HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 3584 Intent to create SID 674, Bridger Center COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3584 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, RELATING TO SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 674; DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION TO CREATE THE DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF UNDERTAKING CERTAIN LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS AND FINANCING THE COSTS THEREOF AND INCIDENTAL THERETO THROUGH THE ISSUANCE OF SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BONDS SECURED BY THE CITY'S SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT REVOLVING FUND. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman (the "City"), Montana, as follows: Section 1. Proposed Improvements: Intention To Create District. The City proposes to undertake certain local improvements (the "Improvements") to benefit certain property located in the City. The Improvements consist of the construction of new water lines, extension of an existing sewer line and replacement of an existing sewage lift station, construction of street improvements, and construction of storm drainage collection and treatmentfacilities generally within the Bridger Center Subdivision, as more particularly described in Section 5. The total estimated costs of the Improvements are $329,300.00. The costs of the Improvements are to be paid from the special improvement district bonds hereinafter described. It is the intention of this Commission to create and establish in the City under Montana Code Annotated, Title 7, Chapter 12, Parts 41 and 42, as amended, a special improvement district (the "District") for the purpose of financing costs of the Improvements and paying costs incidental thereto, including costs associated with the sale and the security of special improvement district bonds drawn on the District (the "Bonds"), the creation and administration of the District, the funding of a deposit to the City's Special Improvement District Revolving Fund (the "Revolving Fund"). The total estimated costs of the Improvements, including such incidental costs, to be financed by the Bonds are $377,000.00. The Bonds are to be payable from special assessments to be levied against property in the District, which property will be specially benefited by the Improvements in an amount not less than $377,000.00. Section 2. Number of District. The District, if the same shall be created and established, shall be known and designated as Special Improvement District No. 674 of the City of Bozeman, Montana. Section 3. Boundaries of District. The limits and boundaries of the District are depicted on a map attached as Exhibit A hereto (which is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof) and more particularly described on Exhibit B hereto (which is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof), which boundaries are designated and confirmed as the boundaries of the District. A listing of each of the properties in the District, and those Improvements benefiting each property, is shown on Exhibit C hereto (which is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof). Section 4. Benefited Property. The District and territory included within the limits and boundaries described in Section 3 and as shown on Exhibits A, Band C are hereby declared to be the special improvement district and the territory which will benefit and be benefited by the Improvements and will be assessed for the costs of the Improvements as described in Section 1. The property included within said limits and boundaries is hereby declared to be the property benefited by the Improvements. Section 5. General Character of the Improvements. The Improvements consist of "Water Improvements," "Sewer Improvements," and "Street and Storm Drainage Improvements" as hereafter described. The Water Improvements generally consist of installing 8" ductile iron waterline. valves, fire hydrants, water services and other appurtenances in or along Bridger Center Drive and Commercial Drive within Bridger Center Subdivision at an estimated cost of $93,900. The Sewer Improvements generally consist of extending an existing 8" PVC sanitary sewer, installing manholes and services in Commercial Drive within Brid~er Center Subdivision, and replacing an existing sewage lift station at an estimated respective cost of 88,900. The Street and Storm Drainage Improvements generally consist of installing a 31' wide street section with gravel subbase and base course materials, asphaltic cement surfacing, City standard curbs and gutters, valley gutters, traffic control signage, and installing storm drains, treatment basins and appurtenances as required, on Bridger Center Drive and Commercial Drive within Bridger Center Subdivision at an estimated cost of $194,200. Section 6. Engineer and Estimated Cost. Morrison-Maierle, Inc., Bozeman, Montana, shall be the engineer for the District. The Engineer has estimated that the costs of the Improvements, including all incidental costs, are $377,000.00, as more specifically shown on Exhibit D hereto (which is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof). Section 7. Assessment Method. 