HomeMy WebLinkAboutWEST PARK MANOR 1st ADD F-36 . ' .. .. .. :r:, .:: .r. .,:s..,: .. .. .;., r. .. .. f. .. .:. : ..., f t ., . .. .. I !t ...: . . .:: . . :.+ .. _, +d,.. K ': .. :. . . j .. .... .:,. s F j. I' . . .. . 1 ... 1' , . ;r . -- I ., .; r .'' I ,i . . ,. . .. ..., : WEST PARK :MANOR, `FIRST ADDITION �: �� , . . . 4 I, ATRACT. OF LAND LYING IN THE:EAST ONE HALF OF THE NORTHEAST ONE QUARTER OF SECTION ELEVEN, ` . . TOWNSHIP TWO ,SOUTH, RANGE FIVE EAST, MONTANA :PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, 1 r " j CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA T2S R51E ,j { 1 � •. ,. V . - :: . .. .: :., L . S 1 A ., 1 .. i SCALE-CINCH-100 FEET _ I t� I ' TOTAL ACREAGE,FIRST ADDITION 48.440 _ �2 I '.1 S1 1 R' N88°09"I." p(�N Roao 'J' _m,tp �6 . _ '.u, rY M '. - --�_� 60 Ili 117 4S 705: 1 896.74 .. AA4 1IT m n 18' 1 I I7 (1 '12 .I ti i I sr. 0 I' 7aoz EF a CERTIFICATE OF�DEDI.CATIO I � . pD. .. I 7602&F. 'T I 1.:... .( .. 1 30e .. _ I i. 'I - ':. .' 18 m. -Is J: 16 " I: :,eat: 'fenv .Entexm"e6. a blolltana Conporati.un.`..liavtng it6'>wLiitcipa4 plftee o bag e66 at dozenan, A+�ii.tafm .. . . .. _ •plan f , + + +. Cau6gd to b¢buxveyed. - 1 7840.7 82s4.T I 63e9.4' f �v anu tlfAopgir�.ta.dtu:q_' o zot6d bzock"6` dpe6-hereby eeA,te6y_that'bit th the ana e a hoe I I is 6uif-divided and'' ed'nto.Loth' bloCk1 6treet6 and.peAk a6 6nolart bu th¢pia.anu teA.t1-6.ccat hle'Jtgto awnezgd the o I oLla ' 'dewti.bed.ttac o6 Land tyi.n in the Eaat.one,{tat 0,6 the NoAtheaa#one-quaAteA'IE1/2 1 1V41 06 Seet6pn'¢Levert .. 1, 0 0 I 1.: 16 ..'. 6 ut•ng r. 'e'laittana PA,incipal 6IFACdidnl dLlati.n County'o Alo"a, k , , Is I, r I ,.- . If)) Towrw '-two,South R e 61ve Eae# 1S.1.T T.2S..R. 06 . . 1 , ` SL. ih 8i87 ei97 'I F' , s167 I. kd tiebtg'moAii adg¢eeAibed by;the 6o oGilii9 met" atul boundai to wit: .. I' Beq.irutiiytg::at t e NoAthgaat corner o6 Seetton¢Leven Tow alt%ij two South Range ivg E .t,;;agd beam South - . I. i.., `�`gi,,kty.eigh&degreeb; I e mi.natea and t`_!t.t1mee 4econd4 wEAt IS.88 09 23 w.j along the.Nort{t 'e.oS da,I`t eet!on . 1 eCeven' a dfa:tame o�luutdred°Sijtel-e:ix and give-tenths Sect (ds6.5 6t.1',' •thence South Zeno�Je9n¢e6 5i tywRE nw+ute6. and thtAtyeight eecond6 webt IS.O i] 38"w.) a dcbtakee o6.tvelve{I4noked ex.Tty-aeven and eigh t'ee9en One-hundred beet . . . . :.-. if967.87.6t.J1.thence South e£ghty-nene..d¢gneee 6ixteen minute6 and seven 4geonda (S 89 L6'07"II.VV, �a d46tanee o6¢ip Sj. ' hul?dAed'bguFrvty-nine an.ughtyonz'one-hundredths Sect I819a8i 6t.i along the NoAth Line o6 web SeaPk Street to a point 1 I I 9772 , 6TT2 I 1 8772 . I 1. I 13 I` ort;the web#Lin¢06 as Ea6t onephgS o6 the Northeast one quaAteA'06 aa.id Section eleven (E1/2 NEi/4, S711J, aa.ta point I3 E2, I I beta'tImZve hundred.6i&y and SoAl-hive^one-hundudtha b6eet 6n0m the NonXhtueat corner o6 the Nhrtlteaet one-quauten 06 the aid Seetton•elevert (Nw Con. NEI/d' NE►/4 S.1111 thence South.zeko d reed run¢ulrnudgb slid /i6ry- �Qj "I . 