HomeMy WebLinkAboutWESTGLEN SUB J-347 WESTIGLEN J - 347 BY OWNERS TO C-� -A-E 67 ; I- AAT OF TAE3ULAT77�1 �WNERS: DENNIS AND JON! BAI'AN 'RANK R. HkRRINGT-�' AREA OF LOTS = 558,992 SO FT 12.8327 ACRES DORA 8- HARRINGT­ AREA OF OPEN SPACE 50.125 SO FT 1.1507 ACRES WESTGLEN SUBDIVISION AREA OF STREET = 206,194 SO FT 4.7336 ACRES -EGENE) R) RECORD DISTANCE OR AZIMUTH. LOCATED IN THE NW 114 OF SEC. 11, l . 2 S., R. 5 E. TOTAL AREA = 315,311 SO FT 183170 ACRES SURE) DISTANCE R AZIMUTH P.M.M., CST BOZEMAN, GALLA TIN COUNTY, A4ONT4NA T M� O OF Y il 0 �---ND 5/8 INCH REBAR WITH 1 1/4 INCH CAP MARKED (#12251S) OR AS NOTED S-' 5/8 N-1- RF13AR WITH 1 1/4 INCH i 4-2. P' T 4-4 4-S -AS IC VIARKED -C&H, #9515ESI4-1 FOR A21MUT45 FROM NORTH: THE SOUTH LINE OF THE 4, 4 OF SEC, 11, T. 2 S- 1 5 E., BEING 089'20"13" il,45'00'00"Ej SEARING COMPUTED FROM AZIMUTH SHOWN 20'.20 Weer M-- E.serrle-t- t [N89'24'I6'E-, 2 Utility E...-rit-, 20�Utility E-e -t-, OW42 R&M) NORTH LINE OF S 1/2, NW 1/4, jEC I 601-0' T 475-mo -75-30 -35-0o -3-51T)1170.00 70.00 1 4.74 -------------------- 7 7-1 7Y Ec.S FNA EIS;T S LOT 5 ei <Ln mi��, el 12' FRONT AT ALL STREET m 12,134,55 So Ft Il REAR 04 i7 0 OND 20' AT NORTHERN AND EASTERN BOUNDARIES `1 :25 RETENTION P ic r. -I I•�- go H-�2 rec _j lc� 0�2 0 1,� 0. 06.-j, I -�i r OPEN SPACE _j _j e --------------- 17,455 Sq It V;CINI-.Y l._35.'-'C 35m, ..u.37-39 ce �061 LOT 6 15,990 Sol Ft 7-71-T, 1S9*2"`l3, Cameah-wait Street s. LOT 1 089'20'13' 268.06 9.5112 So F-1 13403 1.34.03 -------------- -------------- 134.06 389-20'1 Y LOT 1A 030 So Ft v 3� ; 0 LOT 19 v 089,20'16' 8 10,718 So Pt LOT 7 A--r- 80 c- c�t 8 LOT 1B ,: S,865 So Ft OT L Sz 4 2 E tg 416 9C Sqo 11 k"o 9,385�t So It089'20'13" 13403 403�'1� , 089'20'13" 136.5& "A 11 --j 1 134.16 089'20'13" LOT 2A �,690 So F�t 7, H 089'20 LOT 1 8 8 5 LOT 9,3ao so Ft 9,865 Sq It LOT 3 - B oi i 9,393 ScFt-;- I oi W. College St. 7� 059'20'13' 1'34 03 089'20'13' 134.03 d toLOT 3A ol 134.27 089��, 1111-2.'111'e9C'So I LOT 17 LOT 9 9,180 So Ft b E nm;, LOT 3B c�i c�LOT 4 9,865 Sol It ,jT TO SCALE 4,6S0 Sq Ft 9,400 So Ft a89'20`l311 134-03 -10, Utility Eclelerrerl 134.03 t T P 134,37 08912a�11� LOT 4A 17 Ft I go 4.690 So EXISTING ZONING: R-2 AND R-3A 089'20'13" 34�03 LOT 10 L-o, EB U 11 C)I N G SETBACKS LOT 5 LOT 4B .0,913.5 Sq Ft 9�407 So Ft 4,69C Sq plz FRONT YARD: 20 FEE- 7"59 REAR YARD: 20 FEET 3403 6 3-m SIDE YARD: 5 FEET 134,47 089'20'13� 6.6a 55.22 1 556 LOTS FRONTING WEST BABCOCK: 25 FEET o PARK/OPEN SPACE CORNER SIDE YARDS GOVERNED BY 32,67C So Ft 269'20", F, 0.7500 Acre SECTION OF CITY OF 20,13. 1 �-R-3l LOT 6 o 269 Street BOZEMAN ZONING ORDINANCE ----West onden"11 85,91 9,410 4 So Ft 134,57 089'20'13' 089,2013" 268.06 12.86 -R-2:79.00 134.13 134.03 56.58 5SO4 LOT 5A -330- k,',. 4 690 So Ft LOT 7 .2l 134.03 'LOT 16 oD 08g 9,380 9,421 So Ft LOT 5B LOT 1 J I n 4,690 S It c .1 11,296 So Ft q go t3,,61 089,20,13" 089'20'13' 3 4 3 089W,13, 134.03 E 089'20'13' 136.58 7- LOT 8 '54.03 c LOT 15 1. d ii.1190,So Ft P, R So Ft 'LOT B 6 .41 LOT 2 9,671 Sq It SQ I, 43 4,S -0 r 089'20'13' 134.03 089'20`13' 134.03 -32:25" 24-58 089-20'13" 136.58! Ga- 6r- 89'20"Z" ZD 45 A, LOT 7A en 4,690 Sq F I co MendIT'hatt 1 089'20'1 Z' it 3 4.0 3 LOT 14 Wes I 0- - 9,380 So Ft S B LOT 3 L -A 5"00 : ",l F" Ft 3,671 So Ft o P - 111!0 " l 3" .04"2 So oo-2 089'20'13':69' i34 03 -4, LOT 8 A i",Utility Easment(Tyl J� 4,690 So Ft 089-2C)'13" i34�03_` LOT 13 9,380 Sc I LOT 4 LOT 1 LOT 8B Sol Utility Ecsenlert(TIP.)