HomeMy WebLinkAboutSewer System Revenue Bond, Series 2010H, $9,573,000EDCJRSE:Y DAN SEMMENS semmens.dan@dorsey.corn December 8, 201 Ms. Stacy Ullman Via Federal Express City Clerk City of Bozeman 121 North Rouse Avenue Bozeman, MT 59715-3740 Re $9,573,000 Sewer System Revenue Bond (DNRC Water Pollution Control State Revolving Loan Program), Series 2010H City of Bozeman, Montana Dear Stacy: In anticipation of the closing of the above-referenced bond issue scheduled for Tuesday, December 14, 201 we have completed and enclose the following documents: One blue-backed bond. The Series 201 OH Bond should be executed by the Mayor, the City Director of Finance, and you on page 4 and sealed and also executed by the City Director of Finance on page 5 as indicated. These are the only pages which require signatures. Also enclosed is a copy of the bond, marked "Specimen," for the City's files, 2. Four copies of the Officers' Certificate to be executed by the Mayor, the City Finance Director, and you and sealed. 3. Four copies of the Rebate Certificate to be executed by the City Director of Finance. 4. Four copies of the Certificate and Receipt of the Director of Finance to be signed by the City Director of Finance. 5. Four copies of the Certificate as to Satisfaction of Conditions Precedent for Issuance of Additional Parity Bonds to be signed by the Mayor, the City Director of Finance, and you and sealed. & An IRS Form 8038-G that we have signed as tax preparer, for signature by the City Director of Finance. Subsequent to closing, we will file this form on behalf of the City with the Internal Revenue Service. We also enclose another completed IRS Form 8038-G that we have not signed as tax preparer, which is the "taxpayer's copy" and should be retained by the City. 7, Four copies of the Certificate as to Organization to be signed by you and sealed, DORSEY & WHITNEY LLP • WWW.DORSFY-COM - T 406-721.6025 - F 406,543,0863 MILLENNIUM BUlDING - 125 BANK STREET - SUITE 600 - MISSOULA, MONTANA 59802-4407 us^ CA"Acl� EUROF-E ASI^ EDC:3RSEY Ms. Stacy Ullman December 8, 2010 Page 2 We would appreciate it if you would return the original Series 201 OH Bond and three originally signed documents corresponding to 2-7, above, to our office for receipt no later than Monday, December 13, 2010. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us. Ver rely yours, I /Dan Sem ns DPS/te Enclosures cc: Anna Miller DORSFY 2 WHITNEY LLP STATE OF MONTANA j CERTIFICATE AS TO ORGANIZA "PION j ss OF CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA COUNTY OF GALLATIN } The undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Bozeman, in the County and State aforesaid, and as such having custody of and access to the books and records of the City relating to the matters hereinafter stated, hereby certifies that, as appears by such books and records and as known to me, the following statements are true and correct. Said City has been a duly organized city for more than 124 years and is now governed by the general laws of the State relating to cities of the first class, operating under the Commission- Manager form of government. Its population, according to the 2000 United States census, was 27,509, and its estimated present population is 35,061. 2. The territory included within its boundaries lies wholly in the County of Gallatin, and comprises approximately 10,375 acres. Said City is divided into 0 wards. The City is governed by a Mayor, City Manager and four Commissioners. The following named persons hold the offices set opposite their names and for the terms stated below: Name Office Term Began Term Ends Jeff Krauss Mayor 01 -01 -2006 12 -31 -201.1 Chris Kukulski City Manager 08 -18 -2004 -- Anna Rosenberry Finance Director 02 -17 -2005 -- Stacy Ulmen City Clerk -- _- Laurae Clark Treasurer 05 -01 -1996 -- Greg Sullivan City Attorney 04 -01 -2009 -- Carson "Taylor Commissioner 01 -01 -2010 12 -a1 -2013 Sean Becker Commissioner, Deputy Mayor 01 -01 -2006 12.31 -2011 Chris Mehl Commissioner 01 -01 -2010 12 -31 -2013 Cyndy Andrus Commissioner 01 -25 -2010 12 -31 -2011 Linder the bylaws and ordinances of said City, regular meetings of the City Commission are held on the first four Mondays of each month at 6:00 p.m., with the second meeting of the month constituting a work session, and notice of special meetings is required to be given in writing to all members in advance. 4. The following are all of the newspapers published in the City and the days of their publication: Name Bozeman wily Chronicle Days of Publication Sunday through Saturday 5. There is no litigation threatened or pending questioning the organization or boundaries of said City or the right of any of the above - named persons to their respective offices or questioning the right and power of the City and its officers to issue bonds for any purpose or to levy, collect and apply taxes or other revenues for the payment of any bonds of the City. 6. The seal affixed below is the official corporate seal of said City. WITNESS my hand and the seal of said City this 14th day of December, 2010. w . - Ci Cerk 2. 'TAX PAYERS COPY ,,,8038-G (Rev. May 2010) Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Information Return for Tax-Exempt Governmental Obligations 10- Under Internal Revenue Code section 149(e) 0- See separate instructions. Caution: If the issue price is under $100,000, use Form 8038-GC. OMB No. 1545-0720 K;M�l Reporting Authority If Amended Return, check here Ii ❑ 1 Issuer's name 2 Issuer's employer identification number i CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA 12 81 :i 6001238 3 Number and street (or P.O. box if mail is not delivered to street address) Room /suite 4 Report number (For IRS Use Only) P.O. Box 1.230 131 1 5 City, town, or post office, state, and ZIP code 6 Date of issue Bozeman, IVIT 59771-1230 December 14, 2010 7 Name of issue 8 CUSIP number Sewer System Rev. Bonds (DNRC Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund) 2010H N/A 9 Name and title of officer of the issuer or other person whom the IRS may call for more information 10 Telephone number of officer or other persar Anna Rosenberry, Finance Director (b) Issue price ( 406 ) 582-2300 [M Type of Issue (enter the issue price) See instructions and attach schedule 11 Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Health and hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Public safety , . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Environment (including sewage bonds) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Other. Describe 1 19 If obligations are TANS or RANs, check only box 19a If obligations are BANS, check only box 19b . . . . . . . 20 If obligations are in the form of a lease or installment sale, check box i F 11 12 13 14 15 $9,573,000 00 16 17 18 12-Mo Description o Obligations. Complete for the entire issue for which this form is bei q filed, (a) Final maturity date (b) Issue price (c) Stated redemption price at maturity (d) Weighted average maturity (e) Yield 21 01/0112031 $ 9,573,000 $ 9,573,000 11.744 years 3.749800 % u ses of Proceeds of Bond Issue _fincluding underwriters' discount) 22 Proceeds used for accrued interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Issue price of entire issue (enter amount from line 21, column (b)) 24 Proceeds used for bond issuance costs (including underwriters' discount) 24 $13,154 00 25 Proceeds used for credit enhancement , . . . . . . . . . 25 - 0 26 Proceeds allocated to reasonably required reserve or replacement fund 26 $680,808 00 27 Proceeds used to currently refund prior issues . . . . . . . . . 27 0 28 Proceeds used to advance refund prior issues . . . . . . . . 28 0 29 Total (add lines 24 through 28) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Nonrefunding proceeds of the issue subtract line 29 from line 23 and enter amount here) 22 0 23 $9,573,000 00 $693,962 — 00 30 $8,879,038 00 Description of Refunded Bonds (Complete this part only for refunding bonds.) 31 Enter the remaining weighted average maturity of the bonds to be currently refunded 0- years 32 Enter the remaining weighted average maturity of the bonds to be advance refunded ► years 33 Enter the last date on which the refunded bonds will be called (IvlIvI/DDi 34 Enter the date(s) the refunded bonds were issued ► (MM/DD/YYYY) For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. Cal. No, 637735 Form 8038-G (Rev. 5-201 Oy Form 8038-G (Rev. 5-2010) Page 2 Miscellaneous 36 Enter the amount of the state volume cap allocated to the issue under section 141 (b)(5) . 35 0 — 36a Enter the amount of gross proceeds invested or to be invested in a guaranteed investment contract (GIC) (see instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,36a 0 b Enter the final maturity date of the GIC 0► 37 Pooled financings: a Proceeds of this issue that are to be used to make loans to other governmental units . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . 