HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinally Adopt Ordinance No. 1796, amending Title 18, UDO, BMC Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Chris Saunders, Assistant Director Tim McHarg, Director Chris Kukulski, City Manager SUBJECT: Z-10304, Engineering Text Amendments to Title 18, Unified Development Ordinance, BMC 2nd Reading of Ord. 1796 MEETING DATE: Monday, January 3, 2011 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Consent Item RECOMMENDATION: Approve 2nd reading of Ordinance 1796. BACKGROUND: The City prepares amendments to Title 18, Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) from time to time as needed. Several important items have been grouped into this single amending ordinance. All of the items are related to engineering information or processes conducted during the review process. The attached ordinance shows all of the edits as either underlined [additions] or struck through [deletions] in the text. The City Commission gave approval to the 1st reading of this ordinance on December 13, 2010. Additional amendments will be brought to the Commission for consideration as opportunity for research and text development permits. FISCAL EFFECTS: No immediate fiscal affects are anticipated from these changes. The only item directly affecting revenue to the City is water rights which already exists as Resolution 4095. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Approve the ordinance as written. 2) Amend the text of the ordinance and then approve it. 3) Do not approve the ordinance at all. CONTACT: Please feel free to call or email Chris Saunders at csaunders@bozeman.net, 582- 2260, if you have questions prior to the meeting. Attachments: Draft Ordinance 1796 Report compiled on: December 14, 2010 130 Page 1 of 13 ORDINANCE NO. 1796 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, PROVIDING THAT THE BOZEMAN MUNICIPAL CODE BE AMENDED BY REVISING SECTIONS 18.42.070.A, 18.42.150.C, 18.44.050, 18.44.060.D, 18.44.110, 18.50.110.A, AND 18.78.060.L; MODIFYING REQUIREMENTS FOR EXTENSIONS OF MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE; ADAPTING THE STREET LIGHTING STANDARDS TO THE CITY’S DESIGN AND SPECIFICATIONS MANUAL; REVISING LEVEL OF SERVICE STANDARDS FOR STREET AND ROAD RIGHT OF WAY WIDTH AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS; MODIFYING PROCEDURES FOR BIKE LANE DESIGNATIONS; REVISING RECREATION PATHWAY STANDARDS; AND ADDING REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAT SUPPLEMENTS; AND BY ADDING A NEW SECTION 18.42.180 PROVIDING REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURES FOR SUPPLYING WATER RIGHTS OR PAYMENT -IN-LIEU OF WATER RIGHTS. WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman has adopted a Unified Development Ordinance which establishes common standards for both zoning and subdivision development; and WHEREAS, the proposed Unified Development Ordinance text amendment application has been properly submitted, and reviewed, and all necessary public notice was given for all public hearings; and WHEREAS, the Bozeman Zoning Commission and Planning Board held a joint public hearing on November 16, 2010 to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for a Unified Development Ordinance text amendment; and WHEREAS, as shown in Zoning Commission Resolution Z-10304, the Bozeman Zoning Commission recommended to the Bozeman City Commission that proposed the Unified Development Ordinance text amendments be approved; and WHEREAS, as shown in Planning Board Resolution P-10304, the Bozeman Planning Board recommended to the Bozeman City Commission that proposed the Unified Development Ordinance text amendments be approved; and 131 Page 2 of 13 WHEREAS, after proper notice, the City Commission held a public hearing on December 6, 2010, to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for a text amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City Commission reviewed and considered the relevant Unified Development Ordinance text amendment criteria established by Sections 76-3-102, 76-3-501, and 76-2-304, M.C.A., and found the proposed Unified Development Ordinance text amendment to be in compliance with the purposes of the title as locally adopted in Section 18.02.040, BMC; and WHEREAS, at its public hearing, the City Commission found that the proposed Unified Development Ordinance text amendment would be in compliance with Bozeman’s adopted growth policy and applicable statutes and would be in the public interest. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, upon a vote of ____ to ____, that: Section 1 Section 18.42.070.A of the Unified Development Ordinance be amended to read as follows: A. General. All municipal water supply, sanitary sewer and storm sewer system facilities shall comply with the following requirements: 1. The developer shall install complete municipal water and sanitary sewer system facilities, or a system allowed by §18.38.030.D, BMC, and may be required by the City to install municipal storm sewer system facilities. These systems shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of State Department of Environmental Quality and the City of Bozeman, and shall conform with any applicable facilities plan. The City of Bozeman’s requirements are contained in the Design Standards and Specifications Policy and the City of Bozeman Modifications to Montana Public Works Standard Specifications, and by this reference these standards are incorporated into and made a part of these regulations. The developer shall submit plans and specifications for the proposed facilities to the City, and to the State Department of Environmental Quality, and shall obtain their approvals prior to commencing construction of any municipal water, sanitary sewer or storm sewer system facilities. 