HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-09-05 Minutes, Study CommissionMINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA LOCAL GOVERNMENT STUDY COMMISSION August 9, 2005 The Study Commission met in regular session in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 9, 2005. Present were Chair Loren Olsen, Brian Close, Bill Hayward, John Trull and Marilou Turrentine. Also present were City Clerk Robin Sullivan and Commissioner Liaison Jeff Krauss. The meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m. by Chair Loren Olsen. He welcomed Harold Fryslie, member of the public. Minutes It was moved by Brian Close, seconded by Bill Hayward, that the minutes of the meetings of March 15, May 10, May 24, June 14 and June 28, 2005 be approved as submitted. The motion carried. It was moved by Brian Close, seconded by Marilou Turrentine, that action on the minutes of the meeting of July 12, 2005, be tabled until the next meeting. The motion carried. Public comment Harold Fryslie asked about the draft charter that was prepared by Ken Weaver several years ago, suggesting that many of its points be included in the charter developed by the Study Commission. Brian Close responded that at the March 15 meeting, the Study Commission determined the National Civic League model charter would be used as the basis for drafting a charter, but also recognized the need to incorporate components of Ken Weaver's draft. He then stated that two new members have been seated since initial review of the model charter was completed, and it is important to go through the process again; that has been scheduled for early September. Harold Fryslie encouraged the Study Commission to give careful consideration to the input from the Chamber of Commerce, noting there are several valid points that should be addressed but possibly after the charter is approved by the electorate rather than in the charter. Bill Hayward asked Mr. Fryslie to look at the section on financial administration in the model charter and provide feedback on what should be included in the charter. Progress reports Brian Close announced that he and John Trull need to meet on their citizen panel topic. Brian Close recommended that a sub -committee be appointed to work with City staff on the wording for Article V, to ensure that it provides a structure for financial planning and management without conflicting with State statute or creating undue hardships. Bill Hayward and Jeff Krauss indicated a willingness to work with Director of Finance Anna Rosenberry. They recognized the importance of providing adequate structure within the charter, taking into consideration current practices, and not becoming overly detailed or restrictive. Jeff Krauss noted the City is currently operating with a capital program plan that has not been adopted by the Commission but simply updated by staff. He recognized that annual updating of the plan may be excessive, but acknowledged that it should be reviewed on a periodic basis. He stated it is particularly important to include large items in the capital improvement program even if they are not scheduled for several years, citing the library and the impending water and wastewater treatment plant replacements as examples of big ticket items not in the plan. John Trull noted that the sub -committee has tabled further consideration of instant run-off voting until an Attorney General's opinion is received. He then indicated that he has gathered a substantial amount of information on the subject that he will share with Brian Close. Loren Olsen reported that he has talked to Harry Kirschenbaum, Chair of the Planning Board, about a sub -committee meeting with him; and that meeting will be scheduled soon. Brian Close reminded the Study Commissioners that they face a March 23 deadline for completion of the charter if it is to be placed on the June ballot. He then indicated he will follow up with City Attorney Paul Luwe on the issue of seeking an Attorney General's opinion. Discuss schedule going forward Brian Close reviewed the draft schedule he has prepared for the remainder of the calendar year, noting that he worked backward from the March 23 deadline when doing so. The Study Commissioners reviewed the proposed schedule line by line and, as a result of that review and discussion, and identifying special meetings in addition to the typical second and fourth Tuesday format, the following tentative schedule was created: August 23 Cancelled September 6 Charter 101/break out of charter for future discussion September 13 Charter 101/break out of charter for future discussion September 20 Review packet for first citizen panel/charter discussion September 27 Potential regular meeting (may be cancelled) October 11 Review packet for second citizen panel/charter discussion October 18 First citizen panel November 1 Discuss results of citizen panel/charter discussion November 8 Second citizen panel November 15 Discuss results of citizen panel/charter discussion December 6 Charter discussion December 12 Meeting with City Commission (tentative) December 13 Charter discussion/motions and votes January 10 Charter status and schedule status -2- Brian Close concluded the discussion by indicating he will prepare a revised timeline for review and approval at the next meeting. City Clerk Robin Sullivan stated she will work with Brian Close to prepare an ad to be placed in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle to meet statutory requirements. Discuss recent events (i.e. Commission election and sale of the Sanitation Department) and how the recent events tie into our Charter Chair Loren Olsen noted the purpose of this agenda items is to bring this issue to the forefront. He encouraged the Study Commissioners to pay attention to issues that may arise during the election campaign, and to consider whether they may relate to the Study Commission's activities. Brian Close stressed the importance of not letting the issue of how the Mayor is elected be determined by who is running. During a brief discussion, the expenditure of large sums of unbudgeted monies, dissolution of departments, and eminent domain powers were identified as possible items to be monitored. All of the a -mails from Hamilton, Montana Brian Close reported the only item in the a -mails from Hamilton that pertains to the local Study Commission is the potential that, if someone sues the Local Government Study Commission, the Commissioners may be on their own. He stated that the Study Commission's tentative calendar was published at the beginning of the process, and the publication of a revised tentative calendar should remove any of the issues that have surfaced in Hamilton. Other Budget. Bill Hayward stated that the budget for Fiscal Year 2005-2006 proposed by the Local Government Study Commission is in the amount of $26,630; however, a review of the City Manager's recommendations reveals that amount has been decreased to $16,628. Commissioner Jeff Krauss suggested that, if the Study Commission feels the budget needs to be increased, someone plan to attend the public hearing scheduled for August 22 to make that plea. Posting on website. Chair Loren Olsen asked about posting the draft charter and report on the City's website for public input. City Clerk Robin Sullivan stated she will contact the City's website vendor to determine if it is possible to add a link so the document can be posted. -3- New Business Chair Loren Olsen noted the InterNeighborhood Council (INC) is interested in seeing the draft charter language and providing input. Confirm date of next meeting The next meeting is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 6, 2005, in the Commission Room. Adjournment - 8:50 p.m. It was moved by John Trull, seconded by Marilou Turrentine, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried. LOREN OLSEN, Chair PREPARED BY: ROBIN L. SULLIVAN City Clerk