37a 0 b if this issue is a loan made from the proceeds of another tax-exempt issue, check box OP-F] and enter the name of the issuer Op- and the date of the issue Po. 38 If the issuer has designated the issue under section 265(b)(3)(13)(i)(111) (small issuer exception), check box . . . . ► El 39 It the issuer has elected to pay a penalty in lieu of arbitrage rebate, check box . . . . . . . . . . . . ► ❑ 40 If the issuer has identified a hedge, check box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . op ❑ Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return and accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge Signature and belief, they are true, correct, and complete. I further declare that I consent to the IRS's disclosure of the issuer's return information, as necessary and to process this return, to the person that P have authorized above, Consent — Anna Rosenberry, Finance Director Signature of issuer's authorized rep Date TYPc or print name and title Paid Preparer's Date Check if 5N or PTIN Preparer 5 s signature . . .. ... ..... ...... . ... ...... . . ..... self-employed (XXX(X im"s name lor Dorsey & Whitney LLP FIN 41 0223337 � Use On f Only yours i s elf-employed), address, and ZIP code 125 Bank Street, Suite 600, Missoula, MT 59802 Phone no. (406) 721-6025 Farm 8038-G (Rev. 5-2010) S9,573,000 Sewer System Revenue Bond (DNRC 'Water Pollution Control State Revolving Loan Program), Series 201014 City of Bozeman, Montana CERTIFICATE AS TO SATISFACTION OF CONDITIONS PRECEDENT FOR ISSUANCE OF ADDITIONAL PARITY BONDS We, the undersigned, being the duly qualified Mayor, the Director of Finance, and the Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana (the "City "), do hereby certify in connection with the issuance by the City of its $9,573,000 Sewer System Revenue Bond (DNRC Water Pollution Control State Revolving Loan Program), Series 201 OH (the "Series 201 OH Bond "), as follows: 1. The Series 2010H Bond is being issued pursuant to Resolution No. 4220, adopted by the City on November 16, 2009, as amended and supplemented by Resolution Nos. 4234, 4245, and 4254, adopted on January 19, 2010, February 16, 2010, and May 3, 2010, respectively (as so amended and supplemented, the "Original Resolution "), and Resolution No. 4299 adopted by the City Commission on November 1, 2010 (the "Supplemental Resolution "). The Original Resolution, as so amended and supplemented, is referred to herein as the "Resolution." Capitalized terms used herein without definition shall have the meanings given them in the Resolution. The Original Resolution has not been amended or repealed as of the date hereof, except as described in this paragraph. 2. The Series 2010H Bond constitutes an additional parity revenue bond under Section 10.3 of the Original Resolution. 3. The Series 201 OH Bond is being issued to pay a portion of the costs of expanding and upgrading the System's wastewater treatment plant and associated improvements (the "Project "), to fund deposits to a reserve account and to pay costs of issuance. 4. The only bonds or other indebtedness payable from the Net Revenues of the System now outstanding are the City's $359,300 Sewer System Revenue Bond (DNRC Water Pollution Control State Revolving Loan Program), Series 2010B, its $1,223,000 Sewer System Revenue Bond (DNRC Water Pollution Control State Revolving Loan Program), Series 2010C, its $9,500,000 Sewer System Revenue Bond (DNRC Water Pollution Control State Revolving Loan Program), Series 201 OD, its $816,000 Sewer System Revenue Bond (DNRC Water Pollution Control State Revolving Loan Program), Series 2010F, and its $3,903,000 Sewer System Revenue Bond (DNRC Water Pollution Control State Revolving Loan Program), Series 20106 (collectively, the "Outstanding Bonds "). No other bonds or indebtedness are outstanding that are payable from revenues of the System, except the City's $390,700 Subordinate Lien Sewer System Revenue Bond (DNRC Water Pollution Control State Revolving Loan Program), Taxable Series 201 0A (the "Series 2010A Bond ") and the $384,000 Subordinate Lien Sewer System Revenue Bond (DNRC Water Pollution Control State Revolving Loan Program), Taxable Series 2010E (the "Series 2010E Bond "). The Series 2010A Bond and the Series 2010E Bond are Subordinate Obligations payable out of available Surplus Net Revenues in the Replacement and Depreciation Account or the Surplus Account in the Sewer System Fund of the City and are not parity Bonds taken into consideration under paragraphs 7 and 8 of this Certificate. For purposes of this certificate, the Series 201 OH Bond is deemed to be outstanding in the aggregate principal amount of $9,573,000. 5. The estimated total cost of the Project, funding of the reserve, and costs of issuance of the Series 2010H Bond is $40,071,903. The proceeds of the Series 2010H Bond are expected to be sufficient to pay the a portion of the costs of the Project, to pay costs of issuance of the Series 2010H Bond and to establish the required reserve. Costs of the Project in excess of the total amount of the Series 20101-1 Bond are expected to be paid from the City's $9,500,000 Sewer System Revenue Bond (DNRC Water Pollution Control State Revolving Loan Program), Series 201 OD and funds it has on hand and available therefor in the amount of $20,998,903. 6. The Project is reasonably necessary for the proper and economical operation of the System, for meeting existing or prospective demands for the System, or both. 7. Based on the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report of the City for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009 (an extract of which is attached as Exhibit A ), we hereby certify that the Net Revenues of the System computed in accordance with the provisions of Section 10.3 of the Original Resolution for the last complete fiscal year preceding the date hereof for which audited financial statements are available, equaled $1,413,564 (i.e., $4,905,744 --- $3,492,180 and applying the rate increase effective as of September 1, 2010, and assuming the same level of usage of the System for the fiscal year preceding the date hereof and, in consultation with the engineer for the City, taking into account the System as improved by the Project, equaled at least $2,401,573 (i.e., $5,833,000 - $3,431,427), as reflected on the unaudited financial statement and budget attached hereto as Exhibit B , which is not less than $2,399,482, such amount being 125% of the maximum amount of principal and interest in the current and any subsequent fiscal year during the term of the Outstanding Bonds and the Series 2010H Bond proposed to be issued (125% x $1,919,585). The City approved an incremental rate increase for the use and availability of the System effective as of September 2009 and September 2010. 8. The amount to be in the Reserve Account securing the Outstanding Bonds assuming the full principal amounts thereof are advanced totals $1,238,777, and satisfies the Reserve Requirement allocable to the Outstanding Bonds. Assuming the full principal amount of the Series 201 OH Bond are advanced, the amount on deposit in the Reserve Account will total $1,919,585, which is the Reserve Requirement for the Outstanding Bonds and the Series 201 OH Bond, as shown on the attached Exhibit C . All of the amount necessary to satisfy the Reserve Requirement upon the issuance of the Series 201 OH Bond (i.e., $680,808) is currently expected to be funded from proceeds of the Series 2010H Bond. On the date of issuance of the Series 1 As a result of new estimating technique required ror Governmental accounting Standards Board's (GASES) statement 49 "Accounting For Pollution Retttediation Obligations and as a result of recent Consultant work on this issue, the City was required to book a one -time expense in the amount ol'$1,351.000 for June 30. 2009. This expense is a one -time entry that is not a current, re;!ular operating cost of the System. As such, it is rant within the meaning of 'operating. expenses" as defined '.in the original Resolution and has been removed from calculations of'Svstem operating expenses for Iwrposes ofthis certificate, 2 20101.1 Bond, the balance in the reserve in the Reserve Account will equal the Reserve Requirement for the Series 2010H Bond. 9. The City is not, as of the date hereof, in default in any payment of principal of or interest on any notes or bonds payable from the Sewer System. Fund, and no deficiency now exists in the balances required by the Resolution to be maintained in any accounts within the Fund. To the best of my knowledge, the City is not in default under any of the other provisions of the Resolution. Dated this 14th day of December, 2010. CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA B 0 . IC,; .. _ —. _ B EXHIBIT A FISCAL YEAR 2009 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF POZENDN. MOMANA 39 STXIT MEN OF REVI", UES, EXPE":SES AM) CHANGES IN NET ASSETS - PROPRIET. RY FL Yeir Ended Amc 30. 2009 nil,lmsi•typd AclwMi s Entums, Fuid, OFLRA t I:-N(; RLVLNL LS U'LKA1 Mi LXFLh:SLS MuI'nk' md 'z'ppl- R.I.- ch.wl, lmurancQ claims am -[ - IhP-W"'T' and ."'UA"n cl.ng" in astmlwd O-w L' and 1-1- dc-ro " c.I' - rMd 'J."Ang -�XP Tb" OVenfting -int tl-) NONOPE KA:rl N G li S (E XPEN S HS) Inta"m illcome Interestexp. ctj'c' in.m" Grain Inc mc hup't f- (jan (less) on 6�fo al ora,,,tts T.W m �N'ohng --m t��Wns.j hic"'n, do,$) nd u.n,'F- C antnmonr, of nifiraAramr- - dcvd,4r , Tnn,f,Ts of capital assets T.w,fu, ni T lamfm out C112.4'r.e "Mer NET ASSETS, bqpmmg ofy.r w r ASSETS, ncl nfylfll Solid pakmg V."