HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-23-10 Minutes, City CommissionMINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA August 23, 2010 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in the Commission Room, City Hall at 121 North Rouse on Monday, August 23, 2010. Present were Mayor Jeff Krauss, Commissioner Cyndy Andrus, Commissioner Sean Becker, Commissioner Chris Mehl, Commissioner Carson Taylor, City Manager Chris Kukulski, Assistant City Manager Chuck Winn, Finance Director Anna Rosenberry, City Attorney Greg Sullivan and City Clerk Stacy Ulmen. 0 A. Call to Order — 4 p.m. — Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse Mayor Krauss called the meeting to order. 0-04,15 B. Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence 0:04.57 Welcome Mayor Krauss welcomed everyone to the meeting, 0:05:13 C. Changes to the Agenda Mayor Krauss stated that he will be asking for public comment twice this evening. 0:05:25 Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. 0:05:49 Judy Shaffer, Public Comment Ms. Shaffer commented on the Run Dog Run Project. She stated that she supports multi use of public lands. She would like to see land used for more than softball. 0:08:10 Marty Lambert, County Attorney Mr. Lambert spoke regarding Children Sexual Assault Crime Victims. lie spoke regarding the Victims Witness Fund. They are looking to build an advocacy center. They want this free from the Law and Justice Center. The City has money in their Victims Witness Fund, He spoke regarding a combination of resources. 0:12:24 Public Comment closed Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 1 of 16 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting, August 23, .2010 0:12:24 Chris Kukulski, City Manager Mr. Kukulski stated that there were not any more changes to the agenda. 0:12 :30 Changes to the Agenda Mayor Krauss asked City Manager Chris Kukulski if there were any more changes to the Agenda. Mr. Kukulski stated that there were no changes. 0:12; :32 D. Budget Work Session - General Fund (Rosenberry) 0:12,:55 Anna Rosenberry, Finance Director Ms. Rosenberry began the Budget Work Session regarding the General Fund. She spoke regarding the live feed back forum. 0 :14 :29 Ms. Rosenberry Ms. Rosenberry spoke regarding the Planning Fund. 0:16:03 Mr. Kukulski Mr. Kukulski spoke regarding the construction season and the reduction in staff and the Neighborhood Coordinator duty reassignment, By making these changes, there is now a surplus of around $18,000 in the Planning Office. He spoke regarding providing services and work load. 0.19:51 Cr. Taylor Cr. Taylor spoke regarding the Neighborhood Coordinator. 0:20:10 Mr. Kukulski Mr. Kukulski spoke regarding the reasoning behind moving the position into the Planning Department. 0:22:1.0 Cr. Taylor Cr. Taylor spoke regarding the need of the right kind of person to do the job.. 0:23:19 Cr. Mehl Cr. Mehl spoke regarding the TIF funds and the location of the percentage of time. 0:23:41 Ms. Rosenberry Ms. Rosenberry stated that she did not create a separate division to charge TIF work to. It is on the revenue side of the Planning Fund. 0:25:55 Cr. Mehl Cr. Mehl spoke regarding the increase of expenditures. 2 of 16 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting, August 23, 2010 0:28:22 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss stated that the people that work for the TIF's look at things differently. He spoke regarding the City TIF Position. We need a person with an entrepreneurial view and an advocate on the planning side of things of the TIF. 0.33:08 Ms. Rosenberry Ms, Rosenberry spoke regarding the General Fund worksheet which briefly highlights each department in the General Fund, 0:33:42 Mr. Kukulski Mr. Kukulski spoke regarding the staff delivering budget requests who recognized that we are still in a recession. IONVATUTUT "v I 'On"t Mr. Kukulski spoke regarding comparisons with other states. He spoke regarding the unknown financial issue looming. 0:39.54 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss spoke regarding the Commission budget, 0:41:12 Ms. Rosenberry Ms. Rosenberry spoke regarding the City Manager's budget. 