMC—Improvements must expand capacity Section 3.24.100.B, BMC—Request on City form,with adequate documentation,timely submittal before initiation of construction Conditions of Approval from the project relevant to impact fees 1.The applicant must comply with all provisions of the Bozeman Municipal Code,which are applicable to this project.The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions,or code provisions that are not specifically listed,does not,in any way,create a waiver or other relaxation of the Iawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. 2.Raised concrete medians shall be installed on Fowler Avenue wi se of the subdivision. 6.Where a path is being proposed in lieu of standard sidewalk,it ust b minimum of 10'wide as shown in the Greater Bozeman.Area Transportation Plan, e a rel 11 on is granted by the City Commission. I 1 All improvements necessary to provide adequate lev ; servi' r the analyzed intersections must be installed with the project. AML 19.The traffic impact analysis submitted for the al pproved by City Engineering and the Montana Department of Transportation.A im a needed to provide an adequate level of service for the analyzed intersections ins ith the project. 36.The applicant shall obtain and provi e P in office with the applicable access permit(s)from the Montana Department of Tr orta fo a access onto US 191/West Main Street from Harmon Street Boulevard and a and shall comply with all requirement of the permit. 37.The traffic impact analysis u itt t e project shall be approved by City Engineering and the Montana Department o ati .All improvements needed to provide adequate level of service for the anal inters must be installed with the project. Information review iati ith this decision includes,but is not limited to,the Bozeman Municipal Code,appli ,r ew materials,and related materials for the Bozeman Gateway subdivision and planned velopment,impact fee credit application and subsequent correspondence and meetings,and 7-6-160 et.seq.MCA. Please feel free to contact me at 582-2260 if you have any questions. I will be out of the office from Friday,June 18w until Monday,June 28,2010. Sincerely, Chris Saunders Interim Director Page 3 + u cc: :Brim Lindseth,PO Sox 2269,Great Falls,ALIT 59403 Greg Sullivan, City Attorney Tim Cooper,City Attorney office Chris Kukulski,City Manager file x j Poge 4