HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdopt the Street Maintenance Fund within the Capital Improvements Program Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Chris Kukulski, City Manager Anna Rosenberry, Finance Director SUBJECT: Adoption of the Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) for 2012-2016 – STREET MAINTENANCE FUND Item Type: Consent MEETING DATE: November 29, 2010 RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the attached Street Maintenance Fund Capital Improvements Plan for 2012-2016. BACKGROUND: On November 8, 2010, we presented the attached Street Maintenance Fund capital improvement plan. At that time, public comment and commissioner input was sought. As a result of that meeting, we are offering the attached schedule for adoption, which contains no changes from the original presentation. FISCAL EFFECTS: Once adopted, the Capital Improvements Plan becomes the basis of the City Manager’s Recommended Budget for FY12. ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. Report compiled on: November 16, 2010 70 Street Maintenance DistrictCapital Improvement PlanFinancial Summary Current YearFY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16Projected Beginning Reserve Balance Dedicated to CIP 88,047$           134,657$            174,287$        9,214$         (2,842)$         (60,938)$        Plus:  Street Mtc Revenues Dedicated to CIP 236,610$         279,630$            322,650$        369,327$     416,905$     465,397$       Less:  Scheduled CIP Project Costs (190,000)$       (240,000)$           (487,723)$      (381,383)$   (475,000)$    (291,000)$   Projected Year‐End Cash Dedicated to CIP 134,657$         174,287$            9,214$            (2,842)$        (60,938)$      113,460$     Assumptions Made for Revenue Estimates: Current YearFY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16Estimated Annual Street Mtc Revenues2,151,000$       2,151,000$          2,151,000$       2,151,000$  2,172,510$   2,194,235$     Estimated Annual Increase‐                    0% 0% 1% 1% 1%Total Estimated Revenues 2,151,000$       2,151,000$          2,151,000$       2,172,510$  2,194,235$   2,216,177$   Current Revenues Dedicated to CIP % 11.0% 11.0% 13.0% 15.0% 17.0% 19.0%  Plus:  Increase Dedicated to CIP 0.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0%  Total % Dedicated to CIP 11.0% 13.0% 15.0% 17.0% 19.0% 21.0%ProjectedProjectedTotal Estimated Revenues Dedicated to CIP236,610$          279,630$              322,650$         369,327$      416,905$      465,397$      2,500,0002,000,0001,500,0001,000,000500,0000Street Maintenance Projects & Equipment 71 CIP PROJECT FUNDPROJ.DEPARTMENTPROJECT NAMEFY12FY13FY14FY16UnscheduledFY15Street Maintenance DistrictSTR24STREETSSWEEPERS$75,000$75,000$75,000$75,000$75,000STR22STREETSGRADER LEASE$50,000$50,000$50,000$50,000$50,000STR25STREETSVIBRATORY SCREEN$50,000STR11STREETSMEDIAN AND BOULEVARD MAINTENANCE$40,000$45,000$25,000$25,000$25,000STR20STREETSBIKE PATH IMPROVEMENTS$25,000$25,000$25,000$25,000$25,000STR09STREETSLOADER$175,479STR01STREETS1 TON TRUCK W/PLOW AND SANDER$47,244STR21STREETSCONVEYOR$35,000WW23STREETSMINI EXCAVATOR & TRAILER$25,000PW01STREETSSHOPS FACILITY EXPANSION PLAN$10,000STR17STREETSSINGLE AXEL DUMP TRUCK W/PLOW AND SANDER$140,383STR27STREETS1 TON FLEX FUEL TRUCK$40,000STR28STREETS3/4 TON FLEX FUEL TRUCK$26,000STR29STREETSREGENERATIVE AIR SWEEPER$250,000STR30STREETSCONCRETE REPAIR PROGRAM$50,000$50,000STR31STREETS1 TON TRUCK$40,000STR32STREETS3/4 TON FLEX FUEL TRUCK$26,000STR13STREETSPARKING RESTRICTION SIGNS$2,112,000STR33STREETSMECHNICAL SWEEPER$220,00072 CIP PROJECT FUNDPROJ.DEPARTMENTPROJECT NAMEFY12FY13FY14FY16UnscheduledFY15Summary for  Street Maintenance District (19 items)Totals by year:$240,000 $487,723 $381,383 $475,000$291,000$2,332,000FY12FY13FY14FY15FY16Unscheduled73 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER PW01 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME SHOPS FACILITY EXPANSION PLAN FY12 FY13 $10,000 FY14 FY15 FY16 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The construction of the new Vehicle Maintenance Shop at the Lower Yards on Rouse Avenue in FY10/FY11 was Phase I in expanding and improving our ability to service equipment, store vehicles, and provide work space for Public Works, Parks, and Facilitiy services. Questions remain about the long-term plan for construction, location, and expansion for: Streets, Sign & Signal, Forestry, Water/Sewer Operations, Solid Waste Collection & Recycling, Facilities, and Parks departments. This project would develop a master plan. In scheduling this project, we are recommending waiting until after the Vehicle Maintenance Division is relocated to its new shop and the interior improvements are made to the Shop at Rouse and Tamarack Street for the remaining divisions. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES From related divisions: General Fund 20% ($10,000), Water Fund 20% ($10,000), Wastewater Fund 20% ($10,000), Street Maintenance Fund 20% ($10,000), Solid Waste Fund 20% ($10,000). New Replacement Equipment Project 74 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR01 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME 1 TON TRUCK W/PLOW AND SANDER FY12 FY13 $47,244 FY14 FY15 FY16 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is a request for a one ton 4x4 cab and chassis truck with bed. It would be equipped with plow and sander. It would replace an existing 1986 model that is now 24 years old. This truck is used in the day to day operation of the Street Dept. This truck would use alternative fuel such as Ethanol or BioDiesel. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use 1986 model when it is operational. Retire truck and not replace. Lease ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL New vehicle would be more reliable and would be able to contribute to snow removal operations. Would not need to budget money for major repairs. Would achieve better fuel economy and use alternative fuels ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minimal FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project 75 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR09 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME LOADER FY12 FY13 $175,479 FY14 FY15 FY16 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is a request for a front end loader to replace our 1978 Fiat, which is now 32 years old. When this loader is used with any frequency it seldom makes it thru an 8 hour shift. It would be used as a back up or for limited use to other departments. The new loader would use alternative fuels such as BioDiesel. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use Fiat when it runs. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Safer more reliable equipment. Newer technology would increase production. Use of alternative fuels. Decrease in exhaust emissions. Able to be more productive and not have to schedule our work around whether the Fiat is operational. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minimal FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project 76 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR11 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME MEDIAN AND BOULEVARD MAINTENANCE FY12 $40,000 FY13 $45,000 FY14 $25,000 FY15 $25,000 FY16 $25,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This money would be used to repair and maintain the City’s boulevards and medians. Projects might include irrigation, seeding, planting and curbing. Money would be added to this fund yearly so as to continue to bring our medians and boulevards up to the standards our citizens expect. Because of important work accomplished (irrigation wells installed, etc.) in FY10-FY13, we are recommending a decreasing amount be allocated in the later years of this plan. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to do minimal repairs to the medians and boulevards using Street Depts. operational funds. Do nothing. Recruit volunteers, this would be used any time it is possible with the proposed funding. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Keeping boulevards and medians maintained help keep our street edges intact. Many of our medians are in entryway corridors and are in dire need of repair. Well maintained boulevards and medians help with storm water runoff thus keeping it out of our streams. Not having to water by hand and budget for the manpower to do so. Street edges bordered by medians not having to be repaired yearly because of the curb edges breaking off. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED As Scheduled. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project 77 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR13 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME PARKING RESTRICTION SIGNS FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 Unscheduled $2,112,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is a request to fund the installation of parking restriction signs. The 2 million + estimate is figuring that if we have 200 miles of streets and a sign is placed every 100 feet on both sides of the street as they are in the residential permit parking areas is some parts of town then a total of 21,120 signs would be needed. The average cost for a new sign installation is about $100. This money or a portion of it would only be needed if the commission passes the pending ordinance. This is just an estimate; a more accurate number would be presented under the fiscal note during ordinance review. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Limit number of signs. Not install signs making ordinance difficult to enforce. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Installing signs would make it easier for police to enforce. People will be more likely to not park on the sides of the streets when they shouldn’t making snow removal more productive. Traveling on narrow streets will be easier in the winter with parking only on one side. Should be a one time expense other than maintenance and replacing damaged signs. Future signs would be installed at developers’ expense. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minimal FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project 78 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR17 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME SINGLE AXEL DUMP TRUCK W/PLOW AND SANDER FY12 FY13 FY14 $140,383 FY15 FY16 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is a request for a single axle dump truck with 4 yard box. A plow and sander would also be included. This would replace a 1986 dump truck (now 24 years old) that would be move to backup. The backup 1978 dump truck (now 32 years old) would be retired. The 1986 truck is underpowered with a gas engine that averages 2-3 MPG. This truck would be fueled with alternative fuels such as BioDiesel. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use 1986 model. Rent. Lease. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL More productivity, current model can’t make it up Highland Blvd. fully loaded. Better fuel economy and fewer emissions. Use of alternative fuels. Reliability. Safer. Save on maintenance and repair costs. Less fuel consumed. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minimal FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project 79 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR20 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME BIKE PATH IMPROVEMENTS FY12 $25,000 FY13 $25,000 FY14 $25,000 FY15 $25,000 FY16 $25,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This item would provide for bike-related infrastructure including (but, not limited to) racks, signs, striping, curb-cuts, and separated pathways. The currently-underway Transportation Plan Update could be a method for prioritizing possible future projects which will rely heavily upon these funds (as well as the recently adopted Safe Routes to School Program). ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue with existing infrastructure. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Safety will likely be improved. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minimal FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance Fund New Replacement Equipment Project 80 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR21 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME CONVEYOR FY12 FY13 $35,000 FY14 FY15 FY16 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is a request for a self powered conveyor for stacking materials. Currently we stack with a loader and can only go as high as the loader can safely stockpile. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use a loader. Buy used. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Available to stack materials in a smaller footprint thus saving valuable ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minimal FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project 81 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR22 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME GRADER LEASE FY12 $50,000 FY13 $50,000 FY14 $50,000 FY15 $50,000 FY16 $50,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is a request to establish a 25 year replacement schedule for our graders. Currently our fleet is comprised of a 1981, 1994, 1998, 2003 and a 2007. The ’03 and ’07 are currently on a lease purchase so the 1981 wouldn’t be replaced until 2012. Although the industry standard schedules a 15 year replacement we believe with our extensive preventative maintenance schedule will allow us to get 20 to 25 years out of a grader. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Budget 250k every 5 years to purchase. Cut back on our use of graders in the residential areas. Continue to use what we have and replace when we have complete failure. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Much more reliable equipment. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Decrease in costs due to newer equipment. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project 82 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR24 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME SWEEPERS FY12 $75,000 FY13 $75,000 FY14 $75,000 FY15 $75,000 FY16 $75,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is a request to replace our sweepers every 5 years, with a phased implementation in FY10, 11 & 12. In the past we depended on the State for funds through the MACI program to purchase a sweeper every five years. Industry standards recommend replacing municipal street sweepers every 4-5 years. There is no longer funding for street sweepers. Our current fleet of sweepers include a 1986, 1991, 1999 and a 2005 model. Except for the 2005, they spend more time in the shop than in operation. The company that manufactured the ’86, ’91 and ’99 is no longer in business so we have to search for many of the parts. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Budget 200k every year until all sweepers are replaced. Cut back on our sweeping There are no local contractors at this time. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Much improved operations. Better air quality. Improved storm water discharge. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Much improved operations. Better air quality. Improved storm water discharge. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project 83 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR25 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME VIBRATORY SCREEN FY12 $50,000 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is a request for a screen to be used for screening trash from our street sweepings. Before street sweepings can be used as fill or cover they must be screened. We also receive top soil from other agencies that must be screened before it can be used in city projects. This item could also be utilized in composting operations. The engine to run this screen would be powered by alternative fuels such as biodiesel. We would look at buying used if a reliable unit could be found. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Haul sweepings to Logan Landfill at considerable expense. Rent when available. Contract out if there is a contractor available. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Be able to screen sweepings and top soil when we can schedule it. Recently screens have to be rented from out of town. Last three screens that we rented all broke down. Screens cost $6,000 per month to rent. We could screen at least 3 months out of the year. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minimal. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project 84 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR27 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME 1 TON FLEX FUEL TRUCK FY12 FY13 FY14 $40,000 FY15 FY16 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is a request to replace a 1992 one ton truck. At the time of replacement the truck will be 22 years old with around 80,000 miles. It is a two wheel drive with manual transmission. Fuel mileage is around 5-7 mpg and emissions exceed what was even the standard at the time of manufacture. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use inefficient truck Retire truck and not replace ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL New vehicle would be more reliable. Fuel mileage would increase 200-300%. Our carbon footprint would decrease with the improved emissions and use of biofuels. Maintenance costs would decrease. Safety improvements like airbags and anti lock brakes would improve operator safety. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minimal. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project 85 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR28 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME 3/4 TON FLEX FUEL TRUCK FY12 FY13 FY14 $26,000 FY15 FY16 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is a request for a ¾ ton 4x4 truck. It would replace a 1988 truck that at time of replacement will be 26 years old and close to 100,000 miles. Fuel mileage is around 8-10 mpg and emissions exceed what was even the standard at time of manufacture. It will be used as a crew and equipment truck for transport to and from job sites. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use 1988 model. Retire truck and not replace ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL New vehicle would be more reliable. Fuel mileage would increase 80%. Our carbon footprint would decrease with the improved emissions and use of biofuels. Maintenance costs would decrease. Safety improvements like airbags and anti lock brakes would improve operator safety. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minimal. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project 86 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR29 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME REGENERATIVE AIR SWEEPER FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 $250,000 FY16 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is a request for a new regenerative air (RA) sweeper. This would an addition to our sweeper fleet. RA sweepers use a blast of air to dislodge the street debris and suck it into the hopper. It reuses the air so no polluted or particulate air is released into the atmosphere. These type of sweepers help us to comply with PM 2.5 air quality and storm water BMP’s. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Only use mechanical sweepers which discharge dust when sweeping. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL We could improve our discharge into the storm water system. Spring sweeping of the winter sand would generate less dust therefore eliminating complaints from citizens and DEQ. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Normal sweeper maintenance costs. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project 87 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR30 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME CONCRETE REPAIR PROGRAM FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 $50,000 FY16 $50,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is a request for money to use for concrete repairs and replacements. Repairs such as valley gutters, drainage facilities, wing walls, bridge faces, and sidewalk panels. Any unused money would go to supplement the curb replacement program. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to do small pieces of needed repairs with money from operations. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL We would have money budgeted for other concrete repairs. We would tag onto the curb bids to get the most for our money. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project 88 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR31 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME 1 TON TRUCK FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 $40,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is a request to replace a 1992 one ton truck. At the time of replacement the truck will be 22 years old with around 80,000 miles. It is a two wheel drive with manual transmission. It is used as the Sign and Signal Department’s installation truck. Fuel mileage is around 5-7 mpg and emissions exceed what was even the standard at the time of manufacture. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use inefficient truck ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL New vehicle would be more reliable. Fuel mileage would increase 200-300%. Our carbon footprint would decrease with the improved emissions and use of biofuels. Maintenance costs would decrease. Safety improvements like airbags and anti lock brakes would improve operator safety. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project 89 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR32 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME 3/4 TON FLEX FUEL TRUCK FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 $26,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is a request for a ¾ ton 4x4 truck. It would replace a 1990 compact truck that at time of replacement will be 26 years old and close to 75,000 miles. Fuel mileage is around 10 mpg and emissions exceed what was even the standard at time of manufacture. It will be used as a crew and equipment truck for transport to and from job sites. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use 1990 model. Retire truck and not replace ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL New vehicle would be more reliable. Fuel mileage would increase ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project 90 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR33 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME MECHNICAL SWEEPER FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 Unscheduled $220,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is a request for a mechanical street sweeper. This would replace our 1999 sweeper. Mechanical sweepers still have a place in our fleet as they can be used in weather below freezing because they can operate without water. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use our older sweepers which the company has gone out of business making parts difficult to get. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL More reliable newer equipment. Much less expense for maintenance. Better job of sweeping. Better fuel mileage and lower emissions. Less down time. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance Fund New Replacement Equipment Project 91 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER WW23 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME MINI EXCAVATOR & TRAILER FY12 FY13 $25,000 FY14 FY15 FY16 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This piece of equipment due to it’s small size, is very useful in excavating where the backhoe cannot fit or due to it’s weight will damage sidewalks and lawns. This purchase of equipment and trailer will also be shared with the Streets Department. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to rent this piece of equipment ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Give’s both the Water and Street Departments a piece of equipment that can work in small spaces ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: Operating and repair costs are expected to be lower than a normal size backhoe FUNDING SOURCES Total Cost $75,000, split 3-ways between Water Fund, Wastewater Fund, and Street Maintenance Fund ($25,000 each.) New Replacement Equipment Project 92