0:42:45 Cr. Mehl Cr. Mehl spoke regarding the Human Resources position. 0:42:55 Mr. Kukulski Mr. Kukulski spoke regarding the payroll department reorganization. 0:43:42 Ms, Rosenberry Ms. Rosenberry spoke regarding the Finance department. 0:44:04 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss spoke regarding the IBM Server and the reporting software module. 0:44:15 Ms. Rosenberry Ms. Rosenberry spoke regarding the Capital Improvement Program items and the need for the items, 3 of 16 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting, August 23, 2010 0.45:32 Ms. Rosenberry Ms. Rosenberry spoke regarding facilities management. 0:46:08 Cr. Mehl Cr, Mehl spoke regarding the Fire Stations. 0.46:44 James Gochrung, Director of Facilities Mr. Goehrung spoke regarding the utilities for Fire Station No. 1. 0:4734 Cr. Mehl Cr. Mehl wants a copy of utility breakdowns for Fire Station 1. 0:49:56 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss asked what General Fund costs are being transferred to the cemetery. 0:50 Ms. Rosenberry Ms. Rosenberry highlighted the revenue for the cemetery. She spoke regarding the lot sales. 0:52:02 Cr. Taylor Cr. Taylor wants to make sure that there is a plan for future maintenance costs at the cemetery. 0:52-50 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss spoke regarding the perpetual care at the cemetery. 0:56:53 Ms. Rosenberry Ms. Rosenberry spoke regarding the Parks budget. 0.58:55 Ron Dingman, Director of Parks and Recreation Mr. Dingman spoke regarding the irrigating at the Story Mansion property. 0:59:34 Thom White, Superintendent of Parks and Cemetery Mr. While spoke regarding the worker hours that are estimated to be used to irrigate the Story Mansion. 1:03:18 Mr. White Mr. White spoke regarding the PIG grants stating that they are not planning to award any this year. 1:05:24 Ms. Rosenberry Ms. Rosenberry spoke regarding the Recreation budget. 4 of 16 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting, August 23, 2010 1.07.34 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss spoke regarding the recreation programs. 1:09:43 Cr. Mehl Cr. Mehl asked why the operating is increasing so much. 1.13:35 Carol Brennan, Recreation Superintendent Ms. Brennan explained the new recreation programs and the change in fees, 1:15 :30 Cr. Mehl Cr. Mehl would like to see gross enrollment numbers for recreation programs. 1:19.22 Break 1.29:32 Meeting called back to order Mayor Krauss called the meeting back to order. 1:29:41. Ms. Rosenberry Ms. Rosenberry spoke regarding the Library department budget. 1:30:35 Ms. Rosenberry Ms. Rosenberry spoke regarding the Police department budget. 1:32:24 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss spoke regarding the 4 additional Police officers. 1:32:35 Mr. Kukulski Mr. Kukulski spoke regarding how the Police officers are budgeted. 1:37:24 Ms. Rosenberry Ms. Rosenberry spoke regarding the Fire department budget. 1:39:09 Ms. Rosenberry Ms. Rosenberry spoke regarding the Legal department budget. 1:40:09 Greg Sullivan, City Attorney Mr. Sullivan spoke regarding the grant cycle for a domestic violence prosecutor. The grant has been reapplied. 5 of 16 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting, August 23, 2010 1:41:32 Ms. Rosenberry Ms. Rosenberry spoke regarding the Victims Witness fund. 1:44:06 Mr. Sullivan Mr. Sullivan spoke regarding some of the programs related to the Victims Witness fund. 1 :47:10 Ms. Rosenberry Ms. Rosenberry spoke regarding the Courts budget. 1:48:03 Ms. Rosenberry Ms. Rosenberry spoke regarding outside requests including Spay and Neuter Task Force, and the Victims Witness fund. 1:49:06 Support of $7,500 allocation to Victims Witness All Commissioners agreed to this contribution. 1:49:16 Ms. Rosenberry Ms. Rosenberry spoke regarding additional FT Es. 1:51:04 Jason Shrauger, Fire Chief Mr. Shrauger spoke regarding the Automatic Electronic Defibrillator (AED) for the Fire Dept, Vehicles. 1:53:02 Mr. Shrauger Mr. Shrauger spoke regarding Emergency Medical Services (EMS) jump bags. 1:55:08 Mr. Dingman Mr. Dingman spoke regarding the Bogert Park Pool repairs. 2:00:02 Ms. Rosenberry Ms. Rosenberry spoke regarding the Reserve percentages. 