- - 8,8. .Ft 4,690 So F, 9,671 So '34.98 C39�0,13- 089'20'13" 134037W T 089'20'1 134.03 059'20'13" 136.1-8i ...... LOT 9A 4,690 So It 13403 of L( r '1 3" )T 2 89'20 LOT 12 9,380 So F- go co 9,450 Sq Ft LOT 5 6 LOT 9B 4,69C So Ft 9.671 Sq Ft 089�20'13- I "'j: 08920'13" 134 03 089'20'1.3" 34.03 oo 089'20'1,�3" 136-58 LOT 10A 4,69C Sq Fi 089'20'13" 34.03 LOT 3 LOT 11 9,457 Sc Ft 9 10,718 So Ft LOT 6 LOT 10B 9,671 So Ft 135.18 08920'13" .6,030 So Ft 134.C3 134.03 0 26&06 089'20'13" 135-58 (R&M) LOT 4 269W131 808 [S89-20'13"W] �2-a8 089'20'11" �--Yark Street 31.74 rd 196.34 9,599 Sol Ft 089'20",3" 1,31.67 135-29 t TES T 1111.00 2211.63 -L-07 T A----1,269'20'13' 269-20'13" Pr-perty shown hereon lies in Zone X (Outside the 6 6,098 So Ft go 1' 269'20'13" 131�62 500 year flood zone"- according to FIRM Community Panel No. 300028 00111C (panel not printed) 0892013' 85.46 LOT 1 B 4 7!�Sq Ft, 2. There are no known wetlands on the Q�Jl; i31.58 269'20 13 property shown hereon. LOT 2A A 4,778 Sq Ft 4-t LOT 5 LOT 6 269'20'13" 27,271 So It 39.22' So Ft tc 0: ol 0.6261 Acre LOT 2B 'n 71 0.9004 A�- 1 R, E� 4,775 Sq Ft o ei 5- F1 7 131.49 A44 0,:591;4caore 81 -c 13 LOT 3A vl E �4 (NOT INCLUDED IN 4,774 So It o, 269'20'13" 131.44 T SUBDIVISION) ;ehor P ;I t Z Mo-n Fisher 8k 138, 3-,6 Ple, LOT 3B A ,5,, 10 e-1 2 ed 7,402 So Ft 36.98.., 131.38 269'n13' 246 98 85.00 West Babcock -20'1.3- 269 Street S iire f S 1/2, NW!/4� Sec. !I 523.42 664.57 2 -45' wide Pubic greet 69,20,13 Scale Sn. Feet orld Utjity Easement for n 89"20'13" ------ 0-went#2066407 0E9 20'13 4 4,,3 _ ILI 1 1 Ali, L 0 St L 2 0 '20'1 3" 3 1=3.'2 4 E90 LOT '-'4 G-S-P 3, -P1189-2 '14 L 0 T POINT OF BEGINNING -POINT OF BEGINNING EXCEII sate 1n, meter-_, WESTGLEN J- 347 PLAT OF WESTGLEN SUBDIVISION L OCA TED /N THE tv W 1/4 OF SEC. 11, T. 2 S., R. 5 L Ty OF BOZEMAN. GA ' ATIN COUNTY, A40NTANA OF P.M.A4.5 L L' CERTiFlCATE OF DEDICATION ER-TIFICATE OF SURVEYOR h't --z- e property owners, do hereby certify that we hava caused to be surveyed, subal:vic- Mari, A. Chandler, ProfessiorQ1 Engineer and Land Surveyor No. 9518-ES, do hereby certify that plartecie into lots, mocks, streets and allays, and other divisions and dedi-flaris as shown by the pint hereuntobetween Jar.. 2, and Sept. 9 , 2002, 1 surveyed WESTGLEN SUBDIVISION, and platted included, the following described tract aT_ land, to -wit: M A. the some as sin—, on the accompanying plot and as described, in accordance Montano Subdivision and Plattina M owe LEGAL M ,,i,���L Act, Sections 76-3-101 through 76-3-625 M_C_A_ and the Bozeman Area Subdivision Regulations. No951 SM/,,g[ Tract 1 and Truct 2, Certificate of Survey No, 2309, and Tract 1, Certificate of Survey No. 2276, accQrdinQ to -UL L� !��ctER ,,,`�,,' /AJ �� 'F"' Doted this day of 52,�7wkaZP 2002. ,e plats thereof. on file and of record in the office of the Clerk and Recorder. Gallatin County, Montana,h, Mark A. Chandler and this tract described on Film 146, Page 1827, records of said office of the Clerk and Recorder, are a, n,�, Montana Registration No. 9518ES tt Township 2 South, Range 5 East a- P.M.k!_, Gallatin County, Mont—, In the Northwest Quarter of Section. 