HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-20-10 Minutes, City Commissionso co MINUTES OF' TIIE MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA September 20, 2010 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in the Commission Room, City Hall at 121 North Rouse on Monday September 20, 2010. Present were Mayor Jeff Krauss, Commissioner Cyndy Andrus, Commissioner Chris Mehl, Commissioner Carson Taylor, City Manager Chris Kukulski, Asst. City Attorney Tim Cooper and Deputy City Clerk Aimee Kissel, * Please refer to the audio recording of this ineetingfor additional detail. 0,00,01 A. Call to Order - 6 p.m. - Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse 0:00,03 B. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence Mayor Krauss dedicated the moment of silence to the men and women of the Montana National Guard who shipped out today. 0:01:19 C. Changes to the Agenda 0:01:21 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss informed the public that an additional public service announcement has been added to the agenda from city staff Natalie Meyer regarding the Mayors' Community Climate Task Force. Also, action items four and five will be moved up on the agenda to action items I and 2 with the longer public hearings to follow, 0:02:04 D. Authorize Absence of Cr. Becker Mayor Krauss said that Commissioner Becker is on a political exchange to Turkey. 0:02:08 Motion and Vote to authorize the absence of Commissioner Becker. It was moved by Cr. Andrus, seconded by, Cr. Mehl to authorize the absence of Commissioner Becker. Those voting Ale being Crs. Andrus, Mehl, T#Alor and MayorKrauss. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 4-0. 0:02:41 E. Minutes - December 7, 2009 1 of 20 lhnwe,� ol the Boicnian Cm Commiswon. Scp1enj11cr20. 2010 0:02:57 Motion and Vote to approve the minutes of December 7, 2009. It was moved by Cr. Mehl, seconded by Cr. Taylor to app rove the minutes of December 7, 2009 as submitted. Those voting Ale being Crs. Mehl, Taylor, Andrus and Mayor Krauss. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 4-0. 0:03:29 Public Service Announcement 0.03:41 Natalie Meyer, Grants and Climate Protection Coordinator Ms. Meyer announced that the Mayors' Community Climate Task Force is seeking public input through an on-line survey which can be found at the city of Bozeman website at www.bozeman.net. 0,05:40 F. Consent 1. Authorize payment of Accounts Payable Claims (LaMeres) 2. Appoint City Manager Chris Kukulski to the MMIA Board of Directors to serve a term of two years effective October 7, 2010 or appoint another designee such as the Mayor or another Commissioner (Kukulski/Ulmcn) 3. Approve awarding a Bid in the amount of $129,521 to Solid Waste Systems for one 2010 Refuse Packer (Johnson) 4. Approve Resolution No. 4287, authorizing the City Manager to sign Change Order No. 14 for the Lower Yard Vehicle Maintenance and HRDC Bus Barn for Mechanical Systems Modifications,, the addition of a Ventilation Fan, additional Concrete Work, and a Yard Light for the Sand Storage Building (Goehrung) 5. Approve the Final Plat for the Amended Plat of Lot 7, Block 16, Cattail Creek Minor Subdivision No. P-10011 for the Second or Subsequent Minor Subdivision of approximately .2908 acres to create two townhouse lots and authorize the Director of Public Service to execute the same on behalf of the City of Bozeman (Riley) 6. Approve the Building Permit Reports for August 2010 (Risk) 7. Approve Resolution No. 4289, creating a Redevelopment Incentive Program (" "N7Rehab") for the North 7th Avenue Urban Renewal District (Thorpe) 0:05:52 Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment on consent items F. 1-7. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. Ihmolo fi) the Bozem(m ( ' rIv ('o atnue WoR Neptembcr 20, 2010 0:06:08 Motion and Vote to approve consent items F. 1-7 as submitted. It was moved by Cr. Taylor, seconded by Cr. Andrus to approve consent items F. 1-7 as submitted. Those voting Ave being-Crs., Taylor, Andrus, Mehl and Mayor Krauss. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 4-0. 0:06:29 G. Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened general public comment, 0:07:28 William Hal in Public Comment Mr. Halpin of 1319 South Church Street spoke regarding his recent application to the city of Bozeman Tree Advisory Board and his frustration to receive an appointment letter and then learn he was not appointed to the board by the Commission. He also expressed anger that he was not appointed to the board and provided his views on the matter. 0:1.0:2.7 Cr. Mehl Cr. Mehl explained that staff made a clerical error and sent out a letter of appt. to Mr. Halpin when in fact, the agenda item had not been acted upon by the Commission. He had contacted Mr. Halpin regarding this issue. Cr, Mehl asked that this item be brought up during FYI this evening. 