7.1. Property To Be Assessed. All properties within the District are to be assessed for a portion of the costs of the Improvements, as specified herein. Multiple Improvements are being constructed by the District and not all properties will be assessed for all Improvements as authorized in Section 7-12-410, M.C.A. The costs of the Improvements shall only be assessed against the property in the District benefiting from the particular Improvement as provided in Section 7.2 hereof, based on the assessable area method of assessment described in Sections 7-12-4162, M.C.A., as particularly applied and set forth in this Section 7. 7.2. Assessable Area. All properties in the District will be assessed for their proportionate share of the costs of the particular Improvement. For the purposes of equitably apportioning special benefit to each lot, tract or parcel of land in the District, the Engineer has assigned an "assessable area" to each lot, tract or parcel as set forth in Exhibit C hereto. The assessable area for all lots in the District, other than Tract A, cas 27a will be the actual area of such lots. The assessable area of Tract A, cas 27a shall be 52,315.56 square feet. The total estimated costs of each particular Improvement shall be assessed against each lot, tract or parcel of land in the District benefiting from that Improvement for that part of the costs of the particular Improvement that the assessable area of such lot, tract or parcel bears to the total assessable area of all lots, tracts or parcels of land in the District benefiting from that Improvement, exclusive of streets, avenues and alleys. The lots to be assessed, and the assessment for each lot, for the Water Improvements, Sewer Improvements and Street and Storm Drainage Improvements are shown on Exhibit C hereto. 7.2.1 The total estimated cost of the Water Improvements is $93,900.00 and shall be assessed against each lot, tract or parcel of land in the District benefiting from such Water Improvements for that part of the costs of the Water Improvements that the assessable area of such lot, tract or parcel bears to the total assessable area of all lots, tracts or parcels of land in the District benefiting from the Water Improvements. The total assessable area of the lots, tracts or parcels benefiting from and to be assessed for the Water Improvements is 367,225.92 square feet. The costs of the Water Improvements shall not exceed $0.2557 per square foot of assessable area. The assessment for each lot, tract or parcel of land benefited by the Water Improvements is shown on Exhibit C hereto. 7.2.2 The total estimated cost of the Sewer Improvements is $88,900.00 and shall be assessed against each lot, tract or parcel of land in the District benefiting from such Sewer Improvements for that part of the costs of the Sewer Improvements that the assessable area of such lot, tract or parcel bears to the total assessable area of all lots, tracts or parcels of land in the District benefiting from the Sewer Improvements. The total area of the lots, tracts or parcels benefiting from and to be assessed for the Sewer Improvements is 170,944.56 square feet. The costs of the Sewer Improvements shall not exceed $0.5201 per square foot of assessable area. The assessment for each lot, tract or parcel - 2 - of land benefited by the Sewer Improvements is shown on Exhibit C hereto. 7.2.3 The total estimated cost of the Street and Storm Drainage Improvements is $194,200.00 and shall be assessed against each lot, tract or parcel of land in the District benefiting from such streets for that part of the costs of the Street and Storm Drainage Improvements that the assessable area of such lot, tract or parcel bears to the total assessable area of all lots, tracts or parcels of land in the District benefiting from the Street and Storm Drainage Improvements. The total assessable area of the lots, tracts or parcels benefiting from and to be assessed for the Street and Storm Drainage Improvements is 435,615.12 square feet. The costs of the Street and Storm Drainage Improvements shall not exceed $0.4458 per square foot of assessable area. The assessment for each lot, tract or parcel of land benefited by the Street and Storm Drainage Improvements is shown on Exhibit C hereto. 