1, :1 one further described as follows: Commencing at the West Quarter Corner of said Section 1',; CERTIFICATE OF DIRECTOR OE PUBLIC SERVICE thence easterly 08T 20' 13", assumed azimuth from north, 664.57 feet along the south line a* the Northwest of said Section 11, to the point of beginning of the property to be described; 1, Director of Public Service, City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the accompanying plot thence northerly 000. 43' 16' azinnu-11, 1335-54 feet clang the west line of Tract 1, said Certificate of 5❑rvey pi h S beer, duty examined and has found the some to conform to ow, approves it, and hereby accepts ,-set along the � a thence easterly 089' 24' 16" azimuth 658.42 north line f the South Hail am -ed:cction to the City of Bozeman for the public use of any and all lands shown or. the plot as of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 1 1 icated to such use. thence southerly 180' 38* 1C' azimuth 985.22 feet along the west line of Willow Subdivision; _,a_ thence westeHy 269' 20 13' a7.muth 136.58 feet along the north line of Tract 2, Certificcte, of Survey No. 2976; k____ Aftilru .his ' �day of Nlsuv­lnln 2002. A, A &-4 thence southerly 180' 42' 03" azimuth 349.51 feet along the west line cff said Tract 2 DI ectar of Public Service thence westerly 269' 20' 13" ozilmuth 52342 feet ciong the south tine of the City of Bozeman, Montana Northwest Quarter of said Section to the point of peoinnind+ 0= RELEASE OF SANITARY AR'f' RES EXCEPT the parcel of cnd she.,, and described :r Boo, 138 of Deeds, Page 326, records of the office of said The Plat L in Mont Clerk, and Recorder, a further described us foilows: - Westgen S 711-111-1.51_�­ and, ,14�`�sl­tyof Bozeman, 3 Commencing at the West Quarter Corner of sold Section 11; Motanc Master Plan area, ap%siiill.be j5�14��i facilities for the supply of water and toe.disposal thence easterly 089' 20 'T� assumed azlm.+h fr., ricirm, 996.65 feet along the south line of The Northwest OLiorter of of sewage and solid waste. son is to of Section. 76-4-124(l), M is not subject pfawk-nrllfer the .li"`����C.A., this subdivision nation clearance. said Section 11; thence northerly 003' 37; 56" -�71rruth 29.90 feet along the east line a' Tract 2, sold Certif:ccte of a is Survey No. 2309, 10 the Point of beginning of said EXCEPTION; .his_ day of_, 2002. thence westerly 269* 20' 13" -azimuth 85.00 feet along the boundary of Tract 2, Certificate of Survey No. 2309; Director of Public Service 'hence northerly 000' 30' 03" azimuth 200,14 feet" along said boundary; City of Bozeman, Montano thence easterly 089' 20' IS' azimuth 85.46 feet along said boundary; ,hence southerly '80' 37' 56' azimutin 200.15 feet along the west line of the property described on Flim 146, Page 1827 to the point of beginning- CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS Area = 815,3111 square feet, 18.711701 acres a, 75,744.8 square meters. Subject to existing easements. 