0:11:13 Tim Dean, Public Comment Mr. Dean of Tim Dean Construction, of 950 Stoneridge spoke on behalf of, and submitted a letter from, Southwest Montana Building Industry Association (SWMBIA). The letter refers to a request for the city to participate with SMBIA in lowering the cost of housing in Bozeman by reducing Street and Transportation impact fee charges. Mr. Dean spoke regarding his previous experiences on the Impact Fee Advisory Committee. Mr. Dean explained why he feels these fees are too high and also stated that SWMBIA has other ideas for improving housing costs in Bozeman. 0:14:43 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss asked about money that is still being held from a law suit. 0:15:15 Cr. Mehl Cr. Mehl asked that this issue be brought forward during FYI. 0:15:22 Public Comment closed. Seeing no further public comment, Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 0:15.30 H. Action Items 3 of 20 1fm vies rat the Boa an (Wv ( 'ouamission Septctidw 20 2010 0:15:50 4. 'Wilde boom Addition Conditional Use permit and Certificate of Appropriateness Application No. Z- 1.0177 (Bristor) 0:16:03 Allyson Bristor, Dept. of Planning and Community Development Ms. Bristor provided the staff presentation on this item.. 0:19:28 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss asked why the Board of Adjustment did not hear this request. 0:19:51 Cr. Mehl Cr. Mehl began questions for staff. 0 :20:28 Ms. Bristor Ms. Bristor responded to Cr. Mehl "s questions regarding the reasoning for the requirement that the applicant provide a color palette. 0:22 :36 Zack Edmiston, on behalf of the applicant, Ray Wilde Mr. Edmiston spoke regarding the positive aspects of this remodel including the increased property value of the site, without decreasing adjacent property values. 0:23:12 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss asked whether the applicant was comfortable with conditions as outlined by staff. 0:23:16 Zack Edmiston Mr. Edmiston asked to quickly contact. Ms. Wilde via telephone to ensure there were no objections to the conditions. 0:24:14 Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment on this item. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 0:27:13 Mr. Edmiston on behalf of the Applicant Mr. Edmiston said the applicant would like to contest the staff requirement for material other than vinyl for the windows, and the requirement to provide a color palette. 0:28:34 Ms. Bristor Ms. Bristor explained that there is not a requirement to have no vinyl windows. Ms. Bristor would advice that if the Commission wishes to revise condition number three regarding the color palette, that they consider still requiring materials to be submitted. 0:29:21 Mayor Krauss closed the public hearing and opened motion, discussion and vote. 0:29:34 Motion to conditionally approve the Wilde Room addition conditional use permit and certificate of appropriateness application no. Z -10177 with the conditions and code 4 of 20 I halfics raj d2c Hoa-man ( ' I i ( ' wn na won, 20, 200 provisions recommended in the staff report with staff condition no. 3 revised to say that the color palette does not need to be submitted, but that material samples would be (required). It was moved by Cr. Andrus,, to conditionally a the Wilde Room addition conditional use permit and certificate of ap-prop 1 riateness application no. Z- 101.77 with the conditions and code Provisions recommended by the staff with staff condition no. 3 revised to say that the color palette does not need to be submitted, but that material samples would be (reguired). 0:30:22 Cr. Andrus Cr. Andrus provided rationale for the motion. 0:31:02 Cr, Taylor Cr. Taylor began discussion on the motion regarding the color palette. 0:32:20 Cr, Mehl Cr. Mehl continued discussion on the motion regarding the color palette. 0:33.06 ' Motion to amend the main motion by requiring a color palette as originally stated (in staff condition no. 3). It was moved by Cr. Taylor, seconded ba Cr. Andrus to amend the main motion by requiring a color palette as originally stated in staff condition no. 3). 0,33:28 Vote on the amendment to the main motion to require a color palette as originally stated (in staff condition no. 3). Those vofipg.&ye being Crs. Ta ylor, Andrus, Major Krauss. Those voting No being Cr. Mehl. The amendment to the main moti assed 3-1. 0.33:45 Vote on the main motion to conditionally approve the Wilde Room addition conditional use permit and certificate of appropriateness application no. Z-10177 with the conditions and code provisions recommended by the staff with staff condition no. 3 revised to say that the color palette does not need to be submitted, but that material samples would be (required) with an amendment to the main motion that a color palette is required as originally stated (in staff condition no. 3). Those voting Ave being Crs. Andrus, Mehl, Taylor and Mayor Krauss. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 4-0. 5 of 20 tlmate.s of tlac 13oce14,10 ( ill ('mpou ioi. 2Q 010 0 :34:08 5. Resolution No. 4279, Owen /Sherman Tax Abatement for Historic Preservation Certificate of Appropriateness No. Z- 10160, 404 West Curtiss Street (Framer) 0 :34:14 Courtney Kramer, Historic Preservation Officer Ms. Kramer provided the staff presentation on this item. 0:40:37 Cr. Mehl Cr. Mehl asked questions related to the amount of tax abatement requests, leading to information . regarding the reasons there have been so few requests. 