HomeMy WebLinkAboutWESTLAKES 4TH SUB-I-16 - _ — — WEST " sow 1-16 - - WESTLAKE'S FOURTH SUBDIVISION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN LOCATED IN THE E 1/2 SEC. I, T2S, R5E. GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION SUE POINT OF ASE6/AININS h .I/4 CORNER SEC.I, STATE OF MONTANA ) vl T.2 S.,R.S E. COUNTY OF GALLATIN: as W. OAK ST. t CITY OF BOZEMAN ) (-- ---- -- h OAK Myron M. weatlake end Aura D, Westlake, husband and wife, certify that they are the �'-30' 4 92.B7' owner. and have caused to be surveyed and platted into lot., block. and .Create u \ shown by plat and certificate hereto annexed, the following described tract of land. /z•'S ,,I'qf A tract of land located in the Fasthalf (El,) of Section 1, Township 2 South, Range 5 s East of the Montana Print 1pa LO T ! l Meridian, ian, Gallatin County, Montana, and being more par- 1`�- ticularly described as follow.: I Beginning et the East Quarter Corner of said Section 1, marked by • 21i" pipe, 8 inches •• -�' OR 3.318 A�'RES ; I below the surface, said point being the true point of beginning; Thence South 0° 02' 21.3" Ea a distance of 2,467.09 feet along the centerline of North 3rd Avenue to the North Boundary of Westlake's First Addition; Thence, South 890 54' 31.8" West along �1(;I said North Bounds g y �- �L X. rya distance of 716.70 feet !o the Fast right of we of North 5[h �,�� b Avenue; Thence, North 0° 00' 09.9" East along said right of way a distance of 1664.07 feet to the North right of way of West Hemlock Street; Thence, North 890 53' S7"Weet II + WEST along said right of way a distance of 401.04 feet to the East Boundary of Westlake'. \�1 Second Subdivision, ':'hence, .forth f0 0n' 47.n" "as t alone said Boundary a distant, 864.14 feet to t'+r• ':orth rtpht of way of '!es[ Oak Street: T'•ence, snut' '!n° 11' 4e,a BLOCK 4 w Q BLOCK 3 I Fast sloop said riebt ,' wev a distance of I11 S.tit feet to C'e centerline +t ':nr[ 'r 49.298 or". Avenue:tThence, South n 02' _21.3" East alonF said centerline a distance AREA =375 BB'4.095.F tk to the rue point of beginning and containing a W 6•i = n The lends included in the park and street right of ways shown on said plat are hereby Q 1 OR B.629 ACRES �/+ 1 F, granted, donated and dedicated to the use of the public forever, said plat shall be I known as Westlake's Fourth Subdivision to the City of Bozeman, Gallatin(ounty. L_ I Q ST,BIRCH W.Z j, I W $ BIRCH (VACATED) w Dated this day of ,A.D., 1973 Ld VACAIEp1__ N' LOT 2 g I- ---- Z o 'r uwi; U AREA - 266,297.44 S.F. g Myron M. Westlake Z! �C' I V7 OR 4.83 ACRES 1 I Aura D. Westlake -- Iy, 1 Ll! h STATE OF MONTANA ) I:• .� 0 O COUNTY OF GALLATIN: as IS ll2 g DID' I c CITY OF BOZEMAN ) On this / f day of i% , 1973 before me, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared Myroh M. West Lake and Aura D. Westlake, husband and wife, I 44-30' ppb I known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed in the foregoing certificate /I 533.A0' /V I 493.34' of dedication, and acknowledged to me that they executed same for the uses and purpose --- �—T!r—��� a therein set forth. —N89'•5,3 57 W—4ON 04,— N89'M57"W,30'IC N 89°47'I2"E W. HEMLOCK S T.— + — - .. —.- ----- ----.. -- /b/.9G 553.55' HEMLOCK(VACATED) IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in the Certi- ficate Eire[ above written. SZ3.S.S-' I- -_-- Notary Public for the State of Montana Residing at Lev'l.)t. „t, My Commission Expires CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR ' ! STATE OF MONTANA 1 as 1 l� COUNTY OF GALLATIN) I 1 I, James A. Cummings, a Registered Professional Engineer and Land Surveyor in the Stale of Montana, Reg. No. tl -- -- 3111E5, do hereby certify that between 2_i2_7g and a-'�p.'r9. I supervised the survey of Westlake's Fourth W. JUNIPER S T. Subdivision of the City of