132 Page 3 of 13 2. The cutting of any City street shall be done in compliance with the City’s street cut policy. 3. When a proposed development adjoins undeveloped land, and municipal infrastructure mains would reasonably pass through the new development to the undeveloped land, municipal infrastructure mains shall be arranged to allow the suitable development of the adjoining undeveloped land. Municipal infrastructure mains within the proposed development shall be constructed to the boundary lines of the tract to be developed, unless prevented by topography or other physical conditions. An exception to this standard may be granted by the Director of Public Service or their designee upon written request of the applicant if the applicant demonstrates during the development review process that more efficient design can be accomplished without jeopardizing the public’s health, safety and welfare, the intent of this title, or the intent of the City’s growth policy. , in which case a subdivision variance must be approved by the City Commission. Section 2 Section 18.42.150.C of the Unified Development Ordinance be amended to read as follows: C. Street Lighting. Street lighting consists of street lighting and pathway intersection lighting, and shall comply with the City of Bozeman Design Standards and Specifications Policy. following requirements: 1. General. a. All street lighting shall be operated and maintained through the creation of a new SILD, through the annexation to an existing SILD or through some other equivalent means approved by the City of Bozeman. The application to create or annex to an existing SILD shall be submitted to the City within 2 months of preliminary approval of the development. The approval to create or annex to an SILD shall be granted prior to final plat for a subdivision or Occupancy if a final plat is not required. b. Street lighting shall be installed per 18.74.030.B, BMC. c. Individual yard lights on private property shall not be used for street lighting. 2. Street Lights at Intersections. a. Illumination Requirements. (1) Single Installation. The illumination requirement for an intersection street light, where only one light is required, shall be determined from Table 42-2 based on the functional classification of the street upon which the light is located. (2) Multiple Installation. For all intersections where more than one street light is required, all lights shall be within the same range for measured lumens. The illumination requirement shall be determined from Table 42-2 for the functional classification of the leg of the intersection with the highest requirement. b. Non-Signalized Intersections. A street light shall be installed at each non-signalized street intersection with the exceptions contained in subsections (1) and (2) below. 133 Page 4 of 13 (1) At intersections where the width of one or more of the approaches is greater than or equal to 50 feet, as measured to the back of curb or edge of pavement, then two street lights shall be installed on diagonally opposite corners. (2) At the intersection of two local streets a street light may be omitted if its installation would violate the spacing criteria contained in Table 42-2. c. Signalized Intersections. At signalized intersections where all approaches are narrower than 50 feet, as measured to the back of curb or edge of pavement, two street lights shall be installed on the diagonally opposite corners. At signalized intersections where the width of one or more of the approaches is greater than or equal to 50 feet, four street lights shall be installed, one on each corner. 3. Spacing of Street Lights. In addition to intersection locations, street lights shall be spaced along streets in accordance with Table 42-2. Table 42-2 Functional Classification Through L a n e s Pedestrian C o nf li ct Maintained Lumens (Minimum Maintained Average Values) Spacing Arterial 4/2 High 33000-22500 225/225 4/2 Low 22500-13500 300/275 Collector 4/2 High 22500-13500 250/225 4/2 Low 22500-8000 300/275 Local 2 Low 9500-8000 N/A1 Arterial - Commercial Center 4/2 High 33000-22500 200/175 Collector - Commercial Center 4/2 High 22500-13500 225/175 Local -Commercial Center 2 High 9500-8000 150 1Street lights are only required at intersections on local streets. 4. Street Light Location and Placement of Equipment. In addition to spacing requirements, the following layout criteria shall be used: a. When a street light location falls near an unlit intersection, the light shall be located at the intersection; b. Street lights shall be located at property lines to the greatest extent possible, but not in conflict with other utility service providers; c. Pole spacing along a street may vary from the criteria of Table 42-2 by up to 15 percent. For the uniformity of appearance, the variance in spacing between adjacent spans should not be more than 15 percent; 134 Page 5 of 13 d. All proposed streets within the proposed subdivision, having a curve of 300 feet or longer in length, shall have a street light in the middle of the horizontal curve or as required by the City Engineer; e. A street light shall be placed at the terminal ends of center median islands having trees and/or other fixed objects not having a breakaway design for speeds of 25 miles per hour or greater; f. Wiring for street lights shall be underground; g. Additional street lights may be required by the City Commission when potential traffic hazards are identified during plan review; and h. For streets that are wider than 70 feet (from back of curb) the required street lights shall alternate on either side of the street. 