0.42 :23 Cr. Taylor Cr. Taylor asked questions related to the taxes that would be abated. 0:43:21 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss asked for the applicant presentation. No applicant was present. 0:43 :34 Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 0 :43 :41 ' Motion to approve Resolution No. 4279, Owen/Sherman tax abatement for historic preservation certificate of appropriateness no. Z -10160 at 404 West Curtiss Street, a property within the Cooper Park historic district on the national register of historic places. It was moved by Cr. Mehl seconded by Cr. Taylor to approve Resolution No. 4279 Owen/Sherman tax abatement for historic preservation certificate of appropriateness no.. Z -10160 at 404 West Curtiss Street a property within the Cooper Park historic district on the national register of historic places. 0 :44:05 Cr. Taylor Cr. Taylor said this is a great example of why this program exists. Ile feels it is a good program, even though it doesn't get used very often. 0 :44 :31 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss said this program is an example of how government can incentivize people to make investments in their property and respect their property rights. This is a win -win. 0:45 :08 Vote on the motion to approve Resolution No. 4279, Owen /Sherman tax abatement for historic preservation certificate of appropriateness no. Z -10160 at 404 West Curtiss Street, a property within the Cooper Park historic district on the national register of historic places. ,. ITWO Ihn"Ic"N of tile Bo elncm Cm ( wnnn%swn ticplonhcr 2f), 2010 Those voting Ave being Crs. Mehl ,'Tai for , Andrus and Mayor Krauss. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 4-0. 0:45:18 Break Mayor Krauss called for a five minute break. 0:51:29 Back to Order Mayor Krauss called the meeting back to order after a break. 0:51:40 1. Billion Plaza 11 Master Site Plan No. Z-10180 and Nissan Dealership Site Plan No. Z-10181 (Riley) 0:51.53 Dave Skelton, Senior Planner in the Dept. of Planning and Community Development Mr. Skelton provided the staff presentation on this item. 1:09:23 Cr. Taylor Cr. Taylor said that in regards to condition eight on page three, the wording should be 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. 1.10.21 Cr. Mehl Cr. Mehl asked whether Mr. Skelton feels the design standards have been exceeded on this project. 1:10:38 Mr. Skelton Mr. Skelton said he does believe the design standards have been exceeded with this application and provided additional information as to why. 1 :13 :37 Bayliss Ward, Architect on the Project Mr. Ward provided the applicant presentation on this item. 1:15:18 Joe Billion, Applicant Mr. Billion provided additional applicant information including his plans to move into the Nissan Dealership in June of 2012. 1:17:18 Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. 1:17:27 John Genter, Public Comment Mr. Gerster of 719 North Wallace spoke in regards to keeping parking lots cool with appropriate tree shading. 1:20:57 Bayliss Ward, Architect on the Project Mr. Ward responded to Mr. Gerster's comments, explaining what is in the plan for keeping the lot cool. W4190 Llittuleti of the I30.:rnruia Cal C'ominjssJO)J, 'seoonher 0, 2010 1 :22:28 Public hearing closed. Mayor Krauss closed the public hearing on this item and opened motion., discussion and note. 1:22:38 Motion to approve the Billion Plaza 11 master site plan and first phase Nissan dealership site plan application no. Z -10180 and no. Z -10181 as recommended by the Design Review Board, with staff findings and recommended conditions of approval with the exception of condition eight which will read 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. instead of 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. - how it currently reads. It was moved by Cr. Taylor, seconded by Cr. Andrus to approve the Billion Plaza 11 master site plan and first phase Nissan dealership site plan applicaton no. Z -10180 and no. Z- 10181 as recommended by the Design Review Board with staff findings and recommended conditions of approval with the exception of condition eight which will read 11 .m, to 6 a.m. instead of what it presently reads. 1 :24:24 'Vote on the motion to approve the Billion Plaza 11 master site plan and first phase Nissan dealership site plan applicator no. Z -10180 and no. Z -10181 as recommended by the Design Review Board, with staff findings and recommended conditions of approval with the exception of condition eight which will read 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. instead of what it presently reads. Those voting Ave beings Crs. Taylor Andrus Mehl and Ma or Krauss. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 4 -0. 