2 :04 :10 Mr. Kukulski Mr. Kukulski spoke regarding large Capital projects. 2:05:41 Ms. Rosenberry Ms, Rosenberry spoke regarding taxable values. The value of a mill increased by 3.2%. 2:27:19 Cr. Becker Cr. Becker spoke regarding the Police and Fire Mill Levy. 6 of 16 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting, August 23, 2010 2:35:26 Cr. Becker Cr. Becker spoke regarding the Cap for amount of levied mills, 2:43:19 Cr. Taylor Cr. Taylor spoke regarding the Streamline Bus system. UEEIRTIWIMM.. Mayor Krauss declared a break. 2:57:20 Meeting called back to order Mayor Krauss called the meeting back to order, 2:57:27 Welcome Mayor Krauss welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2:57:46 E. Public Service Announcement — City Office Closure on Monday, September 6, 2010 due to Labor Day Holiday (Ulmen) 2.57.51 Stacy Ulmen, City Clerk Ms. Ulmen gave a Public Service Announcement regarding the City Office Closure on Monday September 6, 2010 due to the Labor Day holiday. 2:59:08 F. Minutes — June 21, 2010 Minutes regarding Agreement and Release between the City of Bozeman and Pacific Hide and Fur Depot DBA Pacific Steel and Recycling (Pacific) for Proportional Share of Remedial Action Costs at CNIC Asbestos Facility, and July 12, 2010 and July 19, 2010 regular Commission meeting minutes. 2:59:11 ' Motion and Vote to approve to approve the June 21, 2010 minutes regarding agreement and release between the City of Bozeman and Pacific Hide and Fur Depot DBA Pacific Steel and Recycling and the July 12, 2010 and July 19, 2010 regular Commission meeting minutes. It was moved by Cr. Andrus, seconded !a Cr. Taylor to approve the June 21, 2010 minutes regarding agreement and release between the City of Bozeman and Pacific Hide and Fur Depot DB,A Pacific Steel and Recycling and the July 12, 2010 and July 19 2010 regular Commission mccting minutes. Those voting Aye being Crs. Andrus, Taylor, Becker, Mehl and Mayor Krauss. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 5-0. 7 of 16 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting, August 23, 2010 2:59 :38 G. Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Claims (LaMeres) 2. Authorize City Manager to sign a contract with Morrison Maierle for the Engineering Design of the Main Pool Pump Upgrade and Natatorium Lighting Upgrade for the Bozeman Swim Center not to exceed $25,355 (McCarthy) 3. Authorize City Manager to sign Award of contract to Nishkian Monks Engineering for Welding Inspections for the Lower Yard Vehicle Maintenance and HRDC Bus Burn (Goehrung) 4. Approve Resolution No. 4270, authorizing City Manager to sign landfill Final Closure Contract Change Order No. 4 (Johnson) 5. Approve Resolution No. 4276, Intent to Create Lighting District No.711 Norton Ranch Subdivision Phase 1(Shannon) 6. Approve cancelling the Regular City Commission Meeting for Tuesday, September 7, 2010 due to the Labor Day Holiday (Ulmen) 7, Finally Adopt Ordinance No. 1791, Adopting by Reference the 2009 International Fire Code as adopted by the State of Montana; amending Chapter 15.36.010 of the Bozeman Municipal Code to recognize said adoption;, and allowing continual adoption by reference of subsequent versions of the international Fire Code (Coburn) 8. Authorize City Manager to sign Award of Contract for College and Huffine Shared -Use Pathway (Dingman) *moved from August 16,2010 2:59:47 Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment, No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 3 :00:04 Motion and Vote to approve Consent Items G. 1 -8. It was moved by Cr. Taylor, seconded by Cr. Mehl to approve Consent Items G.1 -8. Those voting Ave being Crs. Taylor, Mehl, Andrus and Mayor Krauss. Those voting No being Cr. Becker. The motion passed 4 -1. 3 :00 :51 H. Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment.. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting, August 23, 2010 3:02:05 1. Action Items 3:02:09 1. Ordinance No. 1792, authorizing City Manager to enter into a 1 -year space lease with MSU-Extended University for the lease of an office and training classroom located in the Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building at 20 East Olive (Goehrung) 3:02.20 James Goehrung, Director of Facilities Mr. Goehrung gave the staff presentation regarding Ordinance No. 1792, authorizing City Manager to enter into a 1 -year space lease with MSU-Extended University for the lease of an office and training classroom located in the Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building at 20 East Olive. 3:04:25 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss asked if this was part of the new Gallatin College. 3.04.31 Mr. Goehrung Mr, Goehrung stated that this is more associated with MSU. 3:05:39 Cr. Taylor Cr. Taylor stated that he would like to know what the value is to the City to take part in this. 3:06:22 Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 3:06:34 Motion and Vote to provisionally adopting Ordinance No. 1792, authorizing City Manager to enter into a space lease with MSU-Extended University for the lease of an office and training classroom located in the Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building at 20 East Olive. It was moved by Cr. Becker, seconded by Cr. Mehl to ProvisionalLy adopting Ordinance No. 1792, authorizing Cill Manager to enter into a space lease with MSU-Extended University for the lease of an office and training classroom located in the Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building at 20 East Olive. Those voting Ave being Crs. Becker, Mehl, Andrus, Taylor and Ma or Krauss. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 5-0. Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting, August 23, 2010 3:07:18 2. Bozeman Tourism Business Improvement District Work Plan and Budget (Daryl Schliem, Bozeman Chamber of Commerce and Jim Robbins, Senior Vice President of Business Development and Marketing, BTBID) 3:07:39 Cr. Andrus Cr. Andrus recused herself from this discussion as she works for the Chamber and works on various tourism projects. 3:08:07 Daryl Schliem, Bozeman Chamber of Commerce Mr. Schliem introduced Jim Robbins, Senior Vice President of Business Development and Marketing, Bozeman Tourism Business Improvement District. Mr. Schliem began the presentation regarding the Bozeman Tourism Business Improvement District Work Plan and Budget. Ile spoke regarding the annual report. 3:11:55 Jim Robbins, Senior Vice President of Business Development and Marketing, Bozeman Tourism Business Improvement District Mr. Robbins spoke regarding the marketing plan for the TBID. 3:20:07 Mr. Robbins Mr. Robbins spoke regarding other TBID's that are operating in the State of Montana. 3:26:19 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss spoke regarding hosting Environmental Conferences. 3:28:29 Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 3:28:37 Motion and Vote, to approve the 2010-2011 Bozeman Tourism Business Improvement District work plan and budget. It was moved b y Cr. Mehl, seconded by Cr. Taylor to approve the 2010-2011 Bozeman Tourism Business Improvement District work plan and budget. Those voting Aye being Crs. Mehl, Taylor, Becker and Mayor Krauss. Those voting No bein g none. The motion passed 4-0. 10 of 16 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting, August 23, 2010 3:29,00 3. "Run Dog Run" Single Use Dog Park (White) 3:29:27 Thom While, Superintendent of the Park and Cemetery Division. Mr. White gave the staff presentation regarding the "Run Dog Run" Single Use Dog Park. This will benefit dogs that do not socialize well. 3:32:38 Cr. Mehl Cr. Mehl wondered if there was a written agreement. 3:32:45 Mr. White Mr. White stated that there is not an agreement. 3.33.52 Mr. Sullivan Mr. Sullivan spoke regarding the importance of a user agreement, 3:38.17 David Cook, Recreation and Parks Advisory Board Mr. Cook spoke regarding the process that the Board went through. The Board encourages this idea. This is a win-win situation. These are the kind of civic groups that are going to bring these ideas. They recommend approval of this project. 3:40:31 Terry Cunningham Mr. Cunningham of 322 Hidden Springs Lane spoke regarding tired dogs. He spoke regarding small backyards. 3:44:39 Cr. Andrus Cr. Andrus asked how the group is funded. 