HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-10-05 Minutes, Study CommissionMINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA LOCAL GOVERNMENT STUDY COMMISSION MINUTES May 10, 2005 The Study Commission met in regular session in the Commission Room, Municipal Building at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, May 10, 2005. Present were Chair Loren Olsen, Bill Hayward, and Marilou Turrentine. Also present was Secretary of the Commission, Celeste Janssen. Brian Close was excused. The meeting was called to order at 7:14 pm by Loren Olsen. Minutes March 15th minutes are still with Bill Wise. Bill Hayward motioned to pass the April 26 minutes as amended. Marilou Turrentine seconded, and the minutes passed unanimously. Public comment There was no public comment at this time. Report of City Manager's survey of public services Loren Olsen informed the Study Commission on his conversation with the Bozeman City Manager about city services surveys. Each service sector has a different survey. The City Manager felt strongly that the city should send out the surveys, collect the data, and prepare the report. Surveys must be done over a time period (3 years) to check the statistical differences that arise between years. These surveys are purchased, and Bozeman has the ability to compare its results with nation-wide results for cities of similar size and demography. Chair Olsen asked the Study Commission if they felt that the group should pursue public service surveys. Bill Hayward stated the Study Commission does not have the money or the time for a statistically reliable survey. Loren Olsen noted that the Study Commission might officially support the City Manager doing surveys. Marilou Turrentine mentioned that the County Commission had done a survey, and agreed to find out more about the survey. Marilou Turrentine believes it would be a monumental task, both financially and logistically, to conduct a professional and impartial survey prior to this summer. She thinks that perhaps the Study Commission should pursue another avenue such as public forums to obtain public input. Bill Hayward would still like to have a place for public input, on the website or otherwise. Discuss email from Paul Reichert Paul Reichert is the Executive Director of Downtown Bozeman Partnership. He emailed the Study Commission with three points. Chair Olsen asked the Study Commission to discuss the three points. Mr. Reichert stated that the mayor should be an elected position, as he believes that the City could get more qualified people to decide to run. He also believes that if the position had higher pay, working people would have more ability to run for Mayor. Loren Olsen stated that he doesn't necessarily agree that more "qualified people" would run for City Commission if the Mayor were directly elected. He also noted that the City Manager doesn't like the idea of paying more. Marilou Turrentine isn't sure she agrees with some of the points in the email, but does agree that if someone is running for mayor, the pay should match. Bill Hayward stated that he isn't excited about paying more, unless our pay was not comparable to salaries in similar cities in Montana. Mr. Hayward also is unsure that salaries should be covered by a charter. Chair Olsen stated that he is interested in polling bigger towns in Montana to determine how much they pay City Commissioners and then making a recommendation, if Bozeman is out of line. Mr. Reichert's second point was the need of a City framework of predictable standards regarding how the city buys and sells real estate. Loren Olsen agreed. Bill Hayward asked if the City Commission should establish by ordinance a policy on this issue, and noted that the charter could encourage that ordinance. Marilou Turrentine agreed, and noted this issue is often in letters to the editor. Mr. Reichert's third point was the need for regular and frequent work sessions between the City and County Governments. Loren Olsen noted that this issue has come up before. Marilou Turrentine stated that she agrees with Mr. Reichert's second and third point. Bill Hayward noted that the County did not elect to have a Study Commission, and therefore this group does not have any authority over the county. Report on office space and website Celeste Janssen and the Study Commission discussed what is still needed. Discuss ideas for Charter that will be recommended to Voters The Study Commission looked at Mayor's Office document created by Brian Close. Unsure as to what "statue" means. Loren Olsen stated that he likes the use of "commission chairman" instead of "mayor" as it represents more accurately our City Manager/Commissioner form of government. Bill Hayward notes that there is a difference in "appointments" between what Brian Close said the NCL wrote versus the NCL's actual language. The Study Commission discussed strong and weak mayoral systems, the city manager, and the checks and balances between the two systems. Bill Hayward stated that he likes the idea of the City Commission voting for the mayor, but he doesn't think the public would like the system and therefore he will not pursue it. Chair Olsen called on John Trull, a member of the public at the meeting. Mr. Trull noted that Commissioner Youngman's idea of electing a mayor was not included on Brian Close's document. The group discussed different ways the system might work. Loren Olsen noted that he isn't sure that the public wants to change the system for electing the mayor. Bill Hayward noted that on the Study Commission's original survey for individuals in the city government, there were three votes for change, three votes for tinker, five votes for no change, one vote for not important, and one vote for other. Loren Olsen noted that this discussion really concerns electing a mayor -elect; everyone agrees that current two-year term as a City Commissioner before taking Mayoral office is a good system. New Business Loren Olsen will send his op-ed to the Chronicle this week. He collected changes to the draft. Loren Olsen stated that he will follow up with City Commissioners and Manager regarding getting a replacement. Harold Fryslie has emailed the Commission to state that he is unable to serve on the Study Commission at this time. Loren Olsen noted that David Smith from the Bozeman Area Local Issues Chamber of Commerce is interested in helping the Study Commission in the future. Confirm date of next meeting May 24, 2005 at 7:00 pm in the City Commission Room. Adiournment Meeting adjourned at 9:09 pm. LOREN OLSEN, Chair CELESTE JANSSEN, Secretary of the Study Commission