1. I.. - NOAtweaa one-queA.tOA 0g b e e -- .. - I ( I, thhee beeonda West:^1.5,0. 9'33"w.J a.2.ong.eaid weetla.rte adi6tanc¢o6Sowtteenhandn¢d.hv¢nty and thvtt r 9ne hunditedtha i .. i .' (' beet"i1,4 to,3q'6t.),to Southae6t coAne2 o6 tile:Southeaat tntd-quaA:ten p6 the.Northeast one- a.o6 baid Sectt.on,eleven 12 23'. I 12 ,. i :I: (Slu Co,4: SEII`!•,NEi(d,�,III thence No4th eight-eight degrees aeventeen minate6 6 zat - rCe b ndb Eaat IN,88 11�23"E.)`.. ( .:(. a d4afiance o6 one hund 'eightty-pm and eighty-ouA one-hundredth6'6eet(184, tj along,the South Line 06 Aaid Eae#ong+ . . I yA haP6 06 the;NofLthea6t 61{e-quaAten o6 Section eteven:IEi/2, NEI14. S.111 e ' S ne being th'Ben 0 Line o6 webt Babcock 9239 .w 9239 '1. .I- .9239; - w f O. ., Strttet to aipaint oath¢NontheAl:y r4.ght o6 wwl o6'U. S.,Hightoay 0191,.aa-now toyed out and co tAueted, ea.i.d po.tntl6ea.ng w W O ; O 1 I z six {$iv.'e beet Nonthw"kXAty when me"Med at Aight angtO to eentgAZ ne St2tton 361+26.1A thence htong 4aid..*ht 06 Kt' z It K z $4 '• 11''" w .r 8•bt•ty.64Ve.beet Le t paAaV-a rto-the.eente,"ji'carve louring a centra4 an9Le'o6 6ontg-nine,d9gAeed nine teen,ntirw.1`PA and wtd� Z' W w I > ( I > . #hut#r ive Sect tF96t9r3d') and a nadiu6:o6:one thoaaand Soon hundred th my-tan and give-tenth- fleet (1432,s bt��:'a'die#ance I �w > > eie a. 1 I 1. o6yone'thouaand one.ha Ed and,tevo tenths Sect 111.00.2 ;St.)to the point o6•tan9enxi 4cxty6tbei ge14 t;6t,od 6aAd coylteAkine, :.Q et d M C, I -:r Y -� S -at-Station37T*18.6i t1a, cc,VoAth eighty-eight degneea boAty mi"VA6 and ttuen.tfl-tJvtee aecond4.East (N.88 40 23"E j a.Iong . p y F 10 F z6 1 : 10 H aaLd'xig{tt oS !a dia ce o6 one'hundred ba+t4T-might and one-t;eNth Sect 1148.1 6t.) to a point on the Ea6t Me o6 4atd U p-: z U W , ti ''O 00 T S¢i Lion eleven; thence.oath;zero degneeb$46tll.one'minOtee and ihinty'ei9hX¢¢condo East 1N,0'6T'38"E,I along 4aid Ea6z .. t.. O yr>,'• - O OJ '0. tV , I 8772 'N 8772 '1 67Tz - _ 6 Avo outland taw hundred ninety jive and 4oemty-hive one-hundnetCth4 6 1229:5 25 6#,1 the.'potnt D;; .. . N J I bLtitC. I..nee 4 . aU 6oxope4ht and 6o&t goa one-hundnedtha:aeree (48.d4A,j more OA 4944', . m Im 'i (V In m r I x I 1 � O uJ�Said tAact i6 be knotat aid de6i wAed as weat-PmA.ManoA FiA4t Addition 0{the City'a6 BlozMnan GaLZatin (o m ._ ''.: - m . . __ F. n�i y „ F _ 2¢ ; 1 9 .IF- .. County, Alontarnx.,and.aLY.the Londe ineGulei(.crt-atl4fiiteet4, avenue-. iwnfra and:6nontane roads tlti.th4n'.th¢bound.,, oS•thibt.. N t- F_ Ir, . A _ cr I . cr >. pintfinv as ehoun'helceo one heuby'gnanted and do ad,to''the'u4e ob the pubLit SoneveA, - z .0.. Liz bo (' I '9a 9 0' A."D. 1.964... I 0 - . . .O I3 9239 Z .. Z Dated tltib- .dar{.06.'"