HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-01-05 Minutes, Study CommissionMINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA LOCAL GOVERNMENT STUDY COMMISSION November 1, 2005 The Study Commission met in regular session in the Conference Room at the Municipal Building on Tuesday, November 1, 2005. Present were Chair Loren Olsen, Marilou Turrentine, Brian Close, Bill Hayward, and John Trull. Also present was Secretary of the Study Commission Celeste Janssen, Neighborhood Coordinator Tracy Oulman, and facilitator Jim Madden. The meeting was called to order by Chair Loren Olsen at 7:04 pm. Because of the Study Commission's guests, Loren Olsen asked to postpone minutes until later in the meeting. Public comment There was no public to give comment. Planning for the second Citizen Panel (November 8tn) Tracey Oulman agreed to send Brian Close a packet he didn't have. Jim Madden began to plan for the Study Commission's second Citizen Panel. Mr. Madden noted that this topic was more technical and complicated. Brian Close stated the most important issues were the mayor and the size of the commission. John Trull said that preferential voting is important to him, perhaps as just an educational issue. Tracy Oulman said that clearly defining current city government early in the meeting will make people feel less unintelligent later. John Trull would prefer if Jim Madden gave the background. Mr. Madden could do it as long as he studies the system. Brian Close gave an overview of different ways to select a mayor and what role the major should play. He also stressed that the Study Commission doesn't want to create a conflict between the mayor and the city manager and hopes to see positive relationships. The Study Commission does not wish to change our current form of government. John Trull would like to get the panel member's opinions about what changes are needed early. Jim Madden began to set the agenda for the following meeting. Tracy Oulman said she'd call the people again on the Monday before the meeting. She sent a thank you letter to the past participants. Celeste Janssen said that no one has contacted the Study Commission via email or voicemail. Bill Hayward said that he is more interested in the mayor, less interested in the number of commissioners. Marilou Turrentine hopes that the Study Commission doesn't interject too much, and John Trull agreed. John Trull suggested directing panel members to their packets for answers to questions. Loren Olsen suggested having panel members come up with pros and cons themselves. Tracy Oulman excused herself from the meeting. Regarding the mayor's power, Marilou Turrentine asked what difference does it make if the mayor doesn't have much power in Bozeman's City Manager form of government. Brian Close replied that the NCL recommends the mayor to be community leader, leader on policy, and consensus builder on the commission. The Study Commission briefly discussed voting systems Bozeman could look into, and campaign finance. Paul Luwe thinks that RCV might violate Montana State Law. Brian Close informed the group on current Page 1 of 5 campaign donation and spending limits. Brian Close is not interested in restricting what PACs spend, but instead in restricting what an individual can contribute to PACs. John Trull thinks that voting and campaign finance are apart of the same issue. In terms of prioritizing time, he would prefer to have campaign finance last because of the complicated legal aspects. On the logistical side of the Citizen Panel: Celeste Janssen would like everyone to get pens earlier than the evaluation stage. Loren Olsen asked if the budget was fine, Jim Madden agreed that it was okay. He said that this was more involved than he first anticipated. Tracy Oulman will take care of a snack, and drop off her meeting materials. Celeste Janssen and John Trull will do the room set up. Loren Olsen will do note taking. Jim Madden will bring flip charts. The room will be used until 6:30 p.m. Discussion on the first Citizen Panel (October 18tn) Bill Hayward gave his comments on his impression of the meeting, which he said was tremendous overall. He wondered how the twelve citizens compared to Bozeman's demographics. He believed the panel seemed younger (he detected one senior.) The group was extremely enthusiastic, pleased to be invited, liked to contribute, positive, had fantastic ideas, and didn't focus on negatives. Celeste Janssen captured so many comments in the minutes. Jim Madden did an outstanding job at keeping a dull topic moving along. Mr. Hayward hopes the City Commission or some of the public be exposed to what was discovered. Loren Olsen mentioned that he has spoken to Chris Kukulski and Jeff Krauss. Brian Close would like to make it a part of December meeting with the Commission. Bill Hayward continued with saying some of information would