& VVnel Fwd Wim. Fwd F.1d Tclulw Serv,ce Fwut' 4X5744 s 2 312,666 -, a3'0 s 1,7 1"15"448 213,70s 1,;644Q3 21 @41M0 1 0.0,933 2 33,b6u 50J01 8 1,131,81 247,701 6L 1 83 130,6"'% 1311,813 4,754 152,0: 6,640 170,795 397,012 11.II % 9 VtQ 257,407 12,2 1,519,9640 51 201,771 7 2.769.032 367,359 8,096.206 5 ' 4 9 0: I4 362,52 372,950 14,282,39.1 1 1 867,006 10,293,894 2,6F,7,590 742 769 25,590.754 3,88?.650 (3,921t,2o1) fs £504 ' 260) (199,003), (12,220,274) (I 467,964 423,09 65,038 620 956,651 (5,978) - (24,185) (30,143) 46,306 64,191 23j07 4,106 137,680 26,9D6 1,132 1,260 895 2,125,640 2,129;22 768,30 663, - 1,432,130 - (4,063) 120,156 120,215 230349 - 1,279,087 1I4 &184 - 209,20 - 2,226,396 - 4,861,873 24,230 (4,234,906) (295,054) 1,826,793 ( (91,185) 1: x66,62 3 - 4,338-155 6,311,321 0,311,124 3,690,381 3,690,381 89.323 650'659) 6 195 „330) (118,940) (440,452) (242'2 x2) (490,M4) 11,709,558 6, 541,01 114.739K 91,280 6,222,013 213,248, - 175 (66,6 1) (63,809) The Naes to FimAcial Stqtm rii, wa in Lrnewal part of th financial stitew cros A-1 EXHIBIT B CITY'S UNAUDITED FISCAL YEAR 2010 ACTUAL FINANCIAL.., STATEMENT AND FISCAL YEAR 2011 BUDGET B-1 P F ^; SC.L tF:Sft I.1V SC A R 6G1 Jr Fi ?P. I.'.S_'.. P 1CC'.,"7.1T ; J!".HYS CCtri.Pi.;' L'E "E= !!T:QPI y ' dS F F : , � C'n V.:u..y --T H PGaT Af :L'A!. M;-UAL F FSti HE'p VILNA 521 'WASTE; W=.EP BASIC 31 SPEC7"L P.SSMSSW,F,N';',q 62C- tl6C0- S!.2.n2 02 PENALTY A,M 7NTFRESl' ' SPP_'CT 1:',h SF °:FCI'f'S - G -. .B. BASIC 33 INT'ERG. - FEVFJ,' E 530 00 ' 3i. 10 -Gtl EBF;—TA ,VarrS n o20 -C 014 - 333.sn�GC OTHfiR 5'A eEVEY'E - 0 1 _ - • ?NTER[:6�JEA.*P,V'C: [Fw Hr.. ":Flff' --- 3.260 67&. O.nO 5.l 34 7EM 0cS - o 57.RHI ^.ES 4x0-gn00 -345 .?. G -'_G ME'F F;R::ll $t:'n F.k .,.9,7,16 _,E33,,1J4 c. k. " s in..28 F1T6 ':,NC:R Ow II1CC:1E ]'i .CG.!Vl TAKS::.:a C:.iER LINE -..c.. 9 7}5,UnO o20 0010-345. 2n._9 EISCOMI - , - LGG I,,ao. 5,tY6! G.OGGv 3,Ey9- 3,'Jtl3- nca bah - 000 - 345..^_0 15'=NYTCFRS!] EE :.9.719 31,+a Gn i, xa4 7S➢. nus :,EWE' TE %" BL'D3 *'Y 13. 2:0,000 20, 000 620. C00 20 - 20 SEWER '.Pddhi %i' CHA.ECES ao 7.000 all ).00f -svEl, TEXT T R: BEE` rvie ;;.nn 2.000 G20- dd00- 3.a5,3,q -30 SALES OF;SE:AER .'ATERIA.S 1,76a 3,pa0 3, G51 3,000 ;,EVE- TF..:IT [£ T e'u�3 es'3,, � >�ana B-1 ?R2PPR: Y/30; IO„ a1. 1i. J: BL::G' -T 'R .,ou CF FISCQ - .. uE.AR '_iIPSRD 541 REY:e.TNr&G 'A4I `EARS Fv 6 ] 7y 21:11 P.CCG aIT f .iBER ACCp JVT 5. C :n•••.".:15 C U�Ii,S -2 1'. 9:R;GET Y -1 n[T3F . 43 rII C'\ PU7 M211 62- VA81y: WATE ,o9'Y `.G', 656 IC9, G^,d LEVRt. "'h,Y.T BASUC 3-0 Cyr+.aCZ& P'OR SSR'✓T'CF6 ELM ]09,9PP 000 i`v4 %, 901 E2G- 099C1-S4,5.2r5 -A9 6626 SFIwzP. GIi1F JVe RciF .NG 2i 1.267 100 0;0 nWta. 57, �Y Q0 d0df -O.CC0 -341. Zd•5d if ,63'1 12.90 0 1.EVEp, IE%- E2'P- 9090- ]''a7. 11 90 IGNTRIBJTEC CA ITAL A15S9T 266.62: 7D3 pyll'. /1,152.646 I2, aa, GtlS 3G.PQ.7 «4J, 3531^ I ?9,.d 0Q� LEVEL : "&XP r.2, QCo T?Y. a G2tl -V3 G9 3 +5.2.0 ,1 LTFT STITICX- '.,AVAFL rLEp:' 3b�19P 039 -9 I'6 345,29 �0 E %T'RI. STPEivGa.!: SlJACHARGZ 30..000 R3G 3B 0 0 liEFt "EVF.I. Tev^ `a. Pao J •, '. �- 1 9•a6 \ 2t"X7 `'2 LF.VE$. 'zl:x -1 Bllt)3 F:'ll 26, , ?4.7 5, dQP 20,13C6 ° CHt1P,GRS VO4 SERv:CFS ------ --- - -- ----- .1, ?P5. ':rC4 - -- ......._- 4,515 „l24 ..... - S, 3B.6, --_- _ - __ 5, 3,T3,:2Qd B4STC 3.6 IN7ERE9T IrCON'P: 539 -pQQd- 361 -q9 -PP INTEREST 1NcQME 739,2d'1 ,o9'Y `.G', 656 IC9, G^,d LEVRt. "'h,Y.T TEXT J. ELM ]09,9PP i`v4 %, 901 ” SLiTP.'vEST IH(:CT 12. 2i 1.267 100 0;0 nWta. "-` ,6,661 �Y Q0 d0df if WItIC JN OTHER AEVE—FS E2'P- 9090- ]''a7. 11 90 IGNTRIBJTEC CA ITAL A15S9T 266.62: /1,152.646 62Q-0 OO -] &E. QQ -00 Rp:PUNV5 h .rzImat:RSIENRNTS aa, GtlS 3G.PQ.7 «4J, 3531^ I ?9,.d 0Q� LEVEL : "&XP T?Y. a HUM py, 3b�19P 30..000 R3G 3B 0 0 liEFt .,".86 `a. Pao J •, '. �- 1 9•a6 \ V, =. Cn9 �} LF.VE$. 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I'10 1 10 I'D 1 10 10 10 +o I'-o Ic do Ln rJ V% Ln C, 00 cD Cq C In - 'T rn t C7 C;l �n I'D 4o 10 r•) ":T CIO CD C) I'D It ON O CS O O Oti. cz� oc I'D Cl 00 71 CD ol ol C 00 m oc� 06 06 r-� C4 C- 00 r-1 ;a - C) If.) 00 r) 1- "o oc 00 awl r C-1 r- 00 01 t- kJ' CIA QC rn C0 r') 'r -r CE) oo 00 00 00 00 oc 04 oc 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 cn C) <Z:) CD C5 C) CD C) a IZI 00 In kfr) V) Lr In W) I 'D cl) Lr s r G, — C 00 In 7r N CD Lf'a Z) In C) kn ol 00 o In O as In r � C r N r C4 C%4 N Cl N N rj ( rq ( rq < ( Cl N N N (,j rj tn ID O -t in t-- LC a CD N cq In r- CD CD I= CD La^ CD 10 ( c ( C fli CD ( CD C C Z) 0 r t^ N f ( ( ("1 ( (-1 rl ( r 7 N rl r hJ CN) r-1 — $9,573,000 Sewer System Revenue Bond (DNRC Water Pollution Control State Revolving Loan Program), Series 2010H City of Bozeman, Montana CERTIFICATE AND RECEIPT OF DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 1, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Director of Finance of the City of Bozeman, Montana (the "City ") hereby certify and acknowledge that on the date of this instrument, I received from the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation of the State of Montana (the "DNRC "), as purchaser thereof (the "Purchaser "), the amount of $821,845, as the first advance of the principal amount of the Sewer System Revenue Bond (DNRC Water Pollution Control State Revolving I...oan Program), Series 201 OH, of the City (the "Series 2010H Bond "), dated, as originally issued, as of the date hereof, and issued in the maximum principal amount of $9,573,000. All of the advance received on the date hereof shall be used for construction costs and to fund a portion of the deposit to the Reserve Account. The Series 201011 Bond bears interest at the rate of two percent (2.00 %) per annum. In addition, the City shall pay an Administrative Expense 'Surcharge and a Loan Loss Reserve Surcharge on the outstanding principal amount of the Series 2010H Bond at the rates of seventy -five hundredths of one percent (0.75 %) per annum. and one percent (1.00 %) per annurn, respectively. As Bond Registrar designated under Resolution No. 4299, adopted by the City Commission on November 1, 2010, authorizing the issuance of the Series 2010H Bond, I further certify that on the date hereof the Bond Registrar has authenticated and delivered the Series 2010H Bond to the Purchaser. I further certify that the Series 201011 Bond so authenticated and delivered was registered, on the face thereof and also in the bond register maintained by the Bond Registrar, in the name of the Purchaser. WITNESS my hand officially as such Director of Finance as of this 14th day of December, 2010. hector Finance $9,573,000 Sewer System Revenue Bond (DNRC Water Pollution Control State Revolving Loan Program), Series 201011 City of Bozeman, Montana REBATE CERTIFICATE The City of Bozeman, Montana (the "City "), acting through its undersigned duly authorized officers, hereby certifies and agrees as follows with respect to the $9,573,000 Sewer System Revenue Bond (DNRC Water Pollution Control State Revolving Fund Program), Series 2010H, dated, as originally issued, as of December 14, 2010 (the "Series 201OH Bond ") issued pursuant to Resolution No. 4220, adopted by the City on November 16, 2009, as amended and supplemented by Resolution Nos, 4234, 4245, and 4254, adopted on January 19, 2010, February 16, 2010, and May 3, 2010 (collectively, the "Original Resolution ") and as further amended and supplemented by Resolution No. 4299, adopted by the City Commission on November 1, 2010 (the "201 OH Resolution;" the Original Resolution as amended and supplemented by the 201 OH Resolution, the "Resolution "). Section 1. Undertakings 1.01. The City, pursuant to Section 10.4 of the 201 OH Resolution., has covenanted to comply with the requirements of Section 148(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code ") relating to the Series 201 OH Bond. The City covenants that it will consult with Bond Counsel (as hereinafter defined) and undertake to determine what is required with respect to the rebate provisions contained in Section 148(f) of the Code from time to time and will comply with any requirements that may be applicable to the Series 201 OH Bond. The methodology described in this Certificate will be followed, except to the extent inconsistent with any requirements of future regulations or written advice received from Bond Counsel. 1.02. Detailed records with respect to each and every Nonpurpose Investment attributable to Gross Proceeds of the Series 20101I Bond shall be maintained by the City, including: (i) purchase date, (ii) purchase price, (iii) brokerage or other transaction costs of purchase, (iv) information establishing fair market value on the date such investment became a Nonpurpose Investment, (v) any accrued interest paid, (vi) face amount, (vii) coupon or stated interest rate, (viii) periodicity of interest payments, (ix) disposition price, and (xii) brokerage or other transaction costs of disposition. Such detailed recordkeeping is required for the calculation of the Rebatable Arbitrage which, in part, will require a determination of the difference between the actual aggregate earnings of all the Nonpurpose Investments and the amount of such earning assuming a rate of return equal to the Yield of the Series 201 OH Bond. Section 2. Definitions. Unless the context hereof otherwise requires, capitalized terms shall have the respective meanings given them in the Resolution or in the Officers' Certificate of the City of even date herewith. In addition, the following capitalized terms have the following respective meanings in this Certificate: Available Proceeds shall mean "gross proceeds" of the Series 201 OH Bond as defined in Section 1.148- 7(c)(3) of the Regulations. Generally, "Available Proceeds" means the sale proceeds of the Series 20101 -1 Bond and