1:24 :45 2. Kohl's Site Plan and Certificate of Appropriateness No. Z- 10142 (Krueger) 1 :25:01 Cr. Andrus Cr. Andrus stated for the record that she would like to disclose that she is employed with the Chamber of Commerce and there may be someone from the Chamber speaking to this project.. Cr. Andrus does not have a personal interest in this matter, nor does my position with the Chamber prevent me from acting impartially. 1 have had no outside conversations pertaining to this application and my decisions will be based upon the public record. 1 :27:42 Brian Krueger, Assoc. Planner with the Dept. of Planning and Community Development Mr. Krueger provided the staff presentation on this item. 1 :37 :27 Cr. Mehl Cr. Mehl began questions asking whether the Design Review Board would be representing themselves on this project. 8 of 20 thmac% of the Bo„etlwpl ('III ( wmno%ion SLptonbcr 20 2010 1:37:48 Cr. Mehl Cr. Mehl asked for staffs opinion regarding the Design Review Board's request for the application to be sent back to them (DRB) for final approval. 1:41:14 Cr. Mehl Cr. Mehl asked what staff had in mind when they wrote condition number one to say 'program approved by the city of Bozeman'. 1:47:15 Cr. Taylor Cr. Taylor asked about the origins of conditions 1-3 from the Design Review Board. 1:56:20 Cr. Andrus Cr. Andrus asked a question regarding connectivity regarding condition sixteen. 2:03:59 Jim Ulman, Morrison-Maerle on behalf of the Applicant Mr. Ulman said Mr. Mitchell was unable to be here due to an injury. Mr. Ulman began the presentation on behalf of the applicant, 2:06:34 Bob Lee, on behalf of the Applicant Mr. Lee provided information regarding the gateway P.U.D. and P.U.D.'s in general from his extensive background working with PUD's. He feels the Gateway PUD is superior. 2:16:36 Cr. Taylor Cr. Taylor asked questions regarding the water courses that were supposed to run through the PUD. 2:20:27 Cr. Mehl Cr. Mehl asked questions about condition four from the Design Review Board and the applicants response to this condition. 2:23:06 Mark Lee, on behalf of the Applicant Mr. Lee, the Real Estate Manager for Kohl's spoke to the recommended conditions of approval. 2:28.48 Cr. Andrus Cr. Andrus began questions for the applicant, asking about securing lighting. 2:29:31 Cr. Andrus Cr. Andrus began questions regarding LEER certification. 2:33:50 Cr. Mehl Cr. Mehl began detailed questions for the applicant regarding the required conditions of approval. 2.37:18 Susan Swimley, Attorney on behalf of the Applicant Ms. Swimley of 1807 W. Dickerson spoke to the condition to become LEER certified and how 9 of 20 4Jm tile s of the Bo:emcrn ( 'ilv Conwimmon Scptembcv 2Q 2010 that affected the meeting going into the Design Review Board meeting. Ms. Swimley offered alternative, preferred language for condition number three. 2:41:3 3 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss continued questions regarding LEEK certification. 2:45:31 Susan Swimley, Attorney on behalf of the Applicant Ms. Swimley asked the Commission to remove condition sixteen, explaining why. 2:46:29 Break Mayor Krauss called for a ten minute break. 2:58:29 Back from Break Mayor Krauss called the meeting back to order from break. 2:58:37 Susan Swimley, Attorney on behalf of the applicant Ms. Swimley provided a handout of LEED items from Kohl's that would go into the store. 2:59:43 Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. 2:59:54 Steve Kirch off, Public. Comment Mr. Kirchoff spoke regarding the application and his lack of respect for Kohl's. Kohl's is part of phase 2 of the PUD. When the PUD was originally approved there were over 40 conditions of approval. H39 condition on PUD must include between 70 an 200 residential developments at phase two. 3:04-01 Jerry Pape, Public Comment Mr. Pape owner of Excaliber and Triple Creek Realty of Bozeman urged once again to act definitively on economic development and voiced his displeasure in the development application process and offered suggestions to make the process smoother and more economic friendly. 3:10.18 Jim Wainwright, Public Comment Mr. Wainwright spoke in opposition to the Kohl's project due to the impact he feels it would have on the downtown economy. He is also opposed to Kohl's because he feels they do not understand the culture here and he does not want this development to change the culture of the area. 3:14:41 Daryl Schliem, Public Comment Mr. Schliem, CEO of the Bozeman Area Chamber of Commerce spoke in favor of the Kohl's project on behalf of the Chamber Board, providing details regarding why he supports Kohl's. 3:17:53 Michael Wain!ddit, Public Comment Mr. Wainwright spoke against big box stores because he feels they have in small, and innovative 10 of 20 11117iflo of //W 13OZOMM ( Itl ( 'om.wIA%I();I .° cptcmllei N 2010 businesses. lie spoke to allowing big box stores contributing to a culture of conformity both in an architectural and product sense. 3:21:32 Mark Gannon, Public Comment Mr. Gannon, Chief Lending Officer for Bank of Bozeman asked the Commission to give consideration to the drive lane request as a safety issue. From the second floor of the bank he has observed problems with delivery trucks not being able to make the turn into Rosauers. 