make a great newspaper article. Mr. Hayward doubts that neighborhood councils would be a substitute for what the Study Commission did. He heard lots of comments about the Bozeman Chronicle not being affective because they are reporting history, but these people want to be involved before the story is history. He heard that the most positive and informative communication from Bozeman City Government was the water quality report in their water (which is federally mandated.) In terms of the charter, Bill Hayward thinks there may be something the Study Commission could add. He would like to see a bit in terms of formality in the financial part. People would like to know more about the direction of the City of Bozeman, and the City is not doing enough. Current methods do not receive sufficient or regular media. Bozeman City Government should review our results, our method of collection, and have a policy on communication. Marilou Turrentine said that Ron's comments regarding hearing info ahead of time and a state of the city address was interesting. The Study Commission's charter could require it. Bill Hayward said in financial section of charter, there is forward thinking. Brian Close said the core issue is that there is no communication project. Mr. Close suggested having Bill Hayward and Marilou Turrentine write a document summarizing this process and drafting recommendations, such as encouraging the city to establish a communication process or a communication officer. Mr. Close also suggested having himself and Loren Olsen pitch the idea of a government page to the Bozeman Chronicle. Loren Olsen thought the pitch can be done in a very positive way. Bill Hayward would prefer to wait to move on until after the second Citizen Panel, to see if the first and the second panels corroborate. He wants a subcommittee to work through next steps. Marilou Turrentine would also prefer to wait until after the second Citizen Panel. Brian Close urged wrapping up next steps by early December. John Trull said he agrees with Mr. Hayward's earlier interpretation of the second Citizen Panel. He also likes the idea of having a Bozeman Communication Officer. Mr. Trull noted that there is no search engine on the city website. John Trull asked if everyone read Celeste Janssen's email on a voter information pamphlet. Loren Olsen said he spoke to his neighbor, a KUSM professor, about using them in City Communication. The professor said they are booked out one and a half years, and a weekly commitment would be tough. Also, students don't learn editing until their junior or senior year, and at that point they are generally very Page 2 of 5 busy. Marilou Turrentine wouldn't feel comfortable with MSU students deciding what news issues were important or not important. Brian Close isn't so sure that a City employee should do it. Loren Olsen also reported that Jeff Krauss was interested in pursuing an informational officer when he is mayor. Loren Olsen reported that Chris Kukulski's idea is to use Citizen Panels in the future. Bill Hayward suggested sending the Commissioners and City Manager a hard copy of minutes from the October 18th Citizen Panel. Loren Olsen agreed. Brian Close motioned to have himself and Loren Olsen approach the Chronicle, Bill Hayward and Marilou Turrentine do a report, and Tracy Oulman look into Portland's approach to communication. At 8:21 Jim Madden left the meeting and the Study Commission took a break until 8:39 pm. Loren Olsen seconded Mr. Close's motion and there was discussion on the motion. Marilou Turrentine emphasized a positive talk with the Chronicle. John Trull said it is an excellent idea. Bill Hayward said he is lukewarm on the idea, isn't sure what the issues are, and what is the City's responsibility here. He said it might be more effective to make the presentation after the Study Commission has talked to the City and Commission, because there would then be broader authoritative support. Mr. Hayward would like to expose the City Commission candidates to the information, too. Marilou Turrentine suggested waiting until after the December 12th meeting with the City Commission. Mrs. Turrentine is a little worried because she doesn't know what will be said in the meeting. Brian Close said the editors are open minded and will appreciate the suggestion. Mr. Close knows them personally and has a good relationship with them. Loren Olsen is in favor of approaching the Chronicle now because the Study Commission needs to get the word out. John Trull suggested having Brian Close make the initial contact but then having Bill Hayward and Marilou Turrentine at the meeting. A vote was taken on the original motion and all were in favor. Brian Close motioned that a subcommittee begin the process of following up on this topic and doing a report on the results. Loren Olsen seconded the motion. There was discussion on