7.3. Assessment Methodoloav Eauitable and Consistent with Benefit. This Commission hereby determines that the method of assessment and the assessment of costs of the Improvements against the properties benefited thereby as prescribed in this Section 7 is equitable and in proportion to and not exceeding the special benefits derived from the Improvements by the lots, tracts and parcels to be assessed therefore within the District. Section 8. Pavment of Assessments. The special assessments for the costs of the Improvements shall be payable over a term not exceeding nineteen years, each in equal semiannual installments of principal, plus interest, or equal semiannual payments of principal and interest, as this Commission shall prescribe in the resolution authorizing the issuance of the Bonds. Property owners have the right to prepay assessments as provided by law. Section 9. Method of Financina: Pledae of Revolvina Fund: Findinas and Determinations. The City will issue the Bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $377,000.00 in order to finance the costs of the Improvements. Principal of and interest on the Bonds will be paid from special assessments levied against the property in the District. This Commission further finds it is in the public interest, and in the best interest of the City and the District, to secure payment of principal of and interest on the Bonds by the Revolving Fund and hereby authorizes the City to enter into the undertakings and agreements authorized in Section 7-12-4225 in respect of the Bonds. In determining to authorize such undertakings and agreements, this Commission has taken into consideration the following factors: (a) Estimated Market Value of Parcels. The estimated market value ofthe lots, parcels or tracts in the District as of the date of adoption of this resolution, as shown on the tax rolls maintained in the office of the Gallatin County Assessor for property tax purposes, is set forth in Exhibit C hereto. The market value of each lot, tract or parcel of land in the District is significantly in excess of the amount of assessments to be levied against such parcels. It is estimated the special assessments to be levied under Section 7 against each lot, parcel or tract in the District are less than the increase in estimated market value of the lot, parcel or tract as a result of the construction of the Improvements. (b) Diversity of Property Ownership. The 13 properties within the District, 11 of which are improved and contain established businesses, are owned by 10 different property owners. (c) Comparison of Special Assessments and Property Taxes and Market Value. The total estimated market value of the properties within the District is $2,339,819. - 3 - (d) Delinquencies. At the present time, there are no delinquencies in the payment of special assessments, and 4 delinquencies in the payment of property taxes levied against the property, totaling $3,534.99. (e) The Public Benefit of the Improvements. The Improvements will enhance the safety of the property owners in the District and the general public by providing City water for domestic and fire protection purposes, more reliable sanitary sewer collection, defined vehicle traffic lanes, and improved storm drainage water quality. Section 10. Public Hearing; Protests. At any time within fifteen (15) days from and after the date of the first publication of the notice of the passage and approval of this resolution, any owner of real property within the District subject to assessment and taxation for the cost and expense of making the Improvements may make and file with the Clerk of the Commission until 5:00 p.m., M.D.T., on the expiration date of said 15-day period (April 17, 2003), written protest against the proposed Improvements, or against the creation of the District, and this Commission will at its next regular meeting after the expiration of the fifteen (15) days in which such protests in writing can be made and filed, proceed to hear all such protests so made and filed; which said regular meeting will be held on Monday, the 21 st day of April, 2003, at 7:00 p.m., in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, 411 