3:22:38 Barbara Stockwell, Public Comment Ms. Stockwell spoke as the landscaper hired for the Gateway planned unit development. She commended Ted Mitchell regarding making the project inviting, and is convinced Mr. Mitchell will continue that trend of landscaping excellence in the Kohl's project. 3.23:30 Mary Nanea, Public Comment Ms. Nanea spoke in favor of Kohl's being approved due to the quality of the store, the affordability of the prices and the lack of purchasing choices available in Bozeman. 3:25:50 Matthew Payne, Public Comment Mr. Payne spoke in favor of the Kohl's project mentioning tax and employment benefits. 3:27:47 Nixon, Public Comment Mr. Nixon of 719 North Wallace spoke regarding the need for trees in parking areas for cooling and would like to see the appropriate trees added to the landscaping in the parking area for this project. 3:31:12 Public Comment Closed Seeing no further public comment, Mayor Krauss closed public comment, 3:31-37 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss provided the applicant with rebuttal time; the applicant had nothing to add. 3:31:51 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss asked about a question raised during public comment regarding the lack of residential plans. 3:32:07 Brian Krueger Mr. Krueger spoke to the condition for residential on the planned unit development. 3:42:40 Public Hearing Closed Mayor Krauss closed the public hearing and opened motion and vote. 3:43:03 Motion to approve the Kohl's Site Plan and Certificate of Appropriateness application no. Z-10192 with the conditions and code provisions listed in the staff report. It was moved by Cr. Andrus, seconded by Cr. Mehl to approve the Kohl's Site Plan and 11 of 20 111auto o/ th" Boa t'III Conj7or mon. - Sepieniher 201 2010 Certificate ofAppropriateness application no. Z -10192 with the conditions and code urovisions listed in the staff report. 3 :43 :48 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss provided background on the Gateway planned unit development, speaking regarding the significant improvements that were made by the developer to the intersections in the area and the superior infrastructure. He considers the project as a whole. Mayor Krauss offered his thoughts on how the site plan should be viewed within the context of the superior planned unit development. Mayor Krauss also responded to the public comment that was provided. 3:51:38 Rules suspended Mayor Krauss suspended the rules of procedure for one hour to allow the meeting to continue past ten p.m. 3:56.16 Cr. Taylor Cr. Taylor spoke regarding his views on the theory of large stores. He also provided some details regarding the process Kohl's application went through and the changes that were made by Kohl's to comply with city of Bozeman standards. While there are still issues that need to be worked out, Cr. Taylor feels they can be overcome.. 4 :04 :32 Cr. Andrus Cr. Andrus thanked those who have worked on this project and spoke regarding the large amount of positive public comment received. Cr. Andrus said she looks at this project as whether or not it fits into the sense of place here. 4 :07:36 Cr. Mehl Cr. Mehl spoke regarding whether this project is a good fit and does it exceed design standard criteria. 4:08:59 Amendment to the main motion to eliminate condition of approval number two. It was moved bl Cr. Mehl seconded by Cr. Ta for to amend the main motion to eliminate condition of approval number two. 4:09 :26 Cr. Mehl Cr. Mehl spoke to his amendment. 4 :09 :49 Vote on the amendment to the main motion to eliminate condition of approval number two. Those voting Ale being Crs.Mehl Taylor, Andrus and Mayor Krauss. 12 of 20 I hi afle-s of the Bu --wan ( WA Comlm Nion �cptembcr 20. 201 Those voting No being none. The motion passed 4-0. 4:10:02 Amendment to the main motion to amend condition # 1 to read as follows: Kohl's will submit a complete application to the U.S. Green Council and make a good faith effort for LEED certification. It was moved by Cr. T#11or, seconded by Cr. Andrus to amend the main motion to amend condition 9 1 to read as follows: Kohl's will submit a complete application to the U.S. Green Council and make a good faith effort for LEED certification. 4:10:25 Cr. Taylor Cr. Taylor explained his rationale for the amendment, 4:10:58 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss spoke to this amendment. 4:14:05 Cr. Taylor Cr. Taylor responded to a guestion from Cr. Mehl sa ying he would be open to other LEED certifications besides the US Green Council. 4,14:17 Vote on the amendment to the main motion to amend condition 9 1 to read as follows: Kohl's will submit a complete application to the U.S. Green Council and make a good faith effort for LEED certification. Those voting Ave being Crs. Taylor, Andrus, Mehl and Mayor Krauss. Those voting No being none The motion passed 4 4,14:32 Amendment to the main motion and Vote to amend condition three to say, Kohl's will submit a complete application and make a good faith attempt for Energy Star certification. It was moved by Cr. Taylor, seconded by Cr. Andrus to amend the main motion by amending condition three to say, Kohl's will submit a complete application and make a good faith attempt for Energy Star certification. Those voting Aye being Crs. Taylor, Andrus, Mehl and Mayor Krauss. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 4-0. 4:16:58 Amendment to the main motion and Vote to amend condition five to say, The southernmost pedestrian crosswalk across the loading area access shall be removed from 13 of 20 lholurc� of I11C Bo- ( '!11 ( September 20, 2W 0 the final site plan. The plaza area and proposed curb walk within Open Space 7 shall be relocated to the west side of the north/south trail. The loading area wall will be modified with a masonry end cap as shown in the most recent elevations submitted by Kohl's on September, 10, 2010. It was moved by Cr. Taylor, seconded by Cr. Andrus to amend the main motion to amend condition rive to say, The southernmost pedestrian crosswalk across the loading area access shall be removed from the final site plan. The plaza area and proposed curbwalk within Open Space 7 shall be relocated to the west side of the north/south trail. The loading area wall will be modified with a masonry end cap as indicated by the most recent elevations submitted by, Kohl's on September, 10, 2010. Those voting Ale being Crs. Tgylor, Andrus, Mehl and Mayor Krauss. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 4-0. 4:18:17 Cr. Taylor Cr. Taylor does not want to change condition number nine as the applicant gained from going before the Design Review Board. 4:18:42 Amendment to the main motion changing condition nine to say, The final site plan application shall return to the Design Review Board for consideration and recommendation to the planning director prior to final site plan approval. It was moved by Cr. Mehl, seconded by Cr. Taylor to amend the main motion changing condition nine to say, The final site plan application shall return to the Design Review Board for consideration and recommendation to the planning director prior to final site plan approval. 4:19:19 Cr. Mehl Cr. Mehl explained his rationale for the amendment to the motion. 4:20:04 Cr. Andrus Cr. Andrus explained why she would support the amendment to the main motion. 4:20:20 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss explained why he would be voting against the amendment to the main motion and why he feels the application should not need to go back before the Design Review Board. 4:21 :36 Cr. Mehl Cr. Mehl continued discussion on the motion. 14 of 20 Ihmao of the Bozeman Cai ('ono mrw ioa eplonher 20, 2010 4.22:56 Vote on the amendment to the main motion changing condition nine to say, The final site plan application shall return to the Design Review Board for consideration and recommendation to the planning director prior to final site plan approval. Those voting Aye being Crs. Mehl, Taylor and Andrus. Those voting No being Ma or Krauss. The motion 12assed 3-1. 4:24:07 ' Amendment to the main motion to amend condition 22 to read as follows; There shall be no tenant use of the building including public access; merchandise stocking; on site employee interviews, training or orientations; prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the building. Upon approval of the Building Division and Fire Department, the city will allow the installation of racks, shelving and other display fixtures prior to occupancy. It was moved by, Cr. Taylor, seconded by Cr. Mehl to amend condition 22 to read as follows., • There shall be no tenant use of the building including public access; merchandise stocking; on site em to interviews, training or orientations; I!rior to the issuance of a certificate of occupanc y for the building. Upon approval of the Building Division and Fire Department, the cill will allow the installation of racks, shelving and other display fixtures prior to occupancy. 4:24:49 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss explained why he would like to see condition 22 removed, 4,26:18 Cr. Mehl Cr. Mehl explained that he feels condition 22 is a safety issue. 4:27:12 Vote on the amendment to the main motion to amend condition 22 to read as follows; There shall be no tenant use of the building including public access; merchandise stocking; on site employee interviews, trainingor orientations; prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the building. Upon. approval of the Building Division and Fire Department, the city will allow the installation of racks, shelving and other displal fixtures j2rior to occupana. Those voting Ave being Crs. Taylor, Mehl and Andrus. Those voting No being Mayor Krauss. The motion passed 3-1. 4.28:33 Cr. Andrus Cr. Andrus sees no reason to change condition sixteen. 