HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 8, 2010 Minutes Page 1 of 8 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA November 8, 2010 ********************** The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in the Commission Room, City Hall at 121 North Rouse on Monday, November 8, 2010. Present were Mayor Jeff Krauss, Commissioner Sean Becker, Commissioner Cyndy Andrus, Commissioner Chris Mehl, Commissioner Carson Taylor, City Manager Chris Kukulski, Assistant City Manager Chuck Winn, City Attorney Greg Sullivan and City Clerk Stacy Ulmen. * * Please refer to the audio recording of this meeting for additional detail. 0:12:35 A. Call to Order – 6 p.m. – Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse 0:12:36 B. Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence 0:13:13 Welcome Mayor Krauss welcomed everyone to the Meeting. 0:13:31 C. Changes to the Agenda Mayor Krauss asked City Manager Chris Kukulski if there were any changes to the Agenda. Mr. Kukulski stated no. 0:13:36 D. Public Service Announcements 0:13:46 1. Neighborhood Conservation Club Fall Speaker Series (Bristor) Allyson Bristor, Neighborhoods Coordinator presented a PSA regarding the Neighborhood Conservation Club Fall Speaker Series. 0:14:40 2. Citizen Advisory Board Openings (Kissel) Aimee Kissel, Citizen Advisory Board's Coordinator gave a PSA regarding Citizen Advisory Board Openings. 0:16:17 E. Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims (LaMeres) 7 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting, November 8, 2010 Page 2 of 8 2. Authorize Mayor to sign Findings of Fact and Order for the preliminary plat of the 19th and College 2 Lot Minor Subdivision, No. P-10008 (Riley) 3. Approve Payment of $3,252.00 for Buttrey's Solvent Site Cost Recovery (Cooper) 4. Approve Resolution No. 4300 authorizing City Manager to sign Change Order No. 15 for the Lower Yard Vehicle Maintenance and HRDC Bus Barn for mechanical and plumbing modifications, and sub-base improvements for the road system (Goehrung) 0:16:22 Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 0:16:35 Motion and Vote to approve Consent Items (E.) 1-4. It was moved by Cr. Becker, seconded by Cr. Andrus to approve Consent Items (E.) 1-4. Those voting Aye being Crs. Becker, Andrus, Mehl, Taylor and Mayor Krauss. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 5-0. 0:16:50 F. Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 0:17:34 G. Special Presentation-MSU LTAP Road Scholar Program Recipients for the City of Bozeman (Van Delinder) Street Superintendent John Van Delinder recognized three Street Department Employees for receiving the Road Scholar award. These are the first Street employees in the State to ever receive the award. The employees are: Steve Kurk, Joe Dennehy and Bill Taylen. 0:19:26 H. Action Items 0:19:29 1. Bozeman Creek Enhancement Committee (Dingman) Ron Dingman, Director of Parks and Recreation gave the staff report regarding the Bozeman Creek Enhancement Committee. A group of volunteers representing many different organizations, groups, and agencies have come together in an effort to identify existing issues with the Bozeman Creek and potential improvements and mitigation that might be possible. The end goal of this committee is to develop a master plan for the stretch of Bozeman Creek that is within the City of Bozeman Planning area and indentify a couple of pilot projects that could be the start of implementing the master plan. Once the master plan has been vetted through the community and relevant agencies, the committee plans to present it to the City Commission for comment and adoption. 8 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting, November 8, 2010 Page 3 of 8 0:22:37 Gary Winer, National Parks Service Mr. Winer stated that he is representing the National Parks Service. He spoke regarding a community assistance program that they have to offer. 0:35:35 Bart Manion, Steering Committee Member Mr. Manion of 425 East Lincoln spoke regarding the storm drain in his area. Samples have been taken. He spoke regarding ecoli and coliform. He urged that the water quality issues be addressed in Bozeman. 0:37:37 Public Comment closed Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 0:37:38 Discussion Discussion took place regarding if there was an interest in a Commission liaison. This liaison could possibly become a rotating liaison. The Commission wants to be kept in the loop. It was noted that there is a little staff support. Possibly there should be a Resolution or Ordinance to make this a little more official? Possibly have a staff liaison. Mayor Krauss suggested that the Commission get involved by forming a storm water utility. Consider taking smaller bites. Storm water will be an expensive bite. Regarding improvements under main street, money is a huge thing. Pick a chunk, make it a show piece and then take on another. Help the Commission stay informed. There is a steering committee meeting at the Professional Center at 3 p.m. Tuesday November 9th. A Commission member was urged to attend. 