Bozeman, Gal County,Montana; That such survey was made in accordance wick th,� (VACATED) .3 BLOCK 2 JUNIPER (VACATED) provisions of Chapter 6, Title II of the Political Code, Sections 11-601-11-616, Revised Code of m19 ontane, ----' ------ -- ---- ------- j O AREA a 452,87/.48 S.f s 1947,. and Section 11-614.1 enacted as Section 1, Chapter 82, Laws of 1953; that iron pine and troi pipe mon- - -- `\lyselCMrlwere set at all lot corners and subdivision corners ae shown on [he accompanying plat. �1 OR 10.397 ACRES _- h" S q, � Dated this B+ls day of Mar 1973 CUMM 42; Jltgaee M�aC gs, ntana Reg. N 3113ES. Part Chief -- L`• III N ��l CERTIFICATE OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICE OI STATE OF MONTANA COUNTY OF GALLATIN:ss CITY OF BOZEMAN V) _ I, Harold A. Fryslle, Director of Public Service for the City of Bozeman, Montana, and as such, the Super- 6 86.02, L - - __ v or of Plate of said City of Bozeman, do hereby .artily that I have examined this plat of the Westlake'. ° N 890 58'SO.8"E Fourth Subdivision, q1 the City of Bozeman, Montana into lots, blocks, streets. W. TAMARACK ST.--- -----W 714.04---- --- -- - ---___. - .----TAMARACK W By the direction of the City Commission and pursuant to the provision of Chapter 3, Section 11-3305, Title ! Q 3 y,r.Oo' 2 94.06' Q IT of the Political Code, Revised Codes of Montana, 1947, I approve said plat. 1 I 1 Dated this 4j� day of C2+.p 1973 FJ j =I lii actor ul ,iblic Service o the City of Bozeman •� ' LL F- 4^i C•,un[y Ge]'. In, St n!r of Montana ca - -�----- ----- - - ,- I F114, pE PARK 1 `=' z (If REQUIRED) Z' fs'L.6! 35 C1:RTIF7CAT'B OF COUNTY 1. •I,,'SSI ' L� STATF. OF MONTANA ) I as COUNTY OF GALLATIN) ,Count an ut tendls,,ird of Coun.aid ty County,ndoshof Ga Ilatin certify W. J WPARKKE \We, the undersigned, County, Montana, and y ° ASPEN S T. v BLOCK I that the accompanying plat of Westlake a Fourth Subdivleinn, of the City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Monte: ,O b ASPEN a1 prepared in duplicate, has been submitted to the Board of County Commissioners of Gallatin Countyr Mon- Q\ Ib ,?S7,083.39 S.F. I Lana,�,f,,Ar examination and has been found by them to conform to law and was approved by them �+ 0 I S.902ACRE5 day 1973. -- e3 ! ` Q''L L _� _ XI a /93,3z3.94 S.F. �/�z'Chairman, h�„rtd of County Guam+ alou' VVV p 1 •4.438 fCR6S I Cnun t!'Cl-rk n.i Rv,order, +,al1,t Iu County l I Approved this da• , 1973, Gallatin Cuunty­I.,v of 1' .man, L..1'-COUNTY PLANNING I \L` BOARD. I I 1 I ! ,ldeu, 8"W - ,3 YR.00' N 30' B. N - SS' L CERTIFICATE OF CITY COMMISSION � � ' STATE OF MONTANA ) Lo r 3 COTTONWOOD COUNTY OF GALLATIN: as CITY OF BOZEMAN ) �,0 41,040.DOS., ly LOT Z r 0.94,2 AC. v a• //5067 z;3 S. 9Cb o° °mf q o 4 2. /9cRES K we, the duly elected and acting Mayor and City Cosn OA! 64Z CIO of the City u[ Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, I q1 ��' do hereby approve the plat hereto annexed of Westlake's Fourth Subdivision, of the City of Bozeman. Dated this��day of , 1,ll� Mayor --- I S89°54'9L8"W r—� -- 7/6.7p h3�K, 4-9Mayor I I � ; It,[7(',/_:,v I Commissioner I j Cr O C asiwer Commissioner 7 . ._.._PEACH \._ STATE OF MONTANA ) I `S.E. CORNER SEC.I, es T.2 S.,R.5 E. COUNTY OF GALLATIN) R5E R6E (NOY FOUND) n LEGEND I I hereby certify that the foregoing instrument was filed for record in my office this day of J I ' 4 "7.' at 0,Clock 4 .M., end recorded on page /(, of Book Z� Records 0 1`X�'IRON PIPE sr- Jof—Gall—silo county, Montana. 4 418"x/8" REBAROAA Y 804INDOY LINE �a�9 " SECT/ON LINE ILA Clerk and Recor Gallat der, in Co , Montana ------ EXISTING R/W It EASEMENT LINE L�J NEW R/W I PROPERTY UNh' - --- CENTERLINE I _ PARK AREA a S.90z _ACRES DURSTOM —'---"---- f PEACH Ini-Ij �..�- LOT AREA 36.479 ACRES STREET AREA as 6.9/7 ACRES SOD TOTAL AREA= 417.278 ACRES LOCATION MAP