investment proceeds derived therefrom; it does not include amounts allocable to the Series 201014 Bond in the Debt Service Account to the extent they constitute a "bona fide debt service fiend" for the Series 201 Off Bond or a "reasonably required reserve," each as described in the Officers' Certificate executed by the City of even date herewith. City. Bond Counsel shall mean nationally recognized bond counsel selected by the Bond Year shall mean each one -year period (or shorter from the Closing Date) that ends at the close of business on each July 1, or, if earlier, the date the last Bond is paid. Closing Date shall mean December 14, 2010, the date of delivery of the Series 2010H Bond. Code shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, from time to time, and the applicable Treasury Regulations (including proposed or temporary regulations) promulgated thereunder. Computation Date shall mean an installment computation date (the last day of the fifth and each succeeding fifth Bond Year) and the final computation date (the date the last Bond is discharged). If the Series 2010H Bond are paid at its stated maturities, the installment computation dates are expected to be July 1, 2015, July 1, 2020, July 1, 2025, July 1, 2030 and the final computation date is expected to be January 1, 2031. Gross Proceeds shall mean, with respect to the Series 201 OH Bond, all proceeds of the Series 201Off Bond (including original proceeds and transferred proceeds) and any funds (other than proceeds) that are part of a reserve or replacement fund for the Series 201Off Bond, including amounts on deposit in the Acquisition and Construction Account, if any, and in the Reserve Account, each of the Sewer System Fund (the "Fund "), but excluding amounts on deposit in the Debt Service Account, allocable to the Series 2010H Bond to the extent it constitutes a "bona fide debt service fund" as described in the Officers' Certificate of even date herewith. Investment Property shall mean any security, obligation (other than a Non -AMT Obligation), annuity contract or investment -type property. Non -AMT Obligation means any obligation the interest on which is not includable in gross income under Section 103 of the Code and which is not a "specified private activity bond" (within the meaning of Section 57(a)(5)(C) of the Code). Nonpurpose Investment shall mean any Investment Property that is not a purpose investment in which Gross Proceeds of the Series 20101-1 Bond are invested, including investments allocated to the Series 201014 Bond in the Construction Account in the Fund and the Reserve Amount. " Project " shall mean the Water Reclamation Facility Project as described in Appendix A to the 201 Of-I Resolution.. Rebatable Arbitrage shal l mean, as of any Computation Date, the excess of the future value of all nonpurpose receipts with respect to the Series 201011 Bond over the future value of all nonpurpose payments with respect to the Series 2010H Bond. Regulations shall mean the Treasury Regulations applicable to the Series 2.01 OH Bond and promulgated under the Code or the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, including, without limitation, "Treasury Regulations, Sections 1.103 -13, 1.103.14, 1.103 -15, 1.148 -0 through 1.148 -11, 1.148 -12T, 1.148 -13T, 1.149 -1 and 1.150 -0 through 1.150 -1. Reserve Amount shall mean the amount on deposit in the Reserve Account in the Fund that is allocable to the Series 201011 Bond from time to time, as provided in the Officers' Certificate of the City, of even date herewith. Yield with reference to any obligation, shall mean that discount rate which, when computing the present value of all unconditionally payable payments of principal and interest paid and to be paid on such obligation, produces an amount equal to the present value of the issue price of the obligation. Yield ofthe Series 201 OH Bond shall mean 3.749800% per annum. Section 3. Rebatable Arbitrage Calculation and Payment. 3.01. The Project will be owned and operated by the City and used for governmental purposes. The City expects to spend or have spent within five business days after receipt all advances of the Series 201 OH Bond. Such amounts advanced will reimburse the City for payments made by the City on the Project. In any event, all of the Available Proceeds qualify for the temporary period under Section 1.148- 2(e)(2) of the Regulations. Apart from the sale proceeds of the Series 2010H Bond and investment proceeds derived therefrom and the City's contribution of amounts to the Reserve Account from proceeds of the Series 2010H Bond, the City does not expect that any other Gross Proceeds will arise. Thus, if the expenditure tests set forth in Section 1.148- 7(d) (1)(1) of the Regulations are met (i.e., the following percentages of Available Proceeds are spent within the following periods beginning on the date of issuance: at least 15% within six months (June 14, 2011); 60% within one year (December 14, 2011), and 100% within eighteen months (June 14, 2012) (subject to a reasonable contractual retainage amount not exceeding; five percent of the net sale proceeds of the Bond as of June 14, 2012 to be spent within 30 months after the date hereof, as described in Section 1.148- 7(d)(2) of the Regulations)), then the City may elect to treat the Available Proceeds as exempt from the rebate requirements of Section 148(0 of the Code pursuant to the "18 month" spending exception provided under Section 1.148 -7(d) of the Regulations. 3.02. For purposes of complying with Section 148(f) of the Code, the City will prepare or have prepared a calculation of the Rebatable Arbitrage consistent with the rules described in this Section 3, recognizing that even if the "18 month" spending exception is applicable and no Gross Proceeds other than Available Proceeds arise in respect of the Series 201 OH Bond, the Reserve Amount is still subject to rebate. The City will prepare and file in the office of the City Director of Finance a completed copy of the calculation of the Rebatable Arbitrage within 30 days after each Computation Date. For the purpose of evidencing, compliance with the "18- month" spending exception, the City shall prepare and file with the City Director of Finance the Construction Expenditure Report attached as Exhibit A at the end of each of the three six- month . increments with the "18- month" spending exception period.. 3.03. The City shall pay to the United States Department of Treasury from surplus money in the Sewer System Fund or other available funds (A) not later than 60 days after each Computation Date, an amount equal to at least 90% of the Rebatable Arbitrage calculated as of such Computation Date; and (B) not later than 60 days after the final Computation Date, an amount equal to 100'% of the Rebatable Arbitrage. 304. Each payment required to be made pursuant hereto shall be filed with the Internal Revenue Service Center, Ogden, Utah 84201 (or at such other place as the Internal Revenue Service may designate), on or before the date such payment is due, and shall be accompanied by a completed and executed Internal Revenue Service Form 8038 -T. The City shall retain records of the calculations required by this Section 3 until six years after the final Computation Date. 3.05. Notwithstanding anything in this certificate to the contrary, gross earnings during a Bond Year on any bona fide debt service fund for the Series 2010H Bond and amounts earned on such amounts, if allocated to such bona fide debt service fund, shall not be taken into account in calculating the Rebatable Arbitrage. For purposes of this paragraph 3.05, the term "gross earnings" means the aggregate amount earned on the Nonpurpose Investments in which the Gross Proceeds deposited to the bona fide debt service fund are invested, including amounts earned on such amounts if allocated to the bona fide debt service fund. It is expected that the amounts on deposit in the Debt Service Account allocable to the Series 2010H Bond will constitute a bona fide debt service fund for the Series 2010H Bond. Section 4. Filing Requirements. The City shall file or cause to be filed such reports or other documents with the Internal Revenue Service as required by the Code in accordance with an opinion of Bond Counsel. Section 5. Survival of Defeasance. Notwithstanding anything in this Certificate or any other provisions of the Resolution to the contrary, the obligation to remit the Rebatable Arbitrage to the United States Department of the Treasury and to comply with all other requirements contained in this Certificate shall survive the defeasance of the Series 2010H Bond. Section 6. Amendments The City may amend or supplement the provisions of this Certificate by filing an executed copy of such amendment or supplement in the office of the Secretary accompanied by an opinion of Bond Counsel to the effect that such amendment or supplement is required by, or better complies with, the provisions of Section 148 and applicable Regulations. Dated: December 14, 2010 CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA By irector Finance 4 EXHIBIT A CONSTRUCTION EXPENDITURE REPORT This report is submitted pursuant to Section 3.02 of the Rebate Certificate, dated December 14, 2010. The aggregate "Available Proceeds" available for expenditure were $ (1) 'The amount expended for costs of the Improvements as of , (2) was $ ,( which is % of said aggregate "Available