3:45:45 Mr. Cunningham Mr. Cunningham spoke regarding the location of the Dog Park. They are considering this a pilot program. Mr. Cunningham stated that the group is a 501 C-3. They are collecting funds and have available to begin the park. 3:47:06 Mr. Cunningham Mr. Cunningham spoke regarding parking areas. 3:47:34 Mr, Cunningham Mr. Cunningham spoke regarding the time line for construction, 3:48:08 Cr. Mehl Cn Mehl asked how the news will be shared about the Park. 11 of 16 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting, August 23, 2010 3:48:27 Mr. Cunningham Mr. Cunningham stated through existing dog owner groups. Mr. Cunningham asked those that were in favor to raise their hands. 3:49:47 Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 3 Motion to authorize the Run Dog Run group to construct two 70'x 110' single use exercise areas in the northwest portion of the Softball Complex It was moved by Cr. Andrus, seconded by,Cr. Taylor to authorize the Run Dog Run group to construct two 70' x 110' sin l use exercise areas in the northwest portion of the Softball Complex. 3:50:50 Amendment to the Main Motion to amend the motion to acquire a user agreement be signed before any construction takes place. It was moved by Cr. T#Alor, seconded bj Cr. Mehl to amend the motion to acquire a user aercement be signed before any construction takes 12lace. 3:52:08 Vote on the Amendment to the Motion to acquire a user agreement be signed before any construction takes place. Those voting Aye being Crs. Taylor, Mehl,, Andrus, Becker and Mayor Krauss. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 5-0. 3:52:18 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss thanked the group for a great idea and their efforts. 3:52:52 Cr. Taylor Cr. Taylor thanked to group for their patience. 3:53:17 Vote on the Main Motion to authorize the Run Dog Run group to construct two 70' x 110' single use exercise areas in the northwest portion of the Softball Complex as amended. 12 of 15 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting, August 23, 2010 Those voting Aye being Crs. Andrus, Tg1lor, Becker, Mehl and Mayor Krauss. Those voting No being none. The motion passed 5-0. 3:53:40 Break Mayor Krauss called a break. 4:05:47 4. Discussion and Direction regarding Sign Regulations in the Bozeman Municipal Code (Saunders) 4:06,03 Mr. Kukulski Mr. Kukulski introduced new Planning Director Tim McIlarg. 4:07:48 Chris Saunders, Assistant Planning Director Mr. Saunders gave the staff report regarding Sign Regulations in the Bozeman Municipal Code. The presentation is to provide results of the Commission's prior questions. lie spoke regarding the definition of a sign. Signs need a pen before being installed. Window signs were discussed. He asked if a definition for a display of goods, what constitutes a window and apply able films should be considered. 4:15:19 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss agreed that a display of goods and what constitutes a window should be defined. 4:18:49 Cr. Andrus Cr. Andrus is in favor of display of windows. She emphasized that the architecture of a window is important. 4:19:52 Cr. Mehl Cr, Mehl spoke regarding opaque adhesive signage in windows. 4:24:17 Cr, Mehl Cr, Mehl stated that adhesive should be considered a sign. 4:24:51 Cr. Taylor Cr. Taylor spoke regarding window displays and price tags. If it adheres to the window and is opaque, it should be considered a sign. 4:26:29 Cr. Becker Cr. Becker spoke regarding rotating display goods, 13 of 16 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting, August 23, 21010 4 :27:24 Cr. Becker Cr. Becker spoke regarding laminated signs and the mass of signs. 4 :28 :48 Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. 4:29 :06 Daryl Schliem, Public Comment Mr. Schliem stated that the small business association has found that there is a need for business signage. 4:30:33 Cr. Saunders Cr. Saunders spoke regarding the formula of calculating the maximum amount of sign area. 4 :32 :30 Mr. Sullivan Mr. Sullivan spoke regarding content. 4:34 :16 Mr. Sullivan Mr. Sullivan spoke regarding barber poles. 