15 of 20 111MItCA Of I/W H()--CJJUM ( '111 (`OOMV NIOI) Spicinho- 20, 2010 4:28:47 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss explained why he would support sixteen being removed, addressing the public comment that was received regarding the need for delivery access to this road. 4:29:49 Vote on the main motion as amended to approve the Kohl's Site Plan and Certificate of Appropriateness application no. Z-10192 with the conditions and code provisions listed in the staff rel2ort with an amendment to eliminate condition of approva number two and amend the main motion to amend condition # 1 to read as follows: Kohl's will submit a complete application to the U.S. Green Council and make a good faith effort for LEED certification, and an amendment to the main motion amending condition three to say, Kohl's will submit a complete application and make a good faith attempt for Energy Star certification to amend condition five to say, The southernmost pedestrian crosswalk across the loading area access shall be removed from the final site plan. The plaza area and proposed curbwalk within Open Space 7 shall be relocated to the west side of the north/south trail. The loading area wall will be modified with a masons ff_ end cap as shown in the most recent elevations submitted by Kohl's on September, 10, 2010 to amend the main motion changing condition nine to say, The final site plan application shall return to the Design Review Board for consideration and recommendation to the planning director prior to final site plan approval to amend condition 22 to read as follows; There shall be no tenant use of the building including public access; merchandise stocking; on site employe interviews, training or orientations; prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the building. Upon approval of the Building Division and Fire Department, the city will allow the installation of racks, shelving and other dispIM fixtures prior to occupancy. Those voting Ave being Cirs. Andrus, Mehl and Taylor. Those voting No being Mayor Krauss. The motion passed 3-1. 4:30.07 3. Kohl's Level of Service Zoning Variance No. C-10003 (Kruegerlmurray) 4:30:33 Brian Krueger, Dept. of Planning and Community Involvement Mr. Krueger presented the staff presentation. 4:34:10 Cr. Taylor Cr. Taylor began questions for staff. 4:36:44 Cr. Taylor Cr. Taylor confirmed with staff that the Capital Improvement Plan has an intention to improve College from 19th to Main. 4:37:01 Cr. Taylor Cr. Taylor confirmed that improving College from Main Street to 19th is included within the Capital Improvements Plan. 16 of 20 I finuft S o/ thc Bo enlan ( 'i I I ( 'on tip? I ion �cpfcmhcr 20, 2010 4:38:03 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss confirmed that the failing movement in question is southbound on 23rd - which is not coming from Kohl's. 4:38:31 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss confirmed that College is an urban route. 4.39:22 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss began questions regarding instances in the past that the Commission granted this type of level of service variance and the reasoning behind the granting thereof. 4:40:49 Jim UIman, Applicant Mr. Ulman with Morrison-Maerle began the applicant presentation on this item. The traffic study counts by the applicant were taken in May. He also provided information regarding changes to adjacent roads since the Montana Dept. of Transportation study count that could have affected the count. Mr. Ulman presented a chart regarding the level of service around the applicant site. 4:42:49 Rules suspended for another 20 minutes to 11:15. 4:47:25 Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. No person commented, Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 4:47:32 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss opened motion and vote - suggesting that if a Commissioner states the motion they should also state the findings involved. 4:47:59 Motion to approve Kohl's Level of Service Zoning Variance No. C-10003 as per the findings and review criteria in the staff memo. It was moved by Cr. Mehl seconded la Cr. Taylor to approve Kohl's Level of Service Zoning Variance No. C-10003 as per the findings and review criteria in the staff memo. 4:48.45 Cr. Mehl Cr. Mehl explained his rationale for the motion saying the city has had a number of these variance requests come up and suggested a unified development ordinance revision regarding this issue. 4:48:58 Cr. Andrus Cr. Andrus stated she agreed with Cr. Mehl and explained her position further. 4:49:16 Cr. Taylor Cr. Taylor relayed his observations from the site in question, 17 of 20 Vinwea o/ the Bo_ewan Cili ComnnN.�ion. Seploptho 20 2010 4:49:36 Cr. Taylor Cr. Taylor agrees that the UDO should be examined. 4:51:23 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss provided the findings of fact for the motion. Main points of the findings were that he does not think the variance will be contrary to and it will serve the public interest. Building Garfield and Fowler (by the developer) took a significant amount of traffic off College and away from this intersection. He does not believe people coming or going from Kohl's will be making this movement. He does think the variance is necessary for the uniqueness of the property and is an unnecessary hardship to the applicant. 