Proceeds." Consequently, the requirements of Section 3.01 of the Rebate Certificate [have been] [have not been], met. (4) M CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, Its (1) Total of S (issue price of Series 2010H Bond less sale proceeds contributed to the Reserve Account), plus (ii) aggregate investment earnings on amounts in Acquisition and Construction Account in the Sewer System Fund up to the date inserted in first blank and future investment income thereon that the City reasonably expects as of the date inserted in the first blank. (2) Same date as last blank. (3) Includes all disbursements for costs of the Improvements (excluding amounts contributed to the Reserve Account) from proceeds of the Series 201011 Bond or investment income thereon from the Acquisition and Construction Account. rebate. Dated: , 20_ (4) If percentage requirement of Section 3.01 is not met, all Available Proceeds are subject to arbitrage A -1 $9,573,000 Sewer System Revenue Bond (DNRC Water Pollution Control State Revolving Loan Program), Series 2010H City of Bozeman, Montana OFFICERS' CERTIFICATE We, Jeff Kraus, Stacy Ulmen, and Anna Rosenberry, hereby certify that we are on the date hereof the duly qualified and acting Mayor, City Clerk, and Director of Finance, respectively, of the City of Bozeman, Montana (the "City ") and, on behalf of the City, that: 1. The undersigned Mayor, City Clerk, and Director of Finance have executed with their true signatures as such officers the Sewer System Revenue Bond (DNRC Water Pollution Control State Revolving Fund Program), Series 201OH, in the maximum principal amount of $9,573,000 (the "Series 20101-1 Bond "), dated, as originally issued, as of the date hereof. The Series 20101 -I Bond, matures on the date, bears interest at the rate and is substantially in the form, prescribed by Resolution No. 4299, duly adopted by the City Commission of the City on November 1, 2010, entitled "Resolution Relating to $9,573,000 Sewer System Revenue Bond (DNRC: Water Pollution Control State Revolving Loan Program), Series 201OH, Authorizing the Issuance and Fixing the Terms and Conditions Thereof" (the "201 OH Resolution "), The Series 2010H Bond is issued pursuant to Resolution No. 4220, adopted by the City on November 16, 2009 (the "Original Resolution "), as amended and supplemented by Resolution Nos. 4234, 4245, and 4254, adopted on January 19, 2010, February 16, 2010, and May 3, 2010, respectively (collectively, the "Original Resolution "), as further amended and supplemented by the 201 OH Resolution. (as so amended and supplemented, the "Resolution "). Terms used herein with initial capital letters but not defined herein have the meanings given them in the Resolution. Pursuant to the Original Resolution, the City has issued and there is outstanding its $1,973,000 Sewer System Revenue Bonds (DNRC Water Pollution Control State Revolving Loan Program), Consisting of $390,700 Subordinate Lien Taxable Series 2010A Bond (the "Series 2010A Bond "), $359,300 Series 201 OB Bond (the "Series 201.0B Bond "), and $1,223,000 Series 2010C Bond (the "Series 2010C Bond "), its $9,500,000 Sewer System Revenue Bond (DNRC Water Pollution Control State Revolving Loan Program), Series 201 OD, and its $5,103,000 Sewer System Revenue Bonds (DNRC Water Pollution Control State Revolving Loan Program), Consisting of $384,000 Subordinate Lien Taxable Series 201 OE Bond (the `Series 2010E Bond "), $816,000 Series 201 OF Bond (the "Series 201 OF Bond "), and $3,903,000 Series 201 OG Bond (the "Series 201 OG Bond "). The Series 201 OB Bond, the Series 20100 Bond, the Series 2010D Bond, the Series 201 OF Bond, the Series 201 OG Bond, the Series 20IOH Bond, and any other bonds hereafter issued by the City on a parity therewith under the Resolution are referred to herein as the "Bonds." The Series 201OA Bond and the Series 201 OE Bond are issued as Subordinate Obligations payable out of available Surplus Net Revenues in the Replacement and Depreciation Account or the Surplus Account in the Sewer System Fund of the City. The Resolution is in full force and effect in the form it was adopted. We have delivered the Series 201 OH Bond, duly authenticated by the Director of Finance, as Registrar, to the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation of the State of Montana, as purchaser (the "Purchaser "). The Series 20101-1 Bond is in fully registered form pursuant to a system of registration established by the Resolution. Terms used herein with initial capital letters but not defined herein have the meanings given them in the Resolution. 2. The Series 201 OlI Bond has been in all respects duly executed for delivery pursuant to authority conferred upon us as such officers; that no obligations other than those described above have been issued pursuant to such authority; that none of the proceedings or records which has been certified to the Purchaser or to the attorneys approving the validity of the Series 20101I Bond has been in any manner repealed, amended or changed except as shown by additional proceedings or records furnished each of them; and that there has been no material adverse change in the financial condition of the City or the circumstances affecting the Series 201 OH Bond, except as shown by the materials so furnished. 3. No litigation is now pending, or, to the best of our knowledge, threatened (1) restraining or enjoining the issuance or delivery of the Series 201OH Bond, (ii) questioning the organization or boundaries of the City or the right of any officers of the City to their respective offices, (iii) questioning the right and power of officers of the City to deliver the Series 201011 Bond, (iv) challenging the validity of or security for the Series 201 OH Bond, the pledge of Net Revenues of the sewer system of the City (the "System ") to pay the principal of, premium, if any, and the interest on the Series 201 OH Bond, or (v) challenging the validity or enforceability of the Resolution. 4. The representations of the City contained in Article 11 of the 201 OH Resolution are true and complete as of the date hereof as if made on this date, except to the extent that the City has specifically advised the Purchaser and the attorneys approving the validity of the Series 201OH Bond otherwise in writing. 5. The Series 2010H Bond is being delivered to the Purchaser on the date hereof and $821,845 of the principal amount of the Series 20101-1 Bond are being advanced on the date hereof. 6. We are among the officers of the City responsible for issuing the Series 201 OH Bond and, pursuant to Section 148 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code "), and the Treasury Regulations promulgated thereunder (the "Regulations "), on behalf of the City we hereby certify and reasonably expect that the proceeds of the Series 201 OH Bond will be used as follows within the meaning of applicable provisions of 'Section 148 of the Code and of applicable Treasury Regulations (the "Regulations "), such facts, estimates and circumstances being as follows: (a) The Series 201 OH Bond is being issued to finance a portion of the cost of acquiring or constructing certain improvements to the System, generally described in Appendix A to the 20101-1 Resolution (the "Improvements "), fund deposits to the Reserve Account, and to pay costs of issuance. The Improvements are intended for use by members of the general public or users of the System. All users of the System pay standard rates for the use and availability of the System. (b) The City has spent or expects to spend the following amounts from proceeds of the Series 2010H Bond in connection with the Improvements and associated financing costs: Construction $8,879,038.00 Debt Service Reserve 680,808.00 Bond Counsel 13,151.00 TOTAL, PROJECT COSTS $9,573,000.00 (c) The City has heretofore entered or within six months will enter into contracts for the Improvements, in the form of engineering services, site development or construction, in the sum of at least 5% of the expected sale proceeds of the Series 201 OH Bond, i.e. $478,650, which the City expects to spend on the Improvements. (d) Work on the Improvements has begun and will proceed with due diligence to completion, and the Improvements are expected to be completed by December 31, 2011. (e) The Series 201011 Bond will be purchased by the Purchaser at a purchase price equal to the principal amount of the Series 201 OH Bond advanced thereunder. Pursuant to the Resolution and the Series 201 OH Bond, the Purchaser has agreed to advance to the City principal amounts of the Series 201 OH Bond from time to time upon satisfaction of certain conditions precedent set forth in the Resolution, up to the maximum principal amount of $9,573,000. No interest accrues on principal of the Series 201 OH Bond and the City is not entitled to any investment income thereon until the principal amount is advanced. (f) 0[the purchase price of the Series 201 OH Bond, assuming the full principal amount thereof is drawn, $8,879,038 will be used to pay costs of Improvements, $13,154 to pay costs of issuance of the Series 201 OH Bond (representing costs of legal services), and $680,808 to fund the deposit to the Reserve Account. No proceeds of the Series 201 OH Bond will be used to reimburse the City for original expenditures of the City in connection with the Improvements except in accordance with paragraph 7 below. (g) The City expects