East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana. Section 11. Notice of Passage of Resolution of Intention. The Clerk of the Commission is hereby authorized and directed to publish or cause to be published a copy of a notice of the passage of this resolution in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation in Gallatin County on Wednesday, April 2, and Wednesday, April 9, 2003, in the form and manner prescribed by law, and to mail or cause to be mailed a copy of said notice to every person, firm, corporation, or the agent of such person, firm, or corporation having real property within the District listed in his or her name upon the last completed assessment roll for state, county, and school district taxes, at his last-known address, on or before the same day such notice is first published. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 24th day of March 2003. A-~ S"tE'V'EN R. KIR HOFF, May r ATTEST: ........,. . ~.~ R BIN l. SUb1:IV . -'_ .~ Clerk of theCommiS-SiOn - . - --- APPROVED AS TO FORM: - 4 - -------- -.... ----------- NOTICE TO BE PUBLISHED NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO CREATE SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 674 AND TO ISSUE THE CITY'S SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 674 BONDS IN THE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $377,000.00 SECURED BY THE CITY'S SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT REVOLVING FUND CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on March 24, 2003, the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana (the "City"), adopted a Resolution of Intention to Create Special Improvement District No. 674 (the "District") for the purpose of financing the costs of certain local improvements generally within the Bridger Center Subdivision (the "Improvements") and paying costs incidental thereto, including costs associated with the sale and the security of special improvement district bonds of the City drawn on the District (the "Bonds"), the creation and administration of the District, and the funding of a deposit to the City's Special Improvement District Revolving Fund (the "Revolving Fund"). The Improvements shall be constructed and installed pursuant to plans and specifications prepared by Morrison-Maierle, Inc., and approved by the City Engineer. A complete copy of the Resolution of Intention (the "Resolution") is on file with the Clerk of the Commission which more specifically describes the nature of the Improvements, the boundaries and the area included in the District, the location of the Improvements and other matters pertaining thereto and further particulars. A map of the proposed District also accompanies the Resolution. The Improvements consist of the installation of new water lines, extension of an existing sewer line and replacement of an existing sewage lift station, installation of street improvements, and installation of storm drainage collection and treatment facilities, all generally within the Bridger Center Subdivision. The total estimated costs of the Improvements are $329,300.00. The total estimated costs of the Improvements, including all incidental costs, are $377,000.00. The City would issue the Bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $377,000.00. Principal of and interest on the Bonds will be paid from special assessments levied against the property in the District in the aggregate principal amount of $377,000.00 and such payment will be secured by the Revolving Fund. Subject to the limitations of Montana Code Annotated, Section 7-12-4222, the general fund of the City may be used to provide loans to the Revolving Fund or a general tax levy may be imposed on all taxable property in the City to meet the financial requirements of the Revolving Fund. The costs of the Improvements shall be assessed against the property in the District benefiting from each of the Improvements, based on the assessable area method of assessment described in Section 7-12-4162, M.C.A. The assessable area for all lots in the District, other than Tract A, COS 27a, will be the actual area of the lots. The assessable area for Tract A, COS 27a shall be 52,315.56 square feet. Not all properties will be assessed for every Improvement. The total estimated cost of the Water Improvements is $93,900.00, and the total assessable area of the lots, tracts or parcels benefiting from the Water Improvements is 367,225.92 square feet. The costs of the Water Improvements shall not exceed $0.2557 per square foot of assessable area. The total estimated cost of the Sewer Improvements is $88,900.00, and total assessable area of the lots, tracts or parcels benefiting from the Sewer Improvements is 170,944.56 square feet. The costs of the Sewer Improvements shall not exceed $0.5201 per square foot of assessable area. The total estimated cost of the Street and Storm Drainage Improvements is $194,200.00, and the total assessable area of the lots, tracts or parcels benefiting from the streets and is 435,615.12 square feet. The costs of the Street and Storm Drainage Improvements shall not exceed $0.4458 per square foot of assessable area. .. - . .