HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-12-05 Minutes, Study CommissionMINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA LOCAL GOVERNMENT STUDY COMMISSION April 12, 2005 The Study Commission met in regular session in the Commission Room, Municipal Building at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, April 12, 2005. Present were Chair Loren Olsen, Bill Hayward, Marilou Turrentine, and. Brian Close. Also present was Secretary of the Commission, Celeste Janssen. The meeting was called to order at 7:08 pm by Loren Olsen Public Comment Chair Olsen asked the three visiting members of the public to identify themselves. They were: Karren Jacobsen, who will officially begin running for City Commission on May 2nd; City Commissioner Marsha Youngmen; and John Trull, a MSU Student. Commissioner Youngmen stated that she would like to do anything she can to be helpful. She was a commissioner 10 years ago, during the last Study Commission. Bill Hayward asked if the Study Commission had ever met the Commission as a group. Commissioner Youngmen replied that it did happen individually, though never as a group. Minutes March 22"d Brian Close challenged the statement that public comment must be done by June. Legally, there is a 75 day rule, but he believes that the Study Commission could still take public comment in July. Chair Olsen proposed that everyone look at minutes, give feedback to Celeste Janssen, and then revisit them at the next meeting. Discuss the Timeline for Study Commission Brian Close stated that at a steady pace, the Study Commission can still finish by November 2004. He stated that he believes two issues drive the document (election of commissioners, appointment of mayor). In addition, between August 25 and Nov. 2nd, the Study Commission has time to do a supplementary report. He believes that it is too soon to move the timeline out. Loren Olsen stated that from the previous meeting, it was clear that the other three commissioners believe that the Study Commission needs more time. Olsen stated he would rather be more thorough than rush. Brian Close stated that he believes the Study Commission should raise the issues, put them in the charter, and let then political process deal with details. The charter will address a budget process, ethics board, campaign finance, but doesn't need to specifically state HOW they must be done. Chair Olsen asked for public comment on the timeline. Commissioner Youngmen's observed that if the charter comes out at the same time as a City Commission election, people will be thinking of the city. It ties in nicely. Chair Olsen noted that the Study Commission has already set out a timeline in which they decided they would revisit the timeline. There was discussion about if the date is April 26th or May 24tn Chair Olsen informed the Study Commission that Bill Wise is out of town this week, and Brian Close informed the group that he'll miss the first meeting in May. Discuss use of the public opinion survey/objective questionnaire Bill Hayward led the Study Commission through the document he has been preparing, the questionnaire for the general public. Bill Hayward noted that for question number one (satisfaction with city services), he was proposing using A to F grades. Commissioner Youngmen noted the city manager is urging City Commissioners to rate services, and might have questions that could be a model for the Study Commission. Commissioner Youngmen suggested doing a survey in the water bill, but most renters won't then be survey. Sarah Folder, a grant writer for the City, put together a targeted list on folks who are low to moderate income that are missed in the water bill survey. There was discussion regarding the City versus the Study Commission surveying the public on city services. Brian Close suggested asking survey respondents a question regarding how they received the survey. There also was discussion on MSU help with the survey. Loren Olsen will contact Ken Weaver. Bill Hayward will talk to the city manager regarding his survey. Bill Hayward led a brief discussion on question number two, concerning wards versus districts, and the number required for each. Bill Hayward led a discussion on question number three, concerning the mayor's position. The group considered different models of election, necessary experience, and mayor versus commission chair seat. Brian Close suggested that he was not sure the public can help with answer, because they are largely uninformed. Commissioner Youngmen states that she believes the public would be passionately opposed to having a commission chair. She explained that the Mayor does have more responsibility than City Commissioners, such as board representation, ceremonial functions, and interaction with civic groups. She stated that there is strong support for a directly appointed mayor, people think Bozeman's current system is strange. Commissioner Youngmen suggested a new option for electing the mayor: on the ballot, City Commission candidates could be listed twice, once for City Commission and second time for the second half of term becoming the major (if they choose). Commissioner Youngmen noted that an attorney should look at the legality of the proposal. Brian Close stated he think the idea is legal, and he will start playing around with this idea. Chair Olsen liked the proposed idea, because good candidates would not be lost. Bill Hayward highlighted on question number four (city charter) the importance of the improvement of budget. Chair Olsen requested a subcommittee to further refine the sample questionnaire. Bill Hayward and Brian Close volunteered, and will try to run it by Ken Weaver bring a draft to the next meeting. The Study Commission discussed how to deal with responses and split responses that they receive back. Marilou Turrentine questioned the timeliness of a survey in the water bill. She suggested public meetings for input instead. Brian Close suggested spreading the word by contacting public groups, and offered that the group will be self-selecting, but from a broad spectrum. Bill Hayward doubted they could get good attendance, and if 150 people did attend, could there be good discussion? Close suggested that similarly, there might be no trends from a survey, or answers will be all across the board. Karren Jacobsen suggested using a facilitator, or using the Community Mediation Center. John Trull stated that he went to a very successful meeting public meeting on land management. Chair Olsen questioned the Study Commission on next steps. Bill Hayward and Brian Close will spend time on the survey, and even if it isn't used, it will focus the issue. Chair Olsen asked Celeste Janssen to put a report for Bill Hayward and Brian Close on the agenda for the next meeting. Marilou Turrentine thanked Bill Hayward for this work on the questionnaire, and Loren Olsen seconded it. Review First Draft of Op -Ed Brooks from the Bozeman Daily Chronicle will be writing an article for the paper regarding the need for a charter. Bill Hayward pointed out incorrect statement -- Bozeman is not the only city with self-governing powers that does not have a charter. Chair Olsen proposed creating a subcommittee to work on the document, Marilou Turrentine volunteered. Brian Close asked the subcommittee to add a sentence regarding what is a charter. Review current status on logistics (i.e. office space, website, minutes) Keys. Celeste Janssen will receive keys to the office space, and the Study Commission will have a set. Official office space open during public hours. Brian Close noted as a legal issue, the office must be open to the public during business hours. Chair Olsen suggested arranging with the office next door to unlock and lock the Study Commission's office to comply. Objects for the office. The Study Commission requested a desk and two chairs. Celeste Janssen noted she will need access to a copy machine. She asked about access to printer, and the Study Commission agreed no for now. Ms. Janssen asked if there was a real need for printed letterhead, and the Study Commission couldn't see one, but wanted to defer the question until Bill Wise returned. Minutes. Bill Wise has minutes for March 15th, which still must be passed. New Business Website. Bill Hayward noted www.studycommission.com doesn't work. Marilou Turrentine noted that we need to update the Study Commission page on the website. Celeste Janssen will check in with IT regarding the website. Confirm date and place for the next meeting April 26th at 7 pm, at the City Commission Room Adjournment Motion to adjourn Hayward meeting by at 9:02. Seconded by Close. LOREN OLSEN, Chair PREPARED BY: CELESTEJANSSEN Secretary of the Study Commission