to spend on costs of the Improvements by no later than February 28, 2012 all of the proceeds to be derived by the City from the sale of the Series 201 OH Bond and investment earnings thereon. (i) The Series 201 OH Bond is not a "hedge bond" within the meaning of Section 149(8) of the Code. The City expects to spend not less than 85% of the sale proceeds of the Series 201 OH Bond within three years after the elate hereof and less than 50% of the proceeds of the Series 201 OH Bond are invested in nonpurpose investments having a substantially guaranteed yield for four years or more. 0) Proceeds of the Series 20101 -I Bond and investment income thereon, if any, to be used to finance the costs of the Improvements and pay costs of issuance of the Series 20101 Bond will be invested for a temporary period pursuant to Section 1.148- 2(e)(2) of the Regulations ending on the earlier of: (i) three years from the date hereof (December 14, 2013), or (ii) the date that the Improvements would be completed in the exercise of due diligence and all costs thereof promptly paid. If, at the conclusion of such temporary period, sale proceeds of the Series 20I OH Bond and investment income thereon, other than sale proceeds deposited in the Reserve Account, have not been allocated to the governmental purposes of the Series 20101 -1 Bond, such amounts will not be invested at a yield greater than the yield of the Series 201 OH Bond, if and to the extent such restriction is necessary to prevent the Series 201 OH Bond from being an arbitrage bond within the meaning of Section 148 of the Code and Regulations unless the City determines to take advantage of Section 1.148 -5(c) of the Regulations relating to yield reduction payments. (k) The Improvements have not been and are not expected to be sold or otherwise disposed of by the City during the term of the Series 201 OH Bond. The City expects that the Improvements will remain owned and operated by the City substantially in the manner in which they are now owned and operated for the indefinite period concluding not earlier than the final stated maturity date of the Series 201 OH Bond, The City reasonably expects that during the term of the Series 201 OH Bond no private business use will be made of the Improvements or the System and that no private payments or security will be made or furnished that would cause the Series 201 OH Bond to be a "private activity bond" within the meaning of Section 141 of the Code and applicable Regulations. No proceeds of the Series 201 OH Bond are being or will be loaned to any nongovernmental person. The City reasonably expects that the Series 201 OH Bond will not be a private activity bond within the meaning of Section 141 ofthe Code. (I) No obligations of the City (a) are being issued at substantially the same time as the Series 201014 Bond, (b) are being sold pursuant to the same plan of financing as the Series 201 OH Bond, and (c) are reasonably expected to be paid from substantially the same source of funds (determined without regard to guarantees from unrelated parties) as will be used to pay the Series 2.01 OH Bond, within the meaning of Section 1.150 -1(c) of the Regulations. (m) Pursuant to the Resolution, the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds are to be paid from the Revenue Bond Account in the Sewer System Fund (the "Revenue Bond Account "). The City does not reasonably expect to use any other fund or account to pay principal of, premium, if any, or interest (including, for purpose of this paragraph G(m), Administrative Expense Surcharge and Loan Loss Reserve Surcharge, as provided in the Resolution) on the Series 201 OH Bond. The Net Revenues appropriated by the Resolution to the payment of the Series 201 OH Bond are to be deposited in the Revenue Bond Account. It is expected that all amounts credited to the Revenue Bond Account allocable to the Series 201014 Bond will be used to pay the interest on and principal of the Series 201014 Bond within 13 months after deposit. The Revenue Bond Account will be used primarily to achieve a proper matching of revenues and debt service within each bond year (the 12 -month period (or shorter period from the date hereof) ending on a July 1) and is expected to be fully depleted at least once a year on July 1, except for a reasonable carryover amount which is not expected to exceed the greater of (i) the earnings on money in the Revenue Bond Account allocable to the Series 201 OH Bond for the preceding bond year or (ii) one - twelfth of the annual debt service on the Series 201011 Bond in the preceding bond year. Consequently, the amounts on deposit in the Revenue M Bond Account allocable to the Series 201 OH Bond constitute a "bona fide debt service hand" for the Series 201 OH Bond within the meaning of Section 1.148 -1(b) of the Regulations. (n) As of the first day of each month coaramencing January 1, 2011, the Director of Finance will determine the balance on deposit in the Revenue Bond Account allocable to the Series 201 OH Bond. If the amount on deposit in the Revenue Bond Account allocable to the Series 201011 Bond exceeds the sum of the amount of principal and interest payable from the Revenue Bond Account on the Series 201 OH Bond through the following July 1 plus the carryover amount described in paragraph 6(m) hereof, then, to the extent necessary to prevent the Series 201 OH Bond from becoming an arbitrage bond, the excess over such sum will either be (i) used to redeem principal installments of the Series 201 OH Bond, or (ii) invested at a yield less than or equal to the yield of the Series 201 OH Bond, except as permitted by paragraph 6(p) hereof,: (o) Pursuant to the Resolution, the City has established a Reserve Account in the Sewer System Fund (the "Reserve Account ") to secure its parity Bonds, including the Series 2010B Bond, the Series 20100 Bond, the Series 201OD Bond, the Series 2010E Bond, the Series 2010E Bond, and the Series 201 OH Bond. Upon the advance of the full principal of the Bonds outstanding as of the date hereof, the City estimates it will have $1,238,777 in the Reserve Account. The maximum cumulative fiscal year debt service on the Series 2010B Bond, the Series 20100 Bond, the Series 201 OD Bond, the Series 201 OF Bond, the Series 2.010E Bond, and the Series 201 OH Bond, assuming the full principal amount thereof is advanced, will total $1,919,585. The amount required to be on deposit into the Reserve Account to satisfy the Reserve Requirement, assuming the full principal amount of the Series 201 OH Bond is advanced, totals $680,808, which will be funded from proceeds of the Series 201 OH Bond. The amount on deposit therein on the date hereof that is allocated to the Series 20101 =1 Bond (i.e., S60,476) is from the proceeds of the Series 201 OH Bond, Upon each monthly apportionment from Net Revenues remaining after the apportionment to the current requirements of the Revenue Bond Account, the City shall credit to the Reserve Account such additional Net Revenues as may be required to maintain the balance in the Reserve Account in an amount equal, as of the date of calculation, to the Reserve Requirement. The City will allocate amounts on deposit in the Reserve Account in proportion to the maximum amount of principal and interest payable in the current or any future fiscal year for the Series 201 OH Bond; provided that such amount shall not be less than the amount of proceeds of Bonds of such series (whether sale or transferred proceeds) deposited therein. The Reserve Account, as established and implemented pursuant to the Resolution, constitutes a "reasonably required reserve" within the meaning of Section 148(d) of the Code to the extent the amount therein allocable to the Series 201 OH Bond (the "201 OH Reserve Amount ") does not exceed 201011 Reserve Limitation (as hereinafter defined), As of the date hereof the 201 OH Reserve Amount is $60,476, and, assuming the full principal amount of the Bonds outstanding as of the date hereof and of the Series 2010H Bond is advanced, is $680,808. Any portion of the 201 OH Reserve Amount that is in excess of the 201 OH Reserve Limitation shall not be invested at a yield in excess of the yield of the Series 201 OH Bond (3.749800 %), except as permitted by paragraph 6(p) hereof. As used herein, the "201 OH Reserve Limitation" is equal. as of the date of calculation, to the least of. (i) ten percent (10 %) of the principal amount of the Series 2010E Bond and the Series 2010C Bond that is actually advanced pursuant to the terms of the Resolution (if all proceeds are advanced, $957,300.00); (ii) the maximum amount of principal and interest payable on the Series 201 OH Bond in the current or any future fiscal year of the City (initially, S858,168.75); and (iii) 125% of the average debt service on the Series 2010H Bond payable in any fiscal year of the City during the term of the Series 201 OH Bond (initially, $861,818.11). Assuming the full principal amount of the Series 201 OH Bond is advanced, the 201 OH Reserve Amount, using the method described in the first paragraph of paragraph 6(o) above, is $680,808. All of the 201 OH Reserve Amount, assuming the full principal amount of the Series 201 OH Bond is advanced, is a reasonably required reserve for the Series 201 OH Bond to the extent not in excess of the 201 OH Reserve Limitation. However, because the Series 201011 Bond is subject to rebate, amounts earned on