5. Street Light Support Structures. The ballasts; pole type, strength and anchor bolts; and pole foundation shall be appropriate for the proposed lighting and shall be installed per the manufacturer’s recommendations. Mounting heights shall be measured from grade and shall comply with the requirements of Table 42-3. Table 42-3 Maintained Lumens (Minimum Maintained Average Values) Mounting Height 9500-8000 25 feet 22500-9500 35 feet 33000-22500 38 feet 6. Pathway Intersection Lighting. Pathway lights shall be installed at all intersections of pathways and streets, located within the proposed development or along existing streets or roads abutting the development, if said intersection is located in areas other than lighted intersections. All pathway lights shall comply with City of Bozeman specifications. Table 42-4 Average Horizontal Illuminance at Pathway in Maintained Footcandles Mixed vehicle and pedestrian 2.0 Pedestrian only 1.0 Source: Roadway Lighting (RP-8-00), Illuminating Engineering Society of North American, 2000. Section 3 Chapter 18.42 of the Unified Development Ordinance be amended by adding a section to be numbered 18.42.180, to read as follows: 135 Page 6 of 13 18.42.180 WATER RIGHTS A. Prior to a final approval of all development reviewed as a site plan, conditional use permit, planned unit development, or subdivision and prior to an annexation of any land, one of the following must occur: 1. Payment shall be made to the City of a payment-in-lieu of water rights calculated based on the annual demand for volume of water the development will require multiplied by the most current annual unit price; or 2. A transfer to the City of ownership of water rights adequate to provide the volume of water the development will require. A transfer of ownership of water rights must be in a manner approved by the Director of Public Service. B. If adequate water rights or a payment-in-lieu was previously provided to the City for the subject property, evidence of those rights or payment-in-lieu may be offered to demonstrate compliance with this section. If the expected demand for water by the proposed development increases by more than one-acre foot over that for which water rights or payment-in-lieu of water rights were previously provided, additional water rights or payment-in-lieu of water rights equal to the difference between the previously provided water rights or payment-in-lieu and the estimated current demand or payment- in-lieu price shall be provided. C. Provision of water rights or payment-in-lieu may be deferred by phase for phased developments or for annexations when the phase or annexation is in excess of 10 acres. D. The City Manager may adopt administrative procedures to implement this section. The Director of Public Service shall adopt standards for the calculation of demand for water use. The City Commission shall establish the unit cost for payment-in-lieu by Resolution. E. The amount paid for a payment-in-lieu shall be calculated using the per unit price in effect on the date the payment-in-lieu of water rights is to be made to the City. Section 4 Section 18.44.050 of the Unified Development Ordinance be amended to read as follows: 18.44.050 STREET AND ROAD RIGHT OF WAY WIDTH AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS A. All streets and roads providing access to, and within, the proposed development shall meet the following standards: 1. Right-of-way width and construction standards contained in this title, the Bozeman Area Transportation Plan 2001 Update,most recently adopted long range transportation plan, the City of Bozeman Design Standards and Specifications Policy, and the City of Bozeman Modifications to Montana Public Works Standard Specifications shall apply. 2. Access streets and roads which are not on the City or County’s road maintenance system shall be dedicated to the public, or shall have a public easement which meets the criteria of this chapter. Section 5 136 Page 7 of 13 Section 18.44.060.D of the Unified Development Ordinance be amended to read as follows: D. Level of Service Standards. Streets and intersection level of service “C” shall be the design and operational objective. All arterial and collector streets shall operate at a minimum level of service “C”. Level of Service (LOS) values shall be determined by using the methods defined by the Highway Capacity Manual – 2000. A development shall be approved only if the LOS requirements are met by the developer through mitigation measures. The design year for necessary improvements shall be a minimum of fifteen years following construction of said improvements. Movements on intersection approach legs designated arterial or collector streets shall be evaluated as follows: 1. Signalized intersections shall have a minimum acceptable LOS of “C” for the intersection as a whole; individual movement and approach leg LOS lower that “C” shall be allowed such that the total intersection LOS is a “C” or higher; 2. Unsignalized intersections shall have a minimum acceptable LOS of “C” for the intersection as a whole for four-way stop controlled; individual movement and approach leg LOS lower that “C” shall be allowed such that the total intersection LOS is a “C” or higher; 3. Two-way stop-controlled (TWSC) intersections shall have a minimum acceptable LOS of “C” or higher for the stop controlled, minor legs; and 4. An intersection with a roundabout shall have a minimum acceptable LOS of “C” or higher for the intersection as a whole. D. Level of Service Standards. All arterial and collector streets and intersections with arterial and collector streets shall operate at a minimum level of service “C” unless specifically exempted by this subsection. Level of Service (LOS) values shall be determined by using the methods defined by the most recent edition of the Highway Capacity Manual. A development shall be approved only if the LOS requirements are met in the design year; which shall be a minimum of fifteen years following the development application review or construction of mitigation measures if mitigation measures are required to maintain LOS. Intersections shall have a minimum acceptable LOS of “C” for the intersection as a whole . 