4:38.00 Mr. Saunders Mr. Saunders spoke regarding synchronizing regulations. He spoke regarding the sign ordinance and area of signage. He is seeking to find a definition of a mural. 4:47 :37 Cr. Becker Cr. Becker spoke regarding incremental facade. He would like to see the formula changed to favor small businesses and multi story buildings. 4:52:50 Cr. Becker Cr. Becker suggested that people in the sign making industry be talked with who work with formulas. We should establish a definition of mural separate from signs. 4 :54:47 Cr. Taylor Cr. Taylor stated that a mural should be permitted and we must consider how permanent it is. 4 :56:14 Cr. Andrus Cr. Andrus stated that safety is a concern. Murals should be permanent. 4:57:06 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss spoke regarding multi story buildings. He spoke regarding meth signs. 14 of 16 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting, August 23, 2010 4:59:33 Cr. Saunders Cr. Saunders stated that the meth signs are considered short term banners. 4:59:47 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss agrees with permitting murals and have some kind of definition. 5:01:23 Mr. Saunders Mr. Saunders spoke regarding design review, 5.08:59 Mr. Saunders Mr. Saunders spoke regarding administration. 5:10 Cr. Taylor Cr. Taylor spoke regarding non-conforming signs. 5:17:43 Cr. Becker Cr. Becker spoke regarding items that should be eliminated when looking at triggering a sign permit. 5:39:35 Mayor Krauss Mayor Krauss closed the session on signs. 5:39 :37 J. FYI/Discussion 5:39:38 1. Reminder that there will NOT be a Commission Meeting Monday, August 30, 2010 as it is the fifth Monday of the month (Ulmen) 5:40:06 2. Appeals Process Expense Mayor Krauss spoke regarding the expense of the Appeals Process and that it leverages the person into something that they want to do instead of appealing. The barrier is so high that people do not want to appeal. There was a majority in agreement to have this looked into. 5,43:39 3. Budget Cr, Mehl stated because of the Capital outlays and the fees that go along with it, he is interested in holding the line and not increasing any other fees or taxes. Ile would like to staff to bring back where they would make cuts in order to hold that line. He would like to alternatives so that the Commission can pick. He wants to see this in the memo. He will be bringing his own. He is interested in offsetting everything but water and sewer. Mayor Krauss it would be good to be prepared with some ideas. Ile supports Cr. Mehl's request. Cr. Taylor would like some thought as to where to get money for the Streamline bus. Where would this money come from? Ile is 15 of 16 Minutes of the Bozeman City Commission Meeting, August 23, 2010 concerned with building the reserve above the recommended limit in these economic times. He would like to see some direction. Cr. Andrus agrees with Cr. Mehl's ideas. It was suggested that staff put together ten different options that would save money. 5:54:05 4. Cr. Becker heading to Turkey! Cr. Becker stated that he will be gone the second 1 /2 of September to go to Turkey which is work related and asked the Commission to authorize his absence. 5:55:55 5. Parking Commission Cr, Andrus stated that the Parking Commission wants to talk about advertising in the Parking Garage. She is asking that this be added to a future agenda. Mayor Krauss stated that he will add this to the agenda after the budget is adopted. 5:58:09 6. Medical Marijuana Attorney Sullivan stated that the Medical Marijuana Ordinance is in effect this Wednesday Morning at 12:01 a.m. Cr. Mehl asked for the numbers associated with business licenses. 6:00 :58'7. City Manager has been with the City 6 years! 6:01.17 8. Mayor Krauss updates on the Joint City/County Meeting from Friday, August 20th. Mayor Krauss gave a quick review of what was discussed at the Meeting including a Legislature discussion regarding the Entitlement Share, Senate Bill 201 regarding participation regarding joint planning and streamline review regarding location of properties. 6:06:25 K. Adjournment Mayor Krauss adjourned the meeting. , 4 - -,< -C , " ) V . BO 0 4, ATTk5Z, 7 (Sta�y 1,",B3 PREPARE 0 Jeere K. M4or Stacy Ukneh, CMC, City Clerk Approved on 16 of 16