the 201014 Reserve Amount that are subject to rebate shall be rebated as provided in the Rebate Certificate dated as of the date hereof. (p) An aggregate amount of proceeds of the Series 2010H Bond not to exceed the Minor Portion Amount Lander Section 148(e) of the Code ($100,000) (the "Minor Portion Amount ") may be invested without restriction as to yield throughout the term of the Series 201 OH Bond. To the extent that money, allocated to the Series 201 OH Bond pursuant to the Regulations, on deposit in (i) the Construction Account remains therein for a period longer than that prescribed by paragraph 60), (ii) the Revenue Bond Account in excess of the amount described in paragraph 6(n) hereof, or (iii) the 201 OH Reserve Amount exceeds the 201 OH Reserve Limitation described in paragraph 6(o) hereof, exceeds the Minor Portion Amount, no more than the Minor Portion Amount may be invested at a yield which exceeds the yield of the Series 201 OH Bond. (q) No portion of the Series 201 OH Bond is issued solely for the purpose of investing such portion at a materially higher yield as less than a major portion. None of the proceeds of the Series 2010I-1 Bond will be used directly or indirectly to replace funds which were used directly or indirectly to acquire obligations with a yield that is materially higher than the yield of the Series 2010H Bond (3.749800 %%). (r) 'I'he Series 201 OH Bond will not be outstanding longer than necessary, within the meaning of Section 1.148- 1(c)(4) of the Regulations. The weighted average maturity of the Series 201 OH Bond (11.744 years) does not exceed 120 percent of the average reasonably expected economic life of the Improvements. Such average reasonably expected economic life is not less than 20 years. (s) As determined in Section 10.4 of the 201.01 -1 Resolution, the Series 201 OH Bond is subject to rebate requirements of Section 148(f) of the Code. (t) On the basis of all the facts, estimates and circumstances now in existence and set forth in the documents relating to the issuance of the Series 201 OH Bond, including; without limitation this instrument, it is expected that the proceeds of the Series 201 OH 6 Bond will be used in a manner that would not cause the Series 201 OH Bond to be an "arbitrage bond" within the meaning of Section 148 of the Code and the Regulations. (u) To the best of our knowledge and belief, there are no other facts, estimates or circumstances that would materially change the foregoing expectations and said expectations are reasonable. No matters have come to our attention which make unreasonable or incorrect the representations made in this Certificate. 7. The provisions of this Section 7 are intended to establish and provide for compliance by the City with Treasury Regulations, Section 1.150 -2 (the "Reimbursement Regulations ") applicable to the "reimbursement proceeds" of the Series 2010H Bond, being those proceeds which will be used by the City to reimburse itself for any expenditure with respect to the Improvements which the City paid or will have paid prior to the issuance of the Series 201 OH Bond (a "Reimbursement Expenditure "). The City hereby certifies and/or covenants as follows (a) On December 16, 2009, the City (or person designated to do so on behalf of the City) made a written declaration of the City's official intent (a "Declaration ") which complies with the provisions of Section 1.150 -2(d) and (e) of the Reimbursement Regulations. The Declaration need not cover, however, Reimbursement Expenditures: (i) to be paid or reimbursed from sources other than the Series 2010H Bond, (ii) constituting "preliminary expenditures" (within the meaning of Section 1.150- 2(f)(2) of the Regulations) for the Improvements, including engineering or architectural expenses and similar preparatory expenses, which in the aggregate do not exceed 20% of the "issue price" of the Series 2010H Bond, (iii) in a "de minimis" amount (as defined in Section 1.150- 2(f)(1) of the Regulations), i.e., $100,000; or (iv) Reimbursement Expenditures paid not more than GO days before the date of the Declaration. (b) As of the date of the Declaration, no funds from sources other than the Series 201 OH Bond were, or were reasonably expected to be, reserved, allocated on a long -term basis, or otherwise set aside by the City to provide financing for the Reimbursement Expenditure to be reimbursed from proceeds of the Series 201 OH Bond. (c) Each Reimbursement Expenditure to be reimbursed from proceeds of the Series 201 OH Bond, other than costs of issuing the Series 201 OH Bond, is a capital expenditure (i.e., a cost that is properly chargeable to capital account (or would be with a proper election) under general federal income tax principles). (d) The "reimbursement allocation" described in the Reimbursement Regulations for each Reimbursement Expenditure to be reimbursed from proceeds of the Series 201 OH Bond shall be made forthwith following (but not prior to) the issuance of the Series 201011 Bond and in all events within the period ending on the date which is three years alter the later of. (i) the date of payment of the Reimbursement Expenditure or (ii) the Improvements is first placed in service or abandoned. (e) Each such reimbursement allocation will be evidenced by all entry on the official books or records of the City maintained for and in connection with the Series 7 201 OH Bond and will specifically identify the actual prior Reimbursement Expenditure to be reimbursed from proceeds of the Series 2010H Bond. (0 The City is unaware of any facts or circumstances which would cause it to question the reasonableness or accuracy of this Section 7 or the Declaration, or its compliance with any of the covenants herein or therein contained. 8. The seal impressed on this Certificate and on the Series 2010H Bond is the true and only official corporate sea] of the City. WITNESS our hands on behalf of the City as of this 14th day of December, 2010. CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA 13 , Director of Fi6grice UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF MONTANA GALLATIN COUNTY CITY OF BOZEMAN SEWER SYSTEM REVENUE BOND (DNRC WATER POLLUTION CONTROL STATE REVOLVING LOAN PROGRAM), SERIES 201 OH No. R -1 $9,573,000 FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the City of Bozem , !Montana (the "Borrower "), a duly organized municipal corporation and politicalr`st�bdivisign of the State of Montana, acknowledges itself to be specially indebted anal, for value •eceivd, hereby promises to pay to the Department of Natural Resources and Cop' s'erv� ti6n of the' State of Montana (the "DNRC "), or its registered assigns, solely from the Revenue B hd Account of its Sewer System Fund, the principal sum equal to the sum .;of the amounts enf6red` on Schedule A attached hereto under " "Total Amount Advanced, >' -earth nixes° on etch such amount from the date such amount is advanced hereunder at the ratd of 12.00 rper annum on the unpaid balance until paid. In addition, the Borrower shallr'ay, solely from said source, an Administrative Expense Surcharge and a Loan Loss Reserve Surcharge tin the outstanding principal amount of this Bond at the rates of seventy -five hundredths Q`f I ne percent (0.75i%) per annum and one percent (1.00'%) per annum, respectively. Interest and Administrative Expense Surcharge and a Loan Loss Reserve Surcharge shall be payable in semiannual installments payable on each January 1 and July 1 (each a "Loan Repayment Date") commencing July 1, 2011. Principal shall be payable on the dates set forth in Schedule B hereto. Each installment shall be in the amount set forth opposite its due date in Schedule B attached hereto under "Total Loan Payment." The portion of each such payment consisting of principal, the portion consisting of interest and the portion consisting of Administrative Expense Surcharge and the portion consisting of Loan Loss Reserve Surcharge shall be as set forth in Schedule B hereto. Upon each disbursement of 2010H Loan amounts to the Borrower pursuant to the Resolution described below, the DNRC shall enter (or cause to be entered) the amount advanced on Schedule A under "Advances" and the total amount advanced under the Resolution (as hereinafter defined), including such disbursement, under "Total Amount Advanced." The DNRC shall prepare Schedule B and any revised Schedule B, or cause Schedule B and any revised Schedule B to be prepared, as provided in Section 5.1 of the Resolution No. 4299. Schedule B shall be calculated and recalculated on a level debt service basis assuming an interest rate of 3.75% per annum. Past -due payments of principal and interest and Administrative Expense Surcharge and Loan Loss Reserve Surcharge shall bear interest at the rate of ten percent (10.00 %) per annum, until paid. Interest and Administrative Expense Surcharge and Loan Loss Reserve Surcharge shall be calculated on the basis of a 360 -day year comprising 12 months of 30 days each. All payments under this Bond shall be made to the registered holder of this Bond, at its address as it appears on the Bond register, in lawful money of the United States of America. This Bond is one of an issue of Sewer System Revenue Bonds of the Borrower authorized to be issued in one or more series from time to time, and constitutes a series in the maximum authorized principal amount of $9,573,000 (the "Series 2010H Bond "). The Series 2010H