1, Dennis Balicn, and 1. Mark A, Chandler, -- registered engineer licensed to practice in the State of Montana, do hereby certify that the f&iowing improvements, required the above described tract of land is to be known and designated as WESTGLEN SUBDIVISION, AFMINM AS'jo#U= as C. condition of approval of WESTGLEN SUBDIVISION, have been installed in conformance City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana; and the lands included in oil streets, avenues, alleys and parks with the approved plans and specifications,or hove been bondedor public squares shown on said plat are hereby granted, donated, and dedicated to the City of Bozeman for file _:- --,_ � public use and enjoyment. So P itary Sewer Mains and Services, Water Mains and Services, Street Improvements, c, portion of the sidewalks and storm drainage improvements or Veriwether Avenue, Drou,;arm Avenue, York Street and Cnimenhwait Street The undersigned hereby grants unto each and every person, firm or corporation, whether public or private, providing and within the Public Park Lands. oroffering to provide telephone, electric power, gas, cable television, water or sewer service ttleubiig, the flight to the joint use of an easement for the construct' i on, maintenance, repair and removal res and other facili ties, in, over, under and across each area desionated on this plat as 'U?Iity -c The subdivider hereby ­nrcrits against defects In these inTprevemeras for Q period of one year from 'his date. have and to hold forever. The subdivider grants possession of all public infrastructure improvements to the City of Bozeman, and the City hereby accepts possession a' a:! public infrastructure improvements, subject to the abov Indicated: warranty. Dated this day fWkMA-f1- , 2002 3 Said, Dated this do, of Wk*1411! 2002, Mark A. Chandler. STATE OF MONTANA Montana I t lati a9513ES COUNTY OF GALLATIN On this 0 day of in ;he y... 2002t ef-­ �n. JMnAll"T401er, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, pel*,h"6":y1�red-De, rinis Shinn and ion; Scion, known to me to be the persons ur of ILloo Service ",'i, Dennis Baliah City a' Bozeman, Montano whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the sarcr In witness whereof, have hereunto set my hand and red my official. sea! the day and year in this certificate first ove wr b tter. s Ting at Zoze rel? CAT S F ACCEPT IcJG CASH-J;,�-LIELi (DF PARK DEDICATIONICATION ni THE STATE OF MIONTAN­A my commission expires zaaz- SEAL N? in as much as dedicator, of par< and within the plotted area of WestgIen Subdivision would be 57ARY PUSIViC FOR -saesirqlbie I'- park and playground purposes, it is hereby ordered by the City Commission of OF C;ity a- Bozeman that land dedication for park purposes be waived and that cash-in-lieu. Dated this_L?�A day 2 0 02 anm M,Tu-n-A ,,, to the amount of 29,900 dollars, be accepted in accordance with the provisions of the Montano Subdivision and Pattinia Act, Sections 76-3-101. through 76-3-625, M.C.A., and the FRANi, P. HARR;NGTON TiIST DORA 8- HARRINGTON TRUST Bozeman Si.,balvision Regulations � Dot d Apri! 15, 1994 Dated April 1-, 1994 AM064 -owner of Fit, 143, age 1045) 'Co-owirer 01 Flinn 143, Page 1 'Icted this day _-7 Aooitrli,�A.D., 2002.6 � ,tx, 7f- Director of Public Service 'Frank R rusted Do rank R. ric"111�IQA stee Juna k as To B. Hcrrinaton, CEF�TiFlCA­_ OF COL-JNTY TFfEASL�•EFR Anna Rosenberry, Treos,.ier of Goliath County, Montana, do hereby certify that the accompanying STATE OF MONTANA let has beer, duly examined and that at! real property foxes end special assessments COUNTY OF 1ALfATfN p assessed and levied on the land to be subdivided have been paid. On this 94 day of a J�%M L4Aff- in the year 2002, before me Notany Public fcir the state of Man arc, Ders nally appeared Frank R, Harrington and Dora B. Harrington, known me to be tire Trustees Doted this L 2002. By:_10!