4:54:03 Vote to appro Kohl's Level of Service Zoning Variance No. C-10003 as per the findings and review criteria in the staff memo with findings as listed by Mayor Krauss that he does not think the variance will be contrary to and it will serve the public interest. Building Garfield and Fowler (by the developer) took a significant amount of traffic off College and away from this intersection, He does not believe people coming or going from Kohl's will be making this movement. He does think the variance is necessary for the uniqueness of the property and is an unnecessary hardship to the applicant. (Cr. Mehl confirmed Mayor Krauss' findings as part of the motion instead of how the original motion was stated with findings and review criteria in the staff memorandum.) Those voting Ave being Crs. Mehl, Taylor, Andrus and Mayor Krauss. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 5-0. 4:54:16 6. Resolution No. 4288, Annual Assessment of Business Improvement District (BID) (Rosenberry) 4:54:26 Mr. Kukulski Mr. Kukulski informed the Commission that staff on this item had been sent home due to the late hour and the Commission could pass this item without a staff presentation, or move this item to another date. 4:54:54 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss chose to go forward with this item. 4:55:00 Public Comment Seeing no public comment, Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 4:55:10 Cr. Mehl Cr. Mehl confirmed with Mr. Kukulski that the assessment on this item is identical to previous years. W-1 offs ► co I filluleN o/ /he Bozcman ( " ( ' oWOUMMI. 20 2010 4:55:24 Motion and Vote to approve Resolution No. 4288, Annual Assessment for the Business Improvement District (BID) for fiscal year 2011. It was moved by Cr. Taylor, seconded by Cr. Andrus to aporove Resolution No. 4288, Annual Assessment for the Business Improvement District (BID) for fiscal year 2011. Those votjng_Aye being Crs. Ta ylor, Andrus, Mehl and Mayor Krauss. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 4-0. 4:55:49 I. FYI/Discussion 4:55:50 1. Erroneous letter regarding Tree Advisory Board appointment Mayor Krauss asked for information as to why Mr. Halpin received an appointment letter when he had in fact not been appointed by the Commission. 4:56:20 Aimee Kissel Ms. Kissel explained that an error had been made in the City Clerk's office sending out an appointment letter when in fact an appointment had not been made. 4:56:59 Cr. Mehl Cr. Mehl explained that he had called and spoke with the applicant after learning of the erroneous letter. 4:57:42 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss continued discussion on this item asking for additional clarification. 4:59:40 Cr. Taylor Cr. Taylor suggested that city staff write Mr. Halpin an apology letter and explain that there was never a motion made and that the letter had been mailed by mistake. 5:00:02 Mr. Kukulski Mr. Kukulski apologized on behalf of city staff and ensured the Commission an apology letter would go out to Mr. Halpin shortly. 5:01:17 2. Impact Fee Public Comment Mayor Krauss began a discussion regarding the public comment received from the Gallatin Association of Realtors regarding impact fees. 5:01:25 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss asked about the status of the money available in the settlement pool, 5:01:42Mr. Cooper Mr. Cooper provided details regarding the unclaimed fund. The City sent a letter asking if the Wintacs W Ihi Bo eman ( " in ( 'onnni,swon, Sepicniher 20. 2010 two parties could come to an agreement to use the funds for some type of rebate program or something similar. Mr. Cooper has not heard back regarding that proposal. 5:04:43 Mr. Kukulski Mr. Kukulski has been attempting to contact SWMBIA to try to work things out, 5:05:15 Cr. Taylor Cr. Taylor said the current president of SWMBIA would like to resolve this issue before he leaves office and Cr. Taylor has volunteered to help facilitate these discussions. 5:06:12 3. Steps for processing Commission packet materials that are submitted after materials have been originally distributed. Cr. Mehl spoke regarding steps he emailed to staff he would like to see implemented in these situations. 5:09:30 4. Revisions to the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Cr. Taylor requested that the UDO be examined regarding zoning variances such as the one granted to Kohl's this evening. 5:10:26 Mr. Kukulski Mr. Kukulski said this was consistent with the work plan - streamlining administrative approvals for the engineer and planning director. He would like that UDO language loosened. 5:11:01 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss spoke regarding having policy meetings when necessary from 5 to 7 p.m. before the regular, Monday night meetings. 5:11 :42 I Adjourned Mayor Krauss adjourned the meeting at 11: 14 p.m. B 0 ATTFJ;)JZ S -ta�y tacy P Qi# Clerk PREPARED BY r s, Mayor r " Aimei Kissel, Deputy City Clerk Approved on ID—ZS -- IC)