Bond is issued to finance a portion of the costs of the construction of certain improvements to the sewer system of the Borrower (the "System "), to fiend deposits to the Reserve Account, and to pay costs of issuance of the Series 2010TI Bond. The Series 2010H Bond is issued pursuant to and in full conformity with the Constitution and laws of the State of Montana thereunto enabling, including Montana Code Annotated, Title 7, Chapter 7, Part 44, as amended, and ordinances and resolutions duly adopted by the governing body of the Borrower, including Resolution No. 4220 duly enacted by the City Commission on November 16, 2009, as amended and supplemented by Resolution Nos. 4234, 4245, 4254, and 4299 adopted on January 19, 2010, February 16, 2010, May 3, 2010, and November 1, 2010, respectively (as so amended and supplemented, the "Resolution "). The Series 2010H Bond is issuable only as a single, fully registered bond. The Series 201OH Bond is issued on a pars y With the Borrower's $359,300 Sewer System Revenue Bond (DNRC Water Pollution ,Control State Revolving Loan Program), Series 2010B, its $1,223,000 Sewer System Revenue; Bog:d (DNRC Water Pollution Control State Revolving Loan Program), Series 20100, its $9,5b0,060 Sewer System Revenue Bond (DNRC Water Pollution Control State Revolving L6an Proglr m), Series 2010D, its $816,000 Sewer System Revenue Bond (DNRC Water Poiiut , 'on Control State Revolving Loan Program), Series 2010F, and its $3,903,000 '§ewer System,R v nice Bond (DNRC Water Pollution Control State Revolving Loan. Progvarn) ; Seizes 2t}�OG (eailectively, the "Outstanding Bonds "). Reference is "` j to the Resolution for a more complete statement of the terms and conditions upon which. the':Serics 2010H Bond has been issued, the net revenues of the System pledged and appropriated for the payment and security thereof, the conditions upon which additional bonds may be issued under the Resolution and made payable from such net revenues on a parity with the Outstanding Bonds and the Series 2010H Bond (collectively, the "Bonds ") or otherwise, the conditions upon which the Resolution may be amended, the rights, duties and obligations of the Borrower, and the rights of the owners of the Series 2010H Bond. The Borrower may prepay the principal of the Series 2010H Bond only if (i) it obtains the prior written consent of the DNRC thereto, and (ii) no Loan Repayment or Administrative Expense Surcharge or Loan Loss Reserve Surcharge is then delinquent. Any prepayment permitted by the DNRC must be accompanied by payment of accrued interest and Administrative Expense Surcharge and Loan Loss Reserve Surcharge to the date of prepayment on the amount of principal prepaid. If the Series 2010H Bond is prepaid in part, such prepayments shall be applied to principal payments in inverse order of maturity. The Bonds, including interest and any premium for the redemption thereof, are payable solely from the net revenues pledged for the payment thereof and do not constitute a debt of the Borrower within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation or provision. The Borrower may deem and treat the person in whose name this Series 2010H Bond is registered as the absolute owner hereof, whether this Series 2010H Bond is overdue or not, for the purpose of receiving payment and for all other purposes, and the Borrower shall not -2- be affected by any notice to the contrary. The Series 2010H Bond may be transferred hereinafter as provided. IT IS HEREBY CERTII{IED, RECITED, COVENANTED AND AGREED that the Borrower will forthwith construct and complete the improvements to the System .hereinabove described, that it will prescribe and collect reasonable rates and charges for all services and facilities afforded by the System, including all additions thereto and replacements and improvements thereof, and has created a special Sewer System Fund into which the gross revenues of the System will be paid, and a separate and special Revenue Bond Account in that fluid, into which will be paid each month, from and as a first and prior lien on the Net Revenues of the System then on hand, an amount equal to not less than the sum of one -sixth of the interest due within the next six months plus one - twelfth of the principal due within the next twelve months with respect to all Bonds payable from the Revenue Bond Account; that the Borrower has created a Reserve Account in such fund into which shall ' be Oaid additional Net Revenues, after required credits to the Revenue Bond Account, sufficient to rriaintain a reserve therein equal to the maximum amount of principal and interest, payable in any; subsequent fiscal year on all such Bonds; that the Revenue Bond Account will be used only to pay the principal of, premium, . if any, and interest on the Bonds and any other ; 'additional Bonds issued pursuant to the Resolution on a parity therewith; that the rates and c e for the System will from time to time be made and kept sufficient, to provide gross income` 'A revenues adequate to pay promptly the reasonable and current exper yes o 'o Crating and'inaintaining the System and to produce in each fiscal year Net Revenues m excess of such' current expenses, equal to 125% of the maximum amount of principal and interest payable from the Revenue Bond Account in any subsequent fiscal year; that additional Bonds and refunding Bonds may be issued and made payable from the Revenue Bond Account dn, ,, o parity with the Bonds and other parity Bonds, upon certain conditions set forth in the Resolution, but no obligation will be otherwise incurred and made payable from the Net Revenues of the System, unless the lien thereof shall be expressly made subordinate to the lien of the Bonds and additional parity Bonds on such Net Revenues; that all provisions for the security of the holder of this Series 2.010H Bond set forth in the Resolution will be punctually and faithfully performed as therein stipulated; that all acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Montana and the ordinances and resolutions of the Borrower to be done, to exist, to happen and to be performed in order to make this Series 2010H Bond a valid and binding special obligation of the Borrower according to its terms have been done, do exist, have happened and have been performed in regular and due form, time and manner as so required; and that this Series 2010H Bond and the interest hereon are payable solely from the Net Revenues of the System pledged and appropriated to the Revenue Bond Account and do not constitute a debt of the Borrower within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation or provision and the issuance of the Series 2010I 1 Bond does not cause either the general or the special indebtedness of the Borrower to exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation. IN WITNESS WHF,RFOF', the City of Bozeman, Montana, by its governing f tli Mayor the Director of body, has caused adnd by the signatures o I has caused the official seal of the Borrower to be „ ° Finance, and the Clerk of the Commission, affixed hereto, and has caused this Bond to be dated as of the 14th day of December, 2010. y { >( YN y 13 00 M (Belk ti � a c -4- REGISTRATION AND 'TRANSFER This Bond shall be fully registered as to both principal and interest. No transfer of this Bond shall be valid unless and until (1) the registered holder of the Bond, or his duly authorized attorney or legal representative, executes the form of assignment appearing on this Bond, and (2) the Director of Finance as bond registrar (the "Registrar "), has duly noted the transfer on the Bond and recorded the transfer on the Registrar's registration books. The Borrower shall be entitled to deem and treat the person in whose name this Bond is registered as absolute owner thereof for all purposes, notwithstanding any notice to the contrary. Payments on account of the Bond shall be made only to the order of the registered holder thereof, and all such payments shall be valid and effectual to satisfy and discharge the Borrower's liability upon the Bond to the extent of the sum or sums so paid. REGISTER The ownership of the unpaid Principal thereon is registered on the books of the City of holder appearing on the first page hereof or as,, lc Date of Name-and -Addre Registration of histered Hol December 14 2010 1 "625 Eleventh Avenue Helena MT 59620 of thi� Bond and the interest accruing r, M ont aria in the name of the registered Signature of Director of Finance THE FOLLOWING ENTRIES ARE TO BE MADE ONLY BY THE BOND REGISTRAR UPON REGISTRATION OF EACH TRANSFER The Director of Finance of the Borrower, acting as Bond Registrar, has transferred, on the books of the Borrower, on the date last noted below, ownership of the principal amount of and the accrued interest on this Bond to the new registered holder noted next to such date, except for amounts of principal and interest theretofore paid. Name of New Signature of Date of Transfer Registered Holder Bond Registrar -5- FORM OF ASSIGNMENT For value received, this Bond is hereby transferred and assigned by the undersigned holder, without recourse, to on this day of (Authorized Signature) For -6- SCHEDULE A Date 12/14/2010 SCHEDULE OF AMOUNTS ADVANCED Advances Total Amount Advanced Notation Made By 5821,845.00 $821,845,00 -7- r �E -7- SCHEDULE B Bate Principal Interest r Administrative Expense Surcharge Loan Loss Reserve Surcharge Total Lean Payment N