� do, of - /4/1— of the Frank R. licir,inaton 'rust, doled April 5. 1994 cinc fro Trustees bl the Darri B. Harrington TrUS�L, dated Dep, einsurer of Gallatin County April 15, 1994, and the to ;he "I'' I e persons whose names are subscribed e within �nstrurhent and acknowledged�% c_ 1 to me throt they executed the same for and ­ behalf a' said Vusts, CE:R-. -ICATE OF C I-E R K AND RECORDER Wi nes� whereof, I hove hereunto set rn� hard �P.d affxed my of ficial,fficia, seat the day and year r thla certiflcate r,st coove written. County, Montana, o hereby ce.ify that Shelley Vonc e, and Recorder of Gallatin C rt res�aing at t8ozezyxy7 the f golng Istouler- was filed in Toy office at 4LO7 o'clocki.M. this 1-#t_4 d f &-oAL z and recorded in Book plats, Page AP_ 20021' NCOIRY PUAAKC FORT THE STATE OF MONTANA my commission Fe� -der, Gallatin 'Y'K, records of the n5e�-, oi County, Montana. ,,,ci�OW .CONSENT C NA 0 FRTC/-C,-E f"i Do mart Nurnbc By: Deputy Clerk and Recorder 1 r the undersigned mortgagee 0rtgagee or encumbrancer, do qe-eby Join it on-, consent 10 the described plat e.le.dsing my respective liens, claims or encumbrances as to cry protiori of said lands now being P.atted into streets, avenues, parks or other public uses which are dedicated to the City of Bozeman for fine public use and enjoyment. EMPIRE BANK C EFR-T CAT PE OF EX C L_U S 0 r, F PR 0 1,' MONTANA DEPAFR7VEN , 0 P- E NV!R 0 NI VI E:N-A 1- Q 1_�A LI_FY REVIEW EV I EVV Doted this dov a,,' 2CO2, by,- 7�; Danny'_�.,Welch, vice-president are Branch manager AS 15 fum The WESTGLEN SUBDIVISION, Gallatin County, Montana, is within the City a' Bozeman, Montana,within f the Sozemor. 2020 Community Plan, a growth STATE OF MONTANA first-class municipality, and within the planning area o; t I COUNTY' OF GALLATIN policy adopted pursuant to Section 76-1-601 et sec., v_C.A_, and can be provided with. adequate On this I'/ day of in the year 2002, before me 1 -1, a Notary Public for tne aN�A storm water drainage and adequate municipal facilities Therefore, u,der +he provisions of Section Stat is of Montana, personally appeared Danny R. Welch, known to me to be the vice residerand branch rircnacle, 76-4-125(2)(d) M.C.A., this subdivision is excluded from the requ'�rement for Montana Department of Environmental Quality review. of Empire Bank, a Montano Corporation, and to be the person whose name is subscribed to the withh, instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the some, for and on behalf of said Corooration. in witness whereof. 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official sea! the day and year 7n this certificate first above written. Dated this day Of -ALA3Q),h�, 2002 S� iAator7 of Pullbific Service reeding at CAy of Bozeman, Montana NOTARY PUBLIC FjOR THE SATE OF MONTANA my commission expires IIII 0 E oil 111111111111 2 11111111111"1* 87566 ....i'l*1 2 5--y V­­G-ii­1 C�IT 11_�T 311 M2 04— `(Ct.,, ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING, INC. �d e­y�, III 14e ,Drive Bowman,Montan. 69718 J'I"�a"li fl.1.1 507-9708-indo0che"914"I",COM S H E E-, 2 0 IF 2 1