HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdopt the Solid Waste Fund within the Capital Improvements Program Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Chris Kukulski, City Manager Anna Rosenberry, Finance Director SUBJECT: Adoption of the Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) for 2012-2016 – SOLID WASTE FUND Item Type: Consent MEETING DATE: November 29, 2010 RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the attached Solid Waste Fund Capital Improvements Plan for 2012-2016. BACKGROUND: On November 15, 2010, we presented the attached Solid Waste Fund capital improvement plan. At that time, public comment and commissioner input was sought. As a result of that meeting, we are offering the attached schedule for adoption, which contains no changes from the original presentation. FISCAL EFFECTS: Once adopted, the Capital Improvements Plan becomes the basis of the City Manager’s Recommended Budget for FY12. ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. Report compiled on: November 16, 2010 98 Solid Waste CollectionCapital Improvement PlanFinancial Summary Current YearFY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16Projected Beginning Reserve Balance Dedicated to CIP 370,000$         238,000$            486,500$        590,016$     316,001$     431,453$       Plus:  Collection Revenues Dedicated to CIP 248,500$            248,500$        250,985$     253,495$     256,030$       Less:  Scheduled CIP Project Costs (132,000)$        ‐$                     (144,984)$      (525,000)$   (138,043)$    (560,000)$   Projected Year‐End Cash Dedicated to CIP 238,000$         486,500$            590,016$        316,001$     431,453$     127,483$     Assumptions Made for Revenue Estimates: Current YearFY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16Estimated Annual Collection 2,485,000$       2,485,000$          2,485,000$       2,485,000$  2,509,850$   2,534,949$     Estimated Annual Increase‐                    0% 0% 1% 1% 1%Total Estimated Revenues 2,485,000$       2,485,000$          2,485,000$       2,509,850$  2,534,949$   2,560,298$   Current Revenues Dedicated to CIP % 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0%  Plus:  Increase Dedicated to CIP 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%  Total % Dedicated to CIP 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0%ProjectedProjectedTotal Estimated Revenues Dedicated to CIP248,500$          248,500$              248,500$         250,985$      253,495$      256,030$      600,000500,000400,000300,000200,000100,0000Solid Waste Collection Projects & Equipment 99 CIP PROJECT FUNDPROJ.DEPARTMENTPROJECT NAMEFY12FY13FY14FY16UnscheduledFY15Solid Waste CollectionSW26COLLECTIONSIDE LOAD PACKER ‐ REPLACEMENT$134,984PW01COLLECTIONSHOPS FACILITY EXPANSION PLAN$10,000SW28COLLECTIONSIDE LOAD TRUCK ‐ REPLACEMENT TRUCK$275,000SW27COLLECTIONFRONT LOAD TRUCK ‐ REPLACEMENT TRUCK$250,000SW30COLLECTIONSIDE LOAD PACKER ‐ REPLACEMENT$138,043SW31COLLECTIONSIDE LOAD REPLACEMENT TRUCK$290,000SW32COLLECTIONFRONTLOAD REPLACEMENT TRUCK$270,000Summary for  Solid Waste Collection (7 items)Totals by year:$144,984 $525,000 $138,043$560,000FY12FY13FY14FY15FY16Unscheduled100 CIP Project Fund Solid Waste Collection PROJECT NUMBER PW01 DEPARTMENT COLLECTION PROJECT NAME SHOPS FACILITY EXPANSION PLAN FY12 FY13 $10,000 FY14 FY15 FY16 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The construction of the new Vehicle Maintenance Shop at the Lower Yards on Rouse Avenue in FY10/FY11 was Phase I in expanding and improving our ability to service equipment, store vehicles, and provide work space for Public Works, Parks, and Facilitiy services. Questions remain about the long-term plan for construction, location, and expansion for: Streets, Sign & Signal, Forestry, Water/Sewer Operations, Solid Waste Collection & Recycling, Facilities, and Parks & Cemetery departments. This project would develop a master plan. In scheduling this project, we are recommending waiting until after the Vehicle Maintenance Division is relocated to its new shop and the interior improvements are made to the Shop at Rouse and Tamarack Street for the remaining divisions. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES From related divisions: General Fund 20% ($10,000), Water Fund 20% ($10,000), Wastewater Fund 20% ($10,000), Street Maintenance Fund 20% ($10,000), Solid Waste Fund 20% ($10,000). New Replacement Equipment Project 101 CIP Project Fund Solid Waste Collection PROJECT NUMBER SW26 DEPARTMENT COLLECTION PROJECT NAME SIDE LOAD PACKER - REPLACEMENT FY12 FY13 $134,984 FY14 FY15 FY16 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The division is averaging 2,000 hours per year on the side load trucks. The chassis should be good for 12,000 hours with proper maintenance. Therefore replacing the packer bodies every four years will save about $140,000 and maximize the value of the chassis. The packers are what generally wear out first. The grabber arm functions around 400 repetitions per day times 4 days per week is 1,600 reps per week times 4.33 equals 7,000 reps per month or 93,528 per year. With a life expectancy of four years that is 336,000 reps. Old packer will be traded in or saved for parts. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Buy new trucks with new chassis and body. Continue to operate with increasing repair costs, down time lowering resale value. Lease new truck and packer for $75,000 annually if one is available. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Saves $140,000 every 4 years per side load truck. With four side load trucks and 2 back up trucks, this adds up quickly. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: $10,000 FUNDING SOURCES 100% Solid Waste Division Enterprise Funds. New Replacement Equipment Project 102 CIP Project Fund Solid Waste Collection PROJECT NUMBER SW27 DEPARTMENT COLLECTION PROJECT NAME FRONT LOAD TRUCK - REPLACEMENT TRUCK FY12 FY13 FY14 $250,000 FY15 FY16 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This truck is a replacement on the CIP for the collection of residential and commercial refuse. The new truck will ensure continued efficient, cost-effective refuse collection that will allow the Division to meet the demands of a growing city while maintaining the standards the Bozeman residents expect. (replacing Asset #3319, 2005 Autocar) ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED To use existing truck that will have more than 10,000 hours of hard use. Repair costs will continue to increase and the resale value will continue to decrease. The truck will also take an inordinate amount of shop time to maintain. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Maximize resale value, Minimize repairs, parts, (if available), and down time, Improve safety and collection efficiency, Keeps the Division up with growth rates. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: $12,000 FUNDING SOURCES 100% Solid Waste Division Enterprise Funds. New Replacement Equipment Project 103 CIP Project Fund Solid Waste Collection PROJECT NUMBER SW28 DEPARTMENT COLLECTION PROJECT NAME SIDE LOAD TRUCK - REPLACEMENT TRUCK FY12 FY13 FY14 $275,000 FY15 FY16 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Replacement of a side load chassis. Asset #3314. The current truck will have 12,000 - 14,000 hours on the chassis and 5,000 hours on the packer body. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use asset beyond its useful service life, resulting in significantly increased maintenance costs and down time. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Providing excellence in public service to 7,050 residential customers ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: $30,000 FUNDING SOURCES 100% Solid Waste Enterprise Funds. New Replacement Equipment Project 104 CIP Project Fund Solid Waste Collection PROJECT NUMBER SW30 DEPARTMENT COLLECTION PROJECT NAME SIDE LOAD PACKER - REPLACEMENT FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 $138,043 FY16 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This item is to replace the garbage packer on Asset #3452. The division is averaging 2,000 hours per year on the side load trucks. The chassis should be good for 12,000-14,000 hours with proper maintenance. Therefore replacing the packer bodies every four years will save about $140,000 and maximize the value of the chassis. The packers are what generally wear out first. The grabber arm functions around 400 repetitions per day times 4 days per week is 1,600 reps per week times 4.33 equals 7,000 reps per month or 93,528 per year. With a life expectancy of four years that is 336,000 reps. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Buy new trucks with new chassis and body. Continue to operate with increasing repair costs, down time lowering resale value. Lease new truck and packer for $75,000 annually if one is available. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Saves $140,000 every 4 years per side load truck. With four side load trucks and 2 backup trucks, this adds up quickly. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: $10,000 FUNDING SOURCES 100% Solid Waste Division Enterprise Funds. New Replacement Equipment Project 105 CIP Project Fund Solid Waste Collection PROJECT NUMBER SW31 DEPARTMENT COLLECTION PROJECT NAME SIDE LOAD REPLACEMENT TRUCK FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 $290,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Replacement of a current front-line residential collection truck, Asset #3367. This truck will will have over 12,000 hours at time of replacement. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to operate the existing truck with increasing operating and maintenance costs. Lease a new, (or used), truck. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Allow the division to continue to provide excellent service to over 7000 customers. Increased fuel economy; Reduced exhaust emissions; Less down time; Increased productivity ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Operating and maintenance costs should be reduced by replacing an aging unit with a new more fuel efficient, cleaner running truck FUNDING SOURCES 100% Solid Waste Fund New Replacement Equipment Project 106 CIP Project Fund Solid Waste Collection PROJECT NUMBER SW32 DEPARTMENT COLLECTION PROJECT NAME FRONTLOAD REPLACEMENT TRUCK FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 $270,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This truck is a replacement for Asset #3421; the collection of residential and commercial refuse. The new truck will ensure continued efficient, cost-effective refuse collection that will allow the Division to meet the demands of a growing city while maintaining the standards the Bozeman residents expect. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED To use existing truck that will have more than 10,000 hours of hard use. Repair costs will continue to increase and the resale value will continue to decrease. The truck will also take an inordinate amount of shop time to maintain. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Maintenance costs: $12,000/year FUNDING SOURCES 100% Solid Waste Fund New Replacement Equipment Project 107