^.1� 1.I . I y0 z Z i. .. A E.WERPR I ' ' - n.. ' . .. . Iz. tJESTEPN GENER L J., e E 27 I . I r. n 1> . ' . _ II . 5 7. o o za 7 o I A7 I ruaea I I I i - +n.Cti� II +0�}rr rT I Il(C�apoAate 4 +AJ r .. I. ' � : I I 6> & 29 1 6 �c anti �., -..w�- 1 . I I 1 " . I I a tJ 3Cd,,Jot.`Z _� o _ I - I ::. 't, 'STATE OF'MONTANA :} I '' .N f _ - u�I s N 3O ° d t. t` Citrn.U1 0 Ga.Clattn, i.4 1 11 r0Y4t .T` ? .. I� . I � �. ` Colt 677z. 87iz 1 1 ' ' Son the On tltA6 dal!a6 begone me -the undeAa4g Nota4y Pubtie 1 4 n, w 31 i 4 PAtdent land Secnetiutt p neanectcR e¢tJJr v' t o u A, and¢ �'ufgenott totmebthat e D. i964, t,a / un . -:Such CorpoAlation exetut d ttte bam6. � -:I . I .8772 8772 i. I 8772 : 9 1. ii �1t7 wl.i'NES$-wll REOFe I have hekwnto,set my hand and�a66Axed In od64eiat 4ea. the dory II rfFA/t.en tiue Salt tv6.(c�t6' ...,I ,3. r r 32: I I 8 ...;1 '.1 :6iA4t nnvve ttA;i tt¢n.' /. - r ,. . . - I in 1�: 1 1 11 ' . I ' .. ,'.'.. n ..n .d!• 2- Re64d4ng.at �.z ..:: �. ...i..:.. .r...g'. .,..... : .: .g. A w.. - w..rr. It 1. 3 ... {L:.. 72 I. s .' .u. 7 .. 72 ._, �, ...5 !. ...... . :.' J I, I a I I I Im o� I 9e 1 " 34 .1 < ! . CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR 1 o .CP ^ `vi. 7802.SF. 7602SF.I. 1 7602 SF m 1 t m 09 - • tl'.,:;: 'so I. `(.'_ •4Ss .6 :: .,_,.I EanL R.Bt, a'regJ.bteAed Prope6baonat EnyineeA and Land.SunueyoA in the State o6 Alontana. Rggtattuttt.on . oz . n s '' : 87.79ES do tierebu c q'that:j have_.made the aultvey o6 the sweat PaAk Alanor Fiut Additi.oa'to a^City 06 8 emtut '.� ;, :. i WEST .BEALL STRE$T .. 9' t �iaLlati.county,alo ,and that auch banvey tvab,;made in:btitiCi accordance uith the Spy i0 0,ehanteh 6'Tom¢ 11 I . - m 06 the Pol Cti caE COdwt�ecfiona 11-601,to-11-61b, Aeviagd Code-o Alontana, 1947 and on R -6 4 enacted as Section 2, 0 .. 90 30 . _ .... 'a� 70.5. `. 6 e z34 0 Chapt¢A 82 tA"o 19 d that'btid 4unvey! camnenced on the 8fih'dIIy o6 FebAaa7ty, 196 , and¢pnp4 ed on tke sags¢. _ s9e°?ss-,rw " dal of a /g I964, that aU tot conngu, b.tock eOAnWt6�beg inniruJ and¢nd,o6 cuAYPAF;and AadiaC' e . _ - 'I mdNtut -1/4"and 3/411 ikon pipe monumcnt6-aa d66i••gnated. that W euav¢b wme de1:ived gran ttte 'ptinetiarte:o/,a one deg txu. ` 11^ `F . � �� I ' - N O ... I 9 �- e : . a.. .. f ..la+oo ¢gone n,e tilt¢ day oS �`/ A. D. 4. v . . . . : - u64cAibed.add atvonn to b db ....