the motion. John Trull said that everyone could work together to formulate the ideas to give to the City Commission. Celeste Janssen referred back to Brian Close's original motion and said she doesn't believe this Study Commission could task Tracy Oulman with investigating Portland because Ms. Oulman does not work for the Study Commission. Bill Hayward agreed to write the report, but wondered if it should be factual or an op-ed. Marilou Turrentine agreed with Bill Hayward. A vote was taken on the original motion and all were in favor. Minutes — October 4 October 7 October 7 October 11 October 18 Brian Close moved to approve October 4t , John Trull seconded. Loren Olsen, Brian Close, Bill Hayward and John Trull voted to pass the minutes. Marilou Turrentine abstained because she was not present at the meeting. Brian Close moved to approve the minutes from the October 7th meeting with the Montana Center for International Visitors. Loren Olsen seconded the motion. John Trull moves to postpone the minutes until everyone has had the time to read them. The Study Commission decided to pass the minutes and then go back and change them if any later errors are discovered. John Trull removed his motion. Bill Hayward, Loren Olsen, Brian Close, and John Trull pass the minutes. Marilou Turrentine abstained. The minutes from the October 7th meeting with Jim Madden are moved to be approved by Brian Close and seconded by John Trull. All voted in favor. Brian Close moved to approve the minutes from October 11th with the changes made by Marilou Turrentine. John Trull seconded the motion and all were in favor. Page 3 of 5 Loren Olsen moved to approve the minutes from October 18 with the changes made by Bill Hayward. John Trull seconded the motion and all were in favor. Meeting with the City Commission The City Commission would like to meet with the Study Commission on November 14th in addition to December 12th and the second week of February. Loren Olsen said he believes November14th may be too soon. John Trull said he likes the 14th because he wonders if part of the charter are too detailed and would like to get the Commission's opinions as soon as possible. Loren Olsen reported that he has questioned Jeff Krauss on acceptable charter lengths, and Mr. Krauss wasn't sure because he hasn't read the draft yet. Mr. Olsen said that if Mr. Krauss hasn't read the draft yet, the others probably haven't either. Mr. Krauss said that the best method of presentation to the City Commission is to make sure they sign a document that says they have read and agree with the charter. Marilou Turrentine doesn't believe the Study Commission will be ready to meet because the following meeting will be the Citizen Panel and there will be no time for prep work. Brian Close agreed that November 14th is too soon, and the Study Commission decided to accept the December 12th meeting date. Email from Paul Luwe Paul Luwe emailed the Study Commission on October 17th. Brian Close thinks his complaint is valid and suggested changing it immediately. The Study Commission changed section 2.11 to conform with Paul Luwe's suggestion. They turned section 2.12 green. Brian suggested getting rid of section 2.13. Bill Hayward announced that he will abstain from voting because he is unprepared to discuss this issue. He would like to have the agenda earlier. John Trull suggested changes going to Paul Luwe Brian Close would like to delete section 2.14. Bill Hayward asked to continue the discussion next week John Trull would like to deal with Paul Luwe's email in a timely manner. Brian Close suggested rolling over the section until next week. Loren Olsen would also like to stop. Bill Hayward wondered if November 15th would still be the day to discuss the financial section. John Trull agreed and then the rest of the Study Commission agreed. John Trull motioned to have the Study Commission receive agendas Fridays before meetings. Marilou Turrentine seconded the motion, and all agreed. For the upcoming agenda, Loren Olsen said the review of second Citizens Panel will be first, and then Paul Luwe's email, and then section five. New office space and email problems Celeste Janssen and Loren Olsen have been informed that the Study Commission's office will be changing to smaller office near the first one. Celeste Janssen also informed the group that she could not access the studycommissionp_bozeman.net email, but will get help on the problem. Confirming date for next meeting November 8, 2005, downstairs in the Commission Room at 7:00 p.m. The next meeting will be the second Citizen Panel. Adjournment - 9:39 p.m. Page 4 of 5 There being no further business at this time, it was moved by John Trull, seconded by Brian Close, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried unanimously. LOREN OLSEN, Chair ATTEST: CELESTE JANSSEN, Secretary of the Study Commission Page 5 of 5