__ _...._.u____ On Monday, April 21,2003, at 7:00 p.m., in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, 411 East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana, the City Commission will conduct a public hearing and pass upon all written protests against the creation of the District, or the making of Improvements, that may be filed in the period hereinafter described. Written protests against the creation of the District and the making of the Improvements may be filed by an agent, person, firm or corporation owning real property within the proposed District whose property is liable to be assessed for the Improvements. Such protests must be delivered to the Clerk of the Commission at the Municipal Building, 411 East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana, not later than 5:00 p.m., M.D.T., on Thursday, April 17, 2003. Further information regarding the proposed District or the Bonds or other matters in respect thereof may be obtained from the Clerk of the Commission at the Municipal Building, 411 East Main Street or by telephone at (406) 582-2320. Dated: March 25,2003. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA ~/~ Clerk of the Commission Legal Ad Publish: Wednesday, April 2, 2003 Wednesday, April 9, 2003 -....-".---.-".----.--- n __.__._. .__.___ _..n_ EXHIBIT A - BRIDGER CENTER SUB. SID NO. 674 A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 31. T1 S, R6E. P.M.M., GALLA TI N COUNIY, MONTANA r -- UJ LEGEND - " District Boundary _ hMIM" D~dlcated s:reet R.~~_ - PROJECT AREA d:<: ~~ VICINITY MAP I=~ ~~ NOT TO SCALE WEST X. CORNER EAST !I. CORNER or THE SE)< ~ OF THE SE )< or SECTION 31 or SECTION 31 $88'35't2"w ~' tOT 1 ~OT5 P.O.B. LOT" B~OCK ,i fROCK 1 BLOCK 1 , ArI/1E=ND~O AMENDED AMENDEd .: SUtlOIV$ION SUBDIVSION SuBDlvSION TRACT A PLAT H 31A PI. AT H-:.)7A cas 2(a PLAT H-37f', 0.451 AC. 0.711 AC. 0.559 AC. i 2.169 AC I i LOT < SLOCK 3 RRIPGER CEN'tE:R SUBDIVSION 1.000 AC. BLOCK 2 BRIDGER LOT 3 CE;NTfR BLOCK 3 SUBDIVSION BRIDGER CENTER SUUDIVSION 1.569 AC 1.000 AC N70"06'OO'W 12.80' LOT 4 BLOCK 3 BRIDGER CENTER SUBDIVSIQN 1 000 AC. ~ NORTH ~MORRISON - -- MAIERLE,INc. - ........ RANGE 0 100 200 400 -... ...-- . . ~"""IIo..-...."""""",lI.wm . ""''''''''~ ""'.__1111 PROJECT NO: H'\3616\001\dwa\ SCALE: 1 "=200' fiElD WORK' DATE: Rev. 3/18/03 GALlATIN COUNTY DRAI'ttj BY: MCW SCAlE: 1'-200' PRlNClPA~ MERIOIAN, MONTANA EXHIBIT B BRIDGER CENTER SUBDIVISION SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 674 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Legal description of Bridger Center Subdivision Special Improvement District boundary: That part of the southeast quarter of Section 31, Township 1 South, Range 6 East. Montana Principal Meridian, Gallatin County, Montana, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the East sixteenth comer of the southeast quarter of said Section 31; thence South 88035'12" West along the east-west centerline of said southeast quarter, a distance of 1,786.80' to the true Point of Beginning. Thence South 00"45'00" East along the east line of Bridger Center Subdivision, a distance of 668.27'; Thence South 50"50'00" West along the north line of the "40' Frontage road" platted in the Bridger Center Subdivision, a distance of 377.35'; Thence North 61"47'00" West a distance of 255.22'; Thence North 03026'00" West a distance of 101.61' to the southeast corner of Tract A of Certificate of Survey #27a; Thence North 70006'00" West a distance of 12.80' to a point on the east bank of the East Gallatin River; Thence along said east bank, being the southerly boundary of said Tract A through the following four courses: North 01042'00" West a distance of 186.86'; Thence North 34"34'00" West a distance of 96.17'; Thence North 78"10'00" West a distance of 171.86'; Thence North 48"30'00" West a distance of 102.61'; Thence North 01055'58" West a distance of 290.29' to the west one-sixteenth comer of said southeast quarter; Thence North 88035'12" East along the north