•_ a .I f. AAfi .. .. I� . . . r \. av 4 x��;mniaalo l o . I t .I, .r ''. -. O 0 1 �Ot. ,r - IA qj9 PARK AREA e aa` ON c naa CERR4FICATE,OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICE v .,e °r '. : . 12.33ACREB oa°,,.p ''.i - ", ..637,095 &F.'. ��s ti �(/J/Bj.�CiK .8: STATE 01 SONTANA I yy . /• 7:81 ACRES :' 06.. a I B "I fig. e o r County o6(kuatiw I T I v mi r T 04AeLtoA 06 PubtiC Sennice'0i the city 04 sogti9N imontana. ami ea a6ch the eo " m 1' o eA iSrr that S hove exmshied t1t46 Pia. ertdt Park UanoA'(F4Aat .. 2� A tktitton II .. .. ' I _ nb p t I do htkeby c . - ro° .ra .. `, !;. I `the 1fo£itLcc•C CDd e,Giaea{hCodea'o6plonta8 a 19d7,rI apR�ve ba.td PP,wt.. 6 . hapter 33. eCtian'!1.3305. T4tLe 11 06 e 4�",A 1111 Dated this Ij ('h ,.au ob nor i I r A D 1964. I i ,6. 1 . .. ' �. 5 88 459. 868ea .. . ' " - ,�, . .'' '�' teCity oS er... :' ; I . ... .,. State/ov 51on tana.I l L.932oe ta0" w : CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY CLERK AND PCCO^DER p 5 I. STATE OF dWUMA ;1 . 1. � I . .: om. I . l .II I \ Cttl on 66zgnan. 1 4.. 9O0AS. I unto 06 Ga1. II _ _ " m SNP I 7 � the'd��y eRected, QuaCi6ied wtd acfiiny Coiutty.CteAk R &A. ,i ut : 4 . P 'tooa:t Countt �`41a 6 t r -e4,�rrrna ytumellt wag 6•cled ben AeCAL as:,, aFl�'LCC. Cb �TQ•!'o6' N ,I ♦ 9 U 1964.and'2ecoAd cn, ah .q6 Plata. on page r rdb o� 1 atnL�rACF?rk a a2° I' 1 6 /Cottntyo Montana,, h•_ K 2�.. . 4• ,, : : p 7.648 ACRES n " ,0j ' I : GattatfnCountyA Norltana / # ys'.. 333.147 SF. •a 04 : I' '.� ,,, m CERTIFTCATE,OF MORTGAGEE' , W . . :. o S' au o6 Jun 1963, and neGohded 4n .. - ._: : :. S eatdm o G ' County '.bIDatarza :. _ t - .;-. .n ..:< cannoLe,': tes8dnd d sb9.utJt¢-atr �atawtycC'kglik.aid Re 6. ,._ •. (�\ .. - . '" a .%`Book.91 a Iho"941A, pag : a ' I covPJt4rtq abov d cAi¢d;2ande.,do,heAeh, in nq conaent to the ptatting o6 sat i nw aged laftu4 de6gnibed ut„ . oNt o.De oz the on,tez�d p2az: d. 64eate. q' .. , ....I : ..' :..: ..IN tdIT,,ESS IIEREOF '.the.heAeWAA6teA:ngnled n1044.9 get hae,aubeenib¢d hte�none to the IuitFlrbt.anrl joregbing , lattulg o� : . :; ^ . e� I 'I C - ✓ r .ti AIIIOA,u1 _ .... _ _ _. _ .. . -. .� _ ___ ._.Y.- ate. ms. ��`. .. ' th.I.a�^da1 . . : . :` i . n . . . O '° 4 ;.. .. - . ¢a §§ G :t :: dt O 3 1 o�,. ^ :. N88°17'23.E_ _ -. _ �J 6 .. .. OA .. - - 1135.86 1 y1 5 I .. ' 16 - ._ - • .:' _SECA 'SEC:12 £s Vt 11 . Ir . I zI II . . � x °, �� I! I , . a. i . . . . "� . a£ . . I` . I cry I ,e£ . . 1 F e : I ` . .: . II .. . : I„ �~ .. . - ... .. Y . 1 : ' .. ... :.r :.':: 1 . i ^ r ..; .. r - , . .v : : �. .. . ... �. .:::, : 1 :r ... . . .. : ::' .. -. .. .�' .. : .:: .. : .' .. : .., 1. i '. - ..