0:48:35 2. Loyal Garden Zone Map Amendment No. Z-10240 (Skelton) 0:49:17 Dave Skelton, Sr. Planner Mr. Skelton gave the staff presentation regarding the Loyal Garden Zone Map Amendment No. Z-10240. An application has been made to the Bozeman Planning Office to change a municipal zoning designation from “RO” (Residential Office District) to “B-2” (Community Business District) for the property in question subject to the contingencies listed in Zoning Commission Resolution #Z-10240. The intent of this zoning district is to provide for a broad range of mutually supportive retail and service functions located in clustered areas bordered on one or more sides by limited access arterial streets. The site consists of two existing lots, both being 1.5 acres or larger and arranged in proximity to the intersection of two arterial roads; Huffine Lane/US Highway 191 and Cottonwood Road. Staff has recommended approval of this request as noted in the REVIEW CRITERIA section beginning on page 3 of the staff report. 1:02:39 Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 9 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting, November 8, 2010 Page 4 of 8 1:11:44 Motion and Vote to continue and extend discussion of this item till January 3rd, 2011. It was moved by Cr. Mehl, seconded by Cr. Taylor to continue and extend discussion of this item till January 3rd, 2011. Mayor Krauss stated that the Public Hearing is still open. Those voting Aye being Crs. Mehl, Taylor, Becker, Andrus and Mayor Krauss. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 5-0. 1:12:26 3. Safeway Site Plan Certificate of Appropriateness with Deviations, No. Z- 10239 (Krueger) 1:13:11 Brian Krueger, Associate Planner Mr. Krueger gave the staff presentation regarding the Safeway Site Plan Certificate of Appropriateness with Deviations, No. Z-10239 . Staff, the Development Review Committee, and Design Review Board recommend conditional approval of the Safeway Site Plan, Certificate of Appropriateness with Deviations Application #Z-10239 with the findings, conditions, and code provisions provided in the staff report. 1:25:20 Rick Hixson, City Engineer Mr. Hixson spoke regarding crash reporting and left turns. 1:33:44 Tom Eastwood, Morrison-Maierle Engineering Mr. Eastwood spoke regarding the left turn bay and traffic volumes. 1:41:24 Jeff Parker-Real estate Manager for Safeway Mr. Parker spoke regarding the process of this application. He spoke regarding parking stalls and the main street frontage. This will invest $12 million dollars into the Bozeman economy. He spoke regarding what the new Safeway will offer. 1:49:04 Mr. Parker Mr. Parker spoke regarding the Company's intent to sell the old store. 1:55:36 Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. 1:55:54 Scott Heather, Public Comment Mr. Heather stated that he is the manager across the street at the Loaf and Jug. He would like to know if there will be fuel at the Safeway location. 10 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting, November 8, 2010 Page 5 of 8 1:56:20 Public Comment closed Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 1:56:25 Mr. Krueger Mr. Krueger stated that there is not a fuel component with this application. 1:56:55 Motion to approve Safeway Site Plan Certificate of Appropriateness with deviations application No. Z-10239 with the findings, conditions 1-17 found on pages 3-5 in the staff report and required code provisions included in the staff report and as recommended by staff, the Development Review Committee and Design Review Board. It was moved by Cr. Taylor, seconded by Cr. Becker to approve Safeway Site Plan Certificate of Appropriateness with deviations application No. Z-10239 with the findings, conditions 1-17 found on pages 3-5 in the staff report and required code provisions included in the staff report and as recommended by staff, the Development Review Committee and Design Review Board. 2:05:06 Vote on the Motion to approve Safeway Site Plan Certificate of Appropriateness with deviations application No. Z-10239 with the findings, conditions 1-17 found on pages 3-5 in the staff report and required code provisions included in the staff report and as recommended by staff, the Development Review Committee and Design Review Board. Those voting Aye being Crs. Taylor, Becker, Andrus, Mehl and Mayor Krauss. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 5-0. 2:05:17 Break Mayor Krauss declared a break. 2:24:08 Back to order Mayor Krauss called the meeting back to order. 2:25:12 4. Presentation of Parts of the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2012-2016 (Rosenberry) 2:25:22 Anna Rosenberry, Finance Director Ms. Rosenberry gave the Presentation of Parts of the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2012-2016. 