HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-25-05 Minutes, Study CommissionMINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA LOCAL GOVERNMENT STUDY COMMISSION March 22, 2005 The Study Commission met in regular session in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 22, 2005. Present were Chair Loren Olsen, Bill Hayward and Bill Wise. Also present were Clerk of the Commission Robin Sullivan, Celeste Janssen and Marilou Turrentine. Brian Close was absent. The meeting was called to order by Chair Loren Olsen. Administer Oath of Office to new Study Commissioner Marilou Turrentine Clerk of the Commission Robin Sullivan administered the oath of office to new Study Commissioner Marilou Turrentine, who was appointed by the City Commission to replace Julia Hobson Haggerty. Public comment No comment was received under this agenda item. Loren Olsen made a few announcements, noting that the Commission appointed Marilou Turrentine at its meeting held last night. He then introduced Celeste Janssen, noting that she is interested in serving as the Study Commission's secretary. Finally, he announced that Brian Close will be out of town for approximately ten days. Minutes - March 8 and 15, 2005 Bill Hayward asked that Page 5 of the minutes from the meeting of March 8 be amended to read "... the Study Commissioners recognized that probably only the framework for neighborhood councils could be provided in the proposed charter." It was moved by Bill Hayward, seconded by Bill Wise, that the minutes of the meeting of March 8 be approve as amended. The motion carried. Bill Wise announced that the minutes for the meeting of March 15 are not yet completed and asked that they be delayed until the April 12 meeting. Review of responses to questionnaire Bill Hayward provided a new update on his summary of responses to the questionnaire. He noted that two additional responses have been received since the last update. He recognized that some of the responses reflect some political background, and noted that while the answers are varied, some interesting little ideas pop out of those responses. Mr. Hayward noted that 12 responses have been received from the 25 questionnaires mailed, three of which are from sitting Commissioners. He suggested the next step is to determine if these responses accurately reflect what the voters want or if additional public input is needed. Bill Wise noted the responses on campaign spending limits seem to be very split and generally political in nature, and noted he would like to know how the public feels. Bill Hayward noted that he had hoped the responses might flush out a real problem on which the Study Commission could focus, however, that has not occurred. Bill Wise observed that the responses may actually reflect which issues should not be considered, citing wards as an example. He recognized that public comment may sway the Study Commission; however, he noted it is important to have current and former elected officials behind the proposal if it wishes to see the proposed changes adopted. Loren Olsen noted it is important to not overwhelm the voters and suggested that a proposal with up to two or three sub - options might be viable. Responding to questions from Loren Olsen, Commissioner Jeff Krauss noted that the Study Commission has surveyed a narrow group of people and suggested that the Study Commission could widen the survey, narrow its focus, or look at other parts of the government. He stressed the importance of recognizing this is a totally different time from ten years ago, when the last Study Commission was undertaking its efforts. Bill Wise suggested the next logical step might be to submit this questionnaire to the nieghborhood councils, particularly those questions regarding campaign spending limits. He suggested that the questionnaire be similar to the one forwarded to current and former elected officials and administrators and provide an opportunity for those individuals to cite their experiences on the effectiveness and efficiency of government as well as how accessible it is. Bill Hayward suggested the questionnaire be rewritten, with those questions that have not resulted in any productive answers being deleted. He suggested that the questionnaire could then be distributed through various activist clubs, such as the Chamber of Commerce, AARP, the Senior Center and the League of Women Voters. Responding to Marilou Turrentine, Bill Wise noted that the Study Commission must have its draft report completed by June if their proposal is to be included on the November ballot. Responding to questions from Commissioner Krauss, Bill Hayward noted that the Local Government Center and various publications encourage Cities to adopt a charter as the "constitution of the city". He noted that the Study Commission is now reviewing a model charter and, while it has added some items, it has not removed many. Bill Wise noted that the Study Commission has already made the determination to submit a charter to the voters; the issue now is what to include in it. He suggested that public input could help the Study Commission determine which items should be included in that charter. He noted that could be solicited through a posting on the City's website in addition to an insert in the water bills. Bill Hayward cautioned that the questionnaire currently encourages essay answers and suggested that it be revised to solicit answers that can be more easily quantified. He also noted that it should be shortened dramatically to make it more appealing for those who might want to provide responses. Loren Olsen cautioned that time is of the essence if the Study Commission wishes to complete its work in time for the November election. Marilou Turrentine stated she feels input from the InterNeighborhood Council, the Chamber of Commerce and the downtown business people could be beneficial. She then cautioned that, given the timeline that has been established, she feels undertaking a survey will be difficult. Bill Wise suggested that the survey be multiple choice, allowing for a more statistical response, with an opportunity to add comments at the end. He then noted that he does not believe it is feasible to gather information and create a document in the timeline that has been adopted and voiced an interest in revisiting it. He stressed the importance of making decisions that are defensible and suggested that basing the recommendations on public input is critical. At Chair Olsen's request, the Commissioners briefly discussed their views on the adopted timeline and recognized that it is important to place this item on the April 12 agenda for further discussion Chair Olsen also requested that the next step in the survey process be added to the April 12 agenda. Bill Hayward volunteered to prepare a draft survey for consideration at the next meeting. Review of draft charter provisions Chair Olsen gave a brief overview of this process and indicated that a copy of the model charter from the National Civic League and a copy of the draft charter prepared by Ken Weaver will be provided to Marilou Turrentine so she can review them prior to the next meeting. He noted that the Study Commission is currently melding the two documents and will be prepared to further refine the document during its meetings in April. New business Contact info for new member. Chair Loren Olsen asked that Julia Hobson Haggerty be deleted from the e-mail lists and contact information and that Marilou Turrentine be added. Office space. Loren Olsen reported that City staff has been directed to assign an office space in the Professional Building to the Study Commission as soon as possible and to have it furnished with a desk, chair and filing space. Next meeting. The Study Commissioners confirmed that the next meeting date will be April 12. An outline of items to be included on the agenda for the meeting was briefly discussed. In addition to the survey, the Study Commissioners recognized that preparation of an op editorial may be needed if the draft prepared by Chair Olsen within the next week or two is not deemed ready for print. It was recognized that the editorial should be informative, raise public awareness and encourage people to provide feedback. Adjournment - 9:10 p.m. There being no further business at this time, it was moved by Bill Wise, seconded by Marilou Turrentine, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried unanimously. LOREN OLSEN. Chair