1. Exception: If an intersection within the area required to be studied by 18.78.060.L does not meet LOS “C” and the intersection has been fully constructed to its maximum lane and turning movement capacity; then an LOS of less than “C” is acceptable. 2. Exception: The Director of Public Service or their designee may accept an LOS of less than “C” at a specific intersection if: a. A variance to allow a lesser LOS was approved not more than 2 years prior to the date an application for development being reviewed is determined to be adequate for review; b. The request was made in writing with the application; and c. The circumstances are in the professional judgment of the Director of Public Service or their designee substantially the same as when the variance was granted. 137 Page 8 of 13 Section 6 Section 18.44.110 of the Unified Development Ordinance be amended to read as follows: 18.44.110 TRANSPORTATION PATHWAYS A. General. Developers shall install pathways in accordance with this title, the growth policy, the Greater Bozeman Area Transportation Plan Year 2001 Update, most recently adopted long range transportation plan, any adopted Citywide park plan, and any adopted individual Park Master Plan, and shall comply with City of Bozeman design specifications. See also §§18.42.100, 18.50.070 and 18.50.110, BMC. B. Pathway Categories. The DRC shall be responsible for determining whether a pathway is a transportation pathway or a recreation pathway. For subdivision and planned unit development proposals, this determination shall be made during the pre-application process. 1. Transportation Pathways. Developers shall install transportation pathways, to provide adequate multimodal transportation facilities within the development, as part of the required development improvements. Transportation pathways shall be ADA accessible, and include the following types of facilities: a. Sidewalks; b. On-street bike lanes and bike routes; c. Boulevard trails; and d. Class I trails; (1) With the exception of trail corridors within required watercourse setbacks, corridors for Class I trails shall be dedicated to the City. The dedicated trail corridor shall be at least 25 feet in width to ensure adequate room for the construction, maintenance and use of the trail. Transportation trail corridors can not be used to satisfy park land dedication requirements. e. Pathways that connect community or neighborhood commercial nodes by a reasonably direct route; or f. Pathways that connect major residential, employment, educational, or other service nodes by a reasonably direct route. 2. Recreation Pathways. For the definition of recreation pathways, please see §18.50.110.B, BMC. C. Related Facilities. If pathways are proposed or required, stream crossings and other similar improvements, where necessary, shall be installed. Bridge design and construction shall comply with City specifications and standards, and shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. Any necessary permits for bridges shall be obtained by the developer from the appropriate agency prior to installation of the stream crossings. D. Trail Requirements. The class of the trail shall be determined by the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board, and the trail shall be designed and constructed according to any adopted park or recreation plan or other City specifications and standards. Trails and 138 Page 9 of 13 bridges must meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) specifications for recreational facilities and maintain a natural appearance. Trail plans and specifications shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval prior to installation. E. Bicycle Lanes Bikeways and Boulevard Trails. Wherever new streets are to be developed as a result of a development proposal, or wherever existing streets or roads are required to be improved, and upon a recommendation from the Bozeman Bicycle Advisory Board (BBAB), the developer may be required to incorporate striped bicycle lanes along the shoulder, meeting current AASHTO standards, into the design and construction or improvement of the streets or roads. The decision to install a boulevard trail instead of a bike lane shall be based on the Bike Route Network Map (Figure 6-4) contained in the most recently adopted long range transportation plan. Greater Bozeman Area Transportation Plan Year 2001 Update. The City Commission may consider exceptions based on the particular characteristics of a transportation corridor and recommendations from the DRC and the Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board BBAB. Boulevard trails and bike lanes shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the most recently adopted long range transportation plan, Greater Bozeman Area Transportation Plan Year 2001 Update and any other applicable City specifications and standards. F. Pathway Maintenance. Trails within and adjacent to the proposed development, as well as off-street pathways (i.e., sidewalks and boulevard trails) along external development streets, shall be maintained (including snow removal) in accordance with an approved maintenance plan by the developer until 50 percent of the lots within the development area sold. Thereafter the property owners association shall be responsible for maintenance. The property owners association may establish an improvement district to collect assessments to pay for the maintenance. G. Pathway Easements. Where pathways cross private land or common open space, the proper public access