2:29:23 Cr. Becker Cr. Becker spoke regarding the authority of the Capital Improvements Plan. 11 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting, November 8, 2010 Page 6 of 8 2:32:31 Building Inspection Fund Ms. Rosenberry spoke regarding the notable changes for the Building Inspection Fund including the vehicle fleet replacement. 2:35:11 Fire Capital and Equipment Replacement Ms. Rosenberry spoke regarding the notable changes related to Fire Capital and Equipment replacement including a ladder truck and a command vehicle. Discussion took place regarding the remodel of Fire Station 1. Discussion spoke regarding annual increases. 2:43:09 Curb Replacement Fund Ms. Rosenberry spoke regarding the notable changes for the Curb Replacement Fund. This is a new section of the plan that will be established by Street Maintenance money. This relies on four more years of rate increases. Ms. Rosenberry showed the top recommended projects. Suggestions were made to not identify the areas so there is not a sense of entitlement. Express by the number of blocks. 3:00:13 Street Maintenance Fund Ms. Rosenberry spoke regarding the notable changes for the Street Maintenance Fund including the shop expansion project, boulevard maintenance and a concrete repair program. Discussion took place regarding the street sweeper. 3:09:03 Tree Maintenance Fund Ms. Rosenberry spoke regarding the notable changes for the Tree Maintenance Fund. The items have been moved back one year. Discussion took place regarding the chipper. 3:10:57 5. Appointment to the Downtown Business Improvement District (BID) Board (Kissel) 3:11:06 Motion and Vote to appoint Steve Stinson to the Downtown Business Improvement District Board. It was moved by Cr. Andrus, seconded by Cr. Mehl to appoint Steve Stinson to the Downtown Business Improvement District Board. Those voting Aye being Crs. Andrus, Mehl, Taylor, Becker and Mayor Krauss. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 5-0. 3:11:41 I. FYI/Discussion 3:11:44 1. Reminder that City Offices will be closed on November 11, 2010 in observance of Veteran's Day. 12 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting, November 8, 2010 Page 7 of 8 3:12:03 2. Legion Breakfast /Check The Clerk was directed to advertise for a quorum for this all day event. Mayor Krauss will come in and pick up the check. The breakfast begins at 7 a.m. 3:13:04 3. Northwestern Energy Update Cr. Mehl stated that Northwestern Energy wants to update the Commission and the Staff regarding Capital Improvements that they have been making. The meeting is this Friday at 3:30 p.m. at the Northwestern Energy Griffin Location. 3:15:36 4. Benefit of Information/Commission Mr. Kukulski asked that it be clarified that when one Commissioner asks for clarification from Staff, responses should be sent to the entire Commission. The default is that all 5 get the information unless specifically addressed. 3:17:25 5. Safeway Project Mr. Kukulski recognized staff members who helped get the Safeway Project through. It went smoothly. 3:18:17 6. Charter Amendment Mr. Sullivan stated that the increase of the Commission Ballot Measure failed. Certification will come from the Clerk & Recorder on this election result. 3:18:49 7. Ethics Training Mr. Sullivan stated that an on-line ½ hour course is being put together in order to meet the Charter requirement. 3:21:28 8. NW Energy Cleveland Willson Lighting District Mr. Winn stated that Ms. Arkell has been working with NW Energy on this historical district. They are ready to do a major over hall on the lighting in this district. The underground wiring is shot. 3:24:46 9. Demolition by Neglect This was moved down on the priority list. REMU has trumped this item. The priority list will be looked at again in January. 3:29:16 10. Bozeman Creek Meeting Cr. Taylor likes the idea of a Commission Member going to the meeting on Tuesday. 3:29:58 11. Policy Meeting Cr. Andrus urged that the Commission hold more policy type meetings like the water meeting that was held last week. She found this to be very informative. 13 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting, November 8, 2010 Page 8 of 8 3:30:55 12. Sidewalk Insulation Mayor Krauss stated that he received a thank you for putting in a sidewalk. 3:31:43 13. Logo Revamp The Commission talked about revamping the City Logo. 3:34:52 14. City Manager Evaluation Mayor Krauss stated that he has more information to hand out to the Commission. 3:38:19 J. Adjournment Mayor Krauss adjourned the meeting at 9:33 p.m. ____________________________________ Jeffrey K. Krauss, Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________________ Stacy Ulmen, CMC, City Clerk PREPARED BY: ______________________________________ Stacy Ulmen, CMC, City Clerk Approved on ___________________________. 14