lines of Tract A of Certificate of Survey #27a and Bridger Center Subdivision, a distance of 842.03', to the true Point of Beginning. Being 12.50 acres, more or less, inclusive of platted street rights-of-way. H;136 16100 I \DocslReviscd EXHIBIT B.doc EXHIBIT C H-13616,'oa1fDoc:s/()y,nership.....:th Trad .....xls- Bridger Center Subdivision 5.1.0. No. 674 Assessed Estimated Value Improved I lot Area Area StreEt & Storm: Tota1 Estimat-ec After Ou1standing 510 [)eHnquent Taxe-s OW'ner 1 Owoer 2 Owner Address City Stale Zip Leoal Description Unimproved Parcei No Mal1<et Value 1SQ- ft.) (sq.fq Drain Water Sewer Assessment lmprovements Assessments (As of 10J31Jo.2) .he F'-*nonl, LLC P.O. Box 3926 Bozeman, MT 59772-3'92-6 Sr- erCe:nlefSubdivi:skln. Btoc:k 1, Lol1 1mDl'-O'o'ed RFH44f3 $179.978.00 30,962.00 30.982:00- $13,81L97 $7.922.n $16.112.2:4 $37,846.34 $217,.a24.J.4 $0.00 $1,534.36 LIJCJeS. Yaney 11SOC<ilnYOfl TrE Topa.rtQCI. CA 90290.3604 Brid erCeonle.-:Subdivis.ion. Block 1, LoI2 1m oved RFH4410 $139,754.00 21,302..00 21.J02.00 19....96.57 $5.446.94 $11,078.14 $26,021.65- $165,775:65 .$0.00 $1,204.98- fV.oegele'sMooie HomePark,loc. 24727front:aaeRoad Bozeman, MT 59718-6766 Br"IgerCetlIel"Stb:IiYfsion. Bkx::J.: 1, Lol J 1m oved RFH6535 $238.390.00 22,391.00 22,391.00 $9.002.-05- $5,725.40 $11,644.46 $27.351.9J $265,141.93 $0.00 $0.00 LicIted:Iero 103 Commercial Dri1Je, LlC 1520 Gold Ave. Bozeman, MT 59715--2471 Sr' Iger Center- S:uI:H:IWision. Block 1. Lot -4 1m oved RFH4411 $161.237.00 24,330.00 24.330.00 $. $6.221.20 $12.652.8-6 $29,720.53 $ 19<J,957. 53 $0.00 $.130.94 Donald G_ Frye. ilL Wiiiam T. Frye 1270 Storv Mil Road Bozeman, MT 5911S.,fI700 Br' ef Cerlter- SuIxIivSion. 8klck 1, Lot 5 1m oved RFH4412 $106.233.00 19-,62-4.00 19,624.00 $8,748.5(1 $5.017.87 $10,205.49 $23.971.67 $130,204.67 $0.00- $0.00 T!IItJOthy Barnard P.O. Box 99 Boz.eman, MT 5'9771-0099 Br' kJef Center SubdMsion. Block 2 Unin1 0"IIed RFH4401 $156,9-74.00 58.345.64 -66,345.64 530,-468.92 $17,476.04 S47.944.96 $204,916.96 50.00 SO.oo TheF-uhnonl,lLC P.O. SO):. 3926 Bozeman, MT 59772<]926 Br" IQerCenter St.d::tdriisioo. Block J, Lot 1A-1 !ml)l"O\f-e.d RFH3985 $119,'6-11.00- 14,7:00.84 14,765.84 $6.5S3.15 $3,775.89 $10.35'9__05 $129,970.05 $0.00 $0.00 lichternero 109 Commert:iaI Dr-ive, LLC 15()2 Gc4cI Ave-. Bozeman., MT 5'9715-2473 Br' IQ:erCerrterSlb1ivision,8b:::k 3, Lot 19-1 ImpO'!l€d RFH4408 $153,261.00 26,048.83 25,046..88. JH.612.76 $6,660.72 $18.27-3--4-8 $171.540.-48 -$0.00 $0-.00 SteDhens FamivTl1.I:St HarolciW. SleDhefs P.O. 80>:.624 Bozeman-, MT 5977~..{162.4 Br'ige:rCenter Subdivision, Block 3, lot 2 Impoved RFG-5723 $225,193.00 43.56CLOO 43,500.00 119,-419.33 $11,1:38.33 S30.55-7.66 $256.155.66 -$0.00 $-{LOG IF-IarrW'IatooCo. J740 HoIme-s Ave- Butte, MT 5'97-Q1-3515 Br" Igef"Center Stlbdtvision, Block J.lot3 ImlJt"OVed RFH3249 $378.,446.00 43.500.00 4"3-,560.00 $19,419.33 $11,1:38_33 S30.&57.-66 $409,005.66 $0.00 $0_00 General Distrbu1:ir1Q Co. P.O. Box 2606 Great Falls.. MT 59403-2606 8:( Iger Center Subdivision, Block J, Lot 4 1m lied RFH2242 -S265,-800.oo 43,56(100 43,560.00 $19,419.33 $19.4HLJ3 $305.299-.:33 '$0.00 $0_00- IWliam Harston 6-21 BrrJaer Olive Bazema-n. MT 59715-22(105 !Brit er- Cent-er Subdivision, BIoc:k 3-, Lot 5 1m wed RFH4-409 .$114,099.00 24.629.20 24,.1329.20 $11,069.02 $11,009-")2 $~25.16IL02 $0.00 $OJ)Q ayF~ef P.O. Box. 3926 Bozeman, MT 59772-3926 C.O.S. 27a. Tract A Unimproved RFH50611 ~79,750.oo '94.~L54 52,315.56 ~2J,322.61 .~13,371.14 S27.20tL19 $63,90654 :)~4J.-65Ei.54 :JU.OO ~664.71 Totals: $2,339,819.00 477,781.20 435.615.12 $194,200.00 $93.900.00 $88.900.00 $377,000.00 $2,716,819.00 $0.00 $3,534.99 I I = oot benefited; not assessed ----..-------..-..- -- EXHIBIT D PROPOSED BRIDGER CENTER SUB. SID NO. 674 Street & Storm $ 124,535 Contingencies 21,395 Engineering & Inspection 23,700 SID fees (adv., bond counsel, etc.r 5,150 Bond Discount (2%) 3,884 City Administration (3%) 5,826 Revolving Fund (5%) 9,710 TOTAL: $ 194,200 BOND AMOUNT: $ 194,200 Water $ 61,240 Contingencies 9,780 Engineering & Inspection 11 ,000 SID fees (adv., bond counsel, etc.)* 2,490 Bond Discount (2%) 1,878 City Administration (3%) 2,817 Revolving Fund (5%) 4,695 TOTAL: $ 93,900 BOND AMOUNT: $ 93,900 Sewer $ 60,675 Contingencies 7,875 Engineering & Inspection 9,100 SID fees (adv., bond counsel, etc.)* 2,360 Bond Discount (2%) 1,778 City Administration (3%) 2,667 Revolving Fund (5%) 4.445 TOTAL: $ 88,900 BOND AMOUNT: $ 88,900 TOTAL BOND AMOUNT: $ 377,000 * Note: Total "SID fees" for all three imp: $ 10,000 __ __n_______