easements shall be provided. Public access easements for pathways shall be at least 25 feet wide. H. Trails in Required Watercourse Setbacks. Trail corridors within required watercourse setbacks shall not be dedicated to the City, and such land may not be used to satisfy park land dedication requirements. When publicly accessible trails are established within required watercourse setbacks, public access easements at least 25 feet in width shall be provided to ensure adequate room for the construction, maintenance and use of the trail. I. Corridors for transportation pathways shall not be used to satisfy park land dedication requirements. Section 7 Section 18.50.110.A of the Unified Development Ordinance be amended to read as follows: A. General. Developers shall install pathways in accordance with this title, the growth policy, the most recently adopted long range transportation plan, Greater Bozeman Area Transportation Plan Year 2001 Update, any adopted Citywide park plan, and any adopted individual Park Master Plan, and shall comply with City of Bozeman design specifications. 139 Page 10 of 13 Section 8 Section 18.78.060.L of the Unified Development Ordinance be amended to read as follows: L. Streets, Roads and Alleys. 1. Description. Describe any proposed new public or private streets, roads or alley, or substantial improvements of existing public or private streets, roads or alleys. The developer shall demonstrate that the land to be subdivided has access onto a legal street. 2. Access to Arterial. Discuss whether any of the individual lots or tracts have access directly to arterial streets or roads, and if so, the reason access was not provided by means of a street within the subdivision and how the access complies with §18.44.090, BMC 3. Modification of Existing Streets, Roads or Alleys. Explain any proposed closure or modification of existing streets, roads or alleys. 4. Dust. Describe provisions considered for dust control on alleys. 5. Pollution and Erosion. Explain how street, road and alley maintenance will be provided to meet the Department of Environmental Quality guidelines for prevention of water pollution and erosion. 6. Traffic Generation. Discuss how much daily traffic will be generated on existing local and neighborhood streets, roads and alleys, when the subdivision is fully developed, and provide the following information. a. The report format shall be as follows: (1) Trip generation, using the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual; (2) Trip distribution; (3) Traffic assignment; (4) Capacity analysis; (5) Evaluation; and (6) Recommended access plan, including access points, modifications and any mitigation techniques. b. The report shall include the following information: (1) Land use and trip generation in the form of a table of each type of land use, the number of units or square footage, as appropriate, the trip rates used (daily and peak) and resulting trip generation. (2) Traffic graphics, which show: (a) AM peak hour site traffic; (b) PM peak hour site traffic; 140 Page 11 of 13 (c) AM peak hour total traffic; (d) PM peak hour total traffic; (e) Total daily traffic (with site generated traffic shown separately). (3) AM and PM capacity analysis with an AM and PM peak hour capacity analysis provided for: (a) All major drive accesses that intersect collector or arterial streets or roads; and (b) All arterial-arterial, collector-collector and arterial-collector intersections within one-half mile of the site, or as required by the City Engineer during the pre-application review, concept plan review, or informal project review. (4) For two-way stop controlled intersections, analysis of whether the intersection would satisfy signalization warrants if the two-way stop control was removed. 7. Capacity. Indicate the levels of service (before and after development) of existing and proposed streets and roads, including appropriate intersections, to safely handle any increased traffic. Describe any anticipated increased maintenance that will be necessary due to increased traffic and who will pay the cost of maintenance. 8. Bicycle and Pedestrian Pathways, Lanes and Routes. Describe bicycle and pedestrian pathways, lanes or routes to be developed with the development. 9. Traffic Calming. Detailed drawings of any proposed traffic calming installations, including locations and turning radius templates. Section 9 Severability. If any provision of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this ordinance which may be given effect without the invalid provision or application and, to this end, the provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. Section 10 Savings Provision. 141 Page 12 of 13 This ordinance does not affect the rights or duties that matured, penalties and assessments that were incurred or proceedings that began before the effective date of this ordinance. Section 11 The effective date of this ordinance is 30 days after passage on 2nd reading. PASSED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on first reading, at a regular session thereof held on the 13th day of December 2010. Section 12 Codification Instruction. The provisions of Sections 1 through 8 shall be codified as appropriate in Title 18, Unified Development Ordinance, of the Bozeman Municipal Code. ______________________ JEFFREY K KRAUSS MAYOR ATTEST: ______________________ STACY ULMEN CITY CLERK PASSED, ADOPTED AND FINALLY APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on second reading, at a regular session thereof held on the ________day of _______________, 2010. 142 Page 13 of 13 _______________________ JEFFREY K KRAUSS MAYOR ATTEST: ______________________